Weight training exercises. Exercises with external weights. What girls should know

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Complex exercise with weights helps to normalize body weight. Both young and old can do such gymnastics, if there are no restrictions associated with serious illnesses.

Shoes are used as weights. Shoes in this case are not simple, but special, weighted. Exercises in such shoes very effectively form the entire lower body: waist, hips, buttocks and legs.

If you don’t have such shoes, then you will have to be creative. Attach to the sole or directly to the feet or ankles elastic bandage any load - it can be discs, dumbbells, sand or salt bags weighing from half to one and a half kilograms. In sporting goods stores, special Velcro cuffs are available for sale. The choice is yours.

Exercise 1

Standing, hands on the belt or holding on to the support in the form of the back of a chair. Swing your leg to the side. Try doing it without weights first.

Exercise 2

Standing, hands on the belt. Flex and unfold left leg without raising your knee. The same - the other leg.

Exercise 3

Standing, hands on the belt. Raise your left knee as high as you can by bending your leg. Return to initial position. Change your leg.

Exercise 4

Standing, hands on the belt. Raise your right leg up, do not bend your knee. Return to starting position. Change your leg.

Exercise 5

Lie on your back, arms along the body. Raise straight legs to a right angle with the body, return to the starting position. If you can, do it until you get tired.

Exercise 6

If you are a trained person, try standing on your shoulder blades, supporting your pelvis with your arms bent at the elbows. Spread and bring your legs back and forth to slight fatigue.

Try this set of physical exercises to start without weights. Did it happen 10 times? Then with weights, perform 2-3 times. As you train, increase the number of approaches until you can perform the exercises 10 times each. Between sets arrange leisure, for example, walk, massage your muscles, do breathing exercises.

At the present stage, gyms are becoming quite popular. Everything more people visit such institutions in order to improve their figure. And it should be noted that exercises with weights are very popular. What it is is known to almost everyone. However, you should consider the main points that relate to this type of training. And this review is devoted to this topic.

What are the characteristics of burdening?

Due to training using weights, you can quite effectively get rid of excess fat. Heavy training removes more carbohydrates than fats. Also, the result of the implementation is an increase in the metabolic needs of the body. Even after just one workout, the body can recover within a few days. AND this process very different from the results that can be obtained as a result of low-intensity aerobics.

The result of resistance exercise is that the metabolism not only increases, but also lasts much longer compared to aerobic types of training. The training complex, which provides for the use of additional weights, helps the body to switch to a unique mode, which is accompanied by increased energy consumption. As a result of all this, damaged fibers begin to recover more actively. Accordingly, more rest is required. Do not forget about proper adequate nutrition.

As already mentioned, the result of weight training is faster weight loss. Strength training, characterized by short intense loads, uses glycogen, which acts as the main source of energy. And it is this factor that helps to get rid of excess fat several times faster compared to diets and cardio training. It should be noted that due to aerobic training, muscle building will not work. Yes, and the body quite often begins to "eat" its own and not fat.

However, it should be noted that both trainings have their own merits. In this regard, it should be noted that the best way will use both training complex in combination with a high-protein diet characterized by a moderate ratio of carbohydrates and fats. The result of doing resistance exercises is, as already mentioned, the rapid burning of fat. And in combination with aerobics, this process can be improved.

What should girls know?

A large number of girls attending sports centers are not very fond of power training. They, of course, know that it is very important to keep the muscles in good shape. The figure from this will only become more beautiful. However, ladies always do not have enough time. But you want to lose weight very quickly. Therefore, women prefer However, more recently, experts have discovered one simple way by which you can burn fat and tone muscles. Weight training for women in this situation should be done with minimal rest between sets. In this situation, the metabolism will go into a mode of enhanced work. Accordingly, calories will burn much faster.

Is it possible to pump up the press with additional weight?

Naturally, many would like to have a beautiful toned belly. It should be noted that the main distinguishing feature of almost all bodybuilders is considered to be a narrow waist. It creates several advantages, among which the appearance should be highlighted.

If you want to get a narrow waist, then you should not perform with weights. In this situation, the waist can only expand. However, not all sports experts agree with this statement. In their opinion, the muscles located in the lower back, together with the press, form a kind of muscle corset waist. If a person does exercises such as deadlift, squats, stretching trainings, this corset will perform stabilizing functions. But in order to do the above exercises, you need a strong press. Accordingly, there is nothing strange in the fact that the figure of those people who have weak abdominal muscles is very far from ideal. Based on all this, many experts argue that it is necessary to perform exercises with weights on the press. Otherwise, the increase in muscle mass will be significantly halted.

