Which boat is better aqua or riviera. The best PVC boats. Rating of PVC boat manufacturers. Design features and equipment

It is a pleasure for an avid fisherman to sit in the middle of the backwater with a fishing rod, as well as for a hunter to go fishing at night on a boat. In addition to the usual accessories for such events, you can’t do without a boat. We will not consider bulky and demanding metal structures, but we will talk about a more universal version of PVC. Moreover, they are much cheaper, and less troublesome to maintain.

We will also limit ourselves to the two most common types of boats - motor and rowing. From the name it is clear what is the main driving force of these. In addition, we will limit ourselves to the length of the structure - up to 3 meters, and for the second case, the motor power - up to 15 Horse power. Otherwise, we will simply get bogged down in all the variety that is presented in our market. Yes, and the above limits can be called universal for Russia, and only with rare exceptions you will need something really powerful (large rivers, lakes with a strong current, etc.).

We will also not consider cheap Chinese consumer goods - such models will not be included in our rating of PVC boats in terms of quality. Of course, among this brethren there are worthy inexpensive options, but it's as lucky: in the same batch there can be completely defective and high-quality models. Moreover, this ratio, as a rule, is not in the best direction for the latter.

So, we present to your attention the rating of the best PVC boats, which includes the highest quality models from different manufacturers, as well as distinguished by flattering reviews from the owners. As mentioned above, we will consider only the rowing and motor type of ships with a price tag that is more or less democratic for the average user.

  1. "Cayman" N-330 (under the engine).
  2. "Aqua" 3200 SK (under the motor).
  3. "Pilot" M-330 (under the engine).
  4. "Hunter" 280 R (rowing).
  5. STREAM "Delfin-M" (rowing).

Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

STREAM "Dolphin-M"

The designers have collected in this model all the best that has been accumulated over the long history of production. "Delfin-M" is included in the rating of PVC boats for fishing also due to the increased hull density - 950 g / m 2 and swift contours, giving it an easier move. This also includes extremely simple and safe management.

In general, the model received quite interesting and attractive forms: a raised front, a rounded stern and an ergonomic interior. A sufficiently large diameter of the balloon (0.36 m) allows you to calmly cope with a half-meter wave.

Design features

The model is included in the rating of PVC rowing boats also due to the mass of flattering reviews from users. The practicality, reliability and versatility of the Dolphin allow it to be used on any small and medium-sized body of water. The only thing that the owners complain about is the severity of the structure and small capacity. The passport says two places, but for a couple of active fishermen, besides with things, tightness is guaranteed.

Model advantages:

  • moisture-resistant hard bottom made of high-quality plywood (slan-book);
  • dense and thick PVC material;
  • high and safe sides;
  • upturned nose.


  • heavy for one person;
  • there is not enough space for two fishermen with things.

The estimated cost is about 15,000 rubles.

"Hunter 280 R"

This is a budget rowing model. "Hunter 280 R" is included in the rating of PVC boats due to the use of highly reliable PVC fabric from the German manufacturer HEYTEX. In addition, the fabric has a double-sided polymer coating, which adds a couple more points to the performance.

With its appearance, the boat resembles an O-shaped balloon, and the manufacturer, in this regard, adds excellent seaworthiness, excellent handling, acceptable capacity, and also relatively low big weight designs.

The model is included in the rating of PVC boats also because it allows you to calmly withstand an almost meter wave (0.7-0.9 m), which greatly expands its scope. In addition, an intelligent payol (hard sectional plywood) is placed on the bottom of the boat, on which two people can easily fit (carrying capacity 220 kg).

Distinctive features of the boat

You can also note well-designed inflatable compartments (2 pcs.), Which are separated by airtight membranes. This moment adds some hassle with the preparation for the descent, but guarantees keeping the boat afloat in case of damage to one of the compartments.

The owners leave mostly positive feedback about the boat. Many liked her seaworthiness, structural reliability, carrying capacity and relatively low weight of the entire structure.

Model advantages:

  • good maneuverability and controllability;
  • easy move;
  • excellent build quality without any claims;
  • simple installation and dismantling of the structure;
  • relatively small weight;
  • low price.


  • the pump included in the kit is rather weak (you need to immediately buy / find a new and more powerful one);
  • the floor is a bit thin (for more comfort, you need one more slant (+400 rubles)).

Estimated price - about 13,000 rubles.

"Pilot M-330"

Model M-300 from domestic company"The Ark" is perfect for professional fishermen and hunters. "Pilot" is included in the rating of the best PVC boats (for motor) also due to its practicality and versatility. Beginners can install a low power engine, and professionals can immediately install a 15 hp unit. s, which is very convenient.

One of the main features of the vessel is the excellent protection of the keel and cylinders from abrasion. The PVC material is securely covered with a beam 0.6 cm wide. The owners, in their reviews, took this moment especially warmly, since a good half of the other competing models abraded the keel and cylinders in a matter of months with each mooring to land or to the bottom of the reservoir. Therefore, it was necessary to operate the boat with extreme caution, but here this problem is solved by a well-installed protection.

Distinctive characteristics of the model

Also, the model is included in the rating of PVC inflatable boats (for a motor) due to high-quality assembly. You will not see any gaps, peeling material or beveled seams here: everything is done to the conscience and for people. Such a competent design approach allows us to call the model one of the best in its class.

Benefits of Pilot:

  • reinforced PVC material with a density of 900 g/m 2 ;
  • cylinders are significantly reinforced in the places where stringers are placed;
  • plastic holder on the transom;
  • in the delivery set there is a safety loop for the engine;
  • arranged seats (shift-sliding apart);
  • wavebreaker with a fender;
  • relatively light weight for its class;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • factory warranty 2 years.


  • load capacity.

The estimated cost is about 27,000 rubles.

"Aqua 3200 SK"

Model 3200 SK was produced by the Russian company AquaMaster and enjoys enviable popularity among fishermen and hunters. "Aqua" is included in the rating of PVC boats (for a motor) due to its lightness and small dimensions. This allows the model to freely go on planing with even the most modest engine on board. This moment also greatly simplifies the carrying and transportation of the boat.

The model has an inflatable keel and an intelligent floorboard, consisting of separate elements that are assembled together using aluminum guide beams. "Aqua" 3200 SK is included in the rating of PVC boats also due to its reliability: the transom is fixed in a special belt, on the bottom there is a hard slate made of waterproof plywood, as well as aluminum profiles around the perimeter of the vessel.

Owner opinions

The owners speak quite warmly about this boat. It completely suits “selfish” fishermen who love solo swims: the lightness of the model, the reliability of the design and comfortable interior decoration allow you to fully concentrate on your favorite pastime, and not be distracted by other trifles.

Boat pros:

  • very light weight for boats of this class;
  • the transom is securely fixed in a special belt;
  • the keel is protected from damage by a PVC beam;
  • dense material of the boat with a density of 900 g / m 2;
  • composite seats.


  • very little payload.

Estimated price - about 23,000 rubles.

Cayman N-330

Models of this brand have always been considered a benchmark in domestic small-sized shipbuilding. The N-330 series is designed in full compliance with the rules and regulations for boats of this class. Cayman is included in the rating of PVC boats due to its ideal speed and seaworthiness.

