Planning training periods to improve speed. Bench press for strength. What is good for natural

Today we will pay attention to well-known techniques that will allow you to quickly develop strength in the bench press exercise. This is a favorite exercise of the predominant number of athletes involved in the gym, largely due to its complex effect on the muscles. The following bench press techniques can be extended to other exercises, their goal is to develop muscle strength and speed.

For the convenience and safety of the athlete, it is better to bench press in a power rack. The supports of this “box” will allow you to limit the movement as much as necessary, in extreme cases, you need to acquire the services of an insurer. In 2-4 sets, you need to perform 2-5 repetitions, the working weight is selected so that it is enough for just such a number of bench presses. With large weights, the bar is allowed to beat off the frame.

Partial Bench Press


This method is nothing more than single repetitions. Hang about 95 percent of the maximum weight on the bar and do 3-4 approaches with it once. Before this, you need to warm up using small weights. It is also important here not to apply maximum effort, and not to confuse these movements with penetration. Weights are only approaching the maximum mark, but by no means are they. After such a workout, the involved muscles need to endure a recovery period of about a week.

Bench press. Singles

Negative presses

Let's just say that this exercise is not easy, but effective. The increased work of the muscle with negative acceleration will help to gain strength during overcoming work. This is the main specificity of negative presses. Thanks to them, it is possible to load the ligaments and muscles more with the same amplitude, as in traditional bench presses. The execution technique is presented as follows. Each athlete has his own score maximum weight while pressing the bar. So, we add 5-10 percent to it and install it on the projectile.

With the help of a partner, the bar is released from the racks and lowered as slowly as possible. There should be no acceleration in the movements of the bar, the main thing is to learn to resist the force of gravity during the movement of the bar. When the bar touches the chest, most likely, there will not be enough strength to carry out the lift. This is where an insurer partner comes in handy. Thus, the negative press is performed three times per workout. It is not recommended to do it more than once every 8 days due to the high risk of injury or overtraining.

Negative bench press girl

Explosion of power

The use of explosive technique when performing a bench press is more likely to be observed in weightlifters deprived of excessive muscles. They pull such weights that it is incomprehensible to the mind, it is not clear where they get such strength from. This is achieved due to the developed speed qualities. Therefore, if you want to increase weight, then be sure to include speed exercises in your workout list. It is not difficult at all, the principle is as follows. Hang 50-60 percent of your maximum weight on the bar and do several sets of three repetitions each. The rest between them is short, only one minute. But there is one nuance, in these movements the main thing is speed. With each repetition, lifting and lowering are done faster and faster. The bar should be thrown up to the ceiling. Before exercising for speed, do not forget about the warm-up, so as not to harm the ligaments.

Explosive Strength Exercises

Barbell Hold (Statistical)

10-20 percent is added to the maximum weight, by joint efforts with the insurer they are removed from the racks and held for 5-10 seconds on outstretched arms. In order not to attract third-party hands, this movement is conveniently performed in a power rack. Then a short rest for 5 minutes and the next repetition. The number of repetitions in one workout is 4-5 times.

All special exercises presented above are aimed at accustoming the muscles to work with large weights. At the same time, the concept of lost reserves does not lose its relevance. Keep in mind the need to develop the power-speed performance of the muscles. This will teach the brain to use an extremely large number of muscle fibers as soon as possible.

These exercises are also aimed at increasing speed. To complete them, you need to have two benches. right side we focus the bodies on the right bench, the left on the left bench. We accept the usual emphasis lying down and go down as deep as possible. From this starting position, with a sharp jerk, we push the body up onto outstretched arms. Then we go down and again we make a jerk. Movements should be focused on stretching and a sharp contraction of the pectoral muscles. Here is such an exercise.

Speed ​​in the traditional press

In addition to speed exercises, athletes need to observe the speed of movements when working on traditional bench presses. Attention must be paid to both lifting the bar and lowering it. The faster the bar descends from the top point to the chest, the less force is spent on resistance with the force of attraction. Saved energy is more appropriate to spend on the next climb.

