Whose name is called a sporting achievement. The most incredible sports achievements of the Guinness book. Blade Runner

How to establish, improve, strengthen the interaction and relationship with the coach?

Relationships with people are a lot of work. The most effective way to improve the relationship with the coach, and thus the relationship with the athlete, is to show impeccability. To be perfect means:

  • show their abilities and abilities to the maximum;
  • show diligence, diligence, efforts;
  • strive to be the best;

Show impeccability in training and competition. At the same time, do not expect praise or attention from the coach. It has to be earned, sometimes with months of hard work. Perfection lies in doing something regardless of the situation, assessments, attention. Just remember that any work is rewarded sooner or later. Know how to wait and be patient.

How to overcome the negative experience of the competition?

Many athletes face this challenge. If you do not achieve results for a long time, you can give up. Here it is important to learn every time, like a children's toy "Roly-Vstanka", to get up and continue the journey. To do this, you need to learn how to use the experience of competition for development. After going through a bad experience, come back to it. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Divide into two parts. On the one hand, write down your mistakes. On the other hand, tasks for the next competitions. And focus on tasks. Discuss them with the coach, create new options for solving them. Be creative and enterprising!

What to do if there are no results in competitions for a long time, while there are results in training?

The reasons for the lack of results are varied. In such cases, I conduct research aimed at finding a new, stronger and more inspiring inner image for the athlete. Everyone has their own list of images. These can be animals, people-idols, role models, superheroes, etc. Here it is important to find and form a new inner image with new behavior, qualities and states, new attitudes and principles. You can try to find an inspiring image, and train and compete on his behalf. This is an interesting job. Become an explorer! There are other ways, they require individual selection.

What is required from parents in interaction with the child?

The most important is human support. Try to avoid criticism and negative evaluations. Learn to cheer and show faith in a better future and in all situations.

What to do when daily work - training-school-competitions turns into gray monotonous everyday life?

Working for results is a monotonous job. First, be heroic! How many because of groans and monotony have left the race. And a few years later, they remember that they could stand on a pedestal like that guy or girl with whom they once worked together. Sport is heroism. Sports should be dedicated to your life. Or you will be a simple salesman, mechanic, loader, engineer or Olympic champion. You decide. Secondly, if everyday life has become gray, dream about the future. Connect daily with the future through images of victories and a better life. Thirdly, add some creativity to your work. Looking for options: how to do it in a new way? How to make it more interesting? How to do it more efficiently? Be the creator of your life!

How to overcome stiffness, tightness, tension in the game, at competitions?

First of all, it is necessary to include habits and exercises related to relaxation and relaxation in the lifestyle. Do yoga, meditation, self-massage, take hot baths, dance and sing, beat a pear, etc. This helps relieve tension from the body. To be effective, it must become a useful habit, that is, a daily repetitive action. The other side of tension is nervous state. It arises from uncertainty, doubts, fears, negative thoughts. To overcome nervous tension, it is necessary to develop the qualities and states necessary to achieve victories. What qualities and conditions do you need? This is an individual set. Make your list. For example, fighting spirit, sports anger, the will to win, determination, faith in your strength and success, positivity, leadership, keep a self-education diary where you will describe your achievements and lessons in the manifestation of these qualities and states. A detailed program for the development of qualities and states with exercises and technologies can be compiled by a sports psychologist.

How many consultations are needed to achieve results?

It depends on the request. Most often, 2-3 consultations are needed to resolve one request. This is work to overcome difficulties such as fears, insecurity, constraint, resentment, laziness, bad habits, negative thoughts, internal criticism, etc. There is another work strategy - this is a long-term support of an athlete along the path of development and achievement of victories. In the course of this work, I work on training and education of qualities and states, on creating a map of future victories, on finding strategies for victories, on developing a personal style of play and performance, on creating principles and rules for achievements and life.

As is known, there isPerhaps, any of us had to deal with the first in life. Thanks to him, people improve health, improve physical form and improve their own This sport helps to prolong the years of active life and fight against the undesirable effects of harmful environmental factors and intense rhythm modern life.

A little about mass sports

Its goals are to improve people's health, improve their own physical condition and leisure. In the course of mass sports, humanity improves its own capabilities and accumulates physical potential. The functions inherent in it can be called developing, educational, communicative. This sport serves to unite individuals into social groups and, in general, to develop each of the nations.

