Yoga elements for beginners. Yoga for beginners: a set of classes at home. From simple to complex

The practice of asanas (yoga exercises) performed according to the technology of classical yoga leads to a balance of all internal processes so that in human body all distortions are aligned at the level of the body and psyche. This contributes to the full functioning of the entire human body and further self-improvement, spiritual growth.

In simple terms, we can say that doing classical yoga, a person first becomes simply healthy!

What should a beginner know about yoga?

Yoga, namely the classical one, which is rooted in antiquity, a system that helps a person to harmonize his body, including the psyche. In a word, to balance the entire system if it has been shaken throughout the life span for one reason or another. Or, even better, maintain an optimal healthy state if the body works satisfactorily. After all, as you know, entropy, the aging process does not sleep.

If a person has health, then over time, the potential of a person begins to be released, and this, in turn, makes life creative, conscious and of high quality, and a person grows spiritually!

Yoga for beginners

Many people perceive yoga as a regular exercise. Many fitness halls, yoga studios teach yoga as physical education. But physical education is not yoga.
Because of such a clear misconception, people are misinformed. And sometimes they do years of regular physical activity, thinking that they are doing yoga.
There is nothing wrong with physical activity, on the contrary, it is necessary, but you need to understand that yoga has nothing to do with such a load.
To learn more watch the short video

Yoga is a way to establish communication with your own psyche, and this happens through introspection, turning your attention to the inner space of the mind and psyche. Introspection is possible only when the body remains still and relaxed. That's why ancient yoga always gave asanas in a static version and not in any other. Only when all movements are minimized, all processes slow down, and the sense organs are able to disconnect from the outside world, and direct attention to the inner world of a person.

And this journey begins with own body.

Who can practice yoga?

Yoga can be practiced by people of any age from 10 years old, if they have no serious health complaints.

It's never too late to take care of yourself, it's never too late to start taking care of your health, it's never too late to start investing in yourself, it's never too late to start living smarter and better.

If an understanding of why it is necessary to prioritize giving preference to health is instilled from childhood, you are an adult, you will give the most valuable program and the most valuable skill to your offspring. Having matured, a person in the future will not have problems with remaking himself and eradicating bad habits.

If a person is already an adult, then it is also not too late for him to start changing himself. Of course this will not happen quickly, but the saying goes:

Only the one who walks will master the path!

If a person is elderly, then yoga will alleviate, one way or another, his current condition.

If a person has health complaints, yoga can also be practiced, but under the guidance of an experienced yoga therapist who has sufficient age experience, both in personal practice and in working with people.

Of course, there are people whose health is already on the verge of survival, and here yoga cannot help, since the rate of development of the disease already exceeds the rate of possible positive effects from yoga. Most often, people pay attention to their body, when the "fried rooster pecks" as the people say, and for some, this rooster provides a shake-up service too late.

Having drawn a conclusion from this, we can confidently state that - Do not wait for this very “rooster”, start doing yourself before it’s too late and this is the most reasonable decision that you can make and you won’t regret in the future!

Yoga classes for beginners

It is difficult to start a practice on your own, it is difficult to find the right information. Not everyone can go to classes in the yoga section, but they want to do it. Fortunately, the world does not stand still and now there is an opportunity to do yoga without leaving home. Online yoga classes allow people to practice yoga in their own environment, as well as always have feedback from a yoga instructor.

Our online platform allows you to practice yoga three times a week at a time convenient for you (morning, afternoon, evening), this allows people who live in different time zones to participate. Our classes start at 6 am Moscow time.

For all beginners, in order to have an idea about the format of the classes, we provide a week of yoga classes - for free.

Learn materials about yoga practice online:

You can also practice on your own. But before you start yoga, learn the rules that will make your practice better from the very first days.

conditions for practice. Rules before the first yoga class

  • It is advisable to do it on an empty stomach, or 3 hours after eating.
    For those people who have stomach problems, you can drink tea with milk, cocoa, yogurt, etc. an hour before the practice
    Or eat any fruit
  • Before class, you must ensure the appropriate conditions:
    Place a rug or folded blanket on the floor.
    Prepare a blanket to ensure maximum comfort and warmth in the final position for relaxation.
    You can also prepare a blindfold - if you are engaged in the day.
  • Provide silence. All telephones, means of communication must be turned off, or the sound must be turned off. If the environment is too noisy, then you can buy "earplugs" at the pharmacy that will ensure silence at the time of class.
  • If you are doing any active view sports, then the last workout should be 3 (or better 4) hours before practice.
    The best option is to have this activity on another day.
  • If you visit a bath, then it is better not to practice yoga on this day, or provide a gap between the bath and practice in time of 4-5 hours.
  • If you have taken alcohol (even a glass of wine) - do not do yoga,
    A minimum of 36 hours should elapse between drinking alcohol and practicing yoga.
  • Do not take a contrast or too hot shower (bath) immediately before or immediately after practice.
    Moderately warm shower

Yoga Poses for Beginners

Beginners need to start yoga practice with the simplest poses.

To work out the whole body, you can choose a set of asanas for bending forward, bending back, twisting the body, positions for balance and strength.

  • power postures- necessary for strengthening the musculoskeletal system and strengthening muscles

  • forward bends- stretch the back of the legs, buttocks, lower back, stretch the back.

