If a friend turned up suddenly. Ilya Trifanov about his failed career as a biathlete. "I still dream about how I run and shoot." The tragic story of Veronika Timofeeva Ilya Trifonov and Svetlana Sleptsova meet

Svetlana Sleptsova - star Russian biathlete, which won the gold of the Olympic Games in 2010, was the world champion, climbed to the highest step of the podium six times in the World Cup and won many times in domestic Russian competitions.

Svetlana was born in the northern city of Khanty-Mansiysk in the family of pilot Yuri Olegovich and medical worker Elena Viktorovna. She has elder sister Olga, who followed in her mother's footsteps and became a doctor. And Sleptsova, the youngest, was interested in sports since childhood. Moreover, her interests were incredibly diverse: from ballroom dancing to karate and even boxing.

When 10 years have passed since birth, biathlon first appeared in the biography of Svetlana Sleptsova. She got into the section after coach of the Youth Sports School came to a comprehensive school and invited all the children there. The girl was interested in this sport because, at the age of ten, she was entrusted with weapons, and this was exciting and tempting. Together with Sveta, all classmates began to study in the same group, but gradually the sports team thinned out, and from the school Sleptsova remained almost the only one in training.

Svetlana also wanted to quit biathlon, because in her teenage years she wants to devote more time to communicating with friends. But professional coaches managed to convince the talented athlete to continue training.

A tight training schedule and frequent competitions did not leave room for full-fledged studies, and Sleptsova's school performance was far from excellent. She was lucky that her parents were sympathetic to the choice of her daughter. Later, Svetlana became a student at Yugra State University, where she studied at the Faculty of Sports and Tourism. At first, the girl also had problems there, but when she began to bring medals from the world championships, the university management went forward and allowed the student to take sessions on a free schedule. As a result, the biathlete became not just a certified specialist, but also passed thesis for the maximum score.


With the transition to the older age group, Svetlana Sleptsova began to perform better and better, and at the age of 19 she became the champion of the junior world championship in the individual race. The key to the bright success of the girl, her coaches called her persistent character. She never missed a workout, always giving all her best. Persistence and dedication did their job: Sleptsova falls under the scope of the women's team coaches and in 2007 she will make her debut in national team.

A year later, Svetlana wins at the World Cup stage and enters the top ten strongest biathletes on the planet, which earns her the title of master of sports international class. In the future, the awards went one after another: the nomination "Discovery of the Year", the next relay gold, the winner of the Order of Friendship. And the highest point in Sleptsova's career is her performance at Olympic Games in the Canadian city of Vancouver, where she became Olympic champion. Together with colleagues Anna Bogaliy-Titovets, Olga Medvedtseva, Svetlana won gold at the relay stage.

Later, the athlete was expected to have a complex knee injury, as well as a psychological decline. As a result, in 2013 Sveta shows worst results for the entire time of performances in professional sports and in the overall standings takes only 78th place. Sleptsova's age indicated that she could still conquer the highest peaks, but the girl no longer had the psychological strength. She even thought about ending her career. However, in 2016, the biathlete returns to the list of promising athletes and several times rises to the podium in the IBU Cup.

As a result, Svetlana returns to the national team as a full member of the team and competes with Anastasia Zagoruiko and other Russian biathlon stars. By the way, Sleptsova, who has not participated in the races of the national team since 2013, changed in the national team, which ended her professional career.

Personal life

Svetlana Sleptsova left her personal life in the background for a long time. Although rumor has repeatedly brought her to Norwegian colleagues and, as well as to Russian sports journalist Ilya Trifonov. But the athlete herself either did not comment on these conversations, or said one phrase: "We are just friends". Many times fans said that Svetlana Sleptsova was getting married. The biathlete herself claimed that she was ready to go down the aisle only when she officially graduated sports career.

After completing her career, Sleptsova planned to open her own restaurant in Khanty-Mansiysk. She stated in an interview that she wants to create a large modern institution with many halls and several kitchens, which will be able to compete even with elite restaurants in the capital. The native city remains in the heart of the athlete as the best city on earth.

In 2012, Sleptsova was awarded the title of "Honorary Resident of the City of Khanty-Mansiysk". Although she rarely has free time, nevertheless, Sveta tries to pay attention to her mother, especially after her father died suddenly and Elena Viktorovna was left alone. And the main hobbies in a girl's life are tennis and music of various genres. Svetlana is able to talk on these two topics for hours.

