Characteristics of a woman born in the year of the horse. The sign of the horse is the Chinese horoscope. Fire Horse Woman

Nata Karlin

Person born in the Year of the Horse gambling, has an irrepressible thirst for life, energy and a strong personality. He is restless and active, cannot imagine his existence without race and travel. The Horse Man is talented, hardy, prone to amusements and entertainment, loves to squander money, is distinguished by pretentiousness in clothes.

For a cheerful character and sociability, the Horse is very much loved in society. She is quickly adapts to change and is not a hardened conservative. In relation to close people, she has truly telepathic abilities, knowing in advance their hopes, aspirations and claims. However, he will never allow to limit his own freedom. The horse knows how and knows how to earn money, therefore he is always able to provide for himself and his family.

An active and energetic person born in the year of the Horse

Of the negative qualities, it is especially worth mentioning arrogance and intolerance towards people who are weaker in material or physical plane. In a relationship with a Horse partner sometimes overly rude but very trusting. She is very stubborn and often this prevents her from moving up the career ladder.

For all its activity, the Horse gets tired very quickly. She doesn't handle conflict well. and, however, never recede from the opportunity to fight for a just cause. Therefore, quite often spoils his trustworthy reputation with the most unseemly disputes.

In the field of love and relationships, the Horse always shows a storm of unbridled emotions.

She loves the whole world and everyone around, has passionate and quivering feelings for them, in her character to go into battle for a loved one to the last drop of blood.

Thanks to his own perseverance, diligence and insight, the Horse achieves quite tangible material success by the middle of his life. The old age of a person born under this constellation passes quite calmly and measuredly.

What year was the Horse born?

If we summarize all the characteristics of people born in the year of the Horse, we can conclude that they persistent, hardworking, possessing pronounced leadership qualities, they are lucky in love, finances and new beginnings.

When the year of the Horse begins, the 7th cycle comes Eastern horoscope. By ancient legend, the Buddha decided to collect all the animals. He threw a cry and those of the living creatures that first sailed to the call along the river were generously endowed. Each of the 12 was assigned a period control of 12 months.

So, the Horse in this case sailed seventh in a row

  • Earth,
  • water,
  • wood,
  • metal,
  • the fire.

Therefore, every 12 years, the period of the Horse of a certain element begins. Respectively the cycle of each of the 5 is 60 years.

fiery1906, 1966 All character traits inherent in other Horses are extremely enhanced, depending on whether the creator is a person or a destroyer in essence
earthy1918, 1978 Mindfulness, solidity, wisdom, caution, restraint, friendliness, captiousness
metal1930, 1990 Sociability, active life position, insightful, lively mind, ambition, love of freedom, independence
Water1942, 2002 Passion for travel, sports, fighting character, dedication, excellent sense of humor, contact
Wooden1954, 2014 Friendliness, complaisance, well-developed imagination, diligence, conscientiousness

The next cyclical period of the Horse will be in 2026. This will Year of the Fire Horse.

2026 will be the Year of the Fire Horse.

Characteristics of the Horse man according to the Chinese horoscope

The Horse Guy always and in everything enjoys the authority and trust of others. He easy-going, good-natured, cheerful and creates a friendly atmosphere around him. He is characterized by pretentiousness and a desire to splurge. He holds himself well both in a pompous secular society and among the common people.

The Horse Man is used to dressing well, receiving compliments and attracting everyone's attention to his own person.

He tends to manipulate others. to manage the situation. He is self-confident, determined and courageous. However, behind all this paraphernalia lies a vulnerable and subtle soul. He is dependent on the opinions of others, very often he is not sure of the correctness of his actions, it is easy to drive him into depression with a simple mockery.

Men born in the year of the Horse adore society, noisy parties and companies. They have an excellent memory and storytelling talent. Thanks to these features, they are welcome visitors to any reception.

Men born under this zodiac sign have the strongest fear in life is not being the first. If this happens at work, at home or among friends, it becomes a real life tragedy. Any, even the most insignificant mistake in business, for them is tantamount to a serious disaster.

Good-natured and cheerful guy-Horse

With such a bright temperament and sharp mind, a Horse man can achieve great success in his career. The main thing is to give him complete freedom of action and the ability to make decisions. He simply cannot perform routine and monotonous work; difficult tasks with many unknowns are much more interesting for him than sitting in the office for many hours, even in a leadership position. The Horse Man is demanding of himself and others, so subordinates will never take on the next project without completing the current one.

Horse man amorous, conqueror by nature, so he always has a lot of women and this makes it very difficult for him to choose the only one. The ideal for him is any woman with whom he falls in love at first sight. Only after the initial euphoria wears off does he realize that the relationship was doomed to fail from the start.

Horse Men obsessed with love and sex, they are not difficult to break female hearts. However, when that one is located, they immediately forget about their past victories and do not strive for the next. No one can love like a Horse man.

Amorous horse man

Characteristics of the Horse woman according to the Eastern calendar

Horse girl by nature impudent, uncontrollable, obstinate. This is especially true for women born in the summer months of the year. She has high self-esteem and conceit, and a low level of self-control. A woman of this sign is very suspicious and dislikes everything that, in her opinion, does not concern her personal interests or is likely to limit freedom.

