Bike customization. Bike. About the correct fit when riding a bicycle - embedder - LJ. Measuring children's bikes

We tell you how to make your budget mountain bike more reliable, comfortable and sportier.

Modern budget bikes have become much more reliable and comfortable, but there are still a number of settings that can make your bike the best in the segment. Now it's easy to buy a bike and immediately ride to the nearest trail park, and you'll get what you expect, but there's always room for improvement and upgrades. If you touch a new bike, you will need a number of personal settings, which we will tell you about. And after all this, the question of regular maintenance remains.

If you are new to the world of mountain biking, the following setup and maintenance tips will help keep your bike in top working condition and save you money.

Adjust the speed switches

Inexpensive bikes are equipped with gear shifters entry level, which do not always work quickly and smoothly, but at least should work clearly and without chain breaks. If the derailleur does not hold the chain in the desired gear, then you should adjust them. Adjust switch positions and limiters, or contact your nearest bike shop. Often, poor gear shifting is due to the fact that the cable of the switch drives clogged with mud, or bent, and the cable simply cannot move freely inside (1).

Also, fuzzy shifting may be due to a bent (2) rear derailleur. It is very easy to bend a rooster: it is enough to fall off a bicycle, or unsuccessfully to put it on right side(with which the speed switches are attached). Often, a bent rooster is the result of unsafe transportation. That is why the cocks for the rear derailleurs have a removable design, so that in case of deformation not to change the expensive frame, but to change (straighten) only the cock. If you have a bent cock, you should contact the bike shop to straighten it, or replace it.

Adjust or replace seat

The stock saddle and its installation during the pre-sale assembly in the store is not always correct. The shape, position and height of the saddle are purely individual. What is comfortable for one person is not necessarily comfortable for another. If you find the saddle uncomfortable, try adjusting its position and height, or contact your nearest bike shop for a new saddle. A comfortable saddle doesn't have to be expensive. Some stores may offer a "try before you buy" service.

This is especially true for women who use men's (universal) bike models. Men's and women's saddles are very different, this is due to the physiology of men and women. Women are more comfortable with wider saddles with additional comfort inserts. Modern women's saddles are designed to allow the necessary freedom of movement, providing superior comfort during extended use.

Get rid of plastic pedals

Most entry-level mountain bikes come with simple plastic pedals. This is because pedals are an individual accessory that depends on your preferences. For example, some use platform pedals, while others use contact pedals. Thus, the bike manufacturer means that you will soon change the pedals to suit your style of riding. By the way, this is why all expensive bikes are sold without pedals.

If your bike is equipped with cheap plastic pedals, invest in new, reliable platform pedals, or clipless pedals with cycling boots. This will greatly increase your level of bike control.

Replace grips with good ones

Check the chain after every ride

Inexpensive bicycles are equipped with a transmission with minimal corrosion protection. To prevent premature wear, it is important to keep the chain clean and lubricated. The more you ride in muddy conditions, the more maintenance your transmission needs. Use special cleaners to clean the chain from old grease - degreasers (4). We have compiled recommendations for lubricating and maintaining a bicycle chain.

Upgrade Cams

Budget bikes often use cheap bikes (5) that can easily break down without constant checks and maintenance. We will not scare about the consequences of a broken eccentric while riding. Just check the eccentrics and lubricate the rubbing mechanisms regularly. But it is best to replace cheap eccentrics with high-quality ones.

Keep anthers clean

All shock absorbers, bushings and rotating joints are lubricated. To prevent dirt from entering the shock absorbers and bearings, sealing anthers are used. While cycling, dust and dirt accumulate on the working surface of the mechanisms, around the anthers. If the seals are not cleaned, dirt can get inside the shock absorbers and bushings, causing damage to the working surfaces and, ultimately, failure of the entire part.

Regularly clean the working surface of the suspension fork legs from dust and dirt, and also clean the accumulated dirt around the o-rings and anthers. Use long lasting silicone based spray lubricants to protect the surface and improve glide.

Don't skimp on maintenance

If you want to get the most out of your bike, don't skimp on regular maintenance. Increased wear and tear is often associated with simple neglect and savings on maintenance. Most problems can be prevented by periodically inspecting the condition of the bike and fixing the problems found. Every year, contact a professional bike shop for comprehensive maintenance, regularly check the condition of the bike, before each ride, check the pressure in the wheels, the operation of the brakes and shock absorbers, and gear shifting. Find out more about the need for bike maintenance and the recommended timing.

Understand that even if your bike is inexpensive, this does not mean at all that you will get less pleasure from using it. As long as the bike works well, it's always great fun.

Terms in the article

(1) Shirt(cable) is a multi-layer braid for a cable with high longitudinal resistance to compression, used for mechanical drive of gear shifters and brakes.

(2) Rooster(rear derailleur) - this is the attachment of the rear derailleur to the bicycle frame. Usually, the cock is a separate part that is easy (and inexpensive) to replace.