Svetlana is an open and sincere person, which was repeatedly noted by her colleagues. The girl is famous for her straightforwardness. After three unsuccessful performances by the Russian women's biathlon team in 2010 in Vancouver, Svetlana was the only one of the athletes who managed to go to the microphones and comment on the losses. The phrase "we owe nothing to anyone" was remembered by the fans for a long time Russian biathlon. The girl said these words in a rush, but many sports commentators perceived the phrase from a negative point of view. General tension subsided after the Russians still managed to become champions.

Svetlana Sleptsova now

In 2017, the athlete performed brilliantly at the World Championships in summer biathlon in Tchaikovsky, where she became a three-time medalist, winning gold in the mixed relay, sprint and pursuit categories. After winning, although not at such a prestigious competition as the winter championship, Svetlana Sleptsova announced her retirement from the sport. The girl explained her decision by the fact that she was pregnant. The news was a pleasant and exciting surprise for the fans of the biathlete.

Pregnancy also made adjustments to the biathlete's plans for 2018, because even in winter the girl announced her readiness to join the Russian team and compete at the Olympics in Korea. Journalists became aware that the top manager of an oil company became the husband of the athlete. Svetlana does not advertise the name of her beloved man on social networks, but in early August in " Instagram"There were joint photos of lovers marked" wedding soon. The newlyweds also kept the date of the celebration a secret from the public.

In social networks, Svetlana Sleptsova has her own hashtag - #luchsveta. At the last World Championship in Svetlana's sports career in Tchaikovsky, fans staged a flash mob with this name, which touched the biathlete.

After Sleptsova got married, she stayed with her husband in her hometown. In the fall, the governor of the district offered Svetlana the post of sports adviser. A year earlier, the girl had already intended to start political career and even participated in the United Russia primaries before the elections in State Duma. But then the girl did not get the required number of votes. Now Svetlana Sleptsova has accepted the proposal from the governor. On November 1, she officially took office, although the girl did not manage to work in a new place for a long time, since Svetlana soon went on maternity leave.

April 20, 2018 Sleptsova gave birth to a son. On the athlete's accounts on VKontakte and Instagram, touching posts appeared with the image of a newborn's tag. Subscribers, friends and fans congratulated the athlete on the birth of her son. So far, Svetlana has not officially announced what name the baby received. The boy's weight is 3550 g, and his height is 53 cm.


  • 2008 - bronze medal at the World Championships in Östersund
  • 2009 – gold medal at the World Championships in PyeongChang
  • 2010 - gold medal at the Vancouver Olympics
  • 2012 - gold medal at the Summer Biathlon World Championships in Ufa
  • 2017 - gold, two silver and bronze medals at the European Championship
  • 2017 - three gold medals at the Summer Biathlon World Championships in Chaikovsky

Former youth biathlon star Ilya Trifonov is listed on social networks by the name of Trifanov. What caused the confusion and what is the real name of young man, we will find out in the process of analyzing his biography and pages on social networks.


Ilya was born into a Moscow family. FROM early childhood the boy, along with his parents, watched sports events from the TV screen and dreamed of finding himself on the other side of the screen. In addition to the secondary school, he attended the ski section. From the age of three, he was hard at work in cross-country skiing, and very soon his perseverance was rewarded.

At the age of 15, he was attracted to biathlon as a sport, and the very next year he became the winner of the youth championship in summer biathlon. He continued to compete and stayed in the sport until the age of 21.

At 21, he decided that he had no chance and ended his sports career in order to start developing in a different direction.


The young man was interested in sports journalism since childhood, so he decided to develop this particular direction. The first step was the work of an editor on the 7tv channel, later he received the position of producer of the same channel. But this resource was closed and the journalist had to look for new job.

He worked for a short time as the editor of NTV +, and when the post of news editor appeared on the Russia - 2 channel, he moved there. For 5 years of work, a sports journalist was able to gain some experience. Also, his duties included business trips around the world, which allowed him to acquire useful contacts in the field of journalism.

In connection with his biathlon past, Ilya was sent from the channel to cover the events of the World Championship in 2011, which was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. And a month later, Ilya became the host of the Vesti-sport program.

