Weight loss tips from Anita Lutsenko. Weight loss diaries with Anita Lutsenko. Anita Lutsenko - weight loss diaries

Anita Lutsenko is one of the coaches of the program “Zvazheni ta schaslivі” (“Weighted and happy”), the Ukrainian analogue of the American reality show “The Biggest Loser”. In this program, participants lose up to 80 kilograms during the show and completely change their lifestyle.

Anita has developed numerous sets of exercises for different muscle groups and willingly shares them.

Secrets of losing weight from Anita Lutsenko

The metabolic rate must be maintained at a high level throughout the day, for which it is necessary not only to eat regularly, but little by little, but also to train every day, and not twice a week after work, falling asleep on.

Moreover, daily workouts mean multiple small exercises and, which anyone, even the busiest person, can afford during the day.

Eating little and often, and spending small complexes exercises, we force the body constantly, which does not happen with rare, albeit longer sessions.

Stop constantly standing on the scales in anticipation of colossal plumb lines. The numbers on the scales will not show the amount of fat stores burned. They will also reflect the increased muscle mass, and water, which this moment is in the body.

It is necessary to observe the volumes of the body, and not kilograms. Take a measuring tape and measure, hips,.

Charging for weight loss from Anita

Since we all do not have enough time for long sessions, trainer Anita has developed a weight loss exercise that takes only a few minutes, but at the same time speeds up the metabolism for several hours.

    Combined with proper nutrition (see the list of forbidden foods below) this program charging gives a quickly tangible positive effect.
  • To warm up: we cross our outstretched arms in front of us, and then behind our backs; rotate straightened arms forward and backward; bend the leg and pull the foot to the buttock, well stretching the muscles.
  • For we put our feet shoulder-width apart and, transferring the weight of the body, we squat on one or the other knee. Then, connecting the legs, we bring our hands under the knees, stretch the spine and straighten up.
  • For bench press squats, we take and squat with our feet shoulder-width apart. Rising up, do a bench press with your hands up. And so 10 times.
  • For traction with our hands, we focus on straight arms and feet, lean on one arm and raise the other arm ten times from the dumbbells to the chest. We change hands.
  • For the "crane" from a standing position, we lean forward, taking the straight leg back and touching the floor with dumbbells. And so 10 times.

  • . Lying on the floor, take a dumbbell in your right hand, keeping your arm extended above you, and bend your right leg. I put on the press left hand and raise upper part body up, continuing to hold the hand with the dumbbell above you. Also 10 times.
  • Long jump. We jump 10 times through the rug as far as possible.
  • We repeat the exercise for the press on the left hand.

The proposed exercises should be performed at a fast pace and without interruptions. This is what will give an acceleration of metabolism and provide the effect of burning body fat for several hours after charging.

How to remove the stomach

The problem of the abdomen is of particular concern. Anita has developed a special set of exercises that differs from the usual twists and is very effective in the fight against the stomach.

"Tin" by Anita Lutsenko

Anita developed a fat burning program, which was called "Tin". Only 8 lessons of the program will help tone the body and lose excess weight. "Tin" differs from other, more loyal programs, in the absence of respite and a high pace of exercise.

The training program is designed for 2 months, during which you will have to train in four-day cycles: 3 consecutive days of training, 1 day of rest. For classes, you will need a stopwatch, since you will have to measure the time it takes to complete all the exercises.

There will be 3 sets of 15 repetitions of each exercise recommended by the trainer. The fat burning program allows you to work out all the most important muscles for weight loss in the body.

List of forbidden foods from Anita Lutsenko

For weight loss, exercise alone is not enough. Diet and lifestyle should also be reviewed. There are products, the use of which is contraindicated for losing weight people.

    • Carbonated sweet drinks and fruit juices from tetra packs. They have a lot of sugar, which means calories. But calories should not be drunk, but eaten. You should drink water.
    • Hard cheese should be replaced with sour milk or cheese, since most hard cheeses have 40-50% fat.

