Pushkin and “correct studies. How to do sports at home

To the Day of memory of A.S. Pushkin ...

Let us also pay tribute to the "sun of Russian poetry" and look at the poet from an unexpected angle. From the side of health and physical culture. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the subject " Physical Culture» during the time of A.S. Pushkin was not. Here is how a contemporary and friend of A.S. Pushkin Ivan Pushchin: “Following the opening (meaning the opening of the Lyceum), the right classes began. In the evening in the hall - a ball and running around ... On Wednesdays and Saturdays - dancing and fencing.

According to the poet’s sister Olga Pushkina-Pavlishcheva, until the age of 6 he “with his clumsiness, which came from the obesity of the body, and his constant silence, sometimes led his mother to despair. She almost forcibly took him for a walk and forced him to run ... Having reached the age of seven, he became sharp and playful. From spring to late autumn, Sasha spent his time in games and amusements in the village of Zakharov, where he was imbued with the way of village life. He loved walking through the birch grove, where, "imagining himself a hero," he knocked down the tops of plants with a stick.

Our famous poet in his "school years" had only three "excellent" grades. It is clear that one of them is an assessment in Russian literature, no comment is required for the highest score in French literature. Pushkin knew this language so that one of his lyceum nicknames was "Frenchman". But the fact that the third highest mark was in fencing may be of interest to many.

From July 1812 fencing was taught at the Lyceum by Maestro Alexandre Valville. According to historians and contemporaries, Pushkin "was considered almost the first student of a fencing teacher." A. Valville was a true master of his craft. He reflected his discoveries and achievements in fencing in the book “Discourses on the art of owning a sword”, which was published in 1817, when the lyceum students had already come to life. The peculiarity of the poet was the constant desire to be the first and, let's say, correspond to the title of "real man", as they say today. Excellent swordsmanship was a great opportunity for him to prove himself. It is known that the officer of the quartermei unit, Ensign F.N. Luginin, who graduated from the Muravyov School of Column Leaders, which corresponds to the current Academy General Staff, wrote in his diary: "... then he fought with Pushkin on rapiers and received a very strong blow from him in the chest", then later: "... again fought with Pushkin, he fights better than me, and consequently beats ...". Pushkin was rightfully considered one of the best swordsmen of his time.

In the last year of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, in 1816, horseback riding and swimming were approved in the program. Ivan Pushchin noted in his memoirs this innovation as well: “... horseback riding has become available for us. We began to go twice a week to the hussar arena, where on the horses of the reserve squadron we comprehended the difficult but necessary alphabet. It is not for us to judge whether A.S. Pushkin in the saddle. One thing is known for certain: he traveled all his life and quite a lot. In the notes “Journey to Arzrum”, he himself admitted: “On this day I traveled 75 miles (1 verst = 1.06 km.). I fell asleep like the dead." It is reliably known that A.S. Pushkin took riding lessons from the hero of the war of 1812 and the poet D. Davydov. During the trip to the Russo-Turkish war, Pushkin hardly got off his horse. In one of the battles, the poet had to play the role of an orderly.

How not to wonder what kind of shooter Pushkin was? After all, the last duel ended for him in death. Byron served as a role model for the poet. Here is a letter from Alexei Wulff, which characterizes Pushkin the shooter in the best possible way: “You probably know that Byron shot so accurately that at a distance of 25 steps he poked the whole rose with bullets? I planted bullets in a star above our gates. And when the outstanding researcher of Pushkin's work M. Tsyavlovsky compiled the poet's daily routine in Mikhailovsky, he noted the following fact: "up to a hundred charges are fired from a pistol in the cellar in the morning." Everyone who had a duel with Pushkin spoke of him as an excellent shooter, a cold-blooded opponent and a noble man who, knowing that he was an excellent shooter, always conceded the right of the first shot to the enemy.

In 1816, swimming was introduced at the Lyceum as a compulsory discipline. It took some time to find a teacher, we had to wait until 1817, by which time Pushkin had already been “certified” as a tenth class collegiate secretary. And yet, Pushkin not only loved to swim, but was known as an excellent swimmer.

In Russia, the first swimming school was opened in 1827. There is information that Alexander Sergeevich was a frequent visitor to this school, but at that time he already mastered this technique to perfection. And it is not surprising, because if his idol Byron crossed the Hellespont (1.3 km.), Then Pushkin should have been able to swim. His friend P.A. Pletnev spoke about this: “Summer bathing was among his favorite habits, from which he did not lag behind until late autumn, thus refreshing his physical strength, exhausted by his addiction to walking. He was of the strongest build, and this was greatly facilitated by gymnastics, which he sometimes amused himself with the patience of an athlete. No matter how long and fast he walked, he always breathed freely and evenly ... He dearly valued the happy organization of the body and became somewhat indignant when he noticed someone's obvious ignorance in anatomy. Pushkin always valued health and was delighted when he heard in Boldino that the peasants called him "the title of your health."