The model has standard indicators for its class with a board of 420 mm. The reliability of the boat is due to the fender along the entire perimeter, high-quality PVC materials and the absence of any gaps, beveled adhesions, etc.

Inflatable boats made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) have almost completely replaced their "rubber" predecessors. Now many are producing small-sized inflatable watercraft, and accordingly the quality varies from “this is a class” to “and to you”. How to understand the ocean of offers on the market of inflatable ships?

There are several ways:

  1. Choose by the quality of the material (in this case, by the density of the fabric);
  2. Attend manufacturer exhibitions
  3. Conduct personal tests;
  4. Study information on the Internet.

In addition to good materials, high-quality assembly and modern technology are important. Visiting showrooms is not available to everyone who wants to buy a boat. The same applies to tests - a maximum of two or three models available to friends. Where is the guarantee that they are ideal examples of their class? The internet remains.

When I was faced with the question of buying a boat made of PVC fabric, in exchange for the rubber single “Ide-1”, which had served faithfully, I immediately went online. From the countries of fabric producers (USA, Korea, Russia), I chose domestic ones. Modern boats worthy of attention are assembled from 5-7 layers of PVC, the density of which ranges from 0.85 to 1.3 kg / m2. The weight of the future vessel directly depends on this, because the mass of PVC is about 90% of the weight of the boat. They differ in the shape of the body, the design of the bottom and the fastening of the cans (seats).

Why buy an inflatable boat?

This is far from an idle question, the answer to it will help determine the size and design of the future inflatable vessel. For example:

  • Riding along the river with the family, going on picnics to little-visited places;
  • Fishing on small reservoirs from time to time;
  • Regular trips for fishing or hunting on large rivers, reservoirs, trolling fishing predatory fish(See also: ).

In the first case, you need a large (at least 3 meters) boat with a large margin of safety and a decent carrying capacity. It is desirable to have a hard floor. In the second, you can limit yourself to a relatively small (2.40 - 2.70) boat for a light motor (up to 3.5 hp), the bottom can be either rigid or Airdek (inflatable). This will slightly reduce the weight, dimensions and assembly-dismantling time. In the latter case, the longer the length, the better.

Powerful motor, 12 mm marine plywood floorboards, quality stringers are a must. The most durable cylinders, it is better if the PVC has undergone additional processing that gives the coating hardness. Then you can safely walk in shallow water, not pay attention to bushes, reed beds, not be afraid of protruding snags and stones covered with shells. Yes, it's much more expensive, but it's worth it. Particular attention should be paid to the supplied pump. The higher its performance, the faster you will be "on the water".

Based on the above, I opted for the Skat S-330 model manufactured by Mnev and K in St. Petersburg. It is designed for fishing on rivers and lakes with little roughness.

Why was she chosen? Let's start in order. First of all, I liked the shape - a pointed raised nose (it easily passes through coastal thickets), an inflatable keel (it feels better on a small wave), a glued transom capable (according to the manufacturer) to carry a motor with a power of up to 18 hp.

The cockpit is protected from flooding with two transom scarves. At one time I had the opportunity to see for myself that at times this is very relevant. The cylinders are not the largest, only 40 cm, but are connected by welding and made of PVC with a density of 1100 g / m2., And this is already an indicator. The four-section floorboard provides the necessary structural rigidity for running under the motor, especially since the two middle sections are entirely included in the aluminum stringer. And finally, the highlight of the program (for me at least) are two cans (seats) mounted in a lyktros-lykpaz system.

If you have been on boats with two or three people, where there is no way to adjust the position of the seats, you will understand me.

Collapsible aluminum oars complete with oarlocks and mounts for horizontal fixation - this is not surprising to anyone now, but it's nice. Four carrying handles and a cockpit rope rail provide a wide range of mooring options. In addition, they are quite suitable for attaching all sorts of useful little things: fishing net, nets with bait when fishing on the current in the wiring. Finally, you can cool a bottle of beer on a hot day.

Despite the fact that Skat S-330 is considered a four-seater, external dimensions are 330/150 cm, only two people can comfortably fish in it (including equipment). The declared carrying capacity of 450 kg is also somewhat exaggerated. No, of course you can download it, but it's not worth it. Overload immediately affects handling and maneuverability. And if another motorboat slipped nearby, then hold on to someone who had time for what. When buying, I was very embarrassed by the weight of the boat (two bags of 55 kg), but there's nothing to be done, such is the price for convenience and reliability. There were no problems with transportation to the reservoir, thanks to all the same bags, one 80x65x10 cm the other 100x60x27 cm. The boat cost more than 30 thousand rubles, but from the first exit to the water the “toad” calmed down - the vessel is really worth the money.


Coming to the store, you have already basically decided on the size and manufacturer, but there is always the possibility that preferences may change. So let's talk irrelevant. Of course, the eyes are chosen, then adjustments are made depending on financial capabilities. And here it is, your dream!

You need to start communication with the sales assistant by studying the certificates for the products being sold, and then proceed directly to checking the goods. We carefully examine the transport bags (most likely, there will be two of them). They should not show signs of careless storage and transportation. Tears, scuffs, split seams, torn handles, broken zippers.

When the boat is taken out of the package, try to remember how it is folded, this will be very useful later on, because you will have to repeat this procedure many times. Feel free to ask to practice, have them correct you if needed. Carefully inspect the eye-handle, handrail attachment eyes, carrying handles, oar latches and swivel "included". The oars themselves should also be checked for cracks, the fit of the handles, the reliability of the connecting node (a slight voltage should occur when connecting).

We check the operation of the pump and the compliance of the hoses and adapters with the valves of the boat. We inflate and check the places for gluing the bottom to the cylinders. There should be no wrinkles, distortions, mechanical defects of surfaces. That's actually all that you can check when buying. Time will tell the rest.

Overview and rating of PVC boats

Yamaran T280

In the model range of the Petroset company, the smallest is the T-280, but at the same time it has all the necessary attributes inherent in the "big brothers". The shape of the sides is U-shaped, the ends are conical. An inflatable keel and a rigid floor reinforced with stringers provide good stability in small waves. The boat is assembled from PVC with a density of 950 g/m2. It is recommended to use with a 3 HP motor.

Good option for fishing and hiking big rivers and lakes (though not very budget). Two cans are attached with screws. External dimensions 280x153, weight 51, load capacity 330 kg.

Silverado 30F

Index F in the name of the boat, presented by Petroset Bolshoi, means the Family sub-series. It is completed with a four-section payol with aluminum stringers. large stock buoyancy is ensured by an inflatable keelson (between the floorboard and the bottom) and three separate sections of the main cylinder.

Equipped with a transom capable of carrying a motor up to 4.5 hp. Two banks are fixed permanently, there is a railing (along the oars) and carrying handles (closer to the stern). The total weight of the boat is 54 kg with a load capacity of 425 kg. External dimensions - 298/151 cm. Refers to four-seater courts, however perfect option- two people and a small load. Designed for operation on small rivers and lakes with weak waves.

