Egor Titov now. Titov Egor Ilyich. Russian national football team. When the stars were small

Egor Titov - Russian football player, remembered by fans as the captain of the Moscow club Spartak. As part of the team, the athlete became a six-time champion of Russia and twice won the Cup of the country. He competed in the 2002 World Championship. Yegor Titov's career ended in 2012. The football player did not leave the sport and decided to realize himself as a coach.

Childhood and youth

Yegor Titov was rightfully considered one of the most talented football players Russian football. His sports biography It turned out to be difficult, but the man never lost heart. This quality was instilled in him by his parents from childhood. The boy was born on May 29, 1976 in Moscow in the family of a speed skating master. His future was predetermined. Little Yegor from a young age was given to various sections. Skates loved by the family did not attract him, but football fascinated him.

Egor spent his free time at the stadium, watching the training of football players. He was fond of maneuvers famous athletes and tried to learn as much as possible about them. Television broadcasts of matches interested the boy no less. He enthusiastically watched the passes of the ball on the screen. At the age of 8, a young football fan was lucky enough to get into the Spartak school. Here he began to learn the basics of his favorite sport. The football school was far from home, but this did not stop Titov. He fell in love with Spartak with all his heart and dreamed of playing for this club.


Yegor Titov achieved a lot thanks to the perseverance that accompanied him from a young age. The teenager was able to attract the attention of mentors and became a promising player in his age category. He gave all his best in training and interested the coach of the backup team of Spartak. So the guy got a uniform with number 9 and the opportunity to play among the best football players in the country. Yegor was not immediately included in the main team, since his physique was considered unsportsmanlike.

The guy was persistent and consistently demonstrated excellent performance, convincing the coaches of his abilities. , the coach of Spartak, insisted on the appearance of a midfielder in the main team. They signed a contract with Titov. The football player made his debut in 1995 and immediately took a leading position on the field. He scored goals on his own and gave accurate passes to colleagues. Interviews with him began to appear in the media. Over time, the football player began to be called nothing more than "the strongest midfielder in Russia."

Titov played with maximum efficiency. For 13 years, the football player defended the honor of his native club and managed to make a contribution to strengthening, uniting the team and raising morale. The reward for the work was 6 gold medals for victories in the Russian Championship and two Cups. Speaking on the European field, Spartak behaved like a strong and aggressive opponent.

In 2004, Yegor Titov became involved in a disqualification scandal. During the year, the player was banned from participating in all matches held under the auspices of UEFA. In his blood, they found the drug Bromantan, regarded as doping. The athlete was fined € 6.4 thousand, and Spartak € 12.8 thousand. The midfielder missed matches for the UEFA Cup and the European Championship. He tried to prove his innocence, because before the matches he did not drink alcohol, doping, or drugs that increase attention and concentration.

In 2008, there was a legendary loss of Spartak in Russian Premier League: the team lost to CSKA. The coach, who built the strategy of the game, saw Yegor Titov's fault in this and transferred the athlete to the backup team.

All goals of Yegor Titov for Spartak

The midfielder was quickly fired from the team. In 2008, he began to play for the Khimki club. The contract involved cooperation with the football player until 2011. Playing under the 90th number, Titov tried to bring the outsider team to a new position in the ranking. The club at that time was in a difficult financial situation, so the management had to offer the players more democratic conditions for interaction. Athletes have had their pay cut. Titov agreed, but his patience did not last long, and in 2009 the contract with the Moscow Region club was terminated.

The reason was not only the material dissatisfaction of the talented player. Yegor Titov was made an interesting offer by representatives of the Lokomotiv club from Astana. The midfielder was attracted by the idea of ​​a possible joint game with a friend from Spartak.

He signed a contract. But soon this club began to suffer financial losses. Footballers did not receive payment and bonuses. At the same time, Lokomotiv won the second place in the championship of Kazakhstan in 2009.

In 2009, the athlete decided to leave big sport. But he could not do this and in 2010 he played for the small club "Artist". For the next two seasons, the player represented Arsenal from Tula, and ended his career in the 2012 final. The farewell match of Yegor Titov took place in the Spartak team. He played against Dynamo Kiev.

Personal life

Yegor Titov is an exemplary family man, a loving husband and father. Wife Veronica is the only woman in the life of a football player. Having met in 1997, the young people no longer parted. In 2000, the wedding of the athlete and his chosen one took place, and in 2011 the couple got married. His wife supported Titov, being interested in football and regularly attending team matches.

Today, two children are growing up in the family of Yegor and Veronika: the eldest daughter Anna and the youngest Ulyana. Anna followed in the footsteps of her father, preferring sports to other areas of activity. She fell in love with tennis, and her parents supported the choice of the child. Coaches celebrate the girl's successes and predict a stellar future for her. The President of the Tennis Federation Shamil Tarpishchev became the mentor of the young athlete.

Yegor Titov is pleased with the interests of his daughter, but does not hide the fact that if he had a son, then the boy would definitely become a football player.

Egor Titov now

Since 2017, Yegor Titov has been the first assistant to the head coach football club"Yenisei" from Krasnoyarsk. Part coaching staff includes Oleg Samatov, physical training coach for players, and Valery Kleimenov, goalkeeper mentor. All Titov's colleagues are from Spartak.

The ex-football player of the Moscow club had a chance to work with Alenichev before. Former partners led their own club. Titov joined him as an assistant coach in 2015. Already in 2016, both specialists left the capital.

Now Yegor Titov appears in sports publications as a football expert, commenting on the competition and voicing his own emotions and assumptions about upcoming fights. The athlete easily makes contact with journalists. He also enjoys social networks. Titov has personal accounts in

Years of life: 29.05.1976.

Citizenship: Russia.


player:1992/08 Spartak; 2008 Khimki; 2009 present Locomotive(Astana Kazakhstan).

