Examples of strength exercises. Training program for strength and mass in the gym. Strength training three days a week

Developing Strength Requires Special Skills, Learn 10 important rules how to develop strength, lift heavier weights, improve strength and become more powerful.

All visitors to the gym are divided into 2 types: some are only gaining strength, while others are already strong, but in the end everyone needs strength. Everyone is more or less knowledgeable person fitness enthusiast knows more strong muscles allow you to lift heavier ones, which cause an increase in muscle volume.

To solve the problem of how to develop grip strength and take your strength training to the next level, remember the 10 most important rules for developing strength.

1.Warm up and stretch first

Arriving at the gym, many are already morally wound up and ready to take heavy weight as soon as possible and overcome it, while at the same time morally satisfying their psyche and making their body stronger. But stop!!! Do not rush, for starters you need good and muscle.

To get started, warm up your muscles on an exercise bike or orbit track, so you prepare your muscle fibers and joints to work, warming them up and making them more flexible and mobile, this reduces the possibility of injury.

Next, you need to take warm-up weights, about 20% of the one-rep maximum, this will allow you to remember the technique of movement and improve muscle coordination, in addition, this will increase blood flow to the muscle being trained, which will automatically prepare it for work.

Before workout specific muscle, always try to carefully prepare it, for example, before with a barbell, do squats with own weight, before , circular swings and so on.

2.Do core exercises first.

At the beginning of the training itself, strength is at its peak, the body is fresh and alert, so throw all your strength at the beginning of the training to perform heavy, multi-joint exercises, these include, bench press

Do not try to do simple workouts at the beginning isolated exercises, after them you will not be able to master decent weights in the basic exercise, the result will be an insufficient opportunity to develop strength and muscle volume.

Therefore, do everything right, first the base, and then the isolation of the muscles, otherwise you can forget about the development of strength.

3. Use the Reverse Pyramid Principle

In some sources, this method of training is called Egyptian training. The point is that after performing a preliminary warm-up of the muscles, having worked with light weights to warm up the muscles, set the maximum weight at which do 3-4 repetitions no more, then reduce the weight to do 6 repetitions, 3 sets for 8 repetitions, 4 for 10 repetitions. That is, with each approach, the weight decreases, and the number increases - this is the essence of the method.

A big plus of this approach is post-activation potentiation, our body, having completed an approach for 3-4 repetitions with heavy weight, making subsequent approaches with less weight, squeezes the weight much faster, this has new load on the muscles, which means that strength and volume are growing.

4. Fewer reps, more sets

Regular training for muscle hypertrophy, provides for the implementation of 4 sets of 10-8 repetitions, to develop strength, it is better to complete 8 sets of 4 repetitions, so the muscle fibers do not have time to get very tired and full.

Your goal is to lift heavy weights in short training sessions, not to exhaust the muscle with a large number of repetitions, this is how peak strength development is achieved. Therefore, thinking about how to develop strength - know that there are more approaches, fewer repetitions.

5. Pay attention to movement technique

To develop strength, it is necessary to learn how to correctly concentrate all efforts in a certain part of the body, this is achieved by studying correct technique movement.

Some experts believe that in order to perform the exercise correctly, it is necessary to complete it for at least 1000 repetitions, remember boxers - to create the perfect punch, they work out the same movement a huge number of times. It's not for nothing that Bruce Lee said - "I'm not afraid of the one who performs 10,000 different punches, but of the one who performs 1 punch 10,000 times."

6. Eliminate bad habits

We are talking about a large amount of drinking, and if your goal is to lose weight, it will slow down your process.

No one is calling you to become a teetotaler, but try at least on weekdays to minimize the use of beer, for example, it is believed that it reduces testosterone, and this growth hormone is very important for strength.

7.Use Full Stop Training

- allows you to do each repetition as the first. Here you exclude rebound, inertial force and range of motion, the entire load is concentrated on the trained muscle and it receives a powerful power load.

You can lower the weight in the relaxation phase quickly, but when you go down to the lowest point, pause for a second, exclude any auxiliary movements and repeat as for the first time. Here you will definitely get tired more, the exercise will be more difficult, but the return will be higher.

