What is kudo and who created it. Kudo - what kind of sport is it and why is it popular. What kind of martial arts do you recommend for children, the most humane and safe, which will develop children physically, but at the same time the least traumatic

Kudo - what kind of sport is it, many fans are interested martial arts. And not in vain! After all, kudo is a purposeful system that is designed for a harmonious physical and spiritual development. That is, for the development of a person's personality.

Kudo: the history of the sport

The date of foundation of a relatively new one is considered to be 1981. It was at this time that sensei Azuma Takashi opened his first gym in Sendai. In the same year, the very first kudo (daido juku) tournament was held, which was called "Hokutoki 81". Journalists spoke of this sport as cruel, furious and super-realistic. All due to the fact that the fighters who took part in the competition could use any blows with all parts of the body, as well as throws and suffocating and painful techniques. But, of course, there were limitations. The prohibited areas for strikes are the groin, the back of the head and the back.

In 1982, Azuma Takashi wrote his first tutorial for amateurs and professionals. And in 1985, new offices appeared in Osaka and Tokyo for kudo. What kind of sport is this - many athletes were surprised at the beginning. And already in 1986 the first world championship was held.

On May 12, 2001, at the All Japan Meeting, it was decided to use the word "kudo" in the name martial arts.

How fights go

There are three return categories in which kudo competitions are held:

  1. Boys and girls twelve to fifteen years old.
  2. Juniors aged sixteen or seventeen.
  3. Men and women from eighteen years of age.

Since 2014, young children have been banned from participating in competitions. Usually the fight lasts three minutes - it's quite a tough sport. Kudo allows you to use all kinds of punches, kicks, head, knees and elbows. In addition, painful techniques and elements of wrestling are allowed. During the fight, it is allowed an infinite number of times to make a hold in the rack, which is called "tsukami". You can't do a headshot.

A prerequisite for the fight is the use of a protective helmet. Women are required to use a bib. Also, you can’t do without shin guards, a groin bandage, a mouthguard and hand bandages.

It is forbidden to greet each other with fist-to-fist strikes. For such an act, both athletes will immediately receive a hansoku - a warning.

Basic belts and degrees of kudo

What kind of sport is this that does not have special differences and parameters? In total, this martial art has ten student levels. From 10th to 5th kyu - the degree of the student, which is called "gakusei". From 4 to 1 kyu - the level of the senior student (sempai). In addition to these parameters, there are also master ranks. Depending on what kind of kyu or master degree a person has, an appropriate belt is put on.

Each product has a standard width of 4 centimeters. But the length depends on the size human body. Each belt has a special kudo emblem. Student achievements are marked with stripes that are located at a distance of three centimeters from the emblem.

Workshop belts are very similar to student belts. The difference is the color. The master has all ten dans black, and the student kyus are multi-colored. Each master's belt is embroidered with Japanese characters for the owner's surname and name, as well as gold stripes indicating the level of skill. Such products are made only in Japan by order of the founder of kudo - Azuma Takashi.

Principles of judging kudo

What kind of sport is it that does not have a special refereeing system? During the competition, teams are created, which consist of several judges.

Shushin (referee) His task is to be on the mat, direct the course of the fight and evaluate actions and techniques.

Chief side referee and three focusin. Each of them sits on a chair at the corners of the tatami. Just like the referee, they use flags, a whistle and generally accepted gestures. It is the responsibility of the referees to ensure that each bout is played according to the rules and also safely.

Judge-timekeeper - is at the table near the tatami. Monitors the start and end of the fight and, using Japanese terminology, notifies the athletes about this.

Secretary - sits at a table near the tatami and takes minutes. Announces the names of the fighters whose turn it is to start the fight.

Zen practice

Kudo - what kind of sport is it? Photos show amateurs that this is a martial art, which is based on a subtle spiritual perception of the world. That is why, in the study of Daido Juku, much attention is paid to the practice of Zen. This concept stands for meditation or concentration. This practice helps fighters merge soul and body together. It makes the mind bright and the spirit balanced. Zen practice increases the effect of training several times. The bioenergy potential develops, which means that a person becomes more talented and capable.

To conduct a successful fight, it is very important to be fearless and accurate. The use of spiritual practice helps to get rid of anger and successfully fight not only on the mat, but also in life.

- it's Japanese sporty style, which was founded in 1981 by master Azuma Takashi. This view includes tricks from the most various kinds martial arts such as karate, boxing, judo, etc.

