Research work "take a step towards the sport". Project "Forward! Towards sport!" Towards sport

30.01.2018 Against sports. The head of the administration of Vladimir, Andrey Shokhin, met with the sports community of the city. We talked about sore points: when an ice palace appears in the city, where there will be a museum sports glory and how Vladimir athletes can help in preparation for the World Cup. Valeria Saenko will tell about the prospects for the development of Vladimir sports.

The main theme in sports is, of course, the World Cup. The fact that our city will become the cultural capital of the Championship has been said more than once. But today the athletes themselves decided to take up the cultural program. Veterans of physical education and sports community expressed their desire to meet foreign fans themselves.

Valery Ananiev, Chairman of the City Council of Veterans of Physical Culture and Sports:“We will take part both as tour guides and as accompanying delegations, and tell about the city and sports achievements that we know. Well, the main thing, I think, is to help young people. Now we have a mentorship movement just introduced. And I think we will promote this in the future.”

City authorities and sports community in our city cooperate fruitfully. More recently, the fate of the Museum of Sports Glory was decided. He was advocated for, including by sports veterans. You can see the main achievements of Vladimir athletes on Gorky Street. In one of the new houses, an entire floor will be given over to the museum. Another successful collaboration is a monument to the best gymnast of the 20th century, Nikolai Andrianov. Athletes from all over the city fought for it for several years. Collect money for a monument to the sevenfold Olympic champion had to the whole world.

Anatoly Mitrofanov, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation:“We have been striving for 2 years, and finally we decided to perpetuate the memory of Nikolai Efimovich Andrianov. I took an active part in this issue. It took a lot of walking, a lot of worries. But there is a memorial. This is a great and huge event.”

Speaking of big discoveries. The municipal ice palace, which has been waiting for so long in our city, is planned to be completed in September this year. Further more - the region lacks a sports palace. There is nowhere to hold competitions in team sports, there are not enough indoor facilities of the proper level. But the city authorities have already discussed this issue with the governor. The prospects are good.

Andrey Shokhin, head of administration of Vladimir:“And the governor, we discussed this with her, she said that Gazprom is now negotiating to grow such a sports palace in our country. This is our next task after ice palace so that we have such a large sports palace in our city, for game types sport where international competitions can be held.

Meetings of athletes and authorities will be held more than once. So, they are confident in the mayor's office, it will be possible to solve many sports problems of the city.

Tags: sport, Vladimirites, veterans, champions, football, World Cup, cultural capital, museum, proposals, meeting, mayor's office

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Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution
Kindergarten "Joy" combined type
structural subdivision-kindergarten No. 18 of combined type

"Forward! Towards sports!

Nizhny Tagil

1. Abstract of the project…………………………………………………….1
2. Justification of the need for the project……………………………..1-2
3. Goals and objectives of the project……………………………………………....2-3
4. Regulatory bases…………………………………...4
5. The main content of the project……………………………………..4-6
6. Resources……………………………………………………………………..6
7. Project participants…………………………………………………..6-7
8. Target audience……………………………………………………..7
9. Project Implementation Plan…………………………………………..7-8
10. Project implementation………………………………………………..8-13
11. Expected results and social effect………………13-15
12. List of recommended literature………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1. Abstract of the project.
The project provides for the development of innovative methods and forms of training and the formation of motivation for children 6-7 years old to pass the first stage of the TRP (preparatory groups for school preschool educational institutions), the creation of a material and technical base for development and improvement physical qualities modern preschooler, involvement of parents, legal representatives of pupils, next of kin to active participation in sports life kindergarten; formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle; formation of ecological and valeological consciousness of children; education of moral and patriotic feelings and a tolerant personality.
Characteristics of the target group: children aged 6-7 attending preschool educational institution No. 18, the labor collective of preschool educational institution No. 18, parents, legal representatives the next of kin of the pupils.
2. Justification of the need for the project.
Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to revive the program that existed in the USSR physical training children and adults TRP.
In the USSR, in educational institutions, professional and sports organizations, there was a physical education program called "Ready for Labor and Defense", or TRP.
The Ministry of Sports of Russia signed Order No. 575 dated July 08, 2014. about government requirements to the level physical fitness of the population when meeting the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).
The revival of the TRP complex in educational organizations, today is relevant and fundamental. The purpose of the introduced complex is to further increase the level physical education and the readiness of people, especially the younger generation, for work and defense. This is how the foundation was laid earlier, and will now be laid for the future achievements of the country in sports and defense. Being a unique physical education program, the GTO complex should become fundamental in unified system patriotic education of the younger generation.
In confirmation of the social significance and relevance of this project, we note that all people are different. However, everyone who voluntarily decides to pass the test with the TRP complex has one thing in common - purposefulness. It is this trait that is most important for people in the 21st century. Only motivated and physically fit people will be able to succeed in a competitive labor market, and our task is to help them in this, because. their achievements will have not just personal, but social meaning. It is at preschool age that the foundation is laid for the physical development, health and character of a person in the future. This period of childhood is characterized by the gradual improvement of all the functions of the child's body. A child of this age is extremely plastic. All this prompted us to think about creating a project for the implementation of the TRP complex.
3. Goals and objectives of the project.
Purpose: Creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution and experimental testing of the delivery of the TRP of the first stage by children 6-7 years old attending an educational institution.
Project objectives:
1. To form among pupils general ideas about physical culture, its significance in human life, its role in health promotion, physical development and physical fitness; conscious and responsible attitude to their health.
2. Implement GEF through the interaction of GPs and leisure activities for the development of values physical culture meeting the needs of pupils in the classroom exercise, sports.
3. Continue work to create conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.
4. To develop innovative methods and forms of training children aged 6-7 years for the effective and comprehensive delivery of the TRP standards of the first stage.
5. To increase the professional competence of teachers in the field of health saving and a safe lifestyle, a professional approach to passing the TRP.
6. Develop a plan for strengthening and developing the logistics of the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, the delivery of the TRP.
7. Strengthen the motivational activities of all participants in the educational process (work collective, parents, legal representatives, closest relatives of pupils) in order to organize the delivery of TRP standards in preschool educational institutions, organize work with families of students to form a healthy and safe lifestyle.
4. Regulatory and legal basis for the introduction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "GTO".
̵ The regulatory framework of the project is built on the basis of legislative, program documents of the federal, regional and municipal levels. The most significant documents that determine the conditions and mechanisms for implementing the educational component model at the federal level include:
- Constitution Russian Federation(adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (subject to amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, of December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ).
- Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989) (entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990).
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2014 No. 172 “On the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (TRP)”.
- Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2014 No. "On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)".
- The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 No. 2148.

