Tips for those who lose weight sports! Useful and harmful advice for those who are losing weight Those who are losing weight

Have you decided to become healthier and lose weight? Then you need to create a plan to achieve this goal. I will list 9 steps that will help you move in the right direction.

It's time to get used to yourself healthy eating and exercise. Decide to follow the new 21 day routine. It is during this period that a habit is formed.

Keep a diary

People overeat 25% daily and don't even notice it. Keeping a journal will help you understand where calories come from, notice patterns, and spot holes in your schedule. One study showed that keeping records can double the amount of weight loss ( 1 ).

Write down what you eat and how much time you exercise. Don't forget to analyze at the end of each week and correct mistakes. This will point you in the right direction.

Motivate yourself

You will always be pulled back into old habits. Be it some factors or close people. Do not find constant excuses that you have gone astray. Find your motivation. For example, create a set of emotional quotes or inspirational sayings. They will guide you through the days of laziness and when you don't feel like doing anything.

Choose your type of workout

Before you immediately buy an annual fitness center membership, try first different types workouts. Understand what you like. It can be group fitness classes that will further motivate. Try dance classes or many other interesting directions. If you are still embarrassed to go with a group, hire personal trainer. It all depends on what suits you.

Hire a personal trainer

My first workouts gym were under the guidance of an experienced coach. After that, I was able to work out on the simulators on my own. An experienced instructor gives a lot. Here are some of the benefits:

  • individual training;
  • injury protection with new equipment;
  • will give knowledge correct technique performing exercises;
  • supervise the implementation;
  • will be a personal motivator;

Find personal trainer, which will become your motivator, teacher and ensure that your actions are safe.

clean the fridge

Get rid of unhealthy food: cookies, cakes and sweets. There is plenty of evidence that you will be content and happy eating fruit rather than candy. If chips are your passion, throw them out immediately. Replace them.

cook yourself

Start falling in love with cooking, grocery shopping and recipes. Take a look at the dishes you would like to make. Make sure they are healthy: low in calories, saturated fat, and high in fiber. Experiment and fall in love with healthy food!

Stock up on scales

Measure your food. Does not exist better way make sure you eat the right portions and don't overeat.

Get moving

Never underestimate the benefits of being active. Any small increase physical activity will be an incentive to reduce weight and improve well-being. Each physical movement What you do counts towards weight loss.

30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day will have a very positive effect. You will definitely see the benefit.

When it comes to weight loss, there is important rule A: Consume fewer calories than expend. But you should know that most diets don't work as promised. If you want to quickly lose a couple of pounds, our tips will help you with this.

Write down everything you eat for a week.

It turns out that people who keep food diaries eat 15% less than those who don't. The researchers found that people tend to consume 115 more calories on weekends, primarily due to alcohol and fat. What's more, the calories in sauces, condiments, drinks, and snacks make a huge difference to those who are losing weight.

Add 10% to the amount of daily calories you think you are eating

If you think you're consuming 1700 calories a day and still can't lose excess weight, then add another 170 to this figure. Most likely, this new figure will be more accurate. Adjust your eating habits accordingly.

Use an online weight loss app

Research shows that online apps actually help you lose weight. Such programs for sustainable weight loss are even better than support from friends.

Use mantras

Have you heard about prophecies coming true? If you focus on the things you can't do, such as avoiding junk food or taking daily walks, then chances are you won't be able to do them. Instead, repeat positive phrases such as "I can lose weight," "I have time to go for a run," "I can skip cake after dinner." If you repeat these phrases too often, they will become true for you.

Drink water after breakfast

For breakfast you can drink orange juice. However, throughout the day, focus on water, not juices and sodas. On average, you add 245 calories to your diet from soft drinks. But despite their calorie content, sugary drinks may not help you feel full.

Reduce the number of meals

Giving up even one snack or a glass of orange juice can save you about 100 calories a day. It's enough to stop you from scoring a few extra pounds ov per year.

