The girl does not sleep after the new year. How to lose weight after the new year

New Year is always associated in the minds of any Russian with a feast, moreover, varied and overly satisfying. Only a few manage to get out of the New Year's table without overeating, and even those table overtakes on the morning of January 1, when you need to eat up, something that they did not have time at night. Naturally, after such holidays, excess weight may appear, so I want to know how to lose weight after the new year.

How to lose weight after the new year

  • After plentiful feasts, you can arrange fasting days, but do not starve at all, it is better to choose a short-term mono-diet for this, they are usually based on one specific product - apples, cottage cheese, kefir. Such a diet allows you to quickly lose weight, but be careful not to weaken it, and you should not use such diets for those who have any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The New Year's table usually drags on until the morning and all modes and biorhythms of the body shift. Stop eating after 6 pm and your body will have time to calmly digest what you have eaten before you go to bed, so it has time to redistribute energy. In this version, if your weight does not start to go away, then at least it will not increase.
  • How to lose weight after the new year - start eating right. Everyone regularly promises themselves from January 1 to start new life and you take it and do it. Reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates, eat foods rich in fiber. Start the day with oatmeal, fresh fruit, ditch fatty pork for chicken, ditch chocolate, and switch to honey and fruit.
  • Another way to lose weight is to go to the country. Firstly, there is a lot of snow, and while you clear it to get to the house, you will already use up a lot of energy, and secondly, there is a bathhouse, and as you know, a bathhouse and a sauna are excellent helpers in the fight against extra pounds. Well, no one canceled snowball fights with friends, and you can just pummel each other in snowdrifts, and running through snowdrifts can be considered separate view sports with increased load on the legs.
  • And The best way how to lose weight after the new year - go in for sports. Any physical activity great for weight loss, aerobic exercise is best for this, you can even do aerobics at home with video tutorials. You can finally buy a subscription in gym or pool or start dancing.

So, there are many ways to lose weight after the new year. Everything is in your hands, do not be lazy, be active and overweight will never come back to you. Well, or until the next new year.

The New Year holidays are over, and lovers of trying everything delicious at the festive table and relaxing for half a day in bed have faced the primary task - to lose the kilograms gained over the long vacation as quickly as possible. But which way to choose? On the Internet - a huge number different diets, it is difficult to choose the most effective one. the site offers five of the most popular simple diets, which will help any girl to return the "pre-New Year's" weight.

If you are lucky, and after almost two weeks of “gluttony”, your scales show only 1-2 kilograms more than usual, then the ballerina diet is for you. In fact, this is not even a diet, but a couple of rules that must be strictly observed. The first is to drink a glass of ice water before each meal. Important: this method is not at all suitable for people who often have a sore throat. The meaning of this rule is very simple and logical. Firstly, you will be able to eat much less than usual, since there will already be water in the stomach. Secondly, the body will spend a lot of energy to warm the ice water to the temperature of your body. The second rule, it would seem, is classic - do not eat after 18.00. It is after six o'clock in the evening, and not four hours before bedtime, as is now often advised. Before going to bed, you can only drink water. Cold, naturally. For two weeks of strict observance of these rules, the extra two kilograms will evaporate, as it never happened. They say that the legend of Russian ballet Maya Plisetskaya followed these two rules all her life.

The next way to lose weight is suitable for lovers of the so-called mono-diets. The most important plus is that you do not have to spend time preparing special low-calorie dishes. The only thing you can do is buckwheat, prepared in a special way. It does not need to be boiled, let alone boiled. A glass of cereal in the evening should be poured with boiling water for about two fingers. In the morning you will get perfectly crumbly porridge. It will need to be stretched for the whole day, “snacking” approximately every 2-3 hours or when you clearly feel hungry. You can drink water green tea and kefir with a fat content of 1%. You can’t stick to a mono-diet for a long time. Maximum - 9 days. The creators of the diet claim that during this time it will take about 3-4 kg. excess weight. By the way, buckwheat cooked in this way perfectly cleans the intestines from all kinds of toxins. Grains, not boiled, but brewed, look like small brushes that will remove everything unnecessary from the body.

Another 9-day diet was created by star nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. In the people, it was called "3 + 3 + 3". The principle is simple: for three days you eat boiled rice without salt or spices, for three days - boiled chicken, and for the last three days - any vegetables except potatoes, raw, boiled or steamed. Any quantity. “So after all, this way you can gain the same calories for the whole day!” - you say. But no, everything is thought out. It is impossible to eat a lot of rice, chicken or vegetables at one time. This express diet will allow you to get rid of 3-5 kg. And further important rule A: Be sure to drink two liters of water per day. It is water, not other drinks. You can also have green and herbal tea and, to brighten up this “dull” picture a little, a spoonful of honey a day.

