Types of sports tourism. Sports tourism as a sport in Russia, photos of sports tourism. Sports tourism Which hikes are sports tourism

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of sports tourism

Basic concepts and definitions of sports tourism

Sports Tourism is a kind of sport - competitions in various types of tourism (skiing, water, mountain, speleotourism, etc.).

Sports tourism is a kind of sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism is a kind of sport for overcoming an extended segment of the earth's surface, called a route. At the same time, the "terrestrial surface" means not only the stone surface of the Earth, but also the water surface, and located under the daytime surface (caves). During the passage of the route, various specific natural obstacles are overcome. For example, mountain peaks and passes (in mountain tourism) or river rapids (in river rafting).

Sports tourism in Russia is a national sport with centuries-old historical traditions, and includes not only a sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere and lifestyle of the wanderers themselves. Non-commercial tourist clubs ("tour clubs") are still the centers for the development of sports tourism, although many tourists are engaged in it independently.

Sports tourism is the preparation and conduct of sports travel in order to overcome the extended space of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), with the help of rafting equipment (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism). The sports trip is carried out by an autonomous group of 6-10 people. It happens that travelers do not meet any traces of civilization for a month. To complete the route, one must not only be strong, agile, courageous and stubborn, but also possess a wide range of special knowledge from the technique of overcoming obstacles to human physiology in extreme conditions.

Unlike conventional travel, sports travel includes a set of natural obstacles classified by difficulty. As a rule, in mountain and ski tourism such obstacles are mountain peaks and passes, and in water tourism - river rapids.

The system of sports tourism, created over decades, limits the initiative of travelers to a minimum. Currently, a sports trip can be arranged to anywhere in the world, and everyone can become a team leader, as long as he has experience of participating in a trip of the same category of complexity and experience of leading a trip that is one category easier. The remaining members of the team must have experience of participating in a simpler (one category) trip. In addition to this basic principle, the Rules provide for exceptions to better take into account the actual experience of travelers (for example, mountaineering experience or experience in other types of sports tourism). The master level in sports tourism is associated with the leadership in travel of the highest categories of complexity. Therefore, making two trips a year, a gifted athlete reaches this level in 5-6 years. Sports tourism is not only sports. It allows you to get acquainted with the culture of the peoples living in the travel area, enjoy the contemplation of amazing landscapes, experience the awe of the explorer - the pioneer. Of course, in the era of total aerial photography, it is impossible to make a geographical discovery, but you can still visit places where no human has gone before. Finally, sports tourism is a school of wisdom. This is an accurate calculation of forces, the ability to foresee events and predict the course of processes generated by them.

Formation and development of sports tourism

Sports tourism is a relatively young phenomenon in the domestic history of the development of the tourist movement, which originated at the end of the 19th century. The tourist and sports movement in Russia at that time did not acquire a mass character, remaining the business of a small circle of people. This was due to a number of reasons: economic, psychological, etc. This was also hampered by artificially created restrictions on sports (including tourism). After the establishment of the power of the Bolsheviks in the country, the state began to pay more attention to the issues of physical culture and sports. The country began to create a system of mass physical education. Parallel to this, there was a process of cutting off pre-existing organizations that did not fit into the new system.

However, at that time, the first tourist organizations began to appear in the country one after another: the Alpine Club in Tbilisi (1877), the Enterprise for Public Travel to All Countries of the World in St. Petersburg (1885), the Crimean Mountain Club in Odessa (1890) with branches in Yalta and Sevastopol (later - the "Crimean-Caucasian Mountain Club"), "Russian Turing Club" (a society of cyclists) in St. Petersburg (1895) with branches in Moscow, Kyiv, Riga, etc. In 1901 The Turing Club was transformed into the ROT (Russian Society of Tourists), which became the largest tourist association in the country - by 1914, there were about 5 thousand members in its ranks. By a happy coincidence, the Russian Society of Tourists escaped the fate of other bourgeois sports organizations and was not liquidated in the first years of Soviet power. On the contrary, this association was included in the state system of universal physical education. This was partly due to the efforts of people who were involved in the organizational issues of the movement, its formation: N. Krylenko, I. Tamm, A. Frumkin, V. Nemytsky, etc. . But ROT did not become the only organization that united participants in the tourist movement in the country. Tourist groups were created on the basis of the excursion organizations of the People's Commissariat of Education, the NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs), the Supreme Economic Council (Supreme Council of the National Economy), at the regional executive committees and other state institutions. Back in 1918, the first Soviet tourist organization, the Bureau of School Tours of the Narkompros, was created under the People's Commissariat of Education, and in 1920, the "joint lecture and excursion bureau" - the prototype of modern tourist and excursion institutions.

The 20th century in the history of the development of sports tourism is characterized by three main periods: pre-war, pre-war, post-war.

