Who invented the gymnastic wheel. Wheel for the press: how to make the perfect press without leaving home. Which hypothesis is correct

Below from the article you will learn what a press roller is, what muscles it trains and how to use it correctly.

In our store you can choose and purchase from several of the most popular models of press rollers.

Gymnastic press roller increases the tone of the abdominal muscles, arms, legs, hips and shoulders, improves the relief and shape of the abdomen.

The steel shaft and comfortable handles that follow the contour of the hand make the exercise more comfortable.

gymnastic wheel made of hard plastic, it develops the shoulders, abs, triceps very well.

Gymnastic rollers designed to strengthen the muscles of the press, shoulders, arms, legs and back. Using it in your workouts, you can keep your body in good shape. physical form, develop flexibility, endurance and get rid of excess weight!

The gymnastic wheel is an elementary inexpensive sports equipment, easy to use, and also takes up little space. There are also single trim wheels, but they are much less common than double ones.

The disadvantages include perhaps the limited use cases. For beginners, it is best to start with a roller that is wider in diameter. It is more convenient to do exercises with it in special sports gloves (gloves without fingers) so that the hands do not slip off.

Since it is easy to get injured on this projectile, it is best to perform exercises on some not very hard surface. Suitable, for example, a tourist rug. You should also start working with the video with easy exercises, and then move on to more complex ones.

Power Ab Wheel Roller with Feet Straps. Example of training with pedals

When practicing, it is necessary to keep the roller in elongated hands and kneeling or socks (in good physical shape), slowly roll the projectile forward on the floor, and then return to starting position. The increase in load is achieved by increasing amplitude movements and the number of repetitions of exercises.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gymnastic roller - sports equipment in the form of a wheel with two handles on the sides.


Despite the simplicity of the design, the gymnastic roller is a very effective projectile, since during training a wide range of muscles are immediately involved - the abdominals (primarily), chest, back, arms and legs, which simultaneously receive a significant load.

Other advantages are compactness and the ability to practice even at home. The disadvantage is that in order to perform exercises with a gymnastic wheel, a good physical training, as a result of which classes with this projectile for beginners are fraught with some difficulties.

In addition, when performing exercises, loss of balance is possible (with subsequent falling to the side), as well as muscle strain in order to prevent a fall.


There are various modifications of the projectile, in particular, a roller with two and four wheels, with a return mechanism, with a displaced center of gravity. More wheels help keep balance, and the return mechanism allows you to expend less effort when returning to the starting position, which makes classes accessible to beginners.

In popular culture

In the film "In love at will" by S. Mikaelyan main character Igor Bragin ( former athlete) gave his friend Vera a gymnastic roller for physical education at home.

We offer a large selection of gymnastic rollers for the press:

Press rollers are made of metal and plastic. The steel shaft and comfortable handles that follow the contour of the hand will make classes more comfortable.

During exercise, you must watch your breath: when tilting the torso, you need to inhale, straightening the torso - exhale. Each exercise for the press performed 10-15 times.

  1. On your knees, place on the floor in front of you. Relying on straight arms gymnastic wheel, begin to smoothly move it forward, at the same time lowering the torso until the chest touches the hips. Return to I.P.
  2. Kneeling, pick up a gymnastic roller, put it on the floor in front of you. Leaning with straight arms on him, begin to smoothly move him forward, at the same time tilting your torso until your chest touches the floor. After a pause of 2-3 seconds, return to the I.P.
  3. Lying on your stomach, pick up a press roller. While pressing on it, begin to pull it with straight arms towards you. Bend over, try not to tear your hips off the floor. After a pause, return to the I.P.
  4. Sitting on the floor, straight legs stretched forward, put P on your right. Without moving your legs and leaning with straight arms on it, begin to move it to the side until your chest touches the floor. Return to I.P. Repeat the same in left side.
  5. Sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Take R in your hands and bring it under your feet. Without letting go of your hands and leaning your feet on his handles, begin to slowly straighten your legs, trying to touch your knees with your chest, then, bending your legs, return to the SP.
  6. Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Take the gymnastic wheel in your hands and, leaning forward, place it on the floor in front of you. Leaning on the gymnastic roller with straight arms, begin to slowly move it forward, preferably until your chest touches the floor. After a pause of 2-3 seconds, return to the I.P.


Despite all its external simplicity, the gymnastic wheel is considered one of the most difficult exercises for the press.

The main exercise is the following. Starting position - get on all fours and pick up the wheel. Then you need to slowly roll the wheel forward until you can hold on. After a second delay at the “critical” point, you need to return to the starting position in the same way.

