Gymnastics of Tibetan monks to prolong life. Five exercises of Tibetan monks - eternal youth and longevity. Excitation of lung cells

2000 years ago, Tibetan monks developed special gymnastics, which contributed to the restoration of health, youth and beauty of the human body. It is also the main secret of their longevity. The monks claimed that the aging process directly depends on the level of hormones in the body. And this theory has been confirmed by multiple medical studies in recent years.

And by performing five exercises, Tibetan monks could constantly maintain the hormonal balance of the body. This was done by stimulating the 7 main energy centers of the human body, which correspond to the seven endocrine glands. The monks call them chakras.

The benefits and benefits of gymnastics

This type of gymnastics, in fact, is a wellness practice. And for thousands of years it was kept secret. But today you can find enough information to master the technique of performing Tibetan exercises. They do not require prior physical training, and the implementation of the entire complex of gymnastics takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

"Eye of rebirth" or exercises Tibetan monks- this is one of the well-known methods of increasing mental and physical activity, which includes 19 human energy centers. Performing them, you can quickly relieve muscle and nervous tension, improve breathing, as well as the digestion process.

Tibetan exercises develop flexibility and physical strength in a person, well stimulate all his feelings. They are a powerful tool for relaxation and well-being. They also have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The five exercises of Tibetan monks have a beneficial effect on the bone tissue of the body, as their implementation puts a load on every bone in the body, and this helps to avoid bone loss. bone mass. In addition, during the exercises, the abdominal muscles are trained, and the stomach becomes toned and attractive.

Also, Tibetan gymnastics allows you to eliminate double chin. Improves posture and cleanses the body of toxins. By the way, during this process, a person may experience a slight dizziness. And there is no danger in this. Just at this moment you need to slow down your movements.

5 exercises of Tibetan monks enrich all muscle tissues with oxygen. And the more oxygen enters the body, the better the metabolic process becomes. And this entails the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat.

Cleansing takes place during Tibetan exercises lymphatic system person. When this kind of load is performed, they begin to compress and stretch various bodies, muscles and glands. And it promotes drainage and cleansing of the lymphatic system. Therefore, toxins from the body begin to be excreted faster.

Exercises of Tibetan monks "Eye of rebirth"

“The Eye of Rebirth” is the name of the 5 exercises of Tibetan monks. All of them are performed on deep breaths and exhalations. And for their implementation, you will not need any additional sports equipment or simulators, with the exception of the usual rug for physical activities.

And before proceeding to them, you should remember a few small but important rules. If you decide to start doing Tibetan gymnastics, then it is not recommended to skip classes. You can take a break for 1-2 days, but no more. In the first week, each exercise should be repeated only 3 times and only 1 time per day.

Performing 5 exercises of Tibetan monks, the load should be increased gradually. That is, every week add 2 repetitions until the total number of actions in the exercise becomes 21. The best time to practice is in the morning.

The first exercise is performed in a standing position. The legs are shoulder-width apart, and the arms are extended to the sides at shoulder level. Next, rotate from left to right until you feel a slight dizziness. It is not recommended to carry out more than 21 rotations.

The second exercise of the Tibetan monks is performed lying on your back. It is best to use a mat for this. Hands should be stretched along the body with palms down, then raise your head a little and press your chin to your chest. Next, you need to raise straight legs up, while not lifting your hips from the floor. Then slowly lower your head and legs to their original position and relax all the muscles.

The third exercise is performed on your knees. To do this, you need to put your knees shoulder-width apart so that your hips are in a vertical position. Hands should be placed on the back of the thighs under the buttocks. Next, tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest. After that, you need to tilt your head with a sharp movement and bend your back back, leaning your hands on your hips. Return to initial position and repeat the exercise.

The fourth exercise of the Tibetan monks is performed in a sitting position on the floor. The legs are straight and extended forward, and the feet are shoulder-width apart. The palms should be on the floor on the sides of the buttocks, and the fingers should be pointing forward. Next, you need to lower your head forward and press your chin to your chest.

4.2 out of 5 (10 Votes)

The exercises of the five Tibetans are designed for 19 energy centers or vortices that a person has. Most of them are located on the 12 main joints of the limbs.

The Eye of Rebirth training helps to restore the strength and speed of energy vortices. The complex is also able to tone and strengthen the main muscle groups, recover faster and gain good health. physical form. Ideally, each of the five exercises should be repeated 21 times. This number was not chosen by chance. It is this number of repetitions that allows you to achieve the desired effect from a set of exercises.

At first, not everyone will succeed in repeating the exercise 21 times, but this is normal. You need to start the Eye of Rebirth or five Tibetans with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The process of approaching the final result is good in itself, it will bring a lot of pleasure to a person who practices the five Tibetans system.

Tibetan pearl No. 1.

Stand up straight, feet almost shoulder-width apart? Pull the tailbone under you and the stomach, arms to the sides at shoulder level.

Look at a point in front of you. Slowly begin to rotate around your axis until you feel your head spinning slightly. You need to rotate strictly clockwise.