In the conditions of modern life, the importance of implementing the whole range of tasks for the training of highly professional and sought-after personnel for a mass sport - physical education - is more than obvious. At the same time, the current Russian society is experiencing serious difficulties in the development of this very mass sport. They consist in the lack of equipment and good inventory, the normal information equipment of gyms, the weak methodological and program base, the low salary of physical education teachers and, unfortunately, the gradually declining professionalism. As a result of all these factors, the system physical education in our country in recent years and decades seriously lags behind the world level.

High performance sports: goals and objectives

But today we want to talk about another variety. This elite sport. The tasks and goals facing him are completely different. What is the so-called big sport? In its goals, it is fundamentally different from the mass one, because- in obtaining the strongest results and victories in major competitions.

Each highest achievement or serious success of an athlete is not only his personal business, but also a part of the national heritage. After all, victories and records obtained at major international competitions strengthen the country's authority in the eyes of the world community. That is why no one is surprised by the billions of viewers who gather at the TV screens during the days of the largest sports forums.Development of elite sports- one of the directions of the internal policy of any state.

What else is important

Along with this obvious value of big sport, there is also a less obvious, but nevertheless important feature inherent in it at the present time.The sport of the highest achievements ispractically the only type of activity that allows you to use all the physical and mental resources in the work of the record holder at the fullest level.

This makes it possible to explore the limit of natural human capabilities and determine options for purposeful development. physical ability people for use in the professional and public sphere and to improve performance.

Sport is a matter of national importance

To overcome the goal, there are specially designed systems exercise and comprehensive training. Proper execution leads them to achieve the best possible results. The development of such in order todevelopment of elite sportsleading research institutes of the country are busy. The results obtained on the basis of a study of individual capabilities of a person in a particular sport make it possible to develop optimal and most effective methods for the mass practice of physical education. effective methods and means of improvement.

Records obtained in Olympic, national, international and other competitions - the main indicatorsports of the highest achievements. Thisthe basis of the moral stimulus on which the development of its mass species rests and physical education classes. Personal example Russian champions, winning in the international arena, encourages people to actively go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, educate the younger generation by joining the movement.

About motivation and psychological effect

In the modern world, human problems in the field of big-time sports are seriously and in detail studied. Sport is the very environment in which it is possible to simulate a variety of experimental situations and conditions. Athletes voluntarily go to the test of maximum mental and physical activity in order to identify and demonstrate the ultimate psychophysical human capabilities. What is this being done for? Both ambition, and the motive of self-affirmation, and many other factors, up to banal commercialism, act as motivation.

Each of elite sportshas its own specifics, under the influence of which certain mental qualities are formed. Their demand not only in sports, but also in everyday life and professional activity obvious and beyond doubt. For example, everyone knows that team games of a sports nature instill in a person the ability to correlate their own actions with the actions of others, form collectivism, conscious discipline and sociability.

Sport is the basis of everything

Classes with him bring up such fundamental qualities of a human character as courage, reliability, high efficiency. Opportunities sports activities in promoting health, correcting the physical functions of the body, posture and physique, improving mental stability are very, very great.

What general concepts operateselite sport? This, according todefinition, activities aimed at achieving the highest results in a particular sport, receiving recognition from society, increasing one's own prestige and the prestige of one's own sports team on the highest level. In addition, we are talking about national status, as already mentioned.

Workouts and more workouts

To achieve such achievements in the field of big-time sports is possible only by constant activity of a training and competitive nature, associated with enormous physical and mental stress. The responsibility placed on an athlete participating in prestigious competitions is very high. Each mistake or bad start can be very costly, which is one of the specific features of elite sport.

On the other hand, big sport is a natural and logical continuation of its public types. It has a certain kind of continuity regarding the methods and means of training. It stimulates mass manifestations sports movement by creating some higher benchmarks.

How does it happen

It is impossible to call the sport of the highest achievements homogeneous. Today we can talk about a number of different directions in it:

  • amateur (achievement) sports;
  • professional sports;
  • which, in turn, can be focused on achievements or have a pronounced spectacular character.

