Paralympic symbols. Symbols of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Paralympic symbols of victory

Before the start of the Winter Olympics, many of us wondered: what will be the symbols of the Olympics in Sochi-2014? Not immediately, but with an adventure and all sorts of transfers of dates, but, nevertheless, by popular vote, the symbol of the Olympic Games in Sochi was chosen. And not one, but three. They were the White Bear, Leopard and Bunny.

The opening of the 2014 Winter Games was a truly grandiose spectacle. I think that this is why it will be interesting for you to visit the museum where the symbols of the Sochi Olympics are located. There you will learn about the fate of that equipment, those numerous decorations and, of course, the mascots of the Games: the Polar Bear, the Leopard and the Bunny, who took part in this solemn event, as well as many more interesting things about the history of sports.

More than 3 billion people around the world watched with admiration on TV this grandiose performance, which lasted about 3 hours.

It was the second event of this magnitude in Russia. The first was the Moscow Games in 1980, and the second was the Sochi Games 34 years later. Such a coincidence is surprising: Moscow hosted the 22nd Summer Olympic Games, and Sochi also hosted 22nd Winter Olympic Games.

Everything possible ways were used in the production of this enchanting show on. About 3,000 actors took part in the performance, as well as mechanisms using sophisticated computer technology.

For the opening ceremony, 3,000 costumes for the participants were sewn. Many of these costumes featured LED devices that had to be attached to clothing.

Numerous guests noted that never before the Sochi Games had airspace been used so extensively. For example, the famous floating statues of the Worker and Collective Farm Woman were made in Holland. One would like to say that in Russia there would be craftsmen for this, but ... It turned out the way it happened. And the shape of these air figures was supported by 11 fans hidden inside.

In the part of the performance that tells about the beginning of the 20th century, 72 sets were used, 817 actors participated in them. The tractors that took part in this also had impressive dimensions: a height of about 6 meters, and a length of as many as 12. Their weight reached a ton! Each such massive structure was controlled by 3-4 people.

The islands of land with Russian landscapes floated very effectively in the sky in front of the audience: cows, dogs, even a volcano spewing lava was on the island of Kamchatka.

There were 7 of them in total. The length of each reached 26 meters. Inside the "islands" were stuffed with various technical things, inside the volcano there was a generator with a lamp. In general, each element had its own control mechanism.

A delightful trio of horses, seemingly weightless at first glance, was made in Sweden and weighed 9 tons. Horses, literally, from legs to hooves were simply crammed with electronics!

In order to demonstrate this large-scale construction to the Sochi organizers of the Olympic Games, specialists from Sweden had to use the underground NATO base in an atmosphere of deep secrecy. In other places, secrecy was not sufficient, and the dimensions of the premises did not allow it. After all, the dimensions of the horse team are impressive: the length is 23 meters and the height is 22!

All this, of course, is not in the museum. Such huge structures simply would not fit in a small exhibition space.

But here you will have a great opportunity to study the history of the Olympic Games since ancient times, visit Ancient Greece, to see old photographs, the uniforms of athletes of past years, to remember the wonderful moments of the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics in Moscow and Sochi, to see with your own eyes some of the details of this grandiose holiday.

Numbers that stagger the imagination

This, indeed, was a grandiose event not only for Sochi, but for the whole country! More than 2,800 athletes from 88 countries participated in the competition.

98 sets of awards were played. And this is 1254 medals. The weight of each award was approximately 500 grams. This has never happened before these Games! The city of Sochi hosted fans from 126 countries. Over 1.1 million tickets have been sold.

The grandiose show was broadcast around the world by 140 cameras. And the opening ceremony was watched by 3 billion people!

The Sochi Winter Olympic Games were held from 7 to 23 February 2014. And at the end, the Paralympic Games were held here. The main competitions were held in and on.

There is one more interesting fact: with the start of the 2014 Olympics, the question arose of transferring the hands of the clock to summer time as happened every year. And because of the need for agreements with foreign campaigns on broadcasting competitions, this issue was not even discussed in the State Duma of Russia until the very end of the Olympics.

