Tourist competition. Organization and holding of tourist competitions, tourist rallies. Management of the preparation and conduct

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Abstract on the topic:

"Organization and holding of tourist competitions,

tourist flights"


student of group A14-ETKz

Bugrov P.V.

Checked by teacher

Kononets V.V.

Nizhny Novgorod-2014

Types and forms of tourism

Holding tourist trip


camping trip

Tourist activity contributes to the formation of an active life position young man. Tourism is an exceptionally valuable means physical education and active rest man in nature. In hiking trips, participants harden their bodies, improve their health, develop endurance, strength, and others. physical qualities, acquire applied skills and abilities of orientation on the ground, overcoming natural obstacles.

The special conditions of tourist activity contribute to the education of the moral qualities of the individual: mutual support, mutual assistance, organization and discipline, adherence to principles, sensitivity and attention to comrades, courage, stamina and courage, a sense of duty and responsibility, high organizational qualities.

Types and forms of tourism

Modern tourism in our country is represented by the following main types: walking, skiing, water, mountain, cycling, speleological, automobile and motorcycle. In the practice of tourism, several types of tourism are also combined in one trip (for example, part of the trip is kayaking, and part of the route is cycling). Such a mixed type of tourism is called combined (bike-kayak). Of the variety of types of tourism, hiking and skiing are the most accessible.

Hiking and traveling do not require additional funds movement (ski, water, bicycle, etc.), special equipment(mountain and speleological) and take place mainly in snowless periods of the year.

To ensure the continuity of tourism activities, in winter they switch to ski tourism. Any hiking trip on skis presents to its participants serious demands. On a ski trip, apart from the big physical activity the body of a tourist is affected by low air temperature, a sharp unexpected change in weather; complicate the movement of a different state (character) of the snow cover, increased speed on the slopes, and so on. In addition, the means of transportation themselves - skis - require careful maintenance and repair. The personal equipment of a skier deserves special attention.

When conducting a water trip, collapsible kayaks are most often used. It is convenient to store them, carry them over your shoulders to a lake or a river along which the hiking route will pass.

Trips can be one, two or three days. Sometimes these trips are called weekend trips.

Journeys are multi-day trips. Campaigns and travels can be near and far, i.e. their routes can pass through the territory of their native land (near) or go beyond its borders, pass through other regions and regions of the country (distant).

Travels of a sporting nature are divided into five categories of difficulty. Their complexity is determined by the length of the route, the number and nature of obstacles, as well as other factors specific to this type of tourism.

Tourist gear and equipment

Equipment includes items that tourists take with them in order to create conditions for maximum safety when passing the route, a certain comfort during the hike and the ability to successfully complete the tasks they face.

The equipment must be light and durable, allowing it to be used in conditions of cold, heat, high humidity, etc.

Equipment is divided into personal and group. Personal is used by the participant of the campaign and serves for his personal needs. Group equipment serves the needs of the group as a whole.

The most convenient for use in the campaign tents with a capacity of up to four people. Preference should be given to backpacks made of strong dense fabric, having a sewn-in bottom of a rectangular or oval shape, wide shoulder straps, wide pockets and a wide flap-lid. Of the sleeping bags, zippered bags are especially convenient, unfolding like a blanket. In the cold season, such bags can be joined with zippers and made “collective” for 2-3 people, which creates the possibility of better mutual heating of the hikers. Nai the best way group dishes - a set of 3-4 buckets with an oval (bomb-shaped) bottom, inserted one into the other. Kitchen fire utensils also include pouring spoons (ladles), stirrers with a long handle, table oilcloth, canvas mittens, hooks, flyers.

Hiking boots are the most comfortable hiking shoes. They should be one size larger and freely worn over two socks: plain and woolen.

It is very important to be able to properly pack things in a backpack: put soft things (sleeping bag, jacket, sweater) against your back so that they form a soft cushion at the bottom; then put heavy things down to the back. Place everything else on top of heavy things so that the backpack stretches up, and does not take on the shape of a ball. At the very top, put things that you may need on the road or at the nearest halt. The person responsible for the equipment on the trip distributes all household items and monitors their safety.

The tourist's hands should be free, they can only have an alpenstock, an ordinary stick, an ice ax.

Conducting a tourist trip

Right choice the mode of movement, the rational distribution of one's forces, the mastery of methods of movement over various terrain and methods of overcoming obstacles - all this makes it possible to successfully and safely pass the intended route.

The daily regimen should provide a certain rhythm in the alternation of loads and rest necessary for recuperation. The mode of movement depends on the terrain, season, weather and other conditions. In the first half of the day, it is recommended to overcome no more than 60% of the daily transition. Dividing the day's journey into even segments, the tourist has time to go through four or six sections of the route before lunch, and after lunch and rest - two or three more. The duration of lunch, afternoon rest, excursion and local history work in the afternoon can take at least 3-5 hours.

If the weather is hot, you should go on the route at 6-7 in the morning, which means you should get up earlier after sleep. At 10-11 o'clock the transitions of the first half of the day end. It is recommended to start the transitions of the second half of the day after the heat subsides, usually not earlier than 18 hours. Early rises and exits to the route are also beneficial in the mountains, where in the morning the water in the rivers has not yet risen, rockfalls happen less often and it is safer to pass in avalanche-like places.

The group must always go evenly and at the “tempo of the weakest” (therefore, the group is selected by equal strength and prepares for a serious campaign, raising the level of the weak to the average and stronger). The uniformity of movement helps to keep the strength, performance of tourists. To maintain the uniformity of movement, it is necessary to monitor the constancy of the number of steps in the same periods of time. Moreover, on rough terrain, the tourist's step lengthens on easy descents and shortens on difficult sections and ascents. Leaving a halt, tourists slowly pick up the optimal speed and slow it down, approaching the next halt.

For movement, the tourist group is located in a column one at a time. The first is the guide (navigator), who knows the given section of the route well and chooses The best way its passage, monitors the pace of movement, the time of transitions and halts. At the end of the tourist column is usually a repairman or a mechanic (if the trip is skiing, kayaking, cycling, etc.). The trailer must ensure that there are no significant gaps between tourists in the column so that no one is left behind. If it is necessary to stop or reduce the pace of movement, he gives a signal to the leader.

When moving along the route, a break in the column is not allowed until the participants lose voice or visual communication with each other. The trek leader ensures the management of the group and the safety of the route. He always passes dangerous sections first (in other sections, his place in the column is not regulated).

AT hiking the way of passing the sections of the route is determined by the terrain, the state of the soil, vegetation, the presence of paths and roads. Meadows, unsown fields, copses and forests without dense undergrowth pass through in azimuth. Forests with dense undergrowth, rugged terrain, thickets of bushes are better to pass along the trails, even if this significantly increases the length of the day's transition.

When lifting, the leg is placed on the entire foot, and not on the toe. The steeper the climb, the slower the hikers should climb. For greater traction with the soil and ease of walking, the foot turns outward on such climbs. With a long, “prolonged” ascent, it is recommended to climb in a “serpentine”, turning alternately either right or left side to the slope.

During the passage of forest thickets, dense shrubs, the distance in the column is sharply reduced, with each subsequent participant repeating the movement of the previous one: holding and retracting branches, etc. Wetlands, but passable areas are overcome over bumps; rivers and other water barriers - over bridges and treasures. If the luggage is unstable, it is fixed and crossed over with a pole, and a rope railing is pulled or a long pole is used as a railing. If necessary, a crossing is made of logs, which requires special skills. Rivers with a calm course can be waded with mandatory insurance of each other.

On ski routes, the order of movement is somewhat different. The participants of the campaign, laying the ski track, continuously replace each other. On the descents, the distance between the participants increases.

Halts and overnight stays on a hiking trip

A tourist halt (bivouac) is a camping place for participants in a hike, a place for rest, food, sleep, processing of collected materials from excursions, local history work, and preparation for a further journey. Depending on the duration, halts are divided into small, large (lunch or excursion, local history), overnight and day.

A special condition for organizing a halt is the choice of a place that is safe for the participants in the trip. For a large halt, an overnight stay and a day's stay, it must also meet other requirements: the availability of drinking water and fuel in sufficient quantities for cooking, a site for setting up a camp and making a fire. At a small halt, the place and time of which is determined by the navigator of the group, tired ones can sit or even lie down, do a little warm-up. AT winter conditions they rest on fallen trees cleared of snow, stumps or backpacks put on skis at the back.

Work on large halts should be immediately clearly organized. When stopping for lunch, one or two people go to get water, another one starts making a fire. These are kitchen attendants. The rest go for fuel. And only after the buckets are put on the fire and the preparation of dinner has begun, the participants of the campaign, free from duty, can go about their business.

The organization of halts for the night (overnight) and for a day or two of rest from movement (day) requires a significant investment of time. Several people are engaged in setting up tents (tent camp). The commander on duty appoints those responsible for preparing the garbage pit, equipping the campfire site, constructing bench seats, etc. He is also responsible for getting up, breakfast, lunch, dinner, preparing for the night, lights out; monitors the conduct of excursions, local history work, participates in the line to sum up the results of the day. It is not recommended for unprepared tourists to arrange an overnight stay in winter.

Setting up tents requires certain skills and abilities. First of all, you need to choose a clean and level place, safe for overnight stay. It is better to have tents with an entrance to an open place - a clearing, a lake, etc. In strong winds, the tent has an entrance downwind. Gable tents have the floor down, and the floor is pulled evenly and tightly over the pegs. Then they install large stakes (racks) at the entrance and the back wall of the tent (at the ends of the ridge), evenly and simultaneously pull the guys. Having fastened the entrance to the tent (then it is more difficult to do this), they pull the side braces of the cover alternately diagonally. Pegs are usually hammered at an angle of 45º to the side walls of the tent. In rainy weather, you need to stretch a plastic film or other waterproof material on the tent, and dig around the tent shallow ditch with drainage groove for rainwater.

A place for a fire at halts is chosen so that the fire does not spoil the trees and shrubs, does not cause a fire. It is strictly forbidden in summer to light fires in young coniferous forests, in areas with dry reeds, reeds, moss, grass, in clearings where there were fires before, in peat bogs, in the forest on rocky placers.

The winding up of the camp takes place in an organized manner and begins with the packing of personal belongings in backpacks. Then the tents are removed. Stakes are not burned, but stacked and left for other groups of tourists. All garbage is burned at the stake, and non-burnable things (tin cans, etc.) are buried. The fire is raked and extinguished, poured with water, covered with earth, and the previously removed turf is placed on top.

Tourist rallies and competitions

Tourist rallies and competitions are effective means of improving the tourist and local history and sports skills of tourists and promoting tourism, attracting students from vocational schools to it.

The organization of the tourist rally is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the rally and the competitions included in it. The Regulations usually indicate the goals and objectives of the meeting, the place and time of its holding, the program; its participants and the procedure for identifying and awarding winners are determined. Headquarters supervises the rally, competitions - the panel of judges, competitions - the jury.

Tourism competitions can be divided into three types: competitions in tourist skills, in tourist technique and in orienteering.

