How to become more athletic. Acceleration of muscle growth and release of growth hormone. Keep Motivated Throughout Your Sports Journey

You have decided to compete and don't know where to start. First, we divide the competition into two types, international and domestic. Many people know about international competitions, type open championships or cups of countries, about the stages of the World Cup. So we will not consider all these competitions within the framework of this article. We will consider our, native, Russian competitions and championships of Europe and the World!

  1. Structure sports organizations
  2. System sports achievements
  3. Competitions and the procedure for admission to them
  4. Documentation during the competition.
  1. Sports organizations are responsible for the organization of competitions, compliance with the rules and much more. Here they are in order of decreasing sphere of influence and subordination to a higher organization:

Federation of Aviation Sports of Russia (FAS), an all-Russian public organization, a member of the international organization of aviation sports FAI.

United Federation of Ultralight Aviation Russia (OF SLA of Russia). All-Russian public organization, member of the FAS. Represents the interests of athletes in the Ministry of Sports of Russia.

regional federations. Public organizations, members of the PF SLA. They work with OF SLA and ministries or departments of sports in the region. Represent the interests of athletes in the region.

Sports clubs. Everything is clear and at the same time not very clear. This is also a separate topic, we will not touch on it.

The rights and obligations of sports organizations are prescribed in the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports" No. 329-FZ

  1. We have a system of sports achievements, categories and titles in our country. For the results shown in official competitions you can get a sports category, and then sports title. This system involves sports steps. This is where the fun begins.

Sports ranks in ascending order:

Candidate Master of Sports of Russia (KMS)

Yes, imagine, CCM is not a title, but a sports category.

Sports ranks:

Master of Sports of Russia

International Master of Sports of Russia

Honored Master of Sports of Russia

More information about the system of ranks and titles can be found in the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports" No. 329-FZ, as well as in the Regulations on the "Unified All-Russian Sports Classification".

  1. Now for the competition. They also have different levels, i.e. levels. The order of admission to them depends on the level of the competition. Levels of competition and the procedure for admission to competitions in Russian Federation spelled out in the "Regulations on holding interregional and all-Russian competitions in the sport of ultralight aviation." This document is developed by the OF SLA and approved by the Ministry of Sports. All competitions are regulated by two documents, this is the aforementioned "Regulations" and the rules of the competition. The regulations are developed by the organizers together with sports federation this region, and is approved by the regional federation. If the competition is inter-regional or all-Russian, then the regulations are approved by the OF SLA.

On the this moment Competitions are held at the following levels in ascending order:

Regional championship. Regional championship, regional cup, as well as open competitions of these regions.

Interregional competitions. National teams of the regions of the country compete at these competitions, a certain number of regions of participants must be represented. The quantity is written in the regulation.

All-Russian competitions. First of all, this is the Championship of Russia and the Cup of Russia.

Admission to these competitions is made as follows:

A sports category is not required for regional competitions. Participants from other regions are allowed, if it is prescribed in the regulations. There are also internal competitions, for example, for selection to the national team of this region with a large number of athletes participating in this region.

For inter-regional competitions, the 3rd sports category is required.

All-Russian competitions require at least the 1st sports category.

A minimum of CCM is required for the European and World Championships.

To get the coveted ranks, when you don’t have it at all, you need to participate in official competitions. What makes a competition official? This is an entry into calendar plan activities of the region (KP). It is formed by the sports federation of the region and approved by the executive authority (department or ministry of sports of the region). You can also read about this in the Federal Law "On physical education and sports” No. 329-FZ. For interregional and all-Russian competitions there is a single schedule sports events(EKP). Our part is developed in OF SLA and approved by the Ministry of Sports of Russia. There are also international competitions, which are attended by members of the Russian team.

So we sorted out the officialdom, chose the competitions, now it's time to find out why and how sports categories are assigned. They are awarded upon victories in competitions and the fulfillment of standards according to the unified All-Russian sports classification (EVSK). By victories is meant to take one of the places on the podium, and sometimes a little lower, depending on the level of competition. And the standards are kilometers in exercises. I will not describe the exercises and what category for which places they assign. Here are links to the Regulations on the “Unified All-Russian Sports Classification” and norms. Also in these documents it is written what categories, at what competitions you can get.

