The rules of the game of football - approved by fifa. Catalog of sports and healthy lifestyle articles Decisions of the International Council

GENEVA, 1 April. /TASS/. The new regulation of the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) on working with intermediaries comes into force. Among the revolutionary changes is the rejection of the concept of "agent", a reduction to 3% of the maximum remuneration for intermediaries and the ability to punish clubs and football players for unscrupulous transactions.

Changes to the FIFA statutes, which will come into force on April 1, are designed to radically change the activities of football agents, who will now be regulated only by national federations. The new document replaced the FIFA regulations on the activities of agents, which existed since 2008. From now on, agents as such in football will cease to exist, instead of them there will be "intermediaries", which are defined in the new regulations as follows: a natural or legal person who, for a fee or free of charge, represents players and / or clubs in negotiations for the purpose of concluding an employment contract or represents clubs in negotiations to conclude a transfer contract.

From now on, the national federations themselves set the standards for the activities of intermediaries, which must comply only with the legislation of the country. Intermediaries can now be any person, whether they are lawyers or relatives of football players, and their licensing has been replaced by regular registration.

The most important innovation is the reduction of payments for intermediary activities - no more than 3% of the transaction amount in its monetary terms, for cars, apartments or other benefits, the intermediary will not be able to have its own percentage. In the current regulations of the Russian Football Union (RFU) on agency activities, remuneration could not exceed 10%.

From now on, all transactions will be mandatory open. Players and clubs will provide the national federation with full information on the agreed remuneration of intermediaries, and federations, in turn, are required to publish at the end of March each year a list of all registered intermediaries and one-time transactions in which they were involved. Sanctions for violations of the regulations are also imposed by the national federation, and, importantly, clubs and players, and not intermediaries, will be punished.

The revolution in agency activity began back in 2009, within two years the current regulations were developed, but it was adopted only at last year's FIFA Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In fact, the international federation, which has long begun the fight against agents who earn huge sums that are not controlled by FIFA, has recognized it as ineffective. As a result, a rather controversial concept was adopted - the football authorities abandoned the slightest control of this kind of activity, entrusting it to the national federations. A positive factor, at first glance, is the openness of the earnings of intermediaries and the responsibility of clubs for "dark" deals - it is no secret that it was agency activity that made it possible to withdraw considerable sums from clubs, often budget ones.

On the other hand, the lack of licensing and the very institution of football agents will lead to the appearance of numerous "shadow" businessmen, besides, the new regulations do not indicate the size of the sanctions for their unscrupulous activities.


Interpretation of terms

When interpreting these Statutes and Regulations, the words: "Federation" or "FIFA" means "International Football Federation";

"Association" or "Associations" means National Federations (NFs), except where the context dictates otherwise;

"League" means an internal organization subordinate to a national federation;

"British Associations" means the four associations of Great Britain, i.e. Football Association (England), Scottish Football Association, Football Association of Wales and Football Association Northern Ireland;

"International Council" or "Council" means the International Council of the Football Association (England). Hereinafter IFAB;

"Confederation" is a group of national federations affiliated to FIFA and belonging to the same continent (or geographic reality);

"Executive Committee" means the FIFA Executive Committee established and constituted in accordance with these Statutes. Hereinafter - the Executive Committee;

"Member" means an NF that is a member of FIFA or a person that is a member of the FIFA Committee;

"Officers" means all members of the governing bodies, managers, coaches, technical, medical and administrative officers of a confederation, NF, league or club;

the term "Football" means a game exclusively controlled by the Federation and governed by the Laws of the Game.

I. Name, composition, headquarters

Article 1

1. According to Article 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code (*), the "International Football Federation" is an association.

2. FIFA is made up of the National Federations (NFs) that belong to it and are recognized by it as governing football in their respective countries.

3. Only one NF is recognized per country.

4. Each of the four British Associations is recognized as a separate member of FIFA.

5. An NF in a region that has not yet gained independence may, with the permission of the national federation of the country on which it depends, also apply to join FIFA.

6. The location of the headquarters of FIFA is determined by a resolution of the Congress. She is located in Zurich (Switzerland) and can be transferred to another place if the Congress decides on this matter (art. 16 (4 [d])).

II. Goals

Article 2

The purpose of the Federation is:

1. promote and develop the game of football by any means it deems appropriate;

2. to strengthen friendly relations between NFs, confederations and their officials and players by organizing football matches at all levels and supporting football by any other means it deems appropriate;

3. control any form of football by taking necessary and reasonable steps to prevent violations of the Statutes, regulations or Laws of the Game established by the IFAB, to prevent the introduction of vicious and other methods or practices into the game and to protect it from abuse;

3.1. discrimination against a country or an individual on racial, religious or political grounds is not allowed;

3.2. An NF that allows, allows or organizes competitions in which discrimination is practiced, or which exists in a country where discrimination in sport is legally permitted, is not admitted to FIFA or must be excluded from its ranks if it is already a member. An NF, when applying to participate in a competition or organize one, must give assurances to the Federation that its conditions will be respected;

4. to provide, through the Bylaws and By-Laws, the principles for settling any dispute that may arise between two or more NFs.

III. Membership

Article 3

NFs are admitted to membership only by Congress.

Article 4

1. Any NF applying for FIFA membership must have been a provisional member of a confederation for at least two years prior.

2. An NF applying for membership must send a written request to the Federation.

3. The application for membership must contain a declaration in which the candidate NF undertakes:

(a) strictly comply with the Statutes, regulations and decisions of FIFA and the confederations;

(b) comply with the Federation Laws of the Game.

4. The candidate NF must attach to the written request a copy of its statutes and regulations. Such charter, without any exceptions, must contain a mandatory clause providing for the limitations and obligations contained in Art. 59 of the FIFA Statutes.

5. The candidate NF must submit to FIFA a dossier containing details of its internal organization and sports infrastructure (conditions for playing football) in the country.

6. If FIFA considers the dossier to be sufficiently complete, it will forward it to the confederation it considers responsible - territorially - for such matters.

7. The confederation must decide whether or not to grant the candidate NF the status of provisional or associate membership. As soon as a Confederation considers that a provisionally member NF meets the requirements for membership in FIFA (see Article 1 of the Regulations - Bylaws on the Application of the Statutes), it must notify FIFA.

8. The terms and conditions of admission are determined by the Regulations - Official clarifications on the application of the Charter.

Article 5

1. At the meeting of the Congress where the issue of admission will be decided, the candidate NF has the right to apply through its delegates to the Congress in support of its application. However, these delegates must leave the meeting room while the application is considered and the vote is taken. If the application is accepted, the delegates of the NF that has just been accepted will immediately be allowed to take part in the further work of the Congress.

2. An NF that is accepted as a member must pay an annual membership fee, as stated in Art. 47 of the Charter, for the year of its admission to the FIFA membership.

3. Payment of the fee must be made within 30 days of the date of acceptance by Congress. If this condition is not met, the provisions of Art. 47, paragraph 3.

4. An NF admitted to FIFA membership shall immediately be eligible to enter any competition organized by FIFA, subject to the application deadlines.

Article 6

1. Each NF must provide FIFA with the name, surname and address of the person responsible for conducting official correspondence on its behalf with FIFA and other NFs in all matters, including conflicts between NFs.

2. Each NF must send to the Federation, and upon request to other NFs, its official directory, as well as all communications concerning changes in its statutes and regulations.

Article 7

1. The executive body of an NF is formed only through elections within that NF. The NF statutes must provide for an election procedure that guarantees the full independence of the electors.

2. FIFA shall not recognize an NF's executive body, even on a provisional basis, if it is formed in contravention of paragraph a.

3. Any decision of an outside body to suspend the activities of the executive body of the NF is not binding on FIFA.

4. The creation of leagues or other groups of clubs at NF level is only permitted with the express consent of the NF and provided that they are under its control. The NF's charter must contain a description of the powers vested in such a group, as well as a definition of its rights and obligations. The rules of any such group are subject to the approval of the NF.

Article 8

1. Congress has the right to confer the title of Honorary President or Honorary Member on any person for special services to the Federation.

2. Candidates for these titles are nominated by the Executive Committee.

3. The Honorary President or Honorary Member is allowed to participate in the discussion, but without the right to vote.

Article 9

1. National federations affiliated to FIFA and located geographically on the same continent may form Confederations which will be recognized by FIFA.

FIFA recognizes the following confederations:

(a) the Football Confederation of Africa - Confederation Africaine de Football;

(b) Asian Football Confederation;

(c) European Football Union - Union of European Football Assotiations;

(d) Football Confederation of North and Central America and the Caribbean - Confederacion Notre-Centroamericana y del Caribe de Futbol;

(f) South American Football Confederation - Confederacion Sudamericana de Futbol;

(f) Oceania Football Confederation.

2. FIFA may, in exceptional cases, grant to a confederation the right to admit to membership an NF that belongs geographically to another confederation and is not part of the confederation of that continent. In such cases, the opinion of the respective Confederation, located geographically accordingly, is required.

3. Each of the recognized confederations has the following rights and obligations:

(a) comply with and enforce the Statutes, Regulations and decisions of FIFA;

(b) cooperate with FIFA in all matters relating to the organization of international competitions and football in general;

(c) organize its internal inter-club competitions;

(d) independently organize international competitions, especially youth competitions;

(e) ensure that international leagues or other similar associations of clubs or leagues are not formed without its consent and without the approval of FIFA;

(f) confer upon NFs wishing to become members of FIFA, on the recommendation of the latter, the status of a provisional member for a period not exceeding two years, or the status of an associate member, which will give such NFs the right to participate in its competitions and deliberations, but without the right to vote;

(g) to elect - in their capacity as representatives of the confederations - the vice-presidents and members of the FIFA Executive Committee - in accordance with the provisions of Art. 19 of the FIFA Statutes;

(h) maintain good relations and cooperation with FIFA by appointing two members to serve on an advisory committee with an equal number of representatives from FIFA to deal with matters of mutual interest to the confederation and FIFA;

(i) ensure the conscientious and diligent performance of their functions by their representatives appointed to the bodies of FIFA and elected to the Executive Committee;

(k) establish committees that will work in close cooperation with the relevant committees of FIFA;

(l) authorize, in exceptional cases and subject to the approval of FIFA, an NF of another confederation (or its clubs) or an NF which is not a member of a confederation (or its clubs) to take part in FIFA-approved competitions which it organizes;

(m) carry out in general all activities which, in its opinion, are aimed at the development of football on a given continent (i.e. organize seminars, courses, etc.);

(n) determine the composition of all bodies necessary for the performance of their duties;

(o) seek the means necessary for the adequate performance of their duties.

4. The FIFA Executive Committee may, in special cases, delegate some of its duties or powers to any confederation.

5. The statutes and regulations of the confederations must be submitted to the FIFA Executive Committee for approval.

IV. Legislative, executive and administrative bodies

Article 10

1. FIFA's legislative body is the Congress and, as such, it has the supreme power.

2. The executive body of FIFA is the Executive Committee.

3. The administrative body of FIFA is the General Secretariat.

4. Permanent and temporary committees help various bodies FIFA to fulfill their respective responsibilities. Their composition and functions are defined in Art. 23-38 of this Charter.


Article 11

1. Congress - the supreme body of FIFA - is held once every two years.

2. The Executive Committee may at any time convene an Extraordinary Congress of the Federation. At the written request of 1/3 of the NFs that are members of the Federation, the Executive Committee may convene an Extraordinary Congress within three months from the date of receipt of the request.

Article 12

2. The names and surnames of delegates must be sent to the General Secretariat before the opening of the Congress, indicating the person who has the right to vote. If that delegate leaves the meeting room at any time during the Congress, he shall be replaced by another representative next on the list of delegates drawn up by the relevant NF.

4. No delegate may represent more than one NF.

5. Members of the Executive Committee during their term of office are not entitled to act as delegates to their NFs.

7. Congress delegates must be full members of the NF they represent and be citizens of the country the NF represents.

8. FIFA shall pay the travel and accommodation costs of one delegate from each NF participating in the Congress and in accordance with a special directive of the Executive Committee.

Article 13

1. The date and place of the Congress must be communicated to all NFs by registered letter six months in advance.

2. The agenda indicating the issues to be considered, the report of the General Secretary, the balance sheet and audit reports must be sent to the NF by registered mail no later than two months before the start of the Congress.

3. All questions and proposals from the National Federation intended for the Congress must be sent in writing to the FIFA General Secretariat no later than four months before the start of the Congress. The Congress discusses only those issues and proposals that are submitted on time and included in the agenda.

4. In urgent cases, the Congress may deal with matters submitted after the due date, provided that the absolute majority of FIFA affiliated NFs (which have not lost their voting rights for any reason at the time of the Congress) are present at the Congress; in this case, decisions are taken by 3/4 of the registered votes.

5. The place, dates, agenda of the Extraordinary Congress must be communicated to the NF at least two months before its opening.

6. The names of candidates for the President of the Federation may be submitted by any NF to the FIFA General Secretariat two months before the opening of the Congress. A president who leaves his post has the right to be re-elected. The names of all candidates must be sent by the FIFA General Secretariat to all NFs at least one month before the Congress.

Article 14

1. The agenda of the next Congress must include the following issues:

(a) an address by the president;

(b) the appointment of five members to check the official protocol;

(d) formal approval of the minutes of the previous Congress;

(e) a report for the period since the previous Congress;

(f) presentation of the balance sheet, income and expenditure documentation;

(h) budget submission;

(i) acceptance and/or exclusion of the NF;

(k) consideration of proposals to amend the Statutes, Rules of Procedure - Formal clarifications on the application of the Statutes and Procedural Rules of the Congress;

(l) questions from NFs and other questions proposed by the Board. (Such matters must be submitted in writing in accordance with Article 13(3) of the Constitution;

(m) the appointment of auditors to verify and certify the accounts of FIFA;

(n) election of the president (if necessary) and confirmation of vice-presidents and members of the Board.

2. If an Extraordinary Congress is held, the agenda must be included in the notice of its holding. No issues other than those listed on the agenda will be considered.

Article 15

1. The Congress is the only body that can amend the Statutes, the Regulations - Bye-Laws on the Application of the Statutes and the Procedural Rules of the FIFA Congress.

2. A proposal to amend the Bylaws can only be put on the agenda and put to a vote if it is proposed by one NF and supported by two other NFs, or if it is put forward by the Executive Committee.

3. In order to consider amendments to the Statutes, the Congress must be attended by an absolute majority of NFs-members of FIFA, which by this time have not lost their voting rights for any reason.

4. An amendment is considered adopted if it is approved by 3/4 of the votes of the delegates physically present and entitled to vote.

5. Amendment to the Rules - Formal clarifications on the application of the Bylaws and the Rules of Procedure of the Congress may be proposed by one NF or the Executive Committee.

6. Proposals for amendments to the Rules of Procedure and the Rules of Procedure of the Congress shall be adopted by a simple majority vote of the delegates present and authorized to vote (see paragraph 5).

Article 16

2. Other decisions requiring a vote are made by show of hands. If this method does not result in a definite majority in favor of any proposal, then the vote is taken by a roll-call poll of countries in English alphabetical order.

3. For the election of the President of the Federation, 2/3 of the votes registered in the first round are required. In the second and subsequent rounds, if necessary, an absolute majority is required. Starting from the second round of voting and if there are more than two candidates, the lowest number of votes in each round will be eliminated until only two candidates remain.

4. The remaining decisions are taken by a simple majority of registered votes, with the exception of the following, which can only be taken if there is an absolute majority of NFs affiliated to FIFA and have not lost their voting rights for any reason during the Congress, and for which a majority of 3 /4 registered votes:

(a) amendments or additions to the Articles (see Article 15, paragraph 4);

(b) additions to the agenda of the Congress (see Art. 13, paragraph 4);

(c) exclusion from the Federation (see Art. 61, paragraph 4);

(d) a change in the location of the headquarters of the Federation (see art. 1, paragraph 6);

(e) dissolution of the Federation (see Art. 64).

Article 17

1. The Secretary General shall keep the official minutes of the Congress.

2. The minutes shall be submitted for examination to five members specially appointed by Congress for that purpose.

Article 18

1. Decisions made by the Congress come into force and become binding on the Federation and its NFs three months after the closing of the Congress.

2. However, decisions made by Congress to admit new NFs take effect immediately (see Art. 5). In this case, NFs are entitled to vote as soon as their candidatures are officially accepted.

3. In cases of urgency, Congress may determine that decisions taken shall take effect at a different time. In these cases, the decisions come into force on the dates set by Congress.

Executive committee

Article 19

1. The Executive Committee of the Federation consists of:

1 President

7 vice presidents

16 members.

2. The President is chosen by the NFs represented at the Congress and entitled to vote (see art. 16, paragraph 3).

3. Vice-Presidents and members of the Executive Board are appointed by the Confederations, with the exception of the Vice-President representing the four British Associations, who is elected by the respective NFs. Each of these persons must, at the time of their election, be a member of the NF. Appointments are made as follows:

(a) Africa Vice President (1) Members (3)

(b) North and Central America and the Caribbean Vice President (1) Members (2)

(c) South America Vice President (1) Members (2)

(d) Asia Vice President (1) members (3)

(e) Europe Vice President (2) Members (5)

(f) four British Associations Vice President (1) members (-)

(g) Oceania Vice President (-) Members (1)

4. The President and Vice Presidents must not belong to the same NF.

5. Two citizens of the same country or two members of the same NF cannot be members of the Executive Committee at the same time.

6. The mandates of the President, Vice-Presidents and members of the Executive Committee are valid for four years. They can be extended.

7. To ensure continuity within the Executive Committee, no more than ten new members may be approved at the same time.

8. If the President ceases to exercise his office, or if anything prevents him from exercising it, then the Senior Vice President assumes it no later than the next Congress. In this case, the Congress must elect a new President.

