Mass training system 4. Four-day split. Four-Day Workout Program: Notes

Until recently, coaches and doctors agreed that each day of training should fall on only one muscle group. Today I had to move away from this method, as it turned out that the athlete simply did not have time to recover in such conditions. Daily activities had a detrimental effect on the body as a whole. Nervous system unable to cope with frequent stress. The effect of training was reduced, and the athlete experienced the effects of overtraining.

There are various supplements with which the body can restore strength much faster, but the daily use of such substances can be bad for health.

The time for normal, but incomplete muscle rest is usually within 3 days. This figure varies greatly depending on experience. Beginners may need a whole week. A lot also depends on the muscles themselves. So, the big ones assume long recovery, small, respectively, rest faster.

For example, legs, which occupy about 50% of the entire muscle mass bodies, it is often not worth loading. Hands, on the other hand, correspond to 25%, so they need 2 times less time to recover. The biceps, triceps, and shoulders should be trained most often, but they are often used when working on larger ones.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the indirect participation of a particular muscle group.

Number of workouts

How much should be the number of visits to the gym per week for beginners and amateurs? Those who have recently decided to acquire a pumped-up body should stop at the “1 day of training / 2 days of rest” scheme. But provided that the loads correspond to the level, and after the workout you will feel tired. If such a frequency of classes no longer causes any particular difficulties, then it is worth moving to the amateur stage, the number of classes will increase up to 3-4 times.

For those who want to lose weight, the number of workouts can vary greatly. The point is that when resetting excess weight cardio exercises are the priority, and they can be performed daily without harm to health. But you should not exercise through force, since classes with overweight much more difficult, in addition, there is a possibility of a sharp deterioration in the condition. Therefore, before starting intensive weight loss, you should consult your doctor.

If use strength exercises, then the weight may, on the contrary, increase, as muscle mass will increase, which will not contribute to the destruction of fat. Therefore, it is worth moving on to such exercises only after losing a few kilograms thanks to cardio exercises.

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Training program 3 times a week for girls

Workouts for girls should be simple. The main task at first is the body's addiction to power loads and stress. He reacts to such a shake very quickly, and progress appears very soon. You also need to remember to rest between workouts so that the muscles recover.

First you need to warm up and run for 10 minutes to warm up. Then proceed to basic training for girls. These include: squats, seated and lying barbell presses, lower and lower deadlifts. upper block, twisting, flexion and extension of the legs on the simulator, lifting the torso on the bench and others.

It is necessary to include exercises for the buttocks and legs. Rest between sets is about 1-2 minutes. Between repetitions, a break is 3-4 minutes. Correct execution is the main task for beginners. Often the rules of the back are not respected, when it should be tightly leaning against the back of the simulators, it is impossible to round.

When it’s hard to complete all approaches or your health worsens, take a break, reduce the load.

After a while, you can move on to a larger load and do more approaches.

Target strength training- constant progress in which there are many components. This is the correctness of the exercises performed, and the gradual but constant weight gain and mandatory recovery, which allows you to maintain this process.

It is very important for girls to be careful with weight and not overdo it. Be sure to listen to well-being, and the reaction of the body to a large load.

Then after a while you can see an excellent result - good figure and toned body.

We optimize the process

It is no secret that in order to achieve results, along with training and strength training, athletes follow a diet and adhere to a daily routine.

What should an athlete do?

  • Provide yourself with food. You can supplement the diet sports supplements, but a person receives the main amount of nutrients from food, so take care of additional income food into the body.
  • Sleep. If there are serious problems with sleep, then streamlining the process will help to fix it. Going to bed at the same time as getting up. If you plan to train on Sunday, then sleep from Friday to Saturday. It is not forbidden to sleep during the day. But from Saturday to Sunday it is worth sleeping no more than 8-9 hours.

A well-designed training program once a week, in conjunction with a diet and regimen, will help you put yourself in order. But much depends on the initial preparation of a person, his willingness to "work" on himself.

Sample training program for 3 times a week

First workout - chest and back

  1. Hyperextension (3x10-15)
  2. Classic deadlift (5-6x6-10)
  3. Bench press (4-6x6-12)
  4. Dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30 gr. (4x8-12)
  5. Pull-ups for the head wide grip(3-4x6-12)
  6. Bent over row reverse grip(4x8-12)
  7. Raising the legs in support (3x10-15)

Second workout - hands

  1. Triceps push-ups (4-5x6-12)
  2. Pull-ups to the chest with a reverse grip (3-4x6-12)
  3. Bench press narrow grip(4-5x8-12)
  4. Standing Dumbbell French Press (3x10-15)
  5. Standing barbell curl (3-4x10-15)
  6. Hammer dumbbell curl (3x10-15)
  7. Flexion / extension of the wrist joint (3x10-15)

Third workout - legs and shoulders

  1. Barbell Shoulder Squats (4-6x6-10)
  2. Barbell lunges (3x8-12)
  3. Alternate dumbbell bench press (4x8-12)
  4. Bench press from behind the head while standing (3x8-15)
  5. Broach with a barbell (3x10-15)
  6. Mahi dumbbells to the sides (3x10-15)
  7. Twisting on incline bench(3x10-15)

Remember that the core workout is not always the easiest exercise to do - just spit. Often these are quite difficult tasks to complete, which must be completed and cannot be skipped.