Practicing sharp lowerings, pectoral muscles and the ligaments are also dramatically stretched and contribute to an increase in the barrier to the previously mentioned receptors. Accordingly, when squeezing the barbell, you significantly increase in strength. Try to put maximum resources into the squeeze to literally throw the projectile away from you. Thus, the brain is trained to include a large number of muscle fibers.

Bench speed training

The exercises presented above provide an opportunity to diversify your previous training process and make it more effective along with the usual approach method, which uses a fixed number of repetitions. However, keep in mind that singles and negative reps need to be used wisely.

Ideal technique. Often I have heard these words spoken to me! Watching the best benchers at the most prestigious tournaments, it's easy to see the basic rules that champions follow.

1. Speed, speed and again speed.
2. The maximum possible deflection in the back.
3.Maximum use of the legs.

Drop fast

The palm here is held by the ability of the athlete to quickly make a movement. I will not bore you with formulas from a school physics course and tired thoughts that maximum strength muscles exhibit at maximum speed.

I will dwell on such an interesting moment as lowering the barbell to the chest. If they try to raise everything from the chest upwards as quickly as possible, then many underestimate the influence of the lowering phase on the result. And in vain! It is also necessary to lower the weight to the chest as quickly as possible! A little hesitant, you immediately lose a lot of strength, so necessary when lifting.

Take a look at the stars of the Russian bench press. Most of them lower the bar very quickly. In my opinion, Muscovite Alexander Dunaev was especially successful in this. His downward movement is so fast that it may seem as if after the referee’s command: “Start!” Sasha disconnects his muscles and the bar just falls on his chest, meeting only the resistance of the bench shirt. And look at the legendary Yuri Khuazhev. It’s not enough that he himself removes the bar from the racks without help (!), He still manages to press in an ordinary “blast”.

In general, if you want to press a lot, press quickly. And try to keep the speed at the limit throughout the range of motion, not forgetting that lowering is just as important as lifting.

Light bench press workouts, or moderate intensity workouts carried out between heavy presses, help to acquire the reflex to press quickly. It is very difficult to increase speed during heavy presses, but light weights To "drive" faster from training to training is quite within the power of everyone. A technically perfected correct fast movement, performed on "children's" weights, will sooner or later lead to shifts in the competitive movement with a barbell of maximum weight.

Let them push you

An elementary trick can help increase the speed when benching. Ask your partner during the training, in addition to the usual set of words used to cheer you up, also constantly remind you of speed. Perhaps even a noticeable emphasis on the fast movements of the bar. "Faster, faster, even faster!" - these words sometimes become magical. An athlete who performs an exercise and hears others urge him on will actually increase his speed significantly.

Many athletes have a so-called “dead spot” during movement, when the bar “gets stuck” in a certain place. The most common techniques that athletes and their coaches try to deal with the "dead spot" are:

a) the use of bench presses with a limited amplitude.

b) the use of auxiliary exercises.

I argue that all this is ineffective compared to increasing the speed. By doing the bench faster day by day, you will come to the fact that in one beautiful time you will learn this "dead man" to slip. And leave the “boosters” and “utility” for the time when you stop noticeably progressing in speed.

It directly affects the result and the amplitude along which the bar moves. The plane in which the projectile will move must be chosen depending on your genetic characteristics. It will be easier for someone to press, lowering the bar at the level of the nipples, someone will prefer a place higher or lower. All this is not essential. Press the way it is easier for you to do it.

The height of the amplitude should be cut as much as possible, bending as much as possible in the back and stretching the chest towards the neck. The smaller the amplitude, the more weight you are able to lift - this is an axiom and arguing with this is stupid.

