jillian michaels figure in 30 days. Jillian Michaels workout programs: a complete list and review of effective ones. A set of exercises for weight loss from Jillian Michaels

In the modern world, sport confidently occupies an important place in the lives of many people. Each one is pursuing his own goal.

And often this goal is to lose weight. And many of those who have not yet made it to the gym believe that in order to achieve visible results you have to spend a lot of time.

Today we want to dispel this myth and offer you a training program Jillian Michaels « Slim figure in 30 days", after passing which you will gain perfect body and you can lose a lot of weight in just 30 days.

In the article you will find video tutorials for each of the stages of the program with comments from a fitness specialist, as well as you can read reviews and results real people who have already passed such a short and at the same time difficult path to ideal forms.

Who is Jillian Michaels?

Jillian Michaels is an American fitness trainer with many years of experience. Released more than one program for weight loss. For those who want to work out problem areas, with another weight loss program in the article "No problem areas with Jillian Michaels."

The biggest motivation for those who only decide to engage in the Gillian program is her personal example of losing weight.

Gillian since early childhood she was overweight and already in her teens, with a height of 157 cm, weighed 80 kg.

The girl constantly suffered from the ridicule of her classmates and was a rather withdrawn child. But one day my mother took her to the section martial arts. This was the starting point in the process of her weight loss.

The essence of the fitness program

The training program is designed for 30 days and includes 3 stages, each of which is an order of magnitude more difficult than the previous one. But do not forget that after a while your muscles will get stronger, and the overall endurance of the body will increase. And, despite the complication of exercises, it will not be so difficult to perform them.

At every stage all muscle groups, and the periodic change of exercises does not allow the process of losing weight to stop.

Each session lasts only 30 minutes and even so, you will be very sweaty and tired. This is the main sign that training is effective. Therefore, do not forget to replenish the loss of fluid by drinking water - at least 2 liters per day.

It's worth training in the morning before meals, because it is at this time that you can significantly speed up your metabolism, which will allow the body to burn fat better.

Clothing for classes should be comfortable. It is better that it be sportswear, and be sure to wear sneakers. This will help reduce stress on the joints and spine.

Now let's move on to the workout itself. We have selected for you lessons on the video of each stage of the Jillian Michaels program, with which you can lose weight in just 30 days.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" - video


In this video you will get to know Jillian Michaels and learn more about the training program.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" Level 1

The level is aimed at weight loss. In this video, you will get acquainted with a number of exercises, work out the execution technique in detail and be able to tune in to further work.

Expert review: The training program is well designed. Thanks to the study of all muscle groups and the intensity of training excess weight will go away quickly enough.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" Level 2

After the first level, you should take a break before moving on to the next. At the second level, the intensity of training increases. All muscle groups are still being worked out, but with the help of other exercises.

Expert review: Changing exercises in the second period does not allow the muscles to get used to, due to which the process of losing weight does not stop. The intensity grows due to the passed first period, after which the endurance increased, and the muscles got a little stronger.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" Level 3

The last level of the program is aimed at consolidating the result. The complexity of the exercises increases, but it becomes easier to train.

Expert review: Due to the first period of 20 days, the muscles have already grown stronger enough, and the body is used to the loads. That is why it becomes easier to perform exercises, training becomes a habit and, for many, becomes a part of life in the future.

This program is striking in its effectiveness for such short term. You can verify this by reading the reviews of people who have already completed the program and shared their impressions and results with us.

Jillian Michaels "Slender figure in 30 days" - reviews


After the birth of the second child, it was impossible to lose weight. Even the most rigid diets gave only temporary results. Then, after watching a video on the Internet, after reading the reviews of girls who managed to lose weight, I chose the Jillian Michaels program. Slim figure in 30 days.

It is worth saying here that I have not been involved in any sports before. From the video, everything seemed very simple and quite doable. But in reality, everything turned out to be more complicated. Already after the first training session, I so wanted to feel sorry for myself and quit this venture.