8. Work explosively

Lift weights at a fast pace, it is acceleration in the initial phase that helps to actively engage fast-twitch fibers, but in no case start the exercise with a jerk, the movement should be powerful, but not jerky, otherwise, especially in the deadlift, it will bring microtrauma lower back.

Try to lift the weight faster, both in working approaches and in warm-ups, this allows you to develop strength and include new muscles that are used to working at a moderate pace. And everyone knows the formula, the more muscles are included in the work, the faster the strength and volume increase.

9. Focus on one thing

Everyone wants to achieve different goals at once, while using minimal time. But it is impossible to immediately become muscular, hardy and strong, of course, if you are not on a cycle of strong steroids.

Concentrate on one thing, in our case there is only one question - how to develop strength, give all your efforts and attention to the development of strength. If you want to develop in all directions, use periodization. 1-2 months work on strength, then 1-2 months on mass, then on endurance.

10. Focus before every set

Before each approach, you need to fully concentrate, throw all other thoughts out of your head, imagine that now you will conquer this working weight. Use motivating music, take a madman as a partner who will motivate you with words, helping you lift weight with all your might.

Look at powerlifters, how they tune in before each hike, it seems that they withdraw into themselves and see no one and nothing around.

Learn these 10 important rules and become stronger every day.

Over the years of bodybuilding development, athletes, famous coaches and athletes have compiled many training programs that are aimed at developing endurance or strength, building muscle mass or fat burning. Athletes' training should be built in different ways, depending on the goals and the desired result. In this article, we will talk about a strength training program that is suitable for both bodybuilders and strength athletes.

When training to increase strength indicators, you need to use small rep ranges - from 1 to 6 repetitions per approach. It is also worth increasing the rest between sets from the usual 1 minute to two. The basis of the program should be basic exercises. During strength training with heavy weights, an athlete must necessarily have an insurer partner so as not to crush himself with a heavy projectile and not get injured.

Strength training program for bodybuilding

Monday (legs):

Wednesday (back + triceps + front delts):

  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with additional weight (2 warm-up + 4 working sets of 8,6,5,4 repetitions);
  • Bent-over barbell row (2 warm-up + 4 workers for 8,6,5,4 repetitions);
  • Dumbbell row with one hand (4 workers for 8,6,5,4 repetitions);
  • Barbell bench press narrow grip(2 warm-up + 3-4 working sets of reps);
  • French bench press (1 warm-up + 3 workers for 10,8,6 reps);
  • Army press(2 warm-ups of 4 working sets of 8,6,5,4 repetitions).

Friday (chest + biceps + rear delts):

This strength training program promotes athletic performance across all muscle groups and is therefore designed more for bodybuilders than powerlifters. Since heavy weights are used during training, which cause great stress to the nervous system, in order not to get overtrained, the athlete must sleep at least 8 hours a day, eat 2g of protein per 1kg of body weight and receive all other necessary nutrients.

In order not to get injured, you must conduct a high-quality warm-up warm-up before each workout (duration about 10-15 minutes). Even if you train only the legs, then you need to knead the whole body.

Sports nutrition to increase the effectiveness of training

If you have a goal to maximize your power capabilities, then you must use this sports supplement as . This product increases strength, anaerobic endurance and even promotes muscle building, but most importantly, it is very cheap compared to proteins and other types of sports nutrition, even unemployed students can afford to buy creatine. Another supplement that would help you in increasing your strength is, of course, but it is very expensive and if you wish, you can do without it if you have a complete and balanced diet. The basis of your diet should be complex carbohydrates(buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, durum wheat pasta), as well as animal proteins (eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish,).

Strength training for the chest

Leg strength training

Knowledge is power!

Replace dash with equal sign

What is the first thing I want to say about strength training? First of all, my friends, be prudent! After all, like any other phenomenon, power techniques have two sides of the coin. Both good and not so good.

I certainly have no doubt that periods of strength training are needed. Whether you are interested sports achievements or just train for yourself, benefit from power loads it's pointless to deny. It is undeniable at least that power periods will improve your appearance. For after the transition from power loads to work "on the mass" you will literally "explode" in volumes, thanks to the training of the nervous system and the improvement of neuromuscular efficiency.

