Bcaa dosage for men. When is the best time to take amino acids? Leucine and Insulin - A Powerful Combination

The main material for building muscle is protein, which athletes often also receive in the form of sports supplements - protein. In fact, protein is the main factor that stimulates all recovery processes. However, there is a second most important element, a protein helper and one of the most important sports supplements for a training person - BCAA. About the importance BCAA applications in professional sports and how much BCAA you need to take per day, most powerlifting and bodybuilding stars testify.

BCAA amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. All amino substances present in our body, in their structure, are certain blocks that can be connected in a chain in a different order. After the formation of all components of the chain in its place, the amino chain coagulates and the process of protein synthesis occurs. Depending on the order of the amino substances in a particular chain, different types squirrel.

Of the three hundred amino acids that exist in nature, only 20 are elements for building protein in the human body. 8 of them are essential amino acids, which a person can only get either from food or through sports supplements such as BCAAs.

Taking BCAAs is necessary for the intake of the three most important amino acids - valine, isoleucine and leucine. Their importance is due to the structure - not linear, like the rest of the amino chains, but with branches that have a much larger number of options for linking elements. And, therefore, the process of protein synthesis occurs faster and better due to the construction of stronger proteins.

Amino acids are the "bricks" from which proteins are built in the body, including muscle myofibrils.

BCAAs in food

A person receives essential amino substances from food in the form of proteins. Protein is broken down into amino acids when it enters the body. Then the amino acids are again combined into various amino chains and form a protein that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The highest amount of BCAA grams in the following foods:

  1. Peanuts (per 100 g - 4 grams of bcaa).
  2. Chicken fillet (per 100 g - 3.88 grams of bcaa).
  3. Lean ground beef (per 100 g - 3.65 grams of bcaa).
  4. Tilapia, salmon (100 g - 3.47 grams of bcaa).
  5. Egg (in 1 piece - 1.3 grams of bcaa).

It is believed that the ideal protein in terms of composition and ratio of amino acids in it is a whole egg protein.

BCAA in bodybuilding

The use of bcaa by bodybuilders in combination with proper training will provide the following benefits:

  • BCAAs contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue;
  • leucine, which is part of BCAA, is the most anabolic;
  • isoleucine and valine are sources of energy, which allows athletes to become more enduring;

All three amino acids are involved in the synthesis of muscle fibers - up to a third muscle mass formed by them

  • the complex helps to prevent fatigue due to the same glycogenic properties of isoleucine and valine;
  • quickly absorbed by the body;
  • about 70% of these amino acids immediately enter the muscles, while other amino substances carry out this path through the liver;
  • valine is able to improve nitrogen balance, due to which it can prevent protein breakdown.


According to scientific research, the benefits and efficacy of amino acids are confirmed, but there is much less evidence for the benefits of amino acids compared to the same protein. That is, there is no reason to talk about the uselessness of the use of BCAAs, since there are studies during which, for example, the group that took amino acids managed to build 4 kg of lean muscle mass, while the second group took protein and increased 2 kg.

Depending on the goals, experience and level of preparedness of the athlete, it is necessary to decide on the use of amino acids or protein. It is recommended to include BCAAs in the diet for athletes who have exhausted other muscle growth opportunities through other sports nutrition supplements.

There are studies showing a positive result of the use of BCAAs in marathon and cycling.


Most of the studies that have proven the impact of BCAAs and their significant benefits in professional sports have been repeatedly criticized. Many results are either considered insignificant/negligible or not significant at all.

Scientifically proven to accelerate muscle growth with regular intake of the amino acid complex BCAA

Mechanisms of action of BCAA:

  • BCAA as an energy substrate. Studies confirm that a dose of BCAAs after a grueling workout helps prevent muscle protein breakdown. This happens due to the fact that after training, the reserves of leucine and other amino acids are significantly reduced, as a result, the processes of restoring the level of BCAA are triggered due to the destruction of muscle protein. This supplement restores the concentration of BCAA and prevents catabolic processes;
  • muscle protein synthesis. Since the depletion of the amino acid pool begins the processes of destruction of muscle protein, the use of BCAAs before and after training contributes to the replenishment of the amino acid pool and, accordingly, uninterrupted muscle protein synthesis. But this does not prove the effectiveness of BCAA, as an independent sports supplement, as the main source for muscle protein synthesis;
  • BCAAs as glutamine precursors.

The benefits of glutamine are as follows:

  • increases the volume of muscle cells;
  • slows down catabolic pathways;
  • transports nitrogen, etc.

In the process physical activity there is a growing need for glutamine, which can be replenished with a certain amount of grams of BCAA;

How much and how to take bcaa correctly - the answer to this question depends on the intensity of physical activity

  • stimulation of insulin secretion, PI3K and protein synthesis. Insulin affects protein synthesis through PI3K. In the absence of insulin, leucine is able to activate PI3K and enhance insulin secretion. To activate this process, you need to take bcaa along with carbohydrates after training;
  • protein synthesis is accelerated by mTOR activation. mTOR (target of rapamycin) is a protein that is responsible for the regulation of protein synthesis. It regulates division and cell growth. At high level ATP is activated by mTOR and the process of protein synthesis is accelerated. Decreased ATP levels block mTOR. Leucine has been proven to be the main generator of mTOR activation.

