How to develop lower back flexibility. Flexibility of the spine: technique and exercises. Indications and contraindications

Physical training

spine, or spinal column, is a musculoskeletal organ of the trunk and head and a protective case for the spinal cord. It is an articulation of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and joints. From a biomechanical point of view, the spine is like a well-designed chain consisting of individual
The spine has several sections - cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccyx. Each of them includes a certain number of vertebrae:

  1. cervical - 7 vertebrae;
  2. thoracic - 12 vertebrae;
  3. lumbar - 5 vertebrae;
  4. sacral - 5 vertebrae;
  5. coccyx - 4-5 vertebrae.

Some vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) have a flexible articulation, while the vertebrae of the sacrum and coccyx form a single joint - one fixed bone. This is due to the fact that it is these two departments that have a significant load: through their connection with hip joints the spine is connected to the bones of the legs, and it is the immovable connection that allows it to withstand.
Vertebrae. These are cylindrical bones with processes. Inside the vertebrae is made of spongy substance, and outside surface It is formed by bone plates layered on top of each other, which form a strong shell. It is covered with periosteum, which is responsible for the nutrition of the bone, and the presence of growth elements in it allows the bone to grow. From birth to about 20 years of age, the bones are saturated with salts and gain strength; in old age, due to a decrease in blood circulation and the effects of other factors, a person loses bone mass leading to brittle bones and frequent fractures.
The vertebrae have an unequal and rather complex structure. Individual vertebrae are interconnected by joints.

Inside each vertebra under the protection of the bone shell is located spinal cord. On each side of a vertebra is a small opening, or intervertebral canal, from which blood vessels and nerves exit. That is why the slightest curvature in the spine is fraught with pain. Each vertebra during movement shifts, bends or moves out to the side, which, in fact, is a subluxation of the vertebrae.
Intervertebral discs. Provide mobility of the spine, its elasticity and resilience, the ability to withstand heavy loads. They play a leading role in the biomechanics of our body. Being a complex anatomical formation, each intervertebral disc performs the following functions:

  1. connection of vertebrae;
  2. ensuring the mobility of the spinal column;
  3. protection of the vertebrae from constant trauma (shock-absorbing role).

The intervertebral discs are very flexible and have a rather complex structure. Each disc consists of a gelatinous (pulpous) nucleus, which is a remnant of the dorsal chord and is highly elastic. In its center there is a cavity, the volume of which is normally 1-1.5 cubic meters. see. The nucleus is surrounded by a fibrous cartilaginous (fibrous) ring. Due to this structure, the discs can easily change shape and act as excellent shock absorbers during shocks, shocks, and other loads. The fibrous ring, by the tension of its fibers, holds the nucleus during compression. Due to the elastic properties of the disc, shocks and shocks transmitted to the spine, spinal cord and brain during walking, running, jumping are significantly softened. The static function of the disc is related to cushioning. Discs provide flexibility and smoothness of movement of adjacent vertebrae and the entire spine as a whole.
Speaking about the structure of the spine, it is impossible not to mention the muscles and ligaments. They are not part of the spine itself, but are attached to the vertebrae and hold them, stabilize and protect them from sudden movements, thereby performing supporting and balancing functions. Muscles do this the more efficiently they are trained.
The well-coordinated work of all components makes the spine strong, mobile and elastic at the same time. But in order to ensure and maintain these properties, periodic rest is required, physical activity etc.
Due to the peculiarities of human upright posture, the spine has acquired four characteristic curves, and therefore, while it remains healthy, its profile slightly resembles the letter "S". In the region of the lower back and neck, the spinal column protrudes forward (this bend is called lordosis), and the thoracic and sacral parts are curved backward (kyphosis). With this structure of the spine, the torso and head are held vertically and straight, rib cage with a flat line, the abdomen protrudes slightly forward, the legs stand straight and firmly. This allows you to maintain balance and gives the spine additional flexibility. Such a spine is slightly springy, thereby weakening the shocks and tremors when walking. A properly curved spinal column acts like a spring and can withstand a large load. The formation of spinal curvatures ends at the age of 6-7 and is fixed at the age of 14-17, it is up to this age that prevention of spinal curvatures is of particular importance.

Functions of the spine

The spine performs extremely important functions for our life.

The most important of them are the following:

  1. the spine carries the body and maintains balance - the entire burden of moving our body, as well as any load that we carry, lies on it;
  2. acts as a strong support for muscles, ribs, shoulder girdle;
  3. protects the spinal cord - an accumulation of nerve cells and fibers that control the movement and activity of internal organs;
  4. provides mobility and maneuverability, therefore it must be flexible, elastic in order to perform turns, tilts, bends, reduce tremors when walking;
  5. with the help of ligaments and muscles supports everything in a certain position internal organs.