Pushkin knew and loved wrestling, highly valued it as a means physical education. I. Novikov, in his book “Pushkin in Exile”, tells how in Chisinau the poet watched with great interest the fights of local wrestlers at the festival and, turning to his companion Dolgoruky, said with some hidden meaning: “That's what I lack. I will learn this!” Pushkin also learned boxing to some extent; Probably, this is where a new hobby came from: in hand-to-hand combat, not with a swing, but with a “poke”, which required less time and allowed you to get ahead of your opponent. P.P. Vyazemsky, the son of a friend of the poet, recalls: “In 1827, Pushkin taught me to box in English (the young prince was then 6-7 years old - A.T.), and I became so addicted to this exercise that at children's balls he called those who wanted to and those who did not want to box.

Playing billiards was also part of the poet's interests; thus, in Mikhailovsky, in his spare time, "sometimes he alone played two balls on billiards." Pushkin was one of the first who glorified billiards in Russian prose and poetry. Suffice it to recall "Eugene Onegin" and "The Captain's Daughter".

From the annals of the 18th century it is known that one of the experts and masters of billiard games of the Hannibal-Pushkin dynasty was the famous black of Peter the Great, later Admiral Abram Petrovich Hannibal (1697-1790). According to the memoirs of his contemporaries, he bore the honorary title of "confidant" (favorite) of Peter I and was always the emperor's confidant not only in business, but also in fun, especially in the game of "biliart". Everything memorable from the king, including the old "biliart", which, according to legend, was a gift from his beloved king, Hannibal carefully kept until the end of his life. And this, in particular, is not denied by many archival documents. According to the “Inventory of property in the village of Mikhailovsky” (in the Pskov region) - the family estate of the Hannibals, a billiard table, a product of the Peter the Great era, was carefully kept until Pushkin's time.

Here is what the former director of the Pushkin Reserve, S.S. Geychenko: “In the corner of the hall there was an old, old grandfather’s“ korelchaty ”billiards table, as everyone called him in the house. Pushkin found him in the carriage house. Having learned that this thing was old and that Abram Petrovich Gannibal had brought it to the estate, he ordered the billiards to be repaired, the cloth darned and put in the hall. This billiards saw I.I. Pushchin, when he visited the disgraced house in January 1825. "There was billiards in the hall, it could serve as entertainment for him," Pushchin wrote in his Memoirs. Moreover, A.N. Wulf and the poet's brother Lev Sergeyevich, who confirm that the prototype of Onegin's "two-ball" billiards was the very famous Hannibal's "correl" table, which later became a historical relic of the Pushkin dynasty.

Pushkin's contemporary N. Burnashov testified that the poet "was one of the zealous followers speed skating and a frequent visitor to the skating rink on the Neva. Pushkin loved autumn and winter, and the impressions of skating were reflected in his poems: “The river shines neater than fashionable parquet, dressed in ice. Joyful people cut the ice with their skates” (“Eugene Onegin”); or “How fun, having shod sharp iron on your feet, to slide along the mirror of stagnant, even rivers!” ("Autumn"). And again, Pushchin, Pushkin's lyceum friend, writes in his memoirs: “In the summer, during a vacant month, the director took long, sometimes two-day, walks around the neighborhood with us; in winter, for fun, we drove several troikas out of town, have breakfast or drink tea in holidays; in the garden, on the pond, they rode down the mountains and skated.

Chess in Pushkin's life occupies a place of honor, albeit a small one.

The love of chess, which the Lyceum instilled in him, the poet retained for the rest of his life. In addition to the lines about Olga and Lensky, absentmindedly taking a pawn of his own rook, in Pushkin's rough sketches one can find an unfinished fairy tale plot in which chess is mentioned.

The king saw before him

Table with a chessboard...

"Here to the chessboard

Army of wax soldiers

He arranged in a neat row

In the poet's library, in addition to the textbook on chess by D. Philidor, there was a manual by A. D. Petrov "Chess game, brought into a systematic order, with the addition of Philidor's games and a note on them." SPb., 1824. Here we even meet two copies, and Petrov handed one to Pushkin with the inscription: "To the Gracious Sovereign Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin as a token of true respect."

A properly designed training program can achieve impressive results. Even while studying at home, girls should adhere to a special lesson plan. Suitable for beginners entry level. Basic lessons selection of girls with fitness experience. For those who are ready for intense loads, a difficult level has been developed.

Though beauty human body and is considered a purely subjective concept, many women make a lot of efforts to achieve their own ideals. But no matter how much effort and time is spent on skin care procedures and debilitating diets, change volumes and build muscle without physical activity will not work.

And here the stumbling block becomes a banal lack of time or financial problems that do not allow visiting gym, and even their own complexes associated with the presence of excess weight or individual characteristics of the figure. In such cases, training at home will be the ideal solution - the program for girls will allow you to achieve visible results without financial investments with minimal time costs.

If you decide to start exercising on your own, tips on how to create a home workout program for girls will come in handy. Chaotic classes, conducted without a specific scheme, will not be able to solve either the issue of a smart figure or the problem of losing weight. You will have to think through all the little things, starting with a set of exercises and the frequency of classes, ending with the number of approaches and rest time. When compiling a training program at home for girls, it is imperative to take into account sports training, training goals and being overweight.

So, women who want to lose weight will have to focus on cardio. And for girls who have a good physical training, to increase the load, use weights and more strength training, and the number of approaches when performing each exercise.

Beginner Program

If there is no sports experience, you should not rush headlong into exhausting workouts. achieve ideal proportions and a toned body with the help of unbearable loads will not work.

