Boxer Andrey Basynin. biography, sports career, personal life. Biography, sports career, personal life Andrei Basynin in contact

Andrey Basynin- boxer.

Place and date of birth

business of life

Andrey has been athletic boy and was fond of various types fight. Jujutsu, knife fighting, Aikido Yoshinkan (2nd dan), koi no takinobori ryu (2nd dan) were on the list of his hobbies, and later on his professional life. But the most main view martial arts for Andrey is Thai boxing Getting started: Since the age of 18, Andrey has been working as a coach in Thai boxing and other types of martial arts. Andrey lives in St. Petersburg, but if you do not live in this city, there are a huge number of training videos on the net, where Andrey shows both the basics of this sport and more complex tricks.

Main job

About Thai boxing

This kind martial art originated in ancient Thailand. There is an opinion that this sport originated from ritual dance. Nothing but arms and legs, no other devices, no weapons can be used in it. Ancient thai art from which Thai boxing originated, translated into Russian as "free fight" Thai boxing is called the "fight of eight limbs", since in this type of fight you can use elbows, feet, knees. There are no formal rules here, but there is a code of honor that does not allow cheating and fighting dishonestly. This sport was very popular all over Asia. Those who mastered this art to perfection received titles of nobility. In ancient times, the battle went on until the complete destruction of the enemy. In the modern world, of course, the rules are not so rigid - it is enough just to admit defeat.

World fame

The popularity of Thai boxing came to Europe in the middle of the last century, when masters from Asia began to teach Europeans this type of martial arts. Competitions began to be organized, and thus the whole world learned about this type of martial art. Now Thai boxing is classified as a mixed martial arts. Unfortunately, he is not among Olympic sports sports, but nevertheless, there is a lot sports competitions both regionally and internationally.

Thai boxing in Russia

This type of martial arts has become very popular in the territory. Russian Federation. According to a representative of the Thai Boxing Federation, about 50,000 people in our country are passionate about this sport. Many of them have reached great heights in this direction. Our compatriot Artem Vakhitov became the world champion in Thai boxing. In many cities of Russia, especially large ones such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, many sections and clubs for the study of Thai boxing have been opened. very many Russian men, and not only men, were seriously carried away and fell in love with this sport.

Basic rules of Thai boxing

Fights take place in a 6x6 ring (standard). You can not hit your head and choke your opponent. Usually, those who are just starting to master this sport fight with gloves on. High-class professionals such as Andrey Basynin work with bare hands or tie your hands with special ribbons. Andrei believes that everyone can learn this type of martial arts, the main thing is desire. Due to the simplicity of the techniques, it can also be used as effective remedy self-defense, even if several people attacked you at once.

Work in the "Cage"

Many interesting videos by Andrey Bysynin and other coaches are posted on the site of the Kletka club. Particularly interesting is the video with the female trainer Svetlana Mikhailovskaya - they talk about one of the Thai boxing techniques called low kick. In short, this is the strongest blow to the legs, after which the opponent can no longer stand up.

The "Cage" club of Andrey Basynin is well known not only among the athletes of St. Petersburg, but also outside of Russia, as well as on the Internet. The club holds classes for people different ages, physical data and the level of sports skills, as well as various motivations: someone is preparing for competitions, and someone is doing it “for themselves”.

fun trainer

Andrey Basynin (height - 175 cm) was born on May 18, 1981 in the Tyumen region, the city of Nizhnevartovsk. He began to get involved in sports with his brothers early childhood thanks to the personal example of his father. The family often moved, so Andrei began to seriously engage in martial arts at the age of fifteen. The choice fell on aikido. By the age of 18, he was already coaching children's aikido groups, while at the same time he was engaged in boxing. In boxing, Andrei Basynin made his debut on his eighteenth birthday at the Gribanovsky master tournament. He won his first fight on points. He was also into kickboxing.

In 2001 he moved to St. Petersburg at the invitation of Rashid Gataullin to work in an aikido club.

Psychological preparation of fighters

The success of any duel depends on the readiness of a person to fight. Therefore, Andrei Basynin pays close attention to the moral and volitional training of fighters. Fear is an ancient instinct that causes two basic forms of behavior: agitation (external flight) and stupor. These manifestations are clearly visible when a beginner, when hitting him, closes his eyes or simply “shies away” to the side, and with a stupor, the body becomes wadded, naughty. All the skills gained in the gym disappear somewhere, and it is very easy to lose to a less technical, but more aggressive or assertive opponent. Therefore, putting newcomers in pairs at once, according to Andrey, is a big failure of any coach. First, they need to work at the mirror, gradually moving to interaction in pairs.