And finally, the legs. Your legs should be in constant tension during the movement. You need to press your feet into the floor with all your strength to achieve maximum effect. Exorbitant weight can be squeezed out only when all the muscles of the body are tensed without exception.

If desired, in the off-season, it is possible to perform a high-speed bench press and combined exercises. As a rule, ordinary gym goers do not know anything about these exercises at all or simply ignore them.

Bench press speed, combined exercises(KU) and exercises for various modes of muscular activity (RRMD). Beginners (and even more trained ones) in weightlifting after training are regularly “chased” to do jumps on a horse (goat) and in length from a place. Speed ​​bench - clearly copied another exercise from the arsenal weightlifting. True, there they do a total of three approaches (and not 8-10) of 10-12 jumps "back and forth." In this regard, I believe that a quick bench press can sometimes be done, but 3 sets of 8 times, and not vice versa. Although, how do you know...

I draw your attention to the fact that fast movement due to inertia gives less tension to the muscles, and the likelihood of injury increases. Such exercises can be included in training, and there is no particular harm from them except for the benefit, and they seem to tire not so much, but you definitely can’t attribute them to core exercises. I mean, it's like an elective at school.

Another important factor in increasing the effectiveness of training are exercises for various modes of muscle activity (RMD) and combined exercises (CU). At the intermediate level, there are only two such exercises: speed press (with a very slow lowering of the barbell in yielding mode and a quick rise of the barbell), barbell chest lifts + standing press. At a higher level, more of these exercises are required, but for those practicing at a lower level, such exercises are not needed at all.

Amateur bench press training is so rare and short in time that it is not recommended to spend it on other exercises other than the main one. Judge for yourself - the unwritten "rules" say that you can not train different qualities in one day. It turns out that you should do a speed bench only on a separate day. It cannot be combined with a power or power press on the same day! So an extra day is required? And, as a rule, there is no such day. Conclusion in this regard:

no matter how much we like the RRMD and KU exercises, we will still have to refuse them in the power and strength cycles, and in the off-season it is permissible to perform in 2-3 approaches, if there is a desire

"Crashes". This exercise is akin to a bench press with a pause, but its feature is the complete relaxation of the arms in the initial phase due to the fact that the exercise is performed in a power rack. The barbell should be “teared off” only to the middle of the path. The main goal of the exercise is to develop intramuscular coordination. From a completely relaxed state, by means of a mental impulse, one should literally “explode”!

Back muscles. The extensor muscles of the back of those engaged in the power bench press at the average level should be sufficiently developed. Judge for yourself: you need to squat 15 times with 1.5 of your weight! Therefore, in order to preserve a healthy spine for many years, it is not recommended to do deadlift in its pure form. There are exercises that are no less good (and maybe even more effective) will load your back:

    Thrust push;

    Lifting the bar to the chest;

    kettlebell snatch (24 kg or 32 kg);


Moreover, hyperextensions are performed regularly throughout the entire annual cycle! The remaining exercises alternate in cycles.

Press. Exercises such as hyperextensions and ab exercises are of particular importance exclusively for an athlete exercising without the use of “pharma”. The fact is that according to research (4, p. 41), in order to optimally increase the body's release of hormones responsible for the growth of strength and muscles, it is necessary to perform a series of exercises until the “burning” with a long time under load. For the amateur bencher, only two of these exercises are available:


    Press exercises.

These exercises, perhaps, include the last one or two pumping sets in the bench press in the off-season with light weights and partly squats in the power bench press cycle. These exercises can be performed in a superset, and they also serve as an excellent warm-up before the bench press. It takes only five minutes, and a warm-up is performed + an optimal release of the necessary hormones occurs + external data improves = as a result, a great mood! In the off-season, you can bench press to “burn” light weights in the final sets.

Safety. Power bench press exercises must be built in such a way as to protect yourself from injury as much as possible. To do this, you must follow simple generally accepted rules:

    Thoroughly warm up before training;

    Use wrist bandages and a weight belt. They reliably prevent injury.

