Paid fishing and fishing tours in Georgia. Fishing in Georgia Fishing in Georgia on the Kura River

It starts long before the holidays, because their choice is huge, and several weeks are not enough to try them all. The country is rich in water resources and is ready to offer fishing enthusiasts mountain, large, reservoirs and, of course, the Black Sea, rich in fish and seafood.

Fish in Georgia

Despite the small territory of the country, the biological diversity here is huge. This also applies different types fish that can be caught in local waters.

Here are found:

  • trout;
  • Black Sea salmon;
  • Colchian podust;
  • noble sturgeon;
  • carp;
  • zander;
  • Colchian barbel;
  • roach.

Fishing in Georgia on the rivers

River fishing is undeservedly bypassed, those who like to sit with a fishing rod often choose lakes, and spinning fishing in Georgia is more common on the sea coast. However, many mountain rivers can offer tasty prey of small sizes: average weight fish in such reservoirs does not exceed 1.5 kg.

Large fish are found in the full-flowing rivers of Georgia, for example, fishing on the Kura River will delight you with specimens up to 5 kg. All River fish here it is very tasty, as it is found in clean water and feeds on natural food. In total, 84 varieties are found here. freshwater fish, for example, carp or pike perch, but there are also local specialties.

Fishing on mountain rivers, unlike flat and full-flowing ones, requires some skill and knowledge of local features, so for this type of activity it is better to order tours or a guide who knows the local gorges and trails.

Fishing in Georgia on the lakes, trout fishing

The reservoirs of Georgia are rich different fish, but trout has always been considered the main prey for any fisherman. This tasty and healthy fish does not like to be hooked, so it will take some skill to catch it.

The bulk of the trout sold in stores and offered in restaurants is grown on local farms. But wild, lake, is valued much higher, besides, such prey will remain in the memory of the fisherman for a long time. You can cook it right on the shore of the lake on coals, or you can bring it to any restaurant, where they will make a special Georgian dish “trout in herbs” from it.

Fishing in Georgia on the Black Sea

Sea fishing can be of 2 types: from the shore or from a boat. Both require a good command of spinning, on some boats you can also try trolling.

Fishing from the shore is more suitable for lovers of lonely fishing, when no one interferes with enjoying the process. A lot of rocky shores, where the sea immediately goes to a decent depth, will allow you to choose a convenient place to relax with a fishing rod.

Fishing from a boat will appeal to fans of organized tours, when everything is thought out and provided in advance, right down to tackle and a light snack in the process. A large number of companies and private boat owners offer their services. Sea fishing in Georgia with an organized tour has many advantages:

  • no need to bring equipment with you;
  • big choice boats: from small boats to comfortable yachts;
  • professional fishermen those who know the fishing spots;
  • the ability to immediately cook prey in coastal restaurants;
  • a company of like-minded people with whom there will definitely be something to discuss.

Paid fishing in Georgia

Recently, a service has appeared in Georgia paid fishing on various closed reservoirs rich in fish. If you prefer not just to sit with a fishing rod on the shore, but to get some guarantees of success, then it is best to choose such places. Here, too, of course, there may be bad days when the fish does not want to get hooked, but still the chances of success are much higher.

In such ponds and lakes, owners often add barbels, temples and other species of interest to fishermen to existing fish, but this point must be clarified in advance. Conditions and prices for each body of water are different depending on the location and additional services. Some offer paid trout ponds, where the fish is found in a natural environment, unlike farms, but the chance of catching it is higher than in ordinary lakes.

If you are a fishing fanatic like me and are looking to fish in Georgia, then you have come to the site you are looking for. I know where, when, what and how to fish in Georgia. Contact me and I will discuss it in detail and with pleasure. If you are not a fan, but during your vacation in Georgia, you would like to diversify your vacation with fishing, I will also be happy to help you include fishing in your plan to visit Georgia. I hope that fishing with me will be successful and will give you pleasure. I want to warn you that Georgia is not a fish Eldorado and not a fish store. Even in paid waters, it happens that the fish are not in the mood, so do not ask me for a guarantee. Believe me, I also really want to catch fish and I want my guests to catch it. Contact with any questions about fishing in Georgia, I will try to answer.

Now more about what, how and when you can catch in Georgia.