To prevent severe dizziness and nausea, at first, you need to perform the first exercise 3-5 times. Having finished the exercise, we take a rest - inhale - exhale.

After completing the required number of revolutions, if you feel dizzy or tired, sit down or lie down on the sofa, do not ignore the natural desire of your body.

After a few weeks of training on the system Tibetan lamas you will train your vestibular apparatus enough not to experience severe dizziness. Not allowing long break you must immediately proceed to the second exercise

Tibetan pearl #2

You need to lie on the floor with your back. straighten your legs, stretch your arms along the body, palms on the floor, the chin merged with the chest. Raise straight legs up, perpendicular to the floor, make sure that the pelvis is pressed tightly against it. We always start the exercise with an exhalation. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, while raising the legs and head - a deep and full breath. Lowering the legs - the same exhalation.

Try not to stray from the rhythm, breathe at the same pace, if you can’t do the exercise with straightened legs, do it with bent legs, gradually you will learn how to do it correctly.

After several weeks of training, you will be able to bring your legs further behind your head, the main thing is not to bend them. Then slowly return to the IP.

Having finished the exercise, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl No. 3.

It is necessary to kneel, slightly apart, so that the hips are strictly perpendicular. Place your palms under gluteal muscles. Leaning your head forward, press your chin to your chest. Gradually tilting the head back, bending in the back - we straighten the chest and bend the spine. help yourself by resting your hands on your hips. At the very beginning of the third exercise, you need to exhale deeply, and bending back, gradually inhale, returning to the PI - exhale. Having finished the exercise, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl #4

It could seem difficult exercise at first glance, but it is not. Even elderly sick people mastered it, strengthening their body and spirit. Sit on a mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Feet should be approximately shoulder width apart. Straighten your back, touching your chin to your chest. Rest your palms on the floor, fingers should “look” forward. Tilt your head as far back as possible, lift your torso up so that it takes a horizontal position. The shins and arms should be placed perpendicular to the floor, like the legs of a table. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to the IP. Having finished the exercise, we rest - we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl #5

The final exercise of the 5 Tibetans complex allows you to consolidate the result and raise your energy potential one more step. Lie face down on the floor, palms should be strictly under the shoulders, fingers “look” forward, feet on toes.

We raise the upper body and stretch the top of the head to the ceiling, leaning on our hands - this is the starting position, throwing your head back, exhale, bend your spine, leaning on your toes and palms. Inhale - round the back and raise the pelvis as high as possible, while the head sags down as much as possible.

The body should be folded in half hip joints. Try to make the body resemble an acute angle, the top of which is directed upwards. Press your chin to your chest, pointing your head forward as much as possible, as if we dive forward, bend in the back and again stretch the top of the head up, exhale. Arms and torso in the same plane, the torso does not touch the floor.

Having finished the exercise, we rest - we put our feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale - exhale 3 times.

At the end of the complex, an exercise for rest is recommended: we lie down on our back, hands are approximately 30-40 cm from the body, palms up, legs are straightened and relaxed, all attention is in the solar plexus, calm breath - long smooth exhalation, exhalation is longer than inhalation, all attention in the solar plexus - feel how the energy is spreading, distributed throughout the body, track your sensations, relax your arms, legs, body, face, feel how warmly fills your every cell, your entire body. relax.

Practice the whole set of exercises of 5 Tibetans and after a month of training you will feel how much it affects your body and will. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Five exercises of Tibetan monks - eternal youth and longevity

Five exercises of Tibetan monks - eternal youth and longevity

For ages man has been searching and will continue to search for the source of youth. Agree, over the years, for the opportunity to prolong life, we are able to give more and more. But no elixirs and all kinds of rejuvenation methods offered by modern industry are capable of influencing our body in the same way as we ourselves. One important conclusion follows from this - every person has a source of youth inside, it is only important to use it correctly.

One such way is to regularly perform five simple rituals, which today are known as "5 Tibetan pearls"(other names are the Eye of the Renaissance, the Eye of Revelation). By devoting just a few minutes daily to this practice, you will very soon feel how vitality return to your body, which will become more beautiful, healthy and youthful. Both externally and internally, you will lose several decades, thereby extending your life! This is the secret to longevity! Do you want to know more about it?

The principle of operation of the five Tibetan pearls

To understand how these rituals affect health and longevity, let's take a look at the following explanation from Eye of Rebirth author Peter Kelder.

The human body has 7 centers, which can be called vortices. In a healthy body, they rotate very quickly, but when their speed decreases and the whirlwinds slow down, the body begins to age, the person becomes sickly and decrepit. That is, as long as all the vortices rotate with the same high speed, the body is healthy and works like clockwork, but as soon as one or more of them slow down, a person immediately feels a breakdown, followed by illness and old age.

