The name of the cafe is original on the tourlet of teachers. Team card for tourslet. How to come up with a name and motto for a travel team

Traditional creative competition Tourslet "Robinson's Glade". Each class performs songs, chants, chants and even dances. We present the best.

All over the globe
We've mapped out the route!
We are not without reason, we are not without reason
they are called hypocrites!!!
Higher leg, wider step!
You are a tourist, not a donkey!!! :)
Who goes? We are tourists!
Who sings? Lyceum students!!!

We gathered for a tour
Well set up.
We win, we won't win
Very worried!

Friendly and fun class.
Look at us
How we dance and sing
We have a lot of fun!!!

For a whole year we have been waiting for this meeting,
And today they came running to the tourslet in the morning.

Behind backpacks, there is no peace in the heart.
There is no half-class on the tourslet, what is it?

Our young men are at the training camp, it's hard to win without them,
Everyone will now find out soon: there is someone to protect us!

We will quickly find the azimuth, deal with the map,
We will determine all the signs in the heat of excitement!

Salty sweat runs down our backs,
May the strongest win. Friendship will unite everyone!

The motive of the song "For those who are in the sea"

We remember how it all began
Everything was for the first time and again.
Bonfires flared up and games were played,
This is our cute tour.
How together they fled somewhere
and came back here.
After all, the main thing is to get together at the start
And endure to the end!

Go ahead, friends! Let's go to the finish line!
Victory awaits all of us there,
And may we all be lucky!
After all, if the goal is one,
And in joy and in sorrow,
That one who does not get scared and can endure -
Win this tourlet!

In vain they were frightened by the weather,
In essence, this is nonsense.
We need to survive this battle.
And overtake all the guys!
We can win together
And we'll run to the finish line
Let it be difficult, but we can do it all
and we will be the first to arrive!

10B Abaeva Margarita

We go on a tour with the school
We are ready to win
So that no one can overtake us
Let's win the victory
Beware whoever you are
We are going to the tour to win.

I play guitar
In front of all schools
Unfortunately, tourlet with class
Only once a year

8A the best in school,
Feel free to take to the field
Let's get the most points!
We are congratulated on the victory
And they will give us a diploma.
There are brilliant minds in our class!

8A Samarina Anastasia

There is nothing better in the world
How to teach physics tickets,
The more difficult the question,
The more pleasant it is to figure it out.

We will not forget our calling
But we also love rest and fun,
Let's get together on tour
And we will sing this song together.

We managed to get together today
To compete with each other
But it doesn't matter which of us is faster
We're all from the same high school!

10A Svetlana and Alexandra.?.

On a tour with the school - it's great!
We all go here to rest.
And try to take the victory
And support our sports spirit.

pr .: Brave, dexterous came together for a tour
Joyful songs are heard everywhere here.
Everyone, everyone believes in the best,
That the best should win!

Someone ran that distant cross,
Someone has already solved all the problems,
Someone is resting in the meadow
Someone is already exhausted.

Now the people are coming home
And the bus is picking up speed.
Oh what a pity that this day ends
May it last for a whole year.

8G Zavershinskaya Anastasia, Nikitina Elizaveta

Torn sneakers and the best forest
In the old team and in new places.
Lyceum student's foot in a new clearing
and eight Kilometers from Kurgan.

The sixth string broke on the guitar
We sing a song about our favorite tourslet.
The process of lykoanya under our guitar
And eight kilometers on the road.

And in the morning it became more fun for us
We came to this forest from school.
And we did not have two rubles for travel.
And eight kilometers down the road

Torn sneakers in the best clearing,
happy people...
Six letters on the wall - FIZMAT
our dream is to win the Tourslet
and eight kilometers on the road!

11A Nadya Savinykh, Zhanna Bulycheva

We are on tour today
come for victory.
Prepared diligently
We tried our best!

Let's jump over all the ditches
We stand on the rope
We will find the object on the map,
Let's determine the azimuth!

Let's jump, let's jump
And with a tent, we don’t hide,
It's not hard to deal with...
Once! And let's keep running!

Let's pick up all the garbage around
To not pollute the forest
We'll show everyone how to
Clean up after yourself.

So that nature does not suffer,
And henceforth our forest was clean,
To the cans and tins
The man has not forgotten.

This day is still we long
Together we will remember.
A year will pass - and we all again
Let's meet here again!

8B Yakimova Lyubov

There is nothing better in the world
How to win in tourslet.
Those who are friendly are not afraid of obstacles,
We want to receive awards.