Role: midfielder.

growth: 186.

weight: 80.

room: 9.

national team: As part of Russian youth team reached the quarterfinals of the 1998 European Championship. Played in Russian team: 41 matches 7 goals. 2 matches for the Olympic team.Member of the World Cup 2002: 3 matches 1 goal


Champion of Russia: 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001. Winner of the Russian Cup: 1998, 2003. Silver medalist of the Russian Championship: 2005,2006,2007. Bronze medalist of the championship: 1995,2002. Commonwealth Champions Cup Winner: 1999,2000,2001. According to the results of the vote of fans on the site International Federation football history and statistics was ranked as the fifth most popular footballer in the world in 2007. Silver medalist of the championship of Kazakhstan: 2009.

The best football player in Russia:1998,2000.

Member of the Club of 100 Russian scorers (Club of Grigory Fedotov): 114 (as of 13.05.09.).

Spartacus captain.

Trainer career:On June 9, 2015, Spartak management approved Titov as assistant head coach Dmitry Alenichev. In August 2016, he was fired from Spartak.


in Spartak football school Yegor was 8 years old. Twice his father took him along the Voykovskaya - Belorusskaya - Komsomolskaya - Sokolniki route and then several stops on tram number 4. After that, Titov Jr. made the 75-minute journey for the next eight years on his own. Training - at 8.15. So exactly at seven he already had to leave the house, and by 10.30 he had time for classes at school, which is not far from the Spartak arena on Shiryaevo field.

After the lessons - one more training - in the evening. Yegor returned home at seven or eight in the evening. After dinner, he immediately went out into the courtyard where he was waiting for ... football, which he could not play enough for the whole day. So, in general, childhood passed. In fact, his father dreamed of making him a skater. "With your data, at 15 I will make you the champion of the USSR, at 16 - the champion of Europe, at 17 - you will win the world, and at 18 - Olympic Games yours will be!" - convinced Titov Sr. (master of sports in skating, by the way), leading 9-year-old Titov Jr. to an artificial skating rink on Leningradsky Prospekt.
In the 91st, he was noticed - the coach of the Spartak double Viktor Zernov and the most main man in the modern "Spartacus" Oleg Romantsev.
However, Korolev opposed the immediate transfer to Spartak-2. Painfully steep, in his opinion, at that time the line-up got there. Mostly peasants who were not fools and smoke and play cards. In a word, the coach was afraid that a 15-year-old boy could be led astray from the true path. And yet, as they say, you can’t escape fate, and the next year Yegor Titov found himself in the second squad of Spartak, fought in Luzhniki with Dynamo. And three hours earlier, the final of the Moscow Cup took place at the Dynamo stadium: Spartak-76-CSKA-76. Titov was sent off in the 7th minute for a last resort foul. And after the game - another shock. Korolev comes up and asks: "Ready to play for the double? Well then, drive up tomorrow with Movsesyan to the arena at one in the afternoon. From there the bus will go to Tarasovka." I was stunned, the jitters began. However, as soon as I arrived in Tarasovka and entered the field, I calmed down. I realized that they didn’t demand anything special and supernatural from me: I just need to play football, to my strength, as best I can. That is what I live to this day.
In the 1993 season, the Spartak double won constantly. The squad was dashing - Titov, Tikhonov, Lipko, Beschastnykh, Veselovsky, Konovalov, Chudin, Gashkin, Ananko, who were accompanied by a couple of players from the main squad. On April 19, 1995, at the age of 18 years and 325 days, he made his debut in the official match for Spartak in the quarterfinal game of the Russian Cup with Uralmash in Yekaterinburg. Spartak won with a score of 5:0, and Titov replaced Nikiforov in the 79th minute.

May 20. In the seventh round, he entered the field for the first time in the Russian championship and immediately starting lineup. In Rostov, Spartak played 1:1 with Rostselmash, and Mukhamadiev opened the scoring in the 19th minute with a pass from Titov. 22 of October. He scored his first goal in official matches for Spartak. This happened in an away match of the penultimate round with the Tyumen "Dynamo-Gazovik", in which Romantsev's wards won with a score of 6:0. Titov set the final score in the 89th minute.

Nov. 1. He made his debut in European competition. In the group stage of the Champions League, in a meeting with Rosenborg (4:1), he replaced Alenichev in the 85th minute.

In season-96, Titov already appeared as one of the strongest playmakers in Russia, continuing the work of Andrey Pyatnitsky himself. And even when, as they say, Igor Ledyakhov suddenly asked back to Spartak from the Khikhon Sporting, he was made clear that as long as Titov was in the team, it was useless to count on a place in the first team for the former ringleader of Spartak attacks. And a couple of Titov-Alenichev experts increasingly began to call one of the strongest midfield ligaments in the world. They interacted really well: the hard worker Alenichev plowed in defense and managed to help his young partner only to play the game. Oh, it was a golden time in the literal and figurative sense for Spartak, who became the champion twice. And most importantly - the team pleased everyone with a boring game.

After the team left Tsymbalar, Alenichev, Tikhonov ... and a number of other players, from that stellar midfield that Spartak had in the second half of the 90s, only Titov remained. In 1997, on October 10, the youth team led by Gershkovich beat their peers from Bulgaria with a score of 3: 2 and won a ticket to the European youth championship. Titov scored the winning goal in the 43rd minute. Seven months later, our team took seventh place in the championship. In November 2003, after the first play-off Euro-2004 between the national teams of Russia and Wales (0:0) in the blood of Titov was found the prohibited drug bromantane. In January 2004, UEFA announced the disqualification of the football player - Titov was suspended from matches for the club and the national team for one year (until January 21, 2005). At the European Championship European Championship - 2004 he worked as a TV commentator. He recorded a music video where he sang a duet with his friend Nikolai Trubach.