Nordic 360

One of the most popular Petroset Bolshoi models is the Nordik 360 mid-size station wagon. Even the basic version allows you to use a boat with a motor up to 15 hp, and the upgraded (reinforced) Hardy model can be equipped with a 25 hp motor. The bottom is assembled from waterproof plywood 12 mm fastened with aluminum profiles and reinforced with stringers. The railing is small, but the abundance of tape handles and four transport handles fully compensate for this. The basic model is equipped with two non-adjustable cans on belt seats, and on the Hardy modification - on the lyktros. The dimensions of the boat are 365/173 cm. The diameter of the cylinders is 46 cm. The weight is 61 kg. Load capacity 540 kg.


Special series of motor-rowing boats Tornado and Musson were developed specifically for the operating conditions in Russia. The customer is NISSAMARAN Co ltd. Japan, she also exercises strict control at all stages of production. All seams are glued "overlapped" by a modern welding method, and then additionally glued on top with the same material. The density of PVC used for the manufacture of cylinders is 1100 g/m2, the bottom is 1400 g/m2. Toward the nose, the diameter of the cylinders increases slightly. Starting from a length of 270 cm, all boats are equipped with regular bags located under the seats and a bow bag-locker.

Nissamaran Tornado 360

This model is equipped with a collapsible aluminum floorboard with stringers of a new design, a transom reinforced and increased in height, which allows the use of powerful outboard motors. The bottom received additional protection, the keel was reinforced with a rubber fender, and Bottom part cylinders (all over) glued with an additional layer of PVC. Dimensions 360/168, cylinders with a diameter of 45 cm, weight 65, load capacity up to 689 kg. Can be used with a 20 hp 4-stroke engine and carry five people with a load.

Admiral 375S

For the production of boats of the Admiral series, PVC with a density of 750 g / m2 manufactured in Germany (Heytex, Mexler) is used. When assembling, Bostic glue (Fr.) was used. Cylinders, 40 cm in diameter, are divided into five sealed compartments. The keel is inflatable. Five section laminated floorboard reinforced with stringers. Banks are attached according to the system of whether ktros-likpaz. Dimensions 375/145cm. Weight 44.5 kg. Load capacity 500 kg. Refers to four-seater motor-rowing vessels of medium size.

Admiral AM-320 Classic

Manufacturer "Admiral Boat" Released a new model with the Classic index. This is a further modification of the boats of the Sport series and models AM-290, AM-305. Main changes:

  • The cockpit has become larger;
  • Payol is tougher;
  • New design stringers;
  • New design and larger keelson;
  • Improved transom;
  • The bow of the boat has become higher and the bend is steeper.

Technical characteristics of the Admiral AM-320 Classic: weight 42.5 kg, dimensions 320/145 cm, load capacity 450 kg, recommended motor power - up to 10 hp.

Badger Fishing Line 390W

The Korean company Badger is well known to many domestic users of inflatable motor boats. Over the long years of existence, such series as Sport Line, Fishing Line, Reed Line, Wave Line, Hunting Line, Duck Line, Fast Cat and Heavy Duty have been developed and brought to European standards. PVC is used for production with a thickness of 1.1 mm and a density of 800-1300 g/m2.

The hallmark of Badger boats is a drain valve made in the form of a flap (can be used without stopping movement), a Twin Keel type keel and protection of the bottom of the cylinders with an additional layer of fabric. In addition to a rigid floorboard reinforced with stringers, the boats are equipped with an inflatable floor.

The main characteristics of the model Badger Fishing Line 390 W: dimensions 390/153 cm. PVC fabric density 1100 g/m2. Stationary transom 25 mm thick. Load capacity and capacity 560kg / 5 people. Banks are fastened with the lyktros / lykpaz system.

Favorite F-420

A real inflatable "boat" from the company "Mnev and K". This is a professional model that is great for rescue work and towing small rafts. It has increased strength (PVC density 1350 g/m2) and excellent seaworthiness. Despite its significant weight (90 kg), it can be easily moved to the place of use. A powerful transom allows the use of motors up to 30 hp. The floorboards made of marine plywood provide the necessary rigidity when planing in light and medium waves. The increased diameter of the cylinders (50 cm) is designed for a load capacity of up to 850 kg. The boat can take on board 5-6 people. External dimensions 420/200 cm. The lyktros-lykpaz system guarantees comfortable accommodation.

Fishing on the lake, rafting on the river or just a walk along the reservoir - all this can be done with comfort and safety only on one of the best PVC boats presented in this rating. Such boats are very convenient, because they can be lowered, disassembled and taken with you even in your hands at any time. But here you need to keep in mind that a huge selection can easily confuse even an experienced buyer. Therefore, we present you this TOP, compiled according to the results of feedback from product owners.

by the most the best manufacturers boats can be called:

  • The ark- immediately offers a number of series of products "Lotsman", he independently develops them, and produces, and sells them. To do this, the company uses fabrics based on polyvinyl chloride from several layers from famous brands Mirasol and Scantarp.
  • Boat Master is a Russian manufacturer of inflatable small-sized floating vehicles. The main office and production are located in Ufa, Russia. It was founded in 1993 and during this time created several brands: Riviera, Aqua, Taimen and some others. She has several patents, certificates and awards for the production of quality products.
  • Admiral is another company with a selection of boats for traveling on the river, lake and even out to sea, for the latter there is a special series of products. Some of them can be up to 5 m long and accommodate more than 3 people, this is not often seen.
  • Frigate- The company released the first inflatable watercraft made of polyvinyl chloride in 1991. Today in its assortment there are series for children, with NDND (inflatable bottom) of economy and premium class.

Rating of the best PVC boats

Its compilation would not have been possible without feedback from the owners of such small rubber boats. When analyzing them, we took into account how convenient, safe, useful and practical one or another model is, and also whether its quality corresponds to the established price.

From specifications were taken into account:

  • Weight, width, depth, shape and length of the product;
  • The height of the sides, it depends on it whether water will get inside;
  • Type of stern, whether it is raised, as this gives additional stability;
  • Maximum supported weight;
  • Number of seats;
  • The quality of fittings, including oars and barrels;
  • Bottom type (inflatable or rigid);
  • Equipment;
  • The strength and quality of the fabric, the number of layers;
  • Recommended motor power;
  • The number of air compartments and the size of the cylinders;
  • Color.

Best PVC Inflatable Rowing Boats

Such models are usually not very expensive, they cost several times less than those designed for a motor. Most often, they are characterized by a simple design and small size. They are mainly used by fishermen or hunters, but for long rafting this is not the best option.

Pilot C-200

Let's start the review with this offer, which in our rating can be called the best for fishermen who are going to sail alone. This single model has a non-inflatable bottom made of a thick layer of reinforced PVC. Therefore, it is not surprising that the reviews write about the convenience of catching fish even while standing. Naturally, the product is small and due to this it is very light, but at the same time it keeps quite reliably on the water, does not roll over and feels confident when cornering.

The model "Pilot C-200" has a well-located seat, almost in the middle. But sitting on it for a long time due to its rigidity can be uncomfortable. Since this is a rowing type watercraft, there are two oars in the kit, which are recognized as comfortable enough for long-term use. Separately, it should be noted the high quality of the seams applied end-to-end and reinforced with fabric, which makes the alloy even safer.