Speaking of amateur (achievement) sports, it should be noted the current trends in it to acquire all the features professional sports in terms of the requirements for loads and the organization of the training system, as well as competitions. Usually representatives of amateur sports of the highest achievements have a certain social status. These are students, students or military personnel. This status allows them to classify themselves as amateurs. However, the earnings of champions in this field are in no way inferior to the earnings of professionals.

Athletes-amateurs and professionals

The training of amateur athletes is almost always focused on major competitions - we are talking about Olympic Games and world championships, Russia or Europe. Success in such prestigious competitions leads to an increase in the athlete's rating, which allows in the future, when moving into the ranks of real professionals, to provide yourself with higher fees.

The main differences between professional and commercial amateur sports achievements in that the first is focused not only on the laws of sports, but also on the laws of business. Professional athletes are trained with the help of certain targets aimed at successful performance in a consistent series of starts and the real reward associated with this. Here an important role is played by the "value" of each athlete in the arena of the "sports market".

Pros - what are they?

Conventionally, professional athletes are divided into three large groups. The first consists of those who have the desire to successfully perform at prestigious international competitions combined with participation in competitions of a commercial nature. The second group consists of highly productive athletes who are not set to fight for the title of champion in major championships. Their main occupation is performances by invitation and winning success in cup and commercial competitions.

The third group includes the so-called veteran athletes, whose specialization is often - sport games, martial arts. They don't support the highest degree physical training, but a very worthy technical level, combined with considerable artistry aimed at success with the audience and considerable earnings corresponding to it.

What is a workout

Sports training (training) is understood as the use of available methods, means, knowledge and conditions that allow achieving the mainthe goals of elite sport - the readiness of an athlete for results,influencing its development in some way. The task of training, as mentioned above, is to obtain the maximum achievement in competitive activity.

A set of tools, methods and principles of training in the fieldmass sport is different from elite sportslightly. Domestic sports theory, speaking of physical qualities human, implies the functional properties of his body, which control the motor capabilities.

A little about physical qualities

It is customary to talk about five basic physical qualities - strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and dexterity. Their manifestation depends on the functional characteristics of the body and its readiness for stress.

In particular, under power abilities(strength) in the field of physical education is understood as the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it with the help of muscle tension. The increase in strength is accompanied by growth and thickening muscle fibers. Everyone knows that there are many muscle groups. By developing certain of them, it is possible to change the physique (a good example is gymnasts-athletes).

Another characteristic - speed - is a complex of such functional human properties that directly determine speed characteristics human movements in conjunction with his motor reactions. It is wrong to confuse the speed of movement and the speed of movement. For example, a speed skater has a much higher speed compared to a sprinter, but the second one is ahead of him in terms of frequency (speed) of movements. That is why the latest research in the field of sports theory prefers to replace the term "speed" with the concept of speed abilities.

Conditions of classification

Returning to the division of modern elite sports into professional and amateur, it should be mentioned that its modern varieties, which include olympic sport, can be considered mixed sports, the subjects of which are both amateur athletes and professionals. That is why such a division is rather conditional, because on Olympic competitions Recently, an increasing number of professionals have been performing.

Among other things, such a classification throws "overboard" a huge part of those athletes who are engaged in sports that are not included in the program of the Olympic Games or world championships and individual countries.

Their development

A sporting achievement, as a rule, is characterized by a victory over an opponent, evaluated in points, goals, points; demonstration of results expressed in terms of time, distance, mass, accuracy of hitting a target, better performance of complex motor combinations with an assessment of their composition, etc.

Sport is unthinkable without striving for the highest (absolute) achievements, which are, as it were, a standard for assessing the reserve capabilities of both an individual and a community of people as a whole. However, the peculiarities of sports and its indicators in the form of sports achievements lie in the fact that if today absolute achievements are within the power of a narrow group of outstanding athletes, then in a few years they become the property of an increasingly wide mass of people involved.

Factors influencing the dynamics of sports achievements in sports.Sports achivments determined by three groups of factors: individual factors (first group), scientific and technological progress (second group) and socio-economic factors (third group) (Fig. 28). Let's consider these factors in more detail.

Rice. 28. Factors that ensure the growth of sports achievements

Athlete's individual talent. modern science distinguishes between the inclinations, giftedness and abilities of a person. Practicing any kind of sport requires a person to demonstrate certain abilities, which are expressed by individual personality traits, which are a condition for the successful implementation of one or more types of activities. It should be noted that abilities are not limited to knowledge, skills and abilities, but are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of a certain activity.