Rest days must be included in the training program. If you work out effectively and hard, then you need to rest for a long time so that the muscles have time to recover and build mass. If you want to develop your muscles as much as possible, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with something else - throw all your strength into bodybuilding.

Train while fresh and full of energy. With a normal and rationed work day, you may have to get up early to start training, but the result will be worth it. Such dedication on your part will bring you what you desire - the perfect athletic figure. There is nothing wrong with evening training, but it is often done not because of desire, but because of what is needed, often through force, while the exercises themselves do not bring results and are ineffective.

Monitor your weight, nutrition and rest. Do not forget about the internal mood - a lot depends on how comfortable you feel inside. Never be afraid to ask a trainer for advice, and if problems arise, consult your doctor. Keeping track of your physical condition during training is simply necessary. And do not stop, even if it gets harder, because the path to success is not easy.

Training once a week how to pump up if there is no time for training at all

Training once a week is a way out for people with a limited amount of time, which are the vast majority office workers and people building a career, raising young children, but not wanting to let themselves go.

Training once a week, of course, will not give a grandiose result in an increase in muscle mass, or strength indicators, but "better bad workout than its absence”, especially since the training will not be so bad, and the result is quite acceptable.

If you train only once a week, you need to have time to use all the muscle masses in one workout, so the workout will be circular.

Training once a week obeys the same laws as all other training programs, so you don’t need to train 3-4 hours doing a bunch of useless work.


You should have time to load all the muscles in 90 minutes, maybe the whole workout can take 120 minutes, with a warm-up, stretching and cool-down.

The conclusion follows from this: exercises should be basic, loading many muscle groups at once, and exercises should be aimed at training large muscle masses, loading small muscle groups indirectly.

Since you train only once a week, respectively, training is stressful for you, therefore, you need to bring yourself to the “failure” approach gradually, so you should train according to the pyramid principle.

The pyramid principle involves a gradual increase training weight from set to set, with or without saving the number of repetitions in sets. Thus, each approach is getting harder and harder, and the last approach you end up in failure.

All this suggests that training once a week should be high intensity, but at the same time and volume enough so that the athlete has time to prepare his body for the “failure set”. The best scheme for such a circular training is three sixes.

Weekly workout program

Barbell Squat – 6 sets of 6 reps Bench Press – 6 sets of 6 reps Military Press – 6 sets of 6 reps Deadlift – 6 sets of 6 reps Barbell Rows – 6 sets of 6 reps Biceps Curls – 6 sets of 6 reps

Increasing the effectiveness of training

Mode: an important component of any training program, although, of course, it is so clear that for a person who wants to train once a week, the regime is a very conditional thing. Surely you have little time, there is no way to eat on schedule and sleep well.

To improve the quality of nutrition, you can use a thermos, taking an extra meal with you to work, it may be important to use sports nutrition, but remember that 70% of the nutrients should come from ordinary food.

If you have trouble sleeping, then sleep should be the day before training.

For example, you train on Sunday, and Saturday and Sunday are your days off, then you need to sleep for a long time from Friday to Saturday, you can sleep on Saturday afternoon, but from Saturday to Sunday you should sleep 8-9 hours, getting up early to 10-11 You could go to practice.

Home Workouts: This is a great addition to a one-time gym workout that you can practice at home. For example, you can at least just do push-ups, squats and pull-ups without weight, or you can buy a kettlebell and practice with it in the yard.

These workouts should not be oppressive, they are needed to maintain the metabolic rate, helping the muscles to recover for the next workout.

If there is such an opportunity, then we recommend the kettlebell, because the kettlebell is such a projectile that allows you to load not only the superficial muscle layers, but also the postural ones, thanks to which you will feel much better, especially if you are no longer very young.

Gym programs

Training each muscle group once a week

Sample Program #1

Monday: chest, triceps
Tuesday: shoulders, biceps
Wednesday: day off
Thursday: Shoulders, Abs
Friday: legs
Saturday: day off
Sunday is a day off

Program example #2

Monday: chest, triceps, shoulders
Tuesday: day off
Wednesday: legs, abs
Thursday: day off
Friday: back, biceps
Saturday: day off
Sunday is a day off

As you can see, in the splits above (and a bunch of others), each muscle group is trained once a week. This means that each muscle group is trained once every 7 days, which is a fairly low frequency of strength training.

Features of training once a week

Think about it. What happens if you stop exercising for a while? You degrade, the results disappear instantly, and you gradually lose muscle, strength and success that you have achieved. To a lesser extent, but the same thing can (and often does) happen when you wait an entire week before training a muscle group again.