Of course, this is not the main thing. Many things will directly depend on your strength capabilities. And not only your size, but also general fitness, the ability to hear your body and even self-esteem. But, despite the fact that power modes of training are in many ways useful, in their pure form they should still remain the lot of athletes. In sports, you can’t go anywhere without such loads, but from the point of view of recovery, they are not needed. Strength-enhancing workouts require some refinement if we are to count them integral part health care.

Even many competitive athletes eventually become extremely cautious about the use of such loads. In this regard, I have considerable respect for Dima Golubochkin, who in my lifetime has never gone "at once". Never! And, believe me, he does this not only because he has already eaten all this for many years of study. He is simply prudent, even though he is an athlete.

However, power periods are an integral part of training process an athlete who prefers the gym.

No wonder they say that classes in gym This is "strength training". Strength development in any case is necessary, even if your working weight in the bench press during the power period is not more than ninety kilograms. Therefore, learn to do it correctly so that such an extreme method of training your body does not become fatal for you.

In short, enough introductions, let's get down to business. When your obedient servant developed his power capabilities, he adhered to the following uncomplicated training program. I trained three times a week on alternate days, resting on the weekends and doing all three basic strength exercises in every workout - bench press, squat and deadlift. Each day I devoted to a specific exercise, and the remaining two did in a non-burdensome mode. That program looked like this:

DAY 1 (Deadlift):

1. Hyperextensions 2-3 x 15-20 (as a warm-up).

2. Deadlift - 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 1x4, 2x3, 1x1.

The deadlift was performed according to the principle of a conventional pyramid and, theoretically, the repetition mode could be any. I advise you, in order to preserve your health, to start with a large number of repetitions, gradually getting to the right one. At the amount that does not scare you, you should stop and move on to the next exercises.

4. Barbell squats - 2-3 sets of 10 reps with a weight of 60% of the one-time maximum.


1. Bench Press -1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 1x4, 2x3, 1x1. Here the approach was the same as in the case of the deadlift. The main thing that should not be forgotten is the complete uselessness of muscle failure in warm-up approaches. You should only have one really heavy set. Maximum two.

2. Barbell squats - 2-3 sets of 10 reps with a weight of 60% of the one-time maximum.

3. Deadlift - 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of 60% of the one-time maximum.

4. Work on grip strength and abdominal muscles.


1. Leg extension sitting in the simulator 3-4 x 12-15 (as a warm-up).

2. Barbell Squat - 1 x 15, 1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 6, 1 x 4, 2 x 3, 1 x 1. Same routine as all other heavy exercise days.

3. Bench press - 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of 60% of the one-time maximum.

4. Deadlift - 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of 60% of the one-time maximum.

5. Work on grip strength and abdominal muscles.



As you can see, the training was simple, but very hard. As I said, Vladimir Turchinsky trains either hard or very hard. Perhaps my method will not work for you, for example, due to the relatively low recovery rate. If, after applying such a program, you begin to feel overwhelmed and get too tired, then try to train not every other day, but a little less often. For example, once every three days. After completing three workouts, rest for a couple more days and start your microcycle again.

Freedom of creativity

Since the training program, even mine, is by no means a dogma that is forbidden to challenge, you can use your own creativity to change something in one way or another. For God's sake!

Most importantly, follow the rules below. They will help you avoid making mistakes and keep you on the right track.


Keep in mind that strength training, despite the inability to concentrate on working muscle, require more attention to the technique of the exercises performed than volume training. Heavy and complex basic exercises in the regime of maximum and submaximal power can injure you in a split second and literally out of the blue. Therefore, do not allow cheating, rebounds and other uncleanliness in technology.


Never ignore her! Even when I benched two hundred and seventy, I always started with an empty neck and moved to the working weight very carefully. Remember, it's better to over-stretch than under-stretch. Let the training pass in the first case, maybe not as well as we would like. But in the second they can generally end once and for all.

Keep in mind, the warm-up has been considered a Russian invention for more than half a century, so be patriotic and warm up thoroughly.


