Plan - a summary of the lesson in physical education. Summary of a lesson in physical culture on the topic "gymnastics" Plan summary of physical culture theoretical part

"Gymnastics", "Fundamentals of Knowledge"

Synopsis of a lesson in physical education in grade 2

Program section:"Gymnastics", "Fundamentals of Knowledge"

Goals: To acquaint students with the concept of "daily routine"; involve students in regular classes physical exercise for physical development and healthy lifestyle.

Lesson objectives:

    to fix the exercises in balance;

    improve the skills and abilities to perform exercises that develop physical qualities;

    cultivate discipline, diligence, collectivism.

Organization method: individual, frontal, flow.

Location: gym

Inventory and equipment: multi-projector, tape recorder, audio cassette, gymnastic mats, 2 foot ladders, 4 gymnastic benches, 18 wet towels, 18 balloons.


Preparatory part

15 minutes

Construction, communication of lesson tasks

Slideshow. Conversation with children.

    What is the daily routine?

    How do you start your daily routine?

    Waking up, doing morning exercises, we ... (children continue)

    We had breakfast, and then ... (children continue)

    After returning from school, we ... (children continue)

    What do you do in your free time?

    What time do we guys have dinner and go to bed?

    What you need to remember, observing the regime of the day?

    Why is daily routine important for a person?

Put the kids on benches

slide 9, 10

slide 11, 12

Poetic exercises morning exercises

Now guys, get up!

Quickly raised your hands up, (hands through the sides up)

To the sides, forward 2p

Turned to the right, to the left, (torso turns, arms alternately forward)

Right left

1-2 Well done

And to the right and also over the left shoulder

Stomp with your right foot, (side step to the sides, arms forward to the sides)

Stomp with your left foot.

Again with the right foot

Again, left foot

After - right foot

After - with the left foot,

Leaned to the left, to the right (tilts of the torso to the sides, arms above the head)

Left, right

Turns out to fame

Left, right, left, right

Bent over heartily (lean forward)

One - bent over, two - bent over, (tilt forward, backward, hands on the belt)

Raised hands to the sides,

To reach the sun

You need to get on your toes. (stretch up on toes, arms through sides up)

One, two, three, four, five (jumping in place, hands on the belt)

We want to become stronger (lunges to the side, hands clench fists)

Good! Well done

Stretched from the heart (tilt forward, hugging your knees)

Rebuilding in a column

Musical accompaniment.

Stretch on your toes.

Palms on yourself.

Raise your head.


Reach for your hand

Follow your posture

Stretch up.

Arms straight


On tiptoes, hands up

On your heels, hands behind your head

Run with game tasks

Earth (squat)

air (climb gymnastic wall)

Water (arm forward rotation)

Breathing exercise

Back straight

Elbows apart

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth

Main part

25 min

Walking on the narrow rail of the gymnastic bench.

a) Walking towards each other, when meeting, disperse without leaving the bench.

b) While walking, take on a sudden signal from the teacher certain posture.

Foot exercises

a) Catching a small ball with the feet.

b) Walking stairs for feet.


a) Emphasis crouching on a mountain of mats, pushing off the bridge with both legs from 3-5 steps of the run, dismount with a soft landing

Game "Mode of the day"

Students stand in a circle depicting a clock face. The teacher calls the activity “wake up”, the children say “7 hours” and clap their hands 7 times. Students who stand on the numbers "7" and "12" raise their hands up, showing that they are ready to run and, after waiting for the teacher's signal, the number "12" catches up with the number "7", etc.

Follow your posture

Watch your back

Follow the execution technique

Game "Rules of Hygiene"

Children form a circle. The teacher gives each task:

What do we do in the morning when we wake up?

The player selected by the teacher answers and shows.

We do exercises, wash our faces, brush our teeth. (performs in motion and everyone repeats his movements)

The next player does the next task... and so on.

Game for psychoregulation and relaxation

with balloons.