In the company, a Horse woman is loved for her sparkling sense of humor and the ability to please others if desired.

There are always a lot of friends and acquaintances around her, next to her any person can feel protected from storms and adversity. However she ruins all relationships. Furious temperament and incontinence very often repel even the oldest friends from her.

The Horse Woman simply cannot imagine life without travel and adventure. It is vital for her to overcome long distances, be the center of attention, events and feel the rhythm of life. She is not afraid of any obstacles, she moves through life at great speed, if necessary, sweeping away everything in her path.

Daring and stubborn Horse girl

A woman born under the zodiac sign of the Horse is very amorous. She can instantly be captivated by a man, work, sports, blouse, perfume, everything that she likes at first sight. Love is the only thing that can make her addicted. For the sake of love, she is ready to give up a lot, even her own freedom. But as soon as love is replaced by affection and habit, freedom is instantly remembered.

Lady of this sign very fond of power, she needs to feel recognition and worship in everything. For household members, she is a despot, for friends and acquaintances, support and support, at work she is a promising and enterprising employee. However, he always and in everything acts prudently and exclusively in his own interests.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Horse

It should be noted that both a man and a woman-Horse in love and bed will never know constraint. They always say and do exactly what and how they feel.. The Horse and the Rat will never find mutual understanding. The stinging Rat will drive the impressionable Horse into a frenzy.

Compatibility with the Ox is negligible, but the right of primacy in tandem will haunt both. With the Rabbit, the union promises to be very good. The material aspect will be entirely on the Horse, the Rabbit will become responsible for the house and comfort.

The Dragon with the Horse in marriage will not be able to reach a compromise. Each of them has a powerful energy that will be used to win the palm

However, in tandem with the Snake, understanding is possible. The latter knows how to manipulate people and win them over, so she can convince the Horse of her sincere feelings.

In a Horse-Horse pair, strong friendship and love are possible.. At first, everything will go just fine, but over time, one of the partners will decide to dominate and the conflict will definitely flare up. Ideal relationship in love and marriage with the Goat. Both are temperamental, artistic, creative, they will pursue the same goals, supporting each other in every possible way.

Compatibility Horses and Horses in Love

Not suitable Horses for love, friendship and marriage Monkey. Truthful and correct Horse will never be able to forgive the resourcefulness and tendency to lie of a partner. In tandem with the Rooster, the struggle for leadership is simply inevitable.

In alliance with the Dog, a strong and lasting relationship is quite possible. Tandem with the Pig promises to be strong m only if both partners monitor their own behavior and work on negative character traits.

Horse compatibility table with other signs of the eastern horoscope:



Moderate CompatibilityNot compatible
HorseGoat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
SheepHorse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
A monkeySnake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Ox, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
RoosterDragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
DogRabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Ox
PigTiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Ox, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
RatOx, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
oxRat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
TigerBoar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeA monkey
RabbitDog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
The DragonRooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Ox, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
SnakeMonkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar

What zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Horse?

The horse corresponds to the zodiac sign Gemini according to the western horoscope. It should be noted that such a combination is considered one of the most dynamic in the year of the Horse. People born during this period under the Gemini zodiac sign are characterized by enthusiasm, curiosity, an inquisitive mind, ambitiousness and adventurism. It is almost impossible to predict the actions and actions of this person.

People born under these two constellations quick-tempered, easily lose their temper and completely unaware of the feelings of others. In love, they do not have a golden mean. A partner is all or nothing for them. They are hard to endure everyday routine, so they try in every possible way to avoid family affairs and fill their leisure time with more interesting activities.

Gemini corresponds to the zodiac sign Horse

Children born in the Year of the Horse

The Horse Child is very noisy, restless, rude and restless. He constantly demands independence and freedom, loves life in all its manifestations, risk and adrenaline. He loves outdoor walks, risk, large spaces, activity.

At school, these children are rather restless, and if a topic that is not interesting to them is discussed in the lesson, no effort will be able to keep their attention.

The temperament of the children of this zodiac sign is explosive, sometimes curbing it even for parents can be very difficult

Little Horses are very mobile, make decisions and act with lightning speed. They unmistakably intuitively determine the attitude of people towards them, able to improvise and take advantage of any situation for your own purposes.

Parents should remember that it is simply impossible to convince with shouts and reproaches of the need to obey the older child-Horse. Desirable talk to the baby in a calm tone grafting arguments and convincing in their own rightness. Otherwise, you can bring up an enemy who hates his environment and believes that everyone is trying to deprive him of his freedom.

Stubborn and independent child-Horse

Celebrities-Horses according to the eastern horoscope

Horses are very popular in society. They are loved and respected for their cheerful disposition., a heightened sense of justice, ease and the ability to always look impressive. Thanks to all these qualities, Horses are very much appreciated in work where communication with people is necessary. Even without much zeal for the stars, people of this zodiac sign easily build a career.

Among the male celebrities born in the year of the Horse, we can note:

  • Nikita Khrushchev,
  • Harrison Ford,
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
  • Mike Tyson,
  • Kevin Costner,
  • Frederic Chopin,
  • John Travolta
  • Theodore Roosevelt.