Giftedness is an innately determined component of abilities. It provides a person with the opportunity to successfully perform the activities corresponding to it. In relation to sports, we can talk about the physical and mental qualities and personality traits that ensure the success of the implementation of a certain competitive activity. Giftedness is gradually becoming the main criterion for the transition of those involved in sports schools from one group to another, from one national team to another, of a higher rank.

The development of certain abilities for sports is based on certain inclinations, which are understood as congenital anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics. but highest level various abilities of a person is always the result of his development in the process of rationally constructed activity, and in sports - a training system. By themselves, the inclinations of a person can only contribute to the development of abilities. And this requires directed education, development and training. Thus, the inclinations of a person, combined with giftedness, with optimal pedagogical influence, and in some cases, using the experience accumulated by previous generations, make it possible to develop certain abilities.

When evaluating athletic ability coach faces three key points:

- the composition of abilities for a particular sport;

- an objective and earlier assessment of each person of these abilities in order to predict the features of the course of his further improvement;

- what ways to achieve the formation of these abilities, if they are not sufficiently developed, or how to compensate for them in case of their low level.

The degree of readiness for sports achievement. Targeted training of an athlete is of decisive importance, which determines the achievement of high results. Directly influencing the natural inclinations, the coach achieves the necessary development of the athlete's abilities, ensuring progress in the chosen sport. At the same time, the main condition is the great dedication of the athlete, expressed in purposeful training and the achievement of the main and intermediate (stage) goals. One of the prerequisites for this is the significant expenditure of the athlete's efforts on self-improvement. None of the most gifted athletes can achieve high results without hard work.

In this regard, sports achievements are “an indicator of the size of the useful costs of an athlete’s efforts for self-improvement, an indicator of his success along this path” (L.P. Matveev, 1977).

Currently, training loads and total time spent in the process of training athletes reach significant values. Suffice it to say that in various types sports, the total amount of time devoted to training and competition ranges from 800 to 1500 hours per year. In certain sports disciplines, three and four times a day are practiced. training sessions in a day.

All this makes high demands on the mental qualities and personality traits of an athlete. Only a highly motivated athlete can withstand such loads with high dedication and demands on himself.

Thus, the degree of preparedness of an athlete depends on the use of effective training and competitive systems, as well as on the awareness of the importance of social and personal sports activities and the motives that form the goal of this activity, which ensures the progress of sports achievements.

The effectiveness of the athlete's training system determined by the following factors: modern methods of training; rational competition system; using progressive technology and tactics; logistics; scientific, methodological, biomedical and information support for athletes, coaches, doctors, etc.

The first place in this group of factors is occupied by scientific and methodological foundations systems sports training. Only on the basis of modern scientific data, processed in methodological developments and recommendations that have found their place in the structure of sports training, we can talk about the effectiveness of the athlete's training.

significant role in training process means and methods of recovery of athletes after high training and competitive loads, as well as methods of increasing their sports performance.

The effectiveness of the athlete's training system is influenced by the development and use of high-quality inventory, equipment, footwear, clothing, protective devices, simulators (mechanical, electromechanical, electronic) various designs and appointments.

An important point in matters of increasing the efficiency of the training system for athletes is the improvement of their tactical and technical training. In many sports, tactical and technical training are the dominant aspects of skill that determine the success of the entire system. From the timely development of new elements and combinations, tactics ultimately depends on the level of sporting achievements.

The scope of the sports movement and its staffing. The effectiveness of the functioning of sports in any country depends on such a factor as the scope of the sports movement. Sociological and statistical analysis shows: what more people included in sports, the more athletes enter the big sport, and this, in turn, increases the competitiveness among them and is reflected in sports results.

The increase in mass participation in sports is associated with the social conditions of society and with the training of the necessary specialists: trainers, instructors, teachers, doctors, workers sports facilities and others. The qualification of these specialists largely contributes to the improvement of sports achievements in the general mass of those involved, as well as among highly qualified and outstanding athletes.

