Complexes of massage and gymnastics for children. And most importantly: during classes, actively communicate with the baby, talk affectionately with him, keep him in a joyful mood

1. Walking in place or with movement with sweeping movements of the hands, squeezing and unclenching fingers. Duration 1 minute.

2. Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Left hand through the side up, right behind the back, bend and stretch, inhale; return to starting position, exhale. Repeat by changing the position of the hands. The pace is average.

3. Standing up on toes, raise your hands through the sides up, bend over - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale.

4. Standing, legs apart, left hand up right on the belt; springy slope to the right; repeat the same on the other side. Breathing is uniform, the pace is average.

5. Standing, swing your left foot back, swing your arms forward, hands relaxed - inhale; starting position - exhale; repeat the same with the right leg.

6. Standing up on toes, arms to the sides - inhale; lunge with the right foot, lean forward, touch the floor with your hands - exhale; starting position - inhale; the same with the left leg. The pace is average.

7. Sitting on the floor, hands to shoulders. Three springy bends forward, holding hands on the shins - exhale; straighten up, hands to shoulders - inhale. Incline gradually increase. Don't bend your legs. Raising your body, straighten your shoulders. The pace is average.

8. Starting position - emphasis sitting at the back. Bending over to go to support lying behind, bend the right leg forward; repeat the same, bending left leg. Pull the toes off. Breathing is arbitrary.

9. Starting position - emphasis on your knees. Tilt your head forward and raise your right knee, arch your back; starting position; straighten the right leg back and bend; starting position. The same with the other leg.

10. Starting position - kneeling. Hands forward, up, to the sides, bend with the body turning to the right - inhale; turning straight and sitting on your heels, tilt forward, arms back - exhale; starting position. The same, making a turn in the other direction. The pace is slow.

11. Stand with legs apart, hands forward, fingers interlaced. Turning the body to the left - inhale; starting position - exhale; tilt back, hands behind the head - inhale; starting position - exhale. The same on the other side. The pace is average.

12. Standing, hands on the belt. Jumping alternately on the right and left legs. Breathing is arbitrary. The pace is average.

13. Running in place or with movement. Breathing is even. The pace is average. Duration 40 - 50 seconds. Transition to walking with high hips for 20 seconds or more.

14. Standing legs apart, hands on the belt, hands forward. Rising on toes, elbows back, bend - inhale; starting position - exhale.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 2

1. Walking with sweeping hand movements at an accelerating pace. Duration 1 minute.

2. Legs apart, fingers interlaced. Turning your palms outward, arms up, rise on your toes - inhale; separating the hands, hands through the sides down, return to the starting position - exhale.

3. Running (15 - 20 s) with deceleration and transition to walking.

4. Legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the left, arms to the sides; 2 - 3 - springy tilt back; inhale; 4 - starting position; exhalation; 5 - 8 - the same with a turn to the right. The pace is average.

5. Lying on your back, arms to the sides. Raise the right leg, lower the leg to the right until it touches the floor; raise your leg; starting position. The same with the left foot, lowering it to the left. Breathing is even, the pace is slow.

6. Starting position - kneel down and then sit on your heels with an inclination forward, palms on the floor. 1 - 3 - sliding the chest above the floor, first bending and then straightening the arms, move to the position of emphasis lying on the hips - inhale; 4 - bending the legs, quickly return to the starting position - exhale. The pace is slow.

7. Lying on your back, arms to the sides. Bend your legs and, holding the middle of the lower leg, press your knees to your chest, tilt your head to your knees - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. The pace is slow.

8. Sitting legs apart, arms to the sides. Tilt forward, touch the toe of the left leg with the right hand, exhale the left leg back; starting position - inhale; repeat the same - to the right leg. The pace is average.

9. Starting position - emphasis on your knees. Unbending the left leg and lifting it back, bend your arms and touch the floor with your chest - inhale; pushing up, return to the starting position - exhale; repeat the same, raising the right leg. Hands in emphasis on the width of the shoulders. The pace is average.

10. Starting position - emphasis crouching. 1 - push of the legs, emphasis lying; 2 - emphasis lying, legs apart; 3 - emphasis lying, legs together; 4 - with a push of the legs, emphasis crouching. Breathing is arbitrary. The pace is slow.

11. Starting position - emphasis crouching. Straighten up. swing the left leg back, arms to the sides - inhale; emphasis crouching - exhale; the same swing of the right leg. The pace is average.

12. Running in place with the transition to walking. Breathing is uniform, the pace is average.

13. Standing, hands behind your back. 1 - jumping legs apart; 2 - jump back to the starting position; 3 - 4 - jumping on two legs. Breathing is arbitrary. Duration from 20 s.

14. Stand with legs apart. Hands up, bend over - inhale; springy tilt forward, arms to the sides - exhale. The pace is average.