Trout fishing in the mountain rivers of Georgia

I start with trout fishing. This is the most sport fishing in Georgia, and also, it takes place in the most beautiful places. Trout is found in all mountain rivers of Georgia. Usually above 800 meters above sea level. Although, in the small rivers of the Black Sea coast, where the mountains come close to the sea, trout is also found much lower. This is also the case in sections of rivers below large mountain reservoirs. There the water does not have time to warm up and below the reservoir there are comfortable temperature conditions for trout. Now, a little about the peculiarities of the Georgian mentality. Trout is listed in the Red Book of Georgia and its fishing is prohibited everywhere. Unfortunately, it is caught everywhere and very often openly poached. This greatly undermined the population. True, in recent years the population is recovering. Partly due to the prosecution of poachers. In part, due to the protected areas of national parks, where poaching has been reduced to zero by the efforts of rangers. Usually, despite the ban, fishing with sports tackle, even the police consider it acceptable. The exception is national parks, where rangers must be asked about this. In some national parks, since 2017, it is possible to obtain permission to fish for trout, on a catch-and-release basis and using gentle fishing methods. In particular, single barbed hooks should be used and no fish should be taken. with bare hands. Fishing in other places using these principles is also possible without consequences.

Sharaula river. trout area.

This fishing is very sporty. You have to move all the time along the gorge of a mountain river, which is very poorly adapted for this. Boulders, rocks, thickets. It is very difficult to move, and it is pointless to stand still. If a trout is standing in a whirlpool or on a stretch, then it will find itself within a few seconds, waiting for a bite for more than a minute is absolutely pointless. You can fish with a rod, spinning and fly fishing. Not everywhere, each of these methods is suitable. For example, often trout is found in streams that can be crossed anywhere. Or, the river is so turbulent. that there are simply no areas for wiring a spinning bait. It is clear that it is pointless to walk along such a reservoir with spinning. There are even fewer areas for fly fishing. Trout is caught all year round, except for a short spawning period in November-December. However, most trout habitats are inaccessible in winter, and winters in the mountains are quite long. If you want to fish for trout in Georgia, choose the time from May to October. In mountain rivers, trout weighing 500 grams is already a rarity, larger specimens are found in areas below mountain reservoirs, in the reservoirs themselves and in rivers flowing into the Black Sea.

Fishing in the rivers flowing in the foothills of Georgia

Below the trout habitat, the barbel habitat begins. It is clear that in part, the habitat of trout and barbel overlaps. There are several types of barbels in Georgia, all of them are considered a delicacy and deservedly so. It is bad that because of the taste, the population in many places is greatly undermined. In some places, it's an entire industry. Usual sports way fishing - bottom tackle. It is especially interesting to fish in small rivers, on a sensitive sliding bottom. Often, along with barbels, there is a chub, which is also well caught on spinning. There are also small fish similar to roach, small sculpins, very similar to Black Sea gobies. True, this is a completely different species, despite the amazing similarity. A very interesting fish called shamaya enters these areas from the reservoirs. Shamaya looks like a big bleak and is also considered a delicacy. It enters different rivers at different times, somewhere in June, somewhere in August. Usually the size is small, but, in Alazani, it can reach a weight of 0.4 kg. This is a brisk fish; at the moments of mass entry, fishing is very reckless and prey. Large shamaya can be caught on microbaits by spinning.

Successful catching of large barbels is not possible everywhere, but there are such places. This fish is a real fighter and the capture, even of a kilogram barbel, will be remembered for a long time.

Fishing in the flat rivers of Georgia

There are few plain rivers in Georgia. The lower reaches of the Rioni in western Georgia and the lower reaches of the Alazani and Iori in the eastern. Also small pre-estuary sections of rivers flowing into the Black Sea. The main difference in fishing is that there are fewer barbels and catfish and carp appear. In western Georgia, there are also pike and perch in these places. Both catfish and carp can be very large, but you definitely need to know where and how to catch. True, there was a case when my guests caught an 8 kg catfish and released it back with the words "we always release catfish in Kazakhstan." Now the local ranger, when meeting, always remembers how I came there with crazy people :)

Lakes and reservoirs of Georgia

Typical inhabitants of lakes and reservoirs in the foothills are carp, crucian carp, barbel hramulya, shamaya. If the reservoir is higher in the mountains, then trout is added to this list, and in some places, Ladoga whitefish and vendace, launched in Soviet times. If the reservoir is lower, then catfish, and sometimes grass carp and silver carp. Fishing on float and bottom gear, of course, is better not on the bottom but on the feeder. An interesting place is Lake Paliastomi. It is separated from the Black Sea by a narrow strip of land and has extensive swampy shores cut by the channels of inflowing rivers. There is a large population of mullet (several species), bream, a lot of pike, silver carp. This is the territory of the national park, but sport fishing is allowed.