Spend less time in front of the TV

Research confirms that the more TV you watch, the more you eat. So donate one program and go for a walk at this time.

Wash anything once a week

Regardless of what exactly is being washed - the floor, the shower or tile, or the car, for every minute of cleaning, a 150-kilogram person loses about 4 calories. If you stretch the cleaning for 30 minutes, you can get rid of 120 calories. You get the same amount if you eat half a cup of vanilla frozen yogurt.

Wait for your stomach to growl before eating.

Incredibly, very often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration, and not because we actually feel physical hunger. If you only want a certain food, then it has nothing to do with hunger. But if you want to eat everything that comes to hand, then, most likely, this is really hunger. Find other ways to deal with frustration and nervousness instead of running straight to the fridge.

Smell a banana, mint or apple if you feel hungry

You may feel stupid, but it works. The researchers found that the more often people smell these foods, the less they want to eat, and, accordingly, they lose more weight. This most likely works because inhaling smells helps trick the brain into thinking that you have actually eaten.

Use blue

It has been proven to suppress appetite. Therefore, when you sit down to dine, use blue plates and cover the table with the same tablecloth. You can even wear blue clothes. On the other hand, avoid orange, red, and yellow, as these colors are appetizing.

Eat in front of a mirror

Eating food in front of a mirror reduces its amount by almost a third. If you look in the mirror during lunch, it helps you remember why you are trying to lose weight.

Walk the stairs 10 minutes a day

That's enough to help you shed 4.5 kilos a year (unless you start eating more).

Take a walk every two hours

Stuck at your desk all day? A vigorous 5-minute walk every two hours will replace your 20-minute walk at the end of the day. In addition, such a break will allow you to reach for various snacks less.

Walk for 45 minutes a day, not 30

A daily 30-minute walk is enough to prevent weight gain for most people leading sedentary image life. However, burning an additional 300 calories will help you lose about 12 kilograms per year, even if you do not change your diet while doing so.

Avoid semi-finished products

If you see sugar, fructose, or corn syrup at the top of the list of ingredients, it's best not to consume those foods. In addition, you can find analogues of almost any product with a lower sugar content. If they are not, it is better to eat some fruit. Remember that even foods like ketchup, mayonnaise, and salad dressings have sugar. And finally, the shorter the list of ingredients, the less flavor enhancers and empty calories in this product.

Lower your fork or spoon after every sip

At the table, drink water often and take your time. The fact is that our brain is about 20 minutes behind our stomach when it comes to satiety signals. If you eat slowly enough, your brain will be able to tell when you no longer need food.

Throw away oversized clothes

Once you've started to lose weight, get rid of clothes that don't fit you. The idea that you can update your wardrobe will be a good incentive to stay in shape.

Close the kitchen for 12 hours

After dinner, wash all the dishes and close the kitchen. If you eat late at night, it increases your total calories. So avoiding late-night snacking will help you save yourself 300 or more calories a day, or 12-13 extra pounds a year.

Walk before dinner

Just 20 minutes of walking reduces appetite and increases satiety just as effectively as a light snack.

Take an active walk once a week with friends

Drop the idea of ​​going to the movies and choose the park instead. You'll move more and be able to save yourself from the extra calories found in the same popcorn. Instead of a park, you can play tennis or bowling, ride bikes or walk around the city.

Try to walk more

On average, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle take only 2-3 thousand steps a day. If you take 2000 steps more, you will be able to maintain your current weight. To lose weight, you will need to add even more.

Reduce portion

The more food you have in front of you, the more you will eat, no matter how hungry. Therefore, instead of using regular plates, you can use salad plates. The same amount of food will look different on them. Use the same advice for cups.

Eat homemade food

Most often, you eat high-fat foods in cafes and restaurants, and not at home. Restaurants have also accustomed us to large portions, so many of us have switched to large plates to accommodate everything.