    Use warming ointments, such as Nikoflex, 20 minutes before the start of the main exercise;

    Regularly stretch the target muscles immediately after each main approach;

    Use all possible methods to restore, to exclude cases of violation correct technique exercise due to premature fatigue, which can lead to injury.

In addition to the proposed preventive measures, exclude completely from your training the penetrations in squats and deadlifts. Do no more than 80-85% of 1RM. Pull only jerky. Firstly, the weight of the bar is smaller, and secondly, it is more practical - it is useful for lifting the barbell to the chest and standing press, thirdly, get 3 in 1 - speed, trapeze, long backs.

OFP. As the results of observations show, those security officials who use general physical methods (GPP) in their training show higher results than those who ignore GPP! The data is quite reliable, so in the off-season it is simply necessary to plan a large amount of such exercises. Of course, not to the detriment of the main exercise. In the power, especially power cycles, the volume of the OFP is significantly reduced.

Why is OFP needed and what is the composition of its funds for a power bench press lover? OFP prepares all organs and systems of the body to work at a higher level and develops the most important qualities: strength, speed, flexibility and endurance. In addition, ligaments and tendons train at a slower rate than strength gains. Therefore, OFP helps to avoid injuries by preparing the tendon-ligamentous apparatus, and allows you to reach new results in the future.

I propose to turn to the experience of TA and see what means of general physical therapy they have. It's no secret that there are many different exercises for the legs: long jumps, high jumps, goat runs, short distances and just run. Almost everything is up and running! Legs and back are very important in TA, if not almost everything. In the bench press, the role of the legs is played by the arms. This means that the main burden should fall on them, and this dictates to us the choice of means of the OFP. These are horizontal bars, parallel bars, climbing on ladders at various angles, push-ups from the floor, exercises with dumbbells and blocks, squeezing tennis ball and... running! There are many examples of amazing results in barbell exercises, including the bench press, with active classes running.

It is running that expands the possibilities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems which allows you to recover much faster. True, it must be admitted that there is still a category of people among those involved in the barbell who are afraid of running like the plague. For some reason, they believe that their mass will crumble and the strength will go away. But this, of course, is not so.

In order not to overtrain in the off-season, it is quite acceptable to completely exclude the power bench press from the program, replacing it with a bench press or other auxiliary bench press exercise. You don’t have to worry, for 4-8 weeks of the off-season, the result will not “fall down”. In fact, you can completely devote a couple of months to classes on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, various ladders, push-ups from the floor, exercises with dumbbells, weights, simulators and jogging (jogging). Folk wisdom says: "You go more quietly, you will continue." After such an off-season, as a rule, you return to the gym with a desire to train, which allows you to maintain high motivation.

"Delayed Transformation". In short, it looks like this: “plow-plow” both the off-season and the power cycle, but there is no increase as a result. And then suddenly, like, in the power cycle, everything turns into a solid increase! It happens and vice versa - the power cycle "plowed", but there is no increase. And a month or two will pass, you see, and suddenly, in the off-season, the strength “flooded” and the mood to match! Please pay attention to this.

Now you can use the knowledge gained to try to find the differences between amateur and sports (competitive) training.

Hello everyone, today we will talk about bench press techniques.

Classic bench press technique.

Bench press seems pretty simple exercise, But actually it is not. In the bench press, many muscle groups are involved: pectoral, deltoid, triceps, and also, as stabilizers, biceps, middle and rear deltoid, latissimus dorsi. Also in static load (to keep the body in correct position): legs, trapezius and long muscles of the back.

For convenience, we divide the exercise into phases:

Phase I - preparation for the starting position.

