Fitness club development plan. How to open a gym from scratch. Calculation of profit from doing business

Gaining more and more popularity, they remain a profitable form of business, the nuances of the organization of which we will consider.

Demand in the sports industry is increasing despite the growing number of fitness centers. This is facilitated by the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, and the sedentary work of office workers, and the desire to lose weight of the beautiful half. According to analysts, this area of ​​business is still not sufficiently saturated, and the prospects for its development cover more than two decades. Thus, in Russia, the main share of fitness clubs is in the capital (Moscow's market size is $400 million out of $550 million all-Russian), while in the regions there are many unfilled niches and uncovered areas.

Before we start

A fitness center is a business that requires a fairly large investment. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan that will help to clearly define parameters such as: the concept of your fitness club, the costs of the building and equipment, the number of employees, and, most importantly, the expected amount of income and payback period. A well-developed business plan will help, if necessary, get a loan from a bank and become a good guide to action.

Do not neglect the market research in your area. It is necessary to identify which niches are still poorly covered. For example, a specialized club (sports for pregnant women, mothers with children, a biker fitness club, etc.) or the absence of additional services: massage, a cafe for sports and healthy eating etc. Also, analyze areas that are not covered by fitness services.

Decide on the class of your fitness club, which directly affects the initial costs: a large premium club with a swimming pool and courts should occupy an area of ​​​​more than 2.5 thousand m2 at an expense of 35 thousand rubles per 1 m2. At the same time, a small group training studio or gym will cost about 50 million rubles. At the same time, in an average city, it is enough to have 1-2 large, as a rule, chain fitness centers, while economy class clubs are in demand in every microdistrict.

Main risks: in addition to the risk of incorrect location, that is, the lack of an influx of customers, the fitness club depends on the unprofessionalism of trainers or equipment malfunction, which can lead to injury to customers. Therefore, it is better to buy simulators from reliable dealers who will offer long-term service, and recruit coaches from accomplished athletes.

“Step by step instructions how to open fitness club


Choosing the right place for a fitness club is the lion's share of success. Most clients are guided by clubs located near their homes. That is, when choosing a location, analyze what kind of customer flow it can provide you. When choosing a room, think about whether it is convenient for the client to get here, is there parking nearby, is your sign clearly visible? Consider the following points:

Territory development. The level of infrastructure development, transport interchange, population density.
The location of competitors, and, most importantly, their advantages over your fitness club. If the benefits are many and obvious, it is better to keep a distance.
Income local residents- your potential customers. Are they willing to pay for your services and how much.
Most of the fitness clubs open in rented premises. In this case, it should be large enough, with space reserved for changing rooms and shower rooms. Of course, the room must be connected to all communications. Semi-basements are also suitable, but only with high ceilings (minimum 3.5 meters) and a good ventilation and lighting system.

A separate category is the rental of premises in mall. Most often, the halls in the centers are in good condition, the traffic is high, and the general infrastructure allows, for example, to keep the child busy while the parents are in training. But the main disadvantage of such accommodation is the high cost of rent. In a shopping center, it directly depends on the number of square meters, and for a fitness club there should be a lot of them. In addition, in such premises it is often impossible to provide showers and good changing rooms. Renting a room in a business center is somewhat different. Often it is cheaper than in a retail store, while the flow of customers from local office workers secured.


So, you have rented the right space or even built the best sports club, but this is only half the battle. Now it needs to be filled necessary equipment. To begin with, let's talk about what is not directly related to sports, but will provide comfortable classes.

  1. In some parts of the city in summer period turn off the water, so you should take care of the presence of a boiler.
  2. Musical accompaniment of training.
  3. Good system air conditioning.
  4. Fresh water cooler available.

The most crucial moment is the choice of sports equipment. It directly forms the range of fitness center services and depends on what audience your fitness club is aimed at. The most inexpensive option is to provide aerobic gyms, which require mainly step platforms, barks, fitness balls, dumbbells and mats.

For the "rocking chair" waste, much more will be needed. If you have sufficient funds, you can buy used sports equipment and fitness equipment or lease them.