Any muscles require rest - it is during this period that they not only relax, but also grow. And untrained muscle tissues under the influence of loads come into hypertonicity much faster, which requires a longer rest.

Therefore, the home workout program for girls who have not been involved in fitness before provides for no more than three strength training sessions per week with one day rest intervals between them. The total time of each workout will not exceed 40 minutes. During this period, it is necessary to complete three sets, trying to repeat each exercise as many times as possible, but not exceeding 20. Between each round we take a break of 90 seconds.

Exercises of the 1st workout

Classic squats. We perform regular squats, moving the buttocks back so that the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Lunges from a standing position. Take a big step forward and bend your knee. In the meantime, we touch the knee of the second limb of the floor. Alternate legs when performing lunges.

Rises on socks. Feet rest on the floor. Slowly rise to your toes and lower yourself back.

Straight twists. From a prone position, raise the upper body as you exhale. The distance between the chin and chest should not be less than a clenched fist.

Push ups. Kneeling, we lean on our palms, and on each exhalation we bend our elbows, I try to keep my back straight without lifting my buttocks up.

Exercises of the 2nd workout

Direct lunges.

Reverse push-ups. We rest with the brushes on the support, and with the heels on the rug. The whole body should be stretched into a string. Bending and moving the elbows to the side, we lower the body to the floor. While inhaling, we straighten our arms.

Mahi back. Kneeling with the emphasis of the hands on the floor, as you exhale, we take the straight leg sharply back and slightly up. Alternate swings with both legs.

Reverse crunches. Lying on the floor, we rest our feet on the floor, bending our knees. As you exhale, pull your knees into your chest.

Plie squats. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, spreading our feet to the sides. We lower the buttocks to the floor, bending the legs at the knees.

3rd Workout Exercises

Classic squat with calf raise.

Chair push-ups. We perform ordinary push-ups, resting our palms on any elevated support.

Reverse lunges. From a standing position, take a wide step back and lower your knee to the floor. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

complex twisting. We lay down on the floor. On each exhalation, lift the torso up at the same time and bent knees.

Rolls from socks to heels.

A basic level of

When the exercises for beginners are performed with ease, you can safely move on to the next level. How long it will take for this will depend on the characteristics of the body, and on personal diligence.

In fact, by this time, classes had become regular, and the body got used to the volume of loads. Therefore, you will have to add new exercises to the program, also use weighting agents. You can use ordinary dumbbells, but if they are not available, regular bottles filled with water will do.

At this stage, the number of workouts does not change, the frequency of repetitions and approaches also remain the same. We start new exercises with weights with 10 repetitions in each approach.

First complex

Squats with dumbbells. We hold dumbbells in our hands along the torso. Performing classic squats, raise the dumbbells forward.

Arm curl. Exercises can be performed both sitting and standing. Holding the dumbbells in our hands, we turn the brushes so that the dumbbells are directed forward. Alternately bending the arms at the elbows, pulling the hand to the shoulder.

Reverse push-ups.

Hand spread. We lay down on our backs. Raises straight arms with dumbbells up. As you exhale, spread them apart, touching the floor. While inhaling, we bring the limbs in front of us.

Oblique twists. We take a position lying on our back. We start the arms bent at the elbows behind the head, and bend the legs at the knees, lifting them so that the shins are parallel to the floor. We bring the elbow to the knee of the opposite leg. We alternate the sides of twisting.

Second complex

Push ups. We complicate the previous push-ups, focusing not on the knees, but on the socks. We try to keep our hands at shoulder level during push-ups. The narrower they are located, the greater the load will be.

Retraction of dumbbells behind the back. Raise both hands above your head, holding dumbbells in them. Alternately bend them at the elbows, winding the dumbbells behind the back. This exercise helps to tighten the chest.

Lunges with dumbbells. In the starting position, we hold our arms with weights along the torso. Performing a lunge with your foot, we part them to the sides.

Flexion of the arm. You will need a support on which you can rest your knee and hand. It can be the edge of a sofa or bed. We lower the second hand with a dumbbell down. As you exhale, bend your elbow, pulling the load to your chest.

Hand touching socks. Lying on a gymnastic rug, we try to reach the toe of the opposite leg with our outstretched hand. We constantly alternate sides. We try to do the exercise at an increased pace.

Third complex

Plie squat with dumbbells. Fulfilling deep squat with legs spread apart, raise the upper limbs with the load up through the sides.

Side lunges . In the starting position, the legs are wider than the width of the shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are located in front of the body below. Bend one leg at the knee, doing a squat to one side. At the same time, we raise our hands in front of the body. After returning to starting position make a lunge to the other side.

Hand raises. In a standing position, raise one arm with a dumbbell above your head. The second at this time is located along the body. With each breath, we change their location. Exercise must be done by tensing the muscles and at a fairly fast pace.

Bicycle exercise. We lie down on the floor and bend our knees, tearing them off the floor. We alternately straighten and bend our legs, as if we are pedaling.

Back kicks. We get on all fours. We first draw one leg to the chest, and then straighten it sharply, taking it back and up. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

Professional level

You can start intensive training only after you have fully mastered the previous exercises, which you can perform in full. Usually, the transition to complex training should be done no earlier than after 4-5 months of regular training.

The program is supplemented with new activities. In addition, the number of classes increases to 4 per week. It is recommended to repeat each action at least 20 times, in each of 3-4 approaches.