9. If other members of the Executive Committee cease to fulfill their duties, they must be immediately replaced by the confederation or national federations that appointed them for the period remaining until the expiration of their term.

Article 20

1. The Executive Committee is the executive body of the Federation. He has been given the authority to decide on all issues that do not fall exclusively within the competence of the Congress, with the exception of issues assigned by the Charter to other bodies.

2. As a general rule, the executive committee should meet twice a year.

3. At the request of eleven members of the Executive Committee, the President shall call an emergency meeting.

4. The Executive Committee appoints chairmen, their deputies and members of standing committees (see Art. 23).

5. The Executive Committee appoints chairmen, their deputies and members of the legal bodies of the Federation.

6. If necessary, the Executive Committee forms permanent or special committees, in addition to those listed in Art. 23.

7. The Executive Committee appoints delegates from FIFA to the International Council (IFAB).

8. The Executive Board appoints the Secretary-General and, on the recommendation of the latter, approves the permanent staff of the secretariat. The Secretary General attends the meetings of all committees ex officio.

9. The Executive Committee fixes the date and place of the next Congress.

10. The Executive Committee determines the place (see art. 52, paragraph 1) and dates for the FIFA final competitions and the number of teams admitted to them.

Article 21

1. The President represents the Federation legally.

2. He presides over the Congress, meetings of the Executive and Extraordinary Committees and committees of which he is elected chairman.

4. If the President is absent or unable to attend, the senior Vice President present shall automatically assume his duties.

5. The provisions for holding the Congress are contained in the Procedural Rules of the FIFA Congress.

Emergency Committee

Article 22

1. An emergency committee of seven members is appointed by the Executive Committee and deals with cases requiring immediate decision between meetings of the Executive Committee. The Committee consists of the President, the Chairman of the Finance Committee and one representative from each confederation, selected from the members of the Executive Committee.

2. As a rule, issues are discussed at specially convened meetings. However, if in exceptional circumstances the committee is unable to meet, decisions may be reached by correspondence, of which the Board shall be notified promptly.

3. All decisions taken by the Emergency Committee shall immediately take effect and be confirmed by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.

4. If the President is unable to attend the meeting, the Senior Vice President replaces him. The President has the authority to appoint a replacement if one of the members is absent, or if his NF is directly involved in a pending issue or conflict situation requiring urgent resolution. However, the substitute must belong to the same confederation as the absent or ineligible person.

standing committees

Article 23

1. The standing committees are:

(a) Finance Committee

(b) FIFA World Cup Organizing Committee

(c) FIFA/Confederations Cup Organizing Committee

(d) Organizing Committee for the Olympic Football Tournaments

(e) FIFA Youth Competitions Committee

(f) Futsal committee (5 x 5 - futsal)

(g) Committee women's football

(h) Committee of Judges

(i) Technical Committee

(k) Sports Medicine Committee

(l) Players' Status Committee

(m) Legal Affairs Committee

(n) Safety and Fair Play Committee

(o) Press Committee

(p) Protocol Committee.

2. The chairmen and deputy chairmen of the standing committees are appointed by the Executive Committee from among its members.

The members of each of the committees are appointed by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the confederations after consultation with their NF or on the proposal of the President of FIFA.

The chairs, vice chairs and members of the standing committees are appointed for a term of four years.

3. Each chairman represents his committee, sees to the proper performance of its functions, fixes the dates of meetings in consultation with the Secretary-General, and reports to the Board on the work of his committee.

4. Each committee may, if deemed necessary, set up a bureau and/or sub-committee to deal with urgent matters. Any decision taken by a bureau or subcommittee shall take effect immediately, but is subject to approval by the plenary composition of that committee at its next meeting.

Article 24

1. The Finance Committee consists of a chairman, his deputy and three members; all of the five members must belong to different confederations and be selected from the members of the Executive Committee.

(a) supervise the financial affairs of the Federation;

(b) advise the Board on property management matters;

(c) prepare the budget of the Board; review the budgets of the various standing and special committees and submit them to the Board for approval;

(d) control the financial records of the committees and authorize the Secretary General to make payments after verification.

Article 25

1. The Organizing Committee of the FIFA World Cup shall consist of a Chairman, his Vice-Chairman and such number of members as may be deemed necessary. The chairman, his deputy and at least two members are selected from the members of the Executive Committee. However, the members of the Committee must include:

(b) one representative from the NF of the host country of the last World Cup;

(c) one representative from the NF awarded the right to host the next World Cup;

(d) one representative from the NF that will host the next World Cup.

Representatives listed under (b), (c) and (d) are appointed on the advice of their respective NFs.

2. The Committee is responsible for organizing the FIFA World Cup in accordance with the Regulations for that competition.

The Committee is authorized to submit to the Executive Committee proposals for amendments to the Rules of the Competition, which, in its opinion, should be made to them.

3. The Committee is responsible for the preparation and publication of the official report on the FIFA World Cup.

Article 26

1. The Organizing Committee of the FIFA/Confederations Cup shall consist of a chairman, his deputy and such number of members as deemed necessary. However, the members of the Committee must include:

(b) one representative from the NF that has won the right to host the next FIFA/Confederations Cup.

2. The Committee is responsible for the organization of the FIFA/Confederations Cup in accordance with the Regulations for that competition. The Committee is authorized to submit to the Executive Committee proposals for amendments to the Rules of the Competition, which, in its opinion, should be made to them.

3. The committee is responsible for preparing and publishing the official report on the FIFA/Confederations Cup.

Article 27

1. The organizing committee for the holding of Olympic football tournaments shall consist of a chairman, his deputy and such number of members as deemed necessary. However, among its members must be:

(a) one representative from each Confederation;

(b) one representative of the NF of the country whose city is granted the right to host the following Olympic Games. He is appointed on the recommendation of the respective NF.

2. The Committee is responsible for the organization of the Olympic football tournaments in accordance with the specific competition regulations and the Olympic Charter. The Committee is authorized to submit to the Executive Committee proposals for amendments to the Tournament Regulations.

3. The committee is responsible for the preparation and publication of the official report of the Olympic football tournaments.

Article 28

1. The FIFA Youth Competitions Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and such number of members as may be deemed necessary. However, among its members must be:

(a) one representative from each confederation;

(b) one representative from each NF that organizes the upcoming FIFA Youth competitions. They are approved after submission by the respective NFs.

2. The committee is responsible for organizing:

(a) the Youth World Championship;

(b) Under-17 World Championships in accordance with the regulations for that competition.

The Committee is authorized to submit to the Executive Committee proposals for amendments to the regulations of these competitions.

Article 29

1. The Futsal Committee (5 x 5 - futsal) consists of a chairman, his deputy and such number of members as is deemed necessary.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) draw up the Laws of the Game for that form of football;

(c) decide on the application of the Laws of the Game;

(d) invite the Executive Board to take any measures to control this form of football;

(e) deal with all matters relating to futsal;

(f) organize world futsal competitions from time to time.

3. The Committee is responsible for preparing and publishing an official report for each competition it organizes.

Article 30

1. The Women's Football Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson and such number of members as may be deemed necessary.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) be in charge of all matters relating to women's football;

(b) propose to the Executive Board any measures necessary for the development of women's football;

(c) from time to time to hold world competitions in women's football.

3. The Committee is responsible for preparing and publishing an official report for each competition it organizes.

Article 31

1. The committee of judges consists of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members and includes representatives from each confederation.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) make decisions and clarifications that can be used for the practical application of the Laws of the Game;

(b) approve the official translation of the Laws of the Game;

(c) propose to the Board amendments to the Laws of the Game for submission to the International Council (IFAB);

(d) draw up a list of qualified referees for international matches from candidates submitted by the NF;

(e) appoint referees for matches in competitions organized by FIFA or other matches and tournaments, upon request;

(f) establish uniformity in refereeing methods and application of the Laws of the Game for use worldwide;

(g) develop standards for the inspection of the work of referees with a view to using them equally in all NFs;

(h) be responsible for editing the Laws of the Game section of official FIFA publications;

(i) organize courses for international referees and referee instructors;

(k) draw up lists of instructors and lecturers capable of teaching referee courses;

(l) prepare and publish study guides by refereeing;

(m) ensure that each NF has a properly constituted committee of referees and ensure that such committees function satisfactorily.

Article 32

1. The technical committee consists of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) to develop and improve the training methods of football teams;

(b) take all possible measures to improve the qualifications of coaches;

(c) decide questions on the theory and practice of football;

(d) take all necessary measures to promote the football learning experience;

(f) to organize courses and conferences for instructors, trainers, their assistants and administrators in cooperation with NFs and confederations;

(f) prepare materials on teaching and training methods for football players, coaches and referees;

(g) provide necessary assistance in the production of educational films;

(h) deal with all matters relating to the construction of facilities and the availability of football teaching equipment;

(i) issue from time to time a memorandum regarding technical assistance and grants that have been or will be provided to fund any development project;

(k) be responsible for editing the technical sections of FIFA's official publications;

(m) look into any issues regarding football fields.

Article 33

1. The sports medicine committee consists of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members; all of them should have deep knowledge in the field of medicine.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) be an advisory body to the FIFA Executive Committee on any aspect of medicine, physiology and hygiene;

(b) to develop and use scientific experience in the fields of physiology, biomedical control, training theory, psychology and hygiene;

(c) compile medical handbooks for coaches, players and referees;

(d) draw up methodological developments for football players in order to improve their level of fitness, physical fitness and technical skills;

(f) to prepare instructions for football coaches on the physical preparation of football players;

(f) prepare memos on the diet and nutrition of football players, giving appropriate recommendations;

(g) prepare leaflets on general aspects of sports hygiene and, in particular, on the effects of certain substances on the body (alcohol, nicotine, drugs, doping, etc.);

(h) issue instructions specifying the list of medical equipment required for international matches and tournaments;

(i) investigate the types of injuries sustained during football matches and issue recommendations for improving the prevention and treatment of such injuries;

(k) draw up anti-doping control regulations for FIFA competitions for the Executive Board and regularly monitor their implementation.

Article 34

1. The Players' Status Committee consists of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members, including representatives from each confederation.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) study general problems relating to the status of players;

(b) advise the Board on the interpretation of the Statutes and Regulations on the status and transfers of players;

(c) ensure that FIFA's definitions of player status are respected;

(d) determine the status of players for various international competitions;

(e) examine and decide on disputed transfers submitted to FIFA in accordance with special provisions governing this issue; in this regard, the following sanctions may be imposed directly on clubs, officials, members, coaches, players or players' agents:


Severe Warning


Ban on Participation


3. As a matter of principle, the Committee will only consider matters submitted through the NF.

4. Coaches in matters of status are equal to the players.

5. Any decision taken by the Committee under paragraph 2(d) and (e) may be appealed to the Board.

Article 35

1. The Legal Affairs Committee shall consist of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members; they must all have a law degree.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) give legal advice and take a position on all questions, disputes and requests submitted to the Committee;

(b) to keep an eye on the improvement of the Statutes and the regulations governing FIFA and to make proposals to the Executive Board for any amendments which, in the opinion of the Committee, may be useful;

(c) review the statutes and regulations of the NFs affiliated to FIFA and, as the case may be, recommend that the Executive Board intervene to effect the desired amendments.

Article 36

1. Committee on Safety and fair play consists of a chairman, his deputy and the following members:

(a) the chairman of each organizing committee of a FIFA competition;

(b) the president of each confederation;

(c) the chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee;

(d) the FIFA Press Officer.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) examine every aspect of security within and around stadiums;

(b) explore all possible ways to improve safety at football matches;

(c) deal with all aspects of fair play in its broadest sense;

(d) make proposals for various types of campaigns aimed at promoting fair play, ensure their implementation and monitor the results.

Article 37

1. The Media Committee consists of the Chairman, his Deputy, the required number of members and the FIFA Press Officer. On the proposal of the Committee, the Secretary-General may convene co-opted members to perform special duties for a specified period.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) advise the general secretariat and committees of FIFA on matters relating to public relations and work with the media;

(b) develop proposals for FIFA publications and, if necessary, assist in the development of their concept and preparation for publication;

(c) advise the relevant Organizing Committees on the establishment of press facilities for FIFA competitions, determine the terms of reference, prepare and accredit members of the press and supervise the organization of the press;

(d) work in cooperation with international media organizations.

Article 38

1. The protocol committee consists of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members.

2. The duties of the Committee include:

(a) handle all matters of protocol during FIFA competitions and meetings or other events in which FIFA participates;

(b) develop appropriate proposals for the Board.

Legal authorities

Article 39

FIFA's legal bodies are:

(a) the Disciplinary Committee;

(b) Appeals Committee.

Article 40

1. The disciplinary committee consists of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members. The chairman must have a law degree.

2. The activities of this body are determined by a separate regulation drawn up by the Executive Committee, which also develops a list of disciplinary sanctions.

3. The Disciplinary Committee has the power to impose sanctions on NFs, clubs, officials, members, coaches or players for any violation of the Statutes, regulations and instructions of FIFA, or for any violation of decisions made by the bodies of FIFA, or for any action that violates the spirit and letter Game rules.

4. In its decisions, the Disciplinary Committee proceeds from the List of Disciplinary Sanctions drawn up by the Executive Committee (see paragraph 2).

5. However, in matters:

(a) status and transfer of players (see art. 34)

(b) temporary expulsion and deprivation of NF membership (see arts. 44 and 61) disciplinary powers are exclusively reserved for other competent bodies of FIFA.

Article 41

1. The Appeals Committee consists of a chairman, his deputy and the required number of members. The chairman must have a law degree.

2. He hears appeals against those decisions of the Disciplinary Committee which, according to the FIFA regulations, are not irrevocable.

3. Decisions announced by the Appeals Committee are final and binding on all parties concerned.

4. The functions of the Appeal Committee and the working procedure are contained in a separate regulation developed by the Board.

General Secretariat

Article 42

1. The General Secretariat of the Federation is a permanent administrative body.

2. He may be entrusted with the performance of administrative, promotional and technical work.

Article 43

1. The Secretary General is the chief executive officer of the Permanent Secretariat of the Federation.

2. He is appointed on the basis of an individual legal agreement.

3. The duties of the Secretary General include:

(a) the administration and maintenance of the financial accounts of the Federation;

(b) enforcement of the decisions of the Board;

(c) keeping and drawing up minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee, standing and special committees;

(d) Federation correspondence;

(e) communications between FIFA and confederations, NFs, organizations and committees;

(f) organizing the activities of the general secretariat;

(g) recruitment of general secretariat staff.

V Temporary exclusion of NF

Article 44

1. Only Congress has the power to temporarily exclude any NF. However, in urgent cases such a sanction may be imposed by the Board. The temporary exemption may remain in effect until the next Congress at the most, and thereafter may only be extended by a three-fourths majority of the Congress.

The case provided for in Art. 47, paragraph 3 of these Articles, is not subject to the previous paragraph.

2. Temporary exclusion means that the NF is deprived of the right to vote in Congress until the sanction is lifted. In addition, the temporarily excluded NF is deprived of the right to have contacts in the field of football with other member NFs.

3. National federations are obliged to take part in FIFA competitions.

Any NF that does not participate in at least two of any FIFA competitions for four consecutive years shall be ineligible to vote in the Congress until it has fulfilled this statutory duty.

VI. Finance

Article 45

1. Each financial period of the Federation is four years and begins on 1 January of the year in which the final tournament of the FIFA World Cup is held.

Article 46

1. Congress shall appoint an audit firm to audit the accounts of the Federation after they have been approved by the Finance Committee. The appointment is made for four years.

2. Auditors' reports are submitted to Congress.

Article 47

1. Each NF pays a standard annual fee. The due date is January 1 of each year.

2. The amount of the annual contribution shall be determined by Congress every four years on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. It is the same for all NFs.

3. An NF that fails to pay its dues by 1 April of any year may be suspended by the Board unless it presents reasons acceptable to it. The next Congress will confirm this exception. If payment is made thereafter, membership of the relevant NF is immediately reinstated.

Article 48

1. From each international match, including friendly matches, tournaments and all matches of the Olympic Football Tournament, in which two national teams "A" play (see art. 4, paragraph 2 of the Regulations

clarification on the application of the FIFA Statutes), the NF of the country in which the match is played shall pay to the Federation a share of the gross income from the match.

2. The amount and method of payment are specified in the Regulations - Official clarifications on the application of the FIFA Statutes. These Regulations also determine the minimum amount of deductions to be paid to FIFA from matches subject to the fee.

3. The confederations are authorized to collect a certain share in addition to what is due to FIFA. The amount and method of payment are regulated by their statutes, especially if two teams from different confederations participate in the match.

VII. TV and radio broadcasts

Article 49

1. FIFA, its member NFs, confederations and clubs are the owners of the exclusive rights to television and radio broadcasts of events held under their respective jurisdictions through any audiovisual and audio medium, whether live, recorded or fragmented.

2. The Executive Committee makes decisions on the use of rights in accordance with the current statutes and regulations of the respective confederations.

3. The provisions for the application of this article are contained in a special regulation drawn up by the FIFA Executive Committee; it defines, in particular, the rights and obligations arising from the rules for international use and transmission of television pictures between copyright holders and other NFs.

VIII. official languages

Article 50

1. The official languages ​​of the Federation are English, French, Spanish and German. English is the standard language for minutes, official correspondence and other forms of communication.

2. Each NF is responsible for its own translation.

3. English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic and Portuguese are the official languages ​​of the Congress. Translation is carried out by translators officially accredited by the Executive Committee. Delegates may address the Congress in their own language, provided that they themselves provide translation of their speech into one of the seven languages ​​mentioned above.