Another interesting body of water is the Shaori reservoir. A beautiful mountain reservoir, famous for its large carps and carps, which prefer small fish to all baits. There are quite a lot of crucian and fish.

Pike and perch have been transplanted into many reservoirs by spinning enthusiasts. They have taken root well and are already quite large. True, and the pressure of the spinningists on them is great, good. that most of them profess the principle of "catch and release". But people catching animal baits do not show such humanity, and their catches are often quite large.

Paid reservoirs of Georgia

There are many paid reservoirs, these are ponds, but there are also lakes, on a long-term lease. The fact that the reservoir is paid does not mean that it is stocked with fish. Try to find out ahead of time. Common fish in such reservoirs are carp and crucian carp. But it happens that grass carp, barbel, khramulya, catfish are launched. There are also trout payers, and the latter are found in places of amazing beauty. The conditions for all payers are different, you can’t tell everything on the site, please contact me for information.

Fishing in the black sea

The easiest fishing on the Black Sea coast of Georgia is catching horse mackerel and red mullet. The fish is small but very tasty. In desalinated areas of river mouths, mullet is present everywhere. If you have a watercraft, then you can try to purposefully catch garfish, bluefish, katran, flounder, stingray ... Fishing at the mouth of the Rioni River is especially interesting. keep in mind that to go to sea, you need permission from the border service. With the beginning of autumn, it becomes possible to fish with spinning from the shore. The main prey is a medium-sized bluefish, but many other fish can also be caught along the way, in particular garfish and bonito. Fishing is interesting, and often very catchy. Pay attention, sometimes the Black Sea dragon comes across. the prick of her poisonous thorn is terrible, I know personal experience. Therefore, look at the photos on the Internet and try not to confuse!

In conclusion, I want to say again, as elsewhere, for successful fishing in Georgia, you need to know where, when, what and how to catch, and you also need to have up-to-date information. I'll tell you a case. We went with a friend for evening fishing in Alazani. It was bad. On the way back, a friend met a local friend. When we looked at their catch, we were surprised, I thought it was a sinful thing that they were catching in some kind of poaching way, and the fishing rods, so, to divert eyes. It turned out that a kilometer from the place where we were fishing, there are large mulberry trees on the shore. And during the ripening period of berries, large fish gather under them in anticipation of falling berries. The next morning we stood under such a tree, planted a berry on a hook ... The fishing was unforgettable. But even on the first evening, she could become excellent if he called his friend. But he did not, because he considered that he could not get away from an invitation to visit and wine in large quantities.

This is my experience, do not take this calendar as the ultimate truth.

The country is located in the western part of Transcaucasia on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Geographically, Georgia borders on Russian Federation, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The terrain is a combination of highlands, middle mountains, hills, plains, plateaus and plateaus. The highest point of the country is located on the peak of Mount Shkhara at an altitude of 5,068 km. From the north, Georgia is surrounded by the Greater Caucasus Range.

Features of the climate of Georgia

In the west of the country, a subtropical climate prevails, and the eastern part is Mediterranean. The Caucasian ridge does not allow the cold streams of the north wind to penetrate the territory. Near the Black Sea coast and in the lowlands, a humid subtropical climate prevails with heavy precipitation up to 1000-2000 mm per year, and in the Batumi region the amount of precipitation can reach 2500 mm. The average temperature in January is 5 degrees Celsius, in July the average temperature rises to 24 degrees.

Water resources of Georgia

The rivers are unevenly distributed - most of them are concentrated in the west of Georgia. The rivers belong to two basins - the Caspian and the Black Sea. The main flow of the Caspian basin occurs through the Kura River, on which the Mingachevir reservoir is located. The rivers of the Black Sea basin do not represent a system and flow into the sea separately. Chief among them is the Rioni River, which passes through lower part Colchis lowland. Most mountain rivers have a large flood during the spring period of snowmelt. Glacier-fed rivers actively overflow in summer. There are few lakes in Georgia, and they are mainly located in the Javakheti highlands. The largest lake is Paravani.

