Kokorin is resting in Monte Carlo. Kokorin and Mamaev in Monaco: champagne to the Russian anthem. Mamaev in court announced his voluntary appearance before the investigator

Party of two famous Russian football players in Monaco caused a real scandal that threatens athletes serious consequences. Football players of the Russian national team Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin noted the loss at the Twiga nightclub. The party with champagne and hookah was held under the anthem of Russia.

The video was posted online by one of the visitors to a nightclub in Monte Carlo. In the video that appeared on Instagram, you can see that Mamaev and Kokorin are smoking a hookah surrounded by girls, and at the same time the Russian anthem is playing. According to some reports, the players bought about 500 bottles of champagne worth 250,000 euros, which they distributed to everyone.

It has already been decided to apply penalties to both players. Forward of the St. Petersburg "Zenith" and the Russian national team Alexander Kokorin will be fined for misbehavior and transferred to the second team. Zenit CEO Maxim Mitrofanov said: “We are conducting our own investigation into this episode. Considering the damage done to everything Russian football reputational damage, the club decided to transfer Kokorin to Zenit-2 and impose a large fine on him.

Midfielder of the Krasnodar football club and the Russian national team Pavel Mamaev will be fined and transferred from the main team to the youth team of FC Krasnodar. The general director of the club, Vladimir Khashig, commented on the scandalous video: “We believe that such behavior is outrageous and unacceptable for a FC Krasnodar player.”

Official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin, commenting on this incident, he joked on his Twitter: “Pour was entrusted to others. These would definitely not fall into the glasses ... ".

Change.org, a global online petition and vote-collection service, has launched petition for the exclusion of Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev from the Russian team. In an appeal sent to the President of the Russian Federation, it is proposed to send all the money that the team received for performing on to help children: “At a time when Russian television is raising funds to pay for operations for children, the so-called “football players of Russia” spend in nightclubs amounts comparable to the dozens of surgeries our children need.” Also, the petition says that the players, who appeared on a booze with a hookah in expensive club, disgraced the country with their game, but at the same time they are completely dismissive of their fans and citizens of the country: “Given that the Russian team performed at the European Championship in the most disgusting way, disgracing the country and the hopes of Russian fans, we believe that this behavior of the players is a demonstration of disregard to the citizens of the country.

Kokorin and Mamaev - Monte Carlo

Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin celebrated on a grand scale the departure of the Russian national team from the Euro, which for them meant an early start to the vacation. Football players who did not score a single goal in the tournament had a party at the prestigious Twiga nightclub located in Monte Carlo.

The players decided to treat all those present with elite Armand de Brignac champagne, one bottle of which costs €500. In total, according to eyewitnesses, the waiters carried out about 500 bottles, that is, Mamaev and Kokorin together spent € 250 thousand just for champagne.

Alcohol was solemnly brought into the hall to the accompaniment of the Russian anthem and flashes of sparklers. The players at this time were smoking a hookah.

“We were sitting with friends, and opposite us were Mamaev and Kokorin, surrounded by girls. At first, they behaved very calmly and modestly. Then they began to take out champagne to the anthem of Russia, began to throw out confetti, lit sparklers. Football players treated everyone. Some simply took the bottles from their table, as there were a myriad of them, ”a club visitor told Life.

The rest of the time, judging by the instagram of Alana Mamaev's wife, the two players had a typical beach holiday on the Cote d'Azur.

This episode has already reacted in the club Mamaev "Krasnodar". The press service of Krasnodar announced that the player, due to his “outrageous” behavior, will be transferred to the youth squad and will be subject to financial punishment.

The head of the RFU, Vitaly Mutko, in a commentary to Sport Express, noted that the behavior of the players will be taken into account when forming the national team.

True, Alexander Kokorin soon denied involvement in this party.

“It would be foolish to deny that we were present in this institution. This happened 4-5 days ago. Everyone who knows this place can confirm that there are always many Russian visitors there. So it was this time. Someone was celebrating a birthday, and we were just there.

Naturally, everyone saw these ordered bottles, heard the Russian anthem, but why attribute the organization of all this to us? We have nothing to do with the bills for this party or its surroundings, and with the money in question in the media, one could buy not only champagne, but the whole institution, ”TASS quotes Kokorin.

Shishkin – Monaco

Roman Shishkin did not play a minute in France. Immediately after the national team left the tournament, he went on vacation to Monaco, becoming one of ten players who did not go to Moscow with the team.

The Lokomotiv player spent a well-deserved rest in the company of his family on the Mediterranean coast, as you can see from the pictures posted by his wife Marina. Roman himself is rarely seen in photographs. One of them shows how he is about to get into a helicopter taxi to get to the airport.

Ignashevich - Normandy

Sergei Ignashevich was one of four national team players who fully played all three matches on the field group stage. After the tournament, the defender of CSKA moved not to the south of France, but to the north.

Shchennikov - Russia

The wife of Georgiy Shchennikov, who played two matches, Diana has published three pictures over the past week, which show how she is resting married couple with his son Daniel.

True, it is difficult to determine exactly where the CSKA player and his relatives decided to spend their post-tournament rest. Only one picture shows inscriptions in Russian, which means that the defender decided to prepare for the new football season somewhere in his native country.

Golovin - Russia

At home with friends, Alexander Golovin, the youngest player of the national team for the Euro, decided to relax. The midfielder's fan page on VKontakte contains several shots of how he was gaining strength until July 1, when it was time to return to CSKA. Now the player’s schedule does not include parties and parties, but training.

Glushakov - unknown

Denis Glushakov did not advertise the details of his rest after the tournament, in which he was one of the best in the national team. His last Instagram post was made in Austria already during the training camp with Spartak. Together with the player of the red and white, his wife Daria and daughter Valeria went to the Alpine country.

Shatov - unknown

Oleg Shatov had no time for rest after the Euro. Just two days after the final group stage match against Wales, the Zenit midfielder welcomed his second son. And on July 5, the player joined the team at the second training camp in Switzerland.

Football player Alexander Kokorin gathered journalists today to apologize. After waiting a few days after the scandal with the party in Monaco, where he was captured together with another player of the national team, Pavel Mamaev, the storm that erupted after this in the football community and the sharp reaction of the clubs for which the athletes play, Kokorin, carefully choosing his words, said this.

About his non-football adventures, which, however, turned out to be as inglorious as the game of our team at the European Championship, Alexander Kokorin spoke at a specially convened press conference. For this explanation, the striker of the Russian national football team and part-time lover of noisy parties on the Cote d'Azur was waiting for several days.

Kokorin came out to the press tanned, rested and defiantly sad. The attacker had difficulty choosing words, spoke with long, almost theatrical, pauses, and in the end, after thinking, he decided to apologize to numerous television cameras.

“I regret that I allowed a situation that caused a big scandal. I would like to apologize to everyone who was offended by my act. It is probably wrong that after a video thrown in that does not have any facts and evidence, all sins are hung on you. Now I realize that the very fact of appearing in such an institution ... This situation looked stupid, "said the player.

A scandalous video with our football players on vacation in Monte Carlo appeared on Tuesday. First, information passed - Kokorin and Mamaev treated everyone to champagne at 500 euros per bottle in an expensive nightclub. Ordered, as stated, about 500 bottles. The girls carried them to the anthem of Russia. True, almost immediately the players denied buying bottles, saying that they were treated.

"Without making excuses, I want to repeat that we have nothing to do with those quantities of champagne, those incredible amounts, and, most importantly, that we put on the Russian anthem. This is complete nonsense!" - said the player.

Despite all the excuses from the series "it was not our party", in football clubs Zenit and Krasnodar assessed this behavior of their players as a serious image blow and decided to fine Kokorin and Mamaev in an amount equal to their monthly salaries. According to unofficial data cited by various electronic media, in the case of Kokorin, this is 290 thousand euros (which is a little more than 20 million rubles). Mamaev earns about 130 thousand euros a month, about 9 million rubles.

"Millions of fans would like you to post photos of goals scored on social networks, and you showed such a weak game. Did you have something to celebrate?", Asks the journalist.

“In our social networks, if you look, you won’t see anything like that. You are absolutely right about the goals scored, there was absolutely nothing for us to celebrate. soccer player.

The Minister of Sports also commented on the situation today. According to Vitaly Mutko, the future of striker Kokorin and midfielder Mamaev in the Russian national football team depends on the new head coach of the national team. True, who will become them is still unknown.

The players of the Russian national football team Mamaev and Kokorin, even in sportswear, look like two real drunks or drug addicts.

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

After being eliminated from the World Cup, this drunk-looking couple went to Monte Carlo in the company of companions, who are tactfully called "models".

Kokorin and Mamaev were drinking at the local night club. The club is expensive. I heard about him. The cost of the table starts from 1000 euros.

During the night, two Russian walkers behind the ball left 250 thousand euros in the club. We drank champagne for 500 euros a bottle. In total, about 500 bottles were ordered: Mamaev and Kokorin generously treated club visitors to alcohol.

They treated us not just generously, but with disgusting redneck pathos.

To the music that sounded at the Victory Parade in August 1945, two football losers raised their own importance in the eyes of a drunken crowd.

Watching the anthem of my Motherland neigh and hoot cocaine-drenched playboys and their blunt nipples hurts and hurts me.

Hymn Russian Federation was supposed to sound at the Euro Football Championship, which Kokorin, Mamaev and others like them screwed up, and not in a nightclub in Monaco.

The question arises: who sent Kokorin, Mamaev and other walkers around the field for the ball to the championship?

The answer “there was no one else to send” does not suit me.

Why were the personnel not trained?

In this video, the wife of the football player Mamaev, who drunkenly danced on the sofa in the Monegasque club, covering her fidgety ass with a dress for 3500 thousand euros, appears in all its glory:

This video is online. It's been there for a long time.

Do those who prepared our team for the championship really believe that a man married to such a person is clean himself? The insane wife aggressively demands cocaine, and he trains conscientiously, drinks a glass of kefir in the evenings, watches “Good night, kids” and goes to bed. Do you believe in this arrangement?

Here are the whole four - football players Mamaev and Kokorin with "models".

Photo: eg.ru

They are drinking something again.

Do you believe that only Mamaev's wife needs cocaine, and Mamaev doesn't care about it, just like football player Kokorin, with whom Mamaev constantly hangs out, doesn't care?

I looked through the Instagrams of football players and their wives: solid drinking parties. This is not a football team. This is a team of drug addicts and alcoholics.

Am I the only one who saw this? Haven't our sports functionaries noticed that from time to time they let out party-goers on the field in a state of withdrawal syndrome? What kind of football do they have when they have a hangover and a waste?

I want the players to answer. I want their leaders to answer. I want the Minister of Sports Mutko to answer, who is now pretending to be a virgin.

“The national team at the European Championship had a specific task, but the team did not leave the subgroup. It's about whether the team realized its potential. We will determine the head coach and see who he invites to the national team. Some players expressed their unwillingness to play for the national team by their behavior,” Mutko said.

What potential can be expected from a group of alcoholics? This is a question for Mutko.

Who, in your opinion, should respond to the failure of our team in the Championship? What measures should be taken so that at the next championship our team will not again be copulated in the anus without the use of lubricant?

Zenit and Krasnodar players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev allegedly took part in two attacks on people in the center of Moscow. First, together with a group of friends, they beat the driver of the host of Channel One in the parking lot near the Beijing Hotel, and then showed aggression against a visitor to the coffee shop, who turned out to be Denis Pak, an official of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. He made a remark to noisy young people, for which he was beaten. Together with him, the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NAMI" (developer of the presidential limousine Aurus) Sergey Gaisin also suffered in the coffee shop. The victims, who received craniocerebral injuries and bruises, wrote statements to the police. A criminal case has been initiated.

On May 8, in the Presnensky Court of the capital, there was nowhere for an apple to fall. The verdict was announced in one of the most noisy cases of recent times - Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev, Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin, his brother Kirill Kokorin and Alexander Protasovitsky, accused of fighting at the Egoist club with driver Vitaly Solovchuk and in Coffeemania with officials Denis Pak and Sergei Gaysin. The intrigue was the terms that the judge would appoint. Earlier, the prosecutor demanded a rather severe punishment, but many hoped that the court would take into account the repentant speeches of the defendants, and they would be given a term in which they would be released in the courtroom.

The players' lawyers filed an appeal against the decision of the Presnensky Court.