In the pre-war period, two independent directions emerged in the development of tourism (tourist-excursion and amateur). The first direction came under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, where the Central Tourist and Excursion Administration was created, and the second under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, where the All-Union Tourism Section was created. In 1929, the ROT was renamed the OPT, which set itself the following tasks: acquaintance with the country for the purpose of self-education; development of moral and physical qualities; better use of leisure opportunities; as well as providing assistance to backward peoples in the development of cultural heritage; conducting research work to discover the country's natural wealth. In its work, the OPT relied on cells in institutions, industrial enterprises, state farms and collective farms; There were district and regional PNT branches in all the republics. Routes were developed, methodical literature was published. In 1930, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the All-Union Voluntary Society for Proletarian Tourism and Excursions (OPTE) was created on the basis of the OPT and JSC (Joint Stock Company) "Soviet Tourist". OPTE carried out a lot of work to involve the population in hiking and excursions, to develop a network of tourist centers and routes. At the same time, tourism among schoolchildren has gained wide scope. In 1932, a central children's excursion and tourist station was created, after which similar stations began to be created in all republics and large cities. The created network of youth tourism stations is still operating, the number of which is more than 400, and the annual number of participants organized by these institutions is about 1.6 million participants. Tourism sections began to be created in DSOs and physical education teams. On March 26, 1939, the Sports Committee introduced the “USSR Tourist” badge, and in 1940 the title of tourism instructor was established. When in 1936 the titles “Master of Sports” and “Honored Master of Sports” were established for athletes, a tourist appeared among the Honored Masters: N.M. Gubanov. In the same year, by a decree of the Central Election Commission of the USSR, the management of work in the field of tourism was entrusted to the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. At that time, the tourist movement within the country acquired a mass character: 500 thousand people were already engaged in tourist clubs and cells, against 5 thousand in 1914. Tourism has become a common form of recreation for hundreds of thousands of people. At the same time, there were still many problems, among which the underdevelopment of the material and technical base stood out. But, despite this, the tourist movement, thanks primarily to the enthusiasm of individuals, continued to grow and strengthen. In 1940, several thousand tourist sections operated at enterprises and educational institutions, 165 tourist bases and camps were created. Since January 1, 1940, tourism has been included in the GTO complex (“Ready for Labor and Defense” - a program of physical education in general education, professional and sports organizations).

In the prewar period, almost 3 million people took part in amateur campaigns - long-distance and weekend trips. The war interrupted the activities of tourist organizations. It took many years to reach pre-war levels. The increase in tourists united in tourist sections and clubs by complex sports trips required streamlining the training system based on uniform regulatory requirements.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War The All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol (Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union) undertook large-scale actions to develop tourism in the country. Already in 1945, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions made the appropriate decision. In the difficult post-war period, funds are allocated for the restoration and construction of new camp sites and camps. The creation of tourist clubs has received a special scope. They became the centers of consultations on the passage of sports routes, the place of work of the route-qualification commissions for types of tourism, they were the organizers of sports tourism. Sports tourism was first introduced into the Unified Sports Classification in 1949. This entailed the development of route and qualification (later route-qualification) commissions, the development of a classification of hiking trips.

Schools of tourism instructors began to operate in the 1950s. Since the mid-50s, the rapid development of amateur tourism and its highest manifestation - sports tourism began. In 1957, more than 50 tourist clubs operated in the country, while before the war there was only one in Rostov-on-Don. Tourism has become really massive.

In 1962, by decision of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, TEU (Tourist and Excursion Administration) were transformed into TsSTE, republican and regional councils, under whose jurisdiction amateur tourism was completely transferred. Sections and commissions on types of tourism began to work under the TSTE and local councils, and regional and city tourist clubs were created. Starting from 1965, category requirements began to function, including the award of categories and titles up to the title of Master of Sports for performing sports trips of the 5th category of complexity. (Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR. Protocol "4 of March 19, 1965").

Since 1970, all-Union competitions for the best tourist trip have been organized annually. Tourist trips were included in the TRP physical culture and sports complex. Since 1971, All-Union, republican, regional competitions for the best tourist trip have been held, which since 1981 have been transformed into Championships of the USSR, republics, etc. (Resolution of the TsSTE, protocol No. 16 b p. 5 of May 22, 1980, agreed with the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR). By the Decree of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of August 22, 1980, protocol No. 6, the winners of the USSR championships are awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals of the II degree. 100-150 teams participated in all-Union competitions and championships annually. In 1976, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions decided to create a single public tourism body - the TsSTE Tourism Federation and the formation of relevant local federations. S.V. was elected Chairman of the Federation. Zhuravlev - deputy. chairman of the All-Union Council of the DSO Trade Unions.

In 1985, the Federation began to be called the All-Union Federation, and the local federations - republican, regional and regional. A well-known tourist, Honored Master of Sports V.D. became the Chairman of the Federation. Tikhomirov. By the end of the 80s, 950 regional, city tourist clubs were created in the system of tourism councils, uniting thousands of public activists. Tourist sections and clubs worked in tens of thousands of physical education teams, which covered up to 10 million people with competitions and sports trips. More than 500,000 instructors, trek leaders, and competition judges have been trained at various levels of seminars, schools, and camps. More than 200 thousand sports tourists (about 20 thousand tourist groups) annually participated in sports trips.

At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, more than 40 thousand public commissions operated on the territory of the former USSR, in which about 700 thousand tourists participated. In 1990, the title of master of sports was awarded to 124 tourists, 1-3 category - to 80 thousand tourists, and the "USSR tourist" badge was awarded to 250 thousand tourists.

In 1992, after the collapse of the USSR, the International Tourist and Sports Union was created, and in 2002 the International Federation sports tourism, bringing together tourists from the CIS and Baltic countries. The Tourist and Sports Union and the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia began to work under the State Sports Committee of Russia. ZMS (Honored Master of Sports) I.E. became the president. Vostokov.

Since 1994, the award of the title of Master of Sports has been introduced into the category requirements for sports tourism. international class for making sports trips of the 6th category of complexity, corresponding to world achievements, as well as competitions in tourist all-around, which were previously called competitions in tourism technology. The parent organization is a public organization - the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia (Federation of Sports Tourism). Abbreviated as TSSR.