Of course, we will not forget the tourlet,
We'll all compete now
Dexterity, courage, speed, dexterity
The sixth "A" will show very cleverly!!

Our motto: Health and good luck,
We can handle any task!
We will "cheer" for our loudly,
They shout: "Hurrah!" - let's not forget.

And under the blue sky
We will make anyone laugh!
Let's all play sports
To never catch a cold!

6A Schmidt Rita

We have gathered today
- To the tour!
And our class today is all
- Get around!
We won't leave a chance
- Nobody!
All prizes are for me
- One!
We will pass all obstacles
- We're easy!
Everyone else until victory
- Long away!

6B Dmitry Morozov

The bend of the yellow guitar you hug gently,
A string with a fragment of echo will pierce the tight heights.
Let's swing on the rope and jump the farthest we all,
It's great that we are all here today.

Like a reflection from the sunset, a fire dances between the pines,
Are you sad, our fizorg, come on, smile.
And our strict captain will quietly tell you:
"Come on, quickly gathered! We rushed to victory!"

30 years one glade:
Compete and frolic!
We are not used to
Loved, got accustomed!

The city is growing
The field is populated.

What can you do, hold on
That's life!

Today a new glade -
compete, relax!
So as not to spoil her,
Take the garbage to the city.

What can you do, hold on -
that's life!

Every year the route is more difficult
What can you do, hold on!
Or have we become dumber
Ile again blame on life!

What can you do, hold on!
That's life!

If we didn't have
This tourlet
Would never know
We're on our way through the swamp.
We couldn't put
on time tent,
Azimuth determine
It would be a mystery.

Rest would not come to us
For a day at least.
And study all day
If, if, if, if...

The coach would not rush to us
In the forest through the bumps.
I wouldn't write songs
If, if, if, if...

Well, we have a great
Breathe in the air.
And at least for a moment
will not hear complaints.

In general, if not for the tourlet,
That from melancholy would wither,
If only he could be every day
Oh, if, if, if, if ...

8D (sports)

Let all the teams run
Well, we will support them
And let's sing this song.
And it is not clear to passers-by
On this day, our tourist flight,
Why our tourlet is so good!

I play guitar
Lyceum in sight...
Unfortunately, the day of the ruslet
Only once a year.

Suddenly a magician will arrive
In a blue helicopter
And, of course, help us sing.
And today we are together!
And, of course, leave
I remember that day!

9A Zubova Anastasia

The sun woke up, washed with dew
And it turned to us with a pimply face.
And we got up again, washed ourselves with water,
We packed our things and headed to the school.

That means we're alive
It means they love us
And we love too
And let it be
And it won't kill us

Huge fields and teachers and
estimates of darkness and competition.
Ropes, ktm and darts and more
No problem for our team!

We gathered together, many obstacles,
but we are all a team, and we are not lost,
passed all the tasks and did not lose.
Stars were thrown at us, we were bitten by the wind,
And let it be so and we will not be destroyed

Huge fields and teachers and
estimates of darkness and competition.
Ropes, ktm and darts and more
No problem for our team!

Fashion changes daily
But as long as the light is white
Suitable for sports
My favorite sports outfit.
Time destroys granite castles
And fills the city with sand
But we will say without any fortune teller -
We will always go to the tour!

What to say, what to say
That's the way people are
Who will not forget the sport
Will be healthy and happy!

We help each other in everything
There is no better team here.
We will skillfully set up tents,
cook dinner in a pot.
We spread the sandwiches like a fan
On a tray with a rim around the edges
And the team itself will suddenly believe
That victory will be ours!

We can't live in this school
Do not live in our lyceum without friends.
But where did the summer go?
But where did the summer go?
What now?

The yellow leaves are spinning under the tree,
Quiet rustle under our feet lie down.
We can’t hide from the tourslet, we can’t hide,
We will dream of our tourlet every year!

Can't live without sports at school
Can't live without sports at school
Don't live, don't live.
Bumps, potholes, ropes,
KTM and darts, tents...
All passed! All passed!

The road is not for our foreign cars
We were brought here at the end of the day.
And as an oasis to a traveler as a gift
Large carpet of green fire.

And ahead of us are competitions,
And someone will be the first, who is the second,
But there is no need for us to be disappointed
If we don't get a golden cup.

Today the jury has a lot of work,
After all, the strong and talented are innumerable.
You do not judge us too harshly,
Let's give all the prizes!