In a set for gym Various equipment included: Treadmills and exercise bikes, dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, turnstile. Also, do not forget about personal protective equipment, such as belts, gloves, wristlets, knee pads, etc. Their number should provide all customers with an average occupancy.


In addition to the main staff - trainers and instructors, you will have to hire a few more administrators and a cleaner. How many trainers you need depends on the size of the fitness center, but no less than four. Some of them can work full time, monitoring the correctness of the exercises and providing individual consultations, and some lead one or two groups a day, for example, Pilates or step aerobics trainers.

An important condition is high level professionalism of trainers and their qualifications. In the reserve, you can have several specific trainers (for example, in knife throwing), who can be attracted as groups are recruited.

Documents and licenses

To open a fitness center, you need to draw up documents in the following sequence:

The choice of legal form: the most suitable is the individual entrepreneur, assuming a simplified taxation system.

Decide on the list of services provided and possible expansion. If you plan to open a massage or beauty salon, a cafe and a solarium in the fitness club, also select the appropriate codes for related services.

To start work, you also need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, each employee must have a medical book. In addition, the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Authority on compliance with fire safety standards is necessary.


Depending on the size and location of your fitness club, use all available advertising methods. In residential areas, it would be useful to distribute leaflets and post ads, advertising in local transport and outdoor advertising (stands, billboards).

If possible, open your website, where you can get acquainted with the schedule of the fitness club, the list of services provided and buy a subscription.

By the way, a subscription can become the main method of advertising: make discounts on its purchase in the spring months, provide a profitable annual subscription for the New Year, and promotions for family visits.


The experience of the “experienced” suggests that opening a fitness center in a densely populated area is a very profitable business. The average payback period of the project is up to 1 year, while monthly expenses may vary within 70 thousand rubles excluding advertising. A fitness center is an expensive business, but its profitability is over 100%.

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more popular every day, not only among young people, but also among the mature generation. The media and the Internet play a big role in shaping the motivation to work out in the gym. Given this trend, consider a business plan for a fitness club.

Starting investments: RUB 1,450,000The number of employees: 3
Planned income per month: RUB 400,000Market competition: high
Estimated monthly expenses: RUB 275,000Payback:About a year

The essence of the plan for opening a fitness center is to determine the direction of the business. From an ordinary gym, a fitness club, as a sports institution, differs in more lightweight methods of training. In addition, heavy, expensive and complex simulators that are typical for the gym are not used. It is the fitness room that can become the starting point in the implementation of the network sports complexes, because it does not require such large investments in simulators. Doing this business is not only profitable, but also socially responsible.

List of services that can be offered:

  • classes without a coach;
  • subscription classes;
  • classes with a trainer;
  • massage services;
  • solarium or sauna.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

How to open a fitness club? Market analysis is the main thing that needs to be done even before registering an individual entrepreneur and purchasing equipment. You need to analyze the entire number of sports facilities in the city. Also, ask if the gyms were closed and for what reason. It is best to visit such establishments a couple of times.

Opening stages:

  1. Analysis of demand by competitors and marketing research.
  2. Search for the optimally located premises.
  3. Development of a list of services and basic branded tools.
  4. Recruitment and marketing strategy development.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

It is best to look at a ready-made business plan for a fitness club to determine what and how to draw up. But in most cases, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, the room itself must be clean and equipped with fire fighting tools. Based on compliance with all these standards, a permit will be obtained. All certificates and diplomas that you or the coach have should be hung in a conspicuous place.

Stage 2 - finding a room

Opening a fitness club requires space large sizes. Preferably at least 150 sq.m. You can do less, but consider the location of the locker rooms and shower rooms, as well as the places where the inventory will stand.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

Fitness as a business does not require a lot of equipment. Basically, these are light exercise equipment and furniture items.

What you need from the equipment, the cost is indicated in rubles:

  • storage lockers (100,000);
  • gym benches (100,000);
  • exercise bikes (150,000);
  • running track (70,000);
  • gymnastic complex (200,000);
  • dumbbells, balls, mats (150,000).