  • Feels confident on small waves;
  • Strong sidewalls;
  • Maneuverability;
  • Light weight;
  • Strength of materials;
  • There are several colors.


  • Load capacity below average (100 kg);
  • small oars;
  • The two people on board are still cramped.

The boat "Pilot C-200" weighs just under 9 kg, which makes it easy to transport. She will always be safe and sound thanks to the presence of a backpack in the kit.

Aqua Optima 260

This is one of the strongest and lightest models in our ranking. Its owners note in the reviews that the air in it is held securely, it is inflated easily and, if necessary, deflated without any problems. True, her bottom is not inflatable. The reliability of this option lies in the fact that it can stay afloat even if one of the compartments is punctured, since there are two of them.

The boat Aqua Optima 260 does not have a keel, but despite this, it keeps quite well on the turns. It is quite easy to manage it with the help of oars that come with a pump, oarlocks, and a handrail cable. Of the minuses, hard, uncomfortable seats can be distinguished.


  • Light weight without equipment;
  • Excellent handling;
  • Hardware quality;
  • Good gluing of seams;
  • budget model.


  • There is too little space for two;
  • The seats are very close to each other;
  • Oars while rowing can shift and fly off.

The length of the Aqua Optima is 260 cm, which partly explains its low weight of 13 kg. It is characterized by a simplified design with a minimum number of seams, which reduce the likelihood of damage to the product. The board can take on a maximum of 220 kg. The characteristics of this model are not the best, but, as for the budget, they are quite acceptable.

Going on a long voyage, you need to buy a good air mattress in advance.

The best motor-rowing boats made of PVC

Such options are relevant for those who are planning long-term rafting on large rivers or lakes. These boats can be steered with oars, or they can be motorized with a transom. But they all require registration with the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Admiral 280T

In this rating, this model is the golden mean between economical and expensive. According to the owners, it is quite comfortable, instead of hard seats, soft barrels are built in on the sides, and an optimal distance is made between them. The watercraft is suitable for two people, but can withstand a maximum of 210 kg. On the one hand, the non-inflatable bottom makes swimming safer, but on the other hand, it complicates the assembly of the product, just like a collapsible floorboard.

This model cannot boast of large dimensions, its length does not exceed 280 cm. The engine power indicators are 3.5 hp. also not the most impressive, but, in general, that is why it was included in the rating of the best rowing motor boats. The manufacturer added paddles to the set, for which special holders are provided. The raised stem allows you to quickly develop speed and enhances the resistance of the "vessel" to the water.


  • Walking;
  • Good side diameter
  • Overpriced feed;
  • Good fittings;
  • Excellent pump pump;
  • Light.


  • Oarlocks creak, lubrication is needed;
  • Valve springs rust quickly, the product must be thoroughly dried;
  • Poor water protection.

According to user reviews, the Admiral 280T is very convenient for fishermen who want to fish standing up.

Riviera 3200

This transom boat is manufactured by the Boat Master factory, which is quite famous in this market. It is characterized by increased stability on the water due to the built-in transom and dense inflatable keel. Its sides have optimal rigidity and height, which, in particular, made it possible to fix comfortable mobile seats for two people on them with a comfortable distance. The watercraft is really roomy, because its length is 3.2 m, while it can safely take up to 500 kg of cargo.

Obviously, the Riviera 3200 model is designed, if not for professional, then certainly for frequent use. Being designed for a motor with a power of up to 15 hp, it easily moves along reservoirs, rivers, lakes. But fishermen may have some difficulties, since there is no holder for fishing rods. A collapsible plywood flooring allows you to feel more comfortable on the “deck”, but at the same time increases the time for assembling the boat.


  • Easy floor assembly;
  • Quality materials;
  • No bad smell;
  • Sufficiently dense walls;
  • Beautiful colour;
  • Reliable seams;
  • Cylinder diameter;
  • cockpit width.


  • Asymmetrical gluing;
  • Lack of fabric reinforcement under the stringers;
  • Unreliable fastening of the valve cover of the front cylinder;
  • There is a backlash at the place where the pipes are joined;
  • The tapes covering the backlashes often move away.

Particular attention should be paid to the complete set: the set includes a pump, oars, and a handrail cable.

This is another pretty good rowing model designed to install a motor, but a powerful one, of course, will not work here, up to a maximum of 2.5 hp. And again here, like other models from this ranking of the best PVC boats, the bottom is not inflatable. But if necessary, you can use the removable option that comes with the kit. It is not the most capacious, its width is 1.28 m, and the length is 280 cm, but due to the expansion of the stern there is where to store fishing gear.

Like most inflatable two-seat watercraft of this format, the balloon is divided into 2 parts. Thanks to this, in the event of a violation of the integrity of the walls of a PVC product with the help of oars, it will be possible to continue to control it, while remaining afloat. Everything would be just fine if it were not for the weight of 16 kg, although for two people, which is how much the boat is designed for, this will not be a particular problem.


  • Spacious;
  • Durability of polyvinyl chloride fabric;
  • Compact when assembled
  • Easy to transport;
  • Reliable valves;
  • Holds air very well.


  • The pump is weak;
  • Unreliable fixation of the transom;
  • Not very good seats, they fall out if the boat is not pumped up.

Judging by the reviews of the Frigate M-3, it is obvious that the manufacturer was playing it safe when he indicated a maximum weight limit of 220 kg, in fact it is somewhat larger.

Which PVC boat is better to buy

If there are 2-3 people in one watercraft, then it is desirable that its length be at least 3 m. The barrels should be located at a sufficient distance so as not to touch the neighbor's oars. By the way, during a long voyage it will be very uncomfortable to sit on plastic and wooden seats. Those who are going to fish standing in it, it is better to give preference to options with a solid bottom.

When choosing a specific model from this TOP of the best PVC boats, you need to consider the following:

  • For those who go fishing rarely and for a short time, for example, on a calm and small river, you can buy inexpensive rowing models - Pilot C-200 or Aqua Optima 260.
  • Those wishing to go rafting for several days will find it difficult to control the oars all the time. In this case, the product must be provided with a transom for installing the motor. Then it won't be a mistake to choose pretty a good option Frigate M-3.
  • If 3 people plan to swim in a boat at once, as well as for its professional use, for example, by rescuers, the Riviera 3200 will be relevant.
  • Those who are going to fish or swim in rivers or lakes with a lot of thickets should take a closer look at the Admiral 280T model, which overcomes them perfectly.

It will be possible to buy the best PVC boat only when there is confidence in its stability, strength, practicality and safety. We primarily focused on these indicators when compiling this rating, we hope it will help you choose the right model for you.

Understanding, I hope general questions, let's move on to comparing inflatable boats from different manufacturers of the two most popular sizes - 330-340 and 360-370 cm.

Inflatable boats 320-340

These are most popular for fishing alone or occasionally with a partner. Why this particular size? The fact is that it is optimal for one user, and you can ride your wife or children with relative comfort. Boats of a smaller size at a relatively lower cost have worse operational parameters, less space in the cockpit, it is more difficult to enter the planing mode, and they are less seaworthy. The package size is also about the same. boats bigger size, although they exceed the size of 320-340 in terms of operational parameters, they are somewhat difficult to assemble and disassemble alone, and moving when assembled can be a problem, even with transport wheels. Now specifically for the models.