According to the rules of the competition, fighters are allowed all wrestling techniques, and in addition, blows with limbs, knees, elbows and head to all parts of the body except for the back, nape and groin. The use of painful and suffocating techniques is allowed.

After the formation of a new style of karate, the Japanese media called it "furious". The original name of the style was Daido Juku Karate-do. The first name of the style included Chinese wisdom, which says that there are no universal roads that lead to the Great Way. Man must create them in his heart and go to them on his own path.

In 1991, Takashi allowed the Russian athlete Yuri Pirogov to compete. So, kudo began to spread in Russia and around the world.

Kudo received its current name recently - in 2001. Kudo, according to Azuma's new design, means "the path of the void." In general, the concept of emptiness in Japanese martial arts plays an important role. So, in the name "karate" - "kara" also means emptiness.

It came from, but at the moment it is already a new, separate and fully formed sport. Kudo included techniques from both karate and other martial arts, creating a real fighting style for life.

Kudo is synthesized from a combination of a wide variety of techniques. So, the technique of hands in kudo is from boxing, elbow, knee blows are from Thai boxing, painful and suffocating techniques - from judo and sambo, kicks are taken from kyokushinkai karate.

In addition to the development of technology, the founder of kudo also provided for the rules of battles that are closest to real battles, where almost everything is allowed. According to the moral criteria adopted in kudo, during the competition it is impossible to attack from behind, hit in the throat and joints and finish off a lying opponent.

- this is a rather tough sport, but strict adherence to the rules helps to avoid severe injuries. So, in kudo battles, a helmet with transparent mask and thin gloves, which effectively help athletes avoid dangerous injuries, as well as fully use the technique of wrestlers in the fights, because. thin gloves on the hands allow you to apply the grip.

An important point for Kudo competitions is that fighters of the most different types martial arts in the presence of a certain training, which is allowed by the rules of the fight. Thus, kudo wrestlers can actively use painful and choking techniques, boxers can demonstrate excellent hand work, and a taekwondo fighter can show kicking techniques. After all, all these techniques and many others are contained in the Kudo style.

It should be noted that Kudo does not use the commonly used system of dividing athletes into categories only by weight. In Kudo, categories are replaced by coefficients, which include the combined indicators of the weight and height of the athlete, which more objectively assesses the chances of athletes.

When developing the style, Takashi rejected everything unnecessary, out of touch with life, that which is not applicable in a real fight. Also, the founder of kudo removed from training the training of strikes from unusual positions and traditional stances. He left only one stance for kudo - the combat stance in which the battle takes place.

Therefore, Kudo is a modern martial art that meets all the requirements of safety, efficiency and accessibility.

Kudo(translated from Japanese " path of emptiness") — Japanese martial art, founded in 1981 (original name Daido Juku) based on Kyokushin karate, boxing, judo, Thai boxing and other martial arts. Creator kudo school is Azuma Takashi.

The fundamental difference kudo from other martial arts is a focus on maximum realism of sparring: percussion technique, wrestling, painful and suffocating techniques are allowed. not without reason motto supporters of this type of martial arts - " only life itself is more real" .

But kudo is not just a fighting technique, but also deep inner philosophy, which distinguishes oriental martial arts from Western combat sports. The founder of kudo is Azuma Takashi. philosopher by education, formulates as follows deep meaning of your style: "There are no gates leading to the Great Way. Everyone must build them in their heart, and go to perfection in their own way.". This can be interpreted as follows: in kudo no "secret" systems and techniques - style open to everyone and everyone can master it, moving along the path physical and spiritual self-improvement.

Azuma Takashi started dating with martial arts kyokushinkai- himself tough of famous karate styles. He reached in it great success, but with time disappointed in limitations techniques, due to which those engaged in this species turned out to be not ready for a real fight. Azuma expressed his opinion to the founder of the style, Masutatsu Oyama - he refused to change Kyokushin rules, but blessed student on creating a new style martial arts. Takashi actively got down to business - he eliminated all unnecessary, not related to real combat (for example, formal "kata" exercises), adding the most effective elements from other types: from boxing - punches, from wrestling - work on the ground, etc. As a result, the hopes of the founder were fully justified - in duels between adherents various kinds martial arts, kudoists win by a large margin.

Azuma Takashi himself, despite administrative work for the development of the school remains consummate master: 8 dan Kudo, 8 dan kyokushin karate, 3 dan judo. He is even included in Guinness Book of Records, breaking 13 ice blocks with a hand, with a total thickness of almost 2 m.