But the dream of being slim and beautiful helped me not to give up. And I continued. I managed to go through the entire program to the very end. And as a result, it turned out to lose 8 kg of excess weight in just a month.

The body became taut. I was finally able to see my muscles, and this is good news. In addition to training, I tried not to eat or abuse sweet and starchy foods. I recommend this program to everyone.


I suffer from childhood overweight and I always thought that sport is not for me. But the personal example of Jillian Michaels served as an excellent motivation for me, and her program " slender body behind 30 days" guide to action.

I also had to revise my diet and eliminate all harmful foods. For those who have not studied before, of course, at first it may seem that it is impossible to reach the end.

But now I can say for sure - everything is possible. I managed to lose 12 kg in a month. I still have extra weight, so I continue to work on the same program, but I do exercises already for an advanced level.


I have been adhering to proper nutrition for a long time and running in the mornings, but, apparently, the body has already got used to the loads, and the extra 7 kg did not want to leave.

When I heard about Jillian Michaels and her 30 day program, I thought that with the help of it you can shake up the body. For the entire program, I managed to get rid of this excess weight.

And stamina has increased. Now in the morning I can run freely for a couple more kilometers. The main thing in this program do not feel sorry for yourself and something very strongly motivate. And then an excellent result is guaranteed to you.


A year ago, after the birth of my son, I started the Gillian program. There was a little excess weight, so it was no longer possible to lose it only by eating. Yes, and the muscles after pregnancy were, to put it mildly, not in good shape.

At the first stage it was very difficult, at the second it was even more difficult. But after the first two stages, the third seemed the easiest.

Apparently the muscles got used to the loads and it became easier to perform the exercises. as a result - minus 5 kg on the scales. I am very satisfied with the program. Now visiting gym just to keep in shape.


This program helped me tighten my body after a strict diet. On a diet, the weight went away quickly, and the skin sagged. Already at the first stage, I began to notice results.

And at the very end, the volumes became noticeably smaller, namely, the waist decreased by 2 cm, and the hips - by 4 cm. I continue to work out according to the same program. I'm afraid to stop and gain again, with such difficulty dropped, kilograms.

The program that we talked about today cannot be attributed to simple ways weight loss. In principle, to lose weight without much effort for such a short time just impossible. But thanks to patience, perseverance and perseverance, very soon you will be able to surprise all your surroundings with your results and become more self-confident.

Have you already tried the effectiveness of the Jillian Michaels fitness program "Slender Figure in 30 Days"? Which step did you find the most difficult? What can you say about Gillian as a coach? Share your impressions, plans and results in the comments.

This girl became famous when she was developed a program Jillian michaels slim figure in 30 days(Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred"), which she successfully tested in her experience. In her youth, the girl was unhappy with her magnificent forms, and wanted to make her figure perfect, as well as open her own gym for strength and aerobic exercises.

After Jillian Michaels began to train according to her program, she dropped those extra pounds, gaining a toned and slender figure. Jill started her coaching career in gym since 2012. She opened the gym with her own savings, and her companions also helped her. With the Jillian Michaels program, you can get lean (or lean) in as little as a month. Of course, if we are talking about the loss of a large number extra pounds, then you will have to repeat the course several times until you get the desired figure. It is very important to train systematically, without missing a single workout, otherwise the result will not come so quickly. In addition to training, you also need to pay attention to your diet - exclude flour, sweet and fatty foods.

The program is aimed at beginners, as it helps to start training correctly without overworking the body at first. During this time, a person does not overwork, but only slightly tired. As you train, you can perform both simplified and complicated versions of exercises.

If you like the system of exercises for weight loss, as well as the results from the classes, then you can go to a more difficult level to achieve maximum results. The complex course also lasts 30 days.

Please note: Jillian Michaels allows you to take a day off during level changes so you can start training again the next day.

Each session lasts half an hour, during which time the metabolism is accelerated, helping to burn fat even after a workout. The workout has three "levels" or "steps", each of which is designed for 10 days. A new level is a change in the training program. At each level, all muscle groups receive a load, but changing levels does not allow them to get used to the training regimen. The transition to a new level activates the work of muscles and fat burning in the body.