  1. Well, you have chosen competitions, participated in them, compared your results with EVSK and collected for the category. What documents are needed and where to go with them?

From the secretary of the competition you must receive a certificate on the composition of the main refereeing commission, copies of the protocols, final and exercises, if you submit the fulfilled standards. And also an extract from the protocols on the fulfilled standards, where your full name, date of birth and the result of the exercise are written.

And so, let's summarize. Here is the route map:

  1. We are looking for an accredited federation in our region, if not, we make a temporary registration in the region where it is. Or create it and welcome to our club 😉
  2. We select competitions from the approved calendar plan.
  3. At the end of the competition, we collect a package of documents: a certificate of the composition of the main judicial commission, copies of the protocols and extracts from them.
  4. We add to the collected documents copies of the passport of the main page and the page with registration, as well as 2 photos 3x4.
  5. We transfer the documents to the person responsible for the categories from the federation.
  6. The federation draws up a submission for assignment sports category and, together with the documents provided by you, are submitted to the executive authorities.
  7. We wash the received discharge!

And now the questions.

Alexander Kulishov, December 2017.

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Sport is a great tool for everything: to maintain a beautiful figure, strengthen immunity, and have a great positive mood. Sports can be seen as a way to move up the career ladder - sports people achieve greater success due to the fact that physical activity gives them more energy to get things done. In the same way, sports can bring you worldwide fame and respect - provided that you practice them stubbornly and constantly. In addition, sports are a great way to get to know the opposite sex: firstly, it is fashionable to play sports, secondly, it is very common, and thirdly, common interests instantly bring people together.

Whatever one may say, in playing sports from all sides you will be surrounded by positive traits and virtues. Naturally, in this, as in any other activity, it is worth knowing the measure and treating sports activity with a certain degree of caution. After all, this, in principle, is the only drawback of sports - a high probability of injury. But if you follow all the rules and be careful in the training you perform, then the risk can be reduced almost to the point of impossibility.

So how do you become athletic? To begin with, simply love the prospect of playing sports, and then fall in love with yourself. physical activity! You should not assume that sport is not for you, that it is a waste of time, and such a sport has not yet been invented that would meet all your requirements and would please you completely. This approach is used by lazy people.

If you seriously decided to go in for sports, but such thoughts run through your head, then in no case do not give in to them! Just devote more time to learning about sports, various sports and recreational physical practices. The world of sports is so rich and diverse that you simply cannot find something suitable for yourself.

There are sports for people who like very active workouts, there are special gymnastics for those who prefer to work slowly but intensively, there are also small complexes exercises, the time for which will take no more than five minutes, there are also practices that contribute to the improvement of both the body and the spirit. As you can see, it is simply impossible not to find something interesting - rather, you will face the problem of choice, and not the problem of its absence or lack.

But before you start playing sports, you should still take into account the certain risks that you will face. Be aware that you voluntarily go to sports, because training under duress cannot end in anything good. Also, do not forget to do the basic things, without which you cannot start performing any set of exercises.

Firstly, this is the right spiritual attitude, preparing yourself for the realization that your body will now be exposed to physical activity. Secondly, prepare the body itself for this very load. It's about the workout. No matter how experienced an athlete you are, no matter how often you play sports, you should never leave aside the warm-up, no matter how little time you have. Warming up prepares the body for more serious exercise, warming up your muscles, bones and joints. It is with the help of a warm-up that a significant reduction in the risk of various injuries occurs.

Always approach the warm-up responsibly and conscientiously. Remember that in your own hands make sports safer, and therefore more interesting and enjoyable.

If you're not in the right mood for exercise, don't do it. To make training always a joy, approach it with the appropriate attitude. If the body does not have to perform sets of exercises, then also do not perform it. Any discomfort, pain, tension - all this again can lead to more serious consequences that no one wants to have.

If the mood for the sport is gone not because of physical discomfort, then try to find the reason why you are tired of the activity. Maybe it's time to change the sport or bring new exercises to the complex? Do not be afraid of variety: it is not only pleasant, but also useful for the body, because new exercises involve those muscle groups that, perhaps, were not involved before.

