Farthest hit. The strongest kick in football. What have the players been able to do

Martial artists have different strengths and striking techniques. Improving their skills to perfection, they turn their body into a crushing machine that is able to work on the principle of "One hit - one corpse." Well, how to determine which blow is the most powerful?

How is impact strength measured?

Objective assessment has been implemented so far only in professional boxing, which takes into account the impact force, its speed and effectiveness. Professional leagues use a computerized scoring and scoring system called "CompuBox". In Olympic non-professional boxing, the “Cross” (the name translates as “cross”) is counted as the strongest blow. This is one of the straight punches that is thrown with the dominant hand, in most cases the far hand in the athlete's stance. If you strike directly, then the hand will pass over the opponent's hand. Hence the name of the blow.

By the way, simultaneously with this blow, the athlete performs a push with the back leg, after which the body is transferred to the front leg, and the body moves forward. All together quite a lot increases the force of impact.

Which kick is the most effective?

Strikes are divided into two categories: pushing and sharp. Both can have the same strength indicator, but the essence can be completely different. In fact, the force of impact is not so important, the main thing is the knockout component. However, specifics can still be made.

The impact force of a man ranges from 200 to 1000 kilograms. 200 kilograms is a pretty good punch for a boxer who weighs 60-70 kilograms. Well, a thousand is already the limit of a heavyweight. You can “knock out” an opponent with a blow of 150 newtons (this is about 15 kilograms). But you need to aim at the chin area. To measure the impact force in boxing on international competitions often use a special value psi (pounds per square inch).

The strongest punch in taekwondo

The master of modern sports taekwondo Choi Hong Gi conducted research on the power, effectiveness and strength of individual blows of the best fighters. He cited the results in a book, where it was mentioned that from a physical point of view, the kinetic force and momentum of movement have a direct punching blow if it is applied with a hand far from the “victim”.

The general made such conclusions based on his experience and biomechanical studies of strikes. In addition, he watched the application of various blows in slow motion video. It turns out that we are talking about the "eastern" version of the boxing "cross". The same power, coupled with a huge mass, amount of muscles and strength, was attributed by the master to a direct kick.

Record-breaking punch

There is no absolute dynamometer to measure the strength of a boxer's punches. But there is an opinion that the most swipe at Mike Tyson. It is located around the 800 kilogram mark. The blow is so powerful that it can kill the enemy.

However, the boxer is the author of not only this record. At 20, he became the youngest world heavyweight champion. A year later, he was already the youngest undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. Mike Tyson will spend a minimum of time to win world titles and absolute champion. It took him a year and 8.5 months, and 2.5 years, respectively. Surprisingly, an athlete involved in such an aggressive sport refused meat, proving that with a full-fledged physical activity, it is quite possible to do without it.

The strongest kicks in football

Kicking is almost the main component of the game of football. Otherwise, no goals. And this is the apotheosis of the number one sport in the world. Beautiful shots cause admiration, experts do not get tired of studying the technique and manner of performance of football players. Moreover, each athlete has his own unique theory of impact. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo spreads his legs shoulder-width apart, David Beckham arches his body, and Roberta Carlos rapidly minces his feet before touching the ball.

9 hardest shots in football

Beautiful shots by Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha

Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha will remain in the history of football as a speedy full-back, as well as the author of fantastic shots from long and medium distances. Playing for different teams and with different opponents, the undersized football player constantly hit the opponents' gates with crushing blows.

Carlos' calling card is branded free kicks. After them, the ball flies straight into the opponent's goal along an unpredictable trajectory. While working at Real Madrid, every second such blow Roberto hit the target. Before hitting, the Brazilian made a long run, approached the ball with mincing steps and hit the ball.

Scientists tried to understand the theory of his goals, the French deduced an equation that explains the goals of Roberto Carlos. In their opinion, the football player minimized the effect of the attraction of the earth and air turbulence. The ball needs to be given energy coupled with torque. The curvature here increases as you move.

The best goals of Robert Carlos

For a decade and a half, Carlos' punches were closely watched. The statistics show the real numbers of the "shot" of the player. Once the Brazilian hit the gates of the French national team with a free kick - the ball flew at a speed of 136 kilometers per hour. But it's not the most impressive hit. Once the trick in terms of strength and speed was equal to 198 kilometers per hour. According to these results, Roberto Carlos was the holder of the title of the strongest kick in the history of football.

Lukas Podolski's record blow

German striker Lukas Podolski set a new record at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa in the first match of the German national team against Austria.

The ball of the midfielder of the club of the German Bundesliga "Paderborn" Moritz Stoppelkamp, ​​scored from 83 meters, updated the record in the nomination "Goal from the farthest distance". Lenta.ru offers to recall the names of other heroes who at various times sent balls into other people's goals from a crazy distance.

Stoppelkamp's goal will be remembered by the fans for a long time. With a sighted shot from 83 meters, the midfielder scored the ball in the match with Hannover in the 90th minute. The goalkeeper who ran away to attack simply did not have time to return, and the projectile flew into an empty net.

Until last Sunday, the Greek Yorgos Tsavelas was the author of the farthest accurate shot of the German championship. On March 12, 2011, the Eintracht Frankfurt player managed to score from 73 meters not to anyone, but to the German national team goalkeeper Manuel Neuer himself, then still playing for Schalke from Gelsenkirchen.