"Walk in the Meadow"

(Music is calm)

We are walking in the meadow

Leaves rustle, birds sing

Movements are smooth and slow

Created joyful mood

We smile at each other

(Music is more fun)

Performed to cheerful music various movements with balls.

Musical accompaniment song "Smile"

Everyone sings the chorus of the song "Smile"

Final part

5 minutes

1. Homework.

2. Lesson summary.

3. Rubbing with a damp towel to the waist.

Create your own routine for everyone.

Rubdown in the locker rooms

Lesson plan in modern pedagogy

Undoubtedly, the ability to improvise is necessary for modern teachers, but high-quality improvisation comes with experience.

The lesson plan is extremely important for both students pedagogical universities as well as experienced teachers.

Lesson outline physical education will allow the teacher to adequately assess the quality of the work of each student in the lesson and plan corrective work on the development of certain exercises with individual students.

In modern pedagogy, lesson plans play a very important role. This is an obligatory element of pedagogical activity in a modern school.

The lesson plan is a document that reflects the plan of the pedagogical process for each lesson.

Obviously, the lesson plan is the most detailed description of the lesson, which, of course, is necessary for the objective management of the educational process in a modern school.

Currently, there are many simple and complex definitions of the outline of the lesson plan within the framework of pedagogical science, but they are, for the most part, too scientific to give a clear idea of ​​the outline of the lesson.

The lesson plan is a schematic representation of the main theses of the lesson, a reflection of the creative thought of the teacher, aimed at enhancing the cognitive, mental and creative activity of students in order to assimilate the necessary knowledge.

The outline of any lesson (we consider as an example), as a rule, the following structure:

  • Lesson topic. The name of the topic is taken from the approved calendar-thematic plan for physical culture.
  • Lesson number. Its name is written out from your lesson planning.
  • Lesson goals. When compiling the outline of a physical culture lesson, the content of the educational, developmental and upbringing goals is briefly listed.

How to make an outline of a physical education lesson

In this article, I consider it necessary to offer a simple, but, in my opinion, useful instruction for compiling a lesson plan.

  1. identify a clear topic for the lesson.
  2. indicate the type of lesson based on the following classification: a lesson on getting to know new information or a lesson on consolidating the material covered, a combined lesson, a recapitulation lesson, a control lesson, and others.
  3. outline the objectives of the upcoming lesson. As a rule, a well-designed outline of a physical education lesson (and not only) reflects several goals.
  4. it is necessary to formulate the tasks of the lesson of physical culture, that is, what exactly do you intend to do in order to achieve the above goals of the lesson.
  5. indicate the material and technical equipment of the lesson.
  6. in the outline of the lesson of physical culture, describe the course of the lesson: what methods and techniques you will use in teaching, what is required from students.

Outline of a lesson in physical education for students in grade 7

Theme of the lesson: "Improving the technique of the previously studied basketball material by the game method"

The purpose of the lesson: to repeat and consolidate the previously studied material on basketball.

Lesson objectives:

1. Improving the technique of possession, dribbling and throwing into the ring.

2. Formation of correct posture, development of various muscle groups.

3. Education of discipline, collectivism, a sense of camaraderie.

Venue: Sports Hall.

Lesson duration: 40 min.

Equipment and inventory: tape recorder, basketball, hoop (6 pcs.).

Parts of the lesson

Organizational and methodological instructions


Building in one line, checking the presence of a sports uniform.

Line up one at a time. Follow the correct posture, the position of the hands and the setting of the legs.

The class moves into the column one at a time. Make sure your feet are in the correct position while doing the task.

Building in one line around the perimeter of the hall. The form of organization is frontal, the method of implementation is simultaneous. The teacher sits in the center of the room. Pay attention to the interval - arms to the sides, to the posture when performing the exercise. Watch the position of the hands.