As you can see, to perform this exercise, it’s not enough to work only with the press, you have to connect your arms and back.

It is not so easy for a beginner to cope with this exercise. Indeed, ideally, you should practically lie on your stomach on the floor. Some “advanced” ones generally start the exercise not from their knees, but from straightened legs.

The wheel has limitations. The first is the limited use of it by beginners (due to the severity and energy intensity of exercises with it). The second is contraindicated for people with problems with the spine and the cardiovascular system.


Naturally, the press wheel is primarily intended for working out the press. All his muscles carry a colossal load. So, the stomach is changing before our eyes.

The upper body is also active. Arms and shoulders work, but they are especially loaded pectoral muscles and back muscles.

The lower back, buttocks, hamstrings and quadriceps are also not deprived (all those " problem areas', which gives many people a lot of trouble).

It is also worth noting that all the complexity of performing exercises with a wheel will pay off, as professionals notice, in a month.

And, finally, the simplicity and diminutiveness of the simulator makes it indispensable in the home gym.

Gymnastic roller

flat stomach and thin waist are almost obligatory attributes of any girl. Active young ladies follow this part of the body all year round - after all, you always want to look fit and slim. In addition to the fact that a strong press is beautiful, it also performs a number of very important functions for health: it supports internal organs, prevents the formation of a hernia, and protects the lower back from possible injuries. To strengthen the abdominal muscles, hundreds of different fitness exercises have been invented, and this makes sense - after all, several muscles form the waist - the rectus, transverse, oblique and muscles lumbar back. You can train them separately, or you can strengthen everything at once, and even “pump up” the upper shoulder girdle. How? With the help of a gymnastic roller for the press! Probably everyone saw the roller for the press - this is such a wheel with two handles, some even tried to use it. I will say right away that classes on it are effective and difficult at the same time, and the more difficult they are, the more effective the training, of course. Classes with it will require much more effort from you than simple twisting. However, if you are interested in the question: “Is it worth buying a video for novice fitness athletes?”, Then I will definitely say - YES! If you start daily doing exercises for the abdominal muscles with it, albeit not in full amplitude and not so “cleanly”, but show patience and perseverance, then very soon everything will start to work out. achieve flat stomach and relief muscles with the help of aerobics will not work, only strength exercises are capable of this, an example of which can be training with a roller. This simple projectile is not inferior in efficiency even to "advanced" simulators. It is able to strengthen the pectoral muscles, back muscles, trapezius muscles, arm muscles, improve balance, coordination and, of course, make the press strong and strong. Exercises with it contribute to the appearance of a “relief”, muscle building (of course, on a modest scale) and spending excess fat. Due to the fact that you have to use a lot of muscles to complete the exercise, the calorie consumption will be much higher than from regular exercise on the press. Benefits of a roller home gym obvious - it is inexpensive (about 200-300 rubles), takes up very little space, it is difficult to break it, and training with it will not take much time. Gymnastic roller

How to correctly use the gymnastic wheel

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel

The most important thing during training with a gymnastic roller is to breathe correctly and evenly. If you hold your breath, then the effectiveness of the exercises will noticeably decrease. The breathing technique is as follows: before bending forward, first take a deep breath with your nose, and, lifting the body back, exhale (also with your nose).

For beginners, when practicing with him, for safety reasons, it is best to take the starting position on your knees and not straighten the body completely at the end point. It is even allowed to "hook" with the feet for some kind of support (for example, a sofa). All these measures can slightly reduce the load on the back. Later, with experience, you can increase the range of motion, perform more repetitions. And over time, you will definitely be able to perform exercises from the toes.

Start mastering the gymnastic wheel exercise with two sets of 10 repetitions. Do not do more, even if you feel that this is not enough, it is not difficult for you. Those who are more experienced recommend evaluating the result the next day. After all, this exercise has a secret - muscle fatigue comes with a significant delay.

Before doing the exercise for the press, you should take care of a soft pad under the knees. And remember: the smaller the diameter of the wheel, the harder it is to deal with it.

  1. Kneel on the floor, take the gymnastic wheel in your hands, straighten them. Holding the simulator on outstretched arms, rest it on the floor in front of you. And start slowly moving it forward away from you. At the same time, bend your back, lowering yourself to your hips until your chest touches them. Then, just as smoothly and slowly unbend, rolling the wheel towards you and returning to the starting position. Don't rush, so as not to get a sprain.

  2. Starting position as in the first exercise. Here, in the same way, you need to roll the wheel forward, until your chest touches your hips. But the difference is that in this position it is necessary to linger for a few seconds, and only then perform extension.