  • Backbends- strengthen the spine, back muscles.

  • twists- twisted spinal column and torso, making the body more plastic.

Rules after class

  1. Calmly proceed with the usual activities that do not require extreme concentration
  2. Eat after 30 minutes, you can immediately drink water, drinks
  3. Do not take a contrast shower
  4. Do not start active physical activity (min 3 hours)

Contraindications for yoga

  1. Long-term and simultaneous intake of a large number of drugs;
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. Postoperative period;
  4. Menstruation in women;
  5. severe physical fatigue;
  6. Overheating and hypothermia;
  7. Body temperature above 37 and below 36.2 degrees;
  8. Too hard (overload) mode of everyday life;
  9. Hard physical work;
  10. Professional sports (but go well with yoga) sport games, running and swimming);
  11. Full stomach;
  12. Deep massage courses, acupuncture

If you have any health concerns, or doubt whether you can exercise, you can get a free consultation.
Certified instructors will select a set of exercises for your characteristics and make up a set of classes.

You can also try a short beginner class right now.

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Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical exercise and emotional cleansing. Pair yoga - great way not only improve health, but also find points of interaction with a partner: it helps to better understand each other, trust and act as one.

website I have collected for you 12 yoga exercises, which are created especially for two.

Standing backbend

Effect. One of the best starting poses that stimulates nervous system, kidneys and adrenal glands. Increases lung capacity. Strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Accelerates metabolism.

Angle Pose

Effect. Refers to yoga poses that improve the elasticity of the muscles and tendons of the thigh. Strengthens the spine and helps with back pain. Applied in medicinal purposes for asthma and to improve blood circulation.

Half Lotus Pose

Effect. This is a favorable pose for the hips, knees and calves. Strengthens the sacral spine and the area where the sciatic nerve is located. Strengthens and makes the muscles of the thighs elastic. It is prescribed for sore knees. Forms the correct posture and reduces the curvature of the spine.

Standing tilt

Effect. Stimulates the liver, kidneys and spleen. Slows down the heart rate and calms the nerves. Staying in the pose for 2 minutes or longer relieves depression.


Effect. Useful exercise, which improves digestion, stretches the tendons and muscles of the legs and relieves back pain.

Furious Pose (Power Pose)

Effect. Strengthens the legs and abs, while developing muscles evenly. Develops shoulder mobility and opens chest. Arms, back are strengthened, the spine is stretched. Often used for the prevention and treatment of flat feet.

Tilt to the legs while sitting

Effect. Eliminates stoop and curvature of the spine. Reduces appetite and improves digestion. Stimulates the work of the endocrine and circulatory system.

Sitting Bend + Locust Pose

Yoga attracts with the help of simple exercises you can easily achieve amazing effects: harmony of mind and body, well-being, weight loss. For beginners, it is enough to perform a complex of 10 asanas once a day. Poses can be very different. The main thing is to do them regularly and with pleasure.


Yoga: Top 10 Asanas for Beginners...and More

The great thing about Indian practice is that during exercises that seem simple, you can get both light and intense load. Each asana has simplifications for beginners and continuations for experienced ones. Therefore, even the coolest yogis do not disdain performing basic poses. First, they can dose the load. Second, duration matters. Try to spend at least half an hour in the butterfly asana!

The 10 easiest yoga exercises are the key to harmony, flexibility and weight loss. You need to perform them at the limit of your strength, but without allowing excessive stress, pain or tremor. If the asana seems too easy, move on to complications, or expand the complex.

Bidalasana or cat pose

Bidalasana or cat pose

This is a pose on all fours. It is so simple and useful that it is available not only for beginners, but also for pregnant women. The technique for its implementation is simple, but you need to make sure that the arms and legs are strictly perpendicular to the floor. In this position, begin to arch your back with an inhalation. The movement of the spine is slow and undulating, consistent with breathing. As you exhale, arch your back. This pose is useful not only for weight loss. It strengthens the back muscles and increases the flexibility of the spine. If badalasana seems too simple for you, add a movement with your foot: while inhaling, try to touch the crown of your heel, while exhaling, reach your nose with your knee. Then repeat in the mirror version.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog

From bidalasana, straighten your knees. Keep your feet firmly pressed to the floor, push off with your hands so that the body moves back, knees straight. Ideally, when performing such exercises, uddiyana bandha should involuntarily arise - the stomach, as it were, falls inward. If this happens, then you are great shape and no weight loss is required. Experienced Yogis use adho mukha svanasana for relaxation. Its usefulness is that it is somewhat inverted. Blood rushes to the brain, its cells are renewed, the complexion improves, and the abdominal walls perform a kind of massage for the digestive organs. You can complicate this pose by alternately raising your legs.

Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose

From adho mukha svanasana step with one foot between the hands. Rise up with your back straight. Hands can be joined above the head. Then it will be virabhadrasana I. Or you can spread them parallel to the legs. Then it will be virabhadrasana II. Holding this pose helps to make the legs strong. In addition, it is good for losing weight in the pelvic area. If the pose seems too simple for you, you can complicate the complex. To do this, you need to tear off one leg and straighten the body parallel to the floor, standing on the supporting foot. The pose requires execution on both the left and right sides.