Tourist equipment competitions are usually held in two types: the tourist obstacle course and the tourist relay race. Tourist equipment can also be checked on a special control-combined route (KKM) or a control-tourist route (KTM). In the first type of competition, the team must overcome all obstacles with the full composition of its team (KKM and KTM are also held), and in the second, each member of the team overcomes only his own stage. The length of the competition distance ranges from 300 to 2000 meters. An obstacle course may include: climbing a steep slope (with or without a rope); descent from steep slope; cross-country running; overcoming a water barrier (on a tray, raft, kayak, on luggage, protruding stones, wade, etc.); overhead crossing; carrying the victim; kindling a fire and burning a thread (or boiling water); setting up a tent; running over bumps (“swamp”), various forms of blockages that require crawling, crawling and climbing.

Tourist and orienteering competitions are organized at tourist rallies for the formation and development of skills in orienteering. These competitions are held as a movement through the area in order to find control points and follow the course using a compass and map.

In practice, the following types of orienteering competitions are used: in a given direction, along a marked track, optional, relay orienteering. Familiarization with orientation usually begins with the view - "by choice". At the start, participants are given maps of the area with control points (CP) marked on them. For each checkpoint, a certain number of points are awarded, depending on the difficulty of finding it. Of the many route options, the orienteer, depending on his experience, skill, tries to choose the most profitable one, on which he can score more points in a set time. In case of being late to the finish line, the participant is penalized with a certain number of points for each overdue minute. The passing distance must be calculated by the panel of judges so that the length of the route for beginners does not exceed 6 km for boys, and 4 km for girls.


Physical culture: Prakt. allowance/B. I. Zagorsky, I. P. Zaletaev, Yu. P. Bubble. M.: Higher. school, 1989.

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(tourist meetings of schoolchildren)

teacher of additional education of the Center for Children's Education "Intellect"



A school tourist rally is one of the most effective forms of agitation and promotion of tourism as healthy lifestyle life, promotion physical development schoolchildren, organization of youth leisure.

Tourist gatherings of students may differ in purpose and form of holding, time and conditions of holding, number and age of participants, duration and content.

Teams take part in the tourist city rally of schoolchildren educational institutions and institutions of additional education for children of the tourist and local history profile of the city.

As part of the rally, various competitions and cultural and entertainment events are held: hiking(team and individual-team competitions), orienteering (individual-team competitions), amateur tourist competition, tourist skills.

The teams that took I-III places in each type of program, will be awarded with diplomas and memorable prizes. Teams winners in the overall standings in different age groups with challenge cups.


Work on the preparation of the rally begins long before it takes place. Usually it begins with the approval of the REGULATIONS in the organization holding the competition or rally. Then you should clearly distribute the scope of work that needs to be done in preparation for the rally, and appoint those responsible for their implementation.

Organization hosting the meeting , performs the following work:

    creation of the organizing committee of the rally headed by the chairman;

    drawing up, development and dissemination of the Regulations on the meeting;

    approval of the main panel of judges;

    logistical, transport, economic and medical support;

    ensuring safety and nature protection;

    choice of venue for the meeting;

    obtaining permission from local organizations (village council, forestry, sanitary and epidemiological station, police, etc.) to hold a rally (competition).

Organizing committee of the rally performs the following work:

    development and implementation of a plan for the preparation and holding of the event;

    accommodation, catering and medical care for participants and judges;

    preparation and equipment of the competition venue;

In the absence of the organizing committee, its duties are assigned to the organization conducting the rally (competition).

Main panel of judges performs the following work:

    studying the Regulations on the rally, drawing up the conditions for passing each distance or type of program;

    drawing up an application for equipment and inventory;

    preparation and inspection of distances;

    recruitment of referee teams,

    instructing judges;

    receipt (purchase) and export of equipment;

    preparation of judicial and final protocols for all distances;

    equipment of distances and stages for passing and ensuring safety;

    purchase and export of prizes.

The composition of the main panel of judges includes: the chief judge and his deputies, the chief secretary and his assistants, the heads of distances, the referee-inspector, the doctor of the competition.

1.1. Rally Regulation

The regulation on the rally is the main document that guides the judges and participants of the competition. Regulations are distributed one month before the competition. The regulation includes the following sections:

    goals and objectives;

    time and place of the event;

    number and class of distances;

    competition program;

    conduct management;

    participants of the competition, requirements for them and equipment;


    the procedure and deadlines for filing applications, the required documentation;

    conditions for the reception of participants and security;

    definition of results;


Depending on the scale of the competition, the number of sections may be reduced and sections may be merged. Changes and additions to the Regulations have the right to make the organization that approved it, or the organizing committee, together with the main panel of judges, no later than the start of the first draw at these competitions.

The position of the rally is different from the position of the competition in tourist all-around. The rally has a richer program, a simpler system of summing up, the absence of a calculated class of distances. Since the purpose of the rallies is mainly to organize leisure, and not to improve sportsmanship and perform sports categories, then the rally distances are set with a strong simplification of the existing Tourist All-Around Competition Rules, and often without observing these Rules. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the class of distances, their rank and the performance of sports categories.

1.2. Development of the Gathering Program

Particular attention should be paid to the development of the Programme. It is necessary to take into account and avoid a lot of annoying misunderstandings (for example, lack of time for awarding the winners due to the "drag" of any distance).

The time of the distances should be calculated in advance, adjusted according to the number of expected participating teams, if necessary, reduce or change the stages and tasks at the distances. Typically, one-day gatherings use a carousel system, where one half (or a third) of the participants participate in one type of program, the other half in another, and then they change. If there are 2-3 days of rally, such a need disappears, and the day is entirely devoted to any distance or game, and in their free time, participants are occupied with optional types of programs or socially useful work (which can also be done for time, for quality, for results and summarize).

When compiling a program, it must be remembered that a specific person will be responsible for each of its types, and if exemplary candidates are known, then it is better to take into account their wishes and suggestions in advance. An important role in the preparation of the rally program is played by the number of judges required for each type of program. It is best to develop the rally program together with the elected panel of judges.

It is important that the program of the rally takes into account the interests of the participants in the competition, the characteristics of their age, the degree of preparedness for such events and meets the goals of the rally itself.

In addition, the competition program should be correlated with the financial capabilities of the host organization, since the quantity and quality of the logistical, transport, economic and medical support for the rally depends on them.

1.3. Types of competitions that can be included in the rally program

1. KTM (control tourist route)

2. Short team hiking distance

3. Tourist competitions

4. Creative contests

5. Orientation

6. Military sport games and relay races

7. Sports games and relay races

8. Fun starts

9. Individual competitions in tourism technique

10. Other competitions

In addition to the Competition Regulations, the panel of judges develops the Competition Conditions. They describe the features of obstacles and, if necessary, the techniques and tactics for overcoming them at a given distance, performing special tasks. The conditions for passing distances consist mainly of:

    general conditions (distance task, class, length, number of stages, control time, orienteering elements used indicating the map scale and relief section, start time, starting interval, special requirements for participants, equipment requirements, other points requiring attention);

    conditions for passing or a description of the stages (length of the stage, its equipment, control time, task at the stage, indication of actions and techniques, etc.);

    distance schemes;

    penalty tables (with description, explanation of errors and penalty points).

When developing conditions, special attention should be paid to their compliance with general regulation, and eliminate all contradictions before their approval or, in extreme cases, before the first draw of the competition.


Up to 70% of success in holding a rally is provided by thorough preparation. As practice shows, almost all the troubles at the rally are associated with flaws in the preparation, and these troubles could well have been foreseen and prevented.

2.1. Security

Ensuring safety during the competition is the responsibility of the Deputy Chief Judge for Safety and the local search and rescue service. In the absence of the PSS, security is entrusted to the panel of judges.

If there is a threat of danger to the participants, the competition must be postponed, and those that have already begun must be interrupted. If, as a result of the deterioration of weather conditions and the resulting deterioration in the condition of the distances, the safety of the competition cannot be ensured, the chief judge must change the order of their conduct, cancel them or exclude the stage, distance from the program.

Security measures include:

    the correct choice of a place for holding competitions, preparation of distances in accordance with the requirements of the Rules, Regulations and conditions;

    maintaining order and discipline during the event;

    organization of reliable communication between the stages;

    organization of medical preventive measures;

    organization of fire prevention measures;

    disease prevention, proper organization of life in the field, nutrition of competitors and judges, availability of medical personnel;

    compliance with sports and psychological preparation participants in the class of distance difficulty;

    availability of safety (rescue) means, provision of insurance and preparedness of each insurer (rescuer);

    passing the distance with high-quality equipment that ensures the safety of the participants;

    clear work of the rescue service;

    additional events that the organizers of the competition deem it necessary to carry out, based on the specific situation.

It is forbidden to lay the competition track in places where the safety of participants, judges and spectators is not ensured. Start and finish areas must be marked and fenced. At dangerous sections of the distance, if they cannot be excluded, warning, indicative signs and inscriptions or fences are installed.

The preparation of the distance for the competition is carried out by a special team led by the head of the distance, staffed by qualified specialists. The head of the distance is obliged to personally check the reliability of the equipment of the entire distance, constantly monitor its condition during the competition, and also take measures to eliminate the causes that could lead to an accident.

Responsibility for the quality of judicial technical means of transportation and equipment is borne by the organization conducting the competition, and the deputy chief judge for safety. Team safety equipment must be approved for use by the technical commission. In case of equipment malfunction or its poor quality, the team is not allowed to participate in the competition.

2.2. Protection of nature, historical and cultural monuments during the rally

When holding competitions, it is necessary to develop and implement measures that ensure the protection of nature, historical and cultural monuments. Responsibility for the implementation of environmental protection measures rests with the deputy chief judge for organizational work and the commandant, as well as team representatives.

During the period of placement on the glade, team representatives must be informed of the requirements for the protection of nature, historical and cultural monuments (fire safety, prevention of littering of the area, damage to plantings, etc.).

The movement of participants along the course should not pass through sown fields, young plantings, plantations, areas with historical and cultural monuments.

Violators of these requirements must be punished, up to removal from the competition, and in some cases - brought to administrative or criminal liability.

2.3. Start of the rally

So, when security measures are taken, permissions are obtained to hold a rally in the forestry, from local authorities, SES, support from the police and medical staff is provided, the judges are ready to receive participants, and a rally can be held.

Gathering glade . On the rally clearing, places for team camps, garbage pits, toilets are being prepared, approaches and entrances are being cleared, dangerous places are being limited, bridges, springs, etc. are being equipped. It is very convenient to use signs. Prior to the arrival of the participants, long distances and orientation distances are set, as they are the most distant from the clearing. Short distances are set, requiring a complex hanging system. The final briefing of judges and organizers is carried out.

Information stand . An important link in the conduct of the rally. All operational information is posted on the stand:

    a map of the area indicating the location of the rally clearing and the boundaries of the polygon;

    layout of services in the clearing of the rally (location of toilets, first-aid post, field kitchen, secretariat, curfew, water intake and dish washing, distance schemes, etc.);

    rally position;

    conditions for conducting all distances and programs of the rally;

    meeting program, clarifications and changes in it;

    distance protocols, final protocols, draw protocols and start times of teams at distances;

    other important documents and materials.

Reception of participants . Participants are brought on their transport or are expected directly at the rally clearing. In any case, a person is needed to meet the teams. In the clearing of the rally, this can be the commandant and his assistants, indicating to each team the location in the clearing. Participants must be familiar with the rules on safety and nature protection, they are told the location of the stand with all the information about the rally, they are introduced to the chief judge and the organizers of the rally, who can be contacted for any questions. At this stage, despite the turmoil and revival among the participants, it is important to establish a festive friendly atmosphere in the clearing of the rally, to ensure control over the implementation of the rules of conduct, safety and environmental protection.