4. Congress has the power to abolish any of the said seven languages, provided that none of the delegates object to it.

5. Official decisions of the Congress or the Executive Committee and other communications of the general secretariat are published in each of the four official languages.

6. In case of discrepancies in translations into French, German or Spanish of the Statutes, regulations, decisions and messages of the Federation, the text in English is considered to be the control text.

IX. International competitions

Article 51

1. The organization of international competitions among the teams representing the NF is subject to approval by the Executive Committee of the Federation.

2. The organization of such competitions, the rules of which are subject to the approval of the Federation, may be entrusted to the confederations. Such rules shall contain a provision concerning disciplinary sanctions as well as deductions due to the Federation in accordance with Art. 48 of this Charter.

3. International competitions among club teams and/or teams representing leagues are subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Federation, which may delegate its duties to the confederations. Confederations must ensure that such competitions do not disrupt the national competitions of their NFs.

4. The permission of the Executive Committee of the Federation is also required for matches between national teams of confederations (such as national teams and teams of champions) and similar or club teams other confederations. Such matches cannot have the status of a competition or championship without the special permission of the Executive Committee of the Federation.

5. International matches organized between national teams of the NF must be informed to the Secretariat of the Federation as soon as the date of the match is set.

Article 52

1. Venue of the finals competition tournaments organized by the Federation is determined by the Executive Committee so that these competitions are not held twice in a row on the same continent. In addition, the elected NFs must be able to ensure that competitions are organized in accordance with the rules of the sport and the relevant financial regulations.

2. The regulations of the FIFA World Cup must provide for the transfer of a certain amount from the gross proceeds to the reserve of development programs. The method of payment and distribution of funds should also be indicated there.

Article 53

1. NFs and their clubs are not permitted to play matches or have other sporting contacts with non-FIFA NFs or clubs belonging to them without the consent of the Federation.

2. FIFA affiliated NFs and their clubs may not play teams made up of players who do not belong to a club or league affiliated to any NF.

3. National Federations are not allowed to form groups without the specific permission of the Federation.

4. Members of the Federation are not entitled to play matches in the territory of another NF without the written permission of the latter.

Article 54

1. Associations, leagues and clubs formed in the territory of an NF affiliated to FIFA are not permitted to become members of another NF without the approval of the Federation and the NF in whose territory they are formed.

2. Associations, leagues or clubs formed in a territory or country where there is no NF affiliated to FIFA shall not be allowed to become members of the NF of another country without the consent of the Federation.

X. Temporary and total exclusion

Article 55

1. NFs recognize the temporary and complete exclusion of each other.

2. This article creates obligations for the Federation.

3. However, exceptions are made for

Special regulation on transfers of players

A temporary or total exclusion imposed by an NF or a confederation on a member of a FIFA committee or sub-committee.

Article 56

An NF in dispute with a confederation of which it is a member may at any time seek the assistance of the Federation.

XI. Player Status

Article 57

1. The players of the NF member of FIFA are either amateurs or non-amateurs.

2. The definition and other provisions on the status and transfers of players are contained in a separate regulation established by the Executive Committee.

XII. Rules of the game

Article 58

1. Each member of the Federation plays football in accordance with the Laws of the Game established by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which alone has the absolute right to change them.

2. The activities of this Council are determined by special regulations.

XIII. controversy

Article 59

1. NFs, clubs and club members are not permitted to take disputes with the Federation or other federations, clubs and members to court: they agree to resolve each such dispute in an arbitration appointed by common agreement of the parties.

2. For the foregoing to be practical, NFs must include in their statutes a clause that their clubs and members are not permitted to take disputes to the courts, but are required to submit any dispute to the NF's jurisdiction or arbitration.

3. Even if the law of the country permits clubs or club members to challenge in a civil court any decisions made by sports authorities, clubs and club members must refrain from doing so until all possibilities within the sports jurisdiction of their NF or areas subordinate to it have been exhausted. . NFs are required to ensure, to the extent that they have the right to do so, that their clubs and club members comply with this obligation and are aware of the consequences of non-compliance (see paragraphs 2 and 6).

4. In case of disagreement between two or more NFs on the composition of the arbitral tribunal, the Executive Committee has the right to make a decision. This decision is final and binding on these NFs.

5. NFs, clubs and their members must strictly follow the decisions of the competent authorities in disputes in accordance with the provisions of the above paragraphs.

6. Any violation of the above provisions will result in sanctions in accordance with the FIFA List of Disciplinary Sanctions (see art. 40). Any club that violates the above conditions may be subject to suspension from all international activities (official competitions and friendly matches), in addition to a ban on all international matches (involving national federations and clubs) played in its stadium.

7. Disputes related to the transfer and admission of players are regulated in accordance with the procedure set out in Art. 34 of the Charter.

XIV. Withdrawal from the Federation

Article 60

1. An NF wishing to withdraw from the Federation must notify FIFA of its withdrawal by registered mail. Such notice shall only be recognized when the withdrawal is confirmed by another registered letter within three months of the receipt of the first. This NF continues to be considered a member of FIFA until a second letter is received.

2. An NF whose withdrawal is accepted loses its membership of FIFA and all privileges granted to it by the Federation.

3. A request for withdrawal will only be accepted if the NF has fulfilled all of its financial obligations to the Federation and its members.

XV. Exclusion of national federations

Article 61

1. An NF may be deprived of membership in the Federation:

(a) for non-payment of funds owed or otherwise owed to FIFA;

(b) for any serious violation of the Statutes and regulations of the Federation;

(c) for slandering FIFA or any NF affiliated to FIFA;

(d) for the loss of the real status of the national football federation in their country.

2. The decision to expel a NF can only be made by Congress. For the validity of such a decision, the participation in the Congress of the absolute majority of NFs belonging to FIFA, which have not lost their right to vote for any reason at the time of the Congress; the decision must be made by 3/4 of the registered votes.

XVI. Final provisions

Article 62

1. Any issues not provided for by these Statutes, or force majeure circumstances that have arisen, are considered by the Executive Committee; its decisions are final.

2. Decisions on matters of a legislative nature do not enter into force until they are approved by Congress.

Article 63

All activities of bodies and committees are based on strict observance of the Charter and regulations of the Federation.

Article 64

In the event of the dissolution of the Federation, its funds are not distributed. They are transferred to the supreme court of the country where the headquarters is located, which, in turn, invests them in especially safe securities until the restoration of the Federation.

Article 65

These Statutes were adopted by the FIFA Congress in Rome on 6 June 1990; the changes were made at the FIFA Congresses in Zurich on July 3, 1992, in Chicago on June 16, 1994 and in Zurich on July 4, 1996. It replaces the Statute of September 28-29, 1961 and comes into force in accordance with Art. eighteen.

(*) Article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code:

1. Associations whose subject matter is politics, religion, science, the arts, the public good or any other non-industrial subject shall acquire the status of a person immediately upon confirmation by means of articles of association of their intent to exist as a corporation.

2. The charter must be drawn up in writing and indicate the subject of activity, capital and organizational structure of the association.

goal area

The goal area is indicated at the end of each half of the field as follows.

From points within 5.5 m (6 yards) of inside each goalpost, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn into the depths of the field. At a distance of 5.5 m (6 yds) these lines are joined by another line parallel to the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and

the goal line is called the goal area.

penalty area

The penalty area is marked at the end of each half of the field as follows. From points 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn inland. At a distance of 16.5 m (18 yds) these lines are joined by another line parallel to the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is called the penalty area.

Inside each penalty area, a penalty mark is made 11 m (12 yds) from the point between and equidistant from the goal posts. Outside the penalty area, a circular arc with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is drawn, centered on the penalty mark.


Flags shall be set up at each corner of the field, which shall be mounted on flagpoles that do not have a pointed top tip and be at least 1.5 m (5 ft) high.

Flagpoles may also be placed at both ends of the center line, at least 1 m (1 yd) outside the sideline.

Corner sector

From each corner flag, a quarter circle with a radius of 1 m (1 yd) is drawn inside the playing field.


Goals must be placed in the center of each goal line.
They consist of two vertical posts equidistant from the corner flags and connected at the top by a horizontal bar.
The spacing between the uprights is 7.32 m (8 yds) and the distance from the bottom contour of the crossbar to the ground is 2.44 m (8 ft).
The width and height of the section of both posts and the crossbar are the same and do not exceed 12 cm (5 inches). The width of the goal line is equal to the width of the goalposts and the crossbar. Nets may be attached to the goals and the ground behind the goals, which must be securely fastened and positioned so as not to interfere with the goalkeeper.
The goalposts and crossbars must be white.


Gates must be securely fastened to the ground. The use of portable gates is allowed only if they meet this requirement.

Law 1. Field of play


The playing field has the shape of a rectangle. The touchline must be longer than the goal line.

Length: minimum 90 m (100 yds) maximum 120 m (130 yds)

Width: minimum 45 m (50 yds) maximum 90 m (100 yds)

International matches

Length: minimum 100 m (110 yds) maximum 110 m (120 yds)

Width: minimum 64 m (70 yds) maximum 75 m (80 yds)


The playing field is marked with lines. These lines are included in the area they limit.

Two long lines that limit the field of play are called side lines, two short lines are called goal lines.

The width of any of the lines does not exceed 12 cm (5 inches).

The field of play is divided into two halves with the help of the middle line.

In the middle of the center line, the center of the field is marked. A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yards) is drawn around it.

Solution 1
If the crossbar becomes deformed or broken, play stops until the crossbar is repaired or replaced. If it cannot be repaired, the match ends. The use of a rope instead of a crossbar is not allowed. If the crossbar can be repaired, the match is restarted with a dropped ball at the spot where the ball was located when play was stopped.

Solution 2
Crossbars and posts are made of wood, metal or other material permitted by the relevant standard. Their cross-section may be in the form of a square, rectangle, circle or ellipse; they must not pose a danger to the players.

Solution 3
No commercial advertising, real or virtual, is allowed on the field of play and its equipment (including the goal nets and their enclosed area) from the time teams enter the field until they leave for half-time, and from the moment they return to the field after half-time and before the end of the match. In particular, promotional material of any kind is not permitted on goals, nets, flagpoles or their flags. No third-party equipment (cameras, microphones, etc.) can be attached to these items.

Solution 4
On the ground within the technical area and at a distance of one meter from the touchline along outside the field for the game should not have any advertising. Furthermore, advertising is not allowed in the area between the goal line and the goal nets.

Solution 5
During playing time, in accordance with, but the provisions of Decision 3, on by. for the game and its equipment (including the goal nets and the space limited by them) is prohibited from creating - real or virtual - figurative logos or emblems of FIFA, confederations, national federations, leagues, clubs or other bodies.

Solution 6
Outside the field of play, at a distance of 9.15 m (10 yds) from the corner arc, at right angles to the goal lines, a mark may be made to ensure that this distance is maintained when a corner kick is taken.


Quality and parameters


has a spherical shape
made of leather or other material suitable for this purpose
has a circumference of not more than 70 cm (28 inches) and not less than 68 cm (27 inches)
weighs no more than 450 g (16 oz) and no less than 410 g (Nuncio) at the start of the match
has a pressure equal to 0.6 - 1.1 atmospheres (600 -1100 g / sq. cm) at sea level (from 8.5 psi to 15.6 psi).
Replacing a damaged ball

If the ball bursts or is damaged during play:

the game stops
play is restarted with a spare ball from a dropped ball at the place where the ball fell into disrepair.
If the ball bursts or is damaged while it is not in play - on a kick-off, goal kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick or throw-in:

the game resumes accordingly.
The ball may be changed during the game only at the direction of the referee.


Solution 1

In official competitions, only such football balls that meet the minimum technical requirements set out in the Rule.

For matches in FIFA competitions and competitions organized under the auspices of the confederations, only balls that bear one of the three following markings are allowed to be used:

Official "FIFA APPROVED" logo or

Official "FIFA INSPECTED" logo or

The words "INTERNATIONAL MATCH-BALL STANDARD" ("The ball complies with the international standard").

This marking of the ball indicates that it has been officially tested and found to meet the specific specifications that vary for each category and which are in addition to the minimum specifications in Law 2. The list of additional requirements for each of the relevant categories must be approved by the International Council. . FIFA approves the relevant ball check organizations.

National federations have the right to require that balls of any of these three markings be used during r competitions.

For all other matches, the ball must comply with the requirements of Law 2.

Solution 2

In matches of FIFA competitions and in matches of competitions organized under the auspices of confederations and national federations, do not allow any commercial advertising on balls, except for the emblem of the competition, the organizer of the competition and the approved trademark of the manufacturer. The size and number of such stamps may be limited by competition regulations.

RULE 3. Number of Players

The match is played with the participation of two teams, with the number of players in each - no more than eleven, including the goalkeeper. A match cannot start if either team has fewer than seven players.

Official competitions

In any match in an official competition organized under the auspices of FIFA, the confederations or national federations, no more than three substitutions are allowed.

The competition regulations must stipulate the number of deputies to be nominated - from three to seven, but no more.

Other matches

In other matches, substitutions may be made provided that

The respective teams reached an agreement on the maximum number of them.
the referee will be informed of this before the start of the match.
If the referee is not informed of this, or if an agreement is not reached before the start of the match, no more than three substitutions are allowed.

All matches

Before the start of any match, the names of the substitutes are presented to the referee. Substitutes not declared in this way will not be able to take part in the match.

Replacement procedure

To replace a player of the main squad with a substitute, the following conditions must be met:

Any proposed substitution must be made known to the referee.
a substitute enters the field of play only after the player being substituted has left and after receiving a signal from the referee
a substitute enters the field of play only at the center line and during a stoppage of play
The substitution ends when the substitute enters the field
from that moment on, the substitute player becomes a player of the main squad, and the replaced player ceases to be one
the substituted player takes no further part in the match
*All substitutes are subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referee, whether they take part in the game or not.
Goalkeeper substitution

Any other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that:

The referee is informed of this before the substitution.
the substitution is made at the moment the match is stopped.
Violations / penalties

If a substitute enters the field of play without the permission of the referee:

The game stops

Substitute receives warning with display yellow card, and he is asked to leave the field

The game is restarted with a dropped ball at the place where the ball was located when play was stopped.

If a player changes places with the goalkeeper without prior permission from the referee:

The game continues

When the ball next goes out of play, the respective players are cautioned with a yellow card.

For any other violation of this


Eligible players receive a yellow card warning

Resuming the game

If the game is stopped by the referee for a warning:

The game is restarted with an indirect free kick taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the ball was located when play was stopped.

Remote players of the main squad and substitutes

A player sent off before the kick-off may only be replaced by one of the named substitutes.

Substitution on the match sheet of a named substitute who has been sent off before the kick-off or after the start of the game is not allowed.

Solution International Council

Solution 1

Subject to the overriding conditions of Rule 3, National Federations have the discretion to determine the minimum number of players on a team. However, the Council considers that a match cannot continue if there are fewer than seven players on either team.

Solution 2

During the match, a team official has the right to give tactical instructions to the players, but immediately after that, he must return to his place. All officials are required to stay within the technical area, where it exists; they must behave correctly and with due responsibility.

RULE 4. Equipment of players


The player must not use such equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or to another player (including any kind of jewelry).


The mandatory elements of the player's equipment are:

Shirt or T-shirt
briefs - if underpants are used, they must be the same main color as the briefs

Completely covered leggings made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic or similar material) provide a sufficient degree of protection.


The color of each goalkeeper's clothing must distinguish him from the rest of the players, the referee and assistant referees.

Violations / penalties

For any violation of this


There is no need to stop the game
the referee asks the player concerned to leave the field of play to put his equipment in order
the player leaves the field of play when the ball is next out of play, if at that time he has not yet put his equipment in order
any player who has left the field of play at the request of the referee to put his equipment in order may not reappear on the field without the permission of the referee
before allowing a player to re-enter the field, the referee checks the player's equipment
the player may only re-enter the field of play when the ball is out of play.
A player who has been asked to leave the field of play for a violation of this Rule and who enters (or re-enters) the field of play without the permission of the referee is cautioned and shown a yellow card.

Resuming the game

If the referee stops play for a warning:

The game is restarted with an indirect free kick taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the ball was located when the match was stopped by the referee.


Powers of a judge

Each match is controlled by a referee who has full authority to enforce the Laws of the Game for the match for which he is assigned.

Rights and obligations


Enforces the Rules of the Game
supervises the match in cooperation with the assistant referees and, where applicable, with the fourth official
ensures that any balls used comply with the requirements of Rule 2
ensures that the players' equipment complies with the requirements of Law 4
maintains the timing of the game and record the match
stops, temporarily interrupts or completely stops the match at its own discretion in case of any violation of the Rules
stops, temporarily interrupts or completely stops the match in case of any outside interference
stops the match if, in his opinion, a player is seriously injured, and ensures that he leaves/carries out of bounds
if the player is, in his opinion, only slightly injured, allows play to continue until the ball is out of play
ensures that a player leaves the field in case of bleeding from a wound. The player may return to the field only on a signal from the referee, who is satisfied that the bleeding has stopped
allows play to continue when the offending team benefits from
such an advantage, and penalizes the original infringement if the intended advantage is not exercised at that time.
when a player commits more than one offense at the same time, he is penalized for the more serious offense
takes disciplinary action against players guilty of violations punishable by a warning or removal. He is not required to take such action immediately, but must do so as soon as the ball is out of play.
takes action against team officials who behave inappropriately and may, at its discretion, remove them from the field and adjacent areas
acts on the recommendation of the assistant referees in relation to incidents that he himself did not see
ensures that unauthorized persons do not appear on the field
restarts the match after it has been stopped
submits a match report to the appropriate authority, including information on any disciplinary action taken against players and/or team officials, as well as on all other incidents that occurred before, during or after the match.
Judge's decisions

The referee's decisions on facts related to the game are final.