Social conditions for the development of the sports movement and its economic support. The level of sports achievements of a country largely depends on the conditions of the material life of society, which play a dominant role in determining the overall life of a person. The cumulative level of achievements in many sports cultivated in various countries is interconnected with indicators of the material well-being of the people, as well as with indicators of average life expectancy, the total number and literacy of a person (A. M. Maksimenko, 1969). At the same time, developing countries with low economic potential can successfully develop two or three sports that reflect the ethnic and geographical characteristics of the population and its traditions. Runners from Ethiopia and Kenya, boxers from Latin America, football players from African countries, etc. can serve as an example of this. However, the development of many popular and mass sports in a complex is beyond the power of these countries due to the economic conditions of society.

In conclusion, it should be noted that sports achievements reflect the success of a person in improving their abilities and are one of the indicators of the development of sports, physical culture and the culture of society as a whole.

Trends in the development of sports achievements. Modern sport characterized by the constant growth of sporting achievements. At the same time, in each individual sport or individual discipline throughout the history of their development, there is an uneven dynamics of achievements. At some stages, it is associated with a jump in results, at others - with a temporary plateau (stabilization), at others - with a gradual and continuous growth. This is due to a number of factors: the introduction of new means and methods of training; economic incentives of the competition system; improvement of sports equipment and equipment, clothing, footwear; using new techniques to improve the performance of an athlete (psychological and physiological orientation).

The dynamics of the growth of sports achievements in any sport looks like a logistic curve (Fig. 29), first substantiated by Polish scientists E. Skorovsky and J. Brogli.

Rice. 29. The average logistic curve for the development of sports

ii in historical aspect separate species sport and in an individual

This curve consists of three phases, each of which has its own characteristics and to a certain extent reflects the history of the formation of the sport and the individual growth of the athlete's skill. The duration of these phases in different sports disciplines is different.

First phase This curve is associated with the emergence of a sport, the development of rules and regulations for holding competitions, a clear definition of the subject of rivalry between athletes or teams, the creation of a specific training methodology and technique for performing exercises for this sport. In this phase, sports achievements tend to increase slightly.

In the individual development of an athlete, this phase is associated with the start of practicing a certain sport, mastering the basics of technique, tactics, and physical fitness.

Second phase logistic curve reflects the continuous and rather rapid growth of sports achievements associated with an increase in quantitative and qualitative parameters training loads, improvement of technical, tactical and mental preparedness athletes, using better inventory and equipment with fairly well-established rules and regulations of competitive activities.

In other words, the more athletes begin to work and the higher the quality of this activity, the stronger the growth of sports achievements is observed.

On an individual basis, the factor of biological age, long-term adaptation of the body, and the acquisition of sports and life experience by a person are added.

Third phase logistic curve is associated with a slowdown in the growth of achievements both in a particular sports discipline and in individual development in general. Although individual achievements of scientific and technological progress can also cause a short-term “flash” of results. The same “flash” can be given by the use of illegal drugs (doping).

The slow growth of sports achievements is observed against the background of significant efforts of both the athlete himself and all the participants providing his training. Society represented sports federations and clubs, sponsors invest heavily in the system of training athletes, so the growth of sports achievements is ensured not only by a perfect and highly effective training system, but also by a reorientation of the competition system, which is becoming more and more commercial, as well as by a large proportion of all factors that increase efficiency training and competitive activities (finance, organization and management, scientific and methodological, biomedical, logistics, etc.). On an individual level, the slowdown in the growth of sports results and their stabilization are also associated with the age of the athlete, with his transition to the “veterans” group.

Most Incredible Sports Achievements

At the age of 28, Roman Petushkov had a severe accident, as a result of which he lost both legs. It took a man several years to overcome depression, undergo a difficult rehabilitation and find a new meaning in life - sports. Today Roman Petushkov is the real pride of Russia. He is the only one in history Paralympic Games the owner of 6 gold medals (within one Olympiad), as well as the record holder for the total number of awards in cross-country skiing and biathlon sitting.

He is the first athlete to win the 100m and 200m sprints at two consecutive Olympics (Beijing 2008 and London 2012). Winner of the most gold Olympic awards in Jamaican sports history. The first person in history to win 11 gold medals at the world championships. For his name and high running speed, he received the nickname "Lightning". During his career, he ran 100 meters faster than 10 seconds 45 times and ran 200 meters faster than 20 seconds 31 times in official competitions.

