Classes with a gymnastic hoop. Gymnastic exercises with a hoop for children. Video exercises with a hoop

One of the simplest, most common and effective sports equipment for training at home is a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop). It does not require special skills to work with it, the load is moderate, and the result, subject to regular training, is noticeable. A balanced set of exercises will help to lose weight and tighten the muscles of the problem area.

From the outside, hoop workouts seem plain and boring. But for it to rotate good coordination movements, the ability to control their muscles. Only with the correct use of the hula hoop exercises will benefit. Let's learn how to spin the hoop correctly!

The first stage is a warm-up. Before training, the muscles need to be warmed up a little. An elementary exercise - the hoop is raised above the head, the legs are spread shoulder-width apart. Make smooth inclinations to the right - to the left, forward - back. The next is to make turns in different directions while holding the hula hoop in front of you.

The torsion of the hoop is performed in tight-fitting, but not restrictive clothing - a tight T-shirt and leggings. Wide T-shirts and sweatpants are not the best clothes. Bracelets and other jewelry are also recommended to be removed. Learning how to spin a hoop is easy - just follow the detailed instructions.

Rotation technique instruction:

  1. Choose the right size sports equipment. It should reach the waist or at least mid-thigh. The increased diameter makes it easier for beginners - due to the slow rotation, there is time to adapt to the rhythm.
  2. Stand in the center of the hoop.
  3. Grab the edges of the hoop, lift it up to your waist. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back.
  4. Turn the body of the body, unwind the hoop clockwise. Immediately begin to rotate your waist while maintaining the hula hoop. Try to find the optimal range of motion. Hold the projectile at the waist as long as possible.

At first, rotating the hoop may seem difficult. The first few attempts, he will slide from the waist, fall to the floor. Gradually, you will learn to catch his movement and keep it on the same level.

Once you can spin the hoop for 20 minutes without falling, try making it harder for yourself. To increase the effect of the exercises, increase the speed of rotation, lower the hula hoop to the hips, move it up and down.

The effectiveness of exercise depends on many factors. First of all, it is a systematic study. Only daily training will give the expected result. Several useful tips will be useful to you at the stage of mastering the technique of rotation.

  • At first, bruises from the hoop on the sides may often appear. Until the muscles get used to the pressure and loads, the use of a thermal belt is allowed. Alternatively, you can wear two thick T-shirts.
  • You can't exercise on a full stomach. After the last meal, about an hour and a half should pass.
  • Workouts start with three to five minutes. Each time increase their duration, bring it up to half an hour. During this time, up to 300 calories are burned!
  • Watch your posture and body position. Keep your back straight, try not to spread your legs.
  • So that your hands do not interfere with the trajectory of the projectile, take them away - hook them into the lock, lift them up or stretch them to the sides.
  • Make sure that only the abdominal area is mobile - rib cage remains motionless. This is the first sign correct execution exercises.
  • At first, it is easier to unwind the hoop clockwise. Gradually, the direction of rotation will need to be changed to achieve maximum effect.

To quickly master all the subtleties of the technique, choose the right weight for the simulator. A projectile that is too light will be difficult to keep at the desired level, a very heavy projectile will begin to deliver unpleasant or even painful sensations in five minutes. The optimal weight of the hula hoop for beginners is from 1 to 1.5 kg.

The optimal set of exercises

Hula hoop exercises don't have to be monotonous. To achieve a noticeable effect, you need to make the maximum possible number of muscles work. It is recommended to perform a set of exercises.

Exercises for the hips and waist

Most people get a hoop to work out the problem area - reducing volume, tightening weakened muscles. They start with elementary techniques, gradually switch to more complex ones. A complete workout should include the following exercises.