  • Honey is allowed no more than 1-2 teaspoons per day.
  • Vegetable fats are no less harmful, and their amount must be precisely controlled. So, for example, 100 g of sunflower seeds contain 520 kka. That is, clicking seeds in front of the TV is like eating pizza, although many consider snacking on seeds to be a harmless task.
  • Sweet fruits should be avoided if you want to lose weight. Grapes, bananas, cherries contain not only complex carbohydrates but also fructose and glucose.
  • Track the consumption of dried fruits, especially raisins, because 1 glass of raisins will give you 600 kcal, that is, half the daily allowance.
  • No more than one teaspoon of salt per day is acceptable, as salt is found in most foods.

  • Replace convenient factory-made muesli with fruit-filled oatmeal.
  • Remove white rice from the diet - in the process of grinding, he lost all the useful. Only brown, unpolished rice should be consumed.
  • You should not lean on beef, because it also contains cholesterol and layers of fat.

Good at Everyday life use mobile app- an assistant controller, where everything that is eaten during the day is entered. The application will analyze the daily diet and help you understand the sources of weight gain.

Anita Lutsenko is famous for her activity in the field of fitness. She is known as an instructor for the show "Happy and Happy", a professional trainer, an expert in the field of weight loss and an organizer of social events whose goal is to motivate for sports and support a healthy lifestyle.

Anita Lutsenko claims that the pledge effective weight loss is a reasonable approach. If your diet is wrong, then all efforts in training are in vain - there will be no result. The main thing in losing weight is to act comprehensively. Only with proper nutrition and regular exercise you will find a beautiful and slender figure.

Anita Lutsenko - how to remove the stomach

Every girl's dream is to have slim stomach. Many are faced with such a problem when they actively train and pump the press, trying to feel the muscles, but the notorious fat layer does not disappear. What is the main mistake?

Anita Lutsenko will reveal all the secrets of a flat stomach. She assures that in order to have a beautiful belly, it is not enough just to pump the press hard. Anita explains this by saying that during abdominal exercises, muscles are pumped, and fat is burned only if it is observed.

The secret of Anita Lutsenko's slender and inflated abs is dieting and regular workouts. Moreover, in the first place, in importance, it is dieting, since 70% of success depends on nutrition.

Anita recommends giving up white bread, sweets, sugary juices, carbonated drinks, alcohol and fast food, as these products are concentrated in the abdomen. Wanna have thin waist- Stop eating it! The result will be noticeable in just a week - centimeters will begin to disappear before our eyes. Regular exercise will help speed up and consolidate the process of losing weight.

Anita Lutsenko - abdominal exercises

It doesn't matter at all how many times you pump the press. It could be a hundred times, twenty times, or three hundred. The ideal press depends not only on the intensity of the exercises and the number of repetitions, but also on right choice their combinations and duration.

Exercises for the sides - Anita Lutsenko

This is very effective exercises, though not quite simple. But in order to have perfect abs, you will have to work hard.

Lose weight with Anita Lutsenko

Successful weight loss requires a clear plan, strategy and goal setting. Decide for yourself what weight you want to see on the scales and for how long it is possible to achieve this.

Anita Lutsenko will show you how to lose weight correctly. The exercises, the videos of which are presented below, will help you in choosing a training program.

The great advantage of these workouts is that they can be done. Set aside 30 minutes a day for yourself, choose any set of exercises and work on yourself.

Exercise with Anita Lutsenko. Video

Benefit morning exercises known to everyone, but not everyone is able to perform it regularly. But with the help of morning exercises, you can not only improve your health, but also lose weight.

Spiral gymnastics by Anita Lutsenko. Video

This set of exercises is perfect for those people who have contraindications to physical activity. Spiral gymnastics is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Classes with Anita Lutsenko - a set of fat burning exercises

You will notice the first positive changes in your body after a week of regular classes. These workouts change beyond recognition!

Dance aerobics. Zumba fitness with Anita Lutsenko

For lovers of dancing, an indispensable tool to combat extra pounds can be dance aerobics. is a great alternative to monotonous cardio workouts. For one such dance workout, from 400 to 700 calories are lost.

Anita Lutsenko - weight loss diaries

Anita Lutsenko's weight loss diaries are very popular. In these diaries, a strict and unusually demanding fitness trainer offers a rather difficult, but effective complex exercises for weight loss. After a month of such training overweight will disappear forever.