Why does the spine hurt

Millions of people around the world suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In Russia alone today there are 11 million people with disabilities alone, and 80 percent of them belong to the first and second groups. And everyone has experienced back pain, and not everyone knows that it is sometimes a symptom of a large number of very serious diseases of the spine or internal organs, which can even lead to disability. Indeed, given the complex structure of the spine and all sorts of loads to which we subject it daily, it is virtually impossible to avoid the occurrence of pain. Their causes are varied and can be a manifestation of both temporary and minor disorders, and serious diseases. Here are some of the possible reasons.

  1. underdeveloped muscles. Flaccid muscles (not only the back, but also the abdomen, buttocks, hips) are a guarantee of stoop and curvature of the spine and, as a result, pain. Pain can occur both as a result of the fact that pressure is applied to any of the nerve processes, and because of pain in the muscles themselves. In addition, with undeveloped muscles, the internal organs are displaced, the statics of the body is disturbed and the spine arches into lumbar. Obviously, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to train those muscles that are little involved in everyday life. Excessively strained muscles, on the contrary, must be relaxed in order to restore blood circulation and oxygen supply to them.
  2. Age changes. Intervertebral discs are the most weakness back. Over time, they wear out, are easily overloaded and therefore very vulnerable. If during the day we walk a lot, sit, lift weights - in fact, we give the spine and, in particular, the intervertebral discs a load that significantly exceeds the optimal one. And the structure of the disks is restored just at moments of relaxation. Imbalance causes them to dry out and fail to perform their functions, causing the whole body to suffer.
  3. Overvoltage of individual groups of vertebrae. Violations of the functions of the spine can occur in different departments. A flat, concave, round back is the result of an uneven load on the spine, which causes premature wear of the discs. Fortunately, curvature does not always mean pathology. A well-chosen set of exercises and a good mattress can often restore the health of the spine.
  4. Diseases of the spine can be caused by inflammatory processes and metabolic disorders. We will talk about this in more detail when we talk about diseases of the joints, in particular arthritis.
  5. Sometimes pain in the lower back or cervical region may not at all indicate that something is wrong with the muscles or discs, it may be an echo of a person’s psychological pain. Mental pain, anger, irritability to the world and anxiety can be “driven” into the spine and appear as symptoms of a particular disease.
  6. Pain in the spine can be associated with diseases of the internal organs.

The most common cause of serious, persistent pain in the dorsal spine is degenerative-dystrophic changes in itself and adjacent tissues.

Flexibility classes make our body more resilient and strong, strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, abs, and also have a positive effect on the quality of sexual life. Sleep improves, the overall tone of the body increases.

Thus, exercises on flexibility:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • make the joints more mobile;
  • increase endurance;
  • reduce the likelihood of injury and muscle pain;
  • form an even beautiful posture;
  • improve sleep;
  • increase the overall tone of the body.

Do not confuse flexibility with stretching - they are two different concepts. Flexibility is genetically determined, for example, some can sit on a twine or it is unthinkable to bend in the back even in adulthood, others can not do it even after several months of classes. Stretching is physical exercises that develop flexibility. Thus, flexibility depends on stretch.

How to test your flexibility

  1. Tilt your head, touch your chin to your chest. Round your back. If you feel pain or discomfort in your spine, and your eyes go dark, this is an alarming sign that your body is not flexible enough.
  2. Gently bend back at the spine. If somewhere you feel unpleasant or painful sensations, a crunch, you should definitely change your lifestyle.
  3. Lean forward, place your palms on the floor, while keeping your knees straight. Normally, you should not feel any discomfort or pain.

To be flexible, you need regular classes(at least every other day, and preferably daily) for the development of mobility of the spine and joints. The best result of stretching is observed when performing each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds with minimal breaks.

In the morning, the flexibility of the body is reduced, so early training is most effective.

It should be remembered about general rules security:

  1. Flexibility develops slowly. For example, to sit on the twine, an ordinary person will need from six months to two years of regular training. If someone says that you can become flexible in a week or in one day, this is a myth.
  2. Exercise shouldn't cause pain.. Too much intense training can damage ligaments and cause injury. Each flexibility training session should begin with a 5-minute warm-up (swinging arms and legs, rotating the head, pelvis).
  3. Choose a balanced set of classes so that your body develops harmoniously and symmetrically. Choose 10-15 exercises (their list with explanations is in the second half of the article) that will affect all muscle groups and joints. Perform them sequentially, starting with the neck and ending with the pelvic region and knee joints.

What are flexibility exercises?

Flexibility exercises are static and dynamic. Let's take a look at their differences and explore the benefits of each.

Dynamic Flexibility Exercises. This method of developing flexibility involves repeating the exercise a given number of times with a gradual increase in the range of motion.

Dynamic stretching promotes greater mobility and flexibility in the joints, as well as increases blood flow to the muscles, so they are better supplied with oxygen.

Static Flexibility Exercises. It is important here to take a position in which the muscles will be maximally stretched and held in it for 30-60 seconds. Static stretching improves the flexibility of joints and ligaments, and also helps to lengthen muscles and ligaments. This type is considered safer and the chance of injury is almost zero. Despite this, it is optimal to combine two types of stretch marks.