If a child from a simple rural family does not want to go to school, preferring to play football, run and ride a bicycle, you should not punish him. Sometimes the greatest athletes of our time grow out of such boys. For example, like Ole Einar Bjoerndalen. The legendary Norwegian biathlete is the absolute record holder of all time in terms of the number of medals won in the Biathlon World Championships and the Winter Olympic Games. The last Sochi Olympics in 2014 was marked by another achievement of Björndalen: the 41-year-old Norwegian became the oldest winner of the individual championship in history.

Joanna Kuas: gymnastics

Joanna Kuas is not the owner of an impressive amount sports awards. She has no world records to her credit. However, this woman has become a motivation for millions of people, as at 86 she continues to do gymnastics and compete in world-class competitions. At 57, Joanna competed on the uneven bars at the World Championships in Germany, performing on par with competitors at least half her age. The oldest gymnast in the world is coaching, participating in TV shows and inspiring her fans not to think about age limits, and this is sometimes more valuable than any medals.

The phenomenon of this athlete cannot be explained so far. In 1988, she set world records in running (100 m in 10.49 s and 200 m in 21.34 s). Such figures, in fact, are beyond human capabilities, and so far no one can surpass these figures. Flo was a real sensation sports world: it seemed that unspoken rules and norms were unfathomable to her. She not only effortlessly won medal after medal, but also put on outrageous outfits for competitions, wore incredibly long golden nails and loose hair that was inappropriate according to the regulations. Of course, the athlete was repeatedly suspected of doping, but none of the tests confirmed this. At the age of 38, Griffith-Joyner died suddenly of a heart attack, provoking even more rumors and legends about herself.

American Joe Rollino is a real phenomenon, a brilliant example of the fantastic possibilities of man. At the beginning of the 20th century, Joe was considered the most powerful athlete in the world: he was able to lift almost one and a half tons with his hands, and with his finger big feet- almost 500 kg. At the same time, Rollino was a vegetarian, a long-liver, a veteran of the Second World War, and always promoted sports and healthy lifestyle life. At the age of 104, he bent a coin with two fingers, participated in marathons. Rollino might have continued to set amazing sports records, but a year later, when the strong man was 105, he was hit to death by a car.

michael phelps swimming

Michael Phelps has already reached such heights in sports at the age of 27 that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to surpass his level in the coming years. The American swimmer is considered the most honored and successful athlete in the history of the Summer Olympic Games. By 2016, Phelps managed to win 37 gold medals in world championships and 22 Olympic gold. Michael's phenomenal success in sports seems even more incredible against the background of his childhood: the future record holder grew up sickly and weak, and swimming was one of the few "sparing" sports that were allowed to the boy to improve his health.

Vladislav Tretiak - a man-epoch, whose name is associated better times Russian hockey. The legendary Soviet athlete was repeatedly proclaimed the best hockey player of all times and peoples, because no one else could boast of such outstanding sporting achievements: 3 Olympic gold medals, 10 world champion titles, and a huge number of awards and titles of the best goalkeeper in various matches and championships.

Mike Tyson: boxing

In recent years, the legendary American boxer has been giving a lot of information to the media with his scandalous antics and heartbreaking details of his personal life: that is why his name often appears in the yellow press, and not in sports publications. However, this man has been repeatedly called the most outstanding boxer of the 20th century. Tyson is the owner of one of the most incredible achievements: Mike became the youngest world heavyweight champion in history. The athlete won this title at the age of 20, and so far no one has been able to beat this record.

When the legendary Soviet athlete Sergei Bubka achieved the unsurpassed indoor pole vault height of 6.14 m, scientists predicted that, regardless of the level of development of sports, medicine and technology, not a single person on the planet would be able to break this record in the next half century. They were wrong. In 2014, the French jumper Renaud Lavillenie succeeded. A little later, this brilliant athlete made an attempt to take a height of 6.21 m, but it turned out to be unsuccessful: Renault did not calculate the rigidity of the pole and fell back, receiving serious injuries. Fortunately, the incident did not put an end to the career of the French star: in the near future, Lavillenie plans to conquer new, unattainable heights for anyone else.

Chi Guijong: push-ups

Push-ups are considered one of the basic exercises in power fitness and involves a considerable number of variations and complicated versions. But some manage to turn it into real art, demonstrating endless possibilities. human body. The Chinese Chi Guijon holds the absolute world record for this exercise: in 30 seconds, he does 41 push-ups with just one index finger.