Beginning in 1998, ST passed the critical point of its downfall; there are positive trends in its development. This became possible thanks to the organizational, methodological and financial support from the state committees for physical culture, sports and tourism, the efforts of the public tourist asset and, most importantly, the desire of the socially unprotected segments of the population themselves to solve the problem of their recreation and leisure in a cheap and effective way. healthy lifestyle life in the difficult situation of the city. Against this background, a steady process of creating full-time departments involved in the development of sports tourism is underway in the territorial state committees.

In Russia, in terms of the number of people involved, sports tourism is among the top ten places among all sports. In 2008, according to the official statistics of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, this is more than 340 thousand athletes, and taking into account the mass physical culture movement, including children's and youth sports and health tourism - more than 3 million people.

Today, sports tourism, in modern society, manifests itself as one of the most important types of tourism activities, which for many people is an integral component of life, an effective means of restoring physical and mental health, as well as a necessary condition for exciting spending their free time. This is a whole social movement, the most important goal of which is the formation of a healthy lifestyle for each individual and society as a whole.

But at the same time, since 2009, there has been a tendency to misunderstand the importance of this movement. A number of problems have accumulated that lead to a decrease in the status of sports tourism, the destruction of the movement and the sport, and a decrease in security, which does not correspond to the national interests of the country. There is a tendency to ignore and neglect the opinion of public sports organizations. It takes years to approve norms - rules and discharge requirements and other documents. There is a fear of the responsibility of officials and distrust of the public, which blocks decisions, the adoption of regulatory documents and the development of this sport. Over the past three years, the category requirements for sports tourism in the basic group of disciplines "route" for the implementation of sports routes (hikes) have not been approved, the titles of Master of Sports and Master of Sports of international class have been eliminated, they are not even awarded youth ranks. All this leads to a decrease in safety and an increase in injuries on the routes due to a decrease in traffic controllability, since the lack of proper incentives leads to an increase in the number of unorganized "wild", unregistered groups that do not comply with the strict safety requirements of the competition rules. Decreased motivation affects both participants and coaches. Athletes with sports titles have always been an example and a driving force in the education of young people. This position contradicts the main directions of national policy set by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to raise mass sports, improve health and social support for the population, causing a great negative public response. State support for tourist sports organizations is insufficient. There is practically no funding for competitions and other tourist events. As before, there is a trend of development at one's own expense.

Given the above, we can conclude that ST is a nationwide sport in Russia, reflecting national traditions. There are three main periods in the history of the emergence of sports tourism in Russia - pre-war, pre-war and post-war. Considering these periods, there is a certain trend in the development of sports tourism: the wide spread of the sports and tourism industry - the transition from a professional approach to sports and tourism events to an amateur one - large-scale actions to develop this tourism in the country.

Sports tourism is not only sports. It allows you to get acquainted with the culture of the peoples living in the travel area, enjoy the contemplation of amazing landscapes, and experience the thrill of a pioneer explorer. As for the direct development of this type of tourism, a number of certain trends can be traced here. If in the 90s sports tourism was mainly developed with the help of state funds, then in modern times, instead of state funds, commercial ones have become - i.e. development at your own expense. As a result, public funding has been reduced to a minimum. In addition to budget cuts, the number of those involved in sports tourism has sharply decreased, there is a noticeable democratization of relations between man, the state and nature, the disappearance of some and the emergence of other prohibitions and restrictions. Also quite an important trend is the problem of emasculation of the main essence of sports tourism - its natural habitat. There are events that can hardly be called touristic. Legislative and regulatory framework, which is the basis for the implementation public policy in the field of socially oriented sports tourism, currently does not guarantee its development. There is a tendency to misunderstand the importance of the tourist and sports movement, mainly on the part of the authorities. However, recently there have been positive trends in its development, in the territorial state committees there is a steady process of creating full-time units involved in the development of this tourism.

Types of sports tours

The purpose of sports tours is adventure, overcoming difficulties. Active tours are divided by means of transportation.

Allocate hiking, skiing, water (rafting on kayaks, wooden or inflatable rafts - rafts, catamarans, boats, yachts, etc.), horse riding, cycling. Speleotourism is also distinguished separately - visiting caves, mountaineering - climbing mountain peaks. In Russia, mountain tourism is distinguished separately - hiking in the mountains in order to overcome a certain number of mountain passes. Stationary sports tourism - various types of recreation at sea (diving, surfing, yachting, water skiing, etc.) and in the mountains (skiing, sleighing, snowboarding, para - and hang gliding, etc.).

Types of sports tourism

By type of movement are distinguished:

Automototourism - travel (hiking) along the chosen route on cars and motorcycles for personal use;

Bicycle tourism (bicycle tourism) is one of the types of tourism in which the bicycle is the main or only means of transportation. Concept " cycling tourism"is ambiguous and refers to one of the types active rest, and to the variety of sports tourism;

Water tourism is one of the types of sports tourism, which consists in overcoming the route along the water surface. There are several types of water tourism: river rafting, rafting, sailing tourism, sea kayaking;

Sailing tourism - travel along inland waterways and in the coastal waters of the seas and oceans on sailing ships;

Equestrian tourism (horse tourism) - travel on horseback or in carriages. One of the types of sports tourism, which consists in the passage on a horse of routes containing obstacles specific for equestrian tourism (passes, forests, rivers);

Ski tourism - movement on the route is carried out mainly on skis. Tourist skis are used to overcome natural obstacles;

Motorcycle tourism;

Hiking- Movement on the route is carried out mainly on foot. The main goal is to overcome the route on foot by the group along the slightly rugged terrain;

Mountain tourism - hiking in high mountains;

Speleotourism is a kind of sports tourism, the meaning is to travel through natural underground cavities (caves) and overcome them various obstacles(siphons, wells) using various special equipment(scuba gear, carabiners, ropes, hooks, individual safety systems, etc.). The opening of new speleotourist routes is associated with the study of caves - speleology.;

Combined tourism is a type of competition in sports tourism, which consists in passing an extremely oriented distance, combining several types of tourism, and practicing rescue, life support and survival in the natural environment.

