The most beautiful fitness trainers on Instagram. No more excuses! We work out with insta-trainers Articles about fitness from instagram

Workouts, correct exercise technique, ways to correct your posture and improve your performance - all this can be found in these Instagram profiles.

1.Dr. Jacob Harden

This is a profile of chiropractor Dr. Jacob Harden at the Myodetox Orlando Chiropractic Clinic in Florida. A lot of really useful videos and articles are published here with exercise technique, stretching,.

Trigger points, mistakes in technique and positions, ways to improve posture, research, injuries - just a mine of information for those who care about the condition of their spine, joints and muscles.

2 Vinnie Rehab

Profile of Toronto physiotherapist and founder of the Myodetox manual therapy system, Vinh Pham. He posts a lot of useful information about correct technique, stretching, ways to relieve tension and prevent injury.

A bit of anatomy, illustrative examples of the biomechanics of the body, correcting errors in technology. This profile is worth following if you want to know more about your body and constantly improve it.

3 Fitness Physio

Another profile for those who want to know more about human body. Mostly posts about anatomy are published here. specific muscles. If you are not interested in anatomy and biomechanics, skip it.

4. Doc Jen Fit

Physiotherapist profile Jen Esquer. There are many cool stretching exercises with videos and explanation in the post. It is worth subscribing to those who want to develop flexibility and crave new knowledge about physiology. Also in the profile is enough beautiful photos Jen herself, most often in a handstand, and videos of her training.

5. Scott Fournier

Profile of trainer Scott Fournier at Yorkville Fitness Club in Toronto. Here you will find a lot of new things for your workouts, you can check and correct your technique, get stretching tips. Scott posts exercises from free weights(especially a lot with kettlebells), loops, simulators, massage rollers.

6 Strength Coach Therapy

Profile of Physiotherapist Teddy Willsey. Posts about warm-up, mobility and stability, exercises for back and joint health, tips on the correct technique for their implementation are published here.

7. Muscle & Fitness

In this profile you will find ready plans workouts and recipes for a healthy diet.

8 Fitness I.Q.

Profile of coach Jorge Rosado. He posts photos and videos correct technique fulfillment strength exercises. Due to the arrows and inscriptions on the photo and video, everything is very clear and understandable.

9 Lifters Clinic

Profile of Physiotherapist Mario Novo. Here you can find new exercises for your workouts and get tips on how to fix musculoskeletal problems.

10. Journey to the booty

A beautiful profile for girls who are passionate about fitness. There are a lot of exercises, motivating records, sports bows, various dishes.

A clear structure of posts and a lot of cool photos, a minimum of fitons in front of a mirror - simple, beautiful and useful.

Today, using specific examples, we will analyze how to launch a daily flow of customers from Instagram for a fitness club or fitness trainer.

You will see the path you need to follow to make your account not only popular, but also turn it into a powerful sales machine.

To begin with, let's see what results can be achieved if you seriously start promoting your account.


Kirill Silaev, fitness trainer instagram @silaybb Khabarovsk.

Kirill has been developing his account for a year now, before promoting himself on Instagram, he earned 50,000 rubles a month, now, thanks to the created application flow, his income is 150,000 - 200,000 per month.

Taimuraz Appolonov, fitness trainer instagram @appolonov_teymuraz Ufa.

For Teimuraz, Instagram is also the main platform for attracting customers. Although he has recently become less involved in promotion, the work done earlier is still bearing fruit in the form of daily direct requests.

Ksenia Romanova, head of the Realfit 3 personal training studio, @realfit_izhevsk. Izhevsk

Even before the opening of the studio, she organized a queue of clients, and this despite the summer season, and 400 subscribers in her account.

Renat Secrets, head of the Azzurro fitness club, Nalchik @azzurro_club.

With the help of Instagram, we attracted 830 applications for the birthday of the fitness club and sold subscriptions in the amount of 767,900 rubles in 3 days.

Sergey Armada, fitness club "TSEKH" @sportblag Blagoveshchesk.

Sergei has been promoting the club "TSEKH" for 3 years. Now the fitness club's Instagram brings in about 1,000,000 rubles of revenue per month, every 20th resident of the city is subscribed to the club's account, and every 4th subscriber has visited or visits "TSEKH".