The main content of the project.
Ensuring an increase in the motor activity of pupils, implementation physical culture and health programs, the development of physical culture and sports in the context of the introduction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "GTO" within the framework of the educational space of the preschool educational institution.
The essence of the new educational tasks (results) is the gradual formation of the pupil as a subject of educational educational activities based on the implementation of the concept of a system-activity approach:
̵ health promotion, promotion of harmonic physical development and comprehensive physical fitness;
̵ development of basic physical qualities, vital motor skills and abilities; formation of initial motor experience;
̵ mastering general developmental and corrective physical exercises, mastering knowledge about human movements;
̵ education of cognitive activity and interest in physical exercises; culture of communication in these classes.
The relevance of this problem is determined not only by the improvement and wide dissemination of new health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, but also by the creation of a holistic practice-oriented system of a healthy creative lifestyle aimed at shaping students' ideas about the biological and social, physical and spiritual principles of the individual, the ability to take into account it is in their behavior, to own available means and methods of health promotion.
The current state of health in the formative education and upbringing of society makes it possible to identify a clear contradiction between positive attitudes and the real level of health education of the individual. In this regard, the problem of the formation of culture healthy lifestyle life is one of the most complex and key problems in pedagogy.
̵ a constant increase in the number of children with reduced indicators of physical development in educational institutions;
̵ insufficient methodological elaboration of the issue of organizing a correctional and developmental environment of an educational institution;
̵ use of methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that ensure the implementation of training;
̵ ensuring the spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment; the opportunity to maximize the educational space beyond the educational institution.
5. Resources.
1) Location of the project:
MADOU "Joy" is a structural unit of kindergarten No. 18.
2) Project implementation timeline:
From April 2016 to June 2017.
3) Personnel:
- teachers of kindergarten No. 18;

- teacher speech therapist;
- music director;
- administration of kindergarten №18.
7. Project participants.
- pupils of preschool educational institution No. 18;
- administration of preschool educational institution No. 18;
- educators of preschool educational institution No. 18;
- instructor of physical culture;
- teacher speech therapist;
- music director;
- parents, legal representatives, next of kin of pupils.
8. Target audience.
- Pupils of groups MADOU "Joy" of kindergarten No. 18;
- parents, legal representatives, next of kin of pupils;
- teachers of preschool educational institution No. 18.
9. Project implementation plan.

No. Name

Package of measures

Venue Implementation period

1. Organizational stage 1. Determining the topic of the project and its methodological base
MADOU "Joy" is a structural subdivision of kindergarten No. 18. April-August, 2016 Senior educator, FIZO instructor, teachers, administration.
2. Creation of a working group and secretariat for the implementation of the TRP.
senior caregiver
2. Study and analysis of literature on the topic of the project;

DOW working group.
3. Selection of tools for monitoring, as well as conducting primary diagnostics in order to determine the formation of the physical qualities of children preschool age;

Senior educator, FIZO instructor,
medical worker.
4. Development: project “Forward! Towards sports! on the development of physical qualities in preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the VFSK GTO. senior teacher,

teacher speech therapist,
music director.

2. Introductory stage Approbation of the project aimed at developing the physical qualities of children of preschool age in the context of the introduction of the VSFC GTO.

MADOU "Joy" is a structural subdivision of kindergarten No. 18. September, 2016 - May, 2017 Senior educator,
physical education instructor
teacher speech therapist,
music director.

3. Analytical stage 1. Conducting secondary diagnostics and comparative analysis with the results of primary diagnostics;
2. Making conclusions about the effectiveness of using the project “Forward! Towards sports! on the development of physical qualities in preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the VFSK TRP;
3. Presentation of the results of the project to the pedagogical community of the city.

MADOU "Joy" is a structural subdivision of kindergarten No. 18. May-June, 2017 Senior educator,
physical education instructor
teacher speech therapist,
music director,

10. Project implementation.
FIRST STAGE (April-August, 2016)
Project development.
Creation of conditions for the implementation of the project.
Formation of the legal framework.
Organization of staffing.
Strengthening the material and technical base.
Informing pupils and their parents, employees in the field of health protection and the basics of a safe lifestyle:
̵ balanced diet;
physical activity;
̵ proper organization of the day off;
̵ observance of hygiene rules;
̵ medical activity of parents.
SECOND STAGE (September, 2016 - May, 2017)
Name of the event Purpose Deadline
Health-saving technologies:
- physical education classes;
- physical education classes with recitative;
-integrated physical education classes;
-folk games, outdoor games, sports games;
- game exercises, game tasks;
- rhythmoplasty;
- articulation gymnastics;
- finger gymnastics;
- gymnastics for the eyes;
- dynamic pause;
- reception of children on the street in favorable conditions;
- health jogging for a walk;
- morning exercises;
- hardening;
- invigorating gymnastics after sleep;
-individual preventive work;
-free movement
- physical education minutes, dynamic pauses;
-individual work with children;
- fitball gymnastics.
To provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.
Improvement, ensuring the comprehensive physical development of the child. Throughout the entire period.