You can train intensely during a workout, but after a week you may lose your progress and not make any progress. So, for your once-a-week workouts to be successful, the volume of training (exercises, reps, number of sets) must be intense enough so that progress is maintained from workout to workout without going beyond your ability to recover.

Another problem with such training

The other big problem with training once a week is that you lose a whole week. Even despite a fairly large load and maintaining the progress of training. Think about it. By training a muscle group once a week, you get 52 workouts per year for each muscle group.

If you trained twice a week, you would get 104 workouts per year. What do you think will bring you the best results in the same amount of time? Obviously, isn't it? What I'm getting at is... even if you're doing everything right, training each muscle group once a week, you're still wasting a lot of time.

You could come back to the gym and increase your progress instead of chilling out for a whole week. And it doesn’t even make sense to say that there is nothing special or magical about training once every 7 days. This is just a random period of time, which is not based on anything. There are no benefits here. It’s just that there are 7 days in a week, so it’s quite convenient to plan workouts with a frequency of once a week.

So, is exercising once a week the best?

All Scientific research show that training each muscle group once a week is the least effective way training, regardless of your goals and level of training. Can it work? Certainly. It works? Yes. To be honest, if you do everything right, then ANY workout can lead to positive results, even this one.

However, the question is not whether it works or not. The question is what works better or worse. And all the research, all the expert opinions and my personal experience show that exercising regularly once a week is not the best option for most people.

Who can train once a week?

Training each muscle group once a week is suitable for the following group of people:

  • People who use steroids
  • People with good genetics
  • People whose goal is to maintain muscle mass rather than increase it. In this case, training
  • once a week is the best option.

Advanced athletes who specialize in specific body parts or muscle groups. They intensively train a certain muscle group, the rest of the muscles are worked out once a week.

Who can't train once a week?

As I said earlier, exercising once a week is not the best solution for most people. Perhaps for you too. For beginner athletes and those who have as their primary goal to increase strength and develop muscle shape, it is better to avoid such regularity of training. Of course, such training will also lead to certain results (assuming that you are doing everything right). This applies to those who are trying to increase muscle mass, dry out and look better. However, these are NOT the best results you can achieve. I don't recommend this option.

Power training

If you prefer to work out in a relaxed mode and pace, then these workouts are for you.

To get your body in shape and lose weight, you must first identify your problem areas. For every girl, these are their places. For some, this is the stomach and sides, and for others, the hips and buttocks. Once you have done this, then from here you need to push off.

Let's take a look at an example.

If you have problem area buttocks and thighs, and you really want to change their shape, size, shape, etc., then naturally, in your workouts, you should focus on the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

The structure of your workout might look like this:

  1. Warm up. Warming up is a mandatory component before any workout, absolutely any! You should devote 3-8 minutes to warm-up and joint gymnastics.
  2. Next, you choose any workout for the legs and buttocks that I have on the channel, and perform it according to my recommendations that I give. I usually say how many sets or laps to do for a given workout. If I don’t mention the number of repetitions, then you just do the first circle with me, and then rewind to the beginning of the video and do the second circle again with me, without bothering about repetitions, I have already taken care of this, so you even no need to count. And so on, depending on how many circles you need to do in this workout.
  3. When you have finished your workout, I recommend that you do a few minutes of cardio. This is necessary in order for the fat burning process to start, since during strength training (its main part) we mainly affect our muscle fibers, making them denser, stronger, more resilient, we create beautiful shapes and relief, but as such, the process of fat burning does not occur. In order for it to turn on, you need to do cardio.

The cardio time is from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how long the main part of the workout took you and what kind of physical fitness you have. But less than 15 minutes, I do not recommend doing. The effect just won't work.

  1. And after cardio, the last stage of training remains - this is stretching. Stretching is also an essential part of any workout. It allows you to restore your heart rate, breathing and return your muscles to their pre-workout state.

Yes, even such a moment. If you have time, then you can do a little abs workout before cardio, after all the circles on the legs and buttocks. If you include exercises for the press after the main workout on the legs, then it is enough to devote 10 minutes to working it out, and then proceed to cardio.

If you have a problem area in the stomach, then you can do a full workout for the press for 20-30 minutes, and after it you still do cardio.

This is with regard to training in a power calm mode. The same applies to arm, chest and back workouts or workouts for all muscle groups at once (there are few such workouts, but they still exist). The entire sequence remains the same.

And now let's look at how many times a week you need to do strength training according to this principle.