Competition program . The competition program is carried out in accordance with the Regulations. By the time the competition starts, all distances must be ready and accepted by the safety judge (the judges usually leave in advance, a few hours or the day before). For the readiness and work of each type of program, distance, one senior is responsible, reporting to the chief judge. The chief judge monitors the implementation of the competition program as a whole. He is the coordinator of all the activities of judges and organizers. It processes all operational information, provides messages about changing the start time of distances, gathering of team representatives, showing distances, etc. With proper preparation, distribution of responsibilities, sufficient qualifications of judges, the competition program is carried out without delays and violations. In case of unforeseen circumstances, fallback options for the meeting should be developed: changing the schedule, replacing judges, changing types of programs, etc. At this stage, it is important to ensure the clear work of judges and organizers, as well as promptness in informing participants about what is happening at the rally.

Summarizing . It is important to sum up the results of the competition on time and hold the award ceremony in the glade of the rally. At the time of summarizing the results, it is necessary to set up the teams for the end of the rally and control the handover of the places of the camps to the commandant of the competition. If there are no awards, the teams can disperse without removing the clearing. After summing up the results, the judges remove the distances, hand over and take out the equipment, put the rally clearing in order.


3.1. Control tourist route (KTM)

KTM is a long distance with stages of orienteering and tourism technique located on it. The distance between the stages may be different, depending on the length of the distance itself. Participants move between stages using orientation elements.

Refereeing KTM

1. The general scheme of judging depends on the goals and objectives set for the organizers of the distance (training, checking readiness for a hike, identifying the best teams in sportsmanship, role-playing game). It can be very diverse, have its own forms and rules, for example:

    It is possible for the teaching KTM to move with the leader without taking into account the time, the stages are passed to consolidate the knowledge and skills explained by the judges at the start or at the stage. The best is determined by the highest total points scored in the stages.

    To check the readiness for the campaign, it is also possible to move without taking into account the time, at the stages the correctness of the implementation of the techniques necessary for the campaign is assessed. The best is evaluated by the smallest amount of penalty points.

    For a role-playing game, a script is written that defines the rules for the game characters. Teams perform tasks related to the rules of the game (find a treasure, save a tribe of natives from thirst, draw a map to defeat enemy forces, deliver a report, etc.). At the same time, they go through the stages of the tourist strip, which are natural obstacles and difficulties. Examples of such games: "Zarnitsa", playing "Indians", playing "hunters", etc. The winner is the team that completed the game task faster, and at the stages the errors are corrected at the direction of the judge before correct execution at the expense of team time.

To identify the best sports team both the speed of overcoming the distance and the correctness of the execution are evaluated techniques. In this case, KTM is close in purpose and content to the length of the distance in tourist all-around. The winner is determined by the smallest sum of time for passing the distance and penalty time.

2. In any judging scheme at a distance, the following must be stipulated:

    conditions for passing the distance;

    polygon borders (roads, rivers, fields) that cannot be crossed;

    control time after which the search for non-returning teams begins;

    gathering signal, according to which the participants must gather at the specified point (if any);

    other important points and the rules of the game.

Orientation elements

1. Route in a given direction. On the route, participants must look for the checkpoints (checkpoints) marked on the map in the order indicated by the judges (KP-1, KP-2, ... KP-6). At the control point, a technical stage or a judge is placed to check the presence of the team at the checkpoint.

2. Marked route. On the ground, with the help of markers (punched cards, shreds, paint, small pieces of paper, multi-colored tape) mark the route. Markers are set or tied with right side along the path of the participants. From one marker the next one should be visible. On a marked route, there are usually several checkpoints, the location of which is marked by the participants on the map (pierced with a needle and circled on the opposite side of the map).

3. Marked route. The route thread is drawn on the map. Participants move along this route, getting to the technical stages. There may also be several checkpoints along the route. Participants mark the location of the control on the map or are marked with the judge at each control. A technical stage can be located at the checkpoint.

4. Orientation by choice. The location of the checkpoint or technical stages is marked on the map. Competitors can move along their own chosen path, passing the stages or marking the control in any order. To check the visit of the group to the checkpoint, a judge can stand on it, marking the passage of the teams, a punch can be attached, with which the teams make punctures on the map or in the route sheet, or some word can be written that the participants write down on their map.

Technical stages

The stage must have its own marking: corridor restrictions, start, finish.

The stage must be completely cleared of branches, stones, tree roots that interfere with its passage.

At each stage there should be a specific task, specified in the conditions for passing the distance.

All stage equipment must be checked for stability and strength.

At the stage there should be a senior judge, who ensures the safety of the movement of participants and evaluates the correctness of its passage.

Possible technical stages on the tourist distance

These stages can be used not only in KTM, but also in orienteering distances, short distances, games on the ground, competitions.

It could be:

1) kindling a fire with checking the tightness of the packaging of matches;

2) types of fires;

3) carrying water in a bowler over rough terrain;

4) overcoming the "bog" over bumps;

5) overcoming the "swamp" on the poles;

6) passage through the "blockage";

7) determination of the height of the object;

8) determination of distances between objects;

9) determination of the azimuth to the object;

10) movement in azimuth;

11) a quiz on any topic;

12) orientation by choice;

13) provision of first aid;

14) transportation of the victim in any way;

15) backpack assembly;

16) ascent, descent, traverse along the slope with an alpenstock;

17) search for the victim according to the legend;

18) setting up a tent;

19) tourist nodes;

20) determination of slope steepness;

21) drawing up schemes and plans of the area;

23) overcoming a log;

24) topographic signs;

25) topography assignments;

26) overcoming a ditch or stream;

27) mousetrap;

28) determining the azimuth on the map;

In addition to the above stages, there is a large group of stages where additional equipment (ropes, carabiners, systems, etc.) is required to belay the participants. Description of these stages in the rules (VST)

In addition, you can use other steps, and depending on the timing, you can use not only the steps pedestrian technology, but also ski, water, bicycle, etc.

3.2. Short tourist distances (tourism technique competitions)

Short tourist distances are made up of almost the same stages as long ones, but are located on a small area. Such distances are very spectacular. These distances are usually completely fenced off or marked. Special places for fans are equipped, the results of the passage and the mistakes of the participants are visible, which has a learning positive moment. For greater clarity and excitement, the results are announced. If the start is open (who wants to!), then the best result is repeated many times, calling for breaking the record. It is very successful at such distances to use the technique of self-insurance on ropes. Then the stages look more interesting, the logs no longer lie on the ground, but rise up or there is a "depth of fall", a sense of danger appears, which attracts children very much. However, it should be remembered that distances with self-belay require not only additional equipment, but also more highly qualified judges who ensure safety at the stages.

Possible stages of the short course

1) parallel ropes ("circus");

2) crossing a log using a rope;

3) inclined log using a rope;

4) Tibetan rope bridge;

5) ladders (moving with a pendulum on swinging stairs);

6) rope crossing;

7) ascent, traverse, rappelling;

9) crossing a swinging log using a rope;

10) horizontal and vertical "cobweb" above the ground and other stages (their description is quite common and familiar to many).

Rope distances are interesting, in which the participant rises above the ground at the start and descends to the ground at the finish line. If you pull safety ropes not high and provide gymnastic insurance for each participant, then even 6-10 year old children will be able to cover such a distance only by holding on to the ropes.

The results of the short course are summed up in different ways: from the prize for participation to the calculation of the total time, i.e. the sum of the passing time and the penalty time. Sometimes such distances are personal-team (participants pass the distance one at a time, and the place of the team is determined by their overall result) and are included in the overall standings of the rally.

In addition, you can call short distance with stages according to tourist skills (collection of a backpack, knots, types of fires, determination of azimuths, etc.), as well as a team relay race with tourist stages.

3.3. Tourist competitions at rallies

Tourist competitions are held to test the tourist skills of the participants. Some of them can become stages of tourist distances (KTM, orienteering, etc.), or they can form a separate program (included or not included in the overall standings of the rally when summing up). When any competition is included in the tourist distance, summing up comes down, basically, to counting the penalty points scored by the team at the stage. And when they are included in the competition program, summing up the results can be very diverse: the calculation of bonus points, the sum of the time spent at the competition and penalty time, the sum of penalty points and even the jury's subjective assessment. At the same time, the place in the overall standings of the competitive program may be the sum of the places in each competition.

Possible contests

1. Setting up a tent

Equipment: tent, pegs, racks, stopwatch.

Exercise: the team must set up the tent as quickly and correctly as possible.

Summarizing: the judge marks the time of setting up the tent. When summarizing the results, a penalty time is added to this time for mistakes when setting up a tent. The team with the lowest total time wins.

penalty time(1 point = 30 seconds):

1. The tent is skewed 3 points

2. The poles of the tent are uneven 1 point

3. The walls and roof of the tent "sag" 3 points

4. The bottom of the tent is poorly stretched 1 point

5. Not all stretch marks are pegged 1 point

6. The entrance to the tent is not closed 1 point

2. Packing the backpack

Equipment: backpack, sleeping bag (blanket), 1 pair of shoes, mug, spoon, bowl, 1 bag with a set of clothes, 4 cans of canned food, 2 plastic water bottles, stopwatch.

Task: one representative from the team must collect the backpack as quickly and correctly as possible.

Summing up: the judge marks the time of packing the backpack. When summing up, a penalty time is added to this time for mistakes when packing a backpack. The participant with the lowest total time wins.

Penalty time (1 point = 30 seconds):

1. The backpack does not stand on the ground, but falls on its side 1 point

2. If the backpack is shaken, it starts to rattle 1 point

3. Sharp and hard things lie where

the backpack will be in contact with the back 3 points

4. Backpack "curve" 1 point

5. Ties not fastened, pockets 1 point

6. The backpack is not tied or fastened 1 point

3. Competition "Bonfire"

Equipment: fire pits with racks and wire and thread attached to them, a stopwatch.

Exercise: a team of 2 people must light a fire using natural remedies and burn the thread. The level of firewood in the fire should not be higher than the wire. The team comes to the competition with their matches and means for kindling and maintaining the fire.

Summarizing: the judge marks the time of the task. The team that completes the task faster than the others wins.

4. Climb into a sleeping bag

Equipment: sleeping bag, tourist rug, stopwatch.

Exercise: one representative of the team should take off his shoes as soon as possible, unfold the sleeping bag, climb into it, lie down on the mat, fasten the sleeping bag.

Summarizing: The winner is the participant who completed the task in the shortest time.

5. Tourist song contest

Exercise: the team puts up 2 tourist songs of their choice for the competition.

Summarizing: the results are summed up by the jury (at least 3 people). When summarizing, the following is taken into account:

1) quality of performance;

2) compliance of the song with the tourist theme;

3) mass character;

4) independent accompaniment;

6. Lunch competition

Exercise: the team puts up 1 dish for the competition, which can be prepared on the trip.

Summarizing: the results are summed up by the jury (at least 3 people). When summarizing, the following are taken into account:

1) the taste of the dish;

2) design and serving of the dish;

3) availability of a prescription;

4) the possibility of preparing this dish on a hike;

Each member of the jury puts his mark on the team in each nomination according to a five-point system, the total score of each member of the jury is calculated, then added to the marks of other judges. The winner is determined by the highest total points.