  1. Basic exercise. Begin the lesson with the most common rotation. When the muscles warm up, move on to other exercises.
  2. Back and forth. Starting position- back straight, one leg forward, knees slightly bent. The trajectory of rotation is at the level of the waist. To maintain movement, weight is transferred from the back leg to the front leg and vice versa. The position is changed by putting forward the other leg.
  3. Legs wider than shoulders. Starting position - the back is straight, the legs are wider than the shoulders. Rotation is supported by the movement of the hips strictly to the sides. The movements are intense - during rotation, the hoop hits the hips. Look ahead, watch the press - keep it a little tense.
  4. Change of direction. Perform five rotations in one direction, stop and change direction. Do several repetitions. There is an increased load on the muscles, the press and the entire femoral zone are perfectly trained. Legs try to put as tightly as possible.
  5. With a squat. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straightened, shoulders straightened. Unroll the hoop. Without stopping the rotation, they gradually begin to squat. You need to sit down as low as possible. In this position, continue to twist the hula hoop for a few more minutes. The exercise is not easy, but it helps to speed up the process of losing weight, it involves the muscles of the entire lower body.
  6. With offset. Begin to rotate the hula hoop at the waist. They allow him to go down a little lower, to the level of the hips, perform a few turns and lift him up again. Perform at least 10 repetitions. Change the direction of movement, perform another 10 repetitions. exercise reduces body fat in the abdominal area.
  7. "Arrow". Another exercise to work out the abdominal muscles. The back is straight, legs together. Spin the hula hoop, rise on toes. Hands with folded palms are raised as high as possible. The body resembles an elongated string. It is enough to perform the exercise for about 10 minutes a day.
  8. Rotation with walking. Start regular spins. When the hoop is well untwisted, step forward without letting the rotation stop. Gradually the number of steps increases. You can walk both forward and backward.

Doing these exercises with a hoop every day, in just a few weeks you will notice the first changes - the stomach will tighten up, ugly "ears" from the hips will disappear, and flabbiness will disappear.

Additional exercises for other muscle groups

Supplement exercises to work out the remaining muscle groups if you are not going to use other sports equipment.

  • Overhead rotation. Place the hula hoop on the floor, grasp it with your hand. Raise your outstretched arm above your head, keeping the hoop parallel to the floor. Scroll once and take it in your hand again. Repeat several times and change hands. The second option - the hoop is rotated on one hand. They put the second hand in, pressing it close to the first. Rotate non-stop for two to five minutes. Gradually, the exercise can be complicated. At the same time, squat, do lunges, try to stay on one leg.
  • Rotation in the hands. Hold the hula hoop in front of you parallel to the floor. Take it clockwise, bring it behind your back, grab it with the other hand and complete the circle. Repeat the exercise several times. After mastering, complicate walking, squats and lunges.
  • Jumping. Everything is simple here - use a hoop instead of a jump rope. For this exercise, you need a hoop of a sufficiently large diameter.

Don't forget to warm up before hula hooping. Any exercises are best done on well-warmed muscles. This will not only make training easier, but also increase efficiency.

If you are expecting an immediate effect, you may be disappointed. As with any other sports equipment, consistency is important when working with a hoop. Daily workouts for 20–40 minutes, combined with a diet, will soon give long-awaited results - body shapes will become more toned, excess weight will go away, and the skin will become elastic.

The hoop for weight loss is considered an excellent simulator that is used at home. Thanks to him, without much effort, you can keep the body in good shape, shape the figure, and also get rid of extra pounds on the sides and buttocks. This sports equipment takes up little space and does not require special skills to use it.

The benefits of a hoop for weight loss

Due to the fact that the hoop affects fat deposits in problem areas, the effect of weight loss occurs. Even if it is used for 20 minutes a day, it contributes to the burning of calories.

The intensity of burning extra calories is equal to jogging, only running in the fresh air should be given at least 30-40 minutes. But the hoop can be twisted in a pleasant environment for yourself to music, a movie, and so on. hard to reach subcutaneous fat disappears due to the external impact of the sports equipment. There is an effect that is similar.

Classes with a hoop can be compared with cardio loads, therefore, in addition to weight loss, classes with a hoop have a beneficial effect on the following points:

  1. Massage for internal organs.
  2. Workout for the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Improving spinal work.
  4. The core muscles are strengthened and posture is correct.

Training rules

In order for the effect to be positive, you should follow some rules when rotating the waist massager:

  1. Twist wrap allowed only on an empty stomach. After eating, 2 hours should pass.
  2. For this sport it is better to choose spacious places. It can be a room where there is no clutter, a playground, a stadium.
  3. Before using the device you can start twisting it in one direction, which is more convenient. But over time, it is necessary to alternate sides, since muscle distortion may occur and the waist lines will be asymmetrical.
  4. During the rotation of the hoop the back should be flat, the press and buttocks are tense, the arms can be raised up, the breathing is even. To begin with, it is better to practice twice a day for 10-15 minutes. Further training increases to 30-45 minutes in the morning and evening.
  5. In case of bruising on the body, you can wrap your waist with a loose scarf. Usually bruises appear after the first lesson, then the body gets used to such loads.
  6. If the hula hoop starts to fall, then you should try to hold him at the waist with faster circular movements.
  7. During training you can turn on music, movies, so time will pass unnoticed.

