The best strength training systems. How to train to increase strength? Nutrition on training day

Strength and mass training
it is customary to delimit, although it is known that it is impossible to increase muscle mass, without increasing strength indicators, just as it is impossible to increase strength indicators without increasing muscle mass. Nevertheless, there are training programs for mass and programs for strength. Why? The fact is that different types of muscle fibers are trained, which are arranged differently, they have different energy supply, they differ in the speed of inclusion in work and in many other parameters. The ratio of these muscle cells is called muscle composition, which you can read more about. Accordingly, since the mechanism of cell functioning is different, the way they are trained also differs. Hence the conclusion that for the simultaneous training of strength and mass, it is necessary to combine the training of different muscle fibers. Is it possible? Yes it is possible !

It should immediately make a reservation and say that this training split is intended for already sufficiently trained athletes who are engaged in gym not less than a year. For athletes who have not yet achieved this training experience, we can recommend other training schemes for mass, or for strength. Beginner bodybuilders should prefer the beginner training program, and for those who have been exercising for more than half a year, we can offer a basic training program that can prepare you for more advanced circuits. It is not worth applying the program for strength and mass ahead of time, since it will not be able to fully realize itself in such conditions, and besides, there is simply no need for it. You will progress without it. And the point of combining the training of different muscle fibers is that each type of them has time to reach supercompensation by the time of their next training session. Such an organization training split called microperiodization.

Microperiodization - this is the reason why it is possible to train strength and mass at the same time. And in conditions when it is already necessary, it works effectively, but when there is no need for such an organization of a training split, then, on the contrary, it will reduce the effectiveness of training, and not increase it. In any case, any training program is a complex system consisting of loading and recovery, so in this article we will talk not only about how to train muscles, but also about how to restore them. It should also be noted that if you used to train without a training diary, now training diary You need it, without it it is impossible to achieve such a difficult task as the simultaneous growth of strength and mass. But, of course, the most important thing you need is a wish , that is, the willingness to overcome difficulties for the sake of the task!

Strength and mass training: recovery

The recovery process is divided into two stages: compensation to baseline and compensation above baseline. The bottom line is that during training, an athlete creates stress in his muscles, muscle cells are destroyed, hydrogen ions, RNA are produced in them, and the synthesis of protein structures begins. How exactly this happens from the point of view of biochemistry is not very important, especially since the scientists themselves do not fully understand how the process of muscle tissue growth works, the important thing is that for growth it is necessary to give the muscles stress. Other important point is that the muscles do not recover to their original level, but a little more, as if in case you have to perform a heavy load in the future. The moment when the muscles become bigger and stronger is called supercompensation. This moment does not last forever, so it is important to catch this moment and give the muscles a load just when they are able to master more complex work.

It is due to the progression of loads that you will be able to increase strength and mass, since, in fact, these processes are related. Both are hypertrophy of muscle fibers, just different. We will talk about how to organize a training program for strength and mass directly a little later. Now it is important to decide what to do between workouts so that you can progress all the time. It is not even possible to argue that you need to give up bad habits and sleep at night, because we agreed with you that you are ready to overcome difficulties. You want to build mass and increase your strengths. Therefore, for us, the only question that matters is how to provide the body with the building materials it needs?

First, these resources are food macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. You can see exactly what amount of certain nutrients you should consume in the article about nutrition for gaining muscle mass . In short, you need about 3 grams of protein for every kilogram of your body weight, but this protein must have a complete amino acid profile, that is, be of animal origin. You need a calorie surplus, but how much depends on your body type and metabolism. It is best to choose caloric content experimentally, starting with 4-5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of your own weight and, as needed, increase or decrease this amount. Fats should also not be abandoned, they should make up about 20% of the total amount of food consumed, since they are involved in lipid metabolism and the body needs them. But how exactly to organize your diet, how many hours before a workout you can eat and other details, read the section of our website dedicated to these issues.

Strength and mass training program

Training split lasts two weeks and combines training of various muscle fibers. You'll be training like a glycolytic muscle fibers, training in the range of five repetitions, and oxidative fibers, training in the range of 6 to 12 repetitions. Although in fact it is not the number of repetitions that matters, but time under load . Thus, you perform five repetitions in about 15-20 seconds, and 6-12 repetitions in 30-50 seconds. Accordingly, if you perform 6 repetitions, then each repetition should take 5-7 seconds. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the negative phase should take longer than the positive one. For example, it takes longer to lower the barbell down than to squeeze it up, well, lower it for 3 seconds, and squeeze out 1-2. It is also important to note that on the last set you should reach positive failure, that is, the inability to perform even one more repetition in the positive phase without additional help. On the other hand, you should still be able to perform the negative rep, which will indicate that you have loaded the muscle enough, but not too much.