BCAA and its role in the fat burning process

The hormone leptin is responsible for the production of fat cells. It regulates appetite, consumption and the process of fat deposition, body weight. Depending on the amount of fat in the body, leptin secretion will either be higher or lower. That is, with a high amount of fat, the level of secretion of leptin will be higher. When a person "sits" on a diet, the body perceives a lack of calories as an insecurity, and accordingly, it will try to preserve body fat reserves. In this process, leptin plays a major role, the level of which decreases, and this leads to an increase in appetite.

You can take BCAAs in order to deceive the body: the use of leucine will give the body a feeling of satiety, due to which the metabolism will not suffer during the diet, and the body will “think” that it receives a sufficient amount of high-calorie food.

From this point of view, if BCAA is taken during the diet and for the purpose of burning fat, the supplement will protect the athlete's muscles, which are the main consumer of calories.

It is better to take the powder by dissolving it in milk, juice or a protein shake.

How and how much to take BCAAs on training days?

BCAAs must be taken depending on the goals set for the athlete: gaining muscle mass or burning fat. When recruiting, an average of 10-20 grams of BCAA is usually taken per training day. This dose is divided into two or three doses: before and after training, if desired, directly during the training. There is an opinion that the effect of the application increases if BCAA is dissolved along with a spoonful of sugar. Sometimes it is recommended to take it in the morning on an empty stomach.

When burning fat, it is necessary to consume BCAAs before and after training. To suppress appetite and prevent catabolic processes, you can take the supplement between meals.

How many grams of BCAA powder is correct?

The daily norm of BCAA depends on the intensity of training and the severity of the diet. The stricter the diet and the more intense the training, the more the body will need to replenish amino acids. Depending on the production, form of release of the supplement and body weight, the use of 10 to 30 grams of BCAA is recommended.

  • BCAA 1000 caps from Optimum Nutrition(1 serving is 2-4 capsules);
  • BCAA Complex 2200 from Dymatize (1 serving is 2-4 tablets);
  • BCAA 8:1:1 from VPLab;
  • Amino X by BSN (complex), (1 serving is a scoop in 200 ml of cold drinking water).

Harm to health

Harm to health with the use of BCAA can be caused by using a low-quality product. The use of BCAA is not recommended in case of intolerance to individual components of the supplement. There is an opinion that an overdose can affect the level of production of the hormone serotonin.


Thus, the benefits of using amino acids in sports are undeniable, however, it is still more recommended for athletes who have been engaged professionally and for a long time. There is a positive effect of BCAA in fat burning. For those who are fond of sports more "for themselves", it is preferable to choose a protein that also contains a certain amount of essential amino acids.

After the breakdown of protein foods into bcaa amino acids- organic compounds with amine and carboxyl groups begin the construction of muscles, cells, hormones, antibodies. If the body produces 12 amino acids on its own, a person receives 9 with food. It would seem, why do we need BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), when you can eat meat, eggs, dairy products and get daily allowance protein. However, in bodybuilders and powerlifters, the need for it increases significantly. In order for the body to fully receive lysine, valine, isoleucine, athletes are offered to additionally use sports nutrition.

These 3 essential acids differ in molecular lattice and aliphatic (side) chain structure. Amino make up 1/3 part, are responsible for the formation of muscle tissue, are involved in many processes. Each of them performs certain functions.

  1. Isoleucine- source of energy. Deficiency leads to chronic fatigue, apathy, decrease in muscle mass. Promotes the healing of microtraumas of fibers obtained after strength training increases the endurance of the body.
  2. Valine supports nitrogen metabolism, accelerates regeneration, prevents protein denaturation (destruction).
  3. Leucine stabilizes glucose levels, stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone, cell and tissue renewal. Bcaa leucine gives energy, enhances the action of the rest.

What are BCAAs made of and how are they made?

For the production of additives use cereals and animal proteins. To turn them into powders and tablets use 4 ways:

  • extraction;
  • biofermentation;
  • chemical;
  • enzymatic synthesis.

The last two technologies are rarely used. Mainly operated biofermentation method. Essential amino acids are obtained on the basis of pyruvic and aspartic acids and certain types of strains.

The purified product is no different from those produced by the body.

What are bcaa amino acids for?

The intake of sports nutrition is necessary to activate the intracellular signaling pathway mTOR, respondent:

  • for growth, cell migration;
  • metabolism in muscle tissue;
  • the formation of nucleotides.

Since protein is synthesized on the condition of a sufficient amount of organic compounds, it is necessary for athletes to cover the deficiency of amino acids. after classes in the room. BCAA is also needed by men so that after intense workout suppress catabolic processes. This is especially important during the drying period, when the body is working hard. With a lack immunity falls, mass growth stops.