Hidekishi Miyazaki Sprint

Japan leads in the number of centenarians. Moreover, for some people, after 100 years, everything is just beginning. For example, Hidekishi Miyazaki, a native of the city of Shizuoka, decided to take up sprinting at such a venerable age. And after some 3 years, he ran a hundred meters in 29.83 seconds. Despite the fact that this is an unprecedented record in this age category, Miyazaki plans to improve his own performance in the coming years.

There are great moments in the history of sports that determined the course not only sporting events but also the history of mankind. It was thanks to such moments that people had faith in themselves and hope for a brighter future.

The politics of racial segregation in South Africa heavily influenced the political and social infrastructure, even after apartheid was lifted in 1994. South Africa's Springboks rugby team defeated New Zealand's All Blacks in the Rugby World Cup. It was a historic moment that signaled the waning of racial conflicts. South African President Nelson Mandela, who has fought for the rights of the country's black population for many years, even shook hands with the captain of the Springboks team Francois Pienaar.

British physician Ludwig Guttman organized the International Wheelchair Sports Games to help rehabilitate World War II veterans. He invited wheelchair-bound athletes to compete in what would become the Paralympic Games.

The 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin were supposed to be a confirmation of Hitler's theory of the superiority of the Aryan race. However, the American black athlete Jesse Owens violated the plans of the Nazi leader - he became a four-time Olympic champion, winning the 100 and 200 meters, the 4 × 100 meters relay (with a world record) and the long jump. The famous photo of Owens saluting was taken during the long jump medal ceremony. This image captures one of the most powerful moments in the history of the sport. True, when Jesse Owens returned to the United States, the only person who did not bother to congratulate the athlete who angered Hitler himself was President Franklin Roosevelt.

Another historic moment occurred at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. Athletes Tommy Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in a show of pride that they received medals for first and third place, respectively. They repeated this gesture during national anthem United States, badges were visible on the chest of the athletes Olympic project for human rights.

The famous American baseball player Lou Gehrig was forced to retire from the sport at the age of 36 due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A touching farewell ceremony was held for the athlete. By the way, in the USA and Canada, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is known precisely as "Lou Gehrig's disease."

The famous American cyclist Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer, and the prognosis was disappointing, as the disease was discovered at the last stage. Armstrong beat the disease and finished first overall in the Tour de France 7 times. His example inspired many to fight cancer to the end, not to give up and continue to follow their dreams.

Unique athlete Bobby Martin was born with virtually no legs. But this did not stop him from becoming interested in American football at school and playing for the local team at the university.

Until the 1900 Paris Olympics, women were not allowed to compete. That year, women athletes entered the disciplines of tennis on grass and golf. And the 2012 London Olympics marked the debut of women's boxing.

In 1965, Cassius Clay won the heavyweight title. The next day, he claimed to be a member of the Nation of Islam and changed his name to Mohammed Ali. Due to the fact that the famous boxer Mohammed Ali not only refused to serve, but also actively opposed the Vietnam War, the athlete was deprived of his champion title, license to fight and a passport, without which he could not leave the country.

In April 1947, baseball player Jackie Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers and became the first black Major Leaguer in American history. Despite receiving death threats and constant discrimination from other players, Robinson has made an outstanding sports career thanks to his talent and diligence.

On September 20, 1973, women's tennis star Billie Jean King played in a match against former world number one Bobby Riggs, who at one time spoke unflatteringly about the level women's tennis and believed he could beat any woman on the court. King trashed Riggs and received $100,000.

Canadian athlete of Jamaican origin Ben Johnson set a world record in the final race at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul. However, three days later, the athlete was caught using steroids, and his titles were annulled. Johnson was allowed to compete in the Barcelona Olympics years later, but was again disqualified for using illegal drugs. In 1993, the athlete was disqualified from the sport for life.

The National Golf Club in the US city of Augusta did not accept black players until 1975. In 1997, 21-year-old Tiger Woods won the Masters tournament, which was held at this golf club.

American football player Reggie Bush of USC helped the University of Southern California win many matches. In 2005, he was awarded the Heisman Trophy for that season, but it soon became clear that the athlete himself and his family received generous gifts from sports agent Lloyd Lake. The university was not credited with several wins in the 2004 season.