Serrated muscles of the press. Working on the serratus muscles. How to build jagged muscles with weights

In bodybuilding, as in many sports, aesthetics are important, ideal proportions body. Many forget about it and just chase after muscle mass. Now consider a small muscle group located on the ribs, called the serratus muscles. Although they are small in volume, they play a significant role in the overall picture. Relief and voluminous muscles on the ribs perfectly emphasize the inflated press. To understand how to pump up the serratus muscles, you need to understand at what points they work.

Having studied in detail the anatomy and basic functions, you will understand that it will not be possible to select target exercises for the dentate, they simply do not exist. They actively work only in certain movements, for example, in pumping the chest and deltas. Serratus muscles cannot be pumped with isolated movements, but there is a group of exercises that load them as much as possible.

Anatomy and function of the serratus muscles on the ribs

Located in the front chest, top part jagged veiled pectoral muscle, and the lower one on the surface of the ribs. Muscle fibers directed back and up, covering the outer surface of the ribs and passing under the shoulder blade. Performs the following functions:

  1. Moves the scapula forward and outward;
  2. With the participation of other muscle groups, raises his hands above the horizon line;
  3. Helps expand the chest.

Given the functions performed, it can be suggested how to pump up the serratus muscles, namely, which exercises are more suitable for these muscles. In training, you need to make movements that are physiologically characteristic of them. Now it is necessary to determine how the anterior serratus swings, the exercises will be aimed at pumping the chest, deltas and back. As you understand, it will not be possible to isolate and pump up the gears alone, they work as an additional muscle in various exercises.

No matter how strange it may sound, it is believed that the best pumping of the dentate muscles is carried out in the process of posing. The latissimus pose statically loads the target muscle. Let's consider in more detail:

  • Take the correct position - feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight, rest your hands on the sides of the body;
  • The whole process will develop in the upper body. Start with tension latissimus dorsi back, simultaneously bending the lower back and pushing the chest forward;
  • At first shoulder girdle lean back and then forward with the elbows;
  • The shoulder blades should be spread out to the sides as much as possible.

Feeling the maximum tension, you need to keep it and hold it as long as possible. It is at this moment that the serratus muscles on the ribs receive the maximum static load. Do at least three such repetitions, after each time stretch to relax all muscle groups. Here is an example of how to pump serratus muscles by posing

It is clear that a small number of athletes will suffer from such an exercise, while the rest need to tie the training to the pieces of iron.

How to build jagged muscles with weights

Exercises that include a load on the rib muscles are a huge amount. For a general understanding, we list them all by main groups:

  • Bench press. Any bench press exercise for chest promotes the development of serrated. The slope of the bench can be different, as well as the choice of projectile, you can even in the simulator;
  • Wiring. Any incline of the bench engages the target muscle, use dumbbells, a cable machine or a butterfly;
  • Press up. Any bench press for deltoids shakes the gear. Whether you use barbells, dumbbells, machines, or special techniques such as the Arnold or Bradford press, all this includes gear work;
  • Breeding standing and thrust to the chin.

In fact, the whole complex, aimed at pumping the chest and shoulders, can pump up the serratus muscle, even at home. There is one exercise, called a pullover, it makes the muscle in question work the most. Having understood it, you will replenish your knowledge on how to pump up the serratus muscles on the ribs, and you will be able to use it effectively.


There are various techniques for performing a pullover: with dumbbells, a barbell, incline bench, straight arms and so on. We will consider the classic version with dumbbells, this exercise is very valuable for young athletes, because it can make the chest deeper, which will make the chest more attractive. best age to receive maximum effect 15-28 years old.

The pullover is aimed at the formation of breasts, includes in the work broadest backs, triceps and serratus anterior. This exercise with additional weighting, to a greater extent, in comparison with the rest, strains the dentate muscles. Therefore, it is the best and will help in achieving expressive, embossed muscle forms on the ribs. Let's move on to the technique and take a closer look at how to pump up the serratus anterior muscle on the ribs:

  • Need to sit across the bench top back and fix. Place your feet firmly on the floor at a 90 degree angle at the knees. Instead of a bench, you can use a chair, bench or fitball;
  • Take a dumbbell on one side with your palms to pancakes (as in the picture) and lift it above your chest;
  • Keep a slight bend in your elbows, so you get rid of possible injuries. Position yourself so that your pelvis is below shoulder level;
  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head as you inhale, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Lower until you feel a strong stretch in your back. The greater the range of motion, the stronger the contraction of the serratus anterior muscles;
  • Use the optimal weight so that you can do 12-15 reps, 3-4 sets. Raise the dumbbell in the opposite direction as you exhale.

The pullover was a sought-after exercise in the "golden era" of bodybuilding for a reason. See how to pump jagged muscles with a pullover with an example:

How to pump up muscles on the ribs with twists

The beauty of the muscular body is also emphasized by the relief muscles on the ribs, or rather the intercostal ones. Any training for the abdominal muscles contributes to the pumping of the intercostal muscles, so just pumping the press is enough. Of course, the emphasis of the load increases if you do exercises with an emphasis on one side. For example: side crunches, diagonals, leg raises on the horizontal bar, in general, all types of exercises aimed at pumping the side press. Now you also know how to pump up the intercostal muscles at home, because for training the press gym not needed.

See how Yury Spasokukotsky pumps the intercostal muscles:

Masses to you and relief!