The voting for the election of the Olympic symbols of the Winter Olympic Games took place in several stages. An interesting fact is that the leaders of the first competitions did not make it into the top three finalists. The tailless amphibian Zoich, Father Frost, Dolphin and Brown Bear left the race.

So if you really want to remember how it was, to personally look at real objects that flew, jumped, stood, drove around the stadium during a fantastically beautiful performance and after that became famous all over the world, then you need, you just need to visit the museum the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

A memory left for centuries

The walls of the Museum of the Olympics are painted with winter scenes, which in itself is reminiscent of the Winter Olympics. There were a lot of original things at the Discovery Festival, which had not been used anywhere before.

So much technology, people, such bright colors that you can’t remember all the details. But next to each exhibit there is a sign with a photograph - where and when it could be seen, so it will not be difficult to remember. Unless, of course, you've looked at all...

The ship "Vostok" stands here - the conqueror of space;

a cow on the lawn near the house in the village - she was on one of the flying islands, if you remember; a sailboat symbolizing the reign of Peter 1 and the beginning of the creation of the Russian fleet; a table with books, probably designed to tell about the colossal contribution of Russian people to science and art;

nearby are giant bright figures: bears with a samovar, they talked about the celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia.

There are medals under the glass - there was such an original idea of ​​the organizers of the show. All 40,000 spectators sitting in the stands of the Fisht Stadium received unusual medals. Five LEDs were hidden inside and an infrared mechanism for controlling its operation: light, on and off, receiving signals from a spotlight specially designed for this purpose.

Here are the awards famous athletes past, tickets, little mascots. Here in the museum sports glory the city of Sochi, you can capture yourself with a real Olympic torch.

Let me tell you, it is quite heavy! It's one thing to pose for a photo. But with him, the athletes still had to run a few kilometers.

Interestingly, the cost of one such torch is estimated at about 13,000 rubles, and in total, 16,000 copies were ordered for the Olympic torch relay!

And of course, the coolest, brightest, most memorable real Sochi Olympic mascots - the White Bear on skates, the Bunny on skis and the Leopard on a snowboard.

They were made in Australia, in the city of Melbourne (as if our Left-handers were not able to do it themselves).

A robotic bear, he can move his lips, “pronounce” sounds, turn his head, change poses. It was for these movements that a separate person was responsible, who was inside the doll.

During the opening ceremony of the Games, all three animal figures were located on electric vehicles, in which the puppeteer and the driver sat. And inside Mishka there was 1 more person, since this character could express more emotions than all the other heroes.

Built-in electric motors were responsible for the movements of the joints of the Sochi animals, and cylinders with compressed air inside their “bodies” created the appearance of breathing. The idea of ​​the organizers Winter Olympics I succeeded, and these 8-meter figures looked like they were alive, right?

So if you want to take pictures with celebrities - come! White Bear, Bunny and Leopard are always here and welcome visitors.

Living talismans

For some reason, this pair of talismans is especially popular. But I met the Polar Bear nowhere on the streets ... 😆

Where is it, how much does it cost

The museum, where the Olympic mascots stand, is open from 11 am to 7 pm. Children under 7 years old are free of charge, and an adult ticket costs 300 rubles.

But I want to warn you that I visited the exhibition, which was temporarily located in a small space. In fact, the Olympic Museum in Sochi is quite large. Therefore, now the opening hours of the museum and even its location may change. And if you decide to go here, it is better to clarify this issue on the website in advance.

Due to the reduced format of the exhibition, they charged me only 50 rubles for viewing, and the photo from Olympic torch cost 200 rubles. (requested 300). This price was on the condition that the original photos will be sent to me by e-mail. A simple photo and printing on a mini-photo (slightly larger than a postage stamp) are free.

I visited the museum, which at that time was located in a large mirror building of the "Museum Center" Olympic Park at the address: International street, 6. Its coordinates: 43.40521, 39.96088.

Here, in the neighborhood, there are several other exhibitions: a museum of dinosaurs and holographic illusions, a unique representation of electricity. And, of course, the famous one with its dizzying slides.

