Freeride - snowboarding or skiing off the prepared slopes. Snowboarding technique Freeride: towards the virgin snow Snowboarding on an unprepared track

  • Freeride (English freeride) - snowboarding or skiing outside prepared slopes and, as a rule, outside the service area of ​​​​the ski industry. It is believed that it is when skiing on untouched snow that all the possibilities of snowboarding and skiing are most fully revealed. At the same time, freeride skiing promises a lot of dangers associated with unfamiliar terrain, such as the possibility of avalanches. According to a number of experts, beginners in snowboarding and skiing should not rush to go beyond the slopes in the mountains, for this they should already have certain skiing skills. In recent years, annual international competitions freeride among professionals and amateurs.

Related concepts

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Read more: Rope jumping

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Glossary of terms

Avalman- an element of ski equipment. The essence of the avalman is bending (pulling the legs under you) at the stage of entering the turn, unloading the skis (by straightening the legs), and again bending the legs at the stage of completing the turn. Mainly used on hillocks. Pushing the skis forward with a squat at the start of the turn helps keep the skis in contact with the snow as the terrain changes.

Apreschi(French Apres Ski- “after skiing”). All that we can please ourselves after the rides, being in a ski resort: health centers, baths, saunas, bars, restaurants, cafes, clubs, shows and festivals on the mountain, excursions and even shopping.

big air(English) big air- "big air"). One of the elements of the fan park (snowboard park), a springboard for very high jumps. Big air is also called a competition (or demonstration performances), on which the athlete, jumping from a springboard, performs various tricks in flight. Common abbreviation BA.

bordercross(English) boardercross) - competitions for speed with the simultaneous descent of four athletes along a specially prepared track, complicated by additional ditches, mounds, springboards, etc. Common abbreviation SBX.

Marriage(French Braquage- turn, deviation) is a method of braking by simultaneously turning the unloaded skis across the movement, achieved by the rotational force of the feet. Bracage is a great option for pre-turning when entering a sharp turn.

backcountry(English) backcountry- "remote area"). This is a kind of synthesis of mountain tourism and skiing/snowboarding. For those who are tired of wasted trails and bored with cable cars. On foot, we stomp to the top, which is not equipped with lifts, and, with great joy in our eyes, we rush down the unprepared slope on our favorite rocks / board.

backside(English) Back side- “back side”) - a turn performed on the back edge.

Backflip(English) back flip- “back somersault”) - somersault over the head, back somersault.

walset(French Valse) continuous rotation of the skier along the vertical axis on flat

Wedeln- short coupled turns.

Godil(French) short conjugate turns in skiing(same as wedeln).

mountain-beacher- a type of holidaymakers in a ski resort, for which skiing is not the main goal. Simply put, this is an individual who prefers to spend time on the mountain, basking in the sun in a sun lounger. Slides/boards are used as a means of descending from this very mountain.

Grab(English) grab- “grab”) a kind of trick in which the rider in flight makes a grip on the board with his hand. Just like the tricks themselves, different grabs have their own names depending on which hand and where the board is being grabbed.

Goofy(English) goofy- “stupid, stupid”) - the common name for bordists who put their right foot forward. The opposite of Goofy is Regular. The term Goofy does not really mean that the stance is wrong, much less mental capacity rider.

Duckfoot(English) Duckfoot) - a stand on a snowboard, in which the back leg is deployed at a negative angle. Remember the lessons of physical education, "heels together - socks apart", this is duckfoot. This stance is popular among experienced freestylers because it allows you to land securely in a switch (i.e. reverse stance) when ski jumping and riding in the pipe.

Jibbing(English) Jibbing) - acrobatics, jumping, sliding and moving on a jibline (stretched line), and the edges of artificial structures. Jibbing is an all-season entertainment, sliding along the jibline is possible on roller skates, skateboards and even just in sneakers. But we are interested in winter sports. If you see a boarder / skier sliding along the edges of incomprehensible figures, then this is jibbing.