Eat food from one plate

When setting the table, serving each person on a separate plate instead of putting it on the table will help you save yourself unnecessary calories. When your plate is empty, you won't be able to take a refill.

Do not eat in large groups

As a rule, people eat more when they dine with a large group. Most likely, because this way they sit at the table much longer. But if you spend more time talking than eating, then this will help reduce your calorie intake.

Order small portions

When you have a choice, order a small portion of any dish. We tend to overeat not because we're hungry, but because we don't want to leave food on our plate.

Eat foods high in water

Eating zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers during lunch reduces the total number of calories. The same can be said about soups and salads.

Add vegetables to your meals

If you eat grains and vegetables in a 1:1 ratio, you can satisfy your hunger faster without overeating.

Avoid white foods

White flour and sugar products harm your body and lead to weight gain. They can be replaced with whole grain bread and brown rice.

Drink regular coffee

Coffee-based drinks are high in calories, as milk, syrups, and sugar are added to them. A cup of regular coffee will do much less harm to the body.

If you're craving goodies, choose low-fat foods

They will help you not feel left out and prevent you from overeating more high-calorie foods.

Keep high-calorie treats to a minimum

If you want ice cream, then add only one spoon to the fruit. Your favorite cheese can also be balanced with more fruit or salad.

Eat cereal for breakfast five days a week

People who eat cereal for breakfast every day are less likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes. It contains more fiber and calcium and less fat than other breakfast foods.

Use hot sauces and seasonings

They provide a good taste of dishes without fat, and also help the body burn more calories.

Choose fruits over juices

Choose skim milk

If you really like milk, go for 1 percent. This will reduce calories by about 20%.

Snack on a small handful of nuts

People who eat almonds as a snack lose a lot more weight than those who don't. This helps to curb hunger and keep the metabolic rate up.

Eat Most Calories Before Noon

The more you eat in the morning, the fewer calories you will get in the evening. You have more opportunities to burn calories before lunch than after it.

Brush your teeth after every meal

This will signal to your body and brain that your meal is over.

How to get back in shape after gaining weight? Each of us asks this question from time to time, because gaining weight on holidays or on vacation is a simple matter, but getting rid of it is a difficult path of anxiety, doubt and self-improvement. Today Paris.Chance with the help of a sports coach Romain Moreau will give its readers some useful advice.

Don't wait until you lose weight. Go in for sports right now!
If you think that you first need to lose weight and only then return to sports, you are mistaken. Moreover, it does not matter how much you have gained - five, ten or even twenty kg. Take on yourself comprehensively: a consultation with a nutritionist can navigate the intricacies balanced nutrition, providing a reasonable calorie deficit (without which weight loss is impossible), and coach will tell you how to properly distribute the load in order to increase energy consumption and adapt it to the current state of the body.

Choose your favorite sport
When choosing sports activities focus only on your own tastes and do not chase after authorities. If Gisele Bundchen boxing all day in gym, this causes great respect, but does not give a reason to choose boxing from the whole sports variety. It is very important to choose a hall not far from home, so as not to disrupt plans with purely organizational problems. Take your time with the choice of physical activity, especially if you have not played sports before. If a sport isn't fun, you risk quitting before you get hooked and start seeing results.

The gradual load is more important than the intensity
In any case, your body will experience shock - regardless of whether it was previously accustomed to physical activity or not. Therefore, listen to yourself so as not to overcome the threshold of fatigue and not lose motivation. The body must adapt, and too intense loads will not allow it to gradually increase. However, there are nuances here: if you have gained no more than 10 kg and decide to run, start with two or three runs a week to restore your joints. If you choose to swim, especially if you're gaining a lot of weight, swim as much as possible - every day, every other day. This sport is not dangerous. To calculate the correct load, be sure to consult a trainer!