It is worth remembering one rule: if you do not want your waist to expand from exercises with additional weight, then you do not need to perform a huge number of repetitions in sets. In this situation, one simple principle will work. If you need to increase strength, then you need to work with large weights, but with a small number of repetitions. For the number of repetitions should be average.

Do not forget that you need to start pumping the press with strength exercises. Subsequently, you can proceed to multi-repetitive training. This must be done in order to get relief and increase endurance.

Exercises with weights on the press until you are blue in the face should not be performed. It won't bring special success in the fight against the fat layer, which is on top abdominal muscles. In order to get the desired result, it is necessary to combine strength training with aerobic. You also need to properly approach nutrition.

Is it possible to achieve a successful result without the use of additional weights?

Many people know that only those workouts that take place with the use of additional weights can help in growth. muscle mass and in increasing strength. However, there are simply a huge number of reasons in connection with which there is no desire to train with additional weights. And it is here that the question arises of whether there is a set of exercises without weights.

It is necessary to face the truth - there are situations when a person simply cannot go to paid gyms. There are also athletes who do not need huge muscles. They are primarily interested in increasing strength and endurance. In addition, a set of exercises without weights can be performed almost anywhere and at any time, keeping your muscles in good shape.

  1. High rep approach. The first technique is considered to be the training in the usual mode to failure. You can do 50, 70 and even 100 repetitions. You need to do it as many times as you can. This technique allows you to develop endurance. And even if the muscle mass does not grow, then at the moment when you return to doing training with additional weights, muscle fibers will begin to change for the better much faster.
  2. Isometric tension. This is a simple contraction of muscle fibers and holding a similar tension without movement for some time. This will help to give the muscles a more “perfect” shape, since those areas that cannot be worked out by performing will be exposed to the effect. strength exercises with relief.
  3. Minimize rest time between sets. This technique will accelerate the growth of muscle mass.
  4. You can make weights from improvised items. For example, during push-ups, you can put several books on your back. While squatting, you can put someone on your shoulders. It is worth connecting your imagination, and then you will be successful in shaping your own body.
  5. Performing with or without weights, you can increase the effect by working only one limb. For example, it is worth trying to pull yourself up on one arm. Naturally, not everyone succeeds the first time. However, with regular training, you can achieve the desired result.

What should be kept in mind when exercising with weights?

In the event that you train with additional weights, you need to pay attention to the following basic rules:

  1. Before you start training, it is advisable to find a coach and form a clear program. And in this case, it does not play a special role what types of training you are going to perform. Weight exercises for the legs, arms, back, abs, etc. require the right adequate approach. And it is the coach who will be able to point out mistakes and put correct technique. By doing this, you can protect yourself from injuries and accidents. The program is necessary so that muscle mass does not build up asymmetrically.
  2. First of all, it is necessary to determine correct weight. This will help you avoid a huge amount of injury. For example, if you do leg weights with too high weights, you can stretch your muscles, damage your joints, and so on. Again, only the coach is able to choose the right ideal weight. With independent training, you need to start with minimal weights, gradually increasing them.
  3. You need to choose the right exercises. Almost every type of training has its own nuances. For example, barbell squats will depend on the position of the foot, the depth of the exercise, the angle in which the spine is located, etc.
  4. It is required to warm up before performing the training program. This rule is universal in any kind of fitness. If the muscles are not fully warmed up, then they become the most vulnerable. In such situations, the likelihood of injury increases.
  5. Always check inventory when working with power simulators. All locks, latches and stops must work correctly. They must be fixed. If something falls off during the exercise, then not only you, but also those around you can suffer.
  6. No need to overwork. You should always be guided by the plan of the training program.

And one more piece of advice. Before starting a weight training program, a medical examination is required. Physical training can cause a variety of exacerbations and diseases. Numerous violations can also be provoked, which previously a person did not even know about.

It is necessary to pursue the principle of progressive increase in load

Exercises with weights according to the Weider system imply the need to follow some fundamental principles.

First of all, in order to increase strength, endurance and muscle size, you need to work with a greater load. For example, in order to increase the level of strength, you must try to lift more and more weights. Endurance increases by reducing rest between sets. In this case, the number of repetitions should be increased. To increase the size of the muscles, it is necessary that the trainings take place with weights increasing in severity. This principle is universal. They should be guided by performing both weight-bearing exercises for percussion technique and other types of training.