Stage 4 - recruitment

Best to hire certified trainers for a club with calculations that the name can work better than any advertising. For example, gymnasts or professional athletes.

Who needs it, the cost is based on the average monthly salary:

  • administrator (25,000 rubles);
  • cleaner (15,000 rubles);
  • trainer (35,000 rubles).

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

In order for people to know about your institution, you need to do city advertising. In addition to outdoor, you can use Internet promotion. Do not forget about the obligatory presence of an Internet resource of your hall. Best of all, if on the site itself, you can implement virtual tour. Thus, a fairly large flow of customers can come.

Financial plan

In terms of the size of the necessary investments, the sphere of sports facilities is one of the most expensive. In addition, the payback of such projects is rather slow. But one of the advantages of such a business is that it is stable and easy to run.

How much money is needed:

  • equipment (770,000 rubles);
  • rent (150,000 rubles);
  • employees (75,000 rubles);
  • consumables (50,000 rubles).

Total: 1,450,000 rubles.

Possible risks

The main risk of such a project is a long payback period of investments. Such a moment may come due to an incorrect advertising campaign and lack feedback from the central figure - the client. Therefore, it is necessary to invest quite a lot in advertising.

Sports facilities are welcome in any locality. AT big cities their diversity is quite large: from an aerobics or yoga room to football clubs. The niche of fitness clubs is still insufficiently filled, although the business in this direction is developing quite rapidly. This is due to the demanded range of services of institutions.

To open good club, an entrepreneur does not have to be a professional athlete or coach, but he needs to love sports and understand it, otherwise nothing will come of it. To open your institution, you will need a decent initial investment - from 4 to 6 million rubles, which will pay off only after 5-6 years of stable operation of the club. Therefore, when making a serious decision to start your own business, start by preparing a detailed business plan with reasonable financial calculations and indicating all points - from the premises and employees to possible risks.

Market assessment and growth prospects

To get a complete picture of the sports employment of the population in your city, plot the locations of all specialized institutions on an electronic or regular map. As a rule, the most popular and profitable of them are located in areas with dense population, high business and trade activity. In residential areas, attendance is less, and therefore the profit is lower.

Having identified competitors, try to take a free place in a busy part of the city, equidistant from other establishments.

Evaluate the profitability of small and large forms of business. For example, for the arrangement of a small club, smaller investments will be needed, the rent will be lower, and a small staff of employees will have to pay salaries. But the subscription will cost less than in a large center with a good range of services. It is from the competent ratio of the area and the flow of customers that the payback and profitability of the business will depend.

Room selection

The size and location of a fitness club is fundamental. Therefore, to begin with, an entrepreneur must definitely decide on the format of activity. Having chosen the organization of a small hall, you need to find an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 120-150 m 2, for a larger format you will need from 400 m 2 and more. Calculations of the sizes of each section, sports and gyms must be carried out in accordance with sanitary standards. For example, for each client of the aerobics hall there should be 2 m 2, and in the gym about five.

The approximate layout of the club area should include:

  • 2 latrines and 2 changing rooms for men and women respectively;
  • equipped reception desk;
  • showers;
  • specially equipped rooms for classes;
  • technical room for inventory storage;
  • room for technical staff;
  • room for instructors and trainers;
  • manager's office.

When choosing materials for finishing all offices and halls, one should be guided not by their decorative effect, but by the requirements of the inspection bodies: the walls should be light, the floors should have a rubberized coating, all objects and coatings should withstand frequent wet cleaning, etc.

financial model

For small and large forms of business, the calculations will be slightly different. For example, you can make a calculation for a small club with an area of ​​150 m 2 with a seven-day work schedule, a staff of 10 permanent employees. Approximate starting costs will be 5.3 million rubles:

Type of expensesAmount in thousand rubles
Rent of premises for 5 months (before opening) for 2 thousand rubles. for 1 sq.m.1500
Registration of activity25
Purchase of building materials, repair work625
Installation of alarm and video surveillance600
Purchase of furniture, office equipment and PC450
Procurement of fitness equipment and other sports equipment2000
Acquisition Supplies(towels, rubber mats, cleaning equipment)40
Staff form5
Advertising for the start of the project60

