How many sets and reps to do depending on the goals of the workout. How many sets and reps to do per mass What does 2 3 sets mean

Absolutely in any gym you will see people making a lot of mistakes during training - the guy on the bench beats the barbell from the chest, someone does the leg curl, and at the same time his pelvis is more mobile than the hamstrings, the other tries to press in the simulator "butterfly". These visible shortcomings can significantly slow down your progress in training, however, this is not the only thing you should worry about. What about errors you don't see?

None of these mistakes will harm your training efforts as much as choosing hard training over training smart. Many people can train hard, but it is training smartly that will help you get closer to your goal. For example, let's say you want to build muscle. You can choose light weights and do 50-60 reps, or take big weight and pick it up 10 times. In both cases, you will work hard, but one of the methods is more effective in building muscle.

Efforts are important, but they must be used wisely! In order to optimize your efforts in the gym, you need to understand what rep range is best for reaching your goal. Fortunately, research has already been done on this topic. And today we will talk about how to choose the right rep range for your goals.

Three Goals - Three Rep Ranges

Training to increase muscle volume (Hypertrophy)

If you are training to increase muscle volume, then you should select the weight in such a way that muscle failure occurs after 8-12 repetitions. In other words, after you've completed your warm-up sets - which will help you prevent injury - you should pick up a weight that you can do at least 8 and no more than 12 reps with.

This means that if you only did 6-7 reps, then that weight is too heavy and you should reduce it on the next set. On the other hand, the option when you can do more than 12 repetitions is also wrong. The correct set is when you hit failure - the point where you can't do another set on your own - in the 8-12 rep range. If you can easily do more than 12 reps, add weight to the next set to reach muscle failure in the range we need.

Of course, the guy who hits the barbell off the chest and the guy who lifts the pelvis off the bench to do the barbell press are grossly violating technique. If your technique breaks down when performing an exercise, the weight of the projectile may be too large for you. Learn and practice techniques from books.

By choosing the right load for muscle building, you can effectively load fast muscle fibers, which are more prone to increase in size and strength, in combination with resistance training, and this will be enough to stimulate growth. However, these muscle fibers tire very quickly, so you shouldn't lift very heavy weights for high reps.

Train like a bodybuilder: if you want to increase muscle mass, aim for 8-12 reps per set and choose multi-joint movements such as bench press, squat, overhead press, bent over row and deadlift. These exercises engage more muscles than single-joint movements, allowing you to lift more weight.

Load the desired muscle group with different exercises with a high volume of repetitions and sets to stimulate growth. In general, the rest period between sets should be 1-2 minutes.

Strength training

When you pick up the weight to do 8-12 muscle-building reps, you are also building strength, no question. But this weight is not optimal for increasing strength. When your goal is to maximize strength, you should train with a weight that you can lift for only 1-6 reps. Very heavy weight makes you stronger.

This is exactly the approach to training used by the strongest men and women on the planet, especially powerlifters. They lift inhuman weights in competition and you can be sure they use a similar approach in training.

Of course, many of these athletes don't train hard all the time. They alternate high-intensity training (heavy weights) and low-intensity periods, which helps them reduce the risk of injury, keep their joints healthy, and reach peak strength for competitions. They usually use a 12 or 16 week periodization program to help them progress well. First they do a set of 5 reps, then 3, and finally 2 or 1 reps. Strength training also recruits fast muscle fibers. But it is aimed not only at increasing the volume and strength of muscles, but also at training the nervous system.

Train like a powerlifter: The training of athletes for strength differs from the training of bodybuilders in that they avoid sets in failure because they can negatively affect nervous system. The rest period between sets on working weights is quite long - 3-5 minutes - in order to fully recover before the next set. After the main multi-joint exercises, auxiliary exercises are performed that help strengthen weak spots in the execution of the main movement.

Muscle Endurance Workouts

You may be focused on getting as big or strong as possible, but not everyone is chasing those goals. Classic example of a runner on long distances(marathon runner), who needs to run 42 kilometers at one pace, for this he develops muscle endurance. In the gym, this will mean that you need to take less weight and do 15 reps or more.