15. Walking in place, average pace, 30 - 40 seconds.

Vibration- this is a quick, rhythmic shaking of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the palmar surface of the hand or fingers.
Patting and vibration increase the processes of excitation in the nervous system and cause beneficial muscle contraction.
Vibration massage chest. In infants, this type of massage, reflexively acting on the endings of the intercostal nerves, causes a deep breath. (It is not recommended to try it on yourself, so it is best to practice on a doll.)
During vibration massage the child lies on his back, his legs are turned towards the adult (see fig.). Grasp the baby's chest so that the thumbs lie in front at the level of the nipples, to the outside of them (do not press on the chest!), The rest of the fingers should be behind the paravertebral lines. Then, from the bottom up, make quick rhythmic movements (as if playing a keyboard musical instrument). If you did everything right, the child will laugh merrily; if he doesn’t like something, then you are doing the massage too vigorously, and he experiences pain.

Vibration massage will also be useful in cases where the baby is unwell (respiratory diseases, cough, runny nose).
The massage techniques listed above underlie all sets of exercises recommended for classes with children.
Currently, there are many schools of gymnastics and massage, but they are all good only in the hands of a specialist.

Gymnastic set of exercises No. 1 for children early age(from 1.5 to 3 months)

1. Smoothing hand massage (4-6 times)

2. Smoothing foot massage (4-6 times)

3. Laying out on the stomach

4. Back massage (4-6 times)

5. Massage of the abdomen (6-8 times)

6. Massage and reflex exercises for the feet (3-4 times)

7. Reflex extension of the back in the position on the side (1-2 times in both directions)

8. Laying out on the stomach

9. Reflex crawl

Gymnastic set of exercises No. 2 for young children (from 3 to 4 months)

1. Embracing movements with the hands (crossing the arms on the chest and spreading them to the sides; 6-8 times)

2. Hand massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading (4-8 times)

3. Foot massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading (4-8 times)

4. Reflex turns on the stomach with the support of the right hand (1-2 times)

5. Back massage (set 1)

6. "Position of the swimmer" (extension of the neck in a position on weight; 1-2 times)

7. Massage of the abdomen (6-10 times)

8. Foot massage (1-6 times). Foot exercises

9. Vibration chest massage

11. Reflex turns on the stomach with the support of the left hand (1-2 times)

Gymnastic set of exercises No. 3 for young children (from 4 to 6 months)

1. Crossing the arms on the chest. Embracing movements with hands (6-8 times)

2. Foot massage (6-10 times)

3. "Sliding" steps

4. Reflex turns on the stomach with the support of the left hand (1-2 times)

5. "Soaring" on the stomach (1-2 times)

6. Foot massage

7. Massage of the abdomen (6-10 times)

8. Raising the upper body from a position on the back by the arms extended to the sides

9. Foot massage and exercises (1-6 times)

10. Flexion and extension of the arms (6-8 times)

11. Flexion and extension of the legs

12. "Soaring" on the back (1-2 times)

13. Chest massage

14. Reflex turns on the stomach with the support of the left hand (1-2 times)

Gymnastic set of exercises No. 4 for young children (from 6 to 10 months)

1. Crossing arms. Enveloping movements of the arms (with rings) or flexion and extension of the arms

2. "Sliding steps" or flexion and extension of the legs

3. Reflex turns on the stomach with the support of the right hand

4. Back massage

5. Stimulating crawling

6. Massage the abdomen

7. Sitting down, holding on to the rings (1-2 times)

8. Circular movements of the hands (2-6 times)

9. Raising straightened legs (4-6 times)

10. Reflex turns on the stomach with the support of the left hand

11. Lifting the torso from a position on the stomach

Gymnastic set of exercises No. 5 for young children (from 10 to 1 year 2 months)

1. Flexion and extension of the arms

2. "Sliding" steps

3.1. Reflex turns on the stomach for the right hand

3.2. Reflex turns on the stomach for the left hand

4. Lifting the body from a position on the stomach (1-2 times)

5. Tilts and straightening of the body (2-3 times)

6. Back massage

7. Massage the abdomen

8. Reaching the stick with straight legs

9. Sitting down, holding on to the rings (2-3 times

Gymnastic set of exercises No. 9 for young children with rickets and hypertrophy (according to K. D. Hubert)

1. Smoothing hand massage (see set No. 1).
2. Smoothing foot massage (see set No. 1).
3. Flexion and extension of the arms (passive exercises) (see set No. 2).
4. Flexion and extension of the legs (passive exercises) (see set No. 3).
5. Massage of the abdomen (see set No. 1).
6. Reflex turns on the stomach with the support of the right hand (active exercises) (see set No. 2).
7. Back massage (see set No. 1).
8. Massage of the abdomen (see set No. 1).
9. Foot massage and reflex exercises for the feet (see set No. 1) (2 times).
10. Circular movements of the arms (passive exercises) (see comp. No. 3).
I. "Sliding" steps (passive exercises) (see set No. 3).
12. Turn on the stomach with the support of the left hand (active exercises) (see set No. 2).
The sequence of exercises of this complex: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,5,8,
8, 9,10,11.
Take all precautions, but do not suppress the activity of the baby. On the contrary, create conditions for proper development and training in all the positive qualities that your child came into life with, taking into account (as far as possible) all risk factors (see table. 2).