A set of exercises with a hoop for different muscle groups

To achieve quick results, workouts should be varied, hula hoop rotations should be combined with some exercises:

  1. Hoop spins should occur in different directions - 5-10 turns to the left and right side. It is better to perform similar approaches 30-40 times.
  2. Exercises are performed with legs joined together. This exercise will help to work out many different muscles.
  3. Feet shoulder width apart and rotations occur alternately in different directions. This exercise helps to develop the muscles of the buttocks.
  4. starting position is the same, during rotation it is necessary to squat. Having lingered in this position, the hula hoop should constantly rotate around the waist.
  5. This exercise is similar to the previous one. only squats should be more intense.
  6. Muscles will tense better if the hoop is moved around the waist. To begin with, it should be lowered a little, and then raised up. Rotations must be in both directions.
  7. During exercise you can alternately put one foot forward - lunge. When everything works out, the speed of rotations and lunges can be increased.
  8. To complicate the process rotation you can start walking around the apartment, if the space allows it.
  9. To strengthen the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks you can use the hoop like a skipping rope. It must be taken with a wide girth and jumped over it, the pace must be fast.

After training, you can not eat food for at least one hour.

How much twist to lose weight?

If for a month for 30-40 minutes every day, then the waist will narrow by 3-4 centimeters.
At the same time, one should adhere to, and also rotation should be combined with other physical activities.

Training plan:

  1. hoop rotation- 30-40 minutes, tilting to the sides - 35 times, twisting - 35 times.
  2. Spins - 30-40 minutes, squats - 35 times, push-ups - 35 times, leg raises from a supine position - 35 times.
  3. Hula hoop exercises- 30-40 minutes.
  4. Hoop rotation for 20 minutes– 3 sets, any exercise for the press.
  5. Hoop exercise- 40-45 minutes.
  6. Any training program from the list.

These simple measures for harmony will help you always keep your body in good shape.

Choosing the perfect hoop

A positive result can be achieved only if . First of all, it must be suitable for growth, for this the device must be attached to the leg and if it reaches the hips, then this is ideal.

The intensity of the impact on the abdomen and thighs depends on the width of the working surface.

Fat will only go away if it is hula-hooped with enough weight. If you twist the lungs, then you can not wait for the result. It is better when you have the opportunity to try the hula hoop before buying and understand whether it suits your body or not.

Exercises with this projectile should be tangible, but not create discomfort.

If it is difficult to twist it during classes, then it is necessary to reduce the weight:

  1. Start better with a product weighing up to 1.5 kilograms.
  2. If before training the body is in good athletic shape, then a weight of up to 2 kilograms is suitable.
  3. Further when the muscles get used to the loads, the weight of the hula hoop can be increased to 3 kilograms.

The price of such a product is affected by the brand, type of hula hoop, markups, etc.:

  1. Gymnastic metal sports equipment can cost from 250 to 350 rubles, plastic - from 100 to 250 rubles.
  2. massage will cost a little more expensive from 950 to 1250 rubles.
  3. Weighted product will cost from 600 to 1300 rubles.
  4. Hula hoop with built-in counter- from 850 to 1250 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many people know how belly dancing has a beneficial effect on women Health. And the rotation of the hoop in its movements imitates this dance. The benefits of these exercises include not only the fight against overweight, but also improving blood circulation, getting rid of adhesions and even increasing female libido.

There are practically no downsides to such exercises, except that homework is beyond the power of everyone. After all, few can withstand daily exercises and after 1.5-2 weeks the hula hoop lies idle under the sofa.


Any methods of losing weight have some, the hula hoop was no exception:

  1. Lessons should be excluded during pregnancy and immediately after delivery.
  2. During menstruation.
  3. With gynecological diseases.
  4. In case of back injury, hernia on the back and in the abdomen.