The referee may only change a decision if he realizes it was wrong or (at his discretion) on the advice of an assistant referee, provided that he has not yet restarted play.

Decisions of the International Council

Solution 1

A referee (or, as the case may be, an assistant referee or reserve referee) cannot be held civilly liable for:

Any injury sustained by a player, official or spectator
any damage to property of any kind
any other damage to any person, club, company, association or other entity which arises or may arise as a result of any decision taken by him in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of the Game or in relation to the normal procedures necessary for the organization, conduct and management of a match.
This may include:

Decision on whether a match is acceptable due to the condition of the equipment or surrounding areas, or due to weather conditions
decision to abandon a match for any reason
decision on the condition of the equipment or inventory used during the match, including the goalposts, crossbar, corner flags and ball
a decision whether or not to stop a match due to spectator interference or any
a decision to stop play or not to stop play to allow an injured player to leave the field to be treated
a decision to ask or require an injured player to leave the field of play to be treated
decision to allow or not allow a player to wear certain items of clothing or equipment
deciding (to the extent that it may be his responsibility) to allow or not allow any persons (including team or stadium officials, security personnel, photographers or other representatives of the media) to be in close proximity to the field
any other decision that he may make in accordance with the Laws of the Game or by virtue of his obligations under the terms of the rules or regulations of FIFA, confederation, national federation or league under which the match is being played.

Solution 2
In those tournaments or competitions where a reserve judge is appointed, his role and duties must be in accordance with the instructions approved by the International Council.

Solution 3
The facts related to the game mean the score or the result of the game.

RULE 6 Assistant Referees


Two assistant referees are appointed, whose duties (depending on the decision of the referee) include signaling:

When the ball is completely out of bounds
which team is entitled to a corner kick, goal kick or throw-in
when a player may be penalized for being in an offside position
when a request is made to replace a player
about cases of unruly behavior or any other incidents occurring outside the judge's field of vision
in cases where the assistants are closer to the action than the referee when an offense is committed (this includes, in particular, offenses committed in the penalty area)
in cases where, during a penalty kick, the goalkeeper moved forward before the ball was kicked and the ball crossed the line
The referee's assistants also assist him in conducting the match in accordance with the Laws of the Game. In particular, they may enter the field to help check that the 9.15 m distance is maintained.
In case of unjustified interference or incorrect behavior, the referee releases the assistant referee from his duties and submits a report to the appropriate authority.
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RULE 7. Duration of the game

Play time

11Duration of the game - two equal halves of 45 minutes each (unless the referee and the two teams participating in the match have agreed otherwise). Any agreement to change the length of the playing time (for example, to reduce each half to 40 minutes due to insufficient lighting) must be reached before the start of the game and must comply with the rules of the competition.
Break between halves

Players are entitled to a break between two halves.
The break between halves should not exceed 15 minutes.
The competition rules must specify the duration of the half-time interval.
The duration of the break between halves can only be changed with the consent of the referee.
Added time

To the duration of any of both halves is added all the time spent on:

Replacement (replacement)evaluation of the severity of injuries of players transported injured players from the field to provide assistance deliberately delaying the time of the game for any other reason. The duration of the added time is determined only by the referee.

11 meter kick

To perform a 11-meter kick, appointed at the end of any of the halves of regular or extra time, extra time is allocated.


The competition regulations may contain a provision for two extra periods of equal duration. In these cases, the requirements of Rule 8 shall apply.

Unfinished match

An unfinished match is replayed, unless the competition rules contain a different provision.

RULE 8. Start and Resumption of Play


Before the start of the match, a draw is held, and one of the teams gets the right to choose the goal that it will attack in the first half of the match.

The opposing team takes the kickoff in the match.
The team that chose the gate by lot takes the kick-off in the second half of the match.
In the second half of the match, the teams change goals.

Kickoff is a way of starting or restarting a game:

At the start of a match after a goal has been scored
at the beginning of the second half
at the beginning of each period of extra time, if any.
A ball scored directly from the kick-off counts.

All players are in their own half of the field players of the team not awarded the kick-off are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball until the ball is in play the ball is stationary in the center the referee signals the ball is in play when it is kicked and moving forward The kicker may not touch the ball again until it has touched another player. After a goal scored by one of the teams, the kick-off is taken by a player from the other team.

Violations / penalties

If the kicker touches the ball a second time before the ball has touched another player:

An indirect free kick is awarded, which is taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.

For any other violation of the kick-off order:

The kickoff is repeated.

Drop ball

A dropped ball is a method of restarting play after a temporary stoppage which became necessary while the ball was in play for any reason not covered by the Laws of the Game.


The referee drops the ball where it was when play was stopped.

The game is restarted at the moment the ball hits the ground.

Violations / penalties

The repetition of the drawing of the "dropped ball" is carried out:
if a player touches the ball before the ball touches the ground
if the ball goes out of bounds after touching the ground, but no player touches it.
Special circumstances

A free kick, which is awarded to the defending team within its goal area, is taken from anywhere in the goal area.

An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team within the opposing team's goal area is taken from the goal area line, parallel to the goal line, at the point closest to where the infringement was committed.

A dropped ball to restart play after a temporary stoppage inside the goal area is taken on the goal area line, parallel to the goal line, at the point nearest to where the ball was when play was stopped.

RULE 9 Ball in Play and Out of Play

Ball out of play

The ball is considered out of play if: it has completely crossed the goal line or the touch line - on the ground or in the air, the game was stopped by the referee.

ball in play

At all other times the ball is in play, including when: it rebounds off the goalpost, crossbar or corner flag and remains in the field it rebounds off the referee or assistant referee who are in bounds.

RULE 10 Goal Determination

The ball is considered to have been kicked into the goal, es-1, and it has completely crossed the goal line between the posts and under the crossbar, provided that the team scoring the goal has not previously violated the Laws of the Game.

Winning Team

The team that scores more goals during the match is considered the winner. If both teams score an equal number of goals or no goals are scored, then the match ends with a draw.

Competition regulations

The rules of the competition may provide for extra time in the event that matches end in a draw, or other procedure approved by the International Council to determine the winner of the match.

RULE 11 Offside


Being offside is not in itself a foul.

A player is in an offside position if:

He is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball and the penultimate player of the opponent.

A player is not in an offside position if:

He is in his own half of the field
he is on the same line with the opponent,
in the penultimate position
he is in line with the last two players of the opposite team.

A player in an offside position is penalized for this only if, at the time the ball is touched or kicked by any of his teammates, he is, in the opinion of the referee, actively participating in the game and exactly:

interferes with the game or
interferes with playing an opponent or
takes advantage of his position.
No Violation

There is no offside offense if the player receives the ball immediately after:

Goal kick
throw-in from the sideline
corner kick.
Violations / penalties

For any offense involving an offside position, the referee awards an indirect free kick to be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the offense occurred.

RULE 12. Violations of the rules unruly behavior of players

Violations of the rules, expressed in the use of prohibited techniques and unruly behavior, are punished as follows:

Free kick

The right to take a free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following six offenses in which the referee considers his actions to be negligent, reckless or excessively physically aggressive:

Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent
tripping or attempting to trip an opponent
jump on an opponent
opponent's attack
hitting or attempting to hit an opponent with a hand
opponent's push.
The right to take a free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following four infractions:

When tackling the ball from an opponent, touches the opponent before touching the ball
delay the opponent
spit at an opponent
deliberately plays the ball with his hand
(except for the goalkeeper in his penalty area).
The free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

11 meter kick

A penalty kick is awarded for any of the above ten offenses if it is committed by a player within the penalty area of ​​his goal, regardless of where the ball is, but provided that the ball is in play.

free kick

The right to take an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the goalkeeper commits any of the following five infractions while inside his own penalty area:

Will control the ball with his hands for more than six seconds before releasing it from his hands

Touches the ball again with his hands after releasing it, but the ball does not touch any other player

touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately passed by a team-mate; "touches the ball with his hands upon receiving it directly from a throw-in taken by his team-mate.

An indirect free kick is also awarded if the player, in the opinion of the referee:

Will play dangerously
blocks the advance of the opponent
prevent the goalkeeper from releasing the ball
commits any other offense not mentioned in Law 12 above for which play is stopped for the player to be cautioned or sent off.

A free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Violations punishable by warning

A player is cautioned with a yellow card for any of the following seven offenses:

Unsportsmanlike conduct
Demonstration of disagreement (by word or gesture) with the referee's decision
Systematic violation of the Laws of the Game
Delaying the resumption of the game
Failure to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick, free kick or free kick
Leaving or returning to the field without permission from the referee
Unauthorized leaving the field without the permission of the referee.

Aggressive behavior

Violations punishable by removal

A player is sent off with a red card if he commits any of the following seven offenses:

Serious violation of the rules of the game
Aggressive behavior
Spitting at an opponent or any other person
Intentional handball that prevents an opponent from scoring a goal or deprives him of a clear goal scoring opportunity (this does not apply to a goalkeeper inside his penalty area)

Depriving an opponent advancing towards the goal of a clear goal-scoring opportunity by means of an infringement punishable by a free kick, free kick or penalty kick

Offensive, offensive or obscene language and/or gestures

Second caution during the same match

The sent-off player must leave the field with the adjacent space, including the technical area.

A red or yellow card may only be shown to a player, substitute or substituted player.

Decisions of the International Council

Solution 1

A player who commits a warning or sending off offense on or off the field of play against an opponent, teammate, referee, assistant referee or any other person shall be penalized according to the nature of the offense committed.

Solution 2

The goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball if he touches it with any part of his hand. The concept of "ball possession" includes the case when the goalkeeper intentionally taps the ball, but this concept does not include circumstances when the ball, in the opinion of the referee, accidentally rebounds from the goalkeeper - for example, after he has parried a kick.

Solution 3

Subject to the provisions of Law 12, a player may pass the ball to his goalkeeper with his head, chest or knee, etc. However, if, in the opinion of the referee, the player used an intentional trick while the ball was in play in order to circumvent a Rule, that player is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct. He receives a yellow card warning and the opposing team is entitled to a free kick from the place where the infringement occurred.

A player using an intentional trick to circumvent a Rule while taking a free kick or free kick is cautioned for unsportsmanlike conduct and shown a yellow card. The blow is repeated.

Under such circumstances, it does not matter whether the goalkeeper then touches the ball with his hands or not. The offense committed by a player is an attempt to circumvent both the letter and the spirit of Rule 12.

Solution 4

Tackling the ball from behind endangering the safety of an opponent must be penalized as a serious infringement of the rules of the game.

Solution 5

Simulation of any kind anywhere on the field, undertaken in order to deceive the referee, is penalized as an act of unsportsmanlike conduct.

Law 13 Free Kicks and Free Kicks

Types of strikes

Kicks can be free kicks or free kicks.

In both free kicks and free kicks, the ball must be stationary when the kick is taken, and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time before the ball has touched another player.

Free kick

If the ball from the free kick goes directly into the goal of the opposing team, a goal is awarded

If the ball falls directly into their own goal from a free kick, the opposing team is entitled to a corner kick.

free kick

The referee signals an indirect free kick by raising his arm above his head. He holds his hand in this position until the kick is taken and the ball touches another player or is out of play.

Hitting the ball into the goal

The ball can only be scored if, after the kick and before it enters the goal, the ball touches another player.

If the free kick goes directly into the opposing team's goal, a goal kick is awarded

If a free kick goes directly into their own goal, the opposing team is entitled to a corner kick.

Venue for free kicks and free kicks

Free kick or free kick within the penalty area

Free kick or free kick taken by the defending team:

All opposing players are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball

All players of the opposing team remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play

The ball is in play when it leaves the penalty area

A free kick, which must be taken in the goal area, is taken from any point in it.

Free kick taken by the attacking team:

All opponents are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball until it is in play, unless the players are on the line between their own goalposts"

An indirect free kick scheduled to be taken in the goal area is taken from that part of the goal area line that is parallel to the goal line, at the point closest to the place of infringement.

Free kick or free kick outside the penalty area

All opposing players are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball until it is in play"

The ball is in play when it is kicked and in motion

A free kick or free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

Violations / penalties

If, when taking a free kick or free kick, one of the opponents is closer than the allowed distance to the ball:

The blow is repeated.

If, when a free kick or free kick is taken by the defending team from their own penalty area, the ball is not put directly into play:

The blow is repeated. Free kick and free kick taken by an outfield player and not by the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches it a second time (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker intentionally plays the ball with his hand before the ball has touched another player:

If the infringement occurs within the penalty area of ​​the kicker's team, a penalty kick is awarded.

Free kick or free kick taken by the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball again (other than with his hands) before the ball has also touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to an indirect free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick if the infringement occurred outside that goalkeeper's penalty area; the kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick if the infringement occurred inside that goalkeeper's penalty area; the kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

RULE 14 Penalty Kick

A penalty kick is awarded against a team whose players have committed one of the ten free kick offenses within their own penalty area while the ball was in play. A goal scored from a 11-meter kick counts.

At the end of each of the halves of regular or extra time, the time required to complete the penalty kick is added.

Locations of the ball and players

Set to 11 meters.

Kicking player:

Properly identified.

Defending goalkeeper:

Remains on his goal line, facing the kicker, between the goalposts, until the ball is kicked.

Players other than the kicker are:

Within the field

Outside the penalty area

Behind the penalty mark

At least 9.15 m (10 yards) from the 11 meter mark.

Does not give the signal for a penalty kick to be taken until the players are in position in accordance with this Rule

Decides that the penalty kick has been taken.

Strike order:

Penalty kicker kicks ball forward

Does not touch the ball again until the ball has touched another player

The ball is in play when it is kicked and in forward motion.

When a penalty kick is taken during regular time or when time is added at the end of the first half or regular time to take or retake the penalty kick, a goal is awarded if, before hitting between the goalposts and under the crossbar:

The ball will touch one or both posts and/or the crossbar and/or the goalkeeper.

Violations / penalties

If the referee gives the signal for a penalty kick to be taken before the ball is in play, the following situations will occur:

The kicker infringes 11

Rules of the game:

If the ball does not enter the goal, the kick is not retaken.

The goalkeeper violates the Laws of the Game:

The referee allows the kick to be taken

If the ball enters the goal, a goal is scored

The kicker's partner enters the penalty area or moves in front of or within 9.15 m (10 yds) of the penalty mark:

The referee allows the kick to be taken

If the ball enters the goal, the kick is retaken

If the ball does not hit the goal, the kick is not retaken

If the ball rebounds off the goalkeeper, crossbar or goal post and is touched by that player, the referee stops play and restarts with an indirect free kick to the opposing team.

The goalkeeper's partner enters the penalty area or moves in front of or within 9.15 m (10 yds) of the penalty mark:

The referee allows the kick to be taken

If the ball enters the goal, the goal is scored

If the ball does not enter the goal, the kick is retaken.

Players of the defending and attacking teams violate

Rules of the game:

The blow is repeated.

If after a penalty kick has been taken:

The kicker touches the ball a second time (not with his hands) before the ball touches another player:

The opposing team is entitled to an indirect free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

The kicker deliberately plays the ball with his hand before the ball touches another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

A foreign object hits the ball while it is moving forward:

The blow is repeated.

The ball rebounds in the field from the goalkeeper, goal post or crossbar, and then it is touched by a foreign object or person:

The referee stops the game

The game is restarted with a dropped ball at the place where it was touched by a foreign object or person.

RULE 15. Ball Drop

Dropping the ball is the way to restart the game.

A goal scored immediately after a throw-in does not count.

Throw-in is awarded:

When the ball completely crosses the touchline - on the ground or in the air

From the place where the ball crossed the touchline

In favor of the opposing team of the player who last touched the ball.

Drop-in procedure

At the moment of throwing in the ball, the player:

Located facing the field

Part of his feet is either on the touchline or on the ground outside the touchline

Throws with both hands

Throws the ball over the head.

The player taking the throw-in may not touch the ball again before the ball has touched another player.

The ball is in play immediately after it enters the field of play

Violations / Sanctions

Throw-in taken by a field player other than the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the player taking the throw-in touches the ball again (not with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

If, after the ball is in play, the thrower deliberately handles the ball before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick from the place where the infringement occurred.

A penalty kick is awarded if the infringement occurs within the thrower's penalty area.

Throw-in taken

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball again (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick from the place where the infringement occurred.

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper intentionally plays the ball with his hand before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick if the infringement occurred outside the goalkeeper's penalty area, and the kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick if the infringement occurred within the goalkeeper's penalty area, and the kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If an opponent distracts or interferes with the player taking the throw-in by an unfair hold:

He receives a warning for unsportsmanlike conduct and is shown a yellow card.

The throw-in is taken by a player of the opposing team.

RULE 16 Goal Kick

A goal kick is a way to restart play.

A goal scored directly from a goal kick counts, but only if it is scored against the opposing team.

A goal kick is awarded when:

The ball has completely crossed the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, having last touched a player of the attacking team, but if a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

Goal kick order

The kick is taken by a player of the defending team from any point within the goal area

Opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play

The kicker may not play the ball again before the ball has touched another player

The ball is in play when it is kicked directly out of the penalty area.

Violations / penalties

If the ball has not left the penalty area after a goal kick:

The blow is repeated.

Goal kick taken by a left player other than the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker deliberately handles the ball before it touches another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If the infringement occurs within the kicker's penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded.

Goal kick taken by the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.
If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper intentionally plays the ball with his hand before the ball has touched another player:

If the infringement occurs within the goalkeeper's penalty area, the opposing team is entitled to an indirect free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

For any other violation of this Rule:

The blow is repeated.