If you dream of a beautiful and slim figure then join the transformative training complex Anita Lutsenko. Your dream will definitely come true, and for this it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive subscription to a fitness club or exhaust yourself with ineffective and harmful diets.

Anita Lutsenko is famous for her activity in the field of fitness. She is known as an instructor for the show "Happy and Happy", a professional trainer, an expert in the field of weight loss and an organizer of social events whose goal is to motivate for sports and support a healthy lifestyle.

Losing weight is not an easy process, and the professionalism of those who help a person along this path is the key to success or failure. It seems that only lazy people don’t talk about diets and “effective” fitness exercises, and most actresses and singers have long become gurus distributing weight loss advice on TV shows. But there are exceptions.

“On the programs of Anita Lutsenko, even very obese people lost 70-80 kg excess weight. Losing 5-7 kg in a month of such exercises is definitely not difficult. "

Usefulness about food and training from Anita Lutsenko

  1. Be sure to eat 1.5 hours before training, carbohydrates will give you strength. This is porridge with vegetables or legumes.
  2. An hour after a workout, proteins, such as boiled chicken or eggs, will help restore strength.
  3. Swap white bread for wholemeal bread.
  4. Don't drink water while eating. The liquid dilutes the concentration of gastric juice and thus impairs digestion. You can drink 1 hour after a meal or 20 minutes before a meal.
  5. You don't have to cut out salt completely. Daily rate salt 5 gr. (1 tsp)
  6. Don't be discouraged if you can't attend. gym, see sport exercises on the video on our website and practice at home.
  7. If you want to have a flat stomach, be sure to do abdominal exercises daily. It is very important to do the exercises correctly.
  8. Don't eat stress!
  9. When it comes to weight loss, motivation is very important. You can buy jeans or a smaller dress and try it on monthly. So you will work out more and be sure to lose weight.

Super selection of strength exercises

Useful products from Anita Lutsenko

  • eggs;
  • tofu;
  • all vegetables without exception;
  • all fruits.

Diet recipes 2016

Prohibited products from Anita Lutsenko

  • products in vacuum packaging;
  • pork;
  • crab sticks;
  • crackers, white flour bread;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • juices from packages;
  • milk chocolate.

List of products for weight loss from Anita Lutsenko

“Slimming” should always have such a list at hand! Maybe it's time to memorize it?

low calorie foods

Five main characters: tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, lean white fish, citrus fruits.

hearty foods

Five main characters: oatmeal, durum wheat pasta, beans, whole grain bread, apples.

Foods that don't cause blood sugar spikes

Five main characters: skimmed milk, lentils, mushrooms, berries, lettuce.

Reduced Fat Products

Five main characters: low-fat cottage cheese, chicken offal, seafood, perch, tuna.

Products that support your appearance

Five main characters: pure water, olive oil, almonds, flaxseed oil, avocado.

Foods you enjoy eating

Five main characters: vegetables and fruits that crunch while you eat them - apples, carrots, bell peppers, celery, etc.; whipped dairy products without sugar, fruit purees, low-fat chicken pate, juicy berries.

Foods that won't retain water in the body

Five main characters: green tea; orange juice diluted with water; cowberry; berry fruit drinks and sugar-free lemonades; celery and juice from it.

Products that will always be with you

Five main characters: bananas, low-fat dairy products in half-liter packages, cereals, nuts, dried fruits.

Products to help you build a new body

Five main characters: low-fat cheese, diet cottage cheese, white fish, legumes, egg white.

Products to support you

Five main characters: dark chocolate without additives (at least 75% cocoa must be indicated in the composition), dates, tomatoes, olive oil, nuts.

Popular wraps 2016


Lose weight by 8 kg in 2 weeks with a jump rope! - Everything will be good - Issue 640 - 07/23/15

Exercise with Anita Lutsenko. Video

Everyone knows the benefits of morning exercises, but not everyone is able to do it regularly. But with the help of morning exercises, you can not only improve your health, but also lose weight.

Classes with Anita Lutsenko - a set of fat burning exercises

You will notice the first positive changes in your body after a week of regular classes. These workouts change beyond recognition!