The following diet specifically for meat-eaters was invented by the well-known Pierre Dukan. A nutritionist has already earned millions of dollars thanks to a book that tells about all the intricacies of the "protein" method and provides concrete examples. However, you don’t have to read it all: we did it for you (and some even lost weight!) And here’s what we got out of there. The main thing is to initially set a goal: how many kilograms you need to lose. The diet is divided into three stages: "attack", "alternation", "fixing". The first lasts from one to seven days. It is the longer, the more weight you want to lose. At this time, only protein is allowed: meat (beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit) and low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese). Monsieur Dukan assures that you can and even need to drink water while eating. Tea and coffee are allowed only with a sugar substitute. The second stage "alternation" lasts at the rate of minus one kilogram per week. On Monday - "attack" (only protein products), on Tuesday you eat any vegetables except potatoes, on the third - protein again, and so on until the desired result is achieved.

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Oh, imagine how much amazing stories, joyful memories and festive miracles gives us the New Year. These revelations are collected in this article. website Already charged from them with the New Year's mood.

  • I work as a Snow Maiden on New Year's Eve. Once we were invited to a child who does not believe in Santa Claus. We kept all levels of secrecy, I chose the best partner for the role of Santa Claus, and the child somehow still looked at us incredulously. And during one game, she directly shone: “You are real! she called. - The Snow Maiden has icy hands!
  • Walking after the New Year, we met complete strangers who suggested: “Let's just hug!” We hugged and launched a sky lantern together. These guys made my New Year. All the best!
  • Time passes, everything changes, and my mother still traditionally hides the sweets prepared for the holiday on the balcony and hopes that this time I won’t find them for sure.
  • The cat did not appreciate the fireworks. He got out only now, and then with difficulty, because he was fat and stuck under the sofa.
  • For eight years, every New Year, I believed my dad that after the chimes the whole city would fireworks in my honor. She waved her hand out the window and felt like a queen. My dad is a good guy.
  • I am 23 years old, and my sister is 20. And to this day, on New Year's Eve, my mother puts sweet gifts under the Christmas tree! Oh, this is an indescribable feeling when in the morning we, pushing each other, run to the Christmas tree! And we are completely happy and half-drunk chewing kinders! Mom, I love you so!
  • While there was a chiming clock, I wanted to make a wish. From the number of my desires, I could not decide what I want. I was so confused that I couldn't think of anything :(
  • I have cherished dream: I really want to live in a small town where everyone knows each other almost from childhood. A sort of city-family. Just imagine the atmosphere there on New Year's Eve.
  • As a child in the 1st grade, for the New Year's party, all the girls in the class wanted to be snowflakes and princesses. And I dreamed of being a ninja turtle. But the dream never came true.
  • I love winter very much! The crunch of snow under your feet, warm sweaters, hot tea, the approaching New Year and tangerines! But the MOST beautiful thing is that you can go to the store for a tasty treat right in your pajamas and without a haircut, just put on over jeans, a down jacket and a hat.
  • As a child, my brother and I every New Year, my mother collected cool bags with all sorts of sweets. We no longer live with our parents. Recently, my mother called and said that our bags this year are waiting for us under their Christmas tree. I, joyful, flew to pick up mine. My brother is 26, I am 23.
  • I realized that I had made a fatal mistake when, dressed up in a Santa Claus costume, I came to congratulate my three-year-old son, and he, looking at the slippers, said: “Dad.”
  • My sister just said: "Santa Claus lives at the north pole." I am a computer programmer. Neighing :)
  • Today I was passing by the post office, I heard how the father said to his son of 10 years old: “There, you see, the mailbox, drop the letter to Santa Claus into it.” The mood was good whole day.
  • Once upon a time in early childhood, every year on the morning of January 1, gifts were waiting for us on a snowdrift in the yard: for me, my sister and brother. But somehow a relative (of the same age) came and told us that Santa Claus does not exist, and mother puts gifts on a snowdrift. The roar in the house was deafening. It turns out that mom and dad took size 46 felt boots from the pantry and, while we slept, made footprints of Santa Claus and put gifts on a snowdrift. I am grateful to my parents for that magical New Year ...
  • I came home from work, tired, found the strength in myself for a three-hour cleaning of the apartment, hung garlands on all the windows. And now, with the garlands on, I'm lying on the couch and throwing tangerine skins and candy wrappers on the floor. And the thrill...
  • I walked down the street dressed as Santa Claus, made people laugh, two men tried to get drunk, a lot of people took a picture with me, a 30-year-old woman told a poem for candy. Being Santa Claus is awesome!
  • As a child, when the family watched Blue Light (and similar New Year's programs with artists), it was always a pity for the stars, because they have to celebrate the New Year not in the family circle. Joy knew no bounds when I found out that the programs were being filmed in advance. New Year - family holiday, spend it with your loved ones and dear people!
  • “She was wearing a white dress, a wreath was pinned of roses, she looked at the holy crucifix through a rainbow of tears ...” Do you know what it is? The song of Nadezhda Kadysheva, and at the age of 5 I sang it at the New Year in kindergarten. Instead of "Christmas tree, Christmas tree, green needles ...".
  • I am such a poor student that I decorated a sprig of the Christmas tree with socks.
  • Every year I look forward to the New Year. I love this feeling - waiting for a miracle. I start preparing gifts in advance, packing. But every year, nothing special happens. And yet, on New Year's Eve I always expect magic. And I hope that this childish naivete will stay with me for the rest of my life. After all, in life there should always be a place for a miracle.
  • And my mother and I went shopping every time before the New Year and chose a beautiful new toy for the Christmas tree, which had to be made of glass and amazing ... Now this is not there ... It is very lacking ...
  • I noticed that the kids were chirping all around about the New Year, about Santa Claus. Songs from the garden are sung. And they do it everywhere: in line at the checkout, in the minibus and metro, just on the street. I go happy all day. New Years is soon!
  • And now I'm going to put up a Christmas tree - I've been waiting for this for a whole year!