Cayman N-330

Manufactured by Mnev & K. The Cayman series of boats occupies one of the leading positions in the sales market. The boat has been produced for quite some time, which made it possible to debug the technology to the smallest detail, so it’s quite difficult to run into a low-quality copy. The boat has very good running and speed qualities, easy to assemble. Some reporters point to the insufficient density of the fabric used in the production of this boat (850g/m2). You should not believe such statements. The boat holds the wave well, the payolas are quite rigid, it has been tested on our own experience in various conditions Gulf of Finland and Ladoga with one and two passengers.

Yamaran B-330

Manufactured by Mnev & K under control of Yamaha. Native brother Cayman N-330. The boats are very similar in their parameters, except for the density of the fabric used in the production, the B-330 uses a fabric of 950gsm. The boat has a very attractive appearance and great build quality. The company Petroset, which sells this boat, as the official representative of Yamaha in Russia, completes these boats with Yamaha engines, but this boat also has excellent performance under the engines of other companies. One of my colleagues has been operating this boat for four years and is not going to change.

Badger SD-340

A boat with a slightly longer cockpit, but with a slightly shorter cockpit. A well-made boat, a characteristic feature, like the QUICKSILVER boats, is the cylinder limit switch lowered down. Theoretically, this should contribute to a calmer, without the effect of a cobra, entering the planing mode and increasing the size of the cockpit due to a smaller balloon projection over the transom than in boats with a straight trailer. In part, there is an effect from this, although my personal opinion is that this is nothing more than a marketing ploy. The boat is somewhat less fast than the previous two, has more weight due to the denser fabric.

Korsar J.Silver 330

Although this boat bears the name of a one-legged pirate, it does not look like an invalid. Excellent material and fairly good quality Korean, like Badger, assembly make this boat very attractive.

Very well stand and made payolas. Sometimes, very rarely, there is a non-glue connection of the trim plate and PVC profile, this should be paid attention to. The operation of such a boat in the harsh conditions of Ladoga and Onega gave very positive results.

Leader 330

Another boat made in St. Petersburg. A distinctive feature of this boat is a very high strength and rigidity of the structure. But you have to pay for everything, the boat is quite hard to assemble and disassemble. Another negative feature is the narrowed nose, if for driving performance this is a plus, then for an already small cockpit it is a minus, the effective area is reduced. Another characteristic feature is that the boat is packed not in two, but in three bags, the stringers are packed in a separate bag, sometimes it is very convenient. The stringers themselves are quite long, about 130cm and overlap three sections of the floorboard.

Berkut 330

Petersburg boat from the trading house Poseidon. Although the boats of this company appeared on the market quite recently, you should not be afraid of quality, Poseidon originates from the company Mnev, and Mnev is the name. A very good boat, specially sharpened for fishing. With a 45 cm balloon and a length to width ratio of less than two, this boat is a great stable platform. The maximum speed and handling of the boat suffers somewhat from this, but high speeds are not always required for fishing.

Frigate M-340

This model is included in the review due to its relative budget and, for all its shortcomings, a certain popularity. The transom, glued with a zero angle, was mentioned above, at high loads, the floorboard with stiffening elements of Frigate's own design is not entirely reliable. But, we must pay tribute, with a small engine power - this is a good fishing boat.


Although this brand and model appeared on the market not so long ago, it has already managed to win its fans. boat made with high quality, has the largest cylinder diameter and a fairly spacious cockpit. The only drawback is the largest weight of all the models considered, but this is a consequence of the use of a material with a high density.

Zoom 340S

The boat of the oldest manufacturer of inflatable boats - the famous company Zodiac, and that says it all. The boat is perfectly balanced, has a sufficiently large cylinder diameter and low weight. All this is achieved by using modern, latest materials and technologies. If not for the cost, this model would be just perfect.


Another boat from the global manufacturer - Mercury Marina. Due to its attractive price, the boat is the leader among the sales of imported models. Very good build quality, materials and components. The boat has a very decent driving performance, which are best implemented using the "native" Merkov engine. It can be used both for walks and entertainment on the water, and for fishing. In my opinion, the diameter of the cylinder is somewhat small, but this is a price for weight and good speed.

BRIG Dingo D-330

The boat is manufactured by the Brig company of our Ukrainian neighbors. I foresee the question - why not Adventure? The answer is simple - opinions about the boats produced by these two companies were divided approximately equally. Brig was chosen by me, as more, in my opinion, suitable for this review.

The boat is of very good quality, despite almost domestic origin, with good speed characteristics. The spacious cockpit allows you to use it both for recreation and for fishing, there are several color options for the fabric.

Suzumar 320A

Manufactured by Suzuki Marine. Another boat of very high quality, and the only one of all presented that has not plywood, but aluminum flooring, which made it possible to somewhat reduce the weight of the boat. The boat is very good when used alone, you can still ride together, but fishing is a bit crowded, with the exception of trolling. Rather, its purpose is to use on relatively small reservoirs, although one such boat is successfully used in the Vuoksa system, with its wide estuaries.

A few words in conclusion. All considered boats of size 330-340 fully satisfy the stated requirements - comfortable movement of one or two people on the water surface. Naturally, all boats are different, although you can trace a certain similarity of certain models. Yamaran and Cayman are very similar and almost twins, there are differences in fabric density and appearance, Badger and QUICKSILVER are also not far from each other, especially considering the common homeland and, most likely, common parents. Corsair and SILVERADO left very close to them. But there are still differences, and, accordingly, there is a choice, and your requirements for a boat can be very different, so the choice is yours and only yours. For those who are interested in my own conclusions, I recommend reading the next paragraph; others may skip it. So:

In my opinion, the most versatile boats are Cayman, Yamaran and Quick, the boats have excellent speed characteristics, which is good for relaxing on the water and a fairly spacious cockpit, which is important for fishing. Badger, Corsair and Silverado are somewhat inferior to them in speed, but are quite suitable for fishing. The ideal fishing boat - Berkut from Poseidon. The leader is suitable for those who operate the boat in harsh conditions of heavy loads. Susimar is a classic boat of the egoist variant. Dingo - rather for entertainment on the water. Zodiac - for connoisseurs of quality products, not constrained by means. Frigate - a boat for very unpretentious users.

Inflatable boats 350-370

This size is the most popular due to its versatility, more serious capacity (two people can quite comfortably fish in almost any way, except, perhaps, only fly fishing) and seaworthiness and is most often recommended as a fishing or sports boat for large and not very water bodies. It is important that these boats can be installed enough powerful engine, which allows them to be used to tow a skier. And the last - this is the largest size of boats that can still be assembled - disassembled - loaded alone.

Cayman N-360

I'm not afraid to say that this is the most popular boat, practically the standard among inflatable boats. It has been produced for a long time and, as a result, the manufacturing technology has been fully debugged, all childhood diseases have been cured. The boat has very good, if not the best, speed qualities, and a spacious cockpit allows it to be used for fishing. This model has repeatedly won prizes in water-motor competitions of a fairly high level.