  3. Lie on your stomach on the floor, stretch your arms above your head, take the wheel in them. Then slowly, leaning on the handles of the roller, pull it towards you. At the same time, your legs should remain on the floor, you only bend your back. Roll him as close to you as possible. Hold with your back arched for a few seconds and gently roll the machine back away from you. Perform the exercise at least 10 times.
  4. Sit on the floor, straighten your back. The head stretches up, the toes of straight legs - away from you. The gym wheel should be on your right. Grab his arms with both hands. Then, leaning on the roller with straight arms, take it to the right from you as far as possible. You should touch the floor with your chest. Do not bend your knees during the exercise. Now gently return to the starting position. Place the machine to your left and repeat the exercise to the left. Move the gymnastic roller to the left and repeat the execution instructions exactly. Do at least 10 repetitions in each direction. This exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.
  5. Sit on the floor, bend your knees, pick up the simulator. Place it under your feet and rest against the handles of the wheel. Gradually take him away from you with your legs, straightening your knees. The hands follow the feet. Continue rolling the wheel away from you with your feet until your chest touches your knees. This is not an easy task, but still try to make the touch happen. Then gently return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10 times.
  6. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the handles of the gymnastic wheel, bend over and place it on the floor in front of you. Continuing to hold the roller in straight arms, transfer your body weight to it. Then slowly roll the machine away from you. Ideally, you should reach the floor. And so it is enough to roll the wheel as far as possible, stay in this position for a few seconds and return to its original position. Do the exercise at least 10 times.

A flat stomach and a thin waist are almost obligatory attributes of any girl. Active young ladies follow this part of the body all year round - after all, you always want to look fit and slim. In addition to the fact that a strong press is beautiful, it also performs a number of very important functions for health: it supports internal organs, prevents the formation of a hernia, and protects the lower back from possible injuries. To strengthen the abdominal muscles, hundreds of different fitness exercises have been invented, and this makes sense - after all, several muscles form the waist - the rectus, transverse, oblique and lumbar back muscles. You can train them separately, or you can strengthen everything at once, and even “pump up” the upper shoulder girdle. How? With the help of a gymnastic roller for the press! Probably everyone saw the roller for the press - this is such a wheel with two handles, some even tried to use it. I will say right away that classes on it are effective and difficult at the same time, and the more difficult they are, the more effective the training, of course. Classes with it will require much more effort from you than simple twisting. However, if you are interested in the question: “Is it worth buying a video for novice fitness athletes?”, Then I will definitely say - YES! If you start daily doing exercises for the abdominal muscles with it, albeit not in full amplitude and not so “cleanly”, but show patience and perseverance, then very soon everything will start to work out. To achieve a flat stomach and relief muscles with the help of aerobics will not work, only strength exercises are capable of this, an example of which can be training with a roller. This simple projectile is not inferior in efficiency even to "advanced" simulators. It is able to strengthen the pectoral muscles, back muscles, trapezius muscles, arm muscles, improve balance, coordination and, of course, make the press strong and strong. Exercises with it contribute to the appearance of "relief", muscle building (naturally, on a modest scale) and the expenditure of excess fat. Due to the fact that you have to use a lot of muscles to complete the exercise, the calorie consumption will be much higher than from regular abdominal exercises. The advantages of the roller as a home simulator are obvious - it is inexpensive (about 200-300 rubles), takes up very little space, it is difficult to break it, and training with it will not take much time. Video clip

Here are a few exercise options:

  1. Easy exercise to work the shoulders and back. Kneeling, put the roller on the floor in front of you and grab it with your hands. Holding on to it with straight arms, gently move it forward, lowering your torso until your chest touches your hips. Then just as smoothly return to the starting position.
  2. Easy exercise to work the back and back of the thigh. Sit on the floor, bend your knees, put your feet on the handles of the roller. Holding it with your hands, and leaning your feet on its handles, slowly straighten your legs, try to touch your knees with your chest. Return to starting position.
  3. Exercise of medium complexity for the work of the shoulders, back and upper part of the press. Lie on your stomach, pick up the simulator and pull them out. Start pulling it towards you, arms straight. Bend back without lifting your hips off the floor. Pause and return to the starting position in the same way.
  4. Exercise of medium difficulty on the shoulders and oblique muscles of the abdomen. Sit on the floor, legs extended, place the roller to your right or left. While pressing on it, start moving it to the side until your chest touches the floor. The legs remain motionless. Touching the floor with your chest, return to the starting position.
  5. Difficult exercise on the work of the arms, back, shoulders and press. Get on your knees, put the roller in front of you, holding it with your hands. Leaning with straight arms on it, slowly roll it forward until your chest touches the floor. Wait for some pause. Also slowly return to the starting position.
  6. A complex exercise for the work of the arms, shoulders, back, press. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, exerciser in hand. Place it on the floor and, leaning on it with straight arms, move forward until the body is parallel to the floor and your chest touches the floor. After a pause, return to the starting position in the same way.