The additive is an energy substrate

Why BCAAs are needed professional athletes know. During and after power loads there is an intensive oxidation of amino acids, their concentration drops sharply. The process is necessary for the breakdown of glucose and maintaining energy balance. To keep the level within the normal range, the metabolism increases, but this leads to the destruction of the protein. The supplement will help prevent this.

Sports nutrition for insulin secretion

The complex accelerates the production of insulin, the delivery of glucose and amino acids to muscle tissue. After training, it is useful to immediately take the powder with fast carbohydrates. Leucine quickly increases the secretion of the hormone, activates the regulatory protein PI3K, which is responsible for cell survival and division.

BCAA sports nutrition for weight loss

The supplement indirectly activates fat burning due to increased calorie consumption, since protein synthesis is an energy-consuming process. Strength training and a high concentration of protein create optimal conditions for increasing volume and calorie consumption.

BCAA sports nutrition: when and how to take it

Those who drink protein shakes do not need the BCAA complex. Dosage calculated based on body weight.

  1. With a weight of 60-80 kg enough 15 g.
  2. If it is 80-100 kg, norm - 20 g.
  3. With a body weight above 100 kg 25-30 g of product is required.

Volumes shown are for protein weight only. Manufacturers do not release BCAAs in powders, capsules or solutions in pure form. Although whey protein supplements are made from whey protein, after thorough purification, the mixture contains only 95% amino acids.

Sports nutrition is useful during the period of drying and weight gain.

  • In the first case, it prevents the destruction of muscles;
  • in the second- stimulates growth.

The daily rate is divided into 2 doses. Btsashki are taken daily in the morning, in the evening or after work in the gym. In addition, some drink during exercise to maintain a stable level of energy, others before bed to restore fibers.

Which shape to choose

Bsaa is more commonly drunk in powder form. Amino acids reach their destination faster and immediately begin to work. Moreover, the dispersed mass easily interferes with the protein shake.

  1. Capsules drink water. Gelatin shells take longer to dissolve than powder. Recommended take 2 pieces 1-3 times.
  2. Manufacturers offer BCAA drinks- complexes in the form of tablets with a liquid substance inside. They are inferior to the previous ones in terms of results. Eat 3-5 pieces during training and 4-6 after, as well as in the pauses between meals, 3 pieces.
  3. Bcaa complex liquid absorbed faster than powder. Norm45 ml before and after work in the gym. daily rate3-4 times.

Supplements are combined with all types of sports nutrition. For weight gain, they are taken together with, citrulline, anabolics. To find out what BCAA is for in sports, you can include it in your daily menu and compare the results before and after taking a month later.

    Those who are seriously involved in sports and, at least once, were interested in sports nutrition, have definitely heard the term "BCA". Among all the variety of nutritional supplements for athletes, this one is perhaps fanned by the largest number of rumors and speculation. So what is this sports supplement how to take BCAA and what is the benefit for athletes - let's try to understand in detail in this article.

    BCAAs (branched chained amino acids) are amino acids with a branched side chain. In fact, this is what is called three amino acids "in one bottle":, and. All of them are indispensable. Moreover, it is believed that these amino acids are present in the diet in a minimal amount, while how exactly they affect the speed and intensity of protein synthesis in the first place. However, this is not quite the way it is commonly believed.

    The most important of the three listed acids is leucine. Its importance lies in the following:

  1. It is he who is a powerful energy substrate for maintaining muscle function in conditions of limited glucose intake (for example, during a strict diet).
  2. From leucine, our body synthesizes - a substance that supports our immunity against the background of high-intensity training.
  3. Protein synthesis without essential amino acids in the body is impossible, which means that without leucine there will be no muscle growth.

The only disadvantage of leucine is that in its pure form it is not very well absorbed due to its rather low bioavailability. But in combination with isoleucine and valine, the percentage of digestibility increases dramatically.

Another important factor in favor of taking branched chain amino acids is their beneficial effect on the liver. , large amounts of food, hard training (essentially oxidative stress) have a very adverse effect on our main detoxification organ. BCAAs taken in higher dosages (relative to the standard diet) can help restore liver cells, making it much better and more effective than modern hepatoprotectors.

Supplement Forms

There are a fairly large number of BCAA release forms. Each athlete can find the most acceptable option for himself. In addition, the pharmacological form affects how much before training you need to drink BCAAs, because tablets, capsules and liquid solutions have a different digestibility period, respectively, the desired effect also occurs after a different period of time.

BCAA tablets

Tablets are the most unfavorable type of BCAA for the consumer. In fact, it is a compressed protein. How much active ingredient they contain is not known, and the quantity and “quality” of impurities is a big question. The only plus of supplements in tablets is the relatively low cost.

Another relative "plus" of this type of BCAA can be considered a long time for the release of the active substance from the tablet. When taking this pharmacological form of the supplement at night, you have every chance of avoiding pronounced nighttime catabolism, especially while on a diet. To figure out how to take BCAA tablets, you need to carefully study the instructions for them and the composition of each tablet and, based on this, determine the dosage. In this matter, it is better to trust an experienced specialist.