In addition, choose sports for any time of the year to be in great shape every day, and not quickly put your body in order before the beach season. In the summer you can do outdoor yoga, running and swimming, in the off-season - autumn and spring - great cycling and rollerblading, and winter brings with it such fun as skiing and skating. Go in for sports and be healthy!

There are no trifles in sports. Someone flies out at the selection stage, someone remains an amateur, and someone lacks the smallest fraction to become a professional athlete. How to achieve impressive results in sports?

Beginners in the sport should decide on their preferences and start looking for a coach and sportswear and shoes. Moreover, from this day on, you need to constantly monitor your “second skin”, maintain it in perfect condition and if necessary, change it, especially when it has to be corrected all the time, laced up, and so on. As for friendship and communication on the Internet, any athlete will say that he was deprived of this in childhood, and this is the price that you have to pay for the opportunity to become a champion, and this must be taken into account.

You need to be ready to give up bad habits and swearing. What else do you need to become a professional athlete? Constantly learn and develop and not only in physical plane. A beginner will have to withstand the pressure of older and more experienced athletes, he must learn to resist this and smooth out conflicts. A lot of time and effort will have to be devoted to studying weaknesses their rivals.

Daily routine and imposed restrictions

The life of a professional athlete consists of training, sleep, rest and other needs that are subject to a strict routine. It is necessary to plan your daily routine daily and strictly observe it. Nutrition plays a very important role in the life of an athlete. After all, how much energy he spends is how much he should receive, so the daily menu should be presented as protein products as well as saturated fats and carbohydrates. You can’t eat as you have to, a clear regimen is also observed here: 5-6 meals a day should be completely adjusted to the organization of training.

But training is training, and you need to start your day with a warm-up or exercise. By giving your joints and muscles 15 minutes a day, you can bring your body into tone, cheer up, relieve muscle pain and significantly increase the effectiveness of classes. The body of a future professional athlete, whose daily routine is scheduled by the minute, needs a good rest, so you can’t neglect a night’s sleep. In general, you should treat your health very carefully and carefully, because the final result will depend on this. A future professional athlete cannot afford to dress inappropriately for the weather, to swim in cold water etc. It is also not worth training or taking part in competitions when you feel unwell, this is the professional attitude towards your health.

Well, and most importantly, you need to go towards your goal in spite of any obstacles, clearly know what, and make every effort to achieve the result.


  • How to become an athlete? Very simple!

Champion is the highest title in sports. This is a man who is confident in his abilities. The champion is a successful athlete who is always ready to help those who are just taking their first steps in the sport. How can you develop such qualities in your child?


If your child goes in for sports, then you need to teach him that he should attend classes (training) regularly. The child, together with his parents, needs to draw up a daily routine, which he must strictly follow. Many coaches claim that discipline in children's sports a lot like discipline, which is mostly true.


This quality is formed all conscious life. So, if you decide to increase its level, you can do it at any time. Instill in your child a sense of respect for others and for himself. Where can he learn this if not in his own family? The main thing is to set a worthy example for the younger generation. Do not be too strict - it can damage the child's self-esteem


It is very important that the child feels a sense of satisfaction from the process of training, so that he likes classes and competitions. It would be ideal if he strove to do his homework as soon as possible so that he would be out of training as soon as possible.

Parents should not interfere in the training process, fully trusting the professional skills of the coach. They should help him by taking care of their child and take him to classes regularly.
It is important for parents to support the child's interest in sports, to talk with him about new achievements, opportunities, successes and failures. Pay attention to the emotional side of the child. Find out the reasons for his feelings and help to cope with them. Thus, the coach should train, and the parents should help and morally support the child.


One of the most important aspects of a champion is nutrition. I think everyone understands that there is a direct relationship here: the better your child’s nutrition is, the easier it will be for him to reach the intended heights.

It is necessary to avoid fried and fatty foods, chips, "harmful drinks" such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, etc. Natural products are important for the future champion, which will provide him with energy and the main building material (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in correct proportions. It is very important to organize the correct drinking regimen, where ordinary water will prevail over other liquids. The norm of water consumption is 30 mg/kg per day.


Here, too, you have to have fun. Competition is a process, the result of which should not affect the rewards for the child. It's just a way to evaluate the work for a certain period of time.

If you see a future champion in your child, then it will be better if you discuss some details of the training with the coach, and if your financial situation allows, then draw up an individual training plan.