It is required to be guided by the principle of isolation training and diversity

During the execution of a certain movement, muscle tissues are actively working. In the event that it is necessary to develop a muscle, it must be isolated from other muscle fibers. This can be achieved by changing the position of the body during the training program. You can also use special trainers.

One of the main conditions for the growth of muscle mass is a variety of exercises. You don't have to let your body get used to a particular workout. To grow, muscles must work in a variety of conditions.

Principles of Priority and the Pyramid

First of all, it is necessary to work out the most weak muscles. If these are shoulders, then at the very beginning of your workout, you need to perform a variety of overhead presses. And only then can you start doing bench presses. Using this principle, you can load your shoulders to the maximum.

You should never start training with maximum weight. In such a situation, you can get injured. You need to start with those weights that are equal to 60 percent of the maximum. One approach is required, in which there will be 15 repetitions. After that, you should add weight, reducing the number of repetitions. Then you need to take the weight equal to 80 percent, doing only 6 repetitions.

What other principles should be followed when performing exercises with weights?

Kalashnikov (specialist studying power types trainings) said that the most famous principle is supersets. Their essence lies in the grouping of two exercises for the development of opposing muscles in one approach. For example, after lifting the biceps, you should begin to perform the “French bench press”.

The principle of mixed sets is also quite well known. In this situation, it is necessary to perform two types of exercises aimed at developing one muscle group, without rest.

If you perform three types of exercises at once, as a result of which one muscle group is worked out, without pauses between sets, then you can pump up muscles much faster. A triple set will help develop local endurance of muscle fibers.

Is it possible to complete a series with a maximum weight in each repetition? In the event that you are able to do about 3 repetitions in this situation, you should set the rest to 45 seconds, and then perform 3 repetitions again. And again, rest for 60 seconds, followed by the training. Then you need to rest for about 90 seconds, after doing 2 repetitions. As a result, a long series with 10 sets should be completed. Rest in this situation is necessary to increase strength and muscle volume.


There are simply a huge number of principles for performing such exercises. In this review, we have considered only some of them. However, they are considered essential. That's why training program should be drawn up, fully guided by them. In addition, do not forget that training should be regular. Only in such a situation, exercises with weights for women and men will give a positive result. We wish you good luck in your cultivation!

When we are young, each of us is a man of steel, whether we train smart or not. But after 30-40 years, you notice that somewhere something starts to hurt. One day, the elbows after the bench press make themselves felt, the next, the knees after the squats.

Moreover, all these problems arise despite the fact that you seem to have done nothing special, and in general you always train the same way (or maybe just because of this).

If you want to continue weight training for the rest of your life, why not start preparing for the future right now? Just a few modifications to your training can have a huge impact on how your body will function decades later.

Tips for Designing a Weight Training Program

1. The use of free weights (barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells) and own weight should be a priority

Of course, there is a time and place to use any kind of equipment, and machines are sure to make you stronger and bigger. However, free weights also work the stabilizing muscles, which contributes greatly to your training longevity.

2. The same exercise should not be performed more than 1-2 times a week

Muscles, ligaments and tendons need time to recover from the stress of training. This does not mean that you cannot train the same movements several times a week. Just use for this different exercises. For example, if you did the bench press on Monday, then on Thursday do the incline bench press or push-ups with a weight vest.

3. A balanced amount of work for the pulling and pushing muscles of the upper and lower body

Huge chest and complete absence of the broadest - this not only looks pathetic, but also creates the preconditions for damage to the muscles that rotate the shoulder outward. More pulling movements will not only reduce injury and improve posture, but can also increase bench press performance. After all, you are only as strong as your weaknesses allow.

4. Limit the number of overhead lifts to one per weight training session.

If the mobility of the thoracic spine is not your strong point (and most people lack it sorely), then as fatigue increases, the passive structures of the shoulder are stressed. By doing no more than one overhead lift per workout (snatch, overhead press, Turkish raise, and even pull-ups), you sufficiently stimulate all the right muscles and avoid unnecessary overload.

5. Do max 1 rep sets no more than a couple of times a year

To get stronger, it is enough to train within 3-5 repetitions. You will get no less effect, and at the same time reduce the risk of violation of the technique of performing exercises and, accordingly, the risk of injury. Also, don't train to failure all the time. You can take a set to failure from time to time, but in most cases it's best to stop 1 rep before that point.