Low-intensity training usually involves aerobic exercise because oxygen plays a key role in metabolic processes. This allows you to keep you active for a longer period of time. These energy processes take place predominantly in slow-moving muscle fibers, so by doing low-intensity, high-rep workouts, you create mechanisms within the muscle cell that make it more adapted to aerobic exercise.

This type of training increases muscle endurance without necessarily increasing their volume. Well-trained athletes can perform high reps for long periods of time without feeling tired, but you are unlikely to see a marathon runner with a sprint body.

Train for endurance: the basis of training for athletes whose sports require good endurance is most often not related to gym, so it is quite difficult to repeat their movements with weighting. Multi-joint exercises performed with light weights for high reps or even weightlifting exercises can build muscle endurance, of course, as long as you can maintain correct technique during execution.

The rest period should be short enough, because. oxygen consumption and lactic acid removal process are not limiting factors in endurance training.

Relationship between reps and weight

By understanding how many reps you should be doing, you will also understand how much weight you should be lifting. These things are inseparable. If you draw a graph, you will get a linear relationship: the more weight you add, the fewer repetitions you can do; with lighter weights, you will be able to do more reps.

I'm always surprised when I'm training with a new partner who is stuck on a specific weight and rep scheme - say 36kg dumbbell bench press for 8 reps. I tell him to take 40kg, to which he replies, "I can't do it!". In fact, he can, just not 8 times. Inevitably, after working with 40kg dumbbells and feeling this new sense of strength, he will be able to lift 42kg, and even try 45kg.

We have touched a lot important point A: You don't have to train in the same rep range all the time. You can start your workout with heavy multi-joint exercises for 5 sets of 5 reps. In order to focus on building muscle mass, you can add some exercises in the 8-12 rep range. At the end of the workout, you can work out slow muscle fibers and finish the session with isolation exercises for 15-20 repetitions.

Over time, you will understand your personal strength curve and weight-to-rep ratio in every exercise you do. It will help you a lot if you write down the weights and repetitions that you have done in a notebook. This is important because as you get stronger, you will want to lift more weight in the same rep range. When building muscle, once you can do more than 12 reps on a core exercise, it's time to increase the weights by 5-10 percent.

The weight you pick up on your strength curve should match the number of reps you need to do according to your training goal. In that sense, your workouts shouldn't be random where you just lift the same weight every session; eat more suitable weights and the optimal number of repetitions that you should do. It all depends on the goal you set for yourself!

How many repetitions to do in the approach is a very important question. The result that you get from classes depends on the number of repetitions. In this article, I will try to answer this question as accurately as possible. And you will be able to correctly determine the rate of repetitions, based on your own goals.

To get started, take a look at this diagram. And below I will give all the explanations.

What is the correct number of repetitions?

It all depends on the purpose of the classes, your age and level of training.

In general, all this is not far from the truth. But when it comes to practice, there are many nuances. And the bottom line, as is often the case, is in the details. In these very nuances.

First, let's do the following. On the one hand, I propose to clearly separate the different zones of repetition. On the other hand, I refuse a clear separation of these zones.

What is a re-maximum?

This indicator will help you better understand the topic. It is usually referred to as PM or simply indicated that the weight is 100%.

Rep max is the specific weight that you can lift in this exercise just one time. Necessarily technically clean (without cheating and other tricks). Adding even 100 g to this weight makes this weight unbearable for you.

If it is written that the weight is 90%, then we are talking about a weight that is 0.9 of the repeated maximum. If your rep max is 70 kg in barbell squats, then 90% of it will be 63 kg. Got it? Move on.

The number of repetitions. Clearly separate areas.

1-3 reps

This number of repetitions increases the one-time strength. Here we use the heaviest weights (90-105% of the maximum, but there are exceptions - someday I will talk about the method of low-rep explosive training with light weights). Don't be surprised at strength training In powerlifting, a value of 105% is often found. This is a normal practice that allows athletes to quickly achieve new results.

In this range, parameters such as coordination of movements (an important thing for the development of one-time muscle strength) and innervation are powerfully developed. motor units(these are groups of muscle cells innervated by one motor neuron).

Large weights instantly force the body into optimal positions and exhibit optimal biomechanics.