Today kudo popular all over the world— its representative offices are open in more than 50 countries. It should be noted that history kudo exit outside Japan closely related to Russia: in 1991 in Vladivostok opens first foreign branch, and then in Nizhnekamsk, Voronezh, Moscow. Russian athletes thanks to perseverance in mastering a new kind of martial arts are actively progressing: on the open championship Japan in 1997, the Russians won one bronze and two gold medals, ahead of the ancestors of kudo. After that, the Japanese made the championships of Japan closed to foreign athletes. Russian Federation kudo one of the most numerous in the world - 17,000 athletes. Along with training and competition, kudo adherents also perform social functions: promote healthy lifestyle life, are attracted to children training(80% of those involved), including difficult teenagers, cooperate with law enforcement.

Fights in kudo, thanks to full contact and a wide range of strokes and techniques allowed for use, very spectacular, dynamic and beautiful. It is surprising that at the same time, kudo is characterized low injury risk This is achieved by using a special protective equipment(helmets, shells), as well as quality training athletes.

In kudo, as in karate, there is ranking system marked with belts. Colors of student belts characterizing athlete's level of training, vary from white to brown, and the masters wear black belts, which differ in the number of gold stripes. Interestingly, unlike other types of martial arts, where athletes are divided into categories according to the criterion of weight, in kudo Competitors' weight and height are taken into account, for which a special coefficient is used: this makes martial arts more fair, equalizing the chances of opponents.

Azuma Takashi, developing kudo, set as his goal not only the creation as close as possible to the conditions real fight martial arts, but also aware the importance of the educational role. The system of training athletes and holding fights, develops they have qualities like accuracy, lack of anger, overcoming fear, detachment from one's own life. Exactly education of a harmonious personality the practitioner makes kudo a system not only of the physical, but also spiritual development.

02/16/2013. the 20th anniversary Russian Kudo Championship will take place. Boris Alexandrov, the site portal browser, asked the President of the Kudo Federation of Russia, Roman Mikhailovich Anashkin, to answer a few questions:

1. What was the reason for the change in the name of this direction, because earlier it was called Daido Juku Karate. How did the adherents of this trend react to the rejection of the word karate?

Sensei Azuma Takashi started his career in martial arts with kyokushinkai karate. When he decided to develop his own style, he was given the name Daido Juku Karate. Daido juku means that there is no one right way to improve the body and spirit, there are many ways to achieve this. When Sensei decided to change the name, he was guided primarily by the fact that karate in Japan is synonymous with non-contact fights. KUDO, on the other hand, is contact martial arts, it is a synthesis of the most effective defense and attack techniques, many throwing techniques are used in fights, as well as painful and suffocating techniques on the ground. In KUDO, the athletes face is protected by a special helmet with a spherical plastic visor, which allows them to deliver full-fledged blows to the contact, knees and elbows to the head, while the injury risk to the head is minimized. It turns out that according to the rules of the competition, according to the allowed fighting techniques and, as a result, according to the training methods, KUDO has nothing to do with the non-contact style of karate. Therefore, Sensei decided to abandon the use of karate in the name and renamed the style to KUDO, this name has a broad philosophical meaning and Sensei interprets it as "The Way of the Open Heart."

2. A lot of effort and money has been invested in the development of KUDO both in Russia and in the world, but KUDO is only a discipline in the invented sport "Oriental martial arts." Wouldn't it be easier to direct the necessary efforts to create separate species sports?

Yes, today KUDO is a discipline of the sport of oriental martial arts, but we do not leave attempts to recognize KUDO as a sport, and if the necessary conditions are met and the regulations of the Ministry of Sports are observed, there is such an opportunity. The fact that we are a "discipline" is already a lot, since we have the opportunity to appropriate our athletes sports ranks and the title of master of sports, as well as, in the case of holding especially important and significant competitions in Russia or participating in them abroad, to receive at least some financial and material assistance from the state.

3. Did the representatives of KUDO perform at competitions in mixed martial arts, MMA and MMA and what were the results of their participation in these competitions?

They performed and continue to perform. For example, Shamahal Kerimov, Shamil Abdulkerimov, Edgar Kolyan, Alexander Vinogradov and others. By the way, they are all World Champions in KUDO, there are many videos on the Internet with their participation in mixed martial arts tournaments. Adam Khaliev, the 2009 KUDO World Champion, has every chance to sign a contract with the UFC. Our rules are similar to the rules of mixed martial arts. This is often noted by experts and TV commentators. But used protective equipment makes KUDO more "civilized" style, spiritual, while remaining faithful to traditions.