According to age and social characteristics, sports tourism is divided into:

Children's tourism;

youth tourism;

adult tourism;

Family tourism;

Tourism for people with disabilities.

In recent years, the following areas of sports tourism have been actively developed: travel (including solo travel); extreme tourism; distance discipline; distance discipline indoors on artificial terrain; short routes in the class of sports trips.

Forms and activities:

organization of sports trips and trips;

Carrying out sports and scientific expeditions;

holding championships and competitions, including international ones;

holding sports schools training of personnel - instructors and guides for sports tourism;

commercial sports tourism;

organization of fairs, rallies, tours;

· maintenance of data banks of collective members, novelties of tourist equipment, routes, passes, peaks and other technically difficult obstacles;

· activity on the account and assignment of sports, instructor and judicial ranks;

organization of youth and family tourism.

  • Osprey Vitaly Alexandrovich, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor
  • Altai State Pedagogical University

The article discusses sports tourism, its essence and features of the organization. Various interpretations and understandings of sports tourism are analyzed. The essence of sports tourism lies in the fact that in this type of tourism is manifested not just active motor activity, but a combination of physical and volitional qualities sports tour participant. Sports tourism involves the independent overcoming of large geographical distances and complex obstacles. Separately, the features of sports tourism are identified and their analysis is given.

  • Pilgrimage tourism and its place in the system of tourism activities
  • History of the development of sports tourism in Russia and abroad
  • The current state and prospects for the development of sports tourism in the Altai Territory
  • Theoretical foundations for the formation of a tourist cluster

Everyone knows what skiing in winter, rafting on mountain rivers, cycling and motorcycle trips are, but not everyone thinks that all this is part of sports tourism. Loiko O. T. defines it as a traditional form of tourism activity. It is worth saying that sports tourism is even more than just one of the forms and types of tourism. Today, sports tourism in Russia is a national sport. "Sports tourism is a sport to overcome an extended segment of the earth's surface, called a route." In addition to this, also overcoming water spaces and caves. In the process of passing the route, various peculiar natural obstacles are overcome. Such as mountain peaks and passes (in mountain tourism) or river rapids (in river rafting).

It should be noted right away that sports tourism is a complex phenomenon that includes different types of tourism. The classification of sports tourism is carried out according to different criteria and features. So, in accordance with the types of movement, sports tourism is divided into:

  • automototourism;
  • hitch-hiking;
  • cycling tourism;
  • water tourism. Varieties are sailing tourism, rafting on mountain rivers, etc.;
  • equestrian tourism;
  • ski tourism;
  • motorcycle tourism;
  • hiking - movement on the route is carried out mainly on foot. A variety should be considered mountain tourism;
  • speleotourism;
  • combined tourism.

In accordance with the increasing length, duration and technical complexity, sports trips are divided into “hikes of I, II, III, IV, V and VI categories of complexity”.

Depending on the difficulty of the obstacles to be overcome, the hiking area, autonomy, novelty and a number of other factors characteristic of different types of sports tourism, hikes are divided into:

  • weekend trips;
  • hikes of 1-3 degrees of difficulty - in youth tourism;
  • category trips. AT different types tourism, the number of difficulty categories is different: in hiking, mountain, water, ski, bicycle and speleological tourism - six categories of difficulty (c.s.); in automoto and sailing tourism - five; in the horse - three.

In the Program for the development of sports tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018. noted that in accordance with the age characteristic "sports tourism includes children's, youth, youth, adults, among the elderly, family, different ages".

Another division of sports tourism into types is presented in the manual of E. N. Artemova. It distinguishes between active and passive sports tourism. “With an active basis, there is a need to engage in some kind of sport. When passive, it is interest in the sport, observation.

Artemova E. A. with co-authors notes that sports tourism includes sports activities, namely: water tourism, winter sport, hunting and fishing and golf. They note that water tourism is on the rise today, due to the development of means of transportation. For example, the use of various kinds of vessels (under sail or with a motor). At the same time, the main infrastructure of this type of tourism is a sports port. The port consists of the following zones:

  • marine;
  • zone technical support: shipyards, refueling;
  • additional services: restaurants, shops, discos.

Winter sports are divided into alpine skiing, alpine skiing, sledding, etc. The infrastructure is mainly made up of mountain winter stations. As for hunting and fishing, this activity, unlike others, is regulated and carried out in accordance with certain rules. For example, a license or permit is required to carry it out.

In addition to the traditional types of sports tourism, recently introduced the new kind- lowland tourism. This is nature-oriented tourism on the plain. As A. I. Zyryanov notes, “plain tourism in some respects corresponds to “non-mountain” tourism. However, the essence here is not in the form of overcome natural obstacles, but in a new system of organizing and coordinating tourist and recreational activities, which must be established in the face of a shortage of such bright natural resources that are characteristic of mountain spaces, and a high degree of demand.