A set of exercises for the development of flexibility

This set of exercises will seem simple enough to you, but it is very effective, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Thanks to it, metabolism improves, all organs are saturated with oxygen, and the body becomes more flexible and plastic. It is best to practice in front of a mirror.

Exercises for the flexibility of the cervical spine

Flexibility exercises for the thoracic spine

  1. Stand straight, stretch your arms out to the sides. Take a breath and wrap your arms around yourself tightly. As you exhale, again stretch your arms to the sides and bring your shoulder blades together. Repeat the complex 10 times. For many girls, this part of the spine is the weakest, which can lead to poor posture and back pain.
  2. Grab your hands in the lock behind your back - one hand on top, the other on the bottom. Try to grapple as best as possible - not only with your fingers, but also with your palms. Change the position of your hands.
  3. Stand with your back to the back of a chair (windowsill, bed, table), hold it with your hands. Slowly squat down until you feel a stretch.
  4. Lying on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor and bend as much as possible in the thoracic region. Fix the position for half a minute. Remaining lying, take your hands on your feet (then on your ankles), bend in your back, linger in this position for 30 seconds.
  5. Take the “bridge” position, stay in it for half a minute, gradually achieving full extension of the arms and legs.

Flexibility exercises for the lumbar spine

  1. Standing on the floor, put your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your waist. Do 15 tilts in each direction.
  2. Without changing position, rotate the body in the lower back, first clockwise, then against it. Now put your hands on the back of your head and do a series rotational movements to each side.
  3. Get on your knees, take your hands back and grab your ankles or heels. Bend in the lumbar region for 30 seconds.
  4. Remaining on your knees, sit down first in one direction, then in the other. Do 15 repetitions on each side.

Pelvic Flexibility Exercises

  1. Standing, place your hands on your waist. Take out one leg, bent at the knee, forward. Do 10 rotations, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.
  2. Get on your knees, grab your ankles or heels with your hands. Bending in the lower back, stretch the pelvis forward. Hold on for 30 seconds.
  3. Sit on the floor, stretch one leg forward, and bend the other at the knee and press it with your foot to the inside of the thigh of the second leg. Bend forward, trying to reach your foot with your hands, and lie on your leg with your chest. Hold the position for half a minute and repeat the same for the second leg.
  4. Now bend one leg and take it back so that the knee and inner side thigh touched the floor. Stretch forward and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Change legs.
  5. Remaining sitting on the floor, bend one leg and pull it up, trying to get it behind your head. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Exercises for the development of flexibility in the knee joint

  1. Standing on the floor with your legs fully extended, bend over, trying to reach your palms to the floor, and press your head and chest against your legs. Hold on for a minute.
  2. Now spread your legs shoulder-width apart, stretch first to one leg, then to the other.
  3. Make a lunge, while the leg that is behind should remain completely straight. Stretch forward until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg at the knee joint.
  4. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs. Stretch your hands to your feet, trying to lie completely with your chest on your feet. Then spread your legs as wide as possible and bend over, trying to lie with your chest on the floor.
  5. Lying on your back, one leg is extended, and the other is bent at the knee. Grab your ankle bent leg and pull it up. Then pull it towards you. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Wrist and ankle flexibility exercises

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, pull your socks towards you. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  2. Without changing position, perform a series of rotational movements with your feet.
  3. Sit on your knees, lean on outside brushes. Position your hands so that your palms are facing you.
  1. Provide healthy eating . Make sure you have enough dairy products in your diet. With a lack of calcium, it is easy to get injured.
  2. Warm up before exercise.

    Always start your workout with a warm-up - slow springy impacts, smoothly moving on to more intense exercises.

  3. Do full body exercises. In order for the body to develop evenly, do flexibility exercises for each zone, starting with cervical spine, ending with the ankle joint. Don't forget about symmetry.
  4. Exercise regularly. Flexibility exercises should be done daily or at least every other day throughout life. It is impossible to become flexible in one day and keep good stretch if you stop exercising.
  5. Increase the difficulty and intensity. Do this carefully and gradually so as not to get injured.
  6. Don't Do "Your" Exercises. Any invented exercises are traumatic, especially if you do not have the necessary knowledge.
  7. Don't exercise if you feel pain. This can lead to stretching of muscles and ligaments.

By developing the mobility of the joints and spine, you will not only become flexible, but also prolong the youth and beauty of your body.

How to make the spine flexible. 7 exercises for effective stretching

We meet in the team Alya Nevinskaya, an experienced teacher pole dance with 3 years experience. Alya got acquainted with pole dance in 2010. As she grew professionally, she began to practice pole dance on her own. In addition to the pylon, she mastered the canvas, the air ring, the loop. I read a lot and studied stretching and pole sport in terms of physiology and anatomy. Today for reading useful material about the development of the thoracic region.

When it comes to back flexibility, it is worth having a clear understanding of the tasks that we set for ourselves. In our world of aerial acrobatics, remembering back stretches, we, first of all, think about puffs, imagining in our dreams Bielmanns and Marchenko rainbows in large quantities. And thinking about them, you need to understand that tightening is not only the flexibility of our spine, but also the stretching of the shoulders, as well as longitudinal splits, which play an important role here.