After the changes on the Russia-2 channel, it received not only a new name, but also a new development strategy. Now he positions himself as educational and entertaining and broadcasts sport events from around the world. Ilya Trifanov was invited by former colleagues to return as a correspondent and presenter sports programs.

Since 2015, Trifanov has been working for Match TV and hosts the All for the Match program. The ratings of the program are constantly growing, and all thanks to a competent and charismatic presenter.

Personal life

Not much is known about the journalist's personal life. He is credited with an affair with biathlete Svetlana Sleptsova. Young people were often seen together during sports fees biathletes. In every interview, the guys claim that they are just friends.

Social networks

The former biathlete is an active user social networks. The posts on the pages indicate that Ilya is very popular among biathletes, not only as a presenter, but also as an athlete.

Trifonov Ilya on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/trifanov/. On this page there are many posts of the journalist's working moments, as well as photos from the rest and even joint photos with Svetlana Sleptsova.

Ilya's personal page VKontakte - https://vk.com/trifanov. Here, the presenter also actively uploads personal photos, and their total number has already reached 1750 pieces. Anton has more than 10 thousand subscribers on VKontakte.

Trifanov's page on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/trifanov86. Here he shares with friends and subscribers links to interesting news from the world of sports.

Journalist's Twitter - https://twitter.com/trifanov86.

The host also has an official VKontakte group - https://vk.com/ilyatrifanov. Here you can find not only personal photos of the presenter, but also interesting news from the world of sports.

Ilya Trifanov is a charismatic sports host who talks about current events and competitions in a very professional manner. Also, his personality is very attractive to young girls who would not mind getting the attention of a promising bachelor. A handsome man, an athlete and a TV presenter is not a man, but a dream for many women!

The famous skier and biathlete Veronika Timofeeva survived a doping ban and criminal prosecution, and now for the third year she has been fighting for the life and health of her son.

Veronika Timofeeva was not a star, but throughout her career she remained a strong athlete by Russian standards. Even in cross-country skiing, she won the "Ski Track of Russia" three times and was included in the adult national team of the country. Then she switched to biathlon, got into the Sochi-2014 experimental group led by master Nikolai Lopukhov. She quickly gained a foothold in the new sport, entered the top ten at the national championship, but then a doping disqualification followed. "Having served" two years, Timofeeva returned to give birth to her son Artem a few years later. Perhaps, after his birth, she would have performed further. If only things had happened differently with Temochka...

When asked what to bring her almost three-year-old child, Veronika answers "a rattle." And here in the store I walk past the cars and designers, which my own son, the same age as Artem, goes crazy with, to the department that sells toys for children under one year old. And I think how painful it is for my mother every day to realize this difference.

It is cozy in their apartment in a New Year's way, and Dmitry Guberniev's energetic voice is heard from the TV. Anton Babikov has just won the first World Cup race in his career. "Temochka, look how good Anton is! You will also be a biathlete with me, right?" Temochka has difficulty holding her head and breathing through a tracheostomy. But he barely noticeably blinks his eyes in agreement.


- Artem was born healthy child. What happened next?

At three months he fell ill - had a temperature, refused to eat. We were admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of bronchitis. Since the child refused to eat, the doctors decided to put the probe through the nose. And then, apparently, inaccurately fed, the food got into the lungs, pneumonia developed. Temochka ended up in intensive care, suffered a clinical death, was connected to a ventilator (ALV) and fell into a coma. I was in complete shock then. After all, I gave the doctors a practically healthy child with only one bronchitis ...

- How quickly did Artem come to his senses?

Only two and a half months later. He began to recognize relatives, we were discharged, but I noticed that the child was breathing very heavily. In the hospital, he wheezed so that it was audible through three chambers. But the doctors brushed us aside, they say, he will grow up and everything will pass. We traveled, probably, to all the specialists in Moscow and the region, until it turned out that Tema had a narrowed larynx from a long stay on a ventilator. In other words, he had to fight literally for every breath. After an emergency operation and the installation of a tracheostomy, Teme felt much better. He began to eat well, smile ... Life, at last, ceased to be a continuous torment for him.

Have you thought about suing the doctors if the tragedy with the child really happened through their fault?