Capsules are a very good pharmacological form of BCAAs with excellent bioavailability and, moreover, in an enteric coating - they do not increase the acidity of gastric juice, are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and begin to act 15-30 minutes after ingestion. Respectively, optimal time taking the supplement before training - half an hour before it starts.

As for how to take BCAA capsules, this, again, depends on the amount of active substance (leucine and valine with isoleucine) contained in each capsule. In addition to this, you also need to know your weight, because the more the athlete weighs, the more capsules he will need to take at a time. For example, with a leucine content of 500 mg in one capsule for an athlete weighing 90 kg, a single dose of the supplement will be 6 capsules, since 36 mg of BCAA per 1 kg of weight is considered the optimal amount. Reliable manufacturers, as a rule, clearly state all these details in the instructions for use.

liquid form

The liquid form is the champion in speed of absorption and onset of action. Any liquid begins to be absorbed even in the oral cavity, so the time for which amino acids enter the bloodstream is calculated in a matter of minutes. This is especially true for those who conduct high-intensity training against the background of a caloric restriction of the diet - in preparation for the competition or when trying to "climb" into a smaller category. In these situations, taking liquid BCAAs immediately after training and during it (no earlier than an hour after the start of training) will help to avoid large losses of muscle mass due to catabolism. The only disadvantage of liquid BCAAs is the high cost.

Powder Form

The powder form of the supplement (bcaa powder) is used to make a drink. Accordingly, it, like the liquid form, is absorbed quickly enough. There are two types of powdered BCAAs - flavored and unflavoured. There is one nuance here. Adherents healthy lifestyle life and naturalness will immediately rush to buy amino acids without any impurities. However, we strongly advise against doing this. Unflavored powders, so to speak "natural" BCAAs, are very bitter. Their taste and smell are so specific that no matter what you dissolve it in, the drink will be hopelessly spoiled. And one more important point regarding how to take BCAA powder.

Note! It is believed that when preparing a drink from powdered BCAAs, a film should form on the surface of the liquid - this is not entirely true. Modern powder additives dissolve very well in liquid media, so, rather, on the contrary, incomplete dissolution of BCAAs indicates not too much high quality raw materials. Or, that, in addition to BCAAs, your powder also contains creatine. So carefully read the label on the packaging with the product!

By the way, if you purchased an odorless powder, then, in addition to water, you can also dilute it with juice. As for how to drink bcaa powder in terms of dosage, then the calculation is exactly the same as for capsules: we take 36 mg of the supplement per 1 kg (but not more than 12 mg at a time).

Chewable tablets

It is impossible not to mention another specific form of supplement. These are BCAAs in chewable tablets. This form has a number of advantages, including good bioavailability and a fast "onset of action". And, not least, these chewable tablets are a dietary product with a high content of essential amino acids, there are supplements where glutamine is added to the BCAA in the tablet.

This option is preferable, since when it is taken, all the leucine taken will be used for muscle protein synthesis, and will not be wasted on the synthesis of glutamine and glucose. Returning to chewable BCAAs, let's say that against the background of calorie and carbohydrate restriction, this product will help you keep a diet longer and cleaner, as it gives psychological relief - you can eat something sweet without damaging your own progress in fat burning.

Dosage and frequency of BCAA intake

The first and main advice on how to take BCAAs correctly is that the manufacturer's recommendations written on the package should be carefully studied and taken into account, but you do not need to blindly follow them. They are designed in such a way as to encourage you to use the drug as soon as possible and purchase the next cherished jar. Your task is to look at the content of one serving of the product, calculate the required amount of BCAAs relative to this serving, and then use the resulting dosage. We don’t recommend sticking to the products of any one brand right away - first try the products of different manufacturers, listen to your body and choose the product that you “feel”.

As for when and how much to take BCAA, the amount of the drug will depend on the training schedule. The recommended dosage for BCAAs in training days is 10 g once a day. On training days, the supplement should be taken twice: before and after training. But at the same time, the dose must be determined individually, depending on the goal pursued and the weight of the athlete, using the above proportion. A third intake of the supplement is also allowed - directly during training process, but not earlier than 30-40 minutes after the start of classes.

This recommendation does not depend on the gender and age of the athlete. BCAAs are a stand-alone supplement and taking them can bring quite tangible benefits. However, we must not forget that without a thoughtful, well-balanced diet and a competent training system with a progression of loads, taking BCAAs will not give you anything. The exception is people with hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver - for them, taking BCAAs will be very useful in terms of improving the liver.

Combination with other additives

If you are interested in the question, do you need to drink BCAAs, if you drink or, then the answer will be yes. This is a very good idea, because in this way you will provide the process of muscle growth with an additional amount of essential amino acids, which, with a 90% probability, will be used by muscle tissue and specifically for the “needs” of protein synthesis.

The important point is that there are protein mixtures and amino acid preparations of different composition. Speaking of proteins, we immediately mention soy protein and protein synthesized from wheat - the so-called "". So, any vegetable proteins inferior. This means that they do not contain the full range of essential amino acids and, accordingly, cannot provide full-fledged protein synthesis in the body of a trainee.