Swimming and cycling with a lot of weight gain
If you have gained more than 20 kg, you should wait with contact and running sports to avoid injury. For example, while running, the load on the joints is six times the weight of the body, so take pity on your spine and knees. We advise you to give preference to swimming - in the water our weight becomes less under the influence of the force of Archimedes. You can also go cycling, which puts a strain on your muscles and heart, but spares your knee joints. The spine rests on the saddle, which reduces the risk of injury. Experts recommend being careful with crossfit and urban training (in fact, crossfit in park conditions). Not everything is so simple with yoga, since yoga that is too sparing does not lead to energy consumption, but for weight loss this is key moment. But yoga can be done in addition to the main physical activity to restore flexibility and softness of movement to your body.

Running shoes
Experts warn: in any case, do not wear sneakers in which, for example, you played tennis a couple of years ago! Choose sports shoes according to the morphology of the body in its current state, and according to the gait. If you have gained weight, choose thicker insoles to cushion the impact. Examine the texture of your old running shoes to see if your foot turns inward or outward based on wear. This is very important point especially while running. Your trainer or consultant in the shop sports shoes will help you choose the right insole or arch support to provide the foot with maximum comfort and safety.

Set tasks for yourself
Set short-term goals for yourself. They are easier to fulfill, which will give undoubted psychological satisfaction and serve as an incentive for further work. For example, set yourself the goal of losing 500 grams per week. For those who practice swimming, the task can be expressed in seconds of exertion or rest. Let's say you rest for one minute after each swim. Then gradually instead of a minute, the rest lasts 40 seconds, then 30, 15, etc.

Joint protection
A very important issue for women is to protect the joints, which are inherently thinner and more vulnerable than men's. In women, varus and valgus curvature of the foot is more common ( femur turned inward or outward). Therefore, when running and jumping on a hard surface, the internal or outer part The knee is subject to unnatural stress, which over time can lead to arthrosis.

Running: feel free to walk
Do you enjoy walking more than running? Don't beat yourself up. Go to health. This is a very natural and beneficial process for the body, in which you include small two-minute runs when you deem it necessary. After running, go back to walking. Then, weekly, you can reduce your walking time by increasing your jogging time. Cardiologist Arthur Huber advises overweight people not to run on asphalt, choosing surfaces that are softer for the joints - grass, earth or special flooring.

Self-massage before and after class
Massage your joints and muscles before exercising. This will help avoid sprains and make muscle tissue more elastic. Massage after sports will provide the muscles with an influx of nutrients due to intensive blood circulation. Without massage, the tissues will be more tense, leading to pain.

Change sports
Alternate types of physical activity, this will help you avoid the routine and stimulate motivation! For example, swimming goes well with walking and running.

Why take vitamin chromium for those who want to lose weight? Chromium is like a magic pill for sugar cravings. I really want to become independent from bad habits - for example, from cravings for sweets. So, in order not to be tormented by the thought of a chocolate bar, not to lick your lips in anticipation of an airy cake and not to spend a day fighting a sharp desire for something tasty. Fat girls will sigh with chagrin: it's a pity there is no such magic pill for getting rid of. And it is - the mineral chromium helps to remove cravings for sweets.

Imagine, there are girls who are able to look at chocolate indifferently, moreover, they tend to stale it. And you can become one of them. It seems like magic, but rather, the reasons are different - physiological or psychological. The mineral chromium is responsible for the attitude to sweets in our body, which is able to perform this miracle of composure for those who have a lack of it. The paradox is that if you are a lover of sweets, then there is definitely a drawback.

Why did it happen? Causes of chromium deficiency and sugar cravings

The first and most important reason why there is a lack of chromium is the excessive consumption of sugar and sweets! Once they became something more than just food, and people began to eat them in large quantities. But the more you use them, the more chromium is excreted from the body and the more you want delicious. As you can see, getting into this vicious circle is very easy.

The second reason for the lack of chromium can be any experience. Stress is hard tolerated by the body, during which there is a loss of many essential trace elements, including chromium. The same applies to previous diseases: if you catch a cold, the amount of the mineral has decreased.