1. Construction, greeting, message of lesson tasks

2. Walking:

On socks;

On the outer arch of the foot

Roll from heel to toe.


Back forward;

4. General developmental exercises (ORU) on the spot:

1) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - head tilt to the left; 2 - the same to the right; 3 - the same forward; 4 - the same back.

2) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-4 - rotation of the head to the left; 5-8 - the same to the right side.

3) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - hands to the shoulders; 2 - hands up, stand on toes; 3 - hands to the shoulders; 4 - i. P.

4) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 - clench your fingers into a fist; 2 - unclench; 3 - clench your fingers into a fist; 4 - unclench.

5) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation with brushes forward; 5-8 - the same back.

6) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation of the forearms forward; 5-8 - the same back.

7) I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands to shoulders. 1-4 - rotation of the shoulders forward; 5-8 - the same back.

8) I.p. - left hand top, bottom right. 1-4 - jerking hands back with a change in the position of the hands.

9) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-2 - two torso tilts to the left, right arm above the head; 3-4 - the same to the right, left hand above the head.

10) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - torso tilt to the left leg; 2 - the same in the middle; 3 - the same to the right leg; 4 - i. P.


From a column of one class, rebuild into a column of three with an interval of 2 m. The form of organization is alternate, the method of execution is simultaneously by several students. The students in the first line begin the exercise by whistling the teacher. After completing the exercise, students line up in a column of three on the other side of the hall. Monitor the correct setting of the feet when performing running exercises, the position of the hands.

The form of organization is sequential, the method of implementation is simultaneously by several students. Remind the technique of dribbling. Pay attention to the setting of the feet when performing basketball movements.

Students run around the rack and return to their original position, the ball is passed from hand to hand.

For 7th grade students using the Kervonen formula

The ITP should be approximately 150 beats per minute.

The form of organization is play. The exercise is performed at a distance of 20 m back and forth, running around the rack. Provide musical accompaniment for relay races.

1. Running and jumping exercises:

Running with high hips;

Running with shin overwhelm;

Side steps left and right side;

Back forward;

Jumping on the left and right foot;

Starting acceleration from the position of jumping in place on two legs.

2. Special basketball exercises:

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in a straight line;

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in a straight run;

Driving with change of direction.

3. Measurement of individual training pulse (ITP)

4. Relays:

1) come up with a name and motto for your team;

2) bring your friend's shoes;

3) running with two balls - put a ball in each hoop - run around the rack - collect balls from hoops;

4) dribbling the ball in a straight line with the right hand to the rack - back with the left hand;

5) dribbling with a change of direction between the hoops;

6) dribbling with a hoop;

7) jumping on two legs with the ball between the legs - back with a smooth run;

8) throwing the ball into the ring by the team in turn for 30 seconds (the number of hits is counted).


The winners run one circle to the applause of the relay race participants.

Building in one line. Homework: Review the rules of basketball. Turn right, exit the hall.

1. Rewarding the winners of relay races.

2. Construction, summing up the lesson.

The physical education lesson plan can be used for self-training.

Outline of the lesson of physical culture in GBPOU TMB No. 67

for students of group 1PK9. Date: 02.10.2017.

Lecturer: Sorokin Sergey Nikolaevich

Topic: Development and improvement motor qualities

Target:. Repeat, systematize classes for the development of motor qualities.

Lesson objectives :

1. Popularization of physical culture and the TRP complex.

2. Develop cohesion in the group.

3. Develop coordination abilities

4.Improve the overall physical training to pass the TRP standards.

Type of lesson - lesson practical training

Lesson type - a lesson on fixing exercise

Interdisciplinary communications - life safety, music.

Inventory : Mats, weights, skipping rope, benches, hoops, basketballs, cones, whistle, laptop, speakers

Location : College sports hall.

Time spending : 4 lesson (45min).

Teacher: Sergei Nikolaevich Sorokin.


Organizational and methodical instructions.