Lesson 1

Slow squats with weights. We perform a classic squat, but in slow pace lingering for a few seconds at the bottom point. When performing a squat, we raise the limbs with the load in front of us. Follow the squat technique.

Hand spread. Sitting on a chair, we lower our hands with bottles down. On each exhalation, we spread them to the sides, raising the weight to shoulder level.

Bulgarian lunges. We step back from the chair one step forward. We rest the toe of one foot on the seat of the chair. We bend the knee, lowering the buttocks to the floor. At the same time, we spread our arms to the sides.

Twisting push-up. From the emphasis on straight arms and socks, we perform a classic push-up. Having risen to the upper position, through the side we raise our hand up, twisting the body. On the next ascent, we turn the body in the opposite direction.

Double lunges. Standing straight, take a step forward with your foot. Bend your knees so that one touches the floor. We return to the standing position, and take a step back with the same foot. Bend your knees again until the working limb touches the floor. Having worked one side, we move on to the second.

Lesson 2

Squat with deadlift . After completing the classic squat, we lean forward, reaching out with the upper limbs with a load to the floor.

Reverse push-ups. The emphasis during push-ups at this level is made from the litter.

Putting hands behind the head. We take both dumbbells in closed hands and raise them above our heads. Let's put them on the back.

double twist.

Side lunges with swings. Take a step to the right and do a deep squat. We return to the standing position, and take the same leg to the side. Keep your balance.

Twisting with slopes. We hold closed hands with dumbbells in front of the chest. On the exhale, we turn in one direction behind the hands. Returning to the starting position, we tilt to the opposite leg. On the next exhale, turn to the other side.

Lesson 3

Belt pull. We bend down, lowering our hands to the floor. On each exhalation, we pull the weighting agent to the belt.

Back Squats. We turn our backs to the chair. We rest our palms on the seat. We lower the buttocks down, bending the arms at the elbows. At the bottom point, we linger for a few seconds.

Oblique twists.

Hand spread. We lay down on the bench with our backs. We hold hands with dumbbells, lifting up. We breed them to the sides, trying to lower them just below the level of the bench.

Bulgarian lunges with lifting the load to the sides.

Lesson 4

Slow squats. Performing a classic squat, we do not bend our legs to the end and do not straighten them. The pace should be so slow that one repetition takes about 30 seconds. The signal for the end of the repetitions will be a strong burning sensation in the muscles.

Alternating forward and reverse twists.

Triple push-ups. With each of the three push-ups, we reduce the distance between the brushes.

Belt pull from a position with emphasis on the knee and elbow.

Lunges and swings to the side. Take a wide step with your foot to the left. Bend the knee and lower the buttocks to the floor. Returning to the standing position, we take the same leg to the left. Perform a lunge and swing to the other side.

Be sure to prepare your muscles for the upcoming loads, for which start each session with a warm-up.

At the end, give the muscles the opportunity to stretch, for which do several stretching exercises for the main group of muscle tissues that are most involved during the current workout.

At any level, strength training should be supplemented with cardio loads. It can be jumping, running, jumping rope or on simulators. Cardio classes can be alternated with the main ones and performed on recovery days after power loads.

Do not forget that even the most well-written sport program does not exclude the requirements for nutrition and drinking regimen.

Most key moment is regularity. After taking a short break, you have to start all over again.

Workout at home is a great opportunity to work on improving your body without spending a lot of money on personal trainer in a fitness club. Also, training at home helps to rationally and effectively use your free time, devoting enough time to your family or hobbies, and not spending it on a long road to the club. Many girls, especially young mothers on maternity leave, are trying to lose weight and tone their muscles on their own, training on numerous videos on the Internet and in particular my videos, and to my great joy they are doing great! Home workout programs, which I shoot specifically for a female audience, are more universal and suit most of my subscribers, but certainly not all. Each organism is individual, and if there are any diseases and health contraindications, then not all exercises may be suitable. When it comes to more intense workouts, there can be a lot of these restrictions. Today I would like to try to teach you, dear girls, how you can compose yourself home workout program, taking into account your individual characteristics of the figure, as well as possible contraindications. Also, at the end of our tutorial, I will provide you with a few as a good example of how to build your home workouts. So, let's begin.

Variety of home workouts

The first thing I want to talk about is, of course, the numerous options workouts at home. What I love about home training is that at home you can come up with any training program that just comes into your head. Fantasize - I don’t want to, it’s called =) I will highlight only the most basic types of workouts that you can do at home:

1. Strength training with your own body weight.

2. Strength training with additional sports equipment (dumbbells / body bar / ball / weights / rubber bands).

3. Cardio workouts.

4. Interval training and high intensity training (HIIT, tabata, etc.).

5. Plyometric training.

6. Pumping workouts.

Based on these types of training, you can make various workout programs for girls with different goals and desires.

Let's start looking at each type of training in order, so that you have some specific idea about each of them and how effective they are for you personally.

Strength training with weights own body

Strength training with your own body weight is the execution exercise without additional burden. Bodyweight exercises make your core and stabilizer muscles stronger, which means you'll have better body control.


When we talk about strength training with our own body weight in a calm, measured mode, they are well suited for girls who are just starting to get acquainted with fitness, and, of course, for young mothers after childbirth. I will talk about other types of strength training without weights later, and they will already be for a different category of girls.