6. Always Warm Up Before Weight Training

A good warm-up includes activation of the muscular and central nervous system, as well as a few easy sets of the target exercise. First, wake up your dormant glutes and lower traps with low-intensity glute bridges and bent-over dumbbell raises. Next, activate the CNS with a few reps of squat jumps and plyometric push-ups. Finally, the first warm-up set of the exercise should always be with an empty bar for 10 reps and a focus on technique.

  • Perform exercises in full amplitude, even if for this you have to lower the weight of the weight.
  • Doing partial reps may flatter your ego, but after a few decades, you'll run into joint pain and difficulty controlling squat depth, to the point of using the toilet on your own.

  • Use a neutral grip for most exercises.
  • Neutral grip allows the load to be more evenly distributed throughout the body. If holding the barbell on your back is the most agonizing part of the squat, then start using the "safety bar." If your back resembles a camel hump while deadlifting, then try using a trapezoidal bar. For bench and standing presses, take a "football bar". For pull-ups, you can use gymnastic rings, and for pulls to the belt on simulators - freely rotating handles.

  • To take the pressure off your elbows and knees in pulls and squats, start these movements from the higher joint.
  • In pull-ups and rows, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together before bending your elbows. Squats start with the abduction of the pelvis. Bending the knees will be a natural consequence of the movement in the hip joints.

  • Control the weight throughout the range of motion.
  • Use muscles, not momentum, to change the direction of movement of weights at the bottom of the squat, deadlift, and bench press. Relaxing the muscles at the moment of the transition from the eccentric phase to the concentric, you put your joints under attack. At the bottom of the squat, undue stress will be placed on the knees. In the bench press and deadlift - on the elbows and lumbar spine.

  • Watch the position of the hands and neck.
  • Don't let your hands and neck deviate too much from the neutral position. In pressing movements, do not let the weight bend your hands back. As for the neck, it should always be in line with top torso. When you squat, your eyes can look up, but you should not lift your head up at all. Also be careful when doing overhead presses or overhead rows. Make sure mobility shoulder joints allows you to perform such movements, otherwise you may experience a terrible migraine due to excessive bending in cervical region spine.

There are many different sets of exercises that can be used with great benefit, depending on the equipment available. The descriptions below are not exhaustive, and you can find plenty of fresh ideas in fitness magazines and manuals. Some of the exercises listed below require stationary equipment, but we have tried to present alternatives to these exercises that can be performed at home.

Block pull from above
(exercise for the muscles of the shoulder girdle)

Men: Helps develop massive shoulders and an attractive triangle in the upper back. Women: helps correct stoop, improve posture and general form figures.

In the gym, this exercise is done with a long bar, usually suspended from a block above your head. Grasp the bar with your hands at an equal distance from the body ( wide grip) and sit on the bench. Tilt your torso back about 10° and pull the bar straight down towards your sternum, arching your chest up just as the bar almost touches your chest.

At home, use elastic bands that are sold specifically for this purpose; they can be attached to the wall or to the doorknob. Read the harness instructions carefully.

Men who want to build lean muscle should use stationary machines, start with a weight of 20-30 kg and bring it up to 40-50 kg in six weeks. These are just general guidelines; each of you will have to independently determine the optimal weight for yourself.

Arm extension

(triceps exercise)

Strengthens the tone of the flaccid muscles of the back of the arms. Without trying to downplay the importance of the biceps, we must not forget that the triceps make the arms tight and bouncy in those places that can be unsightly rippled in the wind if you have too much fat or saggy skin there. Triceps, as the name implies, has three heads, and when you master basic technique building triceps, you can look in fitness magazines for some advanced techniques for working out each of these heads separately. In the meantime, I suggest learning options for beginners.

Triceps can be built up in the gym by pressing down the bar connected through a block with weights. Stand 30 cm from a horizontally suspended bar and pull it down until your arms are extended 90 ° at the elbows. Then slowly let the bar rise up to its original position, then pull it down again while arching the hands downward. Do not extend your arms more than 90°.

To work out the triceps at home, use two dumbbells weighing from 2 to 6 kg so that you can work them without difficulty. Lying on your back on a mat or bench, extend your arms with dumbbells straight up. Slowly lower the dumbbells, bending your elbows until the bend angle is 90° and your forearms are parallel to the floor. After that, slowly straighten your arms, lifting the dumbbells.