And motor units in general are a very interesting thing. Purely strength training"teaches" the muscles to use as many motor units as possible at the same time, in one repetition. This synchronization manifests itself as a one-time force.

This method best develops white muscle fibers.

4-6 reps

This number of repetitions is performed in approaches to develop muscle power and explosive strength (see also). Usually, weights of 80-85% of the repeated maximum are used.

Sets of 4-6 reps are optimal for developing explosive strength and movement power. However, this method does not grow records in single repetitions as effectively as training with 90-105%, despite the fact that it also develops white muscle fibers well.

6-8 reps

This is a very convenient and comfortable number of repetitions for muscle growth. The optimal weight is 70-80% of the repeated maximum. I remember that I made the most progress in the barbell mass squat at this number of repetitions. A higher number of repetitions led to an acute lack of oxygen and premature termination of the set.

It is believed that this range is optimal for the development of myofibrillar muscle hypertrophy. That is, muscle myofibrils (contractile elements of muscle cells) develop (increase in thickness). Basically, white muscle fibers respond well to this number of repetitions.

The range is very good and comfortable. However, it feels like if you “sit” only on it all the time, there is no development of endurance (it literally evaporates) and even an ordinary run for 2-3 km or a couple of rounds in the ring become a cruel test for the breath and heart.

9-12 reps

Many people think that this amount is too high for muscle growth and refer to this range as endurance. After all, here we are dealing with weights of the order of 65-70% of the repeated maximum. When training with such weights, red muscle fibers are also actively included in the work.

However, the practice of classes and some studies indicate a significant mass-gaining effect in the range of 10 to 18 repetitions. This is in conflict with the opinion of staunch supporters of pure strength training, aimed at 6-8 repetitions. Also, after years of low rep training, training for 12 or more reps is very uncomfortable. Many athletes confuse this feeling of discomfort with a lack of effect.

In the range from 10 to 18 repetitions in the muscles, indeed, there is no active growth of myofibrils in thickness. However, there is a serious increase in the volume of the sarcoplasm, which directly affects the volume of muscles and strength endurance. This does not increase one-time muscle contractility, but the functional component (the ability to work intensively and for a long time) increases significantly. Therefore, the opinion of staunch supporters can be easily moved and expanded if we are talking specifically about the growth of muscle mass.

In addition, do not forget that many training parameters affect the growth of muscle mass: (and, accordingly, the number of approaches), the growth of working weight, etc.

12-15 reps

It is considered the optimal number for improving the shape and relief of muscles. Usually, weights in the range of 55-65% of the repeated maximum are used here. In the muscles, mainly red muscle fibers work.

This range really improves the shape and relief. But a lot depends on nutrition. If you make it mass-gathering, the mass will grow very well.

15-25 or more reps

According to established ideas, this is a zone of almost exclusively growth and improvement of their relief. If you work with iron, then with such a number of repetitions, weights in the region of 55% of the repeated maximum and below are used. In the muscles, almost exclusively red muscle fibers work, which are responsible for endurance. Also for fat burning.

Be sure to keep in mind that such training seriously hits one-time strength, quickly reducing it.

It is for this reason that people practicing the so-called healthy lifestyle - regular long runs and simple exercises with own weight for many repetitions, and often radical forms of vegetarianism (God forbid!) do not like “iron” so much or limit it to a minimum. And absolutely in vain, by the way! Iron is a very powerful health stimulant and, unfortunately, the subject of great misconceptions among the older generation...

Well, we have gone through the entire reasonable range of repetitions in strength exercises. Now let's see why it is worth moving away from the clear boundaries of these ranges.

The response of muscles and the whole organism to these ranges includes different mechanisms and adaptations. And often a certain adaptation begins to manifest itself in one zone, manifests itself to the maximum in another, and sometimes its signs are present in the third, and so on. repetition zones. That is, many parameters are not uniquely related to a specific number of repetitions.

When it comes to pure strength training at times, then the best way here it will be the execution of one-time repetitions with maximum weights. However, even if you train for 6-8 repetitions, one-time strength will also increase. But not so fast. After all, 6-8 repetitions are not optimal for this.