In addition to this amount, you need to take into account the payment of rent, salaries, taxes and other fixed expenses. In a month, their amount will be approximately 670 thousand rubles:

Payment typeQuantityAmount in thousand rubles
Total:- 670
Rent150 sq.m. for 1 month300
Alarm and video surveillance service- 10
Communal payments- 30
Purchase of consumablesin assortment10
other expenses- 20
The salary:10 employees300
manager1 60
administrator2 40
accountant1 by combination20
Instructor3 30
cleaner1 10
security guard2 20


When hiring employees, you need to pay attention to the documents on the education of a special direction, work experience in this field, previous entries in the work book. If possible, review resumes, portfolios, and interview each employee. Based on the fact that the staff is small, it is better for the owner to take on this work, getting to know everyone personally. To select staff in a large center, you need to contact a recruitment agency and include its services in the cost estimate.

So, the activities of your club will be carried out by:

  • Manager, whose duties are usually performed by the owner. He can also perform the functions of a personnel officer. Work schedule 5 days a week and a control visit to the club 1 time on weekends at any time.
  • Administrator is engaged in organizational work with clients and partially supervises with the staff. Distributes the time of classes for various groups, fills out and issues club cards, etc. The staff should have 2 administrators with a shift work schedule.
  • Accountant performs its main functions, is engaged in the payment and calculation of salaries, accepts membership fee pays utility bills. It’s good if you can hire an external part-time employee on a part-time basis.
  • Instructors work according to their own schedule, without overlapping, 5 days a week.
  • Cleaner can work hourly before or after training 6 days a week.
  • Security works according to the schedule, replacing each other every other day.

With the expansion of the range of services of the institution in the state, you can hire a massage therapist and a chiropractor. They will require separate specially equipped rooms. The position can only be offered to professionals with a medical background.

Special equipment

To organize the activities of the institution, various equipment will be required, which is conditionally divided into three groups:

humidifierpower equipmentfurniture for locker rooms and halls
ventilation systemtrainers for different muscle groupsoffice equipment for employees
air conditionersSwedish walls, horizontal bars, etc.reception desk
step aerobics platformsoffice equipment
ballscleaning equipment
dumbbellstowels, rugs
special yoga matstoilet paper, soap, etc.

The ventilation network of the supply and exhaust principle is the optimal solution. It will be able to provide the necessary temperature and humidity in different rooms.

For example, 22-25 0 C will be comfortable in locker rooms, and 18-19 0 C in training rooms. In addition, the humidity level should not be overestimated, the norm is within 50-60%.

Equipment must be purchased by a professional. If you yourself are well versed in the types of simulators and have an idea about the occupancy of the hall - excellent, if not - use the help of specialists, because the popularity of your institution will depend on the productivity, service life and modern equipment.

When choosing furniture, remember its main task - to ensure the comfort of visitors. In the locker rooms, not only benches will be appropriate, but also lockers where you can put personal items. AT gyms you also need to place benches, and in addition - racks for inventory. In the office of the manager, you need to provide a safe for storing securities, things and other things.

Opening schedule

To name the exact date of the first classes in the new equipped sports hall, you need to count 5 months, during which you need to have time to complete a number of activities for issuing permits, finding premises, repair and procurement work, recruiting personnel and conducting an advertising campaign.

For example, you want to set a date for one of the spring months, when most people begin to actively think about summer holidays, and the influx of customers in fitness centers noticeably increases. Then the first steps in registration should begin in the fall.

Procedure nameOctobernovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch
Registration of the type of entrepreneurial activity in the tax service and the pension fund.
Finding and renting suitable space.
Ordering design and repair documentation, design project.
Purchase of building materials.
Repair and design activities.
Installation of communication systems.
Purchase of special equipment, inventory, furniture.
Installation of furniture, equipment.
Recruitment, registration of medical books.
Obtaining permits from the fire service, Rospotrebnadzor.
Carrying out promotions, widespread informing the target audience

How to open a gym on your own - in the following video:

Possible income and ways to get it

If the right place is chosen for the location of the fitness club, and the flow of customers is large and stable enough, then the profit will be high. Properly conducted marketing campaign will attract visitors of different ages. They need to provide specialized programs. To keep the client, thereby ensuring his stable attendance, you need to offer the purchase of a subscription. It could be:

  • introductory subscription (1 month period);
  • for a period of six months and a year (this form will be preferred by regular customers);
  • budget types for students and pensioners;
  • family-type weekend pass;
  • it is possible to provide for the issuance of discount cards, a loyalty system for regular customers and other types of services that allow you to create a positive image and retain your circle of users.