Both the defense and the prosecution filed an appeal.
On Monday, lawyers for Alexander and Kirill Kokorin, Pavel Mamaev, and Alexander Protasovitsky, who were convicted on May 8, filed an appeal against the decision of the Presnensky Court. The decision to send the entire company to a penal colony for a period of a year and 5 months to a year and a half has not yet entered into force. Now the case will be dealt with by the Moscow City Court, a higher authority.

The analysis of appeals will take a little more than a week. Following, approximately in the first days of June, the Moscow City Court will set the date of the meeting. According to the expectations of lawyers, the entire review process will stretch for another month and a half, and the decision will be made in mid-July.

The appeal was filed not only by lawyers - a paper came to the Presnensky court from the prosecutor Svetlana Tarasova. The public prosecutor wants to return the qualification, which was originally presented by the investigation. At the same time, Tarasov is satisfied with the deadlines set by the court.

What about the players
All this time, Kokorin and Mamaev will continue to sit in SIZO No. 2 "Butyrka", and their term will be calculated according to the formula "a day and a half." If the appeal process drags on for at least two months, that is, for example, until July 18, the defendants will not be left in jail for much: 95 (Mamaev-Protosavitsky) and 126 (Kokorin brothers) days.

Moreover, immediately after being transferred to the colony, the defendants have the right to write an application for parole. Such applications in each general regime colony are considered centrally, therefore, after the entry into force of the sentence, convicts can spend in custody from a couple of weeks (approximately the transfer process will take) to one and a half months.

Further, the players expect to continue their professional activities. But both will face difficulties. Kokorin needs to be treated for a sore knee, the condition of which has worsened during his stay in the pre-trial detention center. Mamaev will be released unemployed, his contract with Krasnodar will end. The question is whether any RPL club will need a midfielder after such a downtime.

Bushmanov: I want Mamaev to be released in the courtroom

The only lawyer who spoke to reporters outside the Presnensky Court was Igor Bushmanov, who defends Mamaev. He said that filing an appeal is the decision of Paul, who realized all the consequences of his actions.

“The complaint was filed by all the defenders,” said Bushmanov. - We expect that the verdict will be changed, the qualification for hooliganism, that is, the most serious article that was imputed, will be excluded from the verdict. Due to the fact that my client has been in custody for a long time, we hope that Pavel will be released in the courtroom.

- You said that Mamaev has grounds for parole. Why is there an appeal then? Isn't it easier to accept the punishment, go to a colony, write a statement and wait for release within a month?

– This is Pavel's decision, our task was to give him all the aspects related to this verdict. It should be noted that there were massive violations. The judge didn't even point out the clause according to which the serious article "hooliganism" was imputed to all convicts.

- Is it true that the lawyers chose the tactics of appeal to delay the entry into force of the verdict?

- This is not quite the right position. On the contrary, we are in favor of speedy legal proceedings in this case. Especially because all prisoners are kept in places of deprivation of liberty illegally. The measure of restraint was chosen for the article "hooliganism", which, in fact, does not exist. We hope that the case will be considered in the court of appeal as soon as possible, and the meeting will take place in the near future, all participants will be released from custody and will be able to professional activity.

- Do I understand correctly that while the verdict has not yet entered into force, Mamaev remains a Krasnodar player?

– Yes, absolutely true. The Labor Code prohibits the termination of an employment relationship until the sentence has entered into force. Thus, Pavel remains a Krasnodar player.

The prosecutor's office asks to change the sentence to Mamaev and Kokorin

The state prosecution insists on the preliminary conspiracy of convicted football players

The state prosecution asks to cancel the sentence handed down to football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev. This is reported by TASS, referring to the lawyer Mamaev.

The prosecutor's office does not agree with the court's exclusion from the accusation of a preliminary conspiracy of athletes. At the same time, she asks to keep the terms of punishment.
On May 8, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow sentenced Mamaev to a year and five months in a penal colony, Kokorin and his brother Kirill to a year and a half each. Their friend Alexander Protasovitsky was sentenced to a year and five months in prison.

At the same time, the court did not find a preliminary conspiracy in the actions of Mamaev and Kokorin and excluded this sign from the charge.

The players' lawyers also appealed the verdict. They ask to completely exclude the article "Hooliganism" and reclassify the accusation.

What to expect from appeals in the Kokorin-Mamaev case. All the details

When is the meeting? How long to wait for a decision? Will Putin and the ECtHR help? Do appeals really help? And what about the "Swamp business"? The lawyer answers.

Yesterday, Pavel Mamaev's lawyer, Igor Bushmanov, told the Championship that he and his colleagues defending Zenit forward Alexander Kokorin, his younger brother Kirill and their friend Alexander Protasovitsky, would file a joint appeal against the verdict of the Presnensky District Court on May 20. We contacted the director of the Moscow Bar Association Liptser, Stavitskaya and Partners, Dmitry Agranovsky, who told how the appeal would go and what would happen to the players before and after it.

How long does it take to appeal
An appeal can be considered from a month to six months. My personal record is a year and one month, but this is, of course, an anomaly. Usually it takes a month or two, maximum three, and then hardly. If you take this particular case, then, most likely, you have to wait a month and a half. If we take some high-profile cases, large and group ones, everything takes approximately that much time.

Where are Kokorin and Mamaev at this time and will they be present at the appeal
All the time until the appeal, the players will be in jail, and one day of their stay there will be equal to 1.5 in the colony - nothing changes here. As for the presence of Kokorin and Mamaev at the trial, usually in high-profile cases, the defendants are personally delivered. A person has the right to refuse to participate in the appeal, but this is rare. The most common form is videoconferencing, but in this kind of cases people are brought to court. Not everyone likes to ride - you have to wait a long time, and the conditions in paddy wagons and waiting rooms have been repeatedly recognized by the European court as inhumane.

What lawyers can complain about
A complaint can be made about anything - they can say that the evidence was incorrectly assessed or that there were some procedural violations. In general, everything that seems to lawyers to be inconsistent with the law or misinterpreted by the court.

How does an appeal work?
The appeal is carried out practically according to the same rules as the court of first instance. It is understood that this is a kind of review, it should be held as close as possible to the court of first instance. In reality, all this can take place in half a day, all the materials of the case are examined very rarely. You can present new witnesses and new evidence, but you need to explain why you didn’t do it earlier. New witnesses may be called in very exceptional cases. You can also examine some old evidence, you can generally examine all the materials of the case, but usually they don’t do this, but agree that the court knows the materials of the case.

It happens that they are called additionally to clarify some points, but this happens extremely rarely - such cases in my practice can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Taking into account all the petitions and the fact that there are several defendants, I think the court will be able to cope in a day.

Everything will happen like this: at the appeals, as a rule, there are three judges. There may be one judge, but in high-profile cases it is triples that are accepted. First, the judge-rapporteur tells the materials of the case. Then - explanations from the parties, their speeches. By the way, the prosecutor is usually from the Moscow city prosecutor's office, although it has also happened that the prosecutors do not change. I don’t know the meaning of the replacement, these are internal issues of the prosecutor’s office.

After the speeches of the parties - the study of the case materials. As a rule, the parties agree that it is not necessary to fully examine the case file. After that - the debate of the parties, the first to speak is the party that filed the complaint - in this case, these are lawyers. That's all.

How long to wait for a decision
It usually takes about an hour, maybe two. It happens that the judges leave and immediately leave, but since there will be a lot of press, external propriety will be observed. Judges think ahead of time.

Is there a chance that the sentence of Kokorin and Mamaev will be reduced
After such a verdict, there is a chance that the term will be reduced. I wouldn't count them, but they are there. According to statistics, the term is not very often reduced. If the court gave a compromise solution between what the prosecutor's office and lawyers asked for, then in general it is extremely rare. Here, the judge imposed a cruel punishment - what the prosecutor asked for. There is a possibility of positive changes for the defendants, but I will not undertake to calculate it.

I did not think that the court of first instance would give exactly what the prosecutor was asking for - but he did. Therefore, it is difficult to make forecasts, because politics is also involved here, but not as serious as in the case of the oppositionists. There is a desire to arrange a show trial, it interferes in the matter - this is bad. But this is an objective reality.

Can Kokorin and Mamaev increase the sentence
Theoretically, the sentence can be increased. In practice, this happens extremely rarely - only when there is a corresponding presentation from the prosecutor's office, but here it is not. In this case, I am sure that the term will not be extended. They can also give you a suspended sentence.

Appeals can really help defendants - case studies
There are a lot of examples when appeals help. I had a case on Bolotnaya Square. My client was Yaroslav Belousov. He was then given a shorter term than everyone else - two years and six months. The appeal, which was in the summer, reduced the term by only three months, but because of this, he was able to recover at Moscow State University on time. So he did not lose a year and immediately went to graduate from the university. So this system works.

There are cases of overturning sentences, but because of lawyer secrecy, I cannot speak about them aloud.

If the court upholds the verdict
The next instance after the appeal is the cassation, the lawyers will apply to the presidium of the city court. It is also important to note that after the appeal, the verdict immediately enters into force - it will not be possible to defer the verdict.

In cassation there are complaints about procedural actions. There is a two-stage system of appeal - first, a complaint to the presidium of the court (in this case, the Moscow City), it is considered by the judge. If the arguments of the lawyers seem convincing to the judge, then the court requests the case from the court of first instance and studies it additionally. Then he can consider the arguments of the defense justified and initiate cassation proceedings - the case is referred to the presidium of the court. The Presidium meets and reviews the case. It usually happens like this: if cassation proceedings are initiated, then in the vast majority of cases the presidium agrees with the judge. But in 95 percent, the judge will not even ask for the case - the probability of refusal is high.

You can’t go to the Supreme Court without an appeal, but you can go to the ECHR - there are six months from the moment of the appeal. The ECtHR considers that everything above an appeal is not enough effective means. In fact, the higher you climb, the greater the likelihood of a review of the sentence. But if we talk specifically about the case of Kokorin and Mamaev, then by the time they reach the cassation, all the deadlines will already expire.

Can Kokorin and Mamaev go to the colony
Most likely, they simply will not have time to get there - the sentence will expire. I do not think that because of the resonance, the process of their transportation to the colony will be artificially accelerated. This happens in political cases, when oppositionists are tried - they try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Here is a high-profile demonstration case, but there is no political connotation. Moreover, we need applications from the colony, where you can’t send it anywhere - there may not be places. After the appeal, people can stay in a pre-trial detention center for several months - so you can have time to apply for parole.

Is there a chance to get parole or a presidential pardon
Parole may be granted even if the person has not arrived at the colony. In this case it is possible, but how likely it is, I do not know. It depends on the characteristics of the players from the pre-trial detention center, whether other conditions are met - for example, compensation for damage to the victims. It is also important that the victims are not against parole. But this will be after the appeal - the verdict must enter into force. They can also apply for a pardon to the president - while they do not even need to admit guilt. But in this case, they are unlikely to have time to do it.

Application to the ECtHR
If lawyers plan to apply to the ECHR in the future, then the appeal should indicate the relevant violations in order to give the state the opportunity to correct these very violations. Without such an indication, the ECtHR will be more difficult. You can complain there, but I don’t know if they will go there or not.

With the help of the ECHR, you can get compensation, and even after many years, the recognition of the ECHR will be pleasant in terms of rehearsals. The ECtHR can find that the trial was unfair. Also, based on the decision of the European Court, the sentence can be canceled even after many years. This will help to completely cleanse yourself and get rid of a criminal record.

The State Duma called the verdict to Kokorin and Mamaev a slight fright

Member of the committee for physical education, sports and youth affairs State Duma Dmitry Svishchev commented on the court verdict handed down to Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev and Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin. His words lead RIA Novosti.

The deputy said that the players “got off with a slight fright,” since the article under which they were convicted provides for a more severe punishment in the form of seven years in prison. "The fact that they are footballers does not excuse them from responsibility," he said.

Svishchev noted that they received a short term due to their fame. “Moreover, this is an edification to other young guys who should understand that responsibility will inevitably overtake anyone, no matter what top you are,” the politician added.

On May 8, Kokorin was sentenced to 1.6 years in a penal colony, and Mamaev - to a year and five months for two fights arranged in the center of Moscow in October last year. Football players are defendants in criminal cases initiated under the articles "Hooliganism" and "Battery". Players have the right to ask for parole.

Media: Witness in the case of Kokorin and Mamaev is in a coma

Ekaterina Bobkova, who was a witness in the case of football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, fell out of a window and received multiple injuries.

According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, Ekaterina Bobkova, who was a witness in the case of football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, is in one of the Prague hospitals. The girl had an accident - she fell out of the window.

Bobkova was diagnosed with a fracture of the pelvis, ribs, pulmonary contusion and intracranial hemorrhage. Doctors put the victim into a state of artificial coma.