7. Competition of bivouacs (locations of groups in the glade of the rally)

Exercise: setting up a bivouac for a certain time.

Summarizing: sums up referee team in the amount of 2-3 people. The team with the least amount of penalties for mistakes made wins.


1. Garbage in a clearing or in tents 3 points

2. The turf was not removed from the fire place 5 points

3. The distance from the trees to the fire is less than 3 meters 3 points

4. The crown of trees hangs over the fire 5 points

5. Sod storage rules are not observed 3 points

6. Cutting down or damaging green spaces 10 points

7. Lack of a comfortable dining place, non-compliance with food storage rules, cleanliness of used utensils 5 points

8. Lack of space for chopping firewood, violation of safety regulations when chopping firewood, cutting dry land, storing piercing and cutting objects 5 points

9. Lack of bivouac decoration (fencing, name, etc.) 1 point

10. Inconvenient location of tents, violations in their setting, scattered things 3 points

8. Visual determination of distances

Equipment: multi-colored flags, a tape measure for measuring distances.

Exercise: one representative from the team needs to determine the distance to each of the indicated flags by eye.

Summarizing: the judge places flags in advance at certain distances from the given point (12 m, 23 m, 37 m, etc.). For each meter of error, the participant receives 1 penalty point. The participant with the fewest penalty points wins.

9. Determining the bearing with a compass

Equipment: 10 multi-colored flags, compass.

Exercise: one representative from the team needs to determine the bearing to each of the indicated flags using a compass.

Summarizing: the judge places flags in advance under a certain azimuth from a given point (30 degrees, 45 degrees, 75 degrees, etc.).

For every 5 degrees of error, the participant receives 1 penalty point. The participant with the fewest penalty points wins.

10. Visual determination of the height of an object

Equipment: multi-colored objects, a tape measure for measuring height. Trees, the height of which is predetermined, can serve as objects.

Exercise: one representative from the team needs to determine by eye the height at which the indicated objects are fixed (or the height of the trees).

Summarizing: the judge hangs the items at a certain height in advance. For each meter of error, the participant receives 1 penalty point. The participant with the fewest penalty points wins.

11. Topographic signs

Equipment: cards with topographic signs, pens (pencils).

Exercise 1: each team member draws a card with a topographical sign, he must decipher it.

Summarizing: for the correct answer the participant receives 3 points, for the answer with the help of the command 1 point. Team scores are added together and the winner is determined by the highest score.

Task 2: the team receives a card with several topographical signs that need to be deciphered or drawn.

Summarizing: for each incorrectly deciphered or drawn sign, a penalty of 1 point. The winner is determined by the smallest amount of penalty points.

The number of signs and their complexity is determined by the judges.

12. Azimuth (read the word )

Equipment: cards with encrypted words, a stand is a key.

Exercise: a team member is invited to decipher the word using a stand - a key on which each letter corresponds to a certain azimuth.

Summarizing: the judge marks the time of work of each participant. The winner is the participant who correctly identified the word in the shortest time.

13. Tourist knots

Equipment: ropes for tying knots, cards with the name of the knot, a stopwatch, in addition, it is necessary to hang out a leaflet with information about possible knots and how to tie them in the clearing of the rally before the start of the "knots" competition.

Exercise: team members draw cards with the name of the knot to be tied. The number of cards is determined by the number of team members, and nodes can be repeated.

Summarizing: the team knits knots at the same time. The judge marks the time of the whole team. The winner is determined by the smallest amount of team time and penalty time. Correctness is assessed by the judge.

fines(1 point = 30 seconds):

Incorrectly tied knot 3 points

Lack of control nodes 1 point

Refusal to tie a knot 5 points

14. Determination of the azimuth on the map using a compass

Equipment: task cards, compass.

Exercise: one representative from the team needs to use a compass to determine the azimuth on the map from the specified point to the specified landmarks.

Summarizing: the judge indicates in advance on the map the point from which the azimuth must be determined, and several landmarks to which the azimuth must be determined. Control azimuths are determined by a judging team of 3 people. For every 2 degrees of error, the participant receives 1 penalty point. The participant with the fewest penalty points wins.

15. Provision of medical care

Equipment: injury description cards

Exercise: the contestant draws a card describing the injury and tells the referee the procedure for first aid.

Summarizing: the competition must be judged by a competent judge. He evaluates the story of the participant or team, notes the mistakes made by them, asks leading questions. At the end of the conversation, he can put penalty points:

complete inability to help with this injury 10 points

assistance was provided, but gross errors were made, corrected during the conversation with the judge 5 points

    assistance was provided, minor errors were made 2 points.

The judge of each competition will need a pen (pencil) as well as a judicial protocol of the competition, in which all results are recorded. In addition, it is necessary to prepare in advance a sign with the name of the competition and necessary equipment to carry it out.

It is necessary to distribute the conditions of the competitive program to the participants in advance, as well as hang them on the information stand in the clearing of the rally. It is also necessary to stipulate in advance whether the competition program is mandatory or optional.

When using the competition as a stage of KTM or orienteering, it is necessary to coordinate the system of its assessment with general conditions distances.

It is possible to conduct a competitive program in the form fun game or relay races.

You can make changes to the conditions of each competition in accordance with the place and time of the competition, the characteristics of the school, and the age of the participants. In addition, you can come up with other competitions of a tourist and sports nature yourself.

3.4. local history

Local history is one of the interesting and informative sections that can be used in various forms during rallies and competitions. Local history can become one of the stages of tourist distances, can be included in the competitive program, and also become a separate type of competition or an exciting game. Local history tasks can be theoretical (in the form of quizzes, crossword puzzles, riddles), as well as practical: describe and collect a herbarium of plants found at the venue of the rally. Prepare a presentation by the propaganda team on the topic "Environmental Protection", etc. The main thing is that the proposed task is interesting, a methodology for its implementation has been developed, as well as a system for evaluating completed tasks. In addition, it would be good to indicate in advance how the assignment materials will be used (for decorating a biology, history, literature, school corridor, school museum or school site). Practical local history assignments must be issued long before the rally, as they need to be prepared and have enough time to collect and format the material.

Variants of local history games and tasks, which can be used directly in the clearing of the rally

local history

As quizzes, you can use questions on Crimean studies, the history of your region, on literary, military or other topics, if the rally is dedicated to an anniversary or has a common theme.

Game "Forest Secrets"

The game takes place in the form of competitions on stations. Children are divided into groups of 7-10 people. At each station, the guys are met by the hosts, dressed in costumes or having the attributes of fairy-tale characters. Each group of children is given a route sheet, which indicates the order of passing the stations. Tasks at each station can be very diverse. For each correct answer, the group receives a “cone”, “nut” or any other attribute of the forest. In the route sheet, the presenter records how many “bumps”, “nuts”, etc., were received by the group at his station. The team with the most "attributes" of the forest wins. Station names should be cryptic, fun, or intriguing.

Here are the options for tasks for some stations, they can be shortened, supplemented or changed, depending on the conditions of the game.

Biology Quizzes

When conducting a quiz, the leader asks each team in turn a question, which is answered by the team member who first raised his hand.

If the guys from one team could not answer this question, then the same question is asked to the other team. If none of the teams could give the correct answer to the question, both teams do not receive points, and the leader at the end of this competition reads the question again and answers it himself. The correct answer is worth 2 points.

If the quiz is used as a stage of the tourist distance, then the team is given a quiz sheet (with questions and a place for answering) and the time of work is agreed, the whole team or several participants can answer.

3.5. Orientation

Orienteering is widely used in rallies and competitions. In almost every type of rally program, it is present in one form or another.

Orientation, in addition, can be a separate distance.

It can be carried out for training - then at the checkpoint the guys perform tasks on orientation, topography and checking the eye. Summing up is carried out according to the largest amount of bonus points for a correctly completed task.

It can be sporty. In this case, it is better to conduct it according to the rules of orienteering, using the elements of orienteering (see KTM).

It can be personal and team.

It can be done at night.

For orientation at the rally, it is best to choose an orientation of choice with a clear indication of the boundaries of the polygon. You can use bright colored paper or standard prisms for orientation as a CP.


After the rally, you can do a few more activities that it is desirable to carry out without delay.

1. Parsing, drying, classification of equipment and equipment. It is necessary to set aside those materials that will be useful during the next rallies and competitions.

2. Discussion of the results of the meeting. It is carried out by judges and organizers in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages, the reasons for "failures" and successes. At the end of the discussion, reprimands and thanks are announced. Such a discussion is recorded in order to note the successful "finds" of this gathering, to take into account mistakes for the future.

3. Compiled financial report on the competition.

4. A report on the meeting is drawn up, which includes:


  • distance schemes;

    acts of delivery of distances;

    distance protocols and final protocols;

    nominal applications of participating teams;

    lists of judges;

    general report on competitions of the established form;

    other documents and information.

Such reports should be kept as an example of such gatherings.


    Appenyansky A.I. Physical training in tourism: Guidelines. - M.: TsRIB "Tourist", 1988. - 77 p.

    Varlamov V.G. Physical training pedestrian tourists: Guidelines. - M.: TsRIB "Tourist", 1979. - 48 p.

    Velitchenko V.K. Physical education without injuries: B-ka physical teacher. culture. – M.: Enlightenment, 1993. – 128 p.

    Ganichenko L.G. Cauldron over the fire. - M .: Publishing house "Around the world", 1994. - 46 p.

    Konstantinov Yu.S. Tourist rallies and student competitions. - M.: TsDYUTK MO RF, 2000 - 126 p.

    Kulikov V.M. Camping tourist game library (Sat. 2). – M.: TsDYuTur RF, 1994. – 60 p.

    Kulikov V.M., Konstantinov Yu.S. Topography and orientation in tourist travel. Textbook. - M .: TsDYuTur MO RF, 1997. - 72 p.

    Maslov A.G. Preparation and holding of competitions for students "School of Safety". Toolkit. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2000.- 150 p.

    Pruha Karel. Paramilitary games on the ground / Per. from Czech. S.I. Grachev. - M.: DOSAAF, 1979. - 176 p.

    Collection of official documents on youth tourism, local history and summer recreation for children / Comp. Yu.S. Konstantinov. - M.: TsDYuTur RF, 1995. - 88 p.

    Shalkov Yu.L. Tourist health (Tourism for all). - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 144 p.

    Shtyurmer Yu. A. Prevention of tourist injuries: Method. recommendations: "How not to become a victim of an accident." - M.: 1992. - 96 p.

    Tourist Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. E.I. There M. – M.: Bolshaya Russian Encyclopedia, 1993. - 607 p.

Tourist rallies and student competitions are one of the important forms of preparation and verification of the readiness of tourist groups to make an accident-free, meaningful tourist trip. These events are also a form of exchange of experience between teachers and promotion of everything new that has appeared in tourism in recent years. Thus, rallies and competitions are a good school for the training of teachers involved in tourism and local history activities.

Children's tourism is unthinkable without mass events which have a long tradition and an established system of holding.