Types of exercises with weight own body:

1.On upper part body (arms, chest, back):

  • different types of push-ups
  • hyperextension
  • sit-ups
  • swing your legs
  • gluteal bridge
  • lunges

3. Abs exercises

  • types of twists
  • types of slats (classic, side, etc.)
  • exercises for lower part press with lowering and raising legs
  • setups, etc.

Workouts with additional sports equipment


Training with additional equipment is suitable for both beginners and well-trained girls. It all depends on the weight of the burden. For beginners, you need to use smaller weights, for example, dumbbells from 1 to 2 kg, body bar - 2-4 kg, leg weights 1 kg each, and for an already advanced level, you can take heavier weights: dumbbells 5-8 kg, body bar 8- 10 kg, leg weights 3-5 kg ​​each.

These workouts have the following effect on our body:

strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones, improving their joint function;

increase metabolism, causing a hormonal response in the body (release of growth hormone, testosterone, adrenaline, etc.);

improve cardiac function;

increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood, etc.

Types of exercises with additional weights:

1. On the upper body (arms, chest, back):

  • dilution of arms with dumbbells to the sides
  • lifting bodybar / dumbbells in front of you
  • bodybar/dumbbell press from the chest/behind the head
  • spreading hands lying on the floor

2. On the lower body (legs and buttocks):

  • bodybar/dumbbell/band squats
  • leg swings with leg weights
  • glute bridge with bodybar/elastic band
  • lunges with dumbbells / bodybar
  • deadlift with bodybar/dumbbells

Cardio workout

Cardio workout- this is a type of physical activity in which the main source of energy is aerobic glycolysis, i.e. oxidation of glucose with further release of fatty acids and their combustion as energy, in simple terms A: during the burning of fat as the main source of energy.


Cardio workouts are suitable for all girls, with the exception of those who have the following contraindications:

  1. Back problems (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, spinal injuries)
  2. Problems with the knees and joints (arthritis, arthrosis, meniscus injury, gout, osteoporosis, surgery, etc.)
  3. Pregnancy (in this case, jumping rope is prohibited, but easy running is possible).
  4. Phlebeurysm
  5. Damaged tendons and ligaments
  6. Headaches
  7. Hypertension.

Effects of cardio training on the body:

favorably affect cardiovascular system, increasing the volumetric stroke of the heart and improving the blood supply to all organs and tissues;

increase metabolism due to increased blood circulation;

increase immunity;

relieve stress;

improve the quality of sleep;

start the process of fat burning in your body.

Types of cardio workouts:

1. Jump rope

  • classical jumps on two legs
  • jumping "scissors"
  • with high knees
  • "overlap" jumps, etc.

2. Jumping exercises without a rope

3. Running in place

Plyometrics and interval training

The essence of plyometric exercises is to use the maximum number of muscle fibers when performing exercises in the minimum amount of time. a short time. The bottom line is to maximize metabolism by alternating exercise at a high-intensity pace with a short rest or a low-intensity load.


explosive and intense training suitable for girls who have been involved in sports for a long time and have good physical fitness and endurance. Pregnant girls who also have diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with the knees and back, these workouts are contraindicated.

These two types of training are:

develop muscle strength, speed and endurance;

make the body work almost to the limit of its capabilities, which helps it burn a large number of calories in a short period of time;

involve mainly red (fast) muscle fibers, which are responsible not only for muscle strength, but also for muscle relief.

Types of plyometric exercises:

  • Squat jump
  • Jumping lunges
  • 180 degree jump jump with squat
  • Burpee
  • Plank "legs together-separated", etc.

Pumping workouts

Training program for girls, built on the principle of "full amplitude + "shortened" (pumping) - this is one of the most effective programs at home using either little weight or no weight at all. It combines exercises performed in full amplitude (for example, deep squats) with exercises performed in a shortened amplitude, which is ½ or ¼ of the movement from full amplitude (springs). What does it mean? This means that we do several repetitions of the same movement over and over again without stopping. For example, we squat down and spring down in the squat for several repetitions. Due to this connection, a kind of muscle pumping occurs, during which the muscle is filled with blood, the release of anabolic hormones increases, and the fat burning process occurs many times faster. I talked in more detail about pumping workouts and their benefits in the article, I recommend that you read it.


Pumping workouts at home with light weights are suitable for absolutely all women of any age and with any level of training.

So, we looked at the most common types of workouts that you can use when compiling your own. home workout programs. And it’s not at all necessary to use only one kind of training, the beauty of home training is that you can experiment as you like and come up with your own unique workouts that will combine several types of training at once. So, firstly, it is much more interesting to do it, and secondly, changing strength elements to cardio or plyometric exercises to strength exercises will have a very positive effect on both your result and general condition organism.

And now let's move on to the more practical part of our question and find out, HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN HOME TRAINING PROGRAM?

  1. The first thing you should do is determine in what order and what for what you will do during your training, that is, determine the sequence of the training process.
  2. And in the second step, you must choose (if necessary, write down) the exercises that you will do during your workout.

The sequence of the training process

When we talk about any workout, we must remember the main parts of which it consists, but depending on what kind of workout we choose, the number of these parts will also depend. For example, take the classic strength training. Its sequence should be:

  1. Main part – 45-60 min
  2. Cardio* – 10-30 min
  3. Stretching - 5 min

*This stage is desirable, but if there is no opportunity to do cardio after strength training, then you can do it on a separate day.