For the second time Russia has become a country hosting athletes from all over the world for the Olympics. In 1980, Russia hosted the Olympics in Moscow for the first time - it was the 22nd Summer Olympic Games. The lucky talisman of the Summer Moscow Olympics was the bear cub Misha, who flew into the cloudless sky in a balloon on the closing day of the Olympics.

For the second time, Russia has the honor of hosting athletes from all over the world at the Olympics. At the 119th session of the IOC in Guatemala, it was decided to select the Russian city of Sochi to host the Winter Olympics. sports competitions. The Winter Olympic Games scheduled by the International Olympic Committee will be held in Sochi from 7 to 23 February 2014

Back to main sports festival not only the Black Sea resort of Sochi is being prepared, but the whole country. The scale of construction that unfolded on the territory of the city of Sochi, and in nearby cities and towns of the Krasnodar Territory, is grandiose.

Not only the members of the IOC commission, but also all Sochi residents see with their own eyes how quickly and efficiently the construction of Olympic facilities is going on - the Ice Palace, the mountain tourist center, the palace winter sports, arena and many others.

The old highways of the Krasnodar Territory were expanded and new roads were laid leading to Olympic venues, new sports hotels, hotels, cottages in Sochi have been built, which are ready to receive both athletes and fans of the future Winter Olympics.

What will be the main mascot of the Winter Olympics in Sochi? This issue was actively discussed by the whole of Russia, thousands of drawings of future mascots made by both professional artists and, simply, amateurs, appeared on the Internet and in the media.

The Olympic mascot must reflect the motto Olympic movement"Citius, Altius, Fortius!"- and the very principle of the Olympics, which was defined in 1896 by Pierre de Coubertin:“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not victory, but participation, just as in life, the most important thing is not triumph, but struggle.”

Since childhood, it seems to us an inhabitant of the North Pole and the polar Arctic. A strong, fast and graceful animal can easily be the winner of curling, bobsleigh, luge, speed skiing and skating competitions.

No less interesting is the second character - graceful, light and flexible. snow leopard.

In the animal kingdom, this is the fastest animal, its running speed is 16 - 18 meters per second. For him, 8-10-meter long jumps and 4-meter high jumps are easy and common. The leopard is the most perfect cat that lives in the mountains of the Caucasus, easily and freely climbs rocks and trees, as if on the ground.

Yielding to a lion and a tiger in size, the leopard always wins in dexterity and swiftness of movements, it has an instant reaction and a lightning attack.

Hare love for a light and cheerful disposition, readiness to always come to the rescue. It is known that in the wild, hares will always feed not only their own, but also strangers hares left without a mother. The hare knows how to be friends, take care and win over.

In the Sochi House of Olympic mascots, guests of the Olympics will get acquainted with Luchik and Snezhinka - mascots

In 1980, the Olympics took place in Moscow. Mishka became its symbol, flying into the sky at the closing ceremony under the tears of sentimental Soviet citizens. “Goodbye, see you again,” Mishka sang goodbye, and everyone believed that he would return.

When choosing a mascot for the Sochi Olympics, an all-Russian vote was held for the contenders through a variety of channels: the Internet, telephone, etc. The collection of ideas for creating a talisman began in Russia on September 1, 2010, and then, according to a survey by VTsIOOM, the majority of respondents wanted to see a bear cub as the mascot of the Olympics.

As a result, 11 candidates were presented for voting, among which was a brown bear. Far from being as touching as 30 years ago, and therefore he took 8th place, far from the top three. Thus, in 2014, he will definitely not return.

According to preliminary polls of the same VTsIOM, Ded Moroz was the leader. This popular referendum was crowned by SMS-voting on the air of Channel One. During the Talismania show, all applicants, among whom, in addition to those named, were the images of Bunny, Leopard, Sunny, White, Fire Boy, Snow Girl, Matryoshka, Dolphin, Bullfinch, received three minutes of airtime for the presentation.

Before the final vote, two things were brought to the attention of the Russians. Firstly, Santa Claus, through the host of the show, Ivan Urgant, sent a message in which he withdrew his candidacy from the election campaign for the title of symbol of the Olympics. Secondly, a few hours before the start of the program, information spread through all channels that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin spoke in favor of Leopard. At the same time, he asked the voters not to be guided by his opinion.