Power ways to lose weight

How to remove the stomach from Anita Lutsenko

The problem of the abdomen is of particular concern to women who have given birth. Anita has developed a special set of exercises that differs from the usual twists and is very effective in the fight against the stomach.

To start - warm-up exercise, which will warm up the muscles and prepare for other exercises. We place our hands palms down at the level of the navel. Now we make an energetic run in place, each time raising our knees and touching our palms.
We run in this way for a minute, while keeping the abdominal muscles in tension.

From the same position - high swings with legs in different directions. Legs can be slightly bent to facilitate swinging. 20 pieces each leg in each direction. That is, we present ourselves with an obstacle that we need to step over, raising our hips high and keeping the press in tension.

The following exercise is taken from the arsenal of yogis. Rest on your knees with your hands, leaning forward. Take a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale all the air from the diaphragm through your mouth with a loud noise. Now, holding your breath, pull in your stomach strongly - it should literally “stick” to the spine. Ten repetitions of the exercise will be quite effective, especially if performed on an empty stomach.
In a more complicated version of the same exercise, try pushing your stomach out several times while holding your breath and pulling it in again. This is quite difficult and may not work out right away, but it is these exercises that will help tone the abdominal muscles after childbirth.


The results achieved by the participants intense training with Anita Lutsenko, delight and surprise. Regular exercise really works! However, do not forget about proper nutrition. Today for you the diet of the participants of the Weight Loss Diaries with Anita Lutsenko for a week. Use it to get even better results!

The "Slimming Diaries" section continues to take care of you and your figure! Today for you is a balanced diet for weight loss, developed by the experts of the show "Everything will be good." Give up potatoes, drink 2 liters of clean water every day, and stick to the menu on the plate - and you will definitely get a beautiful and slim figure!

According to dobre.stb.ua

Anita Lutsenko regularly launches the program “14 days without sweets” not only among her wards, but also for everyone. Here are a few rules about the correct elimination of sugar from the diet.

Famous trainer Anita Lutsenko is sure that 14 days without sweets can improve not only general state body, but also to adjust the weight. Thanks to such a nutrition system, you can overcome the “sugar” addiction and get rid of a couple of extra pounds. The results of such a program, to be honest, are amazing, because many girls manage to lose up to 10 kg.


1. Take a BEFORE photo to specifically see your result (well, to show off among your girlfriends).

2. Get up every morning no later than 6:30, even if you don't need to rush anywhere.

3. Drink 2 glasses of warm water in the morning. If there is no hyperacidity and stomach problems, then you can with lemon.

4. Do breathing exercises.

5. Do one exercise in the morning. Which one, you can find out on Anita's Instagram (@anitasporty) or follow your own program. The main thing is to do the exercise in the morning every day.


  • White sugar sand and sweeteners (stevia and fructose too).
  • Sweet drinks (lemonade, cola, packaged juices, compotes, fresh juices, smoothies) and healthy sweets!
  • Milk (if coffee, then WITHOUT MILK, porridge without milk) why? Because this way the effect will be faster and more obvious!
  • Everything sweet (cookies, sweets, marshmallows, jelly, halva, chocolate, ice cream, sweet curds, rolls, jam).
  • White bread, croutons, bagels, peanuts, chips, popcorn, canned food.
  • Cold water.

What is there?

Necessarily: breakfast, lunch, dinner (you can also have a snack)

2 times a day from this list: eggs, chicken, fish, meat, liver, beans, tofu, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.

2 times of this: porridge, lentils, rice (only Basmati), bread, pasta (preferably before 17 hours).

– No more than 1 fruit per day, except for bananas and grapes (until 4:00 pm) or berries (a handful).

- Dried fruits only 3 pieces per day.

- 2 vegetables a day. Which? Any! Raw, boiled, baked, frozen, etc.

- You can honey (1 teaspoon per day).

And most importantly: every morning when you wake up and when you stand and brush your teeth, remember that you need to thank your mother, work, your body, your life, everyone you meet in life because everything is so good with you! Thank you and don't ask!

Why 6:30?

As a minimum, folk wisdom says: "He who gets up early - God gives him." Your day will become more interesting, there will be time for yourself: read, work out, write a plan, make a mask, a new hairstyle, scrub, think, invent, run and something else.