But today's article will concern the spine. And the first thing I would like to note is that not all stretching is equally useful. When developing flexibility, remember that you should never pull the lumbar! We have one back and for life, the unreasonable use of such an important part of the body leads to irreversible consequences in the future in the form of protrusions and hernias. AT Everyday life our unfortunate lower back already gets most of the load, so it’s not worth finishing it off.

The most difficult in terms of stretching is the thoracic spine, because it is inextricably linked with the shoulder girdle and it is almost impossible to localize it without affecting other departments. And before you start active stretching of the thoracic region, you should learn how to work with it.

Attention! Do not start stretching without a warm-up, with age, the nutrition of our spine is disturbed, or stops altogether, and like any other mechanism, it should be preheated! (we will write about effective warm-up later, stay tuned!)

Exercise 1. Kitty

Kneeling, begin to gently arch up and down, while using the entire spine from the coccyx to the very cervical vertebrae. Remember to twist the pelvis, and pull the chin of the chest during the execution of the "evil" kitty, and tends upward during the "good" one. Rotate your chest, describing circles with an imaginary point in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diaphragm. Try to achieve maximum amplitude

Video tutorial. Kitty.

Development of a flexible spine

Exercise 2. Sphinx

Lie on your stomach, elbows should be exactly under the shoulders. Imagine your entire spine in front of your eyes and, starting from the coccyx, pull your back down, vertebra by vertebra, until your ribs touch the floor.

Exercise 3. Stretching up, deflection

To control the correct posture, stand sideways to the mirror. Stretch both arms up and begin to bend back. At the same time, make sure that the pelvis does not go forward behind the feet, but remains in place, and maintain the root lock (twisting the pelvis) to avoid deflection in the lumbar region. This exercise will not only stretch the thoracic region, but also strengthen the back muscles.

Exercise 4. Downward facing dog pose

The neck is relaxed, we pull the heels to the floor, we try to lower the chest to the bottom. This exercise will work primarily on the shoulder girdle and only then on the thoracic region.

Video tutorial. How to Pose: Downward Facing Dog

Exercise 5. Fish Pose

Here we will move away from yoga a little, eliminate any muscle tension, because stretching is, first of all, relaxation. We put cubes under our backs, starting from two and above. Depending on how far the blocks will be from the priests, it depends which muscles will be stretched. The closer the cubes are to the coccyx, the more the load will shift towards the lower back, the further - the more it will move away from the fifth point and tend to the shoulders.

To influence the thoracic region - the lower edge of the blocks should be approximately at the level of the fastener of your bra. We raise our hands up, and lower them back. If the fingers touch the floor, increase the number of cubes.

Exercise 6. Bridge

Bridges are the key to a flexible back. For stretching the shoulder girdle and chest, the bridge on the elbows is most suitable. We try to bring our legs together, with our feet we rest on the floor, pushing the chest forward, the elbows should not be apart!

Exercise 7. Stand on the chest

The cheststand is undeniably one of the most effective exercises for stretching. However, you should not move on to it before you achieve some success on your path to puffs. Otherwise, very unpleasant consequences await you. For in this (as in many other) exercises, you must learn to breathe. And for this you should stretch the front surface of the neck and muscle corset. The next challenge on the way to chest stands is strengthening the back muscles. The back should be strong enough to hold you in this position, not letting you bend too much to get injured, and most importantly keeping your lower back from arching.

Video tutorial. Cheststand Tutorial Video

This is not a complete list of basic exercises for developing flexibility. Don't forget to compensate after each one. And if you are a beginner on the way to the Bielmanns, do stretching only under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Take care of your back from a young age, and a new dress, and direct puffs to you!

In the gym, we often hear that the back must be strong in order to act as a lever to transmit force during exercise.

Strong back muscles are really necessary, they protect the spine from injury and provide correct position body. However, the back must also be flexible.

The spine bends forward and to the sides, unbends back and twists.

If you cannot reach the floor with your hands without bending your knees, or, bending to the side, you cannot reach your knee with your hand, it is not the spine that is to blame, but the stiff muscles of the back and abdomen.

Stiff or weak muscles prevent you from moving in full range, cause problems with posture and. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention not only to muscle strength, but also to their flexibility.

Below are a few exercises that will help restore the natural flexibility of the back in all directions.


A healthy back can bend vertebra by vertebra.

Reverse twist on the floor
  • Lie on the floor, raise your legs and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, shins parallel to the floor.
  • Tear off the pelvis from the floor, lift it as high as possible.
  • At the extreme point, only the shoulders touch the floor, the knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees and are above the head.
  • Get down in starting position. Do three sets of 20 reps.

"Cat-cow" by segments

  • Get on all fours.
  • Slowly round your back, starting from the lower back, gradually moving to the chest and neck.
  • Arch your back back, vertebra by vertebra, starting at the neck and ending at the lower back.
  • Repeat five times.