The officially registered record of all time is considered to be the goal of the English Stoke City goalkeeper Asmir Begovic, scored by him against Southampton on November 2, 2011. Dispassionate technique calculated that after hitting the Bosnian goalkeeper, the projectile flew 91 meters and 90 centimeters. Not every field will do this. What makes this goal doubly unique is the fact that it was scored in the 12th second of the match.

Domestic goalkeepers also have something to answer. On September 3, 2010, in the championship of the FNL, the second strongest Russian division, the goalkeeper of the Kuban rushing to the Premier League, Alexander Budakov, “loaded” into the gates of the Chelny KamAZ so that his counterpart could only shrug. By the way, Budakov's joyful dances could well have been noted in Dancing with the Stars.

The Senegalese legionary of the South African "Supersport United" Mora Dioufa threw the ball behind the collar of the goalkeeper "Mamelody Sundowns" on March 10 last year. Football in South Africa is very cool in itself, like Chuck Norris himself, and the crackle from bone-to-bone collisions could well serve as the soundtrack to any action movie. The more valuable such masterpieces.

But the former midfielder of the Dutch national team Orlando Engelar demonstrates the high art of long-range strikes on the Green Continent. On March 22, 2014, in a match for Melbourne against the Orlando Coast Mariners, he scored the goal of the year in Australia.

Kick 60 meters? Eka is unseen. And the other part of the body is weak? No, says Ryujiro Ueda, defender of Japan's Fagiyano Okayama. And he scores with his head from a distance of 58 meters 60 centimeters. Since 30 October 2011, this is considered to be the farthest header in history.

However, just five days earlier, such a curiosity happened: Odd Grenland player Jone Samuelsen scored against Tromso in the Norwegian championship match. Unlike Japan, high technologies were not used here and the distance was calculated offhand - 57 meters. We don't know if Ueda was remeasured after the goal.

Do you want to know who has the strongest kick in football? Then you've definitely come to the right place.

The main feature of football has always been and remains a strong kick. This sport has so many fans, precisely because of the beautiful goals that are scored after verified, accurate and very strong blows. Each footballer, in fact, is the strongest athlete who simply must be able to apply strong and precise strikes at the opponent's goal. But even among the best there are real champions, whose blows have become a real sensation.

Which player has the strongest shot?

Below we will talk about several football players who, in different years of their stellar career, managed to distinguish themselves with incredibly strong shots on the ball, which also reached its goal and hit the goal. But it is worth remembering that among football statistics there are no official data on the impact force, all data on the impact gets into the press by chance, only if the impact is truly strong and sensational. We can say that the force of impact will be determined by eye, so we are not chasing serious objectivity and analytics. Therefore, everyone will decide for himself which player has the strongest shot, and we will only provide a few significant examples. So let's get started.

David Beckham

The owner of one of the most powerful blows in world football is a wonderful football player and one of the most handsome men in the world - . Back in 1997, David set a personal record by scoring a goal against football club Chelsea. The ball after impact flew at a speed of approximately 156 km / h. The Chelsea goalkeeper, after such a powerful blow to his goal, could only shrug. It is worth noting that Beckham during his career was famous just the same for his masterful execution of free kicks.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Not only is it one of the most the best football players in a world with hundreds of goals scored, he also managed to score the biggest shot in football history. According to rough data, after the most powerful blow from Ronaldo, the ball flew at a speed of 185 km / h.

Such an indicator did not come as a surprise, because Ronaldo is one of the most hardworking footballers who worked very carefully on his shot. Ronaldo himself chose the perfect acceleration for himself and even the stance during the impact. What is there to say? A real expert in his field.

Roberto Carlos

This player has long held the title of the player with the strongest shot in the history of football. But after the end of his sports career, one of the best defenders in the world still lost his lead. But despite this, his free kick in the Confederations Cup against France in 1997 remembered the entire football world.

Then Carlos from a distance of 35 meters dealt a powerful blow to the opponent's goal at a speed of 198 km / h. This hit even baffled some scientists who were trying to unravel the secret of the Brazilian defender's hit and calculate the unusual trajectory of the ball after it hit.

Lukas Podolsky

This football player just took away all the laurels from Roberto Carlos, because his blow surpassed everyone at once in strength at times. Lucas set a world record in a match against the Australian team at the South African World Cup. Then the football player hit the ball, the speed of which in flight was 202 km / h. Then Lucas scored a goal in the upper left corner of the gate. The blow was so strong and accurate that the goalkeeper of the Australian team did not even have time to react.

Stephen Reid

This Irish defender who plays for the club "Blackburn" is not so often scored goals. But if he already manages to hit the ball, then he does it really hard. In 2005, Reed managed to score his best goal at the gates of Wigan Football Club. Then the ball seemed to fly out of a cannon and pierced the “nine” of the goalkeeper at a speed of 189 km / h. It is worth noting that the match was held in 2005, on December 31, just before the celebration of the New Year. Reid managed to make a great gift to his coach, fans and teammates.

Ronnie Eberson

On the this moment this talented Brazilian footballer continues his sports career in the German club Hertha. But earlier, Eberson played for the Portuguese Porto, where he managed to score the ball into the goal of the Naval football club with incredible force. The ball has developed a speed of 210 km / h. It is quite obvious that the goalkeeper of the opponents will not be able to help his team in any way, because the ball flew into his goal at the speed of a sports car.


