Eye of rebirth or 5 Tibetan pearls to compare. Who is Peter Kelder. "Eye of Rebirth": energy principles involved in this practice

Each of us wants to remain beautiful at any age. But how to keep youth and beauty for many years? The ancient lamas of Tibetan monasteries used their own method for this, the secrets of which have survived to this day.

Just five exercises a day and time seems to stop for you. So say those who have mastered the secrets of these wonderful exercises.

In order for the Tibetan system to really work, it will have to be applied daily. Tibetan way of rejuvenation - asanas "Eye of Rebirth" Many people have probably heard about this miraculous system. She is called differently. Some are "Five Tibetans", others are "Five Tibetan Pearls", others are "The Eye of Rebirth". Exercises are performed in the morning or in the evening (and it is possible both in the morning and in the evening) - daily. Skipping classes is not recommended, especially when you have reached great heights. There are five exercises in total. But there is also a sixth additional exercise, it is optional. The most "advanced" followers of the "Oka" go to him.

Practice "Eye of Rebirth" or "6 Tibetan Pearls" from Anita Lutsenko

The Eye of Rebirth exercises are an adaptation of five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that hold the key to long youth, health and amazing vitality. Peter Calder's book details theoretical basis this is a set of exercises, here we give diagrams of their implementation with illustrations.

Before starting the exercises, we suggest that you launch your intention on the data physical activities. Speak to yourself or out loud something like this: “I dedicate these exercises…” or “I intend to gain/receive…” and then you can connect your soul and imagination (examples: physical health, harmonious state, balance, harmony of the soul, body and mind, etc.).

First exercise


  • Starting position: stand straight, stretch your arms horizontally at shoulder level, palms down
  • Start rotating clockwise around your own axis. Don't forget to count the turns
  • Try to use a minimum of space for rotation - this way the exercise will be more effective.
  • Keep your head straight. Relax but don't slouch
  • Do the exercise until you feel dizzy. For most people, turning around no more than six is ​​enough to start with. And Tibetan monks believe that three times is enough for the first time.
  • When finished, take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose to overcome your dizziness.

To stop dizziness after the rotation stops, you need to fix your eyes on some fixed point. It is most convenient to fix on the tips thumbs arms extended in front of you (arms extended horizontally to the ground, pressed to each other, fingers clenched into a fist, except for the thumbs, which look up).
We shift our attention to the sensations in our body.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the first exercise "Eye of Rebirth".

IMPORTANT: There is a stimulation of vital energy. There is also a positive effect on spinal cord.

Second exercise


  • Lie on your back and stretch your arms along your torso. Press your palms with tightly connected fingers to the floor, thus creating a slight emphasis.
    It is best to lie on a thick carpet or some other fairly soft and warm bedding.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose. Using only your neck muscles, lift your head off the floor and press your chin into your chest.
  • Raise your legs, without bending them at the knees, vertically upwards, while trying not to tear your pelvis off the floor.
    If you are in good physical form, then try to raise your legs a little further towards you. But in any case, do not tear your pelvis off the floor.
  • Exhale through your nose and slowly and simultaneously lower your head and legs to the floor.
  • Let the muscles rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.
  • Maximum for the first lesson - 21 times

Rice. 2. Scheme of the second exercise "Eye of Rebirth".

In this exercise, coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding the lungs of air.
While raising the head and legs, one should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, while lowering - the same exhalation. H
the deeper the breath, the more effective the practice. We offer to transfer all attention during the exercise to breathing and sensations in your body, you can keep your eyes closed.

IMPORTANT: There has been a positive effect on arthritis, back pain, gastrointestinal problems, irregular periods and menopausal symptoms.

Blood circulation, respiration, lymphatic tic improves, the heart and diaphragm become stronger. Level decreases chronic fatigue, abdominal muscles are tightened.

Third exercise


  • The knees should be placed at a distance of the width of the pelvis from one another, so that the hips are strictly vertical. The palms of the hands lie on the back of the thigh muscles just under the buttocks.
  • Exhale deeply through your nose and gradually lower your head forward until it is pressed against your chest.
  • Inhale slowly and deeply and bend back. Stick out your chest and arch your spine. Lean on your hips and try to throw your head back and up as much as possible.
  • After a few seconds, inhale and return to initial position with the chin pressed against the sternum.
  • The maximum number of repetitions is 21.

This exercise requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing.
At the very beginning, you should take a deep and complete exhalation. Bending back, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale.
We offer to transfer all attention during the exercise to breathing and sensations in your body, you can keep your eyes closed.

Rice. 3. Scheme of the third exercise "Eye of Rebirth".

IMPORTANT: The third exercise greatly enhances the healing effect of the second. And it is especially useful for irregular menstruation, arthritis, congestion in the sinuses, back and neck pain.

Fourth exercise

This exercise is a combination of Wand Pose and Table Pose.


  • To perform the fourth exercise, you need to sit on the floor with straight legs stretched out in front of you with feet located approximately shoulder-width apart.
  • Having straightened the spine, put your palms with closed fingers (facing towards the legs) on the floor on the sides of the buttocks. This is the Pose of the Wand.
  • Lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Then slowly take a deep breath and tilt your head back as far as possible - up. Leaning on your arms and legs, raise your torso parallel to the floor.
    This position of the body is called Table Pose: in the final phase, the thighs and torso should be in the same horizontal plane, and the shins and arms should be vertical, like the legs of a table.
  • Having reached this position, you need to strongly strain all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with the chin pressed to the chest.
  • Then - repeat all over again. The maximum number of repetitions is 21 times.