Earlier it was reported that Kokorin's wife expressed dissatisfaction with the discussion of her relationship in the media.

The court sentenced Mamaev and Kokorin to real terms

The Presnensky Court of Moscow on Wednesday, May 8, sentenced Zenit and Krasnodar players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev to real prison terms.

According to an Izvestia correspondent, Mamaev received 1 year and 5 months in prison, Kokorin - 1 year and 6 months. Two other defendants in the case - a friend of the players Alexander Protasovitsky and Kokorin's younger brother Kirill - were also found guilty and sentenced to 1 year and 5 months to 1 year and 6 months in prison, respectively. All of them will serve their sentences in a penal colony.

In addition, the court decided to leave the convicts in custody until the verdict comes into force.

The prosecutor demanded 1 year and 5 months in prison for Mamaev and Protasovitsky, and 1 year and 6 months for the Kokorin brothers. According to the public prosecutor, the correction of athletes is possible only with a real conclusion.

According to the indictment, Mamaev, the brothers Kokorin and Protasovitsky in October last year became participants in two conflicts in the center of Moscow. First, they attacked the driver of TV presenter Olga Ushakova, Vitaly Solovchuk, and then they beat Denis Pak, an official of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in a cafe. As a result of a fight in the institution, the general director of the NAMI Institute, Sergey Gaisin, also suffered.

A criminal case was initiated under the articles “Hooliganism” and “Battery”, later it was reclassified as “Intentional infliction of minor bodily harm”. All defendants in the case are under arrest until September 25.

Live broadcast: Sentence to Kokorin and Mamaev

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev are sentenced in the Presnensky Court of Moscow. We remember how the players celebrated the 10th anniversary of friendship, and we are waiting for the court's decision.

Kokorin's wife about the verdict: What kind of hell is this?

The wife of Alexander Kokorin, Daria Valitova, commented on the court decision, according to which her husband will be in jail for another seven and a half months.

I don't know who needs it? Seven months here! What kind of hell is this? - our correspondent conveys the words of Daria. - His career is over. How will he see the children? There's still a show for two weeks now. The series continues! How can such talented people be ruined?

Note that Valitova and Mamaev's wife Alana could not restrain their emotions and shed tears right in the courtroom.

The prosecutor asked to sentence Kokorin and Mamaev to real terms

The prosecutor asked the court to sentence footballer Alexander Kokorin to 1 year and six months in prison, Pavel Mamaev to 1 year and five months in prison. This is reported by the correspondent of the Rain from the courtroom.

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev are accused of provoking two fights in Moscow on October 8, 2018. Together with the players, Kokorin's brother Kirill, as well as coach Alexander Protasovitsky, are involved in the case. Depending on the intended role of each, they are charged with causing minor bodily harm out of hooligan motives, hooliganism and beatings.

For Kirill Kokorin, the prosecutor asked to appoint a year and a half in prison, for Protasovitsky - a year and five months in prison.

According to investigators, the athletes and their friends beat the driver Vitaly Solovchuk in the parking lot of the Beijing Hotel, and then attacked the director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Pak and the general director of the NAMI scientific center Sergey Gaysin.

All defendants in the case are under arrest. Their trial began on 9 April. On May 6, the debate of the parties began.

The athletes pleaded guilty in part, but deny the charge of hooliganism. In particular, Kokorin stated in court that Pak had provoked him. At face-to-face confrontations with the victims, they expressed their readiness to pay them compensation and apologized.

The worst morning in the life of Kokorin and Mamaev. How it really was

We restore the chronology according to the testimony of witnesses.

The trial of Kokorin, the second Kokorin, Mamaev and Protasovitsky is close to completion. It is possible that the verdict will be handed down by the end of the week. During these 10 court sessions, the court had to finally figure out what really happened on the morning of October 8, 2018. The sessions were open, we heard the testimony of all the witnesses, victims and defendants. We collect them and restore events.

Conflict with Solovchuk
Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin arrived in Moscow from St. Petersburg by train on October 8 at about 0:30. Kirill Kokorin met them at the station. They went to the Secret Room club, where they were joined by a large number of friends and acquaintances, including Alexander Protasovitsky. The company left the Secret Room a couple of hours later and went to the Egoist. In both clubs, no incidents with their participation were noticed - all the witnesses on both sides speak about this.

At about 6:30 the Egoist club finished its work, so the company decided to have breakfast and leave. Since there were too many people, several cars had to be ordered. Because of this, in the future, according to Kirill Kokorin, confusion arose: part of the company went to one Coffeemania, part to another.

The company went out in search of cars in which they had to leave. One of the girls got into a white Mercedes, thinking it was a taxi. Pavel Mamaev explained that the girl had reason to think so: they ordered cars in an application with premium cars. But this particular car belonged to the host of the First Channel, Olga Ushakova. Behind the wheel was her driver, Vitaly Solovchuk. Mamaev approached the car and told the girl to get out of it.


Protection. According to the defendants and witnesses from their company, the girl, getting out of the car, said that the driver called the whole company, or specifically Alexander Kokorin, cocks. The indignant brothers Kokorin, Mamaev and Protasovitsky approached the car from the driver's side. Solovchuk left, and the conversation began. The company asked on what basis they were insulted, the driver replied that this was his opinion. And he did not deny that he had said the word. The conversation without manifestations of aggression lasted for several minutes, but then Pavel Mamaev grabbed Solovchuk by the chin or neck. According to Mamaev, he wanted to reassure the driver in this way. He responded by hitting Pavel in the chin area. Mamaev's retaliatory strike passed by. At that moment, Solovchuk was already backing away and trying to escape. At some point, he fell, stumbling. They caught up with him and began to strike with his hands and feet. Alexander Kokorin and Protasovitsky were not among these people, they came up later.

Solovchuk tried to protect another girl from the company of the defendants. She made several attempts to lie on top of him and asked him to stop hitting him. When the beating finally ended, Solovchuk was picked up from the ground by Protasovitsky and led to the car. Along the way, they again exchanged insults, as a result of which Alexander hit the driver again. He claims that he repeatedly insulted him with the word "rooster".

Then Solovchuk got into the car, which was also hit: in particular, the glass was broken. The victim left the scene of the incident, the defendants too, but a little later. Previously, they clarified with the security of the "Egoist" whether a video was being made of what was happening at the entrance to the building and whether it was possible to get access to the recording.

Accusation. Vitaly Solovchuk says that he was waiting for Olga Ushakova in the parking lot when an unfamiliar girl got into the back seat. She said that she was cold, in response he asked her to leave the car. Then the girl was taken out of the car by an unfamiliar young man. Solovchuk was about to leave and had already started the car, and further events were recorded on the video recorder and his microphone.

At that moment, something glass broke next to the car. He went out to inspect the car, and four people were already approaching him. He recognized Kokorin and Mamaev: he remembered them from a video from Monte Carlo. Those who approached began to clarify why he called them "roosters." Solovchuk claims that he did not say this, therefore he did not understand the questions.

Pavel Mamaev took him by the chin, and Solovchuk tried to remove his hand. As a result of this, Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin, who was hugging him, recoiled, after which they began to strike. Solovchuk claims that he did not strike - "he just raised his hands up."

At first, the victim tried to run away, but eventually abandoned this idea, because he did not want to move away from the car. He claims that, catching up with him, Mamaev stumbled and fell. And Kirill Kokorin fell after a push from Solovchuk. “I pushed him in the right shoulder. It wasn’t even a push, I just put my hand out and put it on my shoulder.”

Solovchuk is sure that Alexander Kokorin hit him. He stood on the right and kicked him on the body, in the shoulder area. And on the head - in the ear area. The beating lasted 10 minutes. Some girl tried to stop the fight, but they didn't listen to her.

He then reached the car, which was hit several times. Someone shouted, "Don't you dare tell the police."

Conflict with Pak and Gysin
After the beating of Solovchuk, the company arrived at Coffeemania and sat down in one of the halls at several tables that had been pushed together. They came to the cafe not all together, but in groups. Denis Pak has not been in Coffeemania yet.

Protection. In "Coffeemania" the company sat down in an empty hall. They spoke loudly, but did not cause discomfort to anyone, did not enter into conflicts. They did not pay any attention to other visitors, including Puck who came up later. We spotted him just as we were about to leave.

Denis Pak reacted to the actions of individuals from the company who imitated the Gangnam Style dance. This was noticed by Alexander Protasovitsky, who asked not to pay attention to them and promised to leave soon. When Park asked if the actions were related to him, Protasovitsky replied that he did not, he just looked like the performer of the song by the Korean singer PSY. In response, Park said that the company is like "a bunch of ***ans."

Hearing this, Kirill Kokorin first approached him, and then his brother. Kokorin Sr. took a chair and planned to sit down with Pak to talk. But to a clarifying question, the victim repeated the insult, and Alexander hit him with a chair in the shoulder area, and Kirill hit his cheek with his palm. During further development conflict, Alexander Kokorin pushed Pak in the chest.

At some point, Sergey Gaisin took part in the conflict, who pushed Pavel Mamaev away. In response, the football player struck him with a palm to the face.

The conflict has subsided. The parties apologized to each other. The company left Coffeemania through an emergency exit.

Accusation. Denis Pak came to Coffeemania and sat down at the usual table. He was not very comfortable due to the fact that the company opposite was behaving rather noisily, but due to the high occupancy of the establishment, the waiters did not have the opportunity to transfer him to another room.

The official was working on a laptop when he heard screams about “gangnam style and a laptop” from the side of the table opposite. He concluded that it concerned him. During the development of the conflict, Pak was called a Chinese and offered to go "back to his China." At the same time, foul language was used. Then Alexander Kokorin approached him and tried to hit him on the head with a chair. Pak held out his hand - it was on her that the main blow fell, but the head was also hurt. In addition, Pak received a blow from Kirill Kokorin.

At the same time, a conflict with Gaisin developed. He tried to protect Pak and sort out the situation, but received a palm blow from Pavel Mamaev. And then Alexander Protasovitsky held him in place with a choke hold. Another blow to Gaisin was delivered by Kirill Kokorin: the victim himself did not feel it, but determined the fact of the blow on the video.

When it was all over, there was no reconciliation. The conflict ended when Park apologized to the company. He claims he did it to prevent him and a colleague from being beaten. In response, I heard: “You are still lucky that you survived.”

Kirill Kokorin, leaving Coffeemania, again called Pak a Chinese. The victim himself claims that he did not offend anyone, only called his opponents a haml.

Due to the incident, Denis Pak experienced moral and physical suffering, he was offended by the insults to his people and to him personally. As a result of the conflict, the victim was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury, concussion, damage and chipping of the enamel of the front teeth.

Kokorin's lawyer does not understand why the victims do not respond to the players' apologies

The lawyer of Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin, Tatyana Stukalova, considers it strange that the victims do not react in any way to the apology of her client and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev.

“The guys do not refuse beatings, they admit their guilt. They have already apologized to the victims, each more four times. You saw that the victims do not respond to the guys' apologies, which is also at least strange, ”RIA Novosti quotes the lawyer.

She suggests that such behavior may be a position of principle or that the victims still have resentment inside.

“We don't understand. I think that we managed to destroy Art. 213 h. 2,” added Stukalova.

Mamaev in court announced his voluntary appearance before the investigator

Midfielder "Krasnodar" Pavel Mamaev in the Presnensky Court of Moscow said that the players themselves came to the investigators, RBC correspondent reports.

“They said on TV that we were on the federal wanted list. We called the GSU (Main Investigation Department. - RBC), and they said that there was no case yet, ”Mamaev said.

According to him, the players arrived on their own, as it made no sense for them to hide.

"Perhaps it was affect." Lawyers provided evidence of the innocence of Kokorin and Mamaev

On April 23, the hearing in the case of the Kokorins, Mamaev and Protasovitsky began unexpectedly. Instead of a company, Colonel Zakharchenko, accused of corruption, was brought to the 11th courtroom to Judge Elena Abramova. The meeting ended in just 15 minutes - the debate stage was postponed to May 15.

Football players are a priority, corruption can wait, - one of the lawyers in the Zakharchenko case aptly noted.

Perhaps, just by May 15, the players will be sentenced, - Vyacheslav Barik said wisely.

The consideration of the hooliganism case began with a short speech by prosecutor Svetlana Tarasova: “Besides those two witnesses [Krysenko and Shinkarev], I have no other evidence. Therefore, I propose to begin to examine the evidence of the defense side. Before proceeding, Barik noticed that Shinkareva got in touch with lawyers. She confirmed that she was in Vladivostok and was not hiding from testifying. The interrogation of the witness due to the time difference is scheduled for 12:00 on Thursday.