Fishing in the mountains of Georgia

Mountain rivers are rich in fish, but specimens are mostly small - up to 1.5 kg in weight, although sometimes you can catch trophy fish weighing up to 5 kg. Larger fish are found in mountain lakes and secluded rivers, hidden from fishermen by difficult mountain crossings and rocky cliffs. Nevertheless, tourists are happy to go fishing in the mountains - icy peaks, fast foaming rivers, wooded gorges and a feeling of extreme sports make fishing simply unforgettable! The lakes in Georgia are calm and majestic - where every fisherman can spend time in silence and peace, alone with pristine nature.

Trout fishing on mountain rivers

This is a truly sport fishing, which takes place in the most beautiful and picturesque places in the country at an altitude of more than 800 meters. However, it should be borne in mind that trout is an endangered species, so before you start fishing, you must purchase a fishing permit or check with the police or local rangers for certain gear. You can catch trout on a spinning rod, on fly fishing gear or on a bait, constantly moving along the reservoir - it is pointless to wait for a bite for a long time, so fishing is very dynamic and exciting.

Fishing in the foothills and lowlands

Just below the habitat of the trout, the range of barbels begins - there are several species of them in Georgia, and all of them are considered delicacies. Barbel is usually caught on bottom gear in small rivers, however, a chub, roach or sculpin can be hooked instead. Shamaya fish also enters these sections of the rivers - it looks like a large bleak and is highly valued for its excellent taste. There are few flat rivers in Georgia, and there are very few barbels in them, but there are a lot of catfish and carp, moreover, you have every chance to catch a large trophy individual.

Fishing on the Black Sea

The simplest and most common is fishing from the sea coast for horse mackerel and red mullet. Mostly small specimens are caught, but this fish is very tasty. Mullet can also be caught in desalinated sections of river mouths. If you have a boat, you can go fishing for garfish, lifan, katran, flounder and stingray.

Do you want to go fishing in Georgia? Then use our portal! Just indicate the regions you are interested in, select the fish you would like to catch, indicate the accommodation options you are interested in - and we will select for you relevant and suitable offers from the owners of fishing, hunting, tourist bases and guest houses in Georgia!

Georgia is one of the "pearls" of the Caucasus. Every year it attracts millions of tourists with its culture, unique architectural style, national cuisine, wine and fishing. Fishing in Georgia is quite diverse. The diversity is explained by the presence of the sea coast, many rivers, mountain streams, lakes and reservoirs. Fishing is a convenient way to diversify your vacation.

Fish native to Georgia

Numerous rivers of Georgia, almost without exception, are spring-fed. The water temperature in them does not exceed 12 - 15C, this is the ideal temperature for trout. It is found at the source of almost all rivers in Georgia. Even in small streams no more than a meter wide and 20 cm deep, the trout feels comfortable. The average size of the fish is small - 200 - 300 grams, some individuals reach a kilogram. Trout from different rivers differ in color and taste. Fish are caught all year round, but the best bite is observed in early autumn and late spring.

Barbel fishing is also of interest. There are several species of this fish in Georgia. The Colchis barbel lives in the Black Sea basin, and in the east of the country - Kurinsky, chanari and barbel - Murtsa. The largest individuals of which reach 12 kg. Barbel is a very strong fish that lives in places with strong currents, so a large barbel is not so easy to catch. Due to the absence of winter, fishing is possible all year round. In the rivers of Georgia also lives:

  • temple and chub;
  • in places with a calmer current, fish and shamayka are found;
  • there is a lot of podusta in western Georgia.

There are problems with catching fish only after heavy rains, when the water in the rivers becomes cloudy.

Fishing on the Kura River in Tbilisi

Kura is the most major river in the Caucasus. The Kura flows through the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. With the onset of spring, hundreds of fishermen appear on the stone city embankment. Not every fisherman can boast of a rich catch. locals they say that before the construction of a hydroelectric power station and a large number of construction projects in the city at the end of the last century, when all the construction waste was thrown into the river, even sturgeon was found here. More often than others in the catch of fishermen there is a khramulya, also there is a barbel, roach and murza. There are cases when catfish or carp are found in the catch of fishermen, but such fish is found downstream, on the outskirts of the city.

