Margarita Mamun is dating a swimmer. Margarita Mamun - about leaving the sport, the despotism of Wiener and the best date in my life. “All my life I will remember the Olympics in Rio”

21-year-old gymnast Margarita Mamun married 29-year-old swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov.

September 8 in Barvikha Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics became the wife of the Russian swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov.

The wedding ceremony took place in the presence of family and friends of the couple.

After registration, the newlyweds went to celebrate the change in marital status.

“The big holiday has begun!”, - this is how the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team announced on Instagram.

wedding of Margarita Mamun and Alexander Sukhorukov

Among the guests of honor at the wedding was the coach of Margarita Mamun - Amina Zaripova. She congratulated her pupil on an important event on Instagram: “My girl, my daughter ... Have a good and happy journey. Life is just beginning ... I love very much.

Social media users wished Margarita and Alexander long life together. According to many, the coach Olympic champion looks great: “Beauties, congratulations”, “Infinite happiness”, “Golden team”, “Best”, “Happiness and love”.

Margarita Mamun and Alexander Sukhorukov accept congratulations from relatives and friends in the morning. The official account of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation reported that young people are planning to get married on Friday. “Today will be a very special day for Rita Mamun and Alexander Sukhoi! Congratulations and we wish you a lot of happiness!” - wrote representatives of the organization.

Recall that the chosen one of the Olympic champion made her an offer during the Olympic ball. In front of all the guests of the evening, Alexander got down on one knee in front of the chosen one and presented her with a ring. Without thinking twice, Margarita answered her lover with consent. The girl was sincerely touched by the sign of attention from the second half. Later, Sukhorukov admitted that he was worried before deciding to take an important step. However, Alexander's happiness knew no bounds.

Before deciding to legalize the relationship, the lovers met for several years. Margarita and Alexander had been planning to get married for a long time, but due to the busy schedule, they constantly postponed the solemn event.

Victory on Olympic Games ah in Rio de Janeiro brought gymnast Margarita Mamun two tempting offers: one personal - the other business. She gained the status of a bride and now represents a famous Italian brand in Russia.

"Rita and I have been together for three years, of course, I thought about the wedding, why hide it!" - said the swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov. Dreams must come true, and he proposed to his beloved in the presence of friends and the press. “I dreamed about this moment,” Margarita admitted after that.


The athletes met in 2013 at the Universiade in Kazan. Both had a feeling of deja vu: it seemed that they had already seen each other before. The feeling did not pass, and the guys still remember that first meeting. Then they found each other on the Web, began to correspond. sports destiny divorced them: Sasha went to train in the USA, Rita went to Moscow. They saw each other only six months later.

“The last days Sasha was not himself, and I suspected something was wrong. But I didn’t torment him with questions. I think: let him do what he planned. True, I didn’t expect at all that everything would happen at the Olympic ball. Rita recalls. It turns out that he was going to propose to his beloved right from the stage, but it didn’t work out. “As a result, everything happened in the hall. But it’s even better. The guests have already entered the hall, there was almost no one around, only our friends and the press remained,” Alexander said.

The couple is already planning their honeymoon. No matter where, as long as there is white sand and blue sea. Maybe they will go to the homeland of Rita's father, Abdullah al Mamun, in Bangladesh. “For the past few years, we have been preparing for the Olympics. Trips to Bangladesh have been disrupted all the time: sometimes the schedules did not coincide, then there were difficulties with visas. But we will definitely do it. I dream of going to the Indian Ocean, visiting Dhaka, visiting relatives. I promised my dad He would be very happy,” says Rita.

The main star of the world rhythmic gymnastics in recent years, the Olympic champion of Rio de Janeiro 2016, 21-year-old Margarita Mamun, on Friday, September 8, played a wedding with a swimmer of the national team, a 29-year-old Beijing 2008 silver medalist in the relay. The solemn ceremony of marriage took place in the registry office of Barvikha near Moscow.

“For our wonderful Margarita today is a special day. She is getting married! We congratulate you on this wonderful day!

We wish family happiness, prosperity, success, mutual understanding, may the fire of love never go out! - such an entry appeared at noon in the official group of Mamun in social network"In contact with".

Fans greeted the news extremely positively. Subscribers praised Wedding Dress champions, wished the couple "happiness and endless love."

The wedding was attended by many successful athletes of the country.