Gymnastic roller. Basically, they are already used by fitness enthusiasts with experience. With him do exercises on the press and upper body. It takes up little space indoors.

There is only one drawback - one-sided use for beginners.

Today, many people know that power loads no less cardio burn fat. A plus strength training that fat burning will occur for another day or two after training.

It is also well known that more muscle- the faster the metabolism. And fat continues to be burned even when a person is resting.

Therefore, we can say that people who diet and do cardio do not lose weight as quickly as those who do strength exercises. Plus, cardio doesn't build muscle. Sometimes even in intense cardio, the body feeds on its own muscles instead of fat.

In order to solve such a problem and draw the muscles, that is, the relief, this sports simulator will help.

The roller is a simple projectile, but in terms of efficiency and laboriousness it can compete with serious simulators. It will give more benefits if you try to do the exercises correctly.

It will be difficult for an uninformed user to understand at first which muscles the roller affects, and the action of the wheel is universal.

First, involved top part body - shoulders and arms, chest and back muscles.

Secondly, the press, lower back, buttocks are involved as much as possible. Plus quadriceps and hamstrings, it turns out that all the “problem areas” take part.

At first, not everyone can do it right - the body is parallel to the floor, the support on the toes of the legs and arms hold the simulator, which is moved back and forth to chest. Therefore, you need to start doing standing on your knees and stretch as far forward as possible. When it becomes much easier to deal with him, you can do it at full length and standing on your toes.

Remember the gymnastic roller, this is not a hoop. It is more energy intensive and difficult to use, but the effect will be faster. Just start practicing.

The roller can be different with two wheels or with one, this does not affect the effect. See that there is a rubber wheel, it does not create so much noise and the handles are rubber for convenience.

It is better for inexperienced people to start doing the exercise on their knees, gradually increasing the length and load. We repeat, in ideal the body should be parallel to the floor and stretched like a string.

Recall that if you do not develop abdominal walls, then performance deteriorates internal organs develops ugly posture and curvature of the spine. Better to be slim and beautiful.

The result can be seen after three or four months of daily training.

We remind you that you can choose and purchase from several models of press rollers in our online store.

Recommendations for using the press roller You can work with the roller daily, or include classes with it in the general exercise program. Naturally, to begin with, it is necessary to try to master the movement, kneeling, and not straighten the body completely at the end point. The technique for performing the exercise is as follows: kneel down, and take the roller in your hands and put it on the floor, take a deep breath and tighten your abdominal muscles (as if “pressing” your stomach). Next, begin to smoothly roll the roller forward, while not bending in the lower back and not “bulging” the hips. When you feel that it is no longer possible to move further, on exhalation, with the effort of the press and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle start going back. Do as many repetitions as you can, gradually increasing the amplitude and number of times. "Advanced" fitness athletes can do the exercise while standing on their toes, as well as roll the roller to the left and right to increase the effect on the oblique muscles. Buying a gymnastic roller I advise you to buy a regular one- or two-row roller (two wheels make it more stable). The design must be strong with a metal rod. Give preference to a rubberized wheel - it glides softer and does not create noise. You can find his rollers, to which expanders or springs are attached, oh

Article published on 05/19/2014 03:15 AM Last edited on 05/19/2014 04:21 AM

Without which, in your opinion, it is impossible to imagine a car. Without an engine? Right. No transmission or suspension? Undoubtedly. Well, the most important thing without which it cannot be imagined is without wheels. Yes Yes Yes. Previously, they had no idea what a wheel was. The invention of a seemingly simple wheel used to be the greatest discovery that gave a big impetus to the development of mechanics and technology.

From finds dating back to the last quarter of the 5th millennium BC, it can be judged that first wheel invented on the territory of modern Romania. A little later, they appeared on the territories of the southern Russian steppes of Germany and Poland. According to information from other sources, it was in the North Caucasus and the Kuban that they found specimens that are older than the wheels from Mesopotamia. Thus, it can be judged that the very first wheel appeared in the West.

