Jillian michael slim figure in 30 days. Gillian michaels weight loss principles. Waist and press

Every woman, regardless of age, dreams of an ideal and And almost every winter, treacherous "reserves" nevertheless appear on the body. And if the beach season is still far away, then deep in the subconscious mind there is a thought that pushes back the ghostly saving Monday, from which daily runs will begin and What to do if half of spring has already passed, but things are still there? In this case, the author's video instruction will come to the rescue. Jillian Michaels Slim figure in 30 days.

What is the course focused on?

The video tutorial will help everyone to find a toned body and lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in just 1 month. The one and a half hour course is divided into three parts and was developed by the author primarily for people who do not have regular physical activity. Jillian Michaels created several video programs at once, designed for different purposes, however, the training workout "Slender Figure in 30 Days" instantly gained the most popularity among the population.

Transfer your experience

In her youth, Gillian herself had a pernicious habit of seizing experiences and was a chubby girl. Through training in various sports sections she quickly brought her body into an ideal, toned state. It would seem that having achieved a result, one could stop, but not in the case of Gillian. Awareness of one's destiny becomes so bright and distinct that one's own developments appear, and the call "Lose weight in 30 days!" no longer seems to be something unrealizable.

It is important for every person who buys this special course that the program has passed its first tests on the creator herself. When people see a real role model in front of their eyes, it gives them more confidence and greater personal motivation.

Study of metabolic processes

Gillian was able to take her place among America's leading fitness instructors because she worked not only in gym. She found an integrated approach to the solution. Training alone will never give the desired result, no matter how much we count on them. The author's study of metabolic processes in the body helped to achieve great success and universal recognition. There are a lot of recommendations on nutrition, and everyone can choose for themselves, in parallel with the course "Slender figure in 30 days", something from their own, individual gastronomic preferences. In addition to video courses, the famous coach also publishes author's books.

The effectiveness of simple exercises combined with a well-established scheme

The author of the video lessons was in solidarity with the progressive athletes of her time, who use only simple exercises. Why complicate the process, if all you need to do is bring the number of approaches and their alternation to the correct dosage. Thus, the magic scheme "3-2-1" became key point in the Slim Figure in 30 Days program, where simple ones last exactly 3 minutes, running cardio loads continue for 2 minutes and 1 minute is allotted for abs training.

Strict sequence

Many people who try to achieve a perfect, toned body on their own, periodically experience a feeling of complete failure. Hopelessness, lack of progress in classes and a visible result make people rush from one chosen diet to another, from one set of exercises to the next newfangled one. Who doesn't know this situation? It seems that you don’t overeat, and every morning you sweat on a run, and you pump up the press, but you can’t squeeze into last year’s one.

"Slender figure in 30 days": reviews of people who have completed the course

Therefore, willy-nilly, you begin to listen to the advice of other people who recommend this or that method of training. So, according to the reviews of many fitness enthusiasts who have already tried the video course “Slender Figure in 30 Days” from their own experience, it is indeed possible to achieve certain results during this period.

Are you used to getting on the scale every morning? Do not be alarmed if it seems to you in 10 days that excess fat is in no hurry to leave your body, and the arrow treacherously froze at the initial indicator. Take a close look at your figure in the mirror. See how embossed the stomach becomes, how taut the buttocks are, and the chest seems to look more magnificent? So your training gives visible result. At the first stage, a process occurs as a result of which the body is brought into tone. Muscle mass is noticeably heavier than body fat. Partially fat was removed from the body, but its place in the total body weight was taken by emerging muscles.

Sometimes people note that after the start of the training course, the total weight even slightly increased (again due to the growth muscle mass). It's not scary. The body will soon get used to its new state, and the process of active burning will begin. subcutaneous fat. In addition, the course "Slender figure in 30 days" consists of three parts, alternating which in random order, you can achieve good results.

Get used to the intensity

So, we found that the first 10 days is not an indicator local burning excess fat. The first decade of the month teaches people to get used to the intensity of the loads and visually improves the shape of the body. It may seem to someone that the physical activity proposed in the program is excessive. But lighter loads will not be able to achieve the desired result in such a short period. In addition, one of the parts of the video tutorial lasts only half an hour. Well, thirty minutes of daily exercise, no matter how intense they are, is able to withstand even a person who has not trained before.