Strength training requires your body to take more time to rest. Simply because a very serious load will fall on your nervous system. Try to sleep more than you slept before, and not be nervous over trifles. It's also worth taking a look at the food. Despite the relatively small volume of strength training, your body will still need a large amount of "fuel". Do not keep yourself on a starvation diet, otherwise you will not have the strength to develop strength.


Be careful with maximum weights! Don't press, squat, or deadlift more than one workout every two to three weeks.

As for the deadlift, you can generally do without one-time repetitions. I recommend that you generally stop at the number 5 or 3 in all heavy sets of basic exercises. You will be healthier.


You should not increase your working weight in any exercise by more than ten percent per week. Less is better. Hurry - you'll make the traumatologist laugh! Also, don't expect to see more than the same 10 percent increase in single reps at the end of the strength period. A bench press increase of only five percent is a very good result.


Be sure to ask an experienced person to insure you when doing basic exercises. It's not even that a huge weight can crush you. The fact is that we will remove the rods from the racks and go to starting position without a partner is much more traumatic than the most critical weight. The way the assistant will take part of the load on himself, reducing the possibility of a stupid injury to nothing. In addition, with a partner you will not be afraid to go “for records”, and this once again stimulates your strength progress.


Try not to use bandages and elbow pads, but when you are sinking, when you press or squat "on one", the use of them is necessary. Bandages on the knees will be a kind of additional ligaments in the knee joint, which will not allow injury to occur.

Just don't try to lift more weight with the calipers. They are for insurance, nothing more.


The development of any abilities should not be devoted to more than 6-8 weeks. For best result after this period, you should rest and change the training regimen.


The use of the “utility room” is a moot point.

Someone only recognizes hanging pancakes on the bar as a “backroom”, someone trains for strength in the same way as the rest for volume.

I can personally advise you to use some assistance exercises, but in very limited quantities.

For example, after the main work in the bench press, you can do the wiring with dumbbells on incline bench or lift for biceps, but no more than 1-2 approaches. Just like in the main exercises, do not work in the "utility" to failure and perform at least 8-10 repetitions.


Theoretically, any exercise can be made power. Here you should not limit yourself to anything. You can stop at any version of the power trio. Can do front squats or bench press on an incline and be no less strong. I, for one, benched Smith rather than free weights and felt great. You can do the same with the deadlift - you can do it in classical style, you can in sumo, you can in Smith.

The choice is yours!


Once I was in solidarity with Franco Colombo, who believed that in one workout you can train everything. You can start with twenty repetitions, and in the final approach do only four.

Thus, as Franco argued, you are pumping both terrain and mass and strength.

He is partly right, training can be built in this way. You can pump basic exercises in power mode, then take dumbbells and do wiring for 12 repetitions.

But this method is more suitable for the period of work on muscle volume. If you're working on strength, stick to the same rep schedule throughout the same workout. Let the body adapt to them, you will surprise him later.

Incline chest press


It's very simple - you train, guided by inner feelings. If you feel that you have recovered, you go and train. If you don't feel it, you stay at home. Why step over yourself? Training will still not work at the level of intensity that is needed. It happens, of course, in different ways. Sometimes before training it seems that you will move mountains. Now, they say, how I will swear! An no. Moral forces to a fig, but a little sense. In this case, you should switch to something else. Stop "shove" the usual squat - switch to front squats or leg presses. For me it works. For example, do not press for a long time. You think that I haven’t reaped something for a long time, you have to shake it. Baba, two hundred!

Wow, now I'm going to hit two hundred and fifty. No, wait. Hit a little later. On the next workout you add, but also a little, and not immediately two hundred and fifty. So little by little you add and add. Until you get the feeling that now you will reap everything that is put. Then go ahead!


Use the power of the subconscious, not just your muscles. Depending on the situation, your combat readiness will change. Try, for example, with the bench press to imagine that you are not pressing the bar, but trying to hold the axle of the truck that falls on you. You can also imagine your beloved relatives spread out on the sides to heighten the effect. Or, during squats, imagine that you don’t have legs, but the metal trusses of a crane. In general, try to feel that you are more than a barbell, and not vice versa. Helps very well. That's just when you shake your feet, do not think that the house is falling on you. Too it seems it turns out, it can crush.