At this point, the lawyers proceeded to examine the evidence. Before the interrogation, they need to talk with the accused and prepare them, today there were no interrogations. The materials of the case were read according to the petitions. Lawyer Romashov announced a number of written instructions from the investigator to the criminal investigation department.

Not only did the composition of the investigation group contain almost the entire department - 18 people, - Romashov explained, - but also all the actions were carried out illegally - by the hands of the criminal investigation officers.

Following Romashov, he announced a lawyer's request addressed to the president of Zenit, Sergei Fursenko. What is the point: the defense asks for a medical opinion on Kokorin's knee. And here is the response to a request dated December 3, 2018 from a sports psychologist:

The player is highly sensitive nervous system, the ability to emotionally give all the best for a limited time, after which there may be a loss of self-control, fluctuations in the emotional state and self-esteem. My guess is that for several months the player was in a state of chronic stress associated with the need to recover from an injury that jeopardized sports career and forced to miss the World Cup.<…>Against the background of the already existing tension, the player was subjected to excitement before the match, fatigue after the away match, sleep disturbance. The above circumstances could contribute to a decrease in psychological stability and self-control, which caused an attack of sports aggression.

Perhaps it was an affect, - Romashov commented on the conclusion. - Kokorin trained for a long time seven days a week. That day was his first day off.

The answer of the Zenit doctor Grishin:

Lack of opportunity proper recovery knee joint can lead to the progression of arthrosis of the knee joint, with subsequent disability.

Independent forensic medical examinations were attached to the case, proving that the results of Park's medical examination did not correspond to his real condition after the blows.

At the end of the flight of the chair, if the victim received a blow, then on the arm or face, the expert concluded. - A blow to the brain skull, like a concussion, cannot be. The victim did not fall, he did not have vomiting and dizziness. The diagnosis of "concussion of the brain" can be considered unfounded.

If you suddenly don’t understand, re-read the words about the “end of the chair’s flight” again. It is a masterpiece.

Romashov also provided a transcript of the video with Pak from an expert in sign language translation. The examination confirmed that Pak used a swear word in the plural, which with a high degree of probability became the cause of the conflict. Oh how.

Then Tatyana Stukalova took the floor. Some letters of thanks were read to Kokorin, which Stukalova received by mail. The defense noted that the descriptions of the photos significantly contradict their content. And Vyacheslav Barik spoke about numerous violations on the part of the investigators and asked the judge to issue a private ruling in order to draw the attention of the authorities of the State Investigation Service to the excess of authority. But the court refused.

At this, the defense asked the meeting to end. On Wednesday, the lawyers will meet with the defendants in the pre-trial detention center, and on Thursday they will resume work with the interrogation of the witness Shinkareva.

Mamaev's girlfriend called herself the cause of the fight between the players and the driver

Mamaev's girlfriend called herself the cause of the fight between the players and the driver

The brawl between the driver of the Channel One host Vitaly Solovchuk and football players Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin occurred due to an incident with the girlfriend of the midfielder of FC Krasnodar. This was stated to the investigator by Lithuanian citizen Alexandra Pozdnyakoviene, who accompanied Mamaev at the time of the conflict. Her testimony was read out by the prosecutor at the court session in the case of the athletes, Mediazona reports.

According to the testimony of the witness, she met with the players at the train station in Moscow, went to a cafe, and later to a club. According to the girl, she saw a white Mercedes at the club, which she mistook for a taxi called by someone from the company, so she got into the car. “I asked: “Are you the driver of Kokorin?” - “I don’t drive such roosters,” the prosecutor read Pozdnyakoviene’s testimony. She also said that immediately after this dialogue, Mamaev opened the car door and said that she had made a mistake with the car. The girl conveyed the content of the conversation to the footballer, after which she saw “some kind of brawl” from the car. According to her, the defendants and “some girls” participated in the fight.

Solovchuk previously confirmed that Pozdnyakoviene really got into his car, but insisted that he “behaved correctly and politely.”

Published a video of the moment preceding the fight in a cafe with the participation of Kokorin

The mother of football player Alexander Kokorin, who is on trial for hooliganism, posted a video from the Komfemania cafe in Moscow, which captures the moment preceding the brawl. It shows that the company is going to leave the institution. At this moment, the young people and the man sitting at the next table begin to say something to each other. The recording ends at the moment when Kokorin takes a chair.

“A minute before the impact, the guys were about to leave. They dressed and talked among themselves. The mood was good, they didn’t show any aggression, they didn’t collude with each other, and even more so they didn’t hooligan, ”Svetlana Kokorina wrote in a comment on the video that she posted on Instagram (the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved).

According to her, the negative came from Denis Pak, the head of the department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, whom Kokorin subsequently hit with a chair. The footballer’s mother claims that nothing would have happened if he “didn’t start talking nasty things.”


“After he nervously closed the lid of the laptop, you can immediately see how he says a vile word obscene. This was the beginning of the conflict. On good equipment, this word is very well read from his lips. This is definitely not the word “hamlo” which he spoke about in court, ”wrote Kokorina.

In the criminal case of Alexander Kokorin, there are two fights involving his friend, football player Pavel Mamaev, and several of their mutual comrades. One of them occurred on the morning of October 8 last year near the Beijing Hotel in Moscow, where the driver of the First Channel employee Olga Ushakova, Vitaly Solovchuk, was injured. The second brawl - with the director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Pak and the general director of the state scientific center "NAMI" Sergey Gaysin - happened in Coffeemania on Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Published a full video of the fight between Kokorin and Mamaev with Pak in a cafe

Another victim of the scandalous brawl, the general director of the NAMI Institute, Sergei Gaisin, also spoke about the incident.

A video has appeared on the Web that captures the entire conflict that took place between football players Alexander Kokorin, Pavel Mamaev, as well as their friends, with Denis Pak, an official of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and Sergey Gaisin, CEO of NAMI, in a Moscow cafe last fall. According to journalists, the "active" part of the brawl lasted 12 minutes.

The frame captures how Alexander Kokorin cheekily approaches the table of Pak and Gaisin. He takes a chair. Someone tries to stop him, but he still hits Puck in the head. Then Kokorin's brother, Kirill, beats the official with his fist. Then, eyewitnesses of the conflict arrived in time to try to calm the raging visitors, but the younger brother of the football player actively tried to break through to the victims in order to continue “communication”.

As can be seen from the presented frames, Denis Pak behaved non-aggressively and only tried to explain something to the brawlers. Alexander Kokorin moved away from them, and his brother continued to rush to his opponents. The football player looked at what was happening smiling and hugged either the girl or the friend.

The cafe security staff did their best to reassure those present, as well as CEO NAMI Sergey Gaisin. However, at some point he received a blow to the face from Pavel Mamaev. After that, a friend of the players, Alexander Protasovitsky, used a choke hold on him.

Following this, the guards began to withdraw the aggressive company. outside, but Alexander Kokorin at that moment began to shout at some person who was not in the frame. Then the brawlers left the cafe, and the victims remained inside

By the way, the other day, Sergey Gaisin, who is a witness in this case, gave his testimony in court in the case of a fight with football players. According to him, he tried to calm the brawlers, who were already actively showing themselves at the time of his arrival at the cafe, where he had an appointment with Denis Pak.

“I stood between them, trying to calm everyone down. Aggression came from Kirill Kokorin, I don’t remember the exact expressions. But he used the word “Chinese”,” said the CEO of NAMI.

He emphasized that while talking with the cafe staff, Alexander Kokorin hit Pak in the face, after which Gaisin received a blow from Pavel Mamaev and a chokehold from Protasovitsky.

“Mamaev hit me so that the glasses were crumpled inside, most likely it was a blow with the palm of his hand, after all, his fist is not so big that it occupies the entire distance from the chin to the glasses,” he said.

Gysin received internal damage to his lip and abrasions on his hands. According to him, at the end of the brawl, Kokorin shouted "Chinese, go home."

“You said that I was the most active, there was inappropriate behavior. Since you are the eldest, I agree that I am wrong, that it could have been done differently. I don't argue, I admit. In this regard, I would like to apologize for my behavior to you. I think it’s still not worth keeping evil for so long, ”he said at a court hearing.

A scandalous fight involving football players took place in October 2018. Now Pavel Mamaev, Alexander Kokorin, his brother Kirill and Alexander Protasovitsky are in jail.

The trial of Kokorin and Mamaev. Day seven. How it was


19:30. That's all. Tomorrow from 12 to 17, because lawyer Barik is going to the doctor! Well, if you know where to find a citizen Alexandra Pozdnyakoviene - write to us!

19:25. Read the transcript of the interrogation Bulatov Sergey, police officer of the Presnensky district.

“I arrived at Coffeemania on a call. The manager and administrator escorted us to the table of Pak and Gysin, who explained the situation. The company behaved defiantly, laughed at Pak. He made a remark to them, to which two of the company approached him and struck him. Alexander Kokorin hit him with a chair in the head area, and Kirill Kokorin - with his hand in the face area. Gysin also confirmed Pak's testimony. They did not tell in more detail about what happened, I did not ask. No one said that Gaysin was injured.”

So, the prosecutor announces the petition. Alexandra Pozdnyakoviene does not respond to the prosecutor's call, although she repeatedly tried to contact her, so the prosecutor asks to file a summons for this witness. But the fact is that Alexandra is a citizen of Latvia, and she does not have an address in the Russian Federation.

If someone has information about her address of residence in the Russian Federation, please let us know,” the judge addresses.

Defense lawyers say they will try to help find Alexandra.

19:15. Indications of Masliy (Ushakova):

Handwritten protocol.

“Solovchuk brought me to Triumphalnaya Square at 6:10. Dropped off and drove off to find a free parking spot. Where he went, I don't know. At 7:00 I was passing by a bus stop and saw that my car was parked near Triumphalnaya Square. I noticed that several police cars and ambulances were parked next to the car. At the end of the broadcast at 9:10, I immediately went downstairs, saw that the front glass was broken, and the driver was in an ambulance, where he was being treated. His face was bruised and covered in blood. Vitaly explained that after he had parked, an unknown girl got into his car, whom he, in the correct form, asked to get out. She went out, he heard the sound of breaking glass. He got out of the car and saw that a number of people were standing nearby, behaving provocatively and talking loudly. After that, the guys from this company attacked him and injured him. In the process, someone used the phrase "you know who we are." After the beating, Vitaly escaped and drove up to my studio, from where he already called the police and an ambulance. After Vitaly was taken to the hospital, and I, as the owner of the car, wrote a statement to the police and gave them an explanation. I saw the blood that was inside the car and on the body."

19:00. The prosecutor tries to argue with the lawyers and says that they could have killed Solovchuk and this is a complete horror. Constantly points out how terrible things are. And then he turns away completely and says that “he won’t watch it anymore.”

The prosecutor, turning to Stukalova, talks about some case about psychics. Nobody understood. We continue to watch.

Lawyers are asking for a break until tomorrow. The prosecutor wants to read out the testimony of experts.

18:50. Romashov petitions that the phrases from the conversation recorded from the video recorder are taken out of context in the protocol. The lawyer also asks to make copies of the video on the protection media. Previously, they were denied this. Lawyers support their colleague.

The judge allowed copies of the tapes to be given to defense lawyers!

18:44. 7:18 - Two guys come up and ask if you need help. Mamaev comes up to them, talking about something.

7:19 - Mamaev leaves towards the entrance. Meanwhile, someone is trying to take Kirill away from Solovchuk.

7:19 - Solovchuk closes the door and leaves. Someone says to him through the window: "Write a statement - I *** you, I remember your numbers." Solovchuk breathes heavily and says: "Damn, ***."

7:20 - Stops at the sidewalk. It's hard to breathe.

18:40. Protasovitsky is trying to take Solovchuk away from Cyril, but he kicks him. Whether the blow came is not entirely clear. Protasovitsky spreads his arms and strikes from the left.

Kuropatkin takes Solovchuk to the car. And then he breaks the window.

We hear only audio - they say everything that we have heard before.

18:34. The recording has ended. Romashov draws attention to the fact that there is no collusion, all actions occur spontaneously.

Barik says that the phrase “this is my opinion” sounded from Solovchuk.

18:30. Alexander Kokorin hugs Mamaev by the neck. Then Kokorin (perhaps) takes Solovchuk by the jaw, he swings at Mamaev, and Pavel pushes him in the face with his palm.