The weight loss system consists of several levels:

  • First level. At the first level, the untrained will begin to get tired, feel pain in all muscles. Get rid of these sensations will help massage or a hot shower. Also, muscle pain means that you are doing all the exercises correctly. This level usually helps to lose weight by 2-3 kilograms;
  • Second level. After passing the first level, your body will already get used to the loads, but you can’t stop. At the second level, classes become more difficult, acquiring new additions. More other parts of the body are now loaded hands pectoral muscles, since at the first level they were practically not affected;
  • Third level. This level is not harder than the second rather the opposite. Classes become simpler (compared to the second level), as training is focused on consolidating the result, and not on increasing it.

After completing all levels, you can either continue to train on the first level of the Jillian Michaels weight loss system, or start practicing on a different training program. To understand correct technique exercise, you can watch the video of Jillian Michaels “Slender figure in 30 days” level 1 in Russian.

Diet jillian michaels

Without dietary control, you will not be able to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels. Jillian Michaels counts calories and encourages all those who are losing weight to simply reduce their daily amount so that the body itself starts the process of burning fat. However, everything must be approached wisely, and even reducing the daily amount of calories should be done carefully. Lack of nutrients can lead to loss of muscle mass and blockage of fat burning.

Please note: The normal number of calories for a woman during weight loss ranges from 1300 to 1500 depending on her height. The Jill diet for weight loss will not help you get rid of 20 kilograms in a month. If you have a lot of extra pounds, then just repeat the complex for another month.

Jill does not offer to completely abandon fats or carbohydrates, her diet is based on the use of healthy foods. They help the body fight fat stores without reducing muscle mass. Michaels also advises drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day (not tea or compote). This will help to remove toxins and decay products of fat cells from the body.

During weight loss, you can eat:

  • Seeds and nuts;
  • Fruits and vegetables (especially citruses);
  • Spices (especially garlic and pepper), vinegar;
  • Cereals and legumes;
  • Seafood, poultry, meat (preferably low fat);
  • Dairy products with low or medium fat content;
  • Vegetable oils, preferably cold pressed.

Try to cook interesting and tasty dishes from these products, because diet food is not as scarce and insipid as it might seem at first glance.

Prohibited Products

The Jillian Michaels diet puts a ban on eating certain foods. These include harmful, fatty and sweet foods that are instantly deposited on the hips and abdomen.

For at least a month, you will have to stop using:

  • fast food;
  • Store-bought juices (with the exception of freshly squeezed) and sweet soda;
  • Products with trans fats;
  • Baking and sweets;
  • Products containing flavor enhancers;
  • Alcohol and foods with a lot of caffeine.

If you really want, for example, to add mayonnaise to a salad, then cook it yourself. Homemade sauce will be much healthier, but only if you do not abuse it. Decide on the goal of your training: if you want to build muscle mass, then the diet should be rich in proteins. If you want to lose weight, then eat a balanced diet. For those who lack imagination, Jill has prepared the perfect meal option:

You need to have a snack every 4 hours so as not to get too hungry. If you feel hungry between lunch and dinner, you can snack on fruit or low-fat yogurt. The main thing when following a diet is to calculate the optimal daily allowance calories and follow it.

yoga workouts

Ordinary yoga is not designed for weight loss, unlike a special complex developed by Jillian Michaels. Jill offers an interesting interpretation of yoga, which combines strength and aerobic exercise. This complex is a two-level system for weight loss, each level of which lasts half an hour. This complex is focused on improving your stretching and coordination of movements, as well as gait. It enhances the effectiveness of strength training performed both in the gym and according to a specific system. The maximum number of extra pounds that helps to lose this method- ten. Remember that you need to practice in comfortable sportswear and shoes on a special mat, even if you train at home.

Important! Jill doesn't say how long the first level should be. You can switch to the second, more difficult one, when the loads are no longer tiring for you.

