Fitness for the lazy at home. Fitness for the lazy. What is "fitness for the lazy"

You just can’t force yourself to train, but you really want to look beautiful and fit? No problem. We will teach you how to combine business with pleasure and overcome your laziness!

Want to be slim, but too lazy to train? Slimming exercises for the lazy, short and effective, will come to the rescue. It's easy to start exercising - just start combining homework with short workouts, because you can spend calories not only in the gym! Whether you're watching TV, cooking dinner, ironing clothes, these are all great opportunities to tone your muscles. So you will gradually get used to the loads, and, who knows, maybe you will get a taste and start training at full power!

Exercises for the lazy

So let's go: early in the morning, and you are still basking in bed. Do not waste a minute in vain - now you can perform exercises for the lazy. Lie comfortably on your back, and then tighten and relax your stomach 30 times in a row. This will not only strengthen your abdominal muscles, but will also tone you up and give you energy for the whole day. If you're looking to work your abs harder, try this simple yet powerful ab workout every day.

Stair walking

Short workouts can be done even on the way to work! Escalators in shopping malls or the subway is not a reason to relax, on the contrary, use every free minute. Stepping up the moving steps, additionally push off from them with your heel. In addition to the load on, you will also save time by arriving at your “destination” before anyone else.

Leg swings to the sides

While preparing dinner, we again combine the pleasant and the useful. Standing at the kitchen table, tighten one leg, pulling the sock towards you, and forcefully move it to the side, and then return it back. Let your leg become a “pendulum” for a while. Fix the body and repeat the exercise 30 times for each leg. The same movements can be done not only to the right and left, but also back. To do inner surface thighs more toned and elastic, alternate this “lazy” workout with a complex from our fitness expert Dmitry Yashankin.

Partial squats

Decided to take a break and watch the latest jokes on YouTube or your favorite movie? This is a great opportunity for a short workout at home! The main thing is to raise the fifth point from the sofa or not to lower it at all. Stand with your back to the sofa and start squatting. Slowly move your pelvis back and slowly lower yourself until your buttocks touch the sofa. Repeat these "incomplete" squats 20-30 times.

Triceps push-ups

Well, so that you can give yourself a well-deserved "excellent" for the exercises performed for the lazy, complete the workout with push-ups. While continuing to watch your favorite TV series, sit on a chair, grabbing the seat on either side of you with your palms. Rise on straight arms, tearing your buttocks off the chair, and now gently lower your pelvis along the chair. Bend your elbows to a right angle - let them look strictly back. Control that the body moves parallel to the chair. Do 2 sets of 15 reps and don't forget to praise yourself for your diligence.

The salon is conveniently located on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 24, and for the first time I was pleasantly surprised when I visited their website such a sincere, but at the same time detailed and designed for girls, who, as you know, often have problems with spatial orientation, I have never seen a description of parking opportunities! Perhaps that is why I managed to find a place almost at the door on the first try. The salon, by the way, is also easy to recognize - cute flower pots immediately remind you of a very cute design of the site. The interior is also very comfortable. Shabby chic style with a large abundance of pleasant details immediately attracts. It is really comfortable here, not without reason this place is called a girl's beauty salon. Everything is just like that!

Before the procedure, they pour me a large glass of water, which I need to drink, and they tell me in detail about the Transion method itself. It turns out that the main advantage of Transion is that during electrical stimulation of muscles, in addition to their contraction, torsion twisting also occurs. Remember how we wring clothes? This is what happens to our muscles during the procedure, as a result, as they say, it goes away excess fluid and fat. The procedures must be completed in a course (as a rule, it consists of 10 visits) with a break of 1-2 days. Usually, in 2 weeks, clients manage to achieve really amazing results, for example, one of the clients lost 4 (!) Kg per week, although his initial weight was more than 100 kg, and he clearly followed all the instructions. And now - the most important thing: what bribed me personally in "Hello Beauty" was a very healthy attitude to the procedure. Yes, it is wonderful and effective (although we have yet to verify this), but no one says that it is a panacea for all ills, it is a good auxiliary tool. Therefore, if you really want to achieve results, you will have to adhere to proper nutrition and drink. more water and play sports. Yes, and you won’t have to relax during the procedure itself - this is real muscle work.

Transion is not a complete replacement for sport and is the shortest path to beautiful body, without real work, and here it will be difficult to achieve a stunning effect. But, if you have a blockage at work and there is sorely not enough time for the gym, then a visit to the procedure can compensate for the lack of full-fledged training. That is why the procedure is popular with young mothers, who often cannot afford a full-fledged visit to the gym in the first year, because the training itself, plus changing clothes, showering and the road can sometimes take more than 2-3 hours. In addition, in this way, people can “train” for whom full-fledged classes are not yet available for medical reasons, for example, those suffering from a hernia of the spine.