Just additionally taken BCAAs will help to fill the deficiency of the required essential amino acids. In general, speaking of vegetarians, the dosage of BCAAs should be increased by 2-3 times in order to compensate for the deficiency of essential amino acids in the diet.

Features of taking liquid amino acids

Another sports supplement often used as an alternative to protein is liquid bottled amino acids. This is not about sports drinks, but about concentrated solutions based on gelatin. This is, of course, an excellent product, but with an important flaw: since gelatin is used as a matrix, the amino acid profile is formed in such a way that histidine and arginine are even in excess in one serving, but valine, leucine and isoleucine are the same BCAAs. a clear disadvantage. Thus, the combination of BCAAs with liquid amino acids can provide significant benefits in terms of gaining lean muscle mass and accelerating recovery after hard training.

An important point when buying this sports nutritional supplement, pay attention to the ratio of acids in the preparation - leucine: isoleucine: valine. The optimal ratio is 2:1:1

In tablets and capsules, it includes: leucine, lezine, isoleucine, which differ in a specific chain. Free-form organic compounds do not have chemical bonds with other protein structures and, after consumption, immediately enter the small intestine and bloodstream.

Iron arguments in favor of sports nutrition

Athletes know how important it is to drink bcaa on time and period. When taken before exercise, sports nutrition provides fuel for muscles and increases energy. BCAAs after workout:

  • reduces the level of cortisol that destroys muscles;
  • activates the production of anabolic hormone - insulin;
  • normalizes lipid metabolism due to the expression of leptin in fat cells and the activation of mTOR (intracellular protein structure).
  • accelerates the production of bioprotein in muscle tissues.

Generally speaking, the use of bcaa is an opportunity to provide cells with adequate nutrition and stimulate the process of muscle hypertrophy.

Leucine is considered the strongest mTOR activator. Compared to analogues, it activates protein biosynthesis 10 times more efficiently, completely covers the consumption of glutamine during strength training, and during oxidation provides the body with more ATP molecules than glucose. If there is a choice that it is better to use BCAAs or bodybuilders, the advantage is with the first sports nutrition.

How and when to drink BCAAs correctly

Athletes are advised to drink BCAAs in capsules and powders in the correct ratio. As with any combination formulation, amines and impurities in the supplement are present in different proportions. Manufacturers optionally add:

  • cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • taurine;
  • vitamin B;
  • spirulina powder and other beneficial ingredients.

When taking BCAA capsules, the body receives at one time about 50% leucine. To share 2 other amines account for 25% each.

Different ratios like 3:1:1 are acceptable, but ideally BCAAs take 2:1:1. Many believe that if the product is useful, then when using 9:1:1 it brought 5 times more benefit and increase the dosage. Despite all the benefits when exceeding norms there are excesses of nutrients A, E, B, calcium and magnesium, negatively affecting on the liver and kidneys. In physics, incorrect intake of BCAA manifests itself in the form of muscle spasms, psychological disorders.

How many grams of BCAA to take per day know. They unanimously claim that 35-37 mg of the supplement is required per 1 kg of weight. One dose is 5-8 g. Regardless of the goal - drying and mass gain consumed up to 3 times a day. Smaller doses are also acceptable, but only with loads of moderate intensity.

BCAAs are taken in tablets, capsules and powders without time limits and breaks.

When losing weight without training, the use of sports nutrition is impractical. By itself, it does not burn fat and is expensive. In this case, whey protein is taken to cover the protein deficiency.

How to drink in powder form

Energy cocktail in powder form It is recommended to drink with a spoonful of sugar during a workout. Crystals do not completely dissolve. When diluted, a cloudy film appears on the surface, the drink itself tastes bitter. But it immediately replenishes the reserves of nutrition and water for the muscles, maintains the tone at a high level.

If the goal is to increase muscle and avoid catabolism, it is also absorbed after waking up half an hour before breakfast, and after class.

How to use BCAA tablets

This is one of the popular supplement forms. Manufacturers produce tablets 500 and 1000 mg each. Unlike powders, they are more practical to use. It is enough to put them in your mouth and drink 2 glasses of water or juice.

How and when it is better to take it is written on the packages. The circuit is designed to maintain energy balance and improve performance. Generally per day athletes swallow up to 4 - 5 pieces:

  1. the first time - in the morning;
  2. the second - before training;
  3. the third - in the process of working in the hall;
  4. the fourth is during the anabolic window.

BCAA intake before bedtime accelerates muscle recovery and provides nutrition. Instead of the complex, some take casein. On non-training days it is better to drink in the morning, 1 time in the afternoon and before going to bed.

How to drink BCAA capsules

Acceptance of nothing is not different from the use of tablets: 2 capsules are washed down with water 1-3 times a day. To scrupulously calculate the rate:

  1. pay attention to the concentration of protein in capsules;
  2. multiply the daily rate - 0.37 by its own weight;
  3. divided by the dose recommended by the manufacturer;
  4. count the number of pieces.

Under the gelatinous shell contains 500-1400 mg amines. Average accept 5-8 BCAA capsules before, during and after gym activities. Experiments have proven the effectiveness of the use of BCAA amino acids.