Preparatory part

15 minutes

Construction, greeting

roll call

TV instruction. Signature of students in the journal

Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Pay attention to posture.

Walking and its varieties in a column one by one in the hall.

Pay attention to posture.

Pay attention to distance.

Even running:

a) in a column one by one in the hall

b) a snake;

c) step by step

d) with a high elevation of the hip.

e) whipping the lower leg back;

f) side steps with a jump up and imitation of blocking the ball near the net.

Breath control

Keeping your distance

Execution accuracy

Raise your thigh to a position parallel to the floor.

keep your distance

Walking in a column one at a time while maintaining a distance around the hall.

Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale.

ORU. Building in a circle

After the teacher, each student shows the exercise in a clockwise direction.

1..I.P.-legs shoulder-width apart. The brushes are linked. Circular movements in the wrist joint.

2.Circular movements in the elbow joint.

3.Circular movements in shoulder joint

4.I.P - feet shoulder-width apart. The right hand rotates forward, the left back. Then the left forward, and the right back.

5. Rotation of the arms forward alternately, first in one direction, then in the other.

6. I.P - legs shoulder width apart, right

hand up, left on the belt. Tilts to the left and right.

7.I.P - feet shoulder width apart. Put the palms of your hands on your knees. Rotation at the knee joint with pressure from the palms of the hands

8. Lunge with the left foot as far forward as possible. Springy movements.

Squat right foot forward. Springy movements.

9. I.P - legs as wide as possible. Arms bent at the elbows. On the count of times we raise our hands up, bend back, on the count of two, three we do forward bends

10. I.P. - feet shoulder width apart. Bend your right leg at the knee and make eight circular motions hip in inside, then eight circular movements in outside. Do the same with the left leg.

8 times to the right and 8 times to the left

8-10 times forward, eight times back

8-10 times forward, 8 times back.

8-10 times in one direction and 8-10 times in the other

Make sure that the body does not lean forward

Back straight

Make the slope as low as possible.

Apply pressure to the knee joint

Do not bend your legs at the knee joint.

Try to keep balance


Main part

25 min

1 .

Circuit training

Designated depending on the number of engaged in the number of stations. .. Exercises are performed in pairs or one at a time.

1 station- squats

2 station- pushups

3 station- lifting the torso by catching the Swedish wall with the legs.

4 station- pull-ups on the bar

5 station- jumping rope.

6 station- emphasis crouching, emphasis lying in a jump.

7 station- I.P - feet shoulder-width apart, stand in front of the bench, step hands forward on the bench, then step back to starting position.

8 station- work in pairs throwing a stuffed ball to each other.

9 station- lifting a weight of 16 kg up.

Girls with dumbbells (2 kg) spread their arms to the sides

10 station- lunge with the left foot forward, hands on the belt. Two springy movements. After the second springy movement in the jump, we change legs. We repeat the exercise.

5 times right, 5 times left

When squatting, raise your hands forward.

Make sure your back is straight

With an emphasis on the crossbar. Make sure your chin is above the bar.

When receiving the ball, bend your arms at the elbows.

We alternate hands every five kettlebell lifts.

The back is straight, arms forward parallel to the floor.

Back straight

relay races

1. Running (Pass baton) . The participants are divided into two teams. They sit on benches astride the back of the head. On the march command, each participant runs to the rack, runs around it and runs to the end of the rear end of the bench, runs around it and again runs to the rack, runs around it, runs to the end of the bench, runs around it and passes the wand to the person in front. The salted participant performs the same actions.

2.Throw tennis ball.

On the march command, each participant runs to a certain line, throws the ball into the wall, catches it and runs with the ball in their hands to the next participant and passes the ball to him

The next participant does the same.

3. Jumping rope.

On the “March” command, the first participant runs to the rope, jumps over it 4 times, puts the rope in place, runs around the rack and runs to the next participant, salutes his hand and sits back.

four. " shuttle run».