And we'll show you a show for it
Fun, sports, songs and love,
And if you like it then again
We repeat it where necessary.

The ball is over, and the fair of tents
Leave this piece of paradise.
And at parting somehow guilty
The fire will blink the last ember.

The school is waiting for us and the city is noisy,
After all, you can't do without it.
We wish you that the souls were young,
Good luck and success to you!

If the class went on the road
If the class went on the road
Much more fun.
We are on our way to the tour
We are on our way to the tour
Road to Uval.

What is a bump to me, what is a rope
The coolest of all we are from the teams.
After all, everyone will be happy with the reward!

I'm on the tent, friends
I'm on the tent, friends
I will leave without fear.
If I'm with a friend
If I'm with a friend
And the tent is empty!

What is a bump to me, what is a rope
The coolest of all we are from the teams.
After all, everyone will be happy with the reward!

We've arrived here! Yes!
Win a victory?! Yes!
Why do we need poetry?
To support yours!


Whoever considers himself defeated in advance is actually half defeated before the struggle itself begins.(D.I. Pisarev)

Courage is the beginning of victory.(Plutarch)

All victories begin with a victory over oneself.(L. M. Leonov)

In this section of the site you can find a suitable motto and emblem of the team to prepare for any sports or intellectual competition.

Motto(fr. devise) - a word or short phrase, which determines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. In heraldry, a coat of arms figure or saying on a coat of arms. The motto can be in any language, but in the Western world, the language used is mostly Latin. (Wikipedia)

Emblem(from other Greek ἔμβλημα "insert") - a conditional image of an idea in drawing and plastic, which is assigned one meaning or another. The emblems must certainly be clear and simple, the viewer must see in them what they wanted to say to him.

Friends! We wish that sports competitions and intellectual contests help you expand your circle of friends!

Give the world good every day.
Give people smiles every day!
Let everyone be comfortable and light,
Forgive your family for all mistakes.
And the world will suddenly become kinder from good,
And people in the world will all be open,
Evil will disappear, and the world will become brighter,
Then he will not be bloody - unsteady.
There will be no wars and tears, there will be no evil,
There will be no troubles, losses or outrages,
Let souls be like mirrors
May peace, friendship and unity win!

Team names and slogans


We are great athletes
We are explosive
Who will win today?
Well, of course, "Dynamite"!

We are a fun team
'Cause we're B-A-N-D-A!
Not one step back! Not a step in place!
But only forward! And only all together!

Our motto: Don't give up!
Go through everything and find out everything!

You, enemy, wipe your nose,
Let's do one, two, three
Listen, be afraid and look -
Heroes go to battle!
We are ready as always
Defeat you easily.
We will fight for victory
You will have to try!

A team is not a gang!
The team is not a pack!
The team is not a place for squabbles and strife!

Sport is power, sport is life!
Let's win! Rival, hold on!

We are penguins - just a class
Win try us!

Though our light is weak and we are small,
But we are friendly, and that's why we are strong.

The comet is in the sky, and we are on the ground!
Long live happiness always and everywhere!
Fly forward and win!
We help everyone who is behind!
The comet has a motto:
"Never fall down"

Cheburashka is a true friend,
Helps everyone around!

Motto 1:
The wind blows in the sails
Youth believes in miracles.
Motto 2:
Swim always, swim everywhere
And you will find the way to your dream!

Camelot - always forward
Always been first, Camelot!

We are like rainbow colors
Never inseparable!

We are like orange slices
We are friendly and inseparable.

Motto 1:
We are a team - no matter where!
In sports, we are all masters.
Let's run, chase the ball,
Fight for victory
Motto 2:
If a friend gives a word,
Will never let you down!

Life without a smile is a mistake
Long live laughter and smiles!

Captain at the helm
Never gives up!

Burn, do not smolder and be able to do everything!

Motto 1:
Our motto: Friendship and success!
We will defeat everyone today!
All for one, one for all
Then the team will be successful!

Aurora knows
Aurora is beating
aurora always
Will achieve victory.

Victoria is a victory
And the one who is united is invincible,
Let troubles not scare us,
We are strong in spirit, and we will stand up for ourselves!
Victoria will show today
who will win.
One for all!
And all for one!
Team "100 per barrel"

- How are you? - Yes, get hurt! We have 100 a barrel,
We give oil and mood to you almost for nothing.
Fly in! Don't be stingy! Support smile!
Today we will not disappoint you, our team is just class!