In addition to the time under load in strength and mass training, the rest time between sets also differs. Oxidative fibers need to recover for about a minute, since their energy supply is carried out not only due to creatine phosphate, but also due to glycolysis, and you generally train the ability to supply these muscle cells with energy precisely due to glycogen. Glycolytic fibers consume a lot of energy, which is why they are so "strong", as a result, to provide them with energy, the body needs creatine phosphate. And in order to restore the supply of creatine phosphate, it takes 5-10 minutes, but since we train not only strength indicators, but also mass, in this case we should rest for 5 minutes. Experienced rockers can stretch their muscles during rest, but only if they know how to do it without overloading the joints. Before proceeding directly to training, I would like to give a recommendation that will allow you to increase the effectiveness of this program. It will not be superfluous to purchase creatine, not at all necessary, but it will not be superfluous.

Notes: rest 5 minutes between sets should be on the first day on the bench press, on the third day during the deadlift, on the seventh day during the squat with a barbell, and on the ninth day during the bench press. On the ninth day, you will perform the pyramid to one repetition, that is, you need to warm up and perform 5 repetitions in the first approach, but not to failure. On the second set, 4 reps, increasing the weight and still not reaching failure, until the last set, in which you must pick up such weight to reach failure in 1-2 reps. During all other exercises, rest 40-60 seconds. There is one day of rest between workouts, and there is no rest before the last workout, but after it you need to rest for two days, and then start the program again.

Strength and mass training program

The first daylight workout legs and heavy chest
Barbell Squats 50% - 5 sets of 5 reps
Leg Press - 4 sets of 12 reps
Calf raises - 3 sets of 12 reps
Bench press - 5 sets of 5 reps
French Bench Press - 3 sets of 12 reps

Training program for strength and mass in the gym. Find out how hard strength training can help you build muscle fast.

Many of those who have been training in the gym for several years do not get stronger. Many of them hardly bench press 100 kilograms, and even in Smith. Or do squats in half amplitude with the same weight. deadlift and army press they don't complain at all. They build workouts according to articles from bodybuilding magazines: a bunch of isolated exercises, a huge number of approaches and repetitions. This gives very little result. Then strength training comes to the rescue.

Today we'll take a look at how the strength training style works, how it differs from traditional bulking training, and take a look at the most popular training programs.

Benefits of strength training

In an attempt to gain muscle mass, many novice athletes make the same mistake - avoid strength training.

An approximate chest workout for beginners is as follows:

  • Press in Smith lying on horizontal bench- 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions;
  • Dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench - 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions;
  • Bench press on incline bench- 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps in a super set with push-ups from the floor (to failure);
  • Laying dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench - 2-3 drop sets to failure.

In a similar style, they train every day for 1.5– 2 hours, not realizing that this kind of repetitive work to a burning sensation is not suitable for amateur athletes. Instead, spend less time in the gym, lift more weights, and do less exercise.

Beginners think that strength training does not help in gaining muscle mass. This is a huge misconception.

Strength training and muscle building

There are three main ways to stimulate muscle tissue growth:

  1. Load progression;
  2. muscle damage;
  3. Fatigue of muscle cells.

The most important of this is the progression of loads. The easiest way to do this is to constantly increase the working weights.

As a result of this, the muscles receive microtrauma - microscopic damage to cells obtained under heavy load. The body needs to be “repaired” after these microtraumas, for this you need proper nutrition and rest. Then the muscles will recover, and the muscle cells will be able to cope with the subsequent load.

Fatigue of muscle cells occurs in connection with intracellular and extracellular changes that arise from the fact that the muscles are constantly contracting. When you push yourself to the limit and reach muscle failure, the muscle cells get tired.

Working with heavy weights and small increases strength and sets severe muscle damage. Lighter work with more repetitions means more time under load, but less damage to the muscles.

Many will disagree with this, believing that pumping not only grows muscles, but also increases strength. This is not true. But what is surprising: strength work It also helps in building muscle mass.

If you want to reach your full genetic potential, you need to do more strength-style training and less bodybuilding-style training.

Many do not understand this and give an example of well-known fitness models with chic forms doing hundreds of repetitions in training. But you need to understand that when using anabolic steroids, the process of gaining muscle mass becomes nowhere easier: you just swing and grow. In this case, it is advisable to work in a large range of repetitions. With a high level of testosterone, muscles grow faster, but at the same time, the joints and ligaments “do not keep up” with them.Because of this, it often happens.

If an amateur athlete trains in the same style as those using pharmacology: high volume, high reps, drop sets, super sets, etc., there will be practically no results. You will fatigue the muscle cells, but this is a weaker stimulus to growth than the progression of loads. The results will be very slow.

Often in bodybuilding training isolated exercises prevail over the base. So progress will be even less, since the number of muscle cells under load also affects the set of muscle mass.

Get strong to get muscular.Nothing without this. However, this does not mean that an amateur athlete cannot work in a large range of repetitions. High reps are fine for experienced lifters, but they will never replace strength work.

The best strength training programs for beginners

If you are used to volume training at a high rep range, switching to power circuits may seem difficult at first.