At that time, I was not up to the courts. And the doctors answered all the questions: "Tell me thank you that we saved him at all."

- After all, this is not the first time you have been collecting money through social networks and acquaintances for the rehabilitation of a child?

Yes, recently, thanks to kind people, we went to Israel. There, Tema underwent two surgeries, thanks to which there was hope that in the near future they would remove the tube and he would be able to breathe on his own. Because a foreign object in the throat is, of course, scary. I have to constantly sanitize, that is, suck out sputum, we even flew to Israel along with a special apparatus. And I’m also very afraid of any infection, I don’t go with him either to the subway or to shops.

Does anyone help you take care of your child?

My mum. My husband and I divorced, he pays alimony. And my mother works and also helps with my eldest six-year-old daughter.

- Why are you now collecting money for rehabilitation in the USA? Are you sure it will help?

We tried almost everything that could be offered to us in Russia: exercise therapy, massages, osteopathy, acupuncture and much more. Unfortunately, these procedures do not give a visible effect. Neurologists and familiar mothers of sick children told me about the Anat Baniel method. This is an American technique; there are no existing practitioners in Russia. The point is that work is underway on the potential of the brain, so that the preserved areas take over the function of the damaged ones.

- How much money do you need for a trip to the USA?

About 1 million 300 thousand rubles. This includes tickets, accommodation, meals and treatment. I did all the calculations, they are on my page on the social network.

- In spite of everything, do you believe that Theme will walk?

Of course. I believe that he will grow up to be a full-fledged person. First, he will learn to roll over, then crawl, sit, stand and walk - in general, like all children. You know, even when he was in intensive care, the doctors said that he would never even breathe on his own and would depend on the apparatus. Then they assured him that he would never learn to eat on his own. I listened to these terrible words and thought: "Well, no, my child will live!" And after all, life has shown that I was right, not the doctors. It is the same now: no matter what anyone says, I believe in him. And he, I know for sure, feels it.


- You were quite a successful skier. Why did you decide to switch to biathlon as an adult?

I liked biathlon since childhood, I always wanted to do it. In juniors, I was engaged in both types, and it turned out well, I won everything by my age. At some point, the coaches put me in front of a choice: to go to the adult skiing team or to the junior biathlon team. I chose skiing, although the soul classic style never lay down.

- Why, despite local successes, a bright career in skiing did not work out?

I joined the national team as a junior, I was the smallest there. Then the most experienced Olga Zavyalova, Evgenia Medvedeva, Natalia Baranova were still performing. I got lost in their background. The coaches didn’t pay much attention, the team didn’t support me, no one stood behind me either. I tried to get through on my own, but I couldn't. She trained for the national team for two seasons, but failed to qualify for the World Cups.

In biathlon, you got to the coach Nikolai Lopukhov, nicknamed "Lopez". There are legends about the rigidity of this specialist ....

Nikolai Petrovich in life and in work is like two different person. Apart from training, he is very sincere, cheerful, poisoned all sorts of stories. But in sports he was very fond of discipline, demanded the fulfillment of his instructions down to the smallest detail. Personally, it was difficult for me to work with him. Because I'm not used to it, my first coach, on the contrary, was soft. You could talk to him, joke with him, in general, he was almost like a dad to me. After such a warm relationship, Lopukhov's rigidity came as a shock to me.

- About moving from cross-country skiing you did not regret?

No, not a drop. I still want to go back in my heart. I still dream about how I run, shoot, compete ...

Haven't skied in a while?

Ever since I became pregnant with Theme. After his birth, it was not at all before. Although, if everything was fine with my son, I would leave him to my mother and still run. Ambitions, desire to perform were huge. But since I had to make a choice between the health of the child and sports, of course, I choose the child.

- How did you plan to earn a living after leaving the sport?

I have two higher educations - legal and sports. Initially, I understood that sport is a very short-term matter. And so it happened: I ran, I gave up my health, and very quickly they forgot me, as if it had never happened. Therefore, I started working at a sports school in parallel with my own career. Moreover, my daughter is growing up, next year in go to school. If you dream, it would be great if my daughter became a biathlete, and I would train her.

The phrase "biathlon family" has already become a cliché. Is one of the famous biathletes now helping you in trouble?