These examples are the usual average fitness clubs and trainers, they just saw the opportunities on Instagram and started implementing them.

Now let's take a look at the path itself that will lead you to such results.

4 key points in promoting a fitness club or a fitness trainer on Instagram:

1) Setting up a selling account for a fitness club or trainer on Instagram

Before promotion, you need to set up an account.

To get started, we recommend connecting a business profile. It will be required in order to see all the statistics on the account: the gender, age and geo of your subscribers, what posts they like, audience growth, etc. Thanks to the data received, you can make adjustments to the promotion strategy.

After connecting a business profile, you need to create an account header. A well-designed header will set you apart from your competitors and increase the likelihood of subscriptions and sales.

2) Content creation for fitness Instagram.

After setting up your account, we move on to creating high-quality, interesting and engaging content for your subscribers.

This is what people follow your account for and follow you, comment and like you day after day.

These are your posts, Stories, live broadcasts, IGTV channel.

Content should bring the subscriber closer to buying your fitness services, create trust, and trust, as we know, is the key to sales.

Here 14 topics that most resonate with the fitness audience:

  1. motivation
  2. healthy food recipes
  3. useful product reviews
  4. before/after project participants
  5. club (coach) life, behind the scenes, live moments
  6. workout tutorial posts
  7. nutrition education posts
  8. getting to know the coaches (for the club)
  9. customer reviews
  10. club news and plans (new directions, promotions, events)
  11. polls, discussions, contests, games
  12. stories of project participants (goals, progress, feelings, emotions)

You do not have to use all the topics listed, start testing, look at the reaction of your subscribers (statistics will help you), focus on those topics that will be most interesting to them.

3) Promotion of Instagram fitness account

So, you have set up an account, created interesting content, now our task is to attract subscribers - your potential customers.

There are over 30 different ways attracting an audience for your Instagram fitness account. Today we touch 5 most effective:

Fitness Bloggers on Instagram

Bloggers are popular people on Instagram who have authority over their audience. In such accounts, as a rule, there are thousands of subscribers, more than 500 likes on the photo, as well as dozens or even hundreds of comments under the posts.

The essence is simple, you agree with them on cooperation: a review of your service in their account in exchange for a subscription to a club or classes with a coach.

Fitness bloggers on Instagram have the most targeted audience, unlike ordinary bloggers, but nevertheless we recommend getting experience of cooperation with both of them.

Bloggers can attract dozens or even hundreds of subscribers to your account, if you do everything right, the result of cooperation will be a large flow of applications for your services.

Bulk Subscription

When you like a person and subscribe to him on Instagram, he receives a notification about this. Out of curiosity, he comes to you and evaluates the account. If your account is of interest to him, he subscribes to you.

This tool allows you to subscribe to competitors' subscribers, as well as find users from a specific area of ​​the city.

Thanks to the mass subscription, you can attract up to 2000 subscribers per month.

Promo posts for a fitness club or trainer

Knowing your customers, their gender, age, interests, you can show ads to similar people. Such people are more likely to show interest in your account.

What posts to promote?

Here are some ideas:

  1. Results of your clients
  2. Trial lesson invitation
  3. Useful post about nutrition or training
  4. Post with promotion
  5. A call to download your helpful mini book

There may be many options. Try it and get results. Setting up will take no more than 2 minutes, and applications can be received in an hour.

Giveaways in your fitness account

Draws allow you not only to create loyalty to your club, attract new subscribers, but also earn money.

In order to earn extra money on the draw and track the result in money, we recommend giving bonuses to all participants at the end of it: a discount on a subscription, free class, solarium minutes, cocktails, etc. Such a bonus will be an additional motivation to make a purchase.

"Interesting People" is a built-in functionality in Instagram, a simple tool that you can implement in 1 minute right now, but for some reason many people forget about it.

This function allows you to subscribe to contacts from your phone book, to friends from Facebook. Also in this function there is an opportunity to subscribe to accounts that Instagram itself recommends to you, based on your subject.

Thanks to such a subscription, you will attract attention and new subscribers.