- a word or short phrase that defines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. Previously, the emblem was originally called the Motto, which was placed on top of other images on the shield and served as a memory of some outstanding event. Today, this term is a short saying that has something to do with the coat of arms.

The motto is placed in the coat of arms at the bottom of the shield or on a ribbon. The color of the ribbon and letters must be the same as the enamels and metals of the coat of arms. - this is a conditional image of an idea in drawing and plastic art, to which this or that meaning is assigned.

In dictionary V. I. Dalia interpreted as a symbol, an allegorical image; representation, allegory, and A. N. Chudinov in the Dictionary of Foreign Words Included in the Russian Language (1910) explains: “ emblem- a real image of some abstract concept; symbol".

In this article, you can find the name, motto and emblem for your team, which will be great for sports competitions.

Play, win! Get sick, hold on! We wish you good luck and victories!

Emblems and slogans of teams

Team "Friendship"

Our friendly team

Faster than everyone, stronger than everyone

She wins today

Take the trophy with you.

Team "Cool Peppers"

cool boys

Came to win

And will be today

The whole room to surprise.

Team "Star"

May the stars illuminate the path to victory brighter,

The guiding star of good luck shines on us,

And our motto: keep up,

Go ahead and win!

Team "Gang"

Our friendly team

It bears the name: "Gang!" "Gang!".

Meet. We go out to fight.

Who is against? Stop and be afraid!

Team "Winner"

Winners are not judged, winners are all honored,

That's why our whole team is here in full force.

We will fight for victory, we will fight to the end,

And our motto: do not give up, do not bend, do not break,

Let our hearts beat in unison.

Team "Champion"

Who will fight the champion?

There are probably none here.

Let's take the trophy calmly

We are a team just tin!

Team "Sport"

We are sports guys!

Are you all rooting for us?

We are good guys!

And show the highest class.

The Falcon team

Falcons are always first

Falcons are always brave

Falcons are always burning,

Fast and powerful.

Team "Adrenaline"

Adrenaline rushes through the body

After all, our team is invincible.

We need a drive now

We only want to be the first!

Team "Forsage"

Speed ​​is us

Speed ​​is ours

We are the furious!

The best and prettier.

Team "Positive"

We are always positive

All adversity is nothing.

All is well in the team

No problem, we'll take the trophy.

The Cool Team

Environmental education takes place in all children's educational institutions. One of the most favorite events is the gathering of tourists. As usual, the name and motto tourist team The kids make up their own minds. There is a special competition that determines the most successful name and the funniest chant (slogan).

Competitions can be very different in complexity. In kindergarten, these are just a few tasks for a walk in the park. The elementary school can already participate in a school-wide trip to the forest. The guys from the tourist sections are very serious about the tourlet competitions - for passing the route they can give a diploma of a certain category of difficulty. This will help in the future to get into the sports tourism team. In any case, the time spent at the rally is remembered for a long time.

How to come up with a name and motto for a travel team

To name a team, you have to think carefully. Teachers and educators play an important role in this. If you gather the guys around the fire, take a guitar with you and sing a few tourist songs, ideas will flow like water. It remains only to select and criticize. And how much laughter and jokes are born along the way!

The name of the tourist team and the motto should reflect the nature of the children's team, express the desire and confidence in victory, serve as a motivator and a rallying factor. If the leader chooses the name, you can offer the guys several options, from which they can then choose the one they like. It is much better to make a decision together. After all, this is not a rally of writers, but a rally of tourists. And the main thing for tourists is mutual assistance.

Gatherings of tourists are of different categories: a small school-wide, which is held from year to year in a familiar meadow; district, with the participation of several schools. Or a specialized rally organized by a local tourist club. Such an event brings together water tourists, hikers or climbers. In accordance with the theme of the holiday, the teams will be called.

  • "Overkiel": "Don't trust a young lady with a paddle, a kayak, and a life jacket."
  • "Pilgrims": " Better kilo in your stomach than a gram in your backpack."
  • "Rock Climber": "May the avalanches bypass you."

In some schools, competitions are held in the fall. Then they become the start for going out into nature during school year. Somewhere they prefer to hold them at the end of May, as the end of the school year. But whenever a tourist rally is held, it is always a joy for the guys.

All for a tourist rally!

On big tourist rallies there is an opening and closing ceremony where the anthem is sung. It can be "My dear", "People are walking around the world" or "How cool." When a forest clearing is filled with the voices of singing guys, it's impressive. The line of the anthem - why not the name of the team?