All this time the guard stupidly stands and looks at what is happening. Solovchuk runs away, Mamaev runs after him, and then the whole company.

18:25. The video is over. Following.

By the way, Alexander Kokorin never touched Solovchuk.

Recording from the registrar, the sound is.

7:06 - they are talking, trying to understand why Solovchuk called them roosters.

The guard stands and watches. 7:07 Babkova comes up, she is told: “Get out of here altogether.” The magic didn't work.

18:20. Solovchuk departs. Mamaev tries to kick Solovchuk, but misses, then beats with his hands. Kuropatkin breaks the window, Mamaev hits the door. Kirill Kokorin is trying to calm Bobkova.

At 8:16 the company is standing by the car, they are talking about something. Men pass by, asking about something. Jafarova is standing next to the car. At 7:18 Kuropatkin tries to escort Solovchuk.

18:15. The next video is from the same camera.

At 7:12 a man gets into a car parked nearby.

At the same time, Solovchuk appears, led by Protasovitsky. The rest follow. Solovchuk is bleeding, he holds his hands in front of him. A few seconds later, Kirill Kokorin tries to kick the driver with his foot, but it’s not exactly clear whether there was a touch.

18:12. Recording from a camera that looks directly at the parking lot where the car is parked. The headlights of the Mercedes are on - daytime running lights.

Then the headlights light up - at 7:05. Solovchuk gets out of the car. Kokorin, Mamaev and Protasovitsky are standing by the car. They stand at the wheelbarrow and talk. The camera periodically moves - to the door. Someone pushed Bobkova away. Jafarova (Lala) stands a little apart from everyone.

Solovchuk was the first to push Mamaev away. Everyone sees it, except for the prosecutor. "How can you deny it so professionally?" Then Mamaev strikes, Solovchuk starts to run away, they run after him. All the ladies stay by the car and watch.

Someone lawyers: out of the fight they inflated ...
Prosecutor: God forbid you find yourself in such a beating, not a fight.

18:05. The prosecutor says that today the witness is not needed, but then she will need it - to watch all the other videos, of which there are "a lot". The prosecutor also added that she would file a motion to invite all witnesses “who are lying” to view.

17:50. Short break.

17:40. The judge is trying to find out when the interrogation took place. Lala says she was interrogated three months after the incident. She doesn't remember anything else.

The prosecutor submits a motion to view the video - in full. In the presence of Lala, of course.

I'm sorry, Lala, you can't run away.

The prosecutor wants to EXPLORE the video. This cannot be done during the interrogation. The judge says that the interrogation is over, but she does not let the witness go.

17:37. Bushmanov noticed that the lawyer's surname was incorrect in the protocol. And Barik pointed out that the dates of the interrogation are very strange: they started on December 14 and ended on November 14.

17:35. Lala is performing well. But without the brilliance that Catherine's friend had.

17:32. - The listing of surnames is not true, - Lala says slowly.
- Secret information! The whole country knows their names, - the prosecutor grins.
- What else? the judge continues.
- It's the only one.
- What do you want to refute?
- I have already said everything. Nothing more than a phrase about Alexander, where he allegedly beats. He didn't beat.

- Now about the pressure of the investigator. Did you give false evidence under this influence?
- The only thing that happened, we changed with a lawyer. Here is that phrase.
Did you testify truthfully?
- Yes.
- Did the investigator's threats affect you?
- He yelled at me.
- And you gave truthful evidence?
- I told everything as it happened.

- Under the influence of the investigator, did you give the testimony that he needed?
“She doesn’t understand the question,” Prilipko intervenes.
Lala is silent.
Did he ask you to lie? - asks the prosecutor.
- No…

17:31. The protocol says a lot IN MALE.

17:30. “The prosecutor told me that the video would show me and, if I speak incorrectly, there would be an article.”

Is that when he spoke? asks Prilipko.
- I do not remember.

Yeah, with a lawyer they put pressure on her, - the prosecutor grins.

What indications are true? - specifies Bushmanov.
- Today's.
- Yeah, which he does not remember, - the prosecutor grumbles.
- Stop, - the lawyers protest.
- And now we will watch the video, - the prosecutor answers.

Barik offers to provide Lala with a protocol so that she personally points out where everything is wrong. In her opinion, the investigator added something to the protocol on his own behalf.

Kokorin's wife: the guys will be given a real term

The wife of the striker of the St. Petersburg "Zenith" Alexander Kokorin Daria Valitova shared her emotions from the trial of her husband, reports "Soviet Sport".

“I really never thought that there are such evil, vile and vindictive people in the world who do not want to be responsible for their words and deeds at all! What happened yesterday, for me personally, defies any norms and understanding!” – Valitova wrote on Instagram.

The player's wife noted that six months later, the victims had more stringent testimony. It also surprises her that they are the same.

“And someone after that will tell me that this is all an accident, that the guys have already been in jail for half a year for an ordinary fight, and everything goes to what they will be given real term!

No, comrades, these are not coincidences... This is just a reality where people with ranks have influence and inhuman cruelty! As per the script, they say that it was a conspiracy, and that they did not say anything to the guys. Although the cameras clearly show that they are having a very emotional dialogue, and that one of them is also trying to use physical force, but he is restrained!” - added Kokorin's wife.

Valitova criticized the judicial system in Russia.

“We are nobody in this system! I really hope for justice and that our state will pay attention to how the lives of young people, families and children are being broken ...

Simply because someone does not want to accept their mistakes and in every possible way tries to cover themselves by punishing others! God be their judge! The guys admit that their actions were too harsh after they were insulted, ”wrote the wife of the player.

The girl denies the existence of a conspiracy, because of which the players were charged.

“If all the witnesses confirm that it was a normal conflict, that Pak was just as aggressive and shouted that he did not ask him to move! Is it possible now that any person can so easily slander others, because it somehow hurt him? I hope not, and that the court will take into account the testimony and evidence that this is not hooliganism, for which children can be sentenced to three years or more!” Valitova concluded.

The mother of Alexander and Kirill Kokorin, Svetlana, spoke out in the case of her sons, hearings on which are taking place in the Presnensky Court of Moscow.

“Six months ago we were the happiest family in the world! I don't remember a day when we didn't laugh! No one could even imagine that once, going out into the streets in your beloved country, which you loved very much, you could be insulted with vile words and then they would put you in jail for this, ”the mother of the defendants wrote on her Instagram.

The message also says that he will try to be close to his sons, wherever they are sent.


“Your truth will be of no use to anyone. Lies have always been better than the truth! My boys, we will go through all this horror together. They want to separate us for a long time. This is a very difficult test, but I promise to connect you all this time, ”Svetlana Kokorina emphasized.

On October 11, 2018, Pavel Mamaev, Alexander Kokorin, his brother Kirill and Alexander Protasovitsky were arrested on charges of beating the head of the department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Pak, as well as the driver of TV presenter Olga Ushakova Vitaly Solovchuk. Since then they have been in jail.

On April 3, their detention was extended until September 25. On April 8, the defense parties filed an appeal against the court's decision, which was ultimately not satisfied.

Earlier, Pak's lawyer questioned the future of Kokorin and Mamaev in football.

Kokorin made a public apology to Pak in court

Zenit football player Alexander Kokorin publicly apologized to official Denis Pak, who was hit with a chair in Coffeemania.

I would like to apologize to you for my actions. Humanly! If there is such an opportunity, I would like to make peace, ”Kokorin said in court. - If there was an opportunity to meet, then I think we would understand each other. Sorry again! Your Honor, I called Pak and texted him asking him to call me back, but there was no answer. This is before the arrest. The phone has it all.

Kirill Kokorin also apologized to Pak.

I guess I should have behaved differently then, sorry!

Recall that Life conducts a text broadcast from the courtroom.

In court in the case of Kokorin and Mamaev, they showed a record from the registrar of the car of the beaten driver

At a meeting in the Presnensky Court of Moscow on April 16, in a criminal case against football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, a video from the registrar of the car of the driver of Channel One host Vitaly Solovchuk was watched, Kommersant's correspondent reports from the courtroom.

While watching the video, an argument broke out between the state prosecution and the defense. Prosecutor Svetlana Tarasova claimed that the video shows how Pavel Mamaev grabs Vitaly Solovchuk by the chin, and he pushes him away. The defense argued that Solovchuk did not push away, but beat Mamaev so that his head "flies off". The defendants watched the video in silence.

The screen was installed in such a way that only the defendants, their lawyers, the prosecution and the judge could see the video. The audience in the hall did not see the video recording, but only heard the sounds coming from the screen speakers.

The meeting also showed video from the Coffeemania surveillance cameras. The video was shown without sound, it was commented by the prosecutor Svetlana Tarasova. She said that the tape showed Mr. Park coming in and sitting down at a table. Then, according to the prosecutor, Alexander Kokorin comes up to him and beats him "on the head with a chair." The lawyers were indignant: “Where is it on the head?” “And where, if not on the head? The whole country saw it,” the prosecutor replied.

This concludes the text online broadcast of the fourth hearing in the Presnensky Court in the case of Alexander Kokorin and his brother Kirill, Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Protasovitsky and says goodbye to you until the next hearing, which will take place on April 16!

The lawyer stressed that the witnesses noted the good mood of Pak after the brawl.

“One of the witnesses indicated that Pak had a slight smile on his face when he left, because, according to witnesses, the conflict was over. He says that even the disorder on his face was not. When a forensic medical examination was carried out, which was supposed to establish the presence or absence of these injuries and traces, Pak also declined in writing to participate in it. This is worth thinking about, ”Sport-Express quotes the defender Kokorin Jr. as saying.

“As for the injured Pak, there is a similar situation, because all the witnesses who were interrogated on the episode in the cafe, they all say that they did not see any injuries on Pak’s face. Despite the fact that they were at the epicenter of events. Can you imagine what a closed craniocerebral injury is? A person can lose consciousness, it will correspond to such an injury. So, the witnesses say that Pak calmly continued to talk. There was no blurring, no shaking. He was actively talking, none of the witnesses saw any injuries on his face,” Vyacheslav Barik stressed.

The lawyer of Kirill Kokorin spoke about the medical documents relating to the examination of Solovchuk.

“In the submitted medical documents of the initial examination (he says that my client Kirill Kokorin hit him on the body), not a single mark was recorded on the body. Neither in the primary medical documents that are attached to the materials of the criminal case referred to by the prosecution, nor in the conclusion of the forensic medical examination. There is nothing about any injuries on the body. And, in my opinion, this is very important, Solovchuk refused in writing to appear for a forensic medical examination. He was simply not there, ”the defender emphasized.

Gazzaev believes that Kokorin and Mamaev have already realized their guilt.

“In my opinion, both Mamaev and Kokorin have already learned a lesson from what happened for life. In their case, everything became clear within a month after their detention, but it turns out that the case is dragging on for up to a year, ”RIA Novosti quoted the State Duma deputy as saying.

Valery Gazzaev, deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, compared the hearing to a Brazilian TV series.

“Anyone who is under investigation has the right to leniency and fair punishment, as well as to correct their mistakes. The replicated case with Kokorin and Mamaev is already becoming like some kind of Brazilian TV series. Of course, they broke the law, but their case is dragging on, and the media are happy to pick it up, ”the condemned coach of Russia was indignant.

False bomb and perjury: how Kokorin and Mamaev are tried

In the Presnensky Court of Moscow, the third hearing was held in the case of the participation in the fights of the Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin, his brother Kirill, the midfielder of Krasnodar Pavel Mamaev and the fourth defendant in the proceedings, Alexander Protasovitsky. Gazeta.Ru conducted a text online broadcast of the meeting.

The third court session in the case of Kokorin and Mamaev ended

Summing up the main results of the third series of the show.

1. The victim Solovchuk failed on all counts: they called into question the legality of his stay in Russia (he is Belarusian), and the lawyers of the defendants found out that key points he either doesn't remember or doesn't want to remember. Mysteriously, a recording of a conversation with a friend of the players disappeared from his video recorder, after which the conflict just began.

He also mixed up his testimony about Kokorin: the records show that the Zenit forward did not touch him, but Solovchuk testified about something else today. He refuses the compensation offered by Mamaev - but he is not sure about that either.

Further participation of the main victim in the process remains at his discretion;

2. Mamaev and the other defendants apologized to Solovchuk;

3. The waiter of the cafe where the fight with Pak took place, Rinat Toktarov, was interviewed.

The judge found inconsistencies in his testimony, but everything was within the normal range. He separated the fighting and could not remember all the moments;

4. The meeting adjourned for four hours due to a false report of mining.

“Kokorin is a saint! He's like an angel." The brightest quotes of the witness Bobkova

On Wednesday, the Moscow Presnensky Court held a hearing in the case of Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev. Among others, witness Ekaterina Bobkova, a girl who was in company with the players that very night and morning, was interrogated. Here are her main quotes.