The tool will work well if these contacts include your target audience.

4) We work with subscribers of your fitness Instagram

In promoting an account, it is important not only to attract targeted subscribers, but also to work with them correctly. Often there are thousands of subscribers, but no sales. An example with a Realfit 3 studio account proves that even with 400 subscribers, you can create a queue of clients.

In order for each of your subscribers to be processed, it is better to use automatic sending of messages to direct.

Sending messages to Direct is one of the most trending tools today.

Set up once and customers are attracted automatically.

What is the point.

When a person subscribes to you, he receives a message in direct on your behalf that motivates him to continue the dialogue with you and leave a request for training.

What to send and how to send a message.

From experience, the results are better with useful mailings:
- a selection of posts about training and nutrition
- your mini book (if any)
- sign up for a trial workout or a free consultation

You can also simply thank the person for subscribing and ask them an engaging question.

This service allows you to send 50 messages per day.

According to statistics, 10-20% react and start a dialogue with you.

So, using this tool, you can generate from 5 to 10 hits per day.

Liking our subscribers also helps to engage the audience, by doing this we not only draw attention to ourselves once again, but also create additional loyalty to our club.

This process can be automated using the Tuligram program.

This is how, in general strokes, the path to creating a popular selling account for a fitness club or trainer on Instagram looks like.

Sometimes you want to take care of yourself, but there is no financial opportunity and time to hire a personal trainer. But you need to exercise at least a couple of times a week. Then fitness bloggers come to the rescue. social networks. If you dream about beautiful figure and proper nutrition, Russian bloggers and Instagram fitness instructors living in Russia will definitely help you. On their Instagram pages, fitness trainers regularly share training videos and useful articles of elementary and healthy recipes healthy food dishes that help to maintain a slim waist for a long time, as well as fitness trainers motivate people to be active in taking care of themselves.

The most famous Instagram fitness bloggers from Russia

Are you curious to know the top popular Instagram fitness trainers? Let's continue the review of popular Instagram fitness bloggers in Russia and other countries who post healthy eating and training posts on their blogs:

  1. Inspirational instructor account - @vikaa_sport. The girl has a charming daughter. She blogs on Instagram as her hobby is to support people in their success in getting them. perfect shape figures. Victoria currently works at the Fitness Center – personal trainer vip category for more than ten years. On his page, he constantly publishes workouts, as well as interesting articles about nutrition.
  2. The page of a fitness instructor, an Instagram trainer in Russia, a fashion model, and just beautiful woman Margarita Gurtanova. (@margarita_gurtanova). Margarita systematically publishes her workouts, articles about healing dishes. It helps to acquire a beautiful figure for many girls. With the support of Margarita, many girls received recommendations on classes and an active sports lifestyle.
  3. Russian coach Anita Lutsenko (@anitaspoty). Anita posts interesting recipes for light meals on her profile. Here you can see the publications of trainings and the results of her wards. She is beautifully built, from the photo you can see how quickly she brought her figure back to normal after the birth of a child.
  4. Instagram coach of Russia Elena Rybalchenko (@fitness_mama). Elena is a mother of many children (3 children), but this did not worsen her waist. On her blog, she posts exercises, interesting posts, as well as many family photos from life.

    Attention! Unfortunately, her profile is closed, but Elena has many subscribers who have joined her page.

  5. Profile of Russian instructor and blogger Natalya Shulga (@shulgarussia). Natasha is a nutritionist, athlete, wife and mother. Natalia runs every morning in the morning, even in the windiest weather. In her profile, any subscriber will find a lot useful advice and motivational videos.
  6. Account of Russian coach Valentina (@valia1982). At 34, Valya is a mother of three children with many children. She looks very young. Constantly trains students. On his page he posts useful articles about healthy eating, video-trainings. Often inspires other mothers of large families for motivational actions.
  7. Blogger and Russian athlete Svetlana Shidlovskaya (@svetlana_shidlovskaya). Svetlana is considered not only an instructor, but also a nutritionist. On her page, she publishes videos of her workouts, nutrition and the results of her wards. Lost 30 pounds in 7 months. Helps people get rid of extra pounds.
  8. Profile of blogger Nastya Che (@rakamakafit).

