Yoga for beginners at home 30 minutes. Yoga Lessons for Beginners: Free videos to practice at home. Basic rules of yoga

A set of exercises " Flexible body in 30 minutes" contributes to the development of mobility of the joints, the spine, and also develops ease and smoothness of movements. Performing exercises every other day, you will feel an improvement in overall well-being, reduce strong muscle tension in the body. Experts recommend returning to classes every other day, gradually moving on to daily workouts, but do not forget about rest - the body needs one day a week to recover. So the desired effect will only increase.

Yoga at Home. sun salutation

For those who are just starting yoga, many instructors recommend the Sun Salutation set of exercises. These are 12 consecutive asanas that simultaneously help to work out all areas of the body and focus on the mind. The main thing is to exercise with correct breathing. "Salutation to the Sun" is a fairly easy set of exercises, but also multifunctional.

Hatha yoga for beginners. The very first poses

Instructor Olga Bulanova in the video course shows the simplest poses. Some asanas are even performed in different variations, including the use of additional support and a belt. The film is well suited for beginners who want to get acquainted with yoga.

Surya Namaskar with Zap, video tutorial. Sivananda yoga

The first part of the Sivananda yoga training course from Zap will help you master the complex safely and quickly. You will independently master the basic asanas and learn how to maintain breathing. Learn the name of the poses and the details that you should pay attention to. The video will be useful and interesting for both beginners and those who have already mastered basic asanas. Ideal for daily workouts.

Vinyasa yoga

From Sanskrit, the word "vinyasa" is translated as "eight foundations" or "eight branches." For a modern person, this means a set of exercises that combines meditation and dynamics. This practice implies the consistent performance of asanas with proper breathing, concentration of attention on some specific points (drishti) and "energy locks" (bandahs). The video lesson offers asanas for 18 minutes, which are very easy to do in the morning to wake up and have a productive day.

Yoga trains the body and mind. All yoga exercises for beginners are designed to train all muscles. The workout will take only 30 minutes of your time, help the body gain flexibility, relieve pain and give peace.

The result is a balanced and healthy body, beautiful appearance muscles, less risk of injury. These workouts for beginners increase energy levels and are great for when the body feels tired, stressed, and depressed.

Beginners of the practice want to cope with daily stress, relax and rest their tired body.

The Sivananda Yoga program is based on five principles that improve physical condition, develop flexibility and mental well-being through:

  • regular classes;
  • deep breathing;
  • relaxation;
  • healthy eating;
  • meditation and positive thoughts.

Lesson for beginners

The various yoga poses and the specific order in which they are performed are so beautifully designed that the body gets rid of stress and the muscles and joints gain mobility and flexibility.

Asanas systematically work to stretch and contract the muscles of the body, to relieve tension and lead to a deep sense of relaxation.

Introduction to yoga

Below are the elements of a yoga class for beginners, including the health benefits of each exercise. It is best for beginners to learn yoga asanas under the guidance of an experienced teacher. When training your body at home, the book “Yoga. A guide for beginners and experts ”(Edited by Sivananda Yoga Center), which will provide valuable assistance in home practice. Yoga according to the book takes about 30 minutes. It is important to remember that in yoga you do not need to compare your flexibility with a ballerina working next to you, it is not the perfect performance of the pose that comes first, but:

  • feeling of stretching;
  • deep breaths;
  • feeling of balance and rejuvenation.


Beginners lie on their backs in a relaxed position (Shavasana) and breathe deeply. Then they start active rest, in which they either strain or relax individual parts of the body. It helps:

  • calm the mind;
  • relieve body tension.

The perfect start to every yoga class.

forward bends

Pose stretches lower part back and hamstrings. A minimum of 30 seconds is done, a maximum of 3 minutes. When returning to tadasana, straighten up slowly to avoid dizziness.

  1. Stand up straight. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent for a more stable position and slowly tilt the upper body until it stops at the knees.
  2. You can touch the floor with your hands or grab opposite elbows.
  3. After your body has gained more flexibility, you will be able to straighten your knees, but remember to always start and finish the exercise calmly.
  1. Lie face down on the floor with the palms of your hands hip-width apart, fingers forward.
  2. Knees and feet shoulder width apart top part feet are on the floor.
  3. Using the strength of your arms, lift your hips off the floor, lifting your torso and pulling it up. Press your heels to the floor.
  4. Look straight ahead or look slightly up.
  5. Hold the position for 30 seconds and lie down on the floor.

  1. Lie down on the mat. Put your palms in front of you.
  2. Raise your buttocks up until your knees are off the ground. The legs remain straight.
  3. The torso and arms form a straight line.
  4. Hold the position for 30 seconds to stretch your hips and shoulders.