Taking into account the average attendance of a fitness club with an area of ​​150 sq.m. with group and individual form of work per day for 150-200 people, you can roughly imagine the profitability as follows:

The annual income of a stable club can be 8.6-9 million rubles. If we take into account the amount of initial investments of 5 million and monthly costs of 600-700 thousand, then the payback of the project will come on average in 3-5 years. After that, the hall will generate a net income of approximately 50-100 thousand per month(after payment of salaries, taxes and other payments). The profitability of the business will be ensured by a reasonable distribution of funds, a constant flow of athletes and competent advertising.

Advertising and promotion

Whenever possible, use all available methods to advertise the benefits of training in your fitness club:

  • put up ads in the nearby territory of the city;
  • carry out information through printed publications;
  • use a billboard or a remote stand;
  • use the possibilities of Internet resources and social networks.

In the warm season, you can organize sports events within the city - free outdoor aerobics in a park or square for everyone, thematic annual runs of club members and city residents. All promotional activities should be only attractive and form a positive image of the club. Visitors should understand that an expensive subscription is justified.

Opening own club- a costly and risky business, the organization of which is within the power of a professional or a purposeful person. the main task successful entrepreneur - monitoring the activities of the enterprise, risk assessment and their early elimination. Profitability and profitability for the club will ensure the control of expenditures and well-considered financial investments in the future. Subject to all the above points, the business will be dynamic and profitable.

If you support the idea healthy lifestyle life, besides, money and time allow you, do not miss the opportunity to read the useful instructions on how to create a competent fitness club business plan - the basis of your business for many and happy years. Forward and upward!

Niche Overview

Recently, a sports lifestyle has become very popular, especially in Russia. Thanks to sports, people look better, get sick less, and they have a new, healthy hobby.

Halls with “walking distance” are popular, which means that the enterprise should be opened in densely populated residential areas or in the city center. More than a third of the fitness business and the largest cash flow is located in Moscow. Before opening your own sports club, understand what audience you are working with.

The target audience

Sports are not only for men, but also for women. And this means that in addition to the gym, there should be a room for classes such as Pilates, yoga and others.

Plus, add a massage room, where manicure services will also be offered. You can open a diet bar, where various sports, fortified cocktails or fresh juice will be served. Together with a massage and nail salon, the bar will bring its share of income.

So, we will consider with you a variant of a business plan for a fitness center in a residential area of ​​\u200b\u200ban ordinary, large metropolis. We do not recommend that you open next to an already operating club, since, most likely, it has already taken over all the clients.

Payback plan

According to any business plans in publications, the club begins to pay off only after 2 years of work, so be patient and have some money.

So, the minimum costs at the start of the project:

  1. initial capital ≈ 1 million 100 thousand rubles;
  2. monthly expenses ≈ 380 thousand monthly;
  3. monthly income ≈ 150 thousand rubles.

What are the monthly expenses of a fitness club:

  1. rent for the premises ≈ 150 thousand rubles;
  2. salary to employees ≈ 150 rubles;
  3. monthly advertising budget ≈ 50 thousand rubles;
  4. other expenses ≈ up to 30 thousand rubles.

Total monthly expenses will be about ≈ 400 thousand rubles.

Planned income

When your customer base reaches at least 50-100 people, it will be possible to talk about income that will eventually pay off your costs and bring profit, about 200-300 thousand rubles a month.

On average, one of your clients pays 2-5 thousand rubles a month. That is, having 150 members of a fitness club, you can count on a dirty income of 300-750 thousand rubles. It is clear that the rates are not for Moscow, but for a city with a population of a million inhabitants or more.