If you take the trouble to study the structure of the abdominal muscles from an anatomy textbook, you will be surprised at how difficult it is. Here are the rectus abdominis muscles, and the external oblique, and intercostal, and anterior serratus muscles. Most bodybuilders understand the task of pumping the press in a very primitive way and do thousands of torso raises, considering this exercise the most effective. In fact, when lifting the torso from a horizontal position, only the rectus muscles work, and then only in the first third of the range of motion. Next, the torso is lifted by the thigh muscles and lumbar muscles. The external oblique muscles are composed of three muscle layers: the internal oblique, transverse oblique, and external muscles. The force vector of each layer has its own direction.

Together, they tilt the body to the sides and turn it around its axis. Unlike the rectus abdominis, the oblique muscles respond very quickly to high weight, low rep exercises. They become massive and make the waist excessively wide. That is why you need to train these muscles with extremely small weights, doing at least 50-70 repetitions in the approach. Indirect load when turning the body falls on the intercostal muscles. This muscle group will work especially productively when lifting the torso from a horizontal position with a turn. Since the main function of the intercostal muscles is to ensure exhalation and convergence of the ribs, this exercise should be performed with a strong exhalation beforehand. The anterior serratus muscles are directly affected only in the next exercise.

You kneel and grab the handle of the block above your head with your hands. Slightly bending your elbows, you are trying to “squeeze” the handle of the block to the floor with straight arms. It is clear that you have to do this by the force of the torso tilted to the floor. In this tilt, the serratus anterior muscles work with maximum load. So, even the most superficial description of the abdominal muscles leads to the conclusion that the complex on the press should include a variety of exercises. And here are the options for exercises that your complex should consist of:

Trunk lift

Main impact. Given basic exercise affects mainly the upper third of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Execution method. Lie on your back and fix your feet. Bend your knees to eliminate stress on your lower back. If you try to do straight-knee sit-ups, you're bound to injure your lower back! Connect your hands behind your head, clasping your fingers. From the starting position, begin to lift the torso. Lift your shoulders off the floor first, then your upper back, middle, and finally your lower back. Make sure that the thigh muscles are not included in the work! Raise your torso until it takes a strict vertical position. Now round your back as hard as you can, trying to bring your shoulders closer to your pelvis! Perform all movements in reverse order and return to the starting state.

Options. You can complicate the exercise by using a special bench, the inclination of which can be adjusted. By lifting the edge where your legs are, you will increase the load on the upper third of the rectus muscles. Sooner or later, your own weight will be insufficient for a full-fledged "pumping" of the press. Then you should pick up the discs from the bar and do lifts, holding them behind your head. As you grow in skill, you should supplement the sit-ups with alternate turns in one direction and then in the other. This will force the rectus and intercostal muscles to work together.

Notes. The most common mistake in the described exercise and its varieties is a sharp jerk of the torso at the very beginning of the movement. Lifting the body, on the contrary, must be done very slowly. Another mistake is the separation of the entire body from the floor, while it must be lifted in parts, as if rolling. First you need to raise your shoulders, then your back and lower back. At the end point of the amplitude, additional emphasis should be placed by trying to lower the shoulders to the pelvis as much as possible.

Leg raise

Main impact. Raising the legs affects the rectus abdominis muscles, in particular, their lower third.

Execution method. Lie on your back and grab something stationary above your head with your hands. Bend your legs at the knees and begin to raise them to the point where the feet are directly above your pelvis. Now slowly lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it up, achieving maximum contraction of the lower abdomen. Dip your feet in starting position.

Options. If you are using for exercise incline bench, lift up the edge where your head rests. The greater the slope, the stronger the load on the abdominal muscles. Some professionals practice the following type of exercise. They lie down on a short bench so that its edge falls on gluteal muscles, and the legs, slightly bent, hung down. Thus, they increase the amplitude of the exercise, lowering the legs below the position that is possible on the floor. The intensity of the exercise increases.

Notes. Raising the legs should be done slowly, avoiding swinging movements. Sudden leg lifts can injure your lower back! Some bodybuilders attempt this exercise with a barbell or dumbbell between their feet. Exercise in this case becomes traumatic. Sometimes you hear the advice that when doing leg raises on the bench, put your hands under your buttocks to reduce the risk of injury. I think this is complete nonsense!


Main impact. As I said before, horizontal torso raises are really effective only in the first third of the range of motion. This exercise limits the movement to this particular most productive area.

Execution method. You should lie as close as possible to the gymnastic bench and put your shins on it. In other words, you must take the position of a person sitting on a chair, but in your case, the chair is overturned and the back rests directly on the floor. Connect your hands behind your head, firmly clasping your fingers, as for a normal torso lift. Well, now you need to "curl up", bringing your shoulders closer to the pelvis, raise your head, shoulders, back, touch your knees with your head and exhale strongly. This action causes the entire muscular wall of the abdomen to contract. Hold at the top of the amplitude for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.

Options. Firstly, you can quite do without a bench. Keep your legs bent at the knees, in weight. If you do not master this kind of exercise, you can rest, in the same position, your feet against the wall. This is the second type of exercise. The most difficult and highly intensive is the following option. You should lie on your back close to the wall and press your gluteal muscles against it. You will have to straighten your legs straight up, also pressing against the wall. Further, the exercise is performed in the usual manner. To enhance the impact on the intercostal and oblique muscles, it is possible in all cases to turn the body either in one direction or the other. You may be interested in that version of the exercise, which can rightfully be called "outrageous" in its intensity. It requires special equipment not available to everyone. We are talking about shoes with hooks on the soles, allowing you to hang on the crossbar with your head down. So, you hang head down, press the barbell disc to your chest and begin to bend the body with the force of the press, trying to touch the knees. Performing the exercise even at half or a quarter of the amplitude gives fantastic results.