  • "Vagabonds": "Come on, smile!".
  • "Forest Suns": "We get up at dawn, we go along the route. Halt at sunset minute by minute."

The name and motto of the team for the tourist rally in this case can participate in the competition of the most original name and the most inciting slogan. Therefore, it is important to rehearse their friendly pronunciation in chorus. There is an added benefit to having a team know their line: in a large crowd it is always difficult to find your own. It may happen that you urgently need to assemble a team (for a performance in a gala concert, for example). In the dark, under the light of flashlights, it is very difficult to do this. But it is worth pronouncing the beginning of the motto - and the whole team will gather according to the responses.

Preschool tourists

In the education of preschool children, familiarity with wildlife will be mandatory. A planned exit to the park can be accompanied by simple competitions. This may be the collection of acorns, the search for a hidden toy, the identification of tree species by leaves. Definition of poisonous mushrooms and berries. You should prepare well for such an event. Let the kids feel like tourists.

The name of the team and the motto of the tourist competition for preschoolers is main part preparation. The teacher will choose the name, and the guys will diligently rehearse it in the group. Children like the characters of popular cartoons, so the following names will be good:

  • "Luntiks": We are friendly Luntiks detachment. We will never be defeated."
  • "Fixies": "We are fixies guys, we eat chips on a hike."
  • "Mimimishki:" We are mimimishki guys, we are girls and boys.
  • "Malyshariki": "Fly away, mosquitoes! Came to the forest of Malyshariki."
  • If the children go to the "Kolokolchik" kindergarten or visit the "Razvivayka" studio, you can name the teams the same way. The natural name for the team would be "Catch-up" or "Collection". Look at the competitions.

Junior school students on tour

The smallest schoolchildren among adult children look like insects. But they are also involved in school competitions, like all. Their assignments will be easy, but the guys will have a hard time. There can be two variants of the name: emphasize small stature or choose something very large as the motto.

  • "Elephants": "We are still small, but in general we are elephants."
  • "Shoelaces": "You can't do it without us, go and collapse."
  • "Grasshoppers": "We are the most jumping, because the best."

The name and motto of the tourist team of guys from elementary school can be the name of tourist equipment:

  • "Pegs": "If you don't take us with you, you'll lose an extra hour."
  • "KLMN": "What will you take with you on a hike? A mug, a spoon, a bowl, a knife."
  • "Lanterns": "Bring light to people."

Teen tourist team

These boys and girls can already participate in adult competitions with a light program. Therefore, the name can be serious:

  • "Wanderers": "Through forests, mountains, passes and fields we go and sing: "Today here, and tomorrow there."
  • "Pathfinders": "Pathfinders we are with you. We will go through any path."
  • Barça: "Fast, active, decisive, courageous."
  • "Positive": "We are always cheerful, we can not be knocked out of the saddle."

The name and motto of the tourist team may complement each other, or it may be that the name is included in the motto.

Girls at the gathering of tourists

Girls love romance. Therefore, the name of the girls' team should be feminine and beautiful. At the very least, cute. After all, girls will be called after him. It would be a mistake to choose underlined sports name for the team. Imagine what the names of the girls from the "Swift Doe" team will be? That's right, fast. And the Swift Gulls will become just seagulls. It is much better to think over this moment and choose a name that, when shortened, will remain beautiful. If at the same time there is a hint of a musical group, so much the better. We can recommend the following options:

  • "Cleopatra": "Beauty will save the world."
  • "Brilliant success": "There are no more reliable girlfriends. We shine all around."
  • "Stars": "We descended to you from heaven, to see the autumn forest."
  • "Superbees": "They wear superbee bangs, striped T-shirts. They did not fly in to buzz, but to win the boys."
  • "Charmers": "We are cute and cute. "Charmers" will win you.

The beautiful name and motto of the girls' tourist team is, of course, good. But if a gang of tomboy girls has gathered, humor comes to the rescue:

  • "ShP - a seam guy": "We will not give in to the guys, and we will catch up, and beat them off."
  • "Amazons": "We are sports girls and we are called "Amazons"".

Boys team

Older boys are strong team. On the river rafting, they show good results. And the name should emphasize this. Here are some suitable options:

  • "Brigade": "We are together, we are strong, and a reward awaits us. We will not be stopped by any obstacle."
  • "Team of the Century": "There is no such person who will defeat the team of the century."
  • "Adrenaline": "The enemy will not see our backs. We have adrenaline in our blood."
  • "Night Watch": "We keep our eyes on the victory. The night watch is moving forward."
  • "Highlanders": "Highlanders of the mountain are home. We are a mountain for each other."