In the first days of training, you should not fanatically twist the product, especially heavy weights. This can lead to back problems. Enough 20-25 minutes a day.


before and after classes, dates unknown

Girls who use the hoop rotation method prove that the effectiveness is very high if these exercises are combined with, in a healthy way life and additional exercises.

If you do such exercises every day for six months, then the waist becomes more elegant, and fat folds leave. But at the same time, it should be remembered that classes should be regular, it is better if they are performed twice a day.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 2 2017


"How are we going to make the waist?" - so it is worth rephrasing famous phrase from a joke. Girls torture themselves with diets and pump abs, but they cannot achieve the desired sexy curves. You don’t need to be upset: turning your waist into an aspen and doing a couple more things that are healthy for your health will help classes with a hoop.

Is it useful to twist the hoop

Hoop, hula hoop, circle - he has many names. The first hoops were not large at all, they were made of brightly colored plastic. This is understandable: one of the best gymnastic equipment today was intended for children's games. Now for adults, they have become a great help in physical activities, and are also used in choreography and rhythmic gymnastics.

The benefits of the hoop are impressive - in addition to the obvious effect in the form of weight loss, as a bonus you get:

  • relief from back pain, which often occurs due to prolonged sitting at the computer or slouching;
  • strengthening blood vessels and the heart, torsion of the hoop - excellent cardio;
  • improved coordination;
  • acceleration of metabolism, due to the massage effect on the digestive organs;
  • emotional recovery: regular gymnastics is recommended even with prolonged depression;
  • increases the mobility of the pelvic joints and the flexibility of the spine;
  • help in the fight against osteoporosis, as hula hoop exercises provide a very soft load.

What muscles work when twisting the hoop

In terms of its effect on the figures of men and women, hula hoop is sometimes compared to Pilates. In addition to the most popular hula hoop exercise - rotation - there are many other variations, the benefit of which is a powerful study problem areas but more on aerobics later. When twisting the hoop, the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks, legs work - more than 30 major muscles, including stabilizers. During normal training, getting to the stabilizers is not an easy task.

How much to twist the hoop

To get started, decide which specific hula hoop you will twist. Even a lot depends on the material: the duration of classes and possible contraindications. So, a hoop with spikes is strictly prohibited for those who suffer from organ diseases. abdominal cavity. To efficient charging did not turn out to be harmful for you, you need to know what hula hoops are:

  • ordinary. They do not have a special name - these are the same hoops that can be found in any school sports hall. Made of plastic or metal, lightweight, ideal for those who are just starting out with the hula hoop. There are no serious prohibitions on practicing with such a hoop;
  • weighted. Massive, weight can reach 3 kg. Manufacturers offer both bendable models and solid ones. Very useful not only for weight loss, but also for high-quality muscle development. Not suitable for people with diseases of the lower back and back, and you can do no more than 15 minutes without stopping;
  • with massage balls. At first, it may leave bruises on your body, but it guarantees getting rid of cellulite. If you are unsure about your health internal organs- consult a doctor, and only then proceed to training. You can spin a hula hoop with rubber balls for no more than 10-12 minutes in one go;
  • flexible trainers. Gymnastics with a hoop that bends includes stretching exercises, working out the legs and arms. Equal to weighted, so take a break after a quarter of an hour.

It is recommended to twist the hoop for weight loss at least half an hour a day (we are talking about conventional models). You can take short breaks and then get back to work. This is enough time to start the process of burning calories. Interesting fact: 100 minutes of intensive circle work burns about 1000 calories. If you consider that you can practice under your favorite movie, then the hoop is almost ideal.

Beginner Hoop Exercises

A set of exercises with a hoop involves minimal performance skills and the presence of a simple circle:

  1. Warm up. Before starting classes, it will not be superfluous to wake up the body, and the circle can help. Stand it upright, put both hands on top and do the usual tilts 20-30 times. Try to do it slowly and keep your back straight.
  2. Hands up! The most effective hoop exercises for beginners involve the position in which you rotate it with your hands up. You can hold them at chest level or point your fingertips to the ceiling.
  3. Turns. When twisting, try to turn the torso while maintaining balance, but watch your hips - they should move with a small amplitude.