Yamaran B-360

Sibling and main opponent of the N-360 in the races. The difference is a prettier, in my opinion, appearance and a denser fabric. Another difference is stringers packed in a separate bag.

Badger SD-370

A very well made boat with a calm character. It loses a little in speed to the Cayman and is more suitable for fishing and walking on water than for speed records. The main advantage is a spacious cockpit and a very dense fabric.

Korsar Combat CMB-380

Quite large, in its characteristics similar (gives origin) to the Badger boat. The disadvantage stems from the main advantage, size - a fairly large total weight, 77 kg for a user who does not have strong muscles, in my opinion, is a bit much, although few people use this boat alone, wife or young children do not count. When buying a boat of this model, pay attention to the manufacturer, St. Petersburg boats are of better quality. And the last - the boat can be equipped with two options for stringers, short composite and long. This is especially important when operating a boat in conditions of large reservoirs, a long stringer is preferable, it fixes the payol better than short ones. But be careful when using the maximum permissible engine power and extreme conditions operation, the stringer is quite easy to bend, the main reason is the large, almost limiting for an inflatable boat operated in harsh conditions, the length of the boat.

Leader L-360

Very strong boat difficult conditions operation. The disadvantages are the same as those of the L330, the complexity of assembly - disassembly. Great fishing boat for big waters.

Berkut-370 TD Poseidon

Another boat of this company, confidently going to the market. The build quality is very decent, the disadvantage is that the fabric is somewhat thin for such a measurement - 850g / sq.m. The boat has a large cockpit and can be recommended for use on waters with a calm character. I would not recommend her for Ladoga with her unpredictable nature, especially in the absence of experience, although this is my personal opinion. For sports achievements this model also fits a little.

Frigate М360

A frigate is a frigate and that says it all. If you still decide to buy this boat, carefully study the sections of the motorboat forums dedicated to this model, forewarned is forearmed!


Very decent boat good quality assembly and decent performance. Although it is made in China, the owner of the production is Korea, with all the advantages of a Korean assembly, and bears little resemblance to Chinese cheap stuff. It is very similar to its Korean counterparts both in design and fittings.

Zodiac Futura Mark 2C HD

This, like all Zodiac boats, is a classic inflatable boat. All the advantages of this model are immediately visible when looking at the comparative table. From myself I will add a very high quality of material, fittings and assembly, as well as an aluminum payol. But there are no boats without flaws, the Zodiac has it common to all models - a high, exorbitant cost, but if this is not a problem for you, the choice is clear. This boat also has a very high overall weight, which may require the use of a trailer for transportation, which is hardly a problem for those who decide to buy this boat.

QUICKSILVER 380 Heavy Duty

A boat with a sporty character and decent workmanship. Of the shortcomings - plywood payol and, as a result, a very high weight. You can’t cope with this boat alone, what you need to pay attention to when buying. The solution to the problem, like the one-class Zodiac, is the use of a trailer for transportation.


Boat with high build quality and material. Advantage - low weight, which allows you to use it alone. In my opinion, the size of the cockpit is somewhat small, but this is a consequence of the overall length of the boat. It should be noted that the manufacturer pays great attention to the quality and manufacturability of production, she, and even her fellow tribe Adventure, use welding in the manufacture of boats in the territory of the former USSR.

Suzumar 360al

Good quality boat with aluminum floorboard. There are two opinions about the floorboard - an excellent floorboard, much better and lighter than plywood, practically not killed, and a good floorboard, which has a tendency to deform under heavy loads. Most likely, both opinions have the right to exist, the point here is, rather, in different operating conditions. Very remarkable are the opinions expressed at the famous forum of motorists. When compared with the one-class Cayman, opinions change in the direction of reference with the advancement to the east. Most likely this is due to the insufficient distribution of this brand in the European territory and vice versa.

To sum it up, I hope that this review will help you in choosing the boat that best suits all your requirements. One thing should be remembered, the choice of a boat is always a compromise, and for this, try to decide on the main thing - cost, dimensions and weight, in this sequence, and then with other parameters.

For fishing, hunting and just relaxing on the water, many people dream of having a personal watercraft. In most cases, a PVC inflatable boat will be the ideal solution. At the same time, there are models both oar and designed for the motor. There are also boats with an inflatable bottom, and this is a completely different level of comfort.

Our review includes the best PVC boat models sold in Russia. The rating is presented in the most popular categories of goods and is based on the characteristics declared by the manufacturer, cost and popularity among the consumer. At the same time, reviews of owners who have already made their choice were taken into account.

The best PVC single boats

Single PVC boats (motor and motor-rowing) are characterized by an extremely low carrying capacity (within 150 - 180 kg) and a length of no more than 230 cm. For such boats, the recommended motor power is no more than 5 hp. from. (Too much power can cause the boat to become uncontrollable).

The most common reason for buying a single boat is the low price. But it is worth noting that the savings are not always justified, because even if the boat is purchased for one person, fishing on it is not always convenient. So, most models do not have a hard floor (keel, payol), which can create big problems with frequent movements around the boat. The soft floor also affects handling. In addition, the single-seat version is not suitable for long cruises, as there are very few things to fit. In fact, only a passenger and fishing tackle. But it’s not uncommon for tourist fishermen to take on board a tent, a burner, a bowler hat, a sleeping bag, etc.

4 BreezeBoat Breeze 190BreezeBoat Breeze 190

Paddles optional. The best choice to replace
Country Russia
Average price: 6990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Distinctive feature The inflatable boat BreezeBoat Breeze 190 presented in our rating is an exceptionally small kit weight, which is only 6.3 kg. This plays an important role when choosing a compact model for fishing or for collecting trophies on the water while hunting. The boat is designed for one passenger and is able to withstand loads up to 150 kg. For a comfortable stay in it, a rigid bank of moisture-resistant plywood is provided, which is located in such a way that steering the boat with the help of oars does not cause difficulties.

The short length of the BreezeBoat Breeze 190 PVC boat provides it with better maneuverability, which is an important aspect in small closed reservoirs. This model can be purchased with or without a set of oars. The reviews note the excellent stability, lightness and ease of control of this inflatable boat.

3 STREAM Stream-1

Light. Optimum load capacity
Country Russia
Average price: 14100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Single rowing boat STREAM Stream-1 is one of the most affordable in the budget price segment. Low price on this model is due to the use of non-reinforced PVC in the design of the boat, as well as the lack of a transom in the delivery set. In length, Stream-1 has one of the lowest rates - only 220 cm. At the same time, the carrying capacity of the boat is not the smallest - 170 kg.

The purchase of this model is recommended for small fishing tasks, such as moving around lakes and small streams. But it's not just for fishing. It can also be useful for a game hunter to ambush in the floodplains. At the same time, it should be noted a light weight models (10.5 kg), ease of transportation (takes up little space in the trunk). It is also possible to purchase a separate plywood floorboard for this boat, which will greatly increase the convenience of using it.

2 Leader Compact 220

The most maneuverable
Country Russia
Average price: 9277 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

When choosing a single row boat for fishing on a small calm pond, best performance offers an inflatable PVC model Leader Compact 220. The dimensions of the boat are 2.18 X 1.01 m and its high carrying capacity of up to 150 kg allows you to comfortably fit in it with all the necessary equipment. The presented boat is distinguished by better maneuverability and safety due to the design features. The frame is based on a tension bottom and an inflatable balloon, which consists of two independent compartments in case of a puncture.