Cool name and motto of the tourist team

A joke is a faithful companion of tourists. The team will not fail if humor is present in the speech:

  • "Forest Brothers": "A bear is with us, a deer is with us. A squirrel is with us, a seal is with us. Our team" Forest Brothers "will always be right in disputes."
  • "Comedy Club": "We put on backpacks with fur, our laughter will echo."
  • "Socks": "We can't be broken!"
  • "Beetles": "We don't buzz from work. Camping - we run, halt - we lie down."

The name and motto of the tourist team may later become the emblem of the team. Your flag and your song will appear. This will inspire the guys to new victories.

Health Day (tourist)

Competition program

1) 9:30-arrival of teams (at the school), registration.

2) 9:45 - general construction

3) 10:00 - organized trip to the Blooming Glade

4) 10:30 - placement of teams.

5) 11:00 - building, raising the flag, submitting a report and motto, distributing route sheets, familiarizing with the tour program.

6) 11:00-12:00 - passing the stages.

7) 12.15-competition of captains.

8) 12.30-tug of war.

9) 13.00-cooking lunch.

10) 14.00 - summing up, awarding the winners.

11) 15.00 - closing of the tour, lowering the flag

Obstacle course:

Stage 1

The passage of the "swamp" on the "bumps".

The site is overcome along “bumps” - wooden chocks dug into the ground with a length of 0.5 m and a diameter of 15-20 cm. A “bump” of 10-12 cm sticks out above the ground, there are 20 of them, randomly located in length at a distance of 70-100 cm each from a friend, passing all the "bumps" is not necessary, for a breakdown-fine.

Stage 2

Log walking.

A log 1.5 meters long is installed, 30-40 cm above the ground. The task is not to fall off the log.

Stage 3


Wire fence, length 4-5 meters, width 1 meter, height 0.4 meters. The wire is stretched along, across and crosswise from the sides and top. Empty tin cans are suspended in pairs on a wire. Touching causes ringing. One touch is fine. The task is to crawl under the "mousetrap" in a plastunsky way, without touching the wire.

Take into account the time of these stages.

Water carriers:

The game is played on the banks, on a steep bank with a suitable slope for climbing and descending without assistance. A bucket (pot) is placed at the top of the slope. The players have circles. On command, the players run to the water, scoop it up and carry it to the mountain in their bucket.


The team lines up in a chain and passes the mugs back and forth at the same time. Everyone moves at the same time, in every possible way interfering with each other.

Carrying the wounded:

On the command "March!" the captain puts the person standing on his back and carries him by his rotary flag, puts him down, he himself remains, and he runs after the “victim”, carries him by the rotary flag, etc. The team that completes the task faster wins.


On a trapezoid or a reliable knot of a tree at a height of 6-7 meters, a rope is attached that does not reach the ground 1.5 meters. On the ground, a distance of 5-7 meters is measured along the amplitude of the "pendulum" and is limited by the threshold of chalk.

The task is to use the "pendulum" to force the barrier. Steps are penalized.

Score a goal:

A gate is installed, measuring 1x1.5 m, measured from the gate 7 m. and indicated conventional signs(checkbox). Objective: score as many goals as possible. Each team has 20 kicks, not counting the time. The team determines for itself who beats. All balls that hit the target are counted.

Competition of songs, slogans, poems about sports, tourism.

The road is not for our foreign cars

We were brought here at the end of the day.

And, like an oasis for a traveler, as a gift -

Large carpet of green fire.

Tents of multi-colored systems near the forest,

And light guitar strings chime.

There is neither NTK nor MTSa here,

Only over there by that birch Megafon.

The tent is not afraid of rain or wind.

And let the fog descend from the rocks.

It's great that there is in the world

Great, but not the Pacific Ocean.

And ahead of us are competitions,

And someone will be the first, who - the second.

But there is no need for us to be disappointed

If we don't get a golden cup.

Today the jury has a lot of work,

After all, the strong and talented are innumerable.

You do not judge us too harshly -

Let's give all the prizes.

And we'll show you a show for it

Fun, sports, songs and love.

And, if you like it, then again

We will repeat it where necessary.

Finished ball and fair of tents

Leave this piece of paradise.

And goodbye, somehow guilty,

The fire will blink the last ember.

Family, work, noisy city are not waiting,

After all, they can't live without us, and we can't live without them.