Hoop exercises greatly diversify the lesson as a whole, and as an object in the ORU complex, the hoop can also be used as a guide in movements, to fix certain postures and positions of the body and its links, and, of course, exercises with a hoop develop coordination, accuracy of movements and dexterity. In exercises with a hoop, the position of its plane is necessarily indicated - horizontal, frontal and lateral - and the direction of movement - forward, backward, catom, etc. The grip of the hoop is also of great importance - from above, from below. The most common and effective exercises with a hoop are:

    raising and lowering the hoop forward, up with a different grip of the hoop in combination with walking, moving the legs back, swinging the legs, tilting and turning the body;

    passing the hoop from hand to hand in front of you, behind your back, behind your legs in a forward bend, in a jump;

    rotation of the hoop on the belt (neck, arm, leg) for a specified time;

    jumping into a hoop with the rotation of the hoop back and forth;

    jumping through a hoop lying on the floor, rotating on the floor;

    the simplest hoop throws with two hands in front of you;

    rolling the hoop on the floor, followed by climbing into the hoop without touching it with your hands.

12. General developmental exercises on shells

The most simple and affordable projectiles for use in outdoor switchgear are a gymnastic (Swedish) wall and a bench. Exercises performed on these apparatuses are recorded according to the rules of general developmental exercises using the terms of exercises on apparatuses.

Exercises at the gymnastic (Swedish) wall

The main advantage of exercises at the gymnastic wall is the exact fixation of the initial positions of the body and the possibility of changing the height of fixing parts of the body at the required level. Distinguish between exercises gymnastic wall(the student is on the floor, the wall is like a support) and on the gymnastic wall (the student is engaged in I. p. and during the exercise - on the wall). In the entry I.p. at the wall, the position relative to it (face, side, back) and the features of the grip are indicated, for example, standing facing the wall, grip at waist level. Emphasis is only a pronounced emphasis on the wall, and this is a standing emphasis, in other cases, a grip is indicated at the level of the shoulders, chest, etc., for the first, third, etc. rail. If the exercise is performed on the wall, the terms “hanging” and “emphasis” should always be used. I.p., in which the student does not touch the wall, is described according to the principle of exercises without an object, indicating the features of the exercise, for example, standing with the right side (towards the wall), right (leg) to the side on the (given) rail. Here are some typical wall exercises.

    Tilts, stops, turns of the body with support on the wall.

    Swing your legs in different directions with support, in emphasis.

    Jumping from a squat with support on the wall, jumping with a change of supporting leg, free leg on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd rail.

    Hang face, back to the wall. Raising bent and straight legs in the hang.

    Bending the arms in an emphasis lying down, legs on the 1st rail.

Table 4

Approximate Oru complex at the gymnastic wall, designed for general physical training




1 - get up on your toes

2 - emphasis standing, bending over

3 - spring forward tilt

Movements to perform

clearly counted, knees not

I.p. - standing facing the wall, grip at the level

1 - jump two to the first rail

Perform soft

rail landing

I.p. - standing with your back to the wall, grip from below

belt level

1 - half squat

2 - tilt forward

3 - squat

Back straight

Continuation of the table. four

I.p. - stand with the right side, right to the side on the 4-5 rail, arms to the sides

1 – tilt to the right, tap two

hands on the wall

3 - tilt to the left, arms up

5-8 - the same on the left side

Tilt accurately

to the side, with maximum amplitude

I.p. - standing facing the wall, grip at the level

1 - swing right back

3-4 - the same with the left

During the forward swing, do not


I.p. - hanging with your back against the wall

1 - hanging angle

Raise your legs parallel to the floor. Breath

do not delay

I.p. - emphasis lying with your back to the wall, legs on

first rail.

Bending the arms in emphasis

Bend your arms as much as possible, do not bend

I.p. - stand with your back one step away from the wall,

hands up

1-2 - tilt back

Knees straight, breathing

do not delay

I.p. - stand facing the wall, grip on

chest level

1 - squat

2 - jump upright

3 - squat

Jump to perform with

with support against the wall

I.p. - hanging with your back against the wall

A hoop or hula hoop is a gymnastic apparatus that will help you get beautiful figure even if you don't have time to go to the gym. Homework with a hoop does not take much time, and the result will be visible very soon. However, in order for the hula hoop to help you lose weight, you need to choose the right type of it, as well as choose the optimal system of the exercises themselves.