Well, the most powerful blow in the history of football at the moment was delivered to the incredibly popular football player of the Brazilian national team - Hulk. This attacking midfielder almost tore the net during the match against FC Shakhtar during group stage Champions League. Then the Hulk managed to score the ball at a flight speed of 214 km / h. Unconditionally, this is a new world record that no one has yet broken.

"Euro-Football.Ru" under the heading "The Best of the Best" recalls the strongest blows in football

Kicking is one of the main components of the game of football. Without strikes, there are no goals scored - the apotheosis of sport number one. We tirelessly admire beautiful shots, we study in detail the technique and manner of their execution by football idols. Each star player has his own unique kicking procedure: Cristiano Ronaldo spreads his legs wide shoulder-width apart, David Beckham arches his body in a special way, Roberto Carlos quickly minces his feet before touching the ball. Alas, football is not the most recorded sport in terms of statistical indicators. AT athletics every movement of an athlete is analyzed and read by millions of statisticians. As a team sport in football, everything is subordinated to the common achievements of the team. At the same time, the teams are made up of a set of individuals, without the efforts of which even the most stellar club will be just a "naked" brand and nothing more.

It is not accepted everywhere and not always to calculate the force of the ball's flight after a player's kick. Such information is not systematized anywhere. However, well-known special cases get into the press and become the subject of discussion. "Euro-Futbol.Ru" under the heading "The Best of the Best" analyzes the strongest blows in football and presents foreign and domestic candidates.

In 1973 the famous Soviet coach Konstantin Lyaskovskiy released his own brochure called "Punch Technique". In it, the author examined various aspects of hitting the ball, the "mechanics" of each of them, illustrated the "shot" of Grigory Fedotov, talked about the connection between hits and tactics, and gave a number of exercises to improve the strength and accuracy of hits. The author of the brochure gave increased attention precisely kicks, since after them the lion's share of goals is scored. The classification of kicks to the ball is divided into the following methods of execution:

- hit inside rise;

- impact with the middle part of the lift;

- hit outer part rise;

- hit inside feet;

- hit outside feet;

- kick toe;

- heel kick.


In football history Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha(since 2011, the last part of the Brazilian's initials can be changed to Rasha) will remain not so much as a quality full-back with outstanding speed, but as the owner of a fantastic strike from medium and long distances. In other cases, only one hundred and sixty-eight centimeters of "live growth" can serve as a complex for professional football player, but Roberto Carlos never tried to be taller or heavier (his vest almost always did not exceed the “bar” of seventy-five kilograms).

Wherever Roberto Carlos played (whether in the little-known Brazilian "Union" San Juan or in the largest by the standards of the country "Palmeiras", or in real European top clubs - Madrid "Real" and Milan "Inter", and, later in Fenerbahçe and Corinthians), the undersized defender with enviable regularity hit the opponents' goal with his author's crushing blows.

The first makings of a powerful blow appeared in Carlos at the age of fifteen. Everything is “faulted” by nature, which rewarded Roberto with ideal parameters for a strong blow. Short legs and powerful hips (a well-known fact: Roberto Carlos' thigh girth was fifty-eight centimeters in his youth!) contributed to the development of the most best qualities Carlos the footballer Carlos showed off his amazing physique until the age of thirty-three, when the Brazilian stopped running a hundred meters in less than eleven seconds and pumping his abdominals continuously for an hour.

The main "calling card" of Roberto Carlos are his signature free kicks, after which the ball flies along an unpredictable trajectory straight into the goal. In his best years (while playing for Real Madrid) every second free-kick from Carlos ended in a goal. Before the “shot”, the Brazilian performed a long run, in the process of approaching the ball, the South American quickly minced his feet and inflicted his deadly number. Defending in the “walls” the players usually could not worry: the ball still bypassed them, like an attentive cat bypasses a pack of dogs on its way.

It was difficult to blame the goalkeepers: in addition to the power of the shot, they had to guess where exactly the ball would fly - to the left or right of themselves, or maybe in the center? Roberto equally successfully sent the balls down and through the air. “I only hit with the outside of the foot, it gives the ball an unpredictable trajectory. It happens that I pick up boots of the thirty-eighth size. The leg is a little uncomfortable, but the leather base fits the foot tightly,” says Roberto Carlos about his famous shots from medium and long distances. Of course, over the years, the frequency of Roberto Carlos hitting the opponent's goal has decreased, but from time to time the Brazilian pleases the audience with goals of his own production. First free-kick for own new club“Anji” from Makhachkala Roberto Carlos spent in the Russian championship game against the Nalchik “Spartak”. The ball was set on the right side of the field, but Roberto struck an irresistible "shot" on the ground into the far bottom corner. Without hitting anyone, the "shell" ended up in the net exactly where the performer sent it.

Of the huge number of impressive strikes from Roberto Carlos free-kicks apart is his "shot", made on June 3, 1997 at the gates of the French national team. Exactly one year before the World Cup in this country, four national teams in the unofficial Confederations Cup held a rehearsal for the final tournament of the Mundial.