“What happens to our body (heart, lungs, muscles) after physical education?”
2. Work with teachers:
Forward planning on the topic.

3.Work with parents:
Consultation "The role of the family in the physical education of the child."
Questionnaire "Kindergarten and sport".

4.Practical activities:
Photo report "Family sports traditions".
5.sports entertainment“Autumn has come to visit us on the sports ground.” (younger and middle preschool age).

6. Creative activities of children:
World of Music: Listening and learning songs on sports theme: "Sports family", etc.
7. Collection and systematization of information:
Examination of pictures, photographs of badges and with the image of the TRP symbols.
8. Distribution of TRP norms by steps. Lean forward from a standing position with straight legs.
Independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from various sources.

Concretization of the tasks and activities identified in this project.

Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution. Establish trusting partnerships with parents.
Identification of interests, needs, requests
Involving parents in active participation in the life of a preschool institution.

Development of emotional responsiveness and susceptibility of children.

Increasing the level of knowledge of preschoolers about the VFSK TRP.

Detailed study of test technique. September, 2016
1. Work with teachers:
Preparation of abstracts of classes on the topic of the project.

2. Joint work with parents and children:
"Favorite sport" - a photo essay about parents involved in sports.

Creation of drawings about sports. Exhibitions of drawings and design of the album "Our Creativity".

Usage didactic games dedicated to different sports: "Name the sport", "Sports equipment".
5. Leisure "The mischievous childhood of my parents" (senior preschool age).
"For the kids about the animals" - sports entertainment (younger preschool age).
6.1 October - the day of the elderly. Competition "We are friends with sports and the years are not important to us!".
Writing class notes to familiarize preschoolers with the VFSK GTO.

To form common interests among children and parents.
Creation of conditions for interaction between the preschool educational institution and the parents of pupils
Consolidation in children of knowledge gained in thematic classes in physical education. Formation in children of a sustainable interest in physical education and sports.

Draw the attention of parents to educational events in kindergarten to intensify their participation in the life of the preschool educational institution.
October, 2016
1.Experimental activity. Cognitive experiments (in cognitive classes):
"What are my physical abilities?"

2.Practical activity:
Development of TRP symbols. (together children with parents) Exhibition of works.
3. Creative activities of children:
World of Music: Listening and learning songs on sports topics: "A coward does not play hockey", etc.
4. Sports entertainment.
"In a healthy body healthy mind!"
(senior preschool age).
"We grow up healthy" - physical culture leisure(younger and older preschool age).

5. Distribution of TRP norms by steps. Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis lying on the floor. Develop research skills (ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize).

Creation of a special creative atmosphere.

Learn to analyze and clearly express your thoughts, develop emotional perception and sensation. Creation of a rhythmic composition for a sports holiday.
Establishing an emotional connection between
teachers, parents and children.
Detailed study of test technique. November, 2016
1. Work with parents:
Conversation "How to spend a day off with children."

Winter fun. Sport games outside with parents.

2.Practical activity:
"The emblem of the health of our family" (exhibition of works).
3. Creative activity.
Compilation of a collection of children's stories about their favorite athlete.

4. Collection and systematization of information:
Photo session "We go in for sports."
5. Sports holiday "Together with dad, together with mom, together with son, together with daughter."

6. Distribution of TRP norms by steps. Shuttle run.

Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
Formation of family traditions.

To consolidate children's ideas about different sports, athletes, sports facilities and sports attributes.
Teaching children to be proud of their accomplishments
Creation of conditions for a favorable climate of interaction between parents, children and teachers.

Detailed study of test technique. December, 2016
1. Creative activities of children:
World of Music: Listening and learning songs on sports topics: “Moscow gives a start”, etc.

2. Collection and systematization of information:
Making up stories about sports and athletes.

3.Practical activity:
Creation of "My favorite sport" notebooks. (together with parents).

4. Leisure "Mom, dad, me - sport family» (senior preschool age).
"Winter for dexterous, strong, courageous" (junior and middle preschool age).

5. Distribution of TRP norms by steps. Skiing.
To promote the development of thinking, imagination, fantasy, memory, creativity in preschool children. Creation of a musical-rhythmic composition.
To form a positive attitude towards sports, a healthy lifestyle.
Fix this topic with preschoolers, comprehend the content of the book, conduct research work, during which the child will participate in the search, analysis and sorting of information.

Detailed study of test technique. January, 2017
1.Experimental activity. Cognitive experiments (in cognitive classes):
"What do you need to know to become a famous athlete?"

2. Work with teachers:
Album with the artistic word "Forward! Towards Sports!

3. Work with parents: "Healthy family - happy child" - photo essay.

4. Collection and systematization of information:
Conversations with children: "What is the GTO?" "Participants of the GTO".
5. Social entertainment "Bogatyrskaya Silushka" (junior and middle preschool age).
"Games with a hero" (senior preschool age).

6. Distribution of TRP norms by steps. Standing long jump. Develop systems thinking.
They learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems.

Acquisition of communication skills by working in different groups.

Involving the family in a single educational space. Formation of family traditions.

Acquaintance of children with the VFSK TRP, expanding the horizons of children.

To help parents and children feel joy, pleasure from meeting each other, from joint motor-game activity.
Detailed study of test technique. February, 2017
1. Work with teachers:
"The Great Encyclopedia of the TRP".
Seminar-workshop "Successfully implementing the GTO".