When practicing strikes on both shoulders of each other, a person learns to react to the opponent’s movements, and a flying fist to the head no longer causes panic. When learning to strike, it is important to keep the defense and see the enemy. The consolidation of the material takes place in relatively comfortable conditions for the beginner, and its repeated repetition causes the gradual disappearance of fear. The blow will no longer be regarded as a shocking factor. The body itself will launch the necessary set of commands to successfully repel the threat.

It is important to note Basynin's opinion about the participation of children aged 6-10 in competitions. In his blog, citing, as always, strong arguments, he tries to reach out to those parents who put the result at the head of everything. The physiological characteristics of children of this age indicate an unwillingness to withstand serious psychological pressure, and teachers and psychologists will agree with him on this.

Practice and more practice

Critical Andrey Basynin relies, first of all, on the effectiveness of a particular technique or strike, so he, like any self-respecting professional, is an innovator. An athlete's fights are a prime example of how important it is to have a good sense of distance and coordination of movements. Physical data (strength, endurance, speed) are just as important as the ability to adapt to changing combat conditions. Hence these hobbies are not only percussion, but also throwing technique. On the Internet, you can find many videos in which he does not hesitate to ask questions, argue and offer his own ways to solve different situations. For Andrey, performance is more important than authority and the uniqueness of the vision of the problem.

Strengthening the human body

Good physical training essential in almost all spheres of human life. And doubly for fighters and athletes: after all, you have to work almost to the point of wear and tear at maximum gear. When checking for strength, endurance is needed. One of the elements of physical training that helps to achieve high results is circuit training. What is circuit training?

As a rule, these are 10-12 strength exercises, which allow you to evenly work out different muscle groups, give a good shake cardiovascular system and just burn excess weight. Exercises are repeated in a circle continuously. This set of exercises, or circle, is usually completed three to six times. At the same time, the speed of execution increases, so the heart begins to work faster, and the body increases the absorption of oxygen. It all starts with a warm-up, then strength exercises, and ends with a stretch. In any case, in sports club Andrey Basynin's "cell" approaches training creatively and with understanding.

In addition to coaching in a sports club where Thai boxing is taught, Andrey Basynin is active on the Internet. On YouTube, he has a channel called Andrey Basynin's Cell Club. There is also a cycle of programs of the channel "Combat Botanists" with his participation. IN in social networks maintains pages dedicated to the activities of the club, and his own blog.

At the end of October 2009, tanto-jutsu fights were organized in Smolensk. The most memorable of them was the fight between Andrei Basynin and Dmitry Potapov. During the battle, Dmitry was disarmed. His knife treacherously fell out, which is not uncommon in such competitions. But Andrey's act turned out to be even more unexpected: throwing the knife aside, he carried out a magnificent "two" in the opponent's face, knocking him down. In the final, Basynin fought with Muscovite Sergey Kharebov for the main prize of the tournament - the KOI brown belt. The victory was recognized for Andrey, who handed over the award to his opponent, recognizing him as a worthy fighter.

Instead of a conclusion

Andrei Basynin knows firsthand the sweetness of victories and the bitterness of defeats. But, possessing an inexhaustible source of zest for life and self-irony, he always continues to do what he must, and as it turns out, other people will appreciate it. Andrey Basynin and the fights with his participation always arouse great interest among the public.

Today, more and more young people in our country are striving to develop their physical form, engage in such serious sports as boxing, wrestling, etc. Many of them manage to achieve great success in this area.

The hero of our today's article is a young athlete and Thai boxing coach Andrey Basynin. This is a man whose name in the Thai boxing federation means a lot.

Andrey Basynin: biography

Andrei was born on May 18, 1981 in the Soviet Union, when all the Eastern people were still a curiosity not only for ordinary citizens, but even formidable police representatives.

What is Andrey Basynin doing? The biography of this person is rich, as he is very active, constantly on the move and does not stop there. Now he permanently resides in St. Petersburg. I have been interested in sports since my youth. At the moment, he combines several positions: he is a knife fighting instructor (according to Andrey Kochergin's "Koi no takinobori ryu" methodology). He also has 2 dan in Koi no takinobori ryu, 2 dan in Yoshinkan Aikido. Moreover, he is a coach in jiu-jitsu and, of course, in Thai boxing.

Sports career and personal life

Today, the coaching experience of this is relatively young man is 15 years old, because he began to engage in coaching from the age of 18, namely from 2001.
On the Internet today you can find a large number of videos with Andrey, which are video tutorials in which the coach teaches beginners the basics of Thai boxing and other martial arts techniques.

Andrey constantly works in the popular sports club "Cage" in the city of St. Petersburg as a head coach. Basynin loves his work very much, but he pays no less attention to his family - his wife and little daughter.

Andrey Basynin: height, weight

Andrei is not only a talented and strong athlete and coach, but also a charming, handsome young man who immediately attracts the attention of others. In the weight category up to 71 kg (thai boxing uses seven main weight categories) is Andrey Basinin. His height is 175 cm.
Andrey is the winner of many sports competitions. But, of course, his greatest love is Thai boxing, which he masters perfectly.