Jillian Michaels exercises perfectly strengthen all muscle groups. Classes on this system of exercises will help you make your figure more prominent or lose weight more. The end result depends on the type of diet: with a surplus of calories and eating a lot of protein, muscles begin to increase, and with a diet with a predominance of complex carbohydrates the process of losing weight starts. Jill advises either to continue training to maintain a figure, or to eat right. The main thing in achieving the goal is to train regularly and do not eat harmful foods, and that's when you will find the figure of your dreams.

Gillian Michaels - Certified personal trainer, who holds a black belt in martial arts and is considered by many to be an expert in all aspects of diet and fitness. The mother of two became famous for her own weight loss system, in which she strives to take a constructive approach to health and self-sacrifice. Gillian Michaels Slim Figure in 30 Days Program(Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred") is a weight loss program that focuses on three factors - a fitness regimen, a personalized daily fitness plan based on specific goals, and a diet plan.

The fitness system consists of 3 levels of difficulty and consists of special exercises that distinguish Jill's methodology. The Jillian Michaels Diet is based on the consumption of foods that are appropriate for body types and the way you eat in order to achieve the best results. The system includes hundreds of recipes. Thousands of people around the world have been inspired by the Jillian Michaels system to lose weight and not gain weight. Many of them have achieved great success using her methodology, and her system is actively sold in America for a lot of money. With regard to food, Jill does not follow only one method, i.e. low in carbohydrates, fats, etc., but believes that each person needs their own nutrition plan that suits their particular metabolism.

Jillian Michaels' The 30 Day Shred weight loss system promises results within a month, passing three levels in 30 days in a row. Exercise and healthy eating - The best way healthy weight loss. The levels are made up of intensive program before starting which you should consult your doctor.

Before starting classes, you need to measure your weight in order to correctly assess the result:

  • measure your arms, waist, legs, buttocks and hips;
  • measure the thickest parts of the body - the volume of the biceps, the circumference of the legs, etc.;
  • measure body mass index;
  • measure the waist around the navel and around the bones of the hip joint for its measurement;
  • to measure the buttocks, place the tape measure on the back of the buttocks and connect it in front;
  • write down in a notebook or weight loss diary the date of measurement for each part of the body.

After preparation, start passing the levels. Important: “Sleep is a cornerstone of weight management because of the effect it has on the hormones that control weight loss, how you store fat, and how you maintain muscle. The better the hormonal balance, the better better weight loss- explains Jillian Michaels, who usually aims for 8 hours of sleep per night.

System description

Jillian Michaels video "Slender Figure in 30 Days" is great for people who are obese, as well as those who are already in good shape. Even advanced athletes who train 5-6 days a week say these three levels are difficult. With this in mind, if you think you can just skip the first level and go to level 2, you will be surprised. Level 2 is very difficult. So when Jill says to start at level 1, listen to her, because she has seen how difficult these classes are, even for those who are "in shape".

Jill's The 30 Day Shred is a challenging workout system, you will find that at any level you will literally have no peace. So if you want to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels, be patient and follow the system.

Please note: Jillian's original "Slim in 30 Days" workout videos, which can be found in the public domain on Youtube, have her "girls", two women who train behind her. One shows a lower intensity version or a modified move, the other shows a more advanced move while Jill does the basics.

Jillian Michaels Corporate Identity - 3 minutes strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute on the press. The 1-minute abs is your rest time. These are intense workouts with a frantic pace.

Level 1 (Video)

Passing levels is ideal for those who are busy and limited in time. Each exercise is only 24 minutes per day. You will work with several muscle groups at the same time and do cardio. Simultaneous work with large and small muscle groups, such as the lower leg and shoulder - great way burn more calories, and thus reduce your exercise time.

You can watch the video of Jillian Michaels “Slender figure in 30 days” level 1 in Russian, and if you wish, you can make a light version of the classes, but then you will have to increase the time to even out the result.