Jefferson twist

This is a more advanced version of the crunch, which is suitable for those who can already reach the floor with their hands.

  • Stand on a chair or cabinet with your toes on the edge.
  • Lower your chin to your chest, then vertebra by vertebra, begin to twist the thoracic region, and then the lumbar.
  • Lean over until you reach your full range of motion. Wrists should be below the edge of the cabinet or chair, do not bend your knees.
  • Just as slowly and gradually rise back up.

Start crunches without weight, just trying to get your wrists as low as possible. Then try crunches with a light weight in your arms - 2-8 kg depending on your physical training. Every month, increase the weight in your hands by 1-2 kg.


Most back injuries occur during crunches due to the hard and weak muscles. Strength and flexibility exercises with twists and turns will help you protect your back.

Chair twist

This exercise can be done anywhere, even at your desk.

  • Sit on a chair, stretch your spine up.
  • Leaving the pelvis in place, turn the body and shoulders to the side.
  • With one hand, grasp the back of the chair, helping yourself to increase the turn of the body.
  • Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Complex of inclinations to the legs
  • Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart.
  • Take a pancake from a 2.5 kg bar in your hands and lift it above your head, stretch your back up.
  • Bend sideways to the leg, stretch your ear to the knee - this is the first slope of the complex. You can linger in this position or make a few smooth springy movements.
  • Turn the body and stretch your chest to your leg - this is the second slope of the complex. It can also be done statically or dynamically.
  • Return to the starting position and do these two tilts to the other leg.
  • Return to the starting position and lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your chest and stomach, then straighten up and lean forward again.

Side plank twist
  • Get up in side plank on the forearm, put the other hand behind the head, the elbow looks at the ceiling.
  • Lean forward and touch the floor with your elbow.
  • Get back up and repeat.
  • Perform 15 twists on each side.

thoracic bridge

  • Get on all fours, hands under your shoulders, knees under your hips, feet on the balls.
  • Lift your knees off the floor, the weight of the body is distributed between the hands and the balls of the feet.

  • Lift your left arm and right leg off the floor while turning your torso to the left so that your left shoulder is facing the ceiling.
  • Place your right foot on the floor shoulder-width apart from your left, tighten your buttocks, both hips look at the ceiling.

  • The shoulders are perpendicular to the floor, the chest is maximally open, the gaze is directed to the floor.
  • Return to the starting position on all fours and repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • Perform the exercise five times on each side.

Side bend

The ability to perform side bends largely depends on the condition of the oblique abdominal muscles. There is one good exercise, which, on the one hand, helps to stretch the clamped muscles, and on the other hand, to strengthen them.

Kettlebell tilts
  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hips and shoulders facing forward.
  • Take a dumbbell in one hand - from 2 to 10 kg, depending on your training.
  • Slowly move the dumbbell along your leg, bending your spine to the side until you reach the maximum range.
  • Slowly straighten up and repeat.
  • Do five tilts in each direction.

Back extension

This back movement is very important if you want strong muscles that keep your spine straight during weight training. Probably the most popular exercise for strengthening the extensor muscles of the back is hyperextension.


You can do this exercise on an incline or horizontal trainer for hyperextension, GHD-simulator or even on the bench, if there is something to catch on with your feet.

  • Lower your body until it is parallel with the floor. You can cross your arms over your chest, hold them on the sides of the body, or put them behind your head.
  • Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades together, pull your chest up. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and repeat the exercise.
  • Do three sets of 15-30 reps depending on your fitness level.

Start small and build up gradually

There are many more exercises to develop back flexibility, but these are enough to get you started. Perform them at least three times a week, and even better - every day. To avoid injury, follow a few rules.

  1. Perform all exercises slowly, smoothly and without jerking. When it comes to the back, you need to be doubly careful, so in no case do the exercises abruptly.
  2. Increase the weight gradually. In exercises with free weights increase weight no earlier than two months of regular training. So your muscles will have time to get used to the new weight and you will exclude injuries.
  3. Do the exercises consciously, feel which muscles tense and stretch. This is especially important as you approach the end of your range of motion, where you need to be especially focused and careful not to get hurt.

Back flexibility is important for many sports, including gymnastics, figure skating and dancing. Flexibility can only be developed over time - depending on your physique, the task can be challenging. The best way increase overall flexibility - stretch your back along with other muscles that work in tandem with it. Many yoga poses also include these types of stretches.

Please note: Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. What works for one person may be dangerous for another. Find a professional to show you how to do these poses correctly, as there are precautions to prevent injury. Remember to warm up properly before doing these stretching exercises, otherwise damage and injury may result.


Improve back flexibility with yoga

  1. Try the bow pose. Spread out on your stomach, bend your knees so that your feet are pointing towards the ceiling, and bring your hands back to grab your ankles. Raise your hands and feet so that you feel a pleasant stretch in your shoulders and abs.

    • Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds and then exhale out of it.
    • For best results, you can repeat several times.
    • Once your body gets used to this level of stretch, you can move on to the next, more advanced step. To do this, stretch your arms even higher and clasp the tips of your toes. Thus, your legs will reach even higher towards the ceiling, and all the muscles involved will stretch even more.
  2. Try taking the cat pose. Get on all fours, place your palms on the floor, and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, tilt your head back towards the ceiling and press your navel to the floor. Take a few breaths in and out while holding this position. As you exhale, lower your head down and press your chin to your chest, arching your back towards the ceiling. Take a few breaths in and out while holding this position.

    • To further stretch your back, slowly slide your hands forward on the mat and arch your back at the same time until your arms and chest touch the floor.
  3. Perform a stretching exercise called "cobra". Lie on your stomach with your elbows bent and your arms at your sides. While inhaling, slowly straighten your arms, raising upper part body, and tilt your head back towards the ceiling. Make sure that the pelvis remains in a stable position on the floor.

    • Tighten your leg muscles and squeeze your thigh muscles.
    • Hold the position for at least 40 seconds and allow the muscles to stretch during this pose.
    • Once you've mastered this pose, you can try bending your legs up at the knees and tilting your head back to touch your toes.
  4. Stretch in the swan position. Get down on your knees so thumbs legs touched each other, and the heels looked apart. Move your hands forward on the floor and make sure that the tailbone rests steadily on top of the heels. Once you have your arms fully extended in front of you, press your forehead to the floor.

    • Hold this pose for one to two minutes, breathing in and out. Inhalations will increase the stretch and bring great benefit back muscles.
  5. Stretch in Camel Pose if you don't have back pain. Kneeling with your feet shoulder-width apart, push your hips forward and lean back until you feel your muscles stretch. At the same time, you can either support or not support yourself with your hands. Place your hands behind your back and stretch down so that your palms are on the bottom of your upturned feet.

    • Bring your elbows behind your back and lift your chest towards the ceiling. This will open the chest, which will contribute to a good stretching of the back.
    • If you can't get back down to reach your heels, use gymnastic ball, a yoga block, or other support to support your back.

    Stretch your back to improve flexibility

    1. Keep your back straight as you try to do the crease exercise. Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. To begin, raise your arms towards the ceiling. Gently lean forward and reach for your toes. This exercise allows you to stretch the hamstrings, leg muscles and lower back.

      • In fact, the goal here is not to reach the toes, but to straighten and lengthen the back. The main mistake when performing the pose is concentrating on the legs and not on the back. This is a back exercise, not a leg grab game.
      • Use support devices to keep the correct shape. Thera-Band therapy bands, rolled up towels and belts can all be wrapped around the legs to alter the posture.
      • Alternatively, you can try the "fold" exercise from a standing position. Stand straight, and then bend forward at the waist and stretch towards the floor. Lean forward far enough to feel a comfortable stretch in your back and legs.
    2. Stretch in a mermaid position. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your legs tucked under your torso on the left side. Hold on to your ankles with your left hand and lift your right hand up. On an inhale, pull out right hand above your head and reach for the ceiling. Exhale and feel the muscles in your torso and back stretch.

      • Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, and then repeat the movement several times.
      • Be sure to switch sides by placing your legs under your torso on the right side and extending your left arm above your head.
    3. Strengthen your back with the bridge stretch. Lie on your back with your knees and arms shoulder-width apart and lift your hips toward the ceiling. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Place your hands on the floor directly above your head and lift your body with your arms and legs as far as you feel comfortable doing it. Hold this position for a few minutes while breathing in and out.

      • If desired, you can place a support under the buttocks (for example, a yoga block) to make it easier to keep the body in this position. However, this will eliminate or reduce the back strengthening effect.

    Work on the twine

    1. Try doing a vertical split. Get down on your left knee and place your right foot straight out in front of you, as if you were doing a pseudo split. Touch your right leg with both hands, and then try to touch your forehead to your knee. Hold this pose for at least 15 seconds.

      • “Wrap” your left arm around your torso and try to touch your right leg. Hold the position, and then turn as far as possible to the right and again linger in this position.
      • All of your muscles work in tandem with each other, so stretching other muscles (such as your legs and core) will help improve your back flexibility. Availability strong muscles the bark will allow you to develop the flexibility of your back by being able to take on more different poses and stretch harder during them.
      • Don't force yourself to stretch beyond your ability. You don't want to get hurt.
    • It is important to remember that you need to start stretching slowly so that the muscles do not hurt too much.
    • Decide which stretching exercises work best for you and how often you will do them. If you always do the same exercises day in and day out, you will get bored. Change them a little, and then you are more likely to continue practicing.
    • Be sure to stretch your back in a clean and soft place. You may fall during the stretch, so it's best to fall on a soft surface rather than something sharp.
    • If you feel dizzy while doing a bridge or other upside-down exercise, be sure to drink enough water before training to maintain optimal fluid balance in the body, and do not hold your breath. These factors affect how much dizziness can occur.
    • Don't force yourself to exercise beyond your capacity. Each person sits on the splits or develops flexibility at their own pace.
    • When performing exercises such as "bridge", dizziness is normal, even if you maintain optimal water balance in the body and breathe normally. However, if it persists, reduce your exercise intensity and seek medical advice.