Seated chest press (delta exercise)


I recently did this, I really liked it. I had about eight sets on my back, one in each exercise. The back squealed! At least in surprise. The method is good, it significantly improves strength indicators, and the nerves do not overstrain. For a change - that's it.


The strength and volume of muscles does not increase when you get used to the load. So don't follow the same method. Periodically change the auxiliary and basic exercises, as well as introduce new sequences for their implementation. You can also experiment with the number of sets. Vary from one to six.


Be minimalist. Don't be like me in 1985. Then I trained my chest according to such a complex: bench press on horizontal bench, Incline Bench Press, Amplitude Barbell Press, Incline Sets, Horizontal Sets, Crossovers and Dips. And that was just the beginning. Then - the remaining muscle groups. And so many trained at that time! Try to be modern and do no more than six exercises per workout.


Try after doing the basic bench or squat sets to do a couple of sets of the same movements, but with a pause at the bottom point. Do not apply big weight, about 60-80 percent relative to the worker. Everything is done very simply: lower the barbell to your chest and count to two. Then you press. This method does not allow you to use the stretch effect of your muscles, which, with relatively quick stretch reflexively tend to shrink. Stretching the muscles and freezing for a couple of seconds, the energy of this reflex simply goes into heat. Presses and paused squats are one of the most popular methods for increasing strength.


As I said, when working for strength, it makes no sense to drive yourself. Feel free to divide your workouts into easy and hard. If we talk about the power approach, then they should differ in the percentage of weight lifted. On hard days, the percentage of working weight should be higher, on light days - less. Plus, on easy days, you can lighten up the exercises by replacing, for example, a free weight press with a bench press in Smith, and not work to failure.


Highly good method, allowing you to work on the so-called „ dead center“ in an exercise or just hold an unusually heavy weight in your hands or on your back. In the first case, with a lighter weight, approaches are performed in the lower third of the amplitude of a particular movement. In the second case, on the contrary, all the work goes on at the top point. You will get the well-known semi-squats and partial bench presses. One clarification: this technique is suitable only for experienced and not afraid of injuries athletes. Ordinary fans should be wary of him.


Exotic but effective. A heavy chain is tied to the neck of the bar at both ends, the main part of which lies on the floor. And you press with such a combined projectile.

The interesting thing about this method is that the higher you lift the barbell, the heavier it becomes. Not vice versa, as usual.


The "Russian pyramid" by Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky is the first truly scientific method of strength training in the history of sports, which guarantees records.

It is a six-week training scheme and involves performing the movement of interest twice a week.

This scheme looks like this:







  • Maximum weights to help you. Do not give yourself any relief, a one-time maximum is your working weight in training.
  • Work to failure. In working approaches, exercises should be performed with the last effort.
  • Avoid cheating. Exercises should be performed with well-established technique. No need to hack and help yourself swaying like the Ostankino tower in the wind, work only with the right muscle group.
  • More sets, fewer reps per set. To develop strength, the maximum number of repetitions in the approach should not exceed five. If you could do more, then you were free and took too light weight.
  • Long rest between sets (at least three minutes). In each set, your body gets a lot of stress. Before the next approach, a mandatory rest in the region of three minutes for recovery. As soon as you feel completely rested, start the exercise.
  • When drawing up a training plan, do not include more than two muscle groups in 1 day. Here only the necessary muscle groups are meant. As a cool down, you can add a small muscle group pump, within reason of course.
  • Get a gym partner. You need someone to insure you, otherwise you will not be able to work at your maximum capacity.

Don't be discouraged if you see the rules here too. You remember: a competent attitude - faster progress.