Lovers of bread and pasta should not rejoice: because of this habit, they deprive themselves of chromium, which regulates their appetite. Mineral and physical activity are removed.

There are peak moments in the life of every person, after which the body begins to behave differently. For a woman, this moment often becomes pregnancy and the postpartum state. At this time, the body is deficient not only in chromium, but also in many other minerals and vitamins. Of these, a large number are involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, which is why cases of weight gain and particular depression are so frequent. Read what minerals for weight loss should be present in the diet. No wonder it is strongly recommended to drink maintenance complexes in a delicate period.

Remember when a strong craving for sweets developed - maybe just after the baby was born? And this is another reason for the lack of chromium and cravings for sweets.

In addition to physiological reasons, there are also psychological ones. As soon as we lack sweet love, we try to get it through food. Lack of love often causes increased cravings for sugary foods.

Chromium deficiency symptoms

Symptoms of chromium deficiency are overweight up to degrees of obesity, increased cholesterol levels in the blood, weakness, decreased body tone and anxiety, frequent dizziness and sweating, and hunger for no reason.

With the normal intake of the mineral in the body, the blood sugar level normalizes and intracellular metabolism improves. Chromium discourages cravings for sweets and generally harmful carbohydrates. This means you will also be comfortable with pasta, pizza, pies, pancakes, pancakes and pies. Any losing weight will be glad to reduce the feeling of hunger.

How to use chromium from sweets

Its source is both food and biologically active additives. The second can be purchased at pharmacies. It is not always available in its pure form, most often it is sold as part of complexes, so study the products in the dietary supplements department.

Pharmaceutical chromium is best taken in liquid form, so it will be absorbed faster and have its effect. It is considered optimal to take chromium picolinate, while it is desirable to keep it in the mouth for a long time (it is better absorbed and absorbed by a larger percentage).

The daily intake of chromium is 150-200 mcg. Chromium is found in food in the following quantities (per 100 g):

  • tuna - 90 mcg;
  • 55 mcg - in herring, pink salmon, salmon, flounder, navaga, catfish, mackerel, carp, crucian carp, pollock and capelin;
  • in beef liver - 32 mcg,
  • in beef heart and kidneys - 30 mcg, in the rest of beef - 10 mcg;
  • in chicken egg– 25 mcg;
  • in broccoli - 22 mcg;
  • in beets, chicken breasts and legs - 20 mcg.

When to expect a decrease in sugar cravings after taking chromium

There will be no instant miracle. After the first day, usually girls do not feel any changes. Then it all depends on the individuality of the organism: it acts after 3-14 days of admission. After two weeks, the effect occurs in almost everyone.

It should be understood that the drug relieves physical cravings, not psychological ones. In addition, it reduces hunger and reduces weight. On average, if you do not change your diet and do not do fitness, you can lose 1-2 kilograms in a month only thanks to chromium.


If you have diabetes, consult your doctor. The fact is that the mineral is considered an assistant in this disease. It is believed that chromium increases insulin sensitivity and even enhances its effects.

With long-term use of chromium, monitor the condition of the pancreas.

Thousands of people around the world follow certain diets in order to lose weight, while not having clear guidelines for why they need it. If you do not set a goal for yourself and determine the benefits obtained by achieving it, then there is no point in sticking to any diet. Here you will learn about the most effective weight loss mindsets and their impact on your past failed weight loss attempts. When reading about the benefits of a slim figure, pay attention to whether any of them are relevant to you. Be sincere at the same time and remember that you can greatly facilitate the process of losing weight by revealing hidden motives that did not work before.

1 reason to lose weight - Look better.

Agree that by dropping a few pounds, you will become much more attractive. Yes, most likely you are still quite beautiful, but, most likely, having lost a little weight, you would look just great.

2 reason to lose weight - Impress everyone at the event.

Anything can be such an event: a meeting of classmates, an ordinary party, a vacation, a visit from relatives, a wedding, a trip to the sea, a vacation on the banks of a river or lake, etc.