And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing back your head - take a deep smooth breath.
During tension - hold your breath, and lowering - exhale completely.
During the rest between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm. All attention during the exercise should be transferred to breathing and sensations in your body, you can keep your eyes closed.

Rice. 4. Scheme of the fourth exercise "Eye of Rebirth".

IMPORTANT: This exercise improves the activity of the genitals, heart, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland.
Strengthens the abdominal cavity, arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles, improves blood circulation, respiration and lymph flow.

The level rises life force and strengthens the immune system.

Fifth exercise

This exercise is a combination of Dog Pose and Snake Pose.


  • Bend your spine. Rest your body on your toes and palms. Try to place your shoulders directly above your palms. The distance between the palms and feet is slightly wider than the shoulders
  • Exhale deeply and inhale slowly through your nose. Slowly tilt your head back as far as possible. Tighten all your muscles for a couple of seconds. This is the Snake Pose
  • While continuing to inhale, raise your buttocks so that your body acquires the features of a triangle as much as possible. You will get Dog Pose
  • The chin should be pressed to the chest. Press your feet to the floor and keep your legs straight. Tighten your body muscles for a few seconds
  • Exhale completely and return to Snake Pose.
  • Do not repeat the exercise more than 21 times.

The starting position for the fifth exercise is the emphasis lying down, bending over. In this case, the body rests on the palms and pads of the toes. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. The hands are oriented strictly forward with fingers closed together. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same. We start by throwing our head back as far as possible - up. Then we move to a position in which the body resembles an acute angle, with its apex pointing upwards. At the same time, with the movement of the neck, we press the head with the chin to the sternum. At the same time, we try to keep the legs straight, and the straight arms and torso are in the same plane. Then the body will be, as it were, folded in half in hip joints. After that, we return to the starting position - lying down, bending over - and start all over again (see Fig. 5).

The breathing pattern in this exercise is somewhat unusual. Starting with a full exhalation in the lying position, bending over, you need to take a deep breath, as far as possible, while “folding” the body in half. Returning to point-blank range, bending over, exhale fully. Stopping at extreme points to perform a tense pause, hold your breath for a few seconds, respectively, after inhalation and after exhalation. We offer to transfer all attention during the exercise to breathing and sensations in your body, you can keep your eyes closed.

Rice. 5. Scheme of the fifth exercise of the "Eye of the Renaissance" complex.

IMPORTANT: Exercise helps to clear the respiratory tract, overcome diseases of the digestive system, and relieve pain in the back, arms, hips and feet.
Significantly improves circulation of blood and lymph, enhances immunity and improves breathing. There is an increase in energy and vitality.
This exercise is especially helpful for women with irregular periods and menopausal symptoms.

The final commentary on the set of exercises "Eye of the Renaissance".

It is most effective to perform each of the five above exercises daily. Start with 3-5 times. And every week add two times, then after 9-10 weeks of daily exercise, you will reach 21 times.
After that, you should not increase the number of repetitions, but simply maintain the achieved level.
The main thing is to start doing it and you will see and feel the result within one to two weeks.

To bring body and mind to perfect condition there is a sixth exercise.

IMPORTANT: The sixth exercise is optional. It is performed only by persons who have decided to follow the path of spiritual self-improvement.

The sixth exercise "Breathing"

The purpose of the exercise is to enter into a state of equilibrium, when the body is at peace, and in the mind there is a mental pause. Performed after the Eye of the Renaissance complex.

You lie on your back, the whole body is relaxed, breathe in and out. When we inhale, we imagine that we inhale cold air, and when we exhale, we imagine warm air. And gradually we begin to move our attention around the body, each time inhaling cold air, exhaling warm air.
Crown - 5 times, move attention to the area between the eyebrows - 1 time, chin - 1 time, throat - 1 time, chest - 5 times, solar plexus - 5 times, navel - 5 times, ovaries - 5 times, perineum - 5 times.
We move attention to the right hand, shoulder - 1 time, elbow bend - 1 time, palm - 5 times.
We shift attention to left hand, shoulder - 1 time, elbow bend - 1 time, palm - 5 times.
We move attention to the right leg, the connection of the groin and legs - 1 time, the knee 1 time, the sole - 5 times.
We shift attention to left leg, the connection of the groin and legs - 1 time, the knee 1 time, the sole - 5 times.
We move attention to the navel - 5 times.

And then register your feelings and sensations in the body, and in this state you can begin to manage your reality!

And this is how the sixth ritual action is performed while standing:

Standing straight, you take a deep breath, squeeze the anal sphincter, bladder sphincter, tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor and the lower front wall of the abdomen, and then quickly bend over, resting your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely through your mouth with the sound “Haaaa- x-x-x ... ”, trying to remove all the air from the lungs completely, including the so-called residual; after that, you draw in the stomach as much as possible due to the intense raising of the diaphragm and relaxation of the front wall of the abdomen and straighten up. At the same time, the chin should be pressed against the infrajugular recess, the hands should lie on the waist.