Trikonasana or triangle pose

From Virabhadrasana II, tilt the body towards the front leg. Palm on the floor next to the foot of the same name. The second hand continues the line of the first. Trikonasana aids digestion and stretches the lower back muscles. For beginners, it is important to rebuild the position of the feet. The back foot should be at a 45 degree angle to the front foot. This complex should also be performed twice, symmetrically on the right and left legs. If the exercise becomes easy, try reaching for your left leg. right hand. You will get a twisted pose, useful for losing weight. It is called parivrita trikonasana - inverted triangle.

Tadasana or mountain pose

Tadasana or mountain pose

For beginners, this pose will be the easiest. It's just a standing position. The back is straight, the stomach is tucked up, the feet are firmly pressed to the floor, the chin is parallel to the floor. The weight is evenly distributed over the feet. Tadasana tones the muscles and forms the posture; almost any complex of asanas begins with it. For complication, you can go to the simplest poses for balance. To do this, you need to rise on your toes and try to stand like this, keeping your balance.

Vrikshasana or tree pose

rikshasana or tree pose

The most popular yoga asana, after the lotus. To perform it, you need to stand in tadasana, raise one of the legs and press the foot to inside hips of the opposite leg. Vrikshasana helps to increase lung capacity and trains the vestibular apparatus. For beginners, it may be a secret that balance depends on the aspiration of the gaze. When we look at one point, our body is more stable. Yogis say: is it difficult to keep balance? Look at the floor. Has it become easier? Look ahead. Dealt with it? Turn your eyes up. If you stand still, close your eyes.

Camel riding. This is a dynamic complex

Camel riding - dynamic complex

Starting position - sitting on your knees and heels, or in Turkish. Arch your back as you exhale, arch your back as you inhale. The complex helps to activate the movement of energy in the main channel of the body, located along the spine. It also increases the flexibility of the back, while massaging internal organs which is good for weight loss. If the complex does not give the same effect, try doing it faster. At the same time, yoga uses the breath of fire - a quick intense exhalation through the nose, an arbitrary breath.

Baddhakonasana or Closed Angle Pose

In the people - a butterfly. Sitting, join the feet and bring them closer to the perineum. Now it's up to stretching. But no sudden movements and strong-willed efforts are needed. For beginners, the pose is mastered only by a long hold. It is good to find at least 10 minutes for baddhakonsana every day. It not only promotes stretching, which is useful for yoga later, but also has a good effect on the genitourinary system. The pose is useful for pregnant women. If the stomach does not allow you to sit comfortably in this asana, you can lie on your back without changing the position of the legs.

Pashchimotanasana or Western Stretch

Yogis represent a person facing east. The western part of the body is the back. Sitting, you need to bend over to straightened legs. The knees are straight, the back, if possible, is not rounded. The pose is good for varicose veins, it removes toxins from the body and is indispensable for losing weight. For complication, you can take hold of the feet and forcefully pull yourself down.

Purvotanasana, eastern body stretch

For beginners, it is important to perform it after the previous one, this will be compensation. From pashchimotanasana, you need to rise up, place your palms at the buttocks with your fingers forward, and then raise the pelvis up without bending your knees. Purvotanasana strengthens the wrists, ankles and abs and increases lung capacity.

These 10 asanas can be performed sequentially as a complex, or can be included in various other classes. For fast weight loss turn on intense breathing, and to relax, on the contrary, slow down the work of the lungs. After mastering these poses, you can move on to the main complex of yoga - salutation to the sun.

If you are thinking about starting yoga from scratch at home, but do not know which side to approach the mat, this article is for you. Your own yoga practice is a great way to delve into your own feelings and improve your technique.

Yoga from scratch and even at home? - still seems like an impossible idea? But if you have found in yourself a desire to get acquainted with yoga, but cannot schedule a visit to a group class with a teacher or are shy for any reason, then read our article soon!

Despite all its benefits, yoga at home is not in high demand. Let's face it, we always need someone who will motivate and push - an instructor or an example of other students in the class. And at home there are more important things to do: check the mail, sleep longer, watch the series, what kind of home yoga practice is there! Nevertheless, this is exactly the case when your results will depend on your self-organization and inner desire.

If you can only practice under duress, and eventually this may stop motivating you, then there can be no question of any transformation of consciousness and strengthening of the body. This approach is only disappointing.

Others do not give yoga a single chance, considering it a useless exercise. All this talk about rhythmic breathing, focusing on inner world, meditation... there is no time for that. Elementary stretching is done as quickly as possible or skipped altogether.

Even if you do not take into account the spiritual component, but only the work of yoga with the physical body, the situation does not get better. With frequent training, your muscles and joints become stiff and inflexible, and after power loads muscles do not recover properly. This vicious circle can only be broken by regularly practicing yoga at home or in the gym at least twice a week for 30-60 minutes. What is two hours (maximum) out of 168! Just a small percentage of your time, which will pay off doubly - flexible elastic body and balanced mind!

Why is it important to practice yoga at home?

Everyone can do yoga at home, even if you consider yourself inflexible or not strong enough. Over time, these indicators will develop. A prerequisite is that yoga should fit your comfort zone.

An important advantage of doing yoga at home is that you do not need to adapt to the rhythm of the teacher and the group. Your yoga can be your mood, energizing positive, or vice versa - calming.

In order to finally decide to practice yoga at home, we tell you about the benefits of yoga on our own.