After a forced break in his career, the midfielder did not immediately return to his usual level of play. However, in the 2005 season, he was the leader of Spartak and led the team to silver medals. By the middle of the Russian Championship - 2006, Titov got in good shape and entered the extended list of the new head coach of the national team, Guus Hiddink, and soon returned to the main team of the national team.

September 12, 2006 "Spartak" after a four-year break returned to the Champions League. According to the results group tournament Spartak took third place in their subgroup, behind Bayern and Inter, and won the right to play in the 1/16 finals of the UEFA Cup season 2006/07. This stage of the tournament was the last for Spartak: the Muscovites lost on aggregate to the Spanish Celta (1:1 and 1:2). Titov scored a goal in the away match.

In the championship of Russia - 2006 "Spartak" finished second, passing ahead of CSKA. Titov scored two goals in the match of the 29th round against Rostov, after which he scored 100 goals in official matches for Spartak and the Russian national team.

March 20, 2007 Yegor Titov, called up to the Russian national team to prepare for the match qualifying tournament Euro 2008 against Estonia, left the location of the team. The footballer explained this by personal circumstances, saying that he needed to be with his wife, who was five months pregnant at the time.

Titov did not say whether he would return to the Russian national team, noting that head coach Guus Hiddink began to rejuvenate the squad and there might not be a place for him in the updated team. The midfielder did not comment on the rumors about his conflict with Hiddink, which allegedly took place after an unsuccessful friendly match with the Dutch national team (February 7, 1:4).

On April 4, 2007, he played his 400th match for Spartak in official tournaments. Cup of Russia 2006/2007. 1/4 finals (I). Zenit St. Petersburg - Spartak Moscow (1: 2). He played 41 matches for the Russian national team and scored 7 goals.

In 2008, as a result of a conflict with head coach Stanislav Cherchesov, he was forced to leave Spartak.


By agreement with former Spartacist Sergey Yuran moved to Khimki without compensation for the transfer. On February 12, 2009, Yegor terminated the contract with Khimki.

Lokomotiv (Astana)

"Arsenal (Tula)"

Played five games in 2012 amateur league(zone "Chernozemye") for the Tula "Arsenal", whose coach was Dmitry Alenichev.

End of career

He played a cameo role in the 2004 Russian television series The Team.

In 2010, he played for the amateur team "Artist".

In July 2012, he officially announced his retirement, and on September 9 at the Lokomotiv stadium passed his farewell match with Dynamo Kiev, which ended with a score of 5:3 in favor of Spartak.
coaching career

On June 9, 2015, Spartak management approved Titov as assistant head coach Dmitry Alenichev.

Facts and figures

November 18, 2006,
During the period of disqualification, he recorded the song “What kind of people we are” with his friend pop singer Nikolai Trubach.

After the loss of Spartak to CSKA (1:5), on July 12, 2008, he was sent by the head coach of Spartak Stanislav Cherchesov to the double as allegedly responsible for the low morale of the team in the lost match. As a result, this conflict led to putting the player on the transfer.

Egor Ilyich Titov was born on May 29, 1976 in Moscow in sports family. His father, Ilya Vladimirovich, was professionally involved in speed skating, was a master of sports and hoped that his son would continue the dynasty. However, since early childhood Egor became interested in football and at the age of 7 he entered the Spartak Sports School (now the Spartak Academy) in Sokolniki. This sport school- the leading children's and youth football school of the USSR (founded in 1936) and Yegor became one of many dozens of its famous graduates, having passed all stages of education. His first coach Anatoly Fedoseevich Korolev immediately noted Yegor's football "nature", his thoughtfulness and excellent learning abilities. For 10 years of training, the wonderful Spartak team of young players (born in 1976) almost always won both the summer and winter championships in Moscow, the guys also won matches against foreign peers. In the spring of 1992, they became the champions of Russia.
Egor was a bright player in the youth red-and-white team: for example, in 1993, the young men won an excellent victory over their eternal competitors - CSKA (6:0), and 16-year-old Egor made poker (he scored four goals). The head coach of FC Spartak Oleg Ivanovich Romantsev witnessed the game of a gifted young man, who soon enrolled Titov in the double of the adult Spartak. Becoming a professional at the age of 16, Titov spent about 3 years in the team's backup team.
From 1995 until July 2008, Yegor Titov was the central (left attacking) midfielder of the Spartak team (his number is 9), he became one

Titov, Egor Ilyich. Midfielder Master of Sports of Russia international class (2003).

Pupil of the Moscow Sports School "Spartak" (first coach - Anatoly Fedoseevich Korolev).

Clubs: Spartak Moscow (1992–2008), Khimki Khimki (2008), Lokomotiv Astana, Kazakhstan (2009), Arsenal Tula (2012).

6-time champion of Russia: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.

2-time winner of the Russian Cup: 1997/98, 2002/03.

The best football player of Russia in 1998 and 2000 (according to the results of polls of the weekly Futbol and the Sport-Express newspaper).

Played 41 matches for the Russian national team, scored 7 goals.

(He played 2 matches for the Russian Olympic team. * )

Member of the World Cup 2002.


When I talked with Titov, he answered my questions so quickly that, in comparison with his patter, my own speech seemed to me a slow recording ...

You, apparently, do everything in life instantly?

- Yes, I immediately make a decision. And if I have any desire, I try to fulfill it right there.

And the desire to play football? When did it arise?

I was not seven years old when my cousin - he studied at the Spartak school - brought me to Spartak. Naturally, I didn't mind. At first he played as a clean forward and scored a lot - an average of two goals per match. Well, about five years before graduation, I was transferred to dispatchers. This is where I settled in.

Three years ago, Oleg Romantsev said that you should pay attention. Did you know about it?