According to Ayurveda, lifting up to 6 or so will give vivacity of the body and excellent mood (especially for those who have more than 7 kg extra), thanks to ease in life and in weight, the process will also go faster.
You can try going to bed earlier - sleep regulates hormones that help you lose weight and regulate appetite (do this gradually, an hour earlier than the previous day). Ideal - around 22:00.

Why drink warm water?

In the morning I drank - I went to the toilet immediately. Cold water slows down the digestive tract. Do you need it? Warm water according to Ayurveda washes away toxins from the body and detox juices are not needed.

Sample menu:

№ 1
Breakfast: poached eggs 2 pcs. + whole grain bread 2 pcs. + vegetables 150 g.

Snack: Fruit 1 pc. and nuts 20 g.

Dinner: buckwheat 100g ready + pepper baked with vegetables 200g + 40g feta / cheese.

Dinner: Stewed veal 100 g + Ratatouille 250 g.

№ 2
Breakfast: lazy oatmeal (3 tablespoons) with natural yoghurt 100 ml and fruit.

Snack: cottage cheese 150g + honey 1 tsp + flax seeds 1 tsp.

Dinner: baked potatoes 1 pc. + vegetable salad 150 g + broccoli cream soup (150 ml).

Dinner: white fish baked in herbs 100 g + vegetable stew with bulgur (200 g + 50 g ready).


Anita Lutsenko is absolutely not a supporter of diets - proper nutrition is much better diet, because it is designed for a lifetime, and not for a short period of time to lose weight by a significant date. Therefore, the so-called diet from trainer Anita Lutsenko is nothing more than the rules of a balanced diet.


Anita says that you do not need to strictly limit yourself, but you can afford something forbidden only if you do not lose weight and exercise a lot. In the process of losing weight, Anita Lutsenko's diet involves the following forbidden foods:

  • mayonnaise, any "package" dressings for salads and dishes;
  • sausages, sausages and smoked meats;
  • products in vacuum packaging;
  • pork;
  • crab sticks;
  • crackers, white flour bread;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • juices from packages;
  • milk chocolate.

Conditionally allowed

According to proper nutrition from Anita Lutsenko, there are also a number of foods that you can eat while losing weight, but still you should not get carried away with them:

  • jacket potatoes;
  • sweet fruits - persimmons, grapes, bananas, avocados;
  • starchy vegetables - carrots, beets, corn;
  • nuts and seeds (only 1 handful is allowed);
  • natural juices;
  • black chocolate;
  • butter (10 g);
  • olive oil (4 g);
  • sour cream and cream;
  • cheeses.

Healthy foods

And, of course, healthy food from Anita Lutsenko contains a lot of healthy and tasty products that should be your most faithful assistants in losing weight and gaining health and beauty. In principle, the following list is exactly what Anita herself eats.

  • meat - veal, skinless poultry, rabbit;
  • seafood - fish, shrimps, crabs, mussels, squids, etc.;
  • natural milk and yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir;
  • eggs;
  • beans, lentils, mushrooms, seaweed - as a side dish;
  • tofu;
  • unpolished rice, wholemeal flour products;
  • all vegetables without exception;
  • all fruits.

In the process of losing weight, it is important not to lose sight of the small, but decisive nuances. For example, fruits should be eaten only until 3 pm, dairy products should be chosen with low fat content, salads should be seasoned with lemon juice, sea salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Natural spices should be used in dishes, and not salt - fennel, coriander, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg. And for sweets, you can afford sorbet, oatmeal cookies, cottage cheese dessert, jelly and kissels.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Losing weight is not an easy process, and the professionalism of those who help a person along this path is the key to success or failure. It seems that only lazy people do not talk about diets and "effective" fitness exercises, and most actresses and singers have long become gurus distributing weight loss advice on TV shows. But there are exceptions.

"On the programs of Anita Lutsenko, even very obese people lost 70-80 kg of excess weight. Losing 5-7 kg in a month of such exercises is definitely not difficult."

