Russian bear wrestler. Alexander Medved - freestyle wrestler: biography, family, sporting achievements. Honey and nuts

Born on September 16, 1937 in the city of Belaya Tserkov. Father - Medved Vasily Zinovievich (born in 1909), worked as a forester. Mother - Medved Maria Khomovna (born in 1911). Wife - Medved Tatyana Stepanovna (born in 1940). Daughter - Medved Elena Aleksandrovna (born in 1960). Son - Medved Alexey Alexandrovich (born in 1967).

Alexander's childhood and school years were spent in his native city. He grew up as a tall, clumsy guy, and hardly anyone would have thought then that this young man had inexhaustible energy and strength, the character of a fighter, colossal diligence, a monolith of qualities that would lead him to truly outstanding victories, make him the strongest wrestler in the world.

Labor activity Alexander Medved started in 1954 as a fitter at a local aircraft factory. In 1956, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, he served in Belarus. In the army, Alexander willingly participates in various competitions in many sports, but gradually the sport of courage and strength, the sport of the brave and hardy - the fight more and more often brings him to the wrestling mat.

In 1957, for the first time, he met his future mentor, Honored Coach of the BSSR and the USSR Pavel Vasilyevich Grigoriev. Alexander Medved turned out to be an extremely gifted and capable student. The first significant success came to him at the II Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR in 1959, where he took 3rd place in the heavy weight, forcing many recognized carpet masters to make room.

After being transferred to the reserve, from 1959 to 1961, Alexander Medved studied at the coaching school at the Belarusian State Institute of Physical Culture. In 1961, he entered this institute to study, where, together with P.V. Grigoriev, the senior lecturer of the department of wrestling, later professor, Honored Trainer of the USSR Boleslav Mikhailovich Rybalko continued to work with him. In the same year, at the USSR Championship, Alexander Medved won the first gold medal champion.

In 1961, A. Medved successfully debuted at the World Championships in Yokohama (Japan), and from that year he began a period brilliant victories at European Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games Oh.

A.V. Medved - three times won the Olympic Games (Tokyo, 1964; Mexico City, 1968; Munich, 1972); he is a seven-time world champion, three-time European champion, nine-time champion of the USSR, three-time winner of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR (1963, 1967, 1971). He was awarded the honorary titles "Honored Master of Sports of the USSR" (1962), "Honored Coach of the USSR" (1984), "Honored Coach of the BSSR" (1979), "Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the BSSR" (1969).

For outstanding achievements in sports social activities A.V. Medved was awarded two Orders of Lenin (1962, 1964), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1970), two Orders of the Badge of Honor (1964, 1969). In 1975 he was awarded the Silver Order of the International Olympic Committee and the prize "For nobility in sport", established by the International Organization of UNESCO. The Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League awarded A.V.

From 1972 to 1992, A.V. Medved did a lot of coaching work as a coach of the national team of the BSSR and the USSR. Under his leadership and with the direct participation of Belarusian freestyle wrestlers, they achieved high sports results: V. Evloev, M. Mermanishvili, S. Smal, V. Orudzhov, Sh. Abdurakhmanov, K. Abduldaudov became champions of the USSR, V. Pirsky, N.Savin, A.Savko, A.Sabeev, A.Medved; winners of the Junior World Cup - A.Medved, A.Savko, I.Khitrushko, I.Mikhalchuk; K. Abduldaudov became the winner of the World Cup among adults; winner international competitions"Friendship-84" became M. Mermanishvili; A. Sabeev and V. Evloev became European champions; world champions in 1991 were S. Smal and V. Orudzhev; in 1992, at the Olympics in Barcelona (Spain), S. Smal won a silver medal, and V. Orudzhev - a bronze one; The national team of Belarus took 3rd place at the 7th Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, 1st place at the 9th Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, and 2nd place at the 10th Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR.

In 1970, the Committee for physical education and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and the Wrestling Federation of the Republic, taking into account his outstanding services to domestic and world sports, established an international freestyle wrestling tournament for the prizes of Alexander Medved. Initially, this tournament was held in the weight categories of 82, 90, 100 kg and heavyweight. Since 1972, the category up to 74 kg has been added, and since 1973, athletes of all weight categories. In 1994, by decision of the Executive Committee International Federation associated wrestling styles, the tournament was awarded the highest category of international tournaments - the Grand Prix.

Since 1976, A.V. Medved has been the head of the interuniversity department of sports improvement at the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (now the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics), has the academic title of professor.

Alexander Medved successfully combines his pedagogical activity with research work. He published more than 60 scientific, scientific, methodological and educational works, published 2 books - "Improving the training of masters wrestling"(1985) and a textbook for university students" Physical education students of the main department "(1997). For tutorial for students A.V. Medved was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus.