Yes. It so happened that Romantsev was present at my best match. A year before graduation, we played with CSKA - school against school. We won - 6:0, I then scored four goals, and two - in the "nines" ... And after the game Romantsev said: "I take it."

And when did you get a double?

I just turned 16 years old. And before the match "Spartak" - "Dynamo" (it was won by "Spartak" with a score of 4:3), we held a meeting with CSKA in Luzhniki. We won 2:1, and when I came to the locker room, I was told that tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon I should be on the bus, on which the double will go to Tarasovka. Naturally, I immediately began to have jitters ...

Romantsev also said that you are not particularly diligent in training.

Well, I don’t know ... This label has been stuck to me since childhood: Titov, they say, is a lazy person.

Isn't that really the case?

Yes, to some extent. But it happens to everyone. Previously, I could not overpower myself: if I don’t want to do something, then that’s it. I won't. But now I think I have changed.

As far as I can tell, the most great pleasure stroke delivers you...

Yes. My first coach Anatoly Fedoseevich Korolev always told me: "Take the ball and beat it." I did just that - circled six people.

You create chances, but unfortunately you don't score very often.

I don't know how to explain it myself. When I played at school, I scored all the time. Then he scored only 15 goals in 90 matches in doubles, and this season, speaking for the main team, he scored only three goals. Few, of course. But my main task is not to score, but to bring partners to the shock positions.

And how many goals were scored after your passes?

Five or six.

Which of your shows did you enjoy yourself?

The one I made to Kechinov when we played in Volgograd. I was in the area of ​​eleven meters, Mamedov gave me the ball, and with my head - in one touch - I sent it to Kechinov's leg. He hit and scored from the summer.

Among your current partners are the guys with whom you trained together at the Spartak school. Which one do you interact with the most?

With Volodya Dzhubanov, with whom we have been playing together since the age of seven. I always feel if he is somewhere nearby. I pass without looking, and the ball rolls on him.

Does football intuition help you in life? Well, for example, if "Hairpin" is on TV, can you guess in which ball the money is hidden?

Yes, four times out of five. But here it is not a matter of intuition - one must look at how it is done. Everything is visible there.

What remarks does Yartsev make to you most often?

He says that with my height, I have no right not to fight at the top. I feel it myself and try to improve my game in this component. I also lack physical strength. That's why I go to the gym every day.

Are you satisfied with yourself or would you like to be born differently?

Satisfied, except for some of its qualities.

What kind?

I am very stubborn. And even if I lose, I still try to prove that I almost won or should have won.

What are your hobbies besides football?

I love tennis. I used to play a little myself, but now I don't have time for it. That's why I watch tennis on TV.

If you like a girl...

I will definitely go to her. But today for me there is only football. Before, I only dreamed of football: in my dream I scored some incredible goals, through myself, for example. True, now in my dreams there is less football.

Do you think Spartak has a chance to compete in the Russian championship for first place?

Yes, if we don't lose points the way it happened in the match against Lada. In football, of course, it is impossible to guess, but we will fight to the last.


Supplement to the newspaper "Sport-Express" - "Football from SE" No. 37, 1996



The fact that Yegor Titov will play in the national team, his first coach Anatoly KOROLEV told the future captain of Spartak, when he was still learning the basics of football.

Yegor came to me at the Spartak school in 1983, - Korolev recalls. - He was seven years old, and already then he stood out from the rest with his brains. Therefore, the first thing I thought, looking at him: "We must take."

What does "brain out" mean?

It's easy to see, but hard to explain. The coach must intuitively feel the potential inherent in nature. You see, the boy was already a real little football player: correct, "football" movements, the correct approach to different elements.

Which of his qualities manifested itself most clearly after the first trainings?

Amazing ability to learn new things. Some boys have to hammer, chew each element several times. They understand what is required of them - but in a year. Egor caught everything on the fly.

But surely it had its downsides?

He was not very strong physically. I knew from the very beginning that Egor was a born haw, but at first he simply did not have the strength to play in the middle. Therefore, I put him on the attack, although I did not drive him into a rigid framework. And he did not like to beat rivals one on one. I had to force.

Titov, by the way, is now often accused of avoiding the fight. What do you say to that?

- I will say that he is not a fool, and he will not fight for a clearly lost ball. Why take unnecessary risks? Every now and then you hear how coaches, even in the top division, praise a player who goes with his head to the ball that the opponent has on his foot. They say "hero". And for me, this is not heroism, but stupidity. But Yegor was never a coward. If he feels that he will be the first on the ball, he goes to the end.

Now your pupil wears the captain's armband in Spartak. Does he also have leadership qualities from childhood?

Depending on what you mean. There are people who believe that the captain is obliged to yell, put pressure on partners. Egor has never been like this. He has a different temperament, a different upbringing. Yes, and I tried to do everything so that he would not become a boor or insolent. The authority of partners must be earned not by arrogance, but by play. Yegor succeeds.

Remember how you broke up with him?

In 1993 we played CSKA, a very respectable team at the time, and won 6-0. Then they said that Yegor worked wonders in this match. In fact, he played, as usual, at his level. Well, maybe a little better. All this happened in front of Oleg Ivanovich (Romantsev. - Approx. G.K.). He then had much more free time, and he managed to attend matches of the school and youth teams. He liked Titov. A few days later, I announced to Yegor that it was time for him to go to the team of masters.

Were you prepared for this development?

Certainly. I remember that in training I often told him: “Try to do this and that. Is it difficult? And in Spartak and in the national team, the requirements are even higher. When you play in the USSR national team, you will still remember me!”

All "hee hee" yes "ha ha" ... Laughed at my words. But he dreamed about Spartak no less than the rest.

Having become a star, Titov did not forget the first coach?