No need to force events

Some people who have previously had experience in sports believe that if you aim at an hour and a half daily workouts right away, the effect will be even faster. This is not true. No need to be zealous and immerse yourself in training. The body will not appreciate it. On the contrary, he will resist with all his might. This special course is designed to the smallest detail. The main thing is to set yourself up, that when it will be molded perfect body, "Slender Figure in 30 Days" will remain a daily guide and admonition to never again allow yourself the slack in relation to extra pounds.

Difficulty levels

Jillian Michaels offers her followers simple exercises grouped into three levels of difficulty. We remember that it is not necessary to start from the simplest level and build up to the most difficult one. You can alternate the levels by day as we see fit. Each person has individual characteristics. Sometimes a schedule that works for one person may not work for another. Another feature of the presented complex is the involvement in the exercises of all muscle groups without exception. Do not disregard even not particularly developed muscles body and get slimmer every day! That is the goal of Jillian Michaels.

Some caveats

The intensity of the proposed loads, even if they last only 30 minutes a day, people with deviations in the musculoskeletal system are not always able to withstand. If, after training, joint pain or other symptoms that are not related to the construction of muscle tissue are noticed, then it is better to consult a doctor for certain recommendations. Well, the arisen muscle pain it is customary for fitness enthusiasts to remove with warming ointments.

Lesson conditions

In order to start training, it is not at all necessary to have an equipped training complex at home. To master simple, but very effective exercises you will need some free space in the room where you can lay a couple of dumbbells, which can easily be replaced with homemade weights. In the role of home-made dumbbells, plastic cylinders filled with water often act.

Psychological attitude

Remember, no matter how ideal the presented complex is, it will not work effectively if a person is skeptical about the final result in advance. Moreover, you need to do it only in a positive mood and with a smile on your face. The very process of doing the exercises should be pleasant, and not turn into a mandatory routine. In addition, if you clearly imagine before your eyes what you want to blind ideally, slim figure in 30 days, beautiful body and admiring glances of girlfriends and secret admirers are provided to you.

Jillian Michaels is a well-known developer of author's weight loss systems. The success story of this attractive woman begins with the fact that at a young age she was unhappy with her figure and dreamed of making it perfect. In addition, the girl really wanted to open her own gym, where everyone could do fitness.

Gillian's dreams came true - from a plump girl weighing 70 kg with a height of 150 cm, she turned into a fit person with attractive forms. As for gym, the girl conducted her first classes as a coach in 2012. The fitness room was opened at the expense of the savings of Jillian herself and her companions.

Today, thanks to another development Jillian Michaels both women and men can become owners of a slim figure in just 30 days. The main principles of the program are not to miss classes, to correctly take physical activity and eat rationally.

Slim figure in 30 days

If you're new to weight loss, Jillian Michaels' program will get you up to speed quickly. The duration of each lesson is 30 minutes, so the body does not have time to get tired and perceives all the actions in the best possible way. But Jill is not limited to light loads, in her programs there are always both simplified and more complex exercise options. If the system is to your liking, you can always go to a difficult level and achieve perfect results. Thus, the load will last for another 30 days.

Program description

Strength training is a three-level system, each stage of which is designed for 10 days. At each level, the body receives a load for all muscle groups. But getting used to the load is not observed, as the exercises change. This approach enhances the fat burning effect and has a beneficial effect on the figure. Between levels it is allowed to make a day off, after which you must immediately move to the next level.

First level

So, the 1st level of fitness loads will make the body feel absolutely all the muscles. Out of habit, classes can cause muscle pain, but these sensations will be light and pleasant. Pain symbolizes the first steps towards beauty and harmony.

How the first level of the program "30 days in pursuit of harmony with Jillian Michaels" is performed is clearly shown in the video. It is very easy to understand the coach, as the broadcast is in Russian.

Second level

By the end of day 10, level 1 loads will become habitual for you, but you can’t relax. The thing is that at level 2 of his unique program, Jill demonstrates the features of new activities. All exercises become noticeably more difficult, and the main load now falls on the chest and arms. At level 1, these body parts were practically resting.