Ideal body when training 3 times a week

With the help of three day split you can not only work great on the relief (for this you need to follow an appropriate diet), but also get an excellent result on the mass (for this result you need a different diet). The training program is built as standard: we train for a day, we rest for a day. Tired, clogged muscles need rest for further productive work. On one day we load: biceps-triceps-shoulders, on the second: chest-back, on the third: legs-press. Such a program is effective, and the result will not be long in coming. Although it already depends on how you plow in the hall

Example of a training program

The set of exercises is designed for people with little training experience. It allows you to tone all the main muscle groups for further work on strength and mass. Weights for training are selected individually. Performing a set of exercises should not be easy. We select the weight for the average resistance / effort. The first 2-3 weeks should not reach "failure" in the exercises - first learn the technique. Rest between sets 1-3 minutes, between exercises 3-5 minutes.

Before training, warm up the muscles. After training, we pull the muscle group we worked on. Print out the plan and run to the gym!

At each training session, we write down in the training diary the exercises and weights with which we worked. The first two or three weeks you get used to correct technique exercises, after which you begin to gradually add working weights to basic exercises. After another two or three weeks, as the working weights increase, you can start to throw out isolation exercises from training. The period of work under the program is 1.5-2 months. After that, change the program to another, depending on the result and your further goals.

Workout at home

If you prefer to study at home, there is also a way out! However, keep in mind that there is no experienced trainer at home who will tell you the correct execution of the technique and insure in right moment. Therefore, carefully choose the weight and carefully monitor the technique in order to avoid injuries and home furniture pogroms.

For training at home, it is enough to have at least collapsible dumbbells. Next, we perform the same set of exercises as described above, with the exception of working on simulators. We replace exercises with a barbell with similar ones using dumbbells. Since the number of exercises will be reduced, you need to do 1 more approach in each exercise.

Achieve your desired goals is real! The main rule is SYSTEMATICITY. This means that there may be a bad mood, bad weather and "so much to do that you can't breathe." But, THREE DAYS a week you go to the gym or organize sports ground at home. This is the guarantee of your health and excellent appearance. And remember: the road called THEN leads to the goal called NEVER.

Perhaps training 2 times a week or full body is suitable for you.

Negative effects of frequent training

In any business, quality is not so much important for a person, the same applies to playing sports, so you don’t have to force your body or be too lazy: because at least there will be no result, but at the maximum - there will be health problems. I would like to dwell on the most popular negative consequences too frequent training:

  1. Deterioration of general well-being, weakness, chronic overwork.
  2. Violation of morale. depression, mood swings, aggression or apathy, overexcitability.
  3. Violation of the central nervous system with a variety of symptoms.
  4. The development of heart failure or even multiple organ failure.
  5. Injury or degradation of muscle tissue.
  6. Fall of immunity.
  7. Insomnia.
  8. Hormonal failure, which in women very often leads to at least a violation of the menstrual cycle, then to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and even to pathological infertility, and in men to impotence, the production of female hormones, etc.

When choosing your training program, you need to turn on the brain and first of all think about your health, and not rely on advertising for fitness centers or sports products of all kinds. No matter what posters and posters promise to lose weight or gain muscle mass very quickly without serious disruptions in metabolism and homeostasis - the basic concepts that ensure normal human life.

How to organize workouts for weight loss three times a week

Several strategies can be distinguished:

"Group lessons". You attend 3 Body Pump or Hot Iron classes, or any other club class that uses light to medium weight stacking rods. Don't equate this with full-body bodybar workouts, it's still not quite strength training. Why lessons with stacking rods? Because they perfectly speed up metabolism, help to increase endurance and at the same time work out the technique of strength exercises. Usually, after these classes, people quickly get used to the gym and achieve good results. If you still have energy after these sessions, spend 20-30 minutes on the treadmill at an average pace, advanced aerobics visitors can try interval training.

"Gym" - in this case it is better if strength program the coach will write to you. For those who are engaged in the first year or two, there is no particular point in doing a split. Especially when it comes to girls, after all, your priority is to increase energy consumption, and this is possible only if you load large muscle groups. If, nevertheless, you do, it is better to combine the training of one large group with a load on the “small”, that is, not the classic approach - 1 day back and chest, 2 day - abs and legs, 4 day - arms and abs, and the other - We train the back with biceps, the chest with triceps, and the deltas with legs. Moreover, the press should be pumped every training day, varying the intensity and type of exercises. At the end of the strength session, literally for 15-20 minutes, you should stand on treadmill or ellipsoid, and do a short but intense (interval, undulating) workout.

"Dancing". In this case, ordinary dances will not work. If you need to shape and burn fat at the same time, and gain plasticity and stretching, go to the pylon studio school. Do not be afraid, no one will undress you there, forcibly drive you to the stage - too. Usually the lesson lasts 1.5 hours, during which you will have time to get a power load, and cardio, and stretching. And this dance is quite an energy-intensive thing. Plus, it builds self-confidence and the valuable skill of walking in heels.

"Rock climbing". If the pylon does not suit you for ideological and political reasons, and the gym is simply boring, you can try to be like a climbing wall. Choose an “institution” organized according to the type of section, there must be a coach there, and ideally, also physical training classes. Training in such a club will help not only achieve the utilitarian goal - to lose weight, build a "dry" muscular body, but also significantly expand the circle of communication and leisure activities.