Registration of a legal entity

Consider in the business plan that in order to open your own sports club you need to register as an "individual entrepreneur", or a more solid, expensive in terms of maintenance and related chores - LLC. To open a fitness club, IP documents are enough. Registration of IP will cost you about 5 thousand rubles, in time - 2-3 weeks.

All worries about registering a legal entity can be outsourced (to companies that deal with registration and support of firms), which will save time on more important matters, and there are plenty of them.

Club premises and facilities

Room selection

After registering a legal entity, start looking for a suitable room for your future fitness club.

As soon as you find a suitable option, make out a lease for at least 5 years, since in a year your business may not even begin to bring the desired profit. In addition, landlords may offer your space to someone else for a higher fee. So sign all the necessary long-term lease agreements.

Minimum room requirements

  1. the room must have an area of ​​​​at least 250 m²;
  2. a bathroom must be held, and the building itself must necessarily meet fire safety;
  3. every good fitness club should have 2 locker rooms - male and female, lockers, shower rooms, toilets, as well as a staff room.

250 m² per month will cost you about 70-150 thousand rubles - depending on the city and district.

It is important to understand at the stage of a business plan for a fitness center that a guarantee of demand is not only a variety of professional sports equipment, competent instructors and popular programs, but also great view premises, that is, cool repairs - from 300 thousand rubles.

Plus, add the conclusion from the fire station, the conclusion from the SES, as well as their constant visits and interest in your case. At the very least, keep in mind "sudden" expenses.

Club sports equipment

Sports equipment or equipment is the most expensive item in your fitness studio business plan. You can’t save on it, because this is the basis of your gym idea.

If we are talking about group training for women, then you will need:

  1. step platform (their number depends on the area of ​​the hall);
  2. aerobic balls;
  3. balls of various types;
  4. a large number of dumbbells of different weights;
  5. gymnastic equipment, such as horizontal bars and bars;
  6. a number of Swedish walls;
  7. a set of several dozen jump ropes;
  8. rugs and mats - for yoga classes, at least.

Treadmills and exercise bikes are, of course, wildly popular in clubs as a calorie-burning cardio tool. However, their cost is very "biting". For example, the price of the simplest treadmill is about 20,000 rubles. And for the hall they will need at least 3-4 pieces. Exercise bikes in the same price range.

As for sports equipment for men, then, as they say, there is no limit to perfection.

The most basic:

  1. racks and benches for strength exercises with weight;
  2. several vultures;
  3. sets of pancakes of different weights;
  4. prefabricated or fixed dumbbells.

Special bodybuilding simulators cost fabulous money, there are a great many of them, but you can hardly compete with a full-fledged gym, but that's another area. Pay only attention to the base, plus we recommend getting a pear.

Treadmills, exercise bikes, cardio equipment, complexes for strength exercises, a complex for gymnastic exercises, dumbbells, barbells, balls, rugs and much more - up to 500,000 rubles.


Approximate staff of a standard fitness club:

  1. 3-5 trainers / instructors with experience, preferably with a certain level in the sports field;
  2. 2 employees at the reception, consultations and conclusion of contracts;
  3. 1 permanent club administrator;
  4. 2 massage therapists, manicure masters (optional, depending on demand);
  5. 2 cleaners working in shifts.

Of course, for the first time in the development of the club, you can independently take some work on yourself, attract relatives and friends. This is a very reasonable option, allowing you to free up some of the funds for other needs, such as attracting new customers.

From 200 thousand rubles will go to salaries per month. At first, you yourself should be in the gym to check how the work is going. A fitness trainer must possess all professional qualities. Make a club schedule. Create different programs, for example, for weight loss, for men, for women, power types training, martial arts and much more.

Find out the demand from competitors in your segment - evaluate programs in other clubs personally

Promotion plan

First of all, you need to make a bright sign directly on the club building. There are really a lot of ways to attract customers. But advertising must be included in the business plan, focus on competitors in fitness, but do not chase after any opportunity, it is vital to save at the start.

