Get yourself in order: simple exercises for a flexible and elastic body. Beauty will save Izhstal: what it's like to be a girl from a support group

Cheerleaders told Komsomolskaya Pravda if they meet hockey players and why it is forbidden to wear black to the game

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The popularity of the Izhevsk hockey club is growing exponentially - proof of this - almost a kilometer-long queues at the box office of Ledovoy, a record number of articles with keyword"Izhstal", and of course, high-scoring matches in which the steelworkers do not leave opponents a chance. Despite the intrigue that fills the hall until the end of the game, the attention of the fans is not always focused on the throws and hits of the club. The sharp, filigree movement of 12 excited girls from the cheerleading squad is definitely another beauty of hockey. Their task is to create a festive atmosphere. And nothing else is known about them. And where there are secrets, there are myths. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" learned how Izhevsk cheerleaders live and why it's cool to be in their ranks.

Myth #1. All cheerleaders are former athletes

Cheerleading is a sport that combines show elements with dancing, gymnastics and acrobatics. It originated in the United States and then, decades ago, looked different than it does now. Firstly, only men were involved in cheerleading. They stood on the field, chanted the name of their team, shouted out various slogans - in a word, they cheered for the team and called others. Somehow, one daredevil jumped spectacularly during a match, and everyone liked this accident so much that from now on all cheerleaders decided to include such elements in their program. Ladies came to the sport later - in the 1970s, one American cheerleading group, consisting of female dancers, first showed truly choreographic numbers. Since then, dancing has been the main genre of cheerleading. Therefore, there is a widespread belief that only former dancers become cheerleaders.

What we do is rather called cheer-dance, because we do not have traumatic pyramids and acrobatic elements, we place great emphasis on choreography, synchronism and plasticity. And we don’t compete with anyone, we just support the team, - says Anya Sorochkina.

Anya is an experienced cheerleader - for 6 years she has been on the podiums of the ice palace to cheer for the steelworkers. The white-toothed blonde, about 170 cm tall, acquired a chiseled figure long before joining the team - from the age of 5, Anya began to study choreography, and in student years passed the selection to the national team of UdSU in fitness aerobics, where she received the title of Candidate Master of Sports. There she met another member of the support group - also Anya, who offered to try herself in the cheerleading team. Despite the lack of vacancies, the girl was taken.

There are many like Anya in the support group - almost all cheerleading girls in the past went in for either sports or dancing. And this is understandable - to become part of the team, you need to go through a serious casting. The girls' coach Elena Nikolaevna is an attentive mentor who weeds out unsuitable shots for one or two.

I graduated from art school No. 12 in the direction of "choreography", I was engaged in a modern dance ensemble. In the support group since 2011, Lena Semushina recalls. - When the selection took place, I was asked to make a wheel, sit on the splits and show other acrobatic elements. Cheerleaders - former athletes or dancers - yes, this is true, not a myth. At the same time, the forms (90-60-90) do not matter, the only requirement is a pleasant appearance.

Myth #2. It is very easy to wave pom-poms

Girls from the support group of the Izhstal hockey club train twice a week in the Ice Palace figure skating hall - for 2.5 hours, as a rule, after work or study (most of the girls are students, but there are also working ladies. Their work does not have attitude to dancing - one, for example, works in a real estate agency, the other - at a factory). They have six costumes and over 100 dance miniatures in their arsenal. Training is not only physical training. Participants also learn dance elements, repeat "learned material" or decide organizational issues, in case they are preparing to perform at other events.

The pompoms we wave make our hands hurt terribly. During the match, you don’t notice fatigue, because you are at such an emotional peak, adrenaline is going through the roof, - says Lena. - You give 100%. Some cheerleaders in the hall look at us and light up: two stomps, three slaps, I want to dance the same way. And they think that it is enough to be able to dance at least a little - and you are in the support group. They come to the casting, they are asked to show a small dance, but they cannot even perform simple elements.

Pom-poms, or affectionately - donuts, about which Lena speaks, are such fluffy little things that are held in the hands of cheerleaders. There is another name for them, borrowed from English. To our ears, it sounds pretty funny - pipedasters. This was originally called a brush, a brush for cleaning dust, and now - pompons of members of the support group.