On meeting the defendants

I know everyone the same time. About seven years ago I met the guys - I have known Kokorin and Mamaev for a long time. Protasovitsky and Kirill Kokorin did not know.

About what happened at the nightclub "Egoist"
- It was 6 o'clock in the morning. I drank three glasses of whiskey somewhere. I went out with the girls and then the guys. We left the club, there was a Mercedes near the entrance, white. He stood in front. The driver was in the car. We were waiting for a taxi. One of the girls got into the car, thought it was a taxi, but immediately jumped out and conveyed the words of the driver: “I won’t carry roosters.”

About Mamaev's reaction to the words of the driver Solovchuk
- Pasha went to the car from the driver's side to ask who he called roosters. The driver got out of the car and started yelling: “You!”. What right does he have to insult people? That is, they can insult me, but I can’t punch me in the face?!

Kokorin and Mamaev appeared in court with things

Football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev expect that they may soon be free. They arrived at the next court session with things.

Both of them, as well as Kokorin's younger brother Kirill and their friend Alexander Protasovitsky, have been in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center since October last year - they were arrested after fights in the center of Moscow. Several times the period of their stay under arrest was extended, the last extension occurred on April 3, when the Presnensky Court decided that they would be in custody until at least September 25.

But this was only a preliminary hearing, where it was determined whether those arrested would remain in the pre-trial detention center and for how long. And today the court will deal directly with the materials of the case, which already comprise 25 volumes. The meeting will begin at 12:00 Moscow time.

Trial of Kokorin and Mamaev begins in Moscow

In the Presnensky District Court of Moscow, the trial of the football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, who have already spent six months in a pre-trial detention center, has begun. The public prosecutor is Svetlana Tarasova.

Earlier, the players were charged with two crimes under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism) and Art. 116 of the Criminal Code (beatings). Together with them, Kokorin's younger brother Kirill and their friend Alexander Protasovitsky are being judged.

Kokorin complained to the European Court of Human Rights

The lawyer of Zenit forward Alexander Kokorin, Andrey Romashov, said that he had already sent a complaint about his client's case to the European Court of Human Rights for consideration.

The complaint against Kokorin went to the ECHR. The review period is one month. Further, communication will either begin, or not, - said Romashov.
On Tuesday, it became known that the Presnensky Court of Moscow on April 3 will begin hearings on the criminal case of Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev.

Earlier it was reported that Kokorin, Mamaev and two other accomplices, depending on the role of each, are charged with the articles “Intentional infliction of minor bodily harm”, “Beatings” and “Hooliganism”.

Mikhail Efremov: Who benefits from Kokorin and Mamaev being imprisoned? Spartak, CSKA and Dynamo

As a Spartak fan, actor Mikhail Efremov sees the pedestal of the current Russian championship, why Kokorin and Mamaev are sitting and why they should be punished for lack of a sense of humor, and not for disrespect for authority.

Do you have an explanation of what went wrong with Mamaev and Kokorin that night?

I have seen all these videos. Across the country in the morning there are so many such things! As I understand it, this big official got into it. Then: Mamaev is Krasnodar, Kokorin is Zenit. Who benefits from all this to sit? Spartak, CSKA and Dynamo, and Dynamo is responsible for the cops, that's all I've laid out for you. Although Kokorin played for Dynamo, they could have been more gentle. With a knee - this is a very unpleasant thing. Six months, guys - for what? 15 days for this give. In my opinion, I found some kind of scythe on a stone. Either an official got into the bottle, whom they insulted on the national issue, or, indeed, competing clubs can grease. We have such an immoral country - anything can happen.

Kokorin's leg began to rot

Forward of the St. Petersburg “Zenith” Alexander Kokorin complained about the treatment in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center. This was reported to TASS by the football player's lawyer Andrey Romashov.

Romashov said that in the pre-trial detention center Kokorin underwent electrophoresis and burned his skin and muscle tissue on the foot. As a result, the striker received festering legs. Lawyers are asking to allow more qualified doctors to see the player.

In January, Kokorin complained about the deterioration of his knee. He said that the doctor in the pre-trial detention center could not provide him with the necessary assistance. In turn, Romashov said that in Butyrka, his client could be made disabled.

The footballer suffered a knee cruciate ligament injury in March 2018. He underwent surgery in Rome and went through rehabilitation.

Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev are in custody until at least April 8. In October last year, they provoked two fights in the center of Moscow and became defendants in three criminal cases.

The Butyrka group wished “health, luck and freedom” to Kokorin and Mamaev

The Russian musical group Butyrka recorded a New Year's song in support of Russian football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev who are in jail. The clip has been posted on social media.

The song contains encouraging words about the fact that drinking alcoholic beverages is not considered successful without a fight. In addition, the musicians wished the players "health, luck and freedom."

Kokorin is getting cheaper by 1.2 million euros per month, Mamaev - by 0.5. We found out where these numbers come from

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev played against each other on October 7 in St. Petersburg in the RPL match, then got into Sapsan and left for the most nightmarish trip of their lives. Since then, Zenit has played 12 matches without Kokorin, Krasnodar without Mamaev - 13. At first, it was about a possible break in contracts and sanctions, then the clubs cooled down.

But the pause in their careers was reflected in the cost of Kokorin and Mamaev in the most powerful database of world football players - Transfermarkt.

As long as it's not too catastrophic. Based on numbers, a year at Dynamo affected 23-year-old Kokorin worse than three months in a pre-trial detention center (without healthy eating and normal training) on ​​a 27-year-old. From January 2015 to January 2016, its value collapsed by 7 million euros - from 15 to 8.

Mamaev has about the same picture: from the summer of 2016 to the summer of 2017, he fell in price by 5 million euros - from 12 to 7.

Logical questions: why 5 and not 6. Why from 12 to 7, and not from 14 to 9? Abstract figures are always doubtful. Thomas Linz, head of the international department at Transfermarkt.de, explains how to properly treat such data.

“It is important to understand that the market value of the players indicated by us should not be considered as a projected price for the future transfer of a player. Although in some cases it is either close to the amount actually paid, or exactly corresponds to it. In our system, even free agents have a transfer fee, which any club can acquire for free. We try to show the overall value of a player as a football asset."

How is the cost calculated?
Briefly: Transfermark collects user opinions and displays an average figure. Russian representative of the company Artem Zavodnik tells more.

“On the Transfermarkt forum, 3-4 times a year, the price tags of football players are discussed - 1-2 times we evaluate the players selectively and twice a year we update all the price tags. Users offer their versions, according to the results, we approve the numbers or slightly correct them. Since the summer of this year, we have been conducting a survey on the blog on Sports.ru in order to connect the Russian audience. If the TM forum has a maximum of 30 people, then on Sports.ru there are from 500 to 700 people for each team. As a rule, the average numbers are very close to each other.”

Transfermarkt does not change the price if a player is out for three months due to an injury, but Kokorin and Mamaev are a different case: “We discussed for a long time what to do,” Zavodnik explains. - It was proposed not to touch the price tags until the verdict. In the end, we still decided that the game downtime of 3 months should be taken into account, as well as the impact of reputation on interest in them.”

The main reason for the significant price reduction is the transfer of Kokorin and Mamaev to Europe is now almost excluded: “The loss of reputation played a big role in Kokorin and Mamaev. After such a story, the demand for them abroad will tend to zero even in the event of a complete justification. There will be demand in Russia, but not so high.”

Mamaev did not fall in price so much, because he started powerfully: “Mamaev started the season excellently (3 goals + 3 goals in 13 matches – Sports.ru), because the reduction in his price is less than that of Kokorin, who had already missed half a year due to injury . The Krasnodar player lost, roughly speaking, 500 thousand a month, and Kokorin lost a million more.

Eremenko lost 80% of the cost for a two-year suspension, the same awaits Kokorin and Mamaev: “If they are convicted, the price tags will be completely removed for the duration of their absence from football, as was the case with Roman Eremenko. After returning, his value fell from 15 million to 3. Formula: minus 3 million for every 6 months. In two years, this amounted to 12 million.”

How accurate is Transfermarkt?
We know that Transfermarkt asks not to do this, but the only way evaluate the accuracy of the data - compare the estimated price of a player with the real cost of his transfer. When it's not about free agents or players with expiring contracts, this is a completely objective criterion. Below are the five top Russian transfers of this season (rentals are not taken into account).

Will Kokorin and Mamaev play in jail? Detective story!

When will the game take place.

Deputy Chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of Moscow Eva Merkacheva told TASS that the match will take place after Christmas. And that the permission of the investigator to organize the game will not be required, since Mamaev and Kokorin will probably be divorced in terms of time on the field. One of the players will play the first half on the field, and the other - the second. If permission is granted

investigator, then the players will be able to play a full match. “We discussed this with the management of the detention center, the match will take place after Christmas. A more specific date will be determined later,” Merkacheva said.

Kokorin does not know about the match

Later it turned out that Alexander Kokorin, like his brother Kirill, was not aware that they would have to play against the staff of the pre-trial detention center. The lawyer of the Zenit striker Tatyana Stukalova said that “someone is mocking” the players.

“I want to inform everyone that no football match between the team of prisoners represented by the Kokorins, Mamaev and Protasovitsky with the administration team of the pre-trial detention center will take place and was not planned. Someone is clearly mocking the position of the guys at the present time. It's time to stop this, ”Stukalova wrote on her Instagram.

The same "SE" was told by the lawyer of Kokorin Jr., Vyacheslav Barik.

- The guys told us that they had not heard anything about the football match, and that no one had discussed this issue with them.

- And if the Kokorins were offered to play, would they agree?

- Even if it were discussed with them, they are still not ready to go to the site, especially Alexander Kokorin, who has not yet recovered from a knee injury. Such a match is, in principle, very dangerous. Both Kokorins and Mamaev do not train while sitting in a pre-trial detention center, but without necessary training going out and getting loads is very hard. This is wrong from a physiological point of view. But most importantly, no one talked about any match with the Kokorins.

Mamaev wants to play

Deputy Chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow, Eva Merkacheva, told SE that Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev wrote a statement asking him to Soccer game in jail.

- Kirill Kokorin knows for sure, I talked to him on this topic. With Alexander, unfortunately, it was not possible to discuss this. Before that, everything was discussed with Mamaev, we only need his consent. The match will take place even if only Pavel takes part in it of all the defendants in the case. I have his statement in which the footballer asks for permission to play, guarantees that he takes responsibility for observing safety rules and wants the meeting to be covered by the media. All this is in writing, with the signature of Mamaev, this has already been approved by the Federal Penitentiary Service. If Kokorin does not participate in the match, God bless him, although it seems to me that his lawyer did a disservice here, who decided for everyone that the game would not take place. Kirill Kokorin, by the way, answered the question about the match: “It would be cool!”

- There is still enough time to ask Kokorin himself if he wants to play. Will you have such an opportunity?

- I think yes. I will personally ask him again specifically about whether he wants to take part or not. If he does not agree, then we will have a great game with Mamaev.

Kokorin and Mamaev will play with the guards of the pre-trial detention center as part of a charity event

The match in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center with the participation of Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev, who are staying there, will be of a charitable nature.

The game will take place as part of the All-Russian campaign "Week of Kindness", which is held by social movement"Forty Magpies". The purpose of the campaign is to help people in need.

Earlier it became known that the match with the participation of Kokorin and Mamaev will take place after Christmas. At the same time, Mamaev and Kokorin do not have the right to see each other, since they are accused in the same criminal case. Because of this, they are likely to be time-bred on the field unless given special permission.

Kokorin and Mamaev changed the article to a more serious one

Alexander Kokorin, Pavel Mamaev and other defendants in the case of brawls in Moscow were changed to a more serious article. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the lawyer Kokorin Jr. Vyacheslav Barik.

According to the defense counsel, "now they are charged with part 2 of Article 115." Barik explained that the decision was made after receiving the conclusion of the forensic experts. Instead of beatings, Kokorin and Mamaev are charged with causing minor bodily harm. The punishment under both articles is the same (up to two years in prison), but the last article is considered more severe. However, the charge of hooliganism remains.

New Year in jail? A decision was made on Kokorin and Mamaev.

The Moscow City Court considered an appeal to extend the detention of football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev. It was decided to dismiss the appeal and uphold the previous court decision. The accused will stay in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center until February 8.