4. Is there a complete mutual understanding with the international headquarters of KUDO in the development of this direction in Russia and in the world?

We have always treated Azuma Takashi with great respect and understanding. By the way, in January he passed 9th dan and so far he is the only owner of such a high qualification in KUDO. For 20 years, visiting Japan almost every year or inviting him to visit us in Russia, we never cease to celebrate his wisdom and constantly learn lessons from communicating with him. And in turn, according to his repeated statements, the KUDO Federation of Russia enjoys absolute trust. And also, given that Russian athletes and instructors are the elite of the world KUDO, today he relies on our help in promoting KUDO in the world.

5. How do you and your like-minded people evaluate the 20-year-long path traveled in the development of kudo in Russia and in the world?

I think the numbers will answer this question for me. From sports club"Tetraeder" with 40 athletes, from which it all started in Russia, KUDO has turned into a powerful sports movement. In the martial arts world we are well known and treated with respect. To date, the KUDO Federation of Russia is represented in 58 regions and has more than 22,000 students. Over 20 years, more than 1070 sports events different formats, including 3 World Championships, one World Cup held in Moscow, two European Championships, and more than 15 open international tournaments in Japan. Among those involved in KUDO in Russia today there are 374 black belts up to 6th dan inclusive. 476 instructors are engaged in coaching in the regional branches. Since 2007, when KUDO became a discipline of oriental martial arts, 131 Masters of Sports, 20 Masters of Sports have been trained international class, 6 Honored Masters of Sports, 7 Honored Coaches of Russia. Total for international tournaments Russians won 133 gold, 128 silver and 123 bronze medals. As for the development of KUDO in the World, I will give just a few examples: in 1994, in addition to the Japanese, only Russians developed KUDO. On the last Championship Representatives of 65 countries have already participated in the World Championship, and about 80 participating countries are planned for the next championship in 2014. We sincerely respect our Sensei Azuma Takashi and are proud of our style. In the summer of 2013, the International KUDO Federation will take part in the International World Games Association, which will be held in Cali (Colombia). KUDO will be presented in the unofficial program of the Games with demonstration performances. The International World Games are, in fact, a large review of various sports that claim to be included in the program. Olympic Games. Most sports enter the Olympic movement through this organization, which means that KUDO has hope!

6. What do you dream about as the president of the Kudo Federation of Russia on the eve of the 20th anniversary championship of Russia?

To be successful and healthy for everyone who goes along with KUDO along the path of improvement. Whatever for the rigidity and realism of the duel, traditions, respect and spirituality are not lost! So that each of these thousands of people, if necessary, would come to the aid of his comrade in this rapidly changing and tough world. And of course, for KUDO to become an Olympic sport!!!

English and Thai boxing, as well as other types of martial arts.

Kudo as a martial art is a candidate for inclusion in the Olympic sports.

The goal of kudo, according to the President of the FKR R. M. Anashkin:

education of a Russian citizen - strong, healthy, educated, loving his parents, teachers, friends, proud of his nationality and faith, capable of making the Motherland prosperous and protecting it under threat. Individuals with healthy ambitions, ambition, armed with the knowledge and skills necessary for the modern world, having good health, able to withstand intellectual and physical exercise of our time, and most importantly loving people- here the main task our work.


Helmet "NHG"

Performing a wrestling action on the ground in a duel according to the rules of Kudo

The rules of the kudo competition allow almost all wrestling techniques (see below), as well as punches, kicks, knees, elbows and head to all parts of the body, with the exception of the back, throat, nape and fracture joints. In the kudo championships in Japan, blows to the groin are allowed with a difference in the categories of athletes of more than 20 units. The bout lasts three minutes, during which two transitions to wrestling on the ground are allowed (30 seconds each). During the fight, it is also allowed to enter the clinch (capture, tsukami) an unlimited number of times, but not more than for ten seconds. Side kicks, painful and choking techniques are allowed in the stalls. Finishing off to the head from above is prohibited, but the designation of finishing off (kime) is evaluated by the judges.