(3) Grips(handlebars) - handles with a soft and / or rubberized surface that are put on the handlebars and provide comfortable, safe and reliable control of the bicycle in any conditions.

(4) Degreaser- A product that removes old grease and dirt. Often used for bicycle transmission.

(5) Eccentric(axes) - a mechanism with a lever for quick mounting (dismantling) of a bicycle wheel.

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Even if your bike is inexpensive, it does not mean that you will get less pleasure from using it. As long as the bike works well, it's always great fun. Photo (Colin Levitch / Immediate Media)

Inexpensive bikes are equipped with entry-level derailleurs, which are not always fast and smooth, but should at least work smoothly and without chain breaks. Photo (Colin Levitch / Immediate Media)

Two years ago, I became interested in cycling, and last spring I got actively involved in this exciting process when I got my own bike. Like any newbie, in the process of buying and operating a bicycle, I had a lot of questions related to it, which I figured out to one degree or another. My friend used to have a single-speed old Soviet bicycle, which did not require much attention and worries, traveled slowly and not far. But this year, a man finally assembled a decent enough modern bike and now began to ask me the same questions that I once puzzled myself. Therefore, I thought that since cycling is gaining more and more strength, and given the clogging of modern city roads with transport, the use of a bicycle is also becoming very relevant, then some of you will probably have similar questions in the future and it would be quite nice to cover this topic a little. .

There are a few telltale signs that will tell you when your seat height is set incorrectly. If during the ride, while pedaling, you slightly crawl on the saddle to the right and left, because you stretch your legs towards the pedals, then you are raised too high. If during a stop, while in the saddle, you can reach the ground with your toes, and even more confidently touch it, the saddle is lowered too low.

However, even if you do not notice these signs, you need to take seriously the convenience of your position on the bike and adjust your fit.

Initially, I proceed from the fact that a bicycle, like clothes and shoes, is bought according to the parameters of a particular person. There is a table of correspondence between a person’s height and a bicycle frame suitable for the length of a bicycle frame from any manufacturer of bicycle equipment. In addition, this correspondence also depends on the type of bike (mountain, hybrid, sports). Therefore, before buying, either choose the frame size that suits you, or consult the seller in the store. If the size of the bike does not suit you, riding will not only be uncomfortable, but also dangerous.

We will assume that you already have a bike. One of the main questions for a person who has acquired a bicycle is the question of the correct fit of the cyclist while driving, and the correct position of the saddle is primarily responsible for this. Bicycle seating can range from a regular upright to a more stretched and leaned sporty one, depending on the type of bike you have, but in general, for anyone who rides a bike, the rules are almost the same (except, of course, the BMX class, because this is a very special section of bicycles). If you adjust the saddle position correctly, then on your trips you will ride comfortably and easily. In general, when customizing a bike for themselves, its owner must make two adjustments to the saddle: in height and horizontally.

Seat height adjustment. Consider the first picture

The red color conditionally shows the cyclist's leg, shod in shoes and resting the heel on the pedal. At correct setting in this position, the cyclist's leg should be extended and touching the pedal. If, sitting in the saddle, you have to stretch your heel to the pedal and slide off the saddle towards the outstretched leg, then the saddle is not set up correctly, the saddle must be lowered. If the foot touches the heel of the pedal and at the same time is noticeably bent at the knee, then this landing is also incorrect, the saddle must be raised.

Keep in mind that an excessively high saddle is a very unpleasant and critical moment. Usually, while riding, your foot is on the pedal in the usual position for everyone, when the foot of the foot rests firmly on the pedal. When the saddle is too high, you no longer touch the pedal in this way, but reach for the pedal with the toes of your shoes. As the number of trips increases, good bike you will easily begin to overcome more than a dozen kilometers in one trip. If you sit too high, your leg is stretched to the limit while pedaling, and at this moment of full extension of the leg, due to the mass of bone and muscle tissue, it arches back by inertia and an internal impact of the bones in the knee joint occurs. These minor one-time micro-impacts will be multiplied by the number of times you pedal during the trip, and for the entire cycling season they will be multiplied by the number of trips, and in the future will lead to damage to the knee joints and serious diseases that require very long treatment.

In the event that your saddle is set up incorrectly and lowered too low, the situation is less fraught with some unfortunate consequences, but also unpleasant: the leg does not fully extend while pedaling, and you lose some of the energy that you could put into pedaling. In the case of long trips, this will be reflected in the appearance of premature fatigue, while with the right fit, you could still feel quite cheerful at this time.

In light of the above, saddle height adjustment should be given sufficient attention, do not leave this question to chance, because the actions themselves are reduced to just loosening the seat post and raising or lowering the saddle to the proper height. .

Horizontal seat adjustment. Let's look at the second picture.