Do three sets of 10-15 reps each with no more than 30 seconds rest between sets.

Arm curl

(exercise for biceps)

This exercise helps build the most famous of all muscles - the biceps. With the help of advanced techniques found in fitness magazines, you will be able to work each of the two heads of these muscles separately. For women who don't want to have lean muscle, light weights and high reps are better, but it's worth noting that women's arms with small biceps look much more attractive than pencil-thin arms.

The exercise will be most effective if you focus on each hand in turn.

Choose dumbbells between 2 and 9kg that you can hold without straining your wrists. Without bending your wrists, slowly lift one dumbbell up until your arm is bent to failure. Then slowly lower the dumbbell down. During the downward movement, the muscle fibers will stretch, causing the slight inflammation needed to build muscle, so it's especially important to slowly perform this movement on the last reps of each set.

Do three sets of 10-15 reps each with no more than 30 seconds rest between sets.

Bench press from the chest lying

The muscles of the chest wall support the breast tissues, and a well-developed rib cage improves the overall appearance of the figure in both women and men. The middle, upper and lower parts of the chest are covered different muscles, which can be worked out separately by performing a chest press on an incline or on a horizontal bench. For the development of the muscles of the upper and middle chest, it is best to use a bench with an incline of about 45 °, and for the muscles of the middle and lower chest, press from a horizontal position. Some trainers are designed for different types grip, which allows you to concentrate on different muscle groups. Basic chest press can be performed on a special simulator or on a bench for bench press. In the latter case, place your hands on the bar about shoulder-width apart for maximum efficiency, lower the bar to your chest and lift it up slowly.
Do three sets of 10-15 reps each with no more than 30 seconds rest between sets.

If you do not have access to this equipment, use dumbbells weighing between 5 and 15 kg, of your choice. Take dumbbells in your hands and lie on your back horizontal bench. Begin the exercise with your elbows close to your torso and your arms bent at a 90° angle, then simply push the weight up while straightening your arms. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Do three sets of 12 reps each. To make sure that the exercise is performed slowly enough, move up for two counts, and move down for four counts.

Progressive cycling uses heavier weights and fewer reps to build muscle mass, alternating with regular strength, flexibility and endurance workouts. During the first twelve weeks of training, you should not try to use progressive methods, detailed description and the scientific justification of which. Research shows that the standard technique of three sets of 8-10 reps using 60-70% of your individual one-time maximum is equally effective for this exercise.

But if you want to speed up the process of building muscle already in the first stage, use the technique of three sets of 8-10 repetitions, each time increasing the weight of both dumbbells by 2 kg until you can perform only 6-8 repetitions. (For more information on the Progressive Load Technique, scientifically the most advanced technique for effective muscle building, see .)

If you just want to tone your muscles by adding mass, use about half as much weight as you can comfortably lift. Do three sets of 15 reps.

Reduction of hands

(pectoral muscle exercise)

The so-called "butterfly" is another great exercise for the pectoral muscles, which pulls up the pectoral muscle group that supports adipose tissue breasts in both men and women. With it, you will improve the shape of the breast and acquire a youthful appearance.

The exercise can be performed using dumbbells and a bench press. Start with a weight of 5-25 kg for muscle building, or lighter if you just want to increase the tone of the chest muscles.
Lie on a bench set at a 45° angle and extend your arms with dumbbells straight up. Lower the dumbbells, extending your arms outward from the center in an arc, and stop when the dumbbells are about chest level. Then again bring your hands with dumbbells together.

Do three sets of 8-10 reps. During the execution of the last repetitions in pectoral muscles there should be a pleasant burning sensation.

Raising arms through the sides in a sitting position

(shoulder girdle exercise)

The safest way to do this exercise is to sit on a bench. When standing, bend your knees slightly. Try not to use too big weight and do not jerk the dumbbells up. To begin with, choose a weight in the range of 1.5-4 kg, which you can handle without difficulty.

Lower your arms along your body and bend your elbows slightly. Then raise your arms through the sides up to shoulder level, while turning the dumbbells away from you.

Do three sets of 10-15 reps each with no more than 30 seconds rest between sets.

Leg raise

You can form a beautiful abdominal press by lifting the torso from a prone position. However, for the development of the muscles of the lower abdomen, it is necessary special exercise, providing a load on the muscles located below the navel. Raising the tone of the muscles of this group, this exercise can be of great help to those who are trying to get rid of a bulging belly with the help of a diet.