Order flyers in your area, make yourself known in social networks, buy advertising on large city billboards, arrange a bright opening with free visits. The best advertising has always been and remains - this is the opinion of living people, your visitors. Make sure that they always receive special attention from the staff.

Pay special attention to the possibility of advertising on the Internet - actively use Yandex.Direct, targeted advertising on Vkontakte, buy records in popular communities of the city.

A great idea at the start is to use coupon services.

At first, in the first year of operation, you will have 100 regular customers with subscriptions. Prices for a subscription vary, a subscription for six months costs from 7-12 thousand rubles, this is the minimum. It turns out about 1.5+ million rubles a year.

The fitness club is a seasonal business. In the summer, there are fewer visitors, many people leave. The big influx is always after the New Year, when so many people are going to start life with a clean slate by joining the gym.

Ask questions - we will be happy to answer!

Roman Agarkov especially for

  • Description of products and services
  • Room selection
  • Recruitment
  • marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Permissions to open
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a fitness club in a rented building in a city with a population of 800 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to open a fitness club

According to preliminary calculations, the organization of a fitness club in a room of 450 square meters. m. will require investments in the amount of 7,500,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises for the period of repair (4 months) - 250,000 rubles.
  • Repair and redevelopment of the premises - 1,100,000 rubles.
  • Exercise equipment (power and bicycle simulators, treadmills, etc.) - 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Arrangement of the club (furniture, locker rooms, showers, relaxation room, fitness bar) - 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Solarium, room for spa treatments and massages - 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Business registration, permits - 100,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget (website creation, outdoor advertising, etc.) - 250,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 300,000 rubles.

Description of products and services

Our club will offer clients the following list of services:

  • Gym and cardio rooms;
  • Aerobic programs for adults (yoga, strength programs, Dance Step, etc.);
  • martial arts (kudo, Combat Sambo, self-defense);
  • Sports games (table tennis);
  • Solarium;
  • Massage;
  • Fitness bar;
  • Children's fitness programs;
  • Services of a personal professional trainer.

The club will be open from 07:00 to 22:00. According to preliminary calculations, one client will bring the organization from 35 to 50 thousand rubles in revenue per year.

Download fitness club business plan

Room selection

A room of 450 sq.m. will be rented to accommodate the fitness club. on the first floor of an office building. The choice of the optimal location is determined by the following criteria:

  • Proximity to the city center;
  • Convenient access roads, good parking, availability of bus and tram lines;
  • Distance from residential buildings.

The room meets all requirements, including compliance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor:

  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises”;
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings”;
  • SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.

The building has all the necessary communications: electricity, hot and cold water supply, ventilation system. Only cosmetic repairs are required. The lease agreement is concluded for a period of 8 years, the payment for which is 160,000 rubles per month.

What equipment to choose for a fitness club

At least 2.5 million rubles will be spent on the purchase of equipment and the arrangement of the club's premises. First of all, the following will be purchased: sports power simulators, benches, horizontal bars and bars for gymnastics, treadmills and exercise bikes, hyperextensions for training the rectus dorsi muscles, equipment for powerlifting, simulators with a separate load of the Hammer series, dumbbells, weightlifting bars and olympic barbells, press trainers. In addition, it will be necessary to equip a room for spa treatments and massages, a solarium room, a relaxation room, showers, changing rooms, a staff room and an administrator's room. Also, some of the funds will be spent on the construction of a fitness bar and the purchase of necessary products. In total, at this stage, it is planned to invest about 6 million rubles.


Special attention will be paid to the recruitment of personnel for the fitness club. The face of the club is professional coaches. At least two coaches will be present in the gym during training sessions, ready to answer any questions from visitors. Only people with a sports education will be hired. From time to time, the coaching staff will be trained and certified for knowledge in the field of modern fitness. In addition to trainers, a manager, administrators, an accountant, a cleaner and security guards will be employed. The total staff will include 12 people. The monthly wage fund will amount to 216 thousand rubles per month.