  1. Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly so that you can see your toes.
  2. Arch your back and stretch right hand down past the left ankle or as low as possible.
  3. Stretch your straight left arm toward the ceiling and try to keep your shoulders in line with your left arm.
  4. Look up and gently stretch after your left hand.
  5. This exercise opens the chest and collarbones.
  6. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

  1. Stand in Tadasana.
  2. Lower your arms along the body.
  3. Gently lean forward, keeping your back straight and bringing your hands close to your toes.
  4. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

This is a great yoga position for flexibility in the torso and back. One of the benefits of yoga is that it helps relieve back pain. The camel pose is perfect for this.

  1. Get on your knees, hands along your hips.
  2. Grab your right ankle with your right hand. The thighs are perpendicular to the floor, the lower leg is on the floor.
  3. Arch your back back and move your body forward a little to reach and take your left ankle in your hand.
  4. Tighten your buttocks and round your back again to open up your chest more.
  5. Hold the pose for 30 seconds (or less if your back feels too tight).


Between yoga exercises, beginners should rest on their back, in the so-called "corpse pose", breathe deeply and feel the positive effect of the previously performed positions.

This yoga exercise stretches the entire back of the body, increases flexibility lumbar spine and improves posture in general. For 30 minutes a day, beginners increase the flexibility of all muscles. This asana provides a complete massage. internal organs helps to eliminate diseases such as constipation.

Final rest

Beginner reward at the end of the 30 minute yoga session. The fullness of the exercises is felt in 10-15 minutes of rest at the end of classes, by active rest(muscle contraction and relaxation), deep breathing and visualization.

To find inner harmony relieve stress, improve physical health yoga is perfect. Many people refer to yoga as fitness, but it is not. This is the deepest system of self-knowledge, which improves both the internal state and appearance.

To receive the greatest benefit from yoga, it is important to decide what kind of result you want to get from classes. Why did you decide to do this? What do you want to change in your own life?

When you honestly answer yourself these questions, you can begin to practice.

Now many schools, clubs for teaching yoga have been formed. There is special classes yoga for men, women, children. More in men's yoga strength exercises. Many people prefer to practice yoga at home.

But while self-training at home begins, beginners need to get the basic basics in the lessons with an experienced instructor.

So, you will feel the atmosphere, the style of doing the exercises, learn how to breathe correctly, etc.

Several basic asanas will be described below.

morning asanas

For the first time, we suggest mastering only five exercises that will significantly improve your physical form. It is advisable to perform them in the morning. Perform each exercise at least three times. The lesson will take approximately 30 minutes. For a better assimilation of the asana, the videos below are offered.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Exercise perfectly strengthens the body and is a good warm-up in the morning in order to start all the body's systems. Many yogis claim that Utkatasana will wake up the body better than any aerobics.

To go to Utkatasana, you need:

  • stand straight, legs slightly apart;
  • while exhaling, stretch your arms up;
  • sit down a little, as if you are going to sit on a chair;
  • pull in the stomach;
  • stay in position for 30-40 seconds, breathing is even;
  • legs straighten arms lower down.

Trikonasana (Elongated Triangle)

Asana productively strengthens the spine, legs, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as the intestines self-massage.

Execution sequence:

  1. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your right foot outward, turn your left foot slightly inward. Spread your arms to the sides, in line with your shoulders, palms down.
  2. Exhaling, slowly lower the body towards the right heel. Try to keep the body and lower limbs straight, without bending your knees.
  3. Place your left hand in vertical position, looking at her.
  4. Stay in the position for about 20 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the same on the other side.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Vrikshasana perfectly strengthens the muscles of the lower extremities, helps to develop stamina and endurance. In addition to everything, asana is an excellent method for eliminating depression.


  • stand straight, lower limbs slightly apart;
  • raise your right leg and take hold of her foot with your hands;
  • place the right foot on the inside of the left thigh, near the perineum;
  • pull the buttocks;
  • align the body and slowly raise your arms through the sides up, connecting them above your head;
  • try to stay in position longer.
  • do tree pose on the right leg.

To maintain the balance of the body, it is necessary to look at one point. If you can’t keep your balance, you can hold on to the wall with one hand.

Sarvangasana (candle pose, birch)

This is an inverted asana that supports all organs and systems. Worked out gluteal muscles and the press, it is also used to rejuvenate the face.

Order of execution:

  1. Lie on the surface, place the upper limbs along the body, palms down.
  2. Bend your legs and gently raise your buttocks, supporting your lower back with your hands.
  3. Gradually straighten your legs, buttocks and stomach to retract.
  4. Hold in the asana for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
  5. Go to the starting position in the following sequence: bend the lower limbs, lower your back smoothly vertebra by vertebra.

Shavasana (relaxation)

At first, it seems that the pose is quite easy, but Shavasana is one of the most difficult asanas. Here you need to learn to completely relax, remove obsessive thoughts from your head and focus on your body, breathing.

Video lesson

There is also a video yoga lesson for beginners "Correct posture in 30 minutes."