We talk regularly, although not often. Yegor now has a family, a little daughter. Yes, I don't have much time either. We meet at weddings and birthdays of mutual friends. I am very pleased that the guys are still friends, and Egor is always ready to help old comrades.

What are you talking about?

What can players talk about? About football, of course. It happens that we promise to remember it, but after five minutes the conversation still switches to familiar topics. Football for all of us is life, and life is football.

Do you give advice to Yegor?

No, he has someone in Spartak to get advice from.

Does Egor have reserves for growth in general?

Yes, he does not have reserves, but the Klondike!

Now in the Spartak school there are guys at least remotely comparable to Titov?

There are no such bright ones. But a few capable guys are learning. Only I will not name you: God forbid, they will still become proud. And with them it is necessary to work, and not one year. Unfortunately, no one will be able to enter the field and play from the sheet in the Champions League.

You are probably offended that of the pupils of the school in Spartak, only Titov remained.

Yes, for example, Meleshin and Movsesyan are also my pupils. But there were also Dzhubanov, Rekuts, Burov, Gunko ... Speaking for the double, they smashed everyone in a row. And in the main team, none of them played. I understand that we put the momentary result at the forefront. But I remember how Nikolai Petrovich Starostin told me: "I want to live to see the time when 11 of our guys will play in Spartak." And I answered - "It would be better if all 16 (so many could be included in the application for the match)". I am still sure that until the team has at least five or six pupils of the school, serious success will not be achieved. Their players are carriers of the team spirit. They don't just play for money.

Remember how the team was revived twenty years ago, when Rodionov, Cherenkov and others joined it. That "Spartak" had a face, people went to it. Now Zenit and Rotor have chosen the same path. I really hope that someday we will turn our face to our school.


Newspaper "Sport-Express", 31.08.2001

* * *


It used to be that players could play for one team for decades, but now both in the world and in Russia it’s just right to put such players in the Red Book. The midfielder of the Russian national football team Yegor Titov, if you want, can be listed in the red and white book - for 23 years he has been faithful to the colors of the Spartak club, which he joined at the age of seven and still plays. He turned 30 yesterday.


What are your first memories in life?

They are connected with my first apartment in a building not far from the Avtozavodskaya metro station. It was an ordinary communal apartment, where my mother, grandmother, grandfather and I lived in the same room. I remember the shared bathroom and toilet and the eternal queue in them. There was a garbage chute in the kitchen, next to which cockroaches always frolicked. About seven years ago I came to see the house of my childhood. The yard made the strongest impression. How small is he! And then it seemed of immense size. First thought: "My God, how did we live here?"

Favorite toy as a child?

Children's car with pedals. I drove it around our communal apartment.

Favorite children's cartoon?

I liked cartoons. But the puppets could not stand. If there was a puppet cartoon in Good Night, Kids, you could go to bed.

When did you first go out into the yard to kick a ball?

Previously, he began to drive not the ball, but the puck. I was either 4 or 5 years old when my grandfather once brought me into the "box". Just before school, we moved to my father's apartment on "Voikovskaya". They already played hockey there with a tennis ball - if it hits the knee, it doesn't hurt as much as with a puck. The gates were made from boxes that were taken from the nearest vegetable store. And I had a real club - Alexander Maltsev himself. True, all broken, but no less expensive for me.

Where did you get this rarity?

His friend hockey player Mikhail Tatarinov gave his father - remember such a defender of the USSR national team with a killer throw. In the same place, on "Voikovskaya", they constantly chased the ball. Just under our windows stood trees, as if football goal. The windows were smashed several times. Most of all, one angry uncle from our entrance, who lived on the first floor, got it. He often took the ball from us. Past his door, I always tried to sneak quickly and imperceptibly.

Do you remember Brezhnev?

I remember. When he died, symphonic music was shown on television all week. I didn't like it very much.


The worst punishment in childhood?

I do not remember that I was seriously punished or limited in some way. I had a terrible sweet tooth - I especially liked ice cream. Once, secretly from his parents, he made his way to the refrigerator and ate eight popsicles. This is a record. By the way, I still love ice cream.

How did you study at school?

The first three years - on the "five" and "four". From the fourth grade, he moved from an ordinary school to Spartak. There, of course, football workloads increased and academic performance decreased in proportion to them. In the sixth grade, I switched only to "fours", and from the seventh - it began ... All records for "twos" were broken. Once I got eight of them in a year - mostly for not attending classes. There was not enough time to study. You come home after training - and immediately go to bed to sleep. And the next day, training at eight thirty in the morning, which means that the rise is at six.

Favorite subject at school?

Chemistry. Because when we entered the classroom, our chemist uttered a wonderful phrase: "Whoever wants to study, stay, and whoever came to sit back, go about your business." We immediately got up and went to play football. However, there were no penalties. For this we loved the chemistry teacher and her subject.

And the unloved one?

Physics. There was a strict teacher with a big mustache. He constantly scolded us. We, boobies, what we need is to laugh, to joke, and the physicist was too serious, like his subject.

Did you fight as a child?

It used to. As a rule, skirmishes arose during football. Someone hit someone in the game, the ball to the side and ... And then they quickly put up.

- Were you a pioneer?

Was. In the fourth grade, we were tied with red ties.

What did you collect?

Marks. prevailed sports theme. I think my father's collection is still kept somewhere. And back in 1990, he collected a collection of Panini football stickers issued for the World Cup in Italy. Then we went with the guys to the store sports book to Sretenka.


When did you realize that you would become a professional football player?

The fact that I love football and will always play it, I realized as a child. And I realized that it would become my profession at the age of 16, when I was finishing school and received my first salary in duplicate. I realized that in addition to pleasure, you can also earn money.

And at what age did you first put on a Spartak T-shirt?