The locations of these magnetic centers are as follows:

  • 2 of them are in the brain (one deep in the forehead, and the second in the back of the brain) - these are vortices A and B

  • 1 at the base of the neck in the throat - vortex C

  • 1 s right side body, opposite the liver (approximately at waist level) - vortex D

  • 1 in the genitals - vortex E

  • 2 in the knees (one in each) - vortices F and G

Ideally, the rotating vortices should go beyond the body, but when they slow down, they do not reach its surface either (the exception is two vortices in the knees). Therefore, in order to restore health, youth and vitality, these whirlwinds must be unwound. For this, 5 rituals (exercises) are needed, each of which will be useful even separately, especially the first one, but in order for the result to be more tangible, all five are needed.

The key to success is consistency

This practice should be approached as a daily ritual, and in the future try not to miss a single day. At first, it may seem impossible - doing the same actions every day, monotonous and boring ... In fact, it turns out to be easier - getting used to doing the exercises every time after waking up in the morning, you will treat "Tibetans" like brushing your teeth or washing your face, and for you will be unable to miss them. The undoubted advantage of Tibetan rituals is that they take quite a bit of time, while helping to wake up faster, recharge with energy and mood for the whole day.

Although at first glance the "five Tibetans" may resemble physical exercise, nevertheless, these are, first of all, rituals - Tibetan monks call them that. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail in order to understand the principle of execution, and after that we will consider important points concerning the practice of the Five Tibetan Pearls.

Ritual #1

This is a simple ritual fun game, it helps to accelerate the rotation of all vortices, initially starting A, B and E, and already those, in turn, act on vortices C and D.

Initial position: stand straight and stretch your arms to the sides in a horizontal position.

Start rotating clockwise (from left to right) until you feel dizzy (you may want to sit or lie down - do this).

At the beginning, on average, about 6 rotations will be obtained, and there is no need to strive for them more, it is important to do exactly as much until dizziness appears, and then stop. If you can't spin enough times, do as many as you can.

Over time, with regular performance of all 5 rituals, the speed of rotation of the vortices increases, and the first ritual will be given easier, that is, you will be able to rotate more circles. You should focus on your feelings, but on average everything happens like this: at first, 10 rotations will be enough, after a few months of practice they can be increased to 20, then 30, 40, and, finally, after many months or several years of regular performance of the “5 Tibetan pearls "- up to 50. It is not worth overdoing this ritual, since the F and G vortices, which are in the knees, are exhausted from a large number of rotations (and, therefore, increased footwork).

Ritual #2

Just like the first ritual, this action additionally stimulates the coordinated work of the 7 magnetic centers of our body - the vortices described above. This ritual is even easier.

Initial position: lie on the floor (preferably on a gymnastic rug or blanket, but in no case on a cold floor, you can also perform this ritual on the bed), stretch out to your full length, straighten your arms along the body, turn your palms down, keep your fingers closed and slightly turned inside, towards the body.

From their starting position, raise your legs as vertically as possible without bending your knees or lifting your hands off the floor. While lifting the legs, simultaneously tear off the head from the floor, and while lowering the legs, also lower the head to its original position.

Raising the head and legs at the same time speeds up the rotation of the vortices, especially those that are the slowest at the moment.

Ritual #3

This ritual is performed immediately after the first two. In this complex, consistency is very important!

Initial position: kneeling on the same rug, arms lowered along the body, palms and fingers pressed to the side of the thighs.

Begin the ritual by tilting your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest. After that, you should move the torso back, while raising your head - it also needs to be thrown back as far as possible. Return to the starting position, relax for a couple of seconds and repeat this cycle again.

During ritual 3, the hands should always be pressed with fingers and palms to the legs, only during the retraction of the body back, the palms can be moved to the back of the legs - and this technique, and socks resting on the floor, will not let you fall.

Ritual #4

At the beginning of the practice, the fourth ritual may be more difficult for you, but again, without stopping to perform it daily, you will very quickly realize that it is quite simple and easy. During this ritual, 5 vortexes are additionally stimulated (all but two in the head).

Initial position: sitting on the mat, legs extended forward, the back of the knees pressed to the floor. Rest your hands on the floor, you can spread them a little to the sides, fingers are closed. Tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest.

From this position, gently raise the torso to its horizontal position to the floor. The legs are bent at the knees, the ankles and hands are vertical to the floor. At the same time as lifting the torso, tear off your chin and raise your head, and having reached the horizontal position of the torso, tilt your head back as far as possible - follow your feelings and do not overdo it.

Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, keeping all the muscles in tension, then lower yourself to the starting position and relax for a couple of seconds (it is very important to tighten the muscles at the top and relax at the bottom). Then, in the same way, do the required number of repetitions of this ritual.

Important advice! If you can’t immediately raise your torso to a horizontal position, do what you can and don’t worry about it. Over time, you will be able to perform ritual 4 correctly!

Ritual #5

This is the final ritual of the Eye of Rebirth practice.

Initial position: rest your palms on the floor at a fairly wide distance (about 60 cm) and socks - your legs are spaced in the same way as your arms. In this position, the body sags from the shoulders to the toes in a curved line without touching the floor. The head is thrown back.