What taxation system to choose for a fitness club

A limited liability company consisting of two founders will be registered as an organizational and legal form. Most suitable system taxation for a fitness club - USN, 15% of the organization's profit.

marketing plan

Carrying out a set of events to promote the club's brand and services deserves special attention. It is planned to spend at least 100 thousand rubles a month on organizing an advertising campaign during the period of business formation. Competition in this area is growing and it is not possible to make money here without the cost of promoting services. Among the possible options for promoting a business, we see the following activities:

  • Outdoor advertising (banners on the highway on the way to the club, billboards);
  • Distribution of flyers and booklets in the locations of the potential audience of customers (primarily office centers);
  • Advertising in the media (radio, magazines, newspapers);
  • Holding contests and promotions, including with the help of online services (“biglion”, “couponator” and others);
  • Creation and promotion of your own website.

Attention to the last point will be special (website), since more and more services are found through the World Wide Web today and more people. According to the report search engine Yandex the phrase "fitness club" is requested about 400 thousand times a month (in Moscow more than 15 thousand times).

Financial plan

The fixed monthly expenses of the fitness club according to the business plan will be:

  • Rent - 160,000 rubles.
  • Salary + insurance contributions (12 people) - 280,000 rubles.
  • Utility expenses - 70,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 100,000 rubles.
  • Consumables (drinking water, bathroom cosmetics, towels, paper, etc.) - 30,000 rubles.
  • Equipment depreciation - 35,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total per month - 695,000 rubles. Thus, the estimated annual cost of maintaining a fitness club will be 8,340,000 rubles.


  • The average revenue from one regular customer per year is 35,000 rubles.
  • The number of regular customers per year - 350 people.
  • Revenue per year - 12,250,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a fitness club

Hence the profit before tax: 12,250,000 - 8,340,000 (fixed costs) = 3,910,000 rubles per year. Less taxes (STS, 15% of profit), net profit will be 3,324,000 rubles. The profitability of a fitness club according to business plan calculations is 39%. With such indicators, the return on investment in the business comes in 27 - 30 months of work.

Recommended download fitness club business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step by step plan to start a business

  1. Rent or purchase of premises for a fitness club. The most important thing in opening fitness clubs is a well-chosen place for the club. In big cities, it is recommended to open clubs and gyms in the central part of the city, in business centers. In no case should halls be opened in industrial zones and on the outskirts of cities; visitors will not go there, even if a ski slope is equipped there. The optimal area is 450-500 sq.m. In the hall it is necessary to make cosmetic repairs, adjust the ventilation and air conditioning system.
  2. Registration of an enterprise and obtaining appropriate permits.
  3. The next step is to purchase equipment for the hall.
  4. The next step is to hire professional trainers and instructors. You can’t save on the salaries of coaches, because good coach will bring a good income for the owner.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

  • OKVED 71.40.4 - rental of inventory and equipment for leisure and recreation;
  • OKVED 92.62 - other activities in the field of sports;
  • OKVED 92.72 - other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups;
  • OKVED 93.04 - sports and recreation activities.

What documents are needed to open

It is necessary to register a business entity: since this is a legal entity, it is necessary to register a limited liability company. Prepared documents are submitted to public authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund, Social and Medical Insurance Fund.

Permissions to open

To open a fitness club, you must obtain permission from the district administration to open a business, permission from Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, you must obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision and fire service. Club employees must have medical books.

Training technology

  1. The coach or administrator meets the visitor at the reception;
  2. Gets acquainted with the client, identifies the purpose of visiting the club, conducts initial testing, the client fills out a questionnaire.
  3. Based on the results of the initial testing, the coach selects a training program. Introduces the available simulators, explains the rules for launching simulators and safety precautions.
  4. Then a warm-up is carried out, lasting 10 minutes. The entire workout takes 50 minutes.
  5. After the warm-up is done, stretching exercises are done, up to 5 minutes.
  6. Then the main training is carried out, the duration is 25 minutes. The trainer selects the simulator, determines the number and intensity of exercises.
  7. Final part, 10 min.

A hitch in the cardio zone 5-7 min. The trainer determines the hitch program, checks the pulse on the cardio simulator. After the hitch is completed, stretching exercises are carried out, lasting 3-5 minutes.