After maintaining the position with the abdomen drawn in for as long as possible - as long as you can hold your breath - relax the diaphragm, raise your head and take a deep breath as calmly as possible. Breathing properly, repeat. Usually, in order to redirect free energy and “dissolve” the sexual desire that has arisen, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual act at a time.

Note! The essence of this exercise is the transmutation of sexual force into vital energy.

As a training exercise, the sixth ritual act is performed once a day in a series of no more than nine repetitions. It should be mastered gradually, starting with three times, and adding two every week.
The “applied” practice of this exercise is possible at any time and in any place, provided that the stomach and intestines are not too full, as well as the presence of a bodily signal in the form of sexual desire that has arisen. Moreover, one who has fully mastered the sixth ritual action easily performs an extremely full exhalation quietly, without bending over and without drawing attention to himself. Therefore, the practice of converting sexual energy into life force is really feasible anywhere and anytime, at any moment: o)

A sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition are the main factors that disrupt and suppress energy flows. This leads to early aging of the body and all kinds of diseases. internal organs. A complex of five is aimed at restoring vitality and internal balance. Tibetan exercises(pearls) "Eye of Rebirth".

For millennia, Tibetan monks have kept it a secret. Only in 1938, with the release of the book of the same name by Peter Caldder, did the amazing technique become available throughout the world. Millions of people have learned about the existence of 19 energy centers concentrated in the joints. The ability to independently launch flows, muffled by diseases and an unhealthy lifestyle, helps to improve well-being and rejuvenate the body. Let's look at the five pearls of Tibet useful exercises.

Description. Advantages and disadvantages

"Eye of Rebirth" is not just a charge. It is something like a belief or even a spiritual practice. If you sincerely believe in the effectiveness of classes and conscientiously perform all the exercises, you will certainly feel a surge of strength and vitality. Nevertheless, do not forget about the presence of contraindications.

Positive effect

The secret to longevity and good health Tibetan monks lies in their way of life. An integral part of it is the daily training of the body, spirit and energy flows. The benefits of Tibetan gymnastics "Eye of Rebirth" can be described in four main points.

  1. The musculoskeletal system. Tibetan yoga helps to cope with scoliosis and osteochondrosis. With regular performance, there is a decrease in pain caused by arthritis.
  2. reproductive system. In women who regularly engage in this practice, the menstrual cycle normalizes and the likelihood of conception increases. In men, erectile function is normalized.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract. The stool is normalized, the absorption of nutrients from food improves. Given the high calorie costs of training, we can conclude that they are useful for losing weight.
  4. The immune system. Increased resistance to colds. Eliminated congestion in the sinuses and bronchi.

The complex contributes to the development of willpower. It is recommended for people struggling with bad habits. After two to three weeks of regular exercise, the craving for nicotine and alcohol is significantly weakened.


If you have health problems, a rash approach to training can harm the body. Classes are not recommended for children and the elderly, as well as in some cases:

  • increased body temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • the risk of a heart attack;
  • spinal hernia;
  • period;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Some trainers and yoga practitioners are convinced that the "Eye of Rebirth" is not intended for women. They explain this by the fact that the complex was developed by male monks, taking into account their physiological characteristics. Nevertheless, gymnastics is equally useful for both sexes.


Tibetan gymnastics "Eye of Rebirth" can be performed once or twice a day. It is best to practice before sunset, otherwise insomnia may occur due to a surge of energy. Also, be mindful of the length of your workout. To start, three repetitions for each exercise are enough. Add two reps every week until you reach 21.

"Spinning Energy"

Peculiarities. The first exercise of the "Five Tibetans" complex is aimed at unwinding energy whirlwinds. It will speed up the circulation of flows and give strength to the further execution of the program.

How to do

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart so that the position is stable.
  2. Spread outstretched arms to the sides. The palms should be directed to the floor.
  3. Keeping the position, rotate around you in a clockwise direction.
  4. If you feel dizzy, stop. Without changing position, listen for the continued movement of the vortices.

During the exercise, not only bodily sensations are important, but also the inner mood. Listening to the movement of energy whirlwinds, let yourself be guided by the fact that your body is being cleansed, becoming healthier and stronger.

"Return of the Force"

Peculiarities. This exercise has two opposite effects on energy flows. On the one hand, it significantly increases the speed of rotation of the vortices. On the other hand, it is designed to stabilize them.

How to do

  1. Lie on your back. Hands should be extended along the body and tightly pressed to it.
  2. Lift your head off the floor and press your chin to your chest as tightly as possible.
  3. Raise your straight legs slowly up without lifting your pelvis off the floor. At the same time, take a deep, long breath.
  4. When you feel that you can no longer lift your legs without bending your knees and lifting your pelvis, slowly return to the starting position. At the same time exhale slowly, completely emptying the lungs.
  5. Lie quietly until your muscles relax.

As you do the exercise, try to feel how with each inhalation and exhalation you pass energy through you. In between repetitions, imagine how, as the muscles relax, the body is filled with vitality.

"Connection of body and mind"

Peculiarities. The third of the five Tibetan rituals is aimed at working out the central energy axis. The updraft flows along spinal column, and descending - in the region of the sacrum.

How to do

  1. Get down on your knees, keeping your torso straight.
  2. Rest your palms on the back of your thighs, and lower your chin to your chest.
  3. Having released all the air from the lungs, it is necessary to tilt the head far back, while bending the lower back and pushing the chest forward.
  4. Return to the starting position, slowly filling the lungs with air.