Host of the TV program "Weighted and Happy" Anita Lutsenko refers to those advisers who are competent in the topic of losing weight. Creating her author's program, Anita set as her goal to help overweight people to change not so much with the help of diets, but through returning to a normal track. healthy life which includes daily charging.

Charging from Anita Lutsenko

The famous fitness instructor rightly believes that a person who has ignored sports for a long time will not be able to quickly pump muscles - and this is, in principle, an impossible event if you put yourself enough short time. Therefore, she suggests starting with a weight loss exercise that will help you lose weight and improve your body further in a healthier toned state.

The peculiarity of the complex of exercises is that it increases metabolism in the human body, while the high rate of metabolic processes persists for a long time after exercise.

The exercises of Anita Lutsenko include such exercises:

1. Warm-up: we swing with our arms extended forward, crossing them alternately in front and behind (as far as we can get). For each swing forward, you have to raise your leg - bending at the knee, we press the foot to the buttock. We change legs. Leg muscles should stretch.

2. We make "jumps" from one leg to another: we jump on the right, slightly bending it at the knee, at this time we put the left leg to the side. To fix the position, stop like this for a few seconds, then change your leg.

3. We stretch down to the area of ​​​​the floor between the legs. We jump out, fully straightening, after landing, we clasp our legs with our hands, closing the hands under the knees. We start over again.

4. We turn to dumbbells (or ordinary plastic water bottles - the main thing is that it is convenient to take and the weight is the same). We squat, at the same time straightening our arms with dumbbells up. Perform the exercise at least 10 times.

5. From the emphasis lying, as for push-ups, we straighten one or the other arm with a dumbbell, pulling it forward.

6. Standing up, put your feet together and relax your torso. We lower the body down, arms hang. We swing our legs back, bringing the leg parallel to the floor.

7. Lie on the floor with your left leg straight; bend the right knee. Bring your right hand with a dumbbell up. We raise the body, continuing to stretch the right hand up, keeping its position perpendicular to the floor. 10 exercises on the right side.

8. 10 long jumps are performed without a run.

9. Jump rope for 5 minutes. We will increase this number over time.

10. We return to exercise 7 and perform it on the left side.

We remove the stomach

Many women, especially those undergoing a recovery process after childbirth, are worried about excess deposits in the abdomen. To do this, Anita Lutsenko recommends doing the following exercises:

1. Warm up. Standing straight with the palms down at the level of the abdomen, we start running in place. We throw our knees forward, touching them to the palms.

2. From the same position, we perform leg swings, trying to straighten them at 90 degrees. If it is still difficult to perform this exercise fully, the legs can be left half-bent. Mahi are done in different directions with two legs in turn, as if breaking an invisible wall.

3. Bend over with your hands on your knees, so that it is comfortable. Start taking a deep breath in and a long breath out through your mouth. After two breaths, hold the air as far as possible by drawing in your stomach. Repeat at least 10 times.

There is nothing complicated in the complex of exercises from Anita Lutsenko, but at the same time it is effective and allows you to lose a significant amount of extra pounds.

For many people who dream of losing weight, Ukrainian fitness instructor Anita Lutsenko has become a symbol of a healthy lifestyle and a teacher. She believes that the process of getting rid of extra pounds is not easy, and the professionals who teach this are the key successful result. Anita is a competent host of her author's program "Weighted and Happy". It helps people not only to change, but also to return to a normal life track, doing daily exercises. A person who has not played sports will not be able to a short time to pump muscles qualitatively, and daily exercise he will be quite capable.

Many people are hindered from achieving their goals by a lack of patience and willpower. For one it is difficult not to break loose, someone cannot begin to lose weight. In such cases, keeping a diary is ideal, where you record all the results. Here you describe all actions, including possible disruptions.

Before you start keeping records, you need to purchase an accurate scale that will show even the smallest changes in your weight. The incentive will be even the loss of fifty grams. The first page of the diary should contain information about your condition - weight, height, waist, hips, chest, arms and legs. Take a photo. Place a photo of a person on the cover ideal forms who you would like to be like. Draw a calendar in the form of a table, where you will mark only the date and weight.