Student tourist competitions differ significantly from adult competitions, as they take into account age characteristics, and most importantly, the small tourist experience of the participants, whose teams, as a rule, are made up of students from the same class and are led by an ordinary teacher who often does not have much tourist experience. In this regard, the rules of the competition are greatly facilitated in terms of refereeing. At the same time, the organizational side of school competitions has been much strengthened, since a large number of different organizations are involved in their holding, serious work is being done to ensure the safety of young tourists passing distances.

Tourist competitions of students are of great educational importance. This is reflected in the program, which may include various competitions, meetings with war and labor veterans, local history work.

Thus, tourist competitions for schoolchildren are a complex event, the preparation and conduct of which require great efforts of all organizers and group leaders. Taking into account these features, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Tourism approved the "Rules for organizing and holding tourist competitions for students of the Russian Federation", agreed with the Committee for Youth Affairs and the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia. These Rules are the main document regulating the conduct of tourist activities with students.

Preparation of tourist rallies and student competitions. Gatherings and competitions are not an end in themselves, they should serve to intensify tourism work in educational institutions, and this is possible if they are held in several stages.

The first stage is tourist rallies and competitions in an educational institution, the second stage is district and city rallies (competitions), the third stage is regional, regional; the fourth stage is republican rallies or competitions. With the increase in the rank of the competition, their program becomes more complicated. They are usually held at the end school year as a result of the work done over the year. Most often, school and district meetings and competitions are held in May; in June, immediately after finishing school, - regional and regional. Therefore, the work plan of an educational institution, educational authorities includes in advance the preparation and holding of such events.

The regulation on the event is the main document regulating the holding of a rally or competition. It is very important that it be prepared in advance, as teams preparing to participate in the competition must know what awaits them. When developing the Regulations and the Program, it is necessary to proceed from the specific goals, objectives and capabilities of the host organization and the level of training of participants. It is impossible to blindly transfer the program and conditions of regional competitions to school competitions, because organizational, refereeing, material possibilities are different, all the more so the experience of their participants is incomparable. The regulation on the regional, city rally or competitions must be sent to the organizations no later than two months before the start of the event. It should address the following questions.

1. Goals and objectives of the competition. At the most massive level, this is primarily tourism promotion and training, exchange of experience, and at the highest level - testing preparedness and identifying the strongest teams. If the goals and objectives indicate the issues of educational work, then the program should provide for types or competitions that ensure their implementation.

2. Time and place. This section provides information about the date and place of the competition, the time of arrival of the teams, methods of entrance, the date and place of the meeting of team representatives.

3. Management of preparation and conduct. Listed here are the institutions and organizations that are responsible for the questions. organizational training competitions; it is determined who is directly entrusted with the function of holding the competition, the composition of the main panel of judges (chief judge and chief secretary) is reported.

4. Participants. This section defines the institutions that have the right to field teams, the age and number of teams, the level of tourist training of the competition participants. When participating in competitions of several age groups, it must be indicated that the inclusion in the composition of the older age group of participants who have not reached this age is possible only with the special permission of the doctor and coach. At school and district competitions, age groups are most often completed by grade (for example, students in grades V-VI, VII-VIII, etc.). At competitions of a higher rank, groups are completed according to the year of birth (for example, in the MF-15 group, students who are 15 or already 16 years old at the time of the competition can compete with each other).

5. Program. Competitive and competitive events are reported here, distance characteristics are given, the quantitative composition of the team for participation in each type of competition, the distribution of types of competition by day is indicated.

6. Results and rewarding. In this section, for each type of program, the principles for the distribution of places and credit points are formulated, and this must be done in accordance with the Rules. The system for determining places in the complex standings is necessarily stipulated, while indicating which type is given an advantage in case of equality of points. It is necessary to indicate how the results of teams that did not take part in any kind of program, as well as retired or withdrawn from the race, will be taken into account. It is indicated what awards will be awarded to the winning teams, as well as individual participants.

7. Documentation and deadlines for its delivery. This section indicates the deadline for submitting a preliminary and nominal application for the participation of the team in the competition. It should also indicate, if necessary, the requirements for the provision of other documents: passports of participants or birth certificates, certificates from an educational institution, copies of an order to send a team, travel certificates for leaders, certificates of tourist experience of participants.

8. Conditions for admission of participants. Here the conditions for the accommodation of participants (especially if accommodation is planned in the field), cooking (on a fire or stoves), as well as a list of equipment and equipment necessary for participation in competitions and competitions are reported. Cases of provision of judicial equipment should be specified in the Regulations.

9. Financing. It is indicated what expenses are borne by the organizers of the competitions and the institutions that send teams to the competitions. This section is the basis for the material support of teams, therefore, all types of expenses must be indicated: meals on the way and at competitions, travel, daily allowances for leaders, baggage allowance, starting fee, etc.

Since it is difficult to cover in detail the procedure for conducting and features of the types of competitions in the Regulations, it is recommended to add the Conditions for holding each type of competition to it. They stipulate the order of passing the distance, the list and number of stages, the length of the distance, the actions of the participants at individual stages, necessary equipment, judging system, summing up.

It can be reported that the list of these stages is approximate, changes are possible that will be brought to the attention of the participants on the spot. However, it should be taken into account that this list can only be changed in the direction of excluding any of the stages listed in the conditions. Adding new ones is not allowed.

Detailed Conditions will help the teams prepare for the competition. They also facilitate the work of the judges, who thus receive the terms of reference for the planning and equipment of the stages, exclude various interpretations by the participants and judges of any controversial points. It is better to send the conditions together with the Regulations, but if for various reasons this cannot be done, then send them out no later than the first meeting with the representatives of the teams so that they have time to familiarize themselves with the Conditions for holding types of competitions and can clarify unclear questions and interpretations at the meeting.

Thus, by issuing the Terms and Conditions in advance, the organizers try to help the team leaders in their preparation for the competition as much as possible.

Establishment of a panel of judges. The main judging panel of the competition is completed in advance, takes part in choosing the place of the competition, developing conditions, planning distances, and most importantly, in staffing the judging teams.

At tourist competitions for schoolchildren, most often, people with pedagogical and tourist experience are appointed chief and senior judges, and ordinary judges are schoolchildren involved in tourist circles and with experience in participating in tourist competitions. This is the best option, since schoolchildren, under the experienced guidance of adults, treat their duties in good faith, refereeing is a good school for improving the tourist and sports level for them. At the same time, such an organization of judging imposes certain requirements on adult judges, who must work especially clearly, remembering that all their actions are under double control - participants and young judges.

In order for the judging to be high level, it is necessary to conduct an introductory seminar before the start of the competition, at which all issues of the competition will be covered in detail, teams of judges will be formed, and a system of interaction between them will be worked out. It is best if the composition of the start, finish, secretariat and information teams does not change during various types of competitions, which will allow the teams to establish a clear and organized work and accustom the participants to certain requirements.

During multi-day competitions, it is recommended to post a list of all judges and their work schedule in the referee camp, indicating the position for each day (for each type of competition). This will allow the judges to know their place, and the chief judge, if necessary, to quickly transfer judges from one area to another.

Location of the competition. The correct choice of the competition venue plays a big role in their successful and safe conduct. Usually you have to choose here: the place may suit the organizers, but not be very convenient for setting distances, or vice versa - the conditions for setting distances are ideal, but there are difficulties with the entrance and solving other organizational issues. When holding competitions for schoolchildren, preference should be given to the first option, since an interesting distance can be set by experienced judges on any terrain, but the lack of good access roads in case of evacuation of the camp or a sick participant can become a serious problem for the organizers.

When choosing a competition venue, the following factors must be present:

glades or sparse forest (flat area) for setting up a camp, solemn ceremonies, various sporting events;

rivers or streams, other sources of water for cooking, washing dishes, washing participants;

roads for the delivery of food and firewood to the clearing, the arrival of an ambulance and other vehicles;

firewood for cooking on fires;

the proximity of a pioneer camp, dispensary or base that has a telephone connection with a large settlement, from which it is also possible to supply electricity to the camp and in which a number of events can be carried out in case of bad weather;

cartographic material for the preparation and conduct of competitions.

If such a place is in mind, the organizers with representatives of the main panel of judges must go to the competition area, clarify everything organizational issues, make a preliminary layout of the clearing, find out who is the land user of this site, meet with the foresters.

After the place is pre-selected, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the local executive authorities to hold competitions in this area. At competitions for schoolchildren of a regional scale and above, this is a prerequisite, since many organizations are involved in their conduct: health, internal affairs, culture, forestry, trade and others, for which the decision of the administration is mandatory.

If battles were fought in the area of ​​the competition during the war, it is necessary to get advice from the military registration and enlistment office about the presence of explosive objects, and, if necessary, call sappers to check the area.

The organizers are obliged to foresee the possibility of bad weather, when the patency of roads changes dramatically during prolonged rains, and the likelihood of an urgent evacuation of participants increases.

The most convenient option is when there are 2 - 3 traditional places that are used for school competitions in turn. In this case, organizational and judicial issues are easier to resolve. The participants will not be affected by the repetition of places, since schoolchildren, with rare exceptions, will not be able to visit the same place twice during the period of their tourism studies at school.

For the camp, they choose a clearing or a patch of rare forest on the banks of a river or stream, where all the tents can be compactly placed. Each team should be assigned a small area for a fire. Bonfires should be located so that there is no danger of catching fire in the forest and tents. It is recommended to organize a referee camp somewhat aside so that children do not interfere with the preparatory work of referees, counting results, conducting briefings, etc.

When choosing a place, it is necessary to check the quality of the water, the possibility of using it for drinking, having received the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service (SES). Places for water intake, washing dishes, bathing are determined. They are equipped accordingly - walkways, steps, signs, fences.

It is necessary to resolve the issue with the forestry about the allocation of firewood and their delivery to the camp. At the same time, damage to green spaces should be excluded, participants and representatives should be constantly reminded of nature protection, severely fined for their violations. Such violations include: making fires in unauthorized places, destroying animals, birds and their nests, catching fish with prohibited fishing gear, destroying the soil and sod cover, rocky outcrops, etc.

The traditional common fire at the competition should be located no closer than 50 m from the edge of the forest. The site for the fire should be equipped as follows: the turf is removed in the center, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the fire, an earthen embankment 60-80 cm wide is made so that the grass around does not catch fire.

When setting the competition distances, the panel of judges must also remember about nature protection - remove the markings after the competition, reasonably plan the load of the trails, prevent the cutting of green spaces, use dead wood and fallen trees. At the start and finish sites, which usually take place on open hay meadows in the presence of a large mass of people, it is recommended to mow grass areas, protecting places that are undesirable to trample down with a “wolf cub”.

Logistics. Successful holding of competitions is impossible without high-quality inventory and equipment both for the work of referee teams, and for the life of the camp and various services.

Long before the start of the competition, all services and chief judges of the types of competitions must submit applications for the necessary equipment and inventory to the organization conducting the competition. Based on individual applications, a consolidated detailed list is made, and many names of judicial equipment will be repeated in it (this must be taken into account when purchasing and planning the use of equipment). The commandant of the competition, together with the chief judge, must clarify all the positions of the list, decide on the validity and necessity of the declared equipment. After carrying out this necessary work, they find out what is available and what else needs to be purchased - made, bought or rented. So, for example, if you need about a dozen stopwatches, you may not need to purchase them, but get them from sports organizations against a letter of guarantee.