As a result, the leopard Barsik, drawn by Vadim Pak from Nakhodka, became the winner of the vote. 28% of Russians voted for him. The Polar Bear lagged behind the Leopard by 10%. Third place with 16% of the vote was taken by Zaika. The main surprise of the vote was that everyone will become the mascots of the 2014 Games, the Olympics will have three symbols.

Tip 2: The Biggest Venues of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

The organizers of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi had to do a colossal amount of work. After all, it was necessary to build a number of new sports facilities, and actually high level, build new roads, improve infrastructure. Now, when there is very little time left before the opening of the games, it can already be said with confidence that an ambitious project of grandiose proportions has been successfully implemented. Each sports facility of the future Olympics is very important and irreplaceable, but against the general background, several of the largest can be distinguished.

"Fisht" - "White Head"

Sports competitions will be held in two areas (clusters) - coastal, located on the territory of the Imeretinskaya lowland, and mountainous, located in the area of ​​the village of Krasnaya Polyana. The Coastal Cluster is designed for all skating competitions: hockey, speed skating, short track, figure skating, as well as curling competitions. There will also be held the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics, the awarding of winners. Among the objects of the coastal cluster, the largest is new stadium"Fisht", designed for 40 thousand spectators.

Translated from the Adyghe language, the word "fisht" means "snow head". This name is given to one of the mountain peaks of the West Caucasus Range, 2852 meters high. The stadium is the largest sports facility in the south of Russia. Its length is 269 meters, width - 239 meters. In the future, after the end of the Winter Olympics, it is planned to replace the artificial turf with natural grass so that matches can be held at Fisht group stage 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The second largest sports facility in the coastal cluster - Ice Palace"Big". This building, designed for 12 thousand spectators, will host hockey competitions. The ice palace has a beautiful and original shape, resembling a frozen drop.

The largest object of the mountain cluster

The most impressive object in terms of size and labor intensity, located near the village of Krasnaya Polyana, is the Sanki bobsleigh complex. It is a giant concrete chute shaped like the letter U. The chute is 1814 meters long. The height difference is relatively small - 132 meters, so bobsledders will not be able to achieve very high speeds. This was done in agreement with the Olympic Committee in order to prevent a repetition of the tragedy at the Vancouver Olympics, when an athlete died during a training run.

On February 7, 2014, the Winter Olympic Games will open in Sochi. The upcoming Olympics will be a record number of medals: 98 sets of awards will be played. The competition program includes a number of new disciplines. Sports fans can expect a bright, rich spectacle.

What is included in the program of the 2014 Olympics

Olympians in Sochi will compete for medals in 7 sports: biathlon, bobsleigh (which also includes skeleton), ice hockey, curling, luge, speed skating (speed skating, short track, figure skating), skiing (cross-country skiing, skiing, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle).

Given the great interest of the audience in one of the brightest and spectacular views sports - ice hockey, the leadership of the NHL went towards the International Olympic Committee and agreed to take a break in winter season so that NHL players can take part in matches for their Olympic teams.

Venue of the competition

The Olympians will compete in two places: directly within the borders of Sochi and outside it, about 40 kilometers from the city. These places have received official names: "coastal cluster" and "mountain cluster".

The coastal cluster includes Olympic park, where all the ice arenas are located, as well as the new Fisht Stadium, designed for 40 thousand spectators. In addition to this stadium, there is an ice palace "Bolshoi", Ice Arena"Puck", iceberg winter sports palace, "Adler-Arena" and "Ice Cube", where curling competitions will be held. All these sports facilities are located so close to each other that they can be considered as being within walking distance. In this regard, the Sochi Olympics can be considered unique.

In the mountain cluster located on the territory of the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort, open-air competitions will be held. There will be played medals in biathlon, skiing, luge and bobsleigh. This cluster includes 5 modern complexes that meet the highest requirements. The Laura complex will host biathlon competitions and cross-country skiing, the Russian Hills will host ski jumping, the Sanki complex will host lugers and bobsledders, and visitors to the Rosa Khutor complex will see alpine skiing competitions. On the territory of Rosa Khutor there is also a separate Extreme Park complex, where freestyle and snowboard competitions will be held.

XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi will be held from 7 to 23 February 2014. This grandiose event is eagerly awaited by both the inhabitants of Russia and the whole world. This Olympiad will differ from others in various innovations.

Features of the Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympic Games have been held since 1924 as an addition to the Summer Games. From 1924 to 1992, the Winter Olympics were held in the same year as the Summer Olympics. Since 1994 winter Games held at intervals of 2 years after summer. The generally accepted month for the Winter Olympics is February.

The date February 7, 2014 and the city of the Olympic Games were chosen during the 119th session of the International Olympic Committee in 2007. Members of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee were appointed responsible for organizing the Winter Olympic Games.

During the closing ceremony of the previous Winter Olympic Games, IOC President Jacques Rogge handed over the Olympic flag to Anatoly Pakhomov, Mayor of Sochi. A few months before that, the Sochi 2014 logo was presented to the public. As the mascots of the 2014 Winter Olympics, the inhabitants of Russia chose the white Mishka, the snow Leopard and the Bunny. 500 days before the start of the Olympics, the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee announced the slogan of the Games: “Hot. Winter. Yours."

Preparing for the start of the Winter Olympics

365 days before the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, February 7, 2013, in many Russian cities A countdown clock was launched that displays the days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining until the opening of the Olympics. These cities were Nizhny Novgorod, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Pyatigorsk, St. Petersburg and Moscow. In addition, countdown electronic clocks have been installed by many Internet sites.

There are several other important dates associated with the number 7, anticipating the start of the Olympics and related events. On February 7, 2013, the official sale of tickets for the 2014 Sochi Olympics began. The start of the relay was scheduled for October 7, 2013 Olympic flame on the territory of Russia, which will continue until the very opening of the competition on February 7, 2014.

The city of Sochi will also host the Paralympic Games. Their opening is scheduled for March 7, 2014. Closing ceremonies of the Games promise to become important and memorable events. The Olympics in Sochi will end on February 23, 2014, and the closing ceremony of Para Olympic Games scheduled for March 16th.

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The selection of the mascot for the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi began back in 2008 with an unofficial vote held by the people of Sochi. In 2010, an all-Russian vote took place, during which official mascots were approved. At the same time, the inhabitants of Russia did not stop creating alternative versions of the symbols of the Olympics, some of which also became very popular.

Mascot selection

In 2008, the residents of Sochi also chose a Black Sea dolphin on skis as a mascot, designed by artist Olga Belyaeva. The dolphin was not approved as an official symbol, as the Russians decided that it could not represent the Winter Olympics.

In September 2010, the official All-Russian mascot competition for the Sochi Olympics started. To the address organizing committee more than 24 thousand works from all over Russia came. People approached the creation of the talisman creatively and even with a fair amount of humor. Favorites of the people immediately arose, among them the talisman Zoich from Evgeny Zhgun from Moscow in the form of an anuran amphibian. Mittens have become no less popular.

A short scandal arose when contestants tried to promote satirical images on the Internet and at various exhibitions, exposing the Russian authorities of fraud and large-scale embezzlement of budget funds during the construction of Olympic facilities. But this incident was quickly hushed up.

Jury decision

The expert jury did not include abstract and caricature characters in the list of finalists, preferring more serious, but at the same time bright and attention-grabbing characters. For quite a long time there were disputes over whether it is worth approving as a candidate for mascots the image of Santa Claus, the authors of which were workers in the tourism sector from Volgograd. As a result, he was excluded from the list of applicants, because after the election, the mascot of the Olympics should become the property of the International Olympic Committee. Santa Claus is an established symbol of Russia and Russian traditions.

10 candidates for the mascots of the Olympic Games and 3 options for the Paralympic Games took part in the final voting. About one and a half million viewers gave their votes for the mascot of future games. More than 28% of the votes were received by the Snow Leopard or the Leopard. 18% of the votes were given to the White Bear, and 16% received the Bunny. Thus, the jury decided to choose all three characters as the official mascots of the Olympic Games. The organizers did not forget about the Paralympic Games either. Snowflake and Ray became their talismans.