In general, the ideal mode is one in which you recover and enjoy your workouts, and do not drive yourself into the gym for fear of depriving dinner. So, experiment with the frequency of training, and you will definitely find your “recipe for harmony”.

Elena Selivanova

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How often should you exercise

In any case, the right approach is important. Having decided to go in for sports, you should stick to a certain program and not skip workouts. Often, many visitors to the gym cannot find the optimal number of classes per week. Someone does too little - 1-2 times and does not get desired results, another may walk every day and also not see significant changes in the figure. So how many times a week should you go to the gym?

Firstly, you can quickly run out of steam and lose all interest in classes in just a few weeks. Secondly, the muscles need rest to recover, and doing 6-7 times a week, overtraining will inevitably occur and instead of a positive one, you can get a negative effect.

The optimal frequency of sports is 3-4 workouts per week, but these are very average figures, any program should be compiled individually. Consider these factors:

  • level physical training human
  • class load level
  • free time and desire
  • the purpose of the lessons

If you have not previously been involved in sports at all, then you should enter the training regimen gradually, starting with 2-3 workouts per week. Also, do not start frequent visits to the fitness club if you have had long break in the lessons. Those who have a lot of experience and are not new to the sport can work out in the gym 4-5 times a week.

But even people with sufficient experience need to adjust their program depending on the load. You can practice only 3 times a week and completely exhaust yourself in training. In this situation, the body must be given a full long rest. And you can reduce the load by 20-30% and distribute them for 5-6 days.

How many times a week should you go to the gym

With the third point, everything is simple, everyone adjusts the program to suit their capabilities. Not everyone has the time and desire to visit gym 5-6 times a week, in this case, training can be reduced to 2-3 times.

Last, but no less important in importance, is the purpose of the classes. And here it is worth dwelling on various types workouts.

How much exercise do you need to lose weight

However, not everyone likes running or walking. Then you can perform strength exercises with light weights at a fast pace. So you can save and tighten muscles, as well as start fat burning processes. The recommended number of weekly workouts is 4-6. And be sure to give yourself at least one day off.

How often to train to gain mass

A thin body with protruding bones, stick legs and twig arms looks ugly regardless of gender and age. In order to pump up muscles and get rid of this aesthetic problem, it is recommended to engage in heavy power mode, namely, try to lift weights close to the maximum for a small range of repetitions. This will help you training program for gaining muscle mass. Muscles will be injured, so the body needs to arrange rest, during which the restoration and growth of muscle tissue occurs.

Engaging 5-6 times a week in this case is impractical, since the body will not recover until the next visit to the gym. Ideally, you should have at least a rest day after each hard workout, so 3-4 times is the optimal number of sessions for a seven-day cycle.

Working to keep in shape

For regular workouts, it is best to visit a fitness club, but you can work out at home. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve stunning results at home, but it is quite possible to keep yourself in good shape and even lose a couple of kilograms, if there is a desire and willpower. For more active exercises, you can purchase a neck, a small size range of dumbbells and you can successfully train even outside the gym.

Two important points

There are many different options for 4-day workouts (I will describe some of them in this article), but there are two key factors: the modifications or types of exercises you choose are not particularly important here, the main thing is something else. You need to carry iron at least 4 days a week, and work on a specific muscle group every day. Got it? Now, we can continue.

Why 4-day split workouts are better than all other systems

If your main goal is to build muscle mass, it makes sense to consider one decisive factor in your training - the intensity of your approaches. When I say "intensity" I mean the optimal level of effort that your muscles are working at during one training session. Their stamina and your capabilities are significantly increased compared to more intense workouts that allow you to pump only certain muscles, which take place once a week. Therefore, I recommend choosing exactly a 4-day split for mass. And generally speaking…

Four times a day (weekly) is the most optimal pace for such loads

Split workouts allow you to focus on working on one muscle group during one session, such as pumping your legs. It will also allow your muscles to fully relax, bounce back and even grow, i.e., prepare well for the next session, and this is the most important component for building muscle. Another important point is the increase in muscle mass. If you lose sight of this, then very soon you will overdo it, stop noticing the results of your work, and as a result, regression in everything, both in strength and in muscle growth. But do not go crazy, everything is much simpler than it seems. Let's continue…

You will be interested

The exercises collected in this split system are perhaps one of the most effective, yes, they are simply the best, especially for those who seek to build muscle mass. Not surprisingly, many serious bodybuilders take them as the basis for their endurance training. They really work. Ok, enough water, let's actually.

There are many different options for 4-day workouts (I will describe some of them in this article), but there are two key factors: the modifications or types of exercises you choose are not particularly important here, the main thing is something else. You need to carry iron at least 4 days a week, and work on a specific muscle group every day. Got it? Now, we can continue.