RULE 17. Corner kick

A corner kick is a way to restart play.

A goal scored directly from a corner kick counts, but only if it is scored against the opposing team.

A corner kick is awarded when:

The ball has completely crossed the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, with the last scythe of a player of the defending team, but if a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

Corner kick order

The ball is placed inside the sector at the nearest corner flag

Corner flag stays still

Opponents are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball until it is in play

The ball is kicked by a player of the attacking team

The ball is in play when it is kicked and in motion

The kicker may not play the ball again before the ball has touched another player.

Violations / penalties

Corner kick taken by a field player other than the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball again (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to an indirect free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker intentionally plays the ball with his hand before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If the infringement occurs within the kicker's penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded.

Corner kick taken by the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to an indirect free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper intentionally plays the ball with his hand before the ball has touched another player:

If the infringement occurs outside the goalkeeper's penalty area, the opposing team is entitled to a free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If the infringement occurs within the goalkeeper's own penalty area, the opposing team is entitled to an indirect free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

For any other violation of this Rule:

The beat is repeated

The procedure for determining the winner of the match

The procedure for determining the winners of the match

Golden goal and kicks from the penalty mark are a way to determine the winning team in cases where competition rules require the winning team to be determined after a match ends in a draw.

golden goal


The first team to score a goal during extra time after the end of regular playing time is declared the winner.

If the ball is not scored, then the winner of the match is determined by taking kicks from the 11-meter mark.

Kicks from the penalty mark


The referee chooses the gate into which kicks will be taken

The referee conducts a toss, during which the team that takes the kick first is determined.

The referee registers the shots taken

Subject to the following conditions, both teams take five kicks

Kicks are taken by teams in turn

If, before both teams have taken five kicks, one of them scores more goals than the other could have scored even after five kicks have been completed, the kicks are abandoned.

If, after each team has taken five kicks, both have scored the same number of goals or scored none, the kicks continue, in the same order, until one team has scored one more goal than the other, with the same number of kicks taken.

A goalkeeper who is injured by kicks from the penalty mark and is no longer able to perform his functions may be replaced by a listed substitute, provided that his team has not used the maximum number of substitutions allowed by the rules of the competition

Except as noted above, kicks from the penalty mark may only be taken by players who were on the field at the end of the match, including possible extra time

All kicks are taken by different players and a player may only be allowed to retake after all eligible players have taken their kick.

I A player entitled to kick may change places with the goalkeeper at any time during kicks from the penalty mark.

During kicks from the penalty mark, only eligible players and referees of the match may be on the field

All players, with the exception of the kicker and the two goalkeepers, must remain inside the center circle

The goalkeeper of the team whose player is kicking must remain on the field, outside the penalty area in which the kicks are taken, at the intersection of the goal line with the boundary line of the penalty area

For kicks from the penalty mark, the relevant Laws of the Game and decisions of the International Council apply unless otherwise stated.

When a team finishes a match with a large number players than the opponent, she must reduce the number of her players to equal the opponent and inform the referee of the name and number of each of such retired players. This is the responsibility of the team captain.

Before starting the series of kicks from the penalty mark, the referee must ensure that there are an equal number of players on each team in the center circle and then they will take the kicks.

Technical area

The technical area described in Rule 3 (Decision 2) of the International Council is designated in particular when matches are played in stadiums where there are designated areas for the accommodation of technical staff and substitutes, as shown below.

Technical areas in different stadiums may differ - for example, in size or location; The following notes are provided for general guidance:

The technical area extends 1 m (1 yd) on either side of the bench area and forward to a distance of 1 m (1 yd) from the touchline

The number of persons who are allowed to take places in the technical area is determined by the rules of the competition

Persons who are allowed to be in the technical area are determined before the start of the match in accordance with the rules of the competition

Players are only allowed to give tactical instructions to one person at a time, who must return to their place immediately after that.

The coach and other team officials must remain within the technical area, except in special circumstances - for example, when the massage coach or coach doctor, with the permission of the referee, enters the playing field to assess the condition of an injured player

The coach and other persons in the technical area must behave correctly and with due responsibility.

Reserve referee

A reserve referee may be appointed by the rules of the competition to act as referee in the event that one of the three match referees is unable to continue with his duties.

Before the start of the match, the body responsible for organizing it clearly announces the course of action if the referee is unable to continue his duties: whether these duties will be taken over by the fourth referee or the first assistant referee, and the fourth referee will become the assistant referee

The fourth referee assists with any administrative duties before, during and after the match, as requested by the referee.

He is responsible for assisting in the procedure for replacing players during the match.

He, as necessary, checks the balls with which the failed ones are replaced. If a ball used in a match is to be replaced during play, he ensures that another ball is available, as directed by the referee, thereby minimizing delay in play.

He has the right to check the equipment of the substitutes before they enter the playing field. If their equipment does not comply with the Laws of the Game, he informs the referee of this.

The fourth referee assists the referee at all times. He must signal to the referee when the wrong player is cautioned because of an error in his identification, or when a player who received a second warning is not sent off, or in cases of violent behavior that is not visible to the referee and assistant referees. However, the authority to make decisions on all matters related to the game remains with the referee.

After the match, the fourth referee must submit a report to the appropriate authorities on any misconduct or other incident occurring outside the view of the referee and assistant referees. The fourth referee must notify the referee and his assistants of any report being made.

He has the right to inform the referee about the incorrect behavior of any of the persons in the technical area.


1. Distribution of clubs is made in the following order: the participant who has made the largest contribution chooses the club first. Those participants who made the same contribution - choose the club on a temporary basis (who made the contribution earlier).
2. The championship will be held in 2 rounds. The rounds are tied to a circle, not a specific number, so it doesn't matter in what order the matches are played.
3.According to the results of the 1st round of the Championship, a bracket of the 1/8 finals of the Cup is formed from the first 16 participants of the Championship.
NOTE: If one of the first 16 clubs of the Championship is unable to take part in the Cup, its place is taken by the 17th team of the Championship, etc.
Dates of the CUP (details on the dates are written in the tournament topic):
7 days are given for the 1/8 finals of the CUP;
4 days are given for the 1/4 finals of the CUP;
3 days are given for the 1/2 finals of the CUP;
The CUP FINAL must be played no later than the end date of the 2nd round of the Championship.
Pairs of participants in the 1/8 finals are formed in the following order: the club that took 1st place plays with the club that took 16th place, the club that took 2nd place plays with the club that took 15th place, etc. Two matches are played - away and home. Away goals are taken into account when determining the winner. In case of equality of indicators after two matches played, an additional match is played on the field of the one who played the first match on his field in this pair. In case of a draw, the second leg is played on the opponent's field. In this case, away balls do not count. Thus, games are held until the winner is determined, with the change of the owner of the field. The results of these matches must be reflected in the tournament topic for accounting by the admin. The winner of the first and eighth pair, the second and seventh pair, etc. plays in the 1/4 finals. The winner of the first and fourth pairs, the second and third pairs plays in the 1/2 finals. Then the Final. All stages of the Cup, as well as the final, are played by analogy with the 1/8 finals. The club playing the first match at home stands in tournament bracket above the opponent.
4. One round of the Championship will be given - days, and in total - days ( detailed dates are written in the tournament topic), that is, 1 round must be played within these terms, since the next day - the end of the first round, both technical draws (TL 0:0) and technical defeats (TL 0:3) will be recorded, depending on the situation , the presence of complaints, appeals, etc. Terms of the 2nd round and the Cup - start on the next day after the end of the first round - end on - the day of the tournament (detailed dates are also written in the tournament topic), the next day after the end of the second round, TN and TP are put down.
5. If the opponents cannot agree on the conduct of the game, but both sides received invitations to the games, and the terms of the Championship and the Cup (1st round) are coming to an end, in order to avoid getting a TN, it is necessary to contact the FTC to set a specific day and time holding the match. After that, on the forum, the admin will indicate the date and time (MSK.) of the game. An unplayed match is scheduled at the average estimated time indicated by the opponents during registration, so that the players are in an equal position. Example: it is convenient for one opponent to play from 16-00 to 20-00 Moscow time, for another from 21-00 to 24-00 Moscow time. The average estimated time of the match is 20-30 Moscow time. If one of the opponents does not appear for the match within the specified time, it is necessary to unsubscribe on the forum on this topic or in any other way notify the tournament admin about the opponent’s absence for the match, as a result of which a TP will be set (the opponent’s waiting time is up to 10 minutes from the designated time ).
Note: Please note that it is necessary to invite a specific opponent to the matches (psn nickname or club name), and not write general phrases, for example: “I'm online”, “ready to play today”, “I will be on the psn from 21-00 Moscow time. ”, “call me to play”, “I’m waiting for everyone to play”, “where are you sops”, and so on. Invitations to the matches of a specific opponent must be reflected in the TOPIC of the tournament to track the picture of what is happening by the admin. If this happens through PSN, SMS, or another way of communication, it is necessary to provide this evidence also in the topic or in a personal message to the admin. Thus, the FTC will take into consideration only the specifics for making a decision on the technical results.
6. For all disputable situations in the Championship and the Cup, participants must file motivated complaints to the FTC against the FORUM, presenting some evidence (video, screenshots, etc.) of the violations committed by the opponent. Based on the results of consideration of complaints, the FTC will issue a decision. The decision made by the FTC is final and not subject to appeal.
7. If a participant is unable to continue the Championship and the Cup for one reason or another (including disqualification), for all matches played and not played, TPs are affixed. The contribution made for participation in the Tournament, as well as the insurance fee, is not refundable. However, this retired participant can be replaced by another - a new participant during the day and in this case the results of already played games remain in force. As for making payment for participation, the new participant pays the amount that was paid by the previous participant before the start of the tournament, and also pays the insurance fee. The contribution made for participation will also be distributed among the clubs that won prizes in the Championship.
7.1. A tournament participant who does not play matches within 7 days, which is reflected in the PSN, does not notify the Tournament Admin about the reasons for his absence and does not get in touch on his own initiative, is excluded from the tournament on the 8th day. ATTENTION! In connection with this clause of the REGULATIONS, tournament participants are prohibited from removing the tournament admin from the list of friends in the PSN.


1.Championship and Cup matches are played through "ONLINE FRIENDLY MATCHES".
2. The club, which is the owner of the field, is obliged to set the following settings when creating the game:
1. Team Level< > Any - it means "ANY LEVEL OF TEAM"
2. Half lengthame< > 6 mins - it means "MATCH DURATION"
3.Controls< >Any - it means "GOVERNANCE"
4.Game Speed< > Normal - it means "SPEED OF THE GAME"
5. Squad Tupe< > online - it means "COMPONENTS"
Other changes in the settings are strictly not allowed! In case of violation of this paragraph, such a participant is awarded a forfeit defeat (TP 0:3).
3. It is not allowed to transfer and exchange clubs with other users. In case of violation of this paragraph, the participant is excluded from the tournament.
4. It is forbidden to play with schemes created by the participants themselves. (Non-standard scheme - a scheme with changed positions of the players). You can only play the standard schemes that are presented in the game. Changed player workload settings and role assignments do not apply to custom schemes.
If a participant is convicted of using a non-standard scheme, then the FTC awards such a participant a forfeit defeat (TP 0:3).
5. It is strictly forbidden to delay the time, which can include a long pass and hold the ball in your own half of the field (more than 5 minutes of playing time). This provision does not apply to the opponent's half of the field. In case of violation of this rule, the convicted user is awarded a forfeit defeat (TP 0:3).
6. If a situation arises related to poor communication with an opponent or the impossibility of connecting, the participants of this game, depending on the circle of the Championship and the Cup, at the end of it, a technical draw is put down (TN 0:0). However, if repeated (two or more times) complaints about communication with one or another opponent are received, such a participant is awarded a forfeit defeat (TP 0:3). Alternatively, it is possible to conduct a game, in the absence of a connection, lags, it is allowed, by mutual agreement, to conduct a match through a "TEAM GAME".
7. As for the situation related to the disconnection with the opponent during the match, the algorithm of actions is as follows: the match is not replayed, and the host creates the game again and the opponents play out the remaining time. Example: the score during the match is 2-1, the connection is disconnected at the 77th minute of the match, the host creates a new match and you play from the score 0-0 from the 77th minute, and at the end of the game, taking into account the score 2:1 before the break, the result is formed match. It is also necessary to note one more point related to the receipt of a red card by one of the opponents. In this case, the user of the club, the player who received a red card, is obliged, until the game continues from a certain time, by the same player to commit a violation that will entail his removal.
In case of violation by one of the participants of the match of the above situations, he is awarded a forfeit defeat (TP 0:3).
However, TP and TN can be applied under the following circumstances:
p.7.1. The host team offers to play the opponent from the 77th minute, but the opponent refuses and offers to play the match again (or refuses to finish the match at all) - the result of the TP is the visiting team;
p.7.2. The host does not offer to play from the 77th minute, and the opponent offers, but the host refuses to finish the match from the specified minute, but offers to play the match again (or refuses to finish the match at all) - TP to the host;
Clause 7.3. If both opponents forgot about this rule related to the replay of the match or made a mutual decision to play the match in its entirety and this fact is established by the FTC, these participants are awarded a FA.
Clause 7.4. In addition, a participant who refuses to finish the match, except for receiving a TP, loses the insurance fee. In case of repetition of the specified violation, the participant is excluded from the tournament.
Tournament participants must leave messages about all the above violations in the tournament topic for the decision of the FTC.
8. The player has the right to leave the match with a zero score, if more than 5 minutes have not passed since the beginning of the match. About the reasons for leaving the game, you must unsubscribe on the forum. If a player deliberately leaves a match where more than five minutes have passed, he is awarded a TP (0:3), despite the score to this minute, and this participant is excluded from the Championship and the Cup, or this participant pays a fine in the amount of 200 rubles, which will be distributed among the prize-winning places in the Championship, and this participant continues to participate in the Championship and the Cup. In the event of a repeat of the situation associated with the exit from the match, this participant is excluded from the Tournament without the right to be restored.


1st place - 25% of the prize fund;
2nd place - 20% of the prize fund;
3rd place - 15% of the prize fund;
4th place - 8% of the prize fund;
5th place - 4% of the prize fund;
6th-7th place - 3% of the prize fund;
8th-10th place - 2% of the prize fund;
CUP winner - 4% of the prize fund;
CUP finalist - 2% of the prize fund;
For the development of the resource - 10% of the prize fund.
Note: In case of equality of points between clubs, places in the standings are determined according to the following criteria:
1.results of face-to-face meetings (goal difference, goals on a foreign field);
2. the difference between goals scored and conceded in all matches;
3.number of goals scored in all matches;
4.number of goals scored in away fields in all matches;
5. in case of equality of all indicators, a GOLD MATCH is played (two home-away matches, clause 3 of the REGULATIONS applies).


Before the start of the Championship, each of the registered participants makes a contribution in the amount of 100 rubles to the internal wallet of the Tournament Admin. This measure is designed to guarantee the player's participation in the tournament until the end, that is, in case of withdrawal from the tournament, regardless of the reasons, such a player loses this fee, which will be additionally awarded to the winner of the CUP. Those participants who finish the tournament to the end receive these contributions back. Also, the insurance fee is lost if the participant receives 3 or more technical results during the tournament - TP and TN. Cash also goes as an additional bonus to the winner of the national CUP, the winner of the EUROPEAN LEAGUE and the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. In addition, the insurance fee, the mandatory fee and the additional fee are not returned to the participant if, after assigning the club, this participant refuses to play for him, regardless of the reasons given by him. At the same time, the insurance premium may be lost by the participant if clause 7.4 is violated: “In addition, the participant who refuses to finish the match, in addition to receiving a TP, loses the insurance premium. In case of repetition of the specified violation, the participant is excluded from the tournament.


Participants of the Championships, Cups, Tournaments - allowing themselves to use foul language against other participants, causing insults, as well as allowing repeated provocations, will be excluded from the tournament.
In the event of non-standard situations, including those that are not prescribed in THESE REGULATIONS AND RULES, decisions on them will be made at the discretion of the tournament organizers.
All changes and additions to the REGULATIONS and RULES do not require additional notification and informing the participants from the tournament organizers.

FIFA14 Tournament Organizing Committee


Based on Article 5 of the FIFA Statutes of October 19, 2003, the Executive Committee has issued the following Regulations with the annexes that form an integral part of them.


In this Regulation, the following terms are defined as follows:

1 Former association: the association to which the former club belongs

2 Former club: the club the player is leaving

3 New association: the association that the new club belongs to

4 New club: the club the player joins

5 Official matches: matches played within organized football, such as national championships, national cup and international club competitions, excluding friendlies and test matches.

6 Organized Football: football competitions held under the auspices of FIFA, confederations and associations, or sanctioned by them.

7 Protected Period: A period of three full seasons or three years, whichever occurs first, after the contract comes into effect if such contract was entered into before the professional player's 28th birthday, or a period of two full seasons or two years, whichever occurs first, after the entry into force of the contract if such contract was entered into after the professional player's 28th birthday.

8 Registration period: the period set by the relevant association in accordance with Art. 6.

Season 9: The period starting with the first official match of the national championship of the national league and ending with the last official match of the national championship.

10 Training compensation: Payments made in accordance with Schedule 4 to cover the costs of training young players.

11 Underage Player: A player under the age of 18.

12 Academy: an organization or independent legal entity whose main long-term goal is to provide players with long-term training while providing the necessary training facilities and infrastructure. Basically, we are talking about training centers, training centers, football schools etc.
13 Transfer Tracking System (TTS): The Transfer Tracking System (TTS) is an electronic information system whose main purpose is to simplify the process of international player transfers, as well as to improve the transparency of information and its transmission.