Fishermen in Tbilisi usually fish close to home. They consider fishing to be a special chic. big fish on maggot. In the summer heat, the fish is best "taken" on the "grass", a specific bait for fish that lives on the bottom. Also common baits are pieces of cheese, bacon and sausages, chicken intestines, and practically does not bite on a worm. Local fishermen mainly use telescopic rods, tourists have more modern gear. A feeder with a dough of up to 160 grams, a braided cord with a breaking load of up to 8 kg, a sliding load of up to 100 grams are well suited. It makes no sense to put a lighter one due to the strong current.

According to local fishermen, "urban" fish is much tastier than the one that lives in the sea, lakes and rivers. Any person, having tried it and comparing it, will immediately feel the difference in taste.

Trout fishing in Georgia is the most “sporty” type of fishing. Since trout lives at the source of mountain rivers with a strong current, it is caught in the most beautiful places in the country. Usually trout are found in rivers, on average at an altitude of more than 800 meters above sea level. However, in places where the mountains come close to the sea coast, trout is found even lower.

Trout fishing is prohibited in Georgia, due to the fact that the fish is listed in the Red Book of Georgia, but it is caught everywhere. It happens that by poaching methods. Previously, this significantly undermined the fish population, its restoration was due to the prosecution of poaching and the taking of national parks under state protection. Despite the ban, fishing with conventional tackle is considered by the police normal and does not take any action. In national parks, the situation is different, for trout fishing you need to buy a permit.

Such fishing also allows you to strengthen physical form. You will have to move along an unequipped gorge of a mountain river, around cliffs, rocks and thickets. You don't have to stand still. If there is a trout in a pool or on a stretch, then it will manifest itself within a few seconds, it is pointless to wait for a bite for more than a minute or two. For trout fishing you will need a fishing rod, spinning or fly fishing, but not every of these methods will work everywhere. Often trout are found in narrow streams that can be stepped over anywhere. For fishing in such places, spinning will be inconvenient. There are even fewer areas for fly fishing.

Trout is caught throughout the year, except for the spawning period - in October - November. Also in winter, there are difficulties with access to fish habitats. best season for trout fishing will be May - October. In mountain rivers, a half-kilogram trout is already rare, larger specimens are found in areas below mountain reservoirs, in reservoirs and rivers flowing into the Black Sea.

The ideal bait for trout is bugs that live under rocks in shallow water. They are strung on a hook in several pieces. After the first trout caught, you can use its gills or meat.

Khramulya is a fish up to 50 cm in length and weighing up to 2 kg. It lives in slow-flowing rivers, lakes and reservoirs of Georgia along with carp, barbel, crucian carp and shamayka. It is better to catch a temple float tackle or donk, good results can be achieved with the help of a feeder. A relatively large number of Khramuli live in the Kura River, Lake Paliastomi, separated from the Black Sea coast by a narrow strip of land. The lake is part of the national park, but "sport fishing" is allowed on its territory.

The most common bait for khramulya is maggots, pieces of sausage or cheese, chicken intestines and a worm, which for some reason is not taken by khramulya in the city of Tbilisi.

Today, the city of Batumi is the main tourist center of Georgia, located on the Black Sea coast. There are many connoisseurs of the ancient culture of the Caucasus among the guests of the resort. Batumi is a resort famous for clean beaches, ancient architecture and Georgian cuisine. There will be no problems with rest in Batumi and fishing enthusiasts. Most of the city's hotels offer their guests fishing as one of the types of recreation. If there is a beach on the territory of the hotel, there will definitely be a fishing area on it. A number of hotels organize transfers for fishing enthusiasts to fishing spots.

Among local lovers sea ​​fishing the most “fishy” place in the city is a pier near the port. Here from the shore such fish are caught as:

  • red mullet and gobies;
  • horse mackerel;
  • mullet.

The best bait for fish is mussel meat; in the warm season, there are no difficulties with its production. Georgian hotels often serve national fish dishes. In Batumi, tourists are very fond of fish dishes, the Black Sea flounder is in particular demand, but you can’t catch it from the shore. In addition to flounder, stellate sturgeon, mullet, beluga and sea bass can be found off the coast. The easiest way to organize sea fishing in Georgia is to rent a boat from one of the many companies offering these services. They offer an hourly boat rental with crew, so you can choose the duration of the voyage "affordable" yourself. A less expensive option for real sea fishing is to choose a boat at a fishing pier near the Ferris wheel. Here you can negotiate with local fishermen about going out to sea.