At seven. Spartakovskaya, however, it is difficult to call her. It is now in our school that children from a young age are dressed in a branded red and white uniform, and then we wore ordinary white T-shirts without stripes and rhombuses. About a year and a half later, our coach Anatoly Fedoseevich Korolev said: "Guys, get ready: we have our first game on Saturday."

Remember her?

Alas. I only remember what was played in our arena in Sokolniki, and for the first time we had a Spartak diamond on white T-shirts. But well remembered the first match with not Moscow command - against "Daugava". It began at 11 o'clock in the morning, and Korolev freed everyone from school. We were insanely happy and defeated the Rigans - 16:0. The first international game was played against the Americans. They got even more heads. The people - a full arena, all the parents came. But the most important thing was after the match, when the exchange of souvenirs began - badges, pennants, jerseys...

Do you remember the day when you came to enroll in the Spartak school?

I remember. I came with my parents, uncle and cousin. Boys born in 1975 were already taking classes. My brother took my hand and turned to coach Belov: "Can Egor join your group?" The coach, having learned that I was a year younger, replied: "You need to go to the Queen." And he, having appeared after 15 minutes, immediately said: "Come tomorrow at five in the evening." I arrived and changed. Korolev threw a ball to our pile, and we began to play hole-holes. I remember I was pretty good at interacting with one boy. We won, and then it went and went.

How many league titles did you win at school?

We won almost all summer and winter championships in Moscow. Maybe a couple of times in ten years our team of players born in 1976 lost the championship to the Dynamo team and once to the army team. In the spring of 1992, they became the champions of Russia, having won the final tournament in Saratov.


The first football you watched on TV?

1984 "Spartak" met with someone on the road and tied. I watched almost all Spartak matches in 1986 and 1987. I remember very well our victories in Kyiv, the World Cup in Mexico. Match with Hungary - 6:0. I followed mainly Spartak players - Dasaev, Rodionov, who then scored one of the goals. Nightmare match with the Belgians. The game was ours, and the Belgians went to the quarterfinals. I got very upset then.

When did you earn your first money?

In 1989, at the Bobrov Memorial Tournament, where he played as part of the Moscow team. For each match won, there was a bonus of 10 rubles. We won 6 wins in 6 matches. It turned out 60 rubles - for 13-year-old boys it was a lot of money.

What were they spent on?

Gave it to my parents.

And what was the first salary of the 16-year-old understudy of Spartak?

I remember that they gave me a large wad of money in small denominations - 1200 rubles. Mom then earned less. I was very proud of myself.

Do you remember your first trip abroad?

Yes. In 1990, our team went to a mini-football tournament in the German city of Borken. We took first place, and I was recognized as the best football player. A photograph has been preserved where I am awarded a prize of 200 German marks. With this money I bought my father a radio tape recorder. And before the tournament there was an unpleasant incident. We went to the supermarket with the guys, we had no money, and we tried to steal some small change. The guard caught me. Then, having learned who I was and where I came from, I let go. From shame, I was ready to fall through the ground.

When did you first taste alcohol?

Then same - in Borken. Our tournament coincided with the New Year holidays, which were also celebrated there. All teams lived in the same hostel. Germans and Americans settled in our neighborhood. They were older. On New Year's Eve, they poured out into the street and began to drink champagne. We brought vodka, caviar and Belomorkanal cigarettes from Russia. We were poured champagne, we sipped. Then they realized that the foreigners got drunk, and took out our goods to them. I sold a bottle of vodka to some drunken German for 20 marks. He took a sip right from his throat, handed it back and left. I still have a bottle of vodka and 20 marks in my hands. The business turned out to be successful.

Have you tried smoking at school?

Certainly. In the tenth grade, I wanted to seem like an adult. Childhood. One day they walked from school to the arena, smoked and did not notice the Queen. And he came up to me and said sternly: "Egor, so that tonight he will tell his parents everything!" On the evening of the same day, I had a conversation with my father. He explained everything to me, and the topic of smoking was exhausted.


When did you buy your first car?

- In 1996, during a pause in the Russian Championship, associated with the European Championship. Then he saved up some money and bought himself a beige eight. I passed my license even earlier, together with Lipko, Shirko and Konovalov went to Tekstilshchiki. There Zhilyaev organized everything for us. At the exams, he made one mistake in theory, and Lipko answered all the questions without hesitation. Bought a BMW six months later. Then he gave it to Meleshin, later it turned out that this car had long been wanted. Meleshin suffered with her for a long time. Then I bought an Audi, which I was scammed with. After her, Lexus. He rode for a long time. The next was "Audi C8" - a cool car, which was brought to me from Germany. Then - a Mercedes jeep. And finally, "Audi" again. It has been impossible to travel normally in Moscow lately. The holes are terrible. I recently set a "record" - I drove from home to the base for 4 hours and 40 minutes. Naturally, I was late for training - I barely had time for dinner.

What is the most memorable moment of the 1996 championship for you?

We return to Moscow after the golden match. With Dzhubanov and Meleshin we are going to my house. The door is opened by my father, who arrived from St. Petersburg before us. He looks at me, and tears of happiness flow from him ...

Did anything memorable happen in your life that year?

In Ramenki, he renovated an apartment and began to live independently without parents.

Did you prepare yourself too?

Yes. But more often he ate at the base. Then we stopped by Tarasovka two days before the game. In the same year I bought my first mobile phone - "Motorola" with a long antenna. I remember that our doctor Yuri Vasilkov used this ancient phone for another five years. And then it cost crazy money, but it caught a signal everywhere - in any basement!

Which of the Spartacists got the first mobile phone?

At Nigmatullin - back in 1995. He also has Ananko.

In 2001, when you turned 25, Spartak became the champion of Russia for the last time. Then you might think you're winning gold last time?

And he didn't allow that thought. It seemed to me that Spartak would be the champion forever!

Do you regret that at that time you did not go abroad, in particular, to Bayern, which showed great interest in you?