Third level

The beginning of level 3 brings from Jillian Michaels the simplicity of the actions performed. Compared to the previous stages, the third step does not seem too difficult. Its passage is designed to consolidate the results achieved.

Diet Jillian

Michaels nutrition system is based on strict calorie counting. A fitness trainer suggests systematically reducing the amount of calories consumed so that their deficiency provokes the body to lose excess body weight. But the Jillian Michaels diet has its own characteristics - if the lack of calories is significant, the body will become hungry and block the processes leading to weight loss.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that Jill's weight loss system is not designed to get rid of too much overweight. By reducing the number of calories by day, you can achieve the maximum result minus 10 kg in 1 month.

Allowed Products

The menu offered by Lady Michaels contains a list of foodstuffs familiar to all. Their "highlight" is the ability to burn body fat reserves. In addition to eating the right foods, you should also drink 2 liters of sodium-free water every day. Pure liquid perfectly drives toxins from the body.

What you can eat for 30 days, following the weight loss programs of Jillian Michaels:

  • Seeds.
  • Fruit.
  • Spices.
  • Vinegar.
  • Grains and beans.
  • Seafood.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Fish and meat of lean varieties.
  • Dairy products with low fat content.
  • Cold pressed vegetable oils.

Prohibited Products

Naturally, any diet menu contains prohibited products. The Michaels coach system is no exception. Deciding on a monthly course of weight loss, you must know in advance what you will have to give up.

What Not to Eat on the Jillian Michaels Diet:

  • Fast foods.
  • Shop juices and drinks.
  • Baking and confectionery treats.
  • Transformed fats.
  • Seasonings with flavor enhancers.
  • Caffeinated and alcoholic products.

Small portions are allowed to eat sausages, pickles, mayonnaise, canned food, ketchups. Keep in mind that with a slow metabolism, your diet should be rich complex carbohydrates. If the metabolism is fast, it will be preferable to eat protein foods.

When compiling the menu by day, be guided by the option proposed by Jill herself:

  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs with green tea.
  • Lunch - fruit cutting.
  • Lunch - grilled meat, boiled or fresh vegetables, tea.
  • Dinner - a couple of spoons of beans, a spoonful of porridge and a small portion of vegetable salad.

Yoga by Jillian Michaels

Yoga, represented by Jillian Michaels, is far from the principles of classical practice. What the fitness trainer offers is yoga for weight loss, a unique power load. The course called Yoga Meltdown is a 2-level system with a duration of 30 minutes for each level.

The benefit of classes is a significant improvement in stretching and coordination of movements. This complex will enhance the efficiency heavy exercise taken from other systems. But we remind you that you will not burn more than 10 kg of fat.

Interestingly, Jill does not determine the time of classes in Level 1. When to move to a new level, you decide for yourself, taking into account the impressions of the loads. initial stage. If level 1 of power yoga is easy for you, feel free to master the technique of level 2. You won't need anything other than a yoga mat and a comfortable suit.

We wish you to successfully overcome the path to the ideal figure!

Jillian Michaels has become an idol for many slimmers, because this woman has a black belt in martial arts and is certified trainer well versed in the basics of fitness programs and diets.

Gillian is the mother of 2 children, and she became famous thanks to the development the author's weight loss program "Slender figure in 30 days" (30 Day Shred) . At the heart of the system is a healthy constructive approach to weight loss. Below we will analyze the principles of losing weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels by levels.

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Weight Loss Program: The Basics

The entire weight loss system under the Slim Figure in 30 Days program is based on three levels of difficulty, each of which consists of special exercises that were developed by Michaels herself, and are a hallmark of her methodology. The diet for such weight loss is developed based on the type of complexion and methods of eating. Those who managed to try to lose weight with Jillian Michaels achieved good results and never got better.

It should be noted that this is not Gillian's only weight loss program, she has developed many methods for losing weight in 30, 60 and 90 days. Also, the trainer pays special attention to individual problem areas on the body.