Start lifting your torso up without bending your arms (they should be straight during the entire ritual), raise your pelvis as far as possible, and also lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest, as in other rituals. Note that in this position the body forms a triangle with the floor, in yoga this is called the “mountain pose”. Hold at the top for a moment and smoothly return to the starting position, sagging above the floor. Then repeat the ritual.

Important Tips for Practicing Tibetan Rituals

There are no special contraindications to the performance of the five Tibetans, but there are points that you should pay attention to, both for greater effect and in order to avoid various problems and injuries:

  1. Most important rule, which should be followed initially, is a uniform increase in the number of repetitions of each ritual: in the first week, 3 repetitions, after which each next week you need to add 2 more. By the beginning of the 10th week, you will do all 5 Tibetans 21 times - this is the amount to stop at. There is an exception for the first ritual - you can do it for as long as it turns out to be slightly dizzy, no more. But, most likely, with regular practice, you will succeed.

  2. You need to practice 5 Tibetans daily, of course, you can skip 1 time per week, but no more. This is the only way to expect good results! All you need to do is either get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning or go to bed 10 minutes later.

  3. Most best time to complete this complex - early morning, ideally - before dawn. For beginners, this will be enough, and later you can add another cycle in the evening. Also, if in the morning you did not manage to complete the required number of repetitions of any ritual, you must remember how many "unfinished" and complete them in the evening.

  4. All the rituals are very strong, and even if you can't do any of them at all, do the other four, or do at least a few times, even under this condition you will get results, only a little slower. Moreover, the first ritual (rotation) itself is very strong, and you will notice an improvement in well-being, even if you only do it.

  5. If you've had surgery (such as having your appendix removed) or have a hernia, be careful with rituals 2, 3, and 5.

  6. Overweight people need to be careful when performing the fifth ritual until the weight is normal.

  7. After performing the rituals, it is advisable to take a hot or warm bath. You can also quickly dry and wet towel dry alternately, only if you have already practiced cold showers or rubdowns before. An unprepared person should not do this, because. it can quickly cool from the inside and the effect of the “5 Tibetan pearls” will be lost.

Elixir of life: why and who needs the sixth ritual

As mentioned above, all 5 rituals are aimed at restoring body strength and vitality. Together with this, they help a person look somewhat younger. But truly young in all respects (it’s as if a 70-year-old old man looked no more than 40 years old, but felt like 25 at all) can only become if you perform the 6th ritual.

We note right away that it is absolutely useless until good results are achieved with the first five. And for this you will definitely need a couple of years of regular practice, sometimes 3-4 years.

And perhaps the most important condition to perform the 6th ritual action - this is a complete exclusion or severe restriction of sexual life. This is explained by the fact that the last ritual is aimed at converting your sexual energy into vitality. It also follows from this that the sixth "Tibetan" can only be done by a man in good sexual shape.

As for women, the question is generally open, since in the book "The Eye of the Renaissance", which describes this practice, the author does not mention women in relation to the sixth ritual.

You can perform it at any time, but only when there is an excess of sexual energy and a strong desire to use it (attraction). In this situation, you do the following.

Stand straight, exhale all the air from the lungs, then, without inhaling, lean forward and rest your palms on your knees. Exhale the remaining air and also, without inhaling, return to vertical position. Raise your shoulders, press your hands on your hips and pull your stomach in as far as possible, your rib cage while it should expand.

Hold this posture for as long as possible, then inhale through the nose and then exhale through the mouth, while simultaneously relaxing and releasing the arms so that they hang down along the body. Inhale and exhale deeply and quickly several times.

This cycle must be repeated 3 times in order to direct upward the sexual energy that has arisen.

Want to get younger and younger day by day? Then the sixth ritual is for you! The only question is, are you ready to refuse to use your “attraction” for its intended purpose ?!

Perhaps we have described the most important points that relate to the practice of "5 Tibetan pearls", but besides this, a huge impact on health and appearance have your habits. Along with daily rituals, you can quickly regain youth and health by changing a few of your habits:

  1. Straighten up, tighten your stomach and chin, straighten your chest - only this will help you lose a couple of decades on the outside and inside.

  2. Bring the weight back to normal - meaning both excess and underweight. If you get rid of extra pounds, remove the stomach, you will immediately begin to look and feel younger. The same thing will happen if you gain the missing pounds, getting rid of painful thinness.

  3. Drink enough water - it is advisable for men to drink from 1 to 1.5 liters, for women 500-700 ml per day. If you drink more water, this is even better, but you need to increase the amount gradually, over 2 months.

  4. Eliminate all types of pork and the total amount of fat consumed from your diet.

  5. White sugar and foods containing it should also be limited. You can replace sugar with natural sweeteners, such as honey, but do not abuse them.

  6. Alcohol should be completely eliminated if you really want to stay young and full of energy.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that quite often the regular performance of the Five Tibetan Pearls rituals allows older people to achieve more impressive results, and if you are under 40 years old and you do not have serious health problems, you look very young and feel great, then most likely you don’t need “Tibetans” yet!

