How to develop speed in swimming. Learning to swim on your own: practical tips for adults. Exhale into the water with the movement of the legs

In the article you will learn how to quickly learn to swim crawl in 5 steps. These are easy, consistent exercises that give quick results. With the help of these exercises, you can learn the elementary swimming technique and the correct position on the water.

Golden exercises that will help anyone learn to swim from scratch.

  • Star.
    It is necessary to lie on the water with your chest down, take a breath and lower your head under the water. Spread your arms and legs to the sides. Try to lie down and feel where you are drowning. Even if you drown, do the exercise again and catch this moment. From 3-5 times you will be able to keep the balance. Look for the golden mean between those parts of the bodies that are sinking in you. Due to this golden mean, you will learn to lie calmly and evenly on the water. This exercise must be done at a shallow depth so that you are not simply afraid of the depth.
  • Crawl legs with a board.
    For this exercise, you will need a regular float board. The plank also serves as a support for you. It is necessary to stretch out and lie down on the water. Lower your head down and grab the board. Legs should work calmly, without haste. You should feel that with the help of your legs you begin to move. During the exercise, the legs should be relaxed, working from the pelvis. Try to make a small fountain. Even if you move a little in this way with the help of your legs, then this is already very good. If you are already swimming faster, this is already a super result.
  • Crawl with a board.
    After working out with the help of the board in the previous exercise correct technique legs, we add arms. In this exercise, you need to lie on the water, stretch out and swim, making 5 kicks, then take a breath and make a big circle with one hand, while holding the other hand on the plank. In this exercise, the main thing is not to rush anywhere, calmly, after a pause, repeat these light movements.

  • Crawl with a board + inhale from the side.
    After you have completed all the previous exercises, you can move on to more difficult exercise. In this exercise, breathing does not occur as usual, but to the side. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the water, work with the legs of the crawl - 5 strokes. Next, to do a stroke with one hand, we stopped at the hip, turn on our side, take a breath, lower our head and return our hand to its original position. The cycle is over. We repeat similar movements with the other hand. Most importantly, make sure that you do not strain while swimming and follow a clear algorithm of actions. As soon as you feel that you are getting the exercise, try to slowly release the plank and do not put much pressure on it.
  • The crawl is complete without a board.
    This exercise is similar to the previous one. The technology is the same - lie on the water, stretch as much as possible, do not be afraid and do not rush. Already without a board. It is necessary to make a stroke with one hand, turn around, inhale, lower your head, close your hand. And so you need to repeat the whole pool. The most important thing is not to strain and do everything with ease.

By doing these exercises, you will definitely learn how to swim and swim like a rocket!

Guys, do the exercises - do not rush! If you do everything calmly, measuredly, slowly, then you will learn to swim much faster!

We also have an online swimming course. . By carefully looking at the course, you can easily and successfully finish the swim or triathlon.

Learning to swim without the use of assistive devices for an adult allows strict discipline, the study of basic theory. It is recommended to start independent development of the practical side of swimming only after familiarization with safety precautions and rules of conduct in the pool.

You can learn to swim at any age. The only obstacles for an adult to achieve the desired goal may be prejudices and fears. Getting rid of them allows a clear understanding that swimming in the pool and in the open water brings not only pleasure, but also has a beneficial effect on health.

Swimming lessons on a regular basis contribute to:

  • development of the respiratory system;
  • training of the heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the muscles, immunity and nervous system.

You should start learning to swim in a shallow pool or open water. The legs should feel solid support, the head and shoulders should be above the water. Feeling completely safe and gaining confidence allows the presence of a person who knows how to swim well.

An alternative may be classes with a qualified trainer. visit special classes is not a prerequisite, you can learn the basics of swimming on your own.

How to breathe correctly?

Learning to swim crawl, the movement of the legs is biting and fast. The more intense the blows, the high speed develops. Breaststroke requires a different movement technique, reminiscent of the movement of a frog in water. It is easier to learn how to move your legs, mastering the breaststroke, holding your hands either on the side of the pool, or using a special board that supports the swimmer on the water.

