Federal standards of sports training by sports. General requirements, requirements for volleyball and swimming. Sports training by sport volleyball Volleyball standards

19.3. Quantitative calculation of staffing needs is carried out on the basis of the tariffing of the coaching staff, planned and calculated indicators of the number of persons engaged in sports training, and the mode of operation sports facilities where the Program is being implemented.

20. Requirements for the material and technical base and infrastructure of organizations providing sports training, and other conditions:

The presence of a game room;

Availability of a gym;

Availability of locker rooms, showers;

Availability of a medical facility of a sports facility, equipped in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 09.08.2010 N 613n "On approval of the Procedure for providing medical care during physical education and sports events"(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 14, 2010, registration N 18428);

Provision of equipment and sports equipment necessary for passing sports training(Appendix N 11 to this FSSP);

Provision of sports equipment (Appendix N 12 to this FSSP);

Providing transportation to the venue of sporting events and back;

Provision of food and accommodation during sporting events;

Implementation of medical support for persons undergoing sports training, including the organization of systematic medical control.

Annex N 4. Influence of physical qualities and physique on performance in the sport of volleyball Annex N 5. Norms of general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of initial training training stage (stage of sports specialization) Appendix N 7. Norms of general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of improving sportsmanship Standards for the maximum volume of training load Appendix N 10. List of training camps

Federal standard of sports training for the sport of volleyball

Ministry of Sports Russian Federation



On approval of the Federal standard of sports training for the sport of volleyball

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 34 of Federal Law No. 329-FZ of 04.12.2007 “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2007, No. 50, Art. 6242; 2011, No. 50, Art. 7354 ; 2012, No. 53 (Part I), Art. 7582) and subparagraph 4.2.27 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 607 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3525, 2013, No. 30, item 4112), I ORDER:

1. Approve the attached Federal standard of sports training for the sport of volleyball.

2. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Minister V.L. Mutko


by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia

federal standard

sports training by sport volleyball

The federal standard for sports training in the sport of volleyball (hereinafter referred to as the FSSP) was developed on the basis of Part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. Federation, 2007, No. 50, article 6242; 2011, No. 50, article 7354; 2012, No. 53 (part I), article 7582) and subparagraph 4.2.27 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/19/2012 No. 607 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3525; 2013, No. 30, Art. 4112), and determines the conditions and requirements for sports training in organizations providing sports training in accordance with the Federal by law.

I. Requirements for the structure and content of sports training programs, including the development of their theoretical and practical sections in relation to each stage of sports training

1. The sports training program for the sport of volleyball (hereinafter referred to as the Program) must have the following structure and content:

- title page;

- an explanatory note;

- the normative part;

- methodical part;

– control system and credit requirements;

– list of information support;

- a plan of physical culture and sporting events.

1.1. The "Title Page" of the Program states:

- name of the sport;

- name of the organization providing sports training;

- the name of the program;

- the name of the federal standard of sports training, on the basis of which the Program was developed;

– duration of the Program implementation;

- the year the program was drawn up.

1.2. The "Explanatory Note" of the Program describes the sport, its distinctive features and specifics of the organization training process, the structure of the long-term training system (stages, levels, disciplines) is outlined.

1.3. The "normative part" of the Program should contain:

- the duration of the stages of sports training, the minimum age of persons for admission to the stages of sports training and the minimum number of persons undergoing sports training in groups at the stages of sports training in the sport of volleyball (Appendix 1 to this FSSP);

- the ratio of the volumes of the training process by types of sports training at the stages of sports training by the sport of volleyball (Appendix 2 to this FSSP);

- planned indicators competitive activity volleyball by sport (Appendix 3 to this FSSP);

– modes of training work;

– medical, age and psychophysical requirements for persons undergoing sports training;

– limiting training loads;

– minimum and maximum volume of competitive activity;

- requirements for outfit, sports equipment and equipment;

- requirements for the quantitative and qualitative composition of training groups;

– volume of individual sports training;

- the structure of the annual cycle (name and duration of periods, stages, mesocycles).

1.4. The “methodological part” of the Program should contain:

- requirements for the organization and conduct of medical-pedagogical, psychological and biochemical control;

- software material practical exercises for each stage of preparation, broken down into periods of preparation;

– plans for the use of restorative means;

– anti-doping action plans;

– plans for instructor and referee practice.

1.5. "Control system and credit requirements" Programs must include:

– specifying the criteria for training people undergoing sports training at each stage of sports training, taking into account age and influence physical qualities and physique for performance in the sport of volleyball (Appendix 4 to this FSSP);

End of introductory segment.