table 2
Accident prevention

Rational nutrition of the child

Importance of breastfeeding

It is known that proper nutrition is one of the determining factors of a child's health, ensuring the timely and normal formation of organs and tissues, harmonious physical and neuropsychic development, resistance to infections and adverse environmental influences. Nutrition plays the most important role in ensuring the health of children in the first year of life, since this period is characterized by rapid growth and development of the child. This requires the intake of a significant amount of nutrients. At the same time, the functionality of the baby's digestive tract is limited, due to its relative morphological and functional immaturity. Any error in nutrition can harm the health of the child. Therefore, the best food for a baby is breastfeeding.
The composition of mother's milk strictly corresponds to the physiological and metabolic characteristics of the child, the functionality of his digestive tract and changes throughout lactation, providing for the changing needs of the baby.
From the first to the fifth day after childbirth, colostrum is produced, which is valuable in large amounts of protein. From the sixth to the fifteenth day - transitional milk, and from the sixteenth - mature.
More milk comes in in the morning than in the evening. Therefore, in the evening, you can reduce the intervals between feedings.
The composition of milk in the breast is heterogeneous. At the beginning of feeding, the so-called "foremilk" is produced. Fat in it is 2-3 times less than in milk at the end of feeding. Therefore, from the first days, try to make the child suck out as much “hind milk” as possible from the breast.
To the number the most important virtues women's milk, making breastfeeding indispensable, include:
the optimal balanced composition of the nutrients necessary for the child and high level their assimilation;
a wide range of biologically active substances and protective factors;
the presence of factors stimulating the growth of bifidum bacteria that form the normal microbial flora of the intestine;
low load on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
optimum temperature;
Mother's milk is not only a source of nutrients, but also a large number of biologically active compounds that regulate the process of growth and development, a high level of immunological protection against infectious diseases, and reduce the risk of developing food allergies.
The work of the muscular apparatus of the child during sucking of the mother's breast contributes to the formation of the dentoalveolar system, the sound reproduction apparatus.
In the course of research, domestic and foreign scientists have established the beneficial effect of breastfeeding on the pace of physical and mental development, intellectual potential, the formation of behavioral reactions, and children's learning ability.
So far, scientists have not finally decided, but still tend to believe that breast milk has a beneficial effect on the baby's brain. “Of course, no one will take the liberty of saying: if you don’t breastfeed a child, he will grow dumber and weaker than he could,” says Dr. Lawrence Gartner of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “But that’s how it works.” In response, objections are heard: such factors as race, age, socio-economic conditions and the intelligence of parents cannot be discounted. “A loving, intelligent and caring mother will have a child smarter than her peers, regardless of what kind of food she receives,” says Dr. Mark Feldman from Toronto. And yet, I really want to believe that mother's milk is an elixir of intelligence.
When breastfeeding, a close psycho-emotional contact arises between the mother and the baby, which is a continuation of the connection that existed during the period of intrauterine development of the child. Breast-feeding creates for him an atmosphere of security that favorably affects his adaptive capabilities, the formation of behavioral reactions. This is how the foundation of future psycho-emotional relations between mother and child, the basis of his future socialization, is laid.
Specialists are well aware of the conditions against which natural feeding develops lifelong immunity: diabetes mellitus, obesity, early atherosclerosis, hypertension, impaired behavior and social relations, decreased learning ability.

Types and modes of feeding children in the first year of life

Depending on the proportion of women's milk in the total amount of nutrition, when feeding children of the first year of life, three types of feeding are distinguished: natural, artificial, mixed.
By natural, this type of feeding is meant when a child aged 4.5–5 months eats only women's milk or its share is at least 80% in the full daily volume.
With mixed feeding, women's milk in the total amount of nutrition ranges from 20% to 80% and is supplemented with milk mixtures.
With artificial feeding, the share of women's milk in the total amount of nutrition is less than 20%, or the child receives only milk mixtures.
Depending on the adopted diet, free and regulated feeding is distinguished.
With free feeding (feeding on demand), the mother puts the baby to the breast as often and for as long as he requires it, including at night. This dietary option is more often used in the first months of a baby's life. During this period of mutual adaptation, the child can be applied to the breast 10 or more times a day. It should be emphasized that free feeding is not synonymous with unsystematic feeding. Unfortunately, one often comes across the opinion that it is necessary to put the baby to the chest with every cry. But the cry is the only reaction of the baby to any discomfort (wet diapers, flatulence, hunger, etc.). Therefore, it is very important that parents learn to listen to their child, to distinguish between the intonations of his crying, to highlight a hungry cry.
Over time (as a rule, within 1–1.5 months), a stable rhythm of the child's nutrition is formed, a balance is established between his needs and the amount of milk produced.
The formation of lactation falls on the first month. Milk production is a process that depends on a number of factors. To stimulate lactation, experts have developed a lot of recommendations. Here are the main ones:
a well-thought-out diet and lifestyle of a nursing woman (good rest and sleep, walks in the fresh air), a positive emotional mood;
the use of infusions from various herbs and seeds, special herbal teas. A nursing woman herself will choose from the proposed means the most effective for herself. You should maintain your own drinking regime (up to 2 liters per day), drink warm drinks 20-30 minutes before feeding;
applying the baby alternately to both breasts, the feeding process should be completed with the breast with which it began,
for the baby to suck out "hind milk". The rest of the milk must be expressed.
It has been established that it is free feeding that contributes to a longer lactation, overcoming lactation crises. When a balance is reached between the needs of the baby and the amount of milk produced, there is no need to pump.
Regulated feeding is understood as such a diet when feeding is carried out at set hours, and the frequency and volume are determined by the doctor in accordance with the age, body weight and individual characteristics of the child. At the same time, the number of feedings is reduced. In the first month of a child's life, they are fed 7 times a day after 3 hours with breaks for a night's sleep; by one year - 4-5 times in 4-4.5 hours with breaks for a night's sleep.
During lactation, a woman's need for all nutrients increases, especially vitamins, minerals, trace elements. In the first 6 months of lactation, the daily calorie content of the diet of a nursing woman increases by 500 or more kcal. After the introduction of complementary foods into the child's diet, the need for energy and nutrients (in the main nutrients) is somewhat reduced. An approximate daily set of food products for a nursing woman and the norms for the intake of nutrients and energy are presented in table 3.