Why 4-day split workouts are better than all other systems

If your main goal is to build muscle, it makes sense to consider one decisive factor in your training - the intensity of your approaches. When I say "intensity" I mean the optimal level of effort that your muscles are working at during one training session. Their stamina and your capabilities are significantly increased compared to more intense workouts that allow you to pump only certain muscles, which take place once a week. Therefore, I recommend choosing exactly a 4-day split for mass. And generally speaking...

Four times a day (weekly) is the most optimal pace for such loads

Split workouts allow you to focus on working on one muscle group during one session, such as pumping your legs. It will also allow your muscles to fully relax, bounce back and even grow, i.e., prepare well for the next session, and this is the most important component for building muscle. Another important point is the increase in muscle mass. If you lose sight of this, then very soon you will overdo it, stop noticing the results of your work, and as a result, regression in everything, both in strength and in muscle growth. But do not go crazy, everything is much simpler than it seems. Let's continue...

Several options for four-day split training and their advantages and disadvantages

1. 4 days of intensive work 3 days of rest

The principle is to train 4 days in a row, then do 3 days of unloading and repeat everything again. It may seem to you that if you train 4 days in a row, this will lead to overheating of the muscles, but this is not so. You have nothing to worry about, because. every day you give a load only to certain muscle groups. On other days, you simply do not do exercises that involve already "pumped areas", but this does not mean that these days you can do nothing at all. In fact, you can, even rather, pay attention to exercises that strengthen the cardiovascular system, for example, take a quick walk, swim, work out. game types sports, and even do simple and short-term cardio, etc. - here great options for weekends. It would be nice to get physical activity every day.

The real benefit of choosing this option is that after a hard strength and resistance training session, you actually get 3 days to fully relax (in a sense) or work on your cardio.

2. 2 days of intense training, 1 day of deload, 2 days of training, 2 days of deload

This is the second correct option effective exercises. The undoubted advantage of this technique is the lack of load throughout the day, which will allow you to recover and spend the next session more intensively. This is a great load for the average bodybuilder. More experienced athletes prefer split systems according to the scheme 4 days load 3 days of rest or even the 5/2 scheme. (This topic deserves a separate article, stay tuned for it).

3. Workout on any other day except Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

This split program is chosen by a bodybuilder for whom sport is more of a hobby. It certainly works, but you need to strictly follow the schedule, according to which you should "fall out" for four days a week, you need to try to study several days in a row, otherwise you will be faced with the fact that you will form the habit of giving regular physical activity no more than 3 times a week. That's why I don't recommend this method for those who are really serious about doing a 4-day split training program.

Okay, now that we have figured out the obvious advantages of these activities, and we know what to do and what not to do- it's time for a more detailed analysis of what a good four-day training program for gaining muscle mass should look like. In this program, basically, the number of approaches changes, the number of repetitions is a kind of constant, in each of the exercises there will be a minimum of 8, and a maximum of 12.

Weight training program 4 times a week

Monday: rib cage and triceps

  • Bench press: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Trapeze exercises: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Mahi back through emphasis on bent arms: 4 sets, reps - as far as possible
  • Triceps extensions (extension of the arms on the upper block, extension of the arms using a rope handle): 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Triceps extensions (arm extension using a rope handle, curved plank): 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Arm extension with curved neck overhead barbells: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

Tuesday: Back and biceps

  • Wide grip pull-ups: 4 sets (until exhaustion)
  • Deadlifts with straight legs (death thrust): 4 sets of 5-8 reps
  • Vertical row: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Deadlift: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell Raise: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Close grip pull-ups: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell curls: 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Wednesday: Shoulders and Abs

  • Standing press ( army press): 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Shoulder press with dumbbells: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Breeding arms to the sides: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Front raises: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Squats: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Abs exercises: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Plank: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities

Thursday: Legs and Abs

  • Squats: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Leg curls: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Calf raises (sitting): 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Calf raise (standing): 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Twisting the abdominal muscles with the ball: 4 sets, the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities
  • Leg raises: 3-4 sets of reps depending on your ability
  • Scissors: : 3-4 sets the number of repetitions depends on your capabilities


Saturday: Rest, light cardio

Sunday: Rest, light cardio

Stretching: Stretch before and after your workout. Before lifting the bar, the stretch must be active, and after power loads, more static.

Soon I will write a detailed article on stretching. Keep for updates.

Rest between sets: Make sure that the relaxation between subsequent stages does not last more than 2 minutes, but less than 30 seconds. Listen to your inner voice to know when to move on to the next set. Be aware of the difference between muscle pain and mild fatigue.

The training program must clearly correspond to the goal that the athlete has set for himself. When gaining mass, one principle is used, and when losing weight, another.

It is important to take into account all the features, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a result.

Daily workouts are very exhausting. Not everyone will be able to withstand such a regime, and such an amount of free time is also not always available. 3-4 sessions per week will be enough to work out the whole body completely and provide the body with rest.