Among them are Mamun's 19-year-old teammate, Rio vice-champion Yana Kudryavtseva and two-time Olympic medalist, Sukhorukov's partner in the Beijing silver relay team, 28-year-old.

Both took pictures with the newlyweds with great pleasure.

On the eve of a significant event, Mamun posted on her account episodes from a photo shoot in the interiors of the Pushkin Museum for one of the glossy magazines. Unlike many athletes, who sometimes pose too revealingly, she performed in relatively strict, but extremely elegant outfits. generally distinguished by a business, serious style of dress.

“My girl, my daughter ... in a good and happy way. Life is just beginning ... I love you very much, ”Amina Zaripova wrote on Instagram. personal coach Mamun.

Sukhorukov made an offer to his chosen one at the Olympic ball in Moscow on December 8 last year in the presence of more than a thousand people.

Mamun, without a moment's hesitation, answered in front of the cameras: "Yes!" As the future groom then told reporters, he was very worried and made a confession with shaking hands, but he remained happy.

A romantic relationship began between a gymnast-"artist" and a freestyle swimmer about four years ago. During the Olympic competitions in Rio, young people desperately cheered for each other. Moreover, Sukhorukov, according to his own story, “turned all gray” and “almost lost his mind” when Margarita fought for a medal in the individual all-around. Even then, in August 2016, the athlete announced his intention to get married.

“We walked from the dining room with Sasha Merkulova and Ksenia Dudkina, the champion of the London squad. She just knew him and introduced us. I remember he was so tanned, his white-toothed smile, - Mamun told SE about the circumstances of her acquaintance with Alexander at the 2013 Universiade in Kazan. —

In fact, it must have been love at first sight. Because no one has ever hooked me like that, never let anyone close to me.

An equally significant event occurred on the same day in the family Olympic champion Sochi-2014 biathlon (relay). The wife of the athlete Ekaterina informed the public about the addition to the family - and immediately twins. The Malyshko couple became large, because in January 2015 her son Philip was born.

"Friends! Today is a big day in our family! We became richer by two boys at once! I am a mother of three sons! Go crazy, ”wrote Ekaterina Malyshko on the social network.

You can get acquainted with other materials, news and statistics on the chronicles, as well as in the groups of the sports department in social networks

The gymnast at the age of 22 won all possible titles. She became a seven-time world champion and a four-time European champion, and at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro she beat the favorite of the tournament - a compatriot and friend, becoming the owner of a gold medal. In September 2017, Margarita married a swimmer and shortly thereafter completed professional career. talked to the gymnast about Bengali roots, love of football and life after sports.

"Now I can eat cake even at 12 o'clock at night"

How do you like the first months of free life? What are you doing now?

It can only be called a free life relatively - I have practically no time, I do all the things that ordinary people do: first I prepared for the wedding, now I’m head over heels in repairs, I implement various projects with the media and new partners, I constantly travel around the world with author's master class. It takes a lot of time - in fact, all the free time. But I like it, because I used to live at the base in Novogorsk, and now I have so many new things!

Tell us about a new project.

One of them - new year show"For sports! City of the Future”, in which I take part, it will be held on December 28. In the center of the performance is the story of a young gymnast and robot Tespian. They, and with them the audience, will have to pass tests that will take place against the backdrop of futuristic scenery. It will be very beautiful!

What does your daily routine look like - sports have not been abandoned?

I try to keep in shape by running errands ( laughs). I do workout at home every day. In addition, I conduct master classes for children several times a month and always work for them at full strength.

Do you allow yourself something that was not possible before?

I can’t say that I deny myself something. I used to be able to eat something unhealthy on Sundays once every two weeks. Now I can eat a cake even at 12 o'clock at night, but when I can, I don't feel like it anymore.

“All my life I will remember the Olympics in Rio”

Why did you choose gymnastics?

When I first saw Alina Kabaeva's performances on TV, I asked my mother to take me to gymnastics. Now I understand what I did right choice because it is a very beautiful sport.

Did your parents force you to study?

I chose this sport myself, so my mother had to force me only when I had some difficulties. Several times there were moments when I wanted to quit everything, but my parents did not follow my lead. When I started to shirk, because it was very difficult to stretch and physical training parents took a tough stance. Now I am very grateful to them for this.

At the debut World Championships in Kyiv in 2013, you were considered the main favorite, but in the final exercises with the ribbon made a mistake and eventually became fifth in the all-around. What happened?