Camus- a long fleecy tape, worn on the sole of the ski to facilitate climbing uphill. Used in ski touring.

Kant(English) Cant- “beveled, cut edge”) - one of the structural elements of alpine skiing or snowboarding - the metal edge of the sliding surface. It has a certain sharpening angle. Designed to prevent slippage of skis. Kants are external and internal, mountain (upper) and valley (lower)

tilting- changing the angle of setting skis / boards on the ribs in relation to the snow surface. Kantovka - an increase in the angle of tilting, raking - a decrease, a flatter position of the skis on the snow.

Carving or freecarve(English) Carving/Freecarve) - carved turns on the track and off the track, speeds at the limit, dense snow with an ice crust. Riding style - no slip. The carvers hold the board at a high angle to the snow in a turn, and the board lifts off the ground when edging. As a result, carvers are able to leave pencil-thick marks in the snow and spans of pristine snow when edging. The turns of experienced carvers are very effective, literally lying on the slope in a swift maneuver. Common abbreviation C.

Quote pipe(English) Quarter pipe) - a kind of half-pipe in the form of a quarter of a circle.

kicker(English) Kicker listen)) is a slang term for a springboard.

Cooping(English) Coping) - the crest of the half-pipe.

Liner(English) Liner) - a soft inner boot that fits into a hard plastic outer boot.

lurg- a pole or stick used in telemark skiing.

Magel- a hard, ice-covered mound of artificial snow.

Mogul(English) Mogul) - riding on hillocks. Also, a sport that is free skiing down a hilly slope (up to 250 m long), along the most accurate straight line, with the obligatory execution of two jumps. In Mogul, bumps (hummocks) are located along the track in a checkerboard pattern, the athlete’s task is to descend as accurately as possible in a straight line, from the starting point chosen by him and in no case, except when entering the springboard for two mandatory jumps, not to rely on sticks with both hands.

nolly(English) Nollie) - A trick in freestyle, similar to Ollie, only the push occurs with the nose of the board, instead of the tail.

Ollie(English) Ollie) is one of the basic freestyle tricks. A way to jump without a trampoline, first lifting your front foot, and then your back, while pushing with the tail of the board. Skateboarder Alan Gelfand was the first to come up with the idea. Ollie is his nickname.

Op tracker(English) Up-tracken) - advancing jump. It is used when overcoming hillocks of a sharp profile or recessions, it helps to reduce the flight range after liftoff and control the trajectory of movement.

Powder(English) Powder- "powder") - soft, freshly fallen snow.

Plow- the most simple technique sliding, braking and turning on gentle slopes. It is performed on skis set at an angle with flattened toes.

underlash- short pushing of the skis forward at the entrance to the turn (reduced avalman).

Pro rider(English) Prorider) - professional rider, professional skier, snowboarder.

Radical(French radical- “radical, resolute”) - a certain style of skating on the board, taken to an extreme.

Ratrak- a special tracked snow groomer used to prepare ski slopes. Also, snowcats can be used for transportation or rescue work in the appropriate area.

Revert(English) revert- “return, turn back”) The transition from Fake to the front stance or vice versa, usually without taking the board off the snow.

Regular(English) Regular- “normal”) - the common name for snowboarders who put on the board forward when riding left leg. The opposite of Goofy.

Rail(English) rail- “railing”) The traditional element of the fan park is the railing. It can be either straight or curved. One of the mandatory projectiles in Jibbing

Swallow tail(English) swallow-tail- “dovetail”) - long boards with a wide nose and a tail divided into two parts like the tail of a swallow. These boards are characterized by an increased sliding area, maximum effective edge length and the ability to "float" in the snow. Used in Freeride.

Switch- (English) switch- switching, abrupt change) change of stance during the descent, for example from the position of the regular in the goofy.