A.V. Medved is the vice-president of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus, a member of the European Committee of the SELA of the International Wrestling Federation, the president Belarusian Federation wrestling, academician of the Russian People's Academy of Sciences. Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Minsk (1975).

A.V. Medved is fond of hunting. Favorite sports are wrestling, basketball, football, tennis. In music, preference is given to the classics.

Lives and works in Minsk

    - (b. September 16, 1937 Belaya Tserkov, Kiev region), Belarusian athlete (freestyle wrestling); Honored Master of Sports (1963). Three-time Olympic champion (1964) light heavyweight and (1968, 1972) Heavyweight. World Champion (1962 63, ... ...

    - (b. 1937) Belarusian athlete, Honored Master of Sports (1963), Honored Coach of the USSR (1984). Champion of the Olympic Games (1964, 1968, 1972), multiple champion of the world, Europe, USSR (in 1961 70) in freestyle wrestling in light heavyweight and heavyweight ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (born September 16, 1937, Belaya Tserkov, Kiev region), Soviet wrestler, Honored Master of Sports (1964), associate professor of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute. Member of the CPSU since 1965. Olympic champion (1964, 1968, 1972), multiple world champion ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (b. 1937), Belarusian athlete, Honored Master of Sports (1963), Honored Coach of the USSR (1984). Champion of the Olympic Games (1964, 1968, 1972), multiple champion of the world, Europe, USSR (in 1961 72) in freestyle wrestling in light heavyweight and heavyweight. * … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Olympic champion in the 97 kg category (1964, Tokyo); in the category over 97 kg (1968, Mexico City); in the category over 100 kg (1972, Munich). Soviet athlete in freestyle wrestling; was born on September 16, 1937 in the city of Belaya Tserkov, Kiev region; finished... ...

    Olympic awards Freestyle wrestling Gold 1972 Munich Gold 1968 Mexico City Gold 1964 ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    MP State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation since December 1999, member of the Unity faction, member of the Budget Committee; was born on September 5, 1935 in the Pavlodar region; Graduated from the Tomsk Financial and Credit College ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    IVANOV Alexander Vasilievich- IVANO V Alexander Vasilyevich (5.6.1899 13.3.1959) owl. artist, director. Member CPSU since 1955. He graduated from the Tambov art. workshops. One of the founders of the owls. graphic animations. In 1926, he organized a cartoon at the film festival Sovkino. workshop, ... ... Cinema: Encyclopedic Dictionary


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In an interview - about a heart in scars, an offer for $ 3 million and Soviet "doping".

Alexander Vasilyevich Medved - Soviet freestyle wrestler, triple Olympic champion(1964, 1968 and 1972), seven-time world champion (1962-1963, 1966-1971), three-time European champion (1966-1972). Recognized as the best freestyle wrestler of the 20th century.- Alexander Vasilievich, we have already tried to do an interview, but at the last moment the meeting broke down: you ended up in the hospital, waiting for an operation. How is your health now?

I had a heart operation that lasted 7.5 hours. At first, the surgeon did not want to take it on, but there was no choice: I was already beginning to choke. They “turned off” my heart, took a section of a vein from my leg 50 centimeters long, and sewed it on. The doctor later said that he had seen such a heart for the first time: everything was covered in scars. Now my health is more or less normal, although up to 300 rubles a month are spent on medicines. I play billiards, go to the pool, drive a car.

- Interesting, what are you driving now?

I have a Volkswagen Jeep. I prefer big cars. In small ones, when you drive, it feels like one place on the asphalt ...

- Did you “plant” your heart with sports?

Yes. Sometimes I think: maybe it was not necessary to give him so much strength? What's the difference, one Olympic medal or three? Honor is one. And after all, more than once, after winning medals, I was offered to quit sports. In 1968, after I took the second “gold” of the Olympic Games, the head of the International Wrestling Federation told me: “Sasha, well, well done, but you have to leave. When an Olympic champion loses, it's wrong, but if you, two-time champion, suddenly you stumble at some competitions - it will not be good at all.

But you didn't listen.

Couldn't leave. Immediately after the Olympics, Pyotr Mironovich Masherov, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Byelorussian SSR, came to visit us in Staiki, where the training camp took place. He always treated me like a father, knew all my achievements, was aware of my health problems. Masherov said: “You have already done so much, maybe you won’t go to the Olympics anymore?” I replied that I don’t know yet, I will train, and then I will report back. When he came the second time, I was ready. He then said to me: “I believe in you!”

- What did the wife say? After all, shortly before that, your second child was born.

My son just turned one year old. My wife Tatyana Stepanovna and I sat down at the table and discussed everything properly, weighed everything. She supported me.

I must say that many athletes in the USSR ended their careers due to the fact that their wives gave them an ultimatum: they say, that's enough, I've traveled, the world has looked - it's time to think about the family, earn money. big money athletes didn't.