I can still take that championship as an asset: I became a two-time world champion (in exercises with a ball and clubs - approx. ""). Yes, everyone was expecting a medal from me in the all-around as well, but these were my first starts of such a level, and it turns out that I was not 100% ready, especially psychologically.

Which tournament do you remember the most?

The first trip abroad - to Belgium. I remember almost every detail of that trip - probably just because it was the first in my childhood! And, of course, all my life I will remember the Olympic Games, which cannot be compared with anything.

Let's talk about supervised work. How tough is she?

Irina Alexandrovna is a rather tough mentor, but she can also be soft and understanding. Sometimes she allowed me to rest during a workout, and at other times she could say: until you do two clean runs or do one or another element perfectly, you won’t leave the gym. And the next day, she could almost by force send her home to rest after a difficult lesson. Thus, she tempers willpower, brings up the inner core. When you work with her, you give your best two hundred, three hundred, and even a thousand percent. It requires all those emotions that you have to show later on the carpet.

In general, it was the work with Irina Alexandrovna and Amina Vasilovna Zaripova that gave such a result: I became the Olympic champion Margarita Mamun. They instilled in me perseverance, patience, taught me to overcome myself. It all helps me now, outside of sports.

Remember the cycle of preparation for the Olympics. It was difficult?

The pre-Olympic cycle is different from the usual training. It started with us somewhere in January 2016 and affected everyone - coaches, doctors, athletes. We understood that our fate would be decided in the summer, a huge burden of responsibility lay on us. There was more training, competition and no free time. A month before the Games, we flew to Brazil. Trained from morning to night, brought the program to perfection. There were also complete imitations of the Olympic finals - training, warm-up, change of swimsuits, performances. Irina Alexandrovna was not with us at that time, but she was constantly in touch by phone - she controlled everything remotely.

What, besides the victory, was the Olympics in Rio remembered for?

I will remember those Games all my life. Moreover, now there are only positive moments in my head, although there was a lot - at least the story of poisoning (before the final, Margarita got poisoned, but still went to the carpet and won a gold medal - approx. ""), after which I physical plane It's like stepping back six months. In short, those camps were generally the most difficult camps in my life.

Did you like Brazil?

I didn't have time to see Brazil. From the Olympic village, we went to the facilities under escort. All of us, including representatives of the federation, were asked not to walk around the city unaccompanied. Actually, only Olympic venues I saw. Unfortunately, it was not possible to get to the statue of Christ the Redeemer. But my husband says that the main thing is the medal, and we still have time to see Rio!

“My Bengali level? I remember a few words and can count"

By the way, about my husband. How did you meet him?

Sasha is also an athlete - a swimmer. He participated in three Olympics and won a silver medal in Beijing. Where else could we meet, if not at competitions! This happened in 2013 at the Universiade in Kazan, which also became a very memorable start for me, primarily because it took place in our country: there was incredible support from everyone around - fans, volunteers, organizers.

What was your most memorable date?

The most memorable and at the same time the most long-awaited date was the meeting after four months of separation, when I came to Sasha in the USA.

How did Alexander propose to you?

Sasha wanted to propose back in Rio de Janeiro, but decided that Brazil should be remembered for me by Olympic gold. As a result, my husband knelt before me at the Olympians' Ball, which took place at the end of the year in Moscow.

How did your parents meet?

In Astrakhan, at the university. Mom was born there, and dad came to study on an exchange (Margarita's father - Abdullah Al Mamun, a marine engineer, originally from Bangladesh - approx. ""). First, dad flew to Moscow, and from there he was sent to Astrakhan. But they could have gone to Murmansk, for example. So it was fate.

Have you been to your father's home? Do you know Bengali?

Was. As a child, I traveled often, but when I started to train seriously, it became more difficult. It's too far to fly - about 25 hours with two transfers. Last time I was there for ten years. But I hope to return there. I learned Bengali as a child, now I remember only a few words and can count.

What traditions did you inherit from your father?

My parents and I celebrated all Muslim and Christian holidays. As such, there are no traditions, but sometimes I cook something national. Well, the Eastern upbringing, of course, had an influence on me.

“I can come to coaching at any time”

In the summer, you said that you were ready to become the coach of the Russian national football team. According to you, Cherchesov's wards train less than Viner's pupils. Were you kidding?

Yes, there’s not even much to comment on here, everyone already knows the ratio of results and rewards in our football and in rhythmic gymnastics, for example. It was a joke statement, but for some reason everyone took it seriously.