All the pros and cons of four-day classes

The three-day split is the most popular type of activity. We know much less about the four-day regimen, however, this option is often used in practice. It has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account.

The positives include:

  • there are 3 free days a week, which is enough for recovery;
  • you can conveniently “scatter” different muscle groups by day so that they do not intersect.

The main negative point is that, given the seven-day week, it will not always be possible to arrange a full day off after class. At least once, two training sessions will be held in a row.

You can partially solve this problem by training at different times of the day, for example, on Monday there is a daytime workout, and on Tuesday - in the evening, the remaining two go on Thursday and Saturday. You can also train completely non-overlapping muscles these days.

Variants of complexes of basic exercises

The training program 4 times a week can be different. It all depends on the goal that the athlete sets for himself. For example, if you need to gain muscle mass, then you should divide the muscles into 4 groups and do your part every day, if you need to lose weight, then you can follow the principle of circular exercises and change the program every one to two weeks.

Attention! There are many options for training programs. Each must correspond to a specific task that the athlete sets.

Mass exercises

Mass training must take into account a number of factors, including recovery of the body. If the muscles are not restored, next workout will only damage them even more, and the situation will not change by the next lesson.

With a four-day plan, you can use the following approach:

Workout 1. Legs.

Perform about 4-5 exercises for 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions. These can be squats, leg presses, lunges, leg extensions in the simulator, lifting on toes.

Workout 2. Chest.

4-5 chest exercises are needed, for example, bench press, incline press, dumbbell fly, crossover and dips.

3-4 sets for 6-12 reps.

Workout 3. Back.

4-5 back exercises, as an option: hyperextensions, deadlift, dumbbell pull to the belt, pull of the lower block and the upper block behind the head.

Workout 4. Shoulders and arms.

2-3 exercises for the shoulders and 2 each for biceps and triceps, for example, standing press, sitting dumbbell press, biceps with a barbell, biceps with dumbbells, reverse push-ups and triceps on the upper block.

3-4 sets for 8-12 reps.

The training plan may be slightly modified. For example, you can do exercises on the legs and shoulders on the first day, then train your arms, then devote a day to your back and then only move on to the chest. Exercises can also be changed.

Important! From time to time it is useful to carry out power cycles, performing multi-repetition movements. This will give a new impetus to the growth of muscle mass, help to cope with stagnation.

Slimming classes

require high energy consumption. Alternatively, you can perform circular exercises, doing several exercises in a row 4 days a week, and then completely change the program. So the plan might be:

  • jumping rope, 100 times;
  • squats for 15 times;
  • bench press 15 times;
  • lifting the legs on the press 15 times;
  • dumbbell pull to the belt 12 times;
  • lifting dumbbells for biceps 12 times;
  • french press for 12 times;
  • hyperextension 15 times.

Exercises can be different, as an option to put something closer to aerobic activity, for example, do burpees, swings with kettlebells, jumping push-ups, bench jumps, rope, pull-ups and push-ups on the uneven bars. All this is done in a row, without rest. The number of circles is five or more.

You can also train on the split principle. The same exercises are performed as for mass gain, but for 20 repetitions, and any cardio before and after training is added to them.

Relief training

The goal of terrain training is to reduce fat while maintaining muscle mass. After such training period muscles should be maximally traced and embossed.

Typically performed heavy exercise, but by 20-25 times. This will maximize blood flow to the muscles, making them expressive and full. The training program looks like this:

Day 1. Legs.

Squats, lunges, breeding on the simulator, mixing on the simulator, lifting on toes, leg extension in the simulator. All exercises are done 20-25 times in 4 sets.

Day 2 pectoral muscles and triceps.

Bench press, dilution of dumbbells, push-ups from the uneven bars, French bench press, extension in the simulator. Everything is done 20-25 times in 4 sets.

Day 3: Shoulders and biceps.

Bench press standing, Arnold press, breeding standing, lifting the barbell, biceps in the Scott bench. 20-25 for 4 sets.

Day 4. Back.

Deadlift, pull-ups, dumbbell rows, lower block and upper block pulls. 20-25 for 4 sets, and push-ups - to the maximum.

Relief training can be somewhat different. For example, you can use the principle of supersets, combining 2 exercises, performing them one after another. There are many variations, the main thing is that the muscles are properly restored and trained in accordance with the established plan.

Useful video

Main conclusions

A four-day workout is also well justified. This mode is convenient in that it helps to divide the muscles into more groups in order to give them special attention every day, which would be impossible with three workouts in Week.

The main thing is to follow the established rules, follow the diet and diet plan. In this case, the result will not keep you waiting. Muscle groups will be pumped properly, without intersecting and without interfering with mutual recovery.

Despite the popularity of training 3 times a week, the use of an additional fourth day allows you to optimally load all the main muscle groups, breaking them into pairs. The only drawback of this approach to training is the need to find time for the fourth training day and a little more difficulty in planning rest time, since for amateur athletes, training is not the main occupation in life, but is combined with work/study and days off.