Famous horse ladies include:

  • Barbara Streisand,
  • Janet Jackson
  • Rita Hayworth,
  • Rachel Welch,
  • Cindy Crawford.

Cindy Crawford - famous woman, born in the year of the Horse

In conclusion, it must be said that people born under the sign of the Horse zodiac would be ideal, if not for their excessive stubbornness, thirst for freedom at any cost and painful narcissism. However, thanks to all these qualities and amazing insight, they succeed in this life, which representatives of many other signs of the eastern horoscope will never achieve.

April 24, 2018, 18:24

, Metal Horse , Water Horse .

fire Horse- it's just a hurricane, it is unique. A violent, irrepressible character does not give her a moment's rest. Her life is full of work and social activities. Around her, life is always in full swing, she has enough time and energy for everything. This Horse is a speaker, a tribune. She will not leave anyone indifferent, is able to raise and lead the masses to any cause. The Fire Horse is a clear leader, a leader, and is not ready to cede supremacy to anyone. She perceives advice or wishes with hostility and as an attempt to take her away from business. Many people adore the Fire Horse for its positive energy, sense of humor, but such qualities as irascibility and rudeness, quite often, spoil this impression.

Outrageous, enterprising Horse, endowed with excellent intelligence and great personal magnetism. She tries to change what she wants with willpower and coercion. Being the most daring of all the lunar signs, in her race to the goal, she can forget about caution.

This is a double fire sign (Fire is also the main element of the Horse), and such a person will be excitable and quick-tempered. The Fire Horse is easily confused; she is too fickle to perform repetitive tasks. She is idiosyncratic, witty and charming, but the endless stream of brilliant ideas makes her incredibly changeable. The Fire Horse is multifaceted, it needs sharpness and variety in life. greatest pleasure it brings a double or triple life or mastery of several interesting and profitable professions.

He loves to travel and act very much, anticipates new trends, works most effectively if he is included in the share. Rarely recognizes someone's control, even from superior people. Able to insist on her own, constantly trying to surpass herself.

The Fire Horse loves to compete and loves thrill. She can accurately assess any person and situation at a glance, she knows how to interact with anyone. Able to solve delicate and complex problems, but, alas, likes to argue and behaves recklessly. And with her speed and reaction, she will never give up without a fight - and you can bet that she will win.

Fire Horse Chinese Zodiac

The Fire Horse is impulsive in nature, its initiative and excitability sometimes go beyond all limits. These people are Active, versatile and hot, they need strong emotions to prove to themselves that they are still alive. If something comes into their heads, then all their indestructible will will gather into one fist in order to reach the desired goal. Fortunately, they have the talent to get out of difficult situations.

They are inventive, and have a gift for unraveling intricate problems, and the difficulties they encounter only stimulate their development and growth. However, they often lack constancy and perseverance. People born under the sign of the fiery horse themselves get tired of their own plans very quickly. When their goal is achieved, it immediately loses its appeal.

In love and love life, the pursuit of pleasure often makes them optional and not prone to fidelity. They are constantly attracted by everything new. The Fire Horse spends his energy without hesitation, and when he is in love, he will stop at nothing and achieve the desired result.

Fire Horse Man

A strong-willed, energetic man actively takes on the solution of any problems. Sitting still is an almost impossible task for him. Loves to overcome difficulties and difficulties. The Fire Horse is an impulsive man, so he does not delve into the details, but immediately rushes into battle. Often he is accused of selfishness, indeed, he rarely thinks about the feelings of others. Always in the first place - their own interests and personal gain. Such is the nature of the man of this sign, it is difficult for him to cope with his emotions, he prefers to act rather than think. However, this is a reliable person who will never let down someone who hopes for his help. He is famous for his hard work, in the professional field he achieves great success.

The man of this sign loves thrills, he is not interested in insipid, boring relationships. From the novel, he expects a firework of feelings and emotions, and with a calm woman he will quickly get bored. The Fire Horse man is quick-tempered and unpredictable, his chosen one must be ready for any turn. Today - crazy passion and love, tomorrow - complete indifference. This is a very generous person, ready to shower his partner with all the treasures of the world. But she has to deal with household chores herself. Too energetic and impulsive to get bogged down in trifles. Full of the most ambitious plans, his wife and children should support him in everything, and not interfere or distract him with requests for help with cleaning and preparing for lessons.

Fire Horse Woman

For this impulsive, emotional woman, there are no obstacles and barriers. Acts boldly and decisively, does not pay attention to the opinions of others. For her, there are no, and there can be no really good reasons to abandon her plan. The Fire Horse is an energetic woman, if she sets a goal for herself, then she will definitely achieve victory. She cannot be entrusted with the performance of routine duties; from the need to perform monotonous actions, she instantly becomes depressed. The authorities usually give her creative tasks, because she has a good imagination, a rich imagination. Therefore, he comes up with original ideas that greatly facilitate the workflow.