Are you interested in football? As a pupil of CSKA, do you support the army team?

I'm not a big football fan. Husband loves hockey, I love tennis, figure skating. Of course, I support CSKA, I follow the results in all sports.

What are you planning to do now?

I plan to enjoy the moment. Until recently, I could not live for today. The years of a sports career were one big groundhog day: from competition to competition, from weekend to weekend. And I just enjoyed the end result. Now I want to be a good wife and realize myself in something new. I have a lot of ideas and plans that we are building with my team, but it's too early to announce them, let it be a little secret. Most of the ideas are related to rhythmic gymnastics. This is my favorite sport and I really want to more people loved him just like me.

Have you thought about trying yourself as a coach?

Sasha: We met literally on the street (laughs): in the Olympic village in Kazan, during the World Summer Universiade, in June 2013. We went to the dining room with swimmers (Sasha is a member of the Russian national team. - Approx. "TN"), caught up with the gymnasts, said hello. From all women's team I just didn’t know Rita, with the rest of the girls, they are older, I was familiar with the Olympics in London and Beijing, we had a common company. We were introduced to each other: "Sasha, Rita." And that's it. On the same day, I found Rita on social networks, wrote: “Hi, when are you performing?” I wanted to cheer for her. From the first minute of our communication, the feeling that this is a native person and that we have known each other for a long time did not leave me. When later a short time told her about it, Rita exclaimed: “Do you have the same feeling ?!”

Something else remained in my memory - exactly the opposite. It was I who first confessed to Sasha that there was a feeling of deja vu, as if we already knew each other, and he was amazed at the coincidence. They even began to sort out places where they could theoretically meet, but did not find a single clue from the past. We spent quite a bit of time in Kazan, saw each other a couple of times, we have a strict sports regime, competitions, and then the swimmers left. And we began to correspond with Sasha. Almost every day we wrote to each other for six months! It was impossible to meet in any way, both were in different cities. The first date happened only on January 8, 2014. That evening it became clear that both fell in love. (Laughs.)

- We began to sort out places where we could theoretically meet, but did not find a single clue from the past. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

- Where was the first date? Have you chosen something romantic, since you have been waiting for a meeting for so long?

We had dinner at some cafe in Khimki, not far from the base where I trained. They talked and talked ... about everything in the world, and could not stop in any way. I remember how Sasha was surprised that I had never been to a nightclub. Even though I was 18 years old. It seemed to him that the girl probably liked to take a walk.

I thought, since a gymnast, it means that she spends her leisure time in clubs. And he assumed that there were a lot of different young people around Rita ... But everything turned out to be wrong.

I am a closed person. Although men show to gymnasts increased attention, didn’t let anyone close to her, didn’t meet with anyone, one sport was on her mind. Sasha - the first serious feeling, love at first sight.

I have the same. Although I am older (the age difference between young people is eight years. - Approx. "TN"), there have never been serious relationships.
Rita: Our date passed in the evening, Sasha took me to the base, and in the morning, January 9, he flew to America for almost four months!

Between Moscow and Los Angeles, where I trained, the time difference is ten hours. I free myself, and Rita is already in the middle of the night. She woke up, I'm sleeping ... Endless letters saved me. Sometimes it was possible to talk on Skype. How did people live before, when all this was not ?!

- What did they write to each other about?

Yes about everything! About what is going on in the soul, what they thought on this or that occasion. They supported each other, discussing training, competitions, sports. By the way, we carefully store those messages. Sometimes we re-read, we laugh. It is strange to realize that we were once strangers, it even becomes uncomfortable.
When I flew to Croatia for the next performance, I whined Sasha about difficult training, and he wrote optimistically: what are you doing? Isn't it good - the sun, the sea!

We are athletes, so mutual understanding arose immediately. Both perfectly understand what it means when it doesn’t work out, when you are in a bad mood due to fatigue and you want to be silent. Many people think that rhythmic gymnastics is an easy sport. And Sasha is one of them.

What is there - to jump with a ribbon! (Laughs.) When we already met, Rita says, come and see how I train. From the hall, I took her almost completely out. It was only then that I realized how tough and difficult the sport is.