Separately, it is worth remembering about training for relief, when you need to “burn” overweight. It looks like you just need to do a lot of repetitions here. And here is and not necessarily!

There are many training methods that allow you to quickly burn fat by training with relatively large weights and low reps (8-12). We are talking about methods such as, etc.

How many repetitions do you need?

If you are a beginner (poor shape and no training experience, plus possibly extra pounds)

Do simple bodyweight exercises for 15 or more repetitions. Try to increase this number to 40-50 or more. Examples of exercises: squats, forward bends, etc.

If you are a beginner (training less than 3-6 months)

Fulfill strength exercises for 12-15 repetitions. Try to gradually increase the working weight.

If you have an average level of training (training from 6 to 12 months)

You should think about periodization of training. This is a simple alternation of sets of exercises with a different number of repetitions. You will definitely benefit from 6-8, and 12-15, and 15-25 repetitions. And it would be better to divide them into different sets of exercises performed in different months of the year.

If you have extra pounds (but you are somehow mobile)

Start practicing high reps simple exercises with its own weight. Do 20-40 or more squats per set. Do a lot of tilts (20 or more per approach). It is this method that has proven itself in my training.

If you are underweight or an ectomorph (and already have at least 3 months of training experience)

Do sets of 4-6 or 6-8 reps. This will allow you to grow muscle and gain weight as quickly as possible. No push-ups and running will help here. You need strength training and a very satisfying diet. And rest between sets. The workout will turn out to be longer, but the “meat” will grow effectively.

If you are over 50

It is recommended not to use a low number of repetitions (1-6) in training. More precisely, use rarely, as a peak workout once every 2-4 weeks. However, you should not completely abandon strength training. During the year, you should have 2-3 complexes for 1-2 months with a number of repetitions from 6 to 10. This is extremely important precisely because of the age when muscle mass, and with it the remnants of health.

Wish successful classes! Questions and comments are welcome.

Behind every good training program is the correct execution of a specific exercise. Training can be done in many ways, and none of them is unambiguously better than the rest. So, how many sets and reps for mass, strength, and sculpting exercises do you need to do? The following tips will help you decide how many sets and reps to perform.

Repetition- performing the movement in the exercise in both directions is the basis of personal progress and a prerequisite for the implementation of each exercise. One repetition consists of an eccentric contraction, during which the muscle is lengthened, and a concentric contraction, during which the muscle is shortened.

Performing multiple repetitions without a break in between is called approach. However, what really defines a set is the break between multiple repetitions.

To create a training program, you need to define number of sets and repetitions in the exercises you will be doing. In each set, you determine the number of repetitions based on the goal of a particular training program. Sets and reps notation is denoted as follows: X sets x Y reps. For example, 3x10 means 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Before you start training, however, you must understand that the manner in which you perform repetitions will affect how one or another develops. specific muscle. Probably the most important thing to remember is that each rep must be done correctly.

To be successful, you must strive to perform the rep perfectly on every set. This will keep you from acquiring bad habits in terms of lifting weights, reduce your chances of injury, and increase your chances of developing quality muscle.

Very often you can hear that approaches in the English manner are called “sets” (from the English “set”). In this case, they say: 4 sets of 8 repetitions. Repetitions in English “reps”, short for the word “repetings” - repetitions, repetitions.

For a perfect rep, spend 2-3 seconds lifting the weight and 3-4 seconds lowering it. The weight of the weight should be such that you lift it the right number of times, excluding excessive swinging and watching correct technique doing the exercise.

In general, one to three sets of 8-12 reps are recommended. Muscle fibers respond well to repeated stimulation in this range. However, once in a while it is better to do only 5 reps, or conversely, you suddenly want to do 20 or more reps. As the weight increases, the number of repetitions usually decreases. It takes more effort to lift more weight, and you need to “build up” your strength first.

Optimal for the development of strength and muscle performance is the number of 6 to 8 repetitions in the approach. The principle of gradual overload works here - when the muscles have adapted to the weights and their re-training must be done with a heavier weight.

Lifting lighter weights allows you to perform more reps, improving your ability to work for longer. The general rule is that more a light weight and more reps increase muscle endurance, while heavier weight and fewer reps increase strength.