You'll be benching, pulling and squatting with some really serious weights. Depending on what kind of training program you follow, you will train some parts of the body less often, and some more often. In general, you will be less tired from training. You will rest much longer between sets. Workouts will take less time.

Don't be surprised if after switching to a strength training program, you want to do more exercises,less between setsor exercise more often. Don't make that mistake. You don't yet realize how quickly you can overtrain if you do too much strength work.

Remember that your goal during strength training is to get stronger, not to burn as many calories as possible or to “bulk” the muscles.

If your training experience in the gym is not yet great, we recommend sticking to one of these programs.

Strength for beginners (“Starting Strength”)

This program is not unreasonably one of the most popular. Its author, Mark Rippetoe, first published it in 2005, and has recently published its third edition. If you're serious about exercising, read this book, even if you don't intend to follow the training program it contains.

The reason for the popularity of this program is simple: it is simple, effective and sharpened for different goals - increasing strength, gaining muscle mass and developing functional qualities.

"Starting Strength" Gym Workout Program

These workouts are pretty simple. They are based on basic exercises, while your goal is to conquer the maximum weights in them. At the same time, it is imperative to observe correct technique performing exercises. They are not dangerous, but if you do not follow the technique, you risk injury. This program includes only two workouts.

Workout "A":

  1. Squats with a barbell - 3x5;
  2. Bench press standing - 3x5;
  3. Deadlift - 1x5.

Workout "B":

  1. Squats with a barbell - 3x5;
  2. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench - 3x5;
  3. Deadlift - 1x5.

No, we haven't forgotten anything.

As part of this program, the athlete performs only 4 exercises.

A total of 3 workouts per week. During the first month of classes, the training process is built as follows:

Week #1:

Monday - Workout "A"

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - workout "B"

Thursday - rest

Friday - Workout "A"

Saturday - rest

Sunday - rest

Week #3:

Monday - Workout "A"

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - workout "B"

Thursday - rest

Friday - Workout "A"

Saturday - rest

Sunday - rest

Week #2:

Monday - workout "B"

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - Workout "A"

Thursday - rest

Friday - workout "B"

Saturday - rest

Sunday - rest

Week #4:

Monday - workout "B"

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - Workout "A"

Thursday - rest

Friday - workout "B"

Saturday - rest

Sunday - rest

Each exercise should begin with warm-up sets. This will prepare your muscles for the hard work that follows. The first warm-up set is done with an empty bar, then the weight is gradually increased. For example, if you are squatting with a 125kg barbell, your warm-up should look something like this:

  1. Empty bar (20 kg) - 2x5;
  2. 60 kg - 2x5;
  3. 85 kg - 1x3;
  4. 105 kg - 1x2;
  5. 125 kg (working weight) - 3x5.

With what weight should you perform working approaches in basic exercises?

Working weights should be performed with a weight that allows you to do 5 reps with good technique. No more and no less. If you are still a beginner, start with a little less weight and gradually increase it.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2 - 5 minutes between sets. When you begin the next set, you should fully regain your breath.

When should you increase your working weight?

If you successfully completed 3 sets of 5 reps in a workout, next time try to increase the weight of the barbell by 2.5 kilograms. For example, if in workout “A” you confidently squatted with a weight of 100 kilograms for 5 times, next workout"B" work with a weight of 102.5 kilograms.

If you can't achieve volume with this weight and you're doing, for example, 5, 4, and 3 reps, don't increase the weight until you've completed 3 sets of 5 reps. If in the first approach you did 5 reps, but in the second - only 2– 3 means the weight is too big. When you get to the point where you can no longer increase the working weights in both workouts, you need to do a “reboot”. Do just one set at 90% of your best.

Scheme "5x5"

This training program was developed back in 1976, and it was originally centered around three exercises: bench press, squat, and clean. She looked like this:

Monday (hard workout):

  1. Bench press - 5x5, 1x10;
  2. Squats with a barbell - 5x5, 1x10.

Wednesday (easy workout):

  1. Taking the barbell on the chest - 5x5;
  2. Bench press on an inclined bench - 5x5, 1x10;
  3. Squats with a barbell - 5x5.

Friday (medium workout):

  1. Taking the barbell on the chest - 5x5;
  2. Bench press standing from behind the head - 5x5, 1x10;
  3. Squats with a barbell - 5x5.

How to choose the right working weight in approaches?

In each exercise, you start with light weights and gradually increase it. In a hard workout, we select the working weight as follows:

1st approach - 35% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

2nd approach - 70% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

3rd approach - 80% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

4th approach - 90% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

5th approach - 100% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

In light training, we select the working weight as follows:

1st approach - 25% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

2nd approach -50% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

3rd approach - 55% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

4th approach - 65% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

5th approach - 70% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

A set in which you work for 10 reps is performed with a weight of 55% of the maximum result when working for 5 reps.

In a medium-severity workout, we select the working weight as follows:

1st approach - 30% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

2nd approach -55% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

3rd approach - 65% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

4th approach - 70% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

5th approach - 80% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

A set in which you work for 10 reps is performed with a weight of 65% of the maximum result when working for 5 reps.