Note: Terms applied to individuals refer to both genders. Any term in the singular also applies to the plural, and vice versa.


Article 1 - Scope of application

1. These Regulations lay down universal and binding rules concerning the status of footballers, their eligibility to play organized football and their transfers between clubs of different associations.

2. The transfer of players between clubs of the same association is governed by specific regulations issued by the association concerned, in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 3 below, to be approved by FIFA. Such regulations shall provide rules for the settlement of disputes between clubs and players, in accordance with the principles set out in these regulations. Such regulations should also provide for a system of remuneration for clubs that invest in the training and education of young players.

3. a) The following provisions are binding at the national level and must be included in the rules of associations without any change:
Art. 2-8, 10, 11,18, 18bis, 19 and 19bis.

b) Each association must include in its regulations appropriate safeguards to protect contractual stability, while respecting the binding provisions of national laws and collective agreements. In particular, the following principles should be taken into account:

Art.13: The principle that contracts must be respected
- Art. 14: The principle that, for just cause, a contract can be terminated by either party without consequences
- Art. 15: The principle that the contract may be terminated by professional players on the basis of a sportingly justifiable reason
- Art. 16: The principle that the contract cannot be terminated during the season
- Art.17, paras. 1 and 2: The principle that in case of termination of the contract without just cause, compensation is still payable and that such compensation can be stipulated in the contract
-St. 17, paragraphs 3-5: The principle that in the event of termination of the contract without just cause, sports sanctions should be applied against the violating party.

4. These Regulations also govern the release of players for association teams, as well as the right of players to play for such teams, in accordance with the provisions of Annexes 1. These provisions are binding on all associations and clubs.


Article 2 - Status of footballers: amateur and professional players

1. Organized football players are either amateurs or professionals.

2. A professional is a player who has a written contract with the club and receives payment for his football activities in excess of the actual expenses incurred by him. All other players are considered amateurs.

Article 3 - Restoration of amateur status

1. A player registered as a professional cannot be re-registered as an amateur until at least 30 days have passed since his last match as a professional.

2. No compensation will be paid upon restoration of amateur status. If a player re-registers as a professional within 30 months of regaining his amateur status, his new club must pay training compensation in accordance with Article 20.

Article 4 - Termination of activities

1. Professionals who end their careers at the end of their contract and amateurs who cease their activities remain registered with their association. last club within 30 months.

2. This period starts on the day of the player's last appearance for his club in an official match.


Article 5 - Registration

1. In order to play in a club as a professional or an amateur, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, a player must be registered with an association. Only registered players are allowed to play organized football. By the fact of registration, the player agrees to comply with the statutes and regulations of FIFA, confederations and associations.

2. A player can only be registered with one club at a time.

3. Players may be registered with a maximum of three clubs in one season. During this period, the player is only eligible to play official matches for two clubs. As an exception to this rule, a player transferring between two clubs belonging to associations with overlapping seasons (e.g. start of the season in summer/autumn as opposed to start of the championship in winter/spring) may play official matches for a third club during the relevant season, provided that he has fully fulfilled his contractual obligations in relation to his former clubs. At the same time, the provisions regarding registration periods (Article 6) as well as the minimum duration of the contract (Article 18, par. 2) must be respected.

4. In all cases, due regard must be given to the sporting integrity of the competition. In particular, a player may not participate in official matches for more than two clubs participating in the same national championship or cup in the same season, depending on the strictness of the member associations' individual competition regulations.

Article 6 - Registration periods

1. Players may only be registered during one of the two annual registration periods set by the respective association. As an exception to this rule, a professional whose contract expired before the end of the registration period may be registered outside of that registration period. Associations are permitted to register such professionals, provided that due regard is given to the sporting integrity of the relevant competition. In the event of a termination of a contract with just cause, FIFA may take provisional measures to avoid abuse and in accordance with Article 22.

2. The first registration period starts after the end of the season and usually ends before the start of the new season. This period may not exceed twelve weeks. The second registration period usually falls in the middle of the season; it cannot exceed four weeks. The two registration periods of the season must be recorded in the transfer regulation system (MTS) at least twelve months before they come into force (Article 5.1b, paragraph 1 of Annex 3). FIFA will determine the deadlines for any association that does not report them on time.

3. Players may be registered - in accordance with the exception provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 6 - only if the club submits a properly completed application to the relevant association during the registration period.

4. The provisions regarding registration periods do not apply to competitions in which only amateurs participate. The association concerned itself shall determine for these competitions the periods during which players may register, provided that due regard is given to the sporting integrity of the competition in question.

Article 7 - Player's passport

The registering association is obliged to provide the club with which the player is registered with a player passport containing the relevant details of that player. The player's passport indicates the club(s) where the player was registered after the season during which he turned 12 years old. If the birthday falls between seasons, the player's passport will indicate the club with which he was registered during the season following his birthday.

Article 8 - Application for registration

The professional registration application must be submitted along with a copy of the player's contract. The appropriate authority, at its discretion, may take into account any amendments to the contract or additional agreements that have not been presented to it in due course.

Article 9 - International Transfer Certificate

1. Players registered with one association may only be registered with a new association after it has received from the former association an International Transfer Certificate (hereinafter: ITC) issued by the former association. MTS is issued free of charge, without any conditions or time limits. Any claim to the contrary is void. The association issuing the ITC must send a copy to FIFA. Administrative procedures for the issuance of MTS are contained in Art. 8 of Appendix 3 and in Appendix 3a of this regulation.

2. Associations do not have the right to request an MTS for a player to be eligible to participate in test matches.

3. The new association will notify in writing the association/associations of the club/clubs that educated and trained the player between the ages of 12 and 23 (Article 7 - player's passport) of the player's registration as a professional after receiving the MTS.

4. For a player who is under 12 years old, MTS is not required.

Article 10 - Leasing professionals

1. A professional may be loaned to another club on the basis of a written agreement between him and the respective clubs. Any such loan is subject to the same rules that apply to player transfers, including provisions for training compensation and the solidarity mechanism.

2. Subject to paragraph 3 of Article 5, the minimum rental period is the period of time between two registration periods.

3. A club that has accepted a player on loan is not entitled to transfer him to a third club without the written permission of the club that released the player on loan, as well as the corresponding player.

Article 11 - Unregistered Players

If a player who is not registered with an association competes for the club in any official match, that player will be considered to have competed illegally. Without prejudice to any measures necessary to remedy the sporting consequences of such performance, sanctions may also be imposed on the player and/or the club. The right to impose such sanctions is in principle vested in the association or organizer of the relevant competition.

Article 12 - Implementation of a disciplinary disqualification

Any disciplinary ban imposed on a player prior to his transfer must be recognized and enforced by the new association with which the player is registered. The former association is required to notify the new association of any sanctions in writing at the time the ITC is issued.


Article 13 - Compliance with the contract

The contract between a professional and a club can only be terminated at the expiration of the contract or by mutual agreement.

Article 14 - Termination of a contract for just cause

The contract can be terminated by either party without any consequences (payment of compensation or imposition of sports sanctions) if there is a justified reason.

Article 15 - Termination of a contract on sports grounds

An established professional who has appeared in less than ten percent of the official matches in which his club participated during the season may terminate his contract early on sporting grounds. In evaluating such cases, due consideration should be given to the circumstances of the player. The existence of sports grounds is established in each case separately. In such a case, sporting sanctions are not imposed, although compensation may be payable. A professional may terminate his contract for this reason only within 15 days after the last official match of the season for the club with which he is registered.

Article 16 - Restrictions on terminating a contract during the season

During the season, the contract cannot be terminated unilaterally.

Article 17 - Consequences of terminating a contract without just cause

In the event of termination of the contract without just cause, the following provisions apply:

1. In all cases, the offending party shall pay compensation. Subject to the provisions of Article 20 and Annex 4 regarding training compensation, and unless otherwise provided in the contract, compensation for termination of the contract is calculated taking into account the laws of the respective country, the specifics of the sport, as well as any other objective criteria. These criteria include, in particular, the remuneration and other benefits due to the player under the existing contract and / or new contract, the remainder of the existing contract term - up to a maximum of 5 years, payments and expenses covered or incurred by the former club (with amortization for the period duration of the contract) and whether the breach of contract falls within the protected period.

2. The right to receive compensation cannot be transferred to a third party. If a professional is required to pay compensation, the professional and his new club are jointly and separately responsible for making the payment. The amount may be specified in the contract or agreed by the parties.

3. In addition to the obligation to pay compensation, any player found to be in breach of contract during the protected period will also be subject to sporting sanctions. Such a sanction is a restriction on his right to play in official matches for a period of four months. In the presence of aggravating circumstances, the restriction is valid for six months. Sports sanctions come into force immediately after the player is notified of the relevant decision. Sports sanctions are suspended between the last official match of the season and the first official match of the following season, including domestic cups and international club competitions. This suspension of sports sanctions only applies if the player is a recognized member of the national team association he is entitled to represent and if that association competes in the final of an international competition during that period between the last match of the season and the first match of the following season. Unilateral breach of contract without just cause or sporting justification after the protected period does not result in sporting sanctions. However, outside the protected period, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed: for not giving notice of termination within fifteen days after the last official match of the season for the club with which the player is registered (including domestic cups). The protected period starts again when, with the renewal of the contract, the duration of the previous contract is extended.

4. In addition to the obligation to pay compensation, any club found to be in breach of contract or incited to breach of contract within a protected period will be subject to sporting sanctions. It will be presumed, unless proven otherwise, that any club signing a professional who terminated his contract without a valid reason has induced that professional to breach his contract. The club will be prohibited from registering any new players - nationally or internationally - for two registration periods.

5. Any person subject to the FIFA Statutes and FIFA Regulations (club officials, players' agents, players, etc.) acting in such a way as to induce a breach of contract between the Professional and the club in order to facilitate a player's transfer is subject to sanctions.

Article 18 - Special provisions concerning contracts between professionals and clubs

1. If an agent is involved in the discussion of the terms of the contract, he must be indicated in this contract.

2. The minimum duration of the contract is the period from the date of its entry into force until the end of the season, while the maximum is five years. Contracts of any other duration are permitted only if they comply with national law. Players under the age of 18 cannot sign professional contracts for more than three years. Any provision stipulating a longer period shall not be recognized.

3. A club intending to sign a professional must inform its current club in writing of this prior to entering into negotiations with the professional. A professional is only entitled to sign a contract with another club when his contract with the current club has expired or will expire in six months. Any violation of this provision will result in the imposition of appropriate sanctions.

4. The legal force of the contract cannot depend on the positive result of a medical examination and/or the granting of a work permit.

5. If a Professional signs more than one contract for the same period, the provisions set out in Chapter IV shall apply.


Article 18bis - Influence of third parties on clubs

1. No club shall enter into a contract that allows any other party to this contract or any third party to acquire the right to influence in labor and transfer matters its independence, policies or the performance of its teams.

2. The FIFA Disciplinary Committee may impose disciplinary sanctions on clubs that fail to comply with the obligations referred to in this article.


Article 19 - Protection of minors

1. International player transfers are only allowed if the player is over 18 years of age.

2. There are three following exceptions to this rule:

a) the player's parents move to the country where the new club is located for reasons unrelated to football;

b) the transition takes place within the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) and the player is between 16 and 18 years of age. In this case, the new club must meet the following minimum obligations:

i) he must provide the player with adequate football education and/or training to the highest national standards;

ii) he must guarantee the player higher and/or school and/or vocational education and/or training, in addition to his football training and/or preparation, which will allow the player, if he leaves professional football, to pursue a different, non-football career;

iii) he must do everything necessary to ensure that the player is properly cared for (optimal standard of living in his host family or accommodation provided by the club, the appointment of a mentor by the club, etc.);

iv) upon the registration of such a player, the club must provide the relevant association with confirmation that it complies with the above obligations;

c) the player resides within 50 km of the national border and the club of the neighboring association where the player wishes to register is also within 50 km of that border. The maximum distance between the player's place of residence and the location of the club must be 100 km. In such cases, the player must continue to live at home and the two associations concerned must clearly signify their consent.

3. The terms of this article also apply to any player who has never previously been registered with a club and is not a citizen of the country in which he wants to register for the first time.

4. Every international transfer pursuant to paragraph 2 and every first registration pursuant to paragraph 3 shall be subject to the approval of a sub-committee specially set up by the Players' Status Committee to consider the matter. An application for approval is submitted by the association that wishes to register the player. The former association is given the opportunity to state its position. Subcommittee approval must be obtained before applying for an International Transfer Certificate and/or first registration from an association. If this provision is violated, the Disciplinary Committee will impose appropriate sanctions in accordance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code. In addition to an association that has not requested subcommittee approval, sanctions may also be imposed on a former association that issued an International Transfer Certificate without subcommittee approval, as well as clubs that decide to transfer a minor player.

5. The procedures for submitting an application to the Subcommittee for the first registration and international transfer of a minor player are set out in annex 2 of these regulations.

Article 19bis - Registration and reporting by academies of underage players

1. Clubs that operate an academy with legal, financial or de facto links to the club must report all underage players to the association where the academy operates.

2. Each association must ensure that all academies with no legal, financial or de facto links to the club:

a) manages any club participating in the respective national championships. In this case, all players must be registered with a club or registered with an association in which the academy operates, or

b) report all underage players who attend the academy for the purpose of training to the association on whose territory the academy operates.

3. Each association must keep a record of all underage players (names, dates of birth) reported by clubs or academies.

4. By informing associations, academies and players undertake to conduct football activities in accordance with the FIFA Statutes, respect and promote the ethical principles of organized football.

5. In accordance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code, the Disciplinary Committee will impose sanctions in case of any violation of this provision.

6. Article 19 also applies to the filing of all underage players who are not nationals of the country in which they wish to be registered.


Article 20 - Training compensation

Training compensation is paid to the club(s) that has trained the player: (1) when the player signs his first contract as a professional and (2) each time a player transfers as a professional until the end of the season in which he turns 23. The obligation to pay training compensation arises whether the transfer occurs during or at the end of the player's contract. The provisions for training compensation are set out in Appendix 4 to these Regulations.

Article 21 - Solidarity Mechanism

If a professional transfer occurs before the expiration of his contract, any club that contributed to his education and training must receive a proportionate share of the compensation paid to his former club (solidarity contribution). The provisions concerning solidarity contributions are set out in Annex 5 to this Regulation.


Article 22 - Competence of FIFA

Without prejudice to the right of any player or club to seek redress in a civil court in employment disputes, FIFA shall have jurisdiction to hear:

a) disputes between clubs and players in connection with the maintenance of contractual stability (Art. 13-18), if there was a request for an MTS and if there is a claim from an interested party in connection with such a request for an MTS, in particular regarding its issuance, according to about sports sanctions or about compensation for breach of contract;

b) recruitment disputes between a club and a player that have an international dimension, unless an independent arbitral tribunal has been set up at national level through association and/or collective agreement to ensure that cases are dealt with fairly and that the principle of equal representation of players and clubs is respected ;

c) recruitment disputes between a club or association and a coach that are international in scope, unless there is an independent arbitral tribunal at national level to ensure that the cases are dealt with fairly;

d) disputes between clubs of different associations related to training compensation (Art. 20) and the solidarity mechanism (Art. 21);

e) disputes between clubs belonging to the same association regarding the solidarity mechanism (Art. 21), provided that the transfer of the player at the root of the dispute is between clubs belonging to different associations;

f) disputes between clubs of different associations, which do not apply to the cases provided for in paragraphs. a), d) and e).

Article 23 - Players' Status Committee

1. The Players' Status Committee resolves all disputes in accordance with paragraphs. c) and f) Art.22, as well as all other disputes arising from the application of this regulation, subject to the provisions of Art.24.

2. In the event of doubt as to the competence of the Players' Status Committee or the Dispute Resolution Chamber, the Chairman of the Players' Status Committee shall decide which body has jurisdiction.

3. The Players' Status Committee resolves a dispute in the presence of at least three members of the committee, including the chairman or his deputy, unless the nature of the case allows it to be settled by a single judge. In cases of urgency, or where no difficult factual or legal issues are raised, or when deciding on a player's provisional registration in connection with an authorization for a registration that has an international dimension, pursuant to Art. 8 of Annex 3 and Annex 3a, the chairman of the committee or a person appointed by him, who must be a member of the committee, may adjudicate the case as a single judge. During the consideration of the case, each of the parties is heard once. Decisions made by a single referee or the Players' Status Committee may be appealed to the Sports arbitration court(CAS).

Article 24 - Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC)

1. The Dispute Resolution Chamber resolves all disputes in accordance with paragraphs. a), b), d) and e) Art.22, with the exception of disputes over the issuance of MTS.

2. The Dispute Resolution Chamber shall decide all disputes in the presence of at least three of its members, including the President or his deputy, unless the nature of the case allows it to be settled by a judge of the Chamber. The members of the Chamber appoint one judge of the Chamber for clubs and one for the players from among their membership. The judge of the Chamber may decide in the following cases:

(i) all disputes where the amount claimed does not exceed CHF 100,000;

(ii) all disputes relating to the calculation of training compensation that present no factual or legal complexity or for which the Dispute Resolution Chamber already has clear and established decisions;

(iii) disputes relating to the calculation of the solidarity contribution that present no factual or legal complexity or for which the Dispute Resolution Chamber already has clear and established decisions.

The judge of the chamber is obliged to refer to the chamber all cases concerning fundamental questions. The Chamber shall be composed of an equal number of club and player representatives, except in cases which may be decided by a Chamber judge. During the consideration of the case, each of the parties is heard once. Decisions made by the Dispute Resolution Chamber or a judge of the Chamber may be appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

Article 25 - Instructions on procedural matters

1. As a general rule, the Single Judge and the Chamber Judge must decide within 30 days of receipt of a reasoned motion, and the Players' Status Committee or the Dispute Resolution Chamber within 60 days. The general rules of procedure of FIFA shall apply to the proceedings.