As elsewhere, for successful fishing in Georgia, you need to know where, at what time of the year, what and how to catch, so without a connoisseur of these places, difficulties may arise. Fishing will bring peace, excitement and a lot of positive emotions. Tourists will have the opportunity to learn the culture of local fishing in the conditions of mountain landscapes or a light sea breeze and fresh air.

Fishing season has started in Tbilisi. With the onset of spring, the stone embankment of the Kura River is filled with men with fishing rods. Some people fish alone, others prefer the company of other fishing enthusiasts like them.

They can wait for hours until the float in the water begins to bounce in the "dance". Not everyone is lucky and not every day. But the size of the catch is not the most important thing, says an experienced Tbilisi fisherman. Vakhtang.

This 66-year-old man earns money by repair work: he lays tiles and pulls electrical wiring in apartments. When there are no orders, Vakhtang and his friends go to the river without fail on the weekends:

"The beauty of fishing is when the fish is on the hook, and when you pull it out of the water. That's the most interesting thing! And what's in the pan is no longer interesting."

Today, at Vakhtang's house, the frying pan will be empty: he spent almost the whole day on the shore, but not one, even a small fish, paid attention to his fishing rod. And he's still in a great mood.

“In order to understand all this, you need to hold the bait yourself, then you will feel it. That’s when, God forbid, the fish breaks, the mood deteriorates for the whole day.

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There are fewer and fewer such photographs in Vakhtang's collection. Tbilisi fishermen complain that in recent years the fish began to disappear. Someone blames the environment, they say, the construction of new hydroelectric power plants has greatly reduced the number of fish. Others are chemicals that are used to treat sewer pipes for dumping waste into the Kourou. There are those who see the cause in the global warming of the climate throughout the planet.

But everyone, without exception, agrees on one thing: the main cause of fishing troubles is poaching. Anglers say that at night on the river you can often see people who jam the fish with electric current. Under the previous government, poachers had a real freedom, says Vakhtang. People engaged in "illegal fishing" were not detained or fined, so fishing with nets banned in many countries in Tbilisi has become commonplace.

“I screwed the net and that’s it, and there’s no excitement in it, it’s not fishing! Fishing is when you catch on the bottom, on the float,” the angler explains to me the intricacies of his art Sasha.

He was only 13 when the neighbors first invited him to go fishing - 40 years have passed since then, and he managed to master all the backwaters and creeks abundant in fish in the capital, and throughout Georgia.

Most often, Khramuli, a small fish of the carp family, is caught in Tbilisi. In Georgia, it is also called a bonnet. In addition, barbel, roach and murza are found in Kura. But local fishermen consider catfish and carp to be the most desirable gift of fate. Sasha told me that this fish can be found on the outskirts of the city if you go down the Kura.

“Today we came here for the first time,” said Vakhtang, who, together with his friends, was fishing near the city center in the Ortachala area. “And so we go fishing closer to home. We were told that there was a good bite here yesterday, we came, and today there is not a damn thing. We have such happiness, fishing!"

They met Sasha a few years ago. A common passion brought the two men closer. Both have sons who categorically refuse to share the joy of fishing with their fathers. Young people in general are quite rare to meet on the Tbilisi embankment. More and more older men are fishing.

“We are the old generation,” Vakhtang smiles. “And the new generation only needs a computer, they sit at it all day long. We old people, more or less mobile, love to go back and forth. And many live in the city, and don’t even know it not to mention the rest of Georgia."

Tbilisi fishermen have their own tricks. The biggest glamor here is catching large fish "for maggot" - the larva of the blowfly. Closer to summer, fishermen will start fishing "on the grass" - a special bait for fish that live at the very bottom of the Kura.

All the fishermen with whom I was lucky enough to communicate say that the city fish is much tastier than the one that lives in the sea, lakes and remote rivers.

“Here, for example, where I usually fish, sometimes I catch 20 kilograms a day. But this fish has absolutely no taste, it is like grass. And the local, city fish is very different from the local one. Any person, even one who has not tried fish before, he will tell which one is tastier if he boils it or fries it," Sasha says seriously.

Today he caught a roach - 10 small fish. Sasha was embarrassed to bring home such a modest catch to his wife and gave the fish to young guys - they rent it to local restaurants.

"And they earn money, and I feel good," Sasha threw in the end, collecting a fishing rod and other fishing tackle. He is sure that today's failure is an accident, tomorrow he will certainly be lucky.