This is a classic cycling setup. If you look at the cyclist from the side, then with the horizontal placement of the connecting rod with the pedal in the three o'clock position and the foot with the foot on the pedals so that the bases of the fingers are above the pedal axis, the thread with the load lowered from the kneecap should pass through the pedal axis . By moving the saddle horizontally forward or backward you enforce this rule. By the way, if the bike frame does not suit you, then this is where insurmountable difficulties will begin. For a tall person, this rule will be observed only when the saddle is pushed back more than the permissible one - there are markings on the frames of bicycle saddles at the attachment points that allow you to see the allowable shift limits, in this case the saddle will have to be moved even further than the markings, but this should not be done, the saddle once in the wrong position, it can deform under the weight of a person. For the low man and big frame, on the contrary, the saddle will have to be moved too far forward, towards the handlebars, and it will also be excessively loaded. Therefore, I mentioned that it is necessary to select a bicycle according to a person’s height before buying.

Finally: do not forget to protect your joints from hypothermia. When the air temperature is below 20C, you must either ride in pants that cover your knees or wear protective knee pads.

I wish that your cycling trips bring you many pleasant moments.

Edit 11/30/2012

Update: demonstration of the correct position on a road bike. I decided not to create a new post, but simply supplement an existing one. Thanks to the people who filmed such a useful and understandable material. But, of course, all the data shown must be strictly observed only in sports, for ordinary amateurs some deviations are not critical, besides, do not forget that this is a sports road bike, on a hybrid or mountain landing will be different.

Speed ​​switches are actively used when riding both mountain and city bikes. A lot depends on their quality work: the pleasure of cycling, the quality of the ride, and even your safety. Before each cycling season, you need to check and, if necessary, correctly adjust this mechanism.

What parts help to set up the gearshifters

A multi-speed mountain or city bike is equipped with several gears and gives new opportunities. It is much easier to conquer peaks, ride over bumps, and even perform various tricks on it. To enjoy cycling, you need to correctly set the speed switch.

Those who first decided to deal with the switch mechanism on their own should first familiarize themselves with the details of the transmission and their functions.

The transmission is a set of bicycle parts that allows you to take on part of the load of the cyclist. It also helps to drive on difficult surfaces, such as mountains.

We will not dwell on each part of the bicycle in detail. Consider only some of the elements that are part of the transmission.

  • The front derailleur helps the chain move over the chainrings of the system. Attaches to the frame near the pedals;
  • the system is part of the front derailleur. It also consists of stars, different in diameter and number of teeth, which are attached to the connecting rods with special bolts;

    The front derailleur is in the pedal area.

  • The rear derailleur helps the chain move over the cassette's sprockets. Located in the area rear wheel;
  • cassette/ratchet - part of the rear derailleur. Consists of several stars, different in diameter and number of teeth. On the expensive bikes the cassette is attached to the drum. In cheap ones, there is a ratchet in place of the drum. The latter can also be seen on older bicycles;

    The rear derailleur is located on the rear wheel

  • chain - part of the transmission, which must be periodically lubricated with special oils and washed;

    The most reliable chains are matte gray. If the chain has a yellowish tint, this indicates its low quality. Nickel-plated chains are considered average in quality.

    Bicycle chain - main part transmission

  • shifters (or shifters) - a device with which the cyclist controls the gear shift. When you press the lever, the tension of the cable changes, as a result of which the speed switches. It is attached to the steering wheel, near the handles. The lever on the right handle is responsible for the rear derailleur, on the left - for the front. There are bicycles with one right shifter;

    Shifters are mounted on the steering wheel and are responsible for switching gears

  • cables parts that connect the shifters to the speed switches. A quality transition from one speed to another depends on the correct cable tension;
  • shirt a rigid tube through which the cable passes. Attaches to the frame.

    Transmission cable connects shifter to shifter

Speed ​​Change Mechanism

The operation of the rear and front derailleurs is as follows: if the cable is pulled, then the derailleur frame moves the chain to higher stars. If, on the contrary, the cable is loosened, then the frame will transfer the chain to smaller stars.

The speeds are switched using shifters (coins) located on the steering wheel. The rear derailleur is adjusted with the right shifter. Thus, the chain jumps between the rear stars. And the front derailleur is adjusted by a shifter on the left side. This is how the chain jumps among the front stars.

The principle of operation of the speed switch - video

Gear shift types

Before making adjustments, determine which gearshift your bike has. There are 3 main types of switches.

  1. External switching mechanism.
  2. Internal switching mechanism.
  3. Combined type.

The internal gearshift mechanism appeared earlier than the external one. The progenitor of multi-speed bushings is the English company Sturmey-Archer. It was they who created the first two and three speed hubs, which were released in 1902.

Internal shifting on a mountain bike

The basis of this design is planetary bushings. This mechanism does not use cassettes. The transmission includes only 2 stars: front and rear. The whole mechanism is hidden inside. Usually there is no front derailleur.

This mechanism is often found on road, touring, folding and city bikes. The system itself is located inside the rear planetary hub. This type of derailleur can be seen, for example, in the city bike Forward Surf (3 gears).