Part of the equipment needed for the competition can be made by the club members, providing them with the necessary materials. This is a “wolf cub” for fencing, various pegs, signs, flagpoles. Protocols, participant cards and other printed forms must be ordered in advance according to the forms that are available in the Competition Rules, and ordered in large quantities for several events. Now the secretariat uses computers and duplicators at competitions of the regional, and even city, scale. This allows you to prepare documentation for a specific event and in the amount necessary for this event. Many goods, especially stationery, must be purchased in stores without putting off until the last day.

The commandant must provide materials for the construction of temporary toilets, walkways for washing dishes, a table for meals and work of judges, a shelter in case of rain, and also take care of purchasing thermoses to provide judges with food during the competition, shovels, axes and other equipment.

In addition to tents for judges to live, it is also necessary to have large tents for their work, for a first-aid post, trade, and accommodation for representatives of various services. The issues of providing gasoline to attached vehicles and the operation of a portable power plant, which is desirable to have, are resolved in advance.

As a rule, an employee of the organizing organization must go to the camp, who will issue equipment against receipt to each judge or responsible from the brigades, and after the end of the competition, collect all this equipment and check it, not allowing replacement or delivery of undried property. In case of damage or deterioration of equipment, an act is drawn up for its write-off.

Catering for participants and judges. At small-scale competitions, nutrition issues are decided by both participants and judges on their own. As a rule, they arrange food items, collect money, buy food in stores or through the school canteen.

However, when holding district and even more so regional competitions, there is a need for centralized provision of participants and judges with food.

Most often, the products are taken to the competition site by some food store, determined by the trade department, which has a set of necessary products. It can be recommended to prepare the necessary set of products in advance, put them in boxes and give them to the group leaders. But this does not preclude the deployment of a store at the competition site that sells bread, vegetables and fruits, confectionery, water and other products. At the same time, trade in perishable products should be strictly prohibited.

Judges are provided with food centrally, so it can be recommended to involve vocational school students studying to be cooks in their service, or to entrust this issue to the commandant's group. If there is a canteen nearby, you can cook food there and bring it in thermoses to the competition site.

When planning the diet, it must be taken into account that the judges will not be able to eat all at the same time, as many work according to individual plans. The Deputy Chief Judge for Human Resources needs to make an application in time, indicating how many judges and at what time they will eat; if necessary, dry rations should be provided. During the competition, when the judges cannot leave their post, it is necessary to organize the delivery of food in thermoses directly to the stages.

Medical service. The health protection of participants is one of the most important tasks of the organizers, the judging panel, and team leaders. Control over its implementation is carried out by the deputy chief referee for medical care (competition doctor). As a rule, a representative of a medical and physical education dispensary or a doctor with a service practice is approved for this position. sports competitions. At school competitions, this function is most often performed by the school nurse. At district level competitions and above, an ambulance is required. When submitting an application for maintenance of competitions to the health authorities, it is necessary to indicate the number of participants, the venue and the way of entry, the competition program, the time of arrival of the medical team. Be sure to indicate the specifics of the competition, so that the doctor, when completing the first-aid kit, can pick up the necessary medicines.

The medical service of the competition begins with the verification of the applications of the teams. The doctor, together with the secretariat or the credentials committee, must check that each participant has a doctor's permission to participate in specific competitions. In case of age discrepancy, it is necessary to check the availability of a special conclusion of the doctor and coach (special admission) that this participant, in terms of his physical and sports training has the right to play in the senior group.

The doctor of the competition, together with the heads of the distances, organizes medical aid points at the distances, provides the controllers with the necessary medicines. Each team participating in tourist competitions is required to have a first aid kit. The doctor, together with the panel of judges, is obliged to check the presence of medicines in it, and in the absence of any medicines, help in restocking.

During the competition, at the stages of testing the skills of providing first aid, the doctor takes an active part in the preparation and judging of the actions of the teams.

The location of the doctor must be known to all judges, representatives, participants; he himself must have a distinctive sign, and the medical tent must be marked with a red cross sign. The tent should be provided with folding beds, stretchers for transporting sick or injured participants.

The doctor of the competition must advise the commandant and his service, the judging panel on tourism skills on the requirements for places for accommodation and meals for participants, drinking water intake, places for washing dishes, toilets. He is obliged at the first meeting with representatives of the teams to draw their attention to the fulfillment of all requirements for the protection of the health of participants.

During the passage of the competition distance by the teams, the doctor is most often at the finish line or at the stage, where, in the opinion of the panel of judges, his presence is more necessary.

If it becomes necessary to transport a sick or injured participant, the doctor himself or with the involvement of another medical worker ensures the delivery of the injured to the nearest medical facility. A representative or coach must definitely go with him; if necessary, he will stay with the child. It must be remembered that in the absence of a vran, competitions cannot be held.

Participant preparation. In order for the competition to be successful, to achieve its goal, it is necessary to do a lot of work on the preparation of participants, coaches and representatives.

It is not enough to develop detailed conditions, it is also necessary to conduct a series of consultations and classes with the guys, especially before school competitions. A plan for holding group consultations is being developed, and senior judges of the types of the program are involved in their conduct. The benefits of this work are twofold: first of all, the children are being trained, many of their questions are being answered, at the same time, the judges can imagine the degree of preparation of the participants, which is necessarily taken into account when planning and setting distances.

When conducting consultations, it is necessary to ensure that not only group commanders take part in them, but also those guys who will be directly involved in various types competitions and competitions. It is possible to recommend conducting classes on the ground, when the implementation of various tasks is first demonstrated: setting up a tent, kindling a fire, packing a backpack, and others, and then time is given for their independent implementation. In conclusion, you can hold mini-competitions.

At the competitions themselves, it is imperative to consult with the captains, since most often adult leaders, with the exception of the most experienced, participating in meetings, ask few clarifying questions, fearing to appear incompetent, and, accordingly, do not convey all the information to the participants. Before holding competitions in tourism technique, the chief judge of this type of competition must lead all the captains along the distance, explaining the procedure for passing the stages, the system of penalties, and the procedure for the participants. The show must be held in the presence of the judges of the stages so that they know the information that is communicated to the participants and the answers to their questions. This excludes differences in the interpretation of the implementation of techniques and errors.

Leisure organization. When preparing tourist competitions for schoolchildren, the most serious attention should be paid to organizing the leisure of participants. It should be thought out in such a way that the time free from competitions is rich and interesting, since all the troubles occur when the guys are left to their own devices.

First of all, when drawing up the competition program, it is necessary to provide for friendship evenings, meetings of children with interesting people. Most often, an amateur art competition is planned for the evening. When holding district and regional competitions, you can agree with the House of Youth Creativity or the Palace of Culture and invite a choir or dance group to the evening.

In the afternoon, you can arrange various sports games: mini-football, volleyball, various funny relay races. You can entrust this site to an employee of the House of Youth Creativity, who will organize an exit game library, prepare programs and prizes for the winners. It is recommended to have a slide show of the routes covered in the evening, but the group leaders should be aware of this in advance and prepare for the presentations.

The organization of a fire of friendship has become traditional at tourist competitions. Each team prepares a certain amount of firewood for the fire, and the commandant's group stacks the fire, taking into account safety. A mandatory attribute of almost every fire of friendship is a disco, however, its holding must be taken very responsibly - starting from the repertoire, technical support and ending with issues of ensuring order and discipline.

Ensuring safety is one of the main issues that most of all worries the organizing committee, the panel of judges, team representatives.

The composition of the main panel of judges should include the deputy chief judge for security - a good organizer from among experienced tourists. His word should be decisive in matters of organizing security when setting distances, planning events, admitting individual participants and teams. The deputy chief referee for safety completes a temporary search and rescue team from among the chiefs of distances, judges, and medical workers. If necessary, they are quickly connected to the conduct of search and rescue activities. In advance, before the start of the competition, a search and rescue plan is prepared for each type of competition, people, transport, appropriate equipment are determined: cartographic material, stretchers, rockets.

The Deputy Chief Judge for Safety organizes the check of the special equipment of the teams, participates in the acceptance of competition distances for their safe passage, signs the acceptance certificates. During the preparation of the technical stages, the slopes are cleared of free-lying stones, reliable places for attaching ropes (for organizing insurance), fences for dangerous places, signs warning of danger, and inscriptions are placed. When planning stages, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of evacuating the injured participant, if such a need arises. At the stages there should be means of providing first, pre-medical aid. If possible, then radio communication between the stages should be established, the judges should be provided with flares.

Representatives of the search and rescue team participate in the preparation of referee equipment related to the organization of technical stages, and also check the equipment of the participants before entering the track, especially non-standard, home-made.

The Deputy Chief Referee prepares a memo on safety, which is familiar not only to representatives, but also to team members. In this memo, special attention should be paid to the observance of discipline and order at competitions, the implementation of regime moments. It is necessary to emphasize the ban on eating unfamiliar mushrooms and berries, unauthorized bathing, going to a distance and interfering with the work of judges and participants.

Most accidents in tourism occur on the water, so the organization of swimming at competitions should be given the closest attention. A shallow place is selected for swimming, the bottom is checked, the area is fenced off, a constant watch of rescuers is organized, who must have rescue equipment available ( life buoys, boats). Participants should be aware that swimming is allowed only in the presence of the team leader, who observes their behavior in the water, makes sure that everyone gets out of the water.

To ensure the security of the camp at night, the duty of police officers is usually organized, and in their absence, the duty of team leaders according to the schedule.

In accordance with the rules of the competition, in the event of conditions that endanger the safety of the participants, the competition must be postponed, and those that have already begun must be interrupted.

Orienteering competitions require special security measures, as here the participants start alone, and their level of training is very different.

On the major competitions When you can use the help of the army or units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is advisable to have small walkie-talkies so that you can directly communicate with the center for organizing the search for lost participants. The presence of transport that patrols the roads passing in the competition area greatly facilitates the work. From many years of experience in organizing search work, it follows that lost participants should be searched for on the roads, and not in the dense forest. Before the start of the competition, in the information about the distances, it is necessary to indicate to the participant what he should do if he gets lost, for example: “Go south according to the compass or the sun until you reach the highway, then move along the highway to the village of Ivanovka and wait for them to come for you. Such advice can be given to a competitor if the competition area for schoolchildren has clear boundaries. If the area on any side does not have a clear limiter, then it is necessary to artificially protect it. This is a rather laborious work, but it justifies itself, therefore, in recent years, at large, mass competitions, they increasingly resort to artificial limitation of the competition area.

It's good if the radio works at the finish line. It makes the task a little easier for the participants, at the same time, everyone can use it to the same extent, i.e. everyone is on an equal footing. In addition, a working radio gives confidence to beginners. Therefore, the presence of a radio machine is highly desirable at school competitions.

If there is an impenetrable swamp near the competition site, it is advisable to set up a judge in this area and inform all participants of the ban on driving through the swamp. In the information about the distance, it is necessary to report all dangerous places(swamps, barbed wire, etc.), and it is desirable to mark these places on the map somehow.

Organization of information. A big drawback of tourist competitions is the lack of entertainment in most types of programs, because the main events take place in the forest and the spectators cannot watch the actions of the teams. Therefore, the organization of information about the course of the competition, as well as pre-start informing the participants about the order of passing the stages, actions at a distance, is of particular importance. To solve these problems, an information service is created as part of the panel of judges, which is entrusted with all the work on organizing both visual and radio information. This service should include people who can comment on events on the radio, as well as quickly and beautifully write with felt-tip pens, work on a typewriter or computer.