The benefits of yoga

Yoga is a process of stretching and strengthening muscles in a precise rhythm. This form of training enhances all other activities. When combining strength and cardio loads in training program balance is achieved. yoga brings great benefit athletes, and, in addition, helps in the prevention of injuries. Among other things, the positive effect of yoga on the vital activity of individual organs and their groups has been proven.

Yoga helps relieve stress and calm the mind. Yoga classes at home will help you achieve a state of harmony with your own "I", with the outside world and you will find a point of inner balance, which in today's chaotic society can become a source of strength and motivation for you. Regular yoga practices help develop creativity and solve mental problems.

There is no competitive spirit in yoga, it allows you to let go of your own ego and realize that all people are equal, there are no good or bad, no people are better or worse. Every person, attending daily yoga classes in the studio or practicing at home, strives for perfection and tries to surpass only himself. Agree, this is a real outlet in the modern world, where everyone strives to prove that he has the right to the first place.

The advantage of self-practice at home is the privacy that allows you to immerse yourself in yoga even deeper. You can improve concentration, look into yourself and listen to your feelings while doing asanas, without being distracted by other students or the set rhythm of the teacher.

The amazing thing about yoga is that your own practice will constantly evolve and change so you never get bored. You can tailor your classes so that this moment time, they most corresponded to your initial state. morning yoga practices will help you start the day full of energy and happy peace, at lunchtime - relieve stress, and evening classes at home will calm your thoughts after a stormy day and allow you to fall asleep faster.

And at dawn, just imagine how nice it will be to perform "Adoration of the Sun" while standing on your balcony.

So, what should be the first step of self-study yoga?

How to start doing yoga at home

Starting yoga classes at home is not difficult, start by organizing and planning your class. Of course, if you have nothing to practice, you can try to study asanas without a rug and in a nightgown, but still, in order to tune in to harmony and a yogic mood, you should take care of the atmosphere of the class in advance.

1. Choice of location

You need a small space for practice, yoga is not breakdancing, all movements in yoga are performed smoothly and carefully, the furniture will not be damaged.

You can spread the rug anywhere in your home. Look around, choose your place. This can be free space in the middle of the bedroom, opposite a closet with tall mirrors (to see yourself in reflection) or on the balcony if it's summer outside, or the balcony is heated.

2. Choosing a rug

There are a lot of yoga mats these days, no matter which one you choose. Of course, a rug with an author's illustration will please the eye and amuse one's self-esteem. But, if you are a beginner yoga practitioner, choose any that you can buy today.

Thanks to the special rubberized coating of the mat, your hands and feet will not slip during the asanas. Make sure that the rug meets this main requirement.

Do not take thick mats for fitness, they tend to crumple a lot under the weight of the body and do not lie so tightly on the floor.

Opt for a dedicated yoga mat.

This is the necessary minimum that you need to have for self-practice yoga at home.

The price of a rug can vary from 200 to 4000 rubles. The most expensive options, as a rule, with the author's painting.

3. Atmosphere

The right decision would be to get rid of unnecessary things on the floor. For the duration of the practice, free your corner from paintings, floor lamps, chairs, bedside tables. Nothing should distract your eyes while practicing yoga at home.

Ask your family not to enter the room where you practice yoga. Keep your pets out of the room. Otherwise, buy earplugs if any noise can distract you.

Ventilate the room, let fresh air into the room. And it is definitely worth wiping the floors at least in the place where you will practice yoga. Not the most pleasant feeling when dust sticks to the heels during asanas.

The muffled light of a lamp or candle, incense sticks - will turn any corner of the house into a small "folding" yoga studio.

Staying in such an atmosphere will put you in the appropriate peaceful mood for your studies.

4. Optional accessories

If you want to practice with greater comfort, also prepare the following:

  • a small cushion to sit on if your legs get tired of sitting in the lotus position, or if you lack flexibility in other sitting postures.
  • a belt or belt (for example, it can be useful for Janu-shirshasana asana, where you sit and stretch your head to the knee of a straightened leg)
  • blocks and bolsters (yoga rolls) that you can use in some asanas to ease the posture
  • a blanket for the final shavasana (so as not to freeze); A large towel will do.

All accessories are available in sports stores and almost any major shopping center.

5. Choice of yoga clothes

For yoga beginners, any sportswear that does not restrict movement is suitable. For girls, leggings, a tight-fitting t-shirt or overalls, and for men, loose-fitting or tight-fitting pants and a t-shirt.

When buying clothes, test it right in the fitting room: take a deep lunge, bend over, sit down, lift your leg forward and take it to the side, try sitting in the lotus position. If your pants didn’t fall off, wrinkles didn’t form at the folds, and the T-shirt didn’t ride up to the chin, then the clothes will suit you for yoga.

Pay attention to the material, you can choose both natural fabric and light synthetics. important point in yoga clothes, these are the seams, they should not be rough, do not scratch or leave marks on the body.

Most people practice yoga barefoot. Suitable for practice and thin socks. In addition, there are special yoga socks with separate toes and anti-slip protruding elements. With these socks, you can practice yoga without a rug.

The choice of clothing depends on the type of yoga: for power yoga, leggings and a T-shirt are suitable, similar to fitness clothes, for hatha yoga, clothes that do not restrict movement are needed. Kundalini yoga involves a headdress and white clothes, which, according to the masters, can enhance the aura.