2. Work with parents:
Consultation. "Why do morning exercises and physical education?

3. Joint competitions (participation of parents and children):
"Faster, higher, stronger".

4. Collection and systematization of information:
Photo reports from competitions.
5.Sports leisure
"Magic Stadium"

6. Musical and sports festival "Wide Maslenitsa".

7. Distribution of TRP norms by steps. Mixed movement.
Creation of a didactic manual for familiarizing preschoolers with the VFSK TRP.

Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the peculiarities of raising children.
Improving relationships in the family and the team. Increasing the interest of children and parents in physical education and sports.
Create a photo album.

Increasing the interest of children and parents in physical education and sports.
Provide opportunities for direct communication between parents and children in the process of sports leisure.
Detailed study of test technique. March, 2017
1. Work with parents:
Round table "Sport in people's lives".
2.Practical activity: Exhibition of drawings: "Me and sport".

3. Creative activities of children: World of Music: Listening and learning songs on sports topics.
4. Collection and systematization of information:
Making a video "Forward! Towards sports!
5. Sports entertainment "World Health Day".
The form of the event is an open day.
6. Distribution of TRP norms by steps. Throwing tennis ball to the target.
Working closely with the families of their pupils.
Encourage children to convey their attitude to sports through drawing.
To enrich the musical experience of children with new impressions in the process of listening to music.
Processing and summarizing the available materials into the creation of a video film.

Detailed study of test technique. April, 2017
Presentation of project materials:
1. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "Sports Gallery".
2. Collection of poems, riddles about different sports (with the participation of parents).
3. Exhibition of collages "My favorite sport".
4. Presentation of the project.
5. Sports festival "The whole family to the start!".
6. Sports entertainment "The sun has friends." Generalization of ideas among pupils of general ideas about physical
culture, its significance in human life, its role in health promotion, physical development and physical fitness; conscious and
responsible attitude to your health.
May, 2017

THIRD STAGE (May-June, 2017)
̵ monitoring analysis;
̵ participation of children in the delivery of standards in the VFSK TRP.
̵ Summing up the work on the project “Forward! Towards sports!
11. Expected results and social effect.
For children:
̵ pupils' awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mastering the basics of physical culture. Representation by children of physical culture as a means of promoting health, physical development and physical training of a person.
̵ psychological and pedagogical support and support for children in the preparation and delivery of the TRP in the preschool educational institution.
̵ pupils' general ideas about physical culture, its importance in human life, role in health promotion, physical development and physical fitness; conscious and responsible attitude to their health.
̵ the ability to organize one's own activity, to choose and use means to achieve its goal.
̵ active involvement in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy; the manifestation of positive personality traits and the management of one's emotions in various (non-standard) situations and conditions;
̵ manifestation of discipline, diligence and perseverance in achieving goals; providing disinterested assistance to their peers, finding a common language and common interests with them.
For parents:
̵ awareness of the TRP complex;
̵ showing interest in physical education and sports together with children.
For teachers:
̵ created information base;
̵ conditions have been created for a prosperous and comfortable state for children on sports events;
̵ improving the professional skills of preschool teachers in health care;
̵ creation of a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents;
̵ participation of society in sports life;
̵ formation of a conscious attitude to one's own health;
̵ replenishment of knowledge about the TRP.

12. List of recommended literature.
1. Bulletin of Education No. 3-4, 2013 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.
2. Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 575 dated 08.07. 2014. Approbation VFSK "Ready for work and defense."
3. Order of the UO IKMO of Kazan No. 882 dated November 21, 2014. "On holding the 4th city competition of innovative programs, projects and methodological developments."
4. Federal state educational standard for preschool education.
5. Approximate general education program preschool education "From birth to school" M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014.-368s.
6. SaNiP., registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 29, 2013
7. Egorova B.B., Kudryavtseva V.T. "Developing Pedagogy of Recovery".
8. Komarova T.S., Zatsepina M.B. Integration in the educational work of the kindergarten. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014.-160 p..12. Control in kindergarten: planning, analysis, practical tools / ed. With E. Shamrai (and others). -Volgograd: Teacher, 2015 .-188s.
9. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. All age groups. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014.
10. The list of programs used, partial programs and methods: "Health" - Alyamovskaya V.G., "Healthy preschooler" - Zmanovsky Yu.F., Efimenko N.N. "Theater of physical education and education and rehabilitation of children of preschool and primary school age."
11. Practical psychologist in kindergarten: A guide for preschool teachers.-. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011-144s.
12. Pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children before entering school. A guide for teachers dow .. M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011-96s.
13. Chupakha I.V., Puzhaeva E.Z., Sokolova I.Yu. "Health-saving technologies in the educational process."