The Leader Compact 220 boat is manufactured using modern technology and high quality PVC fabric made in Germany, which provides it with the best environmental resistance and reliability. In their reviews, users note the high endurance of the craft, which is not surprising - its service life can reach 15 years. The package of the Leader Compact 220 inflatable boat includes a storage bag, folding oars, a seat, a pump and a repair kit.

1 Pilot C-200

Country Russia
Average price: 6823 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The compact and lightweight inflatable boat Pilot C-200 with a carrying capacity of 100 kg is deservedly popular with amateurs. active rest on the water due to its high quality and ease of use. The presented model is made of durable Finnish-made PVC with a density of 750 g/m, due to which it is resistant to mechanical stress and is designed for long-term operation. The boat is lightweight and easily fits into a backpack when assembled, which makes it indispensable for hiking trips.

To ensure maximum safety and in case of damage to the PVC boat on the water, in this model the inflatable balloon is divided into 2 isolated parts. Due to the presence of rotary oarlocks and folding oars, the boat is very easy to manage. It also demonstrates the best directional stability even in full load conditions, so the movement on it will not be special work. Users who bought this inflatable fishing boat rate its performance positively in their reviews.

The best double PVC boats

The working load capacity of double inflatable boats starts from 200 kg, and the length is from 280 cm. Some models can be safely equipped with motors up to 8 hp. with., thereby obtaining a good set for fishing on calm water.

4 Pilot M-280 ZhS

Hard paypal. High quality welds
Country Russia
Average price: 14289 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The best choice when looking for an inflatable boat for fishing on a lake or river is the Lotsman M-280 ZhS model, which, with all its advantages, has a balanced price. It can be used as a vehicle with an oar drive, and also, due to the presence of a stationary transom, it is also designed for a motor. The high-strength reinforced PVC material used in its manufacture, as well as the welded seam system, provide the boat with maximum strength and durability. This model can accommodate 2 people, for whom comfortable sliding seats are equipped.

The design features of the inflatable boat Lotsman M-280 ZhS provide it with better stability and maneuverability, as well as maximum safety. Inflatable balloons of this model are divided by partitions so that three separate compartments are formed. A distinctive feature of this PVC boat is the presence in the set of a collapsible floor-book, which is made of 6 mm plywood and guarantees better bottom rigidity and, accordingly, stability on it.

3 TONAR Skipper 260

High-quality and reliable design
Country Russia
Average price: 11190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Due to the reliability of the design and high build quality, the TONAR Skipper 260 inflatable boat is popular with buyers who choose the right model for fishing, hunting or just outdoor activities. This model, designed for two passengers, is made in a classic form, and has a better capacity, so you can comfortably sit in it even with the presence of cargo. To ensure safety while on the water, you should take into account the manufacturer's recommendations for carrying capacity, the indicators of which for this boat should not exceed 210 kg.

PVC boat TONAR Skipper 260 is quickly assembled, for ease of transportation, a backpack bag is provided in the kit - it weighs a little (13 kg), and an adult can easily take it for a short hiking. The presented PVC boat has special mounts that allow you to adjust the placement of the oar relative to the oarlock, while choosing the optimal comfortable position for rowing. Also in the reviews note the convenient location of the cans and the ability to adjust the distance between them.

2 Frigate 300

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 19200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Another very high quality double boat made of reinforced PVC. A distinctive feature of the Frigate 300 is the size of the boat. It is 300 cm long and 150 cm wide. The load capacity is 220 kg. According to the technical data, the Frigate 300 can be safely equipped with an 8 hp engine. from.

Another distinguishing feature of Frigate is a high-quality type of seam made using vulcanization technology. The boat is completed with an inflatable keel and a collapsible payol. Optionally, a water drain valve can be installed on the Frigate 300, which will make it easy to get rid of excess water inside the boat.

1 Leader Compact 255

Market novelty. The most affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 10100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Perfect for fishing, hunting or outdoor activities new model Leader Compact The dimensions of the inflatable boat are 254 X 132 cm, which allows you to take on board two people and a payload with a total weight of up to 220 kg. The floating craft is not designed for a motor and is driven by oar traction (oars are included in the delivery set). When assembled, the boat can be easily carried over long distances by one person - its weight is only 15 kg.

Despite the rowing type of an inflatable boat, the PVC from which the cylinders are made is quite dense and reliable (36 cm in diameter). There are two hard seats and a handrail cable. Instead of an inflatable bottom - dense PVC without inserts, which is not very convenient. At the same time, the cockpit for two fishermen / hunters with luggage is not spacious, but, judging by user reviews, it is quite sufficient - the interior of the boat is 178 X 60 cm.

Best Triple PVC Boats

The working load capacity of triple inflatable boats is 300 - 450 kg, and the length: 300 - 350 cm. Such models of boats can be equipped with a motor with a power of up to 9.9 liters. from.

4 Mnev & K Cayman N-300

Optimum size and load characteristics
Country Russia
Average price: 26250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The boat has a built-in transom for the motor and hinged oarlocks for oars for low-speed maneuvering. It is very convenient not only for fishing but also for hunting. The tension bottom in the front part has an inflatable keelson, which provides better stability during high-speed travel. The maximum power of the motor should not exceed 10 hp. from. - more transom can not withstand. The paypole is rigid, made of plywood elements and allows a person of medium and large build (up to 80 kg) to confidently stand on it. Cylinders have better unsinkability, because they are divided into three compartments. With a diameter of 39 cm, the inflatable boat can carry three people and a payload. The main thing is that the total mass, including the engine, does not exceed 370 kg.

In the reviews, the owners are satisfied with their choice - high-quality PVC, reliable seam performance, fenders (also made of PVC profile) were highly rated by many owners. Convenient carrying handles (two at the stern and one above the anchor eye) will allow you to easily transport the boat over short distances (without equipment, it weighs 46 kg).

3 HUNTERBOAT Hunter 320

Best load capacity
Country Russia
Average price: 24990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Another successful model inflatable pvc boats, from the well-known St. Petersburg manufacturer, the Hunterboat company. In the popularity rating of the boats of this company, the Hunter 320 model takes second place, second only to the more capacious version, the Hunter 335. The obvious advantages of the Hunter 320 are its affordable price, good load capacity (up to 450 kg) and good handling, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

The floor of the boat is made of 9mm waterproof plywood. The boat comes with a repair kit, a backpack, a universal foot pump, a seat, an adapter for an air valve, two oars and a prefabricated floor. The disadvantages of the model, according to user reviews, include not very high-quality gluing of seams.


A light weight
Country Russia
Average price: 19,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

FLINC FT320L is one of the first transom boats in the Flink brand lineup. A distinctive feature of this boat is the use instead of the usual keel, keels - floats installed in the area of ​​the trim plate. Due to this, the turning radius of the boat and its total weight and dimensions are reduced. It also reduces water resistance, which makes it easier to bring the boat into the glider. However, keels - floats have "opponents". FLINC FT320L comes with a flat bottom, which imposes some restrictions on the power of the motor used and the overall speed. You can't go fast on a boat like this. However, for these purposes there is FLINC FT320 with a keel and a floor reinforced with stringers.