In the very interesting match tournament Brazil met with the owners of the French. Guests were entitled to a free kick thirty-five meters from the possession of the French team. Roberto Carlos moved forward to take the shot. The shaven-headed cornerback, after a long run-up, made a stunning shot that went into football history. A sample of the most outlandish ball flight path caused real controversy among specialists and scientists. It's no joke, the ball, launched from thirty-five meters with the outer side of the foot of the left foot, first went around the "wall" to the right corner, and in front of the gate, unexpectedly, along a parabolic trajectory, changed direction and sharply turned towards the "forest of blues" citadel. A rebound from the post helped Carlos outmaneuver a completely discouraged Fabien Barthez, who described the goal something like this: "I was sure that Carlos had missed, the ball was flying wide, but nevertheless it hit the goal. It is sheer fantasy."

The scientists of the affected side tried to explain in scientific terms the theory of the origin of Roberto Carlos' goal. They immediately discarded the version that the memorable blow was just a coincidence. The French even came up with an equation explaining the goal of the Brazilian: “The football player minimized the effect of gravity and air turbulence. It is possible to repeat such a kick, but only if the ball is given the necessary energy and torque. We have shown that a moving sphere describes a spiral trajectory during rotation. "The curvature increases as the ball moves. Since Roberto Carlos was thirty-five meters from the target, most of the ball's trajectory was visible, but not all. The 'physically impossible' trajectory actually follows the exact laws of increasing curvature." According to French scientists, the gate prevented Roberto Carlos from finishing the shot, because, if not for them, the ball would have continued its twisting path.

It is no coincidence that the blows of Roberto Carlos have been closely watched over the past fifteen years. Statistics show us the real numbers of "shot" Roberto Carlos from a free kick against the goal of the French team - 136 kilometers per hour! At the same time, this is not Roberto's most impressive blow in terms of strength. Once upon a time, the Brazilian managed a trick on the strength and speed of the ball - 198 kilometers per hour.


It is not difficult to guess that Roberto Carlos has long been the bearer of the most powerful blow in the history of football. He was replaced by a German striker Lukas Podolsky, who had not previously shown signs of having a beloved "gun". New record was installed in 2010 at the World Cup in South Africa.

The very first game of the German national team against Australia led to record hit"Prince Poldi". In the eighth minute of the match, the Australians left one Podolski on the right corner of the penalty area. The attacker did not hesitate and delivered a smashing blow to the near top corner. The ball flew only sixteen meters, but at a speed 201 km/h! The Australian keeper Mark Schwarzer managed to put out his right hand, but the blow was so strong that Podolsky wrote down his name in the match protocol without any problems. Never before had Podolski been known for his strong punches. His trump cards were different - high speed, skillful choice of position, excellent understanding with partners, the ability to maintain tone, even without entering the field. It is worth adding that the author of the most powerful strike in football is in the tenth team of the German championship following the results of the 2010-2011 season, Cologne. A couple of months ago, there was active talk about his impending transition to the St. Petersburg “Zenith”, but the negotiations apparently broke down at the very last moment.


The well-known British publication "The Guardian" has compiled its rating of the owners of the most powerful blows in football. The English Championship, as well as all English football, has been painstakingly evaluated by statisticians since 2000, when most of the British press acquired a special computer that records all curious indicators. Football Federation historian David Barber admits that his organization does not conduct any official calculations, and he refuses to give exact numbers. However, the version of the Guardian edition can be considered as close to perfect as possible. Its main drawback is its narrow profile. "Guardian", except for rare examples, affects only events English football, but in our country there are quite a lot of fans of the Premier League, so the information may seem very, very meaningful to them.

No one promised you, dear readers, that every strong blow should end with a goal scored. In the end, in addition to goalkeepers, crossbars, rods are ready to help, and misses are not uncommon in modern football. The record holder, according to the Guardian, is David Hirst, who played for Sheffield Wednesday. The namesake of the author of the only “hat-trick” in the World Cup finals went down in history not only as the person who charged with all the dope stronger than all the other players in the framework of English Premier League, but also as a football player who refused the tempting offers of Sir Alex Ferguson himself six times. In the early 90s, the Manchester United mentor offered talented striker go to your team. That was the heyday of a football player. By 1991, the striker had accumulated a wealth of experience playing in the youth and second national team of the country. Then followed a call to the main team of the “three lions”, in which Hirst spent three games and scored one goal. Perhaps, accept David Ferguson's invitation, and in Manchester United there would be two star David at once. The striker devoted to his colors, possessing an amazing talent, played in only three clubs. Barnsley and Southampton were little remembered by the striker, but Sheffield Wednesday, along with David, made it to the FA Cup final in 1993. As an "owl", Hirst entered the field 294 times and scored 106 times in the club shirt.

One of his most memorable matches in the form of "owls" Hirst held on September 16, 1996 at the old home stadium of London's Arsenal. At the end of the match, when the final advantage of the “Gunners” was no longer in doubt, the guests earned the right to a corner kick. A quick draw with a long “candle” in the Arsenal penalty area followed, which ended with Hurst from about eleven meters hit the crossbar with crazy force. Experts later found out that the blow reached speed 183 kilometers per hour. Hirst's "shot" turned out to be so powerful that after the game, the "business executives" of the Highbury stadium brought the crossbar to right side fields are in order.