End of Free Trial

During the first year of life, children are shown 5 sets of massage and gymnastics, which take into account all the physiological characteristics of this age. For children 1-3 years old, special 3 sets of exercises have been developed that contribute to the development of their movements.

The first complex (age 1.5-3 months)

  1. Massage of arms and legs (stroking).
  2. Reflex exercises - laying out on the tummy and crawling.
  3. Massage of the back and abdomen in the form of strokes.
  4. Rubbing feet.
  5. Reflex extension and flexion of the feet.
  6. Extension of the spine - carried out on the left and right side (reflex exercise).

The second complex (age 3-4 months)

  1. Hand massage (stroking).
  2. Passive crossing of the arms on the chest.
  3. Massage lower extremities(rubbing, stroking, kneading).
  4. Back massage (kneading and stroking).
  5. Active-passive exercise - turn to the right from the back to the stomach.
  6. Reflex exercise - the position of the "swimmer".
  7. Massage (rubbing and stroking) of the abdomen.
  8. Foot massage (patting and rubbing).
  9. Reflex exercises for the feet.
  10. "Boxing" - passive extension and flexion of the handles.
  11. Chest massage (vibration).

For all exercises, the starting position is horizontal.

The third complex (age 4-6 months).

  1. Crossing the arms on the chest.
  2. Foot massage.
  3. Passive exercise that mimics cycling("sliding steps").
  4. Turn to the right from the back to the tummy.
  5. Back massage (kneading, stroking, patting).
  6. Tummy massage.
  7. Reflex "floating" on the abdomen.
  8. Raising the torso and head with the support of the arms extended to the sides (active exercise).
  9. Foot massage and exercise for them.
  10. Extension and flexion of the handles or "boxing" (passive exercise).
  11. Alternate and joint passive extension and flexion of the legs
  12. Reflex "floating" on the back.
  13. Turn to the left from the back to the stomach.
  14. Massage (vibration) of the chest.

All exercises are carried out in the initial horizontal position.

The fourth complex (age 6-10 months).

  1. Crossing the handles on the chest with the support of the rings.
  2. Alternate and joint bending of the legs and their extension (the so-called "sliding steps").
  3. Turn to the right from the back to the tummy without support by the handle.
  4. Massage of the tummy, back.
  5. Crawl.
  6. Sitting down the baby with support for the handles laid aside.
  7. Passive raising of the straightened legs.
  8. Circular movements of the handles.
  9. Active exercise - intense arching.
  10. Turn to the left from the back to the tummy.
  11. Active exercise - lifting the body (position on the stomach), supporting the child by the straightened arms.
  12. Sitting down with support by the handles, which are bred shoulder-width apart (active exercise).

All exercises of this complex are performed in a horizontal initial position, with the exception of the boxing exercise (at the age of 8 months, when the child is confidently sitting without support, it can be performed in the initial sitting position).

Fifth complex (age 10 months - 1 year 2 months)

  1. Flexion and extension of the handles ("boxing") with rings while standing or sitting.
  2. "Sliding Steps"
  3. Back massage.
  4. Turn in one direction and the other from the back to the stomach.
  5. Lifting the body vertically from a position on the tummy, while the child is supported by the handles.
  6. Tilt and straighten the body.
  7. Raising straightened legs to the stick.
  8. Belly massage.
  9. Sitting down, while supporting the handles spread shoulder-width apart (with a stick).
  10. Squatting, supporting the child by the handles with rings.
  11. Tense bending.
  12. Circular movements with handles with rings.
  13. Sitting down is independent, with fixation of the knees, or with the support of the baby by one hand.

Exercises 3, 4.7, 8, 9 are performed in a horizontal starting position. Performing 10 and 13 exercises is carried out according to the speech instruction.