For ages man has been searching and will continue to search for the source of youth. Agree, over the years, for the opportunity to prolong life, we are able to give more and more. But no elixirs and all kinds of rejuvenation methods offered by modern industry are capable of influencing our body in the same way as we ourselves. One important conclusion follows from this - every person has a source of youth inside, it is only important to use it correctly.

One of these ways is the regular performance of five simple rituals, which today are known as the "5 Tibetan Pearls" (other names are the Eye of Rebirth, the Eye of Revelation). By devoting just a few minutes to this practice every day, you will very soon feel how the vitality returns to your body, which will become more beautiful, healthy and young. Both externally and internally, you will lose several decades, thereby extending your life! This is the secret to longevity! Do you want to know more about it?

The principle of operation of the five Tibetan pearls

To understand how these rituals affect health and longevity, let's take a look at the following explanation from Eye of Rebirth author Peter Kelder.

The human body has 7 centers, which can be called vortices. In a healthy body, they rotate very quickly, but when their speed decreases and the whirlwinds slow down, the body begins to age, the person becomes sickly and decrepit. That is, while all the vortices rotate at the same high speed, the body is healthy and works like a clock, but as soon as one or several of them slow down, a person immediately feels a breakdown, followed by illness and old age.

The locations of these magnetic centers are as follows:

  • 2 of them are in the brain (one deep in the forehead, and the second in the back of the brain) - these are vortices A and B

  • 1 at the base of the neck in the throat - vortex C

  • 1 on the right side of the body, opposite the liver (approximately at waist level) - vortex D

  • 1 in the genitals - vortex E

  • 2 in the knees (one in each) - vortices F and G

Ideally, the rotating vortices should go beyond the body, but when they slow down, they do not reach its surface either (the exception is two vortices in the knees). Therefore, in order to restore health, youth and vitality, these whirlwinds must be unwound. For this, 5 rituals (exercises) are needed, each of which will be useful even separately, especially the first one, but in order for the result to be more tangible, all five are needed.

The key to success is consistency

This practice should be approached as a daily ritual, and in the future try not to miss a single day. At first, it may seem impossible - doing the same actions every day, monotonous and boring ... In fact, it turns out to be easier - getting used to doing the exercises every time after waking up in the morning, you will treat "Tibetans" like brushing your teeth or washing your face, and for you will be unable to miss them. The undoubted advantage of Tibetan rituals is that they take quite a bit of time, while helping to wake up faster, recharge with energy and mood for the whole day.

Although at first glance the “five Tibetans” may resemble physical exercises, they are, first of all, rituals - Tibetan monks call them that. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail in order to understand the principle of implementation, and after that we will consider the important points regarding the practice of the Five Tibetan Pearls.

Ritual #1

This is a simple ritual, similar to a fun game, it helps to speed up the rotation of all the vortices, initially starting A, B and E, and already they, in turn, affect the vortices C and D.

Initial position: stand straight and stretch your arms to the sides in a horizontal position.

Start rotating clockwise (from left to right) until you feel dizzy (you may want to sit or lie down - do this).

At the beginning, on average, about 6 rotations will be obtained, and there is no need to strive for more of them, it is important to do exactly as many until dizziness appears, and then stop. If you can't spin enough times, do as many as you can.

Over time, with regular performance of all 5 rituals, the speed of rotation of the vortices increases, and the first ritual will be given easier, that is, you will be able to rotate more circles. You should focus on your feelings, but on average everything happens like this: at first, 10 rotations will be enough, after a few months of practice they can be increased to 20, then 30, 40, and, finally, after many months or several years of regular performance of the “5 Tibetan pearls "- up to 50. It is not worth overdoing this ritual, since the F and G vortices, which are in the knees, are exhausted from a large number of rotations (and, therefore, increased footwork).

Ritual #2

Just like the first ritual, this action additionally stimulates the coordinated work of the 7 magnetic centers of our body - the vortices described above. This ritual is even easier.

Initial position: lie on the floor (preferably on a gymnastic rug or blanket, but in no case on a cold floor, you can also perform this ritual on the bed), stretch out to your full length, straighten your arms along the body, turn your palms down, keep your fingers closed and slightly turned inside, towards the body.

From their starting position, raise your legs as vertically as possible without bending your knees or lifting your hands off the floor. While lifting the legs, simultaneously tear off the head from the floor, and while lowering the legs, also lower the head to its original position.

Raising the head and legs at the same time speeds up the rotation of the vortices, especially those that are the slowest at the moment.

Ritual #3

This ritual is performed immediately after the first two. In this complex, consistency is very important!

Initial position: kneeling on the same rug, arms lowered along the body, palms and fingers pressed to the side of the thighs.

Begin the ritual by tilting your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest. After that, you should move the torso back, while raising your head - it also needs to be thrown back as far as possible. Return to the starting position, relax for a couple of seconds and repeat this cycle again.