David Beckham He is the only player to have been named to the Guardian twice. Having gone to the USA, Beckham makes us less happy with news about himself. David's last European exit took place not on the football field, but during the wedding ceremony of Kate Middleton and Prince William. Then "Becks" mixed up the sides of the jacket, where you can cling your awards in front of the Kingdom. Beckham's "crown" is his free kicks, which are usually not strong, but rather accurate. However, David can certainly hit the ball with such force that the opposing goalkeeper can't help it. It is symbolic that on two occasions Beckham performed his strongest blows in early age when the forces are a wagon, and the experience is minimal. It is likely that the Red Devils midfielder would have tried to play thin in later years, but the bet on strength did not let Becks down in the late 1990s. For the first time, David showed his skills in 1996 in a match against Derby County, when the ball after his strike flew towards the opponent's goal at a speed 80 miles per hour (128 km/h). Exactly one year later, Beckham scored again, hitting the Chelsea gate on February 22, 1997. What could the goalkeeper of the "blues" do if the ball flew in his direction at a speed 156 km/h?!

Would you tell the mystic that the other player in the ranking of the hardest hitting players in England also "hails" from Sheffield Wednesday? Perhaps you will be right. Ritchie John Hamreis Born and raised in Sheffield, it is no coincidence that he was a teammate of the aforementioned David Hirst. The left winger spent his best years in his native team at the highest level, and only then went on numerous leases to teams in the lower division. His memorable blow and, accordingly, scored a goal, Ritchie spent in his debut game in the Premier League, upsetting the goalkeeper of the Birmingham “Aston Villa” in mid-August. 154 kilometers per hour became an excuse for the Birminghams.

Matt Le Tissier scored against Newcastle in 1997 as a Southampton player powerful blow who was at speed 136 kilometers per hour. Four years earlier, Le Tissier had scored an equally amazing goal against the “forty”. Picking up the ball in the center circle, Matt began, like some first-class clown, to juggle it all the way to the opponent's penalty area. The defenders of the "forty" were discouraged by the "behavior" of Tissier, and he, in last time by throwing the ball over an opponent, he secured a goal for all the years. In the same year, 2007, Newcastle hosted Leicester City. It is not difficult to guess that the incomparable Alan Shearer. By the middle of the second half, despite the open score, the guests from Leicester were ahead with a two-goal difference, but Alan Shearer scored three goals at once in the last minutes and acted as the lifeguard of his team. Our nomination included Shearer's very first goal, scored by him in the seventy-seventh minute of the meeting. Shearer from twenty-three meters with a direct free kick sent the ball under the crossbar with speed 136 km/h

Shearer was not far behind two well-known performers of the English Premier League - Tugay, played in 2001 for Blackburn and Obafemi Martins. In 2007, the African, who was well known to us from his performances for the Kazan Rubin, scored a stunning shot into the near top corner on the goal of Tottenham Hotspur. Martins always had a well-placed shot in stock. The only trouble is that over the years, Obafemi has become slower to receive the ball and more slowly to open up for passes. Yes, and with his acrobatic movements, Martins somehow ceased to please us ...

One of the best football players of our time Cristiano Ronaldo can not only run fast, but also hit hard on goal. We do not have exact information regarding the strength of Cree Ro's "shots", but we know for certain that Cristiano has been working on the following components of a successful strike for himself for many years: aiming, run-up and impact, the trajectory of the ball. Equally successfully and strongly the ball flies on target after Ronaldo's shots from standard positions or from the field. We only add that Ronaldo spends a little more than two seconds on handling the ball for the next strike, which puts the defenders of the defending side in a real dead end. Unlike Ronaldo, the Balkan Sinisa Mihajlovic was marked by rare kicks from the field, but from free kicks Mihailovic will give odds to many authors of wonderful kicks, including Cristiano Ronaldo. The current Fiorentina coach has been known for his power shots, but they have brought him international recognition.


We wrote, we write and we will write about the fact that the goal of Euro-Futbol.Ru is not only to talk about the heroes of the present time, but also at least sometimes remember the idols of Soviet boys who, in their skill, surpassed all current domestic "stars" by several once. One of the forgotten players is Gennady Alexandrovich Krasnitsky. They joked about him that the striker always entered the field with a red ribbon on his leg according to the principle: "Don't get hit, goalkeeper, I'll kill you." They also joked that it was allegedly forbidden for Krasnitsky to hit the opponent’s goal with his kicking leg for fear of hurting someone. Of course, all this is nothing more than a joke, but in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke, and everything else is the true truth. There was no red ribbon on Krasnitsky's leg, but his mighty blows became a household name not only within the Soviet Union.

Modern readers will probably be curious to learn more about the figure of such a monolithic player. Gennady Alexandrovich was born, grew up and spent his whole life in only one city - Tashkent. He was a true patriot of the Uzbek SSR. He always performed in social actions, served as an example of behavior on the field (he never indulged in endless simulations and conversations with referees), refused Spartak, three Dynamos (from Moscow, Kyiv and Tbilisi), CSKA. There was only one team in his life - Pakhtakor. For his devotion, Krasnitsky in the late 90s received the official title of the best Uzbek football player of the twentieth century! Despite the fact that in modern Uzbekistan their own Berador Abduraimov is praised, nevertheless, Krasnitsky managed to push the native inhabitant of the republic to second place. This once again shows, firstly, that Uzbekistan has always been a multinational country without nominating any particular group of people in the first role and, secondly, that Krasnitsky's authority in Uzbekistan is at the very highest level. .