If you decide to do a plyometric or interval training, then the sequence remains the same, but with some changes in the duration of the main part and cardio.

  1. Warm up and articular gymnastics– 5-7 min
  2. Main part – 15-40 min
  3. Cardio* – 10-20 min
  4. Stretching - 5 min

* There may not be a cardio component after the main part, but you can leave it. It all depends on the duration of your workout and its intensity. The longer and more intense your main part is (35-40 minutes), the more likely it is that you simply won’t need to do cardio after it, since you will work out very intensively anyway. But if your workout took only 15 minutes, and its intensity was average (not at the limit), then most likely it makes sense for you to do another light cardio for 20 minutes at the end. There is no one template here, you should always focus on your feelings and take into account the goal that you want to achieve with these workouts.

Principles of home training

When you make your own home workout program, then you need to responsibly approach this issue and think carefully about the structure of the workout, as well as the number of approaches and repetitions of each exercise. Doing exercises "from the bulldozer" you will not be able to achieve the desired goals and achieve good results, no matter how much you train.

Basic rules when compiling a training program:

  1. Definition of the working muscle groups that you will work out during your workout (for example, back and chest or buttocks, legs and abs);
  1. Choice of exercises;
  2. Determination of the range of repetitions or the time of the exercise (for example, 20 repetitions or another option: 40 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest);
  3. Thinking in advance of modifications (modifications and complications) of your exercises during training:

The principle of "shortened amplitude" (pumping)

Using static

Changing the working weight

Increasing intensity, etc.

Using these simple rules, you can very competently build your training process and get the most effective result from it.

Now, let's move on to a few workout programs for girls at home using different methods and principles.

Training program for girls using the principle of pumping

This workout is most suitable for girls who have a pear or hourglass, since it is aimed mainly at the study of such problem areas like, thighs, buttocks and triceps arms.

Type of training: circular. In total, you need to do 3 circles of 7 exercises. There is no rest between exercises, rest between circles is 2 minutes.

Working muscle groups: legs, buttocks and triceps.

Number of repetitions: from 15 to 40.

Inventory: dumbbells 1-3 kg, jump rope.

  1. Squats - 15 and 10 for 3 springs at the lowest point.
  2. Extension of the arms from behind the head while sitting - 15 and 10, 3 springs at the bottom
  3. Lunges back - 15 and 15 for 3 springs (first with the right foot we do lunges, then with the left)
  4. Reverse push-ups from the bench - 12-15
  5. Leading the leg back in the knee-elbow position - 20 and 15, 3 springs at the top point (each leg)
  6. Push ups narrow grip from the knees - 12
  7. Mahi with the leg lying on its side - 20 and 20, 3 springs at the top (first with the right foot, then with the left)

Rest - 2 minutes.

Repeat the whole complex 2 more times.

Cardio: jumping rope - 15 minutes.


Training program for girls using plyometrics

This type workout fit for girls who are already familiar with intensive training, and who have no contraindications to this type of training (see above).

Type of training: classic training in sets (x4 - 4 sets or x1 - 1 set). Rest between sets is 7 seconds.

Working muscle groups: chest, arms and legs.

Work time: 30 seconds (this is one approach).

Rest: 7 sec.

Inventory: dumbbells 1-3 kg, jump rope.

Warm-up and joint gymnastics - 5-7 minutes

  1. Stepping on a hill - 30 seconds with each foot in turn (x4)
  2. Burpee with push-ups - 30 sec x1
  3. Plank "scissors" - 30 sec x1
  4. Breeding arms to the sides lying on your back - 30 sec x4
  5. Crouch jump - 30 sec x1
  6. Jumping rope - 30 sec x1
  7. Squat and abduction of the leg to the side - 30 seconds with each leg in turn (x4)
  8. Push ups wide grip upside down - 30 sec x4
  9. Jump-squat with a 180 degree turn - 30 sec x1
  10. Jumping lunges - 30 sec x1


scoliosis home workout program

This workout is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back. It is suitable for girls who have back problems or pain in the lower back due to in a sedentary manner life and low mobility.

Type of training: circular. In total, you need to do 4 circles of 5 exercises. There is no rest between exercises, rest between circles is 2 minutes.

Working muscle groups: back.

Number of repetitions: from 15 to 20.

Warm-up and joint gymnastics - 5-7 minutes.

1. Tilt of the body with hands forward - 20

2. Raising the arms forward one level with the head and body (we stand in an inclination) - 20

3. Change of hands in an inclination - 20

4. Hyperextension - 15

5. In the boat pose, we start straight arms back along the body - 15


I hope this article was useful for you, and now you know how you can make your own home workout program taking into account all your problem areas and wishes. If, nevertheless, for some reason you are not completely sure that you can competently compose yourself training program then I am at your service. Email me [email protected] and I will definitely help you achieve your goals and get the figure of your dreams!

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

Bodyflex is a set of exercises with a special breathing technique. It is enough to practice 15 minutes a day for a week to find a slender figure.

Deep inhalation enriches the body with oxygen, and overweight disappear without a trace. Proper bodyflex exercises for beginners - we'll talk about them today.