But unlike real training, there is no cardio load during the procedure, so Transion, of course, is not able to completely replace the effect of the sport. But this is not his task. Before the procedure, I was once again warned that this is not a rest, that I will need to drink after another glass of water and not eat for 2 hours. And we go to the office.

I undress, lie down on the couch, and special plates are attached to my body, to which electrodes will later be connected and fixed with elastic bands. We decided to work on the legs, waist and upper part hands, as the most common problem areas. Nothing portends trouble and the beautician turns on the device, still at the lowest power.

This is where I find out why Transion can be called fitness for the lazy with a big stretch. Notice the quotation marks in the article title? They don't just stand there. When the device works, an impulse sweeps through the body, the sensation of which is similar, for me personally, to a strong tickling. This continues for 5-7 seconds, then a short rest and again an impulse. How do you feel when someone tries to tickle you? Personally, everything tenses up in me, absolutely everything, and even those muscles that I had no idea about. The funniest thing about this procedure is the surprise effect. No matter how much I tried to predict the next "switching on", it was always very unexpected, although the impulses are given at regular intervals. We gradually increased the tension so that during the procedure a small adaptation takes place and the impulse is no longer felt so sharply. By the way, it was the hands that turned out to be the most sensitive area. The sensations in them were not painful (“Transion” is not about pain at all), but not entirely pleasant. It's great that there is always a specialist next to you and the level of tension can be adjusted. I’m getting ahead of myself, I’ll say right away that we didn’t reach the very maximum that day.

During the procedure, it seemed to me that Transion had not only a physical effect, but also a psychological one. In 30 minutes of the procedure, I seem to remember all the chocolates I ate and the missed workouts in the gym. Thoughts flashed through my head every now and then that my favorite power with a barbell was just a spa resort next to this procedure. If it were possible to write down all the promises that I made to myself in these minutes, then this would be a balm for the soul of any coach and fan healthy lifestyle life. Such a magical motivating "kick" came out.

My joy when the procedure ended knew no bounds. I can definitely compare this feeling with what you feel after a shock workout. There is no strength, although you just lay there for half an hour, your legs give way, the task is completed. I get my legal glass of water at the reception and the instruction not to eat for the next 2 hours. The latter is given with difficulty and I spend the final 15 minutes looking at the clock with a hungry look.

You ask, what is the effect after all this? Muscles seemed to be gently pulled up. I went to the toilet, sorry for the details, I ran all evening and the next day - I was also warned about this. But, contrary to expectations, the next day nothing hurts, on the contrary, some kind of lightness is felt in the body. I don’t know why, but it seemed to me that the muscles must certainly hurt after this, although they explained to me that this is just one of the advantages of Transion - nothing hurts after it.

I think that if, following the recommendations, go through a whole course of procedures and add another massage on the Dermo V4 apparatus, as salon experts recommend, then very worthy results can be achieved. Perhaps I’ll take this option into account before important events, vacations, or situations familiar to everyone when, by all means, you need to fit into your favorite dress. In the meantime, I’ll still review my diet and find time for training!

Please note that the procedure has contraindications: benign and malignant tumors, pregnancy, the use of pacemakers, the presence of metal implants in the body after surgery, colds, fever, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

The cost of the Transion service in the Hello Beauty salon:

Belly + legs at the same time - 2500 rubles
Buttocks + legs + back - 2500 rubles
When buying a subscription for 10 procedures - 15,000 rubles.

Hello Beauty Salon:
Address: Moscow, Kutuzovsky prospect, 24(580 meters from Vystavochnaya metro station)
Telephone: +7 925 0662324
Working mode: 10.00 — 22.00 (seven days a week)

Columnist of the FOODIKA project. Knows everything about beauty, well, almost everything :)

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Ask any girl: does she have a dream? - Of course, eat and not get better! Overweight It is not easy for ladies: tiring physical exertion, long hours spent in the gym and pain of the whole body the next morning.

Reasons to Go Lazy Fitness

  1. A large selection of special wellness simulators - toning tables, vibration platforms, infrared therapy - will make you forget about the monotonous boring classes in other fitness clubs forever - relax and get results!
  2. Lazy fitness really works! The skin becomes tighter, cellulite gradually disappears, and excess weight disappears day by day.
  3. You do not need much physical effort, but the muscles are still strengthened, blood circulation increases, and the body as a whole heals!
  4. Just imagine: after a hard day at work, you will need not to force yourself to tiring strength training, but just have a great time, relax and lose some weight!

Discount body shaping classes

It seems that there is nothing to add to the mass of benefits of lazy fitness, but we have a surprise - add a discount! Subscriptions to tone clubs in Moscow with KupiKupon have become even cheaper. Buying a coupon significantly reduces the price - make a gift to your loved one! By participating in the promotion in the fitness club, you can also get a special offer:

  • additional exercise on a vibration simulator;
  • solarium subscriptions for an even, beautiful tan.