AT love relationships demonstrates a frantic temperament, without hesitation gives vent to feelings. She will not modestly wait for the chosen one to pay attention to her. The Fire Horse is a brave woman, so she will try to interest a man. Although the fans do not give her a pass anyway, she is such a spectacular person. It can be capricious and wayward, does not consider it necessary to adapt to the interests of a man. For all its outward beauty, natural sexuality, it often remains alone. Men get tired of her impulsiveness, eccentricity. But she does not want to change, she is too selfish person, fixated on herself. However, she will try to become a good wife for a truly beloved man.

A person born in the year of the Horse knows how to enjoy life. His energy is in full swing, and he strives to be in the thick of the events. The world around him seems so interesting that he is always impatient, always in a hurry to go somewhere: if he is at home, then to meet friends, if in a company, then to a new meeting, to the theater or cinema. Not being a philosopher by nature, the Horse perceives the environment primarily through its senses. That is why she is so fond of all kinds of spectacles, enjoys visiting theaters and other entertainment venues, and rarely refuses to try something new, be it the taste of a new dish, the new kind sports or a new love.

In company, the Horse usually attracts increased attention: she keeps in the center, laughs a lot, talks animatedly. In a conversation, following her swift thought, she enthusiastically jumps from one topic to another, but when they disagree with her, she easily loses her temper. The horse takes his words so close to his heart that his ardor sometimes knows no bounds. Even if the fact she cited in the conversation is really wrong, she is ready to defend him so violently, as if her life depends on it. True, quickly flaring up with righteous anger, she is able to switch her attention to something else no less quickly, but often this is not enough for the interlocutor, and the conflict cannot be stopped. However, although the Horse often becomes a source of heated debate, it has practically no enemies: it is difficult to take offense at it seriously, and even more so for a long time.

Despite his ardor, the Horse usually feels the moment perfectly and knows how to direct the emotions of others in the right direction. It is she who is able at the right moment to show participation, to find Right words or just in time to defuse the situation with a good joke. Thanks to this, she is popular and can even make a career in areas related to the ability to manipulate the crowd: politics, show business, PR. However, in any case, the Horse has many friends and acquaintances, and no matter what work she takes, most likely she will be connected with the team.

Money for the Horse is of considerable importance, meaning, first of all, those new pleasant sensations that it can get with their help. Good things, comfortable furniture, a cozy home, travel and entertainment, in other words, a full-fledged bright life - this is what wealth means for the Horse. She strives for this, is ready to work for this, and, as a rule, usually achieves her goal to one degree or another. People around her often see a manifestation of selfishness in her desire for comfort, but the Horse herself believes that if every person makes at least himself happy, then as a result the whole world will be happy.

Energetic, cheerful, charming, sociable, the Horse, in its pursuit of impressions, is ready to travel around the world. Life for her is a big adventure in which there is only one main character and the most interesting in which is always waiting for her somewhere ahead.

Years of birth according to the sign Horse - 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Woman Horse - personality trait

A woman born in the year of the Horse is the most obstinate of all women, especially if she was born in the summer. This woman has a pronounced belief in herself, in her unique virtues. She has a lot of natural conceit and low level self-control.

She is proud, restless and overly independent. She is suspicious of anything that might limit her independence. It cannot be pacified, broken or fooled.

But she is very friendly, kind, soft-hearted, has a rare sense of humor and is pleasant in any company. She knows how to smile dazzlingly, insert a well-aimed remark, and if you add eloquence to this, it becomes clear why others like her so much.

She has more than enough creative ideas, perseverance, health and endurance for this. There are always a lot of people around her, because she is a charismatic, purposeful person who attracts people with her cheerful, kind disposition, nobility of nature and optimism. It radiates calmness and confidence into the space. Next to a woman born in, like behind a stone wall. She will always come to the rescue, she will not betray, she will not leave, so she always finds friends quickly and easily. Everyone wants to be friends with her and everyone wants to be on good terms with her.

However, the Horse woman often spoils relations with people herself because of her unstable mood. It changes very quickly and throws it from one extreme to another. She either embodies an idea with enthusiasm, or she is tormented by doubt and is engaged in self-flagellation.

Also, despite the fact that the Horse woman easily makes friends, this friendship quickly develops into just a friendly relationship. And the reason for this is the character of a woman born in the year of the Horse. It is impossible to argue with her, it is impossible for her to prove anything, and in the heat of discussion, showing rare impatience and irascibility, she practically does not allow the interlocutor to open his mouth, smashes his arguments to smithereens and in a fit of anger can not only destroy a good attitude towards herself, but also significantly damage your reputation. She is able to trample anyone who gets in her way, and she is not at all interested in other people's problems and other people's opinions. Not a single sign of the eastern horoscope is capable of breaking off relations so abruptly and quickly. Therefore, this woman, as a rule, has very few real and trusted friends.

One of the most best qualities for a Horse woman, this is loyalty. She is frank and straightforward, does not know evasions and intrigues, does not know how to prevaricate and say nasty things with a smile, like, for example, the Snake woman.

Horse Woman with early childhood dreams of travel and adventure. She, like air, needs large spaces and complete freedom of action. Sitting at home within four walls is not in the nature of the swift and freedom-loving Horse. This woman loves life very much and is not afraid of any obstacles. You can even say that with the activity with which she moves through life, she simply does not notice them.