Regular intake of the well-known BCAA complex gives an accelerated and unprecedented recovery of muscle fibers, and a complete restoration of energy balance. BCAAs will also become the main stimulus for the production of human growth hormone.

What is BCAA?

BCAAs (Branched-chain amino acids) There are three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine.

BCAAs have been used recently, but have already recognized this supplement as magical. She gives a simply amazing effect, which means you need to get to know her better. The abbreviation BCAA stands for "Branched Chain". They are made up entirely of carbon atoms.

But only 3 amino acids have a branched molecular configuration:

  • Leucine- regulates nitrogen balance and protein synthesis, forms the main part of the protein, maintains the right amount of serotonin, reduces sugar, is necessary for proper muscle development etc.
  • Valine- one of the most basic and most valuable components, is the source of our muscle energy, has a stimulating effect, restores damaged tissue.
  • Isoleucine- regulates sugar, increases endurance, converts energy, is vital especially for hemoglobin synthesis, leucine metabolism, quickly restores damaged muscle tissue, etc. An insufficient amount of isoleucine can provoke drowsiness, bad mood and even prolonged depression.

Although only 8 amino acids are considered essential for humans: valine, methionine, threonine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucindal. Why, then, of the eight amino acids, only these 3 are isolated in a special way? Because they are BCAAs?

Human muscles are usually made up of 2 types of proteins:

  • myosin;
  • actin.

But it is these 3 amino acids that are the main compounds of these proteins, i.e. our muscles consist of a significant proportion of BCAAs.

Role in the body

BCAAs play the following beneficial roles:

Let's take a closer look at some useful features.

For muscle growth

Human- this is a protein form of life, and proteins, as you know, consist of amino acids. But BCAA contains 3 main ones, these are exactly those that human body cannot synthesize on its own. He should receive them only from the outside with food, for example.

And eating these well-known amino acids leads to the formation of muscle tissue.

During strength training, fat is burned first, and then useful amino acids. Therefore, a person involved in sports simply needs a special nourishment in the form of BCAAs.

as a source of energy

BCAAs are metabolized (broken down) usually in muscle tissue, so during prolonged training it is used precisely as an additional source of energy.

The use of BCAAs during training can also significantly increase the production of alanine, turning it immediately into glucose. And directly transported to muscle tissue, as an inexhaustible source of additional energy.

BCCA will also allow you to recover much faster after hard training. Due to the surge of energy, it will be possible to train longer, more intensely and more often. As a result of all this, it will be possible to obtain greater muscle gain.

For the synthesis of glutamine

Glutamine plays an important role in muscle growth:

  • increases the production of growth hormone;
  • a lot of glutamine is also found in the muscles;
  • regulates the synthesis of all known types of protein;
  • helps to shift in the opposite direction a certain nitrogen balance;
  • significantly increases the volume of muscle cells.

This means that the increased consumption of glutamine can be compensated by BCAAs. They are able to transform directly in his muscles.

For fat burning

For fat burning, you also need BCAAs. But miracles, as you know, do not happen, if you eat pizza for dinner and drink it with BCAAs, you won’t be able to lose weight.

But if you're on a calorie-restricted diet, then BCAAs can help speed up the body's natural fat burning process. This is always due to insulin sensitivity.

During a low-calorie diet, you can lose not only body fat, but also to feel the destructive effect on the muscles. And only the intake of BCAAs will help in building muscle tissue and protect them from possible destruction.

BCAAs from food

Ordinary food also contains BCAAs, especially in the following foods: meat, cheese, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, poultry, nuts, fish, eggs, etc. Contained in these foods, approximately 15–25 g of BCAAs, this is per 100 g squirrel.

Consider how much BCAA is contained in our daily food products:

  • chicken fillet 6.6 mg;
  • ground beef or 6.2 mg;
  • canned tuna 5.6 mg;
  • beef steak 6.2 mg;
  • turkey fillet 5.2 mg;
  • egg 1.3 mg;
  • peanuts 6.8 mg.

These products contain from 20-30% protein. As we understand from the above, this will be especially insufficient for athletes who especially need daily, increased portions of essential amino acids.

The athlete, in the truest sense of the word, simply will not have to get out from behind the table in order to gain the required amount of amino acids.

You need to know that not everyone can be a source of branched chain amino acids. Leucine, for example, is considered the most beneficial for rapid muscle growth. But the largest portions are: beef, red caviar, peanuts, chicken, lamb, shellfish, sea fish, turkey.

Athletes come to me, aimed at getting the maximum result from training. I recommend this concentrate as it takes all the nutrients from the food and forces them to work on building muscle tissue.

The food supplement has helped many achieve incredible achievements. In addition to building relief muscles, it improves the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and supple. For a month of taking the concentrate, combined with sports, the sagging tummy disappears, the body becomes toned, strong steel muscles appear.

Release form

Release forms can be very different: powder, capsules, tablets, liquid. They differ in price, manufacturer, dosage, taste, purity of composition, etc.