6. Video and online lessons

There are many beginner yoga videos available on YouTube from different yoga bloggers. Watch some videos, find the right one.

Starting yoga at home

Preparing the body for yoga at home

Preparing the body for yoga practice is also very important. Take a shower before doing yoga at home. But do not smear with oils, scented creams and spray toilet water on yourself, just clean your skin.

In principle, it is advisable to carry out all water procedures before your yoga classes, and not after. This is due to the fact that yoga causes long-term changes in blood circulation, on which its therapeutic effect is partly based. This is also why intense physical activity is not recommended after yoga.

Practice yoga on an empty stomach. If yoga is planned in the morning, then before breakfast, in the evening - after eating, 2-3 hours should pass. If hunger is too strong, eat something light, such as fruit or vegetable salad, muesli yogurt, drink a glass of juice.

When not to do yoga

Contraindications to the practice are as follows:

  • immediately after playing sports and in a state of severe physical fatigue,
  • at a body temperature above 37º and exacerbations of chronic diseases,
  • in the first 3-5 hours after the bath (sauna),
  • within a day after drinking alcohol,
  • in the first days of the cycle (for women),
  • after undergoing severe stress,
  • immediately after eating
  • just before bed.

Yoga exercises at home

Yoga classes at home for beginners can be started with a popular complex called "Worship the Sun" or "Surya Namaskar". This is a dynamic complex, which includes a sequence of individual body positions interconnected by dynamic transitions. Sun worship consists of 12 positions. You can do the complex both at a fast and slow pace.

1. Prayer posture. pranamasana

Stand straight, feet together, toes pointing strictly straight (to reach this position of the feet, slightly spread the heels), stretch your arms along the body. While inhaling, close your thumbs at the level of the pelvis, bring your hands to your chest, closing your palms, fingers together. Take one full breath and one full breath.

2. Pose with raised arms. Hasta Uttanasana

Raise both outstretched arms above your head as you inhale. Make a slight bend, while not bending in the lower back, i.e. do not take the pelvis back. We take a long breath during the entrance to the pose.

3. Torso tilt (head to feet). Padahastasana

As you exhale, lean forward. Place your hands on the floor on either side of your feet or near (if flexibility does not allow you to bend your legs slightly or put your hands on a special block), and rest your head on your knees if possible. Exhale long throughout the movement.

4. Pose of the rider. Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Keeping both hands in place, step back with your right foot as far as possible. The toes of the right foot rest on the floor. Take a long breath while stretching the chest up.

5. Mountain pose. Parvatasana

On a long exhalation, move left leg back and place near the right. At the same time, lift your buttocks and lower your head between your arms so that your body forms a triangle with the floor. Try to stretch your heels to the floor, and pull your stomach in as much as possible. Relax your neck.

6. Ashtanga Namaskara Pose.

Gently bend your knees and arms at the elbows, touching the floor with your forehead and chest. The body position resembles a zigzag. We touch the floor with forehead, chest, palms, toes and knees. The buttocks remain at the top, and the back is arched. In this asana, we inhale and exhale. For beginners, this pose may seem difficult; you can replace it with the Chaturanga Dandasana Four Pillars Pose. The position of the body resembles a plank on the palms, with the elbows bent. From this position, the beginner can immediately smoothly enter the next step without delay.

7. Snake pose. Bhujangasana

Lower your hips to the floor of your leg, but do not bend at the knees. On a long breath, push your chest forward and up with your hands, making a deflection. The face is directed upward. Legs and Bottom part stomachs remain on the floor, arms support the torso.

8. Mountain Pose, Parvatasana

As you exhale, return to mountain pose, trying to keep your arms and legs straight.

9. Pose of the rider. Ashwa Sanchalanasana

As you inhale, take a wide step forward with your left foot, placing the foot between your hands. Bend over and look up as in pose 4.

10. Pose head to feet. Padahastasana

Step forward with your right foot and place it next to your left. Straighten your legs, lean forward and exhale. Try to touch your knees with your head. Hands remain on the floor next to the feet.

11. Pose with raised arms. Hasta Uttanasana

Raise yourself with your arms extended above your head and bend back, repeating pose 2. Inhale all the way into the asana.

12. Prayer posture. pranamasana

Straighten your body and place your hands palms facing each other in front of your chest, as in the starting pose.

To complete the circle of the complex, it is necessary to perform the same movements, only change in position 4 the leg that goes back first (instead of the right - the left), and in position No. 9 - instead of the left - the right. Do some laps. Start the practice of the complex with 2-4 circles, then you can go on to perform 6-8-12 circles.


Now you know, how to start doing yoga at home from scratch. However, remember that the most important thing in independent practice is regularity. If you do not have the opportunity to devote time to yoga every day, make sure that it is at least systemic, for example, do it every other day, but without skipping.

Of course, it is difficult to immediately carve out 1.5-2 hours for a lesson. To simplify this task, you can do this: start with 15-20 minutes of practice. Breathe, perform a sun salutation and shavasana complex, but do it all with the maximum return to the process. 15 minutes a day is not much, but don't skip these mini-classes and don't be lazy. Gradually start adding the number of asanas and the total yoga time, no more than 10 minutes a week, so you yourself can reach the number of hours of practice that is convenient for you.