Strength training three days a week

Consider an example training program with classes 3 days a week:

First training day:

Bench press (8 sets): 10; eight; 4; 2; 2; 4; ten; ten

Bent Over Row (6 sets): 15; ten; eight; 6; ten; fifteen

Press crunches (three sets to failure)

Second training day:

Deadlift (8 sets): 10; eight; 4; 2; 2; 4; ten; ten

Standing barbell lift for biceps (6 sets): 15; ten; eight; 6; ten; fifteen

Army press (4 sets): 15; ten; eight; ten

Third training day:

Squat barbell (8 sets): 10; ten; 5; 3; 3; 5; ten; fifteen

Sitting leg raises (4 sets): 15; ten; ten; 20

Pull-ups (three sets to failure)

Especially attentive readers now, most likely, are indignant and are preparing to write angry reviews, because no more than five repetitions in one approach were said above. Wait a little, now everything will clear up.

Basic exercise training day is the first in the program. You are still full of energy and can do it with full dedication. Pay attention to the third, fourth, fifth and sixth approaches - these will be your working approaches. The first two are warm-ups, working with large weights without a warm-up will be a suicidal decision for your muscles and joints. The final two sets are needed to pump blood through your muscles (pampa) as much as possible. During squats, there will be more repetitions. This is due to the peculiarity of the muscles of the legs, they need to be kept a little more under load.

The second exercise in the training schedule is necessary for the coordinated development of the entire muscle corset. Muscles should not only be big and strong, they should also look aesthetically beautiful on the body. Lagging muscle groups are always conspicuous. For example: underdeveloped leg muscles are a common and common sin of gym lovers.

The final exercise is a kind of hitch, and on the third day, pull-ups on the horizontal bar also stretch the spine after heavy loads. Stretching at the end of each training day is a great solution.

For newbies this program fits very well, and if you alternate it with this training program, then a stable increase in mass and strength will be provided to you for the next two to three years. Each athlete will then need to adjust each training course to suit their individual needs and potential.

Training to develop strength in various exercises

Athletes often need to improve their strength performance in a particular exercise. And here the question arises: how to train properly without harming other muscle groups?

All of you know what's in strength exercises there are three main whales? These three whales are:

  • Bench press.
  • Barbell squats.

The bench press is a favorite exercise for athletes. The most common question we hear is “How much do you press?”. Therefore, many try to focus on the bench press in their workouts, unfortunately, a small number of iron sports fans achieve success. Take note of the following program for developing strength in the bench press:

First training day:

  • Bench press: 4 sets × 5 reps.
  • Bent Over Row: 3 sets x 8 reps.
  • Lying Dumbbell Row: 4 sets × 10 reps.
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar: 3 sets to failure.
  • Three approaches to the "squeal" on the press.

Second training day:

  • Lying french press: 3 sets × 8 reps.
  • Barbell curl for biceps: 3 sets × 8 reps.
  • Again, three approaches to the "squeal" on the press.

Third training day:

  • Bench Press: 4 sets × 5 reps
  • Barbell Squat: 3 sets × 10 reps
  • Army Press: 3 sets × 8 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets × 20 reps
  • Bent Over Side Dumbbell Raise: 3 sets × 8 reps

This program lists only work sets, remember to do two warm-up sets before doing heavy exercises. This does not apply to ab exercises and pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

A difficult and unloved exercise by many. If you are working with a deadlift, then your body and central nervous system get a lot of stress. The main thing here is to give the body a good rest between workouts. You should not do exercises to develop strength in the deadlift more than 1 time per week. Highlight a separate day of your training program, and break the rest of the muscle groups into two training days.

Deadlift training day:

  • Deadlift: 65% × 10; 80%×8; 90%×3; 100%×1; 90%×3; 80%×5
  • Straight leg deadlift: 3 sets × 10 reps.
  • Again, three approaches to the "squeal" on the press.

The percentage of weight is taken from your one-time maximum. Be careful when doing these exercises. Pay special attention to technology. Use safety straps. You want a healthy and strong muscle corset and not back problems, right?

Squats, like the bench press, need to be trained 2 times a week. The only difference is that one day you do power approaches and in the other for the development of muscle mass.

First training day:

  • Squats: 4 sets × 5 reps.
  • Bent-over barbell (dumbbell) row: 3 sets × 8 reps.
  • Bench press: 4 sets × 5 reps.
  • Lying Dumbbell Row: 4 sets × 10 reps.
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar: 3 sets to failure.