During ritual 3, the hands should always be pressed with fingers and palms to the legs, only during the retraction of the body back, the palms can be moved to the back of the legs - and this technique, and socks resting on the floor, will not let you fall.

Ritual #4

At the beginning of the practice, the fourth ritual may be more difficult for you, but again, without stopping to perform it daily, you will very quickly realize that it is quite simple and easy. During this ritual, 5 vortexes are additionally stimulated (all but two in the head).

Initial position: sitting on the mat, legs extended forward, the back of the knees pressed to the floor. Rest your hands on the floor, you can spread them a little to the sides, fingers are closed. Tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest.

From this position, gently raise the torso to its horizontal position to the floor. The legs are bent at the knees, the ankles and hands are vertical to the floor. At the same time as lifting the torso, tear off your chin and raise your head, and having reached the horizontal position of the torso, tilt your head back as far as possible - follow your feelings and do not overdo it.

Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, keeping all the muscles in tension, then lower yourself to the starting position and relax for a couple of seconds (it is very important to tighten the muscles at the top and relax at the bottom). Then, in the same way, do the required number of repetitions of this ritual.

Important advice! If you can’t immediately raise your torso to a horizontal position, do what you can and don’t worry about it. Over time, you will be able to perform ritual 4 correctly!

Ritual #5

This is the final ritual of the Eye of Rebirth practice.

Initial position: rest your palms on the floor at a fairly wide distance (about 60 cm) and socks - your legs are spaced in the same way as your arms. In this position, the body sags from the shoulders to the toes in a curved line without touching the floor. The head is thrown back.

Start lifting your torso up without bending your arms (they should be straight during the entire ritual), raise your pelvis as far as possible, and also lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest, as in other rituals. Note that in this position the body forms a triangle with the floor, in yoga this is called the “mountain pose”. Hold at the top for a moment and smoothly return to the starting position, sagging above the floor. Then repeat the ritual.

Important Tips for Practicing Tibetan Rituals

There are no special contraindications to the performance of the five Tibetans, but there are points that you should pay attention to, both for greater effect and in order to avoid various problems and injuries:

  1. The most important rule to follow initially is to evenly increase the number of repetitions of each ritual: in the first week, 3 repetitions, after which every next week you need to add 2 more. By the beginning of the 10th week, you will do all 5 Tibetans 21 times - this is the amount to stop at. There is an exception for the first ritual - you can do it for as long as it turns out to be slightly dizzy, no more. But, most likely, with regular practice, you will succeed.

  2. You need to practice 5 Tibetans daily, of course, you can skip 1 time per week, but no more. This is the only way to expect good results! All you need to do is either get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning or go to bed 10 minutes later.

  3. The best time to complete this complex is early morning, ideally before dawn. For beginners, this will be enough, and later you can add another cycle in the evening. Also, if in the morning you did not manage to complete the required number of repetitions of any ritual, you must remember how many "unfinished" and complete them in the evening.

  4. All the rituals are very strong, and even if you can't do any of them at all, do the other four, or do at least a few times, even under this condition you will get results, only a little slower. Moreover, the first ritual (rotation) itself is very strong, and you will notice an improvement in well-being, even if you only do it.

  5. If you've had surgery (such as having your appendix removed) or have a hernia, be careful with rituals 2, 3, and 5.

  6. Overweight people need to be careful when performing the fifth ritual until the weight is normal.

  7. After performing the rituals, it is advisable to take a hot or warm bath. You can also quickly dry and wet towel dry alternately, only if you have already practiced cold showers or rubdowns before. An unprepared person should not do this, because. it can quickly cool from the inside and the effect of the “5 Tibetan pearls” will be lost.

Elixir of life: why and who needs the sixth ritual

As mentioned above, all 5 rituals are aimed at restoring body strength and vitality. Together with this, they help a person look somewhat younger. But truly young in all respects (it’s as if a 70-year-old old man looked no more than 40 years old, but felt like 25 at all) can only become if you perform the 6th ritual.

We note right away that it is absolutely useless until good results are achieved with the first five. And for this you will definitely need a couple of years of regular practice, sometimes 3-4 years.

And, perhaps, the most important condition for performing the 6th ritual action is the complete exclusion or severe restriction of sexual life. This is explained by the fact that the last ritual is aimed at converting your sexual energy into vitality. It also follows from this that the sixth "Tibetan" can only be done by a man in good sexual shape.

As for women, the question is generally open, since in the book "The Eye of the Renaissance", which describes this practice, the author does not mention women in relation to the sixth ritual.

You can perform it at any time, but only when there is an excess of sexual energy and a strong desire to use it (attraction). In this situation, you do the following.

Stand straight, exhale all the air from the lungs, then, without inhaling, lean forward and rest your palms on your knees. Exhale the remaining air and also, without inhaling, return to an upright position. Raise your shoulders, press your hands on your hips and pull your stomach in as far as possible, while your chest should expand.

Hold this posture for as long as possible, then inhale through the nose and then exhale through the mouth, while simultaneously relaxing and releasing the arms so that they hang down along the body. Inhale and exhale deeply and quickly several times.