Krasnitsky played 245 games for Pakhtakor, scoring 102 goals. For a whole decade (1960-1970), Gennady Alexandrovich personified his native Tashkent team, which was in good standing in the Soviet Union. Krasnitsky was valued and respected not only in his native republic, but also at the highest level. In 1963, Gennady Aleksandrovich was included in the USSR national club team on a tour of South America.

In the game with the Brazilians, a penalty kick was awarded to the home team, and it was Krasnitsky who approached the ball. At that time, the rivals did not yet have the opportunity to thoroughly study each other due to the poor development of the media. Therefore, the South Americans did not even suspect what they had doomed themselves to. “I really want to spin the ball. Let them know that we are also familiar with the “dry leaf.” I hit hard with the inside of the foot. It turned out the way it should. Having rounded the wall, the ball flies into the corner unprotected by the goalkeeper. : "Goal, goal! Yes, even in Brazil! And he scored great!" Gennady Krasnitsky himself wrote in his autobiographical book.

Georgiy Ryabov, who went out on the same field with our hero, echoes him: “We played in Lima with the Brazilian Olympic team, and Geshka scored from 17 meters from a free kick - so the ball broke through the net! Didi was sitting on a bench near the exit from the tunnel and did not even believe ", that was a goal. Then he admired: they say, not a ball, but a brick flew into the goal. In Tashkent, Gennady hit the crossbar from twenty meters - the gate staggered! Lev Ivanovich grabbed his head: "Mamma mia!" I did not get into the "wall" when Gesha beat me. I was afraid."

The miracles of Krasnitsky in South America did not end there! When hit in the second match, Gennady broke through the opponent's net! “It was the 83rd minute. Everything was leaning towards “zero”. But then, for the obvious demolition of Lobanovsky, twenty meters from the gate, a penalty was awarded. Approaching me, he asked: “Gena, do it!” The next day, our translator read in the newspaper " Correo": "If the ball hit the goalkeeper, the team would have to look for another goalkeeper. "Crystal" is knocked out…" - again we give excerpts from Krasnitsky's book.

Kristall's mentor, the same Didi, categorically denied the correctness of the goal, believing that Krasnitsky took advantage of the hole in the net and cheated. Referee Almeida pointed out to Didi the strength of the opponent's shot, after which the Brazilian football legend fell silent for the rest of the match. After final whistle grateful Brazilian spectators carried Krasnitsky off the field in their arms! Another time, Krasnitsky broke through the net already in Greece - also as part of an international match.

“In 1967, Spartak played with Pakhtakor. The referee gave a free kick in the center of the field. And Krasnitsky got into a fight with our Sasha Sokolov and decided to slap him out of anger. But he missed, but he hit the goal. We ask Maslachenko: “Well didn't catch it?" - "Yes, the ball shook right and left!" Nikolai Osyanin said about Krasnitsky. That missed ball was always remembered by Maslachenko when the famous goalkeeper of Spartak changed gloves to a commentator's microphone.

The Lokomotiv player of the late 60s, Yuri Ivanov, was “satisfied” with the fact that in 1969 he fell under the blow of Krasnitsky: “In the 69th we played with Pakhtakor in Cherkizovo. About 25 meters from our I was not in the "wall" - I was standing next to me, directing. It was then that Krasnitsky hit - and hit me in the head. What happened after, I don’t remember - a memory lapse, lost consciousness. In addition, the field was wet from rain, and then the balls from the water immediately became heavy. The game somehow finished, but then checked - it turned out: a slight concussion ... ".

Outside football field Gennady Krasnitsky did not differ in the same stability. He was repeatedly caught for violating the sports regime: Gennady Alexandrovich loved to drink, to be honest. Pil Krasnitsky is not alone, but always with a noisy company. Kind in character, but at the same time wayward Krasnitsky never denied young people their desire to sit next to a star and exchange opinions about the game and life. On June 12, 1988, at the age of forty-seven, Gennady Krasnitsky died under unclear circumstances. On the sidelines, they still continue to talk about the non-randomness of Krasnitsky's death. The fact is that in 1987, the former Pakhtakor striker attempted to rise in his career, but the leadership of the local football refused him this, leaving both the position and salary at the same level. To divert eyes, Krasnitsky was transferred to the category of judge-inspector of matches of the championship of Uzbekistan. Krasnitsky arrived in Kurgan-Tyube to inspect the game of the local championship. It was there that the investigators found him, having recorded jumping out of the window of a hotel room. Whether he committed suicide or, to put it mildly, he was "helped" to go to another world, no one knows, but no one will definitely be able to forget the legend of Uzbek football.

Grigory Ivanovich Fedotov- an earlier Soviet football player, after whom the great club of scorers of the domestic game is named. It was he who first reached the milestone of one hundred goals held at a professional level. There was a lot in Fedotov's "arsenal", but the most important thing in it was, of course, the technique and manner of performing the "shot". Grigory Ivanovich, by his own admission, often stayed on the field after training in order to personally and without unnecessary coaching instructions to practice blows.