One of the most important features of kudo is the use of a protective helmet during a duel - from the very beginning it was a SuperSafe brand helmet (similar to that used in koshiki karate), at the end of the 2000s in Japan, and then in Russia, it was mandatory to use became the Neo Head Gear helmet. Women, children and juniors must use a cuirass (tight protective breastplate) that protects most of the body and are also allowed to wear shin guards. All athletes must use thin felt pads on the hands that protect the hand from cuts and cuts when hitting the plastic mask of the helmet, but do not dampen the force of impact. At the same time, all protective ammunition used in battles on official competitions Kudo must be certified by the Kudo International Federation.

An interesting fact is that at competitions of all levels, fighters are forbidden to greet each other with the so-called oncoming fist-to-fist punch. For these actions, both fighters immediately receive hansoku.

"Furious Karate"

After the appearance of a new style of karate in 1981, Japanese journalists called it "super-realistic", "furious". It was then called Daido Juku Karate-do. The founder of the style, the Japanese Azuma Takashi, is a philosopher by education, and the name carries another meaning, consonant with ancient Chinese wisdom: “There is no gate that leads to the Great Way. Everyone must build them in his heart, and go to perfection in his own way. In 1991, Azuma Takashi was allowed to compete Russian athlete- Yuri Pirogov, thereby opening his universal style to Russia, and then to the whole world.

The decision to rename was made for several reasons, the most important of which is the desire International Federation where to enter Olympic Movement as an independent sport and stand out from the styles of karate-do, since the Olympic organizations see karate only as contactless technology. This step removed the disagreement among the followers of the style in Russia regarding the correct transcription of the name: "Juku" or "Juku".

Without renouncing the roots, today we can say that "kudo" is no longer karate. it the new kind sports, with its own rules, training system, occupying a certain niche in a number of martial arts. One of the main differences between kudo and karate is the absence of kata. Instead, kudo practices practicing strikes and their combinations, throwing and wrestling techniques paired with a partner, usually using paws and makiwaras.

The history of the development of kudo in Russia

First, the Russian side received in Moscow Azuma Takashi, who arrived at the invitation of the founder of the Daido Juku style. A seminar and certification is taking place, as a result of which Roman Anashkin and Vladimir Zorin are certified by Azuma Takashi for the 2nd dan in Daido Juku and the 4th foreign branch is opened in Moscow. Then a return visit of members of the delegation from Russia to Japan was prepared and carried out. During this visit, our athletes take part in the Hokutoki-94 championship.

Training process

The procedure for conducting training in kudo is determined by the specifics of this martial art in comparison with other types of martial arts, as well as the permitted techniques for conducting a duel and the rules of the competition. For example, unlike judo, in which there is no striking technique in battles and is studied only in the form of kata, kudo does not practice practicing techniques and techniques that are not used in fights. Conversely, unlike aikido, which does not include sparring, kudo training programs usually include sparring practices; unlike wushu sanda, where wrestling on the ground is not allowed, in kudo, the techniques of such wrestling are necessarily practiced, etc.

Although accepted in kudo one system training, the order of their conduct may vary depending on various factors, the main of which are the purpose of the training (working out percussion technique, or wrestling, throwing), the contingent involved (amateur students or athletes participating in competitions). Usually, the kudo training scheme corresponds to the certification procedure and is built approximately as follows:

  • Some or all of the following exercises:

In Russia, most of the commands and the names of the techniques are pronounced by the coach in Russian, however, the score (for example, exercise), greetings at the beginning and end of training, as well as some other commands, including during sparring, are pronounced in Japanese.

dojo kun kudo

Dojo kun is an oath taken by Kudo students at the beginning and/or end of training. In the Russian translation, there are several variants of Dojo kun, but in principle reflecting the general meaning, oaths.

Option number 1

We swear that through the teachings of KUDO we will educate the strength of mind and body, develop harmoniously, achieve mastery!
We swear to become a real person, to contribute to the development of society!

Option number 2

Through the teachings of Kudo, we strive to become strong in soul and body, join the culture, develop our intellectual capabilities, educate the personality and contribute to the development of society.

Degrees and belts

There are only 10 student steps in kudo: from 10 to 5 kyu - gakusei (jap. 学生, student), from 4 to 1 kyu - sempai (jap. 先輩, senior student)- and 10 workshops. Each step corresponds to a belt worn by a student or master.

All belts have a width of 4 cm, length depending on the size of the wearer and a special kudo emblem on one end of the belt. The stripes on student belts are located at a distance of 3 cm from the emblem and have a width of 5 mm.

Master belts are made in a special workshop in Tokyo by order of Grand Master Azuma Takashi.