Anastasia posts simple exercises at home, writes interesting articles about healthy products. Posting recipes regularly diet meals.

The most popular fitness bloggers on Instagram from other countries

Let's continue the review best fitness Instagram bloggers from other countries.

  • Profile of Aliona Hilt - a popular instructor in Northern Germany (@aliona_hilt). Aliona is the absolute champion in fitness. He publishes articles on his blog on how to quickly reset excess weight, exercise during pregnancy and recovery after childbirth. Aliona herself is a mother twice, and knows firsthand how difficult it is to recover from childbirth, but she successfully went through the recovery process after childbirth.

    Attention! He often runs free training marathons on his blog.

  • Sports girl blog Nana @nana_health. Nana is a mother of two children, but at the same time a successful athlete who inspires people to radically change their figure. On her page you can see interesting and fun trainings with her participation and Nana's children. To subscribe to her page, it is not necessary to own English language. Her videos are accompanied by energetic music.
  • Not to mention popular fitness instructors Emily Skye (@emilyskyefit), she's a real pro at it. Emily is known for creating her personal fitness program which has made her a famous social media personality. Emily has her own blog, which contains all the details of the developed program and many useful recommendations.

You do not have a simulator and do not have time to take care of yourself? This is not an excuse, because you must act if you dream:

  • About an amazing figure.
  • Throw off excess weight.
  • Eat properly.

The main thing is your desire. And the Instagram of fitness bloggers, beautiful and athletic girls who consider the best bloggers, will serve as an example for you.

Instagram, of course, is out. It used to be easy, posted a picture and everyone can see it. Now, in order for the subscribers to see the photo, you need to try. Or pay.

Meanwhile, Instagram remains one of the main channels of communication, sales, and positioning of the country's fitness industry facilities, and this situation will remain so for a long time to come.

Instagram has it all. There are more girls, fewer boys, but there is everything. Someone looks at the photo, someone flips through stories, someone posts.

For us, fitness clubs, insta sometimes began to replace websites, and with a good setting advertising campaigns and the built communication system gives a very tangible increase in sales. You just have to do it.

I have put together 20 Instagram accounts of Russian fitness clubs, which, it seems to me, are well-managed, and their content is consistent with business objectives.

I don’t presume to evaluate the quality and quantity of subscribers - it doesn’t matter, in this case I looked at the content, its relevance to how the clubs position themselves and that’s what I would recommend that all marketers in our growing industry look for..

1. The Residence. Sochi.

A premium and sooooo human-oriented fitness club that talks in its account about its attitude towards residents and about the life of the club. Story healthy relationship in the premium segment. Without pathos and artificial pomposity.

2. World-Gym Krasnogorsk.

One of the largest clubs in the Moscow region, without a single cheated subscriber. A live account that correctly alternates stories about the product, team, events, customers.

3. Fitness atmosphere. Vladimir.

A local club in Vladimir that makes a good product and talks about it well in its publications.

4. INTUITION group training studio. Moscow.

Very, very, very stylish account, which, I think, fits perfectly into its target audience with its style. The women's studio and Instagram literally screams about it.

5. Fitness Philosophy Studio. Moscow.

A live account, high-quality content and excellent involvement of community members in dialogues.

6. Shop. Chita.

On the one hand, the account and content seem to be classic, everything is as it should be, but colleagues have a great hashtag #kui and they use it perfectly.

7. LigaGym. Ufa.

High-quality and stylish fitness about crossfit in Ufa. It is, however, very affordable. The guys perfectly demonstrate their values ​​and services in their account.

10 Encore Fitness. Moscow.

Probably one of the most premium fitness projects in the country, from whose account you can safely learn how to work with bloggers. And in general, an interesting combination of style and UGC. I hope this abbreviation does not need to be deciphered?

11. Rosa Khutor Fitness. Sochi.

A fitness project, which, in my opinion, is No. 1 in Russia in terms of its non-triviality. This is, in fact, a fitness space and a fitness event in one place, which is what the project account tells about.

12. First fitness. Rostov.

Rostov club with an interesting concept, whose account is largely based on video. At the same time, the video is very vital, about coaches and clients. This is what attracts.