2. The maximum cost of a case before the Players' Status Committee, including the Single Judge, and the Dispute Resolution Chamber, including the DRC Judge, in respect of training compensation and solidarity payments, is set at CHF 25,000. and is usually paid by the losing party. The allocation of costs is explained in the decision. Litigation by the Dispute Resolution Chamber and by a Club Players Dispute Chamber judge regarding the maintenance of contractual stability, as well as employment disputes between a club and an international player, is free of charge.

3. The adjudication of disciplinary cases for breaches of these Regulations shall - unless otherwise stated in the Regulations - comply with the FIFA Disciplinary Code.

4. If there is reason to believe that any case raises disciplinary issues, then the Players' Status Committee, the Dispute Resolution Chamber, the Single Judge or the Chamber Judge (as the case may be) shall submit the file to the Disciplinary Committee, together with a request to initiate disciplinary proceedings, in accordance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code.

5. The Players' Status Committee, the Dispute Resolution Chamber, the Single Judge or the Chamber Judge (as the case may be) shall not hear any case under these Regulations if more than two years have passed since the event giving rise to the dispute. The issue of establishing such a deadline is considered by the relevant official in each case separately.

6. In making decisions, the Players' Status Committee, the Dispute Resolution Chamber, the single judge or the judge of the Chamber (as the case may be) shall apply these Regulations, taking into account all relevant agreements, laws and/or collective agreements existing at the national level, as well as taking into account the nature of the sport.

7. A detailed procedure for resolving disputes arising from the application of these regulations is set out in the FIFA General Rules of Procedure.


Article 26 - Provisional measures

1. Any case submitted to FIFA prior to the entry into force of these Regulations will be dealt with in accordance with the previous Regulations.

2. In general, all other cases will be dealt with in accordance with these Rules, except in the following cases:

a) training compensation disputes;

b) disputes over the solidarity mechanism;

All cases not covered by general rule, must be considered in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of signing the disputed contract or when the disputed facts arose.

3. FIFA member associations are required to amend their regulations in accordance with Article 1 to ensure their conformity with these Regulations and then submit them to FIFA for approval by 30 June 2007. However, all Associations are required to apply Article 1, paragraph 3(a), as from 1 July 2005.

Article 27 - Unforeseen circumstances

Issues not provided for in these Regulations, as well as force majeure circumstances, are considered by the FIFA Executive Committee, whose decisions are final.

Article 28 - Official languages

In case of any discrepancies in the interpretation of the texts of this Regulation in English, French, Spanish or German, the text in English shall be considered official.

Article 29 - Entry into force

These regulations were approved by the FIFA Executive Committee on June 7, 2010 and come into force on October 1, 2010.

On behalf of the FIFA Executive Committee

Joseph S. Blatter Jérôme Valcke
President General Secretary



Article 1 - Principles

1. Clubs are obliged to release their registered players to the national teams of the country for which the player is entitled to play, being its citizen, if he is called by the relevant Association. Any agreements between the player and the club that contradict this are prohibited.

2. The release of players under the terms of paragraph 1 of this article is mandatory for matches played on the dates specified in the agreed international match calendar and for all matches for which there is an obligation to release players based on a special decision of the FIFA Executive Committee.

3. The release of players for matches scheduled on dates that are not specified in the agreed international match calendar is not mandatory.

4. Players must also be released for the pre-match preparation period, which is set as follows:

a) for friendly matches: 48 hours

b) for qualifying matches of an international tournament:

Four days (including match day). The release period is extended to five days if the relevant match is played in a different confederation than the one where the player's club is registered

In the case of double dates (Friday - Tuesday) recorded in the agreed international match calendar, the release period must in any case be determined to be 5 days before the start of the period determined by the calendar (including Friday)

c) for international qualifying matches played on friendly match dates: 48 hours

d) for friendly matches played on dates set aside for international qualifying matches: 48 hours;

e) for the final competition of an international tournament: 14 days before the first match of the competition.

Players must report to the national team of their association no later than 48
hours before the start of the match.

5. Players of associations automatically qualified for the final competition of the FIFA World Cup or Continental A National Team Championship are exempted from friendly matches played on the dates set aside for official qualifying matches in accordance with the directives that apply to official matches played on those dates.

6. The relevant clubs and associations may agree on a longer period of release.

7. Players who have accepted their association's challenge under the terms of this article must return to duty with their clubs no later than 24 hours after the end of the match for which they have been called. This period may be extended to 48 hours if the relevant match was played in a confederation other than the one in which the player's club is registered. Clubs must be notified in writing of the player's round trip/flight schedule ten days prior to the match. Associations are obliged to ensure that players can return to their clubs in a timely manner after the match.

8. If the player does not return to his club by the deadline specified in this article, then the next time the player is called by his Association, the release period will be reduced as follows:

a) for a friendly match: up to 24 hours

b) for qualifying match: up to three days

c) for the final competition of an international tournament: up to ten days

9. In the event that an Association repeatedly breaches these provisions, the FIFA Players' Status Committee may impose appropriate sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) fines

b) shortening the release period

c) ban on calling up a player(s) for a subsequent match(s)

Article 2 - Financial provisions and insurance

1. Clubs that release a player under the provisions of this appendix are not entitled to financial compensation.

2. The calling Association shall bear the travel expenses actually incurred by the player as a result of such a call.
3. The club with which the called-up player is registered is responsible for his sickness and accident insurance coverage for the entire period of his release. Such coverage must also include any injuries sustained by the player during the international match(s) for which he was released.

Article 3 - Challenge of players

1. As a general rule, any player registered with a club must respond in the affirmative to a challenge from the Association, which he is entitled to represent on the basis of his nationality, to play on one of its national teams.

2. Associations intending to call up one of their players playing abroad must notify him in writing at least 15 days before the date of the match for which he is called up. Associations intending to call one of their players to the final competition of an international tournament must notify him in writing at least 15 days before the start of the 14-day preparation period (see Appendix 1, article 1, paragraph 4 e). At the same time, the player's club is informed about this in writing. The club must confirm the player's release within the next six days.

3. Associations applying to FIFA for assistance in granting an exemption to a football player playing abroad may do so only under the following two conditions:

a) a request to intervene was sent to the Association with which the player is registered, but was not successful

b) the case is submitted to FIFA at least five days before the day of the match for which the player is required.

Article 4 - Injured players

A player who, due to injury or illness, is unable to comply with a summons from an Association he is entitled to represent on the basis of his nationality, must, if requested by the Association, agree to undergo a medical examination by a doctor of that Association's choice. If the player wishes, such medical examination must be carried out in the territory of the association with which he is registered.

Article 5 - Restrictions on speaking

A player called up by his Association to one of its national teams shall not, unless the Association in question otherwise agrees, play for the club with which he is registered during the period for which he has been released or should have been released under the provisions of the this application. Moreover, such restriction on playing for the club is extended by five days in the event that the player, for whatever reason, is unwilling or unable to comply with the challenge.

Article 6 - Disciplinary measures

1. Violation of any of the provisions set forth in this appendix will result in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

2. If the club refuses to release the player or does not do so despite the provisions of this annex, the FIFA Players' Status Committee will require the Association to which the club belongs to declare lost by the respective club all matches (match) in which the player took part. Any points earned by that club will be forfeited. Any match played under the cup system is considered to be won by the opposing team, regardless of the score.

3. If a player is repeatedly late to report to a club after being summoned by the Association, the FIFA Players' Status Committee may, at the request of the player's club, impose additional sanctions on the player and/or his Association.



Article 1 - Principles

1. The procedure for approving an application for the first registration of a minor player in accordance with par. 3 art.19 or the international transfer of a minor player in accordance with par. 2 tbsp. 19 is carried out via SOT.

2. Unless otherwise stated in the provisions below, the approval procedure is governed by the Players' Status Committee and the Dispute Resolution Chamber. However, slight deviations are possible due to the computerization of the process.

Article 2 - Responsibility of national associations

1. All national associations must regularly, at least every three days, check the Minor module in the COT system and pay special attention to questions and requests.

2. Member associations are fully responsible for any procedural inconvenience that may result from non-compliance with paragraph 1 above.

Article 3 - Composition of subcommittees

1. Sub-committees appointed by the Players' Status Committee shall include the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Players' Status Committee and nine members.

2. As a rule, the subcommittee makes decisions with the participation of at least three members. In urgent cases, the chairman or a member designated by him may decide as a single judge.

Article 4 - Conduct during procedures

1. All parties involved in the proceedings must act in good faith.

2. All parties involved in the proceedings undertake to tell the truth to the subcommittee.

3. The Sub-Committee may use all possible means to comply with these principles of conduct. Any infractions, such as forgery of documents, for example, will be punished by the Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code.

Article 5 - Initiation of a case, filing of documents

1. An application for approval of the first registration (par. 3 article 19) or international transfer (par. 2 article 19) is entered into the COT electronic system by the relevant association. Any other applications will not be considered. Applicants will receive confirmation of receipt from COT.

2. Depending on the details of the case under consideration, the association submitting the application must also submit on a mandatory basis, together with the application, special documents from the list below to the COT system:

Proof of identity and nationality (passport) - player
- Proof of identity and citizenship (passport) - player's parents
- Birth certificate - player
- Employment contract - player
- Employment contract - player's parents
- Work permit - player
- Work permit - player's parents
- Certificate of registration at the place of residence - the player
- Certificate of registration at the place of residence - the player's parents
- Document on educational education
- Football education document
- Document on accommodation and maintenance
- Parental permission
- Distance confirmation: 50 km rule
- Consent of another association

3. If any of the required documents are not submitted, or if a translation or official confirmation has not been received in accordance with Article 7 below, the applicant will be informed accordingly through the COT. The application will only be considered if all required documents or all necessary translations and official confirmations are submitted in accordance with Article 7 below.

4. The applicant may also submit with the application any other documents that he deems necessary. The Subcommittee may at any time request additional documents from the applicant.

Article 6 - Application, no application

1. In the event of a request for approval of an international transfer, the former association will have access to all non-confidential COT documents and must make an application within seven days through the COT system.

2. The former association may also submit through COT any documents it deems relevant.

3. If the application has not been made, the subcommittee decides on the basis of the available documents.

Article 7 - Language of documents

If the document is not in any of the four official languages ​​of FIFA, the association must also provide either a translation of the document in one of the four official languages ​​of FIFA or an official confirmation of the relevant association summarizing the relevant facts in one of the four official languages ​​of FIFA. Failure to comply with the requirements set out in par. 3 art. 5 above will result in the subcommittee refusing to consider this paper.

Article 8 - Deadlines

1. Deadlines must be legally set through the COT system.

2. All applications must be entered into the COT system no later than the deadlines of the time zones of the relevant association.

Article 9 - Notification of decisions taken, legal protection

1. The parties shall be legally aware of the decisions taken by the subcommittee through the COT system. Notifications are considered completed once the decisions have been entered into the COT system. Such notice of decisions is legally binding.

2. The parties will be notified of the decision. At the same time, the parties will be informed that they have ten days from the date of notification to request in writing the grounds for the decision. The absence of such a request will entail the entry into force of the decision. If a party requests the grounds for making a decision, the parties shall be provided with a full reasoned justification in writing. The deadline for filing an appeal starts from the moment the reasoned decision is announced.



Article 1 - Application

1. The Transfer Tracking System (hereinafter referred to as TTS; see point 13 of the definitions) is designed to ensure that the specialized bodies of football have maximum information on the international transfers of players. This will improve the transparency of individual transfers, which will consequently improve the reliability and standing of the entire transfer system.

2. COT is designed to more clearly distinguish between different types of fees in connection with international player transfers. All these payments must be visible in the system, which is the only way to ensure transparency in the control of monetary transactions in relation to transfers. In addition, the system will also allow you to keep track of transfer players and thus avoid fictitious transfers, the purpose of which is money laundering.

3. COT allows for the protection of underage players. If the underage player is first registered in a country of which he is not a national or if he is the subject of an international transfer, approval must be granted by a sub-committee appointed for this purpose by the Players' Status Committee (paragraph 4, page 19). The application for approval from an association that wants to register a player and the subsequent decision procedure are carried out through the COT (Annex 2).

4. COT - an electronic system that will be used to create an electronic international transfer certificate. Within the framework of this annex (clause 5, article 2 of this annex), the corresponding procedure for issuing an MTS will completely replace the MTS on paper.

5. The use of COT is a mandatory step for all international transfers of male professional players in football; any registration of this type of players made without the use of COT will be considered invalid. In the following articles of this appendix, the term "player" will refer exclusively to male football players playing football.

6. An international transfer must be entered into the COT when a player acquires or retains the status of a professional (paragraph 2 of article 2) after the relevant transfer.

Article 2 - System

1. COT offers associations and clubs an online information system designed to guide and monitor international transfers.

2. Depending on the type of transfer, different information must be entered.

3. In the case of international transfers within the framework of paragraph 5 of Art. 1 of this appendix for which no transfer contract has been signed, the new club must enter specific information and submit, via COT, certain transfer-related documents. This information is then transmitted to the associations for the preparation of the electronic MTC (section 8 of this annex).

4. In the case of international transfers under paragraph 5 of article 1 of this annex, in connection with which a transfer contract has been signed, the clubs concerned must, regardless of one another, and after the contract has been signed, enter the information and transmit through COT some documents related to the transfer. The information submitted by each club will be analyzed and the most important points will be compared with the information entered by the other club.

5. In the cases referred to in paragraph 4 of this article, the associations, in turn, issue an electronic MTS (section 8 of this annex) only after an agreement has been reached between the clubs.

Article 3 - Users

1. All users must act in good faith.

2. All users should log in to COT regularly every day, paying special attention to requests for information and statements.

3. Users are responsible for purchasing necessary equipment to carry out their duties.

1. Clubs must enter and verify transfer instructions in the COT and, if necessary, ensure that the required information matches. This is required by sending the necessary documents through the SOT.

2. Clubs are responsible for the necessary training and know-how to carry out their duties. In this regard, they should appoint persons responsible for working with COT, who should receive appropriate training in the use of the system. COT administrators and the technical support center can, if necessary, assist them in case of problems and technical questions. In addition, Art. 5.3 of this application.

3.2 Associations

1. Associations must update information on their seasons, registrations, clubs (in particular classification for training compensation payments) and their agents. In addition, clubs are responsible for implementing the procedure for creating an electronic MTS (section 8 of this annex) and, if necessary, confirming the withdrawal of players from the association.

2. Associations are responsible for the necessary training and know-how to carry out their duties. In this regard, they should appoint persons responsible for SOT, who should receive the necessary training in the use of the system. COT administrators and the technical support center, if necessary, can assist them in case of problems or technical questions.

3.3 FIFA General Secretariat

The competent departments of the FIFA General Secretariat are responsible for:

a) the imposition of appropriate sports sanctions and the settlement of possible protests regarding violations of the regulations;

b) imposing appropriate disciplinary sanctions;

c) introduction of association disqualifications.

3.4. COT administrators

COT administrators are responsible for managing the user access process.

Article 4 - Obligations of clubs

1. Clubs must use COT for international transfers.

2. Clubs must enter transfer instructions by providing the required documents (see paragraph 1 of Article 8.2 of this Appendix) and the following mandatory information, depending on the type of instructions in question:

Standard Instruction (Lease; Release; Release without contract)
- transfer with or without payment
- a player on loan or not on loan and, if necessary, does the player return to his original club, does he join the club permanently or does the loan continue?
- the club to which the player is moving
- the association the player is joining
- final date of payment
- payment currency
- payment of compensation for the transfer through several payments or one payment
- the agent/s of the club/s (if necessary) and the amount of the commission
- player agent (if any)
- player's last name, nationality and date of birth
- start and end dates of the player's last contract
- reasons for termination of the player's last contract
- start and end dates of a new player contract
- complete information about the terms of payment for the transfer
- payment of compensation for general training
- payment schedule for the transfer and type of payment, sending club and receiving club, date of payment, total amount and complete information on the terms of payment for the transfer
- declaration of payment to a third party
- bank details (bank name or code; account number or IBAN; bank address; beneficiary)

3. Clubs must provide proof of verification of entered transfer instructions.

4. Clubs should also address the issue of granting possible exemptions in conjunction with the other relevant club.

5. The MTS request procedure (clause 1 of article 8.2 of this appendix) can only be started after the club/s agree to these conditions in accordance with the previous paragraphs of this article.

6. To declare payment made, the club making the payment must submit proof of payment through COT.

Article 5 - Obligations of associations

Associations must use COT when issuing international player transfers.

5.1. basic information

1. The start and end dates of the two registration periods and the season must be entered at least 12 months in advance. Associations may change the dates of these registration periods before they start. No date change after the start of the registration period is allowed. Registration periods must always comply with the conditions of paragraph 2 of Art. 6.

2. Clubs must enter an address, phone number, email address and training category (Annex 4 art. 4).

3. Information regarding insurance and licenses of players' agents must also be entered.

5.2. Transfer information

1. When transfer instructions are introduced, clubs must specify the name of the player concerned (Article 4, paragraph 2, of this Appendix). COT has information on many players who have taken part in FIFA competitions. If the information for the player in question is not already available in the COT, the clubs will enter it as part of the transfer instructions. This is the only opportunity to start the procedure for applying for an MTS (Clause 1, Article 8.2 of this Appendix) after checking and confirming the information about the player by the player's former club. The former association will reject the player unless the information regarding his identity is fully verified.