How to increase working weight?

It is recommended to increase the working weight in each exercise by 2.5% per week. For example, if at the beginning of the program your working weight in the bench press is 100 kilograms (for 5 repetitions), then the weight should be selected as follows:

Week #1

Bench press (heavy workout):

3rd approach - 80 kg (80% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

4th approach - 90 kg (90% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

5th approach - 100 kg (100% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

A set where you work for 10 reps is performed with a weight of 80 kg (80% of the maximum result when working for 5 reps).

Week #2

This week you are increasing last week's results by 2.5%. Now your Weight Limit for 5 repetitions is equal to 102.5 kg.

1st approach - 35 kg (35% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

2nd approach - 70 kg (70% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

3rd approach - 85 kg (80% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

4th approach - 92.5 kg (90% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

5th approach - 102.5 kg (100% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

Due to the fact that you increase the maximum weight quite a bit, the weight does not change in the first and second approaches. In the third week, increase the working weight by another 2.5% and continue in the same spirit.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2 - 5 minutes between sets.

If you can't complete the specified number of repetitions, you need to take a step back. Work with the weight you worked with 4 weeks ago.

Scheme “Stronglifts 5x5”

This is a simplified version of the classic 5x5 pattern. It is simple, effective and does not require a long time in the gym. In total, this program includes two workouts.

Workout "A":

  1. Squats with a barbell - 5x5;
  2. Bench press - 5x5;
  3. Bent over row - 1x5.

Workout "B":

  1. Squats with a barbell - 5x5;
  2. Bench press standing - 5x5;
  3. Deadlift - 1x5.

Only 3 workouts per week. There should be at least one day of rest between workouts. Training process It is built in the same way as in the “Starting Strength” program: in the first week we do workouts A, B and A, in the second - B, A and B.

Start with two sets of 5 reps with an empty bar for squats, bench presses, or standing. Then add 10-20 kg and do 2-3 repetitions. Keep adding 10-20 kg and doing 2-3 repetitions until you get to your working weight. Do not rest for a long time between warm-up sets, so as not to stretch the workout. In deadlifts and bent over rows, do not do sets with an empty bar. Without disks, you will not be able to put the barbell on the floor, you will have to keep it in the air all the time.

Never start a 5x5 without warming up. This will make the weight feel heavier than it actually is, you will do fewer reps, and you may get injured. Start with an empty bar, so you get used to the correct technique.

Accomplishments won't be enough. This may work against you. Too much cardio before a workout will tire your legs and make it harder for you to squat with heavy weights.

How to increase working weight?

The principle of progression is simple: add 2.5 kilograms each time in each exercise. Yes, so in a week you will increase squats by 7.5 kilograms. For beginners, this is quite possible. For experienced athletes - it is impossible.

Rest time between sets

What to do if there is no progress?

If you can't complete the specified number of repetitions, you need to take a step back.

The Best Strength Training Programs for Experienced Athletes

Texas method

This is a common training scheme among athletes of average and high level preparation.

Like other strength programs, the Texas Method only does 3 workouts per week. On Mondays, volume training, on Wednesday - light, on Friday - very hard (we work with maximum weight).

Week "A"

  1. Bench press - 5x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  2. Deadlift - 1x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).

Wednesday (easy workout):

  1. Squats with a barbell - 2x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  2. Bench press standing from behind the head - 3x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  3. Hyperextension - 5x10.
  1. Bench press - 1x5 (with maximum weight).

Week "B"

Monday (Volume Workout):

  1. Squats with a barbell - 5x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  2. Bench press standing - 5x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  3. Deadlift - 1x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).

Wednesday (easy workout):

  1. Squats2x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  2. Bench press - 3x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  3. Pull-ups reverse grip– 3 sets to failure with own weight.
  4. Hyperextension - 5x10.

Friday (hard workout):

  1. Squats with a barbell - 1x5 (with a maximum weight).
  2. Bench press standing - 1x5 (with maximum weight).
  3. Deadlift - 1x5 (with maximum weight).

Alternate "A" and "B" weeks to progress in both the bench press and the bench press. Volumetric and light workouts are built on a simple principle: you just warm up and do the planned sets. Fridays work with maximum weights. Each exercise starts with warm-up sets and then you do a heavy set for 5 reps. Each time the weight should be increased by 2.5- 5 kilograms.

How to properly warm up before a workout?

The first warm-up set is done with an empty bar, then the weight is gradually increased. For example, if you are squatting with a 125kg barbell, your warm-up should look something like this:

  1. Empty bar (20 kg) - 2x5;
  2. 60 kg - 2x5;
  3. 85 kg - 1x3;
  4. 105 kg - 1x2;
  5. 125 kg (working weight) - 3x5.

How to increase working weight?

The goal of the Texas Method is to increase the working weight weekly. So we put on 2.5 kilos every Friday when we do heavy sets with max weights for 5 reps. Because of this, every Monday and Wednesday you will start with a new number.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2-5 minutes between sets.