This cycle must be repeated 3 times in order to direct upward the sexual energy that has arisen.

Want to get younger and younger day by day? Then the sixth ritual is for you! The only question is, are you ready to refuse to use your “attraction” for its intended purpose ?!

Perhaps we have described the most important points that relate to the practice of "5 Tibetan pearls", but besides this, your habits have a huge impact on health and appearance. Along with daily rituals, you can quickly regain youth and health by changing a few of your habits:

  1. Straighten up, tighten your stomach and chin, straighten your chest - only this will help you lose a couple of decades on the outside and inside.

  2. Bring the weight back to normal - meaning both excess and underweight. If you get rid of extra pounds, remove the stomach, you will immediately begin to look and feel younger. The same thing will happen if you gain the missing pounds, getting rid of painful thinness.

  3. Drink enough water - it is advisable for men to drink from 1 to 1.5 liters, for women 500-700 ml per day. If you drink more water, it's even better, but you need to increase the amount gradually over 2 months.

  4. Eliminate all types of pork and the total amount of fat consumed from your diet.

  5. White sugar and foods containing it should also be limited. You can replace sugar with natural sweeteners, such as honey, but do not abuse them.

  6. Alcohol should be completely eliminated if you really want to stay young and full of energy.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that quite often the regular performance of the Five Tibetan Pearls rituals allows older people to achieve more impressive results, and if you are under 40 years old and you do not have serious health problems, you look very young and feel great, then most likely you don’t need “Tibetans” yet!

For ages man has been searching and will continue to search for the source of youth. Agree, over the years, for the opportunity to prolong life, we are able to give more and more. But no elixirs and all kinds of rejuvenation methods offered by modern industry are capable of influencing our body in the same way as we ourselves. One important conclusion follows from this - every person has a source of youth inside, it is only important to use it correctly.

One of these methods is the regular performance of five simple rituals, which today are known as the "5 Tibetan Pearls" (other names are the Eye of Rebirth, the Eye of Revelation). By devoting just a few minutes to this practice every day, you will very soon feel how the vitality returns to your body, which will become more beautiful, healthy and young. Both externally and internally, you will lose several decades, thereby extending your life! This is the secret to longevity! Do you want to know more about it?

The principle of operation of the five Tibetan pearls

To understand how these rituals affect health and longevity, let's take a look at the following explanation from Eye of Rebirth author Peter Kelder.

The human body has 7 centers, which can be called vortices. In a healthy body, they rotate very quickly, but when their speed decreases and the whirlwinds slow down, the body begins to age, the person becomes sickly and decrepit. That is, while all the vortices rotate at the same high speed, the body is healthy and works like a clock, but as soon as one or several of them slow down, a person immediately feels a breakdown, followed by illness and old age.

The locations of these magnetic centers are as follows:

2 of them are in the brain (one deep in the forehead, and the second in the back of the brain) - these are vortices A and B

1 at the base of the neck in the throat - vortex C

1 on the right side of the body, opposite the liver (approximately at waist level) - vortex D

1 in the genitals - vortex E

2 in the knees (one in each) - vortices F and G

Ideally, the rotating vortices should go beyond the body, but when they slow down, they do not reach its surface either (the exception is two vortices in the knees). Therefore, in order to restore health, youth and vitality, these whirlwinds must be unwound. For this, 5 rituals (exercises) are needed, each of which will be useful even separately, especially the first one, but in order for the result to be more tangible, all five are needed.

The key to success is consistency

This practice should be approached as a daily ritual, and in the future try not to miss a single day. At first it may seem impossible to do the same actions every day, monotonous and boring... In fact, it turns out to be easier - getting used to doing the exercises every time after waking up in the morning, you will treat "Tibetans" like brushing your teeth or washing your face, and for you will be unable to miss them. The undoubted advantage of Tibetan rituals is that they take quite a bit of time, while helping to wake up faster, recharge your batteries and mood for the whole day.

Although at first glance the "five Tibetans" may resemble physical exercises, they are, first of all, rituals - Tibetan monks call them that. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail in order to understand the principle of implementation, and after that we will consider the important points regarding the practice of the Five Tibetan Pearls.

Ritual #1

This is a simple ritual, similar to a fun game, it helps to speed up the rotation of all the vortices, initially starting A, B and E, and already they, in turn, affect the vortices C and D.

Starting position: stand straight and stretch your arms to the sides in a horizontal position.

Start rotating clockwise (from left to right) until you feel dizzy (you may want to sit or lie down - do this).

At the beginning, on average, about 6 rotations will be obtained, and there is no need to strive for more of them, it is important to do exactly as many until dizziness appears, and then stop. If you can't spin enough times, do as many as you can.