Alexander Medved is a participant in the Fire of the Human Heart project, which takes place from February 25 to March 25 in Minsk (Galleria Minsk shopping center, Pobediteley Ave., 9) with the support of the AiF weekly.

- It is a pity that in the USSR there were no such prize money as today - $ 150 thousand for the "gold" of the Olympics ...

I have, as a member of the national team Soviet Union, there was a scholarship of 220 rubles. This, of course, is higher than the average salary in the country (120-130 rubles), but the money is still small. When he received a scholarship, he divided it into two parts: he left most of it to his family, the smaller one he took with him (not to be completely without funds). After all, we even bought sports uniforms with our own money, to which we then sewed the letters of the name of the country (I was given the first Adidas uniform only in 1972). And 11 out of 12 months of the year I was at the training camp, so I could not help the family.

I remember when I became a two-time Olympic champion, they gave me an apartment in Minsk. But it was worth leaving for the World Cup, as housing ... was taken away and given to the players. I then turned to Masherov. He said, "Choose where you like." And he, by a strong-willed decision, gave me an apartment in Armored Lane.

After all, how does it work? Athletes go to competitions, win medals, and then the career ends, and the question arises: what to live on? In Soviet times, I could not go, for example, to fights without rules or do business, as some modern wrestlers do.

But they tried to tempt you with a sum of $ 3 million - such an offer came from the USA after you took the third "gold" of the Olympics.

In 1972, they really offered me to fly to America, they called me to perform in ketch ( a type of professional wrestling that arose in the 20th century. in USA. - Note.) But I refused. And when I returned to Minsk, I was offered the position of head coach of our team.

- Don't you regret that you didn't leave in 1972?

Now it is difficult to answer this question. Maybe you should have left.

- Did you, as a Soviet person, have an understanding of what a sum of $3 million is?

Hardly. We, as well as artists traveling abroad, were given a daily allowance of $ 3-5. Often this money was not even enough to buy gifts for family and friends. Many athletes were engaged in a small forced business: they carried nesting dolls with them, which they sold in the USA as souvenirs. So they rolled out.

Honey and nuts

Alexander Vasilyevich, you are deservedly called a living legend of Belarusian sports. On his altar you put your health. Now you are not offended to look at what the modern professional sports? Athletes win medals, and then lose them because of doping. Entire teams are suspended from participation in the Olympic Games without evidence.

This is big politics. Everything is done against the countries of the former Soviet Union. Why don't Americans get caught doping the same way Belarusians or Russians get caught? Why don't Germans or British get caught doping?

I have never even heard such a word, “doping”. He took nuts, honey and pollen with him to competitions. The team also bought dark chocolate with vitamin E. This was given to athletes and astronauts. One day during the World Cup, I got a sore throat. So I ate 2-3 tablespoons of honey, and I was thrown into a sweat. I got scared, called the doctor, and he examined me, laughed and said: “This is a normal reaction of the body to honey.”

The result can be achieved only by constant exhausting work. I have always adhered to the principle: the work you do, you need to give yourself entirely. When by full program you give all the best in training, then no doping is needed.

As a child, he was tall and, as he himself says, a little awkward and even sometimes awkward.

His grandmother in the village was called Medvedikha. The woman's height was 192 centimeters, her foot size was 45, and her grandfather was even taller.

“I tried a lot of sports,” recalls Alexander Vasilievich. “I signed up for gymnastics at school. The coach looked at me and said: “Get out of here quickly! That I will lift the crossbars for you? "Then he was fond of basketball, volleyball, athletics. And he plowed, sowed, mowed - he had to somehow feed himself after the war. We fired the stove with wood. So the father, before letting go for a walk, set the task of splitting two oak stumps. For me, hunting, well, I got a hardening, a habit of work. In the army he was engaged in handball, hammer throwing. But I've always loved wrestling."

© Sputnik / Yuri Somov

The young Bear's acquaintance with wrestling happened while serving in the tank troops of the Belarusian Military District.

There he won his first victories. At the district championship, Alexander became the champion in freestyle wrestling and sambo, and also took third place in classical wrestling. First sports award- record player.

In 1961, Alexander Medved won his first gold medal at the USSR heavyweight championship. This victory opened the way to the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, where the Bear ascended the Olympus of wrestling glory and left it only in 1972.

© Sputnik / Yuri Somov

“Do you know what he was sad about when he returned from Tokyo? That my father did not live to see this day, did not have the opportunity to appreciate my triumph. It seems to me that he always underestimated me a little and never took my struggle seriously. Being a tractor driver in his eyes was much more honorable and more important, and even more so as a forester. I implicitly wanted to prove to him that the fight is mine and that we, the Bears, are strong in everything. He proved it. And everyone was happy for me. I am sure that my father would be sincerely happy ", - said the famous wrestler, having received his first Olympic gold.