What are hoop classes

Using the hula hoop for weight loss comes down to rotating it at the waist for a certain period of time. This is a completely autonomous type of exercise, and you can use it even without additional physical activity. However, fitness trainers recommend combining classes with a hoop and other exercises, as well as not forgetting about proper nutrition - this will help you quickly remove excess fat, strengthen muscles and consolidate the achieved effect for a long time.

The main condition for hula hoop rotation is a sufficient amount of space where you will practice. Foreign objects will interfere with the exercises, in addition, there is a risk of accidentally damaging them with the hoop itself (especially if it is quite heavy). During the warm season the best option There will be outdoor activities.

Do exercise with gymnastic hoop maybe even on the street

Exercises for weight loss with a hula hoop do not require any special clothing - just put on sport suit or any clothing that does not restrict movement and allows the body to breathe (therefore, synthetics are not recommended). If you are worried that a heavy gymnastic apparatus will leave bruises on an unusual waist, and this really happens sometimes, it is recommended to use. It can also be replaced by a dense fabric, wrapped in several layers around the waist.

Who benefits from hula hoop - video

How hula hoop helps you lose weight

The principle by which the hoop promotes fat burning is quite simple and consists in a combination of physical activity and the massage effect of the projectile itself. If you perform the exercises correctly, you can achieve the following effect:

  • increase muscle tone;
  • get rid of excess fat deposits in the waist and hips;
  • reduce or completely eliminate the appearance of cellulite;
  • improve coordination of movements.

Hoop exercises burn about 100 calories per 10 minutes on average. However, much depends on the type of projectile, the intensity and complexity of the exercises. Do not forget that adding at least a slight charge to the torsion of the hula hoop will help to better cope with excess weight.

You can enhance the effect of training with a hoop by adhering to the principles proper nutrition

Although the hoop is recognized as effective in getting rid of body fat, you should not expect immediate results. The effect of training will be noticeable after about three to four weeks of daily training with this projectile. The following tips will help speed up the process:

  • eat right. Do not think that if you twist the hoop every day and at the same time continue to eat fast food and sweets, you will be able to get rid of excess weight. Revisiting your diet to reduce calories, reduce portion sizes, and enrich your diet with plant fiber is the key to success. Remember the benefits too fractional nutrition: eat often, but little by little it will be more beneficial for the body than eating to satiety a couple of times a day;
  • Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts and their duration. Our body quickly adapts to physical activity, and even if you picked up a hula hoop for the first time, after a week you will notice that you can twist it without problems and more time. Add a few minutes to each workout;
  • connect additional physical activity. Calories will be burned more intensively if you alternate the torsion of the hoop with other exercises - for example, with regular squats.

It is strictly forbidden to twist the hoop immediately after eating!

10 basic principles of proper nutrition - video

When Not to Hoop

As in many other cases, there are certain contraindications to hula hoop classes. First of all, you can not twist the hoop at any stage of pregnancy. If you want to keep yourself in good physical form during this period, replace these activities with something more suitable - such as swimming or yoga. If the pregnancy is over, but during childbirth it took C-section, the hoop is also contraindicated until the body is fully restored.

Hula hoop is contraindicated during pregnancy, it is best to try yoga

Those who have any kidney diseases in their medical record should consult with their doctor, who will tell you if it is possible to practice with hula hoop. However, even if the doctor has given permission, but after the exercise you feel a deterioration in your condition, it is better to stop training.

Any injury to the back and abdominal cavity is a reason to refuse to use the hoop. You can not twist the hula hoop even if there are fresh seams, as the combination of massage effect and physical activity can cause the seams to open.

For the elderly, classes with a hoop are not recommended.

Hula hoop: errors and contraindications - video

Types of hula hoops for weight loss

AT sports shops you can find a large number of different hula hoops, and if you want to get the maximum benefit without harming your body, it is important to know which hoop to choose for your workouts:

  • ordinary. The simplest design made of plastic or aluminum, hollow inside, due to which it has a light weight, so it is well suited for beginners to master such training. However, losing weight quickly with such a hoop will not work - you will need something more serious. You can try to add weight to an ordinary hula hoop by making a hole in it and pouring sand into it, but it’s still better to pay attention to ready-made heavier options;
  • weighted. This option gives an additional load on the waist, because this hula hoop weighs about 2 kilograms. During the rotation of such a hoop, the muscles tense up more, which means that calories will be burned more intensively. It is possible that at first a heavy hula hoop will leave bruises on the waist, but later the body will begin to get used to the load, and this effect will disappear on its own;
  • massage. Its feature is in small suction cups or balls, which are located on inside hoop. When rotated, these elements provide an additional massage effect, which has a positive effect on getting rid of excess fat. In addition, the weight of such a hula hoop can reach up to three kilograms, and this is a good load even for trained muscles;
  • with magnetic elements. Magnetic fields have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, improve blood circulation and accelerate the elimination of cellulite and fat deposits on the waist;
  • jimflexor. This is a hoop, the material for the production of which is reinforced rubber, due to which it receives not only weight, but also flexibility. The possibilities of such a hula hoop are much wider than those of a conventional projectile, since its flexibility allows you to perform with it different exercises on many muscle groups, and not just twist it for weight loss in the waist;

Types of gymnastic hoops - photo

Regular hoop is light weight
The massage hoop has balls and suction cups on its surface.
Magnetic elements on the hoop help to lose weight
The Jimflexor can be used to perform many different exercises.

Jimflexor exercises - video

Which hoop fits

Such a variety of hula hoops allows you to choose the right option for anyone who wants to start such training. If you are just starting to practice with a hoop, a regular model without weights and massage elements will do. Over time, when the body begins to get used to the loads, you can think about how to increase the intensity of training, for example, purchase a weighted hoop or a model with a massage effect. There are also hoops with a collapsible design, which makes it possible not only to conveniently store them at home, but also to modify the hula hoop in accordance with the purpose of training and the level sports training.

The size of the hoop is no less important than its weight, and this parameter must correspond to the height of the person. The higher the height, the larger the diameter of the hoop. To determine if the diameter of a particular hula hoop is right for you, stand up straight and place the hoop in front of you. If its upper edge reaches the lower ribs, then everything is in order with the size.

Which hoop to choose - video

Projectile exercises

The main exercise with the hoop is, of course, its rotation. To perform the exercise correctly, you must:

  1. Stand straight, spread your shoulders to the sides and put your feet shoulder-width apart, pointing your toes forward.
  2. Place the hoop on the waist and point it in the direction of rotation, at the same time starting to make movements with the body so as not to let the hoop fall.
  3. You need to start with about 5 minutes of continuous rotation, if this is only your initial classes.
  4. For those who think that 5 minutes is not enough, you can do several of these approaches.
  5. It is better to do 3 sets of 5 minutes than to rotate the hoop for 15 minutes without a break - so the fat will be burned more intensively.

We twist the hoop correctly - video

You can increase the effectiveness of hoop training in the following ways:

  • change the distance between the feet. By placing your legs as wide as possible, you will shift the main load on gluteal muscles, and the rotation of the hoop in a position with a number of placed feet involves the muscles of the hips;
  • start spinning the hoop in a semi-squat position. The lower you lower your torso, the stronger the effect will be;
  • vary the level at which you rotate the hoop. Move it from waist to hips and back without stopping the rotation;
  • rotate the hoop in a lunge (when one leg is forward) - this helps to train the hips and abs more intensively. Don't forget to switch legs;
  • change the speed of rotation from slow to fast;
  • rotate the hula hoop in a standing position on one leg - this will have a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus.

Hoop Workout Plan

A hoop workout might go something like this:

  1. Simple rotation. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, the press is tense. Twist the hoop in this position, putting your hands on the back of your head and spreading your elbows to the sides.
  2. Rotation of the hoop with arms raised up and tension in the abdominal muscles.
  3. Rotation at different pace.
  4. Repetition. Place your feet side by side and repeat the first three exercises.
  5. Toe rotation. Feet shoulder width apart, hands in front of you. Palms in the castle, elbows slightly bent. Rotate the hoop in this position, at the same time gently rising on your toes and falling back.
  6. Lunge rotation. Place one foot in front of the other. Rotate the hoop, lowering the knee of the leg standing behind to the floor and rising back. After 10-20 times, switch legs.

The duration of each exercise is determined by the level of sports training. For beginners, 2-3 minutes is enough, for those who have physical training is at an advanced level, you can increase the time to 5 minutes or more.

A complex for a perfect figure with a hula hoop - video