Surf- gliding technique with flat skiing. Most often used on soft and deep snow, on pitted slalom tracks.

Ski bus(English) Ski-bus- “ski bus”) - originally - a special bus that runs around the resort and between resorts according to a certain schedule, transporting guests of the resort from hotels to ski lifts and back (travel is usually included in the price of the ski pass). But in our situation, a ski bus is called a bus that runs according to a certain schedule (1-2 times a week, back and forth) between the GLC and the nearest large settlement.

Skido- riding on a children's motor sleigh along your own route, maximum speed 4 km/h

Ski pass(English) Ski pass-“ski pass, ticket”) - a subscription in the form of a plastic card for a pass to the ski lifts. It is purchased at the box office at the ski resort. It differs by skiing areas, by time.

Ski tour(English) Ski-tour) - the absence of lifts and any other infrastructure, complete unity with nature! We get up on skis and stomp into the mountains. But do not forget a very important nuance: skis with skins, the design of the boots allows the leg to bend, the bindings make it possible to tear off the heel. If necessary, the heel is fixed and, oh-la!, your alpine skis are ready to use.

Slalom(Nor. Slalam- ski trail on the slope) competitive discipline in skiing and snowboarding, which is downhill from the mountain, in which the athlete must descend as quickly as possible, provided that he passes all the mandatory gates specially placed on the slope. Common abbreviation SL.

Slopestyle(English) slope style) - a type of competition consisting of a series of acrobatic jumps on springboards, pyramids, counter-slopes, drops, railings, etc., located sequentially throughout the course. Common abbreviation SS.

snowblade(English) snowblade- "snow blades"). Short skis with a size of 60 to 100 centimeters with standard ski bindings. Due to the design features, they have a small turning radius.

snow park(fan park) snow park, Fun-park) - an artificial park on a slope, built of snow and artificial elements, for freestyle and jumping, mainly for snowboarders.

Telemark(Nor. Telemark) - a special, old Norwegian style of skiing. The name of the style comes from the Norwegian province of Telemark, where Sondre Auversen (1825-1897), the popularizer of this style of skiing, comes from. Telemarkers use a special rolling technique. Skiing is done on skis with a special binding that does not fix the heel. Instead of ski poles sometimes a pole is used. Common abbreviation TM.

Tubing(English) Tubing) - descent from the mountain on inflatable sleds, mattresses, car cameras, etc.

Freeride(English) Freeride- “free skating”) “free skating” in the literal and figurative sense, complete freedom of action. No used trails, no lifts nearby, no plush crowds. Transfer to places suitable for freeride is possible on snowmobiles. Skiing on untouched snow, with different turning radii, on any type of slopes. Common abbreviation FR.

Freestyle(English) Freestyle- “free style”) - free riding style. Freestyle skiing is characterized by ballet, mogul and acrobatic jumps. Bordeaux freestyle is characterized by jibbing, high-pipe riding, all kinds of sliding and spinning on a gentle slope. Common abbreviation FS.

freehill(English) freeheel- “free heel”) is the same as the Telemark riding style.

fake(English) Fakie) riding in a reverse stance that is not typical of your normal riding. For goofy, fake will be skating with a regular stance, for a regular - in a goofy stance.

Halfpipe(English) Half-pipe-" half pipe”) - a concave structure covered with snow, with two oncoming slopes and a space between them, allowing athletes to move from one wall to another, making jumps and performing tricks with each movement. Halfpipe is also called Olympic discipline winter views sports. Common abbreviation HP.

Heli-ski(English) Heliskiing) - a kind of freeride, the essence of which is to descend along untouched snowy slopes, away from prepared tracks with an ascent to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for lifting allows you to find various options descents from the mountains in the conditions of primordial nature, untouched by the invasion of man, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

Freeride ( free ride) is snowboarding outside of prepared slopes and, as a rule, outside the service area of ​​​​the ski industry. It is believed that it is when skiing on untouched snow that all the possibilities of snowboarding are most fully revealed. At the same time, freeride skiing also promises a lot of dangers associated with unfamiliar terrain, such as the possibility of avalanches, so beginners should not rush to go beyond the track in the mountains, for this they should already have certain skills in skiing technique.