In this phase, we are preparing for the starting position. We lay down on the bench, take the bar in our hands. The grip should be as wide as possible, 81 cm (if there are no injuries to the chest or shoulder joints) - this reduces the range of motion. The hands should be tilted back (the stay lies exactly over the joint, and not closer to the fingers). This makes it possible to further reduce the amplitude, as well as vary the position of the elbows, press them or spread them apart. With straightened hands, it is inconvenient to bring the elbows to the body. It is also not recommended to tightly clasp the bar (clench your hand into a fist). Thumb it is necessary to release and bend, and the neck itself is squeezed out with the palms. We reduce the shoulder blades, lower them as low as possible to the lower back. We bend as much as possible in the thoracic region (we become in the “bridge”) towards the barbell. After we start the legs back so that they are tense (we put on the toe or on the full foot - at the request of the athlete). This is necessary for the rigidity of the starting position and for the inclusion of the maximum number of muscles in the work. How to take the starting position, each athlete decides individually.

Phase II - starting position.

In the second phase, we remove the barbell from the racks (with or without the help of an assistant), fix the barbell on outstretched arms. When the bar is fed by an assistant, you need to bring the shoulder blades even more and bend. The starting position is fixed and the bar can be lowered (after the referee's command, if this is a competition, but this team is not present in all federations).

Phase III - lowering the barbell to the chest.

The speed of lowering the bar must be the maximum at which the lifter can maintain position and control of the bar. In the negative phase, the athlete's muscles are greatly depleted, so a lot of strength is wasted when lowering slowly. When lowering, the athlete's chest moves towards the bar, the legs and lower back are tense. The bar should be lowered to the highest point of the backbend, usually under the bust. The amplitude of movement must be strictly perpendicular to the ground.

IV phase - squeezing the barbell.

After touching the chest bar (or the referee's command, if this is a competition), the bar is squeezed out. The barbell should be pressed away from you in the shortest amplitude. It is impossible to take the bar towards the head (this is very important!), (in a bare bench press) in addition to the fact that this increases the amplitude, it reduces the work of the triceps and transfers the load to the shoulders. This is very traumatic, the movement will not be continuous.

Phase V - fixing the bar and returning to the racks.

After fully extending the arms at the elbows and fixing the bar in a stationary state, we return the bar to the racks (at the command of the judge, if this is a competition).
The classic bench press technique is considered generally accepted, it is what the trainer will teach you if you come to the powerlifting gym. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it suits the majority, which is why it is so popular.

Technique "Press with indentation"


After the referee's command "Start", the barbell is lowered under the bottom of the chest, if classical technique the bar is fixed at the highest point, then with the indentation technique, the bar is pressed into the chest for a couple of centimeters, but the athlete does not relax, but remains in tension. After the referee’s command “Press”, the chest moves up, thereby pushing the barbell, at the same time the barbell is squeezed out, thereby the movement becomes more powerful. With this technique, most athletes do not use the maximum grip, but the average.

It should be noted that with this technique it is important to have very strong long back muscles, it is they who help to move the chest forward at the start.

More muscles are included in the work (the more muscles are included in the work, when lifting weights, the easier it is for the body to cope with the load).
- Helps athletes who have a weak start (long back muscles will help with the start).
- Athletes who have strong triceps but weak chest medium grip and indentation will help to cope with a large weight.
- When pressed, it is easier to cope with the delay (in competitions, a long delay can greatly deplete the muscles, they will not be able to cope with the load, when pressed, part of the weight falls on the long muscles of the back (leaves the chest, delta and triceps), pressing will help to cope with this task ).

Indentation increases the range of motion (the shorter the movement, the easier it is to cope with the weight).
- When pushing in after the command of the judge, the weight is not considered taken (some athletes accidentally press the barbell into the chest a little more after the command, this is prohibited by the rules).
- The technique is more difficult to develop than the classical one.
Auxiliary exercises.

It is very important to pay attention to the extensors of the back. If with a classic bench press they only support the position of the body in a static load, then with the indentation technique they perform a dynamic load at the beginning of the movement of the bar. Therefore, some of these exercises should be included in the training program.