The number of sets depends on your ability to recover from each set. Usually, the harder you push yourself during a set, the harder it is to complete more sets.

The general recommendation is to perform from one to three approaches - the best option. Avoid doing too many sets, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete. Even one approach to the exercise already leads to significant results.

Bigger doesn't mean better; the number of approaches depends on the quality of repetitions. Personal progress comes with the number of quality approaches, not just the number of them.

Rest between sets

Recovery - main part workouts. How long should you rest between sets? It may be obvious, but the harder you push, the more time you need to recover. The length of time you rest affects the number of reps you can complete.

Recovery is also affected by the total number of sets you complete the exercises with. Good general rule Rest 60 to 90 seconds between sets. More a short time rest, such as 30 seconds, promotes muscle endurance, but also requires lighter weights.

A longer rest period (3 minutes or more) means you will develop more strength and be able to lift more weight on subsequent sets.

Number of sets and reps for mass, strength and relief

The following table classifies common goals and exemplary training criteria.

The goals of strength training and its specification

In fact, the situation with approaches and repetitions is really complicated. As for the number of repetitions, there are at least basic concepts, namely:

  • 1-4 reps develop mainly strength,
  • 5-12 - muscle volume,
  • 13-15 - relief.

However, there are plenty of examples where athletes achieved impressive relief by doing 5-6 reps per set, and made a real breakthrough in terms of muscle volume, performing 12-15 and even 20 reps.

As for the set of relief, it has long become clear that the main factor is still not the number of repetitions, but competent diet. But with the build-up of muscle tissue is still foggy. Therefore, many fans of bodybuilding and fitness constantly vary the number of repetitions performed.

Let's say you can work out one workout for 6 repetitions, and the other for 12. Or, within the framework of one lesson, using the "pyramid" principle, do 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 and even 4 repetitions in succession, as if providing your own body full range of repetitions.

As for the number of approaches, there is also no consensus, although recently something has begun to clear up. In fact, there are two directions in bodybuilding: strength training, which includes a minimum of approaches in exercises (1-2), and when 4-6 or even more sets are performed in one approach.

The minimum number of approaches implies prohibitive intensity: impressive weights, work to complete muscle failure, and even special techniques to increase the effectiveness of training such as “forced” repetitions. At the same time, in volume training, small weights are used, work to “failure” is not carried out.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that muscles grow well from 1 approach in an exercise, and from 5 they do not grow. Similarly, the opposite cannot be said. Muscles grow from both. Therefore, choosing one or another training system, it is better to be guided by personal feelings.

For example, some are sickened by long monotonous work and small weights. It is better for these athletes to train in power mode with a minimum of sets. And vice versa - if a person can hardly endure straining associated with working on extreme weights, volume training is his element.

It is only clearly known that a small number of approaches and heavy weights are a much faster path to injury. So, if you proceed from security considerations, draw your own conclusions.

For creating own program training, you need to set the number of sets and repetitions and the time that you will spend on rest, so that you can achieve the desired results.

Every time we come to the gym, we see that many people do a load on the muscles with the help of one exercise many times. Often approaching the simulator, we ask, do you still have a lot?, And in response, 3 more approaches. Some do 3, others 5, others even more, here the question arises, how many approaches do you need to do in training ???

At the beginning, since this article is aimed mainly at beginners, I will explain that A SET is a set number of repetitions performed per exercise. For example, let's take it so beloved by beginners - they lay down on a bench and, for example, squeezed it 8-10 times from the chest, then got up and rest, this will be 1 APPROACH.

Let's find out once and for all how many approaches you need to do in one exercise per workout:

Warm-up approaches

It doesn’t matter what exercise you are doing and on which muscle group, at first they are always done warm-up approaches - they are necessary to prevent injury to muscles, ligaments and joints , thus setting up the muscles for the next physical activity, blood flow increases, and with it the amount of useful substances, due to which strength increases.

Any self-respecting athlete different levels, always warms up before hard work, because he knows about negative consequences if this is neglected.

The GOLDEN RULE is to do 2 warm-up sets followed by 3-4 working sets. .