    • The statement "no pain, no result" is a myth! If stretching causes lower back pain, you should stop stretching immediately. Experiencing pain while stretching is one thing, but actual pain won't benefit your flexibility.
    • Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise or stretching regimen.

Back flexibility exercises are relevant for both women and men at any age. Women in this way can achieve a harmonious silhouette, graceful movements and graceful posture. Representatives of the stronger sex improve the tone of the muscular frame, make the body strong, but flexible and plastic. Children and teenagers also need such exercises. Training helps to form a beautiful, even posture, contribute to strengthening sleep and generally improve the health of the child. Even older people can perform simple back flexibility exercises if they take care of the mobility of the articular joints. Classes can improve blood circulation in all tissues, blood supply to the joints and ligaments. And also eliminate pain throughout the body and muscle spasms.

Many do not even begin to work out the back, as they believe that for this you need to walk in gym or have some special equipment. In fact, in order to increase the flexibility of the spine, you do not even need to leave the house. All that is needed is half an hour of free time, one and a half to two square meters of free space and the desire to develop and improve your body.

Back flexibility exercises - what beginners need to know

Any back training should be agreed with the therapist in case of:

  1. There were injuries, surgical interventions on the spine, surrounding tissues.
  2. Increased soreness of the joints or ligaments, stiffness of movements.
  3. Severe somatic diseases, especially of the cardiovascular system.

Before you start training, consider the following recommendations for beginners:

  • Clothing should be comfortable. If it is tight, then it should not restrict movement. Shoes are not required, bare feet or socks are allowed.
  • For the convenience of classes, it is better to prepare a floor mat or a large towel.
  • Classes should not begin without a preliminary warm-up. It is enough to jump for 5 minutes, run on the spot, bend down and perform 10 turns of the body, 5 in each direction.
  • When exercising for the flexibility of the back, you can not move abruptly, all movements should be smooth and soft.
  • You need to do 3 to 5 times a week. The time of day for training is practically irrelevant, but experts recommend setting aside time for training in the afternoon or evening.

The set of exercises below is universal. It is suitable for beginners and experienced athletes, for children and people of age, for men and women, they can be performed at home or in nature.

A set of exercises (types):

  1. "Wave with the spine while sitting."
  2. "Bending, sitting on your knees."
  3. "Boat".
  4. "Forward bends".
  5. "Cat Pose".

Basic rules and principles of the sequence and frequency of exercises:

  • 1st month of training. Repetitions of exercises - that is, how many times you need to do the same exercise in a row before proceeding with another - start with 8 repetitions, bring the number to 15 at the end of the month;
  • 2nd month of training. We do the same as during the first month, only we start immediately with 15 repetitions. After that, a 2-minute break, and again we repeat the set of exercises, each exercise, repeating 15 times in a row. If the exercises give an effect, they can be done further constantly according to the scheme of the second month.

After doing 2-3 exercises in a row, you need to take a short break to restore breathing. But it is not advisable to sit still, you can walk around the room, freshen up, drink water.

Wave backbone

This exercise must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Kneel down on the floor, buttocks should be located on the heels. The back is straightened, the shoulders and chest are straightened, the arms are lowered to the floor.
  2. Take a breath, trying as high as possible and smoothly stretch your head up.
  3. Exhale, relax and round your back, gently lower the body down to your knees. First, the stomach should touch the lower point, then the chest area, then the head.
  4. The reverse movement is performed in the reverse order - first it rises, then the middle part of the back, after the shoulders and head.

In this exercise, the spine makes a kind of wave-like movement. After a few repetitions, you can and should increase the range of motion as much as your body allows you to. That is, on the exhale, you need to lower your body down as low as possible. And returning to the starting position, you need not stop, but continue moving back. Put your hands behind your back on the floor, arch your back, bend back, throwing your head back. Everything is done smoothly, without jerks, jerks and sudden movements.


Exercise sequence:

  1. Kneel down, the toes of the feet rest on the floor, the heels are raised, the buttocks are on the heels.
  2. Hands are straightened - you need to put them a little further away from you forward.
  3. Make a deflection, you need to stretch up the chest. The head should not be raised or thrown back. The chin should be directed towards the chest, the gaze should be fixed on the knees.
  4. Exhale - the pelvis rises, the amplitude of the deflection increases as much as the body allows.
  5. Inhale - the body takes its original position - buttocks on the heels.

When the last repetition of the exercise is performed, you need to hold the pelvis at the top in a stationary position for 5-8 seconds. Make sure that there is no feeling of tension in the neck.