Control your breathing. You need to inhale through the nose, launching the energy of the surrounding world inside. Accompany the exhalation with the sound "Heh!". This symbolizes that together with the air you are throwing into the atmosphere all the negativity that has accumulated inside.

"Energy shower"

Peculiarities. The fourth technique of Tibetan monks' gymnastics involves creating the effect of an "energy swing". By tensing your muscles during the exercise, you start the movement of energy through the body. When you relax, you muffle this activity.

How to do

  1. Sit with your legs stretched forward, slightly spreading them apart.
  2. Press the chin to the chest with force.
  3. With your palms firmly rest on the floor on the sides of the buttocks, the position is with your fingers forward.
  4. Tilt your head back, lift your body. Bend your legs at the same time at the knees.
  5. Leaning on the hands and feet, lift the body off the floor. body area from shoulder girdle to the knees should be parallel to the floor.
  6. Straining all the muscles, stay in this position for a few seconds.
  7. After relaxing your muscles, slowly return to the starting position.

If the body is weakened, do a simplified version of the exercise. It is enough just to raise the pelvis above the floor. Each time, try to lift the body above the floor higher and higher. And in a couple of weeks you will be able to do the reception in full force.

"Energy Balancing"

Peculiarities. Exercise trains not only the spirit, but also physical endurance. In terms of technique, the last exercise is the most difficult and requires maximum concentration.

How to do

  1. Lie face down on the floor.
  2. Place your palms under your hips, bend strongly in the lower back and lift the body, leaning on outstretched arms.
  3. Slowly change the position of the body so that the pelvis is at the top, and the legs and body form an acute angle.

Despite the fact that the exercise is static, it takes a lot of energy. Returning to the starting position, catch your breath. Start repetition only when breathing is restored.

Uddiyana bandha or 6 pearl

Peculiarities. In fact, Tibetan gymnastics contains not five, but six exercises. But the latter is not included in basic complex. You need to start it no earlier than you perfectly master the five previous ones. The second condition is the desire for self-improvement and spiritual growth, which implies the rejection of intimate life, which takes too much energy.

How to do

  1. Stand up straight and take a deep breath. At the same time, squeeze the sphincters and tighten the muscles of the perineum.
  2. Bend over, resting your palms on your hips, and exhale sharply.
  3. Straighten up, filling the lungs and pulling the stomach in as much as possible. Press your chin to your chest.
  4. Exhale slowly. When the air in your lungs runs out, you can relax.

The step to mastering the sixth exercise of the Tibetan complex should be deliberate. If you are not ready to completely abandon your intimate life, it is better not to take up this matter.

Gymnastics rules

Tibetan gymnastics must be approached with all responsibility. Only by following the recommendations and rules, you can achieve good health and a powerful energy charge. Consider five key points.

  1. Don't stop exercising. If you are interested in the Tibetan "Eye of Rebirth", be prepared for the fact that you will always have to deal with it. Exercises produce a cumulative effect, but when canceled, it is not saved. Energy flows can degrade even more than in the initial state.
  2. Relax at the end. After completing the last exercise, lie down for a while with your eyes closed so that the energy flows harmonize. Play some soft music to help you relax.
  3. Start water activities. After training, it is recommended to take a warm bath or shower. If you don't have time, just rub your skin with a damp towel.
  4. Don't feel uncomfortable. Do exactly as many repetitions of the exercise as your body allows. Overvoltage is not allowed.
  5. Take breaks. Rest before starting a new exercise. Stand up straight, put your hands on your belt and wait for your breath to recover.

Despite the fact that training cannot be interrupted, circumstances do not always allow the program to be completed. Therefore, it is allowed to periodically take breaks of one or two days.

Speaking about Tibetan gymnastics, you can hear the negative opinions of doctors, but the positive feedback from people. They are mainly due to the fact that many patients see this complex as a panacea for all ailments. As a result, precious time may be lost in the treatment of serious diseases. Still, unlike Tibetan monks, we live in new era and simply must enjoy its achievements. Also, some skeptics argue that the improvement in well-being after training is nothing more than the result of self-hypnosis. Maybe it is, but what's wrong with that? If exercise gives you good mood and excellent well-being is already a success.

Tibetan Yoga

This set of exercises also has the following names: Five Tibetan Rituals, Five Tibetan Pearls. This complex, consisting of five exercises, was created by Tibetan lamas monks. They managed to develop a system of movements that would help strengthen the physical body of a person by increasing its energy potential. The principle of operation of the complex is based on the theory of vortices, which are attributes of the human etheric body, in other words, these are rotating energy fields saturated prana. Thanks to the systematic implementation of these five rituals, a person begins to move through the energy channels prana, which, filling the physical body and aura, literally starts the process of rejuvenation and healing of the body. Performing this complex every day, a person strengthens the immune system, restores the vitality of the body, gets rid of many diseases, balances the interaction of bioenergetic processes, and many others. The implementation of this complex takes from ten to thirty minutes.

    The complex includes the following five ritual actions:
  • Combination of Wand Pose and Table Pose;
  • Combination of Dog Pose and Snake Pose.