Let's take a closer look at each type:

BCAA content in staple foods

The summarized data will look like this:

Products, mg Valine / leucine / isoleucine
Oatmeal 0,53/ 0,47/ 0,78
Buckwheat 0,68/ 0,67/ 0,73
Rice groats 0,42/ 0,26/ 0,62
Pasta 0,48/ 0,25/ 0,82
Rye bread 0,4/ 0,26/ 0,6
18% cottage cheese 0,84/ 1,01/ 1,28
Milk 0,22/ 0,26/ 0,32
Sour cream 0,17/ 0,23/ 0,27
Cream 0,18/ 0,21/ 0,26
Beans 1,22/ 1,6/ 1,87
0,14/ 0,24/ 0,28
Beef 0,97/ 1,66/ 1,56
Mutton 0,88/ 1,44/ 1,27
Pork 1,09/ 1,94/ 1,78
Chicken 0,83/ 1,39/ 1,24
Cod 0,92/ 1,64/ 1,45
Salmon 1,02/ 1,52/ 1,61
Shrimps 1,64/ 1,50/ 1,42
Eggs 0,86/ 1,91/ 1,09
Herring 0,84/ 1,51/ 1,33
Cheese 1,55/ 1,95/ 2,24
squids 0,78/ 1,8/ 1,92
Butter 0,06/ 0,01/ 0,08
nuts 0,75/ 0,43/ 1,17
Peas 1,01/ 1,55/ 1,65
Manka 0,49/ 0,26/ 0,81
Mushrooms 0,08/ 0,19/ 0,12

When to use and in what dosages?

For example, if you weigh 80 kg, then you need to take 2640 mg of BCAAs per workout, this will be approximately 5 g. With this formula, you can easily calculate your daily BCAA requirement, regardless of the form of release. You just need to carefully study the label and perform simple mathematical operations.

On training days

On rest days

Many mistakenly believe that BCAAs are not needed at all on rest days. This is justified by the fact that there is no special effect on the body, which means there is no catabolism. For the normal anabolic process, protein can be obtained from the daily diet. But this is an erroneous opinion.

Catabolic processes always affect after waking up. And if you try to get the necessary protein only from food, the body will need time to break it down to the right components.

And taking BCAAs will solve this problem instantly, amino acids will immediately go directly to the muscles. After sleep, you need to take: 0.5-1, from the usual portion.

Stories from our readers!
“Thanks to the concentrate, I was finally able to bring my metabolism back to normal. Until that time, the weight just jumped, and the fat did not disappear anywhere - they lost weight and gained muscle.

As a result, to solve the problem, it took only a month from the beginning of the reception. During this time, I managed not only to improve my metabolism, but also lost a few centimeters at the waist and hips, and I began to feel much better. I'm sure you will succeed!"

Gym at home? Easily!

With an expander, you can keep your muscles in good shape, burn extra calories and adjust your figure!

Exercises with an expander work out all muscle groups of the body - ideal for homework.

It will help you:

  • Pump up the buttocks
  • To burn calories
  • Make slim legs
  • Pump up arms and shoulders
  • Replace fitness room

How much to take BCAA? It will depend on the training schedule. On training days around 10g, the trainer should decide on an individual basis based on weight, target, etc.

  • BCAA powder form take after waking up, 0.5-1 hour before breakfast, during training, after.
  • BCAA tablet form take in the morning, before training, in the process, during the anabolic window.
  • BCAA capsules Take 2 capsules together 1-3 times a day. On average, 5-7 pieces are obtained. in a day.

Which BCAAs are best?

Now in Russia there are many licensed companies, there are also many well-known giants of the industry: Maxler, Optimum Nutrition (Optimum and Ultimate Nutrition), Weider. But there are many others who are not inferior in quality, but they do not always have enough money for an advertising campaign, so they are less recognizable and often remain in the shadows, but they are not inferior in quality.

Best BCAAs:

  • Amino BCAA 4200.
  • Pure Protein BCAA.
  • BCAA Xpress.
  • Ultimate Flavored BCAAs.
  • BCAA complex 5050.
  • BCAA Powder.
  • Dymatize.
  • OLYMP.

Amino BCAA 4200

Pure Protein BCAA

Xpress BCAAs

Ultimate Flavored BCAAs

Complex bcaa 5050

Powder BCAA

You need to try different options, then compare the results. Organisms are all different, and therefore you need to choose the most optimal product for yourself, using the selection method.

Combining BCAAs with other supplements

BCAA can and should be combined with almost all types of well-known sports nutrition. And it will even bring great benefit than taking just one BCAA. When gaining muscle mass, it is more optimal to combine them together: vitamin and mineral complexes, a geyser, protein, creatine, etc.

For muscle growth, all amino acids known to us are shown. They each in their own way play their role in building muscle tissue. But remember that BCAAs cannot completely replace protein in our diet. BCAA should act only as an additional source of exactly 3 amino acids.