The day was sunny, the snow was white and the sky was blue. The ski track was decorated with the flags of the Dynamo sports society. The electronic scoreboard at the place of start and finish, as in big competitions, gave out the results of athletes with an accuracy of tenths of a second. Meanwhile, 240 riders took to the snowy slopes near the Santa Hotel... 6-8 years old from Korsakov, Aniva, Kholmsky, Dolinsky districts and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. They were asked to go at a speed of 300, 500 and 1000 meters. And the children, unanimously cheered by the fans, did their best!
Among the boys, Maxim Syurkov (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) took first place on the podium, Ivan Sokolov (Dolinsk) came second, and Kirill Abrosimov (Uglezavodsk village) came third. Among the girls, Yaroslav Ulitin and Varvara Belkova, as well as Olya Barkova (Uglezavodsk village), completed the distance of the South Sakhalinka best of all. The youngest participant in the race was a preschooler Marat Gotov from the village. Trinity.
The sports festival was dedicated to blessed memory physical education teacher of the South Sakhalin gymnasium No. 3
B. Egorov, who devoted more than 60 years of his life to the cause of education. The organizer of traditional cross-country skiing competitions was his widow, coach of the youth school Olympic reserve in winter sports L. Egorova.
“In recent years, Boris Dmitrievich was very fond of doing physical education with first-graders,” said Lyudmila Pavlovna. It's been three years since he's been away from us. But, continuing his work, we have already spent twice ski race among junior schoolchildren with the awarding of diplomas, prizes and medals to the winners.
These starts will be traditional and annual. Each time, former students come to them, warmly tell the guys about their teacher and coach. Among the pupils of Boris Dmitrievich there are masters of sports, famous athletes. Once, my mother brought Igor Nikolaev to the ski section so that he would be physically stronger. Here, the future singer and composer received a category in skiing, although he studied in the section for a few months.
They keep a good memory of Boris Dmitrievich in gymnasium No. 3. Through his efforts, a skating rink was flooded in the school yard, a football field with neat log seats for fans, volleyball and basketball courts, a serpentine, and a jump pit were equipped. Installed crossbar, "spider line". Under the canopy of trees, it was pleasant for schoolchildren to study on a springy treadmill carefully covered with sawdust. And in winter, a comfortable three-kilometer track appeared behind the slalom hill. ski Track which was a joy to ride.
B. Yegorov passionately loved children and wanted them to develop harmoniously both spiritually and physically. He took them on hikes, organized competitions and bike rides. For decades, the physical education teacher, on his own initiative, kept workbooks, where, out of professional interest and a desire to help students grow stronger, he traced the physical development of each child from the 1st to the 11th grades. The notebooks that the teacher carried in an old briefcase store information about all sports achievements and student failure. He corrected their physical activity, straightened their posture, paid special attention to boys and girls with poor health. And he did this to the last, courageously fighting his serious illness.
sports relay Lyudmila Pavlovna received from her husband's hands. It's good that she has wonderful assistants. So health sports holidays for children will have a continuation.
L. Stepanets.



Take a step towards sports

Vaskina Irina

MAOU Kondratovskaya secondary school, Grade 11

Head Kuznetsova Valentina Nikolaevna

physical education teacher of the highest category

MAOU Kondratovskaya secondary school

Kondratovo - 2016



What is sport…………………………………………………….……4

What is athletics…………………………………………….4

The influence of sports on the children's body………………………………..5

Regularity of sports activities ……………………………………..6

My sports family .............................................................. ...............................7


Bibliographic list……………………………………………………….9

Appendix 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


« Who lovessport, thathealthyand cheerful! »

In modern society, the physical development of a person, it would seem, is of less and less importance. Much more important is the level of education, intelligence. But good physical preparation is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In other words, if you don't want to get sick, take care of your body. I recently started going to the gym athletics and aerobics. I was wondering how regular exercise would affect my fitness test scores?

Sopurpose my research became:

Observation of test results: the level of my physical fitness, which I pass in physical education classes. Comparison of the results of testing the level of my physical fitness, at the beginning of classes in 10th grade and 11th grade. Find out if playing sports favorably affects my physical condition of the body.

To achieve this goal, I set the followingtasks:

- How does exercise affect my body.

- Whether regular exercise is necessary to improve my test results.

- Analyze my test results and submit the paper.

Nominatedhypothesis : Regular exercise improves my test results and overall physical condition of my body.

What is sport?

Sport - (from English sport- game, entertainment) - component physical culture, a means and method of physical education based on the use competitive activity and preparation for it, during which the potential capabilities of a person are compared.

What is athletics?

Athletics « sports queen. Uniting five disciplines; running, walking; jumps (long, high, triple, pole vault), throwing (disc, javelin, hammer), shot put, athletics all-around. This is one of the main and most popular sports. Athletics competitions originate in England, where it began to develop in the 17th and 18th centuries, mainly in the form of running and walking. Since then, it has come a long way, becoming one of the most popular sports.

In our time easy athletics can act as« life buoy». Modern progress and civilization, on the one hand, improve the life of mankind, and on the other hand, move it away from nature. Motor activity has decreased, which, combined with negative ecology, causes significant harm human body. The number of diseases is increasing, the activity of the immune system is decreasing, many diseases that used to be mostly the elderly,« rejuvenated» and, as a result, lead to a reduction in human life expectancy. A decrease in physical activity is one of the many negative factors that impede the normal fruitful life of a person.

Athletics is the most popular sport that contributes to the comprehensive physical development of a person. Systematic athletics exercises develop strength, speed, endurance andother qualities necessary for a person in everyday life.

The impact of sports on the child's body.

Medical statistics show how sports and children's health are connected. According to doctors, 70% of frequently ill children and adolescents do not play sports and often skip physical education classes. Mental stress at school, constant sitting at the computer or watching TV at home lead to the fact that the body does not receive physical relaxation. This contributes to functional impairment and turns schoolchildren or students into« young old men», subject to the most various diseases, which were previously more often diagnosed in older people (pathologies of the skeletal system, vascular and cardiac ailments). The effect of physical education and sports on the body of schoolchildren and university students is invaluable - it is young and growing people who need constant workload and movement. The sedentary lifestyle of modern children is of extreme concern to doctors and educators.

Popularization of sports

The beneficial effects of sports on a person are evidenced by medical research, practical observations, facts, and even oral folk art: numerous proverbs about health and sports Who goes in for sports gains strength», « Strong in body - rich in deed» etc.). Modern medicine and pedagogy are trying to popularize sports and instill in the mass consciousness a positive attitude towards physical education.