We wish you that the souls were young,

Good luck and happiness in life to you, friends!


Someone walks quietly at night

Down there below me

Or is it just a wandering whirlwind

Behind my wall?

Who overheard yesterday word for word

What I dreamed of

Who so wants sleep-oh-ova

To keep me awake?

My friends told me it was a tourist

Who spoils my business in the morning

Who wakes me up

Who wants not to want

Me in the morning wife?

Who hides the sun for me in the morning

Who is sad with me all day

Who is so similar to the Japanese

In the mirror or is it a shadow?

My friends told me it was a tourist.

Why disassemble the bed

Why did I save money

If they can be taken away?

I don't know where to go now

Wife says let's go to the cinema

But I don't understand her at all.

I silently look out the window

Everyone around says a tourist appeared

Everyone is talking about a tourist walking around.

Yellow guitar bend

The bend of the yellow guitar you hug gently,

A string with a fragment of echo will pierce the tight heights,

The big star-snow dome will touch the sky,

It's great that we're all here today...

Like a reflection from the sunset, a fire dances between the pines,

Are you sad, tramp? Well, smile!

And someone very close to you will quietly say:

“It’s great that we are all here today…”

But still, with pain in the throats of those today, we will remember

Whose names are like wounds on the heart baked,

We will fill every breath with their dreams and songs ...

It's great that we are all here today.

Song about tourists

Tourists darkness in the light of different

One is blond, the other is brunette.

That pedestrian, this waterman,

And this one is just a parasite.

Being a tourist is no joke.

Not everyone can do that

Backpack to drag on a frail body,

Eat little, sing a lot.

Chorus: And one thing unites us all,

What matters most

They call us tourists

Tourism is one tribe.

Tourist is always busy

Always not combed and not bonded,

Always on the road does not lose heart

Always a great appetite.

It seems to be easy to go late,

It's just worth wanting.

But this is not for you to visit your mother-in-law,

Here you need to have a head.


And everything ends


And it all ends, ends, ends

The platform and lanterns are barely finished.

Eyes are forgiven, studied for a long time -

And so everything is clear - do not say words!

And my head is full of insomnia

My head is full of anxiety.

And how a tree cannot grow without the sun.

So I can't live without us, friends!

Thank you - did not disappoint, did not flinch,

And everyone was the same as he was ...

Oh, short days touched the heart -

Thank you, goodbye!

We will scatter along the streets for our loved ones,

Let's put on tailcoats and spin in the crowd -

And if the heart hurts, catches a cold,

We will not look for a cure in ourselves.

We will bend, but we probably will not bend,

Old blades will not rust in the legs,

And we'll be back here someday

And we will just be called old people ...



Night is coming soon, there is tea and heat and tobacco by the fire.

The wind touches the strings, no way to build a chord.

Dancing shadows of fire on rough, buzzing trunks,

Our songs are friends

Our songs are friends

Our thoughts to friends

All are friends.

You listen, my friend, it's too early for us to cover the guitars,

We did not say our own, but one thing is terrible: Do not live.

And while our word is not false, and serves the hearts

Our songs are friends

Our songs are friends

Our thoughts are friends

All friends.


All our meetings of separation, alas, are destined.

Quiet and sad stream near the amber pine.

The coals of the fire were not daring ashes:

That's all over - it's time to leave.

Chorus: My dear. |

Sunshine in the forest. | 2 times

Where in what parts |

Will we meet you? |

Wings laid down tents, their flight is over,

The wings were spread by the seeker of partings - the plane,

And the ladder slowly moves away from the wing -

There really is a gulf between us.


Don't comfort me, I don't need words,

I would like to find that stream near the amber pine, -

Suddenly, through the fog, a piece of fire reddens there,

Suddenly they are waiting by the fire, imagine me



How difficult it is to experience peace,

Realize that you forgot everywhere

And somewhere far behind the stone ridge

Friends invite you to the pass with them.

It is difficult for them without you, and today you are gloomy,

As if, timid, you did not tell the truth,

And fingers pull the avalanche red cord,

Which friend tied to your belt.

A blizzard will swirl again over the pass,

But if a friend is nearby, you are in charge of everything.

Let a snow-covered mound be ready for you,

Trust me, he'll wait a little longer.

Or maybe there is no cherished rune at all,

And in the turmoil of days, the right path is lost.

But somewhere there is a ringing string in me,

Which now won't let me sleep.