Have good posture very important:

  • the mood rises;
  • energy flows freely through all chakras;
  • the spine heals, which is a guarantee of health.

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One of the main health problems in modern man is overweight. In the United States, for example, about 60% of the population suffers from obesity. In our country, the situation is, of course, better, but the number of people suffering from problems with overweight, is still very large.

This state of affairs is caused by malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, most people do not have enough time to complete exercise which, against the backdrop of poor ecology and the consumption of high-calorie foods, leads to sad results.

Today, more and more people are embarking on the path of combating overweight. Some go on a strict diet, others sign up for GYM's while others prefer to practice at home.

The methods by which people regain their good physical shape also differ - these can be classes with own weight, training on simulators, massages, etc. Today we will tell you about one of the ways to fight excess weight, which has recently become more and more popular - about yoga.

Someone may be puzzled by the question of how you can lose weight with the help of yoga. We note right away that it will not work to quickly get rid of extra pounds by performing asanas.

Weight loss in yoga is provided not by active burning of body fat, but by a qualitative restructuring of your body, its recovery. Leaving extra pounds will be a pleasant consequence of the changes that will occur in your body with regular yoga practice.

There is also a special power yoga for weight loss, the exercises of which are aimed specifically at combating excess weight.

Yoga Benefits

Yoga classes for weight loss have a number of undeniable advantages that distinguish it from other methods of dealing with excess weight:

Yoga classes have practically no contraindications and are suitable for people of any level. physical training and health.

The only reasons why it is better to refrain from practicing yoga may be spinal ailments, blood diseases, and oncological diseases. You should also refrain from exercising during infectious diseases, influenza and SARS.

In each individual case, the best way out of the situation will be consult an experienced physician.

Basic rules of yoga

For achievement maximum effect From practicing yoga, you must strictly follow the following rules:

Women should remember that during the period of menstruation, only relaxing exercises can be performed, and during pregnancy, only light practices are allowed.

Video yoga lessons

Especially for you, dear readers, we have selected yoga lessons with videos for beginners, which describe weight loss exercises that you can do at home.

Yoga for weight loss in 30 minutes

This lesson presents a set of yoga exercises for beginners, perfect for doing in the morning.

The exercises are selected in such a way that they involve all muscle groups, which is especially important for effective weight loss. All exercises are as simple as possible and doable by people of any level of training.

Expert review:

Calm and simple complex effective exercises aimed at strengthening the body and burning fat deposits throughout the body.

Do it in the morning, try to follow the speaker's recommendations as accurately as possible. The calm atmosphere created by the music will help you focus on the exercise.

yoga exercises for weight loss

This video shows a simple set of hatha yoga exercises, suitable for beginners. Yulia Lemeshko, an experienced teacher of hatha yoga, shows all the subtleties of the exercises, explaining each of her actions.

Expert review:

This set of exercises is designed to normalize metabolism, which, subject to proper diet It will help to quickly reduce weight, as well as remove harmful substances accumulated in it from the body.

Yoga for weight loss by Denise Austin

This video presents a set of exercises aimed specifically at losing weight with the help of yoga. Its author, Denise Austin, accompanies the implementation of the complex with detailed explanations, and the duplication of movements by her two assistants allows you to consider all the subtleties of the exercises.

Expert review:

Denise Austin's set of exercises is good because all the exercises in it are selected to combat excess weight.

The training program is divided into 4 parts: burning fat, strengthening the muscles of the legs to give them harmony, working out the abdominal area and relaxing exercises that complete the workout. This combination provides the maximum fat burning effect.

Yoga for beginners from Ekaterina Buida

In this video, a famous yoga teacher Katerina Buida demonstrates a set of exercises for beginners. The exercises of the complex are aimed at general strengthening all muscle groups of the body, including the abdomen and legs, which has a beneficial effect on the burning of body fat in this area.

Expert review:

The main noteworthy of this video is that it contains the “sun salutation” exercise - one of the most useful yoga classes for beginners, since almost all muscle groups are involved in its implementation, which has a positive effect on the tone of the whole body.

Yoga for beginners

An excellent video for those who are just starting to practice yoga. The simple exercises demonstrated in it are accompanied by a detailed explanation of all actions.

Expert review:

A good complex for working out the main muscle groups. Relatively short fixation of asanas is aimed at developing flexibility and improving control of one's body. Detailed description each movement makes the complex understandable in execution.

We have selected for you the easiest yoga exercises to perform, which even a person who has never played sports before can perform. You can also in the article "Yoga for beginners at home"

If you want to get acquainted with a large number of yoga complexes for beginners, pay attention to the lessons of teachers such as Olga Bulanova, Andrey Sidersky, Karina Kharchinskaya and Ravi Kumar. For women starting yoga, the advice of teacher Tatyana Borodaenko will also be useful.

What do you think, is it possible to get rid of extra pounds with the help of yoga? Maybe you practice yoga for other purposes? Tell us about it in the comments!