Do you want to wear an open swimsuit, a special dress or a suit that has been gathering dust in the closet for a long time? The listed events and beautiful clothes are quite weighty reasons that motivate you to lose weight, so now success is only in your hands.

3 reason to lose weight - New relationship.

One of the reasons to lose weight is to please a new boyfriend or girlfriend. Think about it, maybe it's time for you to meet new people or add fire to an existing relationship?

4 reason to lose weight - Getting rid of the habit.

For many who want to lose weight, as well as for those who want to quit smoking, but continue to do so, life becomes an endless diet. They even stop thinking about what they will do if the hunt for harmony is crowned with success. Such people have always dreamed of slim body, and after the end of the diet, they definitely lack something.

5 reason to lose weight - New job or career growth.

A new job or a new office is a really great motivation to get rid of a few extra pounds. Just imagine how you will flutter into the new office as a beautiful "slender girl". Let everyone beg you to go to work and / or take a new high position.

6 reason to lose weight - New clothes.

The problem of getting into old things and buttons coming off on a skirt is the last straw of patience. If this is happening to you, then it's time to take care of yourself thoroughly.

Or maybe you want to buy new clothes, but do not want to spend money until you lose a few pounds?

Read also: Diet Protasov.

7 reason to lose weight - Upcoming vacation.

Oh, sun, sea and bikinis! A beach with half-naked bodies, among which yours should certainly be. Yes, loose trousers and baggy sweaters would be out of place here.

8 reason to lose weight - Life is getting better.

Finally, you have crossed the river of folds and excess weight and ended up in a magical land slender figures with only thin and healthy people? Stay! It's just great here!

9 reason to lose weight - Prove worth.

Prove to yourself and others that you are capable of being slim. After all, there are those who need to clearly understand that you are capable of much.

10 reason to lose weight - Gain confidence.

World hold on! As soon as you lose weight, you will become a more energetic person. And nothing will stop you. You will always be ahead and get what you want with ease.

11 reason to lose weight - Win an argument.

Hmm, bet someone that you can be slim? Yes, it is also motivating. Incentivize yourself to lose weight and win some money!

12 reason to lose weight - The absence of quibbles and reproaches.

Are acquaintances behind your back discussing your weight, and friends and relatives do not hesitate to cut the truth-womb right in the face?

Enough! Lose weight just to shut them up!

13 reason to lose weight - Improve health.

Do you feel that being overweight is a problem for good health?

Everyone, approach the problem of excess weight with full responsibility. Lose weight and there will be no more health concerns due to extra pounds and overeating. You will be a long-liver and become the standard of a healthy person.

14 reason to lose weight - Normal food.

What do you think about when trying to lose weight? Many, for example, during this period dream of starting to eat normally again. Yes, having lost weight, you can eat what everyone else does. Without any restrictions.

15 reason to lose weight - That's what the doctor said.

The doctor advised you to lose weight and you already know that next time you will have to go through this humiliating procedure again - weighing.

Just imagine the doctor's surprised face when you step on the scale at your next appointment.

16 reason to lose weight - To end suffering.

Being fat is terrible! You just hate yourself, and besides all this, your health is getting worse and worse every day.

Stop this torment - lose weight!

17 reason to lose weight - Best person in the world.

Have you met the man or woman of your dreams? Yes, it was fate that gave you a chance that you simply cannot miss! Therefore, if you lose weight, then by all means now.

18 reason to lose weight - Popularity.

You have no or very few friends because of heavy weight? Do not hesitate, people will be drawn to you as soon as you lose weight.

19 reason to lose weight - Sports figure.

Imagine how much better your forms would be without those 5-10 kilos! After all, excess weight really complicates all your movements.

20 reason to lose weight - Desire to look younger.

Do people around you give you 5-10 years more than they actually do? Or maybe you yourself feel like a deep old man or an old woman, although this is not so? Lose weight to get younger!