Second training day:

  • Lying French Press: 3 sets × 8 reps.
  • Standing Barbell Lift: 3 sets × 8 reps.
  • On the vertical block arm extension: 3 sets × 10 reps.
  • Hamer: 3 sets × 8 reps.
  • Three approaches to the limit on the press ...

Third training day:

  • Barbell Squat: 3 sets × 15-20 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets × 20 reps
  • Standing Barbell Press: 3 sets × 8 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Reconnaissance: 3 sets × 8 reps
  • Pull-ups on the bar: 3 sets to the maximum.

Here also do not forget to warm up before heavy sets. Surprisingly, with the growth of strength indicators in the squat, the strength indicators in other exercises also increase. Legs are your foundation, don't forget about it.

Many athletes prefer to combine training programs for strength and mass, for strength and endurance. But it should be noted that for better efficiency it is better to train in periods. And when combining a training program for strength and endurance, you need to be extremely careful, with this type of training, your heart receives exorbitant loads.

Strength training is very important big muscles you just have to be strong. Now you have learned how to improve your strength qualities. It will also be useful for you to know about. And now I propose to find out about how to shoot a movie about Thor. This is very impressive progress. If you have no time or are dumb to go to the gym, then you can train the strength of your hands with the help of.

Also check out this video. Shown here are 4 the best exercises for strength and mass for the natural.

That's all, I say goodbye, subscribe to blog updates and share interesting articles with friends on social networks. As the Jedi said in the movie star Wars': May the force be with you.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments.

The need to develop strength is directly related to the effectiveness of exercises for the development of muscle mass and the ability to lift heavier weight.

For the effectiveness of training programs, you need to know about the basic principles of increasing strength and the most popular types of training.

What exercises build strength?

In sports, it is customary to distinguish several types of strength. The most commonly used concepts are maximum strength and strength endurance. Maximum strength refers to the ability of the muscles to lift the heaviest weight. Strength endurance is closely related to training aimed at working out the relief and involves the application of maximum effort for a certain time.

Strength training is always aimed at increasing strength indicators when performing one movement, that is, a person seeks to lift more weight in one approach. The rule of bodybuilding says that the work of two muscles is always better than one. As you know, all muscle fibers are divided into slow and fast. The former train with volumetric exercises, in which there is an increase in mass, and the latter are involved in the performance strength programs. Training all muscles will always be more effective than working out only one type of muscle fiber.

There are a number of techniques for developing strength and mass, which are commonly called basic.

Some of them require special sports equipment, such as a barbell, parallel bars, and a sports simulator. A number of exercises are performed only using the load of your own body.

The basic ones include:

  • squat;
  • bench press from a prone position;
  • performing deadlift;
  • push-ups using bars.

For effective growth masses of muscle tissues and their load, it is recommended to focus on the correctness of the exercises.

Basic exercises: basic rules

Barbell squats involve almost all muscle groups, so they are effective for training to develop strength endurance and muscle mass. During the exercise, it is recommended to wear a safety belt and not neglect the help of a partner. It is worth following the rules:

  • keep your back straight;
  • when distributing weight, make sure that the load is not directed to the spine;
  • observe a deep landing level, it is considered optimal to reach a position slightly below the level at which the angle of inclination of the leg is 90 C 0;
  • avoid bending forward, otherwise the load goes to the back;
  • place the neck in the place of the trapezoid;
  • sitting down more slowly than standing up.

The bent-over deadlift works well on the back, hips, buttocks, and abs. With the correct use of sports equipment, mass and endurance increase, while the main load falls on the legs and spine. The grip position may differ from what the training goal is. If, when performing a deadlift, the palms are located down, then the muscles of the shoulders work. With the reverse arrangement of the palms - the muscles of the hands.

The bench press can be performed in the prone position, while the strength training program is aimed at developing the muscles of the chest. When pressing, do not allow the twisting of the hands, as such actions can lead to injury. The military press allows you to work out the area of ​​​​the shoulder muscles. When performing exercises, it is worth using the help of a partner, who, in case of danger, can insure.