A woman born in the year of the Horse is like an athlete in life, uncontrollably striving for a goal and changing it many times right on the run. Her natural endurance allows her to endure far more trials than any other human being. The only thing that the Horse woman is very much afraid of is being second in any field, be it in a profession, a career, or just in love. For her it is real tragedy, which can lead to very sad consequences.

The Horse Woman never listens to other people's advice. She has her own view of the world, different from others, and she acts according to her own convictions. But she will never miss the opportunity to impose her point of view on others. Almost all women born in the year of the Horse are very talented, self-confident and well aware of their power and strength over others. The Horse Woman easily receives and distributes compliments, she has an active and dynamic mind, strong intuition and outstanding abilities to correctly assess rapidly changing situations. She knows how to manipulate people and turn any event in her favor.

The Horse Woman knows how to skillfully present herself in any society and even in high society. She dresses stylishly, holds herself up, is elegant, friendly and laid-back. She enters the room with her shoulders back and her head held high. Her exquisite outfits, her whole demeanor attract everyone's attention. However, appearances are often deceiving. Behind external confidence and pride lies a person who is not very brave, restless, vulnerable and vulnerable. The Horse Woman is so sensitive to criticism that even the smallest remark and even just a reproachful look will hurt her greatly, and the contempt of ill-wishers will completely destroy her self-confidence. Therefore, we can safely say that the Horse woman is very dependent on others and constantly needs their praise and approval. She can be on the verge of tragedy if someone leaves her, and if she just stops talking to her, she loses control of herself, because she cannot stand tense silence.

A woman born in the year of the Horse does not know how to plan time at all and does not like rigid schedules. This is probably why she never arrives on time for her scheduled appointments.

What the Horse woman does not tolerate is idleness. She is always running somewhere: she has a career, children, a husband and social obligations. He loves theater and sports very much, especially the one where the spirit of competition is present.

Woman of the Year Horse - love and family

The Horse Woman loves to decorate her home in an unusual way, quite practical and relatively neat, but without much originality and imagination, so long as all amenities and minimal home comfort are provided. For many women born in the year of the Horse, housekeeping and family hearth in general are not the meaning of life, they like to visit, chat with friends, visit exhibitions and museums and avoid the problems associated with doing household chores.

To a man, to work, some business, a team, therefore, as a rule, he is involved in new relationships with pleasure. She is able to fall in love at first sight. A smile, a gesture, a word is enough, and her feelings flare up like gunpowder. In general, love for her is the most weakness. When she is in love, she is capable of the most incredible stupidity and deeds.

Love makes her childishly dependent on the object of adoration. Having fallen in love, this woman is able to change her whole life, to abandon all her ideals and principles, to cross out her past, she submits to her feeling so strongly. Therefore, it is worth fighting for the heart of this woman, because she can sincerely love a man with all her soul and body.

For the person with whom the Horse woman has connected her life, she can create heaven on earth. She has a sincere desire to make his every day happy. However, everything can change at the moment when the spouse becomes too zealous to control or create a framework for her freedom of action. This woman needs space in all her movements, thoughts and actions. But unhappy love hurts her very deeply, makes her tremble, she loses her appetite, or, on the contrary, finds the joy of life in food, which subsequently develops into a disease.

The Horse Woman loves to calculate and evaluate everything. And at the very beginning of a relationship, this can bring her big problems. she immediately evaluates a person, determines whether he deserves her attention and whether he can give her everything she wants. And only with practice comes objectivity in judgments. Therefore, it takes quite a long time before she finds herself the “right” partner with whom she can have a permanent relationship.

The heart of a Horse woman is as unpredictable and changeable as she herself is. The Horse Woman attracts men who are less intelligent and energetic, and looks down on them - like servants. If the partner is inferior to her in hard work, it will get on her nerves. Ideally, a Horse woman needs a strong, decisive, influential husband - who wants a strong-willed woman to help him in his career or just a man who appreciates strong women. Also a great choice would be a man who looks a bit like her, who wants not only to build a common house with his life partner, but also to lead an active social, social life, participate in various events, replenish luggage with more and more new impressions. Therefore, her lover must go toe to toe with her, be an active and open person. In addition, the Horse woman appreciates men with a good sense of humor and she needs them not only to share her passion for participating in all kinds of events, but also not to let her down with their rudeness and isolation.

To please a Horse woman, first of all, you need to monitor your appearance. For appearance and physical development this woman pays a lot of attention. The Horse Woman is a romantic in love, and she likes to be admired and sought her favor, so the first meetings should be remembered by her from the best side. And to conquer this woman, you can arrange a trip out of town, or devote time to learning a new sport.

It is worth noting that life with a Horse woman is not a continuous holiday. She likes to command and demands that everything be done according to her taste and schedule. In a tense situation, she behaves violently and expects others to indulge her every whim. This is an individualist and because of her independence, stubbornness and selfishness, she often fails to harmoniously build her personal life.

In order for the family life of the Horse woman to develop harmoniously, she needs to get married early, while it is likely that she will be able to change her character, and besides this. she needs to look for and appreciate her own calmness: apply meditation, psycho-training. In general, do what will help her get away from a nervous and restless life.