In our current championship of Russia there are also players whose blow is not an empty phrase for rivals. Last season, a real sensation with his brilliant “shots” from set pieces made Alexander Aliev. Moscow “Locomotive” had the honor to see Aliyev in its composition for only one season, but in the minds and souls of the fans of the “red-green” Alexander will be for a long time. Aliyev arrived in Moscow as an absolute master of standards, but what we saw in Lokomotiv surpassed even the wildest expectations. In the first half of the season, almost every second free kick ended for Lokomotiv rivals with a missed ball. Aliyev was not so successful from the dynamic ball game, however, this is not so important.

No one dared to measure the force of Aliyev's blows, but we know some subtleties of his "shots". Alexander has a thirty-ninth foot size (as we remember from Roberto Carlos - the most perfect size legs for the free-kick taker). It is he who allows you to find the optimal contact of the balls of the modern generation with the kicking leg. The toe fully enters the ball, and it flies at a solid speed, changing the trajectory directly in flight. The most convenient point for Aliyev to strike is twenty-five to thirty meters from the goal, three or four meters to the left of the field axis. Alexander strikes all his blows with his right foot. The type of his strike is direct with the help of lifting. The ideal run for Aliyev is three steps.

"Training is the key to Aliyev's success. Physiology ( small size legs), the ball is all later. His success is 98% painstaking daily work on hitting. Semin in Kyiv makes Sasha hit from different points. I think that Aliyev is among the top five standards performers in Europe today. And enters confidently. And this is without any flattery. After all, even Cristiano does not score so much. Sasha has an amazing blow both in trajectory and in strength. He can strike equally well both from close range and from a long distance. The blow, as they say, is set - the ball "dives" in front of the goalkeeper. I hit a little differently. Let's say, if the distance is large, I can apply force" - Maxim Kalinichenko shares his impressions.

Andrey Karyaka, speaking for the Samara "Wings of the Soviets", taught us all to the fact that every standard in his performance is akin to scored a goal. There was a period in Karjaka's career (he fell in the first half of the 2000s) when his free kicks became the hit of the entire championship. For Andrey, it didn't matter from what distance and to whom to score - Spartak, Zenit - all the top teams of our championship suffered pretty badly from Karyaki's shots. Explaining his phenomenon, Karyaka always noticed that there is a place for luck and skill in his goals. After his return to our championship, we practically did not see smashing blows from Andrey. Before the start of the current transitional tournament, Karyaka told Dynamo's official website: "Well, I hope everything will be fine this year. I had a number of injuries that did not allow me to shoot at full strength. Now, pah-pah-pah, everything is fine I want to believe that this season we will all remember the power of the blow."

Sergei Ignashevich and Igor Akinfeev have different opportunities in official matches to demonstrate the power of their blows to the public and opponents. If Ignashevich is a full-time performer of set pieces, then Akinfeev is limited to a classy introduction of the ball into the game. Ignashevich's kick first appeared in the early 2000s, when his Lokomotiv were fighting their way into their first Champions League. The central defender approached the ball, slowly but rather strongly ran up and delivered his crown shots on goal. Ignashevich tried to hit strictly in the center, without any undercuts and twists to the right or left of the "wall". Therefore, the players standing in it always have a hard time: it is likely that Ignashevich, God forbid, will charge in the most piquant place for a man. As for Igor Akinfeev, the goalkeeper of the Russian national team can, with a strong desire, not only put the ball into play, but also be a club “gun”. At all training sessions, army teammates are surprised at the power of Akinfeev's blow.

Denis Kolodin- Another attraction of our championship, as well as Sergei Ignashevich, who is the central defender of his club. In Dynamo, Kolodin has little chance to show his bombarding abilities due to the unstable game of the White-and-Blues. Kolodin had his "finest hour" in 2008 at the European Championship. Surprised European statistics calculated the power of “shots” Kolodin on goal Edwin Van Der Sar. After the match, the great Manchester United goalkeeper put Denis on the list of the most unpleasant rivals for himself on the field. Free-kicks Kolodin rarely hits, but last year Denis became the author of one of the most beautiful goals of the Russian Championship: the central defender was honored to kick through himself into the far corner.

Last year, the whole country learned about the ability of the cornerback Dmitry Molosh. Speaking for the club-outsider superiority Novosibirsk "Siberia" Molosh managed to stay in the memory thanks to his classy long-range shots. Almost all the goals of his own "baking" Molosh performs from outside the penalty area. The strongest blow of Dmitry Molosh from the left foot last season was felt three times by Lokomotiv goalkeeper Marinato Guilherme. After the departure of “Siberia” from the Premier League, Molosh found a haven in Samara “Wings of the Soviets”. It should be noted that Molosh, playing for Nosta Novotroitsk, in the 2008 game against Rostov in the First Division, scored against the Donetsk team literally from the center of the field!

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Special Correspondent Valery Karapetyan.

One of the most important components for a sport like football is the strength and accuracy of the strike. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the main goal - goals scored. Each player, especially the popular one, creates for himself his own unique manner of performing it. For example, the owner of the last Ballon d'Or, Cristiano Ronaldo, spreads his legs wide before the run, one of the most famous football players of all time, David Beckham, arches his body in a special way, and Roberto Carlos is remembered for all his swift mincing legs. In fact, measuring how much has been applied is not so simple. Moreover, such information is not always collected and systematized. However, further such skills of different players will be analyzed.