To protect your back during this exercise, you can wear athletic belt and, in addition, pre-stretch the muscles of the lower back, performing rolls back on the floor. If you have back problems, then before including this exercise in the program, be sure to consult your doctor.

Lie on your back on the floor or incline bench head up. Stretch your legs and then lift them up, bringing your knees up to your chest. Do the exercise at a fast pace and as you improve your physical form bring the number of repetitions from 20 to 50 or more.

Leg raise or leg press

(exercise for thigh muscles)

If you want to have beautiful hips, then for this you will have to work on all muscle groups of the upper part of the lower extremities. The function of these muscles is to support the knee joints, and therefore strengthening the thigh muscles helps protect the knees from injury. In addition, the thigh muscles are among the largest muscles in the body, and increasing their volume can be a significant help in increasing the number of calories you burn per day. If you have to spend whole days sitting in the office or driving, then these muscles suffer from a lack of exercise. At the same time, people often do not pay due attention to them during strength training, as they tend to focus on the muscles of the chest and arms.

At home, perform leg raises as follows. (If desired, 2 kg ankle weights can be attached to one of the legs. An athletic belt can also be worn to protect the lower back.)

Lie on your back and slowly raise your leg with weights 20 times to a height of about 45 ° from the floor. Then turn on your side and lift the same leg 20 times at about 60° from the floor. After that, roll over onto your stomach and lift your leg 20 times at about 30° from the floor. Fasten the weight on the other leg and repeat the whole complex.

If you need to increase the tone of the quadriceps (the large muscle on the front of the thigh), perform this exercise with a large number of repetitions (from 50 to 100), but without weights.
While working out in the gym, do the leg press on a special simulator. Typically, this type of exercise machine is equipped with a seat, in which you push with your feet a large plate connected through a block with weights. Keep your movements correct and avoid pain or discomfort in your knees. This exercise is a great way to build quads.

Lifting and bending the body

(abdominal exercise)

To increase the effectiveness of the torso lifts, you should work out the abdominal muscles separately from other muscles. Lie on your back, clasp your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Lower your feet to the floor. To increase the difficulty and effectiveness of the exercise, the feet can be placed on a chair or bench. Slowly lift your head off the floor and lift it up as high as you can. Then slowly lower your head until it is back on the floor. Slowly moving down will help you get the most out of this exercise for building abdominal muscles.

Start with 20 reps and work your way up to 100 or more over time.

Trunk curls are performed from the same position; the only difference is that during the downward movement, the head should not be lowered to the floor. Perform the movement about two-thirds of the amplitude, and then rise up again.

Among experts, disputes do not cease on the topic of which is better - bending or lifting the torso. As they say, it's a matter of taste, choose the exercise option that you like so much that you want to do it every day. Raises and curls can be combined with various advanced moves such as crunches, barbell chest presses, or using an incline bench. For now, you need to start with the simplest option of your choice. Most people find that curls are more comfortable to perform because they have less range of motion than a full torso raise.

Rise on socks

(calf exercise)

Strong calf muscles play an important role in supporting the body if you have to spend a lot of time standing, especially on high heels. The calf muscles support the knees from below and help you get up and climb stairs.

When exercising in the gym, use special simulator with levers that put pressure on your shoulders from above while you are standing on a platform located a few centimeters from the floor. Rise up on your toes and then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Lever pads protect shoulders and upper part back, when the calf muscles lift up your body weight along with 9-25 kg of additional weight. Insofar as thumbs legs rest against the platform, and the ankles can move freely, in such conditions the exercise is easier to perform than just standing on the floor.

If you don't visit gym, then just stand near the wall, rest your hands on it and perform the same movement, rising on your toes, and then lowering your heels to the floor. The absence of weights allows you to increase the number of repetitions, but in order to progressively increase the load and form a beautiful calf silhouette, still use light dumbbells.
Do three sets of 10-15 reps each with no more than 30 seconds rest between sets.

Fitness against diseases of the spine Kristina Aleksandrovna Lyakhova

A set of exercises with weights 1

After the previous sets of flexibility exercises have been mastered, you can proceed to performing exercises with weights.

As a load, you can use a stuffed ball, dumbbells, plastic bottles with water, etc.

In addition to developing flexibility, weight training helps to strengthen muscles. Weight training is a little harder regular exercise to develop flexibility. The body gets tired faster, so after each exercise you need to take a short break (5-15 seconds).