What to do if there is no progress?

If you can't keep up with the volume you planned for Monday, you need to reduce the volume of work from 5 to 3 sets or reduce the weight by 10% of the maximum.Pay more attention, so that this doesn't happen.

If you manage a volume workout on Monday but can't conquer new weight on Friday, which means you need to increase the training volume and training intensity on Mondays. For example, instead of doing 5 sets of 5 reps at 90% of your max, do 5 sets of 8 reps at 80% of your max.

Scheme "5/3/1"

The 5/3/1 training program is one of the most common because it is intuitive, does not require specific equipment, and the workouts are quite short. And most importantly - it brings the desired results.

In total, there are 3-4 workouts per week:

  1. Squats with a barbell and auxiliary work;
  2. Bench press and auxiliary work;
  3. Deadlift and auxiliary work;
  4. Bench press and auxiliary work.

Each microcycle of training according to the “5/3/1” system of four conditional “waves”.

After passing all the stages, everything starts all over again. The microcycle is built as follows:

Wave #1

Approach number

Number of repetitions

Wave #2

Approach number

% of 90% of one time maximum

Number of repetitions

Wave #3

Approach number

% of 90% of one time maximum

Number of repetitions

Wave #4

Approach number

% of 90% of one time maximum

Number of repetitions

Initially, the 5/3/1 program calculates 90% of your one-time maximum, and not from the maximum result for 5 repetitions, as in other programs for strength. In approaches where “+” is indicated in the number of repetitions, you need to do as many repetitions as possible. Each workout consists of a warm-up and three heavy working sets. Because of such a small amount of work, the 5/3/1 program is subject to a huge stream of criticism. But that doesn't change the fact that it works.

It won't suit everyone. If you have several years of strength training under your belt in the gym, "5/3/1" is not the most suitable choice. However, beginners can get some serious results using this approach. Especially if you include “auxiliary” work in the program (more on that later). In this way, you will create a combined style of training, combining strength training and work on the "beach" muscles.

Depending on how often you train, the program will change. If you are exercising, each microcycle will last 4 weeks. If 3 times - 5 weeks and 1 day. For four workouts per week, the program looks like this:

Week #1

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


Week #2

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


Week #3

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


Week #4

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


If you train 3 times a week, the whole process will take 5 weeks and 1 day, which is how much it will take to complete all 16 workouts.

Week #1

Workout number




Bench press


Week #2

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press

Week #3

Workout number




Standing press


Week #4

Workout number



Bench press


Standing press

Week #5

Workout number




Bench press


Week #6

Workout number



Standing press



How to properly warm up before a workout?

1st approach - 40% of the one-time maximum for 5 repetitions;

2nd approach - 50% of the one-time maximum for 5 repetitions;

3rd approach - 60% of 1-time max for 3 reps.

Rest 60 minutes between warm-up sets- 90 seconds.

How to increase working weight?

Your goal is not just to increase the one-time maximum, but to constantly improve after each microcycle. When you've completed one microcycle, increase your maximum bench press and standing weight by 2.5 kilograms, and the squat and deadlift by 5 kilograms. Calculate further weights already from current result. If you feel like you still have the strength for a few reps on the last, heaviest sets, do them.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2-5 minutes between sets.

What to do if there is no progress?

If you have or even a regression, complete your microcycle and then reduce the one-time maximum you're starting from by 10% and start over. This should be done only in those exercises in which the result does not increase. The rest follow the usual pattern.

What kind of work needs to be done?

Ancillary work refers to the exercises that you do in addition to the main four. Only you can decide how much storage you need. This is done for the following reasons:

  • To make stronger those muscles that "fall out";
  • To increase the result in four basic exercises;
  • So that the muscles develop in a balanced and symmetrical manner;
  • To gain more muscle mass.

As an aid to the base, the following exercises are best suited:

  • Push-ups on uneven bars (preferably with additional weights);
  • Pull-ups with direct and reverse grip;
  • Bent over dumbbell row;
  • Bent over row;
  • Shrugs with a barbell;
  • Dumbbell bench press;
  • Seated dumbbell press;
  • lunges;
  • Leg press.

The author of the program calls auxiliary work boring, but effective. He thinks it's best to do heavy sets. basic exercises from the program, then do 5 sets of the same exercise for 10 repetitions, and then do 5 sets of the auxiliary exercise for 10 repetitions.

For example, a squat workout might look like this:

  1. Squats - the main working approaches;
  2. Squats - 5x10;
  3. Lunges - 5x10.

How much weight you will use is up to you, but it is not recommended to take too much. a light weight, with which you can crouch more than 10 times.


Strength training isn't just for powerlifters. Everyone needs them. strength training is a much more effective (and less time consuming) way to gain quality muscle mass than classic bodybuilding workouts with high volume, high reps and a bunch of isolated exercises.

Fizkult-hello, my dear! This Friday we will continue to figure out how to become stronger, or rather, we will find out what exercises and strategies for developing this quality exist. In conclusion, we are waiting for a strength training program - specific circuit solutions that allow us to become stronger in the future.