Decide what heights your child wants to reach. Based on the abilities of your child, you can draw up a plan for his development in sports for 10-15 years ahead: how many and what medals he wants to win, in what competitions to participate.

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So the Russian Football Championship 2016/2017 has come to an end. According to its results, the main event for all the fans of the Moscow Spartak took place - after 16 years this club again became the strongest in our country. Last time This happened way back in 2001. Moreover, an amazing fact: during this period the club won only once the Cup of Russia - 2003 and nothing more.

Yes, and this championship did not start very well for Spartak. After several defeats at the start, resignation followed head coach and Dmitry Alenichev was replaced by the Italian Massimo Carrera. Whether the team believed in themselves, or in the coach, but everything changed in an instant, and the club almost did not suffer defeats until the end of the championship.

But the victory of Spartak is not only the merit of the coach, but also the players and fans. Among the players, midfielder Denis Glushakov became a real leader. He recently moved from Lokomotiv and played in this tournament like he had never played in his career. Therefore, an excellent result for him was the prize best player season in Russia. Many fans remember his miraculous goals long-range shots in the most right moments matches.

Of course, you can endlessly list all the Spartacists, they deserve it with a brilliant game, but it should be noted the merit of the fans in this victory. Without them, the team would not have won so confidently.

In general, all the people who get sick, play or work at Spartak have finally been able to breathe a sigh of relief and be happy for their favorite team.

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The thought of arriving at the ideal physical form may sound intimidating, but all attempts on the way to the cherished goal will be justified when you see in the mirror what you have only dreamed of recently! Come on, let's take the first step, and then another, and another. We offer 12 steps on how to become athletic and get closer to a healthy future.

We often dream that one fine day we will wake up early in the morning and decide to radically change everything: style and lifestyle, nutrition, attitude towards sports and ourselves. But nothing happens suddenly, and usually a long journey begins with the first small step. Your path to a healthy and athletic future begins with 12 steps to getting fit. One or two, let's start!

Part one

Step 1. Develop the Right Attitude

Your brain is not a muscle, but it develops a habitual opinion and attitude for each of your victories and failures along the way to sports goal. Being in good physical shape is a marathon, and certainly not a sprint, so you need to implement changes in all areas of your life. So the first tip on how to become athletic is to move towards the goal slowly and gradually until all the changes become a useful and healthy habit.

Step 2. Track progress and be proud of small achievements

And how to become athletic and constantly motivate yourself? Start a fitness journal and make notes in it each time: when you did it, what exercises you performed and for how long. You can also make notes about what you eat every day. You will notice that every time you think about whether you snacked or not, and what exactly to write in a fitness journal, the feeling of hunger will no longer be so acute. Do not think that if you missed a workout once, you can give up and stop exercising altogether. Start again! Do not be disappointed if you see that the weight is not going away quickly, and the muscles have not yet become stronger. Remember: the main thing is to be in the process and see the trajectory of your movement. Then everything will work out!

Step 3. How to become athletic? Make a deal with yourself

Mentally sign a contract with yourself, use a system of pleasant rewards. First, set a goal, and then come up with a prize for yourself (something that you have long wanted to buy yourself!). For example, tell yourself that if you run for 30 minutes every day, then in a few weeks you will buy yourself that cute blouse or new tablet case that you have been dreaming about lately.

Step 4. Recruit a friend to play sports for the company

Part two

Step 5. Exercise to get in shape

Implement more exercise into your life. If you don’t know how to become athletic and ready for change, then try to understand your ultimate goal: do you want to get rid of extra pounds or just tone your muscles.

  • Walk more or take a bike! Literally force yourself to park your car a few blocks from your office and walk for at least 10-15 minutes every day. When you stop by for shopping, park in the far corner, and not right at the entrance, so you will accustom yourself to walk more actively and more!
  • Take your dog for a walk in the park more often - both your body and your dog will thank you!
  • Clean the house more vigorously, move, dance, sweep, vacuum, mow lawns, wipe mirrors, wash dishes - all this is not a bad exercise! Cleaning your home will not only help you and your family create a more positive environment, but it will also help you burn calories and get yourself some exercise.
  • Get busy in the office! Yes, yes, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance, but sitting at the computer, you can do it in parallel small exercises for burning calories. You can stretch, raise your legs under the table, draw in your stomach, bring your shoulders together. It's simple.