Woman's horoscope Horse - career

Due to the fact that the nature of the Horse woman is changeable, like a spring wind, she can quite often change the type and type of activity at different stages of her life path. She is able to change any profitable profession for a less paid, but more interesting one. Living for today, under the influence of emotions, the Horse woman is able to give up everything for the sake of distant horizons, tempting adventures and exotic countries.

A woman born in the year of the Horse is happy to take on new projects. She is so active that she simply cannot imagine how one can sit at home and do nothing. She is resourceful and inventive. She likes to work, but by no means in a bureaucratic job that ties her to one place from nine to five. She dislikes being told what to do and hates being in a supporting role. Also, monotony bothers her, and therefore she usually takes on several cases at once.

The Horse Woman is endowed with a wild imagination, and often chooses creative professions or works in the media. She gives the impression of a versatile erudite lady, and in general, she tries to stay closer to intellectual pursuits and professions, social and public activities. Therefore, it is better for her to choose a creative profession, one where she can work with inspiration, using organizational and oratorical talent. If she is surrounded by enterprising, energetic people, then her success and career will be guaranteed. If there is no such team, then she should not adapt to routine, boring work. Better to just leave and start your own business. An energetic and enterprising woman-Horse will be passionate about work, if this does not fetter her and does not oblige her to anything. She is bored with paperwork, and she cannot put up with the schedule. Any work that is monotonous or requires punctuality is not suitable for an independent, freedom-loving Horse.

The Horse Woman in the boss's chair will be popular. Since she herself does not like to be led, pointed out and limited in her freedom of action, she will pursue the same policy with her subordinates. She will not quietly stand behind you and watch your every move. The head horse believes that everyone should know their duties and fulfill them conscientiously.

It is important for a woman born in the year of the Horse to feel like part of a team, despite the fact that at times she wants to be alone. But, only those around her are able to give her what she needs so much - praise and approval, admiration and gratitude.

Publication date: 05/22/2013

Born in the year of the Horse: what are they? Did you know that people who are brought to a stressful state are recommended contact with dolphins and ... horses. It is these animals that provide stabilization of the emotional state and contribute to the active development of human body endorphins. But for all quite healthy people, communication with horses is very useful. The horoscope of those born in the year of the Horse will reveal a lot about this sign to you.

The astrological Horse is a mythical creature, but this does not make it less noble, harmonious, striving for perfection. Yes, yes, the future Mistress of the year is exactly that. She is honest, decent, fair. At the same time, she is also unusually freedom-loving, swift, hardy, strong. She will certainly be angry with laziness and pedantry, lack of clear judgments and pettiness.

Well, well, the symbol comes out attractive, but not easy. The horoscope says that people born in the year of the Horse are interesting and extraordinary, although sometimes they may not be fully understood.

Dates of birth

The Year of the Horse begins on January 31, 2014. The influence of this symbol will end on February 18, 2015.

Character traits born in the year of the Horse

Everyone who was born under her symbol, the Horse endows with determination, diligence, strong will. These people, as a rule, are not able to be content with the routine of gray everyday life. They want to set big goals for themselves, because they like to think big.

Those born in the year of the Horse in childhood dream of being astronauts, pirates and discoverers of new lands. And having entered adulthood, they acquire confidence and independence, which can only exist in the souls of self-sufficient natures and great talents.

These people are not embarrassed by imposing their own system of values ​​and life principles on others. They are convinced of the truth of their worldview and it is rather problematic to convince them of anything. Anyone who tries to defeat a person born in the year of the Horse in a dispute is most likely doomed to a fiasco in advance.

The horse is not afraid of difficulties and responsibilities. On the contrary, this will become for her only another factor of interest in the case for which she undertakes.

People born under the sign of the Horse are usually sociable, interesting in the company. For the most part, they are endowed by nature with good taste and are selective in everything - the circle of communication, the directions of painting and music, even in clothing and cooking.

The elements impose additional features on the traditional character of the Horse. With them, her character seems to be refracted through the edges of a certain prism, and as a result we have not one, but five characters, sometimes significantly different from each other.

Wooden Horse (1954, 2014) especially sociable and viable. She is relatively accommodating and more prone to mutual assistance compared to the Horse, which is under the influence of any other element. Such a Horse is a great optimist, not inclined to blindly obey stereotypes and prejudices. However - and perhaps precisely because of excessive optimism - she is too gullible and often becomes the prey of people who are not very decent and conscientious.

Fire Horse (1966) more than others loves adventure. She even tends to be somewhat adventurous. This horse loves vivid impressions, and if fate does not provide them in sufficient - in her opinion - quantity, then she herself is tirelessly looking for them. The Fire Horse is rude, peremptory, does not take direct orders and is always ready to chop off his shoulder if he does not agree with something.

Earth Horse (1918, 1978) kind, helpful, caring. This is the most serious and wise type of Horse. She is careful in her actions and judgments, she can communicate with people for years without a hint of quarrels or criticism. In addition, such a Horse is distinguished by accuracy, attention to detail and often has a developed intuition.

Metal Horse (1930, 1990) determined, persistent, ambitious. May have a different effect on different people, and sometimes differing to extremes. She knows how to think strategically and almost always achieves her goals, because her own impulsiveness and stubbornness are able to direct in the right direction.