Deadlift from plinths.
- Bent-over barbell row (not performed in the classic bodybuilding style, when the body is tilted almost parallel to the floor, but the body needs to be tilted by about 45%. The movement is performed in a high-speed manner with full reduction of the shoulder blades, the emphasis should be shifted to the long muscles of the back, rhomboid , not the lats).
- Snatch pull from plinths (weightlifting exercise to improve speed, will provide an opportunity to develop a fast and powerful start when pressing).
- Boat on a bench with weight (exercise to strengthen long muscles back, dynamic plus 2-3 seconds static on each rep, or just static for 15-30 seconds)

The indentation technique during the bench press is not suitable for all athletes, it is mainly suitable for those who have weak pectorals, but strong deltas and triceps, a weak start. When mastering the technique, it really works, which is evidenced by many athletes who put all-times in the press using the indentation technique, these are Vadim Kahuta and Jeremy Hoornstra.

Technique "Press with oncoming movement"


The counter movement technique is very similar to the classic bench press technique, but with one change. This technique was first noticed by the American athlete Ryan Kenelli, and became popular in Russian-speaking powerlifting thanks to D. Golovinsky.
When taking the starting position, the athlete stands in the bridge, bending to the bar as much as possible, after taking the bar from the partner’s hands, bends even more, brings the shoulder blades together and strains the legs. Lowering the barbell, the athlete, bending, meets the barbell with his chest, when the barbell (or the referee’s command) is touched, the start with maximum effort follows, and when the dead point passes, the pelvis is pressed against the bench, thereby the movement becomes faster and more seamless.

Rapid movement in which the athlete overcomes the trajectory with maximum speed, saving strength for future approaches (slow presses always greatly deplete physical and psychological energy, which leads to the fact that the athlete is not able to give all the best in the third approach).
-With the developed technique, problems with a dead center are eliminated.
-Due to the speed of execution (less energy expenditure), the athlete is able to train longer, perform more volume in training, which favorably affects the final result.

-Technique is hard to come by.
-If the dead point has not been passed, but the pelvis has already been removed back, all the rigidity of the starting position will be lost, the speed will drop and the attempt will be blurred (with the classical technique, when the pelvis does not press against the bench, the rigid position of the body is maintained and the athlete is able to “fight” and squeeze bar).

Auxiliary exercises:

The counter movement technique is a very complex technique (unlike other bench press techniques), so it is worth including a lot of training to improve the bench technique.
- Press with a delay.
- Presses in the range of 40-50% (to improve technique).
Highly important element technique is speed, it must be given special attention.
- Speed ​​presses.
- Presses from bars, with rubber bands, with chains in a high-speed manner.

A fairly new, but gaining popularity, oncoming traffic technique is working. After mastering the technique, it really helps, especially well on bench presses in the 10+ rep range (she has no equal here, if you do not take into account the rebound, as in the folk press).

Technique "Press with an emphasis on the chest"

Chest-focused bench press techniques are very popular, especially with beginners, for a number of reasons. Most people who come to the gym have one goal - to pump up, and only then, when they are good at bench presses or they learn about powerlifting and decide to perform. Also, the chest is the largest muscle group and many rely on it when pressing. There are also a lot of athletes high level with a well-developed chest (it is genetically dominant or it was just emphasized during training).


The technique is very similar to the classical one, the athlete also becomes a bridge (trying to reduce the amplitude), rests with his feet. The difference is that in the classical technique, the elbows are pressed against the body (usually an angle of 45 degrees or less), and when the emphasis is on the chest, the elbows are pulled apart (usually the angle is more than 45 degrees, but less than 90). Usually these athletes have a pronounced dead point in the middle of the amplitude, sometimes in 2/3 of the amplitude.
- The technique is easy to learn.
-Suitable for many athletes with developed breasts.
-Bench looks cleaner.