Sixth complex (age 1 year 2 months - 1 year 6 months)

  1. Flexion of the handles and their extension with rings. Performed with the help of an adult in the starting position standing on the floor.
  2. Squat (child stands on the floor).
  3. Raising straightened legs to the stick (starting position - lying on the floor).
  4. The child climbs through the hoop, lying on his tummy.
  5. Walking on a ribbed surface (for example, a massage mat).

Seventh complex (age 1 year 6 months - 2 years)

  1. Walking between two sticks, ropes, along the edge of a rug or a path drawn in chalk, etc. The width of such a path is gradually narrowed, starting from 30-25 cm and up to 10-5 cm.
  2. In a lying position on the floor with the toes of straight legs, you need to get a hoop or from a standing position to get objects that lie on the floor, while not bending your knees.
  3. Crawl under a hoop, bench, chair, stick, etc., arching your back.
  4. Pull the handles up and, holding on to the hoop or stick, sit down, and then rise on your toes (“how small and big we are”).
  5. Roll a pencil, stick, etc. with your foot while sitting on a chair.
  6. Step over several objects on the floor, the distance between which is 20-30 cm.

Gymnastics should be done every day, after 30-40 minutes. after breakfast, you can also have a lesson after the baby sleeps in the daytime. The form of clothing is a T-shirt and shorts. Exercises are performed on a mat with bare feet, while it is necessary to open the window or transom. The duration of the lesson is 10-12 minutes. For this gymnastics complex, you need to have two jump ropes or ropes (length 1-1.5 m), a hoop (diameter 45-50 cm), a stick (diameter 2.5 cm, length 40-50 cm), sticks, cubes, skittles and etc.

Eighth complex (age 2-3 years)

  1. Walking along a stick, rope or path, the width of which varies between 5-10 cm.
  2. Retrieve objects lying on the floor without bending your knees.
  3. Raise your head and, in a lying position, look at a toy that lies on a chair or is raised to a height of 25-30 cm.
  4. Step over pencils, sticks, cubes, which are located at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.
  5. Crawl through a stick, rope, into a hoop, under a bench or chair, while bending your back.
  6. Pick up a pencil lying on the floor with your toes.

Classes are held every other day or daily, about half an hour after breakfast or daytime sleep. Classes last 12-15 minutes, while the child is dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. All exercises are performed on a mat with bare feet, while you need to keep the window or transom open. For classes, you need a jump rope or rope, a hoop (diameter 45-50 cm), a stick (length 1-1.5 m, diameter - 2.5 cm), a ball, cubes, skittles, sticks.

Nadezhda Polyanskaya
complexes morning exercises for children of the 1st junior group

Complexes of morning exercises

for children of the 1st junior group.


Complex №1(no items)



I.P.: main stand.



I.P.: main stand.

Performance: sit down, tap your knees several times with your fingers. Straighten up and raise the roars up.


I.P.: main stance, hands on the belt.

Performance: make a spring.


Walking with a teacher.


Complex №2

(with cones)


I.P.: about. s., hands with bumps below.

Performance: raise your hands forward to show bumps and hide them behind your back

2. "Squirrel plays with cones"

I.P.: about. s., hands down.

Performance: sit down, put the cones on the floor, straighten up, then sit down, take the cones.

3. "PULLS"

I.P.: sitting, legs lie freely on the floor, hands on knees.

Performance: raise your arms to the sides - up, stretch, lower your arms.


I.P .: lying on your back, arms along the body.

Performance: raise your arms and legs up, touch the bumps of the feet and lower them to the floor.

5. "Squirrels HAVE FUN"

Jump in place.

Walking with a teacher.

The dosage of exercises is 4-6 times.

Complex №1

(with cubes)

1. "KNOCK"

IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

Performance: join hands without bending at the elbows, hit the cube on the cube, spread apart.

2. "SHOW"

I.P .: lying on your stomach, arms bent, pull the cubes to your shoulders.

Performance: straighten your arms forward "showed", returned to and. P. "hid"

3. Dwarfs and Giants»

I.P .: standing, the cubes are lowered.

Performance: sit down, touch the floor with cubes, straighten up, raise your hands up (do a full squat)

4. "JUMP"

Jump on two legs in place.

Complex №2(no items)

"In the woods".


Performance: squat down, show with your hands which Christmas tree is small. Gradually straightening, raise your hands up. "That's how big the Christmas tree has grown"


I.P.: legs slightly apart, arms (branches) raised up.

Performance: torso to the right (left) side.


I.P .: sitting, legs lie freely on the floor, back is straight, hands on knees.

Performance: Lean forward as far as possible.

4. "JUMP"

Jump in place.

Walking in place.

Breathing exercise.

The dosage of exercises is 4-6 times.

Complex №1

(with rattles)

1. "SHOW"

I.P.: O.S.

Performance: sit down, put the rattle on the floor, straighten up, show your hands. Sit down, take a rattle, show "HERE".


I.P.: sitting, feet loose on the floor.

Performance: lift the rattle up, shake and lower.

3. "HIDE"

I.P .: lying on his stomach, hands with a rattle at the chin.

Performance: stretch your arms forward, show the rattle and hide it at the chest.

4. "Let's dance"

Performance: free dance.