This mechanism is difficult to adjust for a non-professional. If necessary, it is better to contact a bicycle workshop.

External shifting on a speed bike

The outer type belongs to most multi-speed bikes. It is used on both mountain and urban walking models. The mechanism consists of gear shifters and stars that form a cassette or system. The speed is changed using the rear and front derailleurs.

This type of shifting can be seen on both the urban Forward Dortmund (7 speeds) and the mountain bike Forward Agris (24 speeds). This the switch can be adjusted by yourself by studying the mechanism.

Bicycle chassis device, principles of operation - video

Combined mechanism

The combined type is a combination of external and internal mechanism. It is attached to the hub of the rear wheel of the bicycle.

This mechanism is extremely rare, since it has collected in itself all the negative aspects of both external and internal system speed switching. It is configured only by a professional.

Switch classification

In the modern world, there are many companies that create equipment for bicycles. The best quality models are made by corporations such as Shimano (Japan) and Sram (America), producing entire lines of switches.

Devices for professionals:

  1. Shimano XTR, Sram ESP 9.0 and Sram ESP X.0 lead the way in price and quality. They are mainly used in competition bikes. Differ in the low weight of a design.
  2. Shimano deore xt, Shimano Saint, Shimano slx came in second in the same category. Used on bikes with 27 gears.
  3. Shimano Deore LX, Shimano Dura-Ace, Shimano Hone - third place. They are designed for devices with the maximum number of speeds.

Sports bike lines:

  1. Sram ESP 7.0 and Shimano Deore are similar designs. Made of very durable components and designed for 24 gears.
  2. Sram ESP 4.0, Sram ESP 5.0, Shimano Nexave and Shimano alivio are cheaper than the professional line. They can withstand up to 24 speeds and are designed for touring bike models.

Switch range for hobbyists:

  1. Sram ESP 4.0, Shimano C201 and Shimano acera are bundled with cheaper hybrids and entry-level mountain bikes. Withstand up to 24 gears.
  2. Sram ESP 3.0, Shimano Nexus and Shimano altus are designed for touring, city bikes.
  3. Shimano tourney is designed for a quiet, smooth ride. Carries 21 gears.

There is no fundamental difference in the adjustment and operation of different lines of switches from one company. For example, different groups of Shimano derailleurs work the same way and are interchangeable. For example, eight-speed switches from Alivio, Altus, Acera can be equipped with nine-speed systems Deore, Deore XT, Deore LX, XTR and vice versa.

Difference between Shimano devices - video

What can affect the quality of the switches

It is important to find out what caused the problem.

Stretched cable

This defect is regulated by a drum on the shifter.

  1. When the chain moves silently and hardly jumps onto the big stars, it means that the cable has stretched. Turn the drum clockwise until the part is tensioned to the desired position.
  2. In the event that the chain does not want to descend onto the small stars, loosen the cable by turning the drum counterclockwise.
  3. Check the operation of the speed switch. If necessary, turn the drum further. Adjust until the chain starts to jump smoothly.

Broken cable

If a part is damaged, it must be replaced.

  1. Unscrew the fixing screw on the crossover.
  2. Disassemble the shifter to pull out the cable.
  3. Insert a new one, treat with special grease.
  4. Pass it through the shirts and put them back in place.
  5. Attach the new cable to the switch.

Changing the cable on a bicycle - video

Parallelogram spring problems

For better performance of the return spring, you need to wash it. Then lubricate, after cleaning.

Rooster bent or broken

If the foot of the rear derailleur is tilted, then the mount is bent. You can fix this defect yourself.

  1. Hold the foot with one hand and grab the switch with the other.
  2. Gently, without sudden movements, align the position of the cock until the rear frame is level.

The rooster should be replaced with a new one as soon as possible. Even if you leveled it, such a part will not last long.

Switch deformation

A common cause of such a breakdown is a bicycle impact. Usually the rear derailleur suffers, the front derailleur is very difficult to bend. After a breakdown, it is worth checking which parts are broken.

  1. If it is a frame - align or change the spare part.
  2. If the screw that adjusts the chain tension, or the eye that secures this screw, breaks, then it is better to replace the parts. Otherwise, the speeds will switch very poorly.

Changing bike transmission parts - video

How to adjust the rear derailleur

The rear derailleur is a machine that switches the chain from one rear wheel sprocket to another. To date, the vast majority of high-speed bicycles are equipped with such a switch.

The rear derailleur consists of the following elements.

  1. switch frame. The number of speeds of the bike depends on its length.
  2. Two rollers that are responsible for the direction of the chain: a guide and a tensioner roller.
  3. The mechanism itself (parallelogram).
  4. Mounting bolt.
  5. The low gear limiter is a screw marked L.
  6. Top gear limiter - screw with the inscription H.
  7. Cable guide groove.
  8. Tensioner adjustment screw.