The strength training program is always associated with the implementation of the complex. basic exercises and lifting heavy weights.

What is important to know?

To increase strength and endurance, load is very important. For the effectiveness of the strength training program, an individual maximum is initially determined for each basic exercise using a bar. This load is equal to the maximum weight that a person can push or lift.

To determine the maximum, you must use the help of a coach or partner. After defining maximum load the strength training program should be directed towards increasing this value.

In strength training, the number of sets is calculated based on the basic exercises. This value is a guideline for compiling a strength training program. To develop maximum strength and endurance, the training program in most cases consists of 5 sets and 5 repetitions with a load of 85%, the so-called 5 × 5 scheme.

For example, with a calculated maximum value of 100 kg, the total weight of the bar should be 85% of the maximum, that is, in this case, 85 kg. If the goal is to increase the volume of muscle mass, then the recommended value is considered to be 75-80% of this value, and if necessary, increase strength and endurance from 85 to 100%.

Effectiveness directly depends on the frequency and correctness of classes.

Training should be regular, and the optimal number of sessions is considered to be three times a week at the gym with a break of 1 day.

The effectiveness of the training program can be assessed after 1 month by re-determining the maximum.

Strength program for beginners

Any training program for strength and mass must necessarily begin with a warm-up. At the same time, those muscles that are most involved in the exercise are most thoroughly warmed up:

  • wrist;
  • shoulder joints;
  • elbows.

Preliminary warm-up very often experienced athletes call "driving". Its essence lies in the consistent increase in weight with each subsequent repetition. Even if you can do 2 or 3 repetitions, then during the warm-up, only one is performed and then weight is added. It warms up the muscles well with an empty bar approach of 15 repetitions. For each basic exercise, it is recommended to perform gradual load rod, which is produced up to a moment of 5 × 5 at 85%.

Let's consider an example of a program for increasing strength lasting 1 month. In the first month, a set of basic exercises is recommended to be performed 2 times a week. Optimal time Rest between classes is considered a period equal to 48 hours. All approaches are done according to the 5 × 5 scheme.

First approach:

  • squat;
  • bench press from a prone position;
  • tilt bar pull.

All exercises are done according to the 5 × 5 scheme.

Second approach:

  • deadlift;
  • army press;
  • traction exercises

All exercises are performed according to the 5 × 5 scheme.

Third approach:

  • push-ups with the help of bars according to the 5 × 8 scheme;
  • performing thrust to the chin 5 × 8;
  • exercise with back extension on the machine according to the scheme 5 × 15;
  • performing a plank to load the muscles of the press and torso 5 times within 45 seconds;
  • exercise with a load of the muscles of the shoulders on the block according to the scheme 3x

After a month, it is worth evaluating the effectiveness of the classes and, if necessary, adjusting the program.

Strength Program: Advanced

This mass and strength training program is suitable for people with a good physical training. Classes are calculated taking into account three times a week visits to the gym.

The first day aims to work out the legs and chest muscles. The following exercises are performed

  • 90% squat with a barbell in the amount of 7 approaches according to the scheme 5x5x5x4x3x2x1;
  • 70% bench press performance according to the 5 × 5 scheme;
  • pullover pattern 3

The second training aims to work out shoulder muscles, back muscles and triceps. The following complex is performed:

  • bench press with a narrow grip - 5 × 8;
  • army bench press - 4 × 8;
  • rod thrust in the slope - 4 × 8;
  • shrugs - 3 × 20;

The goal of the third day of training is to work out the muscles of the back and chest. The following complex is performed:

  • 55% barbell squat - 5×5;
  • 90% bench press - strength training program for 5 sets using a 5x5x4x3x2 scheme;
  • 90% deadlift 5

The training program aimed at developing strength and endurance is designed for 30 sessions over 12 weeks. Between each visit to the gym, it is supposed to rest for recovery in 1 day, but if necessary, the break can be 2 days.

To achieve the desired result, it is enough to adhere to the program for performing a set of basic exercises aimed at developing strength skills. The main thing to achieve this goal can be considered self-confidence, the correct execution of basic exercises and the frequency of training.