To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them on the sides of the chest. Then proceed like this:

  1. Inhale - stretch your head up, while the arms are unbent at the elbow joint, but do not straighten completely. The feet and the coccyx area also stretch upwards.
  2. Exhale - arms straighten completely, deflection, chest and hips rise from the floor to the maximum possible. In this position, you need to fix the body for 2-3 seconds.
  3. The body returns to its original position and relaxes. You can make compensation, that is, arch your back with a “wheel”.
  4. Hands are brought to the body as in the starting position. Straight legs and the body rise up and back - this is, as it were, the reverse side of the "boat". Take a few breaths, exhalations, fixing the legs in this position.
  5. Lower your legs and body, relax, resting your head in your palms.

forward bends

This is the simplest exercise, many of them are familiar with it from school and sports times. But it has not become less effective since then:

  1. Sit on the floor on the buttocks, legs lie flat and extended forward.
  2. Inhale - the back is straight, the hands clasped "in the lock" must be raised up above the head so that the body forms an angle of 90º.
  3. Exhale - the back and arms, remaining as even as possible, fall forward. The spine should not arch.
  4. The palms clasp the feet, fixing the position, relaxation.
  5. Inhale - the body takes the initial position.


This exercise is especially popular with children, as part of it imitates the arched back of a cat when she is scared or angry:

  1. Stand in the initial position - knee-elbow, in other words, lower yourself, leaning on your knees and palms.
  2. Exhale - the back is smoothly rounded to the maximum.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. Inhale - the maximum deflection of the back down on outstretched arms.
  5. Return to starting pose.

These are enough simple exercises, if performed regularly, will help develop the spinal column and muscular frame. And if you perform them outdoors (at least on the balcony), the health benefits will be even greater.

Back flexibility exercises will allow you to have good posture and healthy spine. It is never too late to start practicing, the main thing is that there is a desire, then the result will not be long in coming.

To avoid injury, it is important to perform all the exercises correctly, and to do before each lesson.

A special complex, which is used by gymnasts, will help develop flexibility. To achieve good results, you can do additional dancing, and.

Where to start

In order for homework to be effective, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Train in comfortable clothes. It is desirable that it be made from natural materials. Put on socks on your feet, Czech shoes or light sneakers are also suitable.
  • Do exercises to develop back flexibility on a special mat to avoid injury.
  • Before each workout, it is important to warm up the muscles well. Additionally, you can use .
  • Control every movement, watch your breath.
  • Don't make sudden movements. If there is no confidence in the performance of the task, then take care of insurance.
  • Classes should be rotated. Do not overload the body, give it time to rest.

By following these simple rules, you can quickly achieve the desired result, avoid injuries and other troubles. The results will be noticeable after a month of regular training.

Before you start exercising, consult your doctor. There are several contraindications for performing a set of exercises for back flexibility:

  • injuries and operations on any part of the spine;
  • disease of the joints and ligaments;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The specialist will help assess the condition of the body and its readiness for such training. In the event that the doctor allows classes, you can proceed to action. Do not include a set of exercises in, leave it for the evening.

The fact is that in the morning the muscles are still sleeping and are not ready to take on such a load. Evening stretching will help to cope with the accumulated fatigue and stress, fall asleep faster.

Get down to business!

If you have not previously had experience with stretching, then you should not start doing exercises for gymnasts. Such a complex will be perceived by the body as stress, which will give a negative reaction.

In this case, a complex for beginners, which includes basic exercises to prepare the back for gymnastic stretching.

Always start your workout with a warm-up, which should take at least 15 minutes. During this time, the muscles are fully prepared, warmed up. Then you can proceed to the exercises themselves:

  1. Wave. To perform the wave, you need to sit down, bending your knees under you, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Next, make a wave-like movement with the body (it is better to do it on the exhale) and return to the starting position. It is enough to repeat 10 times. Go down slowly, do not make sudden movements.
  2. Deflection. The starting position is the same as in the previous task. Put your hands behind you and arch your back. In this position, fix and sit. Next, begin to lift the pelvis, increasing the deflection. Do not throw your head back, try to look at your knees - this will save you from straining the muscles of the cervical spine.
  3. Big waves. This is a classic yoga exercise that allows you to strengthen and stretch the muscles of the spine. Get on all fours, lower your buttocks on your heels, relax. Take a deep breath and exhale as you wave. Inhale and return to starting position. It is enough to do 10 repetitions.
  4. Boat. This exercise is familiar to everyone since childhood. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. At the same time, arms, body, legs rise. At the maximum point, you should linger for a while, then lower yourself.
  5. Tilts. Take a sitting position, legs straight, stretched forward. As you exhale, bend down to your legs. Try to touch your toes with your fingers. If at first it is very difficult to do this, then you can use a scarf. It should be fixed by the feet and try to pull the body to the legs. With each exhalation, try to go lower and lower. Do the same with legs spread apart.
  6. Kitty / dog. This is the favorite task of all children. It is quite simple, but at the same time effective. Get on all fours, while exhaling, round your back, while inhaling, make a deflection. 10 repetitions are enough.
  7. Bridge. After all the exercises are done, you can try to stand on the bridge. First get up from a prone position, then gradually you can learn to do the task from a standing position.

Regular workouts for 20 minutes a day will quickly see the result. During this time, the health of the back, spine and overall well-being will improve. For beginners, it is better to use the instructions for the exercises in pictures in order to clearly see how and what should be done.