Water Horse (1942, 2002) eloquent and changeable. She feels strength and talent, but a frequent change of views and interests can make her give up a boring occupation without bringing it to its logical conclusion, and take on a new one. However, the ability to adapt to various circumstances and people still allows her in many cases to rise to the top of success.

Spheres of success born in the year of the Horse

Areas in which the Horse is able to achieve good results are quite varied. The main thing for such people is that their field of activity is connected with the team or, to one degree or another, with people. This is quite logical, because the Horse knows how to be the center around which the original ideas and thoughts of other people unite.

So, Horses are excellent politicians, noticeable and, as a rule, having a significant impact on others. Not bad financiers come out of the Horses, because they know how to be excellent organizers and, moreover, are dexterous and smart. Such people become good drivers of transport. This profession attracts them with the ability to constantly change the situation, quickly move from place to place, and also because it makes long distances reachable. Among other things, Horses find themselves in creative professions, both from the sphere of pure art (for example, painting) and applied art. The horse may well take place as a designer, hairdresser, tour guide, journalist. And, of course, Horses are great athletes.

Unacceptable for them are areas that require contemplation and solitude.

horse and love

In love, the Horse is passionate, emotional. For the sake of the object of her feelings, she can give up everything. This is sometimes used by her partners, not appreciating the treasure that ended up in their hands. True, at times the Horse manages to make an effort on himself and force himself to obey the voice of reason and common sense. And then she quite obviously sees how the attitude towards her is changing, how a loved one begins to cherish her.

Hardly anyone is more suited to a prosperous family life than a horse. After all, she knows how to be the center of attraction not only for family members, but also for numerous relatives. Perhaps, if in our time entire family clans can still arise somewhere, then for the most part they are able to unite around the Horses.

But the Horse herself is unlikely to stay at home for a long time under the warm parental wing. Young representatives of this sign tend to jump away from their native nest as quickly as possible, since guardianship and an established life since childhood burden them.

Compatibility Horses according to the eastern horoscope

Excellent relationship will develop between the Horse and the Tiger or the Dog. And, of course, two Horses will get along well with each other. The reasons for making such unions strong are different in each case, but they certainly exist. The Tiger is just as creative a person as the Horse, he respects freedom, both his own and that of others. It will be a harmonious pair of people, equal in strength of mind. The Dog treats the Horse with admiration and reverence for its virtues and talents and is ready to sacrifice even its own interests for the sake of its success. And the Horse will not disappoint such a wonderful - devoted and sincere - partner. Two Horses not only correspond to each other in character and life values, but, as a rule, have a similar worldview and, accordingly, goals and objectives.

Under certain circumstances the horse can coexist with Rooster, Ox and Pig. The Rooster could be an ideal match for the Horse, if not for his desire to brag and lie, which is not at all to the liking of the Horse. In a pair of Horse and Ox, everyone considers himself a greater leader than his partner, and no one wants to give up the palm without a fight. The Boar and the Horse are also two strong personalities, who, however, will not fight for leadership, because they are well aware of the nature of the friend's arcs. A family of these two is unlikely to succeed, but for a common business, both of them should not even look for a better partner.

The least suitable options for Horses are Dragon, Cat, Rat, Monkey. The Horse has practically nothing in common with representatives of these signs. With the Dragon, it exists as if in two parallel planes. The Horse has little chance of even getting to know him. At first, she may like the Cat, but he is too conservative for the Horse, and he himself will soon begin to think that she is trying to suppress his freedom. With the Rat, endless conflicts and showdowns await her, and - which is especially unpleasant for the Horse, alien to routine and pettiness - at the everyday level. The monkey will seem to her a man empty and unworthy.

Horse and Zodiac

Horse-Aries- This is a horse in a square. If, in the general case, the representative of this symbol is passionate, striving forward, then in combination with the sign of Aries, passion can become unbridled, and aspiration will make the Horse not only overtake everyone, but quickly hide behind the horizon, sometimes overshooting the target. But on the other hand, the Horse-Aries will certainly have enough energy to cope with several things at the same time, as well as to break out of any shackles in which they try to conclude her life and circumstances.

Taurus Horse will be able to achieve success in matters quite prosaic, but of practical value. This is an indispensable quality for the head of the family, who is responsible for her well-being. The Taurus Horse is always healthy, logical, analyzes everything. She will never be tempted by mythical blessings and "cranes in the sky." But a titmouse in her hands - no, perhaps, a whole handful of tits in two hands at once - she will certainly have it.

Twin Horse does not recognize the bridle. It can be likened to a beautiful, even refined, but completely wild horse, which gallops chaotically across the endless field, wherever it pleases right now. Such people do not often finish what they have begun, continually changing their moods and opinions. Because of this, they have few friends, because not everyone can withstand such a character. The Gemini Horse has great potential, but in order for it to be usefully realized, an experienced and sensitive rider is needed, able to catch the direction in which such a Horse wants to rush every next time.