How to learn to swim crawl and breaststroke?

The easiest to learn for a beginner swimmer is the crawl. It is not very difficult to master this technique. They lay down on the water with their faces, begin to sort out alternately with their legs, lowering and raising them. At the same time they wave their hands. First, one of the hands is brought forward, lowered into the water, and the palm folded in the bucket is stroked towards the thigh. Perform the same movement with the other hand.

Swimming crawl, the air is taken into the lungs for every second stroke. To take a breath, the head is first taken out of the water and then turned towards the moving arm. Take in air with your lungs as much as possible. It is impossible to swim for a long time without a sufficient level of oxygen.

Breaststroke is a little more difficult than crawl, but you can master it quickly enough. The main thing to consider is that the movements when swimming with a breaststroke should be synchronous and similar to those made by a swimming frog. It is more difficult to learn how to swim with a butterfly. It is recommended to master this technique with an experienced trainer. The specialist will demonstrate the movements by his own example and check the correctness of their implementation.

Sports swimming requires special training. To professional career it is almost impossible to prepare an adult swimmer. Appropriate trainings and loadings have to begin since the childhood.

Swimming in the pool

Swimming in the pool is good not only for health, but also for the figure. Regular classes considered effective way release of energy from fat accumulations. What matters is not only the amount of time spent in the pool, but also the effectiveness.

In order for training to be as effective and safe as possible, you must follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Exercising on an empty stomach;

Water pressure on abdominal cavity while swimming high. If the stomach is full, it is fraught with problems with digestion. There should be 2.5 hours before training, and after training - an hour later.

  1. Train between 16.00 and 19.00;

In the morning, the body is not yet ready for heavy loads, and in the evening, on the contrary, it needs a good rest. If you do it in the mornings or evenings, the training will be less effective than the training done during the day.

  1. You need to visit the pool at least three times a week;

Regular classes are the key to stable results. Constant training accustoms the body to loads, the muscles quickly remember the acquired skills in swimming.

  1. Put on a rubber hat, remove jewelry;

Prolonged exposure to water on the roots negatively affects the condition of the hair, and jewelry can be lost.

  1. Take a warm shower or warm up;

Warmed and prepared muscles allow you to make your workout more effective.

  1. Wear rubber slates.

Walking barefoot on wet tiles can cause injury.

The health benefits of swimming are invaluable. The immune system of people who regularly visit the pool is strengthened. They are much less likely to suffer from heart disease, colds and other ailments, are not subject to depression, always arrive in an excellent mood, do not suffer from obesity, have good muscles and a proportionately developed body.

How to improve your swimming? How to optimize your speed? What exercises will help you reach the peak of your strength? The article is designed for intermediate and advanced swimmers.

Training plan In training, it is important to work in three areas: technique, endurance, the specifics of open water.

If you swim three times a week, we suggest you this plan: 1 day. Technique training day 2. Endurance training with swims long distance Day 3 Swimming training at top speed

Each of the workouts should include a little bit of each set, the only difference is what you are focusing on today. In this article, we'll show you how to train at top speed to improve your performance.

Swimming quality For long-distance swimmers, including swimmers on open water, one physiological indicator is important, namely - lactate threshold. If you can improve your top speed, you can improve your results.

For most swimmers, swimming at top speed means more work, less rest. Here's the secret: To optimize your lactane threshold, you need to train at your top speed or just below your top speed.

Many athletes make the mistake of training beyond their lactate threshold by doing short, fast swims, but this is not as effective as it might seem. About how to train properly, we will tell in this article.

Lactate threshold and swimming at top speed AT laboratory conditions The lactate threshold is determined as follows: blood is taken at different stages of training and the level of lactic acid is examined depending on the loads, as well as at maximum speed. This method is expensive and difficult to perform in wet conditions, but fortunately, there is another way to determine the rate of lactate threshold.

The maximum swimming speed is the approximate speed of the lactate threshold. You can determine it by doing some swimming tests with a stopwatch. The error will be about 2 seconds per 100m, which will allow you to plan your workouts quite accurately.