I wanted to be closer to Rita, but in America I went through the preparatory cycle before the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and showed good results. Dropping the case halfway would be wrong. He came to Russia only to take a break or to speak at the championship. Frankly, I thought about continuing sports career over the ocean. But Rita appeared ... I remember how I was worried in separation: “How cool she is! But it’s unlikely that they will wait for me ... ”No matter how I was drawn back to Moscow, to Rita, I understood that until 2016 we do not belong to ourselves. It's terrible: when you love a person, but you can't be with him.
Rita: That separation became a serious test for both, we used every opportunity to meet at least for two days. After the World Cup, I flew like a bullet to Sasha. Or he to me.

- Cross the ocean, spend 13 hours in the air in order to be together for just a couple of days?!

In anticipation, the flight went by quickly. Los Angeles is a city of happiness for me, because it was incredibly good for us there. Sasha took the weekend, and we did not part for a minute. When it came time to return, it felt like a week had passed.

- How did your loved ones take the news that you are a couple?

My friends were scared. (Laughs.) They said that it's good to meet with your girlfriend, but it's hard to live together. And I replied that older sister grew up and perfectly understand girls. But this is a joke, because I didn’t listen to anyone at all.

Sasha: Rita is still young, she is only 21 years old. But this is according to the passport. She is an incredibly wise person. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

And I grew up with a younger brother! Friends said that it is too early to get married, you have to live for yourself. But there are no rules for happiness, everything is different for everyone. Since childhood, I have been a serious girl, with serious intentions. I remember how I prepared my parents for a meeting with Sasha. I was afraid to introduce them, because I never brought anyone home. She often talked about him: Sasha gave this, Sasha said, Sasha and I ... And when, a year after our first date, she invited him to visit us, dad and mom were mentally prepared. I think they liked him.

- Seems? Are you sure you don't know?

They just said: how tall he is! (Laughs.) My parents and I are not best friends, they brought me up strictly, and heart-to-heart talks were not accepted. I think they just understood then: no matter how much I respect them, only our love with Sasha matters.

Amina Vasilovna (Amina Zaripova, Rita's coach. - Approx. "TN") always told me: "Tell me if you fall in love!" And when I told her about Sasha, she got excited. I was afraid that I might make a mistake, make the wrong choice.

- When did it become clear to you that everything is serious and this is love? Who was the first to confess his feelings?

I realized that Sasha is my only one, three or four months after we started dating. The ocean separated us, and I could not imagine life without it. Sasha was the first to confess his love. It happened on the observation deck of Moscow State University, on Sparrow Hills. I immediately replied that his feelings are mutual.
Was it important for both of you to get married officially?

It seems that nothing is changing globally and the marriage certificate is just a piece of paper ... But I want us to be called spouses, and not a guy with a girl.

And I want to talk about Sasha - "this is my husband", to exchange rings with him. If Sasha had made an offer two years ago, I would have agreed. But he did not want to distract me from preparing for the Olympic Games, we rarely saw each other then, it was a tense period.

Swimming friends offered to buy a ring right in Rio de Janeiro and propose after Rita's victory at the Olympics. But I decided: my girlfriend Golden medal, such a big holiday, and then there's a marriage proposal - why are they all in a bunch? It is better to wait a little in December, at the Olympic Ball in the Manege, when all our fellow athletes will be nearby, to propose to her to marry me. It was at this Ball that we appeared together in December 2015, already as a couple. We both really liked the atmosphere: everyone is so beautiful, in evening dresses, tuxedos. And it seemed to me that if I said the main words to Rita right there, she would like it. She's a girl who loves attention. Even though it's not acknowledged...

Margarita Mamun and Alexander Sukhorukov. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

Rhythmic gymnastics is acting. Naturally, I love a standing ovation after a well-executed exercise. But even more like the attention that people show when they see Sasha and me together.

I didn't have to secretly find out the size of Rita's fingers. In Rio de Janeiro Olympic Committee gave us rings, and I heard that Rita told someone: a ring of size 15.5 would suit her.

The proposal did not become a big secret, because this topic slipped into our conversations. Once Sasha said: if I become an Olympic champion, I can not change my last name, there will be no objections from him. He knew that I wanted to leave it in honor of the pope.

When I was giving an interview on a TV camera at the Olympians' Ball, I saw an excited Sasha heading towards me. And when he reached into the inside pocket of his tuxedo, I realized: now it will happen! He came up and said in a trembling voice: "Rita, I want to tell you something a long time ago." He knelt down and offered to be his wife. Morally, I was ready for this, but the reality turned out to be different. For some reason, I was terribly excited, I was thrown into a fever. (Laughs.) And then she said ten times in a row: “Yes! Yes!" Sasha was so nervous that when we went outside a little later, he asked again: “So what is the answer to my proposal?” He thought I didn't answer.