Over time, with regular performance of all 5 rituals, the speed of rotation of the vortices increases, and the first ritual will be given easier, that is, you will be able to rotate more circles. You should focus on your feelings, but on average everything happens like this: at first, 10 rotations will be enough, after a few months of practice they can be increased to 20, then 30, 40, and, finally, after many months or several years of regular performance of the “5 Tibetan pearls” – up to 50. It is not worth overdoing this ritual, since the F and G vortices, which are in the knees, are exhausted from a large number of rotations (and, therefore, increased footwork).

Ritual #2

Just like the first ritual, this action additionally stimulates the coordinated work of the 7 magnetic centers of our body - the vortices described above. This ritual is even easier.

Starting position: lie on the floor (preferably on a gymnastic rug or blanket, but in no case on a cold floor, you can also perform this ritual on the bed), stretch to your full length, straighten your arms along the body, turn your palms down, keep your fingers closed and slightly turned inward towards the body.

From their starting position, raise your legs as vertically as possible without bending your knees or lifting your hands off the floor. While lifting the legs, simultaneously tear off the head from the floor, and while lowering the legs, also lower the head to its original position.

Raising the head and legs at the same time speeds up the rotation of the vortices, especially those that are the slowest at the moment.

Ritual #3

This ritual is performed immediately after the first two. In this complex, consistency is very important!

Starting position: kneeling on the same rug, arms lowered along the body, palms and fingers pressed to the side of the thighs.

Begin the ritual by tilting your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest. After that, you should move the torso back, while raising your head - it also needs to be thrown back as far as possible. Return to the starting position, relax for a couple of seconds and repeat this cycle again.

During ritual 3, the hands should always be pressed with fingers and palms to the legs, only during the retraction of the body back, the palms can be moved to the back of the legs - and this technique, and the socks resting on the floor, will not let you fall.

Ritual #4

At the beginning of the practice, the fourth ritual may be more difficult for you, but again, without stopping to perform it daily, you will very quickly realize that it is quite simple and easy. During this ritual, 5 vortexes are additionally stimulated (all but two in the head).

Starting position: sitting on the mat, legs extended forward, the back of the knees pressed to the floor. Rest your hands on the floor, you can spread them a little to the sides, fingers are closed. Tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest.

From this position, gently raise the torso to its horizontal position to the floor. The legs are bent at the knees, the ankles and hands are vertical to the floor. At the same time as lifting the torso, tear off your chin and raise your head, and when you reach the horizontal position of the torso, tilt your head back as far as possible - follow your feelings and do not overdo it.

Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, keeping all the muscles in tension, then lower yourself to the starting position and relax for a couple of seconds (it is very important to tighten the muscles at the top and relax at the bottom). Then, in the same way, do the required number of repetitions of this ritual.

Important advice! If you can’t immediately raise your torso to a horizontal position, do what you can and don’t worry about it. Over time, you will be able to perform ritual 4 correctly!

Ritual #5

This is the final ritual of the Eye of Rebirth practice.

Starting position: rest your palms on the floor at a fairly wide distance (approximately 60 cm) and socks - the legs are spaced in the same way as the arms. In this position, the body sags from the shoulders to the toes in a curved line without touching the floor. The head is thrown back.

Start lifting your torso up without bending your arms (they should be straight during the entire ritual), raise your pelvis as far as possible, and also lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest, as in other rituals. Note that in this position the body forms a triangle with the floor, in yoga this is called the “mountain pose”. Hold at the top for a moment and smoothly return to the starting position, sagging above the floor. Then repeat the ritual.

Important Tips for Practicing Tibetan Rituals

There are no special contraindications to the performance of the five Tibetans, but there are points that you should pay attention to, both for greater effect and in order to avoid various problems and injuries:

The most important rule to follow initially is to evenly increase the number of repetitions of each ritual: in the first week, 3 repetitions, after which you need to add 2 more every next week. By the beginning of the 10th week, you will do all 5 Tibetans 21 times - this is the amount to stop at. There is an exception for the first ritual - you can do it for as long as it turns out to be slightly dizzy, no more. But, most likely, with regular practice, you will succeed.

You need to practice 5 Tibetans daily, of course, you can skip 1 time per week, but no more. This is the only way to expect good results! All you need to do is either get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning or go to bed 10 minutes later.

The best time to complete this complex is early morning, ideally before dawn. For beginners, this will be enough, and later you can add another cycle in the evening. Also, if in the morning you did not manage to complete the required number of repetitions of any ritual, you must remember how many "unfinished" and complete them in the evening.

All the rituals are very strong, and even if you can't do any of them at all, do the other four, or do at least a few times, even under this condition you will get results, only a little slower. Moreover, the first ritual (rotation) itself is very strong, and you will notice an improvement in well-being, even if you only do it.

If you've had surgery (such as having your appendix removed) or have a hernia, be careful with rituals 2, 3, and 5.

Overweight people need to be careful when performing the fifth ritual until the weight is normal.

After performing the rituals, it is advisable to take a hot or warm bath. You can also quickly dry and wet towel dry alternately, only if you have already practiced cold showers or rubdowns before. An unprepared person should not do this, because. it can quickly cool from the inside and the effect of the “5 Tibetan pearls” will be lost.