Notes. Do not lose mental control over the contractions of the press. Make sure that other muscles do not participate in the movement. Since the exercise requires complex coordination, learn the basic version first and only then move on to its varieties.

Hanging leg raise

Main impact. Exercise mainly affects lower part press.

Execution method. Grab the crossbar. Hang freely on it. Now bend your legs slightly at the knees to reduce the load on the lower back. From this starting position, raise your legs to a horizontal position and higher. Lock your legs and lift your pelvis towards your shoulders to increase the degree of contraction of the abdominal muscles. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position.

Options. Often, a bodybuilder initially does not have enough strength to do a sufficiently large number of repetitions, and even in several approaches. The final repetitions in this case should be done with the legs bent at the knees. The knees should be raised to chest level. To give an additional load to the intercostal muscles, raising the legs, turn the torso to the sides.

Notes. The main mistake is swaying the torso. If you can't avoid it, ask a partner for help. Let him rest on your lower back. If you decide to complicate the exercise and hold a dumbbell or barbell disk between your feet, remember that you can resort to additional weights only after 2-3 sets without weight! Otherwise, you can injure the lower spine!

Roman chair

Main impact. This exercise affects the rectus abdominis muscles, in particular, their upper region. If the rises on the "Roman chair" are combined with active turns of the body, then the intercostal muscles will also be under load.

Execution method. Sit on the seat and cross your arms over your chest. Lean back so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Now begin to raise your torso and determine the top point of the amplitude at which the tension of the abdominal muscles disappears. Perform the exercise deliberately slowly, moving the torso along an imaginary arc between the start and end points of the movement.

Options. The torso can be turned one way or the other to force the intercostal muscles to work. You can also pick up a disk from the bar, but professionals rarely do this, since they use this exercise not for pumping, but for grinding the press.

Notes. If the design of the "chair" allows, you should raise the part of it where the legs are fixed. This will reduce the "burning" feeling you may have in the front of your thighs.

Bending the torso on the block

Main impact. This exercise involves both the rectus and intercostal muscles and the serratus muscles. Indirectly, it also loads the latissimus dorsi muscle.

Execution method. Ordinary handles that are attached to the block cable are not suitable for this exercise. It is better to disconnect them and throw a piece of thick rope over the cable hook. Such an "improvement" will allow you to pull the block with the most comfortable grip, when the clenched hands are parallel to each other. Without changing the position of the hands relative to the body, begin to lean forward until the forehead touches the floor. You will feel the strongest tension of all the muscles in the waist. Hold at the end point of the amplitude for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise until complete "failure".

Options. Many professionals increase the impact of this exercise on the intercostal and serratus muscles by doing it with one hand. Half of the repetitions are on the right hand, half on the left.

Notes. The intensity of the exercise does not depend on the amount of weight used, but on its specific kinesiology. So the most correct thing is not to chase the weights, but to learn how to do the exercises correctly.

Side crunches

Main impact. This exercise has a powerful combined effect on the oblique, intercostal and serratus muscles.

Execution method. Lie down on the bench on your side so that your legs are on the bench and your torso is hanging down. You will have to secure your legs either with a belt or ask for help from a training partner. Cross your arms over your chest and lower your torso straight down to the floor. From this position, use your abdominal muscles to lift your torso as high as possible. Then drop down.

Options. While doing the exercise, you can slightly move the torso forward or backward. This will cause indirect stress on the rectus or lower back muscles.

Notes. The exercise will be more effective if you pick up weights.

The relief and drawing of the press gives fat burning. To train the press, you need large working weights (30-80kg) and no more than 20 repetitions.

The abdominal muscles are the same as the others skeletal muscles and they need to be trained on the basis of the same principles.

There are three types of abdominal exercises:

  • rectus abdominis training (cubes)
  • training of the oblique muscles of the abdomen (drawing a dividing line on the sides)
  • serratus abdominal training

The main thing to remember is the function of the abdomen - bringing the pelvis to the chest and vice versa. If there is any movement in hip joint the iliopsoas muscles and the rectus femoris are included in the work. Accordingly, the load on the press is reduced.

Therefore, forget about any bending on the Roman chair and other movements taken from physical education lessons.

There are only 2 really effective exercises for developing six-pack abs:

The rectus abdominis is not anatomically divided into upper and lower. This is one solid muscle, but it has been noticed that the upper and lower sections can be loaded more or less in different exercises. Although it is impossible to completely isolate the upper cubes from the lower ones, the emphasis can still be made.

Exercise on the transverse abdominal muscle
Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles:
Exercises for the serratus and intercostal muscles

BUT remember that the serratus muscle is visible only with a very small amount of fat!

Why do I say that it is necessary to take the press cubes for training big weight? Yes, because otherwise your press simply will not be visible! Many pros don't build abs at all and look great, but only in competitions where their body fat percentage is around 6%. But you can’t live like this all the time and it’s dangerous for your health.

They just burn it all subcutaneous fat and therefore the press is clearly visible. But if you pump up exactly the mass of the abdominal muscles, then even with 12-15% fat you will have cubes, although not too prominent.

It doesn't really make sense to do it technically difficult exercises crunch type. Everything is simple! Do the above listed exercises, increase the working weight and your abs will be great!

How to remove the stomach. How to lose belly fat (visceral fat)

I'm sure these videos will help you a lot! Look at everything I give you, then you will know more. than most trainers in the gyms + no one can hang noodles on your ears anymore!

A set of exercises to strengthen the intercostal muscles

Continuation. Beginning see No. 10, 11/2007

Goal: improve functionality respiratory system, strengthen the tone of the respiratory muscles.