So, make yourself comfortable, we'll begin.

Strength Training Program: Tactics and Strategies

How sad (maybe it's the other way around for some), but this is the last program note (True, there will be another bonus, but these are trifles). What did you actually want? We have been murmuring for the second month :) different programs, and during this time, they became and, now it remains to master the topic "Strength Training Program" and everything will be in openwork. We will deal with the latter today, namely, we will find out what means can be used to develop strength. Actually, we turn to the practical side of the issue.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Strength Training Program: 5 Strategies for Developing Muscle Strength

If you set a goal to become stronger (by the way, this is a preparatory stage for the development of the mass) then use the following strategies to develop this quality.

Strategy #0 (preparatory stage in the development of strength)

Use the test 1 RM (one rep max) to find out your maximum and submaximal working weight. To do this, for each muscle group, select the most “basic” exercise and measure your maximum weight in a particular movement with your insurer.

Exercises for the 1RM test by muscle group can be as follows:

  • shoulders - with a back;
  • back - (for girls in the gravitron) with weights at the waist;
  • chest -;
  • triceps -;
  • biceps -;
  • forearms -;
  • buttocks - with a pancake on the stomach;
  • front thigh - in the simulator;
  • back thigh -;
  • calf -;
  • soleus -.

As you can see, basic exercises are interspersed with isolated ones. And all because the classics do not quite correctly assess the power potential of a particular muscle group due to the capture of adjacent ones. For example, it is incorrect to evaluate glute strength from squats/leg presses or measure 1 RM back deadlift. Isolated / block exercises help to isolate the desired muscle groups and give a more accurate assessment of the strength potential of a muscle unit.

After you have identified your 100% and 90% maximums in each exercise, you will be able to more correctly form your sets / repetitions in the corresponding programs for developing strength.

Strategy #1

The first strategy is to work (change) with the following parameters:

  • frequency - the number of visits to the hall when working for strength should be at least 2nd days a week;
  • intensity - how fast an athlete is able to perform a given training volume. It is determined by the amount of weight used in one repetition. Strength training involves the use 2-4- x exercises from 1 before 5 repetitions in the range 85-95% from 1 RM, number of sets from 3 before 5 and rest 2,5-3 minutes m / y approaches;
  • type of exercises used - combination free weights and basic movements with isolated block-lever work;
  • relaxation. If we are talking about a specific muscle group, then it should be at least 48 hours. If we are talking about top-down training, then it should be carried out through 24 hours.

change (e.g. progress in projectile weight/intensity) any (one or more at once) from the parameters, and your power will also go up.

Strategy #2

It consists in the variety of ongoing work, i.e. don't get hung up/sticky on any specific exercises or sit only on low reps. Experiment! For example, train for two weeks with low weights, the next two with medium weights, and then set yourself up for a week of records by working with submaximal weights.

Strategy #3

Mostly suitable for beginners and involves the use of exercises with your own body weight, for example, or (including with weight on the back).

Strategy #4

It consists in increasing resistance, namely the use of elastic bands, and working with increased resistance.

Strategy #5

It is based on the transition (for a while) to a type of training other than strength training. In particular, it can be high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or the tabata protocol. Work with the latter involves a combination of various functional movements performed one after the other, with short periods of rest. (or without them at all) between them.

So, we have decided on the strategies, now let's find out ...

Due to what a person becomes stronger, or how a bodybuilder can increase his strength

Many athletes and coaches believe that muscles grow due to an increase in muscle fibers (mv) in them. This is not entirely true, i.e. not at all. Number of m.v. always the same and is given by human genetics. Then, you ask, what makes an athlete stronger? The answer is we get stronger (and, as a result, more massive) due to a more powerful nerve signal from the CNS to the muscle. Thus, the dependence of m / y on muscle strength and signal power is direct. This, in turn, depends on how well the strength training program is chosen.

To make it clearer, remember electrical engineering (even despite the fact that your humble servant had a three at the institute :)). So, in order to transmit current without loss over a distance, transformers are used, which are placed along its route.

In the key of human physiology, namely the development of strength, the human body faces a task similar to electrical engineering - to transmit / deliver a signal from the brain to the muscle with minimal losses. And motor bodies act as such transmitters, which, like transformers, maintain the level of strength of the nerve signal throughout its long journey to the muscle.

This leads to the conclusion that the more motor bodies in the athlete's muscles, the more powerful the nerve signal, the more fibers are activated and the stronger muscle. It turns out that hard work in a power style brings the muscle to the fact that it facilitates the load itself. (adapted to her) due to the multiplication of motor bodies.


With age, the muscle mass of a person decreases, but the decrease in muscle strength is minimal, so even starting to train in 50 years, you're already through 3-4 years you will be able to set power records that are not subject to the younger generation.

In terms of strength development, bodybuilder training should be aimed at increasing the number of motor bodies in the muscle, because. in this case, during the formation of muscle effort, a greater number of fibers will be recruited. And this means that the athlete will take more weight.