Principles of effective training for mass 4 times a week

  • Training each antagonist muscle group on a separate day.

This means the division of all major muscle groups into pairs according to the principle of combining antagonist muscles. For example, chest + back, quads + hamstrings, biceps + triceps, front, middle delts + rear deltas, trapezoid. Antagonists are called muscles that perform directly opposite functions to each other - the biceps flexes the arm, the triceps unbends; the chest is tight, the back is pulling; biceps femoris flexes the leg, quadriceps - unbends; etc. The main feature of these muscles is that no matter how intense they are, they do not interfere with each other and do not negatively affect strength / endurance in specific exercises.

  • High intensity exercise.

Basic exercises should be performed in a heavy strength manner to "failure", using an average number of repetitions - from 5 to 8. These exercises have the strongest effect on muscle growth and strength.

  • High volume in exercises.

Isolation exercises do not have such a strong effect on increasing muscle mass, but they help to “finish off” well. working muscle, while fulfilling the secondary factors of muscle growth (accumulation of lactate, microtears of muscle tissue, etc.). Isolation movements are performed at the end of the workout, with light weight, with the highest quality, with a range of repetitions from 15 to 20.

Mass program: workout 4 times a week

Day 1– Chest + Back.

Exercises Approaches repetitions
3 6-8*
3 6-8*
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure***
2 to failure***

* - use the maximum working weight for a given number of repetitions.
** - use the maximum working weight for 8 repetitions. Do not count the completed repetitions, but do until you can not complete a single repetition.
*** - use working weight for 12 repetitions. Do your reps slowly. Do not count the completed repetitions, but do until you can not complete a single repetition.

Day #2– Quadriceps + Biceps thighs.

Exercises Approaches repetitions
3 6-8*
3 6-8*
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure***
2 to failure***

Day #3deltoids, trapezoid.

Exercises Approaches repetitions
3 6-8*
3 6-8*
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure**
2 to failure***

Or, in other words, a four-day training program is used by advanced athletes with at least one year of training experience who have used in training process like , and . They have already been able to achieve excellent results in terms of building muscle mass, as well as increasing strength indicators in the main basic exercises.

Four day split this is one of the varieties of a separate training system, which involves the division of all muscles into four separate groups (trainings), each of which is worked out, as a rule, once a week. That is, you train 4 times a week, working out 1-2 muscle groups in each workout. For example, on Monday we work the muscles of the back, on Tuesday the muscles of the chest, on Thursday the legs, and on Friday the arms and shoulders. Unlike two and three-day programs training, a training program four times a week for mass, thanks to the introduction of an additional training day into the weekly microcycle, contributes to a deeper and better study of the muscles.

For example, you used to work out on a three-day split program, working out the back and biceps in the first workout, the chest and triceps in the second workout, and the legs and shoulders in the third workout. Agree, after training the back, the biceps get very tired, just like after training the chest, the triceps get tired. Options three day split lot. But in any case, due to fatigue, we cannot work out small muscle groups at 100%. A four-day mass split gives us the opportunity to more qualitatively and deeply work out not only large, but also small muscle groups, such as arms and shoulders.

You can distribute muscle groups in different ways by day, depending on your goals and preferences. My favorite is the 4-day mass split option below. On Monday I work the back muscles, on Tuesday the chest muscles, Wednesday is a rest day, on Thursday I train the muscles of the legs and on Friday the arms and delts. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Four-day split for mass: training program

Monday (BACK)

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3-4 sets 8-12 repetitions

2. Classic deadlift 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps

3. Bent Over Rows 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Horizontal thrust in block simulator sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

5. Shrugs 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

Tuesday (CHEST)

1. Bench Press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Incline dumbbell bench press 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

3. Wiring dumbbells lying on a bench with a positive angle of inclination 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Thursday (LEGS)

1. Barbell squat 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

2. Deadlift on straight legs 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

3. Leg press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Rises on socks in a standing position 3-4 sets pl 12-15 repetitions

5. Rises on socks in a sitting position 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions


1. Bench press with a narrow grip lying on a bench 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

2. Dips with an emphasis on triceps 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

3. Standing barbell curls 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Hammers with dumbbells 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

5. Bench press up sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

6. Barbell row to the chin 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

Four-Day Workout Program: Notes

This version of the four-day split mass training program trains each muscle group once a week, not counting the indirect loading of small muscle groups. alternation training days and days of rest occurs according to the scheme of the weekly microcycle 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 (Mon and Tue - training, Wed - rest, Thu and Fri - training, Sat and Monday - rest).

Unlike a 3-day split, a four-day mass split allows you to work out each muscle group more efficiently. You can distribute muscle groups differently over the days and change the order of the exercises, adjusting this four-day split for mass for yourself. You should not stick to the same one for a long time without any changes. Remember that variation is one of the key principles of bodybuilding. Good luck friends!