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Each Olympic Games has its own talismans, which are part of Olympic symbols and help to better convey the national flavor of the host country of the competition, and also bring good luck to athletes. Most often, an animal or fictional creature is used as an Olympic mascot. In 2011, the mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi were determined.

How were the talismans made?

Initially, the inhabitants of Sochi chose their talisman for the upcoming Olympic Games. They became a dolphin on skis, which was painted by the Yaroslavl artist Olga Belyaeva. Voting took place in 2008. However, after the publication of the results, the organizing committee of Sochi-2014 announced that the election of the official mascot of the Games would take place no earlier than 2011.

In 2010, an all-Russian competition was announced to create the idea of ​​the Games mascots for everyone. In total, 24,048 works were sent to the competition from participants from all over Russia, as well as from foreign countries. The participants of the competition sent a lot of comical options, many of which became popular favorites. Among them are the tailless toad Zorg, Mittens and even Pedobear, which is popular on the Internet. Despite popular recognition, the Sochi 2014 Olympic Committee and members of the selection committee did not allow dubious applicants to the final vote.

How was the final vote

In December, an expert jury summed up the results of the first round and selected 11 main contenders for the title of symbol of the Olympic Games in Sochi and 3 for the Paralympic Games. Before the decisive vote, it was announced that the jury had excluded Santa Claus from the list of candidates for the title of the Olympic mascot, since for Russians he is already a symbol of the New Year, and if he wins, he would belong to the International Olympic Committee, like the mascots of all the Games.

In February 2011, the official mascots were finally selected from the final ten options. This happened during the voting live on Channel One. In total, 1.4 million Russians cast their votes. The jury announced the three winners that best fit the winter nature of the Olympics. They were the Snow Leopard, who received over 28% of the votes, the White Bear, for whom 18% of the viewers voted, and the Bunny with 16% of the votes. Snezhinka and Luchik became the mascots of the Paralympic Games at the choice of Paralympic athletes.


  • chose the mascots of Sochi 2014

Tip 7: How to find out the schedule of events for the Winter Olympics in Sochi

The XXII Winter Olympic Games will take place in the southern city of Russia, Sochi. This right was granted to him in 2007, during a meeting of the International Olympic Committee. In addition, the flag of the Winter Olympics was handed over to the hosts of this grandiose event. The Organizing Committee of the Games has already prepared an exciting program of sports and entertainment events that will begin on February 7, 2014.

Olympics program

Currently, the competition schedule has already been agreed with the International Olympic Committee and sports federations. The official website of the Olympics provides a complete schedule of all events. From 7 to 23 February 2014, Sochi will be the venue for truly exciting sporting events.

The Olympic Games will begin with a solemn opening ceremony on February 7, 2014, which will be held at the Fisht Stadium, located in the coastal cluster and accommodating up to 40,000 people. This event will also be shown live by the main Russian and world channels. To see it with your own eyes, you need to purchase tickets on the official website of the Olympics. One of the colorful events of the Olympic Games will also be their closing ceremony, which will take place on February 23. On the same day, the final sports competitions in cross-country skiing and final hockey games.

The first competitions of the Winter Olympics will take place on February 8. Skaters and skiers will compete for championship titles and gold medals on this day. One set of awards will be played in biathlon and freestyle, and participants in cross-country skiing will fight for two champion titles at once. On the same day, hockey competitions will begin, figure skating, ski jumping and luge.

Where will the competition take place

The venues for the competitions will be sports facilities located in the mountainous and coastal clusters of Sochi. Facilities for competitions requiring a height difference (luge, ski jumping, bobsleigh, snowboarding, etc.) are located in Krasnaya Polyana, forming a mountain cluster. Cross-country skiing and biathlon races will also take place here. A media village has been built here especially for journalists and television.

Along the Black Sea coast are located ice rinks for tournaments in figure skating, hockey, curling and speed skating. There are also stadiums where solemn and cultural events will take place.

The weather in the capital of the Olympics fluctuates from about +14 to +16 degrees Celsius. On the beach you can go and even sunbathe. But this weather absolutely does not interfere with the training and competitions of athletes: the ice in the arenas is normal, ski slopes the snow doesn't melt. Hot also because people from all over the country came to cheer for our people, for whom this event will not leave indifferent.