Adjusting the rear derailleur is needed if the mechanism has failed, the chain jumps over the necessary stars, the speed does not switch, rattle or loud sounds are heard. You can set up the mechanism and debug its work yourself. You will need a Phillips screwdriver and a #5 hex key.

First, make sure the derailleur is vertical and parallel to the bike. If everything is in order, you can proceed to the settings. For convenience, turn the bike upside down, placing it on the saddle and handlebars, this will give access to the derailleur itself and the adjustment screws.

  1. Lower the chain to the smallest sprocket first. Do this with the shifter on the right handle of the bike, it is she who is responsible for the rear derailleur.
  2. Loosen the screw holding the cable. This is done in order to unlock the switch.
  3. Prepare a screwdriver and find the screw, which shows the Latin letter H.
  4. Move the switch so (adjust with screw H) that the sprockets on which the chain lies (one star on the cassette, two stars on the switch) are in the same plane, i.e. form one line.
  5. Take the cable in your hand. It must be pulled out as much as possible and fixed by tightening the screw.
  6. Check if the switch is working properly. If it does not transfer well to large stars, turn the lamb counterclockwise, pulling the cable.
  7. Now transfer the chain to the smallest sprocket using the shifters.
  8. Find the screw with the Latin letter L.
  9. Change the position of the derailleur so that the largest chainring in the cassette lies in the same plane with the derailleur foot, forming a straight line with it.

Adjusting the rear derailleur - video

Front derailleur adjustment

The front derailleur is less common than the rear derailleur. Bicycles with such a device are cheaper. The front derailleur shifts the chain through the stars of the system. Moving from side to side, he pushes the chain to the next star.

Front derailleur device.

  1. switch frame. A chain passes through it, this is the main element when switching speeds. It moves on the sides in front of the leading stars.
  2. Parallelogram - the mechanism itself (speed switch). Includes spring.
  3. Frame attachment.
  4. Top stop L.
  5. Lower limiter N.
  6. Rope attachment.

The main problem with the front derailleur is that the chain touches the frame when driving. You can fix this problem yourself.

Setting the correct operation of the mechanism

  1. First you need to put in front on smallest star, and at the rear to the maximum. To do this, turn the pedals by pressing the lever.
  2. Using a #5 hex wrench, lower the screw holding the cable.
  3. Take a screwdriver, find the screw L. Move the frame so that the distance from its inside to the chain is approximately 4 mm.
  4. Fasten the cable back. To do this, pull it with your fingers and tighten the screw that is pressed against the cable.
  5. Now you need to adjust the second star. First, put the smallest star on the rear derailleur, and transfer the front one to the old one.
  6. See if the chain hits outer sides framework. If the problem persists, tighten the cable more with the thumb on the left shifter. Turn it counterclockwise until the chain is in the correct position. The distance from it to the frame should be approximately 3 mm.
  7. Move to the third star. If the chain touches the frame, then adjust screw H with a screwdriver. It is necessary to increase the gap by moving the frame outward.

Troubleshooting the front derailleur - video

How to Shift Gears on Any Bike from Merida to Ladies

In order to ride easily and comfortably, while making less effort, you need to shift the speed correctly.

  1. When you hear extraneous sounds when changing gears, the transmission did not work. You need to squeeze the shift lever.
  2. If you decide to conquer the summit, use the rear derailleur.
  3. It is better to change gear before you start climbing a hill.
  4. Change gears on the move and don't jump over several stars at once.
  5. Release pressure on the pedals as you change speed. So the switching will occur smoothly and correctly.

How to switch speeds correctly - video

If you carry out preventive maintenance of the operation of the gear shifter before each cycling season, then problems associated with the transmission will be minimized. After all, it is very unpleasant when the mechanism fails on the way. And setting up the speed switch yourself and troubleshooting is easy even for a beginner.

Improving comfort and should start with adjusting the bike. In this article we will tell you in detail how to properly set up a bike.

Road bike setup.

The principles of road bike adjustment also apply to commuting, city, and . However, keep in mind that an aerodynamic riding position on a road bike will not necessarily be comfortable for long or heavily loaded bike rides.

Bike frame height (standover) on a road bike.

A bike with the correct frame height (standover) for your leg length will ensure that you get on and off comfortably.

Road bike saddle height adjustment:

  • Have a friend hold the bike upright and sit on the saddle.
  • Try to choose the height of the saddle so that at the bottom of the stroke the knee joint is almost extended - within 80 - 90% of the full extension of the leg.
  • Using a wrench or eccentric (if available), set the seat to the correct height. If you or the frame is carbon fiber, be sure to use a torque wrench or have a bike shop mechanic help you tighten the clamp to manufacturer's specifications.

How to properly adjust your saddle on a road bike.

For maximum pedaling efficiency, the knee should be in line with the forefoot (toe joints).