2. The procedure for requesting an MTS (clause 2 of article 8.2 of this appendix) must be carried out by the new association at the appropriate time.

3. The procedure for responding to an MTS request and removing a player from the register (clauses 3 and 4 of article 8.2 of this appendix) must be carried out by the former association within the appropriate time frame.

4. If the MTS is received, then the new association must enter and confirm the date of registration of the player (paragraph 1 of article 8.2 of this appendix).

5. If the request for an MTC is rejected (Article 8.2, Clause 7 of this Appendix), the new association, depending on the case, must agree or protest the refusal.

6. In the case of provisional registration (Article 8.2 para. 6 of this appendix) or in the case of a single judge allowing provisional registration after the new association protested the refusal (para. 3 p. 23), the new association must enter and confirm the information about registration.

5.3. Club preparation

In order to ensure that their member clubs are able to fulfill their obligations under this annex, the association concerned is responsible for their preparation.

Article 6 - Role of the FIFA General Secretariat

1. Upon request, the appropriate department of the FIFA General Secretariat will consider the possibility of granting exceptions and, if necessary, refer the matter to the competent legal authority, namely: as the case may be, this is the Players' Status Committee, its sole judge, the Dispute Resolution Chamber or a judge of the Dispute Resolution Chamber, with the exception of the so-called "player confirmation" cases, which must be settled by the association concerned (paragraph 1 of article 5.2 of this appendix).

2. Upon request, the relevant department will review the correctness check and, if necessary, refer the case for a decision to the competent legal authority, namely the FIFA Disciplinary Committee.

3. Within the framework of the procedures for the application of these regulations, FIFA may use any document or any evidence submitted by COT, contained in COT or that FIFA has received through COT GmbH on the basis of its investment law (paragraph 4 of article 7 of this appendix) in order to assess this issue in an appropriate manner.

4. Sports Sanctions related to COT will be introduced into COT by the relevant department.

5. Disciplinary sanctions related to the COT will be administered to the COT by the relevant department.

6. Associative sanctions related to COT will be introduced into COT by the relevant department.

Article 7 - Role of FIFA COT GmbH

1. FIFA COT GmbH is responsible for providing the system of access to COT.

2. To ensure that all associations can fulfill their obligations under this annex, FIFA GmbH is responsible for providing training and support to member associations.

3. FIFA GmbH has qualified COT administrators to carry out these duties.

4. In order to ensure that clubs and associations fulfill their obligations under this annex, FIFA GmbH will investigate cases of international transfers or first registrations of underage players to a club in a country of which he is not a national. All parties interested in the transfer or first registration of a minor player to a club in a country of which he is not a national are required to cooperate to establish the facts. In particular, they must respond within a reasonable time to requests for documents, information or other materials from third parties. In addition, the parties will provide documents, information and other materials that the parties do not have at their disposal, but are entitled to receive. Failure to comply with the requests of FIFA GmbH may result in the application of sanctions by the FIFA Disciplinary Committee.

Article 8 - Administrative procedure governing the transfer of professional players between associations

8.1. Principles

1. Any professional player registered with an association club may only play for another association's club if the former association has issued an ITC to the new association and has received it in accordance with the provisions of this annex. MTS must be issued only through SOT. Any other form of MTS will not be recognized.

2. The deadline for applying for MTS through COT is the last day of the registration period of the new association.

3. The former association issuing the MTC must also provide a copy of the player's passport (art. 7) through the COT and hand it over to the new association.

8.2 Issuance of MTC for a professional player

1. All information allowing the new association to request an MTS must be entered into the COT and verified by the club wishing to register the player during one of the registration periods set by the new association (paragraph 4 of article 4 of this appendix). When he has entered the data required in accordance with the relevant type of instruction, the new club will submit the following documents through COT:

A copy of the contract signed by the new club and professional player;
- a copy of the transfer contract signed by the new club and the old club, if applicable;
- a copy of the player's identity confirmation (passport or ID card);
- a copy of the proof of the date of birth (birth certificate);
- proof of the end date of the player's last contract.

If the document requested from the association was not drawn up in one of the four official languages ​​of UEFA (German, English, French or Spanish), it must be submitted via COT together with its translation into one of the four official languages ​​of FIFA or with the official confirmation of the association of the respective club of all the facts set out in the document in one of the four official languages ​​of FIFA. If this request is not fulfilled, the document will not be taken into account.

A professional player does not have the right to participate in an official match for a new club before his former association issues an MTS, and the new association receives it through the SOT and enters and confirms the date of registration of the player (paragraph 4 of article 5.2 of this appendix).

2. When the system indicates that a transfer instruction is pending an MTC request, the new association must immediately request, via COT, the former association to issue an MTC for a professional player (“MTC request”).

3. Upon receipt of a request for an MTC, the former association must ask the former club and the professional player for the following information: whether the contract has expired, whether it has been terminated by common agreement, or whether the two parties have not reached an agreement and dispute the provisions of the contract.

4. Within 7 days of receiving a request for an ITC, the former association must, through the COT:

a) issue the ITC to the new association and enter the date of deregistration of the player; or

b) Refuse to issue an MTC and inform the new association that an MTC cannot be issued due to the fact that the contract of the former club and the professional player has not been completed or that there is no mutual agreement on early termination of the contract.

5. Upon receipt of the MTC, the new association must acknowledge receipt and enter the appropriate information regarding the player's registration into the COT.

6. If the new association does not receive a response within 30 days of the request for an MTC, it must immediately register the professional player temporarily with his new club (“provisional registration”). The new association must enter in the COT the relevant information regarding the player's registration (paragraph 6 of article 5.2 of this appendix). Temporary registration becomes final one year after the submission of an application for an MTS. The Players' Status Committee may revoke a provisional registration if, within that year, the former association provides a valid reason why an MTC was not issued.

7. The former association will not issue an MTC if the former club and professional player dispute the terms of the contract. In this case, the professional player, the former club and/or the new club may apply to FIFA in accordance with Art. 22. FIFA will decide within 60 days either to issue an ITC or to apply possible sporting sanctions. In any case, a decision on the application of sporting sanctions must be made before the issuance of the ITC. The issuance of the MTC will not affect the right to receive compensation for termination of the contract. In exceptional cases, FIFA may take temporary measures. If the competent authority allows provisional registration (paragraph 3 of page 23), the new association will enter in the COT the relevant information regarding the player's registration (paragraph 6 of article 5.2 of this appendix).

8.3 Loan of professional players

1. The above rules also apply when a professional player is loaned by a club of an association to a club of another association.

2. When applying for the registration of a professional player on loan, the new club will provide through COT a copy of the loan contract concluded with the former club and, if possible, signed by the player (clause 1 of article 8.2 of this appendix). The terms of the rental contract must be attached to the application for an MTC.

3. After the end of the loan period, the MTS must be returned through COT - upon special request with reference to the loan instruction also provided through COT - to the association of the club that loaned the professional player.

4. Lease extensions and permanent transfers resulting from a lease must also be reported to the COT.

Article 9 - Sanctions

9.1 General

1. Any association or club that violates any provision of this appendix may be sanctioned.

2. Sanctions may be applied to any association or any club if it appears that they have entered inaccurate or erroneous data into the system or have used SOT for illegal purposes.

3. Associations and clubs are responsible for the actions and information entered into the COT by their respective responsible person.

9.2 Competence

1. The FIFA Disciplinary Committee has the power to impose sanctions in accordance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code.

2. The sanctions process may be initiated by FIFA either on its own initiative or at the request of the relevant party.

9.3 Sanctions against associations

In accordance with the FIF Disciplinary Code, associations violating this annex may be subject to the following sanctions:

- fine;

- return of the award.

9.4 Sanctions against clubs

In accordance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code, the following sanctions may be applied against clubs that violate this annex:

Reprimand or warning;
- fine;
- cancellation of match results;
- technical defeat;
- suspension from the competition;
- removal of points;
- transfer to the lower division;
- transfer ban;
- return of the award.

These sanctions may be applied singly or in combination.



Article 1 - Application

This annex governs the international transfer procedure for all players who are not listed in annex 3 of these regulations. This procedure specifically applies to amateur male soccer players, all female soccer players and all futsal players.

Article 2 - Principles

1. A player registered with an association club may only play for a club of another association if his former association has issued an ITC and if the new association has received this document in accordance with the provisions of this annex. In this regard, special forms provided by FIFA or forms with similar wording must be used.

2. The deadline for requesting an MTC is the last day of the new association's registration period.

3. The association issuing the MTC must also enclose a copy of the player's passport.

Article 3 - Issue of MTS to a professional player

1. All applications for the registration of a professional player must be submitted by the new club to the new association within one of the registration periods established by that association. All applications are accompanied by a copy of the contract between the new club and the professional players. A copy of the transfer contract signed by the new club and the old club, if necessary, must also be provided to the new association. A professional player is not eligible to play in official matches for his new club until the former association issues and the new association receives an MTS.

2. Upon receipt of the application, the new association must immediately request the former association to issue an MTC for a professional player (“MTC Request”). An association that has received from another association an unsolicited MTS is not entitled to register the relevant professional with any of its clubs.

3. Upon receipt of an MTC request, the former association must immediately ask the former club and the professional to confirm whether the professional's contract has expired, whether there is mutual agreement to terminate the contract early, or whether there is a contract dispute.

4. Within seven days of receiving an MTC request, the former association must:

a) issue an ITC to a new association, or

b) inform the new association that the MTC cannot be issued because the contract between the former club and the professional has not expired or that there is no mutual agreement to terminate it early.

5. If the new association does not receive a response to the request for an MTC within 30 days of the request being made, it will immediately register the professional with the new club on a provisional basis (“provisional registration”). The provisional registration becomes permanent one year after the request for the MTS has been made. The Players' Status Committee may revoke a provisional registration if, within this one-year period, the former association presents good reasons for failing to respond to a request for an ITC.

6. The former association shall not issue an ITC if there is a contract dispute between the former club and the professional. In this case, the professional, the old club and/or the new club may file a claim with FIFA in accordance with Art. 22. Then FIFA within 60 days will decide on the issuance of MTS and on the imposition of sports sanctions. In any case, the decision on sports sanctions is made before the issuance of the MTS. The issuance of the MTS is made with the preservation of the right to compensation for breach of contract. In exceptional circumstances, FIFA may take provisional measures.

7. The new association may grant a player a temporary eligibility until the end of the current season based on a faxed MTS. If by this time the original MTS has not been received, then the player's right to play will be considered permanent.

8. The above rules and procedures also apply to professionals who, upon transfer to a new club, acquire amateur status.

Article 4 - Issuance of an MTC for an amateur

1. Applications for the registration of an amateur player must be submitted by a new club to a new association within one of the registration periods established by that association.

2. Upon receipt of the application, the new association shall immediately send a request to the old association for the issuance of an MTC (“Request for an MTC”).

3. The former association must issue an ITC to the new association within seven days of receiving the request for an ITC.

4. If the new association does not receive a response to its request for an MTC within 30 days, it will immediately register the amateur player with the new club on a provisional basis (“Provisional Registration”). The provisional registration becomes permanent one year after the request for the MTS has been made. The Players' Status Committee may revoke a provisional registration if, within this one-year period, the former association presents good reasons for failing to respond to a request for an ITC.

5. The above rules and procedures also apply to amateurs who, upon transfer to a new club, become professionals.

Article 5 - Loan players

1. The above rules also apply to the loan of a professional from a club in one association to a club in another association.

2. The terms of the lease agreement must be attached to the request for MTS.

3. At the end of the loan period, the MTS must be returned to the Association of the club that released the player on loan, at its request.



Article 1 - Purpose

1. Player preparation and training takes place between the ages of 12 and 23. Training compensation is generally paid up to age 23 for training completed before age 21, unless it is clear that the player's training period ended before the age of 21. In this case, the compensation is due until the end of the season, during which the player turns 23, but the calculation of the amount of compensation is based on the age of 12 and up to the age when it was determined that the player actually completed training.

2. The obligation to pay compensation for training shall remain in effect all obligations to pay compensation for breach of contract.

Article 2 - Compensation for training

1. Compensation for training is payable:
i) when the player first registers as a professional, or
ii) when a Professional moves from club to club in two different associations (whether during the term of the contract or at the end of the contract) before the end of the season in which he turns 23 years old.

2. Compensation for training is not subject to payment:
i) if the former club terminates the player's contract without just cause (without prejudice to the rights of the previous clubs), or
ii) if the player moves to a category 4 club, or
iii) if the professional, upon transition, reacquires the status of an amateur.

Article 3 - Responsibility for payment of training compensation

1. When registering a player for the first time as a professional, the club with which the player is registered is responsible for paying training compensation within 30 days of registration. Compensation is due to each of the clubs with which the player was registered (according to the career details indicated in the player's passport) and which contributed to his preparation, starting from the season during which he turned 12 years old. The amount payable is calculated on a pro rata basis depending on the training period the player has spent at each club. In the case of subsequent transfers of a professional, training compensation will only be due to his former club, for the time that he actually trained at that club.

2. In both of the above cases, the deadline for payment of training compensation is 30 days from the registration of the professional with the new association.
3. If a link cannot be established between a professional and any of the clubs that trained him, or if these clubs do not declare themselves within 18 months of the player’s first registration as a professional, then compensation for training must be paid to the association(s) of the country(s). ), where the professional was trained. This compensation is intended to finance youth football development programs in the respective association(s).

Article 4 - Training costs

1. In order to calculate the amount of compensation required to cover the costs of training and education, associations are instructed to classify their clubs into a maximum of four categories, depending on the clubs' financial investment in player training. Training costs are determined for each category separately and correspond to the amount needed to train one player for one year, multiplied by the average “player ratio”, which is the ratio between the number of players that need to be trained in order to graduate one professional.

2. The preparation costs determined by the confederations separately for each category of clubs, as well as the classification of clubs within each association, are published on the FIFA website ( They are adjusted at the end of each calendar year. Associations must constantly update the information on the training categories of their clubs in the transfer tracking system (TTS) (clause 2, article 5.1 of Appendix 3).

Article 5 - Calculation of training compensation

1. As a general rule, in order to calculate the training compensation due to the player's former club(s), it is necessary to take into account the costs that would have been incurred by the new club if it had trained the player itself.

2. Accordingly, when a player first registers as a professional, the amount of training compensation due is calculated as follows: the new club's training costs are multiplied by the number of years of training in principle, from the season the player turned 12 to the season when he turns 21. For subsequent transfers, the amount of training compensation is calculated by taking the new club's training costs multiplied by the number of years of training at the old club.

3. To ensure that training compensation for the youngest players is not set at an unreasonably high level, player training costs during seasons when a player is between 12 and 15 years old (i.e. four seasons) are based on training costs and training in clubs of the 4th category. However, this exception does not apply if the event giving the right to training compensation (see par. 1, art. 2, Appendix 4) occurs before the end of the season during which the player turns 18 years old.
4. The Dispute Resolution Chamber may consider disputes relating to the amount of training compensation due and adjust the amount if it is clearly disproportionate in the circumstances of the case.

Article 6 - EU/EEA specific provisions

1. In the case of players transferring from one association to another within the EU/EEA, the amount of training compensation due is determined on the basis of the following:

a) If a player moves from a club of a lower category to a club of a higher category, the calculation is based on the average of the preparation costs of both clubs.

b) If a player moves from a club of a higher category to a club of a lower category, then the calculation is based on the preparation costs of the club of the lower category.

2. In the EU/EEA territory, the final training season may take place before the season in which the player turns 21 if it is determined that the player has completed his training before that time.

3. If the former club does not offer the player a contract, no training compensation is due unless the former club can justify that it is entitled to such compensation. The former club must offer the player a written contract by registered mail at least 60 days before the expiration of his current contract. In addition, such an offer should be at least equivalent to the current contract. This provision does not affect the rights to compensation for the training of the player's previous club(s).

Article 7 - Disciplinary measures

The FIFA Disciplinary Committee has the right to impose disciplinary sanctions on those clubs or players who do not comply with the obligations specified in this appendix.



Article 1 - Solidarity contribution

If a Professional transfers during the term of his contract, then 5% of any compensation other than training compensation paid to his former club will be deducted from the total of that compensation and distributed by the new club as a solidarity contribution to the clubs involved in his training and training throughout the years of training and education. This solidarity contribution reflects the number of years (if less than a year, it is calculated pro rata) during which he was registered with the relevant club (clubs) between the seasons when he was 12 and 23 years old, namely:

12th birthday season: 5% (i.e. 0.25% of total compensation)
. 13th birthday season: 5% (i.e. 0.25% of total compensation)
. 14th birthday season: 5% (i.e. 0.25% of total compensation)
. 15th birthday season: 5% (i.e. 0.25% of total compensation)
. 16th birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)
. 17th birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)
. 18th birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)
. 19th birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)
. 20th birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)
. 21st birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)
. 22nd birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)
. 23rd birthday season: 10% (i.e. 0.5% of total compensation)

Article 2 - Payment procedure

1. The new club shall pay the solidarity contribution to the clubs (clubs) that prepared the player in accordance with the provisions set out above no later than 30 days after the registration of the player or, in the case of multiple payments, within 30 days after the date of such payments.

2. The new club is responsible for calculating the amount of the solidarity contribution and its distribution depending on the player's career as reflected in his passport. If necessary, the player must assist the new club in the performance of this duty.

3. If a connection between a professional and any of the clubs that trained him cannot be established within 18 months after his transfer, then the solidarity contribution is paid to the association (associations) of the country (or countries) where the professional was trained. The solidarity contribution is intended for the youth football development programs of the respective association(s).

4. The Disciplinary Committee has the right to impose disciplinary sanctions on clubs that do not comply with the obligations set out in this appendix.

Information from the official website of the RFU