Fundamentals of Thai boxing. History of occurrence

Combinations "Andrey Basynin - Thai boxing" practically merged into one. At the same time, this sport is quite new for our country. Consider its main features.

This type of boxing is a martial art from an ancient country like Thailand. It came from the Thai martial art called muay boran. This phrase is translated into Russian as a free fight. In this type of combat, a person uses only the capabilities of his body, without resorting to weapons. There is an assumption that this type of struggle comes from an ancient ritual dance.

The rules of conduct for athletes in combat allow them to strike with their elbows, fists, feet or knees. Because of this feature, this type of combat was dubbed the "fight of eight limbs." Unlike karate, this type of martial arts has no formal techniques. Here are the main ligaments of several blows. Thai boxing has a very serious code of honor that does not allow a wrestling person to resort to tricks and various tricks.

Traditionally, this type of wrestling was valued not only in Thailand, but throughout Asia. Warriors studied it without fail. Those who reached great heights in this type of boxing even received titles of nobility.

If earlier the battle was to the death (to stay alive and lose the fight was a great shame), then since the last century, competitions have been fought until the enemy is defeated.

World fame

Thai boxing became popular all over the world in the second half of the last century. Then the teachers of this direction (along with trainers of other oriental martial arts) came to Europe and began to teach not only immigrants from Asia, but also Europeans. Competitions were organized in which decisive and peremptory victories were won by experts in Thai boxing techniques.

Today, this sport belongs to mixed martial arts. Despite the fact that there are no Olympic competitions in this direction, there are a large number of competitions of a regional, national and international nature.

Thai boxing in modern Russia

This kind combat sports found in our country a sufficient number of fans.

According to the federation of this style of boxing, which has existed since 1996, about 50,000 people in our country go in for this sport. Many of them are already professionals. Such as, for example, Artem Vakhitov, who received the title of world champion in this direction. In many cities (regional and metropolitan areas, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg) there are clubs on the basics of Thai boxing. Competitions of all levels are regularly held. It is safe to say that this type wrestling loved by the Russians.

A. Basynin: training videos on the basics of Thai boxing

Not only residents of St. Petersburg can see the skill of coach Andrey Basynin. It is available today to all Internet users. In his video tutorials (the popularity of which is huge, it is easy to see this by going to the pages with videos on YouTube or other resources) Andrey tells in detail and shows what every novice athlete who masters the basics of Thai boxing should know.

Andrei usually works either with his bare hands or uses ropes specially wrapped around his hands, but those who are just starting to establish the basics of this boxing should wear gloves. In this sport, a ring is used, the standard dimensions of which are 6x6 m. Heading, strangling the opponent, as well as causing great harm to health are prohibited here.

Andrey tells in his video tutorials that anyone who is ready to make every effort can learn this type of martial arts. Thai boxing, due to the simplicity of its development and high efficiency in fights, can also be used as a unique means of street self-defense, even if there are several attackers.

Joint videos of Andrey Basynin and other coaches

In the global network and on the page of the club "Cage" you can find not only single videos of coach Andrey Bysyninn, but also numerous lessons in which he and other coaches talk about new trends in the world of Thai boxing.

Often there is a video under the following title: "Andrey Basynin and Svetlana Mikhayskaya - low kick". Here A. Basynin and his partner - female Muay Thai and K-1 trainer Svetlana Mikhailovskaya - talk about the low kick technique and show the basic techniques. The meaning of this technique lies in the fact that the enemy is dealt a strong blow to the legs, as a result of which he submits to the ground.

Such blows are in the arsenal of many schools of martial arts, but here it is distinguished by its strength and skill.

Thai boxing - love forever

Everyone who is involved Thai boxing They know that this is an occupation that cannot be abandoned. This sport allows not only to keep in good physical shape and feel confident, but also to defeat your opponents in a fair fight. Many young people, following the example of Andrei Basynin, begin to practice this type of martial art and improve in it.

Attention, only TODAY!

All half an hour I watched without stopping as Andrey Basynin shows simple and at the same time effective exercises to work out and strengthen muscle groups that are important for fighters, wrestlers, and generally useful to everyone. Yes Yes. "Combat nerds" continue to amaze, ironize, and share with all the most correct and useful things.

This time we will touch upon such a necessary and important topic as the physical training of a fighter. But not just how, but version of Andrey Basynin himself. Let's discuss what is really useful and what is not. Note what works well and what works even better. And as always, the most important "Combat Botanist" Evgeny Kirillov will diligently repeat for us the most effective exercises that increase general and special endurance.

Psychological preparation

Any fight, especially between equal opponents, becomes a test of endurance. Not only muscles, but also the psyche must withstand - after all, if after several rounds and missed slaps in the face the opponent continues to cheerfully dance around you, then the question involuntarily arises, how can he be knocked down at all.