No one can resist a fate like this:

Hoping and waiting for the day to come again

When your friends are behind a stone ridge

Return to conquer the untaken pass.

PEOPLE WALK IN THE WORLD (Poems by I. Sidorova)

People go around the world...

They don't seem to need much.

The tent would be strong

Yes, the path would not be boring!

And the song merges with the smoke,

The boys look away

And the tramp whispers in his sleep

To someone: "Don't forget!"

They do not shine in cities

the manner of the aristocrats,

But in sensitive high halls

Where the noise of the bustle subsided,

Suffer in stray, souls

Beethoven sonatas

And the bright songs of Grieg

Overflow them.

People go around the world.

Their words are sometimes rude.


They say with a smile.

But the sad tenderness of the song

caress dry lips,

And the best books

They keep them in backpacks.

Checked out an old compass

Received maps and deadlines

Dashed on a storm jacket

Avalanches of treacherous traces.

Happy who knows

The pinching feeling of the road.

The wind is tearing the horizons

And blows the dawn.

Counselor lyric

When the night pines rustle,

And the disk of the moon wanders in the sky,

Autumn wind honey

The boys are dreaming.

And we can't sleep with you

And, having laid down their children,

We go, we go, as they say,

Where do the eyes look?

Birdies sleepy mumbling

And the rustle of leaves ahead.

You ran to a date

And she did not take off her tie from her chest,

And curled corners of silk

At your scarlet lips again,

And I won't dare for a long time

kiss you.

I want to lie down with fatigue,

Gently cuddling at your feet.

Brings a song from the district

Autumn breeze.

Datura herbs infused air

And this song in the sky

And all the brooding stars

Close to you and me.

Waltz in the rhythm of the rain

There will be no sun, wait, don't wait,

It has been raining for the third week.

Third week our itinerary

With clear weather apart.

As if from small-small sieves

The third week is drizzling.

So that our fire does not go out,

Throw up the branch.

Friends sleep in wet tents

Only counselors cannot sleep,

Pines sway in the night

Sounds like an organ.

And do not sit by the fire, do not lie down,

How does the rain stop flowing.

Listen let's waltz

In the rhythm of the rain

There is no starlight in the sky

There is not even a light in the sky.

And under the feet is not parquet,

Well, mostly water.

But now it warms us
This funny leader waltz
And against all odds it burns

Our star.

Tomorrow we are on a long journey again.
Don't forget this song
And pass it on to your friends
Just like I remembered
Collected our backpacks
Straps tightened tight
Again we will be beaten by rain
Like a buckshot.


If there is only one joy for all,
There is only one problem for all.
And in the sea a wave rises behind a wave
And behind the back.
Here, at the very edge of the sides,
A friend will cover a friend.
A friend is always ready to give in
Seat in the boat and circle.

You don't have to ask him for anything.
He's not in trouble.
My friend is my third shoulder -
Will always be with me.
Well, it happened that a friend is in love,
And I'm on his way
Get out of the way, that's the law
The third must leave.

Squad names and mottos

Title: Good Children
Motto: Let the parents rest from us!

Title: AntiEmo
Motto: We are not emo, we are not goth.
We are mere morons!

Team Name: Athletes.
Motto: We come to win, we leave to train.

Command name: 10 kilobytes.
Motto: As long as you count, we win.

Team name: Veniki
Motto: Eniki, beniki, brooms will beat everyone

Team Name: Energy
Motto: Rivals know - energy always wins

Team Name: Extreme
Motto: We will infect everyone with enthusiasm

(named after the captain)
Team name: …. and friends
Motto: Together we are a team!

Team Name: Connoisseurs
Motto: Mind in sports is not a hindrance ☺

Team Name: Markers
Motto: We write the history of our victories

Team Name: Waterfall
Motto: Who does not go to Kindergarten- everyone is rooting for the waterfall

Names and mottos from Xenia
Motto: The wave always goes forward
The wave never lags behind
Dive into your dreams with a wave
And don't forget them!

Team Name: Scarlet Sail
Motto: The wind blows in the sails,
Youth believes in miracles!
Team names and slogans

Freckles - if you want to be freckled, sunbathe through a sieve.

Team 33 - me, you, he, they - together there will be 33,

Prometheus - not ashes, but a flame, we carry over our shoulders.

Friendly - all for one, one for all,
Then the team will be successful.

Bonfire - burn, do not smolder and be able to do everything!

Penguin - eat more vitamin, you will be fat like a penguin.

Seagull - wings