Jill's 30-day thrashing "Slender Figure in 30 Days" includes 3 progressively more difficult levels. You do 1 lesson per day, starting from level 1. It is suggested to spend 10 days for each level, although everything can be individual and the trainer does not set strict limits.

Level 2 (Video)

Level 2 is for the second 10 day period. Once you've completed your first 10 days, you'll appreciate the difference in effort and you can loosen up the rhythm, as well as eliminate some exercises and combine others, since each level is quite difficult in its own way.

Level 3 (Video)

When you finish level 2, you move on to the last 10 days with level 3. If you are proficient English language and watch Jill in the original, you need to know that level 3 of her exercises is not freely available. And to buy this course you need to pay for it.

Another great thing about Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Slim in 30 Days Weight Loss System is that you work out every day for a month. This rhythm creates the habit of doing exercise. Remember that once you pass all the levels, you don't have to lose this habit, it will stay with you.

How realistic is it to “lose up to 10 kg in 30 days”?

It really depends on your diet and where you start from. If you're starting from scratch and can't remember last time When you have been exercising, 10 kg in 30 days is quite realistic, provided you follow the right diet. If you have been exercising for a while, but without a sensible diet, it is realistic to lose 5 kg. If you are on a diet and already exercising, depending on your progress, it is possible to lose 1-2 kg, but this will be a steady result, in which all your fat will turn into lean muscle. Since muscle weighs much more than fat, the scale will not show you much of what you see in the mirror.

Important Information: You've probably heard that ab work takes place in the kitchen, not in the gym. This means that classes without a diet will be ineffective. The purpose of the exercises is to activate strength and improve the cardiovascular system over a 30-day period. Many have commented that they have noticed fitness progress in just 5 days.

Ultimately, no matter where you start your weight loss journey, remember that your ultimate goal is to lose volume, not pounds. Therefore, before the start, properly measure all places to be sure of progress - waist, hips and legs.

Diet in 3 stages

Jillian Michaels' weight loss goal is to eliminate "antinutrients" (artificial fats, sugars, and chemical additives) and eat only organic and natural foods.

During the first phase, you will eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • hydrogenated fats;
  • refined grains;
  • high fructose corn syrup;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • preservatives and dyes.

Jillian Michaels suggests cutting back on starchy vegetables like potatoes, tropical dried and canned fruits, soy, alcohol, full-fat dairy, fatty meats, canned foods, and caffeine at this stage.

Step 2 will introduce you to Jillian Michaels' 10 Nutrients:

  • legumes - peas and beans;
  • allions such as onions and leeks;
  • berries;
  • meat and eggs;
  • colored fruits and vegetables;
  • cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and kale
  • dark green leafy vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • organic low fat dairy and whole grains.

The final phase improves the timing, quantity, and combinations of foods to shift the metabolism to burning the most fat. This balance includes eating every 4 hours, never skipping breakfast, getting full, and not eating after 9pm. If you are used to eating ready meals or semi-finished products, then you need to give up your habits. The Jillian Michaels diet focuses on consuming only natural, unprocessed foods.

Losing weight in a limited time, for example, in 30 days seems to be a very difficult and generally mythical process. But in fact, there is nothing unusual about this. On the contrary, if you know some tricks, then you can get a slender figure in 30 days without exhausting diets and in a good mood. Use our simple tips, and a pleasant result on the scales will not be long in coming.

By the way, if you get involved in this process, you will be able to radically change your lifestyle and stick to it in the future. This is a great opportunity to stay in perfect shape and further - to the delight of her husband and as an example to her friends.

Rationally distribute the time of eating

The “golden” rule of successfully getting rid of extra pounds is to eat more often, but in small portions. Take it for granted and try to eat by the clock. The body will get used to constancy at the physiological level and will be ready to digest food, which will positively affect the quality of metabolism.

During the day, you need to eat 3 times tightly, this is traditionally breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as making healthy snacks between main meals. You can have a snack with drinking yogurt, kefir, green apple, carrots or similar products.