In a daily report, write down everything that happened to you during the day. How many calories were eaten, what diet you are on, and what exercises were done. Write down the correct and useful actions with a green pen, and the harmful ones with a red one. This will clearly show how fruitful the day was and what needs to be corrected. Describe plans for the next day, but they must be real and affordable. For example, how long will you be exercising and what will you eat during breakfast and before bed. It's good if you take a picture of yourself once every two weeks. Comparing yourself before and after will strengthen your willpower. Record your well-being. healthy image life strengthens your body as a whole and it does not need to be denied the necessary products. If you are used to going to bed at eleven o'clock, write that the last meal is at eight in the evening.

Anita Lutsenko's weight loss diaries: nutrition

Follow Anita Lutsenko's advice on proper nutrition. To products healthy eating she relates:

Veal, rabbit meat, skinless poultry meat;
- seafood
- eggs;
- natural milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts without additives, tofu cheese;
- lentils, beans, legumes;
- seaweed;
- mushrooms;
- oatmeal, unpolished rice;
- durum pasta;
- Whole grain bread

Products that can be consumed with restrictions:

Baked potatoes, carrots, beets, corn;
- persimmon, avocado, grapes, bananas, dried fruits;
- cream;
- nuts, seeds;
- butter (no more than ten grams), sour cream;
- olive oil;
- salt (no more than four grams);
- dark chocolate, honey;
- fruit juices

Prohibited Products:

Smoked and sausage products;
- vacuum-packed products;
- crab sticks, chips, mayonnaise, margarine;
- ketchup, sugar, salt;
- crackers, bagels, milk chocolate with additives;
- carbonated drinks, packaged juices and compotes;
- alcohol

Anita recommends eating fruit until three o'clock. Combine seafood with vegetables. Dairy products should be low fat. Use lemon juice, soy sauce, balsamic and low-fat yogurt as dressings. For desserts, sorbets, ice cream without additives, oatmeal cookies are suitable. Allowed spices: ginger, mustard, coriander, pepper, sage, garlic, cinnamon.

Anita Lutsenko's weight loss diaries: exercises

The peculiarity of the complex of exercises is that they increase the metabolism in the body, and metabolic processes continue even after the end of the session. With the right approach, an obese person can lose up to seven kilograms per month.

Charging includes exercises:

1. Warm-up: crossing outstretched arms, alternate swings. With each swing, we raise the leg, bending it at the knee and pressing the foot to the buttock. We change legs. The muscles of the legs should stretch at the same time.
2. We jump from one leg to another, bending one at the knee, and set the other aside. We stop for a few seconds, and then change legs.
3. We stretch down between the legs. We jump, while fully straightening. Having landed, we clasp our legs with our hands and close our hands under the knees. We repeat.
4. We take dumbbells and plastic bottles with water. We do squats, straightening our arms up. We repeat ten times.
5. We take an emphasis lying down, alternately straighten our arms with dumbbells, pulling them forward.
6. We put our legs together, relaxing the torso. We lower the body down. The hands are hanging. We swing our legs back, the leg is parallel to the floor.
7. Lie down on the floor. Left leg straightened, right knee bent. Raise your right hand with dumbbells up. We raise the body and stretch our right hand up so that it is perpendicular to the floor. We do ten exercises.
8. Long jump ten jumps without a run.
9. We jump rope for five minutes.
10. Exercise number 7 is performed on the left side.

For women who want to remove extra pounds in the abdomen, a set of exercises is recommended:

We stand straight to warm up. The palms are lowered down at the level of the abdomen. We run in place, while throwing our knees forward and touching or to the palms.

Being in the same position, we perform swings with our legs alternately. We try to straighten them at 90 degrees. If difficult, leave half-bent.

We bend, resting our hands on our knees. You should be comfortable. Take a deep breath in and a long breath out through your mouth. After two breaths, hold your breath for as long as possible, drawing in your stomach. Repeat ten times.

Weight loss diaries with Anita Lutsenko: video

Anita Lutsenko 1 lesson

Anita Lutsenko 2 session

Anita Lutsenko 3 session

Anita Lutsenko 4 session

Anita Lutsenko 5 session

Anita Lutsenko 6 session

Anita Lutsenko 7 session

Anita Lutsenko 8 lesson

Anita Lutsenko 9 session

Anita Lutsenko 10 session