Cancer Horse is a rather interesting type, woven from contradictions. She is able to submit herself to strict self-control and discipline and seems to decide for herself once and for all what is good and what is bad. But at the same time, in the soul of such a Horse there will be a whole swarm of doubts and complexes that she cannot get rid of. The Cancer Horse is able to set clearly defined goals for itself and successfully achieve them, but often these goals will have nothing to do with common sense and utility, but will only be subjectively interesting to itself. This Horse reliably guards its inner world from encroachment and her sociability - and she is undoubtedly amiable and generally well brought up - will have certain limits.

Lion horse- a man with a broad soul, with a storm of emotions in his soul. This nature is ambitious and sincere at the same time. The Leo Horse is able to turn the Earth, but at the same time, impulsiveness will not allow it to look for the optimal foothold and the shortest path to success, but will force it to go ahead, spending an incredible amount of energy and giving twice as much as anyone else. Such people are usually generous, self-confident and completely do not recognize other people's authorities.

Horse Virgo sensible, active, but at the same time too emotional and quick to act. She knows how to calculate everything, weigh the pros and cons, but she can buck up for some reason and spoil half the whole thing. She, of course, will not quit what she started halfway, but she will receive much less effective result than she could if she didn't let her feelings take over her cold mind. Such a horse needs someone who could in right moment restrain her temper and cool her hot head.

Horse Libra I am confident in my own irresistibility and loves external showiness. Such a horse would organically feel at the circus arena, under the light of ramps and a storm of applause, proud of his talents and sincerely believing that the cries of “Bravo!” belong only to him. The Libra Horse gets along well in the team, knows how to find with everyone mutual language. She is responsible, she can be entrusted with any task, being sure that if she agreed to take it on, she will do it conscientiously and diligently. Such a Horse is somewhat superficial in feelings and is invariably optimistic. Because of this, she will not be able to be faithful to one partner all her life, although she will never leave him in difficult times.

Scorpio horse- a very strong personality with a somewhat gloomy energy, based on her ability to see people through, which does not allow her to flatter herself about their merits and talents. This Horse has its own code of honor and justice and a firmly established opinion about everything in the world. She is constant in her preferences, and therefore she chooses a partner for her whole life, but only a very serious person, with the same high self-esteem as the Scorpio Horse herself, can get along next to her.

Sagittarius Horse prone to unexpected actions and original judgments. She is constantly halfway to some goal, often illusory and completely incomprehensible to anyone except her. At the same time, misunderstanding and condemnation of others is not able to affect her own beliefs and desires. It is about the Horse-Sagittarius that they often say: “It would be her energy - yes, for a good cause!” Such people manage to combine opposite and even incompatible qualities, for example, spirituality and materialism.

Capricorn Horse reliable, businesslike, constant. She is a good organizer and often is the ideological inspirer of many successful undertakings. Such a Horse is responsive, therefore, where it leads, no one is offended, and things are done taking into account the interests of each of the participants. The Capricorn Horse feels a lot intuitively, expresses his emotions directly, without bluntness, but does it kindly, so that he does not cause much hostility among others.

Horse Aquarius- Maximalist and optimist rolled into one. She is ready, like Don Quixote, to storm the ghostly fortresses, if, in her opinion, this is required by the highest justice. The Aquarius Horse is capable of capturing a whole crowd, which enthusiastically and without hesitation will rush after it anywhere, even to the bottom of the sea. But it is extremely difficult to convince her of something. In particular, those who try to explain to her that her ideas are fantastic and her goals impractical are doomed to failure. People like the Aquarius Horse have a lot of well-wishers and admirers, however, it is far from always able to choose from this mass of people who are competent enough to solve their problems. But this does not seem to be a hindrance to her stubbornness, especially since sometimes she is still lucky.

Horse-Fish often jumps on life path by oneself. It is, rather, not even a Horse, but a kind of seahorse, smoothly rushing towards something, vaguely looming in the distance through the blue-green thickness sea ​​waters. Such a person is usually not strongly attached to anything in the vast ocean of life. Everything is ghostly and ambiguous, - he is convinced, not always trusting even his own feelings and impressions. What can we say about the attitude towards others! But the Horse-Fish is a subtly feeling creature, besides, it is always in search of that very “own” in the profession, love, attitude, art. Somewhere she succeeds, somewhere she doesn’t, but failures are not able to stop or break her, and she stoically - sometimes all her life - is looking for answers to questions that seem important to her.

Famous Horses

We have already mentioned that politics is one of those areas in which Horses feel especially organic. Now it's time to illustrate this. Horses in politics are found at different times, they have played and continue to play different roles in the fate of states. Among the most famous horse-politicians, V.I. Lenin, N.S. Khrushchev, L.I. Brezhnev, P.B. Struve, N. Mandela, F. Roosevelt, N. Ceausescu, E. Biron, G. Truman.

Creative natures, Horses left many bright traces in art. Among them are the writer and director A. Dovzhenko, and the Nobel laureate I. Bunin, and the great painter Rembrandt, and the magnificent actor S. Connery, and the brilliant Paul McCartney, and the unsurpassed A. Vivaldi.

In different centuries, horse scientists I. Newton and P. Kapitsa became famous. In the galaxy of celebrities who were born in the year of the Horse, L.G. Kornilov, I. Tsereteli, Neil Armstrong, V. Sukhomlinsky.