Most of the work of the information service should be done before the start of the competition: the necessary questionnaires were prepared, information protocols on large sheets of drawing paper for prompt reporting of team results, information stands. These stands should be placed in such places that the participants can easily get acquainted with the information without interfering with the work of the panel of judges. Stands must be equipped with protective visors from rain or covered with plastic wrap.

It can be recommended to make polyethylene stands in the form of a set of pockets the size of a printed sheet, where information is inserted. A great advantage of such information boards is the ability to move them from place to place, to reuse them at any competition.

The following materials should be placed on the general information stands: Regulations on the competitions, Conditions of the competition certain types, Program of the event, it is desirable to have a leaflet on safety and rules of conduct in nature, as well as other operational information coming from the main panel of judges or heads of individual services. The chief referee of the information service must necessarily review this information himself so that mutually exclusive messages are not posted.

Most often, preliminary information is posted on leaflets, which are attached to a fishing line or a wire stretched between trees.

To organize messages from a distance, it is necessary to have at least several radio stations installed at key stages or individual control points. The procedure for the transfer of information, its volume must be communicated to the judges in advance. If there is no radio station, then it is still desirable after the competition to give information about the time spent on passing individual stages, penalties received, and this information should be displayed graphically. Then the course of the struggle will be more visible and will allow team leaders and participants to analyze the situation.

A very important role is played by the radio informer, who comments on the results of the distances covered by the teams, represents the teams according to questionnaires prepared in advance by them, and makes various messages and announcements. It is necessary to strictly limit the circle of persons on whose behalf a radio informant can go on the air, make various announcements - these are, as a rule, only members of the main panel of judges, the organizing committee or headquarters. The radio informant must have not only knowledge of the rules of tourist competitions, but also a culture of speech, be able to interview individual participants, and talk them. In the absence of a radio machine or radio installation, a megaphone can be used, but then the capabilities of the information service are sharply reduced.

The information service can cope with its tasks only in the closest cooperation with other brigades, especially the secretariat and the distance service. All moments of submission of information, the order of its receipt, verification of its reliability must be agreed in advance, the responsible persons from each team with which the information service must work must be determined.

Local trade union committees organize a tourist rally (competitions in tourist equipment) of the physical education team, sports clubs universities, including it in advance in their calendar plans of sporting events.

The organizing committee of the tourist rally includes: a representative of the organizing organization, the chief judge of the competition at the rally, representatives of the Komsomol and other public organizations. The Organizing Committee coordinates the holding of the rally with local councils, forestries, on the territory of which it is planned, approves the main panel of judges, resolves issues of material, technical, medical, economic, transport support for the rally, ensuring the safety of the participants in the competition.

All events of the rally (competitions, competitions) are held in full accordance with the regulations on the rally and the conditions for holding competitions (competitions); the latter are either included in the regulation or serve as a written annex to it. Both documents are approved by the host organization, and only it (its representative at the meeting) has the right to make any changes to them.

The regulation on the rally contains the following mandatory sections: the purpose and objectives of the rally; time and place of its holding; program; definition of results; Winner's reward ceremony.

Depending on the scale of the rally (and for a large production team, scientific, economic association, a tourist rally can be a major event with the participation of many teams, guests), other sections may be included in the regulation: management of the preparation and holding of the rally; meeting participants; funding, procedure and deadlines for submitting applications, required documentation; procedure and terms of registration of participants; equipment and inventory.

Changes and additions to the regulations are made by the representative of the organizing organization no later than the beginning of the first draw of teams. However, if conditions arise that threaten the safety of the participants or make it impossible to hold the competition, they must be postponed, and if they have already begun, then interrupted. If it is impossible to hold competitions on the same day, the decision on their further holding and offsetting the results is made by the main panel of judges of the rally.

All competitions in the technique of certain types of tourism, in orienteering (if they are provided for by the rally program) are held in full accordance with the Rules of these competitions. If, however, the rally program provides for combined competitions, including military-applied skills, elements of tourist equipment and orienteering equipment, separate standards of the TRP complex, the competition organizers develop detailed conditions that have the force of the Rules.

Preparation for gatherings and competitions by types of tourism begins long before they start with the inclusion of the planned event in calendar plan, which is in the following form:

Name of events



Participants and their number

Responsible for conducting

Amount of expenses

The organization hosting the event creates an organizing committee and adopts a resolution (issues an order) on holding a rally or competitions, which, as a rule, are timed to coincide with significant dates. The resolution (order) and the regulation on the rally or competitions are sent to the organizations participating in the event one month before its start - at a level up to the regional one and 3 months before - at the republican or all-Union level.

In table. 11 shows a diagram of the generally accepted work plan of the organizing committee of the rally (tourist competitions). Together with the resolution on its holding, the regulations and cost estimate, the working plan of the organizing committee's activities constitutes the main documentation that determines its work.

Table 11. Plan of the main events of the organizing committee of the tourist rally


Period of execution


Staffing of the main judiciary

4-6 months before start

Main judge

Picking up a pickup location. Coordination of the area with local authorities, forestry, sanitary and epidemiological station

3-5 months before start

Member of the Organizing Committee

Preparation of equipment and inventory

One month before start


Vehicle order

Member of the Organizing Committee

Preparation of referee documentation

Competition course preparation

Main judge

Organization of the rally propaganda (producing posters, emblems, badges, the rally program, invitation cards, communication with the press, radio, television, etc.)

Member of the Organizing Committee

Purchase of prizes, medals and diplomas for awarding winners

Provision of medical care

One month before start

Invitation to the meeting of veterans of the revolution, war and labor, leading workers in production and agriculture, cultural figures, top athletes

Ensuring the work of buffets, kiosks selling products, souvenirs, newspapers, local history and tourism literature

Security vehicles and inventory of the labor landing

Preparing for a labor landing

Competition center equipment

On the eve of the rally


Organization of a meeting of participants

Member of the Organizing Committee

Providing food for participants and judges

On the days of the flight

Organization of environmental and fire prevention measures, security measures

Departure organization

On the days of the flight

Member of the Organizing Committee

Summing up the meeting, drawing up a report

In a week

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Promotion of the event (photo newspapers, radio and television, print)

Within a month

Member of the Organizing Committee

As can be seen from the table, the range of issues resolved by the organizing committee and the main judging panel of the rally during its organization and preparation is quite wide and includes some of the activities typical for the organization of any sports competition (staffing of the main judging panel and preparation of judicial documentation, transport issues, catering participants and judges, organization of awards, etc.). However, the other part of the questions is specific for tourist competitions (choosing a place for a rally, preparing competition routes, logistics).

Selection and preparation of the meeting place. The choice of a rally site is determined by the requirements for the safety of participants, the convenience of entrances and approaches, the layout of the camp, the provision of water and fuel, fire safety and nature protection, the landscape characteristics of the area in terms of laying interesting distances for participants and spectators of the competition.

When choosing a place for a rally, all its advantages and disadvantages are carefully analyzed, a preliminary camp planning is carried out, areas suitable for laying competition distances, for the start and finish for each distance, for accommodating the main panel of judges, a doctor, and a secretariat are determined. The scope of work of the commandant's service of the rally is also determined.

For meetings, picturesque places are usually chosen in suburban forest areas, where there are sources of drinking water, access roads. It is best to organize a rally in the area of ​​​​the dispensary of this team, sports and recreation or pioneer camp. The layout of commands is developed in advance. Places for cooking on stoves or fires are provided, firewood is brought in, places for washing, toilets and garbage pits are equipped. A large tent (or shed) is set up in the referees' camp for meetings of the main panel of judges and the work of the credentials committee. On the clearing, a ruler is marked with a keeper tape for building participants, a flagpole is installed to raise the flag of the competition. The commandant service equips and arranges the opening and closing places of the rally, the start and finish of competitions by type of tourism.

Preparation of competition distances. The distances of the competitions must be logical, spectacular, safe and fully correspond to the level of training of the rally participants.

The distance service, headed by its chief, marks and prepares the course of the competition. All stages must be visible to the participants and protected by a corridor from spectators. The entire route of the obstacle course is marked. The distance service must prepare the appropriate cartographic material (its correction and replication), equip the distances with signs of checkpoints with means of marking their passage.

Distances of the competition at the rally of the team physical education should be as accessible as possible to everyone. It is recommended to put them in places where they are logical. So, it is better to organize a mounted crossing over a river or a ravine, and not in a clearing between two trees. More difficult sections are usually placed at the beginning of the course, and fords are placed at the end. With the equipment of additional parallel routes, the throughput of the competitions increases.

The material and technical support of the rally provides for the provision of the rally participants and judges with camp equipment (tents, campfire accessories or primus facilities, cooking utensils, household equipment) and food; equipment for competitions and work of the judiciary; means for holding competitions and the work of the jury.

Before the start of the rally, posters, posters, banners, information boards are prepared, which are transferred to the commandant. The commandant's service is assigned the main role in the logistics of the rally. The commandant receives equipment and inventory, issues them to the chiefs of the distance against receipt and accepts them from them at the end of the rally.

In accordance with the application of the chief secretary of the rally, forms of protocols, stationery (folders, folders, pencils, felt-tip pens, paper clips, buttons, glue, rubber bands, paper, etc.), diplomas, chronometers, bibs, distinguishing signs of judges should be prepared (badges, emblems, armbands, referee cards, refereeing reference forms).

The organization of the rally camp and meals for its participants in the field is practically the same as in the conditions of a tourist trip (see Chapter 21).

The material and technical support of the competitions completely depends on their content, types and class, conditions for holding, requirements for equipment imposed by the regulations on competitions. Competitions in the technique of certain types of tourism require appropriate mountain and hiking equipment (ropes, safety belts, carabiners, mittens, helmets), kayaks, bicycles, etc. The regulation specifies the equipment with which the teams arrive at the rally. And distance equipment is fully provided by the rally organizers.

The material and technical support of the competition program of the rally is a determining factor in the successful holding of competitions. So, to watch movies and slide films, you need: a 16-mm film projector with a sound system (Ukraine type); film projector for 8-C and 8-mm film ("Rus"); at least two overhead projectors with cassettes ("Svityaz", "Proton", "Alpha"), tape recorders (cassette and reel-to-reel for two- and four-track recordings) and empty cassettes; microphone with stand; an amplifier with a standard input for a microphone, tape recorder, player and an acoustic system with a power of at least 10 watts for every 100 spectators; extension cables, tees, adapters with special shafts to a standard three- or five-pin block; screens.

Conducting a rally. When planning distances and during the competition, safety measures, environmental protection and fire prevention are of paramount importance. So, the section of the river for the organization of the crossing should be chosen with a solid and even bottom, safe approaches. Passing the distance and organizing insurance with low-quality equipment is unacceptable. Monitoring of food preparation, water quality, the state of toilets, garbage pits should be constant.

At competitions in the technique of certain types of tourism, ensuring safety (arranging judicial insurance in competitions in mountain tourism technique, patrolling rescue boats in competitions in water tourism technique, etc.) is the main task of the distance service.

In the work of the referee teams serving the competitions, first of all, clarity, consistency, and correctness are necessary.