Don't regret the hours you spend on your mat doing yoga at home on your own. Even though during this time you could finish your business, report, do laundry, make a couple of business calls or sleep, yoga will return these hours to you a hundredfold! You will become a more balanced person, your health will become better, and your body will become more toned, you will sleep less and at the same time get enough sleep, and most importantly, your taste for life will wake up in you! You can read more about the benefits of yoga.

As a yoga beginner, you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of poses. Don't worry if you don't know the names of the poses. Yoga classes are a life long distance, you will have enough time to learn a large number of asanas. You will progress and over time you will master more and more complex options. It is always better to start simple, besides, many basic exercises do not lose their value over time and will be beneficial over a long period of practice. So that you can start doing yoga at home, we have collected the most popular poses for beginners in pictures with the name and description of the technique.

Before you start learning the basic asanas and start performing the very first poses, let's look at what types there are, so that it is easier for you to navigate and understand what to expect from the exercise.


Standing poses are the most difficult for beginners and are often done at the beginning of a warm-up session. In Vinyasa flow yoga, standing poses follow each other and are used to build ligaments. In Hatha yoga, standing postures can occur separately, combined with rest after each posture.

To balance

Balance development is extremely important for beginners, balance poses help strengthen the core muscles, which in turn is necessary for mastering more complex poses. While maintaining balance may seem difficult at first, over time, with regular practice, you will definitely notice progress.


Bridges can be the most uncomfortable posture for beginners, so they usually start with a slight backbend and stretch. Since such movements are rare in Everyday life, they are extremely important for the health and longevity of the spine.


The seated poses focus on stretching the hips and hamstrings and are usually done at the end of the session when the body is well warmed up. Place a rolled up blanket or block under your buttocks to feel more comfortable in these positions.

On the back, rest

It is very important to know the asanas in which you can relax, especially the child's pose, which is good for taking a break during yoga. Lying postures allow you to continue to work the muscles and tendons of the thighs, as in the sitting position, and also allow you to do backbends and twists.

Basic yoga postures

1. Bridge Pose (Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge pose is a gentle way to start stretching your spine. This posture will help improve spinal mobility and help offset the effect that prolonged sitting has on the spine. If at first this pose seems too difficult for you, place a block under your back.

This pose is great for both stretching the spine and bending it. Moving back and forth awakens and warms up the back, improves well-being and is a good introduction to vinyasa, helps to synchronize breathing and movement.

3. Child Pose (Balasana)

It would not be an exaggeration to call this pose the most important for beginners. Even though this pose is great for stretching the back and hips, its main advantage is not that. Child pose is a resting time during yoga practice. You don't have to be instructed to take this pose, you can take it at any time, listening to your body and acting according to your own feelings. Great, isn't it?

4. Shoemaker's Pose (Badha Konasana)

sitting posture

Let gravity work on stretching inner surface thighs in cobbler's pose. If you find this pose difficult, put something in - sit on a block or a rolled up blanket so your hips are higher, this will allow your knees to open more naturally. It will take a lot of effort to keep your knees high, but your legs should be relaxed. To get the most benefit from stretching, place blocks or something supportive under your knees to support them.

5. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The Cobra Pose is done many times during the Flow Yoga class in the Vinshasa sequence. A full cobra is performed with straight arms and a deep arch in the back, however, it is possible to do this pose in a variant where you only arch your chest without resting your arms, this will also allow you to secure the pelvis to the floor before you rise.

6. Posture of the deceased (Savasana)

Each yoga session ends with the supine position in the pose of the deceased. This is an important transition from occupation to everyday life. While your body is completely absorbed in doing yoga postures, your mind is freed. Bringing the body to a still position will make it difficult to feel calm at first, but over time it will become easier for you.

7. Downward facing dog (Mukha Svanasana)

standing posture

We can't talk about yoga poses without mentioning the downward facing dog pose. It’s no coincidence that this pose is so common in pop culture, it’s done to achieve a variety of goals in almost every yoga class. It may be uncomfortable or difficult at first, but very soon the posture will become a natural place to relax and reset. Notice it's not that important to keep your legs straight, bent legs knees allow this pose to be accessible to many people.

8. Downward facing dog pose

Standing posture, ballance

Performing balance poses strengthens the core muscles. In this pose, it doesn't matter how high you can raise your leg, focus on keeping your hips up as you lift one leg off the floor.

9. Easy Pose (Sakhasana)

sitting posture

The fear of being in a cross-legged position keeps many people from trying yoga, but in vain, this is not at all scary. It is wise to use supports first to make this posture more comfortable. This posture can compensate Negative consequences prolonged sitting on a chair.

10. Right Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

standing posture

Although the hand is outside the foot in the figure, this is not the best option for many people. The hand can be placed on the block both outside and inside the foot, you can also place the forearm against the thigh - this is good for beginners. Make sure that the position of the hands does not interfere with the opening of the chest towards the ceiling.

11. Garland Pose (Malasana)

standing posture

Residents of modern cities in the 21st century rarely encounter squats, but this good exercise for stretching the muscles of the pelvis, in yoga it is often called the "opener" for the hips. Surprisingly, it also works well on your often neglected feet. If squats are too difficult for you, use a support.