Complex №2

(with balls)

1. I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down.

Performance: raise your hands up stretch, return to and. P.

2. I.P.: sitting, legs apart, ball in hands.

Performance: lean forward, put the ball between the legs, straighten up, show straight arms.

3. I.P .: lying on your back, the ball over your head in your hands.

Performance: raise your hands up, hands forward, touch the ball to the feet, return to and. P.

4. "Let's dance"

Performance: free dance.


The dosage of exercise is 4-6 times.

Complex №1

(with checkboxes)


I.P .: legs in a narrow path, a flag at the bottom.

Performance: checkbox forward, return to and. P.


I.P .: legs with a wide path, a flag behind the back.

Performance: lean forward, wave flag, return to and. P.

3. "PLAY"

I.P .: sitting, the flags are lowered.

Performance: bend your legs, flag up, play; lower, straighten your legs.



2-3 springs with a wave of the flag;

6-8 jumps;


Complex №2(no items)



I.P .: legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows at waist height, fingers clenched into a fist.

Performance: bend your arms forward and backward. "CHU-CHU-CHU"


IP: legs slightly apart, arms down.

Performance: squat down, knock on your knees. "KNOCK-KNOCK"


"Train" went, simulating a beep. Slowly at first, then faster, then slower again.


The dosage of exercise is 4-6 times.

Complex №1(no items)



IP: legs slightly apart, arms down.

Performance: raise your arms to the sides and lower.


IP: legs slightly apart, arms down.

Performance: sit down, lower your head slightly down. They straightened up and flew to another flower.


I.P .: main stance, arms to the sides.

Performance: make a spring


Running after the teacher.


Breathing exercise.

Complex №2(no items)

"Flower Walk".


I.P .: legs slightly apart, arms lowered.

Performance: sit down, pick flowers.


Performance: squatting down, blow on dandelions.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart.

Performance: circling in place in different directions.


Walking with a teacher.

Running after the teacher.


Breathing exercise.

The dosage of exercise is 4-6 times.

Complex №1

(no items)


I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back.

Performance: arms forward, turn palms up and down, say "Hot!" hide behind your back. 5-6 times

2. "SWING"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands below.

Performance: Swing the arms back and forth, slightly springing the legs. 5-6 times


I.P.: sitting, hands on the side.

Performance: bend legs, return to starting position, say "Long!" 5-6 times

4. "BALL"

IP: legs slightly apart, arms down.

2-3 springs

8-10 jumps

Complex №2(no items)



I.P .: legs in a narrow path, arms lowered.

Performance: raise your arms to the sides and lower.


I.P .: legs in a narrow path, arms lowered.

Performance: lean forward, arms back.


I. P: sitting on the floor, hands in support behind.

Performance: bend your knees, straighten.


I.P .: legs together, hands down.

Performance: jumping on two legs, with swings alternating with walking.


Breathing exercise.

The dosage of exercise is 4-6 times.

Complex №1

(with balls)


I.P .: legs in a narrow path, the ball in front of the chest.

Performance: ball towards you and down

(to tell "way down")


I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands in front of the chest.

Performance: lean forward, ball forward (say "here")


I.P .: kneeling, the ball in front of the chest.

Performance: turn right, touch the floor with the ball, return to the starting position.


I.P .: legs in a narrow path, hands on the belt, the ball on the floor.

Performance: raise the leg, gently touch the ball, lower the leg.

5. "JUMPS"


Complex №2(no items)



I.P.: about. s., hands on the belt.

Performance: circular movements of the head.


I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered.

Performance: raise your hands up, wave them.


I.P .: legs in a narrow path, arms along the body.

Performance: lean forward, bending your legs, say "sat down".


I.P .: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on the belt.

Performance: turn left-back,

move your left hand, wave it.


I.P .: hands to the sides.

Performance: easy running.


The dosage of exercise is 4-6 times.

Complex №1

(with ribbons)


I.P.: about. With.

1-raise your arms to the sides, wave the ribbons.

2. "LOOK"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, ribbons below.

1-turn right, wave ribbons,


I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands down.

1-sit down, put ribbons on the floor.


I.P .: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands with ribbons in front of you.

1-turn to the right, touch the ribbons to the floor behind you.

5. "JUMPS"

On two legs, alternating with walking.


Exercise dosage 4-6 times

Complex №2

(no items)

1. "SUN"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, arms lowered, hanging along

Performance: raise your hands up, stretch, lower your hands. Repeat: 4 times.


I. p .: legs wider than shoulders, arms below

Performance: lean forward, tap your knees with your palms.

Repeat: 4-5 times.

3. Hide and Seek

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands below

Performance: squat down, put your hands on your knees.

"children hid"

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Walking in any direction, on the spot

Complex №1

(no items)

Walking in an arbitrary direction; in place;


I. p .: legs slightly apart, arms lowered, hanging along the body.

Performance: raise your hands forward, clap, lower.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p .: legs wider than shoulders, arms below.

Performance: lean forward, spread your arms to the sides, straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p .: arbitrary.

Performance: soft springy half squats in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking.