Plain tourism includes sports (amateur) walking, water (river rafting), skiing, caving, cycling, fishing tourism activities(fishing, hunting, berry-mushroom and other fishing tours), ecological tourism routes in the flat area. In addition to the above types, the lowland also includes balneological tourism outside the sea and mountains, rural tourism, country estate tourism.

Thus, we can say that there are a lot of varieties of sports tourism. This speaks of its popularity, its relevance and importance. It affects all age categories of tourists, various ways movements, difficulty levels and duration. Everyone can choose an acceptable type of sports tourism for themselves.

Vinokurov M. A. notes that the essence of sports tourism is the organization of trips to various sports events. “It allows you to engage in selected sports (skiing, swimming, sport fishing and hunting, etc.), as well as “cheer” for your favorite team, personally attending major sports competitions.”

From the point of view of A. Yu. Korolev, “the main content of sports tourism is overcoming natural obstacles of a natural nature.” As an example of obstacles of a natural nature, one can cite: ice, snow, water barriers, obstacles of the macro- and micro-relief of the terrain. “In addition to the natural obstacles of the natural landscape and the difficulties of a climatic nature, there may be difficulties of a different nature, for example, spatial characteristics (uninhabited) and some others.”

The essence of sports tourism also lies in the fact that this type of tourism manifests itself not just active motor activity, but a combination of physical and volitional qualities of a participant in a sports tour. Sports tourism involves the independent overcoming of large geographical distances and complex obstacles. In this regard, this sport requires a good physical training. Also, the tourist is required to have endurance and various professional skills. A.Yu. Korolev notes that sports tourism "is a complex (mixed) sport of the all-around type, but of increased length and duration."

In many cases, sports tourism is an extreme form of travel.

The main consumers of sports tourism is a group consisting of ordinary people (non-professional athletes) who prefer to practice their chosen sport during their trip. It is worth saying that the organization of trips for non-professional athletes, hiking athletes can be carried out by both travel companies, professional tourism organizations, and the participants of the trips themselves. As I. V. Zorin notes: “in our country they are often called “amateur tourists”.

Due to the fact that sports tourism is quite diverse and complex (in terms of its diversity), there are certain features of sports tourism that are worth noting.

One of the main features of sports tourism is the presence of natural and recreational conditions in the organization of sports tours. “So, for ski tourism, it is necessary to have mountains with suitable slopes. of varying complexity; for rafting - the presence of mountain rivers with difficult, but interesting sections, with the presence of simple obstacles, the possibility of convenient transfer and removal from the route, etc.”

Associated with the feature described above next feature, which lies in the fact that sports tourism is very "geographical", i.e. characterized by a large spatial coverage and spatial sense, route technology, the dependence of the travel program on a wide variety of geographical factors.

The third important feature is the presence of a large-scale material base. The material base includes various kinds of infrastructure facilities. For example, hotels, transport, sports equipment rentals, service areas: locker rooms, technical services; the presence of special facilities: fields, courts, pools, skating rinks, etc. In most cases, when organizing a sports tour, the presence of medical centers is mandatory. In addition, an additional service area is also needed, including accommodation, catering facilities, shops, discos, etc. I. V. Zorin also notes such an aspect as the presence of an excursion program. Perhaps a combination of sightseeing and educational and sports programs. Let's say a bike tour with stops for sightseeing.

Another feature of the organization of sports tours is the availability of qualified and experienced instructors in the relevant sport, masters and candidates for the master of sports to work with tourists.

Instructors must know safety rules and be able to provide first aid. During the service, tourists are divided into groups of experienced, less experienced and novice athletes, a separate instructor deals with each of the groups.

The fifth feature is due to the complexity of sports tourism. Sports tourism, unlike most other sports, has more content: “expanding the horizons of the traveler when getting to know new places and people, the impact on him of a diverse nature, the active interaction of a team of people in the fight against difficulties and their own shortcomings, autonomous actions of a group in underdeveloped and uninhabited areas, education of independence, initiative, decisiveness and self-control under unexpected circumstances.

It is also worth noting such a feature of sports tourism as its classification by complexity. This is not the case with normal tours. Often the division of hikes by difficulty is associated with the presence and variety of any obstacles, for example, mountain peaks and passes, river crossings, blockages, etc.

The main goal of sports tourism is reflected in the Program for the Development of Sports Tourism in the Russian Federation: "Sports tourism contributes to the development of mass physical culture movement in the country." At the same time, sports tourism in terms of its goals can have a sports, educational, educational, research, environmental orientation and their combination.

Summing up, we can say that sports tourism is a sport for overcoming an extended segment of the earth's surface, called a route. The essence of sports tourism lies in the fact that this type of tourism manifests itself not just active motor activity, but a combination of physical and volitional qualities of a participant in a sports tour.

Sports tourism is a complex phenomenon that includes different types of tourism. The classification of sports tourism is carried out according to different criteria and features.

There are many types of sports tourism.

Features of sports tourism: the presence of natural and recreational conditions in the organization of sports tours; the presence of a large-scale material base; the availability of qualified and experienced instructors in the relevant sport, masters and candidates for the master of sports to work with tourists; geography; complexity; classification according to complexity.

In general, based on a variety of interpretations and definitions, sports tourism has fundamental features, the study of which allows a more holistic approach to organizational issues and its practical part.