  • You can adjust the saddle not only in a vertical position, but also in a horizontal position - closer or further from the steering wheel.
  • Ask a friend to support the bike again so you can check the fit in the saddle. The seat is correctly positioned if Bottom part patella is vertically at the same level with the rise of the arch of the foot. When pedaling, the cyclist's shins should be tilted slightly forward.
  • Buy the right stem to keep your torso and arms comfortable on the handlebars.

Stem selection for a road bike.

The length and angle of the stem determine how much you have to lean forward towards the handlebars, load lumbar spine and arms. Adjustable stems, which are installed mainly on road bikes, allow you to adjust the position of the steering wheel (primarily its height) by changing the angle of the stem. If you want to increase or decrease the length of a regular stem, you will need to buy a new stem with the correct length and angle, or have it replaced at a bike shop.

  • Try to choose such a takeaway so that during the ride the vibration is only partially transmitted to your hands and you do not have to reach too far when. If you feel like you could even play the piano in this position, then the stem is right.
  • Your back should be at a 45 degree angle. In this case, the head will take the most comfortable position and it will be easy for you to press the brake levers and gear levers.

How to set up a mountain bike.

Check the frame height (standover) on a mountain bike.

  • As in the case with road bike, at the bike shop you should check the height of the frame: put your feet over the top tube and spread them wide apart.
  • Put on the shoes you are going to ride in, lift the bike up. There should be a gap of at least two inches between the tire and the ground.
    • The recommended gap size is the same for both men and women.
    • If you are, then the gap should be 1 - 2 inches, since due to the compression of the rear suspension while riding, the actual standover is reduced.
  • If you prefer an aggressive style of cycling, you can choose a bike with 3 to 5 inches of clearance.
  • If you are planning to buy a bike on the Internet and cannot test it beforehand, then below we will tell you how to determine the required frame height.

Setting the correct distance from the saddle to the handlebars of a mountain bike.

  • With the saddle and handlebars properly adjusted, there should be no discomfort while riding.
  • When holding the steering wheel, the elbows should be slightly bent. The moderate curve of the arms makes it easy to absorb shocks from various obstacles on the road.

Adjusting the saddle height on a mountain bike.

  • The saddle height is correct if the legs are only slightly bent at the bottom of the stroke.
  • If you can reach the ground with both feet when you are on the bike, then the saddle is too low.
  • It is not usually necessary to adjust the saddle height on bikes designed for dirt jumping, freeride and.

Adjusting the position of the saddle on a mountain bike.

For maximum pedaling efficiency, the knee should be in line with the forefoot (toe joints). Saddle adjustment on a mountain bike is no different from a road bike:

  • You can adjust the saddle not only in a vertical position, but also in a horizontal position - closer or further from the steering wheel.
  • Have a friend support the bike so you can check the fit in the saddle. The saddle is correctly positioned if the lower part of the patella is vertically flush with the arch of the foot. When pedaling, the cyclist's shins should be tilted slightly forward.
  • For most cyclists, it is recommended that the saddle be set exactly parallel to the ground.

Mountain bike stem selection.

The comfortable position of your arms and back is not least dependent on the takeaway. Instructions for choosing a stem for mountain bike no different from a road bike:

The length and angle of the stem determines how far you have to lean forward towards the handlebars, loading your lumbar spine and arms. Adjustable stems allow you to adjust the position of the steering wheel (primarily its height) by changing the angle of inclination. If you want to increase or decrease the length of a regular stem, you will need to buy a new stem with the correct length and angle, or have it replaced at a bike shop.

To choose the right stem or evaluate the correctness of its settings:

  • Ask a friend to hold the bike and get on the bike.
  • If you have to reach out and grab the handlebars tightly to hold it securely, the stem is too long. In this case, the vibration will be easily transmitted to the arms, neck and back, which will cause pain and fatigue.
  • Try to choose a stem so that while riding, the vibration is only partially transmitted to your hands and you do not have to reach too far when braking. If you feel like you could even play the piano in this position, then the stem is right.
  • Your back should be at a 45 degree angle. In this case, the head will take the most comfortable position and it will be easy for you to press the gear levers or brake levers.
  • If you want to maximize the speed of the bike, then you will need to find a more radical aerodynamic position of the hands and body.

How to adjust your touring bike and cruiser.

Choosing a bike for frame height

  • Generally, this doesn't matter, as touring bikes are usually equipped with steeply sloped top tubes with five to 5 inches of clearance.
  • Some bicycles in this category are specially designed so that the cyclist can put his feet on the ground while remaining in the saddle.

Seat and handlebar height adjustment.

  • Set the saddle so that you can enjoy almost comfortable vertical position. In this case, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows.
  • Similarly, as with other types of bicycles, the saddle should be positioned at such a height that your legs never fully extend while pedaling. While pedaling at the bottom of the stroke, there should be a slight bend in the knee joint.
  • Most touring bikes come with adjustable stems that allow you to raise or lower the handlebars. See the recommendations for stem adjustment given above in the road and mountain bike adjustment instructions.