Step 6. Develop a routine and stick to it

The answer to the question "how to become a sportsman?" may be the mode. The correct fitness program consists of five components: warm-up-warm-up, aerobic training, exercises for strength development, stretching (flexibility exercises) and cooling-relaxation.

  • A good warm-up is a walk outside or on a treadmill, or a leisurely ride on an exercise bike. You do not move very intensively, just enough to warm up muscular system. When you start an active workout without warming up, there is a danger that you can stretch your muscles.
  • Cardio exercise will improve blood circulation and increase stamina. Jogging, cycling - at a more intense pace, at this stage it is important to squeeze the first drops of sweat out of yourself and make the body work actively.
  • Building muscle mass Not only will strength training help you tone your muscles, but it will also improve your metabolism, because people with strong and toned muscles burn calories even when they just sit and relax. You can also work with dumbbells at this stage, do several sets of squats, push-ups, and also use other exercises. If you don't like going to the gym, do your exercises at home.
  • Cooling is the same as warming up, it has its own special role. If warming up prepares the body for active exercise and physical activity, then cooling the body is aimed at gradually slowing down. Therefore, we perform exercises slowly, allowing the muscles to relax.

Important: if you have heart problems, or high blood pressure, if you are over 60 years old, you should consult a doctor before starting vigorous exercise.

Step 7: Switch and Use Different Exercises

Any activity will help you to be in good shape, but remember that the body gets used to everything, and therefore it is important to use different exercises, alternate them so that each time the body works even more actively!

  • Sign up for dancing! It can be anything - salsa, waltz, kizomba, ballet or break dance. Energetic dance is also fitness! You will be pleasantly surprised how many calories you can burn and still have a lot of fun.
  • Head to the pool! It doesn't matter if you swim freestyle, breaststroke or freestyle. The main thing is that you move in the water.
  • Try yoga! - this is great exercise for your body and brain. Yoga relaxes the muscles, releases heavy thoughts and tones the muscles. Choose one or two days a week, make the most of your time and have fun.

Part three

The importance of proper nutrition

Step 8Give Your Body the Fuel It Needs

As you lead a more active lifestyle, you will need more food, not just food, but nutritious, healthy food. Let's learn to eat right and drink plenty of water.

Switch to whole grain bread. It's delicious and great!

Avoid unhealthy snacking and eat more fruits and vegetables instead.

Choose foods rich in protein. Buy lean, not too fatty meat, eat legumes, eggs, add seeds to the salad, include sea fish in the menu at least once a week.

Step 9: Make sure your fridge has the right food stocks

Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, dried fruits, and seeds for snacking. Throw away all unhealthy foods and forget about soda. Make it a habit to drink 1-2 glasses of water 30 minutes before meals (even if it's a snack). Water is great for curbing cravings to eat. If you still feel like eating after drinking the water, go ahead, don't worry. Sometimes you can allow yourself to eat what you really want. The main thing is to remember the ultimate goal - to eat healthy and healthy.

Step 10 Drink up to 2 liters of water every day

Water gives your body the necessary moisture, and also improves metabolic processes. Moreover, it is water that takes up a lot of space in your stomach, thus preventing you from overeating.

Carry a water bottle with you at all times, refill it regularly, and drink water throughout the day.

Drink water instead of sodas or juices.

If the water seems tasteless to you, try adding slices of lemon, lime, strawberries, mint leaves to it. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Step 11: Let Your Body Rest

If you actively make the body move, there will come a time when the body will need a good rest in order to restore its strength. Healthy sleep- this is useful. Determine the required number of hours that you need in order for you to feel cheerful and energetic in the morning. Learn to go to bed and wake up at the same time, the regime will benefit the body. Chronic lack of sleep is bad for the immune system. You are much more likely to get sick when you feel tired, and you will need more time to recover from illness. Also, lack of sleep is directly related to overeating: the body will simply compensate for itself with its extra calories.

Step 12: See your doctor regularly

In order to feel healthy and energetic, it is necessary to provide the body with good support, which is why it is important not to miss all preventive visits to the doctor. Paying attention to your own health will pay off handsomely!