Complex №2

(no items)

Walking in an arbitrary direction; easy running; walking in place; turn to an adult; come to the chair.

1. "WATCH"

I. p .: standing near the chair, legs slightly apart, arms lowered, hanging along the body.

Performance: swinging arms back and forth "tic-tock"

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: sitting on a chair, legs parallel, hands on knees.

Performance: lean forward, arms slightly bent at the elbows; head turns left and right "look out the window"; straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.

3. "BALL"

I. p .: arbitrary.

Performance: jumps in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking.

So let's get to the practical part.children's gymnastics and massage by Irina Krasikova for healthy baby aged 1-3 months.

Before that, read, I massage.

I set of exercises
Lesson plan

1. Hand massage: stroking, 6-8 movements on each hand.

2. Lifting from a position on the back.

3. Foot massage: stroking, 6-8 movements on each leg.

4. Laying out on the stomach - a reflex exercise, 15-20 seconds.

5. Back massage: stroking, 4-5 movements.

6. Extension of the spine - a reflex exercise, 2-3 times on each side.

7. Massage of the abdomen: - circular stroking, 5-6 times; - counter stroking, 5-6 times; - stroking the oblique abdominal muscles, 5-6 times; - circular stroking, 5-6 times;

8. Exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles, 2-3 times.

9. Foot massage: stroking, 5-6 times.

10. Flexion and extension of the feet - reflex exercises, 3-4 times.

11. "Crawling" - reflex exercise, 2-3 times.

12. Breast massage: circular stroking, vibration 5-6 times.

13. "Walking" - reflex exercise, 2-3 times.

14. Shaking hands.

15. Swinging in the "embryo" position, 2-3 times in each direction.

16. Swinging on the ball.

Baby massage practice for a healthy baby aged 1-3 months

Now let's move on to a detailed explanation of massage techniques and exercises.

1. Hand massage

Starting position (I. p.): the child lies on his back with his feet towards an adult. Put the thumb of your hand in the child's hand, hold the right hand with the left hand, the left hand with the right. Stroking is carried out with the same hand in the direction from the hand to the shoulder and to the axillary fold (Fig. 1, 2). For better relaxation of the child's hands, stroking is performed mainly on the inner (flexion) surface. Repeat this technique 6-8 times.

2. Lifting from a position on the back

So, the child is lying on his back in bed, let him grab either his thumbs or a wooden rounded pin, then lift upper part his torso by a few centimeters.

Always, as soon as you notice that your child's grip has loosened or that the expression of joy on his face has been replaced by concern, have time to put him down. Each exercise is done for no more than a minute. However, in a minute you can lift it seven to eight times.

After one or two weeks, lift the child higher and higher so that he himself begins to support part of his own weight. Most importantly, don't forget to happily and loudly praise your baby whenever he grabs and lets go.

3. Foot massage

I. n. the same as for hand massage (see point 1).

Hold the right leg of the child with the right hand, the left leg with the left. Stroking is carried out along the posterior-outer surface of the leg in the direction from the foot to the thigh, bypassing the patella and not touching the anterior surface of the lower leg. At the end of the movement, the hand is directed anteriorly to the inguinal fold (Fig. 3, 4). Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Laying out on the stomach

Put the child on his stomach, his head is raised, his hands rest on his forearms, his hips are spread apart (Fig. 5).

This exercise is active, based on a protective-defensive reflex: in the first weeks of life, the child turns and then raises his head from a position on his stomach.

Try to lay the baby on the stomach more often (for example, before each feeding), as this good workout for back muscles neck and back.

The duration of the exercise is determined individually, starting from 5-10 seconds, gradually increasing.

5. Back massage

I. p .: the child lies on his stomach, hands under his chest. Stroke the back of the child from the buttocks to the head with the back of the hand (using the stroke technique), and in the opposite direction, from the head to the buttocks - with the palm of your hand. Repeat 4-5 times.

Up to 1.5-2 months of life, when the child is still unstable in the position on the stomach, it is better to massage it with one right hand, and hold the legs with the left (Fig. 6).

In the future, stroking can be done simultaneously with both hands (Fig. 7).

6. Extension of the spine

I. p .: the child lies on its side.

Hold the child's legs with one hand. With the thumb and forefinger (or index and middle fingers) of the other hand, lightly slide along the spine from the bottom up, from the sacrum to the neck. In response to this impact, the child bends his back (Fig. 8).

The exercise is based on the innate skin-spinal reflex (Talent reflex). Repeat this movement on your left side, changing hands accordingly. Try to do this exercise several times a day, train the extensor muscles of the spine.

7. Massage the abdomen

We start with circular stroking (Fig. 9).

palm right hand in a circular motion, but in a clockwise direction, stroke the child's stomach without pressing on the liver area (right hypochondrium). Repeat 5-6 times.

Counter stroking (Fig. 10).

Place your hands on the child's abdomen as follows: the palm of the right hand is on top of the left side of the abdomen, the back of the fingers of the left hand is on the bottom of the right side of the child's abdomen. Stroke at the same time with the palm down and the back of your fingers up. Repeat 5-6 times.