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  3. Korolev A.Yu. Geographical and tactical aspects of sports tourism [Text] / A.Yu. Korolev // Geographic Bulletin. - 2008. - No. 2. - S. 1-9.
  4. Naumova S.A. Economics and entrepreneurship in socio-cultural service and tourism. Textbook [Text] / S.A. Naumov. - Tomsk: Publishing house of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2003.
  5. Pesotskaya E.V. Services Marketing / E.V. Pesotskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - P. 124.
  6. Program for the development of sports tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018 – P. 4.
  7. Putrik Yu.S. Tourism as a factor in heritage preservation: historical experience and traditions [Text] / Yu.S. Putrik // Bulletin of TSU. - 2008. - No. 311. - S. 95-101.

The article reveals the characteristic features of sports tourism as a specific type of tourism activity. A comparison is made of sports tourism as a type of tourism activity and sports tourism as a sport, a characteristic is given to both types of sports tourism.


Badalyants Sergey Viktorovich,

Don State Technical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Rostov-on-Don, Russia,

E -mail: [email protected]


Badaliants Sergey Viktorovich,

Associate Professor of the Department of "Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry" of the Don State Technical University,

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]


The article reveals the characteristic features of sports tourism as a specific type of tourism activity. A comparison is made of sports tourism as a type of tourism activity and sports tourism as a sport, a description is given of both types of sports tourism.


T he article describes the characteristic features of sport tourism, as a specific type of tourist activity. A comparison of sport tourism as tourist activity and sports tourism as a sport, is a characteristic of both types of sports tourism.

Keywords: tourism, sports tourism, sports, competitions, Russian tourism.

key words: tourism, sports tourism, sport, events, Russian tourism.

Tourism as a diverse phenomenon includes a large number of forms and types. A large number of types of tourism creates great opportunities for the development of tourism activities in the country. The most important type of tourism is sports. The importance of developing this type of tourism activity is beyond doubt, since sports tourism solves two major tasks:

    Contributes to meeting the needs of the population in tourism products;

    It stimulates the development of sports, increasing the physical activity of the population and, as a result, improving the health of citizens.

Currently, there is no consensus among researchers regarding the definition of sports tourism. Different authors give different meanings to this category, while the existing definitions can be divided into two large groups:

    Sports tourism as a sport

    Sports tourism as a form of tourism activity.

Proponents of the first approach (for example, Birzhakov M.B., Kazakov N.P.) define sports tourism as a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial relief. The main feature of sports tourism as a sport is that it is focused primarily on athletes or people with good physical shape. The purpose of sports tourism as a sport is to overcome natural obstacles through the use of various tactics and techniques. Makarenko V.S. adheres to a similar point of view, defining the main task of sports tourism as providing an opportunity (during the entire tour) to engage in the chosen sport.

Proponents of the second approach (for example Safronov R.A. and Avagyan G.K.) give such a definition. Sports tourism is a type of tourism associated with physical activity and the organization of non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reservations and includes unusual travel, non-traditional vehicles. In our opinion, this definition is too narrow, since it does not include a large number of forms of sports tourism. In addition, sports tourism is not necessarily associated with tours to ecologically clean and exotic natural reservations. For example, one of the very popular types of sports tourism - cycling can take place along the highway, through city blocks, etc.

In our opinion, according to the second approach, sports tourism is a form of tourism activity associated with the preparation and conduct of sports trips, visiting tourist places that involve a stable physical activity for the tourist, or attending sports entertainment events.

Based on this definition, the following two types of sports tourism can be distinguished as forms of tourism activities:

    Active sports tourism, the main feature of which is a stable physical activity for the tourist and his direct participation in a sporting event.

    Passive sports tourism (sports and event tourism), associated with visiting sports events by a tourist.

In addition, the differences between sports tourism, as a form of tourism activity, lie in the fact that when doing sports tourism, as a sport, high demands are made on the physical fitness of a person. The only exceptions are some types of sports tourism, such as hiking, where such requirements are not always put forward. With sports tourism as a form of tourism activity, such high requirements are not imposed, since the main goal of sports tourism, as a form of tourism activity, is precisely to get new impressions, as well as to maintain a good physical form. That is, the consumer of a tourist product in the field of sports tourism does not strive to achieve victory in any sports competition, he is more interested in new experiences, as well as his own physical form. In addition, for tourists attending sports events, the goal of maintaining physical fitness is not at all relevant when choosing a tourism product.

You can also highlight another important feature of sports tourism as a sport - this is competition. Competitiveness (competitiveness) is the most important feature of sports activity. "A characteristic feature of sports activity is that competitive wrestling is presented in it in the purest form" . If we turn to the definitions of the concept of "sport", then in almost any of them there will be a corresponding indication: "Competition is one of the main and integral features of sports activity or" characteristic feature sport is that it is not conceivable without competitions and contests”, etc. etc. In this case, indeed, sport can be interpreted as actually competitive activity, a specific form of which is the competition system. A system that has historically developed mainly in the field of physical culture of society as a special area for identifying and unified comparison of human capabilities.

For sports tourism, as a type of tourism activity, competitiveness is not a defining feature, it may be absent altogether. Sports tourism involves overcoming hiking, cycling, skiing and other routes, while their goal is to get new experiences, and not to win in a certain competition. Tours can take place in one team, or they can be carried out by one person, while the tourist in this case does not compete with anyone, and the goal of overcoming the tourist route in a certain time will not be decisive either.