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The wheel was invented gradually, its predecessor can be considered a wooden skating rink found in Mesopotamia. It was placed under the load, in order to make it easier to move. The first wheels were a wooden disc mounted on an axle and fixed with a wedge. Which is confirmed by the images of carts dated 2700 BC. and found in Mesopotamia and the city of Uruk. Already in the 2nd millennium, the design of the wheel changed a lot. In Asia Minor, a wheel with a bent rim, spokes and a hub appears. To reinforce the wheels used on chariots, the Celts began to use a metal rim, which has already been replaced by rubber tires in modern cars.

invention of the wheel contributed to the development of handicrafts. It is actively used in a lathe, spinning wheel, potter's wheel, mill. As well as in the manufactory, mines and irrigation facilities.

For many centuries, mankind has been using clay to make various ceramic devices. At the same time, earlier in the distant history, in almost every house there was a potter's wheel, a wheel. Without it, clay would have remained just a natural material. We thought that it was the potter's wheel that was the starting point from which the evolution of the wheel began. Well, let's look at the history of its creation and at the same time try to look into the near future.

How did the invention of the wheel begin?

All researchers agree that the first wheel was invented in 3500 BC. True, this is only an approximate date. It may have appeared before. But be that as it may, it is generally accepted that the first wheel appeared in Mesopotamia, on the territory of modern Iraq. But it was not intended for transportation. It was used for domestic purposes. At the same time, around 3200 BC, Mesopotamian chariots began to appear. What is a chariot without wheels? Therefore, we can assume that the wheel, which is familiar in our understanding, was invented precisely in that period.

And yet it is worth clarifying that the first rounded objects that vaguely resemble a wheel are rooted as far back as the Paleolithic. This is about 15-750 thousand years ago. Again, none of the historians can name the exact date.

Once upon a time, ordinary logs were used to move bulky loads over relatively long distances. At first glance, a revolutionary method for those times, but he had one significant disadvantage- it was required to put a lot of stone rollers, small wheels under the logs. At the same time, they kept slipping out from under the logs.

But the ancient people solved this problem - they built a special platform from the boards. They managed to fix the rollers on it in such a way that the load pressing from above did not push them out from under the boards, but, on the contrary, pressed them to the ground.

After another 1500 years, our ancestors came up with the next innovation - they equipped the wheel with wooden spokes. Military necessity prompted them to take such a step. Not surprisingly, the first people to use the wooden-spoked wheel were the Egyptians. It happened around 2000 BC. They used it in their famous chariots.

But the idea to enclose the wheels in metal rims and thereby protect them from rapid wear belongs to the Celts. In 1000 BC, they equipped their chariots with such improved wheels.

It is noteworthy that wheels equipped with wooden spokes remained unchanged right up to the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, the inventor F. Bauer patented the first knitting needles made of metal. He simply took a long wire, threaded it many times through the rim of the wheel, and fastened it to both ends of the hub. A classic example of his invention is the bicycle wheel.

The next breakthrough in the evolution of the wheel was the invention of the tire. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to W. Thompson, he patented his invention in 1845. However, in 1888 his development was improved by the Scottish veterinarian D. Dunlop. He used hard rubber to make tires.

Car wheel

It's time to talk about for cars. It is believed that they were invented by K. Benz in 1885. He created an original vehicle called Benz Motorwagen, which he immediately patented. The wheels of this car were made of hard rubber. The car reminded tricycle. Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day.

If we continue the topic of rubber, then the first who thought of using it for automotive purposes were Andre and Edouard Michelin. By the way, they founded the famous tire factory. In 1910, B. Goodrich began to add carbon to rubber, which became an undeniable revolution in the manufacture of tires.

As for the legendary model of vehicles, they were equipped with wooden wheels, which were previously used to transport artillery shells. However, this car failed to put America on wheels. This goal was achieved by D. Dunlop, who invented pneumatic tires. At the same time, they are very different from those that are equipped with modern cars, since they had an extremely short service life - they could only drive 3.5 thousand km, and then they needed to be constantly patched after 80-90 km. run.

As paradoxical as it sounds, the next step in the evolution of the wheel was the invention of the disc. Like many other things in history, its appearance was due to lower production costs. The rim can be easily converted into a straight strip of metal, and the rim itself can be stamped out of sheet metal just as quickly. Then these 2 elements were welded or fastened together, and the result was a very light, rigid and damage-resistant wheel. Moreover, it was very accessible.

Nowadays, there are 2 main types of wheels that are equipped with vehicles. They use different alloys of steel to make them lighter and stronger than wheels made decades ago. At the same time, both cast wheels and equipped with spokes are produced today.