It will be physically difficult for a person who has never danced to defend three periods. We are so energized that during each break we go to the locker room tired and sweaty, - Anya supports her colleague. - And when ours win! What a drive! I squeal with delight every time!

Myth 3. Cheerleaders are very cold.

The third myth, which Anya and Lena intend to debunk, flows smoothly from the second. Girls admit that the most common question they hear during performances is: “Are you cold there?”

No, we are not cold! We are very hot! Sometimes such a parezh is standing like hedgehogs in the fog dancing, - the girls laugh.

Myth number 4. Cheerleaders don't understand sports

Cheerleading, the girls admit, is not just a hobby - it's a part of life. Starting to dance in a cheerleading group, they are reluctantly drawn into the gameplay. There has long been such an amusing custom in the team - every season, girls choose one player as an object of observation and cheer for him. Everything is like in childhood - looking at book illustrations, having met a handsome prince, you shout: “Chur, mine !!!”

This season, I'm worried about Andrey Alekseev (forward of HC Izhstal), - says Anya.

And I am for Alexander Chernikov (forward), - Lena smiles. - Last season my favorite was Anton Kochurov.

And who, who else? - I do not let up.

Other girls chose Andrey Ivanov, Timur Shingarev. What if someone gets offended? All our players are very good! By the way, girls never argue among themselves who to root for - it's such a game.

Myth number 5. All cheerleaders meet athletes

AT hockey team"Izhstal" - 31 people, 22 of which are players of the main team, the rest are reserve. Girls from the support group rarely see athletes - as a rule, their training grounds do not intersect. They greet, communicate, but no more.

The locker room is a holy place, we never went there. But before the New Year, this taboo was broken - we were invited to the locker room for congratulations. The speech was started by team captain Anton Kochurov. We were worried, he was also worried, - Lena and Anya recall.

Are relationships banned or not? I don't calm down.

There is no such strict prohibition. We have a girl who came to the support group after her boyfriend. He then advocated youth team, but now he went into the army, - says Lena.

Do they write messages in contact? Are you invited for a date?

They write, they write, - Lena surrenders. - But who exactly, I will not say. Usually beginners start writing, who believe that the girls from the support group will instantly agree to a meeting. But, I repeat, we only communicate and nothing more. By the way, the girls of the players look at us unkindly, probably because they see us as their rivals.

There is an opinion that spectators come to watch the game and do not pay attention to the girls dancing during the break. Like, the main thing is the game, and the rest is for fun. But everything is not so simple. Fans often write to girls in social networks come up to thank after the match, take autographs, give flowers, leave notes.

Much has changed after Izhstal entered the playoffs. We are now recognized even on the streets. Once, on the day of the game, I was passing by a stop and, a male stranger, noticing me, asked with a smile: “Are you already going to Ice?” And one day she passed by a group of young people, and they joked a little and said: “Izhstal is a champion!” Anya smiles.

Lena is a long-haired blonde with pearl-white teeth and works as an occupational safety engineer at a factory. She admits that now interest in her person has grown significantly - those who did not know that Lena was performing at Ledovoye are asking: “Are you really dancing in a support group?”

Myth number 6. For the sake of popularity, cheerleaders are ready for anything

It is common to think that cheerleaders are arrogant and selfish, and their teams are like pits with snakes. In fact, girls with great ambitions and a bad character are not accepted as dancers.

We had one girl who constantly quarreled with everyone, - says Lena. - She had such a character - tough, domineering, somewhat scandalous. She scolded those who do not remember movements well. How else? We will never get a slow-witted girl who cannot remember the dance sequence. Need not only endurance, but also a good memory.

Unlike professional sports Cheerleading doesn't make a lot of money. Although the clubs pay the girls a salary, it is rather purely symbolic, and you can’t make a career here. Even new costumes girls have to wait for several months. The “shelf life” of a member for a support group is very limited - at this moment the youngest is 18, the oldest is 26. Those who come from rhythmic gymnastics, often do not maintain the rhythm for a long time - due to past injuries, the back hurts, the knees fail.