Conducted in schools and universities days of health and sports, schoolchildren are given free subscriptions to swimming pools and training halls, however, the percentage of those who ignore the importance of physical activity for health is still high.
You should go in for sports, observing a reasonable approach and moderation: overloads during training are unacceptable.
There is also a risk of injury, so remember to take safety precautions.

Regularity of sports

Intensity and type physical activity must be selected according to the age of the person. Why should this indicator be taken into account? First of all, with age, the endurance and physical capabilities of the body, and those exercises, change.
In addition, a person's interests change with age - not every child can be interested in walking up the stairs, and for most teenagers gardening will be of little interest. And withoutgetting someone to start playing sports is almost impossible.
The World Health Organization has offered its recommendations on physical activity for each age group, taking into account these two factors - the needs of the body and possible interests at a certain age. There are four such groups: children of primary school age, teenagers, adults and pensioners.

The duration of classes for children, adolescents and middle-aged people should be no more than 2 hours, for the elderly - no more than 1.5 hours. The minimum duration of training for people of any age is 30 minutes a day.

Physical activities for children of primary school age on working days include walking to an educational institution, and home (at least 30 minutes), outdoor games after school (3-4 times a week). On weekends, classes should be more varied: long walks, visits to the park, swimming pool, cycling.
For teenagers (high school students) the norm of physical activity is higher. At the age of 10-16 years, WHO recommends walking to school and home on weekdays (walking can be replaced by cycling), playing sports 3-4 times a week. On weekends, you can go hiking, cycling, swimming, and other sports.

My sports family
I believe that any family should be built on a spiritual foundation.

All people want to live their lives without diseases, many take medicines, vitamins, try to eat healthy food, or go on a diet. But, unfortunately, only a few go in for sports with the whole family. But it's so great!

Our big family sports lover. Each member of the family has their favorite sport: my dad does skiing, mom, sister and I do aerobics:

Aerobics - gymnastics, consisting of aerobic exercises with rhythmic music that helps to follow the rhythm of the exercises.

We try to visit sports places regularly, because it helps the body acquire harmony and calmness.



I am 17 years old, since the beginning of this year I started regularly, four times a week, for one hour, to do athletics (running), twice a week I go to the gym. I can say by my own example that regular training has yielded results. I started doing better at school and at home. The results of training are visible in the fulfillment of the standards that we pass in physical education classes (long jump from a place, exercises on the press, push-ups, pull-ups, running types) This motivates me to continue doing it.

Bibliographic list

    S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova« Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language» M.:« Az", 1992.

    http :// works . report . en / view /3 NcgcEnZC 7 k . html

  • Questions: 14
  • Rating: 5262

Steps towards sports

Khabarovsk is a sports city. More and more citizens are joining a healthy lifestyle - this is eloquently evidenced by the increased number of people involved in sports. However, Khabarovsk residents note that the regional center lacks gyms, facilities, and most importantly, swimming pools. This fact is confirmed by official statistics: according to the data, the regional center is provided with sports halls by 30%, and even less by swimming pools - by only 13.5%.

Konstantin Yurov, director of the municipal autonomous institution "Directorate of Sports Facilities of the City of Khabarovsk", will answer questions about how the situation can be rectified and what steps the city administration intends to take in this direction.

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    There is a big problem in Khabarovsk - sports grounds by the roads. There are still options - on the roofs of garages with the output of auto exhaust directly to the site (residential complex "Dendrarium").

    Are projects for the construction of sports grounds on the roofs of new buildings being considered? how has this been done for a long time in the Moscow region and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region?

    • director

      There are no such construction projects, and I think this is primarily due to climatic conditions, the abundance of precipitation in the Far East in winter and summer. And most importantly, what kind of sports ground can be built on the roof, for which sport, streetball, tennis? On the this moment construction of houses is a commercial development and I think it will be difficult to force a contractor to build a platform on the roof if the developer himself does not see the benefit in it and visiting it will be on a commercial basis. In the Moscow region and Asia-Pacific countries, all these sites are commercial.


    In Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory there is not and is not expected a single pool that meets modern Olympic standards for training and competition in such sports as swimming, water polo, synchronized swimming, diving, scuba diving. The pools under construction are not only unsuitable for these sports, but also impossible in terms of reconstruction.

    The only pool theoretically suitable after a major overhaul for the listed Olympic sports sports - at the Lenin Stadium was in the project of alteration into a swimming pool-aqua park. Although the water park could be built nearby, and two real sports baths could be given to children and craftsmen for development in the regional capital of Olympic sports water sports gaining momentum in the EU and Asia-Pacific countries.

    Why in Khabarovsk, where the weather has been cold for more than half a year, not only are conditions not created for development aquatic species sports, but also the base of the past decades is being liquidated?

    Sincerely, Champion of the Russian Federation, coach since 1988.

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Good afternoon! In fact, you are right about the pools meeting the requirements of the Olympic standard, there are problems. We have no information about what will happen to the outdoor pool, because. This sports facility is the property of the region. First of all, priority sports that are in demand are being developed. At the moment there are no sections on synchronized swimming and diving, earlier this direction was developed in the SKA pool, which had the appropriate equipment. If there is a demand for this sport and the main coach, then we are ready to consider this project. Now I think it is too early to raise this question. Nevertheless, the management, in turn, will take note of this project.

    Good afternoon. What else is planned to be built in the city in the coming years for the development of physical culture and sports? Thanks in advance for your reply

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Good afternoon! It is planned to build a stadium for team sports in the village of Gorky, in the Krasnoflotsky district along Matrossky lane, 3b sports complex for ski view sports, reconstruction of the "Neftyanik" stadium, modular prefabricated hangar-type sports complexes in the northern district. Construction of small sports complexes in the form of sports grounds. Projects are being prepared for the construction of specialized sports facilities for futsal, volleyball and other sports.