The competitive nature of sports tourism, as a sport, predetermines its rather risky nature. So Ovchinnikov Yu.D. and Talyzov S.N. quite rightly note that “engaging in sports tourism as a complex sport carried out in a complex natural and social environment, of course, carries certain risks and requires the athlete to have versatile knowledge, skills, experience and good physical, technical and psychological preparation» .

Many types of sports tourism are extreme, and therefore the level of risks increases significantly. Extreme tourism, which is singled out by many researchers as an independent form of tourism, is not so much entertaining as a “test” journey: tourists are rather busy with self-knowledge and self-affirmation.

Sports tourism, as a form of tourism activity, in turn, carries fewer risks, which are associated with a lower value or no competition at all when passing tourist routes. In turn, passive sports tourism does not carry the risk of injury at all, since it consists in passive observation of sports events.

Thus, we can distinguish the following differences between sports tourism as a sport and as a form of tourism activity.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of sports tourism as a sport and as a specific type of tourism


Sports tourism as a sport

Sports tourism as a specific type of tourism

Subject's participation in a sporting event

Direct involvement

Both direct participation and participation as a spectator at a sporting event are possible


Adversarial nature

May be adversarial or non-adversarial

primary goal

overcoming natural obstacles through the use of various tactics and techniques.

obtaining new impressions and maintaining the physical form of a tourist (for active sports tourism)

Physical fitness requirements

High (for active sports tourism) and no requirements (for passive sports tourism)

Injury hazard

High (for active sports tourism) and low (for passive sports tourism)

Thus, the analysis testifies to the qualitative differences between sports tourism as a sport and sports tourism as a specific type of tourism. Understanding the data is very important for the development of sports tourism as a form of tourism activity in the country, since this type of tourism has a huge potential. The holding of major international sports competitions in Russia, such as the Winter Olympics in 2014, the Summer Universiade in Kazan in 2013, the upcoming World Cup in 2018, provide a surge of public interest in sports in general and sports tourism in particular. The use of this interest in order to popularize sports, a healthy lifestyle, as well as the development of sports tourism in the country should become one of the main tasks of the state.


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    Birzhakov M.B., Kazakov N.P. Tourism safety. - St. Petersburg: Gerd Publishing House, 2008. - 208 p.

    Visit N.N. social nature modern sports. - Chisinau: Shtiintsa, 1979. - 84 p.

    Makarenko V.S., Sobodyr A.V. The specifics of the development of sports tourism in the Rostov region//Fundamental and applied scientific research. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Managing editor A.A. Zaraisky. 2017. S. 116-119.

    Matveev L.P. Generalizing theory of physical culture at the current stage of its formation // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2009. - No. 9. - P. 16-17.

    Ovchinnikov, Yu. D. Sports tourism as a kind of sport and a form of activity / Yu. D. Ovchinnikov, S. N. Talyzov // Physical culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor recreation. -2017. - T. 2, No. 2. - S. 117-120.

    Safronov R.A., Avagyan G.K. Sports tourism as a specific type of tourism// Innovative economy and modern management. 2015. No. 3 (4). - P. 44-48.

Fans of hiking and outdoor activities in general do not even always know that they are engaged in one of the most interesting types, called sports tourism, what it is, what types we are going to consider now.

What kind of sport

For a better understanding of what kind of sports tourism is, you should look at the Wikipedia electronic resource.

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It says here that:

sports tourism is understood as a whole range of events that take place along specially designed routes.

Moreover, the routes themselves have their own category of difficulty and are intended from beginners to high-level professionals.

Accordingly, athletes who have managed to overcome certain obstacles receive the appropriate sports categories.

Features of sports tourism

It is worth saying that there are no singles in sports. So is sports for the most part - a collective or team sport. He teaches to work in a team, while he will develop a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Like any sport, tourism is primarily a strict discipline. Experienced athletes will definitely share their knowledge and experience with beginners. Which is very important for all beginners and for children.

Another feature of sports tourism is relatively cheap equipment, which makes it especially attractive. Depending on the type of equipment chosen, the cost of equipment will be different.

Main types

Sports tourism, more entertainment, hobby than competition. There is no reciprocity here. And because such an occupation finds its followers all over the world.

To date, the most popular types of tourism are:

  • pedestrian- when all routes are designed for the possibility of overcoming them on foot. Moreover, the tracks are divided according to relief-landscape obstacles. The most difficult routes pass through places characterized by difficult terrain, as well as various climatic conditions;
  • ski From the name it follows that all routes pass through areas where there is snow. The complexity of the route will depend on the relief and landscape features, as well as on the level of snow and snow-ice cover;
  • mountain- these are most often hiking routes passing in mountainous areas where it is necessary to overcome paths and passes, it is possible to climb to the peaks, in which it is akin to rock climbing;
  • water is a rafting on various rivers, overcoming water spaces. In this case, boats or other special vessels are used. The most popular is rafting on mountain rivers;
  • speleotourism is the study of caves, including cave systems, both dry and partially flooded;
  • sailing- involves travel on ships equipped with a sail or a system of sails. For this, both rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and;
  • using various means of transportation . This includes: bicycles, equestrian tourism, the use of auto-moto transport;
  • combined tourism - routes suggest that various elements will be used, ranging from hiking, cycling and even water rafting.

Very often, sports tourism attracts people seeking thrill, since for the most part it is extreme view sports, especially when passing difficult routes.

It should be said that tourism can be divided into:

  1. children's and youth;
  2. adult;
  3. family;
  4. designed for people with certain disabilities.