Thus, the ideal training strategy for a bodybuilder should be:

  • multiplication of motor bodies when working in a power style (the weight 85-90 % of 1 RM on 1-6 repetitions in 3-5 approaches, increased rest);
  • return to the voluminous classical training scheme (on the 8-10 repetitions).


Most standard training programs involve working in a range 8-10 repetitions, and in this case, muscle mass grows due to the thickening of part of the muscle fibers in the cross section. Changing training to strength training allows, due to new motor bodies, to connect new M.V., thereby expanding the potential for muscle growth.

The conclusion from all of the above is the following: only work in an explosive style (in the presence of sudden movements) allows you to achieve an increase in the number of motor bodies / development of strength. And this can help you...

Strength Training Program: The Best Exercises

Do you know that there are such exercises from which a person almost instantly (conditionally) becomes stronger? Do you think it deadlift? Squats? Okay, I won’t torment you anymore, but I’ll give you five the best exercises that an effective strength training program should include.

So, meet:

  1. taking the barbell on the chest;
  2. jerk of the bar from a position at the knees;
  3. push the bar up (military bench press);
  4. overhead squats;
  5. barbell jumping.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

Actually, the notes are finished with the prelude :), the highlight of the program remains.

Strength training program: ready-made scheme

Usually the male population wants to become stronger, give women weight loss or relief and muscle tone. Therefore, the PT presented below is designed exclusively for the stronger sex. Its feature is unique technique 5/3/1, the meaning of which is to work every week with a different weight and number of repetitions, namely 5, 3 and 1. In addition, the unusualness of PT in combinations of basic and auxiliary exercises for “weak” places.

Preparatory stages and scheme of work on PT

The AT itself is simple, but it requires correct initial data in determining the weight of the projectile. We are going to do the calculations now.

Stage number 1.

By experiment, we need to determine the working weight in 4th basic exercises - squats, bench press, deadlift, army press. To do this, in each movement we set the weight to 8-10 repetitions to failure and then substitute the value in the formula:

([weight] x [number of repetitions] x 0.0333) + weight = 1RM

For example, you sat down 100 kg per 9 times, therefore 1 RM= 100 x 9 x 0.0333 + 100 = 130 kg.

Stage number 2.

After calculating the one-time maximum (do this for everyone 4th movements) it is necessary to determine the working maximum, which is 90% from 1 R.M. In our case, for squats, it will be equal to 117 kg. This is the so-called reference point - it is from the working maximum that the remaining percentages will be calculated.

Scheme / work plan

Broken down into weeks and assumes at the end of each month (in the end 4 th week) promotion 1 RM in squats and deadlifts 5 kg, and bench press and bench press on 2,5 kg. From new values 1 RM needs to calculate new values ​​of the working weights and then deal with them more 4 weeks, etc. for at least 3rd months.

4 weeks of training

The program works thanks to its unique scheme, which involves:

  • 1 3 set by 5 repetitions. Working weights grow from set to set and are - 65%x5, 75%x5 and 85%x5;
  • 2 week: the athlete performs in each basic exercise 3 set by 3 repetitions. Working weights grow from set to set and are - 70%x3, 80%x3 and 90%x3;
  • 3 75%x5 (1 th set), 85% x3 (2 th set) and 95%x1 (3 -th set) ;
  • 4 week: working weights are - 40%x5, 50%x5 and 60%x5.

The tabular excel version of the PT is the following picture.

Actually, here we have mastered the training program for strength :). Follow it for at least 3rd months, and I assure you, Hercules, in comparison with you, will just smoke nervously on the sidelines.


March-April we analyzed all kinds of training programs. Today it was a strength training program. Now you have ready-made circuit solutions in your hands. As they say - just do it!

Well, we will end the cycle with an analysis of a program that is very relevant for the female part of the audience ... however, we will keep the intrigue until next Friday, bye!

PS. If you have any questions about PT, welcome to the comments!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The strength training program involves a special approach to exercise, nutrition and work-rest regimen. Strength in sports has always been of paramount importance. But without endurance, flexibility and the ability to coordinate the work of muscles, there is no sense in this strength. Therefore, it is important to combine the development of strength with work on other physical qualities.

Why develop strength

Not everyone from birth has at least average power data. Super strength is already a rarity, although natural heroes are still found today.

Let's pay attention to how the childhood of modern children goes, what they do, what kind of physical activity. We will see that compared to the times of 20 years ago, children began to move little: instead of street games, computer games appeared, sedentary entertainment replaces active ones by 90%.

In life, the need to develop strength appears not only among athletes, but also among ordinary people. If the body does not receive any physical activity, it degrades, no matter what anyone says.

It is especially important to work in the power direction for men. Let's see how many people today can lie under a 100 kg barbell and squeeze it out at least once? And how many people will sit down with their weight, how many kg can you lift off the floor and not get hurt?