If you have mastered all the lessons of the snowboard school on Slenergy, then you are quite ready to start conquering unprepared slopes. The main thing is to remember about the conscious control of your body, which Ilya talked about on

It is recommended to start freeride training on ski resorts, where there are unprepared sections near the tracks. As a rule, such sites are safe from the point of view of the possibility of avalanches. And also, in case of emergency, they will be able to help you here.

1. Lead up exercises

In order to experience the best of freeriding, you need to learn how to go light without burying your snowboard nose in the snow and calmly control the board. The following exercises will help you with this.

Learning to be easy

Remember: where your attention is, there is your strength.

Raise your arms, bent at the elbows, to a level above the solar plexus, focus on your shoulders.

Squat down a little and lift your body up with the aspiration of your shoulders, while not pushing off with your legs, otherwise you will dig into the snow.

Learning not to dig in the snow

In no case do not concentrate on the legs: this will lead to the fact that you will dig into the loose snow and fall under it.

Stand on the board, spread your attention evenly on your shoulders and move your body back, while not shifting your attention to your back leg. Look ahead.

Always feel the snowboard under you, and when going downhill, feel its nose.

2. Freeride technique

Consider the features of the stance and distribution of attention, which you learned about from the lead-in exercises.

Crab game with hands

The simplest skating technique, according to Ilya Kosyachenko. You need to create accents of attention with the help of unpretentious hand movements, then you will be twisted in the desired direction.

Start moving down the slope, shift the body a little back, raise your hands above the solar plexus, look forward.

When you want to turn, start making a crab with your palm. If you want to turn on the heel edge, then use the crab to draw attention to back hand, and if on the front - on the front.

If you need to stop turning, just stop doing the crab and put your attention evenly on both hands.

Repeat this movement first to the left, then to the right. Try to control your speed and do not accelerate too much.

Be careful! Under the snow there can sometimes be stones, bushes and other obstacles.

Related twists

Instead of crabs, you can use any active hand movement to create emphasis and twist.

First practice on a gentle prepared slope.

In order to turn, it is necessary to distribute attention from the axis of the first turn in the center (on the shoulders), and only then create the next axis of turn. Always feel how the board is sliding, look forward.

Important! Any sudden movement can bury your board in the snow and cause you to fall. And it is very difficult to get up and continue moving in a freeride, so try to avoid falls.

If you feel like you are digging into the snow and falling, try to pull yourself up by raising your hands above your solar plexus center.

Today you learned how to properly distribute your attention on the board and body when moving in freeride and understood how to perform basic turns in conditions of skiing on an unprepared slope.

Lesson step by step instructions

1. In freeride, you need to be light. To do this, all your attention should be on the hands raised to the level of the solar plexus center. You seem to be pulling your shoulders up.

2. In no case do not concentrate on the legs: this will lead to the fact that you will dig into the loose snow and fall under it.

3. Always feel the snowboard under you, and when moving downhill, feel its nose.

4. The main stance in freeride: the body is shifted slightly back, the arms are raised above the solar plexus, the gaze is directed forward.

5. When you want to turn, start making a crab with your palm. If you want to turn on the back edge, then use the crab to draw attention to the back hand, and if on the front - to the front.

6. If you need to stop turning, just stop doing the crab and put your attention evenly on both hands.

7. If you feel like you are digging into the snow and falling, try to stretch yourself by raising your hands above your solar plexus center.

And at the next, final lesson of the season, Ilya Kosyachenko will tell you how to maneuver among the trees on high speed in freeride. See you!

Music used in the video: Kygo & Selena Gomez - "It Ain't Me".