- Triceps are weakly included in the work.
-obvious problems with dead spots(the chest is already almost reduced, and the triceps have not yet turned on).
-Due to the less inclusion of muscle fibers, the speed is low (which complicates the movement).

Auxiliary exercises:

The main load falls on the pectoral muscles, so you should work with them.

Incline bench press.
- Dumbbell press.
-Press-wiring dumbbell.
It also makes sense to work with the dead center.
- Press with a delay.
- Press from a bar 3-5 cm.

The technique is working, has proven its effectiveness by popularity and time. Also, many athletes who used this technique have achieved very good results (Sergey Grishko, Ange Galati), and some of them even achieved high results (Roma Eremashvili).

Many Methodists strength training find the connection between and force very close. The high speed of the exercise allows the athlete to spend less time under load; also, due to the high dynamics of the movement, the realization of the athlete’s power potential improves. That is why it becomes necessary to allocate periods focused on the purposeful development of speed qualities.

It should be noted that within the power periods or periods of reaching the peak of strength, it is also possible to develop the speed of movement. The selection of specialized velocity phases in training process differs, first of all, in that the development of speed is given the highest priority. That is, dynamic explosive exercises are the basis of the complex, and its other components are designed to complement or improve high-speed work.

During periods of speed improvement, weights will be in the range of 55-75%, and the number of repetitions in the approach will be 2-6. The main focus, as already mentioned, is on dynamic exercises that can significantly increase speed qualities(Table 1). These include the following exercises:

  1. Bench press with a pause of 1, 2, 3 seconds;
  2. Speed ​​bench press;
  3. Bench press with chains;
  4. Bench press with rubber;
  5. Singles.

The weights of the weights in these exercises should be selected in such a way as to maximize the speed of their execution. In singles, one repetition is always performed, and in the rest of these exercises, you should not perform more than three repetitions, since in this case speed development on large scales is already difficult. Rest between sets should be maintained long enough to fully restore performance from approach to approach.

Given the specifics of speed training, you should not often train in purely high-speed modes. As a rule, one speed workout per week will be enough to stimulate improvement. motor functions. In addition, you need to design workouts in such a way that strength training is also reflected in the plan. To do this, you need to do a series of strength exercises directly after your speed workout.

Speed ​​training assumes that the athlete already has a set technique, has a sufficient level of strength, and is also able to show peak tension at a certain moment. As a rule, beginners do not yet possess these qualities, which is why the purposeful development of speed is advisable for athletes of medium and high levels.

Consider a program for a cycle for speed for an athlete of an average level of training (Table 1). Speed ​​training is best to start with the most dynamic movements and gradually move to strength exercises. So, Monday's workout starts with explosive push-ups, designed to develop a basic skill of speed. Then another one is done speed exercise- bench press with chains. This bench press, performed with a relatively small weight, allows you to reduce the weight of the bar during acceleration, thereby developing the skill of accelerating the movement of the projectile along the entire amplitude.

After two dynamic exercises you can move on to working out the strength, but you need to take into account the preliminary fatigue obtained in the previous exercises. Naturally, this will also affect the weight of the weights, which should be set taking into account the work done. As general developmental exercises of this complex, bench press- to improve the middle phase of the bench and triceps on the block- for the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

That is why you should constantly monitor the athlete's condition, monitor the dynamics of your own weight and, with a significant decrease in it, reduce the training volume.

As already mentioned, when training speed, one should also not forget about the development of strength. Compilation of purely high-speed periods does not give such an increase in results, which gives a reasonable combination of strength exercises, as well as high-speed dynamic movements. You can also include various exercises high-speed nature to maintain developed motor characteristics either along the way. It must be remembered that the preload in the form of dynamic exercises is very tiring for the athlete. percussion exercises ( explosive push-ups, speed press) also heavily stress the athlete's ligaments. This load must be taken into account when planning power presses in the course of building cycles for speed.