Yes, Dasha Virolainen, Katya Glazyrina, Lesha Slepov, Anton Babikov, Alexei Volkov, Dasha Domracheva plus TV commentator Ilya Trifonov help me from the national team. We did not communicate with Domracheva personally, but she heard my story from a mutual friend and also decided to help. From the ski team, they also support - Sasha Legkov, Lesha Petukhov. Thanks to them, we were able to quickly raise money for treatment in Israel. Considering that we were not shown on television and were collected only by acquaintances, this is a real miracle.


- What is the story with the apartment, as a result of which they wanted to put you in jail for fraud?

The fact is that I spoke for the police, and at the same time worked as a coach in the village. This is what most athletes do: they are listed in several places in order to somehow provide for themselves. And then one day I was offered to participate in a housing program for workers in rural areas. I met all three conditions of this program. I collected the documents, filed a down payment, received a housing certificate and waited. Until my second job with the police came up and I was charged with fraud. Although, as you understand, I practically did not appear in the police, I simply spoke for them at competitions and could well apply for an apartment at my main place of work.

- How was this situation resolved?

I lost the district court, I was sentenced to two years probation. But I appealed to the regional court and won it. The prosecutor's office apologized for initiating this criminal case, and then they even paid me compensation.

- Do I understand correctly that all these events unfolded against the background of the illness of the youngest child?

Oh sure. Apparently, after leaving the second decree, the police no longer needed me, they could not fire me on formal grounds, so they came up with this story.

- How did you stand it: your son is on the verge of life and death, and at the same time they threaten to put you in jail?

I don't even want to remember it. The child is in intensive care, where I sat for hours under the door and expressed milk for him. My husband left, he was fired from his job, plus they constantly called and threatened, terrorized me. Probably, if not for my golden parents, I would not have coped. And since we won then, I'm sure, together with Theme, we will win now.

Stop lying, Light. Shipulin said calmly. - You love him. It's okay that you love him. I'm not stupid not to see this. - What?! - Sleptsova was indignant, and several tears rolled down her cheeks. - What are you talking about? We just had a fight, he went crazy. He yelled at me, I yelled back at him. What are jealousy attacks anyway? - Don't you guess? - Anton's eyes widened. - The path you have embarked on is difficult to change, turning away from it is even more difficult. And everything depends on you. It all depends on how far you can go in your relationship. - But, - Sveta's lower lip trembled, - we are… just friends. - Not. Shipulin shook his head. - Light, who bought you this bag ... How is it there? - How will this help us? Sleptsova interrupted him. - Light. Anton repeated. - Who bought you that damn bag? - Ilya. she whispered. - Who saves you from comments on the network? She closed her eyes and sighed. -Ilya. - Who screams at the top of his voice when you drive along the highway, and then warms your frozen hands? Light was silent. - Who never left you, even when you were not up to everything? Again silence in response. - As far as I can tell, it was always Ilya. He was always there while you pushed everything away from you. While you have not seen anything around, justifying your last name. Sveta sighed, lowering her hands, Anton's words drove her into a dead end. But at the other end of the hotel, it was not so easy for one person either. It's not about me, friend. And about her. I'm not going to put her between us. Hell, I can't even let this come between you and me. It's just her, she's always been, it's all about her. Hell yes, I'm going to sit here and throw a tantrum about her not wanting our relationship back. Even if they were not ideal and were not built on great love. She loves You? Good. But know. I can't live if she feels miserable, crying because of terrible races. I can't breathe if she's upset. If a relationship with you brings her peace, then I will let you love her. I will be your wedding chauffeur! Want? I will babysit your children when you go on dates. Ilya… - Be swallowed his emotions in his throat and shook his head negatively. - It concerns only her. But I will accept her choice. Be bit his lip, and Trifanov exhaled heavily. "If it's any consolation, she loves you." Tarjei pursed his lips and rolled his eyes in displeasure. - How do you know? Ilya snapped. He removed his hand from the wall and stood up straight. - I saw the way she looked at you. She looks at me completely differently. - And how does she look at you? - quipped Trifanov. - Like I'm her favorite friend. - Quietly answered Tarja. - What about me? Trifanov almost lost control of himself. It's like she can't live without you. She cannot live without him. So why is he standing here now instead of hugging her? So why isn't she kissing him back yet, standing and thinking so far away from him? So why aren't they still together? Friends? This is too little, their feelings are much higher. *** She walked around the clods of snow, internally enjoying every moment, and he tried to keep her near him. Finally, he gave in and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him. She lifted her face and smiled, trying to hide the ridiculous dizziness caused by this innocent action. - Don't be jealous. I love you longer than my car. And more... Although I haven't driven for such a long time... Ilya laughed, but didn't answer anything, expecting her to say: "It's a joke." The longer he was silent, the more nervous she became. A few seconds passed before he narrowed his eyes and asked directly in the eyes: - Do you love me? - Stupid Ilya. - Cunning Light. - Come on, you love me. - Really? And I don't hide!