Characteristics of the program from Jillian Michaels "Slender figure in 30 days"

The program from Jillian Michaels "Slender figure in 30 days" is designed for beginners who have not yet tried active training and are not ready for self-sacrifice in nutrition and sports. The main characteristics of this system include the following:

  1. Exercises for training are quite simple and understandable for even people who are not initiated into sports to perform.
  2. There are three levels of difficulty in completing the program. Everyone chooses exactly the one that suits him best (trainings are comfortable both psychologically and physically).
  3. Video support helps to perform the exercises technically correctly, and Gillian's comments about possible mistakes will help to conduct classes with maximum benefit.
  4. The program was developed for 30 days and is divided into three stages with increasing complexity, passing each of which you get the result and readiness to increase the load.
  5. Training lasts only 30 minutes, but all groups of muscle tissues are worked out. This fact is “to taste” for those who cannot find time in their schedule to work on their own body.

Lose Weight in 30 Days - Level 1, 2, 3

What can be achieved with three levels, each 10 days long, according to the Jillian Michaels system?

  • First level- aimed at preparing and "awakening" the muscles;
  • Second level- the main one, when the maximum load is given to the already prepared muscles;
  • Third level- designed to consolidate the result.

There is a gap of one day between levels. This day is necessary for relaxation and growth of muscle tissue.

How to prepare for level 1, 2, 3 weight loss in 30 days according to the Jillian Michaels system?

So, you have decided to get results in weight loss in 30 days using the Jillian Michaels weight loss system. How to prepare for training and what should be considered when referring to this program? The formula for success is: exercise + healthy eating.

Before starting active training, you need to go through the preparatory stage.

  1. Measure your weight and your body. These will be the starting indicators from which the weight and volume reduction will be counted. Measurements must be taken everywhere: waist, chest, hips, arms, legs.
  2. Calculate body mass index. To do this, you need to know your weight in kilograms and height in meters. Next, the following formula is used: weight (kg) / height (m) squared.
  3. Start weight loss diary, in which you record your first measurements. Subsequently, after each passage of the level, you will make the resulting changes to your body.

Also, it will not be superfluous to throw out all the “wrong” foods from the refrigerator and fill it with fruits, vegetables, low-fat varieties of fish, meat and dairy products.

Jillian Michaels: slim figure in 30 days by levels

As already noted, weight loss in 30 days is divided into three levels. of varying complexity. As for the exercises themselves, they are distributed as follows:

  • 3–5 min strength exercises
  • 2–4 min training of the heart muscle;
  • 1-2 min exercises for the press.

Such approaches, subject to the exclusion of fatty, flour and sweet, will help to spend the maximum number of calories, which will lead to weight loss.

We talked about the basic principles of losing weight according to the Jillian Michaels system, now let's move on to a more detailed consideration of each of the levels.

Lose Weight in 30 Days - Level 1: Video Slim Figure in 30 Days with Jillian Michaels

The first level lasts 10 days. When it passes, all, even the smallest muscles, are included in the work. Out of habit, they will whine, get sick, but this is not a reason to abandon the exercise. Body aches indicate that the path to your harmony has already begun. Complex training and the technique of performing movements can be studied on the video.

Slim in 30 Days - Level 2: Workout Video with Jillian Michaels

After the first 10 days, the second level of classes begins. The muscles will already be ready to take a deeper load, but this does not mean that it will become easier. Training will become even more intense, and the main emphasis will be on the hands and chest. The video shows a set of exercises.

Lose Weight in 30 Days Level 3: 30 Days Video with Jillian Michaels Final Workouts

The last 10 days can be called "fixing" the results. Muscles will no longer bother. On the contrary, the body will “demand” physical activity. The result obtained during the passage of the first two levels will certainly please you and give you the strength to work on yourself further. Watch the video for a set of exercises for the third level.

One of the main features of this program is not only physical changes, but also psychological impact. To develop a habit in a person, you need to repeat the actions for 21 days. So, at the end of the 30 day system, you will not want to stop and will continue to exercise every day, and this is the key to a toned, slender body.

How much can you lose with jillian michaels slim figure in 30 days by levels?

The numbers of outgoing kilograms may be different. But it is worth pointing out that the system developed by Gillian Michaels is aimed at getting rid of subcutaneous fat and building muscle mass. As is known muscle fibers heavier than fat, so getting on the scales, you can get a minimal result, but from the mirror a fit, curvy person without ugly folds with cubes on her stomach will look at you. And to make sure of progress, a weight loss diary that you start before starting training will help.