At that moment, when I was kneeling in front of Rita, friends, photographers flew in - and everyone began to congratulate us. It happened on December 8, 2016. 8 is a lucky number for us. On the 8th they began to meet, on the 8th - the engagement, on the 8th - the wedding. And even an application was submitted to the registry office on August 8, but it happened by accident.

Margarita Mamun and Alexander Sukhorukov. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

- Rita, Sasha, are you the very opposites that were attracted according to the laws of physics, or are they still similar?

We are similar in outlook on life, principles, characters. Both are calm, sometimes taciturn.There have been no quarrels so far, but some disagreements, disputes happen, and if we both fall silent ... nothing good comes of it. (Laughs.)

I have been silent since childhood, but Amina Vasilovna pulled emotions out of me for years, and over time I more or less learned to convey them in words.

Sasha: Rita has a wonderful personality. She finds a common language with any people, an excellent hostess. In our first weeks together (we began to live under the same roof after the Olympics), we realized that we didn’t know how to cook at all. And now Rita is excellent at soups, and borscht, all kinds of sauces and steaks, all kinds of salads. She reminds me of my mother: the same measured, thorough, kind. About beauty, probably, it makes no sense to talk?

And Sasha is a copy of my dad. The same calmness, kindness and respect - both for me and for people in general. Although others sometimes take it for weakness. Sasha always protects me. If you anger him, then the offenders can no longer wait for mercy. (Laughs.) Just like my dad ... (Rita's father died a year ago. - Approx. "TN"). By the way, I’m the same: I’ll tear for my own!

- Who is in your union of two strong people chapter?

Definitely Sasha. He's a man.

Rita: If Sasha had proposed two years ago, I would have agreed. But he did not want to distract me from preparing for the Olympic Games. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

We often look for compromises. If Rita understands something better, I ask for advice. For example: what is better to wear? She turns to me about the car, repair, life. I can fix a faucet and install a washing machine.

- So you are handy? Rare quality for young man. Sasha, Rita, are the families of the parents and the values ​​instilled in them similar?

Absolutely! Parents - both mine and Rita's - lived a long life together, married from a young age. They have one marriage. Both of us can’t even imagine what could be otherwise!

Margarita Mamun

Family: mother - Anna Yurievna, a former gymnast; brother - Philip Al Mamun (14 years old)

Education: graduated from the National State University physical culture, sports and health them. Lesgaft

Career: Olympic champion in 2016, seven-time world champion, four-time European champion, multiple winner of the Grand Prix and World Cup stages

Alexander Sukhorukov

mother - Svetlana Vasilievna, senior swimming instructor; father - Nikolai Vladimirovich, driver; sister - Olga (35 years old), economist

Graduated from Ukhta State Technical University

2008 Olympic silver medalist in freestyle relay swimming

sports couples

marriages among famous athletes- Not unusual. And many manage to keep the love.

Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf
World tennis stars set records not only
in sports, but also in personal life. They have been together since 2001!
Before they met, Andre was unsuccessfully married to an actress.
Brooke Shields and Steffi dated a racing driver
Michael Bartels. But in 1999, ending her career, Steffi gave herself another chance to make a fortune. The couple have two children: 16-year-old son Jaden Jill and 13-year-old daughter Jazz Eli.

Natalia Bestemyanova and Igor Bobrin
Famous Soviet figure skaters are happily married
34 years. At the time of their acquaintance, in 1981, Igor was
married and lived in Leningrad, Natalya - in Moscow. Igor -
her first serious feeling. Natalia admits,
that she proposed to play the wedding herself. Bobrin was jealous of her, and she decided that the stamp in her passport would help rectify the situation. And so it happened! The couple admit that they family life- sheer happiness.

Evgenia Kanaeva and Igor Musatov
Four years of marriage striker of the Slovak hockey
club "Slovan", 29-year-old Igor Musatov and 27-year-old
two-time Olympic champion in art
gymnastics Evgenia Kanaeva. hand offer
and hearts Igor made Evgenia after the end of the 2012 Olympics in London, when Zhenya received the coveted medal. A year later they got married. In March 2014, the couple had a son, Volodya.