Sport is increasingly absorbing our lives, and not a single family has missed such an event as the Olympics. To root for our people, to feel pride in their country - that's what every compatriot has to experience with joy. BUT healthy lifestyle life becomes a national ideology, because it is so nice to feel healthy, young, full of strength and energy! Going to the gym is often an integral part of the daily routine, and the simplest morning work-out- pledge of vivacity and Have a good mood. healthy eating, it turns out, can also be varied and suitable for everyone, taking into account individual needs. Yes, and you don’t want to sit at home idly on a day off, but it’s useful and pleasant to have fun with friends in the fresh air.

But this is something that everyone can do for themselves. And you can devote your life to sports and serving your native country. Ask a question and a goal: "How to become Olympic champion? - needed in childhood. If a person firmly wants to stand on a pedestal Olympic Games, then he must give all his best, although this is a very risky undertaking. But for a person with a goal and a dream, nothing is impossible.

Why do we need wins?

Each victory, even the smallest, can be a huge step forward for a completely desperate person. And the same victories of a small level can soon turn into one big Olympic one. But all these victories require preparation and long study. and the real pride of parents, schools, countries? This will be discussed later. Why do we need to win? First, to assert themselves. Having achieved his goal, a person looks at life in a completely different way. Perhaps to prove to yourself and the whole world that you are worth something, that your hopes are justified, that all efforts were not in vain. And now the champion, in spite of all the envious people and to the delight of his friends, listens to the anthem of his native country. And, of course, big sport is money, privileges, fame, travel, a lot of new friends and sensations.

Mom, I'll be the champion!

Many parents don't even ask themselves or others how to raise an Olympic champion. And that's exactly what you need to learn! First, find out if your child really wants to devote his life to sports - namely big sport, to give him yourself without a trace. Who knows, maybe you are raising a new Pushkin or Tchaikovsky? If health allows, and there is a great desire - take your child to sports! Not necessarily the one listed Olympic sports. After all, knowing how to become a champion is important for young athlete. This is his personal and very big victory. Do not spray the talent of a child if he has already decided: for example, a skater will not be particularly interested in boxing, skiing, football, tennis and a marathon at the same time, although a comprehensive one is extremely important. Explain that luck may not always accompany an athlete, and only learn from mistakes and defeats. Teach your child not to succumb to difficulties and to endure trials with courage, and also to despise dangers. Although some coaches discourage parents from even dreaming of child champions, they say there is no chance. But it is always necessary to strive for the best - this helps to live.

How to become an Olympic champion

Once you've made up your mind about your sport and know you're raising a champion, head straight to sports school. At the same time, you need to choose the right coach: after all, it is much easier to achieve results in an ideal union than when the coach and student do not understand each other. A coach in sports is the most important, therefore it is strictly obligatory to obey him unquestioningly and carry out all assignments and tasks! You have to train constantly. Yes, you may have to sacrifice hours of relaxation in front of the monitor, sleep, food, personal life or friends - but none of this will replace the joy of victory. The more often you challenge yourself, the better, because in competition a person improves and opens up. And then the child who wondered: “How to become an Olympic champion?” - find out what the championship tastes like. And, of course, proper sleep, nutrition is also an important part of winning.

If they spit in your back, you are ahead

Athletes often make enemies precisely because of their successes. I ran in less time, jumped ten centimeters further, flawlessly performed a new element ... Most often this happens in the women's team. How to deal with enemies? You can’t console yourself simply with the fact that you are the object of envy, although this also happens. The best thing is to just separate from the enemy, to be really indifferent. And in sports, war often breaks out - this is how a person works. Just transfer it as something that elevates you and does not kill you, which means it makes you stronger!

Secrets of our champions

To learn how to become an Olympic champion, you need to familiarize yourself with the Olympic principles and accept them - otherwise nothing will work out, and you will try not for the sake of an idea, but for the sake of fame or some other goal, which, however, cannot be condemned either. Many champions talk about their secrets of victory. For example, get yourself a victory gesture, a song that inspires you, or a talisman - at least some sign that would help you win. Read interviews of athletes who have reached the top of their careers. Set yourself up for the best, though be prepared for anything. And also - invest in what you are doing, the maximum of emotions directed at the opponent, the ball, the racket, the stick, yourself ... Emotions are the driving force of real champions.