If a friend turned up suddenly. Ilya Trifanov about his failed career as a biathlete

Ilya Trifanov is 26 years old, he is a master of sports in biathlon, a champion of Russia among youths. He was on the payroll of the youth team of the country. Ilya left biathlon when he realized that he had to decide on his future profession.

Ilya Trifanov is 26 years old, he is a master of sports in biathlon, a champion of Russia among youths. He was on the payroll of the youth team of the country. Ilya left biathlon when he realized that he had to decide on his future profession.

Since 2011, he has been working as a correspondent for Russia 2, making news stories for the Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev". Whatever the plot - a chic video clip about the elite shooting skiers.

best friends Trifanov considers Anton Shipulin, Dima Malyshko, Evgenia Ustyugova. With them, Ilya spends his free time fishing on the Kama or at sea during a short vacation of the best biathletes in the country.

In Nove Mesto, Ilya enchants, coming up with themes for his stories. For example, I measured the decibel level in the stands during sprints.

I asked Ilya to give brief description to my friends.

Anton Shipulin. We began to communicate closely after a car hit me at a training camp in Perm and Anton came to visit me at home. With Shipulin you can fish everywhere. Anton has been a fisherman since childhood - his father taught him. The rod will be made from anything. A branch, a rope, a bent nail instead of a hook... Our overall fishing record is a photo with a 40 kg catfish in the background.

Zhenya Ustyugov. For him, the main thing now is his daughter Veronica. She was born right after Vancouver. You can talk endlessly with Ustyugov about raising children. Zhenya is in this dock.

Dmitry Malyshko. I know that Dima loves speed behind the wheel of a car. You can shoot, by the way, the plot of how he gets into some kind of racing car. And Zhenya Garanichev car fanatic. Garanichev can read about cars for hours.

The most sensible and calm of the four Dima Malyshko. Ustyugov is also reasonable, he can talk on any topic.

- And what is Olga Zaitseva like in life?
- I told her without a hint of age: “I was a drooling kid when you won Olympic medal, and ran for your autograph. I can't afford familiarity with her. Olya for me is different, more high level communication.

- How do your friends from the Russian team treat you?
I hope I don't annoy anyone. They don't have star disease. I know from my own experience that after the races the guys have no great desire to communicate. And when preparing for a race, each athlete has a plan of what he should do.

If it starts to deviate from the plan, it will not be collected. If the preparation plan is frustrated, the biathlete becomes irritated.

– How does deep knowledge of biathlon help you in your profession?
– Knowledge helps not to ask stupid questions to the athlete after the finish line like “Why did you miss?” or "Why did you lose?"

And the questions should be targeted - what interests you. For example, my question to a Norwegian Tarja Be, who missed half a year of the competition, and in January said: “My goal in Nové Mesto is two golds, individual and team. I asked him after the medley relay: “How do you feel now that you have answered for your words?” Athletes like Be and Svendsen know full well what the TV people expect from them.

And they understand what I want to get an answer to the question.

- Like this?
- Interviewed Martin Fourcade in Ruhpolding, and then jumped on him from behind Tarja Be shouting "Come on, come on!" I took this moment into the story because it's fun. The bow is peculiar to the plot. I say to Be: “Thank you!”. And he told me: "It's me doing your shows!". These guys know that they are the main stars in biathlon.

- Your friends have a clear goal - medals, and what are your aspirations?
So far, I love my work. And then you can change direction. You can try to grow endlessly - to enrich your vocabulary. But most likely after a certain time you will get tired of traveling and interviewing.

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