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The Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation has developed training standards for all sports in which official competitions are held.

Why do we need federal standards in sports

Federal standards are general minimum requirements that must be met by organizations involved in the sports training of athletes. Standards are written for each sport, Olympic and non-Olympic. Despite the huge volume of documentation on this issue and the complication of life for coaches and athletes, federal standards are only beneficial. Firstly, their presence makes the conditions of the competition equal for all participants. The existing distinctions and norms guarantee that each athlete competes with equal opponents. In addition, federal sports training standards for sports ensure safety when playing sports, regulating the state of health, age and other categories of participants. An important function of the standards is to provide athletes with the necessary conditions for sports training and personnel.

General requirements

According to federal training standards:

A sports organization must have a federal standard sports training program;

The sports organization must provide participants with the necessary sports activities premises;

The sports organization must provide the participants with a coaching staff;

Athletes must comply with the requirements of coaches, engage in accordance with their category;

During the competition:

Competitors must be the same age and same gender;

Before an athlete is allowed to compete, he must complete his own fitness plan and qualify;

Participants must comply with anti-doping rules and pass anti-doping control;

Participants must have an appropriate medical certificate for admission to the competition;

The organization provides food for athletes, travel to the competition site and accommodation, medical control.

Federal standard of sports training in volleyball

To conduct volleyball classes and competitions, you need:

Game room;


Changing rooms and showers, for girls and men separately;

Medical Center;

Providing participants with equipment and sports equipment.

According to the standards of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the minimum age for admission to the group for initial training is 9 years. The term of initial education is 3 years. In the first year of preparation, the number of main competitions is no more than 20, at the highest stage of mastery 70-75. The physical qualities necessary for successful sports activity, according to the federal standards of sports training for sports, are speed abilities, as well as vestibular stability, physique and

Volleyball control exercises for girls at the initial stage

This list includes:

Shuttle run, 5 by 6 m, 12.5 s;

30 m run, 6.6 s;

Throwing the ball 1 kg from behind the head, with both hands, standing at 6 m;

Jump from a place in length by 130 cm;

Jumping up with a wave of hands, from a place, 30 cm.

Complex at the highest stage of skill:

Shuttle run, 5 x 6 m, 11 s;

30 m run, 5.3 s;

Throwing the ball 1 kg from behind the head, standing with both hands, 14 m;

Jump from a place in length by 210 cm;

Jumping up with a wave of hands, from a place, 40 cm.

Control exercises in volleyball for young men at the initial stage

These exercises include:

Shuttle run, 5 to 6 m, 12 s;

30 m run, 6 s;

Throwing the ball 1 kg from behind the head, with both hands, standing, 8 m;

Standing long jump 140 cm;

Jumping up from a place with a wave of hands, 36 cm.

Federal standards of sports training for sports include next complex control exercises at the highest stage of mastery:

Special technical program(required);

Shuttle run, 5 by 6 m, 10.8 s;

30 m run, 4.9 s;

Throwing the ball 1 kg from behind the head, standing with both hands, 18 m;

Standing long jump 240 cm;

Jumping up with a wave of hands, from a place, 50 cm.

Federal standard of sports training in swimming

To conduct classes, you need:

Swimming pool;

Training sports hall;

Locker rooms and showers for girls and men separately;


Providing participants with equipment and sports equipment;

Medical office.

The minimum age for enrollment in the group for initial training is 7 years. The term of initial education is 3 years. On the initial stage preparation, the main competitions are not held, at the highest stage of mastery 12-14. The physical qualities necessary for successful sports activity according to the federal standards of sports training for sports are speed abilities, as well as the vestibular stability of an athlete and his endurance.

Swimming control exercises for girls at the initial stage

The list of exercises includes:

Throw 1 kg at 3.3 m;

Shuttle run 3 x 10 m, 10.5 s;

Standing on a raised platform, leaning forward.

Special technical program (mandatory);

Long jump from a place to 170 cm;

Pull-ups on the crossbar, 6 times;

Measurement of static force when simulating a stroke on land, 28 kg.

Swimming control exercises for young men at the initial stage

There are such exercises:

Throw stuffed ball 1 kg at 3.8 m;

Shuttle run 3 x 10 m, 10 s;

Twisting straight arms forward and backward;

Leaning forward, standing on a raised platform;

At the highest stage of mastery, the following are added to the complex:

Special technical program (mandatory);

Standing long jump 190 cm;

Pull-ups on the crossbar, 9 times;

Measurement of static force when simulating a stroke on land, 37 kg.

Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated 08/30/2013 N 680 (as amended on 07/15/2015) "On approval of the Federal standard of sports training for the sport of volleyball" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 10/14/2013 N 30162)


by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia



The federal standard for sports training in the sport of volleyball (hereinafter referred to as the FSSP) was developed on the basis of Part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) Federation, 2007, N 50, article 6242; 2011, N 50, article 7354; 2012, N 53 (part I), article 7582) and subparagraph 4.2.27 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 19.06.2012 N 607 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, art. 3525; 2013, N 30, art. 4112), and determines the conditions and requirements for sports training in organizations providing sports training in accordance with the Federal by law.

  • I. Requirements for the structure and content of sports training programs, including the development of their theoretical and practical sections in relation to each stage of sports training
  • II. Standards of physical training and other sports standards, taking into account the age, gender of persons undergoing sports training, features of the sport volleyball (sports disciplines)
  • III. Requirements for the participation of persons undergoing sports training, and persons carrying it out, in sports competitions provided for in accordance with the sports training program being implemented
  • IV. Requirements for the results of the implementation of sports training programs at each stage of sports training
  • V. Features of the implementation of sports training in individual sports disciplines for the sport of volleyball
  • VI. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of sports training programs, including personnel, material and technical base and infrastructure of organizations providing sports training, and other conditions
  • Annex N 1. The duration of the stages of sports training, the minimum age of persons for admission to the stages of sports training and the minimum number of persons undergoing sports training in groups at the stages of sports training in the sport of volleyball
  • Annex N 2. The ratio of the volumes of the training process by types of sports training at the stages of sports training by the sport of volleyball
  • Annex N 3. Planned indicators of competitive activity in the sport of volleyball
  • Appendix N 4. The influence of physical qualities and physique on performance in the sport of volleyball
  • Annex N 5. Norms of general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of initial training
  • Appendix N 6. Norms of general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the training stage (stage of sports specialization)

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 34 of Federal Law No. 329-FZ of 04.12.2007 "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2007, No. 50, Art. 6242; 2011, No. 50, Art. 7354 ; 2012, N 53 (part I), art. 7582) and subparagraph 4.2.27 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/19/2012 N 607 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, art 3525, 2013, N 30, item 4112), order:

1. Approve the attached Federal standard of sports training for the sport of volleyball.

2. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Minister V.L. Mutko

Note. Ed .: the order was published in the Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Bodies, N 45, 11/11/2013.


Federal standard of sports training for the sport of volleyball

The federal standard for sports training in the sport of volleyball (hereinafter referred to as the FSSP) was developed on the basis of Part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) Federation, 2007, N 50, article 6242; 2011, N 50, article 7354; 2012, N 53 (part 1), article 7582) and subparagraph 4.2.27 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 19.06.2012 N 607 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, art. 3525; 2013, N 30, art. 4112), and determines the conditions and requirements for sports training in organizations providing sports training in accordance with the Federal by law.

I. Requirements for the structure and content of sports training programs, including the development of their theoretical and practical sections in relation to each stage of sports training

1. The sports training program for the sport of volleyball (hereinafter referred to as the Program) must have the following structure and content:

Title page;
- explanatory note;
- normative part;
- methodical part;
- control system and test requirements;
- list of information support;
- plan of physical culture and sports activities.

1.1. On the title page Programs are indicated:

Name of the sport;
- name of the organization providing sports training;
- the name of the program;
- the name of the federal standard of sports training, on the basis of which the Program was developed;
- duration of the Program implementation;
- the year the Program was drawn up.

1.2. AT explanatory note The programs are given the characteristics of the sport, its distinctive features and the specifics of the organization of the training process, the structure of the long-term training system (stages, levels, disciplines) is outlined.

1.3. The normative part of the Program should contain:

The duration of the stages of sports training, the minimum age of persons for enrollment in the stages of sports training and the minimum number of persons undergoing sports training in groups at the stages of sports training in the sport of volleyball (Appendix No. 1 to this FSSP);
- the ratio of the training process volumes by types of sports training at the stages of sports training by the sport of volleyball (Appendix N 2 to this FSSP);
- planned indicators of competitive activity in the sport of volleyball (Appendix N 3 to this FSSP);
- modes of training work;
- medical, age and psychophysical requirements for persons undergoing sports training;
- limit training loads;
- minimum and maximum volume of competitive activity;
- requirements for equipment, sports equipment and equipment;
- requirements for the quantitative and qualitative composition of training groups;
- volume of individual sports training;
- the structure of the annual cycle (name and duration of periods, stages, mesocycles).