Engage in lazy fitness is an opportunity to cope with overweight without dangerous pills, severe diets and tiring physical exertion, turning into real tests!

Wellness clubs popular among women are called fitness for the lazy. Many are skeptical of wellness. Among skeptics there are even those who laugh at those who are engaged in lazy fitness, arguing that this is a waste of time and money. In this article, we will dispel this statement and tell you exactly how our clients lose weight without effort.

What is "fitness for the lazy"?

Those who have never visited wellness clubs often ask themselves questions: "What is fitness for the lazy? How is it different from regular fitness?"

Lazy fitness is exercise on wellness machines. Wellness, unlike fitness, is intended for those who cannot (due to their limited physical abilities) or do not want (due to their laziness) to painstakingly train in the gym.

Classes in the wellness club allow a person not to strain, but on the contrary - to relax the soul and body after a hard day.

By the way, not everyone who engages in lazy fitness neglects regular fitness. For example, among our clients, every 6th regularly visits the fitness room, and uses wellness as a pleasant and useful addition to physical activity. And this combination allows you to achieve really great success in losing weight.

How to lose weight with lazy fitness?

I will say without further ado: losing weight quickly and effectively without making absolutely no effort for this and without changing your lazy lifestyle is quite difficult. Whatever, let's be honest with each other. Impossible take and get rid of excess weight getting up from the couch just for one day.

Set realistic goals and start reaching them. Lazy fitness helps in losing weight without physical activity on your body, but requires compliance with simple rules:

Curb your laziness

Down with this way of life!

No matter how lazy fitness is, it cannot come to itself. If you are serious about losing at least 5-10 extra pounds, be prepared to make significant changes to your daily routine. In order for your scale to start showing smaller numbers, you will somehow have to attend wellness classes at least 2 times a week.

Give up sweets

Don't want to "die" in the gym burning thousands of calories? Go the other way. Don't eat high calorie foods just because they are "delicious" and you won't need to put in 100% physical effort. Proper nutrition+ lazy fitness = rushing towards a flat tummy.

Classes on wellness simulators are very diverse. It is important to choose the right training program for each person individually and correctly adjust this program over time in order to avoid uneven weight loss.

That, in fact, is all that I wanted to tell you about lazy fitness. I see no reason to list the advantages of each individual wellness procedure on this page. Choose your own procedure that interests you, and read more about it.


You can go in for sports not only in halls and grounds specially equipped for this. There are many people who watch their figure so much that in their free time, instead of resting, they go to do push-ups, squat or pull the twine, not at all embarrassed by others, and instead of the bus, they may prefer to jog around the city. They are right. Movement is normal, abnormal is to kill your unhealthy body with food and immobility. People who lead an active lifestyle age much more slowly than lazy people.

Fitness classes at home

If you can't go to the gym, don't worry. We will show you how to exercise at home. We are offering to you small complex simple exercises that you can perform without being distracted from your favorite series and without even getting up from the couch, so to speak, fitness for the lazy.

  1. Sit comfortably on the sofa, cross your legs, take a towel, pull it up and raise your hands up. Tilt the case to the sides without reducing the tension of the towel. Complete this exercise 10 times in each direction.
  2. Pick up dumbbells or a couple of water bottles. Stretch your straight arms in front of you and spread them apart. Then return to initial position. Do at least 10 repetitions.
  3. Lying on your left side, lift your right leg up, then lower it. Support your head with your hand, pull your socks towards you. Then change position and repeat the exercise for the left leg. 10 repetitions for each leg.
  4. Sit on the edge of the sofa, hands resting on the sofa at hip level. Sit on the floor, supporting your weight with your hands, then return to the couch. Perform the exercise slowly, feel the tension in your hands. 10 reps.
  5. Take a lying position on the couch, stretch your arms along the body. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are spaced approximately shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible, hold for a second, then return to the starting position. 10 reps.
  6. Lying on your back, arms along the body, lift straight legs up, tensing your muscles lower press, then lower them. Perform the exercise slowly, without jerking. 10 repetitions
  7. At the end do little exercise to breath. Sit on the couch with your back straight and legs crossed. Take a breath, then do 2 short expiration and 1 long, exhaling the rest.

This working programm on fitness, which takes very little time and at the same time helps to stay in good shape.

You can also not only keep your body in good shape, but also significantly improve your proportions. Of course, a fitness program at home will be different from a program for gym, but it can be just as effective and no less exhausting.

Workplace Fitness

Of course, there are fewer opportunities for exercise in the office and they are not as effective as fitness workouts at home, but it will help to stretch stiff muscles and regain vigor after several hours in front of the computer. All exercises are performed while sitting in a chair.