In order not to damage the ligaments, the first days you need to train with a load weighing no more than 0.5 kg. Subsequently, the weight of the load can be gradually increased to 2.5-3 kg.

Exercise 1

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms (with dumbbells) lowered along the body.

Performance: on the count of "one" slowly raise your hands up, on the count of "two" spread your arms to the sides, on the count of "three" take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 2

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart.

Performance: on the count of "one" smoothly raise the brushes up, on the count of "two" lower the brushes down (do not bend your elbows). Repeat the exercise 5-8 times.

Exercise 3

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward.

Performance: on the count of "one" bend back, spreading your arms to the sides, on the count of "two" take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Exercise 4

Initial position:

Performance: raise at the expense of "time" left hand up, take the right hand back, at the expense of "two" raise the right hand up, take the left hand back. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise 5

Initial position: standing, legs are slightly wider than shoulders, arms are lowered along the body.

Performance: on the count of "one" raise the left hand up, on the count of "two" make 3 tilts to the right, on the count of "three" take the starting position, on the count of "four" raise the right hand up, on the count of "five" do 3 tilts to the left. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 6

Initial position:

standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body.

Performance: on the count of "one", bending in the back, smoothly lean forward, on the count of "two" spread your arms to the sides, on the count of "three" take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 7

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body.

Performance: on the count of "one" turn to the right (legs in place), on the count of "two" turn to the left. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 8

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body.

Performance: at the expense of "one" perform springy slopes to the left leg, at the expense of "two" - to the right, at the expense of "three" - take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 9

Initial position:

Performance: at the expense of "one", "two" make 2 springy slopes, at the expense of "three" straighten up and, bending back as much as possible, raise your hands up, at the expense of "four" take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise 10

Initial position: standing, feet together, arms extended forward.

Performance: on the count of "one", bending over, put your hands behind your back (without bending) and raise your left leg, on the count of "two" take the starting position, on the count of "three", bending over, put your hands behind your back (without bending) and raise your right leg . Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 11

Initial position: standing with your back to the support, fasten the load on your feet, hands on your belt.

Performance: on the count of "one" slowly raise the left leg up, on the count of "two" take the starting position, on

at the expense of "three" slowly raise the right leg up, at the expense of "four" take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 12

Initial position: standing, fasten the load on your feet, hands on your belt.

Performance: on the count of "one" bend the left leg at the knee, on the count of "two" straighten it, on the count of "three" take the starting position. Repeat the same with the right leg.

Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 13

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body.

Performance: at the expense of "one", spreading his arms to the sides, lunge to the right and a few springy squats, at the expense of "two" take the starting position. Repeat the same with the left leg.

Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 14

Initial position: standing, legs apart slightly wider than shoulders, arms lowered along the body.

Performance: on the count of "one" raise your hands up, on the count of "two" lunge forward with your right foot and a few springy squats, on the count of "three" take the starting position. Repeat the same with the left leg. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 15

Initial position: standing, legs together, arms lowered along the body.

Performance: on the count of "one" rise on your toes, on the count of "two" take the starting position. Exercise repeat

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Respiratory gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

author Elena Yurievna Khramova

From the book The Complete Guide to Nursing author Elena Yurievna Khramova


From the book Treatment of Prostatitis and Other Prostate Diseases in Traditional and Non-Traditional Ways author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

From the book Treatment of Prostatitis and Other Prostate Diseases in Traditional and Non-Traditional Ways author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

From the book Treatment of Prostatitis and Other Prostate Diseases in Traditional and Non-Traditional Ways author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

From the book Treatment of Prostatitis and Other Prostate Diseases in Traditional and Non-Traditional Ways author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

From the book Treatment of Prostatitis and Other Prostate Diseases in Traditional and Non-Traditional Ways author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

From the book Treatment of Prostatitis and Other Prostate Diseases in Traditional and Non-Traditional Ways author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

From the book Fitness Against Spinal Diseases author Kristina Alexandrovna Lyakhova

From the book Strelnikova's famous breathing exercises author Svetlana Valerievna Dubrovskaya

From the book Real recipes against cellulite. 5 min a day author Kristina Alexandrovna Kulagina

From the book 365 golden exercises on breathing exercises author Natalya Olshevskaya

From the book How to Get Rid of Back Pain author Irina Anatolyevna Kotesheva

From the book Perfect Ass. Monthly anti-crisis program author Olga Dan