This movement coincides with the course of intestinal motility, which determines its particular effectiveness in various disorders of the intestine.

Stroking on the oblique muscles of the abdomen (Fig. 11).

Place the palms of both hands under the child's lower back. Then, with wrapping movements, the hands are directed towards each other, from top to bottom and forward, the fingers are connected above the navel. And so, too, 5-6 times. Finish the massage with 2-3 circular strokes.

Abdominal massage should also be done outside of daily activities, this effective help with constipation and painful passage of flatus. In this case, the movements should be very slow and smooth, with a slight increase in pressure in the left lower abdomen.

8. Exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles

I. p. the same.

Bring the palms of both hands under the child's back, supporting his head. Let the baby rest his feet on your stomach. Slowly raise your arms almost to a vertical position, then, just as slowly, lower them (Fig. 12). Make sure the child does not lose support. This exercise serves as a good preparation for sitting down.

9. Foot massage

I. p. the same.

Hold the child's leg with one hand in the shin area. Place the index and middle fingers of the other hand on the back of the foot, creating support. in a circular motion thumb stroke the sole vigorously (Fig. 13), you can “draw” a figure eight. Then massage the other foot, changing hands accordingly.

10. Flexion and extension of the feet - a reflex exercise

I. p. the same.

Hold the child's leg in the shin area. With the tip of your thumb, quickly press on the child's sole at the base of the toes. In response to this stimulation, the child flexes the foot (Fig. 14).

Then, with the same finger, slide with pressure along the outer edge of the foot from the little toe to the heel. The child reflexively unbends his fingers (Fig. 15). Repeat each exercise 3-4 times.

11. "Crawling" - a reflex exercise

I. p .: the child lies on his stomach, bending his legs.

Spread his knees to the sides, connect the feet. Carefully, without touching the soles, move the four fingers of both hands under the back of the child's feet (Fig. 16).

Following this thumbs touch both of his soles at the same time. In response to this, the child vigorously pushes off, unbending his legs, and moves forward (Fig. 17).

It is important that your hands are firmly pressed against the table, creating support. Otherwise, the child will push his hands away, and he himself will remain in place.

This active exercise is based on the innate skin-leg reflex. The "crawling phenomenon" persists up to 2.5-3 months of life.

When performing this movement, care must be taken: you can touch the soles of the child only when the feet are clasped from the back, otherwise the child can easily slip off the table.

12. Breast massage

I. p .: the child lies on his back.

Start by stroking with both hands (palms or backs of the fingers). With a simultaneous movement, the hands are directed from the middle of the sternum up and to the sides to the armpits (Fig. 18).

Stroking the lateral surfaces of the chest is carried out in the direction from the sternum down and to the sides to the armpits (Fig. 19).

Then, clasping the baby's chest, with quick movements, very gently press on chest(Fig. 20). This technique of vibration massage reflexively causes a deeper breath.

13. "Walking" - a reflex exercise

I. p .: support the child under the armpits in vertical position face or back.

Let the baby touch the hard surface of the table. This irritation causes reflex steps. Guide the child by tilting him slightly forward (fig. 21).

When performing this exercise, it is important to observe three conditions: keep the child on weight, try not to squeeze the chest, make sure that the child fully puts his feet on the support (do not let him "walk" on tiptoe). Practice shows that reflex "walking" is the most favorite exercise that gives pleasure to both children and adults. "Go" more often!

14. Your child is tired - put him on his back and make a slight shake of the handles (Fig. 22)

Grab the child's hand in the same way as when massaging, and shake both hands very lightly, slightly spreading them apart. If the child resists (due to the increased tone of the flexor muscles), then he is not yet ready for this exercise. In this case, repeat the stroking of the hands.

15. Rocking in the "fetal" position

IP: the child lies on his back.

Group the child, i.e. fold the arms on the chest, pull up bent legs to the stomach (spreading your knees and connecting your feet), tilt your head to your chest (Fig. 23).

Support your arms and legs with one hand, and with the other, support your head under the back of your head. In this position, reminiscent of the position of the embryo, shake the child in various directions: forward-backward, right-left, in a circle 2-3 times in each direction. This exercise is beneficial for nervous system and the vestibular apparatus, so it should be done several times a day.

16. Swinging on the ball

Grab an inflatable beach ball big size. Place the child on the ball with his stomach, spreading his knees wide apart. Hold the baby in the back. Rock the ball in different directions: back and forth, to the sides and in a circle (Fig. 24).

The range of motion should be small so that the child does not slip. This exercise can be done at any time of the day, half an hour after eating. It promotes good relaxation and trains the vestibular apparatus. 3

Notes. The session lasts approximately 15 minutes. The proposed complex does not have to be performed completely at one time. If the child is too small, gets tired quickly, or is in a bad mood, limit yourself to massage and 1-2 exercises. The rest you can do at any convenient time during the day.

Try to keep the sequence of massage techniques and exercises. Stroking is done gently, in slow pace. Avoid sudden movements, they interfere with muscle relaxation.

And most importantly: during classes, actively communicate with the baby, talk affectionately with him, keep him in a joyful mood.

Light and fun massages for you and your children!