We had one girl removed from the performance due to the fact that she broke two fingers - index and middle, and could not hold the pompom, - Lena recalls.

And I once during the match very strongly pulled the back of the thigh. Recovered for several months - adds Anya.

Myth number 7. Cheerleaders have their own signs

It's no secret that athletes are very superstitious people. Everyone has their own fetish - some do not shave before matches, others refuse to have sex, others do not give interviews. Lots of examples. It turns out that cheerleaders have their own signs.

We never wear black. It is forbidden! No skirts, no blouses, not even socks! Because several times in a row, when we went out in black suits, Izhstal lost. The guys joked later - it was because of you that we lost! the girls laugh. - By the way, an interesting point - now, during the playoffs, we noticed that the players do not communicate with their opponent. If earlier there were friendly handshakes and conversations with former colleagues, now at the end of the match everyone just disperses to the locker rooms.


1. What would you like to change in your work?

It would be nice to put a coffee machine in the dressing room and pay for the solarium. Beauty does not require sacrifice - it requires money.

2. Is it hard to smile all the time?

We are used to! Even when we are photographed from behind, we smile!

3. How often do you travel with the team to games in other cities?

We went only once to Neftekamsk for the Izhstal-Toros match. Then we were invited to take part in a dance battle with the Neftekamsk support group. And not only ours, but also Toros' fans noted that we "made" our rivals. Very nice.

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SEASON 2013-2014

Elena Denisova

Cheerleader and choreographer since its inception

Anna Sorochkina (Miss Cheerleader Charm)

Member of the support team since 2009.

Graduated from the Ural State University with a degree in Vocational Education: Informatics, Computing and Computer Technologies. Candidate for master of sports in fitness aerobics, multiple winner, prize-winner and finalist of the competitions of the Ural Federal District, Volga Federal District and Russia in fitness aerobics.
Miss HC "Izhstal" season 2011-2012, finalist of the "Miss VHL" contest
Interests: FIG, FISAF, mate, photography, good films, books and music, travel, foreign languages, self-improvement.
A support group is more than just cute girls dancing a certain set of movements. This is a close friendship within the team, joy for the team, for victories and disappointment in defeats, meeting interesting people, various performances with and without adventures.
Hockey attracts with its dynamics, interesting and dangerous moments, entertainment and top-level athletes.

I love our team and with all my heart I wish her a worthy season!

Denisova Julia (brain and engine of the support group)

Member of the support group since 2008.

She graduated from the Faculty of Geography and the Faculty of Professional Foreign Languages ​​of UdGU. Candidate Master of Sports in fitness aerobics.

I learned about hockey when I came to the casting in the support group, since then I can’t imagine life without this most beautiful and dynamic game. In hockey players I appreciate skill and purposefulness. For 5 years Ice Palace became my second home, and the girls from the support group became close friends.

In addition to hockey, I passionately love the sky and airplanes. I like high-quality melodious music and open people.

Forward Izhstal! We can do this!

Lozhkina Lilia (the most incendiary spark)

Member of the support team since 2010.

I study in Udga, majoring in World Economics, 4th year - a little more and a specialist! Bicycle man, I like to have a lot of things to do, and to do everything everywhere! I'm active healthy lifestyle life. Hobbies: dancing, cycling, tennis, KVN, drawing, mountain skiing.

Favorite dope: coffee and chocolate.
I dance always and everywhere. I love the support group. Before joining the support group, I had no idea that hockey could make me feel so many emotions. At the end of each match, regardless of the result, I feel proud of my team, moreover, I feel like a part of it!!!

Gulakova Anya (Miss most beautiful legs)

Member of the support group since 2009.

She graduated from the Institute of Economics and Management of the Ural State University with a degree in Mathematical Methods in economics". Now I work in the banking sector.
I can't imagine my life without dancing. I graduated from the choreographic department of the Children's Art School No. 12, I continue to dance there in the Anima modern dance ensemble. At the university, she played for the UDGU fitness aerobics team (CMS in fitness aerobics). Hobbies: fitness, gym, a bike.