First ritual act

This exercise is a rotation in order to stimulate the flow of vital energy in the human body. It is performed in order to impart rotation whirlwinds additional moment of inertia. Simply put, with the help of the first ritual action, we kind of disperse whirlwinds, giving their rotation speed and stability. The direction of rotation matters a lot. clockwise. Significantly increases the speed of rotation of energy in all chakras, especially those located in the forehead, chest, knees and crown. Cell renewal has a positive effect on the spinal cord, which in turn helps to get rid of headaches, even of a chronic nature. There is a rejuvenation of the whole organism.

  • Get up and straighten up. Spread your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms down.
  • Start rotating clockwise, i.e. from left to right. Count rotations.
  • Try not to move while spinning. Make sure that the chin is not lowered down, and the shoulders remain relaxed. Don't slouch.
  • Perform rotations until you feel dizzy, but no more than 21 times.
  • After rotating, take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose to stop the dizziness.


  • The first ritual action can cause dizziness, nausea, loss of balance. Therefore, if you are doing this exercise for the first time, try to rotate slowly and focus on some fixed point.
  • During the initial development of ritual actions, it is very important not to overdo it. Try never to cross the line beyond which slight dizziness becomes very noticeable and is accompanied by mild bouts of nausea, since the practice of subsequent ritual actions in this case can cause vomiting. As you practice all five ritual actions, you will gradually find over time that you can spin more and more in the first action without making yourself noticeably dizzy.
  • For the vast majority of adults, for a start, it is enough to turn around its axis five times to feel dizzy. Because Tibetan monks recommend for beginners limited to three turns. If, after performing the first ritual action, you feel the need to sit down or lie down in order to get rid of dizziness, be sure to follow this natural requirement of your body.

Second ritual act

The purpose of performing the second ritual action is to fill whirlwinds ethereal force, increasing the speed of their rotation and the realization of their stability. On the physiological plane, exercise has a tonic effect on the kidneys, thyroid gland, digestive organs, and genital organs. It has a beneficial effect on arthritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, irregular menstruation and menopausal symptoms, back pain, stiffness of the neck and legs. It has a positive effect on blood circulation, lymph flow, respiration, strengthens the diaphragm and heart muscle. Relieves chronic fatigue, tightens the abdominal muscles.

  • Lie on your back. Extend your arms along your body. Press your palms firmly to the floor, creating a slight emphasis.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose, lift your head off the floor and press your chin firmly to your chest.
  • Then lift your straight legs vertically up, while trying not to tear your pelvis off the floor. If you can, lift your legs not just vertically up, but even further towards you - until the pelvis begins to lift off the floor.
  • Exhaling through your nose, slowly synchronously lower your head and legs back to the floor.
  • Take a short break, letting your muscles relax a little, and repeat this action as many times as necessary. The maximum number is 21 times.


  • When performing this movement, try keep your legs straight. If raising straight legs is difficult, do the exercise with half-bent legs, with practice they will become more straight for you.
  • For severe pain in the lower back, neck, excessive stiffness in the shoulders or legs, ulcers, extensive sclerosis, high blood pressure - perform the second ritual slowly and increase the number of repetitions by one or two per week.
  • In this ritual action, it is of great importance breath coordination. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding the lungs of air. While raising the head and legs, one should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, while lowering - the same exhalation. If you are tired and decide to rest a little between repetitions, try to breathe in the same rhythm as during the movement. The deeper the breath, the more effective the practice.

Third ritual act

The third ritual action further strengthens the action of the second. It has a beneficial effect on arthritis, irregular menstruation, menopause, back pain, neck pain, congestion in the sinuses.

  • Get on your knees and place them at a distance of the width of the pelvis, palms are located on the back of the thighs under the buttocks.
  • Exhale completely through your nose and gently lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest.
  • With a slow, deep breath, bend back, arching your spine, resting your hands on your hips, and tilting your head back as far as possible.
  • After a short pause, exhale and return to the starting position.


  • Exercise requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. At the very beginning, you should make the same deep and full exhalation as in the first. Bending back, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale. The depth of breathing is of great importance, since it is the breath that serves as a link between the movements of the physical body and the control of the etheric force. Therefore, breathe while performing ritual actions eye of rebirth as complete and as deep as possible. The key to full and deep breathing is always the fullness of the exhalation. If the exhalation is performed fully, the next breath will inevitably turn out to be just as complete.
  • The toes should be bent so that their balls touch the floor. When grasping the back of the thighs with the palms, the thumbs should be facing forward.
  • Keep your head and neck relaxed.
  • If you have high blood pressure, don't let your head drop below the level of your heart. If you suffer from severe pain in the neck, back, you are haunted by frequent migraines, chronic fatigue - do this exercise very slowly, adding no more than two repetitions every week.
  • To avoid discomfort from resting your knees on a hard surface, you should fold the mat the required number of times.

Fourth ritual act

The fourth ritual action strengthens the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, genitals, including the uterus and prostate, thyroid gland, heart muscle, abdominal cavity, abdominal muscles, arms, shoulders, hips, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. Thanks to this movement, breathing becomes deep, the sinuses are cleared, the speed of rotation of important vortices located in the throat increases, chest, abdominal cavity, coccyx. The level of vitality increases and the immune system is significantly strengthened.

  • Sit on the mat and assume Wand Pose. The legs are stretched out in front of them shoulder-width apart, the feet look up with their toes.
  • The palms are located on the floor near the buttocks, the arms are straight, the fingers are closed and turned forward towards the legs.
  • As you exhale, press your chin to your chest.
  • Then slowly take a deep breath, tilt your head back as far as possible and lift your torso parallel to the floor. You should lean on your arms and legs bent at the knees.
  • Reaching this position Table Poses, you need to strongly strain all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with the chin pressed to the chest.
  • Repeat as many times as needed. The maximum number is 21 times.