The court extended the arrest of Kokorin and Mamaev for two months

The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow granted the petition of the investigation to extend the term of imprisonment of Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev.

This is reported by an RT correspondent from the scene.

On October 11, Alexander Kokorin, his brother Kirill, and Pavel Mamaev were arrested until December 8 on charges of beating the head of the department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Pak, and the driver of TV presenter Olga Ushakova, Vitaly Solovchuk.

Peskov told what kind of punishment the players Kokorin and Mamaev deserve

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov commented on the drunken adventures of Zenit forward Alexander Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev, who beat several people. He said that the court should decide on the case of the players, regardless of the degree of their football talent.

"Do you think it's better to go back to football to play?" - Peskov clarified, answering the corresponding question of MGIMO students.

The students expressed the opinion that Kokorin and Mamaev should be judged to the fullest extent of the law. Peskov agreed with this point of view. "I think so too. And even more, for sure, those people whom they beat think so, ”quotes the press secretary of the president“ federal agency news".

The wife of FC Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev, who is in custody for hooliganism and beating people in Moscow, along with his colleague footballer Alexander Kokorin, accused her husband of treason. The woman shared this on her Instagram.

“My “husband” traded his family for a girl, because of which the whole conflict with the driver began. She is from Vilnius,” wrote Alana Mamaeva.

Earlier, Zvezda reported that Alana Mamaev was being blackmailed by hackers, threatening her to post incriminating "home" photos and videos on the Web, as well as her husband's correspondence with Kokorin.

Mamaev and Kokorin will celebrate the New Year in a pre-trial detention center

Investigators have prepared petitions to extend the athletes' detention until February 8, 2019.

Football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev will spend the New Year holidays in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center. Investigators have prepared petitions to extend the athletes' detention until February 8, 2019. It is reported by "Rosbalt" with reference to its own source.

It is noted that the petitions will be filed with the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow on November 30 or December 3. The prosecution believes that, once released, Mamaev and Kokorin will immediately hide from the investigation, since “they have extensive personal connections in various bodies state power and significant funds.

In turn, the players' lawyers, in a conversation with the agency, said they intended to ask them to choose a preventive measure that would not involve imprisonment.

"Public spanking": Kokorin and Mamaev will get off with a suspended sentence

The lawyer believes that for the players the case will be limited to negative publicity

Lawyer Vitaly Krivoruchenko believes that Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev will not go to jail for two fights in the capital.

“Most likely, there will be a short term, but conditional. There is a saying: beat your own so that strangers are afraid. They chose detention as a measure of restraint for the purpose of prevention, because the case had a great public outcry, ”the lawyer explained in a comment to the Championship publication.

According to Krivoruchenko, Kokorin and Mamaev were sent to a pre-trial detention center, as they wanted to show that naughty stars should be responsible for their behavior. For the same reason, the lawyer stressed, some governors and Minister Ulyukaev are serving sentences. “We must show that we are all equal before the court and the law. It will be a public flogging. They won’t really be imprisoned, but there will be a public outcry to teach others,” he added.

Krivoruchenko listed extenuating circumstances that would not allow athletes to be put behind bars for a long time. He recalled that the players are charged with a crime of medium gravity, they had not previously been convicted. The brawlers pleaded guilty, so the court, in order to give a real punishment, must motivate its decision. “They have services to their homeland, positive characteristics, Kadyrov has already vouched for them, saying that he will take them to Akhmat, no matter what punishment they are given in the end,” Krivoruchenko cited a decisive argument.

On October 8, Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev staged a brawl in the center of Moscow: first, the driver of the Channel One journalist was beaten in the parking lot, then they got into a fight in a cafe with an official of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The athletes were charged under the articles “Hooliganism” and “Beating”, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow placed them in custody for 2 months.

Better with a fist than with a chair. How is the investigation in the case of Kokorin and Mamaev

At the beginning of December, the term for the arrest of the football players of St. Petersburg Zenit and FC Krasnodar Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev expires, who beat the driver of the first channel host and two federal officials in the early morning of October 8 in Moscow. They were charged under the articles "Hooliganism" and "Beating". Both fights were recorded by CCTV cameras and attached to the case. Despite this and the statements of lawyers that such cases are being investigated for no longer than a month and a half, information was leaked to the press, according to which Kokorin and Mamaev will remain in the pre-trial detention center until at least February 8. So far, all attempts by the defense to place them under house arrest or release them on bail have been fruitless.

In the first days after the incident, interest in this case was unusually great, it was reported by the largest Russian media, the behavior of Kokorin and Mamaev was discussed on numerous talk shows. Football players were also reminded of the scandal associated with their participation in a party in Monte Carlo shortly after the infamous performance of the Russian football team at the 2016 European Championship. The video showed how the waiters, to the sound of the Russian anthem, carried a huge number of bottles of expensive champagne past Kokorin and Mamaev. Moreover, the press claimed that champagne (worth 250 thousand euros) was purchased by Kokorin and Mamaev themselves. This information was not confirmed later. Kokorin apologized for his behavior, but Mamaev refused to do so, believing that he had done nothing shameful. He was sent to the second part of Krasnodar, but then returned to the main team and again became its key player.

The arrest of Kokorin and Mamaev was actively discussed in in social networks. Users wrote that both were “doubly unlucky,” since the investigator in their case, Alexei Gurmenko, is an active fan of the Moscow Spartak, and therefore may experience a sharp dislike for the players of the clubs that are rivals of their favorite team. Twitter "Actual Politics" published a photo that allegedly depicts Gurmenko with a Spartak scarf around his neck and surrounded by other fans. The authenticity of this RS photograph could not be verified. Meanwhile, it is known that Kokorin complained about insults from the investigator - he allegedly called him "scum" - and demanded that this fact be included in the protocol of interrogation. From the reports on this matter, it is not clear whether it was Aleksey Gurmenko who showed hostility to Kokorin.

IN last days interest in the fate of Kokorin and Mamaev revived. On November 13, sports TV presenter Gennady Orlov, citing his sources, said that the players "will definitely get a real sentence." “It is very difficult with Kokorin and Mamaev. Yesterday I was in Moscow and met with different people, even with one investigator, a professional. He told me: “No, no, they will definitely get a sentence. Previously, football players were “dismissed” in such situations, now this will not happen, ”Orlov said in an interview with Sport-Express. Later, information appeared and refuted that Kokorin fell ill in the pre-trial detention center. Those who had the opportunity to meet with the players noted their depressed state. At the same time, they have the opportunity to exercise in the gym, although the duration of such activities was recently reduced by the administration of the detention center - for the sake of the interests of other detainees.

According to unconfirmed reports, Kokorin and Mamaev transferred money (the amount was not named) to the account of the driver they had beaten as compensation for damage, counting on a softening of the court decision in their case. However, Kokorin's lawyer Tatyana Stukalova denied the fact of the money transfer, saying that she did not know anything about it and that Kokorin could not transfer money from the prison cell. Well, on November 23, the TASS agency reported that there was a video recording from the DVR of the beaten driver’s car in the case, which allegedly shows that it was he who provoked the fight and struck the first blow. There were no official comments on this either.

About whether the investigation in the case of Kokorin and Mamaev is dragging on and what factors may affect the verdict, Radio Liberty talks with a lawyer, a member of the Public Chamber of the Kaliningrad Region Alexei Elaev.

- The case of Kokorin and Mamaev is a resonant case. It is clear that special attention is paid to him. But still, doesn't it seem strange, based on your experience, that this kind of case has not yet been brought to court? After all, everything happened in early October, now the second half of November. I understand that the standard period of arrest for Kokorin and Mamaev was set - two months. But why is the investigation taking so long if everything that happened was recorded by CCTV cameras?

Lawyer Kokorin explained the reasons for the attack on the official

Lawyer Tatyana Stukalova Photo: @stukalova_official

Tatyana Stukalova, a lawyer for Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin, spoke about the progress of the investigation on her Instagram account.

“Dear subscribers! Now I have a legal question for you. If your companion was publicly called a “whore”, and you were immediately called a “cock” in the most derogatory sense of the word and, moreover, “u *** nom”, what would you do?” Stukalova wrote.

According to the lawyer, the causes of the conflict lie in the behavior of the victims. "<…>from the content of the videos, it is obvious that apart from Solovchuk (the driver of TV presenter Olga Ushakova - approx. "Lenta.ru") there were no conflicts with anyone around. A similar situation is contained in the videos with the participation of the law-abiding citizen Pak, since none of the cafe visitors was beaten on the hand with a chair, contrary to the notions of hooliganism,” she noted.

Case of Kokorin and Mamaev: was the driver the first to start?

New details of the sensational case, Zlatan's transfer to Milan and other events - in Thursday's football digest.

Development Director of Krylia Sovetov Alexander Shikunov commented on the rumors about the interest of the Samara club in the midfielder of the Moscow Spartak Denis Glushakov.

“For the first time I hear about our interest in Denis Glushakov. And if we talk about whether he would be interesting to us or not, then he is a high-class player. Of course, the Wings would need him. Recently, he has had a difficult situation, but his qualifications do not raise any questions, ”Shikunov said in an interview with the correspondent of the Championship, Pavel Levkovich.

After 14 rounds of the Russian Premier League this season, Krylya Sovetov are in 13th place in standings with 14 points.

Glushakov took part in eight (seven at the base) matches for Spartak this season of the RPL, but did not score with effective actions.

An anonymous source familiar with the situation said that driver Vitaly Solovchuk, who is the victim in a fight involving Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev and Zenit forward Alexander Kokorin, himself provoked a conflict in the parking lot, TASS reports.

“On the recording of the video recording device in Solovchuk’s car, you can clearly see and hear how he is the first to insult Mamaev and strike him. At the same time, during the investigation, the driver gave false evidence that he did not insult the players, and the athletes themselves provoked a fight,” the source said.

After the incident, which occurred in early October, Solovchuk was taken to the hospital with a concussion and head injury.

Earlier it became known that Kokorin and Mamaev transferred money to the driver as compensation for causing moral and material damage. Now both players are in custody in a pre-trial detention center.

While Kokorin is sick: Mamaev found a new friend in the pre-trial detention center

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev continue to stay in jail. According to public figure Ivan Melnikov, Kokorin looks more depressed and has been feeling unwell lately, and he has medicines in his cell. At the same time, the Commissioner for Human Rights in Moscow, Tatyana Potyaeva, assured that the footballer was actually healthy and was taking vitamins, not medicines. Mamaev at that time built an iconostasis in the cell and started reading Dostoevsky's work "The Idiot".

Forward of the St. Petersburg "Zenith" Alexander Kokorin and midfielder of "Krasnodar" Pavel Mamaev are meeting in the pre-trial detention center for the second break for national team matches.

Bye national team Russia under the leadership of Stanislav Cherchesov is preparing to play his most important match since the World Cup - 2018 against Sweden,

Kokorin and Mamaev are trying to support physical form in the Butyrka gym and do what they didn’t have time for outside, for example, Pavel reads Dostoevsky’s work The Idiot.

Mamaev also said that since visiting the gym in the pre-trial detention center is rather limited, he found the opportunity to work out right in the cell - he was given a yoga mat, on which the football player does exercises for the press.

He developed a warm relationship with a cellmate named Konstantin. Now the men keep fit together. Mamaev also devotes time to his spiritual development.

“They made an iconostasis with Konstantin, with various small icons from the temple. About fifteen pieces. They put them on a cardboard box, ”Sovetsky Sport quotes the words of the executive secretary of the Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow, Ivan Melnikov. - If you pay attention, Mamaev even has tattoos on a religious theme.

It can be seen that this is important for him, so I am sure that he reads Orthodox literature and is engaged in philosophy.

Mamaev noted that if it weren’t for his wife and children, he wouldn’t experience any problems at all and wouldn’t worry much.

But the psychological state of Kokorin caused questions from the public figure. According to Melnikov, the Zenit does not look as peaceful as Mamaev, and still seems seriously depressed:

“Alexander regularly goes to the gym. I don’t know if he does exercises in the cell, like Pavel, I didn’t talk to him on this topic, but it’s clear that Kokorin is worried. Mamaev is more confident.”

In addition, Melnikov suggested that the player could catch a cold in the cell.

“I noticed that Alexander is not feeling very well, because he had medicines in his cell and he spoke through his nose. Apparently he got sick.

Maybe against this background there was no mood. He also worries about his brother, who is in the next cell. It can be understood,” the human rights activist said, while noting that the players have no complaints about the conditions of detention.