An important element of the functional training of a fighter is the training of his desire to continue to do some work when there is no more strength left. Simply put, if after three rounds the hands stop holding near the chin, hanging with lashes along the body, then moral and volitional qualities to go to the fourth round and not miss immediately to the open jaw.

If after reading you have doubts about the veracity of the above arguments, then immediately reject them. This will be said not only by Andrey Basynin, but also by any person who gave martial arts not three trainings in his distant childhood, but at least several years.

Repetition is the mother of endurance

The best way to prepare yourself mentally and physically to continue the fight in conditions of serious exhaustion is circuit training. Not only Andrey speaks flatteringly about her, but also another well-known popularizer of martial arts, power sports and services in special units Sergey Badyuk.

There is an opinion that circuit training was invented in Soviet school sambo and boxing. Then, already at the Ryazan Airborne School, it was proved that it was circular training that gave the highest level endurance. It is not surprising that all special forces urgently introduced it into their arsenal of training fighters.

It is clear that when it comes to special units, all conversations like “convenient / uncomfortable, boring / interesting” fade into the background. There, the number of repetitions depends on the mood of the person doing the exercises. Andrey, in his recommendations, gives an extremely logical time frame circuit training. The round lasts three minutes, so work for three minutes.

Another question is that Andrey does not specify that you should not immediately start exercising in this mode - after all gradual buildup Nobody canceled the load. Although I do not want to blame the narrator for this. First of all, I wouldn't argue with him. Secondly, the tense face of Yevgeny Kirillov, diligently pushing the pancake from his chest, demonstrates better than any words that without special training can't get by.

The importance of pull-ups in training a fighter

There is no need to talk about the benefits of pull-ups. Another issue is that people often find excuses to ignore this element of training, replacing it with block pulls to the chest or other exercises. But what to do when you just can’t pull yourself up. If you search the Internet, you will find approximately the same set of recommendations for those who have never pulled themselves up on the bar more than once, but would really like to.

Negative pull-ups, hanging for hours, low bar - all this is good and may even be useful, but not effective. Personally, I do not know a single person who would have learned to pull up in this way.

But I know very well people who have learned to pull themselves up with the help of rubber. Everything is extremely simple - you buy a dense rubber tourniquet (a strong hose is also suitable), throw it over the horizontal bar, stand on the resulting loop with your foot and start to pull yourself up. Rubber will push up, reducing the load on the muscles.

The same rubber can be used instead of a kettlebell, standing on it with your feet and pulling the ends to your chest. It will be useful to use a tourniquet during push-ups as a means of additional resistance. So rubber is an indispensable attribute of a fighter's training.

However, it is worth adding that it is still not worth getting too carried away with the help of rubber when pulling up. Use it the first time to strengthen the muscles. Then it is better to move on to regular pull-ups and their various variations - then the training will become even more effective. What can be done with the horizontal bar, Andrey shows clearly and very informatively.

By the way, wave pull-ups, which are usually accompanied in the army by shouts of “stop hanging out, pull yourself up straight,” are actually very useful when it comes to preparing a fighter. Jerks with such pull-ups are nothing more than explosive muscle work. Therefore, Andrei is absolutely right when he says that it is necessary to do this. Muscles explode, tendons strengthen, which is very important for a striker.

Non-standard loads

What distinguishes Andrey from other martial artists is the desire to bring something new and interesting to the training process. Tired of push-ups - stand on your hands, bringing your legs to your chest. Take two kettlebells and do a deeper lunge, stretching the muscles to the limit. Or, after each push-up, pull one kettlebell to your chest. There are many options, Andrey tries to show the most effective ones, but it is clear that he still has a lot of secrets in store.

By the way, those exercises that Andrey shows as an alternative to regular push-ups are actively practiced by Martin Rooney, the creator of the hard strength training for martial arts athletes. He is known mainly for the complex "", but this is far from his only merit.

At the end of the issue, Andrey, after much persuasion, shows the bomb exercise. I won't describe it - you have to see it for yourself. It is actively used by wrestlers and MMA fighters. It requires a thick rope and something like a pole to complete. In the process, you can feel like a drummer playing heavy metal, or a cowboy - how does your imagination work.

Do not limit your imagination when choosing exercises. There are more than a hundred types of push-ups alone, not to mention the use of additional equipment.

Endurance, physical and psychological, is extremely important for a fighter - this is the thought that runs through the entire issue and is repeatedly expressed by Andrei Basynin. Even if you are studying with a coach, you don’t need to think that it is he who is to blame for the defeat or insufficient physical form. A coach is needed to set right direction. You always have to move towards the goal on your own.

For those who didn't notice, once again link to video. Well, of course, join the ranks "