Tests Speed ​​limit tests are carried out in two swims: 400 and 200 meters. Before performing the test, warm up, prepare for a fast swim.

First swim 400m. Fully recover between swims, swim in between swims to your heart's content. Start both swims by pushing off the wall, do not dive.

Try to swim both distances at an even pace, don't go too fast at the start and don't slow down during the course. If you're not sure if your pace is even, have someone take your time every 100m to help you visualize your speed. Calculate your top speed using the calculator. Note: Previously, 400 and 50 meters were used in speed limit tests, many descriptions can be found on the Internet. We recommend running the 400m and 200m test as it will give more accurate results for most athletes.

How to train knowing your top speed Now that you know your 100m top speed, you can use that information for quality training. Here are some examples. You should perform these exercises once a week (the main work on the day of swimming quality training).

Your result is 7:30 or more in 400m: 6x200m with 20s release or 3x400m with 45s release or 4x(200m then 100m) with 10s release or 12x100m with 10s release

Your result 5:45 - 7:30 at 400m: 8x200m with 20s release or 4x400m with 40s release or 5x(200m then 100m) with 10s release or 15x100m with 10s release

Your time is less than 5:45 for 400m: 10x200m with 20 sec release or 5x400m with 40 sec release or 18x100m with 10 sec release or 3x600m with 60 sec release

These rep sets require a lot of effort. You can shorten them a little if you want to make your workout easier. The main point of all these approaches is to maintain your top speed with short recovery intervals. Here we give examples of such training, you can choose an individual plan for yourself. In normal training, you are likely to swim more slowly, but you have less time to recover. It's just a different kind of training. The first few hundred meters you swim easily, but then you will feel how the distance overwhelms you. To describe the principle of the exercise, the word "invariance" is perhaps the best word. Importance of pace When training at top speed, it is important to maintain the pace. If you start too fast and then slow down, the effect is reduced. Try to swim each lap at the same pace. Swimming pace is a very important skill by which you can distinguish an amateur from a professional.

Mind work If you are used to recovering longer, then these series may seem unrealistic to you. By and large, these are just your fears of the new. Swimming fast 4x400 sounds scary, but in terms of time it is about the same as running 6km. Who is running, are you scared? Our advice is don't overthink it, just do it. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. What if it's really hard for me, or vice versa, it's too easy? This method of top speed training is not flawless. If you find it too easy to do the exercises that we give here, increase the pace until you feel that it has become difficult for you, but tolerable. Make sure you keep up the pace, don't slack off. If, on the contrary, it is unbearably difficult for you, perform more modest tasks, moderate your pride and slow down the pace by 100 meters for a couple of seconds. It seems that 2 seconds per 100 meters will not make the weather, but in fact, it helps a lot. Since the top speed is actually the "limit", it is very difficult to swim at it constantly. Recheck your top speed You need to repeat the test every month or one and a half. If your workouts are going well, recheck your performance every month to improve further and increase your speed.

For most triathletes, we recommend 3 weeks of hard training followed by a light deload week. Most best time to re-test the speed limit - the end of the recovery week. Do I need to swim faster than my top speed to improve my performance? It's hard to believe, but the correct answer is: "No need." Athletes tend to think like this: "I'll train faster and my body will get used to it." This logic is wrong, the body has other laws. By training faster than your limit, you will change your anaerobic system to the limit training system, which is absolutely unnecessary during the race. And your body will have a much harder time recovering, which can hurt other workouts. As a result, by training beyond your strength, you will only worsen your situation. Not convinced? Compare such workouts to lifting weights. Right now you're lifting 50kg and you want 60. You can't just go and lift 60 like that. You start by gradually getting used to the weight, lifting 45-50kg until you're strong enough. To load the body, it is enough just to approach your limit. In the end, just accept the challenge. Train for a month with one top speed workout per week. At the end of the month, a miracle awaits you - you will swim faster.