However, the Commissioner for Human Rights in Moscow, Tatyana Potyaeva, turned out to have completely different information about Kokorin's state of health.

“I spoke with the head of the pre-trial detention center, Alexander feels fine, nothing hurts him, he did not go to the doctors.

Doesn't sneeze, doesn't sniffle. I do not know who launched the information about his illness. He feels absolutely normal, ”RIA Novosti quotes Potyaeva.

The Ombudswoman noted that the drugs that are in Kokorin's cell are not medicines, but vitamins. A football player needs to use these substances to keep his body in good shape.

“These are vitamin preparations that his relatives gave him. He has no complaints, he did not apply to the medical unit.

On this topic, they will now send me an official document stating that he is healthy and feels fine, ”Potyaeva summed up.

It is known that in the pre-trial detention center the health of prisoners is regularly checked - the doctor visits all the cells every few days, so it is quite possible that the information about Kokorin's illness turned out to be somewhat exaggerated.

Earlier it became known that one of the investigators allowed himself a rude treatment in relation to the Zenit. Kokorin's lawyer Tatyana Stukalova wrote about this on her Instagram:

“I learned from Alexander that during his initial interrogation without my participation, one of the investigators, whose name I don’t want to name, called him an indecent and offensive word, and Alexander entered this circumstance into the protocol of interrogation with a request to explain to him, in connection with which did it happen and is it legal.

This application of my client has not been considered to date, and it is appropriate to assume that there is no procedural control over the actions of 18 investigators of the investigation group.

Next week, the specified investigator will be officially challenged, since there is a personal dislike for the accused Alexander Kokorin,

and it is also planned to challenge his head for lack of control and connivance with the ugly and illegal actions of the investigator, although I do not think that the head shares the opinion of this investigator.

“I have no complaints, no questions about the conditions of detention. The sun is just not enough. And I want to admire the sky - there is a roof in the walking yard, so only the blue stripe is visible from the edge, ”Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes the football player.

Recall that Kokorin and Mamaev ended up behind bars because of the attack on officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Pak and Sergey Gaisin, as well as the driver of Channel One presenter Vitaly Solovchuk, which they committed on October 8 while intoxicated.

A criminal case was initiated under the articles "Hooliganism" and "Battery".

The players will stay in the pre-trial detention center until December 8, but the detention period may be extended if by that time the investigation has not yet managed to establish all the circumstances of the case.

The payment by Kokorin and Mamaev of money to the beaten driver was denied

Football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev did not pay compensation to the driver of TV presenter Olga Ushakova, who was beaten by them. Kokorin's lawyer Tatyana Stukalova told the Moscow agency about this.

“I do not know such information, it is not true,” she said.

Earlier, on November 21, TASS, citing its source, reported that the players settled the issue with the driver, compensating for moral harm and material damage. The money was allegedly transferred to a specially opened account, which could serve as a mitigating circumstance in court.

How do Kokorin and Mamaev irritate the prison staff? Candid eyewitness interview

Both players were charged under articles 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Beating” and 213 “Hooliganism”, by the decision of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow they were taken into custody until December 8.

- Does Kokorin really have a cold or not? There are different data.

“Honestly, I don't know. When in last time saw Alexander, he was perfectly healthy. It's either last Thursday or Friday. Kokorin was taciturn, a little aggressive, but not sick.

– How is the health status of prisoners generally monitored?

- In accordance with the regulations, a doctor should come every morning and ask: “Is everything all right?” This is called the "morning health check". If suddenly it becomes ill during the day, the prisoner or his cellmates can knock on the door and call for help.

Kokorin even has a button in the form of an intercom, he can tell if he needs something in terms of medicine - a pill or a doctor's examination. Then the doctor will either come to him himself, or Alexander will be taken to him. Each Butyrka building has a medical room. There is also a medical unit, where there are several rooms. If something emergency suddenly happened, then an ambulance is called and they can even be taken out under escort to the city hospital.

- How do the players feel in general?

- Kokorin, it seemed to me, was in a somewhat depressed state. Mamaev, on the other hand, looked cheerful and cheerful enough. He was cleaning all the time, went in for sports, was positive and active.

- What, in your opinion, is the reason for Kokorin's condition?

- Initially, Alexander was easier on the whole matter. Probably, he decided that they would be released in a couple of days, but it turned out not at all like that. Therefore, the conclusion for him was a blow. And Mamaev was worried only in the first days - Pavel prepared for the worst. For him, the fact of the arrest was not a revelation.

- Brother Kokorin - Kirill, who experienced great psychological problems in the early days in the pre-trial detention center, eventually adapted?

- Stay young. He behaves calmly, although very young. The older brother was very worried about him at first. Now, I don't know.

Are they complaining about something?

- No. And they didn't have any complaints. Recently, Kokorin and Mamaev have adapted to the conditions of detention. Especially, I repeat, Pavel.

- What do football players do in their cells besides reading and watching TV?

- They walk for an hour a day. Employees take them separately to the exercise yard, where they leave them alone and lock them up.

How is the gym doing?

- At first they were not allowed there, then the players began to visit it every day. Then the Federal Penitentiary Service (Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation - Note "SE") was indignant that the players train there too often. Now they have a schedule - twice a week. Both say it's enough, no more needed.

By the way, we need to close the topic of the gym, because other prisoners are also unhappy that the players often visit the gym, so the current schedule is optimal. The rest of the time they will study in their cells. You can do push-ups and squats there. Mamaev showed us all this.

- Do relatives often visit football players?

- Mamaev was allowed only a meeting with his father. Pavel really wanted to see his wife and children, but he was forbidden.

- Why?

- The investigator refused and did not explain the reason.

- And what about Kokorin?

- He had several dates, but not only with his father, with someone else.

- What are the opinions of the workers of the pre-trial detention center about Mamaev and Kokorin?

They say there are no problems with them. But they are unhappy that everyone is regularly interested in their condition. Athletes are constantly visited by the Commissioner for Human Rights, human rights activists.

But why visit them often? Both are placed in really very good chambers with intercoms. Everything is as it should be. Moreover, everyone has only one cellmate - "pressure", extortion are excluded.

Lawyer: Kokorin and Mamaev will be able to play for the team of prisoners

Also, a member of the Public Monitoring Commission, Ivan Melnikov, noted that the players in the pre-trial detention center do not need anything and “have already calmed down emotionally, they are not nervous.”

Member of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) Ivan Melnikov said that football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, who are under arrest, are not deprived of the opportunity to play sports.

Football players will be able to get into the Russian team of prisoners. The Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service (UFSIN) constantly holds matches among prisons and pre-trial detention centers, and playing with such personalities will definitely cause a full house, the lawyer said in an interview with RT.

They have TVs and refrigerators, as well as the opportunity to visit the small prison gym several times a week and even mint one old worn ball in turn with their neighbors, the PMC member said.

At the same time, Melnikov noted that Kokorin and Mamaev in the pre-trial detention center "have already calmed down emotionally, they are not nervous."

Kadyrov offered to transfer to "Akhmat" and re-educate Kokorin and Mamaev

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, believes that Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev and Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin can be re-educated in Akhmat.

“The players realized their guilt, repented. And this is also an example for everyone. For the Russian team it will be a big loss if they are imprisoned. I said if they go to Akhmat, we will re-educate them, and we would find good players.

I am by no means making excuses for them, but given that they have repented, I don’t see the point in losing such players and taking them into custody. I have always been against any violence and defended the weak,” TASS quoted Kadyrov as saying.

On October 8, Mamaev and Kokorin were at the epicenter of brawls in the center of Moscow, as a result of which three people were injured. IN this moment the players are in custody in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center.

Kokorin and Mamaev urged to apologize "not on paper"

Russian figure skater Elizaveta Tuktamysheva commented on the situation around the players Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin. Her words are quoted by Sport24.

“This is not a male act. I never understood those who so easily and simply dissolve their hands, ”said the 21-year-old athlete. “If all this has already happened, then you need to make every effort to get out of the situation with dignity. Publicly, not on a piece of paper, to apologize for a start,” she stressed.

Kokorin and Mamaev reached the simulators

Football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, who are being held in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center, were given access to Gym. This is reported by the publication "Sport-Express".

“Today Kokorin and Mamaev began to study in gym. This is a small room made from ordinary isolation cells. The players' cameras are located not far from him, literally a few tens of meters away. I think Kokorin and Mamaev will be able to train often, ”said Ivan Melnikov, executive secretary of the Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow. He also stressed that the players can only take turns in the gym.

On October 22, the head of the pre-trial detention center, Sergei Telyatnikov, spoke about the conditions in which football players were kept in the pre-trial detention center. According to him, the athletes do not have problems: they do not extort money from them, they wash the toilets solely on their own. Kokorin and Mamaev will stay in jail until at least December 8.

On October 8, the players started two fights in Moscow. First, they beat the driver of TV presenter Olga Ushakova. The fight took place in the parking lot of the Beijing Hotel. After that, officials Denis Pak and Sergey Gaysin suffered at the hands of athletes in one of the coffee houses of the capital. As a result of fights against football players, three criminal cases were opened under the articles “Battery” and “Hooliganism”.

The lawyer told how Mamaev and Kokorin began to treat each other

Lawyer Pavel Mamaev Igor Bushmanov spoke about the relationship of his ward with Alexander Kokorin.

Pavel Mamaev is very worried about the fate of Alexander Kokorin, the players remain friends, no matter what. This was stated in an interview with Zvezda by Mamaev's lawyer Igor Bushmanov.

“They remained friends and, accordingly, are very worried about each other. In any case, Pavel is worried about the fate of other defendants in the case, and for the fate of his friend, and for the fate of those people who were involved in this situation. Difficulties strengthen friendship. I don’t think that what happened will negatively affect their future relationship, ”Bushmanov said in the Meantime program.

Kokorin and Mamaev in the pre-trial detention center wash the toilets at will, alternating with their cellmates

The head of the pre-trial detention center, Sergei Telyatnikov, spoke about the conditions of detention of Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin and Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev in the Butyrka pre-trial detention center.

According to Telyatnikov, the players are kept in small cells designed for two to four people. Neighbors already familiar to them from the time spent in quarantine were placed in the cells with the players - one in each cell. At the same time, neither Kokorin nor Mamaev face problems like extortion of money, and they wash the toilets "at will, alternating with their neighbors."

“Alexander Kokorin has the best camera. She is exemplary. There is even a kind of video intercom: the prisoner can press the call button - and an image will appear on the screen. Thus, the prisoner can talk to the officer on duty, ”Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes Ivan Melnikov, responsible secretary of the Moscow PMC.

Kokorin and Mamaev were arrested for two months

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow on Thursday issued a decision on the arrest of football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, suspected of hooliganism, until December 8.


The first measure of restraint was chosen for Alexander Kokorin: “The court ruled: to satisfy the petition of the investigation, to elect Kokorin a preventive measure in the form of detention for 1 month 28 days, until December 8,” Judge Maria Sizintseva announced the decision.

The lawyer of the Zenit striker, Oleg Popov, did not agree with the decision of the investigation and asked the court to release the footballer on bail. Popov also announced that Kokorin's verdict would be appealed in the next three days.

Kokorin, in turn, repented and apologized to the victim.

“Dear court, first I would like to apologize for the unworthy act of the victim Denis Pak. I am ashamed in front of my parents, in front of the club, the fans. I admit that this is unacceptable. I'm sorry, I'll do my best to earn forgiveness. I ask you not to deprive me of my freedom in order to give me the opportunity to make amends, ”Kokorin said in court.

Then Mamaev was brought into the courtroom, where he, following Kokorin, was also given a verdict.

“The court ruled: to satisfy the petition of the investigation, to choose a preventive measure for Mamaev in the form of detention for 1 month 28 days, until December 8,” Judge Dmitry Gordeev announced the decision.

Later, the lawyer of the Krasnodar midfielder spoke, stating that this decision would be appealed. “Yes, we will appeal,” commented

What are they judging for?

Kokorin and Mamaev are under the same article: they are suspected of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism committed by a group of persons). In substantiation of the request for arrest, the investigator indicated that Kokorin “played a particularly active role in a number of crimes”, has wide connections and great financial opportunities, in connection with which his being at large may interfere with the investigation. As for Mamaev, the investigation considers him involved in two episodes under the article “beatings” (116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the investigation, last Monday, Kokorin and Mamaev first started a fight on the street with the driver of one of the Channel One hosts, and then they beat the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Pak and the head of NAMI (developer of presidential cars Aurus) Sergey Gaisin in a cafe.