Diet with Jillian Michaels when losing weight in 30 days: menu by day

Like it or not, half the success of losing weight in 30 days depends on nutrition. You can’t completely refuse food, since active training requires a maximum of healthy calories. Review your diet and exclude fats, sweets, fast foods, starchy foods.

  • Greens (especially leeks).
  • Legumes.
  • Fresh berries.
  • Protein in the form of dietary meat and eggs.
  • Not sweet fruit.
  • Vegetables (here you need to give preference to cabbage and broccoli).
  • Nuts, but in moderation.
  • Whole grain cereals and bread.
  • Fat-free dairy products.

Now about meals. They should occur every 4 hours, in small portions. Breakfast is the key to activity for the whole day. Water - you should drink it in the amounts recommended for your weight. After 19.00, the refrigerator is “locked”, let's say a snack in the form of an apple or a glass of fat-free kefir.

Make your body the way you have long dreamed of!

Here is an effective 30-day course of exercises from the expert in the world of fitness Jillian Michaels - " Slim figure in 30 days» ( 30 Day Shred

A huge number of Jill's fans began their journey to a slim figure with this unique workout.

The program "30 day shred" (in the circles of fans just SHREDS) is designed for 30 days. 3 levels. Each level lasts 10 days, then one day break and then the next level. The workout lasts approximately 30 minutes. But, this is quite enough to feel the whole pressure of Gillian and feel the strength in the whole body.

This complex is specially prepared for people who are not constantly involved in sports, but who want to lose weight. excess weight. The exercises from it are simple and are performed according to the "3-2-1" scheme: three minutes are devoted to strength exercises, two minutes for cardio exercises and one minute for ab exercises. Performing these exercises consistently, you will be able to burn excess calories as effectively as possible, strengthen muscles and get the result in 30 days.

Inventory for this program:

  • Sports uniform (sports pants should be elastic, easy to stretch and not hinder movement!);
  • Sneakers (Do not exercise barefoot!!! This can lead to foot and ankle injuries);
  • A pair of dumbbells (If dumbbells are not available, you can use plastic bottles filled with water of 0.5 l.).

How to make Shreds?

Shreds can be performed in the morning, or in the evening, a couple of hours after a light dinner. The technique of doing the exercises is very important, so we recommend that everyone who is going to do this program review the entire complex. So you can easily perform the exercises you already know.

The program is divided into 3 levels of difficulty, each of which takes 10 days.

Classes begin with a mandatory warm-up and always end with relaxing and stretching exercises. Each level has 3 cycles, each of which in turn consists of 3 types of exercises: strength (3 minutes), cardio (2 minutes), abdominal exercises (1 minute). Following this schedule, you will be able to burn calories to the maximum and achieve amazing results. Jillian Michaels will squeeze the best out of you, by the middle of the cycle you will be sure that you can't take it anymore, but you can't! The body is capable of more than we sometimes think, and Gillian's training is proof of this.

Turn on the video louder and forward, to meet a slender, toned body!

1. Slim figure in 30 days Level 1 (1 week)

In the first level of shreds, the complex consists of such exercises as squats, push-ups, lunges with weights, jumps, a killer set of abdominal exercises and this is not all that the first level of the 30 day shred course will please you with.

In the beginning, you will feel that this is not for you. That you can't. The next day you will feel sore muscles, but don't give up! With each new workout your body will be filled with pleasant sensations. You will wake him up with daily workouts and be surprised how every day you can more easily perform this complex, which, as you thought, was not lifting for you.

2. Slim figure in 30 days level 2 (week 2)

Everyone who passed this level considers it the most difficult of the whole complex. And you will again feel as if you were in a meat grinder.
All those hobo push-ups, quad jumps, deep lunges, and you'll learn from experience that Gillian hates having any of your muscles go out of work. You can't just press dumbbells or just squat. You must do both at the same time.
Second secret weapon Jillian Michaels is a plank exercise. You will meet him at the second level of shreds (both static option and plank jumps). This seemingly simple exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the shoulders, arms and especially the press.

Among those who pass the “30 days shred» Very few people are able to enjoy the second level of the program. For most, it is difficult from the first to the tenth day. But if on your first day with Gillian you were not even sure that you could make it to the end of the workout, now, despite all the difficulties, there is a stubborn confidence in you that you will go through this hell to the end. You can!