Children's bike adjustment.

Checking the height of the frame (standover).

Regardless of top tube type, clearance should be 2 to 4 inches.

How to adjust saddle height.

  • Set the saddle at such a height that the child can enjoy a comfortable, almost vertical seat. In this case, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows.
  • Just like on an adult bicycle, the saddle on a children's bicycle should be positioned so that the legs are never fully extended during pedaling. While pedaling at the bottom of the stroke, there should be a slight bend in the knee joint.

Help with bike alignment.

Whatever type of bike you choose, you can visit the store and get help from a bike mechanic in choosing and adjusting a bike.

Adjusting the bike you are about to buy online.

Luckily, you don't have to visit the store to get the right size. Usually, every bike sold on the Internet has a size chart that lists the standover for each frame size. The clearance mentioned above must be within the required range.

  • For example, if your crotch to ground is 30 inches and you're looking to buy a touring, mountain, or commuting bike, your frame height should be between 25 and 28 inches, depending on your riding style. 28" - 29" high frame is preferred, and the touring range is 27" - 28".
  • To measure the distance from the pelvis to the ground:
    • Take a large format book (gift), a tape measure and a pencil.
    • Stand in cycling shoes against the wall.
    • Hold the book between your legs so that the spine of the book is near your crotch, parallel to the floor.
    • Make a small mark with a pencil on the wall where the spine of the book meets the wall (near the crotch).
    • Measure the distance from the mark to the floor, which will be your distance from the crotch to the ground.

    Measuring children's bikes.

    Children, especially girls, usually have long legs and a short torso. When do not try to buy a model for growth. Children bicycle shouldn't be big. Don't buy a bike great height frames, since such a clumsy bike is inconvenient to control and the child will be afraid to ride a bike.

    Other adjustments.

    You can further increase comfort by further adjusting the saddle, handlebar angle, stem angle, shift levers and brake levers. To better understand what else needs to be configured, do the following:

    • Experiment.
      While cycling, test different settings and in the end choose the best one. For example, try raising the handlebar or saddle slightly. But try not to make drastic changes and test the changes you make long enough for you to adjust to them.
    • Remember.
      While cycling, pay attention to any pain and anything that causes discomfort. For example, tension in the back indicates a low handlebar position, and pain in the knee joint signals the need for saddle adjustment.

    After your first ride on a new bike, go to a shop and re-consult your bike mechanic to set it up.

    Bicycle saddle adjustment.

    The bicycle saddle should be aligned so that the knee is vertically in line with the pedal axis or forefoot (toe joints). Adjust the angle of the saddle so that you can easily reach the handlebars.

    Clamp bolt seatpost.

    Saddle height: When pedaling at the bottom of the stroke, the leg does not straighten completely? If so, then the seat is installed correctly.

    To change the height of the saddle, loosen the seatpost or cam (if equipped) located at the top of the seat tube. Move the seatpost up and down the seat tube as needed. When doing this, be careful not to raise it above the engraved limit mark. Tighten the lock bolt or quick release and test drive.

    Seat Angle: It is customary to align the saddle parallel to the ground, but some cyclists prefer to tilt it slightly forward or even back. However, we still recommend mounting the saddle without tilt. Experiment with different angles to find the optimal slope that works best for you. To adjust the angle of the saddle, simply loosen the locking bolt located at the top of the seatpost (right below the saddle) and adjust the position of the saddle. The seat post lock bolt must be distinguished from the seat post lock bolt. Tighten the seat lock bolt and test ride.

    As mentioned earlier in the article, if you bought a carbon fiber seatpost or frame, be sure to use a torque wrench or get help from a bike shop mechanic to tighten the clamp to manufacturer specifications.

    Saddle position horizontal: Regardless of the type of bike, the cyclist's shins should be tilted slightly forward when pedaling. conditional line, drawn from the bottom of the patella to the arch of the foot, must be strictly vertical. If the shin is too vertical, then this line will point to the heel. To achieve the correct calf angle, loosen the seatpost locking bolt and adjust the saddle to a level position.

    Saddle Style: In recent years, saddle manufacturing technology has improved significantly. Depending on your individual preferences, you can choose any style and comfort level.

    Bicycle handlebar adjustment.

    Most modern bikes come with non-adjustable stems. Therefore, in order to adjust the position of the steering wheel on the bike, you will either need a new stem, or both of them at once. Also, with the help of extension rings and other components, you can change the height, length, stem angle, height and width of the steering wheel.

    Today, many of us choose bicycles as a priority means of transportation. They are comfortable, economical, maneuverable, capable of driving where the most modern car will not pass. On a bicycle, you can easily and comfortably overcome various obstacles, and besides cycling brings great benefits to our physical health. But in order for cycling to bring pleasure, and the device itself to serve you for a long time, you must properly tune your bike, taking into account your personal needs, parameters and preferences. new bike so to speak "raw", has a standard setting for all elements. Your task is to adjust your bike for yourself.