  • And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing back your head - take a deep, smooth breath. During tension - hold your breath, and lowering - exhale completely. During the rest between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm.
  • When you have lifted and fixed the torso parallel to the floor, make sure that the feet do not come off the floor, and the knees do not spread out to the sides. The head should be kept in line with the spine. If your wrists are injured, try clenching your hands into fists so you can lean on them.
  • If you have an ulcer, high blood pressure, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, leg pain, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, do this exercise very carefully in slow pace, increasing the number of repetitions gradually, no more than two per week. Performing this ritual can lead to a break in the menstrual cycle or increased cramps.

Fifth ritual act

The fifth ritual action is especially useful for women with menopausal symptoms, irregular and sluggish menstruation, diseases of the genital organs. It cleanses the respiratory tract well, helps with diseases of the digestive system, brings relief from arthritis in the back, hips, hands, feet. It improves blood and lymph circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system, promotes deep breathing, increased energy and vitality.

  • Take Snake Pose, bend as much as possible in the spine, the body rests on the palms and balls of the toes. Shoulders are directly above the palms, feet shoulder-width apart. The torso should be raised so that the legs and pelvis do not touch the floor. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same.
  • After a deep exhalation, take a slow breath in through your nose and gently tilt your head back as far as possible. Create tension in the muscles for a couple of seconds.
  • Continuing to inhale, lift the buttocks up so that the body is the shape of a regular triangle. You will enter Dog Pose.
  • Press your chin against your chest so you can see your feet.
  • Try to press your feet to the floor, and try to straighten your legs.
  • Hold this position for a couple of seconds, creating tension in the muscles.
  • Then exhale completely and return to Snake Pose.
  • Repeat as many times as needed. The maximum number is 21 times.


  • In the Snake Pose, try to bend your back back as much as possible, but not due to the ultimate bend in the lower back, but due to the straightening of the shoulders and maximum deflection in the thoracic region.
  • The pattern of breathing in the fifth ritual act is somewhat unusual. Beginning with a full exhalation Snake Pose arching, you take in as deep a breath as possible as your body enters Dog Pose. Returning to Snake Pose you exhale completely. Stopping at extreme points to perform a tense pause, you hold your breath for a few seconds, respectively, after inhalation and after exhalation.
  • With ulcers, chronic fatigue, pain in the back, legs, arms, neck, weak muscles stomach, extensive sclerosis, Parkinson's disease - perform this movement slowly and increase the number of repetitions little by little, no more than two per week.
  • Preferred time of day to perform morning or evening. The best time is at sunrise and sunset. But if you have a lot of work and you could not wake up before sunrise - do not be discouraged. You can perform your morning series of ritual actions whenever it suits you. The main thing is that this happens before noon, since the evening series begins in the afternoon. However, this regimen should come gradually, starting with one complete series once a day - in the morning or in the evening.
  • At the beginning of the practice, it is advisable to perform each ritual action three times once a day. Such mode should be kept for one week. Then every week add two repetitions. Thus, during the second week, five repetitions of each ritual action are done daily, during the third - seven times, during the fourth - nine times, and so on until the daily number of repetitions reaches twenty-one times. If performing all the ritual actions in the appropriate amount causes difficulties, you can break them into series and perform them in two or even three steps. But every episode all five ritual actions must be included strictly in the appropriate order.
  • Rearrange ritual actions eye of rebirth places, just as it is impossible to spread them in time. For example, instead of one, say, morning workout, consisting of twenty-one repetitions of each action, you can spend two - morning and evening, doing, say, ten repetitions in the morning and eleven in the evening. Or - three workouts of seven repetitions each: in the morning, at noon and in the evening.
  • Special problems are often associated with mastering the first ritual action - rotation around its axis. If you encounter them, do not despair and do not rush. Do the rotation as many times as you can. Time will pass, and you will learn how to easily turn around your axis all prescribed twenty-one times.
  • In performing ritual actions, order and integrity should be observed. One without the other, they don't work as well.
  • In no case overstress and overwork should not be allowed. This can only lead to negative results. You just need to do what works, what works, gradually increasing the amount and approaching perfect shape. Time and patience in this case act as allies.
  • If, for some reason, a person cannot perform any of the five ritual actions at all. One should find at least some way to overcome the obstacle, say, by inventing some kind of device or using someone's help, one should do this and practice all five actions. However, in the most extreme case, if there is no other way out, you need to do at least what is available.
  • If you are doing something else - do it for health. Eye of rebirth will only help you by greatly increasing the effectiveness of your core workouts.
  • In the intervals between repetitions of ritual actions, one must continue to breathe in the same rhythm as during the practice. However, if you do not feel any difficulty, there is no need to pause between repetitions of the same ritual action, you should simply repeat the movements in the form of one continuous series. But between each two ritual actions, a pause is necessary. And not just a pause. You need to stand up straight, put your hands on your waist and perform a few smooth full breaths, while carefully observing the sensations that arise in the body, and focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body located inside the abdomen at the level of the navel. Sooner or later, you will certainly feel the streams of prana flowing through the body during inhalation. And after a while, you will probably see whirlwinds. Breathing in pauses between actions, try to relax as much as possible during exhalation and feel how spoiled prana, along with subtle impurities and painful blocks, leaves the body, washed away by the flows of fresh prana that entered the body during inhalation.
  • After practice, it is best to take a lukewarm or slightly cool bath or shower. You can simply wipe your entire body with a towel dipped in warm water, and then dry yourself off. But in no case should you use after practice noticeably cool, and even more so - cold water. And one more thing - never take a cold bath, shower, pouring or rubbing to the point where the cold penetrates deep into the body, as this will significantly disrupt the etheric structure built by the practice of ritual actions. Not before class, not after, not at any other time. Moreover, if before training and at other times, short and shallow cold water procedures can be used by you for general hardening, then immediately after training they are strictly contraindicated, as they can cause pathological changes that, with the arsenal of means that you own, will be irreversible. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to take any of the warm water procedures immediately after the practice, wait until the body has cooled down after the workout, after standing for at least an hour, and only after that use cold water.
  • It is necessary to regularly practice ritual actions, starting with three repetitions of each and gradually increasing to twenty-one times a day. It is permissible to skip no more than once a week, but in no case more. If departure or any other reason causes you to interrupt the practice even for two days, all the results you have achieved will be in jeopardy. At long break there is a danger that your body will begin to degrade much faster than it was before you started the practice.
  • The vast majority of those who begin to practice Eye of rebirth, soon discovers that it is not only useful, but also very pleasant. The feeling of composure, strength and readiness to meet fully armed with any tasks inspire the practitioner so much that he simply looks forward to the moment when the time allotted for them for the next classes comes. After all, it takes only fifteen to twenty minutes to complete all five ritual actions in full! And a well-trained person performs them all in general in eight to ten minutes.