New Year is a family holiday, kind and long-awaited. Pre-holiday fuss, gifts, elegant Christmas tree - all this is so exciting for any child. Only celebrations can greatly change the usual mode of your child. How to celebrate the New Year without whims and tantrums and not overwork the child will be discussed below.

All parents know how difficult it is to accustom a child to a certain regimen that will be useful for the baby and convenient for mom and dad. Jokes with broken regimen are bad. The whims, crying, bad mood of a child can spoil any festive mood, because everyone has a desire to pleasantly celebrate a long-awaited holiday.

Quite a crumb

If your baby is still quite a baby, then the only thing that a holiday can differ from everyday life for him is the presence of a bright flashing Christmas tree and decorations. Kids really like everything bright, so you can easily give him a ball or a Christmas tree toy, the main thing is to make sure it is safe.

If the child is already crawling, then let him take apart the box of decorations, making sure that they do not end up in his mouth.

The baby will go to bed, as usual, and you will calmly celebrate the holiday. Remember that after the chiming clock, long fireworks begin outside the windows, which can scare the baby. Take care of his calmness in advance, pick him up, if possible, go to the quietest place in the house.

grown up baby

At this age, the child is already aware that something joyful and unusual is happening. Talk to the baby, tell him about the holiday, Santa Claus, gifts and magic. Even the tone of your voice will let the child understand that the holiday is a pleasant and joyful affair.

Remember that solemn events, congratulations, guests can excite the child, he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, start preparing for bed a little earlier than usual. Let the baby eat, bathe at least an hour before the usual time, in order to calmly fall asleep, according to the regimen.

Make it clear to your guests that you are following the baby routine so they can adjust to it.

If you yourself are going to visit, then it would be best to return home to the baby’s sleep, since in a new place where everything is so interesting, it will be difficult for the child to calm down. Or also start preparing your baby for bed in advance, moving away from other people. It will be more difficult if you are going to go home after the celebration, the child will inevitably wake up when you dress and undress him at home. Therefore, if possible, it is better to avoid such a situation.

3-4 years

At this age, the child already fully understands that the holiday is approaching, he already knows stories about Santa Claus, is waiting for a matinee, an elegant Christmas tree and home decorations. Let the child take part in creating a festive atmosphere, he will feel his involvement in the holiday and apply family traditions to himself.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Getting the baby to fall asleep at the usual time is more difficult than with younger children. Therefore, devote more time to your child, play, celebrate with toys, dance, fantasize, play actively on the street, go sledding, make snowmen. This will allow the child to feel the festive atmosphere and get tired in the evening. Put your baby to bed a little early to help him calm down.

The arrival of Santa Claus can still be stressful for a child. Even if your child was not afraid of Frost at the matinee, the home atmosphere is more familiar, the child feels safe at home, so the child may perceive the invasion of this atmosphere of the New Year's wizard in a slightly different way. He can worry, be frightened, experience a storm of emotions, after which it will be difficult for him to fall asleep. If you decide on the arrival of Frost, do it in advance, and preferably the day before the holiday.

If the baby demands to celebrate the holiday with you, tell him that at night there will be gifts under his Christmas tree, the child will want to fall asleep sooner so that the morning comes faster.

5-10 years

The child is already looking forward to the holiday, understands everything and actively participates in the preparations for the New Year: decorates the Christmas tree, helps to sew costumes, learns poems and songs. At this age, you can let the child become full member celebrations.

It is important to talk to the child in advance and explain that the holiday comes at midnight, after the fireworks, the children should go to bed. In addition, you need to explain to the baby that in order to stay up late, you need to get a good night's sleep during the day.

Most likely, the child will not be alert until the cherished 12.00, so try to keep him occupied and distracted so that the baby is not upset by missing the most interesting.

If the child is completely tired and falls asleep, promise that you will definitely wake him up for the chimes. The main thing is to keep your promise.

New Year is a special holiday, magical and very family, if your child has reached the age of conscious perception of the celebration, do not deprive him of the opportunity to feel closeness and unity with family and traditions. Introducing the baby to the holiday, you yourself become a little child and again believe in a miracle.