Bodyflex for beginners - pros and cons

Bodyflex breathing exercises, developed by American Greer Childers, have helped thousands of women around the world lose weight. Its essence is diaphragmatic breathing with a delay during asanas, which improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. This set of exercises can be performed at any age and with any weight. Bodyflex helps women get in shape after childbirth, and smokers - to clear their lungs and overcome a bad habit.

If you decide to do body flex, determine if this gymnastics will harm you.

Bodyflex is contraindicated for those who:

  • has high blood pressure;
  • suffers from elevated body temperature;
  • recently had an operation;
  • suffers from bronchial asthma;
  • has arrhythmia and heart failure;
  • suffers from hernias;
  • has glaucoma;

You can not do bodyflex also with bleeding.

Pregnant women can do some exercises breathing exercises but you should definitely check with your doctor first.

What do beginners need to practice bodyflex

What will be needed for those who decide to master breathing exercises? First of all, bodyflex beginners should have the desire and willingness to do exercises regularly, because long breaks will not lead to the desired effect.

Here's what else is needed for proper bodyflex exercises:

  • special mat- it prevents the legs from slipping and movements become more confident;
  • comfortable sportswear, preferably from a natural fabric that allows the skin to breathe;
  • shoes to perform breathing exercises need not- It will be most convenient for you to be barefoot or in socks;
  • a computer or TV set if you are doing video lessons;
  • clock- with the help of them, it is more convenient for beginners to record the time to hold their breath;

Bodyflex exercises for beginners

It’s not at all difficult to start doing bodyflex gymnastics on your own, because there are many video lessons on the Internet with experienced instructors. You can also master the technique of breathing exercises with the help of books by Greer Childers and Marina Koplan.

First you need to understand how to breathe correctly. So t technique correct breathing bodyflex:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. Pull out your lips with a tube and slowly exhale the air, drawing in your stomach.
  • Hold your breath and inhale noisily through your nose, puffing up your stomach.
  • Open your mouth wide and exhale all the air with a "pha" sound.
  • Close your mouth, tilting your head to your chest.

After that, do the breath-holding exercise, slowly counting to eight.

Here are a few simple exercises bodyflex for beginners. Do them while holding your breath, 3 times each.

"Boat". The exercise is great for stretching. inner surface hips.

Sit on the floor and spread your legs as wide as possible, resting your hands on the floor from behind. Pull your toes towards you. Hold your breath and slowly lean forward with your arms outstretched in front of you. After 8-10 seconds, repeat everything again.

"Scissors". This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Lying on your back, stretch your legs, put your palms under your buttocks. While holding your breath, lift your legs about 8 centimeters off the floor and make 8-10 quick and wide swings, like scissors.

"Cat". This exercise tightens the hips and abdomen.

On all fours, lower your head and arch your back up as far as you can. After 8-10 seconds, return to the starting position.

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules of bodyflex for beginners, you can safely engage in miraculous breathing exercises.

Sports activities improve health and allow a person to feel attractive, strong and resilient.

Many do not have experience in fitness training, so they do not know how to properly start joining physical activity.

You can work on your own body from scratch without exercise equipment and other sports equipment, organizing training at home.

A person who decides to go in for sports on his own without a coach, first of all, needs to assess the state of his health.

How to start training for a beginner

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, autoimmune diseases during the period of exacerbation, the period of recovery after surgery, acute viral and infectious diseases are contraindications to physical activity.

If a person suffers from obesity and wants to solve the problem through sports, then discard excess weight it is necessary under the supervision of specialists - a nutritionist and a personal trainer.

Before starting fitness at home, a person should plan a rough workout schedule.

The key to the effectiveness of sports training is their regularity.

To lose weight, build muscle and train endurance, you need to exercise at least 2 times a week.

If a person who wants to fully train leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he should not immediately start intensive training. Several weeks should be given to preparing the muscles for power loads. To do this, you can devote half an hour daily to running, walking at a fast pace, dancing, cycling. Cardio loads train the cardiovascular system and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Important! It is important to combine sports activities with healthy diet, which will contribute to the loss of extra pounds and maintaining a normal metabolic rate.

Optimal exercises at home for beginners

When choosing the right fitness techniques to perform at home, you need to focus on the expected results. It is also worth considering gender, since there are separate optimal fitness techniques for both men and women.


The following fitness techniques are suitable for beginner girls:

  1. Complicated squats: legs are wide apart shoulder girdle, and the toes of the feet are set apart. The posture is straight, and the chin is slightly raised. On exhalation, the pelvis is brought as close to the floor as possible, but the posture remains even. In order not to overload the joints, you need to try so that the buttocks remain in line with the knees when squatting.
  2. Standing dumbbell press: one arm works when performing a set. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, and the knee joints are slightly bent. You need to take a dumbbell in your hand, and put the other limb on your waist. After inhaling, the dumbbell is lifted up and, lingering for a few seconds at the maximum point, exhale.
  3. Lunges without weighting in the hands: stand straight and raise the chin. Step your right foot in front of you, fixing your body in a new position. The knee joint should form a right angle, playing the role of a support for the whole body. The second leg stands behind, but its knee joint is directed perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Twisting on the floor: they are laid on their backs, but then they return to a semi-sitting position, putting their legs in front of them. It is necessary to control that the limbs bent at the knees are parallel to the floor. Alternately stretch one leg in front of you, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds. Hands should be located along the body.
  5. Bicycle: they are laid on a straight back, and the hands closed in the lock are placed under the back of the head. The legs are straightened, raising them 10 cm from the floor surface. Alternately pull the knee to the opposite elbow, trying to keep your back straight. The shoulder blades when performing a fitness technique are divorced.