Gymnastics Eye of the Renaissance, it's ancient health system, created many centuries ago in one of the monasteries of Tibet. The whole world learned about the miraculous Tibetan exercises thanks to Peter Kelder, the author of the famous book "The Eye of the Renaissance", first published in 1936.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but the interest of the Western world in this system of exercises has not weakened. Every year the ranks of followers of Tibetan gymnastics are replenished with new adherents. Today we will briefly consider the basic principles of the Eye of the Renaissance gymnastics.

Gymnastics Eye of the Renaissance - the secret of Tibetan monks

The protagonist of the book, a retired colonel of the British army, Sir Henry Bradford (this is of course a pseudonym), for several years of his mysterious disappearance, has turned from a decrepit man into a flourishing, full of strength man. Having met with the author, he told the secret of his transformation and spoke about the source of strength and youth, which lies in the extraordinary system of exercises.

The story goes like this. During the deployment of his unit in India, Colonel Bradford heard about a group of mysterious lamas of centenarians who discovered the "fountain of youth". Living in one of the Tibetan monasteries, for unknown reasons, they turned from old people into healthy, flourishing, full of energy people.

This transformation forced the colonel to look for the cause of the mysterious rebirth. After retiring, the colonel managed to get on the trail of the mysterious lamas, after which he lived for several years in a monastery with lamas who taught him the system of five exercises. According to Peter Kelder's book, lamas believe that there are "energy vortices" in the human body on which human health depends.

Two energy vortices are located in the brain, one in the lower part of the throat, the rest are symmetrically distributed throughout the body. As we get older, the speed of the eddy currents decreases, resulting in health problems. So, in a few sentences, you can formulate a theory.

As a result of the daily performance of five exercises, the vortex flows are restored, and the person is transformed physically and spiritually. The colonel also describes in detail what foods should be consumed, their combination and other aspects. healthy life. All that he learned while living in a monastery, following a lifestyle Tibetan lamas.

Gymnastics exercises Eye of the Renaissance

After the publication of Peter Kelder's book, a debate arose between practitioners and skeptics about the real origin of this system, which lasted for decades. Many serious researchers took part in it. Comparison of postures shows similarities with the authentic Indo-Tibetan tantric lineage.

It has been argued that the five Tibetan rituals predate yoga by 700 years or more, and therefore could not have been borrowed from Tibetan or Indian forms of yoga. The ritual is supposed to have originated from ancient system Kum Nye, which is over 2500 years old.

In the end, the researchers concluded that, in fact, it is not so important. The system of five Tibetan exercises has great potential. After all, just 10 minutes a day that you devote to doing five exercises can charge you with powerful energy and increase your efficiency, this is true.

Exercise one - clockwise rotation

You should stand up straight with your arms extended to the sides at shoulder level. Start rotating clockwise until you feel a slight dizziness.

Gymnastics eye of rebirth - exercise two

You should lie on the floor, put your legs together, stretch your arms along the body. You should lift your legs up while pressing your chin to your chest.

Hold this position and then slowly lower your legs to the floor.

Gymnastics eye of rebirth - exercise three

Get on your knees and spread them hip-width apart. Take a breath, rest your palms on your buttocks. Bend over and tilt your head.

Then lean forward with your chin resting on your chest.

Exercise Four

Sit on the floor with legs extended forward. The legs should be perfectly straight. Outstretched arms rest palms on the floor next to the buttocks. As you exhale, lift your pelvis off the floor. The body should be horizontal to the floor. The head is thrown back.

Hold this position for a few seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.

Fifth exercise

The fifth exercise is performed from the plank pose and is similar to the downward dog pose from yoga.