Whatever form or type of tourism is chosen, it is very important that everyone follow certain safety rules and listen to experienced tourists. And most importantly, they realistically assessed their capabilities. For example, a beginner has nothing to do on tracks of increased complexity.


Anyone who wants to see the beauties of nature, learn a lot of new things, test their strength, can turn their attention to sports tourism, which we have considered in this article.

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Chapter 1. Characteristics of sports tourism as a sport

The conditions for overcoming obstacles are also diverse: climatic, meteorological, alpine, etc. When overcoming natural obstacles, various techniques and tactics, various means of transportation and security are used.

Overcoming natural obstacles requires different time and intensity of work of the tourist-athlete. Tourist work in this case is a set of physical and technical actions of a tourist-athlete. It has a certain similarity with physical exercises, taken as the fundamental principle in the theory and methodology of physical education, but is much wider in content. Tourist work has a certain structure, different from physical exercises. Its structural basis is the actions of a tourist-athlete aimed at overcoming natural obstacles with minimal effort and maximum security.

Certain restrictions on the minimization of efforts and the maximum level of safety are associated with the nature of the obstacles and the conditions for overcoming them, and therefore, in each specific case, an optimization problem must be solved. For example, when passing a complex rocky terrain, it is required to use perfect rock technique and provide reliable insurance. The optimal solution to this problem is possible when operating at moderate power. Both slow and accelerated passage of difficult rocky terrain in marching conditions can lead to a loss of the necessary level of safety.

In the theory of sports training (Matveev L.P., 1991), the fundamental principles are actually competitive exercises (often identical to the concept of “sport”) and training forms of competitive exercises. Competitive exercises are considered as holistic actions (including complex sets of actions), which serve as a means of conducting wrestling and are performed in the same composition as in the conditions of competitions in the chosen sport. In this sense, the main elements of tourist work can be considered competitive exercises, taking into account the peculiarities of the training forms of such exercises and the peculiarities of their use in the preparation of tourist athletes. In sports tourism, these exercises are diverse. They can be both speed-strength, and actually power, and complex-coordinated. They can have relatively stable and variable forms depending on the situational conditions. At the same time, complexly coordinated exercises form the basis of the tourism technique in overcoming natural obstacles.

Sports tourism refers to sports that are characterized by active motor activity with the manifestation of physical and volitional qualities. It can be attributed to complex (mixed) sports such as all-around. An athlete-tourist must have a specific all-round special tourist endurance.

In hiking trips there is many hours of work of a cyclic nature, associated, for example, with long movements along the trail with backpacks. This work is usually of moderate power. There is also acyclic work in tourism when overcoming various natural obstacles. Basically, this work is also of moderate power, although some parts of it are in the zones of high, submaximal and maximum powers.

A characteristic of athletes' readiness for loads can be data on heart rate during bicycle ergometry in 18 masters of sports in mountaineering aged 28 to 48 years, shown in Table. 1 (Gazenko O.G., 1987).

The table shows the individual and average group values ​​of the studied parameters at different physical loads of the submaximal level. Physical exercise tolerance was regarded as good, i.e., the response of all ECG parameters was adequate to the work performed, and their normalization was almost completed by the end of the 10-minute recovery period for all indicators, except for heart rate, which remained approximately 30% higher than the initial level.

The average amount of work performed per person in the group with a pulse rate of about 150 bpm was 17458 + 920 (11250-25050) kgm, the amount of work per 1 kg of the subject's weight was 244.0 + 11.0 (156.3- 321.2) kgm/kg, minute oxygen consumption during this period on average for the group was 3096 ± 54 (2750-3568) ml/min, oxygen consumption per minute per 1 kg of weight -43.5 + 1.04 (36, 8-51.7) ml/kg, and the oxygen consumption for performing 1 kgm of work is -2.33 ± 0.04 (2.00 - 2.62) ml/kgm.

The results of this survey revealed the presence of a high level of efficiency in this group of athletes preparing for the Himalayan expedition.

From the experience of ski trips of the highest categories of complexity and ascents within the framework of the USSR championships (Fedotov Yu.N., 1985), we can conclude that the model characteristics of physical activity in sports tourism (mountain view) and mountaineering are almost the same. Therefore, both the preparation and readiness of athletes in these formally different sports are almost identical.

The data given in table. 1, can serve as a model in the preparation of tourist athletes for complex hiking trips in any kind of sports tourism, although they most adequately reflect the specifics of mountain tourism.

These data also make it possible to tentatively estimate the average value of the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) of tourist athletes as a model characteristic. The value of the IPC (in ml per minute per 1 kg of weight) reliably characterizes the physical performance of a person and is the basis for determining the maximum aerobic power. IPC estimates exist in various sports and fluctuate, according to V.L. Karpman, from maximum to cross-country skiing for long distances (for men - 77 ± 3) to the minimum for throwers in athletics(43±1).

Tentatively, the value of the IPC of tourists-athletes can be determined on the basis of the well-known statement that well-trained athletes with a heart rate of 150 bpm have an average oxygen consumption of 65% of the IPC (Chepik V.D.). In this case, it is easy to estimate the model characteristic of the IPC of tourists-athletes, equal to 66.9 + 1 (56.6-79.5), which is comparable in terms of the average value with the IPC of athletes involved in race walking and rowing, and to the maximum - with cross-country skiing.

Table 1 - Heart rate (bpm) with bicycle ergometry


Load steps, kgm/min

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