On the “March” command, the first participants run to the first white line and touch it with their hands, then run back and touch the starting line with their hands, then run and touch the second line with their hands, then run back and touch the starting line again and run to the counter, run around it and returns running back, salutes his comrade by the hand and sits back. etc

5. Jumping on one leg.

Participants jump on one leg to the rack, run around it and come back running.

6. "Engine". On the “March” command, the participants run to the counter, run around it and come back. He takes the hand of the second participant and both, having already clasped their hands, go around the counter, come back and the second participant takes the third participant by the hand and already three run and go around the counter. They come back, take the fourth participant by the hand and do the same at four. If there are more than five people in the team, then a maximum of four people will be linked.

7. Caterpillar.

The participants of each team sit on all fours one after another, put their right hand on the shoulder in front of the person sitting. On the “March” command, they begin to move on all fours until the last participant crosses the second white line.

Summing up the results of the relay race.

Time 2 min to 3 min

1 min to 2 min

The group is built in columns

The team that completes the relay first wins.

Pay attention to the throw was from the line. If the ball is not caught, then you need to take the ball in your hands and return to the place of the throw.

Make sure that the rope is put in place.

Touch the line with your hand

The team that completes the relay first wins.

You can jump on any foot

Do not disengage hands.

Maximum 4 people in the "Parovozik"

The team that completes the relay first wins.

Do not take your hand off the shoulder of the person in front

The team that completes the relay first wins.


Final part

5 minutes



Walking in circles with breath recovery


Homework. Make the outdoor switchgear the same as in the lesson.

Organized care.

Keep your distance.

Evaluation criterion:

Grade 5 - the exercise was performed in accordance with the task, correctly, without tension, confidently. The student showed knowledge of the relay, the ability to use the learned exercises to quickly achieve individual and collective goals.

Grade 4 - the exercise was performed in accordance with the task, correctly, but with some tension, not confident enough, in the relay races the student showed the rules, but is not confident enough to use the learned movements to achieve the result as quickly as possible.

Grade 3- the exercise was performed correctly, but not accurately enough, with great tension, minor errors were made.

Carrying out the assessment of preparedness in physical culture, the teacher in physical education implements not only the actual evaluation, but also stimulating and educating functions, taking into account the dynamics of development change physical qualities for a certain period of time, not this moment and individual characteristics of students (body types, mental and physiological characteristics). At the same time, one must be as tactful and attentive as possible, without degrading the human dignity of the student, taking care of improving and further development interest in physical culture.



Basketball is like a sport.

Target : to ensure that students learn the basic techniques of playing basketball (driving the ball with one hand, passing with two hands from the chest, throwing the ball.


1. Expand students' knowledge about the history of basketball as a sport..

2. To increase the level of the ability to coordinate the movements of the arms, legs and torso, communication skills when teaching basic technical actions (driving the ball on the spot and in motion, passing the ball from the chest, throwing the ball up).

3. Master the safety rules when teaching basic technical actions (driving the ball on the spot and on the move, passing the ball from the chest, throwing the ball up).
Type of lesson: educational and cognitive.

Type of lesson: sports games.

Planned results:

Personal possession of the skills to perform technical actions in basketball as well as their application in game and competitive activities

Subject to have an idea about the basic techniques and rules of playing basketball

Meta-subject - mastery of motor actions based on the sports game of basketball (driving, passing, throws) and their active use in physical culture and health-improving activities.

Lesson stages

Partial task of the stage

Methods, means, form of organization, result, methods of control and evaluation

Universal learning activities

Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizing time-2 minutes)

Building, greeting

Follow the instructions of the teacher.

Prepare students for upcoming activities

Frontal, verbal (team orders)

The presence of a sports uniform

Room readiness

Building students

Performing an action (communicative UUD)

Self-control, listening

(regulatory UUD)

Statement of the problem-4 (min)

Formulation of the problem:

How to learn to play basketball?