In the morning, our body works as efficiently as possible, so breakfast should be dense, healthy and satisfying. Whole grain cereals with the addition of protein dairy products are best suited: cottage cheese or yogurt with nuts, dried fruits, fresh berries. At lunch, it is permissible to eat soup on vegetable or chicken broth with salad, and in the evening - boiled or baked fish, chicken, lean beef with a side dish of fresh / stewed vegetables.

Among the numerous methods for losing weight, the system stands apart ...

Among the numerous methods for losing weight, the system named after its creator, or rather, the creator, who tested her offspring, first of all, on herself, stands apart, and therefore can safely talk about a 100% guarantee of results.

jillian michaels slim figure in 30 days

Meet Jillian Michaels

Today Jillian Michaels is one of the most famous photo models in the world. Part-time, she is a coach who works in absentia with a million audience of her followers. But once she could not call herself a slender beauty, but even, on the contrary, was considered fat. At the age of 12, Gillian weighed almost 80 kg with a height of one and a half meters. Excess weight was the reason why the 14-year-old girl ended up in the gym.

She immediately fell in love with the sport, began to engage in it with a special zeal, not typical of her peers. In addition, she constantly thought about how to improve training, make them more effective.

These searches paid off and in 2002 Gillian and several of her close friends opened their own fitness room. This was the beginning of a new milestone in the life of Michaels. Already in 2005, she became one of the most famous and popular trainers in America. She was invited to talk shows, her books were published in huge editions, video manuals with a set of exercises were sold out as soon as they hit the shelves.

Slimming system - slim figure in 30 days

The Jillian Michaels weight loss system is based on a combination of two main components: fitness training and diet. To perform the exercises, you do not need any special equipment, a regular set of dumbbells is enough. The duration of classes does not exceed half an hour, so this system is quite suitable even for the laziest or overly busy people.

However, the results are truly impressive. Work on yourself according to the Gillian method is divided into two stages, the first of which lasts 3 weeks. During this time, if the recommendations are followed, it is possible to completely get rid of body fat, after which the second stage begins, at which work is being done on problem areas figures.

Jillian michaels diet - slim figure in 30 days

As already mentioned, exercise stress is just one part of the system. Another important part of it is a diet based on 3 principles.

  • Principle One - in each case an individual approach. The point is that the body of each person is a unique, very complex mechanism in which many different processes take place. One of them is the process of metabolism, that is, the processing of food eaten into energy. For each person, it proceeds with its own characteristics, on which it depends whether the individual is inclined to be overweight or, conversely, he is distinguished by a lean physique. Metabolism can be fast or slow. In the first case, the Jillian Michaels system advises introducing more complex carbohydrates into the diet and at the same time spending more intense training. People with a slow metabolism are recommended to give preference to protein foods.
  • Principle Two - Monitor calorie intake and expenditure. To do this, it is necessary to approximately determine the daily amount of energy entering the body with food. This can be done using special tables that provide data on the calorie content of various foods. Next is the calculation of calorie consumption per day. For this, too, there are special calculators. The bottom line is that it is necessary to build nutrition in such a way that the number of outgoing calories by 400-600 units exceeds the amount received with food.
  • Principle Three- Meals should be four times a day, while only natural and healthy products are allowed. The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables. You can also eat meat, but it must be not fatty, lean. Seafood and dairy products are allowed. It is strictly forbidden to allow yourself trips to cafes and fast food outlets.
  • A special diary helps to prevent overeating, in which you should carefully record all the foods eaten during the day, indicating their calorie content.

As you can see, the Jillian Michaels weight loss system is simple and accessible to everyone. The combination of properly organized nutrition and regular exercise allows you to effectively deal with excess weight and constantly maintain perfect shape. Thanks to this technique, you can lose up to 30 kg of excess weight within a month.

Jillian Michaels - slim figure in 30 days (video)

We start TODAY! Everything has to start today, because tomorrow never comes.

Slim figure in 30 days - level 1

Slim figure in 30 days - level 2

Slim figure in 30 days - level 3

Slim figure in 30 days - all levels in one video