I don't know, maybe in five years I'll regret it. But now there is no such feeling. I've been with Spartak since I was seven, and everything suits me here.

Nowadays, it is very rare when a person plays for one club for so many years. Have you thought about it?

I thought. Of the European footballers, only the names of Raul, Guti and Maldini come to mind. Until recently, CSKA was Sergei Semak. Sergei Ovchinnikov also gave ten years to Lokomotiv, but he had a break due to his departure to Portugal ...


When did you meet your wife Veronica?

April 16, 1997. The whole family went to visit - my parents were friends with Veronica's parents. There they met. The next day I was leaving for a training camp before the match in Naberezhnye Chelny. Then he returned, called her, and we went for a walk on the Arbat. After a while, Veronica moved in with me. For about three years we lived in a civil marriage, and then we got married.

Did you understand from the first date that in front of you is your future wife?

At first, no. But when Veronica moved in with me, I immediately realized that our relationship would turn into something more than friendship. I felt comfortable with her. And this is very important.

Do you feel your age at 30?

- Not. I feel like I'm 25 years old. In my opinion, as I was then, I have remained so.

Do you remember your 25th birthday?

Down to the smallest detail. The birthday was celebrated at the cottage. Now I'm thirty. The last five years have flown by like two days. So many events they have included!

In what direction have you changed?

I think for the best. At least many of the stupid things that he did in his youth, now he would not do in any case. I understand that at the age of 20 I was like a child.

How much have you done by the age of 30?

Almost nothing. Many peers have almost everything. They are provided - live and enjoy life. They wake up in the morning and do whatever they want. I can't afford this. As far as money is concerned, I part with it easily. I love making gifts. It is more pleasant for me to give than to receive.

What is the most valuable thing in life for you?

Will your daughter go to school this year?

We are leaning towards no. At the age of six and a half, it is too early to go to the current schools. The stress on kids is crazy. We want to extend Anyuta's childhood for another year.

What does the football player Titov dream about?

About leaving beautifully. Naturally, from the native "Spartacus". Play a farewell match, after which I could go up to each partner and fan and say with a clear conscience: "I gave everything to the team."

But it will not be soon?

Hope. Until the age of 35-36, I would like to be useful to Spartak.

And what does the man Titov dream about?

About my daughter becoming a great tennis player, because sport makes a person sincere and strong. Athletes make real people. This I know for sure.

"Sport Express" , 19.09.2008
Yegor Titov looked at us with laughing eyes - as if he wanted to ask: what, brothers, didn't you expect? Looked - but did not ask. And we thought: is this cheerful and easy-going young man really the same former captain who was expelled from Spartak a month ago? In the end, Yegor laughed at our insinuatingness, our intonations: “Guys, I'm fine!” We believed...

"Sport day by day" , 16-22.12.2009
Somehow, in the 21st century, Yegor Titov didn’t have a good time, didn’t really set out. Titov met Millennium at a golden age by football standards, at the zenith of fame, in captivity of completely justified illusions about his own football future. And from today, from now it is clearly seen that the beginning of the century introduced harsh changes to this wonderful picture ...

"Sport Express" , 09.07.2010
Titov, who completed his football career, is fresh and fit. It seemed to us that people discussing the details of their own farewell match do not look like that. Yegor did not understand and did not approve of the feigned sympathy in our eyes. Probably right - his current life is actually not so bad. He plays for the "Artist" team, travels all over the country, earns decent money, takes his daughter to tennis tournaments. Why sympathy?

Egor Titov - matches for the national team
And G And G And G
1 10.10.1995 RUSSIA - GREECE - 0:1 d
2 14.11.1995 RUSSIA - FINLAND - 3:0 d
1 10.10.1998 RUSSIA - FRANCE - 2:3 d
2 14.10.1998 ICELAND - RUSSIA - 1:0 G
3 27.03.1999 ARMENIA - RUSSIA - 0:3 G
4 1 31.03.1999 RUSSIA - ANDORRA - 6:1 • d
5 19.05.1999 RUSSIA - BELARUS - 1:1 d
6 05.06.1999 FRANCE - RUSSIA - 2:3 G
7 18.08.1999 BELARUS - RUSSIA - 0:2 G
8 04.09.1999 RUSSIA - ARMENIA - 2:0 d
9 08.09.1999 ANDORRA - RUSSIA - 1:2 G
10 09.10.1999 RUSSIA - UKRAINE - 1:1 d
11 23.02.2000 ISRAEL - RUSSIA - 4:1 G
12 2 26.04.2000 RUSSIA - USA - 2:0 • d
13 31.05.2000 RUSSIA - SLOVAKIA - 1:1 d
14 04.06.2000 MOLDOVA - RUSSIA - 0:1 G
15 02.09.2000 SWITZERLAND - RUSSIA - 0:1 d
16 3 11.10.2000 RUSSIA - LUXEMBOURG - 3:0 • d
17 28.02.2001 GREECE - RUSSIA - 3:3 G
18 24.03.2001 RUSSIA - SLOVENIA - 1:1 d
19 28.03.2001 RUSSIA - FARERES - 1:0 d
20 25.04.2001 YUGOSLAVIA - RUSSIA - 0:1 G
21 02.06.2001 RUSSIA - YUGOSLAVIA - 1:1 d
22 06.06.2001 LUXEMBOURG - RUSSIA - 1:2 G
23 15.08.2001 RUSSIA - GREECE - 0:0
24 4 01.09.2001 SLOVENIA - RUSSIA - 2:1 • G
25 05.09.2001 FARERES - RUSSIA - 0:3 G
26 5 06.10.2001 RUSSIA - SWITZERLAND - 4:0 • d
27 13.02.2002 IRELAND - RUSSIA - 2:0 G
28 27.03.2002 ESTONIA - RUSSIA - 2:1 G
29 17.04.2002 FRANCE - RUSSIA - 0:0 G
30 19.05.2002 RUSSIA - YUGOSLAVIA - 1:1 d
31 6 05.06.2002 TUNISIA - RUSSIA - 0:2 • n
32 09.06.2002 JAPAN - RUSSIA - 1:0 G
33 14.06.2002 BELGIUM - RUSSIA - 3:2 G
34 30.04.2003 GEORGIA - RUSSIA - 1:0 G
35 7 11.10.2003 RUSSIA - GEORGIA - 3:1 • d
36 19.11.2003 WALES - RUSSIA - 0:1 G
37 03.09.2005 RUSSIA - LIECHTENSTEIN - 2:0 d
38 27.05.2006 SPAIN - RUSSIA - 0:0 G
39 11.10.2006 RUSSIA - ESTONIA - 2:0 d
40 15.11.2006 MACEDONIA - RUSSIA - 0:2 G
41 07.02.2007 HOLLAND - RUSSIA - 4:1 G
And G And G And G
41 7 2 – – –