So, you don't need to swim beyond the limit of your speed at all? Of course, you can include some anaerobic exercises and short sprints in your training program, they are good for practicing technique. During their execution, you will feel the water on high speed, you can also get used mentally to high speed. But we advise you not to combine training at maximum speed with anaerobic and, in general, do not attach much importance to the latter.

For a teenager - the answer is simple: go to the pool to the swimming instructor.

Swimming has become a popular sport today. No matter how old you are, what gender you are, and what weight category belong, you can always learn to swim from scratch or improve your skills. Why is swimming attractive and attractive? Water. Working with water brings a kind of satisfaction and calmness, allows you to actively engage in your physical health without feeling special physical activity. We train muscles and at the same time we have fun.

Swimming style

There is a style of swimming that has been known to mankind for more than one century, and it appeared among the very first varieties of swimming. This is a rabbit. Europeans learned to swim crawl only in the 19th century, but immediately appreciated all the advantages of this style. Thanks to special combinations of arm and leg movements, you can develop decent speed.

Time, of course, made its own small adjustments, and today the principle of crawl swimming can be compared with freestyle. Their characteristics are similar, but the result is slightly different. What is a crawl?

The rabbit is fast style swimming, which implies symmetrical alternating movements of the left and right hand, as well as leg movements that resemble scissors. The swimmer during swimming in this style is in a position facing down. This style allows you to develop significant speed - in a few strokes forward you cover a significant distance, which is why many modern athletes prefer this style.

The importance of a professional approach

So, let's start with the question of how to quickly learn to swim. Don't worry about the fact that at your age it's too late to learn this activity. It's a delusion. You can always learn to swim, as well as do it quickly. That's just how much time you spend on it - a year or a month - depends on several circumstances. Tune in to the fact that hard work awaits you. But in order for the result not to keep you waiting, you need to do everything right. This means that you should exercise in the pool under the supervision of a professional trainer.

If you decide that you want to swim crawl, then it is the coach who will tell you about all the secrets of this style and tell you about the intricacies of how to master this science quickly for enough short term. The crawl is characterized by a special stroke system, and the movements of the arms and legs must be systematized. Not only how fast you will swim depends on this, but also how much effort you put into this business, and, accordingly, how quickly you get tired.

How to crawl

So, let's go directly to the technique and specifics of this style of swimming. If you do not know how to swim at all, then you need to understand that water is an alien element for us. Once in an aquatic environment, our body changes the way it behaves in an attempt to adapt. Therefore, initially you should understand what emotions immersion in water causes in you. To do this, before starting a workout, enter the water and try to understand how your body moves in the water. This will help you feel more natural and give you more confidence. The most popular type of front crawl is swimming on the chest, face down. This suggests that you need to learn how to breathe properly in this position. Namely, exhale into the water. At first it will be difficult, but the training will do its job and it will become a natural process for you. Just remember that correct breathing will provide you with comfortable and fast swimming, and this guarantees you the pleasure of the whole process. In addition, you should not think that after the coach has voiced all the theoretical aspects to you, you will certainly swim. It is quite difficult to master the simultaneous technique of moving the legs, arms, body, head, as well as to follow the breath at the first stages. And therefore, a competent specialist will offer you to master each element separately, gradually combining them into a complex.

If we consider the movement of arms and legs as a system, then it can be divided into several stages:

  1. Immersion of the hand in water and influx. This stage includes the following actions:
    • We immerse the arm bent at the elbow into the water at an acute angle to the shoulder;
    • The shoulder remains above the surface of the water: it is on it that all the main load is carried out, it is immersed in water at the very last moment;
    • Under water at chest level, the arm straightens and the next stage of movements begins.
  2. The supporting part of the row. In order to organize your actions correctly, you need to bend your arm at the elbow so that it forms an obtuse angle;
  3. The main part involves bending the arm in such a position that there is an angle of 90 degrees between the shoulder and forearm. After the push, the arm should be straightened to move on to the next stage;
  4. Exit from the water. This phase begins when the swimmer's straightened arm reaches the level of the pelvis. The other hand at this moment is preparing for a stroke and, plunging into the water, takes the shoulder, forearm and hand out of the water, which is at the stage of leaving the water.
  5. Carrying over water. This step is more than simple. All you need to do is bend your arm a little at the elbow, raise it, and place the brush as close to the surface of the water as possible.
The legs at this time also do not remain idle. Their movements resemble the movement of scissors with an amplitude of a quarter of your height. For 1 stroke of the arms, the legs can make from 2 to 4 active movements. And, of course, do not forget about breathing.