He has a great many sports victories, but among them there are several especially memorable ones. For example, over the Iranian wrestler Gholamreza Takhti. “He was the champion of the Melbourne Olympics; a two-time world champion, and at that time I didn’t have such titles yet. Tahti was especially famous for not losing a single fight at home. He was a real national pride. And he lost so that no one doubted my clear advantage. When I won for a clear advantage, many in the audience cried. Takhti fell to his knees and wept with the audience. For me, this victory is memorable. I then firmly understood that the fight was definitely mine, " shared the Bear.

He also recalled his meeting on the carpet with the American Chris Taylor at the Munich Olympics. "Chris was the heaviest heavyweight - under 200 kg in weight, he constantly attacked me. But I still caught the movement: I went a little to the side and knocked out my supporting leg. We flew together, and I thought to pull out faster from under I can't get my leg and arm out, otherwise I won't get out. Try to get your leg out from under a 100-kilogram barrel! And here it's 200 kg! And it's still alive, it's resisting!" Needless to say, the American Bear then won.

© Sputnik / Yuri Ivanov

Many then joked that the Bear man could not win. Alexander Vasilievich left the sport undefeated, kissing the wrestling carpet goodbye. The audience saw him off standing and to thunderous applause.

Alexander Medved three times became the Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling, seven times the world champion, four times the champion of Europe, nine times the champion of the USSR.

At the opening ceremony of the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Alexander Medved carried the flag of the USSR. In 2001 he was recognized the best athlete Belarus of the XX century.

In 2004, at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Athens, he carried the flag of Belarus. In 2005, he was recognized as the best freestyle wrestler in the history of sports and inducted into the Hall of Fame of the International Federation of United Wrestling Styles (FILA).

For active social work, as well as outstanding achievements in sports, Alexander Medved was awarded two Orders of the Badge of Honor (1964, 1969), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1970), two Orders of Lenin (1962, 1964), and was also awarded the Silver Order of the International Olympic committee and the prize "For nobility in sports", established by the International Organization of UNESCO.

Since 1970 Minsk has been hosting International Tournament in freestyle wrestling for the prizes of Alexander Vasilyevich Medved.

Since 1994, by decision of the International Wrestling Federation, the tournament has been awarded the Grand Prix category.

The single combat is over. It was the final, last fight. For one of the athletes, victory in it turned into Olympic gold. And the Munich hall "Messegelande" exploded with multilingual cries and applause. Raising his mighty hands to the sky, smiling bewilderedly, as if not believing his triumph, the wrestler bowed in all directions. Then the unthinkable happened. Staggering as if drunk, the athlete wandered to the middle of the carpet and there ... collapsed to his knees. The stands froze in bewilderment. And the hero bent down and pressed his lips directly to the matte surface of the carpet. He said goodbye to the wrestling mat - an impassive witness to so many ups and downs, so many joys and sorrows, as their fate had prepared for the athlete on the path of a decade and a half.

So impressively put an end to his sports biography Alexander Medved, a unique freestyle wrestler, three-time Olympic champion, seven-time world champion, three-time winner of European championships, winner of nine gold medals in championships and sports days of the Soviet Union.

Alexander Vasilyevich Medved was born on September 16, 1937 in the Ukrainian town of Belaya Tserkov. In his youth, Sasha did not differ in the constancy of sports attachments. Divided leisure between football field and a basketball court. Willingly ran, jumped, swam, fought with peers.

After graduating from school, he went to work in a factory. Trained as a fitter. After working for two years, the Bear went to serve in the army. Here, a strong, tall soldier began to engage in wrestling in 1956.

Barely having mastered a few tricks and got acquainted with the basics of tactics, Medved won the championship of the Belarusian Military District a month later.

After demobilization and settling in Belarus, where he served, he entered the Higher School of Coaches, and after graduating, he applied to the Minsk Institute of Physical Education. Of all types of wrestling, Alexander chose freestyle. He was helped by good mentors: Pavel Vasilyevich Grigoriev and Boleslav Mikhailovich Rybalko. And for many years this triumvirate did not know defeat, although not always everything was very simple.

In March 1961, the next personal wrestling championship of the USSR took place. Twenty-one gold medal contenders fought in the heavyweight division. Among them are such masters of the carpet as the Tbilisians Kiknadze and Kandelaki, the winner of the Roman Olympics Dzarasov, the Muscovite Ivanitsky. After the fifth round, Alexander Medved became the leader. Dzarasov was very close. The seventh circle puts everything in its place. A draw brings the Minsk resident the title of national champion. "Silver" - at Dzarasov, "bronze" - at Ivanitsky. The coaching council decides: Alexander Medved is going to the World Championships in Japan.