Yegor Titov is one of the brightest players in modern history Russia. An entire era in Spartak Moscow and the national team is associated with his name. Russian Federation. This talented midfielder had many ups and downs in his career, but he always came out of every situation with his head held high.

Egor Titov. All goals for Spartak. Part 1.

Yegor Titov is a man who has always sincerely loved football.

Yegor Titov is a man in whose life there were many bright moments.

Childhood and family of Yegor Titov

The future famous football player was born in a sports family. His father was a master of sports in speed skating, and therefore, at an early age, he actively “wooed” his only son to various sections and groups associated with this sports discipline. However, little Yegor realized early enough that skates were “not his”, and therefore he left this occupation very soon.

Football is a completely different matter. Titov dreamed of this sport from the very beginning. early age. He often visited the stadium, diligently collected information about his favorite football players, and also did not miss a single sports broadcast on television. At the age of eight, a young guy enrolled in the football school of the Moscow "Spartak", where he subsequently took place as a professional football player.

It is noteworthy that the "Spartak" school was quite far from Yegor Titov's house. According to some reports, a one-way trip took about 75 minutes. but future footballer I didn't even think about moving to another academy. Spartak was his dream, and Yegor Titov did not even think about simpler solutions. He worked diligently in training and very soon became one of the most promising players of his age.

In 1992, the coach of the backup team, Viktor Zernov, noticed the young player, and very soon Titov tried on the “Spartak” uniform for the first time. In the future, for almost three years in a row, the football player played for the double of the Moscow Spartak. His game was noted by the coaches, however, because of the not quite athletic complexion, they were in no hurry to let Yegor go to the games of the main team.

However, some time later, the bright successes of the young player made the coaches main team reconsider your opinion about him. The decisive word, as some note, in that story was said by Oleg Romantsev. Main coach Spartak personally invited the young Titov to the Moscow team and insisted on signing a full-fledged contract with the young player.

Sports career of Yegor Titov

In the end, this step turned out to be more than successful. Having made his debut in 1995 as part of one of the most titled clubs in Russia, Yegor did not get lost in the team and very quickly became one of the main stars of that team. He often scored and handed out frequent assists. It was during this period of young player they started talking about one of the brightest midfielders in the sovereign history of Russia. As some fans and journalists note, the “Titov period” has become one of the brightest segments in the history of Spartak Moscow. Led by its leader, the club from the capital of Russia very soon became one of the strongest teams in the national championship. For thirteen years, during which Yegor Titov played for Spartak, the team won the gold medals of the Russian championship six times, and also became the two-time winner of the Russian Cup. During these years, Spartak represented a serious force in the European arena. However, to achieve significant success in the Champions League or UEFA Cup Russian team still failed.

As for the personal achievements of Yegor Titov, in this regard, the player also has something to be proud of. In the period from 1998 to 2001, the midfielder led the list of the brightest players in the Russian Championship nine times. In 1998 and 2000, the attacking midfielder of Spartak Moscow was recognized best football player RF by two authoritative publications at once - the Sport-Express newspaper and the Football magazine.

Egor Titov now

In 2012, after the completion professional career, Yegor was recognized as the best midfielder of the Russian championship in the entire history of its existence.

The career of a football player in the national team of his country was also successful. Between 1998 and 2007, Yegor Titov was one of major players within that team. Despite the absence of serious team success, the midfielder has always stood out for his bright game and even for a long time was in the sphere of interests of Bayern Munich.

Farewell match of Yegor Titov. Lap of honor

After thirteen seasons with Spartak Moscow (the player was forced to miss the 2004 championship due to disqualification), Yegor Titov left the club. The reason for this was a conflict with the head coach, who no longer saw the aging player in the first team.

In 2008, the player moved to the Khimki club near Moscow, and from there to Lokomotiv Astana. However, in both teams he played less than thirty games.

Thus, Yegor could not “play” somewhere other than Spartak. In 2009, the player officially announced his retirement from professional football. However, Titov could not finally say goodbye to football. In 2010, the midfielder played several matches for the amateur club Artist. Two years later former player Moscow "Spartak" also briefly appeared as part of the semi-professional club "Arsenal" from the city of Tula.

Other achievements of Yegor Titov

During his career, Yegor Titov managed to try himself as an actor and singer. In 2004, together with pop singer Nikolai Trubach, the football player recorded the song "What kind of people we are." A few years later, Yegor also appeared in the episodic role of a neighbor in the film "33 square meters".

Personal life of Yegor Titov

For almost his entire life, the footballer has been married to a woman named Veronica. According to Yegor Titov, he met his future wife at the age of 13 and has been in love with her ever since.

The couple currently lives in Moscow and has two daughters, Anna and Ulyana.