Roberto Carlos

Brazilian Roberto Carlos entered football history not only as a good defender, but also as the owner of an incredible strike from long and medium distances. Despite his short height (160 centimeters), he managed to hit the opponents' gates, playing for a variety of teams: Palmeiras, Inter, Real and others. Do not forget about the Brazilian national team.

The so-called visiting card of this football player was his free kicks. According to statistics, during the performances for Real Madrid, almost half of these "shots" ended in a goal. struck such a strong blow that the ball flew along an unpredictable trajectory, so there was no point in blaming the goalkeepers for the goals conceded. The player's run-up became a trademark, during which he minced his feet heavily. At the same time, it should be noted that the legendary Brazilian managed to hit equally well both from the bottom and through the air.

The phenomenon of Carlos from the point of view of scientists

Many researchers have repeatedly tried to explain such strong kicks in football from a scientific point of view. Most of them agreed that in order to repeat this, it is necessary to give the necessary torque and appropriate energy to the ball. Moreover, a footballer who wants to hit like that must take into account even such nuances as air turbulence and gravity. At the same time, the incredible trajectory of the ball's flight occurs purely according to the laws of increasing curvature. In other words, if it were not for the goal net, in many cases the ball would spin further. As for the speed of the ball, this player had an average of about 136 km / h.

Lukasz Podolski

It is not a secret for anyone that it was Roberto Carlos who for a long time bore the title of "footballer with the strongest blow." However, in 2010 he was replaced by a German of Polish origin, Lukasz Podolski. It should be noted that he did not immediately discover such a skill in himself. Previously, his main skill was considered good technique and high speed. During the World Cup match between the national teams of Germany and Australia, he sent the ball into the opponent's goal at a speed of 201 km / h. At the same time, the projectile accelerated to a record mark at a distance of only sixteen meters. Currently, the footballer with the strongest blow is in the London Arsenal.

Ranking according to the Guardian

As noted above, official statistics on the strength of blows are not particularly kept. Moreover, football came under scrutiny by extras only at the beginning of this century, when special computers appeared that calculate various indicators during matches. The well-known British edition of the Guardian compiled a rating of players, which is now considered to be as close to reality as possible. Its main disadvantage can be called a narrow profile, because the list includes only those football players with a strong blow who play in British clubs.

David Beckham

During his performances at the professional level, David Beckham has become one of the most popular players in the world. He is the only player to have been ranked twice by the Guardian. His trademark free kicks were his signature trick. As a rule, he performed them for accuracy. However, if necessary, the English midfielder easily punched so powerfully that the opponent's goalkeeper had practically no chance of avoiding an own goal. David Beckham hit his hardest punch in 1997. Then the ball flew at a speed of 156 km / h and ended up at the gates of London Chelsea.

Ritchie John Hamreis

Another British representative of the rating of footballers who had a strong blow was Ritchie John Hamreis. Throughout almost his entire career, he played for his native club - Sheffield Wednesday. Interesting fact that the hit that made history came against Aston Villa in Birmingham on his Premier League debut. Then, before hitting the net, the ball flew at a speed of 154 km / h.

Alan Shearer

The legendary football player of Newcastle and the England national team was also remembered by millions of fans for his powerful "shot". This happened in the 77th minute of his team's match against Leicester City. Then he shot from a distance of 23 meters, after which the ball hit the opponent's goal at a speed of 136 km / h.

Cristiano Ronaldo

The Portuguese winger of Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo is considered one of the best football players of our time. A vivid confirmation of this is the Golden Ball received at the end of 2013, which four years before in a row went to Lionel Messi. He possesses not only phenomenal technique and high speed, but also boasts a powerful punch.

At present, there is no clear information regarding the power of his strike. At the same time, it is reliably known that, starting from a young age, he worked out all the important components good hit, which include strength, aiming, run-up and trajectory of a football projectile. Thanks to this, the player successfully punches both from free kicks and during the game. Moreover, Ronaldo takes only two or three seconds to handle the ball, which often confuses the goalkeeper and the defenders of the opposing team.

Modern rating

One of the latest ratings of players who have included ten players. It looks like this: Lukasz Podolski (Germany), Roberto Carlos (Brazil), Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal), (England), (England), Alex (Brazil), David Beckham (England), Steven Gerrard (England), Jon- Arne Riise (Norway), Hamit Altintop (Turkey). This list can be continued for a long time, because there are many representatives of different countries and clubs who are remembered by the fans for their incredible, powerful blows.

Strong hit practice

Many young football players are interested in the question of how to make the shot stronger. In fact, it has long been proven that a number of factors influence this. First of all, it is the speed of the takeoff. Studies show that the larger it is, the faster the ball itself will fly. Another important aspect is the swing of the kicking leg. This is due to the fact that the farther from the ball it is retracted, the stronger the blow will be. The next parameter that has its influence is the stiffness and hardness of the impact surface. In this case, first of all, there is in addition, the ball will fly from hard soil much faster than from loose and soft ground. Well, the last important factor is the elasticity of the football projectile itself. The fact is that the surface of the ball is deformed when it is hit. In the case when it is elastic and solid, the rebound speed increases, and hence the flight. At the same time, if the ball is pumped, it is very difficult to accept it.