You should start with 5-6 repetitions of each exercise, and eventually reach 21 repetitions of each. Detailed description this practice can be found in the book by Peter Kelder, fortunately it is not difficult to buy it today. The best translation of the book into Russian is the translation of A. Sidersky, which most fully conveys the original text, the rest is interpretation.

The effect of gymnastics Eye of the Renaissance

According to the book, Sir Henry Bradford's stay in the monastery changed him from a stooping, aging gentleman to a slender, strong man in his prime. In addition, (believe it or not) Sir Henry's gray hair has returned to its original color.

Often unrealistic expectations from Tibetan gymnastics are greatly exaggerated. No one guarantees the disappearance of gray hair, the return of potency, the restoration of vision and youth in general.

In practice, an increase in energy, stress relief, an increase in a sense of calmness and clarity of thought were noted. Constant practice leads to some weight loss, but in general to better health and increased efficiency. These are already weighty arguments to do gymnastics by Tibetan monks, the eye of rebirth.

The video features one of the best demonstrations of Tibetan exercises on the internet. Watch and repeat.

Gymnastics, which came to us from distant Tibet. It has been practiced by Tibetan lamas for many centuries. Five exercises, which are also called five Tibetan pearls or magic rituals of Tibetan lamas.

This practice combines 3 aspects at once - works on physical level, energy and information. At the same time, work is going on with the body, with the biofield and with consciousness. It is very important to keep mental images during the exercises - the work goes with raising the kundalini energy.

I did this gymnastics in the distant 90s. Then I had a health problem and a doctor addicted oriental medicine, advised me this complex. I did it for a long time.

Now, looking back, I can say that the complex helped me a lot and not only in terms of health.

I resumed classes and post information about this gymnastics on my website.

It is not simple physical gymnastics, this refers to serious spiritual practices because not only the physical body, health, but also your life is changing. Therefore, before you start exercising, think about whether you want to change your life, health, or everything suits you and you just want to go with the flow without changing anything.

You will understand a lot and be able to make a decision by reading the book Peter Kelder Eye of Rebirth . This is where you need to start.

This is the first step- FREE DOWNLOAD book and read it carefully.

Peter Kelder first described secret technique Eye of the Renaissance in his book, giving detailed recommendations on the execution technique. He opened it to millions of people. The book is written in a very accessible and engaging manner, like fiction.

eye of rebirth
is the secret practice of the Tibetan lamas, which leads to spiritual development personality, restoration of health and youth, to raising the energy of kundalini…

Only after reading the book, having made a decision, watch the video on how to do the exercises. Short videos follow one after the other. I recommend watching all 3 in a row:

You can take a shower before exercising.

1 exercise - to keep the mental image, that is, to represent the energy of the force that comes from below, it gives confidence;

Exercise 2 - to feel that living is a great pleasure ..., with every breath we feel it brighter and brighter;

3 exercise - to feel the strength, beauty in yourself. During this exercise, we, as it were, pump ourselves with the energy of strength and will, visualize;

4 exercise - we feel around us the energy of love, peace and tranquility, and with every breath we are saturated with this energy;

Exercise 5 - you feel the freedom and beauty of the world and yourself in it.

After completing each exercise. in between, get up, listen to the sensations in the body, take 3 breaths and exhale and get ready for the next exercise.

After completing the complex, be sure to lie on your back. stretch the spine, arms and legs along the body, relax and lie down for 5-15 minutes resting, restoring breathing, listening to the sensations in the body. Then we take a deep breath, stretch, stretching our arms and legs, clench our palms into fists and kneel through the right side. Thank you with folded hands.

After doing the exercises, you can start eating breakfast. You can take a shower no earlier than 30 minutes.


Quote from Kelder's book: "Perhaps there are two other things that might matter. You remember, I mentioned that in the intervals between repetitions of ritual actions, you need to continue breathing in the same rhythm as during practice. However, if you do not feel any difficulty, there is no need to pause between repetitions of the same ritual action, you should simply repeat the movements in the form of one continuous series.

But between each two ritual actions, a pause is necessary. And not just a pause. You need to stand up straight, put your hands on your waist and take a few smooth full breaths, while carefully following the sensations that arise in the body, and focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body located inside the abdomen at the level of the navel. Sooner or later, you will certainly feel the streams of prana flowing through the body during inhalation.

And after a while, you will probably see whirlwinds. Breathing in pauses between actions, try to relax as much as possible during exhalation and feel how the “spoiled” prana, along with subtle impurities and painful blocks, leaves the body, washed away by the streams of “fresh” prana that entered the body during inhalation.

Pauses between exercises:

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the exercises are not as simple as it seems at first glance!

Therefore, you should not rush, listen to yourself and if, during the exercise, you feel discomfort, do not continue it on this day for the intended number of times. Do fewer repetitions. You shouldn't start next exercise until you feel better after the previous exercise.

For more accurate exercise, read the book Peter Kelder's Eye of the True Renaissance.

Number of repetitions of each exercise:

1 week - 3 times;

2 weeks-5

3 weeks - 7

4 weeks - 9

5 week -11

6 week -13

7 week 15

8 weeks - 17

9 weeks - 19

10 weeks - 21 times.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to do more than 21 times!!! This is the maximum number of repetitions required.

And let's share our impressions and results. Exchange experience.

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