12. Half forward bend (Ardha Uttanasana)

standing posture

A forward bend with a straight back is often performed during the Sun Salutation routine. In this form, it is often done hastily, but it is worth working on it separately. Feeling how flat your back is important part developing a sense of one's own body. First, control its position in the mirror. Many people think that keeping the hands on the ground is preferable because it provides a secure footing, even if the back is rounded. This is not the case, place your hands higher on your legs so that it allows you to keep your back straight.

13. Half Lord of the Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

sitting posture

Twisting is an integral part of yoga. They help to improve the mobility of the spine, and also help the digestive tract, if necessary (with constipation for example). You can straighten the lower leg if it is difficult to keep it bent in front of you.

14. Happy Child Pose (Ananda Balasana)

Happy Child Pose is a wonderful way to end your yoga session. It is also a good example of the balance between tension and relaxation in yoga. You can press down on your feet to bring your legs closer to your armpits, but only until your tailbone starts to lift off the floor. Do not go to extremes, you need to find a middle ground.

15. Pose head to knees (Yanu Sirsasana)

sitting posture

Forward bends are difficult for those with inelastic hamstrings (and there are many). Avoiding bending will not help stretch them. Yanu Sirsasana is an accessible pose for most, since you are only stretching one leg at a time.

16. Knees, chest and chin (Ashtanga Namaskara)

This was one of the postures performed by beginners as an alternative or preparation for Chaturanga Dandasana. In recent years, the pose has become less popular, with the result that some students start doing Chaturanga too early when they are not yet ready. It belongs to the sun salutation sequence and is also a good warm-up for deeper backbends.

17. Feet up along the wall (Viparita Karani)

It is impossible to perform the Viparita Karani pose incorrectly. This pose will be a real gift for those who spend a lot of time on their feet. You can stay in this position for several minutes to recuperate.

18. Lunge Pose

standing posture

The position of the body during the lunge is extremely important. Try to keep the right angles - the knee should be strictly above the foot, and the thigh should be parallel to the floor. The back leg should be straight. Many people do not lean enough towards the front leg and as a result allow the back leg to bend, check the execution technique in the mirror.

19. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

standing posture

You will meet the Tadasana pose in various lists of the most important postures and you will probably wonder why. While it doesn't look difficult, it's hard to explain how much balance work you need to do and how important it is to other standing postures and to the overall sense of balance in the body. Take this posture and remain still in it - this is the most The best way start yoga.

Pose for balance

It may seem strange to call the plank a balance pose, because the danger of falling is negligible. However, this posture is essential to another. It is needed for the development of the core muscles, and they, in turn, are needed for progress in other poses (standing balance poses or poses on hands). The plank is a great way to develop stability and endurance.

21. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana)

standing posture

Standing, lean forward like a pyramid. Place blocks on each side of the foot to raise the level to a position where you can comfortably place your hands. Your hamstrings will get enough stress anyway and will thank you.

22. Raised Hand Pose (Urdhva Hastasana)

standing posture

The pose is based on the mountain pose (see above). Urdhva Hastasana requires you to stand firmly on your feet while you stretch your arms towards the sky. The result will be a complete stretch of the body. This is a good way to start the strength part of a yoga class.

23. Big Toe Retraction (Supta Padangushthasana)

In the "official" version of this pose, you must hold thumb legs with hands. But this option is not suitable for beginners. If you stick with the hard variation straight away, you may need to bend your knee and/or lift your shoulders off the floor. To prevent this from happening, use a belt.

24. Sitting Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

sitting posture

It is no coincidence that there are so many exercises in beginner poses aimed at stretching the back of the thigh. The fact is that in people who sit a lot, the muscles and tendons in this area are shortened, which leads to back pain. Their stretching is well suited for both prevention and treatment.

25. Tilt from a seated position with legs wide apart (Upavishtha Konasana)

sitting posture

Spread legs create a different stretch in the legs compared to Paschimottanasana (see above). It may seem like the task is to touch the floor with your chest, but this is an unrealistic task for most beginners. Concentrate on keeping your back straight and turning your pelvis as much as possible in the direction of the lean instead of bending only through the curve of your spine, keep your feet still. Watch the technique and then it will not be so important how deep you can bend over.

26. Staff Pose (Dandasana)

sitting posture

Dandasana is often said to be the seated version of mountain pose. This is a fairly close characteristic of this pose. If you find it difficult to sit with a straight back, place a rolled up blanket under you. This will lift the pelvis and tilt it slightly forward, which will allow the spine to feel more comfortable. You can do this in any sitting position.

27. Lying Twisting Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana)

Pose on the back, rest

Passive core rotations are a good way to end a yoga session, although there are no hard and fast rules against doing this pose at the beginning of a class. The position of the legs is also not strictly regulated. If you have enough flexibility, then the upper leg can be straightened and held. You can also rotate one leg in relation to the other, as in the eagle pose, to stretch outer surface hips.

28. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Standing posture, balance

Tree pose is a good start to mastering balance poses. If you feel like you're losing your balance, just take a step. Try not to create a counterweight by artificially pushing the hips far to the sides.

29. Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

standing posture

Most beginners can benefit greatly by using the block at hand. This extra height allows the front leg to straighten out without locking the knee, and also allows the chest to open towards the ceiling instead of facing the floor.

30. Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)

standing posture

Warrior poses are classics and cover many different styles and practices. Warrior I Pose is somewhat more difficult than Warrior II Pose due to the position of the pelvis. In warrior pose I, the pelvis looks forward as in mountain pose, despite the fact that the position of the legs is different.

31. Warrior Pose II (Virabhadrasana II)

standing posture

In Warrior II, the pelvis is in a different position. The back leg is positioned so that the pelvis is facing the mat. Understanding the difference between open (warrior pose II) and closed (warrior pose I) pelvic positions is key for beginners, and over time, the sense of control of your own body will improve and you will be ready for more difficult poses.

How to start doing yoga

Deciding to practice yoga is the first step. Now you need to find correct yoga class or study at home. Let's figure out what steps you need to take next to start enjoying and benefiting from classes.

Choose a type of yoga

As you will see later, there are many varieties of yoga, some just won't work for you and your fitness level.

Take a few minutes to get to know different styles yoga. For most beginners the best choice there will be Hatha or Vinyasa, depending on whether you want to practice at a slower or faster pace. it base styles, you can try something more elaborate later on.

Despite the vast number of books and videos available, nothing can replace a good yoga teacher. If you are unable to attend classes, start with video tutorials, as the video gives a better idea of ​​the technique than the book.

Find a class

You can find yoga classes in your city, just look at specialized resources on the Internet and local magazines and find the most convenient class for you. If you are visiting gym, mind you, many fitness centers offer yoga classes by subscription. Start with the basics. Find a good instructor who will motivate you. If you do not like the instructor, try to work out with another, search until you find the most suitable for you.

What to Expect from a Yoga Practice

On the first day, you will not need to take anything with you except comfortable breathable clothes. Most classes have their own equipment that you will need for classes.

Usually the students arrange the mats towards the instructor, sometimes in a checkerboard pattern. This is due to the fact that you need to leave space next to you so as not to embarrass your neighbor, some poses will need more free space than others.

Students usually sit cross-legged while waiting for class to begin or do some light stretching.

Usual class order:

  • The instructor can start the session by humming "ommm" three times. Some instructors start with breathing exercises or meditation.
  • This is followed by warm-up poses, active poses, then stretching and final relaxation. If you are tired, then take the pose of the child, at any time during the lesson.
  • Sometimes the teacher walks around his students during the final relaxation and gives a little advice, at the end there may be another cycle of singing “omm”.
  • Remember that the day after the first session, you may experience muscle pain.

30 Day Home Yoga Program for Beginners

Yoga is very popular these days, but it can be difficult to grab a mat and start doing poses in class together. 30 day program classes at home is designed to give a start to your studies, to consolidate the correct order of performing poses, which are arranged in order of complication. Once you start yoga, over time you will feel the full benefits of the classes and you will not be able to quit, this will be the first month of your new life as a yoga.

  • You need to spend about 15 minutes doing a daily stretch and 30-45 minutes for an extended workout.
  • Feel free to add new poses to your daily routine if you have the time.
  • You can attend a group class instead of a long home workout if you prefer.
  • Don't worry if you miss a day of class, just pick up where you left off.

Yoga classes do not require a lot of additional equipment, but there are a few things that it is advisable to purchase in advance. First of all, this is a rug, it is also desirable to have blocks, a belt and a comfortable blanket to start exercising at home.

Sun salutation will form the basis of your longer sessions. It may be unusual at first, but over time, the implementation of this complex will become more natural.

The first day

  1. Start your workout with stretching.
  2. Add three sun salutations.
  3. Rest for a few minutes in the posture of the deceased.

Week 1

During the first week of training, stretch daily, Sun Salutation every other day. Combine standing and sitting postures during the sessions in order to perform a longer session at least three times a week. Remember to rest in mortuary position at the end of each session.

Think about what time is best for you to practice. A good opportunity to do yoga in the morning, you can start the day with stretching, find the best time.

Schedule for the first week:

  • Day 1: Stretching + 3x Sun Salutation.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Standing Stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

For the remainder of the month, you will be doing short daily stretches and adding variation to longer sequences of poses.

  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Moon Salutation + Sitting Stretch + Standing Stretch.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: Stretch + 3x Moon Salutation + Standing Stretch + Balance Poses.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretching + 3 x Moon Salutations + Standing Stretches + Yoga Abs.
  • Day 7: Stretch.
  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: stretching + 3 times Surya Namaskar + stretching in a sitting position + stretching in a standing position.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: stretching + 3 times Surya Namaskar + stretching in a standing position + yoga for the press.
  • Day 7: Stretch.
  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Surya Namaskar + Sitting Stretch + Standing Stretch + Hand Yoga.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: stretch + Surya Namaskar + standing stretch + balance poses + sitting stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretch + 3x Surya Namaskar + Standing Stretch + Abs Yoga + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

After completing this 30-day complex, you will get into the habit of practicing yoga daily. Continue to stretch daily, and do longer stretches three times a week. This mode will allow you to enter the process of training, develop the habit of exercising, and in the long run will improve your physical form and tone.

A few tips to prepare yourself for yoga classes in the classroom or at home.

  • Eat a big meal before class (try to eat a light meal a few hours before class);
  • drink water during class, drink plenty of fluids before and after class;
  • wear shoes or socks during class.
  • at the first lesson, inform the instructor about your level in yoga;
  • contact the instructor for help if necessary;