Video - overview

1 Leader Taiga T-320

The most affordable price in the category
Country Russia
Average price: 19800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Three-seater motor-rowing PVC boat Leader Taiga T-320 is of high quality, which is confirmed by the official manufacturer's warranty for the material (3 years) and adhesive seams (24 months). The inflatable boat is very convenient for fishing thanks to the spacious cockpit 2.22 X 0.66 m and a rigid floorboard 9 mm thick - you can easily spin while standing in it. The built-in transom provided in this model is designed for a 10 hp engine. with., which allows you to move around standing water at a speed of up to 30 km / h (provided there are two passengers in the boat).

Excellent speed characteristics and handling are also confirmed in the reviews of many owners. The possibility of as soon as possible bring the boat to full readiness - everything takes no more than 10-15 minutes. The Taiga T-320 inflatable boat is characterized by increased safety and comfort. The mobile seats are durable, made of multilayer plywood, resistant to moisture. The only drawback that the owners noticed was the absence of a valve on the transom for the possibility of removing water from the cockpit.

The best PVC boats with an inflatable bottom

Finally, let's look at boats with an inflatable bottom. Such models have a number of advantages. Chief among them is ease of use. If you have to spend 30-40 minutes to assemble a wooden or aluminum floor, then you just need to connect the pump and wait (or work) for 10 minutes. Also, PVC boats with an inflatable bottom have a much smaller weight and dimensions, which greatly facilitates transportation and storage. Finally, such a bottom, due to the sufficiently high pressure inside, adds to the boat's carrying capacity. Yes, and bringing such a craft to planing is much easier.

But without flaws also nowhere. Nevertheless, the inflatable bottom, no matter how much it is inflated, does not have high rigidity, which is why it is sometimes not very comfortable to stand on it. Well, the most obvious - it can be simply pierced with an awkwardly dropped knife. Fortunately, manufacturers have recently begun to add another layer of durable PVC fabric to protect in such situations. Which model is good enough not to pay attention to these shortcomings - see the rating.

4 Captain A320

Optimal combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 33500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

PVC boat with a low pressure inflatable bottom (LPND) has a fairly spacious cockpit. Its dimensions are 2.3 X 0.68, which is ideal for fishing or hunting groups of 3-4 people. At the same time, NDND provides better stability on the water, and easy access to gliding - the boat quickly picks up speed and keeps the set course well. The cylinders are divided into three compartments, which increases safety in case of damage.

The owners of this boat speak positively about their choice. It is practical and unpretentious in operation, and during transportation it is compact and light - the weight is only 31 kg. The use of five-layer PVC gives good strength and resistance to minor damage. The transom perfectly holds the engine up to 10 hp. s., which, judging by the reviews, is quite enough for this inflatable boat even with the maximum possible load (no more than 400 kg).

3 Aqua 3400 NDND

Attractive price
Country Russia
Average price: 29750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This inflatable boat has quite a few advantages, and the most important of them is the high density of PVC from which the cylinders are made (900 g/m²). Thanks to this, you can not be afraid of the branches of flooded trees and other objects that can be found on the water surface or on the shore - it will not be easy to pierce it. In addition, the Aqua 3400 NDND has an inflatable bottom, which will add convenience. At the same time, it will not take much of the depth of the cockpit, because the diameter of the cylinders is prudently made larger - 42 cm. In addition, the low pressure design is close in strength to hard plastic (plywood) flooring, which provides huge advantages.

The owners, who preferred the Aqua 3400 NDND, explain their choice not only by the democratic cost (in this category, this inflatable boat has best price). Positive ratings in the reviews deserve such characteristics of the boat as handling, lightness (32 kg), and good equipment. It includes a life line, a water drain valve, oarlocks and oars, as well as a repair kit, and, of course, a pump. In addition, there is a PVC fender along the perimeter of the inflatable boat, which only adds to the reliability.

2 Solar 380

best speed
Country Russia
Average price: 60705 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This model from Solar is rather strange. On the one hand, its cost is quite high, which guarantees excellent quality. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. On the other hand, some elementary details are missing here, such as a valve for draining water. And this is a little discouraging, given that the leader of the rating at a cost of almost 20 thousand less, has the same dimensions, good quality and many useful "goodies".

But the Solar 380 has one, but very important for some, advantage - the ability to quickly accelerate. High speed became possible thanks to the inflatable keel, which provides gliding. Also, we must not forget about the possibility of installing a motor with a power of up to 30 hp. In general, a great model for lovers of speed. But if you mostly sit quietly waiting for the next fish, check out the next model.


The most thoughtful
Country Russia
Average price: 54100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Already the color of this boat betrays its main purpose - hunting and fishing. And there is everything for this. There is enough space - according to the passport up to 5 people, but during fishing, 2-3 people will most comfortably accommodate. Carrying capacity is the best in the class - 689 kg. There are small storage niches, as well as bow and parking awnings, providing easy storage and comfort. Also, they did not forget about very useful little things, such as an anchor eye and a valve for draining water. The latter is extremely necessary, because the weight of the boat is almost 57 kg, so it will be hard to simply turn the boat over. Yes, and the valve is simply more convenient.

By the way, weight is one of the main problems of this boat. Every now and then you come across reviews where users complain about high weight. Also worth noting is the flimsy bag for carrying the boat - it can break on the first use.

The best PVC motor boats of the premium segment

4 Badger Heavy Duty 370AL

The optimum ratio of price and quality
The country: Russia (produced in South Korea)
Average price: 66190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Large cylinder diameter of 53 cm and an inflatable keel allow this PVC boat to be used for fishing (walking) on ​​the sea or navigable rivers. A decent width of the roomy cockpit (80 cm) allows you to easily accommodate 6-7 people (carrying capacity is 820 kg). The transom is laminated with plastic and has a drain valve. The presence of an aluminum floorboard (collapsible design) allows you to safely stand in the boat at the same time several passengers. Provided on the Badger Heavy Duty 370 AL are oarlocks with oars and holders (everything is included). In a boat of this level, it is not surprising that there is an anchor eye, there is also a lifeline and, of course, stringers for payols.

Judging by the reviews, it is not at all necessary to install the most powerful motor (25 hp) - it is quite possible to get by with 20 “horses”. The exceptional strength of the inflatable boat has been tested in different conditions (according to the owners, sometimes very harsh). We can safely say that it does not require regular pumping, even with temperature fluctuations and daily use for two weeks. The Badger Heavy Duty inflatable boat is durable, has good endurance and stability even on a big wave.

3 Frigate M-430

The most reliable model
Country Russia
Average price: 56143 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Rejecting any attempts to become a small vessel for a leisurely river cruise, the Fregat M-430 PVC boat takes pride of place in the ranking. While not showing outstanding results in terms of basic performance, it boasts exceptional reliability, since it is based on the use of reinforcement of the base material. The maximum load capacity of the 425 cm model is 900 kilograms, and therefore it can easily withstand up to six people on board.