    Hello! Will the stadium "Avangard" be repaired on the basis of KAF? I really want to see this object in a new form. Previously, it was in great demand for residents of nearby houses, in the summer they played football there or just jogged, did exercises, in the winter they skated, played hockey. Now it's in ruins..

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      This stadium is owned by the region and is on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of the Khabarovsk Territory. The city authorities have repeatedly applied to the government of the Khabarovsk Territory to transfer the stadium to municipal ownership, but the region does not plan to give the object. The administration of Khabarovsk has repaired a lot of sports facilities that are given to the balance of the municipality. Now. Now the directorate is preparing a letter with a request to the Ministry of Sports, signed by representatives of the city administration, to expedite the repair of the facility and bring it into proper form. I think that a big initiative should come from the population and residents of the city to the government of the Khabarovsk Territory. It is planned to build a sports ground in the park area, as a small alternative to the stadium, this project is financed by the administration of Khabarovsk, by allocating grant support, the construction is planned in 2014. This sports ground will partially solve the issue of sports in the area. Now the administration of Khabarovsk pays great attention to sports and tries to build the simplest sports facilities in all districts, for general physical training for all segments of the population, from young to old. The program "from the center to the outskirts" is increasingly taking its development in the city and the management is actively working to implement this program.

    Good afternoon! Our organization, WorkoutStroy-DV LLC, installed a modern, safe, functional and aesthetically looking sports ground for workout, produced by the company on Amursky Boulevard, opposite the Regiobank building. This site is completely made in Russia and from Russian materials. The site is in great demand, and this is not a secret. However, far from safe sites of Chinese and handicraft production continue to appear in the city. The administration shows no interest in the products of "". Although such sites are installed throughout the Central part of Russia, one after another. Khabarovsk guys almost daily write to us with a request to install "" sites in Khabarovsk. Our city is in great need of a large, modern playground for holding All-Russian and international competitions by workout. I ask you to show interest in a new sport-workout, as it can be practiced by people of different social status and regardless of income, because they are available at any time and absolutely free of charge.

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Good afternoon! The sports ground on Amursky Boulevard is good and we have been considering it as a model for a long time for the installation of such grounds on the territory of our sports complexes. To install such sites on the territory of boulevards or courtyards, a lot of approvals are required, including those of homeowners, and most importantly, an appeal from residents to the City Administration. You correctly said that the equipment must be safe, accessible and functional. For technical control over the state of sports grounds, they must be supervised, because. this is the safety of those involved, and what kind of supervision can there be in yards or boulevards, i.e. playgrounds need not just be installed, they need to be maintained and monitored, which is why we propose to install playgrounds on the territories of sports complexes, which will also ensure protection from vandals and the cleanliness of the surrounding area. In turn, the Directorate is ready to meet with your representative for further joint work in this direction and consideration of the option of installing sports grounds on the territory of sports facilities. We will be glad to see you and wait for you at the address: Khabarovsk, Pacific street, 60, UIA "DSS", with your suggestions.

    Good afternoon! On Bondar Street, 9a, it fell into disrepair hockey box(40x20m). An overhaul is required. Will repairs be made and when?

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Good afternoon! This sports ground is served by the housing department "Promservis" and the management company "Northern District". At the moment, the sports ground is flooded in winter by a service organization. To make a decision on the repair, the service organization needs to hold a meeting of homeowners at which all owners will make a decision on the repair of this site and decide on the issue of financing. The Directorate is not related to this site and cannot bear the costs of maintenance, in turn, we promise to provide assistance within our competence to resolve this issue. For any questions, contact the service organization.

    I would like to know - how many sports and recreation complexes operate in the Krasnoflotsky district of the Northern District of Khabarovsk? their addresses.
    Sincerely, Gennady Serov

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Good afternoon! Addresses of sports complexes owned by the municipality:
      1. SC "Sambo-90" - martial arts, gym, gym: Lane Matrossky, 3A;
      2. SC "Sambo-90" - martial arts, a gym, a sports hall at 218A Pacific St.;
      3. Boxing sports club, gym, fitness Strelnikova str., 18A.
      We will be glad to see you for sports and general physical training.

    In continuation of question number 3. Accessible modern sports facilities on the street are an alternative to gatherings in the same place with beer. Most people will never go to the gyms with their schedule, order, because. the age is not the same, and, most importantly, because they reject any order. And on the boulevard they can come at any time, communicate, show themselves in sports exercises. Looking at them, the younger children will go to the halls. Promotion of healthy lifestyles. It's a pity you don't understand this.

    I would like more information about the outdoor swimming pool. There was information that in the fall it will be closed, and instead it will be built or reconstructed into a fitness club. How reliable is this information?

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Sports facilities of the stadium. IN AND. Lenin are objects of regional property and are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of the Khabarovsk Territory. The outdoor swimming pool has been in need of renovation for many years, and there are no plans to repurpose the facilities.

    Good afternoon! I really want municipal sports complexes to be opened and developed, but we are witnessing another opening of private and expensive ones. Not everyone can afford it.

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      By and large, it doesn’t matter whose sports complex is municipal or private, if it suits you in terms of cost and quality of services provided. One of the market mechanisms is the effect of overproduction “the excess of product supply over demand” and the more private sports complexes there are, the higher the competition will be, and therefore the struggle for customers. If there is a choice, the client will go to the complex where the price is lower than that of a competitor and the quality of service is the same or higher.

    Good day. My child is into sports ballroom dancing. This is a very expensive sport, including due to the fact that parents have to pay for the rent of premises, which are so lacking for classes. Recently, there are a lot of children in this sport, which cannot but rejoice. Is there any plan to support ballroom dancing, including the construction of specialized halls?