Holding competitions at rallies in the field is sometimes not only a difficult task, but also an unsolvable one. Therefore, if in the field there is no opportunity to watch films and slide films, then such competitions are usually held before the start of the rally, and their results are included in the final table.

A well-organized and conducted tourist rally is not only a sports festival, but also an extremely important event in promoting tourism and amateur tourist creativity.

Sections: Sports at school and children's health


A tourist rally is one of the most effective forms of promoting tourism and a healthy lifestyle, increasing the physical development of schoolchildren and strengthening their health, and organizing youth leisure.

The main attractive force of the tourist rally is communication with nature, friends, as well as elements of competitions.

One of the main events of the rally is the obstacle course - the most spectacular and dynamic type of distance in tourism competitions, which allows the guys to show their physical fitness, dexterity, ingenuity, gain new skills and self-confidence.

Tourist rally the most beloved, interesting and massive extracurricular activity which is very popular with children and adults of our gymnasium.

Traditionally, we hold a rally in September for the birthday of the gymnasium in a forested area. Then, as a continuation of the rally, there was a contest of crafts made from natural material “Colors of Autumn” and a photo exhibition “Our favorite tourist rally!”.

The success of this event is largely determined by timely and accurate preparation.

An organizing committee is formed in advance, the Regulations on the competition are developed and approved at a meeting of the creative laboratory of physical education and life safety teachers.

Preliminary preparation of teams and instructors for the stages (subject teachers, leaders of circles and sports sections). For teams - consultations and workshops setting up a tent, packing a backpack, determining the azimuth, navigating the terrain, knitting knots. Before the start of the competition, a briefing on safety and respect for nature is held.

Regulations on the school tourist rally “Test Trail”

1. Goals and objectives

  • Formation of a healthy lifestyle among students
  • Preservation and promotion of children's health
  • Development of motivation for sports tourism and creation of conditions for creative and sports skills among students
  • Expanding motor experience through competitive activity
  • Development of responsibility, cohesion, collectivism

2. Time and place of the event

The rally is held _____ September 20___. in the forested area. Gathering of participants in the courtyard of the school. Solemn line (with the presentation of the teams, the submission of a report to the chief judge of the competition and the presentation of route sheets) at 10.00 am. Then an organized column exit to the competition site.

3. Participants of the rally

Students of grades 5–11 in full force with class teachers, gymnasium teachers, parents. To pass the tourist obstacle course, you need a team of 8 people (at least 3 girls) admitted to physical education.

4. Leading the preparation and conduct

The preparation of the rally is led by the organizing committee headed by the deputy director for educational work. The direct holding of the rally is entrusted to the panel of judges, approved by the creative laboratory of teachers of physical culture and life safety.

Main judge ____________________________,
chief secretary _________________________,
judges at the stages ____________________________.

5. The program of the rally

The program of the rally provides for:

  • tourist obstacle course
  • tourist song contest
  • competition “Best bivouac”
  • photo contest
  • local history quiz

6. Conditions for admission of participants

Teams are placed in the field. Classes need to have a supply of food and drinking water for one day, equipment for arranging a bivouac. Teams receive equipment for participation in the obstacle course at the competition site. For the stage “kindling a fire”, the team brings firewood with them. Campfires at bivouacs are organized taking into account environmental protection measures and safety precautions. At the end of the rally, the garbage from the place of residence of the class is packed in plastic bags and carried away independently.

7. Definition of results

The team standings are held according to the smallest amount of places obtained in certain types of the program (in each group separately). In case of a tie, preference is given to the class with the best result in the obstacle course.

8. Rewarding

Winners and prize-winners in certain types of the program and in team standings are awarded with diplomas and prizes (according to age groups).

Competition conditions

1. Tourist obstacle course

5th-6th class - distance up to 300 m:

  • pack your backpack
  • Map symbols
  • Moat of monsters
  • Forest mysteries
  • "Web"
  • Pharmacy on the vine
  • Kindling a fire
  • Aibolit's clinic

7th-11th grade - distance up to 500 m:

  • Setting up and taking down the tent
  • Packing a backpack
  • Topography report
  • Crossing by the “pendulum” method
  • Azimuth
  • "Mousetrap"
  • Kindling a fire
  • Log crossing
  • Knotting
  • Providing first aid

The team from start to finish moves strictly along a given route (according to the route sheet ( Appendix 1 , Annex 2)). At each stage, a penalty time is fixed in the route sheet. The result of the team is determined by the time spent on overcoming the obstacle course, and the penalty time received for errors in the stages. The place of start and finish is combined (marked with markings).

Characteristics of the stages, requirements for their organization and judging for grades 5–6

At the distance, no penalties are imposed on the participants, the judge delays the team until the error is corrected. At the stages where it is necessary for the participants to demonstrate their erudition and knowledge about nature, ecology, the team is awarded incentive points. Correct answer - 2 points; for incomplete - 1; zero points is given to the team that did not answer the questions; for a complete, interesting, exhaustive answer, the team is awarded 2 more incentive points. The points scored by the team are taken into account when summing up.

The result of the team is determined by the time it takes to complete the obstacle course (taking into account the points scored) and the sum of places in the competitive trials.

Packing a backpack

It is required to properly stow the backpack, filling in the corners and placing heavy things so that the backpack has a flat shape (toward the back). Essential items should be on top (mug, spoon, first aid kit, flashlight). Backpack and things - referees. If the backpack is stowed with errors, then the team is given an attempt to eliminate them.

Map symbols

Each team member pulls out a card with a task. If the participant finds it difficult to answer the question, he can use the help of the team ( Picture 1).

Moat of monsters

With the help of a pendulum rope, it is necessary to overcome the “moat of monsters”. To do this, you need to hold the knot at the end of the rope (or grip) with both hands and push off from one line of the “ditch”, land behind the other line. At the same time, bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest. The width of the overcome zone is 2-3 meters, its boundaries are marked. A participant who has fallen off the rope or stepped onto the limit line returns to the beginning of the stage and passes it again.

Forest mysteries

Each participant pulls out a card with a question about nature and its inhabitants or about orientation by natural signs, about ecology, etc. ( Annex 3). If the participant finds it difficult to answer the question, then he can use the help of the team.


Each of the team members crawls under the stretched net. A participant who finds himself in the “web” (touching the net with his head or other parts of the body) passes the obstacle again.

Pharmacy on the vine

Children need to demonstrate their knowledge of medicinal plants, their healing properties and methods of application ( Appendix 4).

Kindling a fire

Aibolit's clinic

At the stage, the team pulls out a card indicating the type of injury and imitates the provision of first aid.

List of injuries and situations when first aid is required: a cut, abrasion, bruise, a mote got into the eye, a bee (wasp) stung, heat or sunstroke, blood came out of the nose.

Assistance is demonstrated on one of the team members. Materials for rendering assistance – judicial.

Characteristics of the stages, requirements for their organization and judging for grades 7-11
Putting up a tent and taking down a tent

The installed tent must be fastened and not have folds on the slopes, sagging of the ridge. If the tent is set up with errors, then the team is given an attempt to eliminate them. Instead of trying to eliminate, at the choice of the team, it may be penalized. After removal, the tent and its accessories should be packed in a bag.

– folds on the slopes of the tent – ​​30 sec
– skew of the tent wall – 30 sec
– total tilt of the tent – ​​60 sec
– one of the accessories is forgotten or not stowed – 30 sec.

Packing a backpack

It is required to properly stow the backpack, filling in the corners and placing heavy things so that the backpack has a flat shape (toward the back). Essential items should be on top (mug, spoon, first aid kit, flashlight). Backpack and things - referees.

If the backpack is stowed with errors, then the team is given an attempt to eliminate them. Instead of trying to eliminate, at the choice of the team, it may be penalized.

– incorrect packing of the backpack – 60 sec.

Topography report

Each team pulls out a piece of a sports card. It is necessary to “read the map”, that is, show on the map and name as many conventional signs as possible ( Figure 2 , Figure 3)

– inaccurate determination of the sign – 30 sec.
– not defining a topographical sign – 60 sec.

Crossing by the “pendulum” method

A rope with a thickness of at least 10 mm is suspended from the branches of a tree. With the help of a pendulum rope, it is necessary to overcome the proposed ravine. To do this, you need to hold the knot at the end of the rope (or grip) with both hands and push off from one line, land behind the other line. At the same time, bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest. The width of the overcome zone is 2–3 meters (no more than 4 m), its boundaries are marked with sand or markings.

– step on the overcome zone – 30 sec

One person (at the choice of the team) determines the azimuth to the landmark indicated by the judge.

– error up to 3 0 – 30 sec
– error up to 6 0 – 60 sec
– error 9 0 and more – 90 sec


Each of the team members crawls under the stretched net.

– touching the net with the head or other parts of the body – 30 sec

Kindling a fire

Firewood for the fire is prepared by the team. It is not allowed to use flammable substances, dry fuel, birch bark. Matches are only ordinary. It is allowed to cover the fire from the wind and regulate the flame with a stick. The thread stretched over the fire must be burned through.

– use of prohibited materials – 30 sec
– the thread is not burnt – 90 sec

Log crossing

The length of the crossing is up to 5 m (a log 20–30 cm thick) through the proposed stream. It is necessary to cross the log and jump (step over) over the limit line. It is unacceptable for two team members to be on the beam at once.

– going beyond the limit line – 30 sec
– falling off a log (with two legs) – 60 sec
- two on a beam - 90 sec


Each participant draws a card with the name of the knot and knits it. List of knots: conductor, eight conductor, academic, straight, bram-sheet, bowline, oncoming. ( Figure 3). If the node is executed with an error, then the participant is given an attempt to eliminate it.

– absence of a control node – 30 sec
- not straightened knot - 30 sec
– incorrectly tied or not tied – 60 sec

Providing first aid

List of injuries:
– open fracture of the lower leg with bleeding (task for grades 9-11)
– closed fracture of the lower leg without bleeding (task for grades 7–8)

Assistance for this type of injury is provided to one of the team members. Materials for rendering assistance – judicial.

– inaccuracies in the provision of first aid – 30 sec
- incorrect position of the victim when providing assistance - 30 sec
– improper use of medicines when treating a wound – 60 sec
– incorrect tourniquet application – 90 sec
– absence of a note about the time of application of the tourniquet – 90 sec
– incorrect tire application – 90 sec

2. Tourist song contest

It is held on a large clearing, where all the participants of the rally gather after passing the obstacle course. The team must perform one song. The quality of performance, compliance with the theme, authorship, musical accompaniment, originality are evaluated.

3. Competition “Best bivouac”

The competition runs throughout the entire rally. The technical quality of the bivouac layout, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and attitude to nature protection, ideological and aesthetic design are evaluated. Penalty points are awarded for the garbage left after the rally, non-compliance with safety regulations and rules of conduct.

4. Photo contest

For the competition, the team submits no more than 5 photos (possibly from the last gathering) on ​​a tourist theme. Photos are accepted with a size of at least 18x24 cm. On the reverse side are indicated: team, author, name of the photo. The ideological, artistic value and technical condition are evaluated. The best photos will be presented at the photo exhibition dedicated to the birthday of the gymnasium.

5. Local history quiz

It is held in the glade of the rally. 3 people from a team participate. Questions in several areas:

- local history
- flora and fauna of the native land
famous people
- hometown streets
- sights of the city and the region