13. Lomov Gym. Moscow.

These guys have a stylish club, inside the club everything is stylish and the account is stylish. The meaningful view of the marketing designer is clearly working on the publications, and the audience responds to these publications.

14. FIFTY GYM. Krasnodar.

One of the new clubs in Krasnodar full of facilities. In the account, you can immediately see what target the club works for, and the publications are very bright and juicy.

15. N-ERGO. Krasnogorsk and Moscow.

The account tells the stories of two clubs in the chain. Tells well. Vital, understandable and the audience feels it.

16. Spirit network. Moscow.

A network of clubs in Moscow where you can't go through and "see the club". Therefore, probably, including, the account is quite informative, and the pictures are abundantly supplied with texts.

17. Gold's Gym Yekaterinburg.

It is noteworthy here that colleagues maintain the club's Instagram a few months before its opening, telling the audience the history of its construction and showing the training that they already manage to conduct.


Stylish studio. Stylish photos. Lively but vibrant content.

19.Kinext. Krasnodar.

A high-quality fitness club in Krasnodar, on whose instagram there is a lot of communication. This is how the account should communicate with the audience.

20 Fitstudio. Chelyabinsk.

The franchise project of the Xfit network, to the foundation of which the author of this opus is directly related, the account of which continues to vividly and easily talk about the life of the club. Simple and clear.

Of course, I don’t know everyone and I will be glad if you tell me more interesting accounts in any sources. If your club, to which you are related or train, has an interesting account, then throw it in the comments.

We communicate in the community The wrong side of the fitness business in

If you set out to lose weight, the issue of the appearance of the trainer is not as acute as the effectiveness of your workouts with him. But still, if your coach is beautiful and successful girl, the likelihood of breaking loose and pushing a fat burger with a milkshake into yourself will be much less. Skinny models cause envy, and athletic beauties motivate! Subscribe to the accounts of the most beautiful fitness bloggers and spend your winter evenings in the gym.

@tanyatgym(55.4 thousand)

Tanya Fedorishcheva(23) has become an example for many. The girl gives advice on nutrition and training. She has already helped many, and on her page you can often find words of gratitude. In addition, Tanya has not only tremendous willpower, but also an angelic face.

@mariazki(35.5 thousand)

Maria Tskiria actively communicates with his subscribers, gives advice on training, diet and online lessons. With her, you will learn how to achieve a "Brazilian butt" and "effective fat burning." But one of the main motivators will be her fiery hair!

@guznenkova(96.6 thousand)

Guznenkova(22) in her years has already organized a whole community of her followers, and this is not surprising. The girl has a stunning appearance, happily shares her beauty secrets and perfect figure and, by the way, does not deny himself at the same time in the sweet.

@usmanovakate(578 thousand)

The most popular fitness model, champion of Russia in body fitness and just a beauty Ekaterina Usmanova(27) has achieved incredible success in fitness, conducts online training and is actively involved in the social life of Moscow.

@diana_volcow a (56.8 thousand)

Diana Volkova(21) is simply amazing with its achievements! The girl in her age is already a real champion, coach and model.

@yulia_ushakova(38.3 thousand)

Julia Ushakova- five-time champion of Russia and the absolute champion of Europe. With such awards, the richest ladies in Moscow dream of getting her as a coach.

@masha_mulle r (22.8 thousand)

Account Masha- a real find for yoga lovers. The girl takes photos of all kinds of asanas in the most unimaginable places.

@anyastar(65.6 thousand)

Anna Starodubtseva Until recently, she boasted bright pink hair. As a result, the girl still preferred blond, but this did not make her any less bright! Anna creates online weight loss programs, gives private lessons and fitness tips.

@laptevakaterina(16.2 thousand)

From a distance, this blonde can be easily confused with a model, but up close you see how the relief shows through, and you understand that you have a professional fitness trainer in front of you - Katerina Lapteva.

@t.kostova(28.7 thousand)

Professional trainer Tatiana Kostova although she looks like a cute beauty, in life she is a tough and firm mentor! Her training program will immediately drive off excess fat from you!