The average strength performance of people in the XXI century is much lower than in the twentieth. And to stay in good physical shape and look like a man, you need to do strength exercises. They are found in most sports.

A more extreme direction is powerlifting training. Athletes work with huge weights to show the maximum result in competitions. To date, the weights in such exercises as the bench press with a squat go over 400 kg.

An ordinary person does not need to set records equal to even half of the above weights. Next I will explain why.

Although, of course, in which mode to engage in - it's up to you. Either you go for personal records, or you limit yourself to “just being stronger than most.” By the way, health is much more preserved in the second option. Even added, I would say. But powerlifting is far from the best safe sport. The superpower of famous athletes is the result of a titanic work of wear and tear in order to achieve the goal.

So, let's look at how to develop strength in yourself.

Risks in heavy work with weights

The main question is how to develop strength in yourself. The Internet is full of videos on how to increase strength indicators, where they will show you exercises for developing strength. But there are other videos in which people, doing the same exercises, tear their muscles. And these are not the worst consequences.

Muscle strength is a trainable thing, but “genetics”, nutrition, correct courses (if you choose professional sports, without it in any way).

Also remember that each person has a margin of safety. The rapid development of strength is fraught with the fact that one day something will not withstand - at best, there will be a stretch, in the case of moderate severity, a muscle rupture, and at worst, a rupture along with a bone fracture.

This is a very clear illustration of the fact that you should not rush to develop muscle strength. You need to overcome yourself slowly, carefully.

Proper technique protects against injury, but not completely. Muscle strength grows faster than tendon strength. Hence the risks.

Features of strength exercises

For strength training, exercises are performed a little differently than for mass gain.

Maximum strength is developed by performing basic exercises with a large weight for 3-5 repetitions. You should not carry out approaches with the maximum weight for one time - this is a lot of stress on your body. Especially avoid this the first year of training until the muscles and bones adapt to your working weights.

By the way, if you work for the force. Get ready to "live" in the gym for a bit. After each approach, you will need a good rest of 3-5 minutes, or even more. Powerlifting training programs are designed for long classes. For example, 2 hours of training.

Drink at least 1-2 liters of pure water per day.

Strength for health

For those who do not seek to lift the bar, but want to improve their health and master their own weight, the horizontal bar and bars will be quite enough for the body. In this case, powerlifting training programs are not needed.

Muscle strength during such training will be average, but coupled with coordination, flexibility and endurance, this will give a very tangible effect in terms of physical development.

If there is a desire physical form and age will allow, you can always discover the world of iron and heavier weights. Then the question of how to pump up strength will be relevant, along with the concept of what maximum strength is.

And, in conclusion, I would like to say that success in difficult power types sports will greatly depend on the age and genetic aspects of the body: how strong the tendons are, how elastic the connective tissue is.

If you have decided to take up the body for the first time in 30 years of your life, it is natural that training will be more difficult than in more early age. The same is true at 40 with respect to 30.

However, it is rightly said that you can start at any age. It's just that every year the question "how to increase strength" changes to "how to maintain strength." Therefore, engage in your development without delay. Be patient and make progress.

Aimed at the growth of power indicators in one movement. This means that the athlete is training his ability to lift more weight in one set. Of course, at the same time, other strength indicators will also increase, but first of all, the weight on the bar will increase in just one repetition.

What is it for? The fact is that there is a golden rule of bodybuilding - two muscles are always stronger than one. Muscle fibers are divided into fast and slow. Slow muscle fibers are trained with volumetric mass training, while fast muscle fibers are best trained in strength programs. Accordingly, if you pump all muscle qualities, then, in the end, the result will be higher than if you pump only one muscle fiber.

The strength training program does not pump slow muscle fibers well, which give the bulk of the muscle mass, but you will add mass anyway. It is impossible to increase strength without increasing mass, and not only will you increase your potential by developing fast muscle fibers, but also by increasing your strength indicators, you will be able to progress more easily by training on a training program for mass gain.

During strength training, you will often work with submaximal weights, so you will need microperiodization of the load. The essence of this process is that you do not constantly move forward, but do it in waves. Those. You should alternate between easy, medium and hard workouts. If you neglect this, you will earn overtraining and either stop progressing, or your strength indicators will generally begin to slide down.

The need for microperiodization arises because the body simply does not have time to recover. But, if you squat with less than twice your own weight, then you can do without microperiodization by constantly giving yourself hard training. True, only if you get enough sleep and are not very tired in Everyday life. A strength training program requires dedication, forget the alcohol! An excellent solution would be to take a course of creatine, this sports supplement will be very effective for this program.

Before you start training program, You must perform a "passage". The bottom line is that you warm up, then put some weight on the bar with which you can approximately do 2-3 reps, but do only 1, after which you begin to increase the weight of the bar with each set until you can complete the set. The maximum weight with which you were able to do the exercise is your maximum weight, from which you will count the percentage.

I day- legs and chest
Barbell Squats 90% - 7 sets: 5; 5; 5; four; 3; 2; one
Bench press 70% - 5 sets of 5 reps