For men, it is optimal to start with power loads with an emphasis on arms, abs and legs. Simple sports equipment, for example, dumbbells, will help to train correctly.

What you can do yourself:

  1. Push-ups: you need to lie on the floor, and then rise parallel to its level on straight arms and socks. The pelvis is in line with the back. On exhalation, bend the arms at the elbows, tilting chest to the floor. On exhalation, they return to the starting position.
  2. Dynamic lunges without sports equipment: legs are placed in parallel. The weight of the body is transferred to the working leg, and the second leg takes a wide step back, putting it on the toe. Both legs are bent at the knees, trying to do a deep squat. When the knees are extended, the left leg is substituted for the right, after which the weight is transferred to the left.
  3. Incline Dumbbell Row: Choose a dumbbell weight that is comfortable for you. The right knee is on horizontal bench for the press. Right hand while you need to rely on it. Angle in hip joint level up to 90 degrees, while the back remains flat. Left leg slightly sideways. The head is parallel to the floor. The neck of the projectile must be parallel to the line of the body. The weighting agent is pulled to the lower back, trying to bring the elbow to the highest point. At the peak point, you need to stay for a second, lowering the dumbbell.
  4. Glute Bridge: Lie on the floor with your arms along your torso. Feet, completely standing on the floor, are placed shoulder-width apart, bending the limbs at the knee joints. On exhalation, tensing the muscles of the shoulder blades and calves, tear off the fifth point from the floor and hold it in the highest possible position for several seconds. On inspiration, lower the pelvic region to the floor.

What are the goals of sports

How a person will start playing sports from scratch depends on his goals.

A set of exercises for weight loss

To lose excess fat deposits, such a complex is suitable:

  • cardio warm-up - 5 minutes of slow jumping rope;
  • squats with dumbbells (can be replaced with lunges) - 15 times in 3 sets;
  • lunges without weights - similarly;
  • push-ups from the floor - 10 times, 4 sets;
  • gluteal bridge - 15 times, 3 cycles.

Can be done according to the principle circuit training- Performing the approach of each exercise one after another. Then, after a half-minute break, the circle is repeated.

Strength Program

For the development of physical endurance, the following training program is suitable:

  • squats with dumbbells - 20 times, 3 sets;
  • dumbbell incline press - similarly;
  • push-ups from the floor - 15 times, 3 sets;
  • twisting on the floor - just like that;
  • hyperextension on the floor - 10 times, 3 cycles.

There are practically no breaks between each fitness session. To develop endurance, you need to train at a fast pace.

Complex for pumping muscles

Exercises for the effect of a pumped up body:

  • swinging the press with twists (on the floor) at a fast pace - 20 times in 2 sets;
  • deep squats - 10 times, 4 cycles;
  • lunges with dumbbells - similarly;
  • standing dumbbell press - 15 times, 3 sets;
  • push-ups reverse - 15 times in 3 sets;
  • tilt dumbbell row - similarly;
  • plank - 1 minute.

Try to increase the number of repetitions with each workout.

How to train properly to be successful

The correct technique for performing the selected fitness techniques is not the only condition for a productive workout. There are other components of success in playing sports from scratch.


Any person who decides to join fitness should clearly know what he wants to achieve through his efforts. The trainee should be aware that in order to obtain the expected result, at least a month of regular training is required, combined with a healthy diet.


To train the body and improve the figure, you need to draw up a training regimen and follow it. Doing exercises 2-3 times a week, the rest of the days should be given to half-hour dynamic loads. It can be running, cycling, skiing and other outdoor activities depending on the season.

To normalize metabolism, you must also follow a healthy daily routine, avoiding overwork.


Musculature after exercise requires rest from training, because during the recovery period it adds in volume. Therefore, trainings are organized with an interval of 1-2 days.

Experts in bodybuilding, fitness and healthy lifestyle life will tell you what to consider for those people who want to start productive training.

Semenikhin Denis, bodybuilder

Sports activities begin gradually, starting to organize trainings from 2 times a week. Changes in diet should also be introduced smoothly. A sudden change in habits will lead to quick loss motivation.

Matesovich Marika, fitness trainer, author of a video channel dedicated to fitness

A warm-up with an emphasis on cardio will help you get into the training pace. This approach to organizing classes helps not only to warm up the muscles and speed up the metabolism, but also psychologically tune in to fitness.

Stitch Eugene, fitness blogger

For beginners who want to pump their muscles, I recommend starting the complex with push-ups. This is a good warm-up exercise that also helps build physical endurance.

Useful video

Main conclusions

  1. Getting Started sports training from scratch, you need to take into account the final goals, as well as your gender.
  2. In training, you need to combine strength and cardio loads, without ignoring the warm-up at the beginning of the complex.
  3. You need to do 2-3 times a week, giving the muscles time to recover after training.
  4. Fitness combined with proper nutrition, observance of the regime of activity and rest, as well as with a dynamic lifestyle.