Differences between BCAA and other amino acids

To understand how BCAAs differ from other amino acids, let's analyze the features of both in turn:

  • Amino acids are nutrients on which protein structures are gradually and continuously formed, i.e. our muscle fibers. There are 20 amino acids in total. 10 are included in the general group of essential ones, which means that the body will not be able to produce them on its own. But the rest are interchangeable. There are other amino acids that are completely unrelated to the protein structure - the well-known taurine, ornithine, etc. They accelerate protein synthesis, help in burning fat, replenish the body with the missing energy, and have a powerful anti-catabolic effect.
    They are vital and help:
    • the growth of our muscles;
    • production of the necessary enzymes;
    • normalization of appetite;
    • strengthening the immune system;
    • improved tissue regeneration;
    • slowing down the aging process;
    • increase strength indicators;
    • restore physical muscle tone.
  • BCAA Group contains only 3 essential amino acids: leucine, valine, isoleucine. They are involved in regenerative processes, are assistants to muscle growth, prevent the destructive effect of cortisol, perfectly strengthen and restore the immune system. BCAA can come to us only in 2 ways, in the form of:
    • additives;
    • food.

If taken on time and correctly, BCAAs will improve your health and improve your athletic performance.

BCAA has many advantages:

  • rapid increase in muscle mass;
  • protecting our muscles from possible destruction;
  • fast digestibility;
  • filling the body with quick, vital energy.

What exactly is the difference?

Conclusion - the difference between the 2 supplements is pretty obvious:

  • Amino acids- this is a general group of certain organic elements, and BCAA is only a separate part of it.
  • Amino acid complexes are usually broken down directly in the liver, and BCAAs are broken down directly in the muscles.
  • Amino acid complexes many elements are produced by the body, and BCAAs should only come from outside.

At what age can you take BCAAs?

Speaking from a theoretical point of view, then even very young man will not hurt taking BCAAs. Of course, everyone needs protein, but there is a small “but”. An ordinary boy or girl can do without the BCAA. The necessary proteins can be obtained from food.

Excessive sports nutrition can even lead to serious negative consequences with health or weight gain.

Excessive glut of protein foods and carbohydrates can permanently disrupt and quickly lead to excess weight.

Consider this issue further, we continue our growth 22-24 years inclusive, although very often growth stops by the age of 22. By this time, the future physique is determined. It is better not to take BCAAs, because the body has enough necessary reserves for the development of a young organism.

You can achieve the desired results without such assistants. If you actively train and periodically take a sufficient amount of protein products.

But if this young athlete and he made his choice in favor of professional sports, then it will not be possible to do without BCAA. Because the need for protein will increase by 2-3 times and it will simply be impossible to eat so much food physically.

Therefore, in order to achieve the desired results, BCAA will be simply necessary. At what age should one take BCAAs and how much exactly? There is no definite answer here, there are no restrictions on years, you can take it even from 10-12 years old. The main thing is to understand whether it is necessary and worth doing, or is it better to wait.

We conclude: if you are not pursuing beyond your goals, then it is better not to take BCAAs until the age of 18-22. If approached from a professional point of view, then the BCAA will not be superfluous. The main thing is to listen to the advice of the coach, eat right and properly organize the training process.

How to take protein, creatine and BCAA together?

How to take them together, there are schemes for receiving such a tandem:

We must not forget that everyone's body is different and therefore even completely identical combinations will act differently. Therefore, you need to do everything gradually and carefully, in accordance only with your well-being. There are many more various options reception, but these are the most effective

How to take glutamine and BCAA together?

It is possible and even necessary to take BCAA and glutamine together. Only in this way are they able to restore the lack of amino acids. This tandem has a positive effect on our immune system, helps quickly, stimulates protein synthesis.

Glutamine- this is a special, even unique amino acid, it is especially abundant: sea fish and soybeans, peanuts. Today, many different options are available in the form of tablets, powders, capsules. You need to take them together, before training for an hour or after, it takes 2-3 grams per day.

Side effects

BCAAs are absolutely safe for humans, unless, of course, they are taken in reasonable amounts. But with excessive consumption, the absorption of other equally important amino acids by the body may decrease. And of course, you need to take only a quality product.

Always pay attention to the composition when buying. Avoid in the composition of preservatives, dyes, sweeteners. They can just call side effects: provoke allergies, adversely affect the liver. Always purchase products from reputable manufacturers and with a minimum of additives.

If you take BCAAs for a long time, and then abruptly stop taking them, you can lose the results achieved. But this does not always happen.


It is contraindicated in persons with the following diseases:

  • kidney disease;
  • intolerance to the body of protein products;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • insufficient production of enzymes;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • with a tendency to cardiological problems;
  • should not be taken 2-3 weeks before surgery;
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • liver disease, in particular cirrhosis;
  • various diseases of the pancreas;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • any chronic and acute diseases of the digestive system;
  • Not to be taken by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, small children.

BCAA complexes can be taken for quite a long time, without any restrictions, and even breaks are practically not required.

But we must remember that without a constructive training system, well thought out and balanced nutrition taking one BCAA will not give anything.

BCAA supplementation will help shape beautiful figure or get the maximum sports result, without compromising health!