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Support is provided by co-financing the holding of competitions included in the city calendar plan. Unfortunately, in the near future, the construction of specialized halls for ballroom dancing is not provided.

    It's great that there are islands with horizontal bars and basketball hoops on Amur Boulevard. There are always young people, the atmosphere is positive. This needs to be developed. It is important that the inventory is modern, durable. However, access to it was free. Near the arboretum there is an excellent basketball court - I haven't been there for a long time, really. At the stadium. Lenin rollers put temporary markings near the entrance to the football arena. But cars drive there, it's uncomfortable and dangerous. It is necessary to make platforms with obstacles, etc. If it is impossible at the stadium, then it is possible near the stairs to Turgenev - instead of demolishing it. An excellent platform can be organized there - with slopes, etc. All this is fast and not very expensive.

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Now there are many sports organizations, which promote street sports and there are also sports grounds for them at the arboretum, in the Severny park, KSK Arsenalets. The site on Amur Boulevard is set as a reference. It is these platforms that should replace the structures of the 60-70s of the last century, installed in our yards. The initiative to install or replace existing sites should first of all come from the residents themselves, when approving the lists of work for management companies and HOAs, housing cooperatives.
      And as for the stairs along Turgenev Street, its reconstruction is inevitable and this is dictated by the increasing number of vehicles in the city, if you do not do it now, then in a year or two the center will be in huge traffic jams, the task is to unload adjacent streets. After all, exhaust gases are not good for health.

    What projects were implemented by the Directorate in 2013 and what will be new this year? Thank you in advance.

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      In 2013, with the participation of the directorate, 4 facilities were put into operation, including:
      - a sports complex "Galaktika" was built at 20A Chekhova Street, with three sports halls for martial arts, wrestling, gymnastics and acrobatics. This complex is rightfully considered the best sports complex in the Far East, which has given many sports schools and children have their own home, and most importantly, their own sports facilities have appeared.
      - extension of the universal gaming hall to the building on the street. Basketball queen, in the first neighborhood, it provided additional sports areas for basketball, both children and adults.
      - in 2013, on August 8, on the eve of the Athlete's Day, the cultural and sports complex "Arsenalets" opened its doors, at 60 Pacific Street, the former house of culture of the Daldiesel plant. Behind a short time KSK "Arsenalets" has become a favorite place for recreation and physical education and sports for young people and adults. For citizens and guests of the city of Khabarovsk, services are provided gym, a universal boxing hall, a general physical training hall. This complex has become a specialized complex for boxing. Also in this complex there is a concert hall for 400 seats for various events and different levels. In the spring of this year, this complex was highly appreciated by the participants of the Russian boxing championship, and many envy Khabarovsk.
      - a sports club was repaired in the residential area "Kard", at 40 Malinovsky St., where children can practice football, martial arts and general physical training with a trainer in this area.
      - after the flood, the Sparta sports club was restored at 27, Remeslennaya Street, which fell into the flood zone. This club is a professional gym.
      - a lot of current and major repairs have been made at sports facilities.
      In 2014, the Directorate plans to continue work on the repair and modernization of sports facilities for which about 18 million rubles are provided. This money, in particular, will be used to repair the Yunost stadium: renovations are required Treadmills, a sector for jumping, locker rooms, fences and a sports ground. At the Neftyanik stadium, the heating system, buildings, and the roof of the tribune will be updated. The roof of the Zarya stadium will also be repaired and landscaped. Repair 3 sports clubs in the residential area and outdoor sports grounds. In total, there are plans to put in order about 20 sports complexes and sports facilities. Work will continue on the construction of a sports stadium with football fields in the village of Gorky near the Zarya stadium on Vorovskogo street. Where they can play football, bandy and baseball. Work is underway to design and coordinate all documents for the reconstruction of the Neftyanik stadium. In the reconstruction, we plan to provide for a canopy over the stands, a modern football surface, athletics tracks and a modern sports hall. At the Yunost stadium, the artificial grass on the mini-football field will be replaced. Preparations for the design of a ski complex on Matrossky Lane in the park area of ​​the fleet begin. We are considering options for the construction of modular pre-fabricated hangar-type sports complexes, including a gym, a swimming pool, a skating rink, etc.
      The Directorate of Sports Facilities of Khabarovsk is heading towards providing residents and athletes with step-by-step access to sports and sports facilities, building universal hangar-type sports complexes and, most importantly, our motto is “From the center to the outskirts”, our main task is to develop the material base in all areas of the city so that sport is accessible to everyone”

    Konstantin, I have a question. What steps will your directorate take to increase the provision of Khabarovsk residents with swimming pools? Is it planned to build new and reconstruct old pools?

    • Yurov Konstantin Gennadievich


      Good afternoon. The administration of Khabarovsk now pays a lot of money and attention to the development of sports and a healthy lifestyle in Khabarovsk. At the moment, work is underway to design a 50-meter pool on Yunosti Street, this is a joint project of the Administration of Khabarovsk and the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory, and in 2015 they will begin work on the implementation of this project. It is also planned to restore departmental swimming pools, from which the owners refuse due to lack of funds. I think one such object will soon be officially announced. The city took on many abandoned sports facilities for its maintenance, and most importantly, not only maintains them, but also repairs and improves them. But now, with the modern requirements of supervisory services and the requirements for maintaining sports facilities, it has become difficult to make a modern sports complex that meets all the requirements from buildings built in the 60s, it is easier to build a new one. Since 2011, a program has been operating in Khabarovsk where children of 7-9 years old are taught swimming free of charge, as a result, over 6 thousand children have learned to swim, the program is fully funded by the administration of Khabarovsk.