For clarity, consider an example on:

2. Squat with an empty bar 20 repetitions, to pump blood into the muscles, warm up the knee joints and increase muscle concentration - does not count as an approach ;

3. 40 kg x 12 reps - warm-up set

4. 50kg. x 10 reps - warm-up set

5. 65 kg. x 8 reps - rolling approach

6. 85kg. x 8 reps - working set

7. 85kg. x 8-7 repetitions - working approach

8. 85kg. x 7-6 repetitions - working approach

According to the rules, the last 3 working sets are always performed with, should be performed for 8 repetitions, but in reality this
it doesn’t always work out, as the strength gradually goes away, but you still need to strive to complete 8 repetitions, this should be your goal.

Then moving on to working out the muscles of the legs, for example, a leg press - you should not do a lot of warm-up approaches, the muscles are already warmed up, the 1st warm-up approach will be enough, after that you proceed immediately to the workers. Consider an example:

1. 50 x 12 reps warm-up set

2. 75 x 10 reps - rolling set

3. 100 x 8 reps - working set

4. 100 x 8-7 reps - working set

5. 100 x 7-6 reps - working set.

Working approaches

Many have asked me, and you yourself have wondered more than once, is it possible to get by with 1 working approach? Indeed, in this approach, the muscles are fully involved in the work, there is a release of growth hormone and useful micro-tears. muscle fibers, which are then healed with protein, set the growth phase, so after all, 1 approach can and that's it ?!

NO and again NO, do not deceive yourself and do not look for easy ways. The use of 3 working approaches is necessary in order to feel and work out the trained muscle well. , in 1 approach it is almost impossible to do this, and IT IS UNREAL FOR BEGINNERS. Only professional bodybuilders are capable of this.


We emphasize the main thing - you should not do more than 3-4 working approaches, remember! you must invest in, before working approaches, be sure to follow

How to start playing sports and not become disabled

Many people start doing fitness to improve physical form or lose extra pounds, and end up with injuries and disappointment in sports. Most often this happens due to a lack of understanding in what quantities and with what intensity the exercises should be done. Our freelance coach explains why to repeat exercises, how to do the right warm-up and calculate the load that is right for you.

AT training programs the number of repetitions is almost always indicated: push up 20 times or do a maximum of squats in 30 seconds. It is clear what to do, but why so? Everyone who begins to engage in self-care needs to understand how many repetitions are needed, in what exercises and for what purpose. Otherwise, there is a risk of training according to a program that will not lead you personally to the desired result. If it is promoted by a fitness businessman breaking into the market, and not by a competent trainer, then there is a danger of injury and forgetting for a while about any improvement in the figure.

There is no magic or super complicated calculations in choosing a rep range. Everything is determined by understandable logic related to the reactions of our body to the load. It should be remembered that overall result also depends on other training parameters: working weight, movement speed, rest between sets, etc. But now let's analyze what number of repetitions is better in different exercises and for different purposes.

healthy approach

The main selection criterion, as always, remains health: the right load strengthens it, the wrong one destroys it.

Multi-joint ones are more physiological, movement in them is more natural for the body, so you can perform any number of repetitions in one approach - from one to tens and hundreds. An exception should be made for exercises that strain the spine: back squats and deadlifts. In them, it is better to start with the average range (6-12) even with low weight. Although multi-rep squats and deadlifts are very effective, the lower back must be accustomed to them gradually.

Everything is different with single-joint exercises: since the movement is isolated in one joint and often puts it in a less than optimal position, you need to reduce the load and do more repetitions: 15–20 or more. Never do isolating exercises in a strength style - with a maximum weight of five repetitions, three or even one. Trying to set a record will only lead to damage to the joints, ligaments and tendons.

Warm-up and training

When you first enter the gym, the body is not ready for training and needs to be awakened. To do this, a warm-up is performed, first a general one (jogging on a track, an exercise bike or light gymnastics), then specific - in the exercises themselves. Start with minimal weight and high reps, then gradually increase the load by decreasing the number of repetitions. Let's take the barbell squat as an example.

The first warm-up set is 20-30 squats without weights.