Some Russian schools kudo, for example, the Volgograd Regional Federation, deviate from the belt system: 9-10 kyu also wear white belts.

Master steps
1st dan - black belt with one gold stripe
2nd dan - black belt with two gold stripes
3rd dan - black belt with three golden stripes
4th dan - black belt with four gold stripes
5th dan - black belt with one wide golden stripe
6th dan - black belt with one wide and one narrow stripe
7th dan - black belt with one wide and two narrow stripes
8th dan - black belt with one wide and three narrow stripes
9th dan - black belt with one wide and four narrow stripes
10th dan - black belt with one very wide golden stripe

Master belts have the same parameters as student belts. But unlike the students, they are all black up to 10 dan inclusive. Each of them is embroidered in hieroglyphs with the name and surname of the owner of the belt, the name of the school and gold stripes corresponding to the dan of the owner. Members of KIF do not wear other belts.

Also dogi (kimono) black, red, green, with stripes or other colors are not worn. Training kimonos - "dogs" are only white and blue. On the left side of the jacket are the hieroglyphs for "kudo", on the left sleeve - the hieroglyphs "daido-juku" (jap. 大道塾). In FKR, in some cases, it is allowed to wear the emblem of the school (club) on the right sleeve of the dog. The cut of the dogi in kudo is somewhat different from that used in karate: the sleeves of the jacket are shortened and no longer than the elbow, and the trousers are floor-length and of considerable width.

At competitions, one of the fighters wears blue dogi, the other - white dogi. Prior to the introduction of this rule, the fighters were divided among themselves by the color of the helmet (red / white). During the kyu/dan examinations, the test taker wears white dogi, while the examiners and their assistants wear blue dogi.

Comparison of kudo with other martial arts

Kudo Army hand-to-hand combat Combat Sambo Kosiki karate
Source Style kyokushinkai, judo, muay thai sambo, various versions hand-to-hand combat Asian, boxing judo, boxing, kuresh, jiu-jitsu Shoreiji-ryu, Shorin-ryu, Shorinji-Kempo and Shorinji-ryu karate
Year of creation 1981 1979 1938 1970
Country Japan USSR USSR Japan
original purpose sport hand-to-hand combat survival (for the armed forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation) detention and neutralization of criminals, saboteurs and terrorists (for special forces of the NKVD of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR / Russia, the KGB of the USSR, the FSB) sport
Creators Azuma Takashi Martial arts enthusiasts and sports instructors of the Airborne Forces of the USSR Armed Forces with the assistance of Vasily Filippovich Margelov Kharlampiev Anatoly Arkadievich and Oshchepkov Vasily Sergeevich Eiichi Eriguchi and Masayoshi Kori Hisataka
Availability to civilians since 1981 since 1994 since 1994 since 1970
Competitive form white and blue dogs kimono any color red and blue samba karate gi with blue and red stripes
Full contact punches and kicks allowed allowed with restrictions allowed allowed with restrictions
Throwing and wrestling technique permitted permitted permitted allowed limited
Painful tricks on the legs allowed allowed allowed prohibited
Pain in the hands prohibited prohibited prohibited prohibited
Painful in the rack prohibited prohibited allowed prohibited
Choking techniques allowed prohibited allowed prohibited
Helmet use closed, with a lattice visor open, without visor closed, with plastic visor
Protector use (cuirass) essential for women and children mandatory for all fighters mandatory for women mandatory for all fighters
Use of shin guards essential for women and children mandatory for all fighters mandatory for all fighters women at will
Used gloves, pads gloves or leggings at least 8 ounces with open fingers gloves at least 8 ounces with open fingers thin felt boots without filler
Finishing off on the ground allowed with restrictions allowed, including feet allowed allowed with restrictions
Headbutts allowed allowed allowed, except for a headbutt prohibited
Marks for actions on the ground Not Evaluated wrestling actions are evaluated finishing off designation (kime) is judged
In the absence / equality of points, the victory is given The fighter who dominated the throwing technique The fighter who prevailed in the throwing and wrestling technique To the fighter who prevailed in striking technique
Technical actions are evaluated side referees secretly, by keeping referee's notes side judges openly, by special gestures side judges openly, by throwing out flags
Grading system Japanese system (koka, koka-ni, yuko, waza-ari, ippon) point system point system (exact technical action - point) Japanese system (waza-ari, ippon)
Professional version there is No there is No
World Championships are held No are held are held
Categories of fighters coefficient: height + weight the weight the weight the weight


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