1. Strengthen and develop the intercostal muscles and neck muscles.

2. Increase the mobility and volume of the chest.

3. Increase the efficiency of the work of the intercostal muscles and neck muscles.

4. Increase the mobility of the connection of the ribs with the spine and sternum.

5. Increase the elasticity of the ligaments, tendons and muscles of the chest.

6. Strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

The pace of each exercise (movement, return to the starting position) is an average of 1.5 seconds. The entire complex takes an average of 4-6 minutes to complete.

The complex can be performed not only in the classroom physical education, but also in extracurricular activities 2 or more times a week. Middle and high school children and adults can use weights.

The complex is recommended to be combined or alternated with exercises from the methods of A.M. Belyaeva: "Method of performing the author's set of exercises to strengthen and develop the muscles of the face in order to increase the functionality of the respiratory system in combination with the improvement of speech characteristics, facial muscle activity, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state, as well as improving communication qualities", "Method of performing a set of author's exercises for strengthening the muscles of the neck in the positions lying on the back, stomach, side in order to increase the functionality of the respiratory system in combination with the improvement of the musculoskeletal system, the thermoregulation system and the lymph circulation system”, “Methods for increasing the functionality of the respiratory system in combination with improving the functioning of the motor apparatus, digestive system and other functional systems of the body based on the use of a set of exercises for all abdominal muscles and their motor units.

Exercise plan

The cycle of this complex is eight weeks, i.e. 16 lessons: exercises are performed 2 times a week at the beginning of the main part of the physical education lesson.

All exercises are performed in turn, while only the number of repetitions of each exercise changes in accordance with tables 1 and 2.

Number of repetitions of each exercise (times)

The mode of performing a set of exercises in approaches

The number of repetitions with a load: small (m), medium (s), large (b)

At the end of the eight-week cycle, you can switch to maintenance mode, reducing the number of approaches to two, or continue training in the developmental mode, increasing the number of repetitions or weights.

Exercises to strengthen the intercostal muscles

1. Starting position (ip) - standing, heels together, toes apart, right arm bent at the elbow joint and pressed to the body in front, hand right hand lies on the left side, the left hand is lowered down. At the expense of "times" take your left hand to the left and turn your head to the right (do not lower your chin) - inhale; at the expense of "two" return to I.p. - exhale.

2. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

3. I.p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, but the left hand is laid to the left, and its hand is clenched into a fist. At the expense of "times" bend the left arm at the elbow joint and turn the head to the right (do not lower the chin) - inhale; at the expense of "two" return to I.p. - exhale.

4. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

5. I.p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, the left hand is lowered down. At the expense of "times" raise your left hand in front of you and turn your head to the right (do not lower your chin) - inhale; at the expense of "two" return to I.p. - exhale.

6. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

7. I. p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, but the left arm is stretched up. At the expense of "one", bend the left arm at the elbow joint behind the head and turn the head to the right (do not lower the chin) - inhale; on the count of two, return to

8. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

9. I.p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, the left hand is lowered down. At the expense of "times" raise the straight left hand up, trying to take it as far back as possible, and turn your head to the right (do not lower your chin) - inhale; on the count of “two”, lower this hand forward down and try to take it as far back as possible - exhale.

10. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

11. I.p. - standing, heels together, toes to the sides, hands intertwined behind the lock, shoulder blades brought together, look straight ahead, do not lower the chin (this exercise can be performed by stepping back from the chair). On the count of “one”, turn your head to the right - inhale: on the count of “two”, return to I.P. - exhale; at the count of "three" turn your head to the left - inhale, at the count of "four" return to I.p. - exhale.

12. Starting position (ip) - standing, heels together, toes apart, head turned to the right (do not lower the chin), the right arm is bent at the elbow joint and pressed to the body in front, the right hand lies on the left side, the left hand lowered down. At the expense of "times" take your left hand to the left - inhale; at the expense of "two" return to I.p. - exhale.

13. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

14. I.p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, the left hand is laid to the left, and its hand is clenched into a fist. At the expense of "time" bend the left arm in the elbow joint - exhale; at the expense of "two" return to I.p. - breath.

15. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

16. I.p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, but the left hand is lowered down. At the expense of "times" raise your left hand in front of you - inhale; at the expense of "two" return to I.p. - exhale.

17. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

18. I.p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, but the left arm is extended upwards. At the expense of "times" bend the left arm at the elbow joint behind the head - inhale; at the expense of "two" return to I.p. - exhale.

19. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

20. I.p. - the same as in the 1st exercise, the left hand is lowered down. At the expense of "times" raise the straight left hand up and try to take it as far back as possible - inhale; on the count of “two”, lower this hand forward down and try to take it as far back as possible - exhale.

21. Do the same, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands and head.

Exercises 1-10 and 12-21 can be performed by slightly changing the starting position - the hand that does not perform movements lies on the back of a chair that was previously placed in front of the student.

External intercostal muscles - where are they located, exercises for training

There are a number of muscles in the human body, which are quite difficult to train, which is primarily due to the peculiarities of their function. In bodybuilding, however, the relief, elaborate appearance of the entire musculature, including such hard-to-reach power loads variants of both internal and external intercostal muscles.

With physical overstrain, as well as due to certain pathological processes, this group is relatively rarely affected, but their participation in the act of breathing makes the clinical manifestations of such diseases rather unpleasant.

Diseases that affect this group are the same as in the case of muscle tissue of another localization, however, adjusted for the features of the location and functional load.

Location and main functions

Both internal and external intercostal muscles belong to deep muscles chest. The external intercostal muscles lift the ribs when inhaling, allowing the expansion of the chest.