Active participation in the dialogue with the teacher

Motivational activity of students

Verbal (conversation)


Problem concept



The ability to participate in a dialogue on a given topic (communicative UUD)

Ability to listen carefully without interrupting

(regulatory UUD)

Awareness of the importance of knowledge in the further development of the basic techniques of the game)

(personal UUD)

The message is a historical reference.

Message Perception

Learning about basketball

Verbal (conversation), survey.


Correct answer to the question

oral questioning

filling in the instruction card

Ability to collaborate and work with information

(communicative UUD)

Awareness of the information received, the desire to apply it practically

(personal UUD)


Cognitive UUD

Psychophysiological preparation of students for mastering the content of lesson-8 (min)

Carrying out outdoor switchgear on the move:

walking on toes, hands in front of the chest with fingers resting;

Walking on toes, arms in front of you, bent at the elbow joints, rotation in the wrist joint forward and backward;

the same, but rotation in the elbow joints;

Walking with a roll from heel to toe, with the rotation of straight arms forward and backward;

walking, fingers in the castle in front of the chest, straightening the arms up, and. p., straightening the arms forward, and. P.

Running with side steps left and right side

cross steps with the left (pr.) side;

Outdoor switchgear with the ball in place:

· Passing the ball over the head;

Tilts with the ball to the left (right) side


Performing outdoor switchgear on the move and in place with the ball.

Preparation of the body to perform technical actions with and without the ball, activation of mental processes.

Exercises (story, show,)


Control method - combined


filling in the instruction card

The ability to prepare the body for effective work in the main part of the lesson (personal UUD)

Education motor actions-15 minutes)

Formation of a motor skill

1. Dribbling in place, in a circle with the right and left hands (execution technique). Basic rules of TB.

Performing exercises, analyzing the actions performed, both your own and classmates.

training in basic technical actions (driving the ball on the spot and in motion, passing the ball from the chest, throwing the ball up)

The method of standard re-execution of the exercise

Means of exercise (passing dribbling throws)

Form frontal

Result: technically correct and free dribbling on the spot and in motion, passing the ball from the chest, throwing the ball up

elimination common mistakes

Exercise control method

Evaluation filling in the instruction card

1. The ability to control and evaluate the results of one's own activities (regulatory UUD).

2. The acquisition of new technical and tactical actions based on the material of the basic sport "Basketball" (transfer of dribbling)

(regulatory UUD)

Passing the ball from the chest in pairs

Throwing the ball up in pairs (imitation of a basket throw)

Outdoor game-10 (min)

Mobile game "Ball to the captain"

Playing by the rules

Practical application of dribbling in place and on the move, passing the ball from the chest, throwing the ball up in the game "Ball to the captain"

Game method

Game means

Group form-

Ability to work in a group - team - communicative UUD


Win-lose result

filling in the instruction card


Reduced physical activity-3(min)

Breathing exercises breathing exercises

Active breathing exercises

Restore pulse, breathing

Exercise method

Means breathing exercises

Form frontal

Result - external indicators

communicative UUD

Summing up the lesson-2 (min)

Discussion of the problem situation .. Activates and directs the work of students (as necessary) summarizes them,

Active discussion of the problem. They offer options for solving the problem based on an analysis of their work in the lesson (you need to be able to: dribble, pass, throw the ball up)


Formulate a general conclusion for solving the problem.

verbal method - conversation

Form of organization - frontal

Problem solving result filling in the instruction card Marking by the students themselves for the lesson: they add up the points received for all stages of work and translate them into a mark:

Cognitive action - communicative

(1. Ability to discuss the content and results of joint activities.

2. The ability to logically correctly state, argue and justify one's point of view) communicative


The teacher gives homework.

Listen carefully and do

The need to study the material of the lesson.

verbal method - conversation


Result: entry. observation

listening, writing

regulatory UUD

Introspection of the lesson

Type of lesson: lesson on sports game- basketball.