1.4. The methodological part of the Program should contain:

Recommendations for training sessions, as well as safety requirements in terms of training sessions and competitions;
- recommended volumes of training and competitive loads;
- recommendations for planning sports results;
- requirements for the organization and conduct of medical-pedagogical, psychological and biochemical control;
- program material for practical exercises for each stage of training, broken down into training periods;
- recommendations on the organization of psychological preparation;
- plans for the use of restorative means;
- plans for anti-doping activities;
- plans for instructor and referee practice.

1.5. The system of control and test requirements of the Program should include:

Specification of the criteria for the training of persons undergoing sports training at each stage of sports training, taking into account the age and the influence of physical qualities and physique on performance in the sport of volleyball (Appendix N 4 to this FSSP);
- requirements for the results of the Program implementation at each stage of sports training, the fulfillment of which gives grounds for transferring a person undergoing sports training to the next stage of sports training;
- types of control of general and special physical, sports and technical and tactical training, complex control tests and control and conversion standards for the years and stages of preparation, the timing of the control;
- complexes of control exercises to assess the general, special physical, technical and tactical training of persons undergoing sports training, guidelines on the organization of testing, methods and organization of medical and biological examination.

1.6. The list of information support of the Program should include: a list literary sources, a list of audiovisual means, a list of Internet resources necessary for use in the work of persons engaged in sports training, and in the course of sports training by persons undergoing sports training.

1.7. The plan of physical culture events and sports events is formed by the organization providing sports training on the basis of the Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events, calendar plans physical culture events and sports events of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipalities.

II. Standards of physical training and others sports standards taking into account the age, gender of persons undergoing sports training, features of the sport volleyball (sports disciplines)

2. The standards for the types of sports training and their correlation at the stages of sports training in groups involved in the sport of volleyball include:

2.1. Standards for general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of initial training, Appendix N 5 to this FSSP).

2.2. Standards for general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the training stage (stage of sports specialization) (Appendix N 6 to this FSSP).

2.3. Standards for general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of improving sportsmanship (Appendix N 7 to this FSSP).

2.4. Standards for general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of higher sportsmanship (Appendix N 8 to this FSSP).

2.5. Standards for the maximum amount of training load (Appendix N 9 to this FSSP).

III. Requirements for the participation of persons undergoing sports training, and persons carrying it out, in sports competitions provided for in accordance with the sports training program being implemented

3. Requirements for participation in sports competitions of persons undergoing sports training:

Compliance of the age and gender of the participant with the regulation (regulation) on official sports competitions and the rules of the sport of volleyball;
- compliance of the level of sports qualification of the participant with the regulation (regulation) on official sports competitions in accordance with the Unified All-Russian sports classification and the rules of the sport of volleyball;
- implementation of the sports training plan;
- passing the preliminary competitive selection;
- the presence of an appropriate medical certificate on admission to participate in sports competitions;
- compliance with the all-Russian anti-doping rules and anti-doping rules approved by international anti-doping organizations.

4. A person undergoing sports training is sent by the organization providing sports training to sports competitions in accordance with the plan of physical culture and sports events contained in the Program and the provisions (regulations) on sports competitions and sports events.

IV. Requirements for the results of the implementation of sports training programs at each stage of sports training

5. The result of the implementation of the Program is:

5.1. At the stage of initial preparation:
- formation of sustainable interest in sports;
- formation of a wide range of motor skills and abilities;
- mastering the basics of technology in the sport of volleyball;
- all-round harmonious development of physical qualities;
- strengthening the health of athletes;
- selection of promising young athletes for further lessons in the sport of volleyball.

5.2. At the training stage (the stage of sports specialization):

Increasing the level of general and special physical, technical, tactical and psychological training;
- gaining experience and achieving stability in performance at official sports competitions in the sport of volleyball;
- formation of sports motivation;
- Strengthening the health of athletes.

5.3. At the stage of improving sportsmanship:

Increasing the functional capabilities of the body of athletes;
- improvement of general and special physical qualities, technical, tactical and psychological training;
- stable demonstration of high sports results at regional and all-Russian official sports competitions;
- maintenance high level sports motivation;
- maintaining the health of athletes.

5.4. At the stage of higher sportsmanship:

Achieving results at the level of sports teams of the Russian Federation;
- increasing the stability of demonstrating high sports results in all-Russian and international official sports competitions.

6. To ensure the stages of sports training, organizations providing sports training use a sports selection system, which is a targeted search and determination of the composition of promising athletes to achieve high sports results.