    Brake setting

    So, regardless of whether your bike was purchased recently or you have been riding it for a certain amount of time, the brake system should be given due attention. Brakes are brake pads, as well as the surface on which braking is carried out. If your bike has disc brakes, they use the surface of the brake disc as best surface for braking. Well, if you own a V - a bicycle, then this role is played by the rim. In any case, first of all, it is necessary to check how worn out the brake pads are on the bike that was in operation, and if such a need arises, they can be updated.

    On a new bike, it is extremely important to pay attention to details, for example, that the brake pads must synchronously press against the braking surface depending on the force you apply to the braking system. In the event that you notice a problem, you must center the brake pads. It will not be difficult to carry out the plan - just tighten the springs, for this you will need adjusting screws. If the owner of the version with disc brakes, the brake caliper should be adjusted so that it is parallel to the brake disc, and besides, it should also be installed so that there is no resistance when the wheels rotate. To do this, you must tighten the hexagons until the wheel spins freely - without friction. Well-tuned brakes are different high level sensitivity and instant response when pressed.


    This element requires special attention. The quality of the wheels will determine the immediate comfort of the ride. We recommend starting wheel alignment by checking the level of spoke tension. Remember that the spokes must be tightened exclusively with a spoke wrench. If you don’t have this, then it’s better to contact a specialist service center and in no case use pliers for this business - you can irreversibly disrupt the operation of the wheel.

    • Tires are another element of wheels. They should be good, but at the same time not overly pumped up.
    The optimum pressure is in the range of 3 - 3.5 atmospheres. These are average parameters. Remember that each bike model is different. In order to be sure what the pressure level should be, pay attention to the indicators and data indicated on the tire itself. The pressure level in the tires of the rear and front wheels should be the same. Also, tire inflation should be different depending on what terrain you will be using your bike on.

    If this is the conditions of a city, park or other area with good asphalt or dirt roads, then the tires can be inflated more - this will give you the opportunity to easily roll along the road, developing significant speed. If the roads are not smooth or have soft ground, then inflate the tires of the wheels a little weaker than the specified parameters - this will make the bike ride smoother and make it possible to comfortably overcome all the bumps in the road. Check the condition of the wheels regularly, and you can always prevent serious damage.

    Steering wheel

    Depending on which bike model is used - women's or men's, the handlebar has a different shape and different installation heights. This is done with standard settings. But in order to control the bike comfortably, you can adjust the handlebars according to your preferences. But on modern bicycles it is not so easy to adjust the position of the steering wheel and it will not work in a direct way to raise or lower it. In order to lower the level, you need to remove the steering stem, unscrew the upper bolt that holds the cover. And also a couple of lower bolts, due to which the whole structure is held. Under the stem there is a certain number of rings that must be removed and installed on top, secured with a lid. Thus, you will reduce the height by a couple of centimeters. If you need to increase the height of the steering wheel, then the design will need to be slightly modified. All you need is to purchase an adjustable steering stem. It has a different length and in the case when it is necessary to raise the steering wheel in the maximum aisles, we recommend the appropriate option. But do not raise the steering wheel too high - it will be difficult for you to control.

    In addition, you should check the level of tightness of the twist of the stem steering block and the steering wheel itself. To perform this test, anchor your front wheel to a vertical surface, such as a wall, to help fix your bike's position so it won't roll back and forth. Grasp the fasteners with your hands and move the bike. If you feel play, then adjust by tightening the necessary hexagons.

    Speed ​​switches

    As you know, setting the rear and front derailleurs is a matter that requires certain knowledge and skills. If you decide to do everything yourself, then be extremely careful and follow the instructions. Another option would be to contact a specialist. Get started with working out the back flip:

    • Reset the shifter to one by releasing the cable
    • Adjust the top bolt to lock the top roller to match the placement of the last sprocket in the cassette.
    • We return the cable to its original position
    • Check shifter location
    • Fix

    Don't over-tighten - don't over-tighten as this can strip the threads. Next, you need to loosen the lower bolt by unscrewing it counterclockwise and install the shifter in the direction of lifting the gears. Be vigilant: fix the chain so that it does not sleep and does not deform the spokes. Turning the wheel, the chain must be thrown onto large stars. If this does not work, then you need to turn the adjusting bolt counterclockwise. Don't loosen too much - start with a half turn. Having completed with the adjustment of the rear derailleur, we move on.

    Front derailleur adjustment also begins by releasing the cable. After that, perform the following series of actions:

    • The front transfer should have the location you need on the bike frame - it should be parallel to the largest star, and the gap from the teeth to the transfer frame should be within 1-3 mm
    • adjust the far end of the frame
    • chain scroll on a small star
    • fix the cable, tensioning it with one hand, and tightening the bolt with the other, but not counterclockwise, but along the path of movement

    Remember to tighten moderately so as not to deform the derailleur cable.

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