3. Slim figure in 30 days level 3 (week 3)

One day of rest between levels and off we go! Like the previous levels, the third also frightens with its obscurity. But training is doing its job, your endurance by this point has already increased by 200% compared to the original. And let the sweat pour into three streams, but the breath no longer goes astray and the work of all muscles gives tremendous pleasure.

Superman, plank push-ups, squat jumps, plank runs, jumping jacks, side plank, running with dumbbells and squats.

10 days at this pace and you've completed the Jillian Michaels program Slim figure in 30 days". Congratulations!

30 day shred. Results.

Forget about scales! At this stage, the weight can fluctuate and mislead you and thereby frighten you away. Overworked muscles can swell from unusual load, retaining water, so the weight can increase. Measurements must be made only with a centimeter tape. Before starting the program, take all the necessary measurements: bust, underbust, waist, abdomen, hips and legs. Write down your parameters and after passing each level compare them. You will see an amazing picture of how your hated centimeters are melting before your eyes. The body will tighten and gain relief.

So! You did it! You did it! Your figure has already noticeably changed and these changes are noticeable not only to you. Now you can be proud of yourself. I don't think you can be stopped now. Has training become a lifestyle for you now? Then Gillian has many more different workouts for every taste. Make your choice and don't stop!

If you want to lose weight and regain your self-confidence, Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Slim in 30 Days Weight Loss Workout will help you.

Jillian Michaels: how sport can change lives?

If the clumsy teenager Jillian Michaels, who at a height of less than 160 cm weighed about 80 kg, were told that one day she would become the most famous fitness trainer in California, and possibly in the entire States, she would certainly take this statement as a mockery. As a child and teenager, Gillian never dreamed of such popularity. Probably, her only dream was to get rid of the burden of problems that caused self-doubt and the rapid accumulation of extra pounds ...

The situation began to change when Gillian was enrolled in martial arts classes. There, in a mental struggle with herself, and perhaps with the whole world, she learned what the coach said: “Others respect only those who respect themselves.”

Jillian Michaels is the most famous fitness trainer in California.

“Others respect only those who respect themselves” - it was this realization that led Gillian to think that with insecurities, fears and overweight gotta fight. Fight and win!

A change in thinking and playing sports brought her to a new line of life. And on this line, having coped with her difficulties, she began to actively help people who found themselves in the same difficult situation. Participation in the reality show "The Biggest Loser" and "Drop it with Gillian", as well as numerous programs recorded on DVD, brought her real fame.

Watch the interview with Jillian Michaels, where she talks about how she learned to feel confident and strong, began to develop as a fitness instructor, despite all life's obstacles. You can learn a little more about who Jillian Michaels is and get inspired for further training.

Slim figure in 30 days - how to lose weight at home

If you regularly exercise and monitor nutrition, you will definitely be able to lose weight and gain nice shape.

Most The best way to make sure of this - start training!

If you exercise regularly and follow your diet, you will definitely be able to lose weight and get in a beautiful shape!

Jillian Michaels "How to lose weight for life" (video)

For those who have been trying to lose weight for a long time, but the result is not yet encouraging, we advise you to start training by watching this video. Jillian Michaels answers many questions about training and weight loss.

How to properly engage in the program "Slender figure in 30 days":

Many workouts aimed at weight loss formed the basis of the famous Gillian Michaels program "Slender figure in 30 days."

How to properly engage in the program "Slender figure in 30 days":

Classes in this program are conducted according to the "3-2-1" system:

  • 3 minutes of strength training
  • 2 minutes - cardio
  • 1 minute abdominal muscles are worked out

In addition, the program is divided into 3 stages, each of which must be mastered in a week and a half.

Below you can watch a short video presentation for the Slim Figure in 30 Days program:

Jillian Michaels Level 1 30 DAY SHRED workout:

When you master level 1 training with Jillian Michaels, many of the exercises can seem too difficult and impossible to complete, even if you repeat them after a girl who demonstrates an easier version of the workout.

In this case, the main thing is not to interrupt classes and not lose momentum. You can replace this exercise with something else, at least intensive marching. If the complex seems to you not difficult enough, you can repeat the exercises for a girl who demonstrates more complex exercises. So Gillian provided different levels loads even within the same level of training.