About an hour from the sea - and you find yourself in winter. On the mountain slopes, at an altitude of 1500 m, where skiers compete, there is enough snow. As it turned out, winter competitions can also be held at this latitude. And if in the evening (at this time there are biathlon competitions) you stand for ten to fifteen minutes, then you can turn into an ice. By the way, there are a lot of beautiful ice statues in the Olympic Village, and they do not melt!

Everyone who came to Sochi will have to understand this: spectators, athletes, journalists, volunteers, etc. A lot has been built here and a lot of effort has been invested. Stadiums, hotels, three Olympic villages at once, and all at a high level of comfort and convenience.

The Olympic Games in Sochi are certainly a grandiose world-class event that will remain in the memory of everyone who took part in the Games - both athletes and fans. And for everyone they will be hot, of course, winter and their own.

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» Symbols of the Olympics

Symbols/mascots of the Sochi 2014 Olympics (pictures)

On December 1, 2009, official symbols of the Sochi 2014 Olympics. The solemn ceremony of the presentation of the symbols of the Olympic Games in Sochi was held on Red Square in Moscow. The champion of the Olympic Games in sports dancing on ice Tatyana Navka and sportswriter Kirill Nabutov.

Represented 2014 olympic mascots personally President of the Organizing Committee of the Games Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Under numerous fireworks and exclamations, the symbols of the Sochi 2014 Olympics were presented to the public. Thanks to a specially organized teleconference, residents of the host city of the Olympics could enjoy the presentation of the mascots of the 2014 Olympics, and the popular TV presenter Andrey Malakhov hosted the show. legendary song olympic bear Lev Leshchenko and Alsu sang a duet, and the closing shots were broadcast on the screen Summer Games in Moscow in 1980.

Polar bear lives in an icy igloo beyond the distant polar circle. His house is entirely built of ice and snow. The emblem always hangs on the wall - Sochi 2014. There is a bed, and a computer, and a snow shower, and even a sports simulator so that the bear can always stay in shape. Thanks to him, the bear learned to ski, play curling and skate. Most of all he likes sledding.

Leopard lives on the branches of a huge tree growing on a snow-covered rock of the Caucasian mountains. By vocation, he is a lifeguard. Always ready to help. They say that he helped save the villages located at the foot of the mountains from avalanches more than once, for which he was awarded the honorary emblem of Sochi 2014. The leopard is excellent at snowboarding, he taught all his friends this sport. This talisman has a cheerful disposition and loves big companies.

Bunny known as the most active resident of the Olympic village. Everyone is surprised - how does she keep up everywhere?! She is not only an excellent student at the Forest Academy, but also a reliable assistant in the family restaurant "Forest Dam" and a constant participant in sports competitions. On her neck is a butterfly with. In addition, this mascot of the 2014 Olympics loves to sing and dance.

Snezhinka and Luchik were chosen as the mascots of the Paralympic Games in Sochi.

Luchik came from the hottest planet, and Snowflake- with ice. We are completely different - but we have a lot in common. We like to inspire special people to special achievements! We help earthlings discover fantastic possibilities in themselves!

Sochi 2014 Olympic mascots - pictures

For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games Sochi 2014 Olympic mascots were chosen through an open universal vote, as a result of which the White Bear, Leopard and Bunny received the largest number of votes. More than 270 thousand respondents took part in the voting. The mascot of the Sochi 2014 Olympics in the form of a dolphin on skis did not quite reach the top three. The entire list of contenders for the symbols of the Olympics was as follows: Santa Claus, Matryoshka, Snigir, Dolphin, Leopard, Brown Bear, Sunny, Ray, Snowflake, White Bear and Bunny.

By the way, the leopard was nominated for the 2014 Olympic mascot competition by the residents of Sochi in November 2010. The author of the image is Vadim Pak, a resident of Nakhodka. Many find analogies between Olympic leopard Leopard and snow leopard Yuni, which was the symbol of the Kazan Universiade 2013. Below are pictures of all applicants for the mascots of the Sochi 2014 Olympics.