5 Ways to Increase Your Swimming Speed ​​in Crawl and Dolphin (Butterfly)!

Compiled with the support of Gary Hall Senior, 10-time world record holder, 3-time Olympic champion, flag bearer for the US team at the 1976 Olympics and one of the founders of the famous swimming school The Race Club.

As they say in the well-known proverb - "Without learning, there is no skill", or to put it differently, the main factor in learning is practice. The reward for the shown desire and perseverance will never be long in coming. Here are my top five useful tips to develop powerful, stunning speed.

1. Increase ankle flexibility.

This means that your ankles need to be designed in such a way that their ligaments are flexible enough to allow you to fully extend your toes down ninety degrees. A high degree of ankle flexibility is a prerequisite for developing good kicking speed in freestyle and dolphin. I can please you, the ankle ligaments that control these movements are very modest in size and can be quickly stretched. It is quite an obvious fact that dry land exercises are the most The best way improve motion data. Of the exercises for stretching this type of ligament, prolonged sitting on the back of the foot is very effective. You can also try "push-ups" on the ankles, as they do in yoga classes. Personally, I have also found through experience that getting a good stretch of the ankles is facilitated by an exercise in which you put your feet under a low-lying sofa and gradually straighten your legs, gradually leaning back.

2. Increase the strength of the muscles working during kicks.

Of course, these muscles work well in the process of swimming, but in order for them to become strong enough, a lot more load is required, which can only be obtained in swimming. gym. The strength of the quadriceps and hip flexors can be increased by performing leg extensions with weights when the legs are in starting position at an angle of 45 degrees are fully straightened, coming to a horizontal position. Muscles of the posterior thigh, lower back and calf muscles, also used by us when performing kicks, can be pumped by lifting straightened legs up from a prone position. We recommend performing each of the above exercises 30-50 times, in three sets, with short pauses to achieve maximum muscle fatigue.

3.As much shock work as possible.

Just think. Assuming you are a six-stroke freestyle swimmer, for every 100 meters you swim, you land about 100 kicks, which means your stroke rate is about 600 kicks per minute. Considering that the muscles of your legs do not receive recovery at all, imagine what an enormous load falls on them? Unsurprisingly, the legs are the segment of the body that gets tired the fastest over a distance. That is why the legs need to be trained in the first place. At The Race Club, our swimming school, we recommend that you do high impact leg work with a full workout at least once a week. Leg training can be monotonous or creative, the main thing is as many intense percussion movements as possible.

4. Work with a triangular board and a tube.

Perhaps using a regular board that works like a buoy that supports your body on the surface will make you kick faster, but on the other hand, during a swim, your body lies in the water in a completely different way. We believe that using Finis' patented triangular technique boards in conjunction with your favorite snorkel will allow you to position your head in a more natural position, resulting in your entire body lying properly in the water while practicing your kicking exercises. A similar technique will also help improve the streamlining of the body.

5. Use elastic band to develop impact force.

Too much bending of the knees is one of the most pressing problems of freestyle and dolphin. Using an elastic band worn on the legs just below the knees will allow you to solve this problem. Yes, it is likely that the speed of impact will decrease, but due to such a limiter, the swimmer will begin to rely more on the flexibility of the ankle, rather than doing himself a disservice by bending his knees.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is absolutely impossible to underestimate the contribution of footwork to achieving high swimming speed. The development of the main muscles of the legs requires the systematic implementation of various types of exercises on land and water. Work more, work systematically, and you will see that soon your swimming speed will increase many times over.

Gary Senior

The article was prepared and translated by the site using materials from the resource: / Thanks for the photo: TYR

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