In the support group of HC Izhstal for the 5th season. A support group for me is a pleasant communication with friends, a boost of energy from a wonderful game, and an opportunity to realize oneself creatively.

Semushina Elena (smart blonde cheerleader)

I graduated from the magistracy of IzhGTU in the direction of "Technospheric safety", I work in my specialty. I graduated from the choreographic department of the Children's Art School No. 12, I continue to dance there in the modern dance ensemble " A nima".

Reading Tarantino movie monologues by heart, 70s rock crazy. My dream is to breed horses and fly to Mars. I cook the most delicious risotto in the world.

Sweets, hockey and socializing make my life a lot more enjoyable.

Maksimova Alexandra (the most romantic)

Member of the support team since 2013.

I study at IzhGTU, Faculty of Instrumentation. I have been dancing since the age of 5. Now I'm dancing in the Variety Dance Studio "Crystal". I have been a professional cheerleader for 6 years.
I'm new to the support group. A friend called me and I decided to give it a try. And I really liked it. On hockey, you are charged with energy and emotions, both from the game, from the team and from the fans.

Suntsova Evgenia (the most patient)

Member of the support team since 2012.

I study in Udga, I have been professionally engaged in variety dancing since the age of 5. I also do athletics.
I'm new to the support group, but I really like it!
On hockey, you are charged with energy and emotions, and you try to convey this to the team and fans.

It's time to get out of the festive state, full of feasts with delicious dishes. In addition, it is better to start preparing yourself for the beach season not in one month! The head and members of the support group of the Izhstal hockey club demonstrated a master class on creating perfect body especially for Woman's Day readers

Thin waist

Taking a position

Stand up straight. Hands - on the waist, legs - shoulder width apart.

Doing the exercise

On the exhale - lean to the right, on the inhale - take starting position. On the exhale - lean to the left, on the inhale - take the starting position.

Exercise duration

Start with 3 minutes. Professionals perform the exercise for 5 minutes or more. The result can be fixed by the usual gymnastic hoop: It is enough to twist it for 20-30 minutes a day.

flat tummy

Taking a position

Lie on your back and relax. Put your hands along the body.

Doing the exercise

As you exhale, raise both straight legs. As you inhale, slowly lower. During the exercise, the shoulders and tailbone should remain on the floor. Breathing should not go astray.

Exercise duration

Ideally - 108 times, but it's better to start small.

Hardy hands

Taking a position

Get on your knees, lean on straight arms, raise your legs.

Doing the exercise

As you exhale, bend your elbows (elbows should “look” up). Get down as low as you can. On an inhale, straighten your arms. You can spread your elbows to the sides, then the pectoral muscle will be more involved.

Exercise duration

Cheerleaders do push-ups in descending order: 10 times - a short rest, then 9 times - rest again, etc. You can take a smaller number of times and each time - add the load.

Tight buttocks

Taking a position

Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart. Hands lie freely along the body or removed behind the head, shoulders are relaxed.

Doing the exercise

As you exhale, lift your buttocks and stay in this position for three seconds. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. But do not lie down completely: leave a small distance to the floor to get additional stress on the press.

Exercise duration

Slim thighs (front)

Taking a position

Lie on your back. Bend one leg at the knee, straighten the other and lower it to the floor. Raise yourself on the elbow joints (shoulders should not touch the ears!).

Doing the exercise

As you exhale, raise your straight leg up. The toe should point up and the leg should remain straight. As you inhale, slowly lower your leg, but do not put it on the floor, leave a small distance.

Exercise duration

Start with 20-25 reps per leg. When you get used to it and start to increase the load, you can add circular motions on the exhale.

Slim hips (inside)

Taking a position

Lie on your back, put your hands freely along the body.

Doing the exercise

As you inhale, lift your straight legs up. As you exhale, slowly spread your legs to the sides (as far as the stretch allows). Stretch your toes so your knees don't bend. Next, while inhaling, bring your legs together, but so that there is a distance between them.

Exercise duration

Start with 30 seconds - 1 minute. Professionals perform the exercise for 3 minutes.