The second warm-up set is 10–15 bodybar or empty bar squats.

The third warm-up set is 8–12 squats with a warm-up weight on the bar.

If you have problems with your knee joints or lower back (but the doctor allowed you to squat), then you may need an additional warm-up before squats: extension and flexion of the legs on the simulator or extension of the back (hyperextension). In them, too, do more repetitions - 15–25 with a minimum load to warm everything up, pump blood into the working muscles and lubricate the joints.

After warming up, start working sets of 6-10 repetitions with training weight. The first few months you need to master the technique of the exercise, not thinking about the intensity. If you can’t control the movement in this range, then do fewer repetitions in the approach, for example, three to six. At the same time, do not particularly increase the weight: it should be felt for correct execution, but do not spoil the technique. The better you learn how to do exercises at the very beginning of classes, the more strength, mass or harmony will be in the end.

Reps for Strength

Now fast forward six months: you have learned how to do the exercises correctly, the whole room is going to look at you and bow to the divine technique. What to do next? Let's say your goal is pure strength, you are going to compete in powerlifting, climbing, martial arts or ballet. In cases where you need to become stronger with a minimal increase in your own weight, you should increase the load in a small range of repetitions. In the warm-up, leave everything the same - you still need to warm up the muscles and lubricate the joints, but in working sets, do five to six repetitions. At the same time, do not bring to failure: the last repetition in the approach should be difficult, but clean. When you have completed all planned repetitions, on next workout add two 0.5 kg pancakes to the bar and again beat to ensure that every movement is of high quality. Want to do more? Add approaches. Sometimes try the maximum load for five, three and one repetition, but not too often - once every few weeks.

If isolation movements are required, such as arm extensions for a lagging triceps, then add them at the end of the workout in a medium-high number of repetitions - 12-20.

Reps for Mass

You can often hear in fitness clubs that for mass you need to do 8-12 repetitions, and for those who are afraid to pump over, this range scares away. The fact is that they do not hear about an important nuance: in these repetitions you need to work to the limit - 8–12 lifts of a cup of coffee will not add any mass. Muscles in general can grow from different ranges if sufficient training volume is gained and a certain overload occurs. So what do you do when your dream is muscle growth? Choose the most mass-building exercises and increase weights in the middle range, as well as add isolation with a large number repetitions. In deadlifts, squats and standing presses, taking care of the spine, it is better to stay at 6-10 repetitions. But in lunges, bench presses and pull-ups, you can increase to 12-15 - this will bring more mass. In bench presses and deadlifts on simulators, you can reach up to 20–25 repetitions, reaching muscle failure, and in single-joint exercises, do 30, 40, even 50 repetitions, finally finishing off the muscles so that they no longer have the right not to grow.

How much to do, so as not to pump up?

Now that we have figured out a little about the features of muscle growth, let's move on to workouts that do not increase mass, but vice versa. In order to lose weight, you can do endurance, increasing the time of work of individual muscles and developing cardiovascular and respiratory system. Let's say you need leg endurance for a long run. Marathon every day is not the most healthy decision for knee joints, but some volume of squatting will help. Start with light squats and increase the number of repetitions gradually, for example, five or even one per workout. When you hit 100 reps per set, you can continue and get to 200, or you can pick up dumbbells and do sets of 20-50 reps. It’s better not to do so many times with a barbell on your back, the lower back will fail.

Another option is general endurance developed by circuit or interval training. Choose a few multi-joint full-body exercises that you can do very well and do them one after the other without rest pauses - rest when you finish the whole circuit. Work at medium to high reps (8-12 or 15-25), but with half as much weight as you can handle in this range. The meaning of such a scheme is in long-term work with a change of exercises: individual muscles do not receive sufficient load for growth, but the heart and lungs work intensively, and a lot of calories are spent.

Now you know why programs and specific movements have different reps, and you can start meaningful training. First learn how to clearly do the exercises, then take on the technique that leads to your goal. Try not to break the execution technique for the sake of the protocol: if you feel that you do not control the weight and the movement deteriorates, stop the set. It’s better to miss some reps than to finish everything, getting injured and losing the opportunity to train. Remember that a healthy body will always look better.