Lesson type: a lesson with an educational and cognitive orientation.

The means of solving the educational problem are:

Formulation of the problem;

Criteria for evaluating exercises.

The means of solving the educational problem are:

Knowledge about the game of basketball (history, safety precautions, basic rules, technical actions of the game b/l.)

Exercises for the development of motor actions (driving the ball in place and in motion, passing the ball from the chest, throwing the ball up).

Skills in the game b / l., And specific coordination abilities;

Evaluation and mutual evaluation of activities at each stage of work;


The means of solving the health problem are:

problematic issue;

Performing drills (driving, passing, throwing)

Active and passive rest;

The combination of cognitive and motor activity.

Teaching basic technical actions (handling the ball on the spot and in motion, passing the ball from the chest, throwing the ball up) and fulfilling program requirements;

Ensuring the motor mode ( motor density lesson -51%);

Establishing a logical connection between the development of motor and successful improvement of motor game actions.

Structure lesson:

Organizing time: the motivation of students' activities is achieved through a clear logical connection between the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, the content of the problem, and participation in the dialogue.

Means: verbal method (commands, conversation); partial search method.

Result: construction, readiness of students, correct answers.

Psychophysiological preparation of students for mastering the content of the lesson: Preparing the body for the main part of the lesson, the activation of mental processes was achieved with the help of outdoor switchgear in motion and exercises with the ball. Result: readiness of the body for effective work in the main part of the lesson

Movement training. Dribbling, passing. throws were carried out using the standard-repeated method. Result: technically correct and free performance of a motor action (driving the ball in place, in a circle, passing, throwing the ball); elimination of typical mistakes that students make when mastering the technique of these motor actions.

Summing up the lesson: activity analysis was carried out by evaluating each stage of the lesson and putting a mark for the lesson.

Result: the formulation of a general conclusion on solving the problem and recommendations of students to themselves on individual difficulties.

Homework: is a logical continuation of the lesson.

instruction card

FULL NAME. ______________________________________________________

Stage of work


Score in points

Organizing time

Participation in a dialogue with the teacher and classmates on the problem of the lesson

1. Raised (a) hand to answer questions

2. Answered (a) questions

3. Answered (a) correctly, with arguments

4. Listened carefully to (a) others

5. Asked (a) questions

6. Gave (a) examples

7. Draw (a) conclusions

Group work

1. Information is clear (available)

2. The information is presented in full

Psychophysiological preparation

Perform general developmental exercises

1. outdoor switches are made correctly

2. Exercises performed with errors, with comments

Teaching motor actions

Passing the ball

1. Took a basketball stance

2. "Formed a nest" with fingers, at the same time extended his arms

3. I extinguished the flight speed by grabbing the ball, at the same time bending my elbows and slightly crouching

Dribbling in place


1. Took a basketball stance

2. Raised his hand to the level of his belt, carried out jerky movements of the ball

3. The push of the ball was carried out gently, with the same force

4. Carried out pushing movements of the ball, not looking at the ball

Throwing the ball up in pairs

ball throw

1. Took a basketball stance

2. The ball was raised to the chest
3. Simultaneously extended the torso and legs

Dribbling the ball around

1. Took a basketball stance

2. The ball was pushed down and forward simultaneously with the step

3. Not in a hurry, focused on coordinating the movements of the arms and legs

4. Dribble without visual control

mobile game

Game "Ball to the captain"

The team took ______ place

1m - 3 points

2m - 2 points

3m - 1 point


Formulation of the conclusion

1. The conclusion is written in the instructive card

2. The conclusion is confirmed by an example

3. The conclusion is voiced and approved by the teacher and the class

Conclusion on solving the problem: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Lesson mark: ______________________

25 - 33 points - "5" (excellent)

18 - 24 points - "4" (good)

less than 18 points - "3" (satisfactory)


For students of the 2nd "b" class of school No. 116

Physical culture teacher: Podgaiko Olga Borisovna

LESSON TOPIC: Outdoor games. Relays. Fundamentals of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

MAIN OBJECTIVES: 1. To promote the assimilation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle through outdoor games and relay races.

2. Contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism.

3. To improve students in the technique of passing baton.

4. Promote the development of speed and agility in relation to relay races.


VENUE: sports hall of school No. 116

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: equipment for showing a presentation, headbands of 3 colors - according to the number of students (green, orange, yellow), gymnastic benches - 3 pcs., gymnastic hoops- 6 pieces, clothes for a skier - 3 sets (trousers, jacket, boots, hat, mittens, scarf), skis with poles - 3 sets, plastic fruits and vegetables - according to the number of students, dummies of harmful products - 6 pieces, cards "watch" -19 pieces, musical accompaniment.

Parts of the lesson and duration

Private tasks for specific types of exercises


Organizational and methodological instructions

Introductory and preparatory part

Main part

Final part

Provide initial organization and psychological readiness for the lesson.

Create a target setting to achieve specific results of the upcoming activities in the lesson

Contribute to the formation of correct posture.

Promote respiratory and cardio training vascular systems body for the work ahead.

Organize students for relay races.

To consolidate knowledge of the correct sequence for dressing a skier for outdoor activities.

Create a visual representation of the correct sequence for dressing a skier.

Create an idea about the performance of the relay.

Improve the passing technique.

Consolidate knowledge about proper nutrition about useful and harmful products.

Report the results of the relay to the students.

Create an idea for the game.

Introduce students to the rules of the game.

To consolidate knowledge about the correct routine of the day.

Tell students the results of the game

Promote development respiratory system organism.

Organize students and set them up for upcoming learning activities.

To help students comprehend the results of their own learning activities.

1. Building a class in one line.

2. Exchange of greetings.

3. Reporting the tasks of the lesson.

4. Walking.

On socks, hands on the belt;

On the heels, hands on the waist.

5. Running.

6. Mobile game "Viruses and vitamins".

1. Rebuilding in three columns.

2. Presentation presentation slide number 3 "Skier's dress"

3. Explanation of the relay race "Skier"

4. Relay race "Skier"

5. Summing up the results of the relay race.

6. Show presentation slide number 4 "Proper nutrition"

7. Explanation of the relay race "Proper nutrition"

8. Relay "Proper nutrition"

9. Summing up the results of the relay race.

10. Show slide No. 5 of the presentation "Mode of the day".

11. Explanation of the game "Correct mode of the day."

12. The game "The correct mode of the day."

13. Summing up the game.

1. Breathing exercises

2. Building in one line.

3. Summing up the lesson.

30 ,

30 ,

30 ,

6 30

5 30

2 30

2 30

Demand quick organization of actions.

Presentation slide #1 healthy image life"

Indicate the distance (2 steps), raise your head, take a short step, correct mistakes. Highlight the best.

A game like "Tea-tea help out" or "Sorcerers".

Drivers are “viruses”, they “infect” the players, they, in turn, perform the emphasis by bending over, in order to “cure” them, you need to crawl under the “infected” player “feed him with vitamins”. The players who did not come across the driver win.

On the whistle, we line up behind the captains in colors (green, orange, yellow) Building next to the gymnastic benches.

Pay attention to the order of things on the list.

Teams sit on benches, legs apart. Relay passing rules: right hand to right hand.

The team that has all the useful products in the “basket” wins.

Emphasize to students that they can use the prompt.

The captains lay out the cards - the clock on the floor

On the whistle, the students take apart the cards - watches. And they line up one by one in the order of affairs in the daily routine. Those students who did not have enough cards are helped by the rest of the students and checked for correct execution. Mark the most resourceful.

Mark the most resourceful.

Application No. 1

Identify the best and set marks for the lesson.