The sports selection system includes:

A) mass viewing and testing of boys and girls in order to orient them to go in for sports;
b) selection of promising young athletes for the acquisition of sports training groups in the sport of volleyball;
c) review and selection of promising young athletes at training camps and competitions.

7. The maximum age of persons undergoing sports training under the Program at the stage of higher sportsmanship is not limited.

8. Educational organizations, realizing educational programs in the area of physical culture and sports for the most promising graduates, can provide an opportunity to undergo sports training at their base for up to four years (up to 10% of the number of students).

V. Features of the implementation of sports training in individual sports disciplines for the sport of volleyball

9. Features of the implementation of sports training in the sports disciplines of the sport of volleyball are determined in the Program.

Features of the implementation of sports training in sports disciplines of the sport volleyball are taken into account when:

Drawing up plans for sports training starting from the stage of improving sportsmanship;
- drawing up a plan of physical culture and sports events.

10. The training process in an organization providing sports training is carried out in accordance with the annual training plan, designed for 52 weeks.

11. The main forms of sports training are:

Group and individual training and theoretical classes;
- work according to individual plans;
- training camps;
- participation in sports competitions and events;
- instructor and judicial practice;
- medical rehabilitation measures;
- testing and control.

12. Work on individual sports training plans is carried out at the stages of improving sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship.

13. For conducting classes at the stages of improving sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship, in addition to the main coach (coach-teacher) in the sport of volleyball, it is allowed to attract an additional second coach (coach-teacher) in general physical and special physical training subject to their simultaneous work with persons undergoing sports training.

14. To ensure year-round sports training, preparation for sports competitions and active rest(recovery) of persons undergoing sports training, training camps are organized, which are integral part(continuation) of the training process in accordance with the list of training camps (Appendix N 10 to this FSSP).

15. The procedure for the formation of sports training groups by type, sport of volleyball is determined by organizations providing sports training independently.

16. Persons undergoing sports training who have not fulfilled the requirements of the Program are given the opportunity to continue sports training at the same stage of sports training.

17. Taking into account the specifics of the sport, volleyball is determined the following features sports training:
- recruitment of sports training groups, as well as planning training sessions (in terms of volume and intensity training loads different directions) are carried out in accordance with the gender and age characteristics of development;
- depending on the conditions and organization of classes, as well as the conditions for conducting sports competitions training in the sport of volleyball is carried out on the basis of the obligatory observance of the necessary security measures in order to preserve the health of persons undergoing sports training.

VI. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of sports training programs, including personnel, material and technical base and infrastructure of organizations providing sports training, and other conditions

18. Organizations providing sports training must ensure compliance with the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Programs, including personnel, material and technical base, infrastructure, and other conditions established by this FSSP.

19. Requirements for personnel of organizations providing sports training:

19.1. The level of qualification of persons engaged in sports training must comply with the requirements defined by the Unified Qualification Guide for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, the section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Workers in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports", approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 15, 2011 N 916n (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russia 14.10.2011, registration N 22054) (hereinafter referred to as EKSD), including the following requirements:

At the stage of initial training - the presence of secondary vocational education or higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience in the specialty;
- at the training stage (the stage of sports specialization) - the presence of secondary vocational education or higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least one year;
- at the stages of improving sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship - the presence of higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least three years.

19.2. Persons who do not have special training or work experience established in the "Qualification Requirements" section of the EKSD, but who have sufficient practical experience and perform qualitatively and in full the tasks assigned to them official duties, on the recommendation of the attestation commission, are appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience 1.

19.3. Quantitative calculation of staffing needs is carried out on the basis of the tariffing of the coaching staff, planned and calculated indicators of the number of persons engaged in sports training, and the mode of operation of sports facilities where the Program is implemented.

20. Requirements for the material and technical base and infrastructure of organizations providing sports training, and other conditions:

The presence of a game room;
- availability of a gym;
- availability of locker rooms, showers;
- the presence of a medical office equipped in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 09.08.2010 N 613n "On approval of the Procedure for the provision of medical care during physical culture and sports events" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 14.09.2010, registration N 18428);
- provision of equipment and sports equipment necessary for sports training (Appendix N 11 to this FSSP);
- provision of sports equipment (Appendix No. 12 to this FSSP);
- providing transportation to the venue of sporting events and back;
- provision of food and accommodation during sporting events;
- implementation of medical support for persons undergoing sports training, including the organization of systematic medical control.

1 Point 6 EKSD.