They work mainly with calm breathing. They originate from the lower edges of the ribs, the direction of the fibers is obliquely down and somewhat anteriorly. They are attached to the upper edges of the ribs located below, while the actual muscle layer in the cartilaginous parts is absent, the external intercostal membrane is located there.

The internal intercostal fibers have a slightly different course of fibers - starting from the upper edges of the ribs, they go up and anteriorly. The main physiological function is to ensure a calm exhalation.

Possible lesions of the internal and external intercostal muscles and their manifestations

Among the most common problems that can occur with the muscles of such localization, it is worth highlighting:

Despite the peculiarities of the location and functioning of these muscles, and the rather specific load required for their excessive stretching, such injuries still occur.

This can be observed when lifting large weights too quickly, with significant loads on the muscles of the back and chest, especially without high-quality preliminary warming up, similar problems can also occur when swinging the arms too sharply, or when turning the torso.

Stretching can also be the result of a blow with some sports equipment, or it can occur against the background of a strong cough.

Inflammation is an extremely unpleasant option, which can be either a consequence of stretching or occur independently with local hypothermia, infectious or autoimmune damage.

Almost constant pain is characteristic, which increases with exertion. The affected area may swell, thicken, redden, and in some cases general intoxication symptoms such as weakness and headache, as well as fever, may join.

Spasm occurs mainly with prolonged exercise, especially with an unnatural position of the muscles, with an uncomfortable position of the upper body. Severe stressful situations, depressive disorders and other similar conditions can lead to the development of muscle spasm, which can significantly interfere with normal breathing processes.

Exercises suitable for training the intercostal muscles

How to pump up the intercostal muscles? Given the peculiarities of their location and functional purpose, namely the provision of breathing, it is not so easy to do this, and the list of suitable exercises is quite short.

Mostly, the loads are associated with forward tilting of the torso, bending and twisting, both with and without weighting:

  • Tilts of the torso to the sides with weighting with dumbbells of relatively small weight. You should start with a relatively small amplitude, gradually increasing it during training. At the same time, the legs should be in a stable position, and the exercise itself should be performed smoothly, without unnecessary jerks and accelerations.
  • Oblique tilt in the supine position. To train this muscle, exercises that load the lateral parts of the abdominal press are suitable. In this case, the movements should be relatively short, rhythmic, the number of repetitions in one approach - depending on the initial preparation, from ten to fifteen, the number of approaches from two to four, on each side.
  • Exercises with a special wheel for working with the abdominal muscles. The extension of the torso following the movement of the wheel works well not only the abdominal muscles, but also the intercostal muscles. To begin with, with not too good initial data, extensions can be made incomplete, but the amplitude of movements and repetition frequency should be gradually increased.
  • The so-called "wide steps". On a high emphasis on the legs and arms, you need to alternately step with each foot, while you need to strive to ensure that the foot reaches the level of the palm, and then return to its original position. The more repetitions, the better, but it should be borne in mind that an untrained person is not able to do much.

It should be borne in mind that there are no isolated loads aimed exclusively at this muscle group, and exercises will also affect other muscles - the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, serrated chest, and many others. Therefore, a number of exercises can give a certain effect, for example, the same push-ups.

The intercostal muscles, taking into account the peculiarities of their localization and functional load, are quite difficult to give in to directed training, and there are no isolated exercises for them at all.

The external and internal intercostal muscles play an important role in both calm and forced breathing, but the peculiarities of their location make their training difficult.

You can learn more about the muscles of the thoracic region when viewing the view:

How to build jagged muscles

In bodybuilding, as in many sports, aesthetics, ideal body proportions, are important. Many people forget about it and just chase muscle mass. Now consider a small muscle group located on the ribs, called the serratus muscles. Although they are small in volume, they play a significant role in the overall picture. Relief and voluminous muscles on the ribs perfectly emphasize the inflated press. To understand how to pump up the serratus muscles, you need to understand at what points they work.

Having studied in detail the anatomy and basic functions, you will understand that it will not be possible to select target exercises for the dentate, they simply do not exist. They actively work only in certain movements, for example, in pumping the chest and deltas. Serratus muscles cannot be pumped with isolated movements, but there is a group of exercises that load them as much as possible.

Anatomy and function of the serratus muscles on the ribs

It is located in front of the chest, the upper part of the dentate is covered by the pectoral muscle, and the lower part is on the surface of the ribs. Muscle fibers are directed back and up, covering the outer surface of the ribs and passing under the shoulder blade. Performs the following functions:

  1. Moves the scapula forward and outward;
  2. With the participation of other muscle groups, raises his hands above the horizon line;
  3. Helps expand the chest.

Given the functions performed, it can be suggested how to pump up the serratus muscles, namely, which exercises are more suitable for these muscles. In training, you need to make movements that are physiologically characteristic of them. Now it is necessary to determine how the anterior serratus swings, the exercises will be aimed at pumping the chest, deltas and back. As you understand, it will not be possible to isolate and pump up the gears alone, they work as an additional muscle in various exercises.

How to pump up the anterior serratus muscle

No matter how strange it may sound, it is believed that the best pumping of the dentate muscles is carried out in the process of posing. The latissimus pose statically loads the target muscle. Let's consider in more detail:

  • Take the correct position - feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight, rest your hands on the sides of the body;
  • The whole process will develop in the upper body. Start by tensing the latissimus dorsi, simultaneously arching the lower back and pushing the pectorals forward;
  • First, the shoulder girdle will move back, and then forward along with the elbows;
  • The shoulder blades should be spread out to the sides as much as possible.

Feeling the maximum tension, you need to keep it and hold it as long as possible. It is at this moment that the serratus muscles on the ribs receive the maximum static load. Do at least three such repetitions, after each time stretch to relax all muscle groups. Here is an example of how to pump serratus muscles by posing

It is clear that a small number of athletes will suffer from such an exercise, while the rest need to tie the training to the pieces of iron.

How to build jagged muscles with weights

Exercises that include a load on the rib muscles are a huge amount. For a general understanding, we list them all by main groups:

  • Bench press. Any bench press exercise for chest promotes the development of serrated. The slope of the bench can be different, as well as the choice of projectile, you can even in the simulator;
  • Wiring. Any incline of the bench engages the target muscle, use dumbbells, a cable machine or a butterfly;
  • Press up. Any bench press for deltoids shakes the gear. Whether you use barbells, dumbbells, machines, or special techniques such as the Arnold or Bradford press, all this includes gear work;
  • Breeding standing and thrust to the chin.

In fact, the whole complex, aimed at pumping the chest and shoulders, can pump up the serratus muscle, even at home. There is one exercise, called a pullover, it makes the muscle in question work the most. Having understood it, you will replenish your knowledge on how to pump up the serratus muscles on the ribs, and you will be able to use it effectively.

There are various pullover techniques: with dumbbells, a barbell, an incline bench, straight arms, and so on. We will consider the classic version with dumbbells, this exercise is very valuable for young athletes, because it can make the chest deeper, which will make the chest more attractive. The best age for maximum effect is years.

The pullover is aimed at the formation of the pectoral, includes the broadest backs, triceps and front gear. This exercise with additional weights to a greater extent, compared to the others, strains the serratus muscles. Therefore, it is the best and will help in achieving expressive, embossed muscle forms on the ribs. Let's move on to the technique and take a closer look at how to pump up the serratus anterior muscle on the ribs:

  • You need to place yourself across the bench with your upper back and fix. Place your feet firmly on the floor at a 90 degree angle at the knees. Instead of a bench, you can use a chair, bench or fitball;
  • Take a dumbbell on one side with your palms to pancakes (as in the picture) and lift it above your chest;
  • Keep a slight bend in your elbows, so you get rid of possible injuries. Position yourself so that your pelvis is below shoulder level;
  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head as you inhale, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Lower until you feel a strong stretch in your back. The greater the range of motion, the stronger the contraction of the serratus anterior muscles;
  • Use the optimal weight so that you can do 1, 3-4 sets. Raise the dumbbell in the opposite direction as you exhale.

The pullover was a sought-after exercise in the "golden era" of bodybuilding for a reason. See how to pump jagged muscles with a pullover with an example:

How to pump up muscles on the ribs with twists

The beauty of the muscular body is also emphasized by the relief muscles on the ribs, or rather the intercostal ones. Any training for the abdominal muscles contributes to the pumping of the intercostal muscles, so just pumping the press is enough. Of course, the emphasis of the load increases if you do exercises with an emphasis on one side. For example: side crunches, diagonals, leg raises on the horizontal bar, in general, all types of exercises aimed at pumping the side press. Now you also know how to pump up the intercostal muscles at home, because you don’t need a gym to train the press.

See how Yury Spasokukotsky pumps the intercostal muscles:

How to pump up the intercostal muscles?

The intercostal muscles are quite difficult to pump up. There are not many exercises that can really help with this. That is why, before starting any classes, it is necessary to consult with a person who is knowledgeable in this matter, namely with a fitness or bodybuilding trainer. Only he can give you really good advice and some useful exercises.

As with any other muscle, before you pump up the intercostal muscles, you need to warm them up well. You can start with body turns, side to side tilts, and it’s also not bad to just hang on the horizontal bar. In this case, you can perform counterclockwise rotations of the body. Such an exercise will help stretch the spine and stretch several muscle groups at once.

To start pumping the intercostal muscles, you need to choose dumbbells that are suitable for weight. You should not take on the heaviest dumbbells, believing that in this way you will achieve the best result. It would be correct to start with a small weight of 2-5 kilograms. Girls should definitely consult with a coach before training. The weight of dumbbells for the fairer sex should not exceed a certain figure.

It is calculated by the ratio of body weight. You need to start with tilts to the sides with dumbbells in your hands. At first, you can hold dumbbells near your chest. Before pumping the intercostal muscles in the second way, you need to raise your arms above your head and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. After that, start tilting to the sides again. Approaches should be several times.

You can first do the slopes in one direction, then in the other. Or lean in both directions at once in turn, counting the slope in each direction at a time. As already mentioned, it is not easy to develop these muscles, so you will have to acquire good patience and willpower. Exercise should be performed regularly until you achieve results.

How to build jagged muscles?

In the pursuit of mass and strength, many novice bodybuilders forget about pumping small muscle groups, giving them, at best, a couple of sluggish exercises at the end of the workout. Not only does this approach violate aesthetics and symmetry, contrary to the very philosophy of bodybuilding, it can lead to serious injuries, because small muscles often perform the most important functions in our body. Therefore, today we will talk about pumping the serratus muscles. Many beginners have not even heard of such, but they are!

The serratus anterior, or serratus anterior, is located parallel to the ribs on the lateral region of the chest, facilitating its movement during inhalation. However, its main function is to fix the scapula, which is extremely important for correct execution most exercises - from the classic bench press to deadlifts and squats.

In addition to the visual component - the serratus anterior favorably separates the latissimus dorsi from the oblique muscles of the abdomen and pectorals - they also have a more significant plus: referring to the so-called core muscles, the serratus muscles play an important role in the formation of correct posture, and protect the spine during axial loads.

Having dealt with the purpose and functions performed, let's figure it out: how to pump up the dentate muscles? In view of the anatomy discussed above, it is difficult to “hook” and isolate them ... However, there are exercises in which they receive a significant load. At first, good results can be achieved by making the bar.

Planck exercise.

Fulfillment: take an emphasis lying down, leaning on your arms bent at the elbows. Do not stick out your ass and do not bend your lower back: from head to toe, the body is stretched like a string. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply. It is important to catch the moment when the ribs rise on inspiration - this will be the starting point in pumping the jagged zone. When you can do 5 sets of 1-2 minutes, you can complicate the task by performing side plank. Read more about this exercise here.

Pullover dumbbell.

Having learned to feel tension in the right areas of our body during statics, it's time to pick up a dumbbell and start doing a pullover - after all, this exercise, with the right technique, provides an excellent opportunity to pump up not only the chest and back, but also the muscle we are considering here. group.

Fulfillment: we lie down on a bench, we take a dumbbell by one end so that thumbs covered the neck, and the palms rested on the pancakes on one side of the projectile. We take a deep breath and lower our arms slightly bent at the elbows behind the head, where we linger for a second, after which we return to the starting position. The exercise is technically demanding, so do not chase the weight, learn to feel the stretch and contraction of the intercostal muscles. We do 4 sets of repetitions. Read more about this exercise here.

Weekly workload and planning.

As for the place in the weekly split, I would recommend pumping the serratus muscles twice a week, performing a pullover at the end of the chest workout, and the plank after all the back exercises.

Now you know that it is important to train not only the main muscle groups, but also auxiliary ones. After all, our goal is harmonious appearance! Well, we will definitely tell you how to pump up other secondary zones in our next reviews, do not switch! There is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

How to build jagged muscles?

Each training program should involve the pumping of all muscle groups. To become the owner of a pumped-up torso, it is not enough for you to work only on the latissimus dorsi, chest or abs.

Purpose of the serratus muscles

The anterior muscle is designed to move the scapula forward and outward. Interacting with other muscles, it allows you to raise your arms above the horizon line. In addition, with his active participation, chest expansion also occurs. This function of the muscle we are considering today predetermines the choice of movements with which you can work it out as efficiently as possible. You must remember that the best results are those exercises that are physiologically natural for the target muscle.

Serratus Exercises

In order to qualitatively work out the jagged muscles, special attention must be paid to static exercises. In this case, you can use the load or work without it. The most effective is static exercise"widest muscles".

The movement will be performed by the upper section of the body. First, you need to tighten your lats and at the same time bend your lower back, thereby pushing your chest forward. As a result, the shoulder and elbow joints must first move backward and then forward. It is very important to ensure that the shoulder blades are maximally separated to the sides and forward during the exercise.

This exercise perfectly pumps up the serratus muscles, as well as the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, abs and chest. When performing the movement, you can be located both along the bench and across. If the second option was chosen, then it is necessary to place only the upper back on the bench and rest your feet well on the ground. Note that the pelvis and head should not be on the bench. sports equipment you should first put it on a bench and, after taking the initial position, pick it up.

Serratus Abdominal Exercises

Get the desired relief and volume

Athletes often involved in bodybuilding ignore the work with the serratus muscles of the press. As a result, when the general groups are loaded, the dentate muscles of the press, due to their anatomical features, practically do not work.

You can pump up these muscles only by performing a special set of exercises designed exclusively for them. And this is not easy to do, even the pros sometimes take more than one season for the jagged muscles to find the desired relief and volume.

The serratus muscles are located on the sides of the chest and, despite the fact that they are not large muscles, they are very noticeable. Emphasizing all other muscles of the torso, they visually make the athlete's body holistic and harmonious. Well-developed serratus muscles testify to the high skill of the athlete, achieved by him in detailed training.

So, how to build jagged muscles?

Their training consists of exercises related to chest compression and extension, as well as abduction and adduction of the arms to the body. The serratus muscles are indirectly loaded when the muscles of the chest, back and shoulders work. The following are some of the most effective exercises on how to pump up the serratus anterior muscle.

One of the most effective exercises is performed on the horizontal bar. Having made a hang, you need to slowly raise your leg until it touches the knee of the opposite side of the chest. In the upper position, the leg lingers for three seconds, and then slowly returns to its original position. The same steps must be repeated for the second leg. In total, the optimal number of repetitions is six times for each leg. For greater impact, you should try to reach your knee to your shoulder.

Another exercise for training the serratus muscles is performed in the prone position. This exercise completely repeats the one described above, except that it is done lying on a sports bench. You also need to alternately raise your legs and reach with your knee to the opposite side of your chest or shoulder. It is possible (and even necessary) with each next approach to change the angle of the bench.

One more effective exercise performed with a barbell. Each athlete should choose the weight of the bar for himself, and if the bar has a serious weight, it is imperative to invite a partner who could insure you when taking and lowering the projectile. The bar rests on the shoulders behind the head. Then, with the movements of the body, you need to describe the correct figure-eights with its ends. Four figure eights clockwise and four counterclockwise.

When training the serratus, it should be remembered that they belong to small human muscle groups, physiologically designed for long work. Such muscle groups do not like a lot of weight and a small number of approaches, quantity is more important here than quality. Therefore, when drawing up a training plan, you need to provide for a large number of repetitions, while you should not take a lot of weight. As with everything else, some people are naturally more capable of developing serrated abs than others, and therefore the amount and severity of training will be different for everyone. But without beautifully and prominently highlighted serratus muscles, it is impossible to achieve a good athletic form.

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Exercises for the intercostal muscles

For exercises on the intercostal muscles, you will need to consult with a trainer who will select the most suitable method for you. Exercises must be selected by gender. You will also need to travel to gym and comfortable and light clothing.

It is quite difficult to pump up the intercostal muscles. There are not many exercises known to actually do this. It is the poet who needs a consultation with a good bodybuilding specialist or fitness trainer before starting classes. Only he will give you really practical advice, and also advise some useful exercises.

Before you start pumping up the intercostal muscles, you should warm them up well. You can start with body turns, as well as tilts to the sides. You can just hang on the horizontal bar. The body is also rotated to the side counterclockwise. This exercise will stretch the spine, as well as stretch several muscle groups at once.

When starting pumping the intercostal muscles, you should choose dumbbells that are suitable for weight. Here you should not take on the heaviest dumbbells, thinking that this way you will achieve the best result. You need to start with a small weight of two to five kilograms. Before training, girls should always consult with a trainer, since for women the weight of a dumbbell should not exceed a certain number.

It is calculated based on the ratio of body weight. We must begin with tilts to the sides, holding dumbbells in our hands. First, dumbbells are held near the chest. Before pumping the intercostal muscles in another way, you should raise your arms above your head, and also spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Then again go to the slopes to the sides. Do twenty sets at a time.

Tilts can be done first in one direction, and then in the other. You can also lean in turn to both sides at once, counting the number of slopes for each side. These muscles are not easy to develop, so stock up on willpower and good patience. Do the exercise regularly until you achieve results.

Our back is a complex muscle group. In terms of quantity, it is second only to the legs. Almost all athletes know the names of the main muscles - rhomboid, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoid and lumbar. Purposefully and persistently, they work to create strong back muscles. To obtain an expressive relief, it is not enough to highlight only the main muscles of the torso. To get the figure of an athlete, you need to include in the work and work out the dentate muscles. They are classified as small muscle groups and are located on the sides of the chest. Of course, during the training, the serratus muscles are indirectly involved, but they are not worked out enough to achieve the effect.

Basic rules and nuances

How to pump up a jagged muscle in the gym? And what exercises are suitable for pumping up dentate muscles at home? Once you start working on these additional muscles, you should not immediately expect results. Attracting admiring and envious glances, the reliefs of an athlete are the result of diligent hard work. Their drawing requires a long period. There are a number of exercises to highlight this muscle group.

When you start training to pump up the serratus muscles, do not focus on weight. Pay attention to the number of approaches. You need to perform exercises with a static load. In this case, static will help to feel and work out the intercostal muscles of the pectoral muscle group. Do the training for pumping up the dentate muscles at the end of the session. It was then that you had already warmed up the body and saturated it with oxygen. In this case, the risk of stretching or injuring the muscles (tendons) is reduced to a minimum. These ground rules both at the gym and at home.

Basic set of exercises

How to pump up the dentate muscle on the horizontal bar? Hang on the bar, the distance between the hands is 20-30 centimeters wider than the shoulders. Relax your back and shoulder muscles. Bending your leg at the knee, slowly and calmly lift it until it touches the opposite side of your chest. The time of holding the knee at the top point is from 4 to 6 seconds. After a while, complicate the task - try to reach the opposite shoulder. Change legs. The optimal number of visits is from 12 to 15 times. So you will pump up the jagged muscles of the press, and also work out the wide dorsal muscles.

Starting position next exercise- lying on a sports board or bench. Execution is the same as on the horizontal bar. As you exhale, bring your knee to your other shoulder. Hold for 3-4 seconds. Inhale - take a starting position. The number of repetitions is from 13 to 18 times. You can complicate the exercise - change the angle of the bench.

Bodybuilding instructors give recommendations on how to pump up the serratus back muscle. Their advice is to include basic set plank exercise. To perform it is necessary to take a lying emphasis, lean on bent elbows and on socks. Stretch the body from the crown to the heels, like a string. It is very important not to bend the lower back and not stick out the “fifth point”. Breathing should be deep and slow. The bar should be held for 1 to 2 minutes. The best option is from 4 to 6 approaches. Complicate the exercise by doing a side plank.

Exercise with a dumbbell is performed on a bench. Lying on your back, hold the projectile at one end with both hands. Slightly bend your elbows, pull them straight up. Inhale - slowly take your hands behind your head. In this case, the elbows remain in the same position. Hold your hands for 3 seconds. As you inhale, take the starting position. Do 20-25 sets.

While training in the gym, do exercises with a barbell. Stand up straight, place the bar on your shoulders behind your head. Describe the signs of infinity (“eights”) in the air with the ends of the bar. In one direction, you need to spend 4-5 “eights”. Perform 3 to 5 times.

home alternative

Many novice athletes are wondering - how to pump up the dentate muscle at home? Start with a home horizontal bar. For this purpose, even a homemade crossbar is perfect. You can install it in a doorway. In addition, now in stores and the Internet there are a lot of sporting goods. There you can choose the options that are right for you. For homework, get dumbbells. Use them to do diagonal twists. Push up from the floor without lifting your elbows from the body. With the help of these simple exercises and sports attributes, you can combine your own program for pumping these auxiliary muscles.

Well pumped jagged muscles perfectly emphasize and complement the relief of the press. They also help to keep the spine under axial loads. Make your workouts varied